falleraatje · 1 year
what are you currently working on (writing or otherwise)? :3
Thank you for asking <3
I'm currently struggling with writing a little. I'd like to start another long project, but nothing will grab my attention for too long. It'd probably also be good to actually proofread and finalise some of my longer drafts, but I'm not really feeling that at the moment.
I have a lot of ideas for oneshots as well, but the process has been much slower recently than I'm used to. Maybe I just need to catch a little break, work on some other stuff and then get back to it in a few weeks when I'm not as busy in other parts of life.
Aside from writing I'm working on a few other craft-y projects. I've been knitting a lot lately and I got about five projects going there (need to get rid of that cupboard full of yarn that I've somehow accumulated over just about 9 months of knitting). It's really nice to be doing something different, so that's been a great way to clear my head recently and actually see some progress in what I do :)
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romesinruins · 9 months
18 and 23 for the music ask game :D
18: A song from the year you were born
this took me some looking jfc
23: A song you think everyone should listen to
I got this one more than once which makes choosing way easier. Anyways everyone should listen to TAD more
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renlyslittlerose · 1 year
achilles/patroclus for the ship bingo :)
Thanks! 💖
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opheliagreif · 2 years
11,14,47 for the ask game :)
Wuppwupp @hope-calaris_calaris, guck mal, auch zwei von deinen!
Link your three favorite fics right now
Buh! BUH! Wie gemein, das auf drei zu begrenzen! Buuuuh!
Randomhorse mit Es kommt zurück:
LigeiaSand mit Quadratur im Kreis:
Atthefishouses mit Im Sog
Oh warte, es gibt ja noch die Serien:
Tea_EarlGrey mit den Mitbewohner-Teilen:
hope_calaris mit den Hier, bei dir-Teilen:
schreibzumlesen mit den Wechselwirkung-Teilen
Meine persönlichen Top 3 von dir:
Dritte Halbzeit Seelen wie Kompassnadeln Der Wahnsinn ist nur eine schmale Brücke
(Ich und zählen: eine lange Nichterfolgsgeschichte.)
how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Ja und nein. Klar habe ich einige Sachen bereits selbst erlebt (Leo, I feel you) und kann dann aus einem bereits vorhandenen Erfahrungsschatz ziehen und den eine gut Grundlage sein lassen. In vielen Fällen ist das nicht der Fall und da lasse ich mich dann von den Charakteren, wie ich sie bisher geschrieben habe, einfach treiben, schaue, wie sie fühlen und handeln würden.
How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Einmal, in Ausnahmefällen zweimal. Davon ausgenommen sind die Male, die ich mich so durch meine Geschichten lese und dann das eine oder andere korrigiere und verbessere.
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dream-about-dancing · 2 years
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💖😂😉 Happy Valentine's
I'm more than happy to be your wingman. 😘
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a-way-we-go · 1 year
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He keeps doing it: reaching for the flip phone late at night or in the early morning hours, not even looking but blindly fumbling his way to its only contact and pressing dial. It's not talking, not technically. Tony doesn't know what it is they're doing and he can't allow himself to stop and think about it.
Tony and Steve are not on speaking terms, but that doesn't stop Tony from calling him.
Words: 5527
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rekishi-aka · 8 months
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@apfelhalm tagged me 💖
I marked fewer than I expected at first 😂 But here we go this was fun.
Tagging @indigovigilance, @quelquunberlin, @softest-punk, @thisfeebleheart, @abeautifulblog, @bonsaibovine and anyone who'd like to play!
(Putting the template under the cut)
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squishymamasboy · 7 months
Tag WIP game
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
"So we’re here now. And the fates kept faithful watch. They will tell them eventually, that the prophecy still needs to happen. That everything needs to happen the way it's supposed to.
But that will never concern them again.
That’s a fate someone else will have to deal with."
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Thank you for tagging me @apfelhalm
Idk who to tag so I tag people I know write fanfic
@gloriousvillain @sharpth1ng @luchia13 @cyborging
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falleraatje · 1 year
Erzähl mir einen Headcanon über Caro und John, I miss them :,)
Seit du mir diesen ask geschickt hast, habe ich angefangen, drei verschiedene snippets zu schreiben. Ups 😅 aber da wahrscheinlich keins davon zeitnah fertig werden wird, hier ein paar Gedanken, die ich mir darüber gemacht habe:
- John bekommt genau einmal mit, dass Adam sagt, dass er Nagellack cool findet, aber dass das bei der Arbeit nicht geht. Weil John vielleicht immer noch versucht, Adam dazu zu bringen, ihn zu mögen, trägt er von da an immer Nagellack (und vielleicht auch, weil er gerne alle Leute bedrohlich anstarrt, die es wagen, ihn deshalb komisch anzuschauen und das zu kommentieren) (Adam mochte ihn sowieso schon, aber das ist definitiv ein Pluspunkt)
- Caro macht weiter mit ihren Übungen zum Gewichtheben. Irgendwann meldet sie sich sogar zum Spaß zu einem Wettbewerb an. Sie schneidet nicht besonders gut ab, aber John ist natürlich trotzdem begeistert (und Leo und Adam auch, weil sie natürlich zum Zuschauen kommen mussten)
- Irgendwann macht Caro John einen Heiratsantrag. Er ist ein bisschen beleidigt, weil er das eigentlich selbst machen wollte. Als Kompromiss einigen sie sich darauf, dass er Caro nach der Hochzeit über die Schwelle tragen darf, obwohl sie darauf besteht, dass sie das umgekehrt genauso gut machen könnte
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theoniprince · 1 year
Pokemon Au - Pia & Enton
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(for @apfelhalm 💕)
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renlyslittlerose · 2 years
Lovecraftian Horror - Obikin?! 👀
Ah! Thanks, peach!
This one is still really nebulous and I haven't started it yet, but basically I want professor of archeology Obi-Wan to be sent a new artefact that makes him go slowly mad with thoughts and ideas pertaining to this cosmic horror-type creature, which turns out to be Anakin/Vader but like. Not human haha.
Basically I want to try my hand at creeping dread-type horror!
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opheliagreif · 2 years
2, 13, 20 for the ask game :)
Hallo :3
2. Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them?
Ich habe bis vor zwei Jahren beim Animexx-Adventskalender mitgeschrieben (für jeden Tag ein eigenes Thema, das man sich vormerken konnte). Ansonsten würde ich gerne und linse immer mal wieder in die Prompts, ob da was dabei ist. Ansonsten gibt es in dem Fandom, in dem ich grad hauptsächlich schreibe, gefühlt nicht sooo viel writing events oder challenges (außer NaNoWriMo). Kennst du da mehr?
13. Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Mary Sue/Gary Stue. Blergh.
20. What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
Sascha aus dem Tal-Universum. Der ist so herrlich verrückt und Leo-Fanboy.
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pilvimarja · 6 months
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🔥= smutty ‼️= read the warnings 😭 = emotional ❣️= fluffy and sweet ✅️ = completed
Make Him Wait by MilesByMicah, explicit, AOB, bottom Maverick 🔥✅️
Bradley wants something. Maverick just wants to finish his damn report on time.
Mommy Knows Best by FuddleWuddle, explicit, AOB, bottom Maverick 🔥‼️✅️
Mav keeps hearing Bradley say something he probably shouldn't when his 'girlfriends' are round. When the third one breaks up with him because of what he says, Mav steps in to help. Because Mommy knows best, after all.
Losers, Weepers by ParseLey, explicit, AOB, bottom Bradley 🔥❣️✅️
Even with the undeniable proof that Bradley still feels their bond, even though he saw the results with his own eyes, Pete still lets Bradley sleep in his bed, curled close together so they both fit. It’s not the behavior of a responsible Keeper.
Live With Me Forever Now by Apfelhalm, general audiences ❣️✅️
"Wow", Mav chuckles, "65, can you believe that?" "You don't look a day older than 60," Rooster says, but what he really thinks is: 50, more like. His own temples and mustache have been starting to turn grey a couple of years ago, but Mav's hair is still jetblack. Maverick may or may not be immortal.
Kneel by yourcalpal, mature 🔥✅️
Maverick and Bradley work out an issue.
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dream-about-dancing · 4 months
⛵️ Five Fandoms, Five Ships ⛵
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
I was tagged by @tideswept Thank you 💐💐💐
I tag @apfelhalm @squishymamasboy @virahaus @lovey-dovey-and-sad @fizzigigsimmer (only if you want)
I chose the pairings that make me happy at the moment.
1) Obi-wan/Anakin (Star Wars)
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As a teenager I was a big Anidala shipper but as I got older I start fo fall in love with Ewan McGregor (thank you Moulin Rouge!).
I also found out that there are slash pairings and so I saw the movies with different eyes. 😌
I still enjoy Anidala fanart but my Star Wars OTP are these two. There are so many different ways to make them fall in love. Vaderkin, Padaobi, Vaderwan... I love them all. 🖤💙
2) Arnold/Rishe (The 7th Time Loop)
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I love and adore this light novel series so much. I can't describe how much I stan this series.
I was so happy that it got an anime and it was such a gorgeous one!!
Rishe is such an interesting character who lived through so much stuff. Sometimes she is too innocent but okay that is a classical trope in Japan. 🙈
On the other side Arnold is a badass who is so in love with fiance. Sadly nobody believes him because he is a murderous asshole. 😂
I pray we will get more anime seasons. 🙏
3) Maomao/Jinshi (The apothecary diaries)
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Another awesome light novel series. ❤️
I have one of the two manga adaptions at home and I adore the anime adaption.
It is such a great historical mystery show with two strong leads.
Maomao as the clever apothecary who grew up in a bordell and knows the world is fucked up and then Jinshi who has so many secrets and needs to keep so many secrets as he works for the emperor. A perfect pair even if their own personalities and pasts work against a relationship.
4) Lan Zhan/Wei Ying (MDZS)
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It was so hard to chose a Danmei pairing 😭 especially between MXTX but you never forget your first time. 😋
I love them and their cute little son. Even through it is super angsty I love the time period when our sunshine fell to the dark side. I love AUs which give these two and the Wens a chance for a happy end even if their love destroys the world.
5) Frieren/Himmel (Frieren)
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Don't you also simply love these doomed elf/human relationships especially when the elf realizes too late what they felt?
Yeah, these two are super fucking cute but also super angsty. They are doomed since episode 1 but I still adore every flashback scene with them and I weep over every scene in the present when Frieren realizes "It is too late."
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fandomchaosposts · 3 months
thank you @purple-amaranthe for tagging me!!
rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite shows, then tag 10 people
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tagging @future-oscarwinner @newtness532 @sugaroto @philosophicaldefenestration @apfelhalm @mne-bolno @mousmoula @justnerdystuffs @geolato if you want to participate <3
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