#aph deneng
redds-art828 · 1 year
(Very very late) Birthday Hike
Ship: DenEng
Word Count: 1157
Warnings: None just fluff, and hiking
||Listen i never wrote Denmark until now so I’m still working this out, also this is how I see how their relationship might be, yeah||
Arthur panted as he made his way up the steeper portion of the hiking path. When he made it all the way up he stopped, having to take deep breaths, resting his hands on his knees. He could feel his legs burn and he knew he could no longer continue.
“Mathias- can- can we- take a breather.” He pants out, grabbing onto a tree to help lower himself down, he’s going to take a breather even if his boyfriend says no. Speaking of his boyfriend, the Dane turns around to look at Arthur.
“Whaaaaat, but we just started not even 20 minutes ago?!?!” Arthur throws his head back with a groan. To him it feels like it’s been longer. It's not like Arthur doesn’t like the outdoors, no he loves it. But he’s more of a sit down and enjoy nature kind of guy, not the moving type, especially when it comes to the fact his body is not as strong as Mathias’. Plus he has bad knees.
“Mathias- please.” He sees the dane frown but nod. With a huff Arthur falls to the forest floor, not really caring that his ass is going to be dusty. A sigh of relief comes from Arthur and he starts to massage his calves.
“I should take you out on runs more… maybe we should’ve done that weeks ago before going on a three hour hike.” The dane awkwardly laughs as he rubs the back of his head.
“... you didn’t tell me this was going to take three hours…”
“I wanted it to be a surprise!! It’s your birthday!”
“Worst birthday gift…”
“Harsh.” Arthur lets out another sigh, switching to his other leg.
“Apologies… But I don’t like hiking.”
“But you love nature!” the dane states, though that was true, again, Arthur likes to sit down and observe it. “And by hiking we get to explore it!! Walk through it!! Experience it!!” Mathias stands in front of Arhur with a big smile.
“Yeah, but I’d prefer walking if it was to sit down in front of a spot. Not a whole three hour hike where all we do is walk.” Arthur scoffs.
‘Well… you are sitting down right now. Plus we’ll take breaks! At least be glad I didn't bring you on the one that takes days to do.” Arthur’s face drops at the mention of that.
“Yeah, Bornholm. It spans nearly 120 kilometers. It can take, I think, four days to a week. Don’t quote me on that.” Arthur just stares at the Dane like he’s in pain, despite the fact he wasn’t. Though just thinking about a hike that takes days he feels his legs burn as if he’s already walked it. “Don't give me that look! It’s really not that bad! Plus, I think there are places to stay on the trail too, so it’s not like we’ll be walking for days.”
“You say we’ll as if we’re gonna do it.”
“Whaaat! Sometime in the future! I have to get you prepared for that first.” Arthur groans again, dramatically laying his head against his knees. At least the good thing is that the future could be years from now. When Arthur looked up again Mathias had squatted down his face in Arthur’s. Not expecting him to be there Arthur falls back with a yelp causing the dane to laugh.
“Don’t laugh at me!! You were over there and then suddenly you’re in my face!”
“Sorry sorry!” Yet he’s still laughing. The Brit just pouts before he gently pushes the dane, causing him to fall backwards onto his ass making him laugh even harder.
“I was hoping that would shut you up.” Mathias laughs for a few more minutes before he stops, wiping his tears away.
“You love me.” Arthur looks away, his cheeks turning slightly red.
“Youuuuu lovvvvveeeee meeeeeee.” Mathias gets up, grabbing Arthur’s hands and pulling him towards him.
“I think you are insufferable.”
“Yeah well you love me so you have to deal with me.”
“Do i?”
“Damn. Can’t I return back to sender.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed sweetheart.” Mathias pulls Arthur into a side hug, the nickname earning a groan from the Brit.
“God, am I really stuck with you.” The two of them slowly start walking again, continuing on the trail like they were a few minutes ago.
“Yep! Forever!” Another laugh comes from him and this time Arthur joins in.
“Forever you say?” Arthur chuckles.”You promise?”
“I promise! I mean you’ve been stuck with me since at least 870.”
“True, and even now I want to get rid of you.”
“Noooooooo.” Mathias starts to relax all his weight onto Arthur. “Noooooooooooooo.” Arthur holds the Dane up as much as he could.
“Okay Okay! I’m kidding, I'm kidding. I do not wish to get rid of you!” Immediately Mathias stiffens again.
“I knew it!! Ah ha!”
“You bloke, I retract my statement.”
The light bickering continues for most of the walk, all fun. Though it did delve into comfortable silence as they neared the end of the trail.
“Yknow.” Arthur spoke, breaking the silence.” “This actually wasn’t all that bad.” Mathais smiled widely.
“See!! I told you! But that makes me happy to hear. I’m glad you liked it.”
“I didn’t say that, I just said it wasn’t that bad.” Arthur hums. He was too stubborn to admit but he actually did like it. Mathias knew this though, they’ve known each other too long for him not to pick up on things Arthur enjoys, especially since he knows Arthur is picky about many things.
“If you say so~” Mathias hums. “Oh- hey we reached the end of the trail.” He could see his car up ahead. “See you made it all in one piece, and you didn’t die.”
“Ha ha. I guess you're right.” They slowly make their way to the car. “Hey Mathais.” Arthur stops though, causing Mathias to stop too.
“Hm? What is it?” The dane asks, turning his full body to Arthur. And then he feels a pair of lips against his own. It was only a quick peck, but it definitely took the Dane off guard. “O-oh-“
“Thank you. I always enjoy our time together, even if I don’t say it.” Arthur being sentimental is such a rare occurrence, but he’s a little tired so it's coming out a little. Mathias smiles though.
“Of course. And I enjoy our time together too.” They continue to the car again, they put their hiking gear away. Doing a few more things before they are ready to head out and head home. Mathais opens the passenger door for Arthur, who thanks him as he gets in. Mathias then heads to his side, getting in as well.
“Happy Birthday Arthur, I love you.” A small smile creeps up on Arthur’s face as he looks out the window watching everything zoom by.
“I love you too.”
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cherrybulbasaur · 2 years
thinking about how mementos and belongings of nations eventually end up being passed on to other nations throughout the years. this can be romantic, like silently slipping one of their ring onto another’s finger in a darkened corner of a ballroom with a kiss to their temple as a promise of their loyalty. it can be platonic, like two young nations laying in the grass braiding threads to make complementing bracelets for one another. it can be familial, like an older sibling giving their younger sibling their favorite weapon or a collection. nations hold onto their mementos like a life line, and i know there are times where they glance at an item of theirs and remember it’s original owner just as vividly as the day the item was passed to them.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Like the Canada ship poll, I ask that you only answer if you're British. You can check out the answer by selecting the last option.
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allen-arthur · 2 years
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(My part of the art trade for @artemiswolfheart ! I hope you enjoy ,u,)
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oyanachi · 1 year
There's this pub in Kyoto called Den⭐️En.
I've never thought about it, but I actually find it quite appealing to imagine Denmark and England running a pub together 🍻 (regardless of their relationship)
And Belgium had to play a part in it! Because wherever there's beer, there's Belgium 😌
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fuckyeah-hetalia · 2 years
I hope I'm allowed to rec multiple! Here's some yuletide fics for getting into the spirit ✨️🎄🎁
Nyotalia cardverse USUK
EngGer fluff
USUK and SuFin fluff
DenEng and nyoDenEng historical heta
CanNyoAme and RoNyoMerica love triangle
RusAme mistletoe fun
USUK and PruCan A/B/O
Sure! Since it's a list, I'll go ahead and post thus now, and I'll make separate link posts with each of them later, so that the pairings, ratings, and any warnings will be visible for those interested in some Christmas/yuletide fics 💞💞 Thank you for the recs!
Edit: Whoops, looks like you pasted one of the fic links twice! So I'm not sure what the love triangle one is 😅 If it's on ao3 like the others, though I might be able to find it, but please resend the link if you can.
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fireandiceland · 2 years
Let's get this over with, shall we?
Summary: A little too much alcohol leads to a confession that ends in a way neither of them had expected. (written for @heta-polyweek2022)
Characters: England / Prussia / Denmark
Content warning: they are all a little drunk and stupid but other than that there's only fluff going on
Word count: ~1.3k
“You never kissed a boy before?!”
In his already a little more than tipsy state Denmark almost fell off the sofa when he rolled over to look at Prussia, who was sitting in an armchair to his side.
“No! Got a problem with that?” Prussia snapped. His legs were lazily dangling over the armrest as was the upper half of his body over the over one when he took another sip of his beer, waiting for an answer from Denmark. Or a participation in the conversation by England, who was already lying on the floor, limbs spread out like a starfish on the carpet.
“No!” Denmark claimed and swirled the last sip of his beer in the bottle as he contemplated his next words. “Just.. unexpected.”
England giggled at that, his friends taking it both as a sign that he’s fine - or at least hasn’t passed out yet - and that he’d definitely had too much to drink already.
“And I’ve never kissed any girls either if you must know!” Prussia added and finished his beer in a few big gulps before putting the bottle down onto the floor where it fell over with a clatter.
Read on AO3
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fireandspiceland · 3 years
was anyone going to tell me about the potential that denmark x england has or was I supposed to find out myself by reading some one shots about Arthur’s oral fixation and Mads’ ten inch dick?
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ssuckitlosers · 4 years
Someone mentions rarepairs? Must ask about DenEng x3
Ohhhh, I haven’t seen much from this ship tbh but I’m a sucker for the awesome trio so it’s undoubtedly a ship I need to look into.
I think my heart would be able to deal with a Prussia x England x Denmark combo ngl
I feel like DenEng must be a more edgy ship than usuk? Like a lot more drinking and general misbehaviour. And my first though was that they’d be more chaotic than pruk but I guess that depends on how you view Prussia.
Omfg though, imagine the confidence of those two together though? (I haven’t seen anything on it but) I fully imagine that Mathias would bring out the cocky pirate side of England.
Aw man I’m going to need to check out this ship now before I ramble about the possibilities anymoreeee.
Is it weird that I could probably write a dissertation on how different England acts in different ships?
It might be, I’m obessed with the rat man. (Weirder since I got him in that ‘what hetalia character are you quiz 😂)
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leathersama · 4 years
Deneng doodle?
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Usually I wouldn’t do a rare pair type thing, but here we are. 
(Sorry for being super late about it. I needed the break from online and art).
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werewolf-frown · 6 years
Lost and Found
"Hey Russkie, wanna do me a favor?"
Russia was generally opposed to complying with America's schemes, especially when they were prefaced with Russkie or Commie, but some sense of morbid curiosity always enticed him to at least listen. Plus, they were the last ones in the G8 meeting room, even though America was typically first out the door after lunch breaks were called. Perhaps this was important.
America held up a mobile phone. "Betcha can't get this on top of the bookshelves."
Russia looked at the phone, then at the shelves. They were full of historical texts intended to jog memories of past alliances and treaties, and they stood almost a foot taller than Russia, which was impressive. Still, of course he could reach the top. "I can."
"Psh. No way." America waved the phone under his nose, blue eyes gleaming. "You're too short, dude."
Unacceptable. Russia grabbed the phone, strode to the shelves, and placed it on top as far back as he could. "You see-"
When he turned, America was gone. Damn it. Then, while he was pondering that bizarre interaction, England walked in and began looking through the briefcase left beside his chair.
Damn it.
He would have to be careful with this one. "England-"
The smaller nation almost jumped out of his skin. "God, I didn't see you. Call my mobile, would you? I don't know where I left it."
Helpless, Russia took out his own phone and dialled England's number.
They both turned to look at the ringing bookshelves.
"Goddamn it, America," England muttered. He picked up his chair and carried it over to the shelves before climbing up on it, which briefly pulled his suit trousers taut over his ass. Russia almost dropped his phone before he finally returned it to his pocket.
"I can get it," he offered, even though he knew it would be in vain.
Sure enough: "I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself." To that end, England dropped down from the chair, sourced two thick books from a lower chelf, stacked them on the seat, and climbed up again. Russia's hands lifted automatically when the smaller nation tottered, but then England righted himself and again stretched his arm over the shelves. His fingers must've been just shy of their goal; he had his eyes closed, face scrunched as if that would provide him with the extra distance needed.
Carefully, so as not to accidentally brush hands, Russia reached up and shifted the phone forward an inch.
England snatched it and turned a triumphant smirk on Russia. "There! In this life you have to do things for your-"
His graceful descent was stolen by the books abruptly deciding they no longer wished to be stacked. They thumped to the floor on either side of the chair while England opted for toppling straight backward and into Russia's outstreched arms. Cradled against Russia's strong chest, England stared up at him with wide eyes and finished softly, "-self."
Russia couldn't hold it in any longer. "I'm sorry."
England blinked. "...For saving me the trouble of healing a cracked skull?"
"No. I put the phone there. America tricked me."
"Ah yes. As usual, he only uses his brains for evil." England's cheeks were getting awfully red. "You can put me down anytime, by the way."
Russia gingerly set him down on his feet and tried to brush some of the wrinkles from his suit jacket.
England cleared his throat, avoiding his gaze. "Thank you."
"You're not mad?" No, that wasn't the right English. All this time and he still made mistakes when he was nervous. All this time and he still got nervous, the real miracle here. "Angry?"
"Not at you." England let one side of his mouth curl up into a smile. "That is exceedingly difficult to be."
Then, even though never of them would usually do this in public, let alone in a meeting room, England stretched up in the tell-tale posture of a kiss request. Russia leant down to accept it, and they were still kissing when England's phone rang with a terrible dubstep remix of The Star-Spangled Banner, which he had yet to figure out how to remove. They paused in their kissing to glance at the phone, then England swiped to answer the call and tossed the infernal device onto France's notes.
"Ha, didja get a ladder, shortstuff?"
Pens scattered as England knocked over one of the fancy holders on the table. Russia grinned as so-called short legs wrapped around his waist.
"...Hello? Iggster? England? You got bad reception or something?"
No. In fact, in Russia's humble and totally unbiased opinion, England was receiving perfectly.
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deafseries · 5 years
weed tw
Hazy smoke filled the room like little ghosts, dancing across the walls and windows of Matthias’ bedroom. Arthur sat in the other’s lap, his weight leaned back as he sucked in smoke from the bowl in his hands. 
He let out the lungful of smoke after a moment, and Matthias leaned forwards as if to catch some of it in his mouth. The sight made the Englishman giggle, and he dropped the burned out bowl back into Matthias’ hand.  
“It’s empty…” He muttered, remains of smoke escaping from his mouth. His mouth felt strange and dry, smacking his tongue against the top of his mouth. 
“How do you feel?” Matthias’ voice was soft in Arthur’s ear, his hands trailing down Arthur’s back and setting comfortably on his hips. His thumbs rubbed against his body, sliding under Arthur’s shirt and touching his warm skin. Arthur shuddered under the touch, his breath hitching slightly. 
A nervous whine left Arthur, hiding his face in Matthias’ neck. He never got like this- not unless he was driven to it, not unless his partner teased him enough. Arthur’s skin felt like it was buzzing, his head like it was full of helium. And he wanted Matthias badly. 
“Good…” He confessed, and just that one word seemed to be the go ahead for Matthias to pull him closer, their hips gently bumping together. A shudder went up his spine.
“I want you…” Arthur breathed, his hands weakly sliding over Matthias’ shoulders, as if he was trying to pull him closer, as if they could be closer. “I want you. I want you…” 
Matthias’ chuckle was deep and friendly that sent waves of arousal across his skin. Then he was being kissed and everything was soothing, like a dunk into a warm bath.  Arthur leaned into it happily, mostly allowing Matthias to take control of the kiss. He couldn’t be bothered. 
“Well, how do you want me?” Matthias whispered into his lips, the smell of weed on his breath, “we can keep cuddling and kissing like we have been, or we can play…”
“I wanna play,” he said quickly, rolling his hips forwards. He was hard in his pants, and the shift in his weight showed that Matthias was too. The other’s dick straining through his pants and pressing hot against Arthur’s perineum made him hiccup out a moan. “Please…” 
He was kissed again, vision going blurry for a moment before he closed his eyes again. The kiss was slow and gradual, nervous desperate pressure building up in the pit of his stomach. The other’s teeth closed around his bottom lip and Arthur jerked. 
“Daddy-” Arthur hissed into his mouth, the term leaving him without thinking about it. He was doing a lot of things without thinking about it, and he didn’t even have the shame to blush about it. Matthias moaned, pulling Arthur down again. 
“Careful...Or you’ll make me want to do things to you…” 
“Fuck me.” He both said and begged, beginning to hump forwards, drawing raw desperate pleasure through his body. And by the moan that his movements drew from Matthias, he was enjoying it to.  “Fuck me…”
Matthias chuckled again and Arthur felt like he was going to cum in his pants, clinging to the taller man desperately. 
“Not tonight…” He whispered, and shifted both of them so Arthur was pressed onto his bed, legs spread and face warm from both the high and the arousal. “Can’t be bothered.” Normally, Arthur would tease him for the way that the words slurred together. But not tonight. 
“I wanna see your fucking cock,” the smaller man whined needily. 
Matthias muttered something in his own language, his hips pitching forwards as if he was getting some kind of phantom pleasure from the words on Arthur’s lips. 
“I’ll fuck your thighs…” 
Arthur swallowed thickly and was moving before Matthias could, hastily working his pants and underwear down. The fabric felt strange against his skin, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He leaned back down, his mouth half open as he panted. In Arthur’s own struggle to get his pants off, Matthias had worked his own off. 
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered, running his hands over his thighs. Arthur groaned, nearly squirming at the touch. The other’s hands were big and rough, being able to almost wrap around his whole thigh. It made his dick twitch to think about it. 
“Thank you, daddy…” he muttered, letting Matthias lift his legs up and place his ankles on his shoulders. His thighs were pressed together, and soon he felt Matthias start to push through. He didn’t know when the other applied lube, but it was a pleasant surprise. Slowly, he began to ease through, the blunt head of his cock dragging across his balls and up to the head of his cock. And then past it, making Arthur shudder as the poking against his stomach reminded him of the other’s size.
Matthias began to thrust steadily between his thighs, his cock sliding up Arthur’s over and over. His vision was unfocused, but he watched carefully as the member disappeared and reappeared between the sensitive skin. His back arched, desperately wanting the muscle inside of him, but that probably wasn’t happening tonight. Not with the way his head swam and how every thrust from Matthias felt like the whole world was shifting. He let out a keen, which was stopped short with a loud gasp as the other pushed his legs open, wrapped a rather large hand around both of their cocks and began to pump desperately. 
“Fuck…” He groaned, feeling more directly how large Matthias was compared to him, how both of their cocks seemed to fit so easily into his hand. That was enough to drive Arthur crazy when he was sober, much less higher than he’d been in a very long time. 
Pleasure zapped through him, trying to squirm more into the touch, to get more of that warmth around his cock. He clenched at the sheets, breath coming out in heavy pants. 
“Aw, baby…” Matthias’ voice cut through the haze, and he blinked a few times to try bringing himself back down a bit. It was his hand on his cheek that really grounded him, a thumb wiping at his chin. “You’re drooling…” 
“I’m sorry…” He whispered, eyes fluttering. Matthias chuckled and slid his thumb into Arthur’s mouth, and he sucked obediently. Then the hand on their cocks started moving quickly again, making Arthur draw the digit deeper into his mouth, sliding his tongue over it. He imagined it was the Dane’s cock in his mouth and he moaned, eyes rolling back and closed. 
Arthur saw stars when he came, the substance covering his shirt and his hips. He gasped, arching and squirming. Matthias had to move his hand from Arthur’s mouth to his shoulder, holding him down. 
“Beautiful…” he whispered. Then his legs were being closed again, and Matthias went back to thrusting between them. He came with a flurry of curses and whispered Arthur’s name. He felt the cum splatter onto his stomach and thighs, making him hum softly in pleasure. 
Slowly they pulled away, sweat sticking them to each other briefly. 
It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep next to each other, both of their bodies heavy from the sex and the high.
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norice-aph-reblog · 6 years
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viking!Norway/England viking!Denmark/England Was made as a cover of roleplay Norway protects England from Denmak and has his own benefits from it
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fuckyeah-hetalia · 2 years
Status: Complete
Two instances in which Denmark and England spend Christmas together.
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 1,521
Creator: Froggi_mushroom
Fandoms: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Rating: General
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Denmark/England, Female England/Female Denmark
Characters: England, Denmark, Female England, Female Denmark
Tags: Historical references, Historical Hetalia
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merriecana · 7 years
I know absolutely no one asked but ya’ll are getting DenEng, God fearing men, and absolute heathens and i’m gonna wipe my grubby little paws all over hetalia again
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aphhungarys-blog · 7 years
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does anyone else in fandom remember these memes ?
i have made one myself today !
(please don’t tag as kin or me ! ...i know it’s just a bad meme but still !)
transparent from @transparentalia !
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