#apistogramma Cacatuoides
tjerra14 · 30 days
client told me today that she never thought it possible to care this much about a dog
I stood there like 'well... you're talking to the person with a billion fish pics on her phone, so--'
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year
went to the aquarium club auction. brought back:
blue tailed goodeids (on a whim--they have weird livebearing habits)
Apistogramma cacatuoides juveniles (been wanting them forever, got them for a steal)
plants (mostly boring but one gallon ziploc stuffed with an assortment of floating plants, most of which I don't recognize. exciting!)
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vorbisx · 7 months
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Recent aquarium portraits
Nannacara anomala - Adult male Golden Dwarf Cichlid
Corydoras sterbai
Apistogramma cacatuoides - juvenile female Cockatoo Cichlid
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zenaquaria · 3 years
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The Apisto! The little guy has been swimming out and around more and more, and starting to recognize us. Coming up to the glass and flaring his fins, and stopped being as much of a punk to the cories.
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My south american tank got some much needed maintenance today :-)
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call-me-corvid · 4 years
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I can’t believe these two were the same size when I got them. Agni got huge. Little babies all grown up
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fuckyeahaquaria · 6 years
Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid |  Apistogramma cacatuoides
They are miniature eartheaters, especially the males. They spend much of their time digging into the sand, sometimes up to their eyes, looking for food. They’ll pop up with a mouthful of sand, move it around their mouth, and carefully squirt it out through their gills, extracting any food items as they find them.
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Murdoch's last picture is old ok so here's my planning for this aquarium
I plan to keep
1x Blue Gourami (aka Murdoch)
1x Bristlenose Pleco
1x Apistogramma Cacatuoides
1x German Blue Ram
1x Kribensis
1x Rio Negro Dwarf Cichlid
1x Red Breasted Acara
Keep in mind it's a 37 gallon so I guess it's fine
Dang i wish i could have a betta in there as well ,_,
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entuacuario · 4 years
Apistogramma Cacatuoides
Apistogramma Cacatuoides, cuidados y características 🐟 #EnTuAcuario #ApistogrammaCacatuoides # Cíclicoenanocacatúa #Acuariofilia #AcuariosTropicales #Acuarios #Pecestropicales #Peceras #PecesAguaDulce
El Apistogramma Cacatuoides también llamado Cíclico enano cacatúa pertenece a la familia de los Cichlidae. El género Apistogramma incluye más de 100 especies de peces de agua dulce, pero en este artículo nos centraremos en el Apistogramma Cacatuoides. Habita en la cuenca amazónica y en Perú, donde podemos encontrarlos en zonas con abundante vegetación. Características del Apistogramma…
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Apistogramma cacatuoides fry and parents
For once mom and dad didn’t angrily block the camera to protect their precious babies! I do love how protective and caring they are (until they decided to eat everyone...).
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aquariumadventures · 7 years
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All right so I’m 99.9% certain my two apistogrammas are males, especially because the dominant male chases the non-dominant male(?) 24/7 and nips at him, but my LFS thinks it’s a male/female pair.  What do you think, two males?
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aquaticavenue-blog1 · 7 years
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Apistogramma Cacatuoides
One of the first apisto hobbyist start with! Relatively easy to care for!
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noticholloses · 4 years
Cíclido de pequeño tamaño que tiene cuerpo alargado y robusto de color grisáceo y aletas de un llamativo rojo anaranjado. . Es pacífico excepto cuando hay puesta o alevines. DATOS DEL PEZ: Nombre común: Pez Apistogramma CacatuoidesNombre Científico: APISTOGRAMMA CACATUOIDESFamilia: CíclidosDistribución:  SudamericaTamaño:  hasta 9 cm.  CARACTERISTICAS DEL AGUA:(pueden estar con otros valores…
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zenaquaria · 3 years
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It was about a week ago I last posted the Apisto, and it’s incredible how fish change colors and pattern even over the course of a day!
Our Cockatoo boy here will make all his dark stripes and back splotches pale out so he looks more yellow in the morning, and then when there’s food involved he shows off his markings! Also that spot on the back half of his dorsal fin is growing; it wasn’t nearly as prominent last time!
He really is a handsome fish~
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teawaffles · 3 years
Louis and the Aquaria: Chapter 2
Two days after that. The normally-unused hall had undergone a complete transformation — and Fred was stunned.
Sitting before him were three large water tanks, roughly five metres wide. Within each one were some aquatic plants, as well as 20 to 30 fish in a range of vibrant colours and distinctive appearances. They swam through the water, sometimes gracefully, sometimes powerfully — the beauty of the aquaria was simply overwhelming.
“What do you think, Fred?” asked Louis, as he walked up to him.
Without taking his gaze off the tanks, Fred shared his thoughts.
“I’ve never seen such beautiful fish. Are they all from other countries?”
“Indeed. Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America — I heard that they were collected from these three regions and brought here via special channels. There was a concern that the quality of our local water would not be suitable, hence even the water has been directly imported from their native rivers and lakes.”
“The scale here sure is different……”
Even the water that filled these tanks had been procured from the fishes’ native habitats: once again, the thoroughness of this endeavour left Fred in awe.
“I’m planning to bring in more of Herder’s equipment at a later date; but for now, all I can do is to watch over them like this…… Oh?”
Noticing something strange, Louis peered into one of the tanks.
Before his eyes, a small pufferfish was biting the fins of its tank mates. Looking at the other aquaria, it was clear that other tiny skirmishes had broken out.
Seeing the colourful fish engaged in unbecoming violence, Fred looked puzzled.
“It seems even fish need to be compatible with one another.”
“Indeed. It looks like it isn’t enough to simply divide them by their native regions.”
Hesitating a little, Louis slowly put his hand into the tank, and broke up the fishes’ fight as gently as possible. [1] Confirming that the conflict had been resolved for now, he breathed a sigh.
However, Fred spoke up in concern.
“If it’s already like this from the start, Mr Louis, then it looks like it’s going to be quite difficult for you.”
“Still, it must be done. ——For the sake of William’s plan.”
Hearing those words filled with conviction, once again, Fred could feel the strength of Louis’s emotions toward his brother.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Two days after the fish had moved into the mansion, the hall underwent another transformation.
The curtains had been drawn, and the entire room was dim. The large water tanks had been removed, and around twenty small aquaria were now lined up in their stead. Each tank was outfitted with the latest cutting-edge machinery to assist in the fishes’ upkeep.
In charge of their care, Louis quietly strolled among the tanks, scrutinising the fishes’ appearances one by one.
“Yo, Louis. How are they?”
Just as he’d completed his round of checks, Moran and Fred entered the hall.
Looking at his notes on the conditions of his charges, Louis answered in a businesslike manner.
“There are no problems at present. I’ve finally managed to understand their individual dispositions, hence their care should proceed more smoothly from here.”
“That’s great — though, it has gotten a little crowded in here.”
Moran looked around the room. Beside him, Fred was staring curiously at a device attached to the top of the tank.
“Is this machine necessary for taking care of them?”
“Yeah, it’s called a filter: it serves to improve the water quality,” Louis explained briefly.
In order to ensure he'd covered all bases, Louis spared no effort in his research, making detailed reports to Herder as he employed a variety of equipment in the fishes’ care.
Certainly, for the aquaria to be mechanised to such an extent, the level of technology required was several steps ahead of its time. To use such revolutionary technology for the sole purpose of rearing tropical fish: one could even call it extravagant.
As Moran watched the machines in operation, a dubious look crossed his face.
“These guys have been living in the wild up to this point, so it does feel a bit pitiful for them to be shut indoors all day. Why don’t you let them swim in the big pond outside once in a while?”
But Louis gently dismissed his proposal.
“I understand where you’re coming from; but we have to consider issues like how they would adapt to the water, and so I have refrained from doing that.”
“Then, at least bring the tanks outside so they can enjoy the sun.”

“That can’t be done either. If the aquaria were to be placed under direct sunlight, there would be other problems such as algal growth and spikes in water temperature. Hence, the day-night cycle has been replicated using artificial light.”
“An artificial sun, huh. All thanks to the development of industry,” Moran muttered.
Louis turned his gaze toward the lights installed above the tanks.
“These incandescent bulbs and other electrical technologies are still yet to be widespread — one can really feel the portent of Mr Herder’s work.” [2] [3]
As the two men made small talk, Fred watched the fish in the aquaria, his face aglow.
Then, the door to the hall opened.
Rhythmic footsteps echoed, and in came William.
Louis broke off his conversation with Moran, and turned to face his brother.
“How has your work been?”
“It’s going well. Once we convey to Stapleton that we’re keeping tropical fish, I’m sure his interest will be piqued.”
“That’s good to hear. I hope your contact with him will be a success.”
“Thank you. And I’m glad to see that the fish are doing well. As I thought, it was the right decision to entrust their care to you, Louis.”
“I owe that to both your and Mr Herder’s help.”
Even as his reply was modest, Louis puffed out his chest.
Watching how close the two brothers were, the elder Moran smiled. But as he looked at the aquaria again, a tiny doubt suddenly struck him.
“By the way, we’re keeping these fish so we can meet with this Stapleton guy, right? Then when that’s done, what’ll happen to them?”
Louis tilted his head slightly as he pondered.
“Well…… As far as I understood his nature, in all likelihood, he’ll want to take the fish. In that case, we’ll probably hand them all over to him.”
He’d said that with a straight face, and Moran was stunned.
“Really? Don’t you think we should keep at least one of these tanks in the mansion?”
“No, not at all. These fish were collected for the sole purpose of my brother’s plan — they are simply a means to an end, and I hold no greater affection for them beyond that.”
“I-I see……”
For Moran and Louis, even as they shared William’s ambitions as his comrades, they knew full well they were but one of his chess pieces: if he were to order them to die, they were prepared to lay down their lives at any moment.
These fish were also no more than tools — everyone in the room understood that. But upon hearing how bluntly Louis put it, the older man could not hide his astonishment.
Next to them, William glanced over the fish.
“Still, they do look rather healthy, swimming around like that. For one, the colours of these Puntius rhomboocellatus are rather vibrant.”
“Ah, so that’s their name? It’s quite a mouthful.”
What William had just mentioned was the scientific name of the fish. In the event that Louis was unable to care for the fish, Moran and Fred had also familiarised themselves with their names just in case; but since they felt rather formal, Moran didn’t use them very much.
At his brother’s satisfied expression, Louis beamed with joy.
“You have a wonderful eye for aesthetics, nii-san. Besides those, I would also recommend the Mikrogeophagus ramirezi.”
“Hm, they’re a beautiful shade of blue. Though I personally like the Neolamprologus brichardi over here as well.”
“I see. Then what do you think about the Julidochromis transcriptus and Pelvicachromis taeniatus? Both are from Africa too.”
“……You know, it’s great that you guys get along so well — but can we leave it at that?”
Moran’s eye twitched. But they ignored his puzzlement, and continued their jargon-filled exchange.
“Still, taking the practical view, I quite like these Corydoras paleatus for cleaning up remnants of food from the tank. On the other hand, these Laubuka dadiburjori will jump out of the aquaria if they’re left uncovered, and I had a hard time finding tank mates for the Boraras urophthalmoides.”
“Speaking of utility, Louis: I suppose you would fancy the algae-eating Siamese flying fox as well?”
“Fufu, you see through everything, nii-san. Oh, please look over here: the Nannostomus beckfordi are spreading their fins.” [4]
“——Stop! Stop! No more of that talk!”
Reaching the limit of his patience, Moran stepped between the two brothers, yanking them out of their own world.
Their conversation interrupted, Louis looked puzzled. “What’s the matter, Mr Moran? I was just about to show him the Triple Red Apistogramma cacatuoides.”
“You guys are getting completely carried away, and leaving the rest of us behind! And what’s with those bloody names? This isn’t some university lecture!”
Beside him, Fred was pointing at the fish one by one, murmuring the names that had come up in the brothers’ exchange. Clearly, he was making sure he remembered their names properly.
Quizzical, Louis responded. “They might be troublesome for you…… But my brothers and I memorised them in one shot.”
“Y-You’re kidding, right?” Moran paled.
“They really are on another level……”
Astonished, Fred also stopped what he was doing.
Hailing from a noble family, Moran himself was an Oxford graduate; in addition, Fred also possessed an above-average intellect. But when confronted with the intellectual abilities of the three Moriarty brothers, who were able to memorise such complex names in just one go, the two men were unable to hide their amazement.
“I mean, wouldn’t it be easier to give them nicknames instead?”
At Moran’s suggestion, Louis put a hand under his chin.
“Nicknames, hmm…… I haven’t had any problems so far, but giving them simpler names might be a good idea.”
“Right? It’s insufferable to have to listen to those curse-like words every time I come here.”
“Let’s try it then. But I will be rejecting any distasteful ones,” Louis quipped.
Moran looked around the room, his gaze landing on a tank with a school of guppies swimming within.
“Alright….. Then how about we call these ‘Fred’?”
Behind his glasses, Louis’s eyes widened.
“We’re giving them our own names?”
“It’s fine, innit? It’s a lot better than calling them ‘Mr Guppies’ or something.”
“It’s certainly easy to say—— But even so, why call the guppies Fred?”
“Because they’re small and agile, aren’t they?” Moran grinned.
Fred shot him a dubious look. “Is your reasoning that simple……?”
That logic did seem a little problematic; William, who’d been watching from the side, made a troubled face.
“Since you’re adept at disguising yourself, Fred: if we were to name a fish after you, it should something like a leaffish that uses mimicry. Moreover, guppies already have a rather simple name, so I don’t think it’s necessary to give them another one.”
“It’ll be fine — it’s best to go with your gut for such things. Anyway, it’s decided then: the guppies will be called ‘Fred’.”
It seemed that for once, Moran was unwilling to listen to William’s words.
Then, another aquarium caught his eye. Fascinated, he gazed at the sole inhabitant within.
“Ooh, this guy has the tank all to himself, eh? I like that feeling of aloofness — this one’s gonna be called ‘Moran’.”
The fish Moran had just given his own name to, was in fact the tiny pufferfish that had to be isolated on the very first day, after attacking the other fish.
“Ah, about that one……”
Louis did want to explain why the pufferfish was all alone; but seeing how excited Moran was, he hesitated.
However, Moran seemed to have taken that pause in a different light.
“Oi oi, did you like this one too? Sorry, but it’s first come first served — so I get to name him.”
“R-Right. If you’re fine with that one, then……”
Moran looked like he was really enjoying himself, and so Louis decided to keep his silence on the truth about Moran’s new namesake.
Along with Louis, Fred had also witnessed what the pufferfish did on the day it arrived. It pained him a little to see Moran blissfully unaware of that, and he looked away.
Then, a certain tank caught his eye.
“These are quite like Mr William and his brothers.”
Intrigued, William and Louis followed his gaze.
Dancing before their eyes was a group of beautiful fish with an almost divine air around them — ones that could even be called kings of the aquarium.
Within the tank, three angelfish were swimming in close formation. They had glittering silver scales, with black stripes running vertically down their sides. That closeness truly reminded one of the Moriarty brothers, bound to one another with firm ties.
Their name brought to mind angels, and William could not help but chuckle in self-mockery.
“I think that’s the last thing we should ever be called.”
“Not at all. In a way, you three are angels — but more of the ones who sound the trumpets in the Book of Revelation.” [5]
At that ironic turn of phrase, William let out another meaningful laugh.
Beside them, with a somewhat absent-minded look, Louis admired the fish he’d grown so familiar with.
“Though, just as Fred said, their elegant appearance certainly befits both William and Albert nii-sama.”
“No need to be modest, Louis: you are just as noble as they are.”
“T-Thank you very much, nii-san.”
Louis turned a little pink at that. Looking at the three fish swimming together, Moran nodded enthusiastically.
“Then starting from the front of the group, their names will be ‘William’, ‘Albert’ and ‘Louis’.”
“It’s a bit embarrassing……” William smiled bashfully.
Moran walked away from the tank. “Both Louis and Fred agree with it, so it’ll be fine. Anyway, I’ll be off.”
“Eh? What about the rest?”
Fred called out to him just as he was about to leave the room, and Moran ruffled his hair as he replied.
“Now that I think about it, there’re just way too many of them. We’ve already named five of them after ourselves — that should be fine for now.”
“I guess……”
Faced with Moran’s overly freewheeling attitude, Fred was lost for words.
Under normal circumstances, Louis would saddle Moran with some chores at this point. But his attention was still drawn to the tank with the angelfish.
He had yet to notice it himself; but their three names, now conferred onto those fish, had set off tiny ripples in his heart.
T/N: Yuumori is set in the early 1880s — you can read more about that here.
[1] Yes, Louis did just put his hand into a tank with a pufferfish 😥
[2] Edison’s first light bulb had been invented less than ten years prior, and this used a carbon filament — tungsten filaments would not be developed until the early 1900s. (Wikipedia)
[3] At this time in history, electricity really was the preserve of the rich and few — even in 1919, only 6% of UK households had electricity (Science Museum UK). Interestingly, AC (alternating current) power systems were starting to be adopted in the UK around this period. (Wikipedia)
Aside: The ‘artificial sun’ gave me flashbacks to the manga Letter Bee… (Wikipedia)
[4] This is a form of threatening behaviour between fish.
[5] Moran is referring to the seven angels that blow trumpets to bring about seven cataclysmic events, as described in the New Testament (Wikipedia). Seraph of the End fans would be familiar with this one :3
Translator’s notes
Louis’s honorifics
I know I used “Louis-san” in the manga scanlation, but I’m just going to go with my gut and use “Mr Louis” here :x
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call-me-corvid · 4 years
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I was trying to get a video of Paradox monching on an algae wafer but Agni and Svaha keep trying to butt in >:(
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