#aph bezytine
mmd-ask-italy · 5 years
The Askblog games:
So from here onward, are the askblog games!, So how am i gonna do this? depends on how it goes. I will make a post, for every day that goes by in the game? depending on how much is happening on that day i might combine some
i see how i am going to do the tags? for now.. here is the reaping
Edit: If participants leave a reply/reblog on what their charaters did, i see if i can use it in the next post
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and now follows..the first few minutes of the games, will the players go to the Cornucopia, and get weapons and supplies, but risk getting killed early, or will they flee, they call these first few minutes in most games The bloodbath, because a lot of people often get killed
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3 people begin with running away, are they the smart ones...or will they starve to death because they don’t have supplies.
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The first kill, so early, and by Germany to, poor little Iceland never had a chance, Hongkong better runs away far! I wonder what they fought about. WAIT...they didn’t have weapons yet...how did you kill him germany... 0.0
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2 people have weapons now, watch your backs everyone
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nothing surprising here
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What was I trying to do? at least I am not dead
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Another weapon, and he got in and out unscaved  impressive, watch out everyone this one might be dangerous.
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more people run away, 
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you sure that is smart with germany, and people with weapons around? okay your choice
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even more running, tho i must say, i am surprised that america and denmark ran away.
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okay, Mother Germania is the smart one, get supplies to survive 
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a weapon? or digging his own grave?
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and even more running, 
AND THAT Concludes the bloodbath...it was not really a bloodbath in this case...just 1 dead...Sorry iceland. Keep comming back to see what happens next 
Rest of day 1
participants list:
@mmd-ask-italy @huggiebird  @ask-the-amazing-greenland   @ask-badly-drawn-hongkong  @ask-belarus-the-useless  @ask-mother-germania  @askfemboyfeli  @the-rebellious-musician  @ask-useless-german  @ask-mr-germany @romemustbestopped @grandparomeaskblog @ask-the-icelandic-little @askme-dolce-italia @ask-medieval-nyo-morway @askglamorousitalian  @matt-j-williams @ask-his-flower-and-her-bear @ask-aph-mohawk @ask-avatar-alfred @ask-bonnefoy @ask-kirkland @hungry-for-tulips @askthedanishdork 
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