#apex season 7
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apex-legends · 4 months ago
Fight Night
Season 7 launch- Ascension
Family Portrait
A fate worse than death
The truth will set you free
All chapters on playlist
The Truth cinematic (not released in this season but is relevant here) REFER TO PATHFINDER'S QUEST WHERE LORE IS CONTRADICTED IN THIS ONE.
Location based interactions
Season 7 voicelines
Horizon- message
Voicelines for season 8 teaser
Fuse teaser (1)
Fuse teaser (2)
Fuse teaser (3)
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slaasherslut-side · 2 years ago
I really wish apex legends had a single mode. I wanna get back into the game but im so sick of randoms yelling racial slurs because they think its funny and getting pissy when their teammates arent perfect. The game is fun, the people suck.
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omagpies · 2 months ago
No way! Another person who has spent way too much time on apex! Who's your main? I'm guessing BH but I don't want to assume. How did you feel about the BH/Fuse engagement? Do you have any heirlooms? Sorry, not very many people play apex on here.
Also, do you have any apex art? If not that's totally cool but I would love to see it!
you have activated my trap card!! many drawings ahead
my main is indeed bloodhound. i also whip out fuse, mirage, and to a lesser degree octane, but mostly i'm a one trick bloodhound. they were what got me into the game in the first place back in season 7 when i heard their 'i'm afraid of heights :(' voicelines (a cool hunter nonbinary character voiced by none other than allegra clark? sign me tf up), and even though i am Very Bad At Shooting and don't actually like battle royale-type games apex stayed my brainrot for over two years. the brainrot is definitely over now and these days i play it as a social thing, but that's how i acquired 2k+ hours lmao
also they released a magpiehound recolor called 'frosthaven' that i gleefully snatched up and have been wearing it ever since (ft the magpie holospray and the magpie mural on their latest map. i think they are catering to me specifically)
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i am. truly Not Good. i am here just to clown and gossip and make poor life choices. my impulse control is too non existent for someone whose best skill is shooting a perfect outline around the enemy and not a bullet within
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i had SO MUCH bloodhound art over on twitter good god. out of the following two drawings, the first one was bought out by allegra to sell as signed prints, and the second one was reposted onto apex's IG account, and in general this was the one time i genuinely had a blast on twitter interacting with all the devs and vas before everything went downhill both in respawn and on twitter lol. also i have to say, s10 and the whole White Raven thing fed me so. so so. SO well. the existential angst was incredible.
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i participated in a couple of zines/projects as well! i have many thoughts about their canonical(!) respawn system and the resulting unimportance of death. adds to the existentialism and to bloodhound's religious themes
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overall it was a very, very prolific period for me, and there are many pieces i'm still very happy with to this day
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(^ the second to last one is a reference to the fusehound confession scene, and the last one is related to one of my fics, wooden bones (forest deity!bh au))
shipping!!! miragehound was my initial and most prominent ship, and i will never forgive respawn for not expanding on their backstory (their mothers worked together COME ON. they might have met as children! COME ON!!!!! i have a whole series exactly about the What Could Have Been)
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their backstory with boone also fascinated me for a very long time, and my friends and i spent many a yap session dissing the dude until we stopped and thought, hey, what if he really was Just Some Guy who made mistakes, what if he wasn't evil, and that's what pulled me right back into the brainrot when i was already starting to slowly recover from it. boone now has a very elaborate backstory and lore and i hope to god respawn never puts him in the games the way we did because a) they don't GET him and b) i don't trust the fandom with him lmao. i'm super down to blabber about him though just say the word. he's everything to me, my big, sad, hairy man
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we also invented in-game stuff for him. he had abilities and skins etc etc (the top row of skins is his titan pilot backstory + talos era + 'default' in-game skin)
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this diptych still lives rent-free in my head, i think i really won with this one
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where miragehound and boonehound flourished, mirageboonehound wasn't far behind! i wrote how it came to be and all. also Рorn. so much Рorn. seriously.
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also this was the first time i redrew the twelfth night as my otp. the second one was mouthwashing
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fusehound was an absolute delight to watch blossom, especially since we know it wasn't planned and just Kind Of Happened. i felt that lmao. characters be like that. i'm a bit sadge they shelved the whole talos plotline in favor of romance but at this point i gave up on expecting good lore from apex, especially after they fired herr frozenfroh. i didn't draw fusehound nearly as much, BUT i do have one fic that was basically a dream i had lol
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honorable mention goes to revhound!! this is the ship that went really hard with artists and writers. deeply painful, deeply compelling, absolutely incredible. mindblowing angst and just as mindblowing рorn, together or separately. best shit. the one ship i didn't write for because compared to the fandom's behemoths i never felt like i'd be able to contribute anything meaningful lol, i just got to sit back and enjoy
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bonus: as one of my friends eloquently put it, bh and their bhitches :)
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i was going to put in more pictures but hit the 30 images limit!!! my twitter is now abandoned but if you scroll down just a little you can see all the stuff that didn't make it into this post.
apex and bloodhound also REALLY, REALLY got me writing. i came into the fandom already relatively warmed up after a 170k fire emblem fic, but i ended up writing 200k+ for miragehound, mirageboonehound, and fusehound combined. i was unstoppable. it was insane. i've linked some already but you can peep them all here. bloodhound's pov was especially fun to write for, purple prose my beloved
also you asked me about heirlooms! i'm a lucky motherfucker who managed to get one set of shards from the 500th box and another from just the random 0.4% chance. so i have bloodhound's and fuse's as they are my most played characters :)
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mikufigureoftheday · 2 months ago
Are there like angel Miku’s or Miku’s with wings?
I have a few twintailed winged friends for you in various styles~
The 16th Anniversay design design has wings and so does all her merch
quite a few of the racing designs have them including the 2017 one
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and I did angels a lil bit ago HERE
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honeyedmiller · 2 years ago
The Night Before // Pedro Pascal
warnings: implications of smut and sooooooo much fluff I could CRY. hope y'all enjoy <3
word count: 1.7k
synopsis: You and Pedro had been dating for awhile, and finally decided to give yourselves to each other. Now it's the morning after, and you can't get last night's events out of your head.
(p.s. omfg this gif makes me want to dramatically CRY UGH)
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You stirred slightly, eyes slowly fluttering open. The sun's bright rays beamed through your lover's bedroom, the ivory curtains doing a poor job at keeping the light from your eyes.
You felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapped around your bare abdomen, bringing a sleepy smile to your glowing complexion. You could tell he was still asleep by the slow, even sounds of his breath that blew against the back of your neck.
Your eyes darted to the clock on the bedside table— 7:30 a.m. You were surprised you woke so early, considering how late you stayed up due to last night's events.
Oh, last nights events.
You'd been dating Pedro for a few months now, and he absolutely adored you. He'd show you off to the world whenever given the chance, proud to call you his. He made you feel so special, so loved, and never let a day pass by where you didn't feel the unwavering love he had for you.
You finally admitted last night that you loved each other, and that's when you two decided to give yourselves over to one another. Sure, you've had multiple occasions where everything got hot and heavy, but it never exceeded a certain point until last night.
The memories of last night coursed through your mind, imprinting themselves into your soul. You could still feel the way his hands roamed your body, making your skin feel like it was on fire. You could feel his lips against yours and various other parts of your body, making you blush once more. You could also recall his words, still very fresh in your mind, of him praising you and telling you how absolutely breathtaking you were.
He made you feel like a goddess— and to him, you absolutely were. You loved this man more than anything, and you made sure he knew that.
He took his time with you. He didn't rush a thing, and made sure you knew he was all in, and you were his end game. You were it for him, no one else. He'd found his soulmate, his forever, his life partner. The overwhelming feeling of it all washed over him last night all at once, nearly making him cry tears of absolute exultation.
At first, you'd always had a hard time expressing your feelings, and Pedro was hesitant to fully commit to a relationship in fear of getting hurt. It took so long to build that strong form of trust between you both, but the moment it happened, you both dove into it head first. Neither of you regretted the decision to do so.
Breaking from your daze, you turn your head to see a peaceful looking Pedro. A soft smile grazed your lips and you moved to kiss his forehead ever so tenderly. He didn't move an inch, which made you stifle a giggle. Slowly, you unwrap his arms from you, already missing the warm embrace as you slowly sneak out of bed.
You found his shirt from last night tossed onto the floor, so you swiftly picked it up and put it over your head, the soft jersey material falling over your bare body.
You tiptoed out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. You made your way downstairs and into the kitchen. You wanted to do something nice for Pedro since he made you feel so special the previous night, so you decided to make a nice breakfast.
You grabbed all the ingredients you needed, connected your phone to the bluetooth speaker he had in the vicinity, and got to work.
You started swaying your hips to the music as you diced up some potatoes, wincing slightly at the soreness between the apex of your thighs. It was a good soreness, though, and you remember your lover's presence there.
You'd just finished scrambling eggs and cooking up some seasoned potatoes, fixing to stir the waffle mix when flashbacks of the night before started to flood your head.
"You're so breathtaking, baby."
"I love you."
"You're all mine. I'm so lucky. All mine."
Pedro's words kept replaying in your head, making your eyes tear up in the slightest. You really loved that man with everything in your whole being, and were so lucky to've found such a wonderful person like him in this lifetime.
"Good morning, sweet girl." A low, groggy voice snapped you from your thoughts, startling you. His bare feet padded against the hardwood floor, stopping when he was entirely in the kitchen. You turn around, bowl full of waffle mix in one hand, whisk in the other.
You were doe-eyed as you faced Pedro, admiring how disheveled his hair was, how his tan skin glowed, and how low his gray sweatpants hung from his hips. You bit your lip as your eyes met his dark ones that were soft, sleep still prominent in them.
"Good morning, handsome," You set the bowl with the whisk down on the kitchen island, moving to your sleepy lover. You stopped in front of his tall frame, looking up at him. He lazily smiled down at you as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his body. "How'd you sleep?"
A blush sprinkled across your cheeks from the proximity, but you beamed up at him as you trailed your hands up his chest and around the back of his neck. You linked your two hands together, letting them rest comfortable behind him.
"Best sleep I've gotten in a very long time." He rasps, moving his head down to kiss you softly. Your hands unlink from themselves, and you move one of them to the back of his head and through his soft, wavy hair.
You kissed him like your life depended on it. You'd never been so passionate with anyone until it came to Pedro, but he loved every ounce of love you were willing to pour into him.
Reluctantly, you pulled apart from him. He kissed your forehead before looking down at you once more, and your hand moved to his cheek to caress it.
"I'm making some breakfast," You state the obvious, "Hope you're hungry." You smile up at him before kissing the stubble on his chin before fully releasing him, but he doesn't let go of you just yet.
"Hmm," He hums, resting his forehead against yours. "Smells good." He grins at you, kissing your forehead one more time before releasing you from his grip.
"Waffles should be done in ten minutes." You turn back around to finish the mix, couldn't help but feel Pedro's eyes burning into you.
He leaned against the kitchen island, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched you mix the batter in the bowl, wearing his shirt. God, could you be more perfect? His eyes ran up and down your body, over every single curve that he had the privilege of kissing last night.
You started to shake your hips to the song that was playing, which put the biggest smile on Pedro's velvet lips. He wanted to reach out and touch you, but he knew better than to distract you from something that had your full, undivided attention.
As promised, the waffles were done in ten minutes. You served him a plate and he graciously thanked you, diving right in. He let out a satisfied groan, his eyes rolling back in a dramatic fashion. You laugh, lightly hitting his shoulder.
You both ate in peace, just simply enjoying each other's company. It was intimate moments like this that tugged at your heart strings. Moments like this you'd never take for granted.
You both finished fairly quickly, both seemingly hungry after such a worked-up appetite.
After you put your dishes in the sink, Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls played over the speaker. Pedro held his hand out to you, and you softly giggled as you took it without hesitation. He pulled you into his chest as one hand wrapped around your waist, the other holding yours in his.
You rested your head on his chest as you two swayed back and fourth to the beautiful love song, pure bliss coursing through your whole being. You don't know what you did in a past life to deserve such a man as Pedro, but you couldn't be happier. You were so in love with him, it could make others sick.
He twirled you around toward the end of the song, your giggle echoing through the kitchen. He hoisted you up by your waist and set you down on the kitchen island, so you two were now eye level. He parted your legs so he could stand between them, hands traveling up your thighs as he dipped his head to leave feathery light kisses against the hot skin of your neck.
You hummed in content, draping your arms over his shoulders. His hands kept traveling up until they reached the apex of your thighs, and his thumbs began to rub light circles into your skin. You pulled apart from him for a second, admiring the adoration in his eyes— which, you were one hundred percent sure your eyes reflected to him as well.
"I love you," You whisper, your index finger moving to trace a small pattern on his bare chest. "So much." You kiss him once, twice, a third time before running a hand through his hair.
"I love you too, my darling. So much." He nudges his nose against yours, leaving a soft, lingering kiss on your lips.
"C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up, mama." Pedro hoists you up from the counter, a playful squeal falling from your mouth. You wrap your legs around his waist and leave playful, wet kisses tracing along his neck and collarbone as he took you two back upstairs to his bedroom and into the bathroom.
He set you down, your feet planting themselves on the cold tile floor. You shivered at the feeling, looking up at Pedro. He went to turn on the shower to a temperature you both liked, then stood back in front of your frame.
He smiled as his hands grazed where the hem of his t-shirt on you and your thighs met, chills instantly covering your body. He slowly pushed the shirt up and over your head, admiring your bare body from head to toe.
"My beautiful, sweet girl. How perfect you are." His lips met yours once again, this kiss in particular filled with fervor and neediness. You slid the sweats right off of his body, and he wasted no time backing you into the shower, lips never breaking yours—
back to finish what was started the night before.
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soylent-crocodile · 1 year ago
Chiropterex (Monster)
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(artist unknown)
(Back in the distant era of the early 10s, my family got Netflix as a novelty. Nowadays streaming has consumed film and television like a rabid beast, but back then, my brother and I found a little British show called Primeval. Weaned on BBC nature documentaries from a young age, this was an exciting new spin on Walking with Dinosaurs, and we loved it.
The future predator is no question the most iconic creature of the series, a future bat that is both inspired by earlier spec evo and has gone on to inspire many other monster designs, including the earlier moorkutlot. It seems only fitting it be translated to Pathfinder.
By the way, I'm abandoning the proposed evolutionary history the later seasons provide- that these actually evolved to eat humans in a post-apocalyptic cityscape- and make them what I think is most obvious to me.)
CR3 TN Medium Animal HD5
Chiropterex are an aberrant species of roughly wolf-sized terrestrial bat, an arboreal, nocturnal apex predator of the islands it calls home, where no other land mammals have reached. They live in small family groups of about four to six members, typically consisting of a mated pair, a nest of about six children, a few children of previous years who stay around to help, and maybe one or two aunts or uncles. Typically, however, they hunt alone, feeding on seabirds and large moa-like ratites who evolved alongside them. These family groups keep in contact with each other using echolocation, and if a lone hunter runs into a struggle, it will call on the dissembled family to help.
Chiropterex are notorious man-eaters, and many a shipwrecked crew has met its end at a family of ravenous land bats. Many peoples of island cultures consider chiropterex to be evil spirits, and indeed there is at least one island where the magic of The Abyss has infected the local population of these predatory beasts.
Some outsiders have tried to domesticate chiropterex, or at the very least use them as weapons. They are a tempting subject of domestication; they are mobile, intelligent, fast-growing and have large clutch sizes, but all attempts so far have ended disastrously.
Chiropterex Companions
Starting Statistics: AC: +4 Size: Small Speed: 30ft, Climb 30ft Attacks: Bite (1d3), 2 Claw (1d4) Ability Scores: Str:10 Dex:22 Con:8 Int:2 Wis:12 Cha:7 Special Qualities: Blind, Blindsight 90ft, Scent Lv 4 Advancement: Size: Medium Attacks: Bite (1d4), 2 Claw (1d6) Ability Scores: Str +4 Dex -2 Con +2 Special Qualities: Flurry of Strikes
This hunched over creature has long, clawed arms and a bulbous head that ends in a short, needle-toothed mouth.
Misc- CR3 TN Medium Animal HD5 Init:+5 Senses: Perception:+6 Blind, Blindsight 90ft, Scent Stats- Str:14(+2) Dex:20(+5) Con:10(+0) Int:2(-4) Wis:12(+2) Cha:7(-2) BAB:+3 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:25(5d8) AC:19(+5 Dex, +4 Natural) Fort:+4 Ref:+9 Will:+3 CMD:21 Immunity: Gaze and other visual effects Weakness: Vulnerability to Sonic  Offense- Bite +5(1d4+2, 18-20/x2), 2 Claw +5(1d6+2) CMB:+6 Speed:30ft, Climb 30ft Special Attacks: Pounce, Flurry of Strikes +3/+3/+3/+3(1d6+2) Feats- Dodge, Mobility Skills- +11 Climb, +10 Stealth, +6 Perception(+8 Racial to Climb) Special Qualities- Flurry of Strikes Ecology- Environment- Forest, Urban (Warm) Languages- None Organization- Solitary, Family (2-4 Chiropterex, 6-8 Young Chiropterex) Treasure- None Special Abilities- Blindsight (Ex)- A chiropterex’s blindsight is echolocation-based; it cannot sense within areas of Silence or similar spells. Flurry of Strikes (Ex)- A chiropterex may, as a full-round action, give a flurry of stabbing strikes from its claws. It makes four Claw attacks at a -2 penalty each. 
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idlingmoons · 27 days ago
the (not so) long-awaited fntd rant... i want it to be kept in mind that i do enjoy the game because of the dcas. and i have 1.11k wins in the game, so believe me when i say that it is grindy as hell. i do complain a lot, but i do come back to the game at the end of the day so keep that in mind. im also putting a keep reading cut here because i do not want to have this long ass ramble take up my entire tumblr lolol
@that-one-unknown-artist prepare yourself for the ranting ahead. i offer you sun and moon in these trying times, and dca ocs too since im neglecting them for this damn game rn haha
it's a genuinely very fun game at the beginning. the base game has 7 games to choose from, and 6 nights for each game, and each game is based off the fnaf series. they have fnaf 1-4, sister location, pizzeria sim, and (most importantly, and my favorite) security breach. security breach is genuinely the coolest one, but i love all the maps? in the game? security breach is just my favorite because theres an entire night dedicated to moondrop as the boss (night 5), and then night 6 has music man CRAWLING. ON THE CEILING>??????
doing all the nights aren't that long when you have good units, but i find that its hard to get a good starter. you do have to spend money for certain units and theres more of an incentive to because it's limited time (<- unfortunate money spender. worth it though). it's why i have my moondrop now haha. there's also the trading center which i am SCARED and socializing is NOT my peak skill so negotiating for stuff is very . HahHAHA. but thankfully you can just buy stuff without having to say anything. i bring up the trading center because the base prices for the dcas can get expensiveeee.
theres currently five dcas in game right now. you have base sundrop and moondrop (though sun is called sunshine), and you can get sunshine from the season pass! so hes not too expensive to get, you just have to grind enough xp to be able to get him (which, in a season pass, you need 4650 xp. you get 14 per game, 20 xp if you play nightmare mode) and currently it ends feb 15th. if you want to start, you might wanna start now lmao. but anyway you have sun, and moon, and then this game literally creates its own dca oc called stardrop. i am MADLY in love with the sun, moon, and star designs. stardrop looks genuinely so cool im keeping him in my pocket and yoinking that design for future ideas I REALLY LIKE THAT GUY . you also can get apollo's sun from the current event which is the greek event, but hes an apex and you get a 0.002% chance in rolling him, and 0.1% chance in getting him from a box. and then there's his evolution, apollo's moon
i'm already ranting here, but this is where i genuinely go insane from this post starts. APOLLO'S MOON. where do i start with you. so apollo's sun is the base unit and my god is he so fine. ok ? lets put it at that. he's basically greek au sun. alright? and game devs pulled it off. but HOOOOOO MY INTENSE. EMOTIONS . in regards to apollo's moon. i want to say it's hatred, but it's not. i'm just disappointed. he's the evolution from apollo's sun (and i was very lucky to get him!) and i considered referring to him as artemis throughout the rest of this rant because i want to give him a crumb, a MODICUM amount of respect. but he doesnt even deserve that after his design. I AM GOING TO GO INSANE.
to evolve him. let me get this screenshot
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i don't have anything better and also ignore the 43k souls now because i am BROKE. this was before i got apollos moon, and now im grinding again to get apollos sun to get the original unit so yk yk. this might not make a lot of sense if you havent played the game, which is completely fair so let me explain all the statistics and insanity this game put me through to get me with apollos moon. and i WILL. talk about how i want to redesign him because he can go two routes oh my fucking god i feel so strongly about tthe dcas
the top left is souls. i used to have 43k of them until i started buying stuff but you know. theres four currencies in game—coins, souls, doubt coins or whatever they are, and the event currency (which, as of right now), is medallions. coins you get with everything and are from base game, souls you get everywhere but rarer. doubt coins you get from boss raid, and i dont rlly like boss raid so i will just ignore talking about them. and then you get event currency, which are the medallions. you only need 5k souls, which is reasonable if you play the game and youre willing to grind some, especially since you get 5 dailies that give you 500 total if you do them all, and 5 weeklies that give you 5000 total if you manage to complete them too. they take some effort in doing, but the game gives you the genuine chance to get them. theres also the 500 suns and the 100 moons, and 25 suns are 5k medallions and 10 moons are 25k medallions.
the top right corner says 350k medallions. i figured this out the hard way. im genuinely going to explode i had to grind for 700k total medallions. because suns are 100k total and moons are 250k total im NOW just realizing this holy fucking shit?? you do get 174k medallions from the event rewards if you have the greek pass with it, and theres infinite tasks you can do (one must imagine sisyphus happy...) which can give you 5k or 15k medallions so. yeah. im beginning to realize how insane i sound from a mathematical standpoint, and also a standpoint from someone who hasnt played the game before. in the middle row, theres the green presents which are the greek boxes. yes you need 250 of them. you get can 3 of them (at least for me) from said infinite tasks, or 9 of them depending on certain ones. you also get 130 from the event rewards at the very end so ayyy more incentive to play. theyre not that bad, you just have to hope that you get one certain task 14 times, and yoou can now go to endless mode and just sit there after upgrading all your units and stuff. though, i also recognize its easier for me just because ive spent an entire month playing it every single day and going insane from doing it so uh. keep that in mind
the middle of the middle is agony. yeah theres something about agony from taken from the games. idk about agony though, i literally only care about daycare attendants. anyway. AHEM. YOU NEED 50 OF THOSE???? it was genuinely awful i wanted to scream HELLO? this isnt the worst one to grind for btw. its just the one where a good bit of my souls went. i ended up having to trade for them and thankfully market price is like. 100 souls. some people charged 200, thats okay, its fine. its just hard to find people who want to sell agony because, TURNS OUT. its a 1% chance you get agony in the event games. and you can get it in the base game, which you have a 1% chance of getting (unless its a certain night, which is then 2.5x that much), or you can increase the chances but you have to play it on hell mode and even then, its a 5% chance of getting agony from hell mode. it stacks, but point still stands. but hey, i did it. so
ironically enough, agony didnt bring me agony. the gold presents, theyre corrupted presents, YES. THOSE BROUGHT ME IMMENSE PAIN AND AGONT Y I WILL SCREAm. you have a 1% chance of getting them IN THE EVENT GAMES. theyre lower in the base games, as games 1-6? all lower than 1%. only in security breach is it 1%. and you only get them in hell mode. ONLY. in hell mode. nowhere else. just hell mode. and they're so expensive in the trading plaza too ???? its genuinely where a lot of my souls went. people will charge it for like 5k? ive seen it go for 9k once. but thankfully a good bunch of em bought was only 2k, so i could buy a bunch at once and thank fukcing god. it was still so bad i had to grind for a good portion of them and i want it to be understood that i screamed in genuine joy at getting last one. I SCREAMED. IN RELIEF
the last unit is this bonnie called nymph toy bonnie or smth. i bought him early on so not much to write home about there
now. after evolving apollos sun to apollos moon. I WILL CRY. WHY DOES HE LOOK LIKE THAT. hes a recolor with a ray ripped off, two harps, and more arrows. and before you go like "isnt stardrop a recolor" (or you dont, thats fine too) AT LEAST STARDROP LOOKS GOOD. SOMEHOW??? APOLLOS MOON LOOKS REALLY BALD. AND HE HAS RAYS. the colors are atrocious, theyre the white and dark blue like og moondrop but they dont work with the scarf thing and the rays, so they look really weird, the harps are ok and the arrows are fine. i dont like the look of the white stars on it. at least with moondrop he had the yellow stars and thats fine because thats base game, and also he had his night cap which also had yellow stars. with apollos moon, the white stars just all mesh together and then its like. Huh. i do like the one broken ray though, but utilized very badly here and shouldve been brought in with a different dca design instead of apollos moon. but after evolving him, i got a unit that just looks like a mess, so i am. in fact. just disappointed. as an artist, he hurts my soul. however, as a tower-defense player, hes fucking great. he caps out at 165k damage AND THATS WITHOUT ENCHANTS. my enchant for him makes him do 403k damage like hell yeah damn right my boy get it.
now. i really want to redesign him because his design is awful and atrocious. at least i think so. there are two possible ways to redesign him, i think, though ive only thought more of one. i will call these two versions apollo's moon and artemis's moon respectively. for apollo's moon, i think he should be colored yellow instead. this seems really weird, but swap au of sun and moon have existed before, including the colors, and its been pulled off really well. so, i suggest it. not only that, but stardrop is a technically a sun who pulls off moon colors well, so why not the other way around? if we're going to call him apollo's sun, he better damn act like it. it also gives him a chance for his harps to be colored brown instead of the white and blue we see in game, and generally his color palette would be more cohesive. apollos sun pulls the red off in the pants as well, and it glows. i think the stars glowing would be a lot better, especially if theyre yellow instead of the white that blends in with everything in the original design. also, no rays. both designs arent getting rays. i do think to play up the moon part, he should get a nightcap...? but i also think that there should be a gold laurel wreath crown for his design. i think it'd work heavily, especially with the greek theme, so why not do that? i do think artemis's moon would be colored differently, maybe more grayish blue and without the red eyes? i can see a silver laurel here instead of maybe a gold one. this second route i havent thought of much because im just. not a fan of apollos moon design wise and im sort of sleep deprived and going insane from how much ive been playing this game.
h. i still do play it though. i genuinely really like the dcas, i think its super fun, and i cant wait for the next ones! sorry if this seems a bit abrupt ending but a lot of my passion within this rant has been used, and i got the points i wanted to get across i think. i would still suggest to play it. i just need to get apollos sun soon so i can go back to working on art for a video that, technically, has been worked on for over a few weeks now. </3
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moon-snailsss · 4 months ago
Great Hammerhead
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A Great Hammerheads diet is comprised of a wide variety of animals. These sharks are opportunistic apex predators. They feed on invertebrates such as crabs, octopus, lobster, squid and bony fish like catfish, tarpons, groupers, sardines and porcupine fish. They also eat smaller species of hammerhead.
While they have a diverse diet, their favored meals are stingrays! They're able to find the stingray using the electro receptive organs in their cephalofoil and they attack it by pinning down the ray with its head while feeding on the wings.
The great hammerhead is found throughout the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. They are also found in the Mediterranean Sea. They migrate seasonally, in the summer they head towards the poles in search for cooler water and in the winter they migrate back towards the equator in search of warmer water.
There are a total of 10 species of hammerhead (This video is mainly about great hammerheads But I thought I should include a species slide^^)
1. Great hammerhead
2. Smooth hammerhead
3. Scalloped hammerhead
4. Scalloped bonnethead
5. Winghead shark
6. Scoop head shark
7. Bonnet head shark 8. Small eye hammerhead 9. Carolina hammerhead
10. Whitefin
Shark finning
shark finning is a problem that affects not just hammerheads, but many other sharks. Great Hammerheads just happen to be vulnerable to shark finning due to their large fin size. Shark finning is when a shark is caught, their fins are cut off, and then they re usually thrown back into the ocean to drown and suffocate. 73 million sharks are killed each year for shark fin soup. It is illegal in the us but other countries do not have laws against it. A way that we can help save sharks is to stop buying shark products! Here is a tiny list of things that could possibly contain shark.
Garden fertilizer
Hair dye+ shampoo
Skin lotion
Souvenirs (shark teeth)
Lip balm
unfortunately I am not sure of the brands that use shark so I can't tell you which ones to not buy from: (
Great hammerheads are listed as globally critically endangered on the IUCN Red list. They are vulnerable to overfishing and are threatened by the global shark fin trade because of the large size of their fins. The skin of this shark can also be used for leather and its liver for rich vitamin oils. Over 90% of Hammerheads die once they are captured by targeted fisheries. They are endangered in the Gulf of Mexico, North West Atlantic, and in the South West Indian Ocean. Great Hammerheads unfortunately do not reproduce often so they are not quick to recover after overfishing.
(I made this for anyone who prefers the info this way)
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blazehedgehog · 1 month ago
It's been all but confirmed that SEGA's upcoming reboots of Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi are going to be live service games with predatory monetization. Why would they do this? Why are live service games with predatory monetization still popular?
I mean this is the most naked example of capitalism.
Financially speaking, let's break down what a game means. If a company like Sega gets you to buy one game a year, that means you are giving them $50-$70 annually. If it's a game you really like, something that becomes your favorite game of all time, then it is the bar you compare all other games in the franchise to. Yakuza 5 is the best one? Well Yakuza 3, 4, 6, and 7 aren't as good as Yakuza 5, then. And maybe that means you eventually stop buying new Yakuza games, because you'd rather replay your favorite one.
In comes the live service game. You never buy it, it never ends. You can't say "Yakuza 5 was my favorite" because there is no Yakuza 5. There's just The Yakuza Game, and maybe season 5 was your favorite, but parts of season 5 are still in the game even though its season 28. Right? Season 5 never really goes away, not entirely.
An item in The Yakuza Game is $5. Maybe it's a shirt, maybe its shoes, whatever. And that's a lot cheaper than $60 for an entire game, right? So people are more willing to buy it. If you buy one $5 item a month, then Sega has made the same amount of money from you that they would have if you bought a full price game.
But the idea isn't just to make you spend $5 a month. Maybe you spend $10 some months. $15. Even $20. For $20, you get four virtual shirts, and that's cheaper than the price of one real-life shirt. Right? You feel like that has appropriate value.
But in Sega's eyes, all these small increments add up to you giving them more money over the long term. And on a game that lasts forever. $60-$240 a year, every year, in perpetuity.
They don't have to worry about a remaster in ten years, because if it catches on, then this forever-game will still be getting played in ten years. At worst, you can do what Fortnite, Overwatch and Apex Legends did, and have throwback seasons (and in those cases, you can charge people a second time for updated versions of items users might already have).
This is how Epic Games makes $20 billion a year. A live service game has the potential to vastly exceed the profits of a traditional one-and-done game by truly staggering degrees.
The catch being the same thing that happened in the mid 2000's. World of Warcraft exploded big time and everybody scrambled to make their own MMO to steal WoW's thunder. Turns out: people only have so much time in their day. Dozens of MMOs failed. Wild Star, Everquest Next, Tabula Rasa, Warhammer Online...
Remember when I said "Maybe Yakuza 5 is your favorite" and mentioned how many Yakuza games came both before and after it? Yeah. Now you aren't competing with other games in the series, you're competing with the pillars of the genre. For a live service game to succeed, you need to nail "the favorite" on your first shot. And there aren't very many games that do that, in any format.
And in a live service arena like this, where a lot of the profit is generated from entrenched, habitual spenders who burrow into one game and never leave? The odds of pulling them out of their comfort zone shrink, and shrink, and shrink. If you only play video games for an hour per day, why would you go somewhere new when all of your friends and items already exist in the current game?
But such is the siren call of profit. Why make $100 million on Jet Set Radio when it has the potential to be $1 billion, $5 billion, or even $10 billion? Even just a sprinkling of live service can sweeten long term earnings, after all. Users may not like it, but they'll tolerate being annoyed a little bit. And it's fine annoying them a little bit. And a little bit more. And a little bit more. And a little bit more.
Please, we only made $390 million on this game. We expected $1 billion. We can't make games that don't generate $1 billion in profit. $390 million is nothing. Nobody can do anything worthwhile with just $390 million. The investors are laughing at us. Throw yourself before the golden throne or you'll get the cattle prod again. Your favorite game franchises demand it.
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saritapaleo · 9 months ago
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Known for its tall, recognizable, cassowary-like crest, Corythoraptor jacobsi was a large oviraptorosaur also from the Nanxiong Formation of Late Cretaceous China. Corythoraptor’s crest was heavily pneumatized (full of air pockets), even more so than the modern day cassowary’s crest. This likely made the crest very light and fragile, even when covered by a keratinous sheath. It probably served a purpose similar to a cassowary’s crest: for display, to dissipate heat, and to detect low-frequency sounds.
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The first, and only, known specimen was found to be at least 6 or 7 years old, having gone through seasonal growth spurts. This indicates that it lived in an environment that experienced fluctuating rainy and arid seasons. Corythoraptor likely used its toothless beak for eating plants, nuts, and seeds. However, since the Nanxiong Formation was home to many different species of oviraptorosaurs, it’s possible each one specialized in different types of food to avoid competition.
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Corythoraptor had its first big spotlight in the documentary Prehistoric Planet, where it was seen eating Ginkgo seeds and being hunted by the long-snouted tyrannosaurid Qianzhousaurus, the apex predator of the Nanxiong Formation. It was also seen in the second season having its eggs stolen by the dromaeosaur Kuru kulla. While a welcome reversal of the common trope of always depicting oviraptorosaurs as egg thieves, Kuru did not live in the Nanxiong Formation, and was instead native to the slightly older Barun Goyot Formation of Mongolia. Corythoraptor would have instead shared the Nanxiong with other oviraptorosaurs like Tongtianlong, Ganzhousaurus, Huanansaurus, Jiangxisaurus, Shixinggia, Nankangia, and Banji, as well as therizinosaurids like Nanshiungosaurus, macronarian sauropods like Jiangxititan, indeterminate hadrosaurs, turtles, lizards, and the crocodilian Jiangxisuchus.
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This art may be used for educational purposes, with credit, but please contact me first for permission before using my art. I would like to know where and how it is being used. If you don’t have something to add that was not already addressed in this caption, please do not repost this art. Thank you!
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lunanightriderofthecove · 3 months ago
I just took the time (at work no less 😆) to write down every single leaked track title of the season 6 and 7 soundtrack and what I think which episode it's part of. Some of them were so much easier than others 🙈
Those with two episode numbers I wasn't sure so I put both.
List (including spoilers) below the cut
Season 6:
Bittersweet Morning (6x01)
The Path of Freedom (6x01)
Forest Chase (6x02)
The Sunfire Soul (6x02)
Shrink Magic (6x02)
One Spell / The Frozen Sea (6x03)
The Frozen Ship (6x03)
Esmerelda Skall (6x03)
We're Close (6x03)
Fiery Escape (6x03)
The Starscraper / Apex Predator (6x04)
Viren’s Confession (6x05)
Storm of Grief (6x05)
Corona of the Heavens (6x05)
Time-Blind (6x05)
Father and Son (6x05)
Sacred Promise / Tainted by Darkness (6x05)
The Truth Is (6x06)
To the Stars / Your Mother’s Tears (6x06)
Deep Truths (6x06)
Second Chances (6x06)
The Queens’ Wedding (6x07)
Call the Sun (6x07)
Archdragon’s Descent (6x07/6x08)
His Good Heart (6x08)
One Last Time (6x08/6x09)
Lotus Petals (6x09)
Leola’s Fall (6x09)
Season 7:
(99% of this is speculation, obviously 😆)
Ruin and Rebirth (7x01)
Time to Grieve (7x01)
Arrest Him  (7x01)
The Puzzle House (7x01/7x02)
Forgive Me (7x02)
Escaping the Lodge, Again (7x02)
The Great Amnesty (7x03)
The Mage Wars (7x03)
Reunion (7x04)
No More Half Truths (7x04)
Ritual of the New Moon (7x04/7x05)
Rayla Reborn / Unfinished Business (7x04/7x05)
Moon Cubs (7x05)
Driven by Love (7x05/7x06)
Why Are You Doing This? (7x06)
Lissa (7x06)
Umbra Dolor [trl: shadow pain] (7x06)
Inversion (7x06)
Rise Again (7x06)
Fall of a Titan (7x07)
Callum’s Plan (7x07)
Compromise (7x07)
Written In His Eyes (7x07)
Boiled Grotto (7x07)
Hungry Shadows (7x07)
Extinguished (7x08)
Let There Be Dark (7x08)
The Orphan Queen / An Old Friend (7x08)
Eternal Night (7x08)
For Xadia (7x08)
Battle of the Sunforge (7x08)
The Novablade (7x08)
Best Laid Plans (7x08)
When a Star Dies (7x08/7x09)
Dragonsong (7x09)
Brothers, Brothers, Brothers (7x09)
Breaking New Ground (7x09)
I Miss Her / Forgiveness (7x09)
This Changes Everything (7x09)
Starlit Serenade (7x09)
Leola’s Last Wish (7x09)
I have thoughts about some of the s7 track titles. If I manage to put them into somewhat coherent words those thoughts will follow later 👍🏻
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apex-legends · 2 months ago
We got another lore episode today- called 'Once Upon a Horizon', which is basically just a very short recap of Horizon's backstory
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faneliansficaloh · 2 months ago
A Lifetime of Happiness
(Ch 1) (Ch 2) (Ch 3) (Ch 4) (Ch 5) (Ch 6) (Ch 7) (Ch 8) (Ch 9) (Ch 10)
This is Chapter 11
26 December 1817
Dear Penelope,
I am afraid that temperate weather, although good for one’s spirits in general, does not make for the spirit we generally associate with the Christmas season. It doesn’t feel right to have the need for open windows so the breeze can cool one off. We should be wearing our heavy winter coats and gloves. At least our cook has been kind enough to learn to bake a perfect plum pie. That woman can bake anything to perfection, she is a treasure.
We were served fish as the main course for Christmas eve dinner at Lord Thornton’s if you can believe it. Here the celebration for Christmas commences in earnest on the eve of it and reaches its apex at midnight. There were celebrations with fireworks going off at that time, which made it impossible for the children to remain in bed, in turn making them almost unbearably ill humoured through Christmas day. How is that even possible?
Mr. Finch has communicated the good news that your sister Phillipa is with child again. I wonder if the poor man has had a night of sleep in the last two years, I admire his dedication to his family but even in his letters he sounds like he could use a nap, be kind to him.
Amy wants to know what Abby’s favourite colour is, and to please tell her that hers is still yellow. Ollie, surprising no one has declared his to be blue. I have to applaud their constancy.
We all send our love to both of you.
Yours, Colin.
1815 – The First dance.
Her mother had been preoccupied as of late with getting her sisters to produce an heir for the Featherington title. It seemed there was a chance that if any of her daughters could birth a boy, the Featherington title would go to that child, somehow. Penelope did not care enough about that to give it much thought. She needed to concentrate on getting a husband. Primarily because she needed to forget about Colin for good, and secondarily because this Featherington title business had put her into the precarious possibility of having to live at the mercy of one of her sisters, not that living her life to support her mother in her older years was a thrilling prospect either.
She could not withstand that. She needed to be able to have her own home, hopefully a kind husband that would let her be on her own so she could continue to write, and maybe even her own children to shower with affection.
It had been easy to get her mother’s approval to go to the modiste on her own and pick her own garments, as it had been her own suggestion that she should get whatever she felt she needed to succeed. Genevive was simply thrilled at the prospect of having the opportunity to use her full talents to dress Penelope.
“Miss Penelope, I have been praying for this since you first made your debut. I have been so mortified letting you go out on those dreadful colours and such dowdy cuts your mother kept pushing for, but she is --”
“She is a force of nature, is she not?” she nodded knowingly.
“Oh, I am truly sorry, but she is the most difficult of all my clientele!”
“There is no need to apologize, I’ve lived with the woman all of my life. I think she means well, but she was not blessed with your eye for fashion. I am fully in your hands now, Madame. What do you recommend?”
Genevive smiled like she had been given a precious gift, eyeing her greedily.
“Oh, this is going to be so much fun, miss Penelope. We will make you shine!” Genevieve would make the most of this opportunity – Penelope was truly a blank page that she could work and make true art from – and it didn’t hurt that she had a full purse.
“Just – No yellows, please”
“Oh, no, not at all my dear”
And so, as Penelope entered Lady Danbury’s ballroom for the first ball of the season of 1815, she could feel the nervousness of revealing a new identity to the world. She had been overcome at seeing herself so changed when trying on this new dress. Genevive had picked the most gorgeous dark green shot silk and adjusted the cut of the dress to highlight her figure in an attractive way, which she had never been fully able to do before. Penelope had asked Rae to get rid of the ringlets in her hair and opted for softer waves instead.
She had felt very confident at home but now that she was exposed to the eyes of the ton, it was nerve wracking. She realized her ugly yellow dresses had served her as a kind of armour that, at least in her mind, made it so other people would look away without a second glance. But now people were staring and lingering, eyes were perusing her with interest, not immediately bored and cast away.
She gathered the courage to descend the steps as she caught Eloise’s smiling at her from the crowd, so with newfound resolution, she made her way on her own to the middle of the room, near the dance floor.
“Oh, Penelope looks lovely” Marina said, prompting Colin to turn around and look for her.
He had to swallow with some difficulty before responding “She does, that colour suits her very well. But why is no one with her?”
“She’s hardly a debutante now, Colin, I don’t think many introductions are required. And we’re surrounded by family everywhere shall the need arise”
He then saw men had approached her, which was probably why Eloise had delayed on her attempt to join her, the coward. Penelope had her back to him so he couldn’t see if she was happy or uncomfortable. People kept distracting him, expecting him to participate in conversation and he thought it best to do so, lest his staring became too obvious. He had a mind to go to her when he looked again and saw the men had left her alone, but Francesca was now with her, which was good. Next time he looked, Eloise finally joined them, but very soon a man took Francesca away for a dance so it was just the two of them now. He could put his mind at ease now, he knew Eloise would not leave her alone.
“Pen! You’ve made quite a stir! I see your friendship with Madame DelaCroix is paying off, that is a smashing dress.”
“She really outdid herself, didn’t she? But I was not prepared for all the staring, and I have botched every attempt at conversing with the gentlemen that approached me. It was beyond embarrassing”
“I’m afraid I cannot be much help there, Pen, I am not exactly known for my graceful demeanour. And being the scandalous woman that I am, I cannot help you attract suitors. In fact, are you sure you don’t mind being seen with me? I might be more of a deterrent”
“I don’t think anyone cares about your scandal by now, El. The lack of approaching suitors, not that you truly lament it, is because we are well known by now and the men are all too busy examining the newcomers.”
“All I can say is that you should not care so much what they think. If they do not understand you, then good riddance! You wouldn’t want to marry someone like that, anyway, I hope. But enough about men. Should we go get some refreshments? I saw an attractive selection of cold treats over the winter section, of all locations.”
“Where would you have them be?” She was amused at her nitpicking.
“Wouldn’t summer make more sense? If it were truly winter, would you care for lemon ice?”
“I suppose not, but I could go for one right now”
It was when they were looking at the cold treats that Lady Danbury called their names, making them turn back immediately, caught completely off guard.
“Good evening! Miss Penelope Featherington, Miss Eloise Bridgerton, allow me to introduce Lord Debling” She gestured towards the tall blond man that accompanied her. They both curtsied.
“Good evening!” both said in unison.
“I hope you are all enjoying yourselves”
“Of course, Lady Danbury, it is a truly splendid night!” Penelope answered with a tinge of nervousness fraying her voice.
“Very much, yes” Eloise was doing her best to control her instinct to flee.
“Lord Debling is finally joining us in London after a rather long hiatus. When was the last time you graced us with your presence, my Lord?”
His voice had a warm quality to it, but his tone was mirthful “I believe it was eight years ago, Lady Danbury. It has been very kind of you to still consider me worthy of an invitation.”
“As long as it doesn’t take you another decade to come back” The old woman teased.
“I cannot make any promises” There was a little spark in his clear blue eyes.
“Maybe someone else can persuade you, then” He chuckled softly, through closed lips that were surrounded by a full beard, which gave him an air of of solemnity, even when he was clearly amused.“Miss Bridgerton, would you be so kind as to accompany me? There is something I need to discuss with you” Penelope felt a rush of panic invading her. She would be left on her own with him.
“Beg your pardon?” Eloise, who had been fidgeting with her curricle quickly raised her eyes to look at Lady Danbury, completely taken by surprise.
“Come with me” Lady Danbury extended a hand to her, impatiently, giving her a significant look. Eloise was instantly relieved, even though she felt bad at abandoning Penelope like that.
“If you’ll excuse me, duty calls, apparently. Pleasure to meet you, Lord Debling” Once they were behind his back, Eloise turned around quickly and gestured to Penelope “I’m sorry!” and raising her fists encouragingly she gave her a pursed smile before walking away with Lady Danbury.
“Are you very close with Lady Danbury, my Lord?” Said Penelope, nervously, and regretting not having something more interesting to begin a conversation.
“Not really close, no. But she is held in very high regard in many circles, some of which we do have in common”
“Eight years seems like a rather long time to miss one of her famous events” It was very evident to her that he had not been keeping up with fashion. His attire seemed slightly behind the times, which was betrayed by the ruffles in the cuff of his shirt sleeves, as did his full beard. But he held himself confidently, so it was intriguing to her if he didn’t notice or just didn’t care about being fashionable at all.
“It is indeed a long time. I had just come back from Cambridge and my late father insisted at the time.”
“Oh, I’m sorry! About your father, not-- not about having to come here-- or about Cambridge, of course!” She laughed nervously and was starting to feel flustered, fearing that she might begin to fumble her words even further. Then a thought occurred to her. This man had not been around to witness her social failures in the last two years. He hadn’t seen her in her citrus, oddly shaped dresses. To him she had always been this version of herself. He didn’t know her, and it was as Eloise had said – if he didn’t like her, then what was truly lost?
“Thank you, it’s been a long time since his passing.” He shrugged almost imperceptibly.
“If the last time you were here was only at the behest of your father, what brings you back after this long?” He looked at her with a furrowed brow and then smiled
“I am assessing what London’s society has to offer”
She raised her eyebrows. “Ah! Well, as you can see” Said Penelope resolutely and to her own astonishment, completely in control of herself, as she turned to openly face the room and gesture sweepingly with her hand “We have a little of everything. Marriage eager mamas and their beautiful young charges, discerning gentlemen conversing about very important matters to be sure, music, dancing and surely you won’t find a more wonderful array of food and refreshments anywhere in the world.” A genial smile adorned her face.
“Hmm, truly, so many wonders! Anything you would recommend particularly?” He raised a brow, questioningly.
“If you are not hungry or thirsty, you should try dancing. Unless you’d rather join the musicians?” He laughed softly, clearly very amused.
“I’m afraid I did not bring my violin with me, so, would you do me the honour?”
She took the arm he was offering “Why, of course!”. She could not believe herself. She felt the rush that was usually reserved for the times she had haggled with merchants and printers for Whistledown, and she realized where her bout of confidence had come from.
As they positioned themselves for the dance she asked him, with genuine curiosity “Do you really play the violin, my Lord?”
“I do” He said as they started the quadrille.
Earlier, Colin had noted Anthony and Kate were dancing away, unbothered by anything around them, so evidently in love with each other, it was hard to imagine his brother had been intent on marrying her sister instead. He was happy for them, that they had been able to rectify their mistakes and enjoy their happiness together. Francesca was also dancing now, although she did not look as blessedly happy. Lady Featherington was talking with Lady Cowper and her friends, Phillipa and Prudence were with their husbands picking food... and Eloise was coming his way arm in arm with Lady Danbury herself, so that meant that unless Benedict… no, Benedict was talking to Fife. There was an unknown man talking with Penelope on the far side of the ballroom.
“Thank you for walking with me, Miss Bridgerton. I shall leave you in the company of your family” Colin was clearly not paying attention so she addressed him directly “Is everything alright, Mr. Bridgerton?”
“Oh, yes quite alright” he said, startled.
“He’s probably just wondering who that gentleman is, talking to Miss Featherington” Said Marina with what seemed to be an amused smile.
“Oh, yes. That would be Lord Debling, I just introduced them.” She seemed rather pleased with herself
“Oh, that’s wonderful! I heard he is looking to take a wife this season” Violet’s enthusiasm was incredibly offensive to Colin.
“He is, he has told me so himself. I think Miss Featherington would be a very good match. He’s of a scientific mind, rather reserved, but he has a quick wit and a good head on his shoulders. He does have a peculiar interest in nature, but nothing objectionable”
“He’s rather handsome, too” Marina interjected
“What a paragon of virtue!” Said Colin, sardonically.
“Not as handsome as you, of course, my dear husband” He forced a smile at her sarcasm.
“Oh, they’re going to the dance floor!” Violet was as excited as if it were Eloise dancing with the man. Colin looked for Lady Featherington and she also seemed delighted, but he could swear even she wasn’t as excited as his own mother.
Eloise was puzzled by all the excitement surrounding this man’s interest in Penelope. She would have been utterly disgusted but the truth was she was also invested, as she knew marriage was something Penelope wanted, as much as she could not understand it.
“Well, we shall see if Penelope even likes the man before sending out the wedding invitations, shall we?” was all she could say.
Colin had never liked his sister so much as he did in that moment. “Finally, some sense!”
“Heavens, of course!” Violet chuckled.
“You’ll have to excuse me, I need to go back to our Queen now. Please enjoy yourselves!” and then in not-quite-secret asked Violet “Let me know how it goes” Lady Danbury then retired from the group.
“We must go home now” Colin said, looking at his watch “I have to be at the ministry early tomorrow” He and Marina said their goodbyes and left. As they reached the top of the stairs, Colin fought the urge to look back at the dance floor, but he could not help himself. Penelope was smiling, she looked radiant, happy. He made haste and left, Marina following him closely, not missing out on his behaviour.
“Eloise, since Penelope might not be as available to you this season, you might want to expand your circle of friends a little? I’m sure the other young ladies also have something to offer”
“Must I, mother?” Eloise had not had much luck so far, making conversation with other young women in the ton. Most of them seemed to be entirely focused on marriage and what she considered to be trivial endeavours or accomplishments that she saw with disdain. But – she thought – what if Penelope kept getting asked to dance and suddenly did not have time for her? She would be stuck hovering around her siblings and her mother. And her siblings were not reliable company either. Francesca was also intent in marrying and already, on her very first ball, had been dancing or surrounded by men practically since they got there. Benedict was hiding away most of the time, he would not stick around her since she was an attention magnet for their mother. Anthony was besotted with his new wife – who she liked very much but who was just as besotted with her brother, and Colin came in a bundle with his wife these days as well, but she did not like Marina at all.
“Please make an effort at least?”
“Very well. I will go take a turn about to see if I catch a friend or two, then”
As she was walking to a group of ladies, she noticed the dance had ended and Penelope was now free, so she corrected course, but was still able to catch the voice of Cressida Cowper as she passed by her.
“Yes, well the dress might be beautiful, it is only a shame it is wasted on her. He must have taken pity on her”
Eloise stopped and looked at her. It was evident as the group of ladies were looking at Penelope, that she was referring to her, so she turned back entirely to confront her.
“Do you really feel that threatened by Penelope, Cressida, that you have to resort to talking about her this cruelly? It is no wonder you have no real friends” Cressida gave her an incredulous offended, sweeping look as the other ladies fled away from the scene. “See? No one is willing to stand for you”
“Oh, because you’re surrounded by friends? There is a reason why only Penelope hovers around you”
“Of course, because I’m a delight!” She then turned back around to go to Penelope but she could still hear what Cressida added
“More likely your brothers” Eloise just kept walking away.
Cressida might not be considered clever in an intellectual level by anyone who had met her, but she always knew how to hurt people. It was an instinct very well honed, Eloise thought. They hardly ever exchanged words but here she had still managed to touch a sensitive fibre. Ever since Penelope had revealed to her that she was Whistledown, Eloise had wondered why she had felt the need to conceal it from her so called best friend. Did Penelope not consider her a true, reliable friend? Maybe she just saw her as a means to spend time with Colin? Wasn’t it odd that neither of them had any other friends outside her own family? But that wasn’t true, Eloise knew Penelope had a friendship with Madam DelaCroix now.
“So, how did it go?” She asked Penelope as soon as she reached her.
“Were you talking to Cressida?” She was intrigued.
“Pay no attention to that. Tell me”
“I did enjoy dancing, even though I was very nervous, I managed not to step on him. You will be proud to know that I followed your advise and tried not to care what he would think of me too much.”
“Oh, good!” She was genuinely glad.
“I was surprised Lady Danbury went to the trouble for me”
“She was rather invested, let me tell you. Everyone in our group was talking about you and Lord Debling”
“Is there really nothing more interesting going on?” she scrunched her nose.
“It seems we all find you very interesting tonight, Pen. Lady Whistledown will have to talk about your success, for once”
“She has to be kind to you for once! And not the pitiful type of kindness either”
Penelope gave her an admonishing look but then smiled. “Oh, alright, but it cannot be all self-serving, either.” She had to accept that she was doing rather well that night, all things considered.
“I am a very good friend, aren’t I?”
“Of course you are! Now it can’t all be about me, so we better move around”
Cressida could eat a lemon and choke on it, Eloise thought, with a smug smile on her face.
Marina had grown suspicious of Colin’s sullen behaviour but she waited until they were back in their home on Doughty street to say something, using the ride home to consider if she should say anything at all.
They were walking towards the stairs, Colin following behind her, when she finally asked him “For that you dragged me out tonight? Why did you even want to go if we were to leave so soon?”
“Lady Danbury is a very powerful woman, Marina, we should be in her good graces. And I did not drag you, you could have stayed if you wanted.”
She stopped suddenly, just at the bottom of the staircase, turning around and causing him to halt suddenly, almost crashing into her. She was blocking his way and put her hands on his chest, looking up at his eyes, lips half parted, teasing, perhaps offering a kiss.
He was taken aback “What are you doing?”
“I thought perhaps you would like to come with me into my room tonight” She reached out to touch his face but he recoiled, removing her hands with his.
“It’s too late.” He motioned with his hand for her to move “I’m going to sleep, good night.”
“Good night” she utttered coldly, worry in her face.
That night neither of them could sleep thinking of Penelope. Marina fearing she would lose everything to her and Colin thinking how he had always taken her presence for granted and was now in danger of losing her forever.
Chapter 12
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mousegard · 2 months ago
Aria of the Black Eagle - Season 2 Masterpost
As the Black Eagle Strike Force continues to search for a way home, their presence draws a new enemy into the maelstrom of the Frontier Incident—the Bavarian Illuminati!
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But the Count of Saint-Germain and her fellow immortals are far from the greatest threat Edelgard von Hresvelg and her comrades face in 21st-century Tokyo—for their meddling has resurrected an ancient threat from the darkest depths of Fodlan's prehistory.
SYMPHOGEAR SfZ Episode List:
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Episode 1: Words Without a Rhyme
Byleth regains the memories and knowledge of her past lives. She does not take it very well.
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Episode 2: Dancers at the End of Time
When Byleth's identity crisis leads to her clashing blades with Edelgard, Hibiki goes nuclear to stop them.
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Episode 3: Mirror Darkly
An unfortunate discovery about Gungnir leaves Hibiki listless—and vulnerable to Those Who Slither in the Dark.
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Episode 4: Something Stupid
When Miku accidentally confesses her feelings to Hibiki, she must turn to the gayest people she knows for help.
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Episode 5: Operation Lost Ark, Part 1
The Black Eagles agree to assist in transporting a relic that could bring them home. But the Bavarian Illuminati has its eye on them—and is ready to make its move.
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Episode 6: Operation Lost Ark, Part 2
On the way to a secure vault for dangerous relics, Edelgard comes face-to-face with a terrifying threat at the bottom of the sea—and her deepest fears.
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Episode 7: Operation Lost Ark, Part 3
A showdown on the shoreline between Section Two, the Bavarian Illuminati, and Those Who Slither in the Dark awakens a terrifying power.
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Episode 8: Intermezzo
In the aftermath of Operation Lost Ark, Maria prepares for her day in court. Chris takes in a stray. A wounded Suttungr finds herself in the care of an unlikely ally.
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Episode 9: Ordinary
While Millaarc helps Section Two search for Elsa, Epimenides makes his debut with an offer for the Black Eagles.
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Episode 10: Village of the Howling Dog
The search for Elsa brings the Black Eagles to a haunted village. Meanwhile, an imprisoned Ver gathers new allies.
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Episode 11: Ver's Eleven
With team of monsters at his side, Ver attempts to escape the Illuminati's clutches—without falling into the Black Eagles'.
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Episode 12: Reach For My Hand
With Elsa still missing, Hibiki helps Millaarc pull off a daring—and dangerous—rescue.
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Episode 13: A Mere Four Vessels
Ver heads to Frontier to pull off his plan—and Section Two has no choice but to follow, with or without government authorization.
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Episode 14: Children of a False God
When four Autoscorers accidentally become vessels of Sothis, Byleth sees a side of her old friend she has never seen before.
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Episode 15: SfZ
While the vessels of Sothis wreak havoc across Frontier, Ver stands at the apex of the world and declares the beginning of a new golden age for humanity.
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Episode 16: Farewell, My Sister
Can Maria save the world? Can Hibiki make one more new friend? Can Edelgard and Chris part ways on amicable terms?
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Season 1 | Season 2 | Season 3
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mask131 · 1 year ago
The myth of Dionysos (7)
I covered before two articles of the "Dictionary of Literary Myths". Here I bring you another loose translation of a thorough article covering Dionysos' legend, myth and god-self. However this time, it is an article coming from Félix Guirand's "General Mythology". It is a bit of an old article - originally written in 1937 - so some elements might be lacking or outdated, but Guirand's book and studied stayed a very influential and referential work when it came to mythology studies for a very long time, up to the early 21st century, so there is a legitimate interest to put it alongside other Dionysos articles throughout this series.
In the section about Greek mythology, Félix Guirand classifies Dionysos right after Demeter among the "earth gods" and "agragrian deities".
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I/ Traits and attributes
Dionysos (etymologically speaking, the “Zeus of Nysa” seems, by analogies of his attributes and legends, to be the Greek version of the Vedic god “Soma”. His cult seems to have been born in Thrace: brought to Boeotia by settling Thracian tribes, it was then carried to the island of Naxos by Boeotian colonizers, before it finally started spreading over the entire archipelago, before returning to the continental Greece – first in the Attic region, and later in the Peloponnese. The character that was the primitive Dionysos complexified itself by borrowing traits from foreign deities – most notably the Cretan Zagreus, the Phrygian Sabazios, and the Lydian Bassareus. As such, Dionysos kept gaining new domains and powers as his characterization grew. It seems that Dionysos was originally simply a god of wine. From the spirit of wine, he became a god of vegetation and hot humidity, and from this point he evolved into the god of pleasures, then into the god of civilization, and finally, according to the Orphic traditions, he reached his apex as a manifestation of the supreme deity.
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II/ Cult and depictions
Dionysos was honored throughout all of Greece, but the nature of his festivities and holidays varied depending on the regions and eras. One of his most ancient celebrations was the Agrionia, that came from Boeotia (most specifically Orchomenos): in its primitive form, the Bacchants killed a young boy in honor of the god. Human sacrifices were also practiced at Chios and Lesbos – they were however replaced by ritual flagellation. In the Attic region, it was the rural Dionysia that were celebrated: in December it was the Lenaea, holidays of the wine press, when the god was offered the first products of the wine-season. Then, at the end of February, came the Anthesteria, or “flowery celebrations”, that lasted three days during which the wine of the last harvest was tasted – in the Lenoeon sanctuary a procession was organized, followed by a sacrifice offered by the wife of the archon-king, and concluded by the offering of boiled seeds to both Dionysos and Hermes. The most famed and renowned celebrations of Dionysos were however the Great Dionysia, or urban Dionysia, at the beginning of March. It was during this festival that theater plays were organized. These nobles and respectful ceremonies were coupled with orgy-like celebrations all throughout Greece – such as the orgiastic celebrations on the slopes of the Cithaeron.
The physical appearance of Dionysos changed as his legend was modified. He first appeared in the same of a mature, bearded, middle-aged man wearing a crown of ivy. Then he became an effeminate and beardless ephebe, sometimes half-naked, barely covered by a “nebride” (a panther’s pelt or fawn skin), other times wearing a long dress identical to those worn by women. His head, which sported long curly hair, was crowned with vine and grapes – he was holding in one hand a thyrsus, and in the other either grapes or a drinking cup.
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(Here I cut off parts III and IV of the article - I'll post them separately)
V/ Foreign deities associated with Dionysos
This exuberant wealth of legends is explained not only by the great popularity of the god, but also by the fact that Dionysos’ personality (as said previously) absorbed several foreign deities. Three in particular: the Phrygian Sabazios, the Lydian Bassareus and the Cretan Zagreus.
Sabazios, who was the supreme god of the Hellespontic Thrace, was a solar god from Phrygia. Very diverse traditions surrounded him: sometimes he was the son of Kronos, other times the son and lover of Cybele. His wife was either the lunar goddess Bendis, either Cotys/Cottyto, an earth-goddess similar to the Phrygian Cybele. Sabazios was depicted with horns, and the snake was his sacred animal. He was celebrated through nocturnal orgies. When later Sabazios was assimilated to Dionysos, the legends of the two gods intertwined. Some said that Sabazios has placed Dionysos within his thigh before entrusting him to the nymph Hippa ; others claimed that it was the opposite way and that Sabazios was Dionysos’ son. It is because of these parallels and links fome between the two that ultimately Dionysos’ native land was considered to be the Hellespontic Thrace.
Sometimes the Bacchants were called the “Bassarids/Bassarides”, and Dionysos himself sometimes wore the epithet “Bassarios” when he wore a long dress of Oriental style. One theory, presented by the lexicography Hesychios, was that it was a reference to the fox-skins the Bacchants used as clothing ; but another theory rather proposes the reading of these names as an allusion to an Oriental god absorbed by Dionysos. In Lydia, there was a god similar to the Phrygian Sabazios. This god was worshipped at Tmôlos, the same place where (according to the Orphico-Thracian tradition), Sabazios gave a child-Dionysos to Hippa. The Tmôlos later became one of Dionysos’ favorite residences. If this theory is correct, what was the name of this Lydian god? The hypothesis is that it might have been Bassareus – this Bassareus might have been a conquering deity, and it is because of him that the “far-reaching conquests” of Dionysos might have entered his legend. It was also probably because of Bassareus existence that Dionysos became involved in the legend of Aphrodite and Adonis, and maybe it was even because of this Bassareus that the legend of Ampelos came to be – this very beautiful young man that Dionysos was in love with, but who was killed by a wild bull he tried to tame. Dionysos, full of sorrow, asked the gods to turn Ampelos into vine.
As for Zagreus… Zagreus very probably started out as the Cretan equivalent of the Hellenistic Zeus, but under the influence of the Orphic mysticism he was identified with Dionysos, and this resulted in a new element of the Dionysos legend: Dionysos’ passion (in the Christian sense). Here is what was told about the Zagreus-Dionysos: He was the son of Zeus, and of either Demeter or Kore. The other gods were jealous of him, and thus conspired against him. He was ripped to pieces by the Titans, that then boiled his dismembered corpse. However Pallas saved the heart of the god: she brought it to Zeus, who destroyed the Titans with his thunderbolt, and from the still-beating heart he had Dionysos be born. As for Zagreus, whose remains were buried at the foot of the Parnassus, he became a chtonian deity qui, in the Underworld, welcomed the souls of the dead and helped their purification. To these sufferings and this resurrection, the adepts of the Orphism gave a mystical meaning/reading, and this deeply changed the character of Dionysos. He stopped being this rustic god of wine and joy that had descended from the mountains of Thrace – he even lost his trait as the “god of orgies and madness that came from the Orient”, no, this new Orphic Dionysos was, to take back Plutarch’s words, “the god who was destroyed, the god who disappears, the god who abandons life and then is reborn” – aka, a symbol of universal life.
As such, it is no surprise to see that in the Mysteries of Eleusis Dionysos was associated with Demeter and Kore ; because, like them, he embodied one of the great powers of fecundity in the world.
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astoundingbeyondbelief · 1 year ago
Kaiju Week in Review (January 7-13, 2024)
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Hard to talk about the Monarch: Legacy of Monsters finale without spoilers, so if you haven't watched it yet, skip ahead to the next item. No flashbacks this time (time dilation aside), just our surviving heroes finally all on the same page to solve a seemingly impossible problem. The momentous reunion between Lee and Keiko got the space it deserved, although I was a touch disappointed that the obvious budding romance between Cate and May got shortchanged. And of course we finally got our first kaiju fight of the series, with Godzilla dispatching the Ion Dragon in a quick but ferocious battle. Fun to see this version of the character take on a low-stakes, low-power challenger for a change. I am routinely frustrated by TV seasons ending on cliffhangers (some of which are then never resolved), but they managed to conclude this season's storyline while setting up the next one, should they have the chance to tell it. Good to have some payoff to the Apex episode earlier in the series. I'm wondering if the series is planning to pivot to Kong now. Since Godzilla: King of the Monsters still hasn't happened yet, the Big G still can't make any public appearances without breaking continuity, which is quite the writing complication.
@bog-o-bones has blessed us with an excellent feature-length video essay on the history of the kaiju genre. Even for a walking encyclopedia like me, it was fun to have it all laid out so cleanly—the way the three genre pillars of Godzilla, Gamera, and Ultraman rise and fall in popularity, never entirely in sync and consequently keeping us steadily entertained over the decades. So many narratives about the genre in print are decades out of date and/or act like barely anything past the sixties was worth making. This one's up-to-the-minute and gives the seismic influence of films like Cloverfield and Pacific Rim their due. I have my quibbles (last-minute re-records accidentally omitted GAMERA -Rebirth-; the original Mothra deserved more attention), but I acknowledge the amount of works covered here is staggering and every fan would tell this story a little bit differently. Highly recommended.
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IDW's biggest Godzilla comic ever is coming in May, a one-shot anthology called Godzilla: 70th Anniversary. It'll have nine stories over 100 pages, with the writers including Joëlle Jones, Michael W. Conrad, Matt Frank, James Stokoe, Adam Gorham, and Dan DiDio. (Some of these folks will presumably be illustrating their comics as well.) The solicitation doesn't offer many plot hints, given that scope: "From the American Old West to modern Tokyo and beyond, this collection features stories of the King of the Monsters fighting with its allies like Mothra, against old enemies like the terrible Mechagodzilla, and reshaping the lives of all who fall in its path!" I'm surprised they're not waiting until November—hopefully it doesn't get delayed into November.
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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire will now release in the U.S. two weeks early—March 29. It's taking the place of Bong Joon-ho's Mickey 17, which is now undated. I can hardly complain about being able to see it earlier, though the move comes with some risk, as it's now opening the week after Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.
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SRS Cinema has opened preorders for their Yuzo the Biggest Battle in Tokyo Blu-ray. Or is it Yuzo: The Biggest Battle on Tokyo? That's what the product page says, but on the cover the title's unchanged. Oh, SRS. Anyway, bonus features are scant: just trailers and something called "A Brief Introduction To Ishii Yoshikazu."
Here's the teaser trailer for Volcanodon, a short film from Taiwan's Creator Union of Tokusatsu. They're aiming to have it uploaded to YouTube sometime this year, and I'll happily watch it. Obviously low-budget, but it's well-shot and it's nice to see a kaiju movie outside of Japan go all-in on practical effects.
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