#anywyas ! yas
krynutsreal · 6 months
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erm what the spruce on it boss
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pretend he's sitting on a chair guys my finger is dying from drawing digitally
while I'm on it go vote for mondo in this poll
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weezerlvr228 · 1 month
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boyfriend vs girlfriend gacha life SINGING battle
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k9wa · 3 months
YOUR BOOTHIL BUILT????? how much time do you spend on calyx because I only got 305 break effect in battle for him and 145 speed max😭
i farmed relics every single day from his kit leaks-his release LMFAOOO i actually had to lock in so hard this game gave me nothing TT i haven’t done any other caverns besides hackerspace and watchmaker since LOL it’s bad
i’m still tweaking his build to this day (plus 2.3 new relic set for him coming out anyway) but i’m using this as an excuse to show my updated boothill for anyone who gaf 🙏🏻 (e3 s1)
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djevelbl · 2 months
Storytime bc I can NOT keep this shit to just myself oh my god this is HILARIOUS
Ok so me my mum & dad we're talking about how children are different regardless of where they came from, right? and so my mum launches into a story (you know it's good when my mum, the beacon of memory in our household [seriously that woman forgets NOTHING] launches into a story):
She says as a set-up that my brother had one (1) temper-tantrum when he was preschool age and my father spanked him twice — he never had one ever again.
Then, it was my turn.
One day in preschool I, apparently, didn't wanna go home for whatever reason preschool-aged me thought was adequate for the occasion, and so I proceeded to have a temper-tantrum.
Quick context, I have a shitty ass memory and all I remember from things like preschool are like. two things and everything else I've been told — for example, I've been told many many times how I apparently had a deep seated hatred for this one little plasticy backpack/suitcase type combo that every time I had a temper-tantrum and I happened to bring it to school, bitch wouldn't leave the classroom without being banged against a couple walls at least.
So anyway, it's time to leave and I'm probably making my best impression of a radiation nuke alert going off; my dad's not having it tho — he tells me we're going home. I just wail harder.
Ofc, because he's himself and raised on a different mentality (not an excuse, just an explanation; don't lay harming hands on your kids ppl) he spanks me.
My answer?? I ran beneath the fucking school bus.
NOBODY could get me from beneath that bitch — my dad moved around that thing and I just scurried to the other side like an overzealous lizard, or maybe a rabid and feral raccoon; my grandma didn't even dare intervene, she knew this was a hopeless endeavor.
It took my mom noticing from her at-the-time job — which was close-by so she could sort-of see what was happening — to start leaving and think huh, the school bus ain't going home yet. wonder what's happening to get my havoc-wrecking ass hauled back home.
As my mom oh-so-eloquently put it: "she didn't even wanna go home with (dad), she had a murderous look every time the idea was brought up."
I was apparently basically UNINTELLIGIBLE when explaining the situation STILL FROM BENEATH THE FUCKING SCHOOL BUS, so the convo was something like:
Mom: what happened? Why are you beneath the school bus sweety??
Me: little child rabid noises, crying and screeching, it vaguely sounds like a velociraptor screaming actually
Mom: ok, and what did daddy do?
Me: even more unintelligible screeching oh my god is that even a language???
So yea, I was a rabid little preschooler huh
#me & my brother always brought problems back home#the difference is that my brother was the victim and i was most likely the perpetrator of said problems---#have i told ya that I've always had a nagging for completely senseless and irrational stealing???#but like. petty theft#I USED TO STEAL CRAYONS AND PENCILS FROM THE PENCIL HOLDERS BY THE CLASSROOM DOOR BY THE F I S T F U L S#yes. the FISTFULS#i was a rabid little gremlin child#i guess i identified a lot with [REDACTED] for a reason huh#both fucking menaces to society#the difference between us is that i would NEVER make fucking bomb jokes in the air port OR ACCIDENTALLY SHOW MY PASSPORT ON STREAM ????#babygirl you almost gave a heary attack to THE SAME OLD MAN#anyway#demon rambles™#demon storytimes™#<- new tag!#for when i go on irl tangents about when i was a little piece of shit#one day my brother will be famous. he'll tell The Dog™ story#and then I'll be able to make the fucking BEST. JOKE I've ever made at his expense#AND IT'LL BE OKAY BC HE SHARED THE STORY FIRST#wishing i get to see the day that joke is just too funny not to share. it's CRIMINAL to keep but it's his tale to tell#i am living proof that hitting your children is bad#who know#your child might wanna kill you later for it idk#i SERIOUSLY did NOT like that my dad hit me huh#like. he NEVER did it again relatively shortly after that#not even kidding#anywya so give a round of applause everyone. for my father being pathetic!!#also whoever guesses who i basically lokey kinnie'd gets a virtual cookie. a drawing as well why not#it'll be fun
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truekingpumpkin · 2 years
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altruistic-meme · 8 months
if you could... describe aftg in 5 words
oh this is not as easy a question to answer as it should be akfhsdkf bc like. i could describe its plot, or my thoughts on it as a fan, or how it makes me feel, or just make a joke, or or or and bc idk why you're asking it makes it harder :'))
but let's see...
plot: gay sports mafia found family.
fan: drama, familiarity, trauma, comedy, home
feelings: love, understanding, chaos, joy, comfort
joke: you know, i get it-
(as you can see, i couldn't pick which one to go with, so choose whichever 5 words you want lmao)
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navyspadesy · 1 year
shoutout to when i was like 9 and didn't know what pirating was and my dad downloaded all of kirby right back atcha for me and i attempted to post every single episode on youtube
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
oh the inherent autistic4autistic romance of harold and maude (1971). im gonna lose my mind
they. i. omg. look i've seen this movie 3 times and it always gets better. it's very good i love it dearly. im not sure what this post is im just gonna talk about them being autistic that's all.
sensory stuff (sensory seeking, in particular):
maude's scent machine (to "give her nose a treat"!!), harold's enjoyment of it
her "switch to the tactile" via things like statues, her encouragement to explore it in a variety of ways, which harold does in some unconventional ways, i.e. sticking his head in lol
when replanting the tree maude mentions a love of dirt for sensory reasons (i believe it's the way it feels but it might be the smell)
that scene where harold's like ooh the day's so nice i feel like somersaulting and she's like yeah!! go do it!! and he's like but id feel stupid and she's like everyone has a right to make an ass of themselves. and then he somersaults. very neurodivergent friend group of them that kind of enabling is literally me and my friends
in the above scene, maude declines harold's offer of a cartwheel and says she feels like yelling, then does so. vocal stim
maude's breath of fire morning routine could also be a vocal stim
arguably maude's fascination with art and them watching the fireworks and model trains could be visual stims, but that's a bit more of a stretch. still.
maude's clutter could also be kind of a visual stim. i like visual clutter for that reason; perhaps she doesn't mind it in her home
maude's focus on music and making sound, something she passes to harold via the banjo, singing (even if imperfectly), etc
they dance :) (harold's dance at the end particularly feels like stimming to me)
harold sitting upside down on the therapist's chair
harold's morning-after bubble blowing could be visual
maude likes stealing different kinds of cars for the variety. this, combined with how she comments on how harold's hearse drives, makes me wonder if it's a vertebral/proprioceptive kinda thing where she likes feeling the cars move differently, like the different leans to their turns and how they start and stop, things like that (mecore)
communication/self expression:
harold expresses himself through faking his death in a variety of gruesome and creative ways
harold drives a hearse!! and he likes it. even as his wardrobe moves from black and he stops going to funerals it's the one thing he holds onto
harold's affect is relatively flat. his smiles are pretty small and rare and he almost never raises his voice
harold makes little to no effort to hold conversation with others besides maude outside of performances (i.e. faking maude's death with uncle victor). a lot of this is because he detests the situations he's in (i.e. the dating service calls or speaking to the motorcycle cop), but even when speaking could theoretically add to the performance, he chooses not to, instead silently showing what he needs to, i.e. in the harakiri scene. in short, mecore
maude infodumps and overshares and i love her. it matches well with harold's relative quiet. like when she's walking to her house after harold drives her home for the first time and she talks about her friend who gave her the keys and tricks to car theft? unnecessary. but wonderful
not sure how to explain this one but when harold begins to cry when telling the chem lab story, maude doesn't say anything like, "im sorry, that sounds really hard", but instead talks about people backing away from life, and does her "give me an L give me an I" L-I-V-E cheer. it's not a typical response, but it's one that resonates with harold (not that saying the former can't be an autism vibe bc i for sure rely on scripts in situations like that Because they're unfamiliar, but it depends person to person yk)
harold falls in love and plans on proposing within a week, potentially suggesting very strong experiences of emotions
i mean. the whole movie is maude being like get weird be authentic explore and love life and then them being weird. unmasking journey starts NOW!!!!
harold knows that the only way to get people to leave him alone is to scare them away, or to make them think he's a lost cause that they can't make "more normal". he tends to do this instead of talking. obv faking his deaths, but also faking maude's murder, showing his mother maude's photo instead of explaining beyond exactly what's needed, torching the car his mother exchanged the hearse for, etc. he knows he won't be accepted and uses his weirdguy vibe to his advantage bc he knows they think he's weird anyway. and also because he doesn't want to talk much in general
when confronted by a cop about stealing a car she's like yeah i took it. and this tree. she doesn't bother lying bc she doesn't see a problem with it and/or because she isn't afraid of the cop
when harold goes to tell his mother that he's planning to marry maude he interrupts her even though she's on the phone multiple times because he Has To Tell Her Now
harold sending the hearse off the cliff at the end as a symbolic but ultimately useless gesture is another silent death he expresses himself with, but one he is rebirthed from
harold's interest in death and destruction are kinda his only hobbies for a while, and are ones that keep him isolated
they go to strangers' funerals for shits. enough said (they also freely admit to not knowing the deceased like they do not care)
maude chooses to end her life at 80. she has a very positive, loving view of death in relation to life and change, and does not see this as sad, nor does she consider her relationship with harold as a reason to stay longer. she's made that decision, and he's just one beautiful component of an endlessly beautiful world she's leaving behind. her perspective is not common, but it's something that drives her throughout the movie, that search for life and whimsy
the romance itself is unusual, but the only ones who question it are outsiders. they both seem unphased by the age gap. the taboo doesn't matter to them at any stage
maude's past of protest could suggest a strong sense of justice, and her disregard of law could suggest an "im not gonna follow this rule if it's not right/doesn't make sense" attitude (she also explicitly ties her unorthodox behavior to her protest experience, saying it's her own, small form of resistance. just against social norms generally)
harold's rejection of normal social conventions i.e. dating, hanging out at funerals/demolition sites, etc. as well as his disdain for the military (particularly the way it manifests when he's tricking victor into not enlisting him by pretending to be bloodthirsty and screaming at maude that she's a commie pig, reflecting how he sees victor/those like him) show a kind of disregard of/distaste for hierarchy and norm (though he does feel those pressures to mask, as shown by the somersaulting conversation)
maude brings a yellow umbrella to a funeral, not even trying to blend in or seem mournful (her use of color is tied to how live flowers are used at funerals rather than dead ones. it's another joy and life thing. this logic of "i don't get why everyone does this. why should i not celebrate life here/in this way?" is straightforward and unaffected by/in spite of norms but IS affected by/because of her world view in a way that's real autistic to me)
maude collects stuff
maude shows an unusual amount of empathy for the tree in town and moves to rescue it. this may be contrasted with her flippantness about the trouble her car stealing may cause people to show both an unusual amount of empathy for inanimate objects/non human beings and low empathy for humans
something so so very autistic to me about harold blowing up the chemistry lab at his boarding school and just. going home. jdjhsksg he didn't tell anyone he just went to bed im--
when maude says all the daisies are different she mentions all kinds of subtle details, which could indicate a higher level of observation than average
maude shows almost no sense of danger or fear. whether she's being questioned by cops in a stolen vehicle or telling her new lover she's poisoned herself, she seems carefree. that could be because of how much horror she's faced, or because of her knowledge that it'll end soon and she won't have to deal with the consequences for long. but it could also be autism
harold has a similar unusual relationship with fear. he's totally fine with the stunts that could easily go wrong and with maude falling into the ocean and with mixing random chemicals in a lab for shits but when it comes to other people putting him in situations he's upset
harold has no friends and is misunderstood and made to change to become more "normal" by everyone except for maude
just. the themes of societal oppression by demanding conformity. and resisting it by living authentically. they're Everywhere in this movie and that's inherently coded towards all kinds of marginalization, neurodivergency included (one way i haven't mentioned that this appears is in the implication that maude is a nazi concentration camp survivor, as evidenced by the numbers tattooed on her wrist. obviously, fascism and eugenics are heavily invested in removing difference, whatever it may be. nazis did focus on autism somewhat (hans asperger was a nazi doctor, after all), so that could be a sort of autistic coding, though it is (understandably) generally not used as such because they were not nearly as much of a focus to them. such coding is much more often for jewish people for that reason. it's more likely that she is/was jewish, or frederick was, or she helped others who were victimized, or resisted, etc. anyway, her drive to live fully regardless of convention could be related to seeing so much death and suffering firsthand, or to a complete rejection of the ideology that brought it and anything that resembles it. it seems influenced by that, at least.)
tl;dr harold and maude is about rejecting small talk and dating and the government and instead smelling things and rolling around in the grass and loving completely life and living weirdstyle. plus they both give me Vibes. that's all go watch harold and maude
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hertwood · 1 month
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taylor allison swift what the hell does this mean. i'm trying to give you 70 dollars PLEASE
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bellshazes · 10 months
ok i have to go catch mareep at the mall with my sister so if you see me trying to post about stage directionless plays you have to come to my mall and literally kill me in real life. because i cannot be reading that play again and i don't want to talk about it
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twilightarcade · 1 year
I love aksing tumblr users quesirons
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juligzlolz · 2 years
Scar, the beautiful prince locked up in the high tower. Maybe a handsome knight, possibly named Grian, will save him one day?
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Okay so I watched repunzel with my younger sister today and um yes. Idk if I like it lol
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carcinized · 2 years
i feel like the most important things ive learned about friendships recently are that
a) if someone really, really loves you they will love you despite and sometimes even for your flaws. for example my best friend in the whole world is a show off who cant talk about her feelings. do i care? of course. do i want to strangle her sometimes? hell yes. do i love her? i would probably take a bullet for her.
and b) dont put all your energy into having one perfect ideal relationship with one person (whether romantic or platonic or whatever else). just surround yourself with people you love and enjoy being around. you can get something from each relationship and satisfy all your needs plus you dont lose everything if you have a falling out. PLUS you can almost always find someone whos free when you are LMAO
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oh yeah I forgot to post but
Like not to someone else lol
I was tired and my brain wasn't processing everything that Janine said but I think it made sense xd
Still :(( I want my babeys eventually xdd <33
Also. Work wives 👀👀👀
Their friends your honor 😭😭😭😭
All in all wonderful episode and (unfortunately) finale 10/10 :'))
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wybienova · 6 months
i love thinking about elfilin and elfilis but sometimes i get a little worried im going to be attacked with hammers by forgo fans . im sorry but i like the other 2 more
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gauntghoul · 11 months
everyone being like oooo aaauughhh kaeyas a khaenri'ah spy woooaahhhh. but like everytime we learn more indeptg lore abt him its lit just yeah i lit have no knowledge abt that place at all. shrugs. and now ive lived in mond for so long idrc
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