#aphelios x you
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sylusjinwoon · 1 year ago
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heartsteel!aphelios x fem.reader
modern au
your eyes were drawn to the young man with emerald locks of hair who had just walked into the café, and his sudden appearance sapped all of the concentration you once had.
it was a sunny day, and you decided that it was the perfect time to get out of your apartment and be productive; to work on that paper that was due the following monday. your classes weren't too much of a challenge, and you managed to make decent grades without putting a lot of effort into them. but one downside to your learning style was that you tended to procrastinate, a lot.
you had just completed a rough outline of your paper when the strangely beautiful man walked in. he stands in line of the café, and his presence seems to catch the attention of the girl who stood in front of him. as if curious, she turns around, eyes turning wide as she excitedly jumped up and down.
her reaction to him makes you raise your eyebrows in question. due to how loud she was, it was hard not to eavesdrop on the conversation.
"oh my god, you're aphelios! i-i can't believe that the forums were right! they mentioned how this was your go-to spot, so when i saw your reflection i knew i had to stop you!"
the man- aphelios, seemed uncomfortable, taking a step back as he held up his hand in surrender. this supposed fan of his must have taken things a bit too far, and you felt something well up inside of you- this sudden desire to shield him.
packing up your laptop, you slide the device within the confines of your backpack before slinging the bag over your shoulder, gathering your courage as you called out to him.
"hey aphelios, thank you so much for waiting!"
the fangirl looks away from the man, eyes immediately narrowing at the sight of you. she takes in your form and does a quick assessment of you, scoffing. "and just who are you? surely you're not his girlfriend."
"it's none of your business who i am to aphelios; what matters is that you're clearly making him uncomfortable as we're about to leave. so, if you'll excuse us."
you had no idea what prompted you to take his hand- but you did so in a heartbeat. without looking back at that crazed girl, you took the poor guy out of the situation, never once looking back at the café. only when you were a safe distance away from the shop did you let go of his hand.
"that girl sure was crazy, right? i mean, who in their right mind would ever resort to such a thing?" you face him head on, gaze unwavering as you waited for him to say something.
now that you could see him up close, you felt your heart suddenly lurch forward at the mere sight of him. his strands of hair was not the startling emerald you had once assumed it was, rather, it was more of turquoise. those soft strands fell across his pale face, and despite how his lips were covered in a purple mask, you found yourself captivated by his rufescent eyes.
based on his looks alone, you would have assumed that he was a model of some sort. that would explain why that girl was so crazy about him, but you had a hunch that this beautiful stranger was more than just a pretty face.
realizing that he had not spoken a word for a full minute or two, you watch him with a tilt of your head. he rummages through the pocket of his jeans to pull out his phone. there was an awkward silence settled between the two of you, and you found yourself shuffling your feet, uncertain of what to do or what to say next.
you hear him tapping against his phone's screen a few times before showing it to you. you come closer to see what he had written:
thank you so much for what you did back there. you really saved me, and i'm grateful.
you allow the soft laughter to escape from your lips. "i'm sorry if my confession offends you, but... i don't think i understood why that girl was so dedicated to meeting you. are you famous or something?"
aphelios rolls his eyes at your question, yet the way his eyes seemed to crinkle in response made you realize that he was probably smiling from beneath the mask. he types something else within his phone before showing you once more:
i kind of prefer it that way.
you smile in response to his words, then felt a sudden warmth against your cheek when your stomach began to growl. you recall having a single granola bar for breakfast before you left and was now feeling the painful hunger pangs clawing away at your stomach.
aphelios hears the sound of your hunger, and you swore he was trembling with silent laughter, typing on his phone so you could see:
care to join me for some lunch? i know the perfect place to get chinese food for situations like this.
you probably had to kiss your chances of finishing your paper before monday goodbye now, since all you wanted to do was spend some time with this perfect stranger and get to know him better.
it was strange, but you had developed a friendship with aphelios during the following weeks after you had rescued him from that crazed fan.
he still kept his occupation a secret from you, remaining tight lipped when you kept asking what he did as a career. yet, his mysterious nature did little to deter you from your desires to remain close to him.
there were some days where you couldn't see him as often, resorting to sending him texts and funny memes that elicited a few short laughs from you. the times that he left you on read made your heart ache, but always without fail, he would text you back a few hours later and your late night conversations would ensue.
you felt something blossoming within your chest each time you were together with him, but refused to acknowledge or put a name to the emotions you were beginning to feel. for starters, you didn't want to ruin this seemingly perfect relationship you had developed with him-
and more importantly, you didn't want to have your heart broken, since you knew that aphelios was simply out of your league.
but you digress.
choosing to ignore the festering emotions threatening to take ahold of your heart, you instead focused on the excitement coursing through your veins at the thought of aphelios coming into your apartment tonight. he had texted you earlier, telling you he had a surprise for you and that you should save eating dinner for when he came over.
after cleaning your apartment, you got ready for aphelios' arrival, already having your notebook ready so that you could talk about aphelios' surprise.
thanks to how close you had gotten to him, you knew that he was mute and liked communicating with his phone or writing out his thoughts with pen and paper. when you realized his preferred method of communicating was when you went out and bought a thick notebook from your local bookstore along with a plethora of pens.
you and aphelios had already filled out a good portion of pages, and admittedly, you found yourself reading the old conversations you had with him, wishing to cherish each and every memory you had with him and this silly notebook.
just as you were about to open the notebook to a fresh page, you heard several knocks coming from your door. all too eager to see him again, you walked with a bounce in your step towards the door and open it, revealing aphelios with a large pizza in his hand.
"that pizza pie smells absolutely divine." there was a twinkle seen in his ruby red eyes, indicating his amusement as you could just imagine him writing to you i know.
aphelios walks into your apartment and takes his usual spot on your couch after setting the box on your coffee table. upon seeing your notebook, he reaches out and grabs his pen, already writing something down in his usual neat scrawl.
allowing aphelios to write, you help yourself to a slice of pizza, biting in to the cheesy and heavenly goodness while holding back a moan. you had finished a slice and was about to take another one when aphelios shows you his note:
i think it's about time you know what i do for a living, and i'm hoping you won't mind if this surprise will happen later on tonight.
your eyes widen at him, watching as aphelios ate a slice of pizza while taking tiny bites, as if feeling nervous about how you'd react. upon reading his note, you felt your own stomach begin to churn with anticipation.
"wait, are you being serious? where am i going?"
aphelios doesn't bother writing anything new. instead, he reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out what looks like a golden ticket. you blink at the ticket, watching as aphelios slides it towards you for you to take.
your hands were trembling, taking the ticket as it read:
"heartsteel?" you allow the name of the band to fall from your parted lips, suddenly feeling shivers going up and down your spine.
you were vaguely aware of the band, but didn't know them enough to consider yourself a fan of them. that wasn't to say that you thought their music was bad- but rather, you just didn't listen to them. perhaps you were living under a rock after all if aphelios was a member of a pretty popular band, and you hadn't the slightest clue about it.
"i assume you're not the lead vocalist?" you ask, making an attempt at a joke so as to get him to calm down. it works when you see him break out in a smile, jotting something else down in the notebook.
no, i'm not. but i do help with making a lot of the beats and instrumentals. i want you to come tonight and see my passion.
you hold the notebook close to your chest, hugging his written words tightly when you met his gaze. "phel, i would love to see you and your band perform, and i thank you for allowing me to do so."
after telling him that you would attend his concert, you swore that you would do anything to see him smile like that for the rest of your days.
{ ... }
the moment you arrived at the venue, you were not expecting to receive such a warm welcome.
when aphelios had left your apartment to prepare for the concert, he had told you to arrive close to 9pm, not wanting you to miss a thing. after dressing yourself properly for the concert, you arrive and was immediately taken backstage by some of the security that was helping with the event.
they recognize you almost immediately, referring you by your name as they took you towards a hidden back entrance. your heart was racing, and you found yourself excited to see aphelios again.
after a few minutes spent walking, you were taken to the back of the stage where a single seat was settled off to the side. as the guard lead you towards the area, he gestures towards the seat and beckons you to sit. after thanking him, he gives you a stiff nod, leaving you alone as he returned with the rest of security.
you sat down, and you saw that you were incredibly close to the band, seeing each member as they prepared while speaking to each other. you could feel their excitement, and as your eyes searched for aphelios, you were immediately met with his gaze.
his crimson eyes were filled with mirth and... were your eyes playing tricks on you, but was their a tint of red seen against his cheeks? as if realizing that his face was flushed, aphelios looks away from you while donning his usual, purple mask.
was aphelios actually... blushing at the sight of you?
did you dare to hope that he felt the same way about you?
you shake away such ridiculous thoughts, figuring that his flustered expression was due to his excitement to perform in front of a huge crowd.
after the stadium became filled with heartsteel's fans, the lead singer set up the tone, filling the crowd with his enthusiasm as the band began to perform.
and throughout their stellar performance, you found yourself wishing that you had known about them sooner. their music was fun and just listening to them live gave you a rush you hadn't felt in a long time. despite how this was the first time you had heard of them, you found yourself screaming and dancing along to each performance, your voice becoming hoarse with each passing minute.
as the concert came to a close, aphelios takes this chance to meet your gaze once more, his whole body seeming to glow because of how happy he clearly was whilst performing. he catches your awed expression and lifts up his hand in a thumbs up motion. you could see the familiar crinkle in his eyes, letting you know that he was smiling from beneath the mask-
that was when you knew you were doomed-
for you could no longer hide the fact that you were falling in love with aphelios.
{ ... )
after the concert, you were trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, wanting nothing more than to see aphelios while congratulating him on his music. you search the crowd for him, hoping that he had already gone backstage.
when you thought you saw the familiar flash of turquoise hair, you immediately followed him, ready to call out his name when the sight of something stops you dead in your tracks.
it was aphelios, but moreso than that was the hauntingly beautiful girl that stood next to him. she had bright pink hair while sporting a loving smile, saying some words to him that you couldn't quite catch.
what was perhaps even more heartbreaking was aphelios' expression when he looked at her. it was soft, and it was clear that his crimson gaze held a great deal of adoration for her. whoever this woman was, you knew that aphelios loved her.
choking back your sobs, you allowed your tears to fall, searching blindly for the exit when your body collided with a hard wall of muscle, coming into contact with one of the vocalists.
"whoa, are you okay-" you shake your head and push yourself away from him before running out of the area, not wishing for aphelios to see you or your tears.
you should have followed your instincts and never allowed your feelings for him to blossom, for you never stood a chance at obtaining his heart.
{ ... }
you spent the next few weeks avoiding aphelios...
despite how much it broke your heart to cut yourself away from him, you knew it was the best thing you could do in order to salvage your friendship with him.
you had yet to speak to aphelios after the concert, and you knew that your actions were nothing short of cowardly, but you couldn't help it.
you had never felt so strongly about anyone before, and aphelios had awakened so many emotions you thought you had once thought you never had. so in order to ignore your heartache, you buried yourself in assignments and schoolwork, allowing your university life to take over as you seemed to run on autopilot.
it took a herculean effort to ignore aphelios' texts, but you willed yourself not to open or answer them, feeling disappointed in yourself for falling in love with the person that was supposed to be your best friend- nothing more and nothing less.
yet that was what ends up hurting you the most; the fact that you felt so strongly for him-
the fact that your feelings would ultimately become unrequited had you had kept up with this façade of being happy while remaining a mere friend to him.
eventually, his texts became less frequent before stopping altogether. even if this fact ripped your heart to pieces, smashing them into smithereens, you ignored the heartache and feelings of emptiness that came with his eventual departure.
wanting to forget all about your messy feelings that came with aphelios, you decided to order your favorite takeout for the night while binging your favorite show on your laptop. you were barely through the first episode when a series of knocks were heard at your door.
your eyebrows were furrowed, thinking about how fast your takeout had come despite how you had just placed the order a mere ten minutes ago. believing it was the deliveryman, you open the door with little hesitation-
only to be met with aphelios' annoyed expression.
you let out a gasp, closing the door in his face immediately, yet aphelios was faster than you. he holds your door open, pushing his way through with a surprising strength as you were forced to take a step backwards.
chills were running up and down your spine, and you hated how your heart was racing at the sight of him, still yearning for him after all this time (such a traitorous heart you had.) willing the goosebumps to go away, you rub your hands up and down the length of your arms, watching as aphelios locks the door, "w-what do you want?!"
he rips off his mask, his handsome features set into a permanent scowl as he takes out his phone and types on it:
why have you been ghosting me?
"i-i haven't ghosted you! i-i just needed some time t-to process some things."
frustration was clearly seen on his face as he runs his hands through his hair, making them appear even messier than before as he typed out another message, this one longer than the last.
bullshit, you've been ignoring my texts without any explanation. after that concert, you were never the same. i thought i could trust you. i thought i could share my career and dreams with you, and you would appreciate and accept it- accept ME, but i guess not. i guess i'm nothing to you after all.
"NO, that's not true! i'm in love with you, okay?!"
your sudden outburst comes as a surprise to both you and aphelios, with you immediately hiding your mouth beneath your hands, eyes wide as a splash of coldness washes over you.
there was a deafening silence settled between you and him, and you swore you could hear the blood rushing through your ears. you were terrified, and aphelios' expression was so grave that it was bordering on the cusp of being unreadable. you listen to the gentle tapping sounds that came from his phone, one that indicated he was deleting the prior messages before revealing a new one.
explain, please.
trying to even out your breathing, you clench your eyes shut, inhaling deeply while explaining, "that night, i was...so captivated by you. it was clear that you loved making music, and that you had an immense talent for it."
"that night, seeing you perform- seeing you look so happy, it made me realize how deeply i had fallen for you."
aphelios remained still, not typing a thing on his phone as he listened to you intently. "i had this...this desire to just see you, you know? i wanted to tell you how much i enjoyed your music, how proud of you i was and...how i was falling for you."
"b-but before i could meet you, i-i saw you with this gorgeous girl. she was smiling at you and you were smiling at her, and it was so obvious that you loved her, that's why-"
you were given no chance to continue when you felt a lithe weight colliding into you, taking your breath away as your form landed on the couch. your mind was racing now, feeling aphelios' arms around you as he seemed to shake violently as he held you.
he hid his face within the curve of your neck, and when he finally moved away from you, you were shocked to see that he was smiling, and that a series of soft laughter were escaping from his lips.
aphelios holds up a finger, silently telling you to wait a moment as he types out something on his phone before showing it to you.
of course i love her. that girl you saw me with was my twin sister, and she's also my band's manager.
by now, you could feel the mortification coursing through your veins, making you hide your face within the palm of your hands. you kept groaning and berating yourself, admitting to aphelios to how stupid you were and how you made him suffer through all this heartache for no reason at all.
"i'm so sorry, phel, i guess i'm just not that great, always assuming shit and-"
you felt aphelios take a hold of your hands, removing them from your face when he leans in to press a kiss against your lips, the soft sensation enough to make your heart soar up into cloud 9 with how much joy it made you feel.
his kiss was achingly soft, never once turning demanding as you both seemed to fall into a peaceful rhythm. his lips were perfectly slotted against yours as you allowed your fingertips the pleasure of delving into his soft strands of hair. when the need for air proved to be too much was when aphelios pulled away first. he still kept the loving expression on his face, rubbing the tip of his nose against yours in a sweet gesture that made you fall for him all over again.
he moves his lips away from your features, gentle red eyes meeting with yours, as if silently beckoning you to go on.
sliding your eyes shut, you lean in closer to him, pressing butterfly kisses across his jawline before properly confessing to him.
"i love you."
and when he places a hand beneath your chin, lifting you up so that he could give you another searing kiss, you knew he felt the same way without needing a single word to be spoken.
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a.n. - i have never written for league of legends before, but my brother uses aphelios as his main when he plays, and i was captivated by how gorgeous he was. i'm sorry if this is ooc, but i hope you readers go easy on me and enjoy this oneshot anyways 😭 🙏
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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milkcioccolato · 1 month ago
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Oh no, another stupid ship that’s going to consume my life😭😭😭
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milksuu · 8 months ago
❝ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ❞ ─── ☾⏺☽
phase O.1 // phase O.2
pairing: yandere!aphelios x solari!priestess!reader (LoL)
tw: non/con, fem!reader, oral sex (f. receiving), possessive/obsessive behavior, somnophilia, object insertion, blood/violence, unhealthy coping mechanisms, kidnapping/imprisonment, implied forced relationship, unbalanced power dynamic, enemies to lovers vibe
notes: here it is besties. thank you all for being so patient with me. and thank you to all the lovelies who've commented/msgd me asking about it and wanting more. im just so glad to share my unhinged obsessions. i do have plans to make a third part, but again, could be a bit. so sorry ahhh.
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You hadn’t realized you were stolen to sleep. Sobbing yourself into the veiled shadows of your mind in the arms of something—someone—so haunting. A damning surrender on your part. It was a miracle you had the pleasure of opening your eyes. When the moon crawler could have offered you death instead.
When your lashes winged wholly, the haze of a night-dark bedroom washed your sight. You breathed in your surroundings. The linen bed sheets beneath your fingertips, a worktable littered with dried herbs and vials, and a vaulted chest for storing valuables. A simple room one would toss a coin for a night at a common tavern. 
With effort, you pulled yourself to your knees. The weight of clothes shifted against your body. Looking down, you pinched the fabric of a clean gown. And when a hair strand fell to your cheek, you caught the faintest scent of lavender and nightshade. Drifting your attention lower, a mild soreness welled between your legs, accounting for last night's debauchery. A reminder of an ache you could never wash away, no matter how much you scrubbed yourself raw. But even scrapping your skin till you bled from bone seemed a better feeling than this.
That thought alone made you pause in your observations and consider the only details that mattered.
Where were you and...
Where was he?
You crawled over to the side of the bed. Pressing your feet against the ground, something like cold iron grazed them. You reached through the dark and secured a dulled paring knife. Your gaze studied an apple not too far away, half peeled from the skin of its flesh. Dropped mid-serving, for whatever the reason was. Knife in hand, you tiptoed to the bedroom door and tried to pry it open. It shuddered against your touch—locked. It seemed the only way to escape was by key, and to your misfortune, you didn’t have to guess who had it in strict keeping.
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
A brush of cold licked across your nape. Turning towards the sound, there was another adjoining room. A washroom, perchance. You tightened your hold on the knife, and willed your bare feet forward, swallowing your thudding heart. You counted each step, pausing when a puddle glistened before the doorway. Dark in color and metallic in aroma, a shiver traced your spine as you stepped over it.
Under the door frame, your sight fell upon him, bare and slumped in a wooden bath. You stood still, not daring to flinch, in case he had his own knife hidden beneath the surface tension. When your presence hadn’t been acknowledged, you padded closer. 
Examining him further, you noticed not a lick of a wound, scrape, or gash on his body. Nothing that would substantiate the splatter of blood you'd passed. Falling onto his face, the faintest shimmer stained the corners of his lips. You would’ve deemed him dead if it weren’t for the labored breaths and shivers of his body.
A saccharine taste of flowers sprang to the tip of your tongue. 
Lowering yourself onto your knees, you brought the knife a near inch to his throat. You hadn’t noticed the slits of his eyes cracked open, branding you the moment you stepped in. Before you could jerk back, his hand leapt from the bath water. You winced when he took your wrist, expecting him to plunge the blade in your direction. Instead, he lulled his head to the side, and guided your hand to press the sharp edge against the skin of his neck.
“This angle is much better, isn’t it?” Aphelios stated rather than asked, his wet hair flowing like liquid night across his features. “You can stare deeply into the eyes of your enemy, and watch that insignificant light fade from them. Then, and only then, do you know they’re truly dead. If that's what you would like to do to me..." you held your breath and felt the blue of his veins beat against the blade. “Now’s your chance.”
Your hands trembled, his mortal essence flowing right at your fingertips. But the mere thought of relishing red-stained hands overwhelmed you with a bout of nausea, weakening your grasp at the hilt. Even if he deserved every bit of suffering, and for you to celebrate his undoing by a dull carving knife, it wasn’t who you were. 
You refused to be anything like him.
“Strange. Not many Burning One’s would hesitate at the offer. It’s no wonder they locked you away in that sunlit temple.” He released your shaking hand and traced the outline of your face. “Far from the shadows they’ve cast down.”
“Don’t patronize me,” you seethed, tugging your chin away from his touch. He leaned back in the basin, his shoulders taut as he fought against a cough. You narrowed your lashes at a string of blood pouring from his lips. “It’s not my place to deliver your punishment, but your trial of judgment will come. It’s already apparent you’re paying for your transgressions. And I’m glad for it.”
Your words were false against your true sensibilities. Feeling foolish for your heart to ache with sympathy for him, a wretched murderer and lech. The wiser part of you screamed when you set aside the knife, took up a washcloth, and wiped at his mouth. A cord in his jaw tightened, and you noted a life-stealing grip at the tub's edge.
A trained reflex to wrap his fingers around your neck. 
Had you been anyone else.
Had you been anyone else, you would’ve been flayed open across the altar. Had you been anyone else, the pathetic knife you threatened him with would be stuck heart deep between your breasts. Had you been anyone else, She would have commanded your sacrifice. 
You banished the unwelcomed thought.
“The water’s freezing. How long have you let yourself sit here?” His lips merely mirrored a fine line at the question. Under your gaze, you watched another invisible ripple tighten the tethers of his muscles. You exhaled on a presumptive thought. “You can’t move. Can you?” 
The black glass of his eyes stared at nothing, and said nothing. Then and there, that cold existence would rather suffer than utter a single word of admittance. 
“Seems you like to keep quiet when it’s convenient for you.” You quipped, wringing out the washcloth with indignation. “No different from a child throwing a tantrum when it suits them. I should leave you here then. Let whatever you catch take you within a week’s time. It would save a lot of others the trouble.”
His face remained a blank sheet of ice, and you interpreted it as an invitation to do as you pleased. He’d given you the choice to take his life, after all. Now you understood he’d meant every word. Perhaps he even intended to pay a compliment. Not a bluff or jab at your softer nature, even after you had foolishly settled to spare him. 
You banished the strange sentiment. Once you had found a way to get him to bed and asleep, you would scrounge the room for a key. Wherever he had chosen to hide it. 
“Golden Sister, avert your light," you asked for pardon under your breath.
You drew up your hand, calling forth a kindle of golden sunlight. It pulsed and radiated with warmth, kissing the tips of your fingers. The glow of it illuminated your company’s features. That face of marble chipped at the corner of his eyes; a crack of unnerving reproach. When you guided your hand towards the pane of his chest, he ruefully shifted away.
You clicked your tongue. “You’ll let me freely cut your throat, but the moment I try to help, you want nothing to do with it. Either you hold still, or I reconsider your offer. Which one is it?”
He responded with a slowed and pained breath. When he leaned back, you pressed a palm to his sternum.
Closing your eyes, you concentrated on the ebb and flow of warm light reaching for him; through him. When you entered, dark shadows ripped and slashed against your magic. Sharper than daggers of ice, piercing hotter than any black flame. Sweat gathered at your temples. Furrowing your brows, you steeled your magic from shattering and concentrated your radiance. Gradually, the thrashing tendrils subdued into undulating wisps that languidly brushed across your presence.
“I can’t heal whatever sickness you’ve caused yourself. It's unfamiliar to me. And even if I could, I wouldn't want to keep you waiting to spend eternity with your false deity," you admitted, withdrawing. “But I should have eased the pain. Enough for you to manage from here and to bed.”
Without a word, and with what little strength he still possessed, he gripped the lip of the tub. You hooked an arm underneath his own, and his legs trembled as he rose from the bathwater. When he dragged his feet from the bath, he banked to catch himself on the wall with his hand. The unexpected sway almost swept your footing away. With luck, he managed to hold himself as you helped him stagger out of the washroom.
When he dropped onto the bed, the weight of him brought you to your knees beside him. You huffed, prying his arm away from the support of your shoulders. He made no effort to force you to lay with him. Thankfully, the soothing effects of your work made him pliable, gifting you a moment of safe assurance. 
Your gaze roamed the softness that rounded his previously sharpened features. His brows rested light above his closed eyes, and his lashes long and airy curtained over the smooth contour of his cheeks. His face once devoid of color now brushed with a stroke of pink from your magic. If you hadn’t been the wiser, you would’ve believed him to be a completely different person. 
Nothing like a weapon now.
You pulled yourself from your careless observations, remembering time was of the essence if you’d hope of escape. Turning away, ghostly fingertips graced the skin of your cheek. Your breath hitched. Drawn back, his black pearls peeked from their bed of lashes. His lips moved, but deft as the words were, you swore it was a mere breath in the night.
‘...thank you.’
Your heart constricted, abandoning you in a space stolen of thought, let alone a reply. To your horror, the squeeze of your chest wasn't entirely unpleasant. Still, you feared to linger on it, knowing it would sooner kill you if you’d let it. You consciously berated yourself to get away—hurry, hurry! But like a silent poison of its own kind, you suddenly felt weak in spirit. And to no one’s fault but of your own. 
You had drained yourself dry by helping him.
Still in his touch, your body sank onto the bed next to him. He traced the contour of your neck, past the dip of your clavicle, down to the arc of your hip bones. Lingering there, he drew lazy circles against the fabric till it hitched at your waist. His fingers slipped beneath, brushing a hand against the bare skin of your waist. You trembled, weathering the cold bite of his touch. No better than prey submitting to a cruel yet ordained circumstance.
“I should have never…” you swallowed, remorse tightening your throat.
His hand paused—watching a glint of wetness stain your eyes—then pulled you in with devastating gentleness. Resting his brow at your breasts, he enveloped you in his arms, and curled himself bare between your legs. Holding you in an embrace that was more delicate than heartbreak, drawing out a shuddering breath from your lips. 
For what seemed like an eternity, you laid there. Feigning death, praying for your eyes to never close again. Hoping to salvage the opportune moment to escape once he let go. But exhaustion was a beast that stalked your side and sank its fangs in the spots where he held you close. Paralyzing all your nerves till they went flak, dragging your body limp in his touch. 
And your waning consciousness along with it.
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Behind closed eyes, the world was dark. An unfeeling landscape where nothing else existed. A state you could find yourself clinging to for the rest of your days to come. If only you were lucky enough to stay. Like a match to your body, a flame curled and burned beneath your dampening skin. The scorch of it trailing the woods of your body. A fire in your blood snaking lower to feed the smoldering spit simmering in your belly.
You shuddered, twitched and bit softly at the bottom half of your lip. Long, devoted fingers cradled your waist as lips graced the lower parts of your stomach. The careful graze of teeth at your navel sent your eyelids fluttering, where a glaze of lingering sleep clouded your vision. Only after a few blinks did you bid the fog away, and woke to the sight of yourself. 
The hem of your nightgown had been shelved above your swollen breasts, revealing nipples perked and coated wet with saliva. A sheen of sweat glistened like oil from mound to curve, and found the wicked Lunari man responsible for your state laid between your legs.
Your lips quivered, struggling to speak through the feverish qualities burning away at your flesh. You couldn’t even attempt to prop yourself up, let alone drag yourself away. Your body felt heavy and drunk off whatever pleasure it had thirsted for and drank without complaint. 
“What are you…” you started, but your voice was too sticky. Too mumbly. Not even swallowing would help. 
“I had a dream about your sunlight. That small, pleasant piece you shared with me last night.” He took pause, flitting his attention up from below, where his black slits narrowed with shameless intent. “I wondered what it would taste like.”
“N–Not down there,” you pleaded out a half-choked whimper. “It isn’t clean.” 
“Isn’t it, though? Have you considered how you might’ve bathed last night? Wondered who could have done it for you.” He trailed feather-light kisses down your inner thigh, leaving a path of goosebumps in his wake. “Washed your hair. Washed your body. And...” he tempted lower and lower, until the heat of his breaths warmed your folds, making them bloom with ache. "Everything in between.”
“Stop saying things like that. Stop doing things like this,” you said, wanting to speak them as commands. But the crack in your voice watered your tone down to unconsolable weeping. Knowing you had made a terrible mistake. Knowing no amount of your good nature would spare the heat of his mouth from teasing you relentlessly. Knowing you had no control as your cunt dripped itself into a pitiful mess. You tossed your head back and forth, desperate to hide the humiliation of your face in the throws of bedding. 
“Please.” Your chest heaved and shuddered. “Just let me go.” 
"Fated or not, you’ve chosen to stay. First, when you decided not to kill me in my most vulnerable state.” He eased the flat of his tongue over your leaking entrance, dragging it upward to flick your clit. Your hands clasped over your mouth to stifle the degrading noises that dared to leave. “Second, when you helped me to bed and kept it warm with me. And third—”
He plunged the length of his tongue into you, reaching for your center. You cried out through the gaps in your fingers, feeling something clenched deep inside you—and it wasn't his tongue. It was impeccably hard, with a distinct weld, shape and curve. The tip of his tongue swirled and twisted around it, coaxing it to rub along your sensitive ridges on the way out. When it revealed itself at your entrance, he took the object with a bite. A clink of metal between his teeth. With a shuddering gasp, your hips bucked once he slipped it past the squeeze of your hole.
“Even though you held the key inside you this whole time,” he fingered the iron loop and slid it across his tongue. You flushed when he consumed your gaze below. “You waited for me to take it.” 
Your head and heart pounded with blood. When…when did he…?
Before you could object, his mouth reclaimed all your ripe and swollen parts. Graciously kissing, licking, feasting between your legs. Your hips jolted as you squirmed against him. His hands gripped to dimple the softness of your thighs, parting you open like two delicate and succulent halves of a fruit.
Your eyes clenched shut, trying to forge the words that would stop him. But none existed in the pleasurable thickness that drowned your senses, possessing your hips to meet him at each languid lap. Turning your saliva into hot syrup in your mouth. Muddling any conceivable words down to moanful whines, sloppy whimpers, and broken utterances. Completely helpless as every stroke of his tongue made a creamy reduction of your insides, threatening to spill over every edge.
Your nails twisted into the bedsheets, and you broke for breath. “Can’t—n’ more—“ 
The moon devil interpreted your incoherent pleas for mercy as undying praise. Encouraging him to devour you with the passion of a starved man who’d forsaken each meal before you. Listening to a hunger that told him you would be his last, and echoed a fear that it would never be enough.
One last brush of his tongue and he clasped his lips around the bud, suckling on its throbbing plumpness.
A burst of pressure had you coming undone onto his mouth. Wails ripped through the air as your back careened into that awful crescent shape for him. You reached to push him away, but he’d caught your hands before you could lay a finger. You choked out a sob when he tacked your writhing wrists against the bed and continued to worship your taste with his mouth. Savoring every part of your quivers and cries, down to the very last gushing drop induced from your spasms. 
When he had taken his last sip of pleasure, he rose from between your thighs to loom above you.
“You’re exactly as I imagined you would taste.” His voice was a thin whisper on his glistening lips. As if he hadn’t even wanted the walls to hear. A secret only he would ever know, and for you to be the only one he’d share it with. 
He bent forward, panting with an unsatiated appetite against your mouth. “Sweet and warm.”
He took your lips, letting you drink up your arousal. A heavy, generous pour. The dewy tang of yourself flushed your face and neck with color. Your heart raced, gasping for breaths in a blur of moans and kisses. 
Tears of utter shame and frustration dotted your lashes, till they fell over in heaps. Yet, even your tears didn’t go to waste. He traced his tongue over your flushed and burning cheeks, catching every bit like spilled honey. And all you could do was lay there, unable to escape his sensual gilded cage. All the while hating yourself for wanting his mouth all over you—wanting to know how it’d feel claiming every inch of skin.
And hating him all the more for it.
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writerblue275 · 10 months ago
Hii may I request heartsteel lads and how first kisses goes?? :3
First kisses with Heartsteel!
Hi hi hi lovely anon, of course you can!! Thank you for requesting, this is such a cute idea! I’ll keep this to just first kisses, but I’ll definitely make a general kisses headcanon at some point.
Inspiration: Love a good first kiss moment.
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: Swearing. Slight discussion of rebellious activities (lmao guess for which member).
Extra: Some of these I felt like I could keep completely in bullet form, but some others I felt required more set up, so there’s some prose interspersed.
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Definitely happens further down the line when things are really getting serious. Aphelios just gives me the “takes it slow but he’s in it for the long haul” vibes (love it! You go king). It takes a while for him to let someone in, but once he does, you know you’re extremely important to him.
So you’ve been dating him maybe two-three months now. And while he hasn’t kissed you yet, there have been other kinds of physical moments (like hand holding, cheek kisses, slight cuddling, some pet names, that sort of thing) that have progressed that shows things are moving well in the right direction.
Not to mention the subtle things. Like the way he thumb lingers a little on the corner of your lips as he wipes away some ice cream your napkin missed. Or how he has to look away when you bite your lip. (Because he wants to be the one to do so. 😝) Just other subtle things that seem to signal Aphelios is ready to take that next physical step with you. You just have to figure out how to ask him in a way that won’t spook him.
One of the things you two do together? Well he’s teaching you sign language. Or at least the basics. He fully doesn’t expect you to sign all the time, hell he doesn’t even do that. But since he has to be careful to protect what remains of his voice, he does use sign language as one way of communication.
And you being the kind, wonderful partner that you are, you want to learn to sign too. Communication with your partner is so important and of course you want to be able to communicate with Aphelios as effectively as possible, so you asked him for help. (He’s so touched that you’re taking the time/making the effort to do that for him btw. Learning any new language is extremely difficult.)
So one night, after a date, when you two are just vibing together on the couch in his studio, you and Aphelios decide to play a little game that has become common for the two of you. You sign something and he grades your signing, telling/showing you what, if anything, you can do better. And for the most part it’s just been fairly basic signs and phrases.
But little does he know, you’ve been practicing more than just simple phrases at home.
Can I practice signing some questions?, you ask.
Yes, he signs. Of course! What do you have for me tonight, cutie?
You smile brightly and blush at the pet name, making him smile in response.
You start off with some basics. What is your name? How are you doing? Where are you from? Those sorts of questions. And you watch carefully as Aphelios helps you make any adjustments to clarify your signing.
“Phel, can I try and ask something more….personal? I-I want to make sure I have it down” You ask, your voice getting a little shy. You know you’re taking a risk, but you really like him and you just want to confirm he’s on the same page as you. That the connection you’ve felt isn’t just one-sided.
His eyebrows go up in surprise but he nods. Of course, he signs. What is it? You’ve really peaked his curiosity now. Especially with how shy you got.
So you take a deep breath to settle your nerves….and another one…before finally blushing deeply and signing, Will you kiss me? (You sign it flawlessly btw. You practiced for DAYS as you gathered the courage to ask him.)
His eyes widen and he blinks at you for a few moments, giving you a good clue that you did ask what you intended to.
As the silence drags on for a few moments longer and you see Aphelios try to process what you just asked, you fear you’ve made a terrible mistake of things and you start to just completely panic.
“Sh-shit Phel I’m so sorry! Oh god, I made you uncomfortable, didn’t I…Please forget I asked. Please forget I said anything! Oh I ruined everything…I’m so so so sorry. I’ll go. Please can we pretend like this didn’t happ-mm?”
You’re so frazzled and upset with yourself you didn’t even notice Phel sign absolutely yes before leaning over and kissing you slowly, his fingers threading in your hair, completely cutting off your panicked rambling.
And when he pulls away? This time you’re the one left staring at him in surprise, blinking rapidly for a few moments before smiling widely as he signs back to you, There. Now will you kiss me, please? And of course you’re more than happy to oblige. He said please, after all.
I think Ezreal would kiss earlier on in a relationship. His love language (giving) is physical touch and kisses are included in that. And of course with him, your first kiss is going to be fun and sweet because those are the vibes Ez gives off like 95% of the time.
In this instance the two of you are at an arcade for a date. You’ve noticed he’s been giving more and more signs that he wants to kiss you. Subtle (he thinks) glances down to your lips when the two of you are talking or the way his lips linger when he kisses you on the cheek after walking you to your door post-date. And well…you want to kiss him too. In fact you have a little plan to help move things along.
You asked Alune, who introduced the two of you, what Ezreal’s favorite arcade machine is before-hand and she immediately responded ski-ball. She told you he’s a god at ski-ball and how no one in Heartsteel will play with him anymore because he always wins. Always. His aim is just unmatched. (Though Phel is certainly practicing hard to beat him.)
So what do you do? You challenge Ezreal in ski-ball of course! But the stakes have to be raised. What’s the fun without some flirty competition?
Him: “And if I win? What do I get? Your tickets? Dinner? A kiss?” *Said with a little cocky smirk* (Of course.)
You: *grin widely at him* “Yeah sure, I’ll kiss you. Deal.”
Him: *His eyes wide and he’s very alert now* “Wait, actually??”
You: *smirks* “I mean what I say, Ezreal. You know that. Besides, I’m sure I’ll win, so why does it matter? You know how competitive I get.” (Muahaha, clever you. You got him hook, line, and sinker.)
Oh now it’s ON. He’s fully tuned in. You can tell his competitive nature made him play right into your plan. He wants that kiss.
And he’s absolutely going to get it. Ez is rolling a perfect game. Like it doesn’t take long for winning to be completely out of reach for you. So you pause to watch him, eventually starting to laugh before just going for it, leaning over and kissing him deeply (of course it’s just as he sinks the shot to break the high score record on the machine).
And once he gets over the initial surprise, he very eagerly kisses you back, one of his hands cupping your cheek. And the kiss lasts for a lovely few moments before you gently pull back and smile widely at him.
“If you wanted to kiss me to badly,” you let out on a giggle, “you could have just asked, you know. Hopefully I won’t have to knowingly embarrass myself at ski-ball again to get another kiss from you.”
Ezreal laughs shyly and kisses you again, letting his arms wrap around you. “Of course not. Happy to kiss yo- wait a second did you say ‘knowingly?’ What do you mean? How’d you even know I love ski-ball? I didn’t tell you that.”
You grin. “How do you think? Alune told me! I asked her what your favorite arcade machine was. It was clear I needed to take matters into my own hands since though I could tell you wanted to kiss me, you’re such a gentleman,” you tease playfully before kissing his cheek.
Somewhere else in the city, Alune starts laughing loudly, surprising a gaming Aphelios, as she receives a text message from Ezreal:
Ezreal: Name anything you want. Dead serious. I don’t care what, it’s yours. You’re the BEST. THANK YOU!!!
Alune: 😂 Holding you to that. Glad (Y/N)’s plan worked!
Ezreal: 👍👍
Something tells me that Kayn would kiss earlier on in a relationship. Not that it’s a bad thing! I definitely don’t think it is. And he wouldn’t do so unless he thought you returned his feelings. He’s a rebel, not an asshole. He’d never force himself on someone.
All that aside, there is something to be said for Kayn’s recklessness playing into his first kiss with you.
I don’t think it would happen on a planned date. Kayn strikes me as more of a “go with the flow” sort of guy, at least until things are getting serious. Then he’d actually plan out dates. Otherwise spending time with him early on in your relationship consists of him calling or texting you and saying, “Hey, I’m doing ______ tonight or tomorrow. Want to come with? Food’s on me?”
And these “things” can range from errands (he just like being in your presence, ok?) to actual events like concerts or other things like that.
And ok, like 90% of what Kayn calls you for are things that are law-abiding. But there is that 10%. That piece of him who still loves to rebel and do things for the adrenaline. Don’t worry though, when you do those sorts of things with him, he won’t let you get in trouble. He’s a pro.
In this case, the two of you are sitting on a random roof in the city after going around and doing things you definitely shouldn’t be doing. (On a completely unrelated note: A couple city cop cars have some lovely new colorful decorations on them.)
And the two of you are just quietly laughing together and watching the moon, the adrenaline from the shenanigans you two participated in still going through your veins.
And Kayn looks over at you, admiring how attractive you look and how happy you make him. And he can’t help it as he reaches over and takes your hand. When you don’t pull away, he just quietly says “Ah fuck it…” and goes for it. He leans over, gently tangling his free hand in your hair, and kisses you absolutely breathless.
Kayn can’t help but chuckle once he pulls away as he sees the slightly dazed (but very happy) expression on your face.
And once you finally get your wits back about you and go to return the favor, he’s so relieved you feel the same way as him.
Not the earliest member to have a first kiss with their partner, but definitely not the latest. K'Sante is for sure somewhere in the middle.
And with K'Sante? Your first kiss with him is almost a little...accidental? Not in a bad way, but the circumstances surrounding just were slightly unexpected.
But the chemistry between the two of you is undeniable. You can definitely feel a lovely sort of tension building in your mundane acts of physical affection. But neither of you have taken the final step to kiss the other person yet.
But that’s about to change. K'Sante is taking you out on the town for the night. The evening starts with a really delicious dinner at a really really nice restaurant (where of course he made a reservation because this man PLANS).
This is then followed up by getting ice cream and him driving the two of you to a secluded point that overlooks the city. You two can just enjoy each other's company (as well as the yummy ice cream) while he also plays some music from a little bluetooth speaker he brought that connects to his phone and relaxing on a lovely picnic blanket he has in his trunk. (1000000/10 vibes like oh my god?)
Now something that K'Sante does, he uses his phone as little as possible on dates with you. He wants to be fully present in the moment and enjoy what moments he can when he's with you.
So that's why he's so surprised when he turns on his phone to play music (since he had it off during dinner and the drive with you) to find 7 missed calls from Alune.
"Shit," he murmurs.
“Everything ok, K’Sante?” You ask, feeling concerned as you take in his furrowed brow.
“Looks like I have a bunch of missed calls from our manager. Normally she doesn’t call me unless something is wrong….”
“Uh oh…and since she called so many times….Call her back. I don’t mind,” You tell him.
“You sure? I don’t want to be disrespectful,” he says.
This makes you smile. “K’Sante, you are one of the most respectful people I know. Checking to see if there’s an emergency isn’t disrespecting me,” you reassure him.
And after another minute or two of warring with himself, he does. He realizes he wouldn’t be able to stop worrying about what’s going on if he didn’t, and that’s not fair to you. He puts the phone on speaker. Since it’s affecting your date, he figures you might as well get to learn what’s going on too.
As Alune picks up the call, you hear her groan. “Finally, K’Sante! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours! Why haven’t you been answering your phone?”
“Alune, I told you I had a date with (Y/N) tonight. I’m still on the date, actually, and you’re on speaker,” he chuckles.
“Hi!” You shyly say.
You hear Alune sigh. “Hi, (Y/N)! I apologize. I didn’t mean to interrupt your date. I just have really exciting news for K’Sante and I wanted to tell him as soon as possible.”
“And you couldn’t leave a message??” K’Sante asks.
“And miss your live reaction to this? Or at least your audible reaction? Absolutely not! (Y/N), would you like to hear it too? It’s actually better that you’re with him so he has someone to celebrate with!”
You perk up and smile at K’Sante, relieved nothing is wrong and beyond curious what the news is. “Sure!! I won’t tell anyone either so don’t worry about that.”
K’Sante drums his fingers on the ground impatiently. “Alright Alune, spit it out. What am I celebrating?”
“K’Sante, they accepted your design for the up-and-coming designer show during Spring/Summer Fashion Week! And not only that, but they want YOU to walk in it! You get to model your own design!”
You gasp and squeeze his hand as she reveals the amazing news, your eyes locked on his expression. “K’Sante!!! Holy shit that’s amazing!! They’re so lucky to have you in their show!” As you talk, you can see just the biggest flurry of emotions playing over his features as he’s stunned silent, his eyes locked on yours.
You laugh softly, “Alune, I think you might have broken him. He’s just staring at me.” You smile widely back at him and go to hug him.
As you get closer, it’s like he’s finally back in his own body, and his expression lands on pure joy as he leans over and cups your cheeks, kissing you deeply for a moment before pulling you into a tight hug and starting to laugh happily.
And your brain is now short circuiting in the best way possible because omg YES FINALLY. And as you pull back from the hug, you gently brush your lips over his and whisper happily, “Congratulations, K’Sante. You deserve this.”
“I know you mean the Fashion Week stuff, but can that sentiment also apply to your kisses? Because I’ll be honest that was pretty great too,” he says as he quickly hangs up on Alune.
You just laugh and nod before kissing him again as your answer.
While I don’t think Sett would kiss super early on in a relationship, I also don’t think he’d take the longest either. Like maybe a few dates in? Whenever he feels things starting to really get serious with you. And this would be after some earlier physical things like hand holding or kisses on the cheek, etc, and he’s letting you dictate the pace of anything physical. (Once again repeat after me: “Ma didn’t raise a jackass.”)
But anyway, as you’ve gotten to know Sett better, he’s shown you different facets of himself. Like for example, you know he’s fit as fuck (I mean you see the evidence right in front of you lmao) but one of the things you might not have known initially is that he is an excellent boxer. (A/N: We know this because base lore and the MV and shit but think from the perspective of a new partner.)
And while he doesn’t fight other people super often anymore due to his profession, he occasionally accepts a challenge from someone. (Much to Alune’s chagrin. Makeup can only hide so many injuries.)
So let’s say Sett accepts a challenge and he invites you to watch the fight with the rest of Heartsteel. (He absolutely wants to show off for you.)
And at his invitation, you go and visit him in his locker room before the fight, just to show him you made it ok and to wish him luck. “Not that I think you’ll need it, Sett. You’ll kick his ass, I’m sure.”
That makes him laugh and banishes away any lingering doubts/nervousness in his mind. “Well of course I’ll kick his ass. He’s fighting “The Boss” after all. There’s a reason I have that nickname. Besides, you’re here. Like I told you, you’re my good luck charm. With you cheering me on he doesn’t stand a chance.”
As Sett is talking you see his eyes flash briefly down to your lips a couple times. But he doesn’t say anything further. So you take the initiative. It’s not like you don’t want to kiss him. You absolutely do.
“Hey Sett?” you ask, feeling bold. “Would you…like a kiss for good luck? You know…so I can make sure my good luck charm potential is fully maximized?”
And you can tell by his smile and happy eyes that yes. Yes he would like a kiss for good luck actually. (Though his eager nodding definitely gives it away the most 😂.) So you give him one. And it’s sweet and happy and leaves both of you smiling and giggling/chuckling a bit once you pull away.
Oh Sett’s opponent doesn’t stand a fucking chance now. (Not that he did before but still.)
I definitely see Yone as one of, if not the most reserved member of Heartsteel (it's a race between him and Aphelios), so it’d take the longest to get to the point of a first kiss with him.
Not that he doesn’t want to kiss you earlier on. He absolutely does. But the very last thing he wants to do is to come on too strong or go too fast and scare you away. He really really likes you, after all.
A lot of what goes into Yone’s decision of finally going for it has to do with your body language. He’s looking for a sign that clearly says “ok yes, this person likes me back, I’m not crazy.”
As for the first kiss itself, it happens after a couple months with him, when he’s driving you home.
You can tell Yone wants to take that step and kiss you. You’ve noticed his gaze occasionally linger on your lips when he’s talking with you. Or the slight swallow he does whenever you bite your bottom lip while thinking. (Not to mention the slight twinge of pink that goes to his cheeks. Only you can get that reaction out of him.)
And suddenly you realize, he hasn’t kissed you yet not because he doesn’t want to, but because he’s such a damn gentleman and doesn’t want to come on too strong and make you uncomfortable. He wants a sign that you’re ok with him kissing you.
So once he parks the car in front of your building, you lean over, lace your fingers with his, and gently kiss his cheek, letting your lips linger for just a moment longer than what might be considered purely friendly/platonic. Then you whisper in his ear, loathe to break the comforting silence in his car, “You’re not as subtle as you think, Yone. I know you want to kiss me. I also want to kiss you so-”
You don’t even get to finish your thought before Yone’s hands are cupping your jaw and he’s leaned across the center console, kissing you breathless. And my god is it lovely. Sweet but still filled with a surprising amount of passion for a man who presents such a stoic facade to the world. You can’t help but grin like a happy fool once he gently pulls away.
He chuckles at your reaction, but internally his heart is racing. Kissing you was even better than he thought it would be (and his expectations were high).
He clears his throat and looks away shyly for a second as he regains his composure. “Forgive me for interrupting you…but would it be alright if I did that again in the future?”
His question makes you laugh and you lean back over to him and peck his lips. “Yone, you are more than welcome to do that anytime you’d like…you’ll hear no complaints from me.”
Thanks for reading! I absolutely loved getting this request and I hope I did it justice, anon! Got to play into some fun ideas here. 💙
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darkvioletwonderland · 1 year ago
Hi! I had this thought in mind for a long time but I never ask for headcanons before. So please be patient with me! Its my first time asking for this things and Im not sure if I know all the rules for asking for hc 🥲
I was wondering if you could write Heartsteel Kayn hc (or Aphelios or Yone. Or maybe the three of them hehe) making love for the first time with female reader. I always had this feeling that behind that rockstar badass attitude, Kayn can be the softest and cutest person ever, a side that only one person can see.
I hope you like this idea! And sorry for my bad english! Its not my first language. And sorry for writing so much! Thank you for your time ❤️
-> Hey! Thank you for your submission! No worries at all ffksfkf english is not my first language either. I love the concept! Hope I can do it justice for you! <3
𝙃𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎𝙏𝙀𝙀𝙇 Headcanons - First Time ♥️ Mildly NSFW, suggestive language
-> 𝙁𝙚𝙢!𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙆𝙖𝙮𝙣/𝘼𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙨/𝙔𝙤𝙣𝙚
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Kayn is a wild card no one could seemingly tame, a fact everyone knew by default. It's wasn't a surprise to anyone who met the walking menace. But behind closed doors, it was a completely different sight to behold.
Behind his confident and smug grin, laid a slightly nervous and observant man. As the two of you got down into doing it for the first time, Kayn wouldn't stop just looking at you. Even with his face just bursting from how much he was blushing.
With rough hands, he explored your body. Familiarising himself with your breasts and the shape of your hips. Always keeping an eye on what got you to make beautiful noises and what not. Teasing your chest most of all while his fingers roamed down bellow.
He'd kiss your lips and bite your neck to muffle his own noises of pleasure. You couldn't escape getting bitten by him. Though, you did had some advantage on your side. A dog collar around his neck and the leash in your hand to keep him in check. Surprising even yourself with how much Kayn needed to be yanked back. And how much you liked having control on such a smug man.
After the fact during after care, he offers to massage you. Brushing your hair gently and hugging you tightly from behind. Fuck you were perfect, just truly perfect. Laying another blanket of kisses on the nape of your neck. His affection after doing it for the first time becomes ten fold. As well as the amount of bites. He absolutely seeing marks on your body and knowing he was the culprit.
Aphelios is a rather calm soul, letting his music be the thing that fills the silence. Enjoying his bit of time pulling pranks on his closest friends. Surprisingly though, behind the curtain lied a rather playful soul.
Doing it for the first time, he was hesistant with touching. Even waiting for verbal approval, wanting to know you wanted this as much as he did.
His actions spoke better than any words could, taking the time to truly know your body like he depended on it. Praising your features with his hands and with kisses, delicate intimate touches that would just sent delighttful shivers down your spine.
It was a rather hot sight to see him so invested in between your breasts, fondling them and seeing his mouth kiss them gently.
After doing the deed, he cuddles with you. His aftercare is pampering you with affection and love. Using a finger to draw hearts along your bare skin. Kissing you softly and lightly whispering how much he loves you.
Yone is a professional in his field within the music industry, having plenty of experience to back up his skill. Which is why it's no surprise that he's quite knowledgeable when it comes to bed activities.
His professionalism takes a step back and let's a more romantic side of him show when it's both your first time doing the dirty. Staying quite respectful of you and letting you familiarize yourself with him before touching you. Guiding your hand, showing you it's okay and to not be afraid to enjoy this.
When it's his turn, he know exactly where to touch. Absolutely worshipping your body like the temple it is. Taking his time with pleasuring you more than himself. Specially down below in between your legs.
His almost perfect look gets ruined, but you do see a more untamed version of him. One with loose long hair, towering over you while he pants over you. Looking at you and only you, like you're the only star in the night sky.
At the end during after care, he completely takes care of you. Pampering you with kisses and whispers of sweet nothings in your ear. Holding you close and promising to never let go.
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I know it's not perfect and I definitely lacked on the whole female reader aspect, but hopefully next time I can do better! If you've read this far, thank you! <3
Check out my pinned for my Headcanon rules
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ioniansunsets · 1 year ago
🍒 For Spirit Blossom Phel? (Ngl I would love to req something spirit blossom related to you in the future, I think it'll really fit your writing style cause you always make everything sound so elegant and pretty)
"🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?"
When Spirit Blossom Aphelios, the Kanmei of Night, has a crush on you, anyone else who sees him by your side can tell that the night loves you. I feel like it would be obvious in the way the sky changes when he sees you. The subtle ways the clouds clear up just enough for the moonlight to illuminate your face. How a shooting star goes by if your hand accidentally brushes against his. How the stars twinkle so much brighter whenever you speak to him. It is in the way the night never leaves you too cold, how the stars always guide you home and how the ending night as the sun rises always seems to linger a little longer in your peripherals, almost clinging onto you, not wanting to wait a whole day to be by your side again.
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incorrect-targon-quotes · 4 months ago
Diana: If Leona backs off now, she's gonna get hurt...
Aphelios: Skill issue?
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amidoodles · 1 year ago
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a lil smooch
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scarlet-moonlight · 1 year ago
Soulmate/Reincarnation au where the Runeterra version of whatever Heartsteel member was their past life and they loved you there. Unfortunately in that universe it felt like you were constantly in danger. They were trying to protect you but it never felt like it was enough. Maybe it ended up in a tragic/doomed romance? Maybe not, thats up to you but it was never a peaceful one, thats for sure, they wished they could have anything other than the war filled life they were given.
Now cut to the modern, Heartsteel/music au. They keep on running into you and you keep running into them. You both feel like you’ve seen their face before (Outside of a social media post or TV screen) but you can’t figure out why or how. And then you’re finally able to talk to them and it all feels so familiar. They’re finally reunited with the person they felt like they’ve been searching for, and this time they dont have to worry about anything hurting you
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primrosechronicles · 1 year ago
"So.. how'd you two meet?"
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Heartsteel!K'sante x reader
Summary: Your boyfriend K’sante, was a part of the boy band Heartsteel, the boy band that took over the internet in a matter of hours and had stolen the hearts of many girls and boys around the world. Both of you are currently in a devoted and affectionate relationship, and like in any relationship, he expressed a desire for you to meet his friends! More specifically, the other members of Heartsteel.
Warning/s: nothing much, just some drinking.
Word count: 888 (woah angel number)
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You and K’sante walk into the place where you all decided to meet at, a nice bar down the street from their studio. In the lively and joyful bar, vibrant multicolored lights swirled and danced across the dimly lit room, casting playful patterns on the walls. The air was filled with the infectious melodies of a live band, their music resonating through the venue, prompting patrons to tap their feet and sway to the rhythm.
Laughter and animated conversations echoed throughout the bar as friends clinked glasses filled with various colorful cocktails and frothy pints of beer. The bartender expertly mixed drinks, occasionally performing dazzling flair moves to the cheers and applause of the crowd.
People of all ages and backgrounds filled the space, sharing stories and forming connections as they celebrated life's moments, both big and small. The overall atmosphere exuded an irresistible sense of camaraderie, making the bar a place where happiness and merriment were in abundance.
The guy who looked like he had a severe case of pink eye, waved his arms and yelled to get K’sante’s attention “Yo meathead! Over here!” Your boyfriend chuckled in response and held your hand to lead you to where you would meet your new friends.
K’sante, visibly proud and enthusiastic, took the initiative to introduce you to the members of the band, who were seated around a long, well-worn wooden table.
Their expressions bathed in the warm, amber glow of the hanging light fixtures, reached out with welcoming gestures and exchanged friendly hellos with you. The close-knit bond among them was evident, and the lively atmosphere of the bar only heightened the feeling of togetherness.
After talking for what felt like hours, the guy who introduced himself as ‘Ezreal’ asked “how'd you two meet?”
You sighed dreamily as you recalled your first meeting with him.
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You were on a journey of self improvement, and honestly you were doing pretty good! Well… there was just one thing you couldn't get yourself to do… working out.. You weren't much of a physical person, you preferred to read fanfictions on the couch rather than the feeling of sweat sticking to your clothes. You kept telling yourself ’oh i'll go tomorrow!’ and then you never went. (Procrastination at its finest.)
Until a fateful day, you asked one of your more, physical oriented friends to accompany you to the gym.
In the bustling gym, the air was charged with energy and determination. Rows of cardio machines lined one side of the expansive, well-lit space, with people pounding away on treadmills and elliptical trainers, their faces glistening with sweat as they pushed their limits.
The weightlifting area was a symphony of clinking metal, grunts, and focused concentration. Athletes of all levels hoisted heavy barbells, their muscles straining under the effort, while others fine-tuned their form with dumbbells and resistance machines. Mirrors on the walls reflected the dedication etched on their faces as they sought to sculpt their bodies.
In one corner, an enthusiastic group engaged in a high-intensity fitness class, following the trainer's lead with precision. The beat of heart-pounding music filled the room as participants jumped, squatted, and lunged in unison.
Around the gym, trainers offered guidance and motivation to their clients, providing support and advice. Water bottles, towels, and gym bags were scattered throughout, a testament to the hard work and commitment of those striving for better health and fitness.
The atmosphere was one of resilience and determination, where individuals of all backgrounds came together with a shared goal: to push their physical boundaries and pursue a healthier, stronger version of themselves, you wanted to be like that too! And if you wanted to be like that, then you must put in the work!
You pulled up your workout routine, and it said that you had to do ‘pull ups’ whatever that meant.. After googling how to do it you reached up and.. Wait.. YOU CANT EVEN REACH THE BAR!
You jumped, your hands trying to clutch onto the pull up bar, but then.. You felt a tap on your shoulder.
You turn around and you are met with the most glorious sight. A very handsome, dark-skinned sweaty, beefy man, He exudes confidence and a friendly demeanor.
With a charming smile, he offers his assistance, understanding your hesitation. He places his strong hand on your back, providing support as he guides you toward the pull-up bars. His touch is reassuring, and you can feel the warmth of his encouragement.
With a nod and a few words of encouragement, he helps you grab onto the bar, ensuring your grip is secure. As you begin your pull-ups, his presence and assistance give you the extra boost of confidence you need to tackle the exercise. You can't help but appreciate the combination of his physical strength and the kind support he's offered, making your workout a more enjoyable and motivating experience.
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“In short… he was basically my motivation to go to the gym 3 days a week..” You said smiling.
“I’m flattered my love!” K’sante’s boisterous laugh had infected the others.
As the evening unfolded, everyone shared stories and laughter, marking the beginning of a new connection between K’sante's two worlds: his beloved band and his partner, you. It was a heartwarming moment, where music, friendship, and love converged in the heart of the bar.
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popawritter12 · 2 years ago
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"More than 100"
Yandere!Aphelios headcanons
❣First impression
Somehow, his sister is the one who tells him about you. Because if it doesn't have to be a very specific situation for you to get so much attention.
For this you must take the first step. Talk to him? Yeah, doing favors or just be good friends? Yes, or even flirt? Yes, Yes, Yes. Even if you are just looking for a friendship with him, this can evolve. Just like the butterfly effect.
❣Start of "Yanderism"
He begins to see that he enjoys being with you more than with other people; Slowly it is he who begins to look for you, to want to spend time with you, and he tends to defend you in case of a dangerous situation. It can be confused with a normal crush.
❣First murder?
His first murder is going to be with a Solari, it is unlikely that he will kill any Lunari for obvious reasons, but even when the Solari in question turns out to be your best friend, dad or even dare I say romantic partner, sooner or later they are going to appear murdered, and he will probably play dumb.
❣Relationship or kidnapping
I see a sentimental relationship more likely than kidnapping. And just like with Akshan, only if it's a very constant danger or a near death situation does he resort to confinement.
He is much calmer than other Yanderes, and I mean that he lets you have friends (the only exception being the Solari), see your family, etc. In fact, I dare say that everyone would support your relationship with someone like him.
❣Marriage and family
As I always emphasize, marriage can exist in different parts of Runeterra, or even not, but each one is different in its own way. But we can say that after a year or a handful of months, Aphelios decides to ask you to marry him. In terms of family, we can say that yours supports him to infinity (with the exception that they are against the war that exists between the Lunari and the Solari), and all you need is for his sister to like him.
↘In case it is possible, children?
At most 1, or 2 in a very specific case. However, I think it would be like in the long run, like after 6 or 8 years of relationship.
❣Bad ending
Through several fights, and conflicts, he realizes that he can't let you go; Your existence is vital for him to stay sane, so in some way or another, you are going to stay with him; It doesn't matter if he has to kidnap you, manipulate you, or until you realize how he really is. You can't leave, never, ever, there's no way you can leave him.
-Extra things:
-His love language for him can be quality time together, although sometimes he can leave his comfort zone and be affectionate with physical contact.
-He can become less "annoying" if you show him affection like a normal couple, but if you deny him, he will slowly become more unhealthy with his relationship, and it will be a process that you will rarely see.
-He likes to sleep next to you, even if he just lays on your shoulder or vice versa.
-He is quite interested in what you like, and he is willing to learn things you like just for the fun of it.
-You two cook together, and if you are also a beginner, they both learn by trial and error.
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littlefroginthegarden · 1 year ago
Sold to Heartsteel 5/24
look at part 1 for tags (also you should obv start there with reading)
now this is starting to go somewhere! im having so much fun writing the boys! :)
Part 5
It doesn’t take me long to unpack as I only have my most important things with me. After putting my clothes in one of the drawers, I set my laptop and graphic tablet down on the couch table and put my makeup in the bathroom. With more than half an hour left, I decide to change since I’m still in my school outfit. I put on some black skinny jeans, an oversized band shirt (not Heartsteel, that would be cringe), black with blue accents and a thin choker. I’m a little bit hyped to finally use the huge mirror in the bathroom to do my makeup. With practiced motions I do quick smokey eyes with a gradient from turquoise to black (you might have picked up on a pattern by now). When I’m just about to finish the second one, I hear a soft knocking from the door.
“Give me a few seconds, I’ll be right there!” I yell and the knocking stops. I quickly finish the second eye and lean back for a second to assess my work. It looks pretty good so I turn around and quickly open the door. Aphelios is waiting in front of it, leaning against the wall. He looks at me with a smile and then turns, leading me to the stairs. I follow him nervously, suddenly realizing what is going to happen.
We descend into the entrance hall from earlier and from there through one of the mysterious doors. As soon as he opens the door, I can hear voices, laughing and chatting with each other. I can’t see who they belong to yet but I know who we’re supposed to meet and my heart sinks. The room is L-shaped and seems to be a living room. There are posters on the walls, many warm lights, some plants and when we round the corner, I can see an absolutely massive couch. With the rest of Heartsteel lounging on it. It takes everything to keep myself from squealing and I try to hide a bit behind Aphelios who snaps his fingers to get attention.
Everyone turns around and looks at us. Aphelios signs something to the boys and they grin at me, seemingly excited to meet me.
“Hwei! Nice to meet you, dude!” Sett yells, giving me a little wave with his massive hand. I’m still just nervously smiling, not sure what to even say.
“Hey, you can come over, there’s more space on the couch, sit with us!” K’Sante says, giving me a fatherly smile. I slowly move towards them, Aphelios following me.
K’Sante laughs and pushes Kayn to the side, who gives him a “fuck you!” but is grinning the whole time. I sit down between them, making myself as small as possible, worried about making someone uncomfortable by being too close or something. I look around and see Sett pulling Aphelios towards him by his hand, sitting him on his lap and holding him tight. Aphelios slightly blushes when he sees me watching so I look away. In between me and them there’s Kayn, who sits there sunken deep into the couch, his body tilted towards me, arm casually draped over the couch’s backrest, looking at me with no attempt at hiding his curiosity. I quickly turn my head before going completely insane. I mean I just met all of my idols. And they’re all staring at me. K’Sante next to me is just sitting there relaxed, looking into the round, clearly trying not to make me as nervous. 
I nearly jump when someone taps my shoulder and my head spins around to look at the boy around my age who sits on the backrest. He has similar hair as me, just a bit brighter. He gives me a big grin and says “Nice hair!”
“thank you” I quietly stammer, unable to look him in the eyes.
“Aww you’re so shy, it’s cute!” he laughs and my face is probably beet-red by now.
“Stop bullying him, Ez.” Yone hasn’t said anything until now but I’m so glad he’s pulling everyone’s attention onto himself. Not that I minded Ezreal's teasing, it’s just all very overwhelming right now.
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space-blue · 1 year ago
twick o tweat!
Aphelios is paying the price of going out in fashionably skimpy clothes mid-winter (there was an important launch party for the band and a delicious new crop top that shows off his midriff could not be resisted). He came down with a cold, and his already weak voice is now completely gone.
Sett turned out to be an overly protective boyfriend, and Aphelios is getting tired of being tucked in bed and kissed on the forehead, given hot toddies and treated like he might break.
He's fine now, even if his voice won't show up to work. He's more than fine actually: he's got needs. A week in bed treated like an invalid has left him pent up and frustrated. If only he could make Sett see that he's fine. That his throat isn't some flower petal...
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milksuu · 1 year ago
❝ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ❞ ─── ☾⏺☽
pairing: yandere!aphelios x solari!priestess!reader (LoL)
warning: non/con, fem!reader, possessive/obsessive behavior, mentions of blood/violence, religious/fanatical behavior, unhealthy coping mechanisms, minor drug use, implied kidnapping, implied forced relationship, semi-public sex, unbalanced power dynamic, runeterra au
notes: sorry besties, he's a 10 but he's bat shit insane. (so an 11) also any mention of 'her' is the moon goddess, not alune. (we're leaving that sweet summer child out of this.) and for those who aren't aware, phel can speak when not under the influence of noctum, but unable to communicate with alune, which is uh...great in this case. (also not me wanting to write a second part like how why help?)
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You never thought you’d stare into the pale visage of the Lunari man the village whispered about.
The one with a vacant face but deadly occupation. Your naïve belief in your own safe keeping was nothing more than an illusion. The sun always faded below the misted cliffs, only for the moon to take its place above the mountain’s highest peak. An endless cycle of hierarchical dominance that rinsed itself in blood and repeated in constant turmoil. Tonight would be no different.
“Don’t come any closer.”
A failed attempt to embolden your voice beyond a meek plea. You stiffened at the thunderous closing of the temple door. A clambering echo vibrated through the marble floor and pillars, past the rows of worship, up to where you stood at the crest of the ceremonial altar. The remaining resonance rattled and sang up your spine, shaking the candle light pinched between your fingertips. 
The figure sauntered forward, stepping into the drapes of moonshine filtering from the glass atrium above. Before you stood a deadly beauty; a handsome face rapt with enticing secrets. With a painted crescent that mocked your own solar marking of gold. His lips were a perfect horizontal line, and it was difficult to imagine the ability they possessed beyond lethal silence. His hallowed expression screamed danger—but there was no running away—not when the black abyss of his eyes invited you to stay.
 Not as a guest, but as his permanent resident.
“I’m warning you. Take one more step, and I’ll scream. The guards will come and they won’t hesitate to kill you—”
Your voice went taut inside your throat. Your breath sewn shut against your lungs. The weapon he carried listless at his side drenched itself in various hues of red. Fresh enough to steam in wisps around the sharpest point of the blade.
He stalked forward. The clack of his predetermined steps quickening the pace of your heart. When he stood at arms length, you felt the coldest touch of night. The veins layered beneath your skin pounded, flooding every inch of you with mortal dread. It was sickening to think the flush of your flesh would only make the spill of it all the better. The ‘Weapon of The Faithful’—titled by his own blasphemous people—spoke true. His name…you wished you could cleanse it from existence.
“Aphelios.” You damned the name like a plague upon all of Mount Targon. “Murderer. Blight. Heretic!” 
You jabbed and swung your candlelight in a pitiful attempt to create distance. His free hand quipped against it, sending it clambering to the ground, banishing the flame to the surrounding night. Creating a hazier veil of darkness where there was only one true light—his moon.
Out of sheer disdain, you attempted to slap his face in recoil. His unarmed hand caught you by the wrist, remaining still as you struggled to free yourself from his trained grasp. With force, he pried your hand open, palm exposed. He brought the skin of it to his stiff lips. Unmoving, he lingered there. His lashes fluttered closed; taking a moment of peace, a moment of prayer. 
A moment for sanctum. 
His eyes then winged opened, boring into you, through you. Body, bone and soul. And all you could do was tremble within them. Sinking without escape into those black depths of…nothing. 
In one swift motion, he brought the blade upwards, slicing through the thin linen of your garments. In a precise vertical line, your gown split into two equal halves. The insignificant barrier between you and him slipped to the ground, splaying like rags at your feet. Your head pounded for you to scream, but your own voice felt lost to you. Knowing it was all meaningless. 
No one would hear you. 
No one would save you.
Weakened by the surmounting despair of it all, if he hadn’t already had a hold on you, your legs would have given to the earth.
“No—“ you choked out, eyes brimming with tears. It must’ve looked pathetic; the way you placed your only free arm across your exposed breasts. As if any decorum of modesty would spare you. “Please—just kill me. Do nothing else but that. I beg of you.”
Your final sob for mercy reached ears that may as well have been carved of stone. He stalked closer, forcing your lower back to meet the mantled altar behind you. He’d sheathed his weapon, and took both of your hands within one tight grasp, in case you had half a mind to oppose him. You dipped your chin, heaving through a prayer with mournful hics and sniffled utterances. His advancing weight forced your trembling legs to part, and slotting himself between, created a space where your faith could never exist. 
You didn’t want to look at him, or rather, you couldn’t. Tears scorched your vision and seared down the round of your cheeks. You flinched when he took your chin, raising your blurry gaze to meet his. In those darkest of pools, something gave. An insignificant speck of light gleaming into a faint existence. His lips moved, but there was no sound. Instead, you traced the words from the bow of his mouth.
‘Forgive me.’
Your heart clenched. Diluted blood spiked with fear drowned your consciousness. It left no room for thoughts to linger; whether or not you imagined even an ounce of sympathy reflected in those sedated eyes. Whether or not you imagined he said anything at all. 
The entire world scattered away when he brought your face closer, and kissed away the tears staining the corners of your eyes. You fought to pull away, but he held firm, both your chin and hands locked in the cage of his fingers. From your cheeks, he skimmed his ghostly lips to your mouth. He muffled your protestive moans by filling up your mouth with all of his tongue. 
He gave you the salt taste of your own tears. That, and the taste of something else. A saccharine flavor with notes of floral and bitter earth. 
A reaction flourished; a slight tingle of your lips at first. It made his tongue feel hotter against yours, as parts of your upper mouth went numb. A stream of lukewarm paralysis seeped past your soft palate, filling every nook and cranny of your mindscape. Yet, the secondary symptoms didn’t stop there. An opposite wave traversed down your throat to your stomach, spilling fire throughout every layer of nerves. You clenched your lashes tight, shuddering a gasp into his open mouth.
When the pain settled into a dull simmer, you wondered briefly, had he felt it too? Had he consumed such a substance by choice? If that was a taste, what pain did he endure if he drank it like an offering of wine?
You didn’t want to imagine the terrible effects it might’ve had on his person. Not if it gave you even a single drop of sympathy. It was revolting enough his saliva was poisoning your pure sense of self. The fog of it sullying your inhibitions, stripping away your layers of moral preservation. To the absolute vitriolic parts of yourself, it made you consider…
What would it be like to be touched?
It was too sick and cruel of a thing to do to you. Since birth, you’d devoted your body and soul to your divine Goddess; The Golden Sister. You wanted to be disgusted by allowing the gift of yourself to become tainted by some awful man. No—he was worse than that. Or any word you could craft and cut the corners of your mouth with. He was, by biblical history, a Lunari man born from the cataclysmic eclipse of two moons. A day that marked the day of reckoning of the Solari faith and your people.
Your clouded senses and busied mouth made you unaware that his hand left your face to trail the mounds and curves of your body. A light touch drifting to your inner thighs. You jolted when a finger graced the sensitive hood of your exposed clit. Your thighs squirmed at his side as you attempted to jerk your knees. It did nothing and stirred nothing from him. Except bolster his conviction, tempting a finger lower, teasing your folds already glistening.
Although light-headed, you ripped your mouth away and nipped at his lip. It sprang forth droplets of blood, enough to taste his iron on your tongue. A trivial satisfaction. 
“May you burn at dawn,” you condemned and spat at his lips.
Unflinching, he withdrew his hand and brushed over the blood mark you left. Sweeping it across his bottom lip, along with your saliva, he rolled the consistency between his fingers in private contemplation. Before he looked you dead in the eyes and stuck his fingers inside his mouth. Sucking and licking till his fingers dripped. Watching sent a lightning strike coiling down your spine.
He loomed his weight forward until your back met the altar mantle. With your palms pinned above your head, and legs coaxed wider. His coated hand repositioned down to your entrance, and you writhed with any strength your body could lend. His hold wrapped around your wrists squeezed, gentle in its reprimand. He leaned down to brush his face at the side of your cheek.
“Please…for your own sake.” 
Your eyes widened at his frayed whispers stringing together. Breathing life into what seemed like an empty shell of a person. The frigid space between his mouth and your ear kindling with the slightest bit of warmth. It was what you feared the most. Forced to accept he was every bit human, with a horrid courtesy to use polite words and a pleasant, sickening tone. More insult to your injury. You wished he hadn’t spoken at all. Letting you believe in your mind that he was more aberration or phantom. Or anything else that carried not a single hint of a beating heart.
“I don’t want to hurt you…not anyone, really.” Again, comforting yet noxious. And it made whatever was inside you throb so terribly. As if he could sense it, he reached for it. His salivated finger split through your folds, sliding into the heat of your cunt. It elicited a drawn out whimper as you felt the sensual brush of it against a bed of tingling nerves. Gradually revealing a hidden desire you hadn’t wanted to gratify him with.
“But you…and your people…need to accept what can’t be denied any longer.” He punctuated his words with each thrust of his finger as it curved into that crescent shape you despised so much. Yet, you couldn’t deny the way it made your most feminine parts unravel at the seams. ”No matter how high your sun rises, my heavenly moon will always eclipse it. And fill the sun with Her beauty for all to see.“
A hitched whine fluttered past your lips as he easily slipped a second finger. While the heel of his palm pressed in circles, spreading your arousal and stimulating your plumping clit. Your cunt unashamedly sucked on his long fingers, encouraging him to mold and form you into what he needed you to be—a conduit for the undying affections of his faith.
“You might not see it, but the divine path has been shown to me. The one that’s led me to you. You can feel it at least, can’t you?” He flexed his digits and plunged a third finger. Deeper than the last, fuller than before. Your hips rolled forward on their own accord, craving every bit of attention from his touch.
With deliverance, you answered the question with a wail and arch of your back. Your whole body washed its nerves in a blinding heat. His fingers curled and flexed at your hungry walls clenching around him. It pushed a gush of sticky fluid from your twitching hole into his circling palm. Coming down from the spasms, you sobbed at the humiliating response of your body. 
“So you do feel it.” There was a hidden sentiment of relief in his otherwise placid delivery. As if he’d purged the last blot of doubt that restrained him. You swallowed a mouthful of whines as his probing fingers continued undulating inside you. “Your body…it’s begging to devour me in all its warmth. And mine, yearning to take all your bright stars and bathe you by moon glow alone. Wanting us—and only us—to become one.” 
Without warning, he emptied you of his fingers, a filthy squelch following with it. You sucked in a gasp at the crippling cold he left you with. But he wouldn’t abandon you for long. Shifting in the dark haze above you, he unsheathed his length from his garments and pressed himself against your sopping cunt. He dragged his fullness against your swollen and slicked folds. He wasn’t even inside you, yet you felt an agonizing cramp fisting in your stomach. 
“By Her orders, by Her design…” he spoke through tight whispers, strained by his own anticipation. Pressing his full weight down, he hovered mere inches above you, panting bouts of aroused breaths against your lips. “Let us Converge.”
You squirmed and bucked underneath him. “Nn…not with you…anyone but—!”
You broke off into a high-pitched cry as he stretched you open, filling you up till he bottomed out, and pressed up to the hilt of his hips. He silenced both of your newly coupled hymns with his mouth, and each lap of his tongue matched the tempo of his generous thrusts. The sharp, intrusive pinch died as quickly as it came—the insignificant remnants of toxin dulling bits and pieces of certain pain receptive nerves. A gift, perhaps, in this instance. He had also prepped you well enough to accept all of his adoration, as intended. Another gift, as someone of his ‘giving’ nature may phrase it.
Pulling away slowly, the tip of his head rubbed graciously against every ridge of your swelling walls, before languidly pushing back, going past where you seemed to end. Beyond your farthest points you hadn’t thought existed. Pressing and rubbing all your soft spots and cervix with careful deliberation.
Then again, and again, and again.
“Can you feel it…my devotion…” he groaned into your open-mouthed kisses, continuing to work himself inside you. You weren’t even sure if he was speaking to you, or through you to his false Goddess. 
His free hand found the round flesh of your breast, rolling your budded nipple delicately between the pad of his thumb and index. The other hand, squeezing at your captured wrists, but never tight enough to bruise. He had you lulling in a spellbinding rhythm underneath him, your hands fastened above your head, and hair spilling over the opposite side of the altar. When his mouth left your full lips, he possessed the nape of your neck, sucking the delicate skin above your life line. Your mewls, laced with the chasteless sounds of his base squelching at your entrance, leapt your pulse to an unreturnable pace.
“So warm,” he moaned low, staving off a growing need to revel in his own whines of ecstasy. “This pure sunlight of yours…I’m blessed to be the one who takes it. And you should be too. What an honor it is to be of service to my moon.”
You wanted to hate everything about it. The way he kissed you, the way he moved inside you—but you couldn’t. Every stiff and engorged part of him pressed almost lovingly against your most vulnerable parts; but that wasn’t the proper word for it. His affectionate caresses were zealous in origin. Not even for you. And boderlined a hedonistic doctrine you couldn’t describe. It would’ve been better if he were a man of barbaric qualities; rough and brutal. Not purposeful and diligent and—dared you admit it—tender. If he were the former, then your disgust could be justified, and your body would refuse him in its own rightful way. But it defied you, the lecherous thing. Insisting you melted beneath him and reduce to nothing but a drenched mess. Completely at the mercy of this Lunari man’s act of worship.
“Are you finally realizing it now? How generous my Goddess is compared to yours.” He abandoned the curve of your throat. Within the flush of his face, his eyes were suppled in absolute vindication at your shameless image. “How willing you are to accept me—to accept Her.”   
“N-No…I’m…not…I won’t,” you pried your tongue for words.
He drawled out a quivering whine from your mouth. His body picking up to an impassioned pace, rutting into your sweltering heat. Tethering on his own abandoned pleasure. Your legs pushed themselves wider, opening yourself up more for him, drawing him deeper to pound against the tender knot growing in your belly. 
Choked moans tightened in his throat. Your radiance gripped him with conviction, burning him so divinely from tip to base. Dragging him closer to your complete consummation. His fingers caught the contour of your face, tilting your head back. Your already swimming eyes rolled to follow, and watered at the sight of your Solari Goddess. Carved out from the temple wall, her sacred marbled gaze met your disgraceful expressions. 
“That’s…hn…alright. You can lie to me. I’ll—we’ll always forgive you. But can you say the same for your deity? As she watches her little sunlight being pleasured by the moon’s devoted weapon. I—ha…doubt it very much.” An airy laugh cut through his thick moans intertwined with yours. He continued, inhaling and exhaling his words, raspy and down right broken. “It’s—almost our time…as reverence…your insides…with all of my…”
You couldn’t refuse the vile implication of his words. Not when his thickened, throbbing cock lapped achingly against your muddled core. Your blood boiled, draining out from your collapsing bodily veins to well up inside your stomach. Applying a pressure that made you want to burst into unmendable fractals of yourself. And you did—that tight knot broke in an instant, dilating your insides in a blaze of heat. Flooding you so wholly, you almost forgot to breathe through your delirious sobs of release. 
When the smooth ridges of your walls clamped down, you heard it first as a moan of afflicted surrender on his part. Then, the cock buried inside you pulsed. A stream of white-hot fluid poured into you, shooting well past your cervix, bathing your womb with his warmth. But he didn’t stop there, continuing to indulge. He pumped and pushed the concoction of unified fluids till it poured past his base, and dripped in milky heaps from your hole. His pelvic and abdominal muscles shuddered as his hips rolled slowly but needingly, nursing himself through his over-stimulating climax.
From your tearful, half-lidded gaze, you witnessed a wet glisten in his own eyes. Whether induced by overwhelming pleasure or pained remorse, you would never know. You didn’t want to know.
It didn't matter.
They evaporated the moment he blinked again.
When the heaves and pants subsided, only the echoes of your whimpers remained. Unfastening his grasp from your wrists, his icy hands cupped your sulking face, idly running his thumbs across your soaked cheeks.
“I understand your pain. Believe me, I do. But no amount of tears will keep the celestial cycle from shifting in the moon’s favor. Like any phase, there will be a moment when you won’t hate me as you do now. You might even come to...love me.”
The way he paused made it seem he had no sense for the word. Or what the difference was between what was love and obsession. The look he possessed didn’t instill solace, either; his eyes mere slits of black against his porcelain face. Promising the moment you dared turn away from him, the back of your neck would bleed.
”I swear to you. From this night on, you’ll burn brightest by my reflection. And only my reflection. So long as there's breath and blood in this body, I’ll protect your sunlight from ever fading in the hands of anyone less deserving than mine. By cosmic fate, you’re my entire purpose, my entire existence...” he bent and kissed the solar marking painted on your forehead. “My orbit.” 
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writerblue275 · 1 year ago
Heartsteel with an insecure plus-size partner (18+)
Inspiration: This is extremely self-indulgent, but I haven’t been feeling great about myself lately and I need a little reminder that I am, in fact, a sexy and beautiful bad bitch. Anyone else who needs a reminder, this one is for you too. We’re beautiful no matter what.
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanons
Category: Like 98% Fluff with some implied smut/suggestiveness so (18+ ONLY. Minors DNI)
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader
TW: Swearing. Suggestive stuff. Self-thought body negativity at points and brief mentions of disordered eating behaviors.
Context: In this instance, reader feels bad about themselves for being curvy and this is how the boys would respond. Just remember, we’re all beautiful. Let’s take care of ourselves like the boys would want us to.
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All of them:
If someone specific made you feel bad about yourself?
Like they said something rude or nasty to you?
They better count their fucking days.
None of these men will stand for someone making their partner feel bad about themselves.
They’d make sure there was a RECKONING.
*Approving nod* Go get ‘em, boys.
If you do decide to lose weight at some point, they’re making sure it’s for the right reasons (ex: quality of life health adjustment and not just because you want to be skinnier to look more attractive.) and they’re also making sure you’re doing it the right way. The safe way. Because damnit they love you and always want you to be happy and safe.
As long as it’s for the right reasons and you’re doing it safely, they’ll be your biggest supporters. Like the biggest hype men. As well as the best comfort if things are a bit rough. They’ve got your back.
Said it before and will say it again: “The quiet ones are always the most perceptive.”
He absolutely notices when you frown at yourself a little in the mirror, when you take a bit longer to find something to wear, when you murmur something self deprecating about your appearance, or when you intentionally skip a meal (his absolute least favorite).
He knows when you don’t feel good about yourself and it makes him sad because he always sees you as beautiful and attractive.
And it’s hard on him because he really can’t be super vocal about how he sees you, at least in public because people are loud.
But when you two are cuddling or just having quiet time by yourselves when you’re getting ready together, and you can hear him when he does talk, then in those times when you feel bad about yourself, he’s just the sweetest bean omg.
Whispering/murmuring the sweetest and loveliest things to you about how amazing you look.
Like he’d really compliment you to high heaven. Especially if there’s an area that you’re super self conscious about. Ex: “I love those shorts on you, cutie. They show off your amazing legs.”
As for the meals, he’s gently making sure you’re eating. He wants you happy and sated.
I’ve said before that he’s the master of sexting and I fully believe he’d send you texts (both spicy and not) randomly, just letting you know how attractive he thinks you are and that you’re on his mind.
When he does send spicy texts complimenting his favorite parts of you? I hope you’re not around anyone because you will be turning bright red. This quiet moon man is shockingly explicit.
Do I think he’s as perceptive as Phel or some of the others? Maybe not, but I do believe Ez would notice if you’re quieter/down as well as notice your upset glances in the mirror.
It is fucking inconceivable to him when you tell him you don’t find yourself attractive at times.
Like WHAT??? How can that be??? You’re literally perfection to him. And he has excellent taste so…
Compliments compliments COMPLIMENTS. Holy shit he’d shower you with so many lovely compliments anytime you don’t feel good about yourself.
We also know even Heartsteel Ez is a huge history nerd (fuck YEAH I have a history minor so I love this).
When you tell him you don’t feel beautiful, he’d go through so many different civilizations of history and talk about how you fit their ideal standards of beauty. And so to him, you’re always timelessly attractive.
Would pull up artwork (for example, Titian’s “Venus of Urbino”) and texts to make his point. (This is so hot lmao. I blame being an honors kid and going to grad school. We stan an academic king omfg. I feel like he secretly has a masters degree [hehe welcome to the club, Ez].)
And while I primarily think his affection would be shown through compliments (I just see him as so chatty) I definitely think he’d also use at least some touch to make his point.
Like he’d rest his head on your thighs or tummy because you’re just perfect to cuddle with after a long day. Or he’d let his hands, eyes, lips linger on his favorite parts of you (your thighs, your tummy, your ass/hips) just to make his point clear: while you may not love these parts of you all the time, he ABSOLUTELY does.
Very similar to Ez where he just cannot wrap his mind around the fact that you don’t see yourself as incredible and sexy at all times like he sees you. And when you tell him a lot of your insecurity stems from being plus-size, that befuddles him even more.
Member #1 of the “That just means more for me to love, baby” club.
When he hears you say these things about yourself, he almost takes it as a little bit of a challenge for himself to better show you that you are in fact, sexy and attractive as FUCK. And it’s a challenge he fully plans on succeeding at.
One of the ones I can picture using primarily physical touch in order to emphasize how sexy he sees you.
I’ve said it before but I fully believe physical touch is one of his love languages (at LEAST giving if not both giving and receiving.)
If you’re talking poorly about yourself, he will kiss you to make you shush. And it’s not a simple peck either. No no no. It’s a full “make-you-breathless” kiss.
And once he’s finally stunned you silent and turned your cheeks pink, he will lean over and murmur why he loves every single part of you that you were talking bad about.
And it’s not just PG reasons either. He’s getting DETAILED. I’ve said before he’s the dirty talk king. He’ll say things like how he loves your hips because they’re just perfect for him to grab onto when he’s fu- (I need to stop before I go off the rails lmao).
And believe me, he’s more than happy to show you what he means. Will gladly drag you home or to somewhere private.
He’d really keep an eye out for when you’re feeling down about yourself and he’d work to shut it down immediately. You’re perfect to him and he will let you KNOW.
K’Sante would be fucking ELITE for this omg.
One of the hardest parts about having a plus-size body is dressing it in a way that is stylish and still unique.
Goodness fucking knows so many plus-sized clothes have no semblance of shape to them whatsoever. Very potato sack.
But you’re with the main fashion icon himself. You have yourself a killer personal stylist (with amazing kisses and lovins to go along with it).
He’s never going to let you look bad. No matter the vibe, no matter the occasion, he’s gonna help you pull an A+ fit together.
And he’s going to explain why each piece works well for your body, so when you go shopping by yourself, you know what to look for.
Always throwing out compliments about how you make an outfit look so good (very intentionally worded this way and not the other way around).
He wants you to understand it’s the person who makes the clothes, not the clothes that make the person. You’re the reason that outfit looks absolutely stunning.
If you ever did want to start working out, I think K’Sante would be an excellent guide. Gyms are fucking intimidating, and I think he realizes that. So he’d give you the full walkthrough and help you figure out what to do on machines and stuff so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.
And even though we know Sett is the best cook, I’m still convinced K’Sante is also a great cook so he’d make you the best meals omg. Well balanced, delicious as fuck, and filled with a whole lot of love.
I think it genuinely would make him sad when he realizes your insecurities. Even if you don’t tell him outright, I think he’s very observant and is another member who would see the small things you do that indicate your insecurities with your body.
Member #2 of the “that just means more for me to love” club.
Never too heavy for him so don’t even ask. You’ve seen this man’s muscles. To him, you’re always as light as a feather.
And his compliments? Shit he’d have some of the SWEETEST compliments. And when he sees you feeling down, he wouldn’t skimp on them. He doesn’t skimp on them normally, but now he’s even more complimentary and flirty with you. Like lowkey you have a blush 24/7.
Ok, so I’ve previously ranked Sett as one of the most romantic members of Heartsteel. And I still hold firm that one of his love languages is acts of service (giving). Part of that is cooking. We know he’s the best cook of the group.
And similar to Kayn I also think he’d use physical touch (almost as an act of service) to show his partner he finds them beautiful/attractive/sexy.
That combo? Fuck that’s an elite combo right there. Everything he does, he does with the intent to make you feel loved, happy and as sexy, stunning, and perfect as he sees you.
Gently wandering hands while cuddling, hand on thigh while he drives, hand in the back pocket of your jeans when in line together, hugs from behind, whispered compliments, and neck kisses when you’re getting ready and dressed.
And of course there are the even more personal moments of physical affection. Like marking any area he senses you might be uncomfortable with or hears you talking bad about. We’re talking those parts LITTERED with hickeys here. Because damnit he loves your tummy and your thighs and marking them is his private way of letting you know that. And tbh it feels pretty nice…
An interesting little thing: I absolutely think Sett would encourage you to maybe step out of your comfort zone just a little bit and do something to help you see yourself as sexy. For example, I think he’d be happy to pay/provide what you need for a boudoir photo shoot with an amazing photographer who knows what they’re doing and rizzes you up. (Those seem so fun omg I lowkey want to do one so bad.) And if you gift him with a print of your favorite photo (or even better, a photo book with all your favorite photos) for like his birthday or something? A. He’s glad you see yourself as sexy just as he does. B. Enjoy not leaving bed for like the entire weekend. 😉
Again, Yone is a member that is just mind-bogglingly perceptive. Over the tiniest things. (The quiet ones y’all, for real.)
Another one who absolutely sees when you don’t look at yourself kindly in the mirror, when you touch your tummy or hips with a frown, when you try and suck in for photos, or when you’re letting yourself be hungry.
He fucking hates it because in his eyes, you’re the most attractive person there is. No one is more attractive than you are.
Murmurs to you the sweetest compliments in passing whenever he can. I believe this man’s experience with lyric writing makes him a god damn poet when it comes to getting his feelings across. It’s one of the reasons I ranked him the most romantic member.
If he notices you looking at yourself unkindly in the mirror, he will come over and wrap his arms around you from behind, smiling gently as he compliments you, especially complimenting the areas he noticed you looking negatively at. He won’t stop either until he feels you relax back against him and he sees a small smile at least.
We’ve previously discussed my belief that Yone is secretly a cuddle fiend. Like in public he is so stoic and serious (fair though, he’s dealing with his band mates **cough cough** Kayn and Ez **cough cough**).
But in private, he’s a damn koala. And he’ll always pull you onto his lap and let you know that you’re perfect to cuddle with, exactly how you are. Prepare to be trapped in some amazing cuddles for the next long while.
Honestly, yes all of the members would be scary if someone insulted your looks, but I think Yone would be the most terrifying to have to deal with. I would never want to be on his shit list.
Likes to eat with you whenever he can. A. You’re a lot calmer than his band mates like 95% of the time and this man needs some god damn peace. And B. It’s a way for both of you to take care of each other. You can make sure he eats (since god knows he spends hella hours in the studio and often forgets) and he can make sure you get some good food in you too. I bet he’d bring home stuff that Sett or K’Sante made, especially if he knows it’s one of your favorites. (He’d absolutely have them draw a fun little doodle on a note to make you smile.)
Just an angel of a partner who refuses to let you feel so dark about yourself when you make his world so bright.
Thank you for reading! I must say, this definitely made me feel better about myself by the end. I hope everyone remembers that you’re perfect the way you are!
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ioniansunsets · 1 year ago
Okay so... your Heartsteel Boys and Their Love wrecked me, esp Ez and Phel. Is it okay to make requests? Could you write a Heartsteel!Aphellios scenario with a smol male reader who works at the studio? Requited "unrequited" crush; he thinks it could never work cuz this man is a music icon and clearly with Sett lol Like Settphel is probably a thing in-universe gossiped about by fans (but doesn't actually exist). Oh wow, that was long 😅 But yeah! You can take it from that prompt! Your work is awesome.
✖ Heartsteel!Aphelios x Male!Reader Confession ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.5k
✖ Tags: Mutual Pining, Confession
✖ A/N: Just know I have been thinking about this since you sent it in, for weeks I've wanted to write this and I got really carried away so I hope you enjoy it! It made my heart race in anticipation and I was the one writing it LMAO
Unrelated lyric wise but this was what I was listening to while writing this oops I'm old but the acoustic vibes and unrequited love felt right.
It was hard. Watching him from a distance this way. Holding yourself back knowing you were not part of the band nor part of their inner circle and truly have no chance. And that is already ignoring the fact that you don't even get to work with Aphelios alone much, he doesn't sing and you worked on that side of things so the only times you really see him at the studio is when he is working on stuff with you or for a photoshoot like now.
Wincing, you watch Sett pick your crush up. Aphelios' arms flailing in annoyance, gently resting on the taller man's chest as he visually shows how he demands to be let down. The giggles and chuckles of other staff and band members just made your heart ache all the more. You scoff, turning to walk away to spare yourself anymore of their cute interactions. You know, just looking at this scene, exactly why everyone thinks they're a couple. How could they not. Even you couldn't deny how cute the interaction was, how you wish you were the one holding Phel close.
The excited comments of " How cute!" and " I ship Settphel so hard." from other people working in the studio just rubbed salt into your wounds. The only solace in that, was at the very least, maybe it meant Phel swung that way and you'd have a chance. But against Sett? What could you do, if his type was big buff men, you were out of luck yet again. You let out a dry laugh as you leave the studio to take a break, not noticing Aphelios' gaze tracking you as you hurry out.
Get some air, yeah, you'll be fine if you grab a snack and pretend you saw and heard nothing. You'll be fine, this was what it was like loving Aphelios. This was alright.
So here you are, moping about it, a drink in one hand and your face in the other. Sitting depressingly with your elbows on the table in an booth far off in the corner of the building's café. If anything, at least it wasn't lunch rush so you could take some time alone. The soft instrumentals of the café's ambient music was somehow making you feel worse.
Thoughts and frustrations were plaguing you so hard you don't hear someone else enter the café, you don't hear them walk over and then sit by you.
It was only until they leaned in close and shoved an open note app on their phone screen under your hands into your line of sight that you jumped, shocked by your personal space getting intruded upon.
[Saw you leave suddenly, are you ok?]
Ah fuck fuck fuck, you know that phone you know that hand.
Looking up to see those god forsaken beautiful ruby red eyes sparkling with concern. You wanted his attention and care but not like this, not when you looked so pitiful, not when you're trying to push down your overwhelming feelings for him.
Offering Aphelios a pained smile you wave away his concern. Silence between you two was thick. It only made your heart sting more. You came here to escape the obvious one sided pinning but with Aphelios here it just made it so much worse.
[It's not really nothing if you're crying...]
Oh were you crying, oh this sucks this sucks. A soft shaky laugh leaves you as you wipe away your tears. Doing your best you try to divert the conversation away from bringing up your feelings.
" Why are you here anyway, you're mid shoot Aphelios. We're not even that close."
You ask him, leaning back into the booth chair. Hands now clasped together, trying your best to hold yourself together.
[I took a break. Wanted to check on you when I saw you run out. You're still my friend you know?]
He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed in concern. How you wish you could reach up and lightly caress that little cut in his brow and tell him its alright, it was just your personal problems regarding him. But you hold yourself back. You bite your tongue, thinking what to say to make all of this better. Recognizing your hesitant attitude he quickly types something else before holding his phone up to you again.
[ You always look out for me when I'm alone and frustrated in the studio, let me do the same for you.]
You pause again, shocked he even remembers all you've done for him.
" I am in love with someone I can't have."
You blurt it out, your own hand rising to cover your mouth. Ah, there was no going back now, this conversation was happening, you did this to yourself.
You see Aphelios freeze up, a flash of heartbreak across his features before it quickly returns to his cool default expression. The click of his neatly trimmed and manicured painted nails against his phone screen was all the more deafening. You should have told the truth.
[ An idol?]
Were you imagining this or was his hand shaky as he held up the phone again.
" An idol...but I think he already has someone so-"
[ He?]
Those damned sparkling ruby eyes looking up at you in hope set your heart off yet again. Why the hell did he have to look at you like that.
" He.
Time froze as you whispered it out. The words leaving your mouth before your brain could catch up. The overwhelming feelings pushed you to admit it, to tell him after months of pinning. You were in love with him. You watched of course, the way shock crosses his features. Alright, you've done this before, the disgust would come next. You prepare yourself but it never happens. Instead he moves closer to you. What? He moved clos- You gulp hard, watching him.
Gently and so painfully slow, you watched his hand rise, slowly pulling down his mask. Ah, his lips, slightly pink, looking so soft, lip gloss still evident on the surface from the photoshoot earlier. The way it curls up gently into a smile as he leans in to you. He leans in to you?! He was barely hovering by your ear now. Your breath gets caught in your throat as Phel's soft breaths lightly ghost over your ears before, the softest, raspiest whispers grace your eardrums.
" I love you."
You froze. What else could you do. The shock gripping your heart, leaving you stunned for what felt like an eternity. It was only when Aphelios pulls away from you slowly. His damned, beautiful, ruby red eyes. They lock with yours. Eyebrows furrow just a smidge in concern, hoping he didn't overstep his boundaries, that your earlier comment allowed him the grace of talking directly into your ears. They had of course. You dreamt of this. His lips, once again, you watch, the way it slowly purses into a thin line, you should say something. Leaving him hanging in the same anxiety you have this way is horrible.
" I love you... Aphelios."
Ah it felt good. The way your chest now feels light. To say it out this way. To let your feelings finally escape into the world outside. To no longer stump it down in frustration. The trembling of your hands, the gasp and smile as Aphelios hears you speak.
And everything hits. All at once. Heart thrumming incessantly in your ears. The hustle and bustle of the world outside suddenly all too loud. The hand reaching up to hold your face and pull you close was all so fast. So fast. So soft. So gentle.
The way his eyes flutter close, the way his hands hold your face like you were something precious to him. The way his lips find yours. Just as soft and supple as you imagined all these weeks. His lips find yours. So gentle. So soft. So gentle. So soft. Your head spins as he kisses you. This was amazing, better than you could ever whip up in the private scenarios of your mind when you daydreamed about him from a distance. This was perfect. So perfect.
The two of you gasp as Aphelios pulls away. His lips slightly parted as he breathes slowly. The way it now shines a little from residual saliva from the kiss. Your heart races, you were so sure it has skipped more than a few beats. The whole scene burned into your memory for years to come.
He was oh so beautiful. Aphelios' face breaks into a warm smile. His eyes narrow from the grin, the pink tinge of a blush under his makeup, his hair falling softly around his cheeks. You can't help but smile too, all the endlessly frustrating one sided pinning that led to this was worth it. You sigh, content, pulling him into a hug. You don't hear it but feel the rise and fall of his chest as he laughs, hugging you back tightly as he leans his head on your shoulder. This was right. This was good. This was happiness. This was yours.
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