#aphmau Lorelai
littlewonders7 · 23 days
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hikaririnku-blog · 6 months
Forgot to put this on my other two posts, but slight loud sound warning! My own birthday present to my followers and mutuals is animating these two sillies. :) And as I credited in the animatic, the sound is clipped from this.
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surrealsreal12 · 2 months
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fartzapril · 4 months
Happy pride month to THEM specifically
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myinnerartist · 4 months
Hello Hello, is i, Load!
It's been a while, hasn't it? I deeply apologize for that. Life's been real' rough. And art has been not wantin' to art.
But! I pushed through, and today i bring you a simple, sketchy art piece for;
And I decided to just do the first prompt Daemos for day 1!
*clears throat* and with that;
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Here's what i did!
Which is that, i designed Ava & Lorelai but if they were Daemos!
It's not the cleverest take on the prompt, i will admit. But i was really struggling, so i decided to just take it easy!
I do plan to hopefully do the whole week, but i know with how life is rn, so i won't be doing like, ✨️masterpieces✨️ in order to compensate!
I do hope that's alright, anyway. Enjoy!
Have a good day/noon/night,
happy m.i.d week!!
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brights-place · 5 months
Hey uh... you got any lorelai hcs? Love the work :3
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Lorelai Dating Headcannons
Pairings: Lorelai X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Kisses, Romantic Headcannons A/N: Dude I don't understand how there are lorelai haters. I mean I understand some keypoints but Lorelai is trying to help Ava grow more :<<
- LORELAI HEADCANNONS LETS GOOOO! - Lorelai and you have been friends since highschool but you relaly didn't like her or the group she hangout with - Ava, Lorelai and you were a trio Ava being the introvert you being the ambivert and Lorelai obviously being the extrovert yet people judged you three and how you three were a trio - You listen to Lorelai when she rambles and vents - You have always had a crush on lorelai but you thought she wasn't into you at all - Plus she was dating STEVE and absolute asshole who you hate - Lorelai is polite and sociable - Her friendliness is often an annoyance to Ava but to you? You understand she is well energetic and you understand that - She is energetic and enjoys spending time with people - She is open to meeting new people and making friends, as she immediately takes a liking to Ava's new roomates while you were judging them glancing at Ava who was sweating nervously as you were planning on questioning her for how the fuck you both got more roomates but lorelai just cut you off - You lived with Ava when highschool was done but you were staying over at your parents due to helping her set up a retirement party
- Lorelai is a clingy person, and she tends to become overly attached to who she is dating.
- Lorelai is a hopeless romantic who believes in fairy-tale like romances
- Lorelai is very protective of her partner, and she becomes irrationally jealous if anyone seems to be trying to date her partner - Lorelai's friends can often find her obsessing over the tiniest thing her partner does, such as the way they laugh or the way they hold her hand - Lorelai finds it incredibly cute when her partner aka you shows off and acts tough - Lorelai loves to tease and playfully argue with you! She finds it endearing when you play along and fights right back playfully but always ends up with her peppering your face with kisses - Lorelai is love language is Words of Affirmation and Physical touch - She is a very cheerful person and when she broke up with steve she was sobbing and Ava let you take care of Lorelai - Ava literally cringes when lorelai just visits your shared apartment with Ava and just kisses your face out of nowhere when your mid-conversation with her or the daemos men - The daemos male stare at confusion on how lorelai just appears randomly and is gone whenever she visits - Lorelai's ideal date is a romantic dinner followed by a stargazing session at a secluded spot or at a huge area depends on how you feel! - Other Lorelai's idea of a romantic date is a sunset picnic at the beach complete with a picnic basket full of delicious food and sparkling drinks
Lorelai loves spending quality time with her partner, whether it's watching a movie at home, cuddling on the couch or even just going on a simple walk together - Lorelai loves and cares for you so much and enjoys hanging around with you
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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sweetiepotatofry · 10 months
The older I get, the more I understand Ava from MID.
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beesthebees · 3 months
Peirce x Lorelai FOR THE WIN
tell me why @scotish0spring0soap mentions smth abt rhys x lorelai as I was typing bc theyre reading my mind i think 🤨
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sparkleface42 · 2 years
My Inner Demons is a series that exist… ANYWAYS THEM
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MID but instead of the harem being Ava-centric, it’s Asch-centric.
That’s all.
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aphmau-prompts · 1 year
Lorelai plays a board game with Zex.
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hikaririnku-blog · 7 months
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The My Inner Demons hyperfixation continues. This time, with some of the humans, including Ava herself! I probably won't do all of them (after all, small little one-liner characters that are not integral to storytelling probably wouldn't get a design), but I at least plan later on for Lorelai's friend group and develop more on them, as well as Marlene and Mrs. Oats. I'm going back and forth in between the Daemos and Earth casts as I go. (Also please, if fellow fans have any ideas of character development for Jake, please share. He's just an awkward man that crushes on Ava and not much else is told about him otherwise, but I like what little character he has going on in the series.😭)
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dalichan91 · 6 months
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She looks so cute like this 😭😭💚🩵
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bushkit · 1 month
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Soooooo for this MiD rewrite, I might have replaced Ava-
Now I have my reasons for doing so, which I will explain now. First off, I don't like Ava, I find her really obnoxious and frustrating. I know we will only have one season so she can’t develop, and that upsets me a bit. I also find her “anxiety” issues stereotypical, coming from someone who has been diagnosed. Some of her behaviors are relatable, but there's only a few times that I feel like I can relate to her. It feels cheap and forced to me. This is a smaller complaint, but I also don't like her design. She’s just Aphmau but with magenta eyes and a bitchy personality.
The second reason I changed the Mc is because of a massive issue I have with MiD in general. Harems. I fucking despise harems in any shape or form. I think they are one of the absolute worst tropes in media. In most harems the main character is boring, usually they have no personality whatsoever. Luckily MiD doesn't really have this problem, Ava’s personality makes it at least watchable. However, the other much more glaring issue I have with harems are the other characters. They are almost always one dimensional and cliche, and unfortunately MiD does have this problem, especially with the daemos and some other side characters as well (ex: Jake, Lorelai’s friends, Avas parents). I find Harems unhealthy and boring, as it almost always ends with the Mc choosing all potential lovers, or none of them. Its just extremely frustrating to watch. For this rewrite, I need to change the harem into something else, and the best way I can find doing it is to replace Ava. Now I am a huge, huge fan of the “found family” trope, it is far more meaningful and interesting to me. Of course as with all things it can be done badly but I find myself enjoying most shows that use it.
So lets talk about Jaiden! :D
Name: Jaiden Woods Species: Human Pronouns: She/her
Theme song: I made an entire playlist cause I couldn't pick, but I'd say World’s Smallest Violin (Ajr) and Could’ve Been Me (The Struts) are perfect for Season One.
Background: Jaiden is a thirteen year old human girl from a wealthy family in Portland, Oregon. She was originally born in San Francisco, California, but when she was very young her family moved to Portland. Because her parents are wealthy/of nobility, she's used to having a lot of things, knowing a lot of people, and sadly, knowing what its like to be lonely. Her parents run a business, so they don't make much time for her and are often out of the house. So at a young age, Jaiden had to learn how to take care of herself. In what would be season one of this rewrite, her parents have left on a business trip that will last a couple months. So Jaiden needs to find ways to entertain herself and keep her spirits high. But with no siblings and hardly any true friends, its getting more and more difficult.
Jaiden doesn't understand why its so hard for her to make connections with people. She likes to think she's the nicest person ever, she's optimistic, energetic, willing to try new things, and always willing to help others. But the people she's surrounded with aren't normal people who have emotions like she does. They're all grown adults that are all wealthy and stupidly snobby and boring. The school she attends isn't much better. Nobody wants to talk about Anime, animals, videogames, pop culture, or anything Jaiden finds fun. So she finds herself a weird outcast, and outcasts are targets for bullies.
She’s constantly being picked on by bratty rich girls at school and in her neighborhood for her interests and behavior. They are making sure Jaiden understands that bubbly, excitable, and loud people are not welcome in their town. Jaiden tries her best to ignore them and not take it seriously, but over time those words begin to take a toll on her emotionally. Jaiden no longer enjoys learning at school, she's always anxious awaiting for someone to call her a freak again. For most classes, she's picked on even by teachers. Except for her P.E class, more specifically, Track. Jaiden can run very fast, and is even titled with being the fastest kid in her school.
Her excellence in her Track lessons are one of the few things her family and others praise her on. But it isn't all she wants to be. Jaiden truly doesn't want to have a career in Track, or inherit her family’s wealth and business. She just wants to be her own person, and help as many people as she can. This is even why with the money her parents give her, she uses a bit of it to donate to charities. She loves the feeling of being helpful and making people happy, so that is what she devotes her life to doing. Now, if only she had people to help. Jaiden is very lonely, all she wishes is to have people who are not boring “npc” snobs to hang out with. She manages to make some online friends, but they aren't quite enough to fill the hole in her sociable soul.
Until a couple days after her parents left for their business trip, she spotted five cosplayers in her backyard.
Fun fact: Jaiden was originally going to be a Mystreet oc, but I decided to make her a MiD oc because I fell out of the Mystreet fandom. I also think she fits a little better in MiD, especially with the story I've given her.
Y'all will be seeing a lot more about her and her relationship with the Daemos in the future! Bye pookiesss! :D
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fartzapril · 6 months
Lorelai!!! (I drew this during an eid family gathering lawl)
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witchykale · 30 days
uh oh im talking about daemos ava again!!
i think besides the biological basis for ava not being human, there are a lot of social aspects of ava’s character that could be explained by her being a daemos
ava’s biggest and most inhibiting character trait is her antisocial personality. she wants to stay in her apartment all day, watch tv and avoid her friends’ calls. and you could just say “lmao that bitch is depressed” but CONSIDER. what if that disconnect with her peers isn’t just because of her depression, but something greater?
ava doesn’t feel like she fits in with other people. she’s insecure, she thinks everyone’s eventually going to leave her. finding out that lorelai’s friends didn’t like her was just a confirmation of her fears. so why does she have such an aversion to people?
i think ava knows she’s different. not that she knows she’s a daemos, or even that she’s not a human, but she somehow has this feeling that she’s fundamentally different from other humans.
does that REMIND you of anything??
it is SHOWN that daemos have a 6th sense for telling the difference between daemos and humans. in the finale, the main five individually sense that zex is a daemos before he even walks in the room. ava’s detachment from humans is her 6th sense!
in addition, i think this adds another layer to the way ava reacted to bullying in high school. in the flashback, a couple kids talk about how “weird” ava is and mention her parents. ava immediately reacts, shouting at them to “talk bad about [her], not [her] parents”
i think the surface-level implication here is that ava has likely dealt with a lot of homophobia directed toward her parents, which made her pretty sensitive to other kids talking about them.
BUT what if it was more than that??
what if the real reason ava is so defensive of her parents… is because she knows she’s not like them?
i’m not just talking biologically — i don’t think she’s insecure about her relation to her parents because she was adopted, but because they’re human and she’s not. this ties back into ava’s daemos sense: whether she likes it or not, she knows she’s not like other humans. this feeling, combined with her love and adoration for her dads, makes things very complicated for her.
ava has two truths that she can’t seem to reconcile: she’s not human, but her dads are. she was raised to view them as her parents, she has a parental relationship with them, she loves them, but deep down, she has this sort of insecurity that what she has with her parents is not what other people have. so, she cares about them, but she still sees them the way she sees every other human: not like her.
this takes me to my biggest point, which is the actual plot of MID — ava’s biggest character arc is caused by her friendship with the daemos. the boys are the first people that she really starts to feel comfortable with, as she slowly lets her guard down and comes out of her shell throughout the season
i think that, while the character arc definitely stands on its own as ava growing and changing for the better as a person, i also think that her actually being a daemos adds a very interesting layer to what would otherwise be a very run-of-the-mill arc that most introvert characters go through. this would mean the biggest reason ava could come out of her shell around the daemos was the fact that she was finally with her own kind
unlike the aphmau werewolf reveal (werewolf aphmau my #1 opp) i actually think ava’s character was set up very nicely for a daemos reveal! but those are just my thoughts on it, and i also don’t think that any of the obvious/canon stuff (like ava’s depression or experience with homophobia) can’t stand on its own without some big fantasy reveal, ava is first and foremost a regular person with real-world issues and i think those things can be just as valid to the story as the more fictional elements :)
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