#apex fuse fanfiction
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drabblesbyprincessofhyrule · 4 months ago
Thrill of The Hunt - Fuse/Bloodhound
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Additional tags: Short & Sweet, Sexual Tension, One Shot, FuseHound
Fuse finds himself on the run after his teasing pushes Bloodhound a bit too far.
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phantomstatistician · 4 months ago
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Fandom: Apex Legends
Sample Size: 3,432 stories
Source: AO3
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epicwingman · 2 months ago
Withered Roses: Light Bites - Announcement + Character Heights
Hey everybody! I hope you're all doing well :)! How to Bake a Loaf of Bread is going well and the next 2 chapters should be coming out in around 1-2 weeks. I've included a height chart of all the characters below. The only one to really grow is Anastacha but she won't grow over 160cm by the time Book 4 is finished. It goes in height order, so for example, Steven is taller than his father. Their character sheets will also include their height in feet and inches.
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So, as it'll certainly take some time between chapter 3 and chapters 4, 5 and 6, what will there be in store for inbetween?
Exclusively on Wattpad for the time being (I'm planning on bringing this to Quotev and AO3, just gotta learn how best to go about it and I'm lazy lol), there will be some short stories in-between! This will be titled Withered Roses: Light Bites and will feature both canon and non-canon short stories to the AU! I'll also take suggestions as to what to turn into short stories. Some will be split into multiple parts, but these will be worked on from chapter 3's release and even continuing when I'm working on book 4! This is the type of content you can expect to see from these short stories:
Infection AU (multiple parts, non-canon)
What if the Doppelgangers were venomous and carried a contagious virus? One bite would slowly turn anybody into a corrupted being. The neighbors are aware of this and make sure to be careful with every step they make, but when Alf makes a small mistake, everybodies life is on the line. This is mostly inspired by the 2024 MLP infection AUs that had me hooked for 3 months.
80s AU (1-3 parts, non-canon)
Nightmares Meet The Living (2 parts, non-canon)
Chester's 2010s Experience (1 part, canon(?))
Nightmare Neighbors (1-2 parts, half-canon I guess???)
There will also be some more canon ones that I can't really talk about yet! I'm excited to write these to help tackle the writers block that I sometimes get. I guess I'd be up for sfw X reader? Like Francis gets feelings for the doorman and you're in the perspective of the doorman? It's something I've not written before but could dappel into. Oh, and I'm down to doing requested ships, even if they hate each other in Withered. I'm not that big into shipping but I'm not against ships. You wanna ship Steven and Izaack who, in my headcanon, can't stand each other? You go for it! In canon, neighbors don't even interact with each other so anything is possible! It'd be non-canon to Withered but I don't mind dappling into something like this. I wouldn't do every request, but feel free to request some short stories you might like to see! You'll also be credited for the idea too! With that, I'll be back soon to hopefully announce a release date for Chapters 2 and 3!
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blankihoovesjpeg · 2 years ago
Please don't forget me (Part 1)
(Mirage x Reader)
Arts by me ❤️
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Warning! (Adult themes, triggering topics, blood, alcohol etc.)
Mc Design (for the fanfic arts)
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It's my first fanfiction, I made it with love. Please enjoy! ^^
It’s been two years since she joined the “bloodsports”.
Two years of fighting and war, but also immaculate friendships.
There’s drama, relationships and bonds,but it’s still all part of a chaotic battlefield, in her head she kept trying to think “it’s just sports……….right?”.
She could get along with others easily, didn’t go too personal on her talks, but one guy did catch her eye constantly, Mirage. He was always alone, never got into any squads and still tried to be fun, everyone liked him, he was the star of the show. However if she asked about him not many talked about what’s going on, they avoided the topic, perhaps he didn’t want her to know about him.
She tried to become his squad more than once, she tried to talk to him a million times, either way he seemed nervous and avoided her at any cost.
She ended up giving up in some months. Maybe she bothered him with her presence, she thought. Also, she didn’t want to make him feel even more uncomfortable.
It’s been two years since she got into The Apex Games.
One day, she was walking around the area after finishing a tough battle.
She saw a bright place from far away, her curiosity sparks and she find herself walking towards it.
She is getting closer and closer. It took some time to reach a point where she could actually see more clear, “What the hell is that?”
Is it a ship? Why can she hear music?
She walks closer in caution, the evening sun is falling creating an orange shade on the bright ship, after much thought she decides to get in.
“Huh??” she sees a man, no, many men, wait no—- it’s the same person—-clones?
It’s Mirage. Drinking his ass off and dancing, by himself.
Mc is clearly still annoyed with his behavior from the previous years, but her curiosity gets the best of her again, still her greeting comes off as rude.
“Who in their right mind parties alone?”
It definitely came off as rude.
He seems shocked to see her and suddenly his easygoing behaviour goes away, again becoming nervous and that pisses mc off.
“O-oh hello, well I’m not alone you see!” He says as he hugs one of his clones by the back of their neck.
She raises an eyebrow, walking forward, he seemingly walks backwards but still offers her a drink.
“I don’t often get costumers.” he says with this stupid awkward stuttering “What would you l-like to drink? I got everything a woman might like, oh wait that sounds bad...” *he puts his palm on his forehead in embarrassment “Anyway I got all the drinks here, I mean this is a bar, why wouldn’t I? ” He chuckles nervously.
Her annoyance wears off little by little as she hears his silly little monologue trying not to laugh but a smile reveals it's way out. “I would like some Devil Springs Vodka then.” She says looking at him in the eye and smirking, a little mockingly I might add.
He blinks, leading up to a stare with his eyes wide open “Wow there! Maybe you should go for something less hardcore?”
She raises an eyebrow again, this time in amusement, she leans on the bar in front of him as he is on the bartender side. “Why? You suddenly care about my well-being?” He backs off flustered and looks away “I-I mean tomorrow we should fight, you wanna be hangover??” He pretends to be looking at the drinks. She laughs at his behaviour “Okay then, what my cute bartender would suggest for the night before the fight?” Mirage doesn’t turn to look at her, she notices his ears becoming red, he takes a little time to reply, however she doesn't break the silence immediately while she's watching in amusement “I’ll have a glass of wine of your choice then.” She rests her cheek on her palm, waiting for a reaction.
“Wine, yes, okay, that’s fine.” he replies after some time in panic looking for the bottle, he brings up a bottle of Chateau Lafite 1787.
She can’t mock him this time, he definitely knows his drinks.
“Where did you find this, Mirage??” she's shocked he brings up one of the most luxurious wines there is. He relaxes a little as he poors some of the wine on a glass for her and then for him “I’m broke for a reason."
They look at each other, trying to hold it in, but they end up both laughing at the same time. “Well that’s certainly a good reason to be broke. However, I think you should blame that huge ship of yours!” She exclaims, still laughing as she's also pointing on Mirage's huge painting of himself. He doesn't reply but gives her a warm smile, she can’t help but feel a little tickly inside, he's raising his glass giving her the hint to clink their glasses together, she raises her glass too. “Cheers!” They both say, and they start drinking as the colors of the evening fade, the night falls, and the ship becomes brighter than ever.
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rockrockitsu · 2 years ago
Sometimes you just genuinely need to jerk off, because if you let your sexual thoughts get too ahead of themselves, you might end up making your partner uncomfortable. Take it from Bloodhound. Who is now sitting at a table, with their partner staring at them with his mouth dropped after admitting that they are as horny as all hell. Well, Fuck.
Bloodhound deals with sexual tension
its a hot mess
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revenant-dumpster-fire · 2 years ago
I've gotten questions in the past about fanfics to read, and cryophase has been one of the premier fanfic writers since before I even had an inkling to try. Please check out and support their work if you are looking for new things to read! I have truly adored reading a lot of their short works and watching their art over these past few years.
This entire backlog of work has been on my to-read list for a while, so I wanted to share this with anyone else who might also like to read along with me now or in the future.
And if Cryophase reads this: godspeed, you are magnificent. Thanks for inspiring me to (try to) contribute in this fandom, your work is forever laudable to me.
Since I almost never blog about my Apex fics, I thought I’d do a little masterpost of my longer ones, complete with some of the art I’ve had done for them. Read under the cut for the full list (:
All T-rated, all obscenely long. Art by the amazing Cam who you can follow here -> https://twitter.com/G0rlassar
In order of newest to oldest:
Midas’ Touch
Status: Ongoing, weekly updates
Ship: Maggie+Fuse are siblings basically, Rev/Fuse eventually
Summary: Pirate AU with a (Captain) Maggie and Fuse that never had a falling out, Revenant shows up at some point and does Revenant things.
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Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43290174/chapters/108813273 Prisoners
Status: Complete, Sequel in the works
Ship: Ash/Maggie
Summary: Ash (eventually) falls for Maggie, grapples with the idea of breaking her out of prison
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Keep reading
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ruleofleft · 1 year ago
Fuse reads “bad” Apex fanfiction for fun and shares it with all the other Legends
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peridotglimmer · 2 years ago
For the fanfic asks! 8 and 9 😊
Thank you for the questions!
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
Oh goodness. Too many. There's my three currently published in-progress multichapters Total Eclipse of the Heart (E-rated vampire AU for Hermitcraft), call me what you want (never understand) (smut threesome for Hermitcraft) and Baby I (Don't) Care (M-rated Limited Life fic), but as for the WIPs not yet published:
31 ficlets for 31 different ships for Kinktober
Hitman: Deaf Diana post-WOA trilogy
Apex Legends: Fuse/Horizon pwp
Hitman: a prompt generator pwp
Also my bdsm exchange fic is unrevealed so I suppose that one counts too? Really excited for that one to be published.
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I at least try to write every day. I literally just woke up, so I'll grab something from yesterday instead (no Hitman yesterday unfortunately!):
There are three seconds of silence in which Chloe flicks her gaze up to Nadine's face, which she honestly shouldn't have done because those beautiful eyes are overflowing with every emotion known to man, but then their lips meet and she finally stops thinking.
Fanfiction asks
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hardcore-direwolf · 4 days ago
As we know, not every single character we grew up learning has been appreciated in comic books and television shows.
For example, Blisstina Utonium from the reboot of the Powerpuff Girls for taking Bunny's purple color, being a different race, and having blue hair.
I watched the music video to "Neva Play" By Megan Thee Stallion & RM of BTS when it first debuted on YouTube for inspirations for the romance between two characters in my YJ fanfictions.
I decided to give Raquel Ervin aka Rocket this kind of special treatment where she'll be like half-Genesisian, her journey with Orion got my attention and I know a black queen like Megan Thee Stallion does anime cosplay.
For starters, the first thing is the haircut to the hairstyle cause this queen's gonna need a glow-up.
Megan's neon blue wig in the video fits well for the length and style for the Cosmic Defender, and Blisstina's bright cyan hair would make Rocket look cosmic as a galaxy so far away in that brilliant color to paint our Sky Gal in a new light.
Next up is her irises, Blisstina was meant to have violet irises in the show to match the teal hair and chose to do that cause cyan goes well with purple.
I found a few DeviantArt sketches of Rocket having violet eyes and purple streaks, which fits the concept of her aura...thank you ActionKiddy for drawing your version out.
While concepting that into Rocket, I stumbled upon a comic book involving our black queen fighting two white Karens and using elemental powers that gave me this idea...Avatar Korra.
Korra has elemental bending, purified spirits, does pro-bending, fought Equalists, and has a god mode in the form of the Avatar State...this will fit perfectly for Raquel.
Her full Genesisian form is bright teal hair, her natural cocoa skin, and neon violet eyes with butterfly tattoos and bands on bands of lean.
Since Rocket was given a Terminan tech by her adopted father Icon, this also gives me time to grant our black queen some metahuman superpowers like Blisstina Utonium and make her a Powerpuff Girl as a cameo to tribute the franchise from Cartoon Network.
That's right guys, why not give her a family by adoption with Icon and Chieftess...a Terminan man and an Amazonian woman.
Arnus and Nubia fit perfectly for good parenting figures to Rocket, even training her and taking her in as their own child.
I went on Earth-27 Fandom for details on Nubia to see the full description and saw her human name...Candace Osei.
Nubia will be combined with Storm to form the Amazon Goddess of Weather and let her teach Rocket how to use her powers for good.
I combined the full inspiration with Kida from "Atlantis", the whole plan is to fuse Storm and Kida to get a warrior princess with weather powers that becomes a secondary mentor for Rocket.
Augustus and Candace was shown to be dating at Earh-27 Fandom, though we know Icon lost his wife Estelle Jackson in a tragedy.
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Here's where I met by "Neva Play", I love RM so much and his voice makes me feel like I'm in love...don't you BTS fans agree?
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Matt's half South Korean by his mother Urania | Elizabeth Sung and he's an Osmosian by his father Ragnarok | Curtis Blackwell.
The lethal combination of Sunder, Ragnarok, Aggregor, and Sasuke's Cursed Seal of Heaven form at level two will help me do this trick cause this boy got a serpent tongue of an albino white-horned viper with deadly snake venom that gives his fans a forbidden love bite by a kiss of death.
The webbed hands and feet with black clawed nails, the deep shadow rings circling around each sunken eye, the notorious facial scars, the dark matte blue lips, the dark gray skin tone, the bright red irises with light yellow sclera, the wings on their backs that matched their hands, the forked snake tongue with venom as his aphrodisiac saliva to trap any prey as an apex predator, the vampiric canines acting as sharp fangs, four small flesh-colored horns on their foreheads, the long black to white hair, the hulking muscular bodies, and much more.
Matt has a chin scar in a form of a cross and Curtis has a nose scar in the form of a star.
Matt wears Sunder's metallic mask with two black indentions around both of his eyes to match his hero suit, which was an inspiration to the Rooters and Sunder himself.
He wore the short-sleeved black Amalgam Kid armor with black fingerless gloves, spiked shoulder straps, spiked wrist bands, gray holsters on both sides of his spiked belt, with three metal straps around both of his upper legs, his famous padlock necklace, black combat boots with thick metal soles and accents, and have metal piercings and snake tattoos.
I changed his name from Nathaniel to Matthias by reading a profile from , because I have to combine my OMC Onslaught member with two villains...Neutron & See-More.
The first name "Matthias" came from three major inspirations, the first one will be Dracula's former alias in "Castlevania"...Matthias Cronvqist, the second will be Beast Boy's slacker cousin Matthew Kevin Logan, and the last reason is a commission made by AMTModollas on DeviantArt about Matthias "Matt" Logan aka Corvus of the Blue Lantern Corps.
I love how DeviantArt user "glassheartgurl" made her second OC Beren in the OG Teen Titans art style, he reminds me so much of Goth Boy, and I want to put a tribute down for him on Matt by using his suit inspired by Robin's arc as Deathstroke's apprentice...all black and no hints of orange, the belt with the red icon on the buckle, let Matt have black to white hair in an ombre color scheme, and just keep Sunder's mask to bring out the metallic accents on it.
His full name has officially been turned into Aggregor | Matthias "Matt" Kevin Blackwell aka Amalgam, his father is Ragnarok | Curtis Devin Blackwell aka Shift [Portrayed As Devin Levin], his mother is Urania | Elizabeth "Elise" Sung aka Dynamite [Portrayed As Elizabeth Levin], his uncle is Greithoth | Rufus Hector Blackwell aka Bunker [Portrayed As Van Kleiss], his aunt is Titania | Magdalene "Maddie" Levin aka Atomica [Portrayed As Black Knight], and his cousin is Skirn | Lauren "Laura" Nevaeh Blackwell aka Breach [Portrayed As Circe].
The names before the "|" are their Osmosian names...birth and honorary, I decided to put Carl Creed & Mary MacPherran's aliases to Matt's other family members...thank you Marvel Comics for these kinds of variants.
I then added two villains that's been defeated by Kevin in UAF...Aggregor and Ragnarok, and it was perfect for the full concept between metahumans from "DC Comics" and the retconned Osmosians from "Ben 10: UAF".
The last name "Blackwell" comes from Element Woman's surname from DC Comics, which gave me the plan of an unstable chemical mutation by a gene bomb filled with mutagen and alien DNA that turns him into the super-freak...a dynamite rather than a bombshell.
That will fit for S3 with a blend of UAF S4, this would bring out mental problems for insanity and an unquenchable thirst for absolute power.
His username when he's gaming and racing is "Kev 11", the reason behind it is to bring out the qualities of my character portrayal, and it's working out really well in my opinion.
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I let Metamorpho be his mentor for having matter manipulation, elemental shapeshifting, molecular reconstruction, chemical transmutation, and energy absorption...it fits well cause look at this image below of these two men in their merged forms they can revert by their elemental mutations as retconned Osmosians without having any shapeshifting limitations aka disappearing consequences by an ancient radioactive meteorite called the Orb of Ra within the God's Eye Pyramid.
Metamorpho is dubbed as the Elemental Powerhouse, and Matt will be dubbed as the Chemical Dynamite.
There's many elemental compounds in a wide variety in the periodic table, giving me faith on chemistry classes and modern science whenever it comes down to bringing in superpowers or metagenes...occurring naturally in an immortal's human body like Metamorpho's developmental states of solid, liquid, gas, metallic, plasma, and much more...atomic theory won't stop pleasing me when it comes down to mixtures.
Dwayne McDuffie did a great job with that concept and giving me some hope to create this kind of OMC...may this legend rest in peace for his famous works.
Do you guys agree that Matt fits well as Rex's protege?
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For the concept of a yellow component from Osmosia, it has to be metallic like pure gold and from the meteorite radiation as a star...I chose the Yellow Star to put an inspiration on DNAngels.
If you've seen the previous post, I'm doing this technique with classical elements and picking four main characters to be captured as DNAngels.
I picked the Red Sun for Superboy, the Blue Moon for Wonder Girl, the Green Comet for Starfire by the Starheart, and the Yellow Star for Amalgam by the Godseye.
The next post will be redone, but is edited by a former one...I'm using my brain and other knowledge to form concepts on this particular kind of matter.
Sayonara guys!
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stark-illerbase · 2 years ago
Listen Here and Listen Well, Wally
(Mini Fusehound Fic, in which Maggie gives surprsingly good advice during a Game) SFW !!
Read below OR Now on AO3:
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The game could not have started off worse. Fuse was assigned to a squad with Mirage and Maggie- and Elliot was Jumpmaster. The kid decided to hot drop them right into the center of two other teams got himself eliminated within the first 30 seconds. Leaving Walter and Maggie a long road ahead of them to make it to zone.
His head and his heart hurt, thinking about his earlier conversation with Hound...If it could even be called that. There wasn't many words exhanged between them since Vantage had put them on the spot. Walter knew that they needed time and he was willing to give them all the time in the world if they asked...but it was hard.
It was hard not knowing where they stood, not to mention awkward. He had stumbled over calling them 'mate' several times because that's just what he called EVERYONE but now it had a different meaning, and it left a bad taste in his mouth to think he could ever make Houndy uncomfortable.
It was hard to dial back the smug flirtations. Keeping his mouth shut was never something he was good at... and most of it started off as jokes- it was so easy to flow into that kind of banter with Hound, they had been friends for so long now it felt like Fuse had known them for years, like they were kids back on Salvo together....like he and Mags used to be.
"Oi! Wally!"
His squadmate's voice cut through his thoughts.
"You gonna stand there staring at the clouds all day? Or are you gonna put those frags to good use?"
Fuse stopped walking to glare at her. "I could think of a few good uses for em' actually."
The Salvo women laughed, loud and obnoxious and clapped her former friend on the shoulder, rougher than most would find appropriate.
"There's the Walter I know."
"Piss off-"
"Well! Whats got YOU all up in a tizzy?" Maggie snickered. "Things go south with your little pup?"
When Fuse didn't respond Maggie's smirk grew, but was quickly replaced by a look of faux sympathy.
"I thought you two seemed less snuggley than usual last match. Poor Fusey It's not fun when your best mate gets tired of ya is it?"
"That's NOT-" Fuse erupted only to cut himself off and hold the bridge of his nose. He wouldn't let her rile him up like this. Not here. Not now in front of the all the cameras.
"Its none of your buisness what goes on between me and Houndy. You lost that right years ago."
"Oooh. Struck a nerve did I? Ol' Maggie can see right through ya. Just like old times. You scrunch up your nose when you're down in the dumps"
"I do not!"
"Do too" She echoed childlishly
"Mags-" Fuse began, his good eye twitching with bubbling annoyance. "We have better things to worry about."
"Oh Rubbish. Theres seven squaddies still here! Let them duke it out while you blubber about your crumbling love life"
Walter took a deep breath. He hated that Maggie was the genuinely best option he had to open up to. Maybe Chey would listen over a drink after the game. She'd probably have pretty sound advice too but... they weren’t mates like that.
"For starters-" He flopped down against the rock they were using for cover. "Houndy isn't-...We're not-"
"Not shagging in the drop ship when nobody's around eh?"
"Bloody Hell Mags- No!" Fuse could feel his cheeks flush at her obvious teasing. "I've barely ever seen them without their mask- We've never-" He shook his head, red as a beet.
"So if you're not swapping spit-" She paused when Walter glared again. "Not... seeing each other 'IntIMaTely"
"The other day that new Vantage pup showed up while Houndy and I were packing things... said Witt had sent her on a quest for friendship and she wanted advice"
"She went to the wrong place for that" Maggie snarked, but Fuse continued.
"She made a point to say that she wanted PLATONIC advice, not... 'Whatever me and Hound had going on' "
"-Get to the point Wally."
"Houndy got all jumpy- Swearing up and down that we were 'just' What the hell does "just" Mean?"
Fuse felt all the panic of that moment come flooding back, he ran his mechanical hand through his hair then down his face.
"I thought we really had something...If Houndy doesn't see it like that-"
"Well did you ask them about it? You bloody Walnut." Maggie yelled with a dramatic wave of her arms.
"I tried! They told me...told me they needed more time."
"Thats it?"
"Thats it. I know they're still figuring things out after their last partner and thats all well and good but-"
"But nothing-" Maggie turned and gripped both of his shoulders tightly. "Listen you big idiot. They didn't say NO. They said not yet. And don't you do what you always do and run in bombs blasting and screw the pooch you hear me?"
"I-...what?" He genuinely wasn't expecting her to have such a strong reaction- or to offer any sort of legitimate help either.
"If what you said is true? That pup has a lot to sort out before they are ready to let someone else in again. Between their own feelings and everything Hammond's been doing to Talos they've got it twenty times worse than your sorry sack"
"Mags..." Fuse spoke gently then shook her arms off and punched her just as hard as she had done before "Now who's going soft?"
The Salvonian woman's expression turned to a snarl and she lunged forward pushing Fuse into the dust. She wrestled herself to her feet and stood over him threateningly, her boot on his chest. "You listen to me Walter Fitzroy and you listen bloody well- If i hear you do that pup the way you done me I'll rip your tongue out your head and hang you by it myself. They don't deserve that."
"Maggie..." Walter stared up at her with his eyes getting wet. "I'm sorry-"
She shifted her boot higher to shut him up. "And if you ever call me soft again. I'll add your other arm to my collection."
Then she stepped off of him and stuck her hand out to him as the ring timer went off a second time. The automated announcement sounded above them signaling 4 squads remaining and Fuse couldn't help but chuckle.
"I believe you."
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drabblesbyprincessofhyrule · 7 months ago
Butterfly Kisses ~ FuseHound
Content rating: General
Tags: Fluff, Short one shot
Words: 376
Cuddles? Check.
Cheesy dialogue? Check.
Butterfly kisses? Check.
Nobody joins the Apex Games expecting to find companionship, compassion, or love. The battles are cutthroat, adrenaline-pumping, bloodbaths. The legends are expected to be ruthless and show no mercy, and yet, sometimes love blooms in the most unexpected of ways. Sometimes love blooms from the barrel of a gun pointed directly in a person’s face.
Bloodhound never expected to fall for Fuse. His reckless behavior and hands-on nature were off-putting. Fuse almost killed several innocent civilians during his welcoming ceremony, for crying out loud! But, as the two legends continued to be put on the same squad, tackle adversities together, and venture across the land, Bloodhound began to feel more comfortable around the explosive Walter Fitzroy. And, as one would anticipate, their first kiss was nothing less than a fiery explosion. Literally. The two legends shared their first kiss in the ring of Fuse’s ultimate, leaving Bloodhound feeling like putty in their new lover’s hands.
After their first kiss, Bloodhound and Fuse stayed sweet on each other. Pet names were developed, butt slaps were exchanged, and countless nights were spent in each other’s embrace. Tonight was no different.
Bloodhound and Fuse lay tangled up in the bedsheets. Bloodhound’s hand rests lovingly on the side of Fuse’s face, while Fuse gently massages Bloodhound’s scalp, making the occasional content sigh slip from the tracker’s lips. The pair lay in complete bliss, not a worry in the world. Just basking in each other’s presence and soaking up all the love.
Bloodhound pressed their forehead to Fuse’s, bringing the pair closer together. It had been so long since Bloodhound felt this comfortable, this at peace. Fuse grinned at Bloodhound’s attempts to get closer to him. “I told you I’m not going anywhere, Houndy, but it seems ya still can’t get close enough.”
Bloodhound exhaled, their breath carrying the undertones of an airy chuckle. “Few have made so bold a promise. Fewer still have I believed. And yet, I trust the wind that led me to you, my Walter.” Bloodhound pressed themselves further into Fuse ever so slightly, gently rubbing their noses together as an act of affection.
Fuse cusped Bloodhound’s chin in his hand, returning the heartfelt butterfly kiss. “And I owe ya for choosing to believe in me, love.”
Also posted on AO3 @ princessofhyrule
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kittymsmithwritesstuff · 2 years ago
Maybe Bloodhound showing Fuse around their favorite places on Talos? The adventure, the views, the animals… (but Fuse is more focused on bloodhounds excitement and wonder) :D
Alright Anon you BASTARD
This became way more than I thought it would. It's not exactly your prompt, but I read this and was like, "oh shit! I know what to do!" So here's the first half of a 2-chapter fic that was supposed to be a oneshot, but you just had to be so damn inspirational.
This whole thing was stupid, and Bloodhound always learned, and he hoped he could say the same for himself. So, he re-routed his focus. “Alright. So, you wanna go on a dangerous expedition to visit a cave on Talos. Nothin’ else?”
“Basically.” They said.
In which Bloodhound and Walter Fitzroy visit a cave.
Bless, y'all! And a huge thank you to everyone that sent in prompts, a lot of them are super cool and I may use them later! But for right now, this one's the winner, lol. Hope you guys enjoy it.
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tinypandacakes · 3 years ago
A Familiar Face (Fuse x Bloodhound) Ch. 10 - New Beginnings
“I don’t want what I’m ‘accustomed to,’ Houndy.” Walter paused to tap a finger under Bloodhound’s chin and trace their jawline. “I want you.”
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nsf-kings-canyon · 4 years ago
The Good People Of Apex
Alright so, a few nights ago I ran into two randoms (I solo queue a lot). Both of them spent the full twenty minutes of the game being horrible human beings. 
TW for this paragraph!!! Skip to the next if needed! They made fun of the trans suicide rate, sex trafficking, lgbtq, and made racist comments. They said stuff like “gay people are rapists” and shit like that. I could have a huge post about everything they said but I’d rather not relive it.
Anyways. It got me thinking. I solo queue mostly because I’m shy. I’m shy about finding new people, I dont like using my mic with people I don’t know, etc. 
But I know there are others out there that feel the same way. So I created a server for the good half of the fandom.
All are welcome! All playstyles, all ranks, all genders, all nationalities, all ages! If you want to just lurk to see the art/fanfiction shared then that is totally find too! If you don’t play apex but want to socialise we got you! If you want to share your game screenshots/find people to play another game there is a section for that as well! Too shy to use your mic? Find someone who doesn’t need/want to use theirs!
Apex club founders and members will get their tags based on their club!! Please message me on discord for an invite for you, your friends, and club members!!!
My Discord: Crypto Is Head Over Heels 4 Fuse#3244
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rockrockitsu · 2 years ago
On the left of Bloodhound's bed, there is a drawer that has a tiny urn, and a picture of Boone. Both of those things have pieces of him that Bloodhound refuses to look at, and tries to forget. But this. This little tiny baby that wails and cries in their hands, with a shock of red hair and beautiful brown eyes that look so familiar. This... Well, Bloodhound just can't ignore this.
My fav fic that ive ever written tbh ;w;
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hybristophilica · 4 years ago
silence is golden; chapter 6
-angst & feels
-cw drug use
Tumblr media
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