secret-weapon · 1 year
@aparalyzedheart continued from (X)
The strange portal that manifested before her had a strange appearance- it did not look like something out of a sci-fi movie, like those flashy portals that spun madly, casting a green-lit room into a chaotic mess with papers flying everywhere. Instead, this strange opening was… calm. It simply stood there, trails of what appeared to be golden sand gently looping at its edges. It almost looked natural, like it’s always been there and not some kind of space anomaly. What was on the other side was just as odd. It was a long hallway, adorned with arcs and pillars of dark wood and stone. There were colorful tapestries on the walls, and even sets of full polished armor, proudly standing up in line. It looked medieval. But a closer look at the chandelier hanging above showed the ‘candles’ were light bulbs… perhaps this was some sort of new attraction?
Now, Katie had very little in the manner of common sense. Anyone could tell you that. So rather than pause, take every precaution and stick her head in... She simply blinked. Grinned. And promptly threw herself through like a child running through the gift shop.
It was a large place to be sure- and she had a spark in her eyes as she gazed around, hands brushing over anything that didn't look too fragile. I mean, it was meant to be touched, right? It had to be some new attraction. It fit right in. Was this in the little area just before Dark Forest? No, couldn't be...
"HELLOOO-OOOO?" Her voice bellowed, a loud and jovial tone that made one's ears ring in close proximity. "Dahlia, is this you?? Loving the decoration, HA! Why was the magic door in my house though!"
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bluescarfvivi · 2 years
"You keep the Lechonkies and I keep the Pawmies." -aparalyzedheart ((JOIN ME IN THE SCREAMING CORNER-))
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"Done and done, Artie!"
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☕ -aparalyzedheart
Send me ☕ and I'll describe your muse's tea flavor @aparalyzedheart
The tea looked unobtrusive, a simple, pale brown shade like he might expect for something like chai or english breakfast with a little cream added in. It was aromatic, though and he hummed as he tried it.
Oh-- that interesting.
It was like a breakfast tea, but not quite English. Maybe closer to Irish, but that would be off the mark, too. Maybe the Scottish Breakfast? It was stronger, more potent, with an almost earthy, woody flavor from the strength of the black tea.
But that wasn't all. He was fairly certain someone had done the tea, and then added caffeinated coffee. It was pretty decent though, the blend sweetened with what he would assume was coffee creamer that was a little on the sugary side, which gave the blend herbaceous notes, blended with the bitter of the coffee that brought with it a kick of caffeine, and balanced out with sweat and creamy flavors with hints of-- maybe gingerbread? Like that creamer that was infused with some other flavor like that.
It was aromatic and pretty well balanced, but he did have to admit the aftertaste had a distinctly potent zing he might taste with lemon, like a bit of battery acid hitting the tongue. It would definitely be a great kick in the morning to wake up to, or if he needed that wake-up call during a late night, but it was warm and comforting too.
He finished the cup with a pleased hum.
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nerv0usm3chanic · 3 years
♡ -aparalyzedheart
it is munday! send ‘♡’ for a pointless fact about the mun.
((Funnily enough, I don't like most drinks. Most soda and a wide variety of alcohols (I am going to be 32 in a couple days so shush) are just plain gross to me. I mostly drink straight up water, juice, and milk.))
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doesromandoart · 6 years
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Huevember day 4
I was just gonna do normal Arthur for this but
I changed my mind
(Ghost Arthur design by @aparalyzedheart)
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conflictingxcolors · 6 years
@aparalyzedheart​ continued from here
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The hound jumped a bit when Arthur made such a loud sound so suddenly but then immediately wagged his tail and leaned his head down for more pets to his snout. He was so happy to receive attention and this orange ghost seemed friendly enough! He whined and bumped his head against Arthur’s side as if asking for some pets. He clearly registered being called “a good boy” as his tail wagged just a bit more.
Soft, happy howls came from his throat. Fenrir liked the electric ghost! He wanted to stay with him more!  
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spectrum-skull · 6 years
💋 + locket -aparalyzedheart
Send me 💋 + a body part for my muse’s reaction to yours kissing that area unexpectedly.
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There is a surprised but flustered response from the rainbow specter as his electric booyfriend holds his locket and places a gentle kiss. His colors flaring up and shimmering to show his embarrassment at the sudden kiss. Locket beating faster in the other ghost’s hands.
“A-Ah, Artie…th-that…heehee…”
Lord, words were failing him right now.
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hxllbrokxn · 6 years
"Oh, no..." Arthur watched as the other him went through this. Thinking on something quick, he summoned a small Electrobeat and made it head towards the new specter. The Electrobeat smiled at the crying Arthur and nuzzled him with a set of soft, melodic chirpings. -aparalyzedheart
Arthur stiffened feeling something touch him. What is that? He doesn’t know what’s there. 
❛❛D́͞Ǫ͟N̨͏͘'T͡͝ ̛TÒ͝Ú̀͏C͢H͝͠͠ ̸MÈ͜͡!́͟❜❜
Electricity exploded from his skull, trying to repel whatever was around him. He was in a blind panic, he couldn’t tell what’s around him anymore--
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❛❛I̡͞'̸̧M̢ ͡҉S͠͏C̶AR̸͢ȨḐ̡D̨O̴N͢͠'T̷͝ ̴͜T̢O̸͞U͢͞C̢̕H̴ ̷̷̵M̀̕E̴̵̷͘͠Ǵ̢E҉̶̸T̡̛ ͏͢AW̢A҉Ỳ̵͘̕I͘͠ ẀÀ͜N͏̧N͞A̢ ́͞͠L̀́͝I̸̛͢VE͜❜❜
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vengeancelost · 6 years
❤ -aparalyzedheart (I know it's a bit too early for this but I would like to know :D)
SHIP MEME - Accepting - @aparalyzedheart
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Affectionate; Holding hands | Cheek kisses | Hugs from behind | Cuddling | Hand kiss | PDA | Spooning | Shared baths | Whispers | Affectionate texts | Caressing | Stroke hair | No displays of affection
Sex; Shower sex | Wall sex | Neck bites | Oral | Morning sex | Drunk sex | Public sex | Backseat of car | BDSM | No sex
Dates;Picnic | Cinema | Restaurant | Sports game | Hike | Coffee | Museum | Club | Bar | Beach | No dates (one ghost is scary but two??? yeah they can’t go out much)
Would my character…
Marry them? Yes | No Have sex on the first date? Yes | NoConfess their attraction first? Yes | No Have children/adopt? Yes | No Die for your character? Yes | No  (they literally killed each other SO)Cheat on your character? Yes | No Lie to them? Yes (lies of omission)| No Cuddle after sex? Yes (depends if ghosts can cuddle) | No
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Closed RP: Me in Spirit
Arthur yawned, blearily watching the road through slit eyelids. It was a big enough one to make his eyes water, but he was near home, and taking a nap alone in the back of the van wasn’t near as comforting as the thought of his own bed.
He gave the knob for the radio one swift crank, blasting himself with whatever song was on- some indie electronica song about ghosts. He turned up the air conditioner too, hitting himself directly with the frigid air from the vents. A chill ran down his spine and the back of his head tingled. Just another twenty or thirty minutes, and he’d be home after that far-too-long trip out to help a customer with his Camaro. 
He’d ended up needing help with a few more things, and the cash padding his wallet was always welcome, since his uncle was always a little strapped for cash. Cars were getting cheaper to make and more disposable; a lot of their money came from selling scrap online and repairing things beyond vehicles. He’d tinkered and fixed a tractor, two radios, and helped the guy get his niece’s laptop fixed. But it had taken far longer than he’d planned, and he was just glad to be on the road home, stubbornly driving along a familiar deserted road.
And then, with a yawn, a manor came into view, and Arthur blinked tiredly at the pulsing lights. And then took a double take with wide eyes and nearly slammed the brakes. There was a manor there, up on the crest of the hill.
There shouldn’t be a manor there.
In fact, the last time any kind of building had been there, things had been terrible. But Lewis was at home with Vivi, probably, sharing her apartment. There was absolutely no reason for him to have made something outside of town. Again.
Arthur let off the gas, and let the van cruise along the road, towards the building. When he got closer, the radio flickered, and a pop song about sunshine in pockets started reverberating through the van. Arthur listened as far as the chorus before jamming the knob to switch off the radio, cruising to a stop in front of the manor on the side of the road and throwing the gearshift in park. He leaned out the window to get a better look.
This....didn’t look right. For one, Lewis had purple lights everywhere. And his house clearly went for a more classical Victorian horror attraction vibe. This one, while sharing the location with Lewis’s old manor, looked different, more brick-styled like the older English homes he’d seen in documentaries, and it was definitely smaller than Lewis’s manor had been, more tucked away from the road in the lot. It had a soft gold glow instead of a violet one, and thick brambles climbed along the base of the wall only a few inches. All the windows and doors looked barred, and what looked like a piece of metal was twisted over the doors in a loop.
 But what caught his eye most, what he couldn’t look away from, was the stained-glass window, centered on the manor. It was tinted green on most of the panes, except for a shiny, golden crown adorning the very center, with a purple gemstone placed at the highest arch of it. He stared at it a long moment, before his eyes drifted to his keyring still hanging from the ignition, where an eerily similar crown, sans gemstone, dangled on a chain.
This was too weird to be a coincidence. Something was definitely going on, something too familiar and at the same time too different, but with enough connections to make it jarring. While he didn’t particularly fancy the idea of going into a strange manor alone….he couldn’t just drive away, seeing something like this, something so specifically targeted towards….well, him.
Killing the ignition, Arthur slipped out of the van, and after the doors were locked, he made his way to the path leading up towards the house.
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💭 + Stars -aparalyzedarthur
Send 💭 to see a memory
“Arthur, what do you think?” Lewis asks, pulling Arthur into his room by his wrist. On the bedside table was a light projector, spilling out colors that resembled galaxies on the ceiling and walls. Blues and greens and purples and reds bleeding into one another, and decorated by glimmering stars.
Lewis sits on his bed, smiling at Arthur expectantly. Arthur raises an eyebrow and follows him, flopping onto his back and staring up at the ceiling. He flicks away the veil that normally hung over Lewis’s pillows.
“I think its nice. It suits you.” Arthur finally says, smiling fondly.
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cartooness · 4 years
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Drawtober Days 5 & 6: Fox and Ghost
This version of Ghost! Arthur belongs to @aparalyzedheart uwu
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bluescarfvivi · 3 years
Before your eyes, you see nothing but a pile of content Electrobeats, laying over Arthur who has accepted his fate... (aparalyzedheart)
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It's quite the precious scene. So content, so cozy, and positively adorable too! A set of small, bubbly giggles flittered from thin lips. "Awwww, seems like they really wanted to cuddle up with you Artie. It makes me want to join in too!"
Even if she may receive one too many accidental static shocks.
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There was a small gift box on his working bench. Inside was a brand new, golden-tinted wrench with Arthur's initial engraved on it. There was also a framed polaroid picture... of the Electrobeats taking a selfie with a mud print on the carpet floor.
A small note says:
"I know there's nothing better than ol' Wrenchie (if we happen to call out wrenches the same, that is), but it never hurts to have a spare! The Electrobeats also wanted to send you something... they, uh, sure like milking a joke dry.
But I hope you enjoy your gift! We DEFINITELY loved yours- Percival keeps their fidget spinner on their head all the time! Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ù!"
There was another polaroid of said ghost playing with their new toy- cute!
Okay, he had to admit he snorted when he saw the picture. He wasn't expecting it, but it told him exactly who the sender. At least it was a nice way to remember, though he crossed both fingers the mess was gone by now.
The second photo and the wrench made him smile. He'd been hoping they would like them. The wrench was nice too-- he couldn't tell the material right off the bat, but it had a nice weight and felt durable. He was sure he'd put it to good use.
It was also-- almost nostalgic to see the well wishes for the holidays. The way he used to hear it, from his family. He smiled. "Mmm. Nollaig Chridheil."
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itsapmseymour · 5 years
So! @aparalyzedheart commissioned me to record an audio bit on the question, What would happen if Vengeful Arthur, was one angry Scotsman? LET'S FIND OUT!
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ghostingicarus · 6 years
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Drew us a paralyzed ghost! 
Applied my head cannon that if Arthur did become a ghost he’d be one bounded by guilt.
Ghost Arthur design by: @aparalyzedheart
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