ashlynshadow · 6 years
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how about zombie AU scenario feat. the GoM, where Kise gets bitten and Aomine has to take him down? No pairing, only brotp among the GoM and Aomine/Kise. thank you!! :-)
Hi dear! I’ve finally finished!Just to let you know, it’s broken my heart in pieces. I’ve cried writing it, Ihope I can convey those emotions to you too and satisfy your angsty soul!
Zombie!AU, Platonic/Friendship Aokise, Major Character’s Death, Angst.
If today is a bad day or you feel a bit depressed, don’t scroll down. Iwon’t be offended, just find some chocolate or ice cream and read something fluffyand sweet that won’t break your heart.
 Red Sunset
“KUROKOCHIN DOWN!” Murasakibara yelled over the chaos ofscreams, moans and guttural cries that surrounded them.
Kuroko ducked immediately and the giant swung his bigsledgehammer crushing the head of a zombie which was looming on the boy; piecesof brain, blood and rotten skin flew everywhere, but they didn’t even bat aneyelash.
“TAKE COVER!” Midorima screamed from behind; the twoturned and saw their sniper standing on the doorstep of a room, with a machine-gunin his hands, shooting down all the enemies who were coming closer.
The two dashed towards him and slid behind Midorima,the only one who remained outside was Akashi. Cold expressions and one gun perhand, he walked backwards killing every zombie he laid his eyes on. Theyanxiously watched him reaching them slowly, being sure he eliminated most ofthe hungry beasts, while Midorima shot down the ones further away.
Finally, even Akashi was there and they could lock thedoor behind their backs. Murasakibara moved a heavy desk and some chairs in frontof it, so that no monster could break in.
“Fuck.” Midorima spitted, sliding down against thewall and sitting on the floor, fingers still gripped tightly around his weapon,his only weapon.
“Aomine-kun and Kise-kun are outside.” Kuroko murmuredcovering his eyes with both hands and trying to calm down his breath. He could feelthe symptoms of a panic attack, but it wasn’t the right moment.
“Calm down.” Akashi quietly ordered, before smilingsoftly and reassuringly, even thought he was freaking out inside and only wantedto close his eyes, “I’m sure they’re okay.” They had to be.
“Aominechin is very strong: they’re going to be fine.”Murasakibara added patting Kuroko’s head and the boy stretched a smile.
A tense silence weighted in the dark room.
Ah, “fine”? They didn’t even know what it meantanymore.
  On the rooftop of the same building, resting against aheavy, locked metal door, Aomine and Kise had taken cover. The sudden zombies’attack had caught all of them unprepared that day and the two of them had endedup divided from the others. However, they had managed to reach the rooftop andnow were catching their breath there.
It was the sunset and in the sky, pink, red and orangehues blended to give the last greet to the sun.
Suddenly, Kise let out an incredulous, pantinglaughter that echoed in the silent air.
Aomine opened his eyes glaring, hand still on his darkgun.
“Aominecchi, in the end I’ve never beat you even once.I lost this time too.” The blonde said with a smirk, looking in front of himself.Eyes wandering on the dead city he’d once loved.
“Oi Kise what the fuck are you sa-” Aomine growled,turning to the side to look at him, but the words remained caught on his lungs.
Kise smiled at him sadly, tilting his head to the left,and raised his arm.
“See? You’ve won this time too.” Joked with tremblingvoice, his bangs covered the scared eyes.
Aomine was paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the bloodymark of teeth impressed on Kise’s arm’ skin. A zombie’s bite. Scarlet drops ofblood streamed down the skin and tainted his worn out jeans.
“Ah geez…” Kise exhaled a shaking breath, “I wouldhave liked to play one on one with you again.” Whispered lowering his eyes andtrying to prevent his own smile from faltering.
“Oi Kise!” Aomine suddenly screamed with hallucinatedeyes, “What are you doing! We have to-” mumbled desperately, feeling a coldgrip around his throat, choking him.
Kise burst into a weak, fond laughter and wobblingstood up.
“Don’t be stupid Aominecchi!” playfully reprimanded himtaking some steps towards the dying red sun, giving him the back. “It’s toolate. You know it.” Stated calmly.
“Don’t fuck with me!” Aomine screamed jumping up, withtrembling shoulders. Hi brain refused to function properly.
No. No. No.
Everything butthis.
“You know? I’m glad it’s going to be here with you.”Kise hummed looking at the beautiful sunset, “I mean, all the good memories Ihave exist thanks to you. Even the bad ones. Man, you were omnipresent in mylife.”
Don’t use thepast tense.
“Kise, stop.” He growled angrily, but his body refusedto move, refused to go and shake him by the shoulders, to knock some sense intohim like usual.
“Our first encounter wasn’t all that great, you hit mewith a ball, but I still remember the first time I saw you playing: I’ve neverfelt so excited in my whole, boring life. I couldn’t take my eyes off you, Iburned with desire to play with you, Aominecchi.”
“Kise, shut up!”
“And everything that had followed too. Being your bestfriend was amazing, even if we bickered a lot at first. Every day was funny andnew, I started enjoy my life. In some ways, even during our cold period in thefirst year of high school. You taught me every single, precious emotion.Excitement, sadness, frustration, aspiration, admiration, happiness, lightheartedness,playfulness…”
What are yousaying? Stop.
“We have to heal you, idiot! Stop talking!” Aomine barkedagain.
Why I can’tmove?
“I remember that horrible party to celebrate mejoining the first string, where I had to buy you all popsicles and we ended upcatching a purse snatcher. We were pretty wild back then. An dthen the matchesplayed together and the ones where we were rivals, every actions is impressedin my memories, every defeat. Yet, I have never stopped admiring you, even whenI tried; I’ve never stopped wanting to play with you. Your basketball was my inspiration.”Joked laughing freely and spreading his arms open towards the sky. “You even punchedHaizaki for me, such a crazy best friend! You were so cool, Aominecchi. And youstill are, you are the cause for us surviving. You kept us tougher all thistime and fought bravely to protect us.”
Please stop.It seems you’re saying goodbye.
“Kise…” Aomine murmured, that name was now a pray. Hefelt his eyes stinging but forced himself to not break. He couldn’t.
Kise took a deep breath and turned to face his friendagain, with a wide smile on the lips and hiding his trembling hands behind the back.The red sun shined on him, playing with his blonde hair.
“Ne, Aominecchi. Shoot me.” Asked in hischildish tone, as if he were tormenting him to play another match togetheras in the past.
Something broke inAomine.
“DON’T BE STUPID!” he yelled madly, stomping his footagainst the concrete.
I can’t acceptit.
“We can cut your arm, we can counter the infection, wecan…” started rambling looking around helplessly, as if the solution was goingto pop out from somewhere.
Someone helpus.
 “Aominecchi.”Aomine recognized Kise’ serious voice, the one he used during matches, andfinally met his shining golden eyes, “Shoot me. If you cut my arm, I’ll die forexsanguination because we have nothing proper to medicate it. Moreover, I alreadyfeel the transformation beginning. It’s too late.” Prayed, now holding theinfected arm with the other hand. It was now black and purple veins throbbed beneathhis pale skin.
Aomine faltered, failing to breath.
No. I can’t, Ican’t. There has to be somethingelse I can do.
You can’t leave me here.
“I can’t! I can’t shoot you! Don’t fucking surrender!”shouted helplessly, taking a step back from him. “I could never sh-”
“DAIKI!” Kise called desperately and finally Aominestopped shivering and escaping to look properly at him, “Daiki, please shootme. It hurts.” Asked again and from his golden eyes started streaming bigtears, tainting his pale cheeks dirtied by blood.
He was begging him. Kise was begging Aomine to killhim before it was too late. Before the pain. Before becoming a monster. Kisewas scared as he had never been, he didn’t want to die and surrender, and yet,he was trying to be strong for Aomine. Even pulling out that stupid, fake smile.
Aomine felt dying inside and bit his lip until hecould taste the metallic taste of blood. His mind knew, it had already acceptedwhat his heart could never do. He was the one being a coward, not Kise. But hehad to pull himself together, this time he couldn’t escape. Kise was beggingfor his help and there were no other options. He was the only one who could…savehim.
Kise recognized the change in his eyes, the feral, determinedlook he wore when he played. Only, this time was tainted with sorrow and pain,with that desperation which doesn’t know consolation.
“Can I come there?” Kise stuttered fragile, taking astep forward, but a stabbing pain made him crouch on himself, losing his equilibrium,before the other could answer. Aomine rushed over and caught him in time.
“So lame.” Kisestifled a laughter, grabbingtight onto Aomine to steady myself.
“Shut up. I don’t remember even once you were lame.”Aomine growled, hugging him with all his strength and trying to keep togetherhis shattering heart, “You were and are my best friend. Not my shadow, not my rival,but the two altogether. I remember every moments spent tougher too. You have alwaysbeen too annoying to forget. And fix this in your stupid head: we’ve alwaysstood on the same ground, you idiot. You were the only one who thought to beinferior.” Told him, while his voice progressively cracked. Kise was shakingfrom head to toe in his arms, panting hard and feeling every inch of his bodyhurting, but still managed to smile against his shoulder.
Ah, now I’mthe one who’s saying goodbye.
“Sorry for not realizing ‘till now, thank you fortelling me before the end.” Kise joked and somehow between all those throbbingpains he felt a bubble of relief and happiness.
“Ne Aominecchi,” called again tiredly, “Survive thisall.” Begged in a firm, hopeful voice.
Aomine grimaced, tears clouding his sight.
“Survive this hell.” Kise repeated holding tightlyonto him, “Then start to play professionally again, because you’re born to playbasketball okay? The world has to see you. Kurokocchi was right, you are ashining light.”
“What are you saying?” Aomine tried to shut himtrembling.
Don’t say it.Don’t say goodbye. Stay another minute.
“L-let me finish!” he begged coughing blood andsensing his head throbbing, “You have also to find a good girl and marry downwith her. Have a lots of children and teach them how to play too. You have tobe happy. Be happy Aominecchi.”
“How could I ever be after this?” Aomine asked him,finally breaking down and letting his devouring sorrow surface.
“You have to be. You have to be for me, alright? I’llbe watching you. Be happy, promise!” whispered hurriedly, worried. He couldn’tleave without being sure Aomine wasn’t going to do something stupid, withoutbeing sure he was going to live on.
“I promise.” Aomine murmured feeling the fear in Kise’svoice, while burning tears streamed down his dark cheeks.
Kise exhaled satisfied before he cried in pain again.
“Ah, it seems it has to be now Aominecchi.” Kise murmuredto him, starting to lose control of his body, but he forced himself to notsurrender yet, “Take care of the others, especially Kurokocchi who’s going tobreak down for sure.”
“I will.” Aomine replied shaking too; he slowly liftedthe hand that gripped tightly the gun.
Why? Why? Why?
Please,somebody save him.
Somebody savehim.
“I’m sorry Aominecchi for this; I can’t smile anymore,it hurts too much. I’m happy it’s you. I’m really happy. Thank you foreverything.” Kise whispered his last goodbye, with his heart bleeding. Just onemore time, he would have wanted to play just one more time.
“Ne Ryouta,” Aomine called him with a rasping, brokenvoice, and rested the muzzle of the gun against Kise’s temple “When it’s allfinished, let’s play again together.”
Kise at his words found the strength for a fainted, goodbyesmile, bashing in that sweet fantasy.
He hummed in reply nodding slightly against hisshoulder, his body already unresponsive and eaten from the inside by the excruciatingpain.
Aomine caressed his head fondly and closed his own cryingeyes.
“See you again, Ryouta.”
The lonely gunshot echoed in the silent, red sunset.
Goodbye Kise.
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tkazuki · 8 years
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"The only one who can beat me, is me!" OMG It's finished!! My Aomine Daiki Cosplay!! I love my Basketball obsessed idiot. 😊 last year to this time I made my KnB OC remember? #kurokonobasket #kurokonobasuke #kurokosbasketball #kurokonobasketcosplay #kurokonobasukecosplay #daiki #aomine #daikiaomine #aominedaiki #aominechi #aominechii #aominecchi #aominecchii #aominechin #too #toogakuen #tooacademy #touou #touougakuen #tououacademy #tououbasketballteam #basketball #basuke #basketballtrikot #basketballjersey #basketballteam #powerforward #pf
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nanodayoh · 10 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.
CUUUTIEEE (〃・ω・〃) You're adorable, thank you!
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tsuhkishima · 10 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award, you are supposed to paste it in the ask of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.
Omg thank you so much!! You are awesome ouo
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ultra-anime-zone · 10 years
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I laugh so hard on this :3
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