#aph for the love of peace
soupandflowers · 3 months
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CHINAS IN CHAPTER 525.... THERE IS A TOTAL OF 35 DIFFERENT CHINAS IN THIS CHAPTER!!!! i think i just experienced the most ethereal feeling ever in my entire life
couldn't fit all the chinas because of tumblr's limit... so here is the other post with the last 5.. thank u to ramen on discord pointing out a china i have missed
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renonv · 11 months
Whose blood do I need to spill to get more of this new cardverse AU
NO ONES I’m on da roll rn and plagued with ideas brrrrr here’s a doodle to quench your blood thirst lol
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pvffinsdaisies · 7 months
I love ScotNor bc I feel like Scotland would just always try constantly to make Norway laugh and smile, it’s like a little challenge with himself, and everytime Nor is with Scot, he has to fight to hold back the biggest grin bc he’s so charming
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eeryuck · 2 years
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itstokkii · 6 months
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now that im back here's a little something for the kind definitely grown up adult souls who bullied me off for a week <3
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
turgre for the ask game? i know your thoughts but i want to hear more >:)
:) *vibrates*
Send me a ship and I'll grade it
A+: OTP. I love it, no notes, they're the only ship tag I have favourited on Ao3. Read fanfic that reduced me to literal tears and heaving. They're not perfect for basic vanilla domestic stuff, but anything even a little spicier goes. I have written drabbles, fanfics, essays about these motherfuckers, trying to summarize my feelings is impossible. I love it when two people are so obsessed with each other it is literally to the detriment of everyone around them and ESPECIALLY their own.
Also, just, Herakles as the always out of reach object of desire and Sadık as a man who wants to own the world is such a good combination. No one will ever love Herakles as madly as Sadık does and Hera KNOWS, and no one's love will ever be as precious to Sadık as Hera's and HE KNOWS, too.
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starhvney · 1 month
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𝐂𝐖: none, really? 
𝐀/𝐍: another very short and sweet chapter :) enjoy these peaceful snippets of life before it’s destroyed!
𝐖𝐂: 4,700 +
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the next morning you’re woken up covered by limbs and two different blankets haphazardly thrown over you. lucinda’s arm was lazily thrown around your waist while nana had her head on your shoulder, and somehow teony’s legs managed to find their way on top of yours. you were pretty comfy in your spot so you couldn’t complain, but when you feel a buzz from right under your back you realize the limb trap you're in was a bit inconvenient.
slowly you bend your arm around, shimmying your hand down to awkwardly pull your phone from its confines and squinting at the screen as another message lights it up.
garroth added you, laurance, katelyn, and aphmau to the conversation.
garroth: good morning guys
garroth: i know this is super last minute planning but would you all be down to go to that fall carnival festival thing going on this afternoon?
laurance: oh yeah cadenza mentioned it the other day
laurance: i was actually thinking about going so i’m down
you: oooh that sounds fun!
you: i’ll have to see what the plans are for today, cause we’re still at aph’s house
there’s a sigh and some shuffling on the blankets over where the other girls were sleeping. 
garroth: whoever else is there can come too! i just made this group chat cause i wasn’t sure who all to ask 
kate: ugh you guys woke me up
laurance: ;D good morning to you too
kate: :I
kate: i think it’s just us two awake, we’ll ask everyone when they get up
garroth: ok cool
garroth: just lmk
you: we will!
laurance: yeah don’t leave me alone with him pls
garroth: bruh
the blue haired girl quietly giggles in the quiet room, and you hear her shuffle before you see her stand up.
kate: reading garroth say bruh is so funny
you: lmao now laurance…
laurance: hahahaha just jokes just jokes
you: i’ll be sure to be super convincing, i really do wanna go
kate: yeah same
garroth: yeah laurance my true friends here 
laurance: oh whatever you know you still love me schnookims
you: what!!
katelyn has shuffled over to you, standing by your feet and quietly snickering while you try to contain your own giggles from rocking the girls next to you.
kate: gross
garroth: :(
laurance: hahahaha
“need to be pulled outta there?” katelyn offers with an amused look on her face, leaning over while holding out her hands.
you glance to either side of you before nodding, reaching up to your freedom while gently shimmying out of everyone’s hold on you. she latches onto your wrists pretty easily, and pulls you up into a standing position without much effort.
the room was still pretty dim, the morning sun filtered by aphmau’s blinds and setting a purple hue through her sheer curtains. no wonder she’s been super late to walk with you some mornings. if your room was a pretty purple every morning you’d have trouble getting up, too.
“thanks.” you whisper, and katelyn gives a thumbs up in return.
“i think aphmau’s awake.” she murmurs. the two of you glance over to the girl in question, who was rubbing her eyes with one hand while flopping her hand around to grab her phone with the other. 
it takes her a few seconds to realize you were both watching her, and after making a small noise of surprise she gets up herself, guiding you both downstairs with her to the kitchen while she catches up on the group chat.
she completely pauses in the middle of the room, making a small “ooh!” sound while typing away on her phone.
aph: i’m super down for that!! there’s nothing else planned for today so we for sure can come!!!
garroth: oh nice!
garroth: does meeting there at two sound good?
kate: that’s perfect
laurance: yep!
you: yay! see y’all later!
laurance: y’all
garroth: y’all
kate: y’all
you: …
katelyn snorts at the unintimidating glare you send her way, and when aphmau snorts and another buzz comes from your phone you already know what it’s going to say. 
aph: y’all :3
you: man.
despite inviting everyone, they unfortunately all were busy with other plans for the day, leaving you, katelyn, and aphmau as the only ones left to go. nana was probably the most upset by this, thanking you a hundred times for including her with promises of more sweets for you all in the future.
“what? you’re ditching us for your boyfriend?” aphmau pouts, and you send a similar look over to the taller girl to double on the guilt.
“i can’t hang out with him often outside of school cause of my dad, and he’s here today!” katelyn defends with her arms crossed. “i was just hanging out with you guys yesterday and today.”
“just say you don’t love us.” you wrinkle your face in a fake act of crying.
“oh brother.” she rolls her eyes.
“hey, ladies!” a familiar friendly voice calls, and a polite pat on your shoulder follows as the katelyn-snatcher himself walks past you.
you want to send a teasing comment his way, but truly can’t bring yourself to do it to the senior’s kind face as he wraps an arm around katelyn’s shoulder.
“hey, jeffory.” is what leaves your lips instead, the other sarcastic quips you had cooked up in your head fizzling out.
he gives you a cheerful grin, before looking down to the freshman next to you. “ah, sorry. i’ve seen you around, but i don’t think we’ve met…?”
“i’m aphmau!”
you feel proud of the lack of shakiness in her voice and the sure little smile she gives. she’s already gained some confidence, despite everything.
“oh, that’s right! kate’s talked about you a lot. it’s nice to meet you.”
“you too!”
soon enough katelyn is wishing you two adieu while dragging her sweet boy away, leaving just you and aphmau to wander further into the park.
you added aph, garroth, and laurance to the conversation.
guys, me and aph have been abandoned :,( :you
garroth: haha what?
kate ditched us for her man :you
laurance: boooo thumbs down tomato tomato
aph: that’s what i’m saying
garroth: ahh i see
garroth: well i was running a little late but i’m pulling up
aph: okay sounds good!
laurance: i see you two
aph: o.o
he’s a creep :you
he’s a weirdo :you
“are you really making a radiohead reference in the group chat right now?” laurance snorts from in front of you.
aphmau looks up from her phone. “…what the hell are you doing here?”
you and laurance stare over at the girl, before glancing back at each other and breaking out in amused snickers. laurance then raises his brows, head whipping back to the shorter girl.
“aph, did you just cuss?”
you gasp, placing a hand over your mouth and the other one on his shoulder. “baby’s first curse word!”
aphmau’s face reddens as she begins to stutter. “i was continuing the joke! also what?”
“with this again!” laurance groans into his hands, a few giggles leaking through his act.
“with what?!” she pouts in annoyance. 
you and laurance glance at each other from the corner of your eyes, before giggling again.
“hey guys.” garroth’s deep voice interrupts you before you can begin to explain the inside joke, completely steering aphmau’s attention away.
“oh, garroth! hi!”
the tall blonde smiles warmly at the three of you, giving side hugs in greeting and looking around. “you guys have anything you want to do first?”
“oh, before we do anything, i want you two to meet someone.” laurance suddenly says, walking backward further into the park and beckoning for you all to follow.
after exchanging confused looks the three of you walk after the brunette, soon finding yourselves in a cute small apple orchard entrance. he walks forward, confidently talking to a group of older teen girls.
a wooden sign nearby read “pick your own apples, get them candied at the booth!” with an employee standing by, handing out baskets and taking tickets.
“this is… so… cute!” aphmau fawns, looking around with stars in her eyes and her hands on her cheeks. “i was already excited about this place since i’ve never been to a festival before, but this really tops it off!”
“wait really? you’ve never been to one before?” garroth looks over surprised.
“i mean,” she shrugs with a giggle. “not one that i remember.”
you look up at garroth. “does this festival come around often?”
he nods enthusiastically. “yeah! they collaborate with the farmers here and open for every new season and holiday time, it’s pretty cool.” he glances around. “everyone in the neighborhoods nearby and at school comes here. i’m surprised you two haven’t heard of it yet.”
“well excuse us, we just recently moved back and i was homeschooled! remember?” aphmau teases him, and he sheepishly scratches the nape of his neck.
“oh, right! my bad.”
“here, these are them.” laurance’s voice returns, and a tall beautiful girl is beside him when you look up.
long waist-length ginger hair, a round face, and facial features that made her look like she was straight out of a renaissance painting. she looked super stylish, too, with the earth-toned dress she paired with tall leather boots and eccentric gold jewelry.
“well, don’t be rude and actually introduce me to them, silly.” she teases, placing her hands over her hips as she glances over at the boy next to you. “oh, hey garroth.”
“hi.” he waved back.
laurance announces yours and aphmau’s names accordingly, before gesturing to the girl next to him. “and this is my sister, cadenza. she’s a senior.”
oh, this is his sister. he’d mentioned her a few times to you, so it was nice to put a face to the name. though, it wasn’t the face you were expecting… a completely different skin tone from laurance’s, light blue eyes, and a total difference in facial features. what did their parents look like?
“oh, really? you two don’t look that much alike, i wouldn’t have guessed!” aphmau chirps in, voicing your inner monologue.
cadenza hums, glancing over to laurance. “oh, have you not told them?”
laurance sheepishly looks off in thought, blowing away the bangs from his face—the caramel strands started to grow out recently.
“oh. no, i haven’t. i guess it hasn’t come up…” he glances back at the two of you. “we don’t look alike because cadenza and i aren’t actually blood-related. we’re adopted.”
“oh!” aphmau says, blinking a bit in shock at the news.
“well, that explains it.” you laugh, a bit surprised yourself, but brush it off as you smile at the older girl. “it’s nice to meet you! laurance has mentioned you a lot.”
cadenza awes, leaning over to squish her little brother’s cheek between her manicured fingers. “so you really do care about me!”
laurance huffs, pulling her hand away. “duh. and stop trying to make me look less cool in front of my friends. not cool.”
“oh come on, you’re a dork and i’m sure they know it. right, garroth?” she looks at the blonde, who snickers and nods his head in agreement. “no need to get shy in front of cute girls.”
“i’m not—”
“besides, nothing uncool about having an amazing sister.” she flips her hair, before looking back as someone from her group calls her over. “one sec!”
she turns to smile warmly at the two of you. “it was so nice to meet the both of you! we’ll have to actually talk sometime soon. maybe at lunch.”
“oh, it was nice to meet you too!” aphmau pipes up.
“yeah, we’ll see you around!”
cadenza points at laurance, narrowing her eyes. “love you, dork. remember we leave in two hours.”
“yeah, uh huh. love you too.” he deadpans, wiggling his fingers bye as he starts to walk back towards the main area of the festival.
“she’s so cool.” you murmur, glancing back as cadenza makes her way back over to her friends.
“yeah yeah, if you become friends with her you can’t leave me in the dust, okay?” laurance scoffs, spinning around on his heels and walking backward. 
“and her style…” aphmau adds on in admiration, completely ignoring laurance’s words.
“…no wonder you dress well.”
“hey, i—thank you? but i know how to dress.” he defends, seeming confused about whether he should feel complimented or not.
“thanks to cadenza’s advice?” garroth shoots back teasingly.
he opens his mouth to argue, before sighing and pursing his lips with a short nod. “yeah, okay. fine.”
“you’re still super cool to me, don’t worry.” you reassure with a double thumbs up.
he tsks with a sassy roll of his eyes, rocking his head side to side as he shrugs. “wasn’t even worried, i know i’m the coolest.”
“yeah, okay bud.” garroth sarcastically deadpans, making laurance straighten his back and narrow his eyes as he stops in place.
you and aphmau step aside, while the boys rush each other, attempting to put the other in a headlock.
“take it back!”
“nuh uh—“
“guys, we are literally in public right now.” you sigh.
“yeah, people are staring.” aphmau squeakily adds, stepping closer to you as nearby people watch in amusement.
the two straighten up, staring at each other before nodding and hugging. not a word is exchanged as they pat each other on the back, before pulling away and looking around like nothing happened.
“what just…” aphmau mutters in confusion, looking mildly concerned at the display in front of her, glancing up at you and back to them. “…happened?”
“hell if i know. i was just reminded that they’re very much teenage boys, though.” you whisper back.
“hey! look over there!” garroth points very suddenly towards a few activities.
aphmau gasps excitedly as she focuses on something. “face painting!”
he pauses. “uh, yes there’s that… but i was talking about the caricatures.”
aphmau stiffens, a nervous giggle leaving her lips as she follows along towards the line. “oh, yeah. face painting is for kids anyways…”
laurance hums, glancing at her embarrassed expression and stepping forward while looking at the people ahead. “man, this line is kinda long, isn’t it?”
and that it is, the line stretched about ten people long. for a long process like caricature drawings…you’d imagine you’d have to stand here for a while.
“maybe we should come back later?”
garroth shrugs. “yeah, i just thought it would be funny. we don’t have to.”
aphmau looks around before pointing off. “uh, well while you guys figure it out, i’m gonna run to the restroom.”
she walks off, and you tap your fingers together as you think of what to do. the line has just moved up a group, and even you turn your head the delicious smell of sweet and salty carnival foods hot your nose. 
“well, why don’t we grab a snack while we wait and figure out what to do next?” you suggest, staring off at the food booths further down the path.
“that sounds good to me. i’ll hold our place in line.” garroth says, pulling his phone from his pocket and leaning on the railing.
you nod, and when you walk off, laurance follows. the two of you walk in comfortable silence for a few moments, before he suddenly speaks up.
“how are you?”
the sudden question throws you off, and for a second you take it at face value before you look over into the gray-green of his irises. immediately you know what he’s really checking up on, and you shrug with a small smile.
“i’m fine for now.” you look back to where garroth stands, stepping in line for some soft pretzels. “i guess… i kinda want to tell you more about what happened.”
he tilts his head with an encouraging hum for you to continue, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“so.” you huff, trying to figure out how to start. “this all actually kinda started from the first day—”
“huh?” he raises his eyebrows, before shaking his head. “sorry, continue.”
“—and it was actually ivy who started it.” he sighs and nods, not seeming too shocked to your relief. “she really did not like me or aphmau, and kept pestering us and bullying aphmau.”
you look down at your feet. “she laid her hands on aph once, and the second time i was with her, so i… swung and beat her up.”
sudden laughter interrupts you, making you jump. laurance covers his mouth with his hand, gaining his composure.
“you beat up ivy? sorry, i just did not expect that. how did no one find out about this?” he snickers.
“she actually got in trouble, cause the teacher knew she instigated.” you explain, shoulders relaxing in relief at how strongly laurance was on your side in all of this. “so she knew if she tried to say something to people she’d get called out by an adult. this happened a while back, actually..”
his eyes widen and shine with recollection.
“oh, shit. when she was suddenly all bruised up that week, that was you?” he says in wonder. “remind me not to make you angry. i would’ve never guessed you fought her, you didn’t have a mark on you.”
you bite your lip and look away, recalling how… unnaturally quickly your injuries healed up. you’d brushed over it when it happened. but thinking back on it, it was strange, wasn’t it? how did you do that?
“…sorry. are you okay?” he asks quietly.
“oh! i’m fine, just thinking.” you quickly shake those thoughts away. now wasn’t the time to dwell on it again. “anyways, the reason that’s relevant is because… gene got a picture of me beating her up and used it to threaten mine and aph’s reputation.”
laurance frowns, scoffing under his breath. “of course he did. but you know that a lot of people would take your side?”
“i know that now, but we panicked. and he’s very convincing, i’m sure you know.” you say, and he sighs with a nod. “and we weren’t sure if ivy was as well-liked as she seemed. we were scared of getting even more people to dislike us before even being at this school for a year.”
“i get that.” he sighs. “it’s just upsetting.”
“you’re telling me.” you elbow his side. “anyways… he ended up getting me to buy cigarettes with him at the gas station and meet his mom—”
“—and got both me and aphmau to skip school and vandalize.” laurance sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “we went back at night to try and fix it and almost got arrested by a cop—”
“oh my go—”
“let me finish!” you giggle, the mix of anger and complete bafflement on his face a bit amusing now that you are comfortable with telling him all of this. “and that was this week. remember when you asked why we were so tired?”
“and nothing’s happened since?”
you shake your head. “i cussed out gene, i guess. he said he’d leave me alone, but… i’m not sure if he’s gonna stick to that or not.”
“really?” he looks genuinely impressed.
you nod, pausing the discussion to order your snacks.
“why haven’t you told garroth any of this?” laurance suddenly asks, shoving forward the money before you can pay.
you sigh, tapping your fingers on the counter of the pretzel stand. “it’s not that i don’t trust him or anything… i just don’t want him to feel guilty or anything.”
he wrinkles his nose. “why would you think that?”
you cringe. “well, the reason ivy started all this was because she was jealous about aph and i being… friends with him? i don’t know, it’s really weird.”
laurance scoffs before bursting out in laughter. “no way! this all started over her having a possessive crush on garroth? oh, how could i not tease him over this?”
you sigh, taking the pretzels and tilting your head in disapproval as you both start walking back to the prince charming himself.
“i’m not against telling him. just—don’t you think he’d… blame himself a little? or at the very least feel uncomfortable?”
laurance calms his snickering, sighing with a nod. “yeah, garroth has always been harsher on himself with these things. but if you were getting into some trouble just because a girl was being… honestly creepy about me and harassing you over it? i would want to know.” he looks down. “there’s a lot of people who only care to interact with garroth and i because of our looks. you’re one of the few genuine friends we have, so we want you to tell us these things. especially if we’re involved—involuntarily or not.”
you find yourself in stunned shock, his response so mature and understanding it was jarring.
“i won’t tell him if you don’t want me to.”
“no, no i think he should know.” you mutter. “thank you, laurance. you kinda knocked some sense into me.”
“good.” a lighthearted scoff leaves his lips, before his steps stutter and he squints ahead. “what the hell…?”
you glance up to see a couple walking past aphmau as they giggle down at a piece of paper. she looks equally confused, glancing over at the two of you before staring over at the caricature booth.
and there he is, standing by the art easel with a pen and markers in hand and a proud look on his face while he shoves something in his pocket.
“what are you doing?” you ask the obvious question shared between the three of you, walking over to hand him a pretzel.
“oh, well,” he starts, taking a deep breath to prepare himself for what seemed like a long-winded explanation. “this lady got her purse stolen by a thief, and she needed a person to sketch him out so she could show it to the police. but she was so frantic that it startled the artist here and he fell over and broke his drawing wrist. so i volunteered to draw him out instead and they were able to use it to find him in the crowd.”
“…really?” aphmau blinks.
garroth stares seriously at the three of you, before breaking out in a dorky smile. “no.”
you and laurance snicker, while the shorter girl huffs.
“the guy who runs the stand left for a break and some people asked me to draw them instead for twenty bucks. then another couple thought my horrible drawing was hilarious and asked me to draw them, too.” he explains in amusement.
aphmau starts to giggle, and you can’t help but join in at the ridiculousness of it. is he even allowed to do that?
“i think everyone discovered your art.” laurance muses.
“i know, right?” garroth beams with his hands on his hips.
his best friend snorts. “no, i mean the line is gone.”
garroth glances over the easel, blowing some air from his lips. “aw, man…”
“hey, at least you’re improving, right?” aphmau suggests, patting his arm as she tries to stifle her laughter.
garroth lifts his chin and closes his eyes, looking quite proud as he puffs out his chest. “thanks… wanna see me draw laurance?”
“sure!” aphmau’s face lights up as she scoots in next to him. “as long as i can draw you!”
laurance drags you over and squeezes in around the easel. “then i’ll draw you and you can draw aphmau.”
you laugh, picking up one of the pens. “okay, sure.”
after the four of you continuously bump shoulders and glance at each other for reference with amused laughter, you find yourselves staring at the finished product about five minutes later. there’s a small difference in style and… quality between each one, but the cartoonish little recreations of all of you were insanely cute to see.
“okay, you guys have to let me post this.” aphmau giggles, pulling out her phone with a wide smile.
garroth nods excitedly, wrapping his arms around you and laurance to lean in behind aphmau. “yeah, it looks good!”
after she takes the snap you turn around, ripping the page from the sketch pad and carefully rolling it up. “i’m keeping this.”
“what? i want it.” laurance protests, trying to reach for the page.
“nuh-uh. i’m hanging it on my wall!” you jump back, twisting your hands away from his reach.
he scoffs, narrowing his eyes and lifting his hands away. “fine. we get shared custody.”
“me too.”
“me three!”
you sigh at the three of your friends, before breaking out in a mischievous smile. “no.”
they begin to protest immediately, but before they can try to argue again you catch a glimpse of familiar blue hair approaching. 
“what are you dorks doing?” katelyn snickers, this time not accompanied by the boy she ran off with.
“fighting over custody,” aphmau says, sighing when you briskly walk over to kate’s side with an accomplished smile on your face.
“o…kay…?” she snorts. “well, jeffory had to leave early, so. what did you guys want to do next?”
“now you come running back to us…” you shake your head with pursed lips, only to get lightly shoved away by katelyn into the nearby railing.
“rude!” aphmau laughs, though her eyes trailed just behind the two of you towards something in the distance. “i don’t really care what we do, i’ll have fun either way.”
slowly, you follow her line of sight back to the face painting stand and recall her excitement from before. 
“you wanna greet your face painted?”
“what?” she flusters, turning away and fidgeting with her hands. “no, no. those are for kids, right?”
“i mean, you’ve never been to one of these things, right? and we’re still young… enough…” you shrug.”i’ll get mine done, too.”
she stutters. “you will?!”
“yeah, why not?”
katelyn awes, placing a hand over her chest. “well isn’t that cute.”
you turn to her, latching onto her arm. “you think so? then you can do it, too.”
“wh—” she scoffs, trying to pull back before aphmau also pulls her by her other arm. “i don’t think so.”
“yeah! you too!”
“and you two.” you turn your head, staring pointedly at the two boys who watched in amusement while beginning to drag katelyn with you. 
garroth stiffens up, his ears turning a bit red as his eyes dart to the childish designs on display. “er, i don’t know—”
he’s interrupted by laurance who wolfishly grins, clapping his hand on his shoulder and pushing him forward. the bored girl at the booth—who looked maybe college student age—stares at the five of you with a sigh that turns into mild amusement.
aphmau and you have katelyn locked in your arms like a prison. one she could most definitely easily break from if she put any effort to it, sure, but a prison nonetheless. laurance pushes garroth into the seat backing up with a chuckle when the boy gives him a small glare.
“he wants the glittery zebra design.”
“what? why do i have to get that one? what, you’re gonna get a cooler one?” garroth scoffs while the face painter shrugs and pulls out her pallet. 
laurance snickers. “yeah, i’m gonna get the glittery leopard print. way cooler than zebra.”
a few stares and a few picture-taking sessions in the photo booth later, you and your freshly painted friends’ faces wander around the park, cheeks and stomachs sore from laughter.
“oh, i’m so posting these, actually.” katelyn snickers down at the pictures, admiring the cool blue dragon design that curled from her cheekbone to her forehead.
“see.” you elbow aphmau’s side. “not childish at all.”
she gratefully smiles up at you, shrugging her shoulders up in overwhelming giddiness before eagerly looking around. “yeah! so, what now?”
“wanna get something to eat?” laurance suggests, steering towards the food stalls again.
“ooh, yeah. i smelled that funnel cake earlier, it smelled super good.”
garroth perks up. “i love funnel cake!”
“yeah, then we can go ride a few of the rides they have.” katelyn adds, biting her lip with a rather devious-looking sparkle in her eyes. “whoever throws up first on the spinning teacup owes everyone a free drink.”
“ew, no way!”
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tag list: @orinlin @pain-in-the-ashe @youmake1mistake @arienic @wasting-away-on-the-internet @merurishi
©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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opticfile · 8 months
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲
—✦ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 // in which alfred is a truck driver and you're his favorite stop
✧ i loooooove writing for alfred i love love love it hes my favorite to write for probably
—✦ 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 // Alfred F Jones (APH America)
—✦ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 // swearing, reader is hit on by unwanted college boy, fluff, gn!reader
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A few things help Alfred get through his days and nights. One is some music, another is phone calls with his buddies. Whatever it is, he just needs something to fill the dull air as he drives endlessly from one place to another. Singing along to a Gwen Stefani song (probably one from her No Doubt era) or dancing in his seat at red lights always helps keep his mood high. Waving to little kids in their mom’s backseats when they look up at him in awe and wonder is always nice, too, it makes him feel like more than just a truck driver, it’s like he’s Superman and flying over the city after saving the day.
But truth be told though, he’d have a hard time staying awake behind the wheel on especially hard days without his coffee. This man doesn’t exactly have the healthiest diet, especially not while driving, his passenger's seat is always full of fast-food bags and his cup holder always has soda or an energy drink lingering in it. Coffee, however, helps him start his day off right. It’s a tasty, warm energizer early in the morning when his eyes are still adjusting and his brain still isnt awake.
Yet the only thing that can get his day off to a good start better than coffee is you.
You’re a sweet college student, probably close to graduating, maybe a four-year degree, he thinks. You work at a cafe he frequents as often as he can, as long as he’s in the area it's his number one choice for his morning coffee and bagels. Half of it is because he really likes the coffee, the rest is because he likes seeing you.
You’re way too kind for someone working the early morning opening shift. You always smile at him and banter with him, no matter how clearly exhausted you are. And he’s way too cheery for a guy who wakes up at the ass-crack of dawn to drive a big ass truck around all day, so you guys have that one in common. You have a lot in common. Maybe you guys have matching eyebags, he thinks, or your voices are equally as groggy. 
But you always smile when he comes in, he's a regular at this point, the kind of regular who doesn't even need to order because the barista knows what he's getting. You always draw a little heart next to his name on his cup, sometimes lately you’ve been writing Alfie instead of Alfred, too. That one will never cease to make his heart stutter. You know exactly how much cream cheese he likes on his bagels, you know exactly how much cream to put in his coffee, and yeah maybe that's just because you’ve made the same order for him a gazillion times but he likes to think of it as something more intimate than it is. 
One time you complimented his hoodie, it had a little alien head embroidered over his heart, and “I come in peace!” was written over his back. You noticed it, you mentioned it, you complimented it, and he broke out into a grin.
“Really? I think it's great, too.” He said triumphantly. “My brother said it was corny, but you should see some of the shit he wears.”
“Corny? Maybe. Cute? Definitely.” You giggled, writing his name on a large cup. 
“You’re supposed to be on my side, you know.” He winked playfully, leaning on the counter and watching you as you made his drink. He’s seen you do it a thousand times, he never gets over how efficient you are.
“I said it was cute!” You said, defensively, a coy glint in your eyes. “But I can’t exactly lie to you, either.”
He laughed joyfully.
The first time Alfred saw you he thought you were cute, the second time he thought your haircut was cool. Now when he sees you it's like a puppy seeing his owner after they’ve been at work all day. He gets happy, his stomach does backflips like an Olympic gymnast, and he can’t stop smiling.
Most of the time it's just you, him, and one or two of your coworkers. Not many customers pop in so early—shocker, right?—so he gets to enjoy chatting with you until his coffee is ready before he has to set off on the road. 
Sometimes there’s another person in the cafe though, sometimes two. One time that other person was clearly a college guy, one who had no business being here this early, one that should be hungover and passed out on his frat house’s deck instead of leaning over the counter and trying to flirt with you.
That was probably the first time Alfred realized you weren’t just his barista friend, but his barista crush. What tipped him off? The fact he wanted to grab the guy by his collar and carry him out of the building like a mama cat carrying its kitten by the scruff of its neck.
He didn’t, by the way, he wouldn’t do that unless you asked him to.
Instead, he just grit his teeth as he waited in line behind the guy, listening as he dragged out the ordering process to drop some lame pickup line that made his skin crawl—and yours too, judging by the awkward smile on your face and the forced laugh you humored him with. Alfred definitely wanted to groan out loud at that point. When the guy finally got the hint and left, Al walked up to the counter with a smile, and your shoulders relaxed and you sighed. 
“Long time, no see, partner.” You smiled tiredly up at him. 
It had been a long time, maybe a week or two, and he realized he missed you all that time, too. 
“Yeah, it’s great to be back in town.” He tipped his ballcap like he was tipping a cowboy hat, a dumb grin on his face. He didn’t have to place his order, you knew already.
You giggled softly at that. Was it just him or were you more exhausted than usual? Maybe the weirdo hitting on you drained your social battery or something, maybe it was finals week or something. 
“Great to have you back, I missed my favorite regular.” 
“Aw, you tellin’ me you have other regulars?” He clutched his pears in faux shock, acting hurt for dramatic effect. Somewhere to your left, your coworker snorted.
“Maybe, but none of them are as cool as you.” You grinned. “And none of them have such easy orders, either.”
“I’m a simple man, what can I say.” 
When you handed him his coffee and bagel, your fingers brushed his, and he felt a tingle go down his arm for a split second. Then you winked, and he felt one in his heart.
To say you felt any different than him would be a lie.
Alfred was definitely your favorite regular, that was no joke when you said it to him no matter how playful your tone was. He was always sweet and respectful and always cheered you up when you were barely dragging yourself through your shift.
The first time he came in you thought he was hot, the second time he came in you thought he was funny, and now when he comes in you feel a breath of fresh air cut through the coffee-scented air and your heart speeds up momentarily at his smile.
His smile always got to you. It was so attractive, he had such nice straight teeth and his lips framed them perfectly. It felt like a beautiful oil painting framed in gold or something. What came out of those lips was no different, his voice was always pleasing to the ears, and sometimes he came in sounding like he just rolled out of bed, and that was also pleasing. 
Alfred’s presence was the best part of your week, everything else sucked if you were being honest. Your coworkers made it really hard to feel positive when they were so bitter because they had to do the job they applied for. Your patience was thinning every day, and honestly when that guy from one of your classes showed up you felt like quitting then and there. Thankfully he never came back, if he did you probably would’ve thrown down your apron as soon as he entered. 
As much as you hate to say it, Alfred alone wasn't enough for you to want to keep the job. So you turned in your two weeks, you found a new job—one much more impressive than “barista”—and you counted the days until you were free from your coffee-stained shackles.
The last week of your job you didn’t see Alfred once, and you were starting to get anxious that you wouldn’t see him again. Maybe you could get one of your lazy coworkers to give him your number, or you could show up every morning until he was there. 
(that was in no way plausible, you barely even wanted to show up now and you work there)
But, to your relief, on your last day, Alfred popped through the window. His blue eyes shone through his glasses, his blonde hair was a mess, and he was wearing a hoodie with his iconic bomber jacket over it. He looked warm, he looked good. He grinned widely at you, shooting you finger-guns as he approached the counter.
“If it isn’t my favorite barista!” 
“And my favorite customer returns! I was getting worried, you know.” You smiled back, grabbing a cup for his drink.
“Aw, I always come back to this place! If you didn’t see me today, you’d see me tomorrow or next week or something.” He promised.
“I actually wouldn’t.” You said, “Because I wouldn’t be here.”
Alfred paused, “What’d’ya mean?”
“It’s my last day.” You smiled, glancing back up to him momentarily and catching the way his lips tugged down slightly.
“Like… forever?” He asked.
“Yup, I got myself a shiny new job.” You boasted.
“So I won’t get my morning coffee from you anymore?” He leaned on the counter, his voice seemed disappointed.
“Uh,” You pulled your eyes away from the coffee machine to meet his, “Yeah. Not anymore.”
He nodded slowly, “I won’t get to see you again, then?”
You chuckled to yourself, “Of course you will, silly.”
“I will?”
“Yeah, did you think I would part ways with you without giving you my number or something?” You grinned.
Slowly, he did too. His eyes twinkled and his chest shook in laughter. “I’d sure hope not.”
You smiled, face warming a little as he stared at you intently. This time, when you handed him his coffee and bagel your number was written beneath his name. 
“So, your number-?”
“It’s on the cup.” You noted.
“Got it. Yeah. I’ll- I’ll call you.” He grinned, walking backward for a moment before ripping his eyes away from your face and walking out the door feeling like a giddy teenage girl.
Today his day got off to an amazing start. Coffee always helped with that, but you? You always made it ten times better.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Mending a Family 18/?
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Happy belated birthday to the GOAT Alfred Pennyworth and my little meow meow Jason Peter Todd-Wayne
“So, Ellie isn’t your cousin; she’s your sister even though you’re pretending she’s your cousin.”
“Yep,” Danny said while popping the ‘p.’
It was his dad’s birthday. Auntie Raven and Uncle Roy had visited to celebrate. Right now, Danny was trying to explain his family dynamic to Lian.
“And Auntie Jazz is pretending to be your aunt, but she’s really your older sister.”
“I’m so confused.”
“The only thing you have to know is that you’re my only cousin.”
Lian was still confused but nodded, happy. She didn’t bring up Mar’i again. The last time she had, the whole mood had gone sad. She didn’t want Uncle Jay to be sad again.
“What’d you bring, daddy,” Danny asked, changing the subject. His family tree was weird, and he didn’t want to think about it anymore.
“I made him a bracelet!”
“That’s so cool! I asked Jazz to take me to a used bookstore and bought him a few books I think he might like.”
Lian giggled, “He’ll love it. Uncle Jay is a bookworm.”
Danny and Lian fell into laughing fits. The two fathers found their respective children playing and giggling amongst themselves. It warmed Roy’s and Jason’s hearts.
“Hey, munchkins, Jay is about to cut the cake. Are you guys coming?”
The two children looked at each other and ran out, their fathers following them.
 Danny and Lian ran outside to a table Jazz, and Raven had put out. Balloons and banners were decorating the table with presents in the middle.
Raven brought out the cake and set it on the table.
Jason couldn’t help but revel in the joy and contentment permeating the air.  
He felt peaceful as his little family sang the birthday song, and if he wished for his happiness to last forever, well, no one would have to know.
Alfred couldn’t help but feel the loss of his missing grandson as his family sang Happy Birthday.
Still, he smiled as his remaining grandchildren, son, and great-grandchild wished him a happy birthday. And when he blew out the candle wishing for his family to be complete once more, well, he was allowed to think selfishly on his special day.
They ate the chocolate cake, and he was about to open birthday presents when the doorbell rang. Alfred’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be…?
No, better not to get his hopes high.
“I’ll get it,” Bruce said.
The family continued celebrating.
Bruce came back with a package, his eyes misting a little.
“It’s for you, Alfred. It’s from Jason.”
The room got quiet. Alfred got the package with shaking hands and opened it. Everyone in the room waited with bated breath. Here was the proof that Jason was alive.
Alfred took out a first-edition Dracula signed by Bram Stroker.
His grandson hadn’t forgotten him. He sent Alfred a birthday present that was special between the two of them.
Alfred couldn’t send him a present.
The older man couldn’t help but cry.
Have some fluff; have some angst
@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks
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snuffink · 1 month
Something something something even though I don't care for MyStreet nearly as much as I do Diaries, Nana is a thorn in my ass and I've been itching to take care of it, I just didn't know what I would do with her beyond changing her stereotypical character and her super weird, obsessive personality
And then I had a thought
A super self indulgent thought.
Now this could go one of two ways, picture me this. Nana, born to a huge family with either
A. Two unbelievably loving parents. Through all of the family's struggles and keeping together a family of 13 they still had a picture-perfect relationship. They loved each other so deeply and transparently that they practically built Nana's ideals for love and future partners. Romantic love just like what her present have is all she could ever wish for.
B. Nana's parents aren't in love. Keeping afloat a family of 14 has destroyed their relationship and any love they had for each other is long gone. No matter how much they may or may not try to hide it from their children, it was obvious that while they were together, they were not in love. Having watched her parents fight and try to workout their differences to no avail has left Nana determined to never have a relationship like theirs. She wants nothing more than to have a relationship built on love and trust and care for one another.
Then she comes to the realisation that she doesn't feel romantic love. At least not the way her friends do. All the crushes and fantasies her friends experience throughout middle school and high school never seem to happen to her. Nobody to gush over in class, no love letters to slip into lockers, no blushing and giggling or hand holding. No friends teasing you over a crush. No matter how she tries to seek out potential crush candidates in class, no one even catches her eye.
But she stays hopeful! One doesn't simply stumble upon the perfect partner, and she's still young! She has time!
In the meanwhile, she focuses on herself for a while. Makes herself stand out. Having 11 siblings makes it hard to stand out, she's gotta fix that first before she can focus on love!
Then in high school her friends start getting into their first serious relationships. She still hasn't felt anything close to what they describe to her. Her friends would talk about their partners and crushes and the fluttery feeling they would get at the slightest interaction and she couldn't relate.
Little by little, she started focusing on other people's relationships. At first it wasn't on purpose. Her friends would talk about their relationship and she would listen. Then their partners would ask for help with gifts or the like. Having always been good at reading people, she would start seeing people who she thought would make a good couple. Before she realised, she was setting people up without even meaning to. Before high school ended, she had gotten herself the title of matchmaker. A title that she carried all throughout college and even some years after graduating. The closer she was to the people she was setting up, the more important the relationship became to her.
Well into adulthood, though she had been on dates and tried talking to people, she still hadn't felt an ounce of romantic love or the feelings her friends had always told her about. Was there something wrong with her? Why couldn't she have what her friends had? Was she simply doomed to never fulfill her greatest wish since childhood?
Aaron and Aph's relationship reminded her a lot of her parents' relationship (case A). For a while it was bittersweet, seeing her best friend so happy and loved just like she had always hoped to be was confusing. She ultimately buried those feelings for the betterment of their friendship.
Over the years she's made peace with her lack of romantic feelings. She's happy, she's surrounded by her best friends, her family, she has a comfortable life and her friends are all happy and safe. Most of them are in wonderful loving relationships. She has all she needs, she shouldn't ask for more.
She's long since given up on finding love, she's happy as she is, until Zane. They had grown quite close in recent months even though they had been acquaintances since high school. Zane was sweet and kind. He's never judged her for anything she's done. Nana doesn't quite know why, but she feels as though she can trust him with anything. They talk a lot, she enjoys talking to him. Their conversations flow fluidly. They understand each other. Zane is the first person she's tells about her family and her fixation with relationships.
After so long of yearning for the feeling, she has butterflies for the first time.
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aphinthestars · 1 month
Aph and Miguel Spider-Man Kiss
Hey yall :3 like I said in one of my last posts I'm gonna be uploading some old art, in this case it's my first full rendered drawing of Migs and Aph! I'm also uploading a one-shot of Aph and Miguel so enjoy! Again just take into account, writing is not my strong suit and English is not my first language so bare with me!
(Dividers by @/saradika-graphics)
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King of My Heart (A StarFangs Fic)
Aph had been having the best couple months of her life, even though her relationship was a secret, it was a secret she was willing to keep for the sake of her peaceful bliss.
She and Miguel had finally told each other how they felt and talked things through to become a couple.
It was the best day of her life when he said he loved her too, though for now they were keeping things secret, knowing this would cause so many issues if anyone found out.
'How can something so good and so comforting be so nerve wracking?' She thought to herself as she was doing some research on a new anomaly that would appear on Earth-928, aka 2099.
Before those anxious thoughts could keep plaguing her mind, she saw a big blue clad hand place a small chocolate box in front of the paper she was working on.
"Miguel?" She looked up to see her now partner who had just given her a small chocolate box in the shape of a heart.
He kissed her temple and cheek softly "You looked stressed, thought I would bring you something, mi tesoro"
She chuckled opening the chocolate box and putting one of the chocolates in her mouth, they were all filled with something, be it caramel, coffee, strawberry, orange, etc. "I thought we were trying to be discreet, Migs"
"We are" he whispered softly in her ear "I know there is no one near to see me be soft with you..."
"Fair enough" She stated with a chuckle as she took another chocolate from the box and popped it into her mouth, this one was strawberry filled "We are going to have to catch an anomaly tonight, it's going to be appearing downtown from what Lyla could scan"
"I will go, I don't want you to-" He was silenced by Aph stuffing a chocolate into his mouth "H-hey!"
"We, hear me clearly, we are going together" She said as she kept working "I know you worry about me now that we are together but we both know I can handle myself just fine, besides you are going to be there"
Miguel nodded begrudgingly, chewing and swallowing the small caramel stuffed chocolate Aph had used to silence him with a pout on his lips.
"This are really good, but I thought they only sold them near valentine's day, mi cielo" She questioned, she had told Miguel she liked those dumb and corny boxes of chocolates they sold on valentine's day before, just a one off comment she thought he would forget.
"I may or may not have found an earth where they sell them year round" He said with a soft and guilty laugh as he hugged Aph from behind while she worked, nuzzling his face against her hair and neck, sighing really content.
"Ay dios mio...." She said with a laugh, pressing her pale cheek against her boyfriend's tan one "You really went to that type of trouble just to get me the chocolates I like?" She asked and he nodded, moving his head to the side to kiss her cheek.
"You are really sweet, I kinda enjoy being the only one who can see this side of you" She leaned her head onto his, rubbing their cheeks together.
"Just for you, tesoro" He mumbled still hugging her very content.
That night Aph and Miguel went to fight the anomaly Aph had been researching, it wasn't a difficult one, just a variant of the Lizard.
Aph was finishing up capturing the anomaly, using her webs to tie him up.
"Hey, Aph" Miguel tried to get her attention.
"Mhmm?" She looked up to see what he needed, a little curious on what he might say.
"I'll take care of him and send him to HQ, can you stay here a sec?"
Aph looked a little confused on why he wanted for her to stay here but she did as she was asked, 'Probably another anomaly appeared' She thought.
Miguel opened a portal, taking the anomaly with him and then coming back. He took Aph in his arms, throwing her over his shoulder as he laughed.
Aph was laughing too "Miguel! What are you doing?"
"I'm going to take you somewhere, close your eyes for me, just...trust me, ok?" She nodded while still laughing.
She did as asked and closed her eyes, letting Miguel take her to wherever it was that he wanted to go.
She felt the wind on her hair and face as he swung through the city, the rough landings as he would land on the side of a building and had to use his talons to stay on it making her body jump and jostle around but she trusted him to not let her fall.
Finally the rough ride stopped and Miguel put her down on the floor.
"You can open your eyes" He said with a nonchalant tone.
She opened her eyes, her hands covering her mouth in surprise "Ay mi solecito"
They were on top of one of the buildings in Nueva York, up high enough so that everyone on the street looked like ants.
He had layed a blanket on the roof of the building and brought food and drinks to make an improvised picnic.
Aph chuckled "When did you have the time to do this?"
"Believe me it wasn't easy, Didi almost saw me a couple of times when I was preparing it" He sits down and beckons her to also sit by giving her his hand.
She took it gladly letting him help her sit down "Well almost caught or not, this is very thoughtful, thank you" She kissed his cheek gently, barely a peck, a hand on his other cheek to support herself.
He put a hand over the one she had on his cheek, keeping it there as he caressed it softly.
Right there, in that moment, he didn't look as tired as he always did, the lines of annoyance and anger in his face softening at the sight of her, the one person he could trust, his amor, his corazón, his lunita.
The world didn't seem so dull whenever they were around each other.
They drank out of red plastic cups, eating the food that Miguel had brought.
They talked about non important things but in the eyes of the both of them it didn't seem like it.
In that moment, the world seemed full of color, it was all pure bliss as they hugged under the stars and the moon.
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Taglist (Open): @sweetimpurity @sweetimpurityloves @bluemadnessstuff @stressedmacaronisalad
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hetaari · 1 month
I think Switzerland would be so so cute when he sleeps ngl. Ok ok so like when he’s still lightly sleeping and thus easily disturbed he still retains a bit of the surly expression he constantly has, but once he’s well and truly knocked out his expression looks gentler and at peace AUGH. Imagining him resting his head on someone’s shoulder OR!! Laying his head on someone’s lap, catching absolute Zs, perhaps with someone stroking his hair,,,,,,,ugh he’s so adorable I love you aph switzerland
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pumpkinprincess22 · 24 days
Torturered @warlocks-and-phoenixes and @aph-cronch with this in the MCDBB discord so I figured I might as well torture the masses with it too so behold psychopomp Kulzak the Wander
Kulzak's powers are, as we have established very changable, he is the wanderer. He wanders through the world but he also transcends the barrier between waking and dreaming to wander through people's dreams. In which case is it not conceivable for people to believe that he can transcend the barrier between life and death?
People like to imagine that whatever afterlife or death realm they or their loved ones end up in that there is someone to hold their hand and offer kind words as they lead the soul to its final destination. This someone is Kulzak the Wanderer.
He himself can't literally be the one guiding every soul, he is after all only human. But people believe he is and that is enough. Perhaps some gods do grant him the power to enter their realms/afterlives and for some souls he is their guide. He has a particular soft spot for children and if they arrive in a village too late for Irene's powers to help then he will often ask to say a few words.
It is unnerving to the rest of the DW's to watch, once a soul has become untetherred from a body in death they effectively become wanderers and Kulzak can see them. Most can make it to their afterlives unaided but some need help, and some just want company on their journey so that they don't have to do this last bit alone. And Kulzak will wander with them a while.
He can see ghosts, even if those ghosts don't always want to be seen and he can, often on his own but always if he has Shad's help, untether them from whatever was anchoring them to the mortal realm and guide them to the great beyond. So yes if the DW's had ever come accross Malachi then Kulzak and Shad would have been able to help him.
Legends spread, as legends do, of the Wanderer guide who helps the souls of the peaceful dead and the restless dead alike.
People leave offerings in graves, or with the ashes of the dead depending on death customs (see here) to try and encourage Kulzak to come to them. His sacred bird is a Magpie so people often leave rings or brooches or other shiny objects for him.
Those who have friends or family who have become ghosts instead of moving on will seek him out in need of his aid. When the DW's have audiences with their people the aid of the Wanderer is just as sought after as the healing powers of the Matron, the knowledge of the Keeper or the blessings of the Protector.
The first few times he does it Enki begs him not to because its really unnerving and they don't fully know if/how Kulzak will make it back. Afterwards though he gushes about how incredible of an experience it was and how he needs to do it again. Kulzak gets spiritually restless if he doesn't guide a soul in too long just like he gets physically restless if he can't wander too far or gets kept cooped up for too long.
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pvffinsdaisies · 3 months
I think there’s something so beautiful in the idea that Scotland believes norway to be too good for him. Not in a “hes far more beautiful than I could ever be and he deserves someone hotter” kinda way, though norway sure is gorgeous. More in a way where Scotland so highly values goodness and honestly. Norway, who’s so kind hearted and good natured and patient and forgiving. Versus Scotland who’s impatient and stubborn, who’s definitely prone to talking shit about people with Ireland. Scotland strives to be a good person, and I do believe he is, but he can help but sometimes but Norway on some morally superior pedestal, even though norway himself has his flaws. He works so hard to be a better person in order to be deserving of Norway, who already sees so much goodness in him and probably admires some of Scotland’s traits too in a similar way.
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xerith-42 · 6 months
I just saw ur little reblog abt shifting to mcd and I’d love to hear about ur experiences shifting theree!! I’m also shifting there (trying to lol)
Teehee!! I only started shifting to MCD within the last few months, basically since my interest started spiking up once I got on Tumblr. I'm so glad you're interested in it!
I chose the guard station as the initial location to shift to and tether myself to, but once I got comfortable there I was able to explore more. I set it in the episodes between episode 77 and 81, a time of legitimate peace, and I did alter things a little bit just for peak entertainment. Mostly just adapting my headcanons to the universe.
The first person I met was Laur who was very quick to flirt and absolutely delighted when my gay ass started flirting back. Once we started getting to know each other he neglected to question why I just showed up in his room, and offered to give me a tour. Phoenix Drop wasn't very active that day, everyone was sort of in their own houses chilling, and I didn't go into any of them because I didn't really want to ddhfghgh.
He showed me around the entire village and I did get to meet Dante and Aph as well, which was a ton of fun. Those two have some great banter and they were a blast to go back and forth with. And both of them were unfairly pretty. At some point while we were trading banter while walking we ended up nearby Lucinda's place and she took an instant fascination to me because she could tell I wasn't exactly from their world. And she wanted to study me.
And oh my Ireeeeene Lucinda is so pretty!!! It was not possible to keep my composure around her. She's taller than you think she is and she absolutely loves literally looking down on you. Had me looking like
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Yeah. Uhhh, it was while Lucinda was studying me that my connection started to get fuzzy, and I tried to run back to Laurance to see him again before I left, but I ended up getting yoinked back to our reality before I could. I'm hoping to go back so I can meet him again and maybe explain myself a little.
So yeah. Those were an abridged (sort of) series of events I went through while shifting to MCD. I really want to do it again now God dammit.
(please don't ask for my methods of doing this because I'm not telling)
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 5 months
Travis 🥺🥺😖
i love travis i think about him almost as much as i think about vylad so im just gonna rant about him in my rewrite for you anon :)
travis is one of my favorites in my rewrite. him and vylad get to be besties after they meet and go through some silly little development. anyway i’ve changed travis’s character to be less of a pervert and more of someone who has no idea how to interact with people around him. he’s really just an awkward kid who’s never been around people before. he spent the majority of his childhood in seclusion with his mother until she died but he stayed hiding after, keeping his island safe from the shadows. he was fine with that. then aph and the gang pulled up to gal’ruk and suddenly there’s someone who wants to talk to him. travis doesn’t know the first thing about socialization so he does what he read the books he’d taken from the local village: flirt (very awkwardly)he’s not the most literate because emera (enki, i changed her name) was too busy trying to keep the demon warlock at bay but he tried his best to interact with aph and the gang… which came off the wrong way. shenanigans ensue now he’s in phoenix drop, a place where nobody is scared of him. they all accept him despite being the son of the demon warlock. he gets to know the town, gets closer to aph and co. he takes a liking to katelyn because she reminds travis of his mother (weewoo mommy issues alert). anyway slowly but surely he begins to feel at home in phoenix drop, finally feeling at peace. lucinda helps him learn how to socialize better (besties) and helps him talk to katelyn. but out of everyone, travis feels closest to vylad. he’ll claim they’re his best friend but vylad wont confirm nor deny. travis likes him because he’s a bit of himself in vylad. he sees someone who also knows what it’s like to be secluded in order to protect people.
im gonna stop myself there because i could write a whole other post about vylad and travis… and just travis in general. my two favorite characters <3
i promise i’ll have more detailed and understandable backstories posted for the main cast of my rewrite (including trav) eventually
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