#aot kaya
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cilasbestos · 4 months ago
🚶‍♀️ me on my way to explain that while minor characters, Artur Braus and Kaya are some of the most important characters in aot from a standpoint of presenting the themes the show is about
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violentjo · 9 months ago
That scene where Kaya mistook Gabi for Sasha made me sobbb. It was meaningful for her character and I just loved that Kaya forgave her after that. Another thing that’s forgotten a lot is that titan was Nile 💔💔
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melishade · 10 months ago
Attack on Prime Alternative Scenes Part 4
Part 3
Now this is going to be a long one and I am going to hate it, because guess who we're talking about today!
Look, full disclaimer. I am neutral about Gabi in terms of how she was written in AOT. I get what Isayama was going for with her, but because we knew her for so little, or course many people were obviously going to get mad that she killed a long time fan favorite. Sure, we've spent time with Gabi, but not enough to care about her compared to the main AOT cast.
I did write one scene where Megatron's confrontation with her is much more violent which prompts her to reflect on his words:
Megatron felt his anger rise to a level he hadn’t felt since he was the leader of the Deceptions. He kicked Gabi hard in the stomach, causing her to fall to her knees and clutch her stomach in pain.
Reiner and Colt tried to interfere, but Megatron raised his hand in front of the both of them.
“She needs to learn,” Megatron hissed in an ominous tone.
“You!” Gabi hissed as she stood up, “You don’t know a damn thing about honor! About serving a country! I’ve worked hard to get to where I am, and you still treat me like I’m a child!”
“Because you are!” Megatron shot back, “At least Falco and Colt listen! You always make one impulsive decision after another without a care in the world! That type of stupid attitude is going to get you killed!”
“Then I’ll die as a hero!” Gabi shouted, “Unlike you, who runs away from everything like a coward!”
“Gabi!” Reiner yelled.
“You’ll die as a fool and a waste!” Megatron shouted.
“You don’t know!” Gabi shouted, “You run away and have the audacity to tell me that I’m a coward! You wouldn’t know sacrifice! Or honor! Or glory! You-!...you…,”
Gabi stopped when Megatron lifted up his shirt. Pieck gasped in horror while Reiner looked ready to throw up. Zeke grew tense while Porco took a step back. They all could see the jagged scar that was smacked dead center of the titan’s chest that ran down from the top of his chest to the bottom of his abdomen.
“Go on,” Megatron challenged, “What were you saying? It must be such an honor, right? To die a hero?”
Gabi didn’t open her mouth as Megatron let go of his shirt. “It’s easy to die a hero, but it’s harder to live with the consequences of the horrible things you’ve done. You are a soldier! Not a child! Yet you act like a fucking fool! An arrogant stain on Marley military! Stop acting like an idiot! The world is never as simple as you think! Grow up!”
Gabi jolted when Megatron threw the rifle to the ground and stormed off.
This scene was supposed to contribute to her character development later, but I changed it in order to make Megatron more calm when it came to confronting Gabi. Also, also, I was originally going to have her be the reason they were captured by enemy forces in the other alternate scene and have Megatron go berserk, but that got scrapped. Here's the scene though:
Gabi walked outside to see Matthew sitting on the bench, wrapping his arms in bandages. She tensed when she saw him without his shirt, seeing the huge scar on his back match the one on his front along with other multiple scars.
Gabi took a deep breath and walked up to the man. “Um…Matthew?”
Matthew stopped wrapping the bandages and looked behind him to see her. Gabi wanted to cry when he saw him glaring at her with such disdain.
“What do you want, brat?” Matthew demanded as he continued wrapping the bandages.
“I…I wanted to apologize,” Gabi began, “It…was because of me that we got captured. I was brash…and reckless…my friends were hurt…and you were hurt. It was because of me. I’m sorry.”
Matthew finished wrapping the bandages before grabbing his shirt. “I don’t want to hear your half-assed apologies. I want to see action, which you clearly haven’t been able to demonstrate since day one. I would’ve cut you out a long time ago, but your unbridled devotion is what’s keeping you here. And because none of your superiors know whose fault it was that caused your capture.”
Matthew placed the shirt over his head. “I would tell your superiors it was you, but that would cause you to be stripped of your rank and being turned into a titan along with your family at the next battle.”
“I deserve it,” Gabi said without hesitation, “I’m a devil.”
Matthew smacked Gabi in her head hard. The girl clutched her head in pain and glared at him.
“What’s your problem?!” she shouted.
“You’re an idiot; that’s your problem,” Matthew answered, “Because you believe your life has no worth, you’re completely and utterly reckless in your actions. Wanting to be the best and not caring how you get there. You think the world is simply black and white. If you kill this person, Marley recognizes you. Follow their orders, Marley rewards you. Sacrifice your lifespan, Marley gives you an ‘honorary title’. You believe that Marley will grant you freedom once you get the founding titan. That all the discrimination and hatred will go away over night. It doesn’t. The world is more complex than you will ever know, and if you keep looking through rose colored glasses, you won’t get very far.”
Matthew stood up. “Your actions will reflect badly on your score in becoming a titan shifter. You will have to work to earn my confidence that you won’t blow yourself up on the next battle. Prove to me that you can grow and learn, and not shove my teachings down the gutter. Do you understand?”
Still, writing her in AOP was going to be a problem because I had to redeem her without having Sasha killed off! Then I remembered that Arcee was there and I was writing her to get attached to the humans. Originally, she and Sasha were going to be partners but that didn't work out. And then Ymir is still the Jaws Titan, so...Falco has no use in the story. So he gets shot!
But instead of Falco being knocked into a coma, he was supposed to survive and have a confrontation with Megatron, before Sasha takes Falco to stay at her parent's place with Arcee to protect him:
Falco slowly blinked as he opened his eyes. He found himself looking up at a brown ceiling and that he was lying down on a bed. He sat up and winced in pain when he looked down to see a bandage wrapped around his stomach.
“What…happened?” he asked himself.
“You were shot,” a voice answered.
Falco turned his attention and gasped in surprise to see Matthew standing at the foot of his bed with his arms crossed.
“Matthew,” Falco said, “W-what happened? Where am I?”
“Eren Jaeger attacked Liberio after Willy declared war,” Matthew explained.
“No, after,” Falco corrected, “I-I followed Gabi onto the ship. I must’ve gotten shot and fell over. Everything else was blurry after that. Matthew, where am I?”
“You’re on Paradis island,” Matthew explained before his voice dramatically changed, “And I am not Matthew Hayes.”
Falco felt a sense of dread and betrayal when the man’s voice changed. “No…not you too. Who are you?”
‘Matthew’ lifted his arm up and it began to change shape. Falco watched as it changed into one of that of the flying titan.
“You…you’re the flying titan,” Falco realized.
“Yes,” he answered in his true voice.
“All this time,” Falco began, trying to process the situation, “You lied to us. You’ve been lying to us for four years.”
“It’s clear that I’m not wanted. I’ll leave. I have to be informed about plans regarding the next attack.” The flying titan proclaimed as he was making his way out of the makeshift infirmary.
“Wait!” Falco exclaimed as he tried to reach out for him. Falco fell out of bed for reaching too far and landed on his side. He clutched his wound in pain as he curled in on himself.
Megatron heard the boy’s cry for pain as he was at the door. He debated his options and sighed to himself before walking back over to him. He picked the boy up before setting him back down on the bed.
“You shouldn’t exert yourself,” Megatron advised, “You’ll reopen your wound.”
“Why do you care?” Falco demanded as he still held onto his side, “You were sent to destroy us.”
“I was sent for recon,” Megatron declared as he grabbed a chair and sat down, “If I wanted to destroy you, believe me, I would have done it a long time ago.”
“Was anything you told us even true?” Falco asked.
“Some of it,” Megatron admitted, “A good lie holds some truth to it. The story regarding the scar on my shoulder was true to an extent. The creature I mentioned was of Cybertronian origin, not this world.”
“So the idea of leaving?” Falco asked.
“I had to play on the idea so I wouldn’t get caught,” Megatron explained, “I did have to come up with a reason to permanently stay until recon was finished.”
“…when you saved us,” Falco realized.
Megatron hummed in response. “Honestly, I’m not fond of seeing sparklings going to war and then dying immediately. At the very least, I wanted to ensure that you were ready.”
“But…that doesn’t make sense,” Falco admitted, “I’m a threat. I was one of the warrior candidates. You were teaching me to fight you.”
Megatron chuckled. “You are the furthest thing from a threat. I taught you how to fight, but I never taught you how to beat me. The style I’ve been teaching you in was one I wasn’t good at.”
“And…you still managed to fend off Annie during training,” Falco retorted.
“I’ve been fighting for my entire existence,” Megatron declared, “It’s nothing new.”
“I see,” Falco said before remembering something, “Gabi! Where is she?!”
“Prison,” Megatron answered, “She shot a Survey Corps member and nearly killed another. The two wheeler saved the other one, and that bullet she shot deflected off of her and hit you in your side. The one who nearly died saved you from falling to your death.”
“But you know her!” Falco exclaimed, “Can’t you do something for her!”
“She killed a human, injured another, and almost killed a second one,” Megatron deadpanned, “Even if I wanted to help her, there’s not much I can do for her.”
“Falco, this is war,” Megatron reminded, “Remember that. Not everything I taught you should go to waste.”
“So then…what will happen to me?” Falco asked, “Will I be thrown in prison?”
“No,” Megatron answered, “Because you didn’t do anything entirely stupid, I was able to create a case for you. The human that brat nearly killed decided to take you to her home for the time being. You’ll be staying with her family.”
“Why can’t you take me back home?” Falco demanded, “My brother. My family.”
“If I go back, I will be attacked by Marley troops,” Megatron explained, “While it will take time to kill me, it doesn’t change the fact that I can get injured and that there is no medic here.”
“But I’m still a prisoner,” Falco proclaimed.
“It could be worse,” Megatron reminded, “You could actually be thrown in a cell.”
“I guess,” Falco agreed, “But…why did you advocate for me? I’m your enemy, right?”
“I respect you to a degree, and your brother,” Megatron proclaimed as he stood up, “I figure it was the least I could do after everything. And you two are able to see Marley for the fools they are.”
“I didn’t think you’d care, considering what I’ve heard about you,” Falco admitted, “You still seem…okay.”
“Once you do here the entire story, that opinion will change. I can guarantee it,” Megatron proclaimed, “You’ll see me as a monster.”
“But…you’re all just normal people,” Falco reasoned, “You and everyone else here are not demons at all. You just want to live and survive. You only attacked because we attacked you first.”
“I’m surprised you’re taking this as well as you are,” Megatron admitted.
“That doesn’t change the fact that I am hurt,” Falco declared, “Eren made me send that stupid letter to his comrades, and you’ve been lying to us since day one.”
“…that doesn’t mean my actions were not real,” Megatron proclaimed as he turned to walk away.
“Wait!” Falco called out, “What is your real name?”
Megatron touched the handle of the door and sighed to himself. “Megatron.”
“Megatron,” Falco spoke before smiling, “Thank you…for advocating for me.”
Megatron didn’t respond as he opened the door and walked out the room.
Falco tensed up and hid behind Sasha when he saw Arcee in her bipedal mode. Sasha noticed this and held his hand.
“It’s okay,” Sasha whispered, “She’s not going to hurt you, I promise.”
“I…I’m not sure,” Falco admitted.
Sasha decided to ease the tension and greet Arcee. “Hey ‘Cee,”
Arcee looked down at Sasha and smiled before kneeling down. “Ready to go home?”
“You have no idea,” Sasha sighed with relief.
Arcee noticed Falco hiding behind Sasha. “You’re okay.”
Falco lifted his head from behind Sasha. “You…were worried?”
“You have no idea,” Arcee answered, “I’ve been through a lot. The last thing I wanted was a dead kid on my conscious.”
Falco fully removed himself from behind Sasha, but still stayed close to her.
“Call me Arcee,” she introduced herself.
“Falco,” he replied in kind.
“Well, Falco, I’ll be taking you to Sasha’s home,” Arcee explained, “You’ll be staying there until we figure something out.”
I still have more scenes with Falco but this whole portion of the storyline gets scrapped because of Arcee. The way I was building up Arcee throughout the story is to break down her ideology about black and white, good and evil, blah, blah, blah. She sees that through the victims of the war on Cybertron, but she obviously can't accept that so she ends up leaving. She's put in a situation where she is considered an enemy of the world, but she still can't stomach the idea of working together with Megatron. I needed Arcee to have one more break, which was Falco getting hurt and knocked into a coma, to ultimately break her black and white mentality. She needed to recognize in the worst way possible that she is a villain in the story.
Anyway, back to Gabi. There was one scene that I had written where Optimus does confront her about being from Marley instead of Megatron technically outing her:
Optimus noticed ‘Mia’ glaring at him after he waved goodbye to the vender. He walked over to her and offered her his hand so he could take her to his alt mode. She immediately swatted the hand away and took a step back.
“I assume you are still scared of me,” Optimus assumed. He wanted to get a truthful answer out of whoever this girl was. He knew she was lying to him; he just had to pinpoint exactly what it was.
“Stop trying to be nice,” ‘Mia’ hissed as she walked away from him.
“I am trying to help you,” Optimus reasoned, “I wish to make sure you are safe.”
“So you can rectify your unforgivable sins, you devil?!” ‘Mia’ exclaimed.
Optimus stared in surprise while ‘Mia’ covered her mouth in fear.
“You are…from Marley?” Optimus asked in surprise, causing the girl to take steps back away from her.
“N-no,” she shook her head, “I’m not.”
Optimus knew she was trying to lie again and instead tried to put the pieces together of who she was. No one besides the Eldianrestorationists should be back from Marley. He remembered that two enemy soldiers stormed Wheeljack’s ship. One of them was with Sasha, and the other…was thrown in prison.
“You are,” Optimus concluded.
“No I’m not!” the girl cried, “Leave me alone! Or I’ll scream!”
“No, don’t scream,” Optimus pleaded, “The island will take my word over yours. If they so much as learn who you are, you’ll be sent back into military hands and I cannot control what will happen to you then. You have to trust me.”
“Why should I do that?” the girl hissed.
“Because I can get you off the island and back to Marley,” Optimus answered, before listening to footsteps approaching them, “I know you have no reason to trust me, but I can find you a way back to your home.”
The girl still looked like she was debating her options as the footsteps almost rounded the building. Optimus thought quick and grabbed the girl and picked her up.
“Pretend you are sleeping,” Optimus whispered to her as a woman rounded the building and saw them.
“Is everything alright?” the woman asked, “I thought I heard fighting.”
“Everything is fine,” Optimus reassured, “Mia was just tired, that is all.”
Optimus felt the girl tighten her grip on the holoform jacket and tuck her face into his neck.
“Oh, the poor thing,” the woman sighed, “I can loan you something for her if you’d like.”
“Do not worry. I have what I need for her,” Optimus proclaimed, “Thank you for the kind offer.”
Optimus watched the woman walk away before quietly sighing with relief. He then turned his attention to the girl, who still hid her face in his shoulder.
“It is alright now,” Optimus reassured as he was about to set the girl down, but she tightened her grip even more now.
“You…didn’t tell her,” the girl addressed him without moving her face.
“Of course I did not,” Optimus said.
“Why would you save your enemy?” the girl demanded.
“You are not my enemy,” Optimus declared.
“Then why would you save me, devil?” the girl demanded, “You’ve caused destruction of lives throughout the world for over 1,000 years. You’re a demon. You hate anyone that isn’t like you. You attacked my home, killed my friends, and killed my mentor. He wasn’t even my mentor. He lied to us all.”
“Mentor…?” Optimus questioned before realizing who this girl was, “You are Gabi Braun?”
The girl finally lifted her head and glared at Optimus. “So Matthew told you about me?”
Optimus noticed the pain and shame in the girl’s eyes and felt guilty. “What exactly did he tell you?”
Gabi didn’t respond as she placed her head back on his shoulder. “That I’m a failure. That I’m incompetent. That my recklessness gets people I love killed.”
Optimus placed his hand on Gabi’s head as he walked over to his alt mode. “You are just frightened and terrified. That does not make you a failure.”
“I’m a warrior,” Gabi declared, “I’m not supposed to show fear. I’m supposed to gladly lay down my life for my people and my country. I must atone for my sins.”
“What sins?” Optimus asked.
“The sins my ancestors have caused,” Gabi explained.
Optimus arrived at his alt mode and placed Gabi by the passenger door. “What have you done specifically that would warrant you to be called a devil?”
Gabi looked up at the Prime. “My ancestors-,”
“I am not talking about your ancestors,” Optimus interrupted, “I am speaking of you, specifically.”
“I…I stormed your ship,” Gabi explained, “Tried you kill one of your own. I…I’ve killed so many people so that I could gain respect from Marley.”
“Because you were not given much of a choice,” Optimus proclaimed, “You were given so few options in order to survive, and you were placed into war, which forces people to sacrifice their morality in order to survive. You were told that you had to give your life because of what your people have done in the past. A single person should not be defined by what their ancestors have done.”
“What my ancestors have done is unforgivable,” Gabi proclaimed.
“But you have not done those things,” Optimus proclaimed.
“You have no right to tell me this,” Gabi proclaimed, “You’re a demon. You’ve plundered and destroyed the world and left nothing but blood. You’re a murderer.”
Optimus sighed as he sat down in front of her. “Perhaps you are right,”
Gabi blinked in surprise before scowling. “Of course I’m right.”
“But not in the way that you think,” Optimus continued, “I have killed many. I have killed many of my own people in a civil war that destroyed my world. I have had to make difficult choices that would result in heavy consequences. And I had to fight Matthew: someone I once considered brother. I was not there for him when he needed me, and…he lost his way.”
Gabi scowl disappeared as she stared at Optimus in surprise. She remembered the tale Matthew told her years ago and the pieces finally fell into place. “You…you’re the librarian?”
Optimus was startled by Gabi’s question, but continued. “Yes, I am. I did not expect you to know about me.”
“Matthew told us about you,” Gabi explained, “He was…trying to teach us a lesson.”
“And what was he trying to teach you?” Optimus asked.
“That…the world is not black and white,” Gabi answered.
Optimus blinked in response before huffing and giving a sad smile. “That is the unfortunate truth of the universe. If the world were black and white, I would have killed Matthew to end the war and stop the destruction of our planet a long time ago. But I let my attachment to him cloud my judgment, and as a result, it prolonged our war to unforeseen circumstances. I lost my home, my mentor, my brother, my lover. I lost so much.”
“Then…why?” Gabi asked, “Why would you continue to fight when you’ve practically lost?”
Gabi was startled when Optimus placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“I continue to fight, so that someone like you will never have to experience the pain and sorrow that I have felt,” Optimus declared.
This scene wasn't included or it had to be severely changed. I originally was going to have Megatron bring up Orion to the Marleyans, but that ultimately got scrapped because Megatron would never talk about that to the enemy, no matter how fond he's gotten of them. He does end up calling Orion a 'naive little shit' Lol. But I mainly wrote these scenes because in order for Gabi to be redeemed I thought that having her be around Optimus would be a good start.
And before that, Kiyomi was originally supposed to find out about Gabi, and offers Optimus to help watch her when in reality she wants to interrogate her. Also, ignore the misspelling of Kiyomi's name. I wrote this a while ago:
Gabi glared at Kyomi as the woman sat down and poured herself some wine. She clenched the chair she was in as she felt eyes on the back of her head as she glanced back at the two guards behind her at the doors.
“I’m just a simple child,” Gabi tried to reason, “What’s with the security?”
Kyomi took a small sip as she looked Gabi dead in the eye. “Do you really think I’d forget your face? I saw all four of you when I helped your friend avoid getting turned into a titan when he spilled wine all over me.”
Gabi began trembling.
“And what do you know, two Eldian warriors storm the titan’s ship and kill a Survey Corps member,” Kyomi added, “And by the flying titan’s account, both were trained warriors.”
Gabi growled in anger. “You traitor.”
Kyomi huffed in response. “That was fast.”
“Shut up!” Gabi shouted, “You could’ve told someone about these demons! Instead, you’re working with them! You’re just as evil as them! Eldian sympathizer!”
“That should be good for you,” Kyomi reminded calmly, “Considering the fact I could just as easily turn you over to the government and probably have you executed.”
Gabi’s face dropped and her whole body filled with dread.
“Or I could tell Optimus, since he clearly doesn’t know who you are,” Kyomi continued.
“Y-you can’t do that,” Gabi proclaimed.
“Says who?” Kyomi demanded.
“Marley will come for me,” Gabi warned, “They’ll come and-,”
“I doubt they would come for an expendable warrior,” Kyomi proclaimed, “They’ll just pluck another Eldian to take your place. When they come, they’re coming to avenge the non-Eldians. Not you.”
“My friends are dead,” Gabi hissed, “Zofia was crushed by a boulder. Udo was trampled to death. Falco…falco…,”
“He’s dead because of you,” the flying titan’s voice echoed in her mind.
“It’s because of those titans,” Gabi hissed, “It’s because of those demons. Eren killed my friends. Those titans trampled my home! It was because of them!”
Kyomi put the glass down. “You want my personal opinion: I’m just doing this for profit. I think it’s just better to work with the person that has the goods instead of trying to blow them up. If people thought like that instead of the nonsense they think of now, this world would be better off.  If you took the time to actually talk to the people at the harbor, you’d realize that they’re not demons.”
“They are,” Gabi declared, “Especially that flying titan and the metal titan!”
Kyomi broke face and began to snicker. Gabi felt insulted when the woman began giggling.
“The flying titan destroyed my home!” Gabi shouted.
“He did,” Kyomi said, “He also could’ve destroyed it four years ago if he wanted to but he didn’t. Matthew doesn’t deny that he’s a demon. He’s played that role for so long that he’s come to accept the backlash. I’m laughing about your opinion on the metal titan. Optimus Prime has done nothing but take care of you, and all you’ve done is curse and spit at him.”
“He’s a demon!” Gabi exclaimed, “He wanted to destroy my home!”
Kyomi sighed. “I’m going to let you in on some confidential information.”
“Ma’am,” one of the guards spoke.
Kyomi raised her hand in response before turning to Gabi. “Optimus never wanted to attack Liberio. No one did.”
Gabi stared in disbelief.
“Eren went rogue on his own,” Kyomi continued, “He left the island without informing anyone. The original plan was to find Eren and bring him back to the island before he did anything dangerous. When it became clear that Eren had full intentions of attacking Liberio on his own, everyone was cornered with a decision: help Eren attack Liberio and kill innocent people, or let Eren attack on his own and have the Founding Titan power redacted. The flying titan already had the information he needed, and had no issue with killing. The other two titan were complacent; they had their own friends they needed to protect. Optimus kept up vocal opposition until the end. He said he would remain on the island to defend it in the event a fleet came and attacked. In reality, he just didn’t want to kill any humans.”
Gabi shook her head in response. “I-I don’t believe you.”
“Did Optimus hurt you?” Kyomi asked, “Did Optimus attack you? Did Optimus harm you in any way?”
Gabi didn’t respond.
“There’s your answer,” Kyomi said, “Optimus protects humans; he doesn’t hurt them.”
“He’s still a demon,” Gabi whispered.
“Still in denial,” Kyomi sighed, “I should tell Optimus who you are, or any official for that matter, but I know that you just want to go back to Marley.”
Gabi grew worried at her statement.
“I clearly can’t take you,” Kyomi proclaimed, “The Amizubitos will be outed and attacked. I can’t risk my nation being destroyed. My advice to you, if you want to stay alive: stay with Optimus Prime.”
“Stay?!” Gabi shouted.
“There are others still outside,” Kyomi reminded.
Gabi closed her mouth.
“The fact that you killed one of their own will no doubt get you killed,” Kyomi explained, “Breaking out of prison doesn’t help your case either. Staying with Optimus will increase your chances at survival. He doesn’t harm human, and you’re a child. He’ll give you special treatment and make sure your safe under his care until he can get you a home. It’s not like you have any other options, anyway.”
“…what if…he finds out who I am?” Gabi hesitantly asked.
Kyomi thought it over. “I don’t think he would hurt you.”
“Why?” Gabi asked.
“Every sentient being deserves an opportunity for redemption,” Kyomi quoted, “His words. Not mine.”
Gabi scoffed in response. “That’s stupid.”
“It’s what he believes,” Kyomi proclaimed, “It’s not something bad to hold on to.”
Also the final confrontation between them was supposed to be a little bit different too:
“Gabi, are you alright?!” Optimus asked with concerned as he examined the bruise on her arm.
Gabi grew angry and pulled her arm from Optimus’ grip. She tried to shove him away, but she merely fell backwards and hit her head on the side of Optimus’ alt mode.
“Stop it! Just stop it, you devil!” Gabi shouted.
“Is this some kind of sick twisted joke to you?!” Gabi demanded, “I am a devil! A demon! Why are you risking your life for me?!”
“Gabi, they would have killed you if I handed you over to them,” Optimus reasoned.
“I’m your enemy!” Gabi shouted, “You were supposed to hand me over to them! Instead, you protect me?! Are you out of your mind?! You’re an idiot! A fucking idiot! You’re trying to manipulate me to trust me before you kill me yourself!”
Gabi stood up. “You’re a demon! A devil! Do us both a favor and die!”
Gabi didn’t know what came over her as she punched Optimus square in the face. She felt her heart stop and dread go through her as Optimus touched his cheek. What did she do?! The titan saved her, and she decided to punch him! Now he would no doubt try to kill her now! She doomed herself! She was going to die! The flying titan was right! Her idiocy was going to get her killed!
Gabi fell back down as Optimus stood up and looked down at her. She trembled in fear and was ready to cry. She then watched in confusion as Optimus walked away from her towards a small bush of blue flowers.
“I understand your hatred of me,” Optimus began as he knelt down and picked the flowers one-by-one, “I understand you want me dead after the attack of your home. If it was my choice, I would not have attacked a place full of innocent humans, but it is war. War does not spare the weak. It only takes as it leaves nothing in its path but death and destruction. It does not matter who is in the right or wrong, many will die.”
Gabi tensed when Optimus stood up and walked over to her before sitting down in front of her. “You are a soldier because you were given such few options. Because of your heritage. You are seen as a demon by the people you serve, and as a result, you believe yourself to be a demon.”
“That’s not-,”
“You wish to become great,” Optimus continued as he weaved the flowers together, “You wish to become powerful so that you will mean something to someone. You wish to be recognized by the ones who do not care for your own life at all. When you are met with others who wish to help you that have no alliance with Marley, you curse them and say they do not matter. Marley only wishes for you to become great because they wanted to use you as a weapon. They do not care for you as a person.
“You’re afraid that everything Marley taught you is wrong. You’re afraid of the reality that someone you loved attacked and killed innocent people. You scream and cry out in fear. You’re afraid of being considered weak. You do not believe your life has value.”
Gabi watched Optimus finish weaving the flowers into a crown. “The island sees you as an enemy. That is understandable. The world sees you as a devil. That is unforgivable.”
Gabi shut her eyes in fear as Optimus placed the crown on her head. “All I see, is a little girl. I see a little girl who wants nothing more than to return home.”
Gabi shakily touch the crown on her head as looked Optimus in the eye. “What…what do you want from me?”
“I just want you to see that you are human,” Optimus answered.
“I’m…I’m not,” Gabi whispered, recalling her memories of the four year war. She began recalling the way she treated her friends, and how they were now six feet under. She remembered the way she killed her enemies, both Eldians and others. She remembered Falco, and how her foolishness got a bullet in his side and caused him to bleed out. It was her fault. She was the one who did that, and she was powerless to do a thing.
“I’m a devil,” Gabi whispered as tears rolled down her cheek, “I killed people. I was cruel to my friends. I didn’t get to tell them that I cared, and now their dead. They’re dead because of me. I deserve to die. I…I…”
Gabi covered her eyes with her hands and began crying. “I’m so horrible!”
Gabi screamed and cried as she sobbed loudly. Optimus could only watch with sorrow before wrapping his arms around her. She tensed in fear as Optimus placed his hand on her head.
“It is alright,” Optimus reassured, “You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to be human.”
Gabi felt her hands move to Optimus’ arms and she gripped them tightly. She put her face on Optimus’ shoulder and continued crying. The tension in her body leaving, realizing she didn’t fear the titan. The titan would protect her, and keep her safe.
Yeah, in the original outline, Pieck was never in the scene. She was supposed to be tailing Eren originally. Then I had the whole 'shadow' idea so I had to change course. Also, I thought Optimus making Gabi a flower crown would have been nice but I don't think he would know how to do that.
So originally I was going to have Levi and Kenny find Optimus together, after Kenny and Levi have a rather heated conversation after the Killer saves the Captain's life from Zeke. Optimus remembers Falco's location and ends up going to the cabin with all three of them to drop of Gabi and pick up Sasha:
Optimus helped Gabi out of his alt mode before kneeling down in front of her. “I need you to stay here.”
“No!” Gabi exclaimed while shaking her head.
“No, I want to stay with you!” Gabi pleaded.
“Gabi, where we are going is dangerous,” Optimus explained, “You could be killed.”
“He’s right,” Levi reasoned, “The military wants you dead, and there’s a chance Eren and Zeke are raising hell as we speak. You’d be dead in an instant.”
“Gabi, look at me,” Optimus pleaded, earning the girl’s attention, “This is the best option for you. I will come back for you; you have my word, but you need to stay here.”
“…I’m scared…,” Gabi whimpered as she hugged the Prime.
“I know you are, but this is the safest place for you right now,” Optimus declared.
“How are you sure?” Gabi asked.
Gabi gasped when the door opened to reveal the woman who went to rescue Falco on the ship two months ago. She was now in civilian attired with a bow in hand and arrows in her quiver. Gabi yelped in fear and hid behind Optimus as she drew her arrow.
“It’s not for you,” Optimus whispered.
Gabi peaked over Optimus shoulder to see the woman directing her weapon at Kenny who had his hands up in surrender.
“Stand down,” Levi ordered, “He’s on our side.”
“I’m not convinced,” Sasha declared.
“Too bad sharpshooter,” Kenny hissed, “You’re gonna have to work with me.”
“Why the hell should I do that?” Sasha demanded.
“Zeke escaped,” Levi explained, “He’s infected the wine from Marley with his titan fluid and has been feeding it to the military.”
Sasha stared in fear as she lowered her bow. “Hanji and the others? Where are they?”
“Fine,” Kenny answered, “They didn’t drink the wine and Erwin got them out in time.”
“We are heading over to them now,” Optimus declared as he stood up, “I know this is much to take in, but we need as many soldiers as possible.”
Sasha turned her attention to Gabi, who was trying her best to hide behind Optimus. “And what about her?”
“Can she remain here with your family?” Optimus asked, “Where we are going, it will not be safe for her.”
“Depends,” Sasha answered before turning to Gabi, “You’re not going to try and kill me, right? That bullet would’ve gone through my heart if Arcee wasn’t there,”
Gabi furiously shook her head. “No, I’ll be good. I promise.”
Sasha thought over her options, but sighed in irritation. “Doesn’t seem like I have a choice due to the time crunch. Fine, she can stay. Falco, Gabi’s here!”
Gabi heart stopped as she stepped in front of Optimus. Falco? Falco was here? No…Falco was dead…her bullet when through his side. He bled out…right?
Gabi’s breath got lodged in her throat as she saw Falco walking out the house in perfect health. She noticed the bandage wrapped around his waist under his shirt and began trembling. Falco didn’t seem to notice as he smiled with joy.
“Gabi!” Falco exclaimed as he ran to her and gave her a hug, “I’m so glad to see you! Did they let you out of prison?! What’s with the flower crown?!”
Gabi couldn’t handle it anymore and her legs gave out. She fell to her knees and out of Falco’s grasp, startling the boy.
“Gabi, what’s wrong?” Falco asked in surprise.
Falco didn’t know what to do when tears began forming in Gabi’s eyes. She ended up taking a deep breath and loudly sobbed. Falco immediately got on his knees as a fountain of tears poured out.
“Gabi-!” Falco wasn’t able to get a word out as Gabi tightly hugged her friend.
“I’m sorry!” Gabi sobbed through her tears, “I’m so sorry!”
“It’s fine! I’m fine!” Falco tried to reason before turning to the three men in front of him, “Why is she like this?!”
“Right, forgot to mention. Megatron told Gabi that you were dead,” Kenny answered.
“What?!” Falco exclaimed.
“What the hell?!” Sasha demanded.
“Permission to shoot buckethead in the face,” Levi said.
“Granted,” Optimus allowed.
Mr. Blause came walking to the door with coffee in hand when he heard the loud sobbing. He was startled to see all these people at his doorstep and looked down at his coffee cup.
“I think this ain’t healthy,” he commented.
“Pa, I gotta go,” Sasha told him, “Take care of that girl, Gabi, okay?”
“’Kay,” Mr. Blause agreed before hugging his daughter, “Be safe. Love ya’.”
“Love ya’, too,” Sasha replied back as he hugged him. She let go of her father before running towards Optimus’ alt mode. She hopped into the back while Kenny jumped into the passenger seat. Optimus deactivated his holoform and opened the driver door for Levi. The captain jumped in before Optimus revved his engine and drove away from the house.
Mr. Blause sighed in irritation about the chaos before looking down at Falco and the newcomer still crying. Mr. Blause set his coffee cup down and walked over to the two and kneeled down.
“Heya,” he greeted, “Ya’ look tired,”
Gabi glared at the man while tightening her grip on Falco.
“Gabi, it’s okay,” Falco reassured, “His family let me stay with them.”
Gabi was still unsure as she watched the adult with caution.
“How ‘bout I take you to a nice bed and ya’ get some rest b’foreya’ eat somethin’?” Mr. Blause suggested.
Gabi was really tempted by the offer, and gave into her exhaustion. She let go of Falco and nodded her head quietly.
“I can carry ya’,” Mr. Blause offered.
Gabi felt her guard go down as Mr. Blause picked her up and carried her into the house with Falco following behind.
So originally, Megatron was going to tell Gabi that Falco was dead instead of alive in order to break her mentally and keep her in the prison. He didn't want her having the motivation to escape. She ultimately did in this version, and she ends up under Optimus, who leads her right back to Falco.
There were also a few other scenes on the farm:
Gabi opened her eyes and rubbed her head before sitting up. She noticed that she was in someone’s room and the bed she was on was right next to the window.
Gabi felt the blankets shift and looked down to see Falco resting his head on the bed while he was sitting in a chair. Gabi was going to cry again when she saw Falco breathing. He…he’s alive. Falco’s alive.
Gabi slowly reached out and touched Falco’s head. The boy slowly opened his eyes and raised his head. He rubbed his eyes before looking directly at Gabi.
“Hey,” Falco said.
“Where…are we?” Gabi asked.
“We’re at Sasha Blause’s home,” Falco explained, “She let me stay here instead of getting sent to prison.”
“Oh…,” Gabi weakly responded.
“Gabi, are you-…,” Falco stopped himself short. She probably wasn’t okay. She thought for months that he was dead, and from the looks of it, she blamed herself for it.
“Gabi, I’m alive,” Falco told her, “I’m here, and we’ll find a way to get back home together.”
Gabi looked down at Falco’s shirt to see the bandages around his waist. Falco noticed the direction of her gaze and pulled down the shirt. He then pulled her into a hug, startling the girl.
“But…but I hurt you,” Gabi reminded, “You almost died because of me.”
“You would’ve never hurt me on purpose,” Falco proclaimed, “And I’m here now. It’s okay.”
Gabi wrapped her arms around Falco’s waist, causing him to wince. Gabi quickly let go of him with fear and concern.
“The wound’s not completely healed yet,” Falco explained, “I’ll be fine though.”
Gabi wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I was always mean to you. I always looked down on you,” Gabi cut him off, “I never…,”
Gabi began crying again in his shoulder. “I hurt you. I almost killed you.”
Gabi obviously needed to apologize to Falco for calling him a bad friend. And there's a much more positive interaction between Kaya and Gabi:
”Can’t believe Megatron told you I was dead,” Falco admitted.
Gabi looked at Falco. “That’s Matthew’s real name?”
Falco nodded his head. “I wasn’t aware he faked his death, so when I woke up in the hospital, kind of thought I was back in Marley. Then I heard him talking differently, and he told me who he was and what he was doing.”
“So…why were you sent here?” Gabi asked, “How come you weren’t put in prison?”
“Megatron advocated for me,” Falco explained, “He told the military here that I was much more rationale and wouldn’t try to kill anyone. He even said I most likely got on the ship to try and stop you. So the woman, Sasha, decided to take me here and allow me to recover. When I asked him about you, he said there was nothing he could do since you tried to kill one of their own.”
“…He could be lying to you,” Gabi proclaimed, “He lied to me. He lied to everyone. Udo and Zofia are dead. Liberio’s been destroyed.”
“From what I heard, Eren Jaeger was the one who launched the attack by himself in the first place,” Falco proclaimed.
“How could you have heard that?” Gabi demanded.
“I heard some of them talking,” Falco explained, “They said they threw Eren into prison.”
“No excuse for what Megatron did,” Gabi declared, “Did…did he even care about us? Every action he did, was it because he cared, or was it because he was trying not to get caught?”
“…can’t say for certain,” Falco admitted, “Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I don’t know.”
“I hate him,” Gabi declared.
“…I don’t know if I can,” Falco admitted.
“Hi,” a voice greeted.
The two looked up to see a blonde girl holding two sandwiches, offering both of it to them. Falco smiled and took the both of it from her hands. He handed one to Gabi, and she took it from his hands.
“Can I sit with you two?” she asked politely.
“Sure,” Falco answered.
Gabi grew tense when the girl sat down next to her. She grew even more nervous when she held out her hand to her.
“I’m Kaya,” she introduced herself.
“…Gabi,” she meekly responded as she shook Kaya’s hand.
“You’re from Marley, like Falco, right?” she asked.
Gabi nodded her head.
“So…you probably think I’m a devil right?” Kaya asked.
Gabi pulled her knees up to her chest. She didn’t know what to think anymore.
“I…,” Gabi trailed off, unable to come up with a response.
“It’s okay,” Kaya reassured, “You were raised in Marley. I can’t blame you for your way of thinking.”
Gabi was startled by the girl’s response. She didn’t yell at her, or curse her out.
“Falco, do you know when my sister’s coming back?” Kaya asked.
“I’m not sure,” Falco answered, “It seemed pretty urgent when she left. I don’t know what’s going on.”
“…Zeke broke out,” Gabi declared.
“What?!” Falco exclaimed while Kaya looked in surprise.
“He broke out, and now he might turn people here into titans,” Gabi proclaimed.
“…that’s terrifying,” Kaya remarked.
“How are you not worried?!” Falco exclaimed.
Kaya quickly shushed him before continuing. “I am worried, but I know that the Survey Corps and the Autobots will do everything they can to stop it.”
“’Autobots’?” Gabi questioned.
“Arcee, Wheeljack, and Optimus,” Kaya listed, “They’re called Autobots, and they advocate for the protection of life. I don’t know about Megatron though. Every time I ask Sasha about it, she would give me this uncomfortable look and said that ignorance was better.”
“Do you know anything about Megatron?” Gabi asked.
“Not really,” Kaya answered, “Arcee would tell us tales of battles she had on both her home and on Earth, but she didn’t really talk about Megatron much.”
“Who’s Arcee?” Gabi asked.
“The blue Autobot,” Kaya explained, “She’s extremely agile and fast. She’s my sister’s partner.”
“I hate her,” Gabi hissed, earning a worried look from Falco.
“Is it because she was part of the Liberio attack?” Kaya asked.
Gabi looked at Falco and felt a wave of guilt rush over her.
“Arcee didn’t mean for me to get injured,” Falco explained, “She felt guilty when the bullet hit me and was glad that I was alive. She even came to me in the hospital and apologized to me.”
“Arcee wanted to apologize to you too, but since you were in prison, she never got the chance,” Kaya continued, “She never wanted to attack Liberio. None of the titans did.”
“Then why did they?!” Gabi exclaimed, “Why did they trample my home into the ground?! Why did they kill Udo and Zofia?! Why did those devils attack us?!”
“Gabi!” Falco exclaimed before grabbing her hand.
“…because it’s war,” Kaya answered, earning both of their attention, “Arcee has always told me and Sasha that war was terrible. She had to get her hands dirty in order to survive. She struggled so much to keep her morality while fighting a group that wouldn’t hesitate to kill their own in a heartbeat. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done. People will end on dying, because one side feels right. It’s why…,”
Gabi felt her stomach turn as Kaya began to cry. “It’s why my mom was devoured by a titan. It’s why our country was devastated. It’s why Arcee lost her home, and why the Survey Corps attacked Liberio. It was because of war.”
“War is a cruel and terrible thing,” Gabi remembered Optimus saying, “It kills and destroys until no one is left. You’re only given the option to survive, and must sacrifice everything in order to do so.”
“…I’m…sorry,” Gabi said quietly, earning a shocked look from Falco.
“It’s okay,” Kaya reassured as she wiped away her tears, “You were born in Marley, and told to think a certain way.”
Gabi removed her hand from Falco’s grip as he stared in disbelief. Gabi would never say stuff like this. She would never apologize. She would never be kind to the people she had been told were demons. What the hell caused this change?
“So…,” Kaya began, wanting to change the topic, “What’s Optimus like?”
Gabi stared at her in surprise. “Huh?”
“You actually got to meet Optimus and spend time with him,” Kaya said, “I’ve always wanted to meet him, but I missed my chance when Optimus came here. Arcee always told me and the others stories of battles they fought together. I’ve always wanted to know what he truly was like. You spent time with Optimus, so what did you think of him?”
Falco became worried once more. What was Gabi going to say? She already hated Megatron, what could she say that could possibly make this-
“Kind,” Gabi answered, “Optimus is…really kind.”
Falco stared in shock. What?!
“Optimus protected me and was willing to take care of me,” Gabi continued, “Even when he figured out that I was from Marley, he was stilling willing to help me get back home to safety. He protected me from his own allies and saved my life over and over.”
Gabi let out a self-deprecating laugh. “Even when I called him a devil and cursed him out, he saved my life. I…just hope I get the chance to apologize to him when he comes back. And tell him thank you for protecting me.”
Yeah, there was a lot going on, but this originally happened because Sasha was supposed to be bringing Arcee to the farm more often, and the Autobot would tell stories to Kaya and the other kids, which is why Kaya knew more than the average person.
I think that's all I have for right now because this is a lot. And as I'm scanning through my old documents, I'm realizing I'm missing a lot more shit. Lol. I'll post it later with time. Just enjoy.
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rewrite-canon · 8 months ago
tragic / doomed sibling roulette
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queenbeehistoria · 9 months ago
this verse is what kaya was thinking when gabi was arguing with her 😭
cc: stop all that motherfucking yelling, hoe. cause i ain't buying what you selling, hoe. think i'm the shit, bitch? i know it, hoe. jesus walked on water, i got ice boiling tho.
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lemonbeemon · 5 months ago
Titans I Think the Cast of AOT/SNK Are ACTUALLY Suited For: A List
Attack Titan: Eren (Obvs), Marcel, Gabi, Kaya
Armored Titan: Jean, Erwin, Porco (Sorry Marcel), Floch, Zofia, Frieda
Female Titan: Annie (Obvs), Levi (I can explain), Hitch,
Cart Titan: Hange (not slander), Grisha (slander), Marlo
Jaw Titan: Mikasa, Sasha, Colt, Nanaba, Furlan Church,
Warhammer Titan: Armin, Zeke, Ilse Langnar, Eren Kruger, Uri
Colossal Titan: Bertholdt (Obvs), Connie, Pixis, Udo, Reiner
Beast Titan: Miche (sorry not sorry), Falco, Isabella Magnolia, Kenny Ackerman, Yelena
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reinerismwrld · 1 year ago
PAIRING: Monkey D. Luffy x Reader
SUMMARY: After Usopp left the crew, you knew Luffy wouldn’t like anyone to disturb him, unless it’s you.
GENRE: Angst and fluff 
WARNINGS: Established relationship. Mentioned of blood.
WORD COUNT: 595 words
A/N: I promised myself I wasn’t going to write about One Piece until I had my AOT series out, but I watched Usopp leave the crew yesterday, and this is my way to cope because that was heartbreaking, so enjoy!!!
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“Hey,” you whispered to Luffy, who was leaning on the fence on the rooftop of the hotel you were staying for the night, wanting to get his attention and also trying hard not to start crying again after watching the dreadful fight Luffy and Usopp had not long ago.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Luffy didn’t even look your way, something that wasn’t normal, at least for him. He always greeted you with a bright smile and sparkly eyes. And it hurt you to see him like this.
Also, this was the first time you ever saw him cry, and you couldn’t bear the thought of that happening again.
“I know, but maybe a little company can help.” You made your way next to him. You didn’t really know how Luffy was going to react in this situation. It’s the first time he not only lost a crewmate but also a friend. It felt like a part of all of you was missing.
“Do you think it was a mistake? Choosing to leave the Merry here?“ Luffy asked, wanting to know your opinion. Even if he was the captain, he knew sometimes he needed common sense from anyone in the crew. He knows he can be reckless sometimes.
“It was your decision, Captain.”
“Please, tell me what you really think. Forget just this time, I’m your captain. And tell me what you think as my girlfriend,” you sighed.
“I don’t know much about ships. I do know our ship holds meaning for all of us. And it holds even more meaning to Usopp. After all, Kaya gave us the ship.” Luffy only nodded. “I also think everything has to come to an end, and if this was the end of the Merry, then I would gladly say goodbye to it with a smile. It was the best ship we could’ve asked for.”
“And the fight..?”
“I also believe that was bound to happen. You heard Usopp. The Merry was just the final straw. He already made up his mind even before you told him about the Merry.” 
“I don’t think he’s weaker, that… That’s what he said.”
“ I think-“You stayed in silence before correcting what you were going to say, “No, I’m sure no one thinks like that, Luffy. Which makes me think everything that happened today with the Franky Family made him think so poorly of himself.” Without even realizing it, Luffy wrapped his arms around you, holding you in his warm embrace. You hugged him back, letting him know you were there for him. Your hands made their way to his hair, and you started to caress it. 
As you felt Luffy’s tears wet your shirt, you tried to think of a life where the crew wouldn’t have Usopp, and it made your heart ache. If it hurt you like this, you can’t imagine how bad this affected the others, let alone Luffy.
“I swear I didn’t want it to escalate so quickly,” he cried softly, and you tried to calm him down by patting his head.
“I know that everything seems to be crumbling down, and you feel hopeless. Unfortunately, I believe all of us feel this way. This was a long day. But believe me when I say everything will be alright, Luffy.”
“I really don’t know how, but everything seems to resolve somehow. One way or another,” Luffy’s hold became stronger as if he didn’t want you to go. Fearing you would also leave him. “No matter what happens, I will never leave you, Luffy.”
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n a v i g a t i o n
o n e  p i e c e  m a s t e r l i s t 
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moonspirit · 1 year ago
Papamin Propaganda - Armin's natural affinity for children
This is nowhere near as lucid or detailed as I wanted it to be, but I've managed to throw a few points together, so have it anyway.
There are quite a few characters in AoT who have shown remarkable compassion and empathy toward children, notably, Levi, Reiner, Jean, Hange, and so on. In this post we'll talk about Armin.
Episode 72 (S04E13) is titled "Children of the Forest" and I think it's quite self-explanatory at this point - as Sasha's father put it, the children of this ruined world have been roaming around in a forest of endless violence, unable to find a way out of it. By the end of AoT, the characters who are presently "children" (i.e, Gabi, Falco, Kaya, and so on) do end up exiting this 2000 year old forest, toward a new world of harmonious co-existence. What I love particularly about the episode titling sequence however, is that Episode 71 (S04E12) is called "Guides" - and it deals mostly with the people who will act as the literal "guides" to the "Children in the Forest". This is of course, Hange & the surviving members of the 104th, and therefore also, Armin.
(In a previous post I've talked at some length about why I consider Armin to be *THE* guide out of the forest, for not only children, but humanity as a whole; so we will not go into that here. Instead we'll stick to why Armin has a natural affinity and flair for handling children specifically.)
It's important to remember that Armin was a bullied child, one at the receiving end of a never-ending stream of insults, kicks, and violence. Despite being abandoned by his parents and eventually also losing his grandfather, Armin never lost his kindness and gentle persona. This, at an age when children are heavily influenced by their surroundings and what they witness through the behaviors of other people, *can* be a bit surprising. It is a known fact that bullies are born due to (among other things) a variety of self-esteem issues and jealousy. I would say Armin retained this softness because in spite of being orphaned, & considered the 'weakest' among the 104th, he always received love from those around him (the fact that he couldn't see this love and value placed in him is a different thing entirely), and was treated with kindness too (ah the days before Floch came along with his insults were peaceful #_#)
Moving on to the aforementioned episodes in particular: It is Sasha's father who introduces the concept of the forest, we know Hange cries "Genocide isn't right!" twice (and thereby making it clear that she is the most senior "guide" in all of the bunch), but it is Armin who is the first to put to literal action the meaning and role of being a guide that brings children out of the forest.
Between episode 71, 72, 81 (S04 P2 E06), 82 (... E07) & 83 (... E08), the events taking place are very tightly packed together. Everything from the first reveal of Eren's Jaegerist faction to the beginning of the Rumbling takes place. It is a period when the military is in shambles, Eren has pushed his friends away and become that giant bony monster, Falco's been taken hostage, Hange's hiding away taking care of Levi, and the rest of our characters are dispersed across various locations, stumped and paralyzed with fear and hesitation about what to do about the world getting trampled outside. It is a period of intense confusion, and there is no unity between anybody. The Alliance hasn't been born.
In this duration of time, we see the following:
1. Armin helping a battered and bloody Gabi get up in Niccolo's restaurant and helping her walk to the next room, away from the arguing adults.
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2. Telling her in no uncertain terms that she's not going to be killed out of vengeance. It's important to note this because while Gabi's already received the kindness of other people by this point (Sasha's family), she soon comes to know that Armin is Eren's best friend, i.e the Devil's best friend, and yet, he's still kind to her.
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3. He meets up with Gabi, and tells her honestly what's happened. Now this is a favorite scene of mine, but you'll notice that when Gabi falls to her knees, everyone's standing around towering over her, but in the end, Armin kneels to her level, holding her gently by the shoulders. Body language is a powerful tool to convey a person's emotions and intent; he does ask her about what she saw when the walls fell, but he still does it gently, and at her level of height where she doesn't have to crane her neck up to look at someone 'commanding' her. It's a humane action, gentle and kind, an indirect way of saying "I'm listening, you can trust me, so don't be afraid." It's also pertinent to note that of all the people around Gabi in that moment, Armin's the most approachable. Mikasa's withdrawn, in a turmoil of her own. Sasha's family is clueless. Connie kidnapped Falco, not a good image. Jean's rough, prone to losing his temper. Hange & Levi nowhere to be seen. But Armin? He was kind to her at the restaurant, and continues to be so, retaining his softness both in manner and speech, with her.
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4. With Mikasa immediately after (the outburst scene), we see him say many things; that the line of command has broken down completely, that they need Gabi's trust if they have to do something by forming a team with the Cart & Jaw titans. Remember: Hange & Levi are missing, two of the closest superiors the kids know to look for guidance; and yet he alone makes the difficult decision of going after Falco. This move of his does three things: (a) It wins Gabi's trust in full, (b) Tells Gabi (and also to us as the readers) that he doesn't agree with Eren's actions, (c) Lays the very foundation for the Alliance before anybody's even told him to.
5. With Falco's scene, things are once again, self-explanatory - but I like one specific detail. We see the others trying to catch some shut-eye (Mikasa, Jean, Annie, Hitch, etc). Earlier with Mikasa, Armin had expressed his wish to just sleep for two days straight. And yet it's HIM who rides with Gabi all through the night non-stop to get Falco back, trying to catch up to Connie who's had a head-start, waaayy before them. This little detail, imo, shows his dedication and drive for what he believes in, as well as strong empathy and understanding for these hurting children, who don't know any better. (I don't know if Gabi knows he's the holder of the Collosal titan atp... I think she knows? If yes, it would show how much she already trusts him, going with him alone. Now tell me that isn't because of the compassion and empathy he's shown toward her.)
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It's obvious that all of the 104th understand where children like Gabi come from - brainwashed and rabid as they are. But in choosing to show Armin as the one who takes the first step in bringing the Alliance together, through the heart and mind of a child, I find myself believing - this man's going to be a GREAT dad.
Sorry if this was all over the place xD I wanted to make it more coherent, but I don't have the energy, welp. Feel free to add your thoughts!
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d33pwithinmys0ul · 8 days ago
i love you women of aot. i love you mikasa sasha historia ymir annie pieck mina petra frieda carla dina hange hitch faye rico nanaba gabi zofia hanna kaya maria rose sina and ymir
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natsuki208 · 5 months ago
Here’s my top 5 favourite AOT moments!
I tried to help my friend come up with a list of their own, it was turning out a little tricky for them. So I decided to do on of my own. Maybe it might help, who knows. 🙂
5.) The drunk night in Marley
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This is the only season 4 scene you’ll see on this list, for good reasons if you know me by now. The one time I actually enjoyed seeing the main cast this season was when they all could be happy together during hard times like the good ol’ days.
If only Eren had a sudden realisation during this night that maybe future plans were really s**t.
4.) Reiner and Bertholdt reveal
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At first I thought this scene was overrated, but looking back at it, I can see where everyone is coming from. From the superior animation to the stellar voice acting (taking about English), this really brings out the emotions everyone was feeling during the iconic betrayal.
Oh, and the music? Being a rearrangement of the song that played during Carla’s death heavily symbolises and makes it hit much harder. I can definitely sense Eren’s sadness and anger here.
But I still love my Berty who didn’t want it to be this way.
3.) Sasha rescuing Kaya
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Thanks to a friend of mine, I’ve come to appreciate this scene much more than I originally did. The time when the usual comic relief character finally takes the spotlight to show just how capable they are in combat should certainly be a thrill to watch.
Sasha goes out of her way to overcome her fear of the titans, using nothing but a bow and arrow, all to save a traumatised girl shows a lot about her character. It leaves us as satisfied as her own father.
Until she got tossed aside and reduced back to comic relief right after this that is.
2.) Marco’s encouragement
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You should know me well enough to know that my boys will be here sooner or later. And this moment right here is the pinnacle of both character’s traits here. Jean being in denial of Marco’s belief that he’d be a great leader, and Marco informing him on why he thinks so.
This scene isn’t just ship fodder (it kinda is), it’s the starting point of Jean’s character development and how it’ll help finalise his decision of what is the right path to take in this cruel world.
Now if only Marco could’ve made that decision as well. 🥺
1.) The Trost battle finale
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Everything about this scene peaks over the entire last battle in season 4! Because Eren did right here!
It just screams iconic and triumph. Eren pulls through his titan instincts to carry the giant boulder to the gate, pure titans are everywhere and the cadets and garrison soldiers have to protect him at all costs, all while Eren inner monologues about freedom and having to fight for it.
The animation is great, the voice acting is great, Call Your Name setting the emotions, it’s just represents what AOT use to be about - last of humanity taking the chance to risk their lives if it means fighting for a better world outside the walls.
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thecountesstribe · 2 years ago
So I watched the One Piece live action today and all just wanna say GOOD FUCKING JOB GUYS!!!
I'm going on a long winded spiel and also Spoilers guys
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Listen I was very skeptical regarding one of my all time favorite animes being adapted into a live action because currently I'm 0 - alot versus live action films (I'm traumatizing y'all again : Aot, Dragon Ball Z, Death note, Fullmetal Alchemist and Avatar. Just to name a few) Those films should be a crime btw. But the guys really knocked it out of the park.
Casting was a 10/10, pacing was good and the overall feel of the episodes were stellar.
Sure it had faults but it was really really fucking good.
I know some people were complaining about it diverting from the source material but babies if they had to adapt all of the East Blue Crew shenanigans, we'd be here for a long ass time. It was a great standalone show. Introducing Garp and Baroque Works into the show early was a good call. The show earned extra points from me for being a little gory as well. Mihawk's entrance was just *chef's kiss*
Mihawk and Buggy were so sassy. I love them.
Goda did his thing. I'm so happy.
I really love the gang but my favorite characters for the la were definitely Usopp and Sanji.
I don't really do the shipping business in this fandom cause literally anything could go but Oda confirming Usopp and Kaya are endgame is just so ABGDLSPUAGNSOIFHJSJH!!!! I won. The superior ship is sailing my loves.
Overall a 9.8/10 in my book. This would definitely bring in new viewership into the show and fandom. Everybody that's new here, WELCOME TO THE CREW. Can't wait for season 2.
Future live action movies/shows take notes.
Some of my favorite moments, iykyk. I'm not gonna be a dick and spoil it all.
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lying-on-floors · 5 months ago
Okay, now for the other two idiots always with Jean and Marco in my AoT modern au...
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Sasha gives me "downtown girlie" so I wanted her style to be more "feminine" in nature. She does still go hunting with her dad and her adoptive sister, Kaya, but she lives in the city right now, so she doesn't have much reason to wear her hunting clothes. She likes patterns.
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So, Connie is a clown (I love him bc me too) and he just gives me "eh, fuck it" when it comes to clothing. He will wear the same shirt for 2 days, unwashed, and say "I have a washer" when someone says something. Absolutely no fashion sense.
The AU idea
Reibert ver.
The siblings
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simonxriley · 2 years ago
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Skylar "Phoenix "Jackson (r6s), having a day off and trying to finish the painting she was working on, but Tachanka keeps bothering her. | Liz Walker (CoD), about to stab the next person that asks if she alright (Simon is the only one that is safe).
Kai'Sa Blake (AoT), showing Kaya a frog she caught on the Braus' farm and trying to cheer her up. | Mary Daniels (Evil West), successful hunt but also highly annoyed at Jesse.
Phaedra Alexeyev (WTA), joking around with Declan. | Olivia Carpenter (911), at the park with Eddie and Christopher.
I was tagged by the wonderful @chuckhansen @corvosattano @leviiackrman @voidika and @baldurrs to use this cute picrew. Thank you! 💜
Tagging @playstationmademe @detectivelokis @jinfromyarikawa @nightwingshero @shegetsburned @nightbloodbix @carterrogerz and anyone else that wants to do it!!
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heavenzscent · 2 years ago
Okay so I was talking to my sister about how a lot of people ( prominently men ) in the aot fandom were insist that Mikasa killing Eren made no sense because it was such a sudden change but I think one big event that showcases the change in Mikasa was when Kaya tried stabbing Gabi she stopped Kaya .
I feel like 15 year old Mikasa would have been okay with just turning around or letting it happen after what happened to Sasha. But at 19 Mikasa has a far more nuanced view of the world.
What do you all think ??
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taaaaangi · 1 year ago
Gusto ko talaga yung character ni Levi sa AOT. Yung lagi niyang pagsasabi ng "I trust your judgment" kay Erwin. Parang naging father/brother figure niya si Erwin kaya sobra ung trust niya. Wala lang ang cutie haha
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sonofthesaiyans · 3 years ago
Happy Birthday...To the Gal Who Deserves So Much Better...
Many warm thoughts for Sasha Braus, the best character in Attack on Titan. Happy Birthday to our beloved Potato Girl who I miss so hard every day. A character I will always defend. 
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What do I love so much about a character I am still heartbroken over? 
* She’s one of the most adorable characters in all of anime. 
* Despite being only a secondary girl, she easily has one of the most compelling character growths, one that is in fact superior to that of many of the mains in how she went from an aloof coward to a true warrior who would give all to save another. 
* Her unique and unusual skills make her one of the most valuable soldiers due to her keen senses, which have served her well in life.
* She never compromised her humanity after all the shit she endured. 
* She was one of the funniest characters in the series, and her bizarre antics were always entertaining to watch, especially since few others could ever deliver on any legitimately amusing moments when she was not present. 
* She always had her heart in the right place. 
* And she easily could’ve gone much, much father as a character, having both the personality and the skills to be an even better and stronger main hero than Mikasa Ackerman herself. A stance I stand firm on to the end of time.
It hurts to love this girl as much as I do and every day it’s a struggle not to remember how badly she was treated by Isayama. In a final act that didn’t value great characters like Sasha Braus. 
But I value her. I value her immensely. And I have no problem saying I love Sasha. I want so badly for her to be my comfort character again, and for her to be given back to us, because we are owed so much better with her. Hers is the story that mattered to me. Not that of Eren Fucking Yeager or.....his even less appealing and much younger opposite. Sasha is the true hero of AOT and if anyone deserved to go all the way, it was Sasha. 
She will get justice one day, we all will. Until then, Happy Birthday to our favorite Potato Girl, a true friend and warrior to the end and the true heart of a series that did not deserve such an underplayed gem like her. She is a true diamond in the rough. 
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Happy Birthday, Sasha. There is no Attack on Titan without you. 
I love you, Sasha. 
.....I just made myself cry.....
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