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rock-swag-tournament · 1 year ago
Rock Swag Tournament Round 1: Igneous Rocks Part 3
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Diorite and andesite aren't the same rock, but they do have the same composition!
Both diorite and andesite are intermediate in composition, meaning they contain some mafic and some felsic minerals. In fact, diorite and andesite are considered, compositionally, the middle ground between felsic rocks like granite (phaneritic) & rhyolite (aphanitic) and gabbro (phaneritic) and basalt (aphanitic).
In diorite, the white minerals you see are mostly plagioclase (specifically sodium-rich feldspar). The black minerals are mostly biotite and amphibole, with maybe some pyroxene. While you can't see the individual mineral grains in andesite, the overall composition is just about the same as diorite.
And of course, that means if the difference is not composition, it is texture! Although it would probably be more correct of me to say that the difference is in where these rocks formed.
Diorite is an intrusive, phaneritic rock. It formed slowly so you can see the mineral grains that grew over a long period of time.
Andesite is an extrusive rock, which generally means it is aphanitic (fine-grained). However, this particular sample is porphyritic in texture! The white minerals in this sample were crystallized before the andesitic magma that made this rock was erupted. If you zoom in, you might be able to see that the andesite groundmass (the rock that these white minerals are embedded in) is aphanitic.
And, in cases like this, when andesite is porphyritic (which is pretty often), you will often hear it called an "andesite porphyry."
I would also be remiss not to mention that I have often heard these rocks referred to as various popular cookies! Diorite is of course an oreo (some may consider plagiogranite the oreo rock, but I give diorite this distinction) and andesite porphyry is a chocolate chip cookie.
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sparksavor · 1 month ago
Does being a cannibal affect him in any way?
[ Physically? 100% yes. What his diet primarily should be is mineral-rich, energon-based compounds; mostly crystals and then some aphanitic rocks to aid with filtration and boost fuel purity. He's not actually a predator, but a geothermal grazer. By almost exclusively eating people, he's only consuming energon that has already been processed, and bodily metals that are latently conductive and slow fuel processing. He's also expending more energy in his hunts than he gains back, so he's extremely malnourished as a result. ]
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butchharrydalton · 1 year ago
I will now recite the rocks in alphabetical order:
nepheline syenite
oil shale
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mousefluff · 5 months ago
ace rights, adakite, adamellite, andesite, alkali feldpsar granite, anorthosite, anthracite, amphibolite, aphanite, aplite, appinite, argilite, arkose, banded iron formation, basalt, basaltic trachyandesite, basanite, benmoreite, blairmorite, blue granite, blueschist, boninite, borolanite, breccia, calcarenite, calcflinta, carbonatite, cataclasite, chalk, charnockite, chert, claystone, coal, comendite, conglomerate, coquina, corsite, dacite, diabase, diamictite, diatomite, diorite, dolostone, dunite, eclogite, enderbite, epidosite, essexite, evaporite, felsite, flint, foidolite, gabbro, ganister, geyserite, gneiss, gossan, granite, granodiorite, granophyre, granulite, greenschist, greywacke, gritstone, harzburgite, hawaiite, hornblendite, hornfels, hyaloclastite, icelandite, ignimbrite, ijolite, itacolumite, jadeite, jasperoid, jaspillite, kenyte, kimberlite, komatiite, lamproite, lamprophyre, lapis lazuli, larvikite, laterite, latite, lherzolite, lignite, limestone, litchfieldite, llanite, luxullianite, mangerite, marble, marl, metapelite, metapsammite, migmatite, minette, monzogranite, monzonite, mudstone, mugearite, mylonite, nepheline syenite, nephelinite, norite, novaculite, obsidian, oil shale, oolite, pantellerite, pegmatite, peridotite, phonolite, phonotephrite, phosphorite, phyllite, picrite, pietersite, porphyry, pseudotachylite, pumice, pyrolite, pyroxenite, quartz diorite, quartz monzonite, quartzite, quartzolite, rapakivi granite, rhomb porphyry, rhyodacite, rhyolite, rodingite, sandstone, schist, scoria, serpentinite, shale, shonkinite, shoshonite, siltstone, skarn, slate, soapstone, sovite, suevite, syenite, sylvinite, tachylite, taconite, talc carbonate, tectonite, tephriphonolite, tephrite, teschenite, theralite, tillite, tonalite, trachyandesite, tracybasalt, travertine, trachyte, troctolite, trondhjemite, tufa, tuff, turbidite, unakite, variolite, vogesite, wackestone, wad, websterite, wehrlite, whiteschist
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ameliawotson · 1 year ago
Wholesale Mushroom Rhyolite Jewelry - A Treasure Trove of Exquisite Jewelry
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An igneous rock known as rhyolite also goes by the name Rainforest Jasper. The surface of the stone is a deep, reddish grey. The earth stone mushroom known as rainforest jasper has a high silica concentration. When polished, the enticing diamond seems even more charming. Jasper from the jungle is polished using a method similar to that used for diamonds. In addition to brown, mushroom rhyolite is also found in various hues of red, orange, green, and gray. Its surface consistency can range from glass to aphanitic to porphyritic depending on the size of the crystals. This stone has been used as jewelry and used for ornamentation.
Visit us : Wholesale Mushroom Rhyolite Jewelry - A Treasure Trove of Exquisite Jewelry
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jesmineeva · 1 year ago
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Wholesale Mushroom Rhyolite Jewelry - A Treasure Trove of Exquisite Jewelry
An igneous rock known as Wholesale Mushroom Rhyolite Jewelry also goes by the name Rainforest Jasper. The surface of the stone is a deep, reddish grey. The earth stone mushroom known as rainforest jasper has a high silica concentration. When polished, the enticing diamond seems even more charming. Jasper from the jungle is polished using a method similar to that used for diamonds. In addition to brown, mushroom rhyolite is also found in various hues of red, orange, green, and gray. Its surface consistency can range from glass to aphanitic to porphyritic depending on the size of the crystals. This stone has been used as jewelry and used for ornamentation.
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wild-west-wind · 4 years ago
☕️ about cool rock facts! (Dealers choice)
Okay, so most folks know that obsidian is volcanic glass (and for anyone who may not, surprise! It’s cool right!?), but it is, by many definitions, NOT A ROCK!
At the end of the day a rock is by definition a naturally formed aggregate or mass of crystalline, or fossil material, or bits of other rocks (lithics). The different textures you see in igneous rocks all come about due to the size and deformation of the various crystals within them.
The rock forming from lava flows in Hawaii (Basalt) has the correct molecules in its fluid state to make some feldspars, pyroxenes, and olivine, all relatively low silica minerals. It cools rapidly at the surface, creating very, very tiny crystals (so small you can’t see them with the naked eye, called aphanitic).
Meanwhile a rock like Granite is made of potassium feldspars, and quartz (etc), and because it cools very slowly, it has time to organize itself into larger crystals (a phaneritic texture).
These very different textures can come from compositionally similar melts. The big difference is time and viscosity. With time molecules can travel through a melt or crystalline slush to organize into larger grains (there’s a bunch of thermodynamic stuff going on here too, but to say it briefly there are bonds that are easier to make in certain concentrations of certain atoms/ions, and that also effects what minerals are forming, and how they form). Viscosity meanwhile prevents molecules from easily traveling through the melt. A more viscous fluid will be more likely to have smaller minerals forming from it.
So, Obsidian.
If rocks that cool faster, or come from more viscous melts have smaller minerals, what happens if you cool a rock instantly, or have a melt so viscous that molecules can barely travel through it (or a combination of both)?
You get glass! It’s an amorphous wad of atoms, organized, but not into any crystalline form. Atoms have bonds, but they’re big complicated messes that don’t have regular or repeating structures.
And ultimately, because obsidian isn’t a naturally formed lump of minerals, fossils, or lithic fragments, it is, by most definitions, not a rock!
(I’m couching this in ‘by many definitions’ because some folks will include mineraloid substances in definitions of a rock, but to me that feels too broad, and includes a lot of non-rock things, like water, that can be included in a rock, can be formed by geologic processes, but aren’t really rocks in any way that matters, that’s my opinion, I’ve got a BS though so I sure people with higher level degrees can get angry about this over beers.)
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it  
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tricktack · 1 year ago
"identify this rock" that right there is my bestest friend diorite. what do you mean is it phaneritic or aphanitic. what do you mean is it felsic or mafic. is my appreciation and enthusiasm for her not enough for you
knowing all the rocks in geology so far is embarrassing because how am i supposed to admit that the reason i know those funky guys is because i've played so much minecraft that i would recognize those pixels anywhere
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canyyon · 3 years ago
since you said rocks are hella cool what kind of rock or well gemstone do you think the hermits would be?
I'm doing Boatem because there's a lot of hermits I don't watch
Mumbo: Obsidian igneous rock occurring as a natural glass formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava from volcanoes. Obsidian is extremely rich in silica (about 65 to 80 percent), is low in water, and has a chemical composition similar to rhyolite. Obsidian has a glassy lustre and is slightly harder than window glass. -britannica.com
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Scar: Chert Chert is a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of quartz (SiO2) that is microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz. It is usually organic rock but also occur inorganically as a chemical precipitate or a diagenetic replacement. It occurs as nodules, concretionary masses, and as layered deposits. - geologyscience.com
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Impulse: Basalt
Basalt is an aphanitic extrusive igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of low-viscosity lava rich in magnesium and iron exposed at or very near the surface of a rocky planet or moon. More than 90% of all volcanic rock on Earth is basalt. -Wikipedia
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Grian: Slate
Slate is a fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous metamorphic rock derived from an original shale-type sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash through low-grade regional metamorphism. It is the finest grained foliated metamorphic rock. ... The foliation in slate is called "slaty cleavage". -Wikipedia
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Pearl: Pumice
Pumice is a fine-grained volcanic rock. It is very light grey to medium grey in colour. It contains a lot of empty gas bubbles, so it is very light and looks rather like a sponge. Sometimes pumice is so light that it will float on water.
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These are all purely based on my vibes and associated knowledge/ connections I've made
You're welcome to disagree with me and share your opinions on which rocks the hermits would be
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borealopelta · 3 years ago
Please tell me about your favourite dinosaur and/or rock!
HIII okay so. My favourite dinosaur is Carnotaurus sastrei, who has been vilified to hell and back in Dino Media for being a carnivore i guess?? they're so cute they have little horns and the weakest most pathetic arms in existence. i'm also incredibly fond of Mochlodon vörösi, which is a Rhabdodontid dinosaur from Hungary and i actually know the guy it was named after which is pretty dope.
My favourite rock is, to be Super basic about it, basalt. It's pretty, it's simple, it's everywhere and it has thee dopest aphanitic texture (they actually thought it was a mineral for a bit back in the day! before they started using microscopes in petrology which helped them figure out the mineral composition) AND if i also picked a favourite sedimentary rock it would be the Leitha Limestone Formation which is a Central European (Pannonian Sea area) formation from the Badenian (Miocene). It's a shallow sea environment with TONS of fossils in there, like, an insane amount of molluscs, echinoderms, lophophorates, algae, sharks etc it's like an amateur collector's heaven in there you can find So Much Stuff
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rock-swag-tournament · 1 year ago
Rock Swag Tournament Round 1: Igneous Rocks Part 2
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Well, these rocks certainly look like "just some rock" when you compare them to something like granite, but they still have a lot going on!
Both basalt and rhyolite are aphanitic and extrusive rocks, meaning they are fine-grained and formed at earth's surface. You cannot see the individual minerals that make up these rocks without a microscope!
The difference in these rocks is in their composition: basalt is a mafic rock (made of dark colored minerals), while rhyolite is a felsic rock (made of light colored minerals).
Confused about these words? Check out this primer on igneous rocks! I made it myself.
Basalt is the rock that makes up much of the island of Hawai'i. Basalt also forms in places like the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where the North American tectonic plate is moving away from the Eurasian and African plates. Basaltic lava is relatively viscous (it flows quickly) but you could still very easily outrun (or even outwalk) it!
Rhyolite is more commonly found on continents and is associated with much more explosive volcanic eruptions than basalt. Felsic magmas are much more viscous (i.e. thick) and they usually have more volatiles (water, gasses, etc), so they will build up pressure before explosively erupting. These eruptions are, of course, accompanied by a variety of other rocks which will fight to the death in this tournament.
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slatycleavage · 4 years ago
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Andesite is and igneous rock. It’s also an extrusive volcanic rock meaning it is rock formed as lava rather than magma as it extrudes onto the surface.
It is usually aphanitic as it is a fine grained rock but also is porphyritic as it may contain phenocrysts of plagioclases that were formed before the magma was brought to the surface. Andesite is usually a light to dark grey color from its pyroxene and hornblende.
Andesite is most present in subduction zones and makes up a large portion of many island arc systems. Can also be found in abundance in both Earth’s continental crust as well as the Martian crust.
Andesite gets their name from the Andes Mountains, where it can be found in high abundance.
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my-name-is-dahlia · 4 years ago
Vocabulary (pt.dccclxxviii)
Words related to igneous rocks taken from Children’s Encyclopedia of Rocks and Fossils (2019) by Claudia Martin:
dunite (n.) a green to brownish coarse-grained igneous rock consisting largely of olivine.
tuff (n.) rock formed by the consolidation of volcanic ash.
andesite (n.) a fine-grained brown or greyish intermediate volcanic rock.
aphanitic (adj.) of or relating to an igneous rock in which the crystals are so fine that individual minerals cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. [x]
larvikite (n.) an alkali-syenite rock composed chiefly of cryptoperthite or anorthoclase in rhombic crystals and widely used as an ornamental building stone. [x]
pyroclastic (adj.) of or formed from fragments of rock from a volcanic eruption.
porphyritic (adj.) geology. relating to or denoting a rock texture, typically found in volcanic rocks, containing distinct crystals or crystalline particles embedded in a fine-grained groundmass.
phaneritic (adj.) of or relating to an igneous rock in which the crystals are so coarse that individual minerals can be distinguished with the naked eye. Phaneritic rocks are intrusive rocks that cooled slowly enough to allow significant crystal growth.
pegmatitic (adj.) of a texture in which the mineral grains are exceptionally large. The largest ones are, by convention, more than about 3 cm long. This texture is found in intrusive rocks. [x]
glassy (adj.) of a vitreous texture that occurs during some volcanic eruptions when the lava is quenched so rapidly that crystallization cannot occur. The result is a natural amorphous glass with few or no crystals. [x]
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qsnki · 6 years ago
Send 🌟 to force my muse to compliment yours !
@spiriitgun / accepting ❣
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❛❛ They must’ve made you with aphanitic rock , ‘cause you are SO fine ( grained ) . ❜
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kamikaze apex legends cheat
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devacrystals · 2 years ago
How was the crystal formed?
It is a very popular gem in the crystal jewelry market. It is crystal clear, colorful, and at the same time has a very beautiful meaning, which can meet the needs of most people. Of course, it also makes people wonder how such a beautiful crystal is formed, and why it has so many colors. Don't worry, let's go to the following article to see how the crystal is formed!
How was the crystal formed? The crystal was formed at a distance of 3,900 meters in the earth's surface, and it took thousands of years for the crystal to be formed. During these thousands of years, tiny mineral grains gradually gathered into clusters. With the random geological process, some formation rules appeared. One silicon atom was connected with four oxygen atoms. This process did not happen, and it went round and round, so a complex hexagonal prism frame was gradually formed, and this hexagonal prism frame is now known as Quartz.
Quartz is one of the richest minerals in the earth. After thousands of years of wind and rain and plate tectonic movement, Quartz has been brought to the ground, which also gives us a chance to see this beautiful mineral gem. There are many kinds of crystal forms in Quartz, such as crystalline and aphanitic, among which single crystal Quartz is collectively called crystal in jewelry industry. Now we know how crystals are formed. Let's take a look at why crystals have so many different colors!
The chemical composition of crystal is silica (SiO2), which forms colorless and transparent crystal when it is pure. However, if other trace elements are added in the process of crystal formation, the crystal will show different colors. For example, amethyst forms the purple color we see after a certain amount of iron is added and irradiated, and topaz forms yellow color because its composition contains a small amount of Fe and structural water H2O.
Smoke is because the composition contains a trace amount of Al, which forms gray after being irradiated. Ok, that's the answer to the question about how crystals are formed.
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