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thefestivalwishes · 1 year ago
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, fondly remembered as the 'People's President' and the visionary 'Missile Man of India', left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions. His teachings, ideas, and dreams for the nation have been sources of inspiration for countless individuals across the world. In the era of digital interactions, paying tribute to such a luminary figure has evolved, allowing for more personalized and impactful commemorations.
Thefestivalwishes is proud to introduce the remembering A. P. J. Abdul Kalam wishes picture status, a unique digital offering that encapsulates the essence of this beloved leader. Social media has become a powerful platform for expressing emotions, and what better way to honor the memory of Dr. Kalam than by sharing a heartfelt remembering A. P. J. Abdul Kalam wishes picture status?
Read More : Remembering Apj Abdul Kalam Quotes In English With Name
It's not just about posting an image; it's about conveying the deep respect and admiration felt for a man who touched so many lives with his words and deeds. With you, you're not merely getting a standard image. The remembering A. P. J. Abdul Kalam wishes picture status offers a curated selection that embodies the spirit of Dr. Kalam, ensuring that every share is a tribute worthy of his legacy.
As we remember this unparalleled figure, let's ensure our tributes resonate with the same passion, dedication, and vision he exhibited throughout his life. With Thefestivalwishes, let's keep his flame alive, one status at a time.
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sgbsgreaternoida · 2 years ago
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Warm wishes on Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam birth anniversary. If you fail, never give up because fail means first attempt in learning" – APJ Abdul Kalam.
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gpsdelhi · 2 years ago
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On the birth anniversary of APJ Abdul Kalam. His belief in the power of dreams will continue to inspire and motivate generations. Glory Public School 
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mykidneytreatment · 2 years ago
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If four things are followed - having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance - then anything can be achieved. Happy World Students Day 2022!
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classicpolo · 3 years ago
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Happy World Students Day !
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the1nevergiveup-blog · 5 years ago
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#thenevergiveup_official -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ #apjabdulkalamazad #apjabdulkalamfans #apjabdulkalam #apjabdulkalamdeathanniversary #apjabdulkalamteaching #apjabdulkalamsir❤️inspiring #apjabdulkalamsayings #apjabdulkalamvedio #apjabdulkalamquotesinhindi #apjabdulkalambirthanniversary #apjabdulkalamthoughts #apjabdulkalam💕 #apjabdulkalambirthday #apjabdulkalamsir #apjabdulkalam🙏 #apjabdulkalam😍💕 #apjabdulkalamquotes #apjabdulkalamji #apjabdulkalamforever #apjabdulkalammemorial #apjabdulkalamquote #apjabdulkalamsirinourheartsforever #apjabdulkalamfanclub #apjabdulkalamsir❤️ #apjabdulkalam♥️ #apjabdulkalamspeech #apjabdulkalamjayanti #apjabdulkalamquotes #apjabdulkalam_sir #apjabdulkalamsir🚀 https://www.instagram.com/p/B62aR6egHvg/?igshid=9r4r40am4s2a
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chaitanyabharatnews · 5 years ago
जब पढ़ाई के लिए एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम को बेचना पड़ा था अखबार, इतना संघर्षभरा था उनका राष्ट्रपति बनने तक का सफर
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज भारत के मिसाइलमैन के नाम से प्रसिद्ध देश के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम की आज जयंती है। अब्दुल कलाम का जन्म दक्षिण भारतीय राज्य तमिलनाडु के रामेश्वरम में 15 अक्टूबर 1931 को एक गरीब परिवार में हुआ था। उनका पूरा नाम अवुल पाकिर जैनुल्लाब्दीन अब्दुल कलाम था। वे देश के 11वें राष्ट्रपति थे। इस खास दिन जानते हैं डॉ. कलाम के संघर्ष के बारे में- (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({});
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डॉ. कलाम का परिवार नाव बनाने का काम करता था। उनके पिता नाव मछुआरों को किराए पर दिया करते थे। बचपन ��े ही डॉ. कलाम बड़ा व्यक्ति बनना चाहते थे और अपनी खास पहचान बनाना चाहते थे। हालांकि बचपम में परिस्थियां इतनी अच्छी नहीं थी। स्कूल से लौटने के बाद वे कुछ देर तक अपने बड़े भाई मुस्तफा कलाम की दुकान पर भी बैठते थे, जो कि रामेश्वरम रेलवे स्टेशन पर थी। उनके भाई को घर-घर अखबार पहुंचाने वाले एक व्यक्ति की जरुरत थी, जिसके बाद कलाम साहब ने वह जिम्मेदारी निभाई और अपनी पढ़ाई का खर्च निकाला। इन हालातों के सामने भी उन्होंने कभी अपने सपनों को टूटने नहीं दिया।
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डॉ. कलाम ने साल 1950 में इंटरमीडिएट की पढ़ाई के लिए त्रिची के सेंट जोसेफ कालेज में एडमिशन लिया। फिर उन्होंने बीएससी की डिग्री ली और फिर मद्रास इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग से एरोनॉटिकल इंजीनियरिंग की। इसके बाद कलाम साहब ने दिल्ली आकर एक जगह वैज्ञानिक के पद पर नौकरी की, जहां वे विमान बनाने का काम करते थे। फिर डॉ. कलाम को ’वैमानिकी विकास प्रतिष्ठान’ के केन्द्र बंगलुरू में भेज दिया गया। वहां उनकी जिम्मेदारी स्वदेशी हावरक्राफ्ट बनाने की की, जो बेहद मुश्किल मानी जाती थी। लेकिन कलाम साहब ने यह भी कर दिखाया। हावरक्राफ्ट बनाकर उन्होंने और उनके सहयोगियों ने उसमे पहली उड़ान भरी। तत्कालीन रक्षा मंत्री कृष्णमेनन ने इस काम के लिए डॉ. कलाम की खूब तारीफ की।
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फिर डॉ. कलाम ने ‘इंडियन कमेटी फॉर स्पेस रिसर्च’ में इंटरव्यू दिया, जहां उनका इंटरव्यू विक्रम साराभाई ने लिया और वह रॉकेट इंजीनियर के पद पर सेलेक्ट हो गए। यहां से उनके ख्वाब को पंख मिले और फिर उन्हें नासा भेजा गया। नासा से लौटने के बाद डॉ. कलाम को भारत के पहले रॉकेट को आसमान तक पहुंचाने की जिम्मेदारी मिली और उन्होंने इस जिम्मेदारी को भी पूरा कर लिया। भारत के सबसे पहले उपग्रह ‘नाइक अपाची’ ने उड़ान भरी। रोहिणी रॉकेट ने उड़ान भरी और स्वदेशी रॉकेट के दम पर भारत की पहचान पूरी दुनिया में बन गई। उन्होंने अग्नि और पृथ्वी जैसी मिसाइलें भी भारतीय तकनीक से बनाईं।
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वैज्ञानिक और इंजीनियर डॉ. कलाम ने 2002 से 2007 तक 11वें राष्ट्रपति के रूप में देश की सेवा की। उन्हें भारत सरकार ने पद्म भूषण, पद्म विभूषण और भारत रत्न से भी सम्मानित किया है। 27 जुलाई, 2015 को डॉ. कलाम का शिलॉंग में निधन हो गया था। जब वे आईआईएम शिलॉन्ग में लेक्चर देने गए थे, तभी दिल का दौरा पड़ने से उनका निधन हो गया था। उनके निधन के बाद सात दिन के राष्ट्रीय शोक की घोषणा भी की गई थी।
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jpinternationalschool · 2 years ago
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We pay our profound homage to Hon’ble Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the 11th President of India, on his Birth Anniversary today.
#WorldStudentsDay #WorldStudentsDay2022 #apjabdulkalam #APJAbdulKalamBirthAnniversary #apjabdulkalamsir
#BestSchool #CBSESchool #bestschoolingreaternoida #jpis #JPInternationalSchool https://www.jpinternational.co.in/
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visuvff2917 · 2 years ago
“Dream, Dream, Dream.
Dreams transform into thoughts
and thoughts result in action.” ― Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Remembering our very own Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Sir on his birth anniversary 🌹
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drsudhirgiri · 2 years ago
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Remembering the Missile Man of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on his birth anniversary.
  #WorldStudentsDay #apjabdulkalam #APJAbdulKalamBirthAnniversary
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thefestivalwishes · 1 year ago
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the 'Missile Man of India', has been a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals around the globe. His wisdom, dedication, and visionary thoughts have paved the way for many to dream big and achieve their aspirations. Among his numerous contributions, his words and quotes stand out as guiding lights. With Thefestivalwishes, you now have the distinctive opportunity for remembering A. P. J. Abdul Kalam quotes in English with name, enabling you to weave your identity with the timeless wisdom of this illustrious leader.
In a world bustling with information and quotes, Thefestivalwishes endeavors to offer a personal touch. Through the unique feature of remembering A. P. J. Abdul Kalam quotes in English with name, admirers can now embed their names alongside Dr. Kalam's inspirational words. This amalgamation of personal identity with profound wisdom is not merely a digital imprint but a bridge that connects individuals with the essence of Dr. Kalam's teachings in a more intimate way.
As we delve into the treasure trove of Dr. Kalam's wisdom, write name on remembering A. P. J. Abdul Kalam quotes in English serves as a reminder of the enduring relevance of his teachings. With you, let your journey of inspiration be as unique as the man himself, reinforcing the idea that every individual's path to success and wisdom can be deeply personal and profoundly impactful. Celebrate, remember, and keep the flame of Dr. Kalam's vision burning brightly in your heart.
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swarnprasthapublicschool · 2 years ago
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Homage to our former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam on his Birth Anniversary. He is greatly admired for his contribution to our nation as a president and as a scientist.
#WorldStudentsDay #WorldStudentsDay2022 #apjabdulkalam #APJAbdulKalamBirthAnniversary #apjabdulkalamsir
#boardingschool #schoolsinsonipat #CBSESchoolsinSonipat #SwarnprasthaPublicSchool #SPS https://www.swarnprastha.com/
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bhimsenachief · 2 years ago
प्रसिद्ध वैज्ञानिक, भारत के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति, भारत रत्न, मिसाईल मैन के नाम से मशहूर
डॉ० एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम
जयंती की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं एवं कोटि-कोटि नमन
नवाब सतपाल तंवर
भीम सेना प्रमुख
#BhimSenaChief #NawabSatpalTanwar
#apjabdulkalam #APJAbdulKalamBirthAnniversary #AbdulKalam #AbdulKalamBirthAnniversary
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harshaauto · 5 years ago
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"Success is when ur signature turns into autograph"
Tribute to great human being - Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam.
Richest Tributes To #APJAbdulKalam On His Birth Anniversary.
#MissileMan #BharatRatna #Abdulkalam #RememberingAPJAbdulKalam #HBDAPJAbdulKalam #APJAbdulKalamBirthAnniversary #KalamSir #WorldStudentsDay #HarshaGroup #Harshaauto
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thefestivalwishes · 1 year ago
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the 'People's President', is a name that resonates with brilliance, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to nation-building. Every year, as his birth anniversary approaches, millions remember and celebrate the legacy of this iconic leader. Today, with the evolving digital landscape, tributes have taken a more personalized form. One such unique tribute is the opportunity to write name on A. P. J Abdul Kalam birth anniversary images, enabling individuals to express their reverence in a distinctly personal manner.
The birth anniversary of Dr. Kalam is not just a date, but a reminder of his visions, teachings, and the dreams he had for our nation. Now, by choosing to write name on A. P. J Abdul Kalam birth anniversary images download, admirers from around the world can embed their own sentiments, making their tributes more heartfelt and memorable. This personalized touch is not merely about adding a name; it's about connecting with the legacy of a leader on a profound level.
In our times, where digital interactions often lack personal sentiment, this opportunity to write name on a p j abdul kalam happy birthday anniversary wishes images is a refreshing change. It allows individuals to resonate more closely with their feelings of admiration and gratitude towards Dr. Kalam. As we pay our respects to this illustrious personality, let's embrace the chance to make our tributes unique, echoing the very essence of what Dr. Kalam stood for – uniqueness, innovation, and the power of dreams.
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thefestivalwishes · 1 year ago
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, fondly remembered as the 'People's President', was an icon of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration. His unwavering commitment to the betterment of India and his profound messages on education and dreams have left a lasting legacy.
To honor this stalwart, Thefestivalwishes has introduced a unique way for individuals to express their admiration and respect. Now, through our platform, one can easily a p j abdul kalam pic download with name, making it a personalized experience.
In today's digital age, where personal touches often get lost amidst vast information, we wanted to offer something that adds a personal sentiment to your remembrances. With the a p j abdul kalam pic download with name feature, users can now seamlessly integrate their own names or heartfelt messages on selected images of Dr. Kalam.
Read More : Write Name On A P J Abdul Kalam Jayanti Images
This not only adds a layer of intimacy but also makes the process more engaging and memorable. Thefestivalwishes takes immense pride in this initiative. We understand the profound impact Dr. Kalam has had on countless lives, and by offering the write your name on a p j abdul kalam pic download option, we aim to allow individuals to resonate their emotions closely with their tributes.
As we remember the 'Missile Man' of India, let's take a moment to reflect on his teachings and visions. And with our, let your tributes for this great soul be as unique and inspiring as the man himself. Join us in celebrating his legacy in a way that would make Dr. Kalam proud – with education, respect, and innovation.
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