#apink drabble
bro-atz · 8 months
vulnerable jealousy — jongho/gn!reader drabble wc: 712 | genre: suggestive | @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads @hwallazia @dazzlingstarrs net: @cromernet
The click of the lock echoed through the supply room, sealing you and Jongho within the confined space. The air cracked with unspoken tension, Jongho’s erratic breathing setting you slightly on edge, and it certainly did not get better when you felt his waist press against yours, his firm cock pressing into your back, making you brutally aware of its presence.
Jongho turned you around and pinned you against the shelves, his waist now pressing into your waist, the firmness only getting more apparent. You looked into his eyes and saw them burn with an intensity you had never witnessed before; a possessiveness you had barely witnessed on stage or in the studio now simmered just beneath the surface, threatening to erupt.
“Mine,” he growled, his usual melodic voice gone and replaced with a hard tone of steel.
Without giving you a second to prepare yourself, his lips claimed yours, his kiss raw and demanding, his hands cupping your face as if he was going to devour you whole. You melted into him, your body succumbing to the lust and desire. You could taste the urgency on his lips, and you could feel the slight fear in his embrace.
“Say it,” Jongho rasped against your lips as he ran his fingers through your hair and held onto the roots tightly. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours,” you immediately whispered, a light gasp escaping at the end of your statement when you felt Jongho run his hands along your waist and grip tightly.
His kisses deepened as he pressed you against the shelves, his body caging you in. The passion and possession only grew when his hand cupped the underside of your thigh, your leg wrapping around his waist, his hips grinding all the more closer to yours, your gasps blending with his grunts in a sweet harmony.
“I don’t like seeing Wooyoung with you,” he confessed, his breath hot against your collarbones as he dropped his head to your neck. “I don’t like seeing him near you, I don’t like the way he looks at you, I don’t like how familiarly he touches you, I don’t like when he tries to get you to be alone with him— I don’t like it at all.”
Your heart lurched hearing the vulnerability in his tone. You had never seen Jongho so openly affected before—  to see that your bare interactions with Wooyoung got him all riled up with complete and utter jealousy and fear was an incredible sight to behold.
Jongho trusted you. He knew you would never hurt him, never betray him, but he was still afraid. He was afraid that Wooyoung was somehow going to whisk you away from him with his silver tongue and boyish charm. And he was jealous. He didn’t like how easily Wooyoung made you laugh with his dumb jokes, and then he only got more upset when he found himself laughing at the same jokes. He didn’t want to feel this way, but he reached his limit that night; and he didn’t mean to completely catch you off guard and claim you as his with such demand, but he needed you to know.
And you were grateful to know.
“I don’t want him, teddy bear,” you breathed out. Jongho let out a slight sigh of relief before leaving dark purple marks along the side of your neck. “I only want you.”
The words sparked a new wave of lust within him. He lifted you onto a sturdy shelf, his lips tracing a burning path down your exposed chest. His hands roamed beneath your shirt, igniting a feverish symphony of intimate contact and erotic gasps.
“Say it again,” Jongho demanded, his voice rough with need.
“I only want you, Jongho,” you repeated, your voice nearly shrilling as his hands slipped past the waistband of your pants and grabbed your bare ass tightly. You leaned away from him and cupped his face as your eyes locked with his and added, “I’m only yours.”
The supply room filled with echoes of your shared desire, of whispered confessions and fevered touches, of airy moans and gasps. Unbeknownst to them, staff members and other ATEEZ members passed by the secret, stolen moments between you and the man you loved.
“You are only mine.”
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strlightcrsh · 5 years
"Tell me why?"
Her voice was so low you almost missed her question, but you weren't going to answer it. Just like the other thirty questions that were asked, but never answered. These eyes stared at you filled with feelings you never have seen before, but you only rolled your eyes and continue watching the moving pictures on the magical box. The girl whined with a pouted, not liking the feeling of being ignored, she circled her arms around your torso, making you jump at the sudden contact. It was a strange feeling of this species so close, but it was also a reminder you been here for far too long. You had a job to do, data to collect, a ship to repair, and a planet to go back to.
You quickly got up and headed towards outside to the "shed" where your ship was located to continue the long list of repairs.
You sighed and turned around to face her.
"Tell me when the rest of you are really going to invade earth."
That was top secret, and one should not share such knowledge. You continue walking, leaving her hanging once again.
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rasimonoceros · 4 years
jangan pergi lagi, ya?
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malam itu Chia gelisah, susah sekali untuk memejamkan mata rasanya. besok Chandra kembali ke Jakarta setelah hampir satu setengah tahun lamanya cowok itu dipindah tugaskan ke Semarang.
malam itu Chia gelisah, sudah hampir satu setengah tahun lamanya mereka hanya bertatap muka lewat video call. Chia takut Chandra akan lupa bagaimana bentuk asli cewek itu di dunia nyata. Chia takut, takuuut sekali kalau-kalau ternyata perasaan Chandra sudah hilang terhadapnya. apalagi, beberapa minggu terakhir sebelum kepulangannya, Chandra sibuk sekali mengurus ini itu di kantor dan juga sedikit demi sedikit mengirim barang-barangnya dari Semarang ke Jakarta.
tapi kalau tidak dipaksakan tidur, besok pasti wajah Chia akan terlihat sembab dan lesu! akhirnya cewek itu memeriksa kunci kamar apartment-nya sekali lagi sebelum akhirnya benar-benar memaksakan diri untuk tidur.
"oke, kalau aku nggak tidur sekarang juga, aku kayaknya akan bergadang sampai besok pagi!"
tapi... baru saja Chia berusaha memejamkan matanya, suara bel apartment berbunyi. "apa sih? siapa yang jam 1 malam gini tiba-tiba datang?"
Chia tidak berekspektasi apa-apa, justru dia malah merasa kesal. dengan langkah yang terburu-buru, Chia mengintip dari lubang pintu untuk melihat–Chandra berdiri di depan pintu apartment dengan satu kantong makanan di tangan kiri, dan satu karangan bunga di tangan kanannya.
dengan ekspresi bingung, kaget, senang, dan gelisah, Chia membuka pintu apartment-nya. Chandra tersenyum, tapi Chia malah terpaku.
"lho? kok kaget gitu, sih?" Chandra tersenyum jahil. "aku udah jauh-jauh balik dari Semarang dan kamu orang pertama yang aku temui, lho?"
Chia masih terpaku, tapi Chandra bisa melihat kalau wajah cewek itu semakin memerah dan dari ujung kedua matanya, perlahan air mata turun. "kok udah sampai di Jakarta?!"
suara Chia gemetar. Chandra langsung menaruh kantong makanan dan karangan bunganya di bawah, lalu memeluk Chia. "kok kamu nangis?!"
"apa sih kok kok kok terus, kayak ayam!" semakin erat pelukan Chandra, semakin pecah suara tangisan Chia.
"jangan nangis dong, sayang. kita ngobrol di dalem aja ya, nggak enak lho kalau tetangga liat?" Chandra menuntun Chia masuk ke dalam dan mengambil kantong makanan juga karangan bunga yang dia sudah bawa, lalu masuk lagi ke dalam.
Chia menatap Chandra tajam ketika cowok itu sudah masuk lagi, "kamu kok sudah di Jakarta, Chandra!!!!"
Chandra tertawa melihat ekspresi Chia, "maaf ya, aku sengaja mau kasih kamu surprise, lho. jangan marah gitu dong." cowok itu duduk jongkok di depan Chia yang tangisannya sudah reda. "kamu nggak mau peluk aku?"
satu pukulan ringan mendarat di pundak Chandra, "kamu tuh ya!!! padahal aku mau jemput di bandara besok!!!"
Chandra tertawa lagi, kali ini cowok itu langsung memeluk cewek yang sudah menjadi pacarnya dari mereka masih masih di bangku SMA. "maaf ya, tapi aku nggak sabar mau ketemu kamu." sambil mengelus-elus rambut Chia, air matanya kembali mengalir.
"Chandra, jangan pergi lagi, ya?"
yang diajak bicara tersenyum, merasa terenyuh hatinya. "iya sayang, aku nggak akan pergi lagi, ya. aku di sini terus kok sama kamu."
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61 days, 61 ways (Drabble Series)
Yes my dear followers! That’s right for the next two months, I will be accepting requests for drabbles!  (This does not mean I’m closing requests for scenarios or ships, I’m still writing those too!) Here’s the groups that I’ll be writing for:
NCT (All units)
Big Bang
FT Island
Monsta X
Block B
Teen Top
Vixx Seventeen
Girls Generation
Miss A
Afterschool/ Orange Caramel
Crayon Pop
Red Velvet
Lee Hi
Jay Park
Kim Woobin
(Former members included!) So, all the prompts are listed below! Just tell me which prompt you want (feel free to use more than one!) and which idol you’d like the drabble to be written for!
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1. “I really like hot chocolate but it’s embarrassing to be the only adult at a coffee shop drinking hot chocolate.“  2. “I know you have to study, but it’s becoming increasingly hard not to kiss you right now.” 3. “You’re forgetting that your outfit costs more than my dinky apartment.” 4. “You’re like really athletic and gym class is the bane of my existence, but we’re both selected as team captains, and God help me you’re attractive.” 5. “I just wanted to have a nice dinner, why are you people like this.” 6. “It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and everyone keeps shoving us together because we’re the last single friends.” 7. “Your philosophical talk is very interesting, but please shut up and go to bed.”  8. “We are adults, why are we having a sleepover?” 9. “When I became a fashion major I didn’t think I’d be paranoid that the the mannequins are moving. It’s two in the morning come save me” 10. “I know that you think eating healthy is super important because vegetables contain minerals that give you energy to complete daily tasks but I like Doritos because they make the bad hungry feeling go away.” 11. “Our friends are making us share a bed and it’s really hard to keep this from being awkward.” 12. “My roommates boyfriend is staying over, can I sleep on your floor?” 13. “Some idiot pulled the dorm’s fire alarm and now we’re all awkwardly standing outside in our pajamas.” 14. “Well one of us has to change.” “Why, we look cute!” “Exactly.” 15. “It’s two in the morning and I just crammed for my final so I’m at the gas station to get snacks and I swear to God if anyone takes the last Choco Pie I might have to cut someone.” 16. “You and I are sitting in a jail cell because we held up traffic so a mama duck could lead her babies across the road, are you really in a position to be questioning my shirt?” 17. “I know that we’re only a couple in this play we’re acting in but you’re really attractive” 18. “I hope you know that you’ll be hearing from my lawyers.” 19. “Everyone is calling us the Romeo and Juliet of the Math and English department.” 20. “I’m self proclaimed book nerd and you work at the bookstore and dang you’re really attractive.” 21. “College is the only place where you can fall in love with someone in a library.” 22. “I swtg I thought this super glue was hand lotion” 23. “We’re both summer camp leaders and my group of kids is going to beat yours into the dust” 24. “I’m on the verge of tears because of a rude customer and you just stood up for me.” 25. “We’re archaeologists studying in Egypt and holy crap do not set off a booby trap or I will kill you before I die.” 26. “I’m from a really popular city studying abroad in your country but we don’t speak the same language, let’s find a new way to communicate.”  27. “I’m a foreigner who lives in your country and you just assumed I didn’t speak your language but I heard you talking to your friend about how hot I am.” 28. “You work at the best bakery in town and make the best food, and it’s YOUR FAULT IM GETTING FAT!” 29. “I’m a stylist, not a miracle worker.”  30. “My stupid friends and I started a scavenger hunt in the super market at two in the morning and you’re holding the last one of the last item I need” 31. “Our landlord just evicted us, where are we supposed to sleep!” 32. “You’re a hopeless romantic and I’m single af, but we both have to organize the Valentine’s Day Party” 33. “Oh my goodness MY FLIGHT HAS BEEN DELAYED TWO HOURS I HATE MY L- omg this really attractive stranger just sat next to me” 34. “Stop listening to your music that loud, you’ll go deaf!” 35. “I’m a perpetually single wedding planner and you’re a hopeless romantic cinnamon roll who just got hired as my new assistant.” 36. “Look, I’m flattered that you asked me out, but you’re known for being a player so no thanks, but let’s be friends because you’re kind of funny?” 37. “I’m on tumblr, and no, I’ll never tell you my url.” 38. “What kind of mermaid doesn’t know how to swim?” 39. “I’m cutting two feet off of my hair and I sure do hope you’ll still like me afterwards.” 40. “I have to babysit my cousins even though I’m completely drained from working late and cramming for my exams, please come help me” 41. “The resident player in our class is trying to ask me out so you pretended to be my boyfriend/ girlfriend.” 42. “I know we’ve never met but I find your whole look very aesthetically pleasing, so I’m going to base the main character of my novel on you, okay?” 43. “You are so reactive, God I can’t take you anywhere because you just get so shook.”  44. “I’ve been really upset about a breakup and you just surprised my with stuffed animals and I think I’m falling for you but I don’t want to get hurt again.” 45. “Literally everyone forgot my birthday but you gave me a balloon I fricking love you” 46. “OH MY GOD STOP BAKING, IS THIS ALL YOU DO WITH YOUR TIME?” 47. “We work at an office together and you’re the awkward quiet guy, but you start randomly giving me gifts, it this your way of flirting?” 48. “Did we seriously just start our adult lives watching fricking High School Musical” 49. “It’s the first rain of autumn and I’m up in a tree talking about all the good reasons to stay alive” 50. “I would strangle you right now if I could reach your neck” 51. “Why are to dragging me out at two in the morning so you can get bubble tea?” 52. “We just had a fight and now you’re standing outside in the rain holding flowers” 53. “I know I take your clothes a lot without asking but do you know how comfortable your sweaters are and they all smell like you, leave me alone I’m just a smol bean 54. "You thought it would be cute to give me a back hug but I have a really sensitive neck and whenever you talk you blow on it and GAH THAT TICKLES 55. "You worked so hard to get me a makeup artist job at your company but I was assigned to a different group…” 56. “It was just a dream babe, okay? It’s alright, I’ve got you.” 57. “It is two in the morning, why are you dragging me out on the roof?” 58. “Stop moving, you’re going to mess up the eyeliner!” 59. “Your dumb friends just trashed our new apartment, someone is cleaning this up, and it’s not going to be me.” 60. “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?” 61. Free prompt (e.x SNSD as girlfriends, insert ridiculous sentence prompt)
Go ahead and send in your requests!
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bae-del-moon · 4 years
%% (Eung Eung) | Younghoon
<<#92 %% (Eung Eung) - APINK>> December Drabbles: Spotify Wrapped || wc:100
Younghoon remembers you from high school, from shared science classes where you were lab partners. You used to watch him work like you feared missing something.
Or when you were the only one to stop and help find his broken glasses after he’d been punched.
He’d been too shy to reciprocate then, fearing your kindness was nothing but a practical joke.
But, locking eyes with you now, a year after graduating, at a frat party of all places. 
It wasn’t long before Younghoon found himself making out with you, stumbling into an empty bedroom upstairs, door slamming shut quickly after. 
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✨groups I write for✨
What, do you ask, can you request? Here’s a rough list of the types of content you can request, but if your imagination transcends this list, send your request anyway! Chances are I’ll write it~
-drabbles (give me a word count!)
-scenarios / aus
-ratings (pick an aspect/quality/characteristic for me to rate; ex: boyfriend vibes, sex drive, patience, and whatever other random thing you can come up with)
Seriously, I’ll write almost anything. Don’t hesitate to send me a request! I love writing for you guys <3
requests are always open. your creative requests fuels my own creativity!
Male Groups
| NCT (including WAYV, obvi) |EXO| | BTS | GOT7 | ASTRO | BIGBANG | TXT |
Female Groups
PSA: on complicated matters & former members <>
↬ nct is ot23 on this blog! period. Miss me with that ot18 bs.
↬ 127 writings include winwin, forever and always
↬ dream writings include mark!
↬ exo is generally ot9, but I have no problem including the other members if it’s requested!
↬ monsta x is ot6 by default, but I will add wonho if someone requests him!
↬ skz is ot8. Period.
↬ pentagon is ot9, but I’ve got not problem adding edawn to my writing if you say the word!
↬ regarding bigbang, I won’t write for s*ungri
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mandelene · 4 years
what do you think about the song selection i gave you? also what do you think of hanahaki disease? i kinda wanna give you that prompt for fruk.
I added Brand New Days by Apink and Take Off by 2PM to my workout playlist for when I weight train lol. 😊💖
And I'm glad Hanahaki disease isn't real because I'm just imagining how bad that would be for someone who has allergies, haha. But yeah, totally, you can send it as a prompt for when I'm taking drabble requests again if you want!
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notbythesun · 4 years
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guidelines — drabble list — groups — about
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a.c.e | astro | ateez | b.a.p | bts | cix | cravity | day 6 |dkb | exo | golden child | got7 | imfact | jbj | kard |mcnd | monsta x | nct | pentagon | seventeen | sf9 |shinee | stray kids | superm | the boyz | the rose | wanna one | vav | w24 | x1 | 1team
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apink | april | blackpink | clc | dreamcatcher | everglow | g-idle | gwsn | i.o.i | itzy | loona | mamamoo | momoland | twice | red velvet
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﹝🍀﹞— CO-ED
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ratmist · 6 years
i believe there aren’t nearly enough writing blogs out there for ggs, so i decided to make one myself. i write smut, fluff, angst, etc in the form of drabbles, reactions, and headcanons for the following groups:
f(x) (group/soloists)
pristin v
red velvet
snsd (group/soloists)
wonder girls (group/soloists)
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femifics · 5 years
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member – Ciara. She | Her. “I am a Girl Group & Soloist Writer - I write Scenarios, Drabbles, Reactions, Headcanons, Social Media AU's and More!” Writes long and short format scenarios, drabbles, and reactions for AOA, APink, Black Pink, CLC, Cosmic Girls, Dreamcatcher, EXID, f(x), fromis_9, GFriend, (G)I-DLE, Girl’s Day, Girls’ Generation, Gugudan, GWSN, I.O.I, ITZY, IZ*ONE, LOONA, Lovelyz, MAMAMOO, MOMOLAND, OH MY GIRL, PRISTIN, Red Velvet, SISTAR, Twice, Weki Meki, Everglow, and Hyuna.
( Follow her @girlgrouptrash101 )
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Hey guys!! I’ve done a few already but I want you guys to know that you can request! If you don’t want a life ship, you can also request a drabble, blurb, scenario, selca ship, gif reaction, reaction, pretty much anything. I also take suggestions!
NCT (all units)
The Boyz
Stray Kids
Red Velvet
(I will add more eventually)
Just send me a paragraph about yourself, personality, and your interests along with the group/groups of your choice.
I will do up to three groups per request.
I will accept most requests so don’t feel shy about anything.
Be clear with your request and be vivid in your descriptions so I can get as accurate as possible.
Thank you!! I hope you request!! I will most likely keep them open for a while. I enjoy writing so please just request!!💗💗
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winetae · 2 years
MY ANGEL HELLO!! 💞💞!! Omg no need to be sorry at all and i hope things have gotten better for you!! And if not then I hope you can do little things that make you happy bc you deserve it!! KCKCKVKV March has been a very weird month…but I do think it’s bc it’s been literally two years in this pandemic cjcjcjcj but all the more reason to take care of ourselves in this time!!
AHHH watching figure skating felt like a horrible rollercoaster that was only going down for a long time!! but same i got so happy for sui and Han!! And omg the woman’s individuals were so hard to watch and literally the scores were so hard to watch!! I HATE THE ISU!! And yes we love yuzu in this house!! Honestly, I’m so tired of these jumps getting over scored when I feel like the most beautiful skating we get is when the artistry gets to shine!! But anyway thank you for your posts, it felt like I had a buddy living through that hell with me!!
Hehe my favorite flavors are the sugar ones!! I tried a taro and mango sugar one last week and it was so good!! Do you have a favorite?? OMG yesss taeyeon always has such good albums and i honestly have that album on repeat!! Omg listen none of your writing is trash and that’s so cute and awesome that you got inspired!! and i get emo over music and yoongi too JCKCKCJCJC!! Omg I totally forgot to listen to apinks album but I did enjoy their title so I’ll have to report back!!
Ooh I’ve never seen kingdom so I will have to try it out!! AND OMG!!! I’m watching 25, 21 too!!! Kim taeri is so cute and I love the cast!! It’s such a lovely coming of age drama!! DKFKCMCMCN I SNORTED OMG, listen somehow nam joohyuk gets us all…i remember that i literally stopped in the middle of the first episode of bride of the water god bc I couldn’t take it and now look at me KXKXCNCK
I missed you angel!! I hope you’re doing well and I’m sending all the good luck you’re way!! And all the hugs and kisses!! I hope you have a lovely weekend and can drink some wine and have some desserts!! 💗💖💞 also I’m so excited to experience another rv comeback with u!! Please expect me to come screaming into your inbox!!
HI BB I MISSED U 🥺🤍 aw thank u so much i’m definitely going to try to take better care of myself 🤧🤍🤍🤍 i hope you’ve been doing well, drinking ur water + getting all the rest u deserve !!!! march was a weird month 🙃 i’m finally getting my life together slowly but surely so i take that as a good sign !
omg figure skating… getting them war flashbacks as i type 🤕 it’s so fascinating to see we share the same interests tho !!!! sag twin indeed !!!! i agree w what u said about artistry >> my only exception is sasha trusova for some reason idgaf about artistry when she skates i love my unhinged jump champion 🥲
ooooo ive never tried those flavors before 🧐 i really need to try more to have a fave ;; n YAY A TAEYEON FAN ! she has the best albums for real… what are ur fave songs??? ok maybe i will post the yoongi drabble just for u ! n dj ddjwjsk i still haven’t listened to apink 😭 pls tell me if it’s worth it or not
yes i love kingdom !! 🥺 n omg i actually haven’t watched anything after ep 8 if 2521 the reviews and comments about the rest scare me 😭😭😭 it was really cute up to that point tho but i don’t want the drama to disappoint me ;;;; DONT MENTION BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD it’s a cursed drama omg it was so bad i couldn’t finish ep1 either
MISS U TOO ALWAYS ! ur comments n messages are a big positive part of this blog 🤍 ily i wish only good things for u !!!! i def had all the wine i could have (+ desserts) n i hope u also treated urself to some nice things hehe ! i will answer ur rv ask in a separate ask bc idk how to combine it on mobile ! 😚
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ships-allday-errday · 7 years
Selca Ship -Send in 2-3 photos of yourself
-Request the kpop groups you want to be shipped with it can be any group( I know a lot of groups and am apart of a lot of diff kpop fandoms).
-Wait for your ships patiently as I’m new to the this.
-Also if a group has a minor in it (such as NCT Dream, or TRCNG) I will need to know your age before shipping them with you but I will always take your age out before posting it to keep your privacy.
(I can also do private selcas) 
Written Ships -Write a little about yourself it can be about your looks, traits, hobbies, likes/dislikes, personality, etc.
-Request the groups you want it to be
-Max Number Of Groups is 3 groups for written ships. But feel free to ask again for any other groups separately.
-Wait patiently as I get to your request as I’m new to this
-Also if a group has a minor in it (such as NCT Dream, or The East Light) I will need to know your age before shipping them with you but I will always take your age out before posting it to keep your privacy.
-I will only do explanations for certain groups. Groups that I'm confident in, or rather don’t have to do much research. So they are the bolded groups down below.
Random Ships
-Same rules as selca ships and written ships but just ask for random ships and I’ll ship you with random people and groups this also includes actors and solo artists.
-For random written ships I’ll try to include at least one of the bolded groups so you get at least one explanation.
Groups I Take Written Ships For:
Boy Groups:
Golden Child
Monsta X
Stray Kids
Super Junior
Teen Top
The Boyz
Wanna One
Girl Groups:
Brown Eyed Girls
Girls Day
Girls Generation/SNSD/Oh!GG
Red Velvet
Both Genders:
Akdong Musician
I also do Solo Artists
-Send me a Selca of yourself (tell me if you want it to be private)
-Tell me the groups you want me to do. I do any group but Max # of 2 groups at a time. And I tell you your Boyfriend, Best friend, Sibling, Secret Admirer(BBSS) or Crush on you(BBSC) in each group that you requested.
-Wait patiently
-Write a description of yourself and tell me the groups you want me to do BBSS/BBSC with  max # of 2 groups. I tell you your Boyfriend, Best friend, Sibling, Secret Admirer(BBSS) or Crush on you (BBSC) in each group that you requested
-Wait patiently
-No explanation
Idol Life Ships
-Send in a selca or a little description about yourself also please include musical hobbies as it helps me to find your position better.
-I’ll tell you your: Entertainment Label, Position in group, Number of members, Groups Concept, Idol Boyfriend (or Girlfriend please specify which gender), whose ideal type you’d be, and other activities.
-I only write for The Boyz, SEVENTEEN, ASTRO, and NCT. 
-I don’t write smut
-I only write member x reader
-When you request tell me the plot or genre that you have in mind. Also tell me which member and if you would like you could also tell me a prompt that you would like. 
Thanks so much for being patient with me!!! (Note-Old posts eventually will get deleted so you should take a screenshot of your ship)
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pocket-scenarios · 7 years
Main Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 488
Smut Scenario Count: 31
Drabble Game Count: 85
BF/GF!Au: 21
Any Idol with their name italicized is linking to a boyfriend!au post.
Content Warnings: Smuts are in BOLD anything containing material that may be triggering is BOLDED AND ITALICIZED
|| Work In Progress List ||
Other Page groups:
Page 2: NOIR, Bigflo, LUCENTE, B1A4, ONF, Ggumnamu, B.I.G, 3YE, Nature, TOO, black6ix, Seven O’ Clock, TST, Target, Imfact, M.A.P6, D-Crunch, Snuper, Halo, Great Guys, VANNER, EXID, Trei, WITZ, A.cian, K.A.R.D, MYNAME, PLAYBACK, ENOi, OnlyOneOf, SONAMOO, TRCNG
Page 3:  Momoland, Dreamcatcher, D1CE, The Rose, SPECTRUM, NTB, The Man BLK, U-Kiss, ARGON, MOUNTAIN, P.L.T, ASTIN, AWEEK, HIGHTEEN, MustB, UNIQ, Hyeongseop x Euiwoong, Everglow, NEXT, Daylight, 1TEAM, FANATICS, Teen Teen, Ho1iday, Bvndit, DIA, H&D, MBK BOYS, Dongkiz
Drabble Game
JYP Masterlist
Total scenario count: 46
2PM: 1
Got7: 16
Day6: 10
Twice: 5
Stray Kids: 7
SM Masterlist
Total scenario count: 55
Suju: 11
SHINee: 12
Exo: 15
NCT: 12
Red Velvet: 3
YG Masterlist
Total Scenario count: 20
Big Bang: 1
Winner: 4
iKON: 10
Blackpink: 0
Actor/Soloist: 5
FNC Masterlist
total scenario count: 32
sf9: 26
ftisland: 2
CNblue: 2
N.Flying: 2
Cherry Bullet: 0
Starship Masterlist
Total scenario count: 16
Monsta X: 16
Solo: 0
Rainbow Bridge World Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 11
Mamamoo: 2
Vromance: 0
KQ Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 22
Block B: 4
Brand New Music Masterlist
Kanto, Bumkey, Hanhae, Verbal Jint, etc.
Total Scenario Count: 14
AB6IX: 13
BDC: 0
Solo: 1
BigHit Labels Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 48
NU’EST: 21
BTS: 13
TXT: 2
Hunus Masterlist
Total Scenario count: 6
Xeno-T: 6
Jellyfish Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 21
VIXX: 17
Gugudan: 0
Seo Inguk: 2
Woollim Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 9
Infinite: 4
Lovelyz: 0
Golden Child: 5
Rocket Punch: 0
Fantagio Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 12
Astro: 11
Weki Meki: 0
Solo: 1
Cube Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 14
CLC: 0
Pentagon: 10
(g)-Idle: 0
Solo: 1
Play M Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 12
APink: 0
Bandage: 0
Play M Boys: 0
Top Media Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 3
Around Us Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 7
Highlight: 7
Star Crew Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 5
Cre.Ker Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 7
The BOYZ: 7
Beat Interactive Masterlist
Total Scenario count: 18
A.C.E: 18
A Team Masterlist
Total Scenario Count: 10
VAV: 10
C9 Masterlist
Total Scenario Count:  5
CIX: 5
Cignature: 0
Actor Masterlist
Lee Jongsuk, Kim Soohyun, Park Hyungsik, Lee Joon, Yoon Shiyoon, & Park Bo Gum etc.
Total Scenario Count: 25
Solo Masterlist
The solo masterlist has my khh scenarios, solo artists, and former members of other groups under it.
Total Scenario count: 23
Disbanded Group Masterlist
INX, Madtown, MBLAQ, B.A.P, BLK, Speed, Wanna One, Boyfriend, MYTEEN, KHAN, IM, Cross gene
Total Scenario count: 15
     *    [1] [2] [3]   *
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jaehd · 7 years
☽ drabble game!
in honor of revamping my blog, i’ve decided to do a celebratory drabble game because i think they’re so much fun!! please send one to three numbers with one idol (from the groups listed below) and i’ll write you a small lil’ blurb :’)
boys i write for: bts, got7, monsta x, nct (all units), seventeen, shinee girls i write for: apink, brown eyed girls, f(x), mamamoo, sistar, oh my girl, wonder girls
"That’s starting to get annoying.”
“They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“I’d kill for a coffee. Literally.”
“I don’t want to hear excuses.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“Welcome to fatherhood/motherhood.”
“I’m late.”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“We need to talk.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“You’re still mad?”
“Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
“Quit touching me. Your feet are cold.”
“And when did you plan on telling me about this?”
“Don’t touch me. We’re fighting.”
“Can I help you?”
“I want to show you something.”
“I know it’s 3 in the morning but I can’t find my cat.”
“Sleep in your car if you don’t like it.”
“You didn’t do the dishes, I’m not doing you.”
“I don’t love you anymore.”
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“All I wanted was your honesty.”
“Why do you keep pushing me away?”
“You did this for me?”
“The way you flirt is shameful.”
“I’ve been in love with you my entire life.”
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.”
“The skirt is supposed to be this short.”
“I’m tired of being your secret.”
“Do you need me to get anything from the store?”
“Don’t say you love me.”
“Where would I be without you?”
“You should’ve known better.”
“I don’t hate you, I just strongly dislike you.”
“You’re so cute when you’re upset.”
“I can be nice too. If I want to.”
“Why are you naked?”
“Looks like we’re gonna be stuck here for a while.”
“I don’t know what to do with you anymore.”
“It just... It just happened”
“Keep your eyes on me.”
“I don’t want to go. Your mom doesn’t like me.”
“It was nice knowing you.”
“Say no more.”
“Are we really doing this?”
“Stop laughing at me!”
“You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
“Please tell me this is a joke.”
“If there is a hair on her/his body harmed, I won’t hesitate to kill you in the worst possible way.”
“Please don’t cry, I hate seeing you cry.”
“Fight me.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“I wasn’t pretending.”
“That’s my shirt.”
“Do you not realize how much I care for you?”
“I think you’re beautiful.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“So, it was you?”
“If you need anything just call me, okay?”
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Do it. I dare you.”
“Did you think I forgot?”
“Fuck off. I mean it.”
“Is this your first time?”
“I said I love you.”
“I hate you.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Just pretend to be my date.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Are you scared?”
“Marry me.”
“It really hurts.”
“You were wrong about me.”
“I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.”
“You have no idea how lucky you are.”
“Well, It’s the thought that counts.”
“I don’t expect you to believe me when I say this, but thank you.”
“Are you having any fun yet?”
“We make the perfect couple. We’re both rude, we both piss people off, and we’re both hated by basically everyone.”
“Wow. That’s attractive.”
“Do you say that to every person you go on a date with?”
“Stop staring at me.”
“Just say that you love me back, even if it’s a lie.”
“It’s only one night, we’ll just share the bed.”
“Shut up and dance with me.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Call me now. It’s urgent.”
“We have a whole hour to ourselves.”
“I can’t be around you.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“You’re warm.”
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wrecked--stans · 5 years
dom!eunji (apink) x fem!reader smut please
X !! semi drabble but I hope this is okay!!
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