#anywho enjoyyyy
soupieoopieisloopie · 11 months
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This one is so old and my mom found it and posted it to Facebook back in like 2019-2020……..yes I begged her to delete it….no she didn’t….
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Valentine's Series #1: Studio | hongjoong x reader
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Pairing: kim hongjoong x reader
Genre: fluff, romance
Summary: Hongjoong finally confesses he's in love with you after spending many late nights in his studio together.
Word count: 549 words
a/n: Welcome to my mini–Valentine's Day series! It's shorter than my usual writings but I'm hoping it helps me to get better at writing romance. And also, maybe help me manifest a soft love into my life who knows heh. Anywho, feedback is always appreciated! Enjoyyyy. <3
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As a couple, both you and Hongjoong couldn't be more different. Whereas Hongjoong liked to work late at night, you liked to sleep. 
But you also liked to spend time with Hongjoong and though he might never admit it outright, you could tell he did enjoy your company when you would unexpectedly show up with snacks on some occasions.
So during the weeks leading up to comeback season, you would find yourself in Hongjoong's studio with him and while he worked on music, you would take a wonderful nap on the couch.
It was a win-win and even better, you got to see Hongjoong in his element. You admired the way he was so passionate about music. It was one of the things that drew you to him in the first place. He embraced every single challenge with open arms and was more than vocal if he did not agree with something. The way he would revise and produce with no boundaries - simultaneously sticking to a structure but also bending the rules just a little bit intrigued you at the way his mind works. He poured everything from his mind onto paper and into beats. In his passion, you saw the love, determination and grit, and that made you fall more and more in love with him.
A lot of the times when you crashed on the couch, you would awake to the smell of coffee closeby. Hongjoong would still be up, as always, sometimes softly humming and tapping away. And it felt like he had a sixth sense because he would turn a second after you awoke with a gentle and sweet smile.
"Morning." He'd say.
And then he’d quickly turn away again because his face would start to turn red.
You noticed it the first time you met — the way he would awkwardly but cutely turn away because he was so shy. He'd look at you if you weren't watching and when you turned, he spun so fast, he almost fell.
And as for Hongjoong, he knew, when he looked at you, he knew he was in love with you. His heart fluttered every time you came through the studio doors. And thank goodness you were a heavy sleeper because those were the moments he could trace his thumb in soothing circles on your shoulder or your knuckles in a silent confession. The silence was neither awkward or uncomfortable for him. Your presence was soothing and filled a void. For Hongjoong, your love was a harmonious symphony of passionate, soft and tender interludes. Neither of you were perfect but it was very much real.
And maybe that's why, that one day in the early hours of the morning, while you softly breathed in a tranquil sleep and Hongjoong looked at the date, February 14th, he found the courage in that moment — or burning passion rather to finally confess to you. 
When you awoke and saw him staring at you, both of you lost in each other's eyes, you saw the look of love which was mirrored back in yours. A love that takes your breath away.
"Morning." You spoke quietly.
He smiles warmly and though you're caught a little by surprise, fireworks erupt in your stomach when the next few words leave his mouth.
"I love you."
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sadieurlady · 6 months
A/N: HIIII omg first ficcc ever! i was looking for a fic inspired by sleep patterns by merchant ships and couldn’t find any, so i decided to write it myself! as this is my first fic don't expect much and don't expect correct grammar. the storyline definitely won’t follow the song perfectly but anywho enjoyyyy!
ps: lyrics will be edited to fit the narrative
MV1 x fem driver!reader
TW: death, nightmares SO SO SO much angst
song lyrics will look like this
559 words
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as we sit on the hood of his car, the sun goes down and he asks me what I want out of my life. I tell him I don't know
you stare out at the sunset as the two of you sit on the hood of his car. "what do you want out of life? like after we retire, what are you gonna do?" he asks me as I stare. "i'm not sure max, I'm not sure I know what life even is yet" you say as you turn to him. "whatever it is I'm sure it'll be great as long as we have each other" he smiles taking your hand and pressing a gentle kiss to your palm. "I hope so max, I really hope so" you whisper.
I don't tell him about the dream I had the night before Where I'm driving my car and I swerve off the track and hit a barrier I fly out of my car and hit the edge of a fence Dislocating my jaw and flipping me into a wall Where my neck is broken, and my skull is fractured I bleed to death in excruciating pain
max wakes up to you tossing and turning in the middle of the night, you’re covered in sweat in and crying as you whisper "no, no" over and over again. "baby, babe wake up, c'mon wake up" he gently shakes you and brings you into his arms as you wake up with sobs. "what happened liefje?' he asks with concern as he holds you tightly kissing the top of your head and lightly stroking your back. you just sob shaking your head as he tries to calm you down. eventually you fall asleep in his arms as he stays awake, worried about you.
i will have this dream periodically I will set these events in motion and I will die but today in the warm light of the sunset I don't see it, I just see the sunset
you have been unusually clingy with max (not that he's complaining). you sit on 'max lap as he streams. "why so affectionate baby?" max asks with a chuckle "just love you s'all" you mumble, nuzzling into his neck. "love you to liefje" he smiles as the two of you bask in the dying sunlight as he streams.
I smile back and shake my head I have absolutely no idea, I am afraid.
everything was falling into place, it was like a strange constant feeling of deja-vu. you really didn't want to get in the car but what were you risking your career for? an uncertain feeling? with hesitation you kissed max lightly before you both stepped into your cars. with tears in your eyes, you drove until the inevitable happened, your tyre had caught some debris sending you spinning and flipping into the middle of the track, not being able to stop fast enough a mclaren hits you sending you flying and barrel rolling into the air. somehow the hit you received had made it possible for you to fly out of your car hitting the top of the barrier fence and falling to the and finally hitting the barrier leaving you resting motionless on the gravel. everyone knew, knew that there was no way you had survived that. max sobbed into his helmet as he tried to get out of his car and run to you. the crowd was silent and crofty's commentary couldn't be heard. max reached your body and he pulled both of your helmets off and sobbed as he held your body. his love was gone and he couldn't bring you back. he sobbed and sobbed cradling your face in his hands. max never knew what your nightmares were truly about, and he would never be able to find out. he would never feel your touch or hear your voice again. you were dead.
ahh I hope you enjoyed this!
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I gave up and became lazy like halfway through so yeahhh it’s not great. Anywho enjoyyyy this window
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Naruto Characters and Quarantine (Part 1)
Naruto characters x reader during quarantine
warnings: none
rating: K+
includes: konoha 12, sand siblings
Authors Notes: These are centered on the idea that the two of you are adults who don’t live or work together.
part 2, mayhaps?? anyone want that?? 👀
Anywho, enjoyyyy~
also, remember, these guys are shinobi. they gotta stay healthy, which is what I kept in mind when writing a lot of these.
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- totally ignores social distancing rules to come and see you
- he just has to, he doesn’t know what he would do if he didn’t :( probably die of y/n-deprivation
- this boy will not care at all about social distancing if none of you or any of your loved ones are at greater risk
- will sneak into your apartment and spends nights cuddling with you to get through his restlessness of not being able to go outside as much
- will bring you food and do your grocery shopping for you 100% if you or those around you are at a higher risk and can’t do it yourself
- just don’t expect your groceries to be 100% what you asked for
- “How was I supposed to know that Nesquik doesn’t count as a seasoning!?”
- non-massacre au
- another rule breaker
- just to a lesser degree
- he’s definitely gonna come see you whenever he wants, he just won’t do as much touching
- like, if you two are watching a movie together, you’re sitting on opposite sides of the sofa
- which honestly he was fine with at first, but then he realized he’s a little something called.... ✨touch starved✨
- and is now having a hard time not touching you as much as he wants
- he gradually gets more touchy overtime but still always insists on sanitizing afterwards
- he still won’t do more than a peck tho. he would absolutely hate it if you got sick bc of him.
- he also brought you a shit ton of toilet paper at the beginning of quarantine because he was worried you wouldn’t have any and it was the last batch he saw
- it’s his form of romance
- at first she was totally all for the rules
- you two kept six feet apart with masks on at all times
- but very gradually and unconsciously... that changed lol
- she started to completely forget about the rules as it went on and would just randomly grab your arm or hug you out of excitement without even realizing it
- eventually she resorts to touching but with very strong precautions
- you both will sanitize, brush your teeth, wipe down areas, etc. as soon as you’re done hanging out
- 50/50 with him
- he doesn’t care so much so as to stop seeing you and won’t wear a mask around you
- but if you try to kiss him he goes “you know we can’t do that right now.”
- will grab your hands and play with them and everything
- and may occasionally cuddle
- but he’s not going to do it as much as usual
- you two mainly just nap together
- but now you guys are napping with a couple feet between you
- again, these guys are shinobi. they gotta stay healthy and he knows that. he can’t prioritize kissing you over being the village’s strategic backbone and he needs you to understand that, too.
- my baby boy :(
- he tries so hard
- he really does
- but he just has to be around you
- he won't risk any health precautions and will still keep distance
- but he will always find ways to spend time with you while staying six feet apart
- expect a lot of social distancing picnics and food dates
- will 1000% bring you food if you need any
- he will also gladly buy you masks, sanitizer, wipes, etc. if you need it
 - Ino isn’t as frivolous as many people in the fandom depict her
- She has a good head on her shoulders
- She may be a hopeless romantic, but she isn’t stupid and knows she has a job at the hospital
- She basically just like Sakura except a little more feisty
- will yell at you if you don’t socially distance well enough
- but will also snuggle you if she knows she has some sanitizer on hand to use afterwards
- ultimately, she knows she has to prioritize your guys’ health
- not a total rule breaker
- he’s just like a kicked puppy tbh
- will always use his nose to sniff out sickness on you when you’re not looking (you know how like some dogs can?)
- will gives you hugs and look after you
- but he, too, will keep social distancing
- I could see him just grabbing your shoulders after a distanced hang out and just gently rubbing your shoulders from an arm’s length bc he knows he can’t get any closer
- but he does break the rules sometimes 
- he’s snuck in a few kisses here and there
- Akamaru always barks at him for this though
- I love him so much
- but he ain’t breaking the rules
- he’s definitely going to social distance from you, bc him getting sick means his whole colony gets sick
- and he needs to keep himself healthy
- not to mention, if you got sick?
- he can’t even stand the thought
- he’ll just watch you do your thing from a good 6-7 feet apart and hope for everything to end soom
- he also puts a bug on you without telling you that’ll track your health
- that way he knows when you’re sick or not
- I headcanon Hinata as being a bit of a security freak tbh
- not in the sense that anything’s wrong with her
- but she has to check that the doors leading into the house are all locked before going to bed, always stocked up with medical supplies in case of emergency, having extra face masks on her just in case, etc.
- small and quiet but still very safe
- she just likes to keep her distance and maintain safety
- she lives in a compound so any spread within it will likely extend to a few other people within her clan
- so she likes to stay distant
- but she really loves social distancing dates :)
- things like picnics, outdoor movies and training sessions!
- definitely makes you a lot of food and small gifts to make up for the lack of touch
- another rule-follower
- I mean what did you expect
- he just really doesn’t want you or anyone else getting sick because of reckless actions
- will 100% sanitize everything for you before and after you use it if you guys are out in public
- he claims it’s because you just won’t do it right
- but really it’s just because he cares
- kissed you a total of 3 times and felt a little guilty after the third since it was right after he came back from a mission and he hadn’t cleaned himself off yet
- follows the rules almost too well
- makes sure that you both are six feet apart at literally all times and might as well measure as much considering how dedicated he is to it
- he just cries a lot about it and really wishes things weren’t like this
- will often go grocery shopping with you bc he buys groceries for his elderly neighbors who are at a greater risk so they don’t have to go out (awwww)
- he will get very upset when he sees people outside without masks on when it’s things like that that make the virus keep spreading and thus keeping him from you for even longer :(
- honestly I think she’s really casual about the whole thing
- always wears and mask and sanitizes everything, yeah
- but she gives you hugs and kisses just fine
- but only in private
- and she won’t be cuddling
- she just keeps her distance but still gives affection
- the type to get angry if you aren’t being safe enough
- like if you go to a party with multiple people there?
- she’ll scold you 100%
- Gaara would have to social distance as kazekage
- he’s not allowed to run the risk since it’s public knowledge you aren’t living together
- this makes having private moments very difficult
- and he has to set a proper example for his citizens
- it’ll also be a large political scandal only worsened by his political opposers if he were to be caught not social distancing
- also if he got sick then that would leave the village susceptible to enemies who would take advantage of his vulnerability and attack
- but you two still do things together
- water cacti, discuss political events, watch over the village, etc.
- he gave you a cute succulent to look after while he’s not there as much
- similar to Gaara, as his brother, it wouldn’t look very good if he was caught disobeying the rules
- he’s pretty mature about it but will have private moments with you when you’re alone
- he doesn’t care so much about keeping 6 ft apart when you two are alone
- he just won’t go overboard
- just some handholding, hand kisses, and just petting in general
- when quarantine ends though, he’s all over you omg
- you’re the first person he comes to see and will hold you so tight
- angry love
- will personally bark orders at you about proper safety precautions
- your mask never has to worry about being on improperly when temari is around
- you can see her blush underneath her mask though
- despite her tough exterior, it’s visible just how sad she is
- Temari is tough but she thrives off of being around the people she loves
- not being able to be truly with you really makes her depressed for a while
- even offered to have you moved into the kazekage family house with them so you didn’t have to socially distance at home anymore
- takes every precaution she can with herself and those around her so this can end faster and she can be with you again
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let’s save the world
season one, episode eight
five hargreeves x reader
summary: a new piece of information surfaces, and you end up following another trail, which leads to something bad.
trigger warnings: cursing, gore(?)
word count: 2k
a/n: the beginning kinda sucks??? i legit couldn’t think of how to write it for some reason, so i’m sorry about that :/ it’s also kinda short again, due to the lack of action once again. anywho, enjoyyyy
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sleeping in a chair isn’t the most comfortable thing. it was nearly impossible to even get into that sweet state of unconsciousness, but you managed it.
you didn’t have much time to stay that way, as you fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, and now, someone was shaking you violently to pull you out of the sleep that you wished lasted longer.
"i’m awake.” you grumble, grabbing at the hands that held your shoulders to get them to stop shaking you, and thankfully they do. “just give me a moment.”
after rubbing your eyes for a moment, you open them, looking up in front of you and sighing when you see five standing in front of you. “you’re supposed to be resting.” you mumble, standing up and stretching your arms up above your head.
“the end of the world isn’t going to wait.” he responds simply, giving a tight-lipped smile. “i’ll be fine.”
you sigh softly, shaking your head. “fine, but if you die, i’ll kill you.” you fix the cuffs of your shirt, glancing up at him. “nice pajamas.” you comment on the matching set, a small grin on your face.
he rolls his eyes, “yeah, thanks.” he says sarcastically, sitting at the edge of the bed. “did you put delores in the wardrobe?” he questions, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he looks at you.
“yeah.” after fixing your sleeves, you look to him. “lift your shirt up.” you tell him, grabbing the medical kit that grace had left behind the night before, opening it up.
“so i can change the gauze, idiot.” you shoot back, grabbing everything you need.
he does as you say, but speaks again as he lays back on the bed. “no, i meant why did you put delores in the wardrobe?” he corrects himself on his question, and you look back at him.
“she was annoying me.” you mumble after a moment of silence, avoiding his gaze as you pull the bloodied gauze off of his stomach, scrunching your nose up as you toss it to the side. you can see his grin out of the corner of your eye. “why are you smiling like that?” you question, pursing your lips.
he chuckles as he watches you replace the dressing. “she was annoying you?” he repeats your answer, an amusement in his tone that you hated to no end.
“yes,” you gritted your teeth, keeping yourself from looking up at him. sometimes, he was unbearably annoying. “is that funny to you?” you finally look away from his wound for a moment, raising an eyebrow at him.
he looked at you for a moment, the grin still plastered on his face, making it very tempting to punch him just so he would stop. “yeah, kind of.” he doesn’t even bother to hide it, and you roll your eyes as you look back to the wound to secure the gauze with medical tape. “i thought you said she’s just a mannequin.”
glaring at him as you throw everything back into the kit, you place it on the table. “she is. doesn’t mean she can’t be annoying. she’s almost as bad as you.” you mutter, standing from the bed as he sits up and pulls his shirt back down over his stomach. “maybe you’re where she gets it.”
he doesn’t say anything else about it, simply walking past you with the smirk still plastered on his face. “let’s have some coffee. klaus said he had something to tell us.” he glances at you as you follow him out of the room, “apparently it’s important.”
you both made your way down the stairs and into the kitchen, seeing luther slumped over at the table with klaus taking a pot off of the coffee maker, grabbing a few mugs and filling them up with the coffee.
luther grabs one of the mugs, but just as he’s about to take a sip, five steals it from him, and you hold back a laugh at the look of dejection that crosses his face.
“jesus,” you look to five as he looks in disgust at the mug, “who do i have to kill to get a decent cup of coffee?”
shaking your head, you grab one of the full mugs, taking a sip as you stand at the end of the table, leaning against the edge. you unconsciously tapped your fingers against the wood, the faintest tapping being heard from the action.
“anyone seen any of the others?” klaus questions, glancing around the kitchen, “allison, diego? no?” nobody gives a reply and he shrugs, “alright then, guess this is the closest thing we’re gonna get to a quorum.” he hits a spatula against the table, and luther groans at the sound. “alright, there’s no easy way to say this, so i’m just going to spit it out.”
he hits the spatula against his hand, sighing softly. it goes quiet for a moment, and after a second of him staring off without saying anything, luther grabs his attention again. “i conjured dad last night.” he spits out, pressing his lips together as he looks between you and the other two.
pursing your lips, you glance to the boys, before slowly picking up your coffee. “yeah, this seems like more of a family thing so i’ll just...” you take slow steps towards the door, pointing into the hall, “bye.” you turn on your heel and quickly leave, not wanting to stick around for whatever sibling fight would happen. five could just fill you in.
you made your way back up to five’s room as quickly as you could without spilling the contents of your mug, sighing softly as you get into the room and shut the door behind you.
you sit on the bed, leaning back against the wall behind it, just sipping your coffee while you wait.
within a few minutes, or maybe more, you couldn’t really tell, five appeared in the room with a blue flash, and you jump slightly from the surprise. luckily, your mug was mostly empty so you could keep the coffee from splashing out. “well,” you look at him with a raised eyebrow, “what happened?”
he sighs as he sits on the edge of the bed, looking off into nothing. “apparently, the old man killed himself.”
you’re a bit shocked, but you only keep your mouth shut for a second. “why would he do that?” you question, downing the rest of the warm drink and setting the cup to the side. “that doesn’t make any sense.”
“from what klaus said- and what pogo confirmed,” your eyes widen slightly at the fact that the druggie was actually telling the truth, “he was trying to get us all back together. to save the world.”
you stare at him for a moment, lips parted as you try to find words. “that doesn’t make any sense.” you mumble quietly after a second, looking to the equation riddled walls, “how would he know that the world needed to be saved? he can’t time travel, he wouldn’t know about the apocalypse.”
“i have no idea.” he admits with a shrug, standing from the bed and going to the wardrobe, opening it up and pulling delores out and putting her on the bed before grabbing one of the uniforms. you took it as a sign to turn around, “but somehow, he knew to kill himself a week before the end of the world, and the plan worked.”
sighing softly, you nod, getting a bit lost in your thoughts about how he could possibly know about all this. in the end, it wouldn’t really matter, but it would still be nice to know.
after a minute or so, he tells you he’s finished changing so you get up from the bed. “i guess we have to get this show on the road.” you hum, sticking your hands in the pockets of your skirt, “hopefully this harold dude is actually who we need. i couldn’t stand it if we follow another trail that leads to nothing.”
“hopefully this is the big break in our little mission.” five sighs, “let’s go find the others. we’ll need their help, of course.”
you grin as you follow him out of the room, “i never thought you would admit to needing your siblings’ help.” you tease, poking his arm.
he rolls his eyes, not acknowledging your comment as he knocks on klaus’ door and walks in. he explains what he was thinking to him and the plan as he gets ready for the adventure of finding others while you lean against the door frame.
once he’s ready, you all begin to walk down the hall, ready to leave the academy, but diego comes running in. furrowing your eyebrows, you watch him go into his room as he pulls off his jacket. “where have you been?”
“jail.” he responds, and you look to the other two, raising an eyebrow. they’re just as clueless. “long story. where’s luther?” he grabs his little vest thing strapped with all of his knives.
“we haven’t seen him since breakfast.” five tells him as he comes out of the room, standing in front of you all as he puts the vest on.
klaus sighs, “yeah, two days until the world ends, great time to drop off the grid.”
“shit.” diego breathes out, still catching his breath from running in. “allison is in danger.”
you all look to each other, before deciding it would be best to get going.
walking into a bar, the irish republic, klaus points to one of the tables, an unmistakable big, hairy man sitting there. all of you make your way towards him, and klaus puts a hand on the table to lean against it. “trying a little hair of the dog?”
diego takes the other seat at the table, setting his gloves on the table. “give us a minute.”
“okay, c’mon.” klaus glances between you and five, “maybe they’ll brood each other to death.” he stands straight again, and you all leave them, instead leaning against one of the tables lining the walls and watching them talk.
it takes a few minutes, but something diego said managed to get him up and running to the door. “well, shit.” you chuckle, quickly following as he opens the door (and breaks it).
it was getting dark, and all of you crammed into the small car, luckily you got to the front seat before any of the others, so you didn’t have to be smushed by luther as klaus and diego were.
it was silent as you sped down the road lined by trees, showing how you were basically in the middle of nowhere.
perfect place for a murderer like jenkins.
you had the window on your side open, needing fresh air to calm yourself a bit. you would never tell any of them, but you were a bit worried. allison could have wandered into a dangerous situation and got herself hurt, or you guys could wander into a dangerous situation together and get hurt or even killed.
the only time anyone spoke was when luther asked five if he could go any faster, only getting a threat in return.
you pull up to the cabin, the front lights were on but the house was seemingly empty. everyone clambered out, running up the front steps.
luther got there first, kicking the door open then freezing in his place. that couldn’t mean anything good. you heard him saying allison’s name, and when you entered the house, you’re eyes widened at the sight. her throat had been cut, from what you don’t know, but you had a feeling it was harold.
the pool of blood that covered the wooden floor beneath her head was enough to make your stomach churn.
“shit.” you mutter, standing frozen in your spot as you watched luther cry.
main: @horrorklaus​
tua: @rasberrymay​ @noodlextrash​
five: @anapocalypseinmymind @five-hargreeves-official @insatiable-ivy @coffee-e-addict @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff​ @colie-babi​
lstw: @aspiringwriter1 @thetrashypanda423 @lilacs-lavender @wow-lookit-all-the-fandoms @ohmyitsfaith @xplrreylo @fandomfreakff @onedollarduck @sleepygal124 @faith-quake @stripedchickens @youcandalekmyballs @pettyjayy @libidinexx @bts-chub​
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sondescent · 6 years
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okay so these are real cute, they go with pretty much everything and i love them so much. aLsO, technically theres only 5 colours but they come with the extra waistband you see toby wearing in the preview. you see it? yeah that thing. anywho, i hope you guys love them tooooooo ♥♥enjoyyyy
big bad fishnets
suitable for all genders ❤
download |  donate?
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I don’t know if I’ve asked before but would you write for Lee or Choji? Maybe a girl that really likes them and they’re super surprised to find out. Could be friends to lovers?? I just think they deserve more writing! I’m also a hopeless romantic. 😅
Why yes I do~ Thank you for the super cute request! <3
Choji is so underrated I love this plump boy so much T^T both of them are so genuinely kind I love them!!!
Warnings: a teeny bit angsty
just lmk and I'll re-do them no problem :(
Friends To Lovers with Choji and Lee
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Choji and you have known each other since you were children in the academy
You guys got along super well, and once it was discovered that you got along with Shikamaru too, you’ve been a set trio ever since
You three are attached at the hip
You guys have the most chill and supportive friendship amongst you
Choji is there to talk about your problems and help you emotionally
While Shikamaru is there to solve your problems and help you rationally
It’s a 10/10 friendship. The type you see in the movies.
You guys are never afraid to be honest with each other and accept one another completely as you are
The three of you always have great laughs and even better conversations
You yourself are particularly funny and make up for a lot of the lighter mood in the group
But you and Choji always got along a little more
You liked Shikamaru for sure, but Choji and you were just... closer
Not in the way that Shikamaru and Choji are close -- those two are each other’s ride or die, there’s no equalling that
But it’s obvious that you’re special to one another, especially once you guys become genin
It’s in the way he always compliments you
It’s in the way he always chuckles at your unfunny jokes
It’s in the way he always assures you that you’re amazing
It’s in the way he always lets you rest your head on his shoulder whenever the three of you are cloud watching
It’s in the way he always offers you food that he’s usually protective over
It’s in the way he always fiddles with your hair or rubs patterns into your back whenever you’re next to him
It’s in the way he never stands up for himself but will take on an army to protect you
And it’s been like this ever since you were little
Everyone can see right through it -- the two of you like each other. A lot.
But both of you are just so oblivious 
Shikamaru just watches the whole thing go down for years with affectionate exasperation
When you guys end up on different teams, he’s a little heartbroken and so are you
He makes sure that you’re always healthy and especially well fed lol
He worries about you on missions
This all lasts for years
What breaks the two of you out of it is Asuma’s death
He’s been hit, and he’s been hit hard
He doesn't know what to do -- he ends up just softly crying to you in a sense of loss
And you’re there for him every step of the way
Being so close to death, especially one of someone precious, makes people recognize the fragility of life
He begins to see the people precious to him in a new light
Especially you
He asks Shikamaru about it, who has long since known that the two of you liked each other
Shikamaru lets him know that there’s no chance of him being rejected (without saying you like Choji) and just lays out the two options he has:
1) There’s a war approaching. You don’t tell them and they go off to fight and could potentially die just like Asuma.
2) You tell them and they don’t die bc now the two of you have something to fight for: your future together.
Choji decides to do it
It takes him a long ass time though
Maybe 4-6 months?
Not because he’s scared (well, partially), but because he wants to remember you as the exact way he fell in love with you for just a little longer
It ends up being over a hang out with some chips and giggles that he tells you
You guys are just sitting on a hill and talking, your head on his shoulder again
Shikamaru isn’t there bc Choji told him his plan
It’s honestly just really casual and sweet
You can imagine what he says lol
You tell him you feel the sameeee 👀
and then y’all kith. Just a cute peck.
It’s so sickeningly sweet. You may get a cavity.
Anywho, falling into a relationship with him doesn’t feel much different than before 
It’s just the same except more affection and kissing
He LIVES for receiving cheek kisses
Also loves receiving praise since his self-esteem ain’t the best
When y’all announce that you’re dating everyone is unimpressed bc they all already knew it was all a matter of time
Naruto is hella confused
He thought y’all had been together since the academy days
You kind of were, now that you thought about it.
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10000/10 friend
Supports you unconditionally and will scream as much off of the hokage monument 
Always has your back
Any accomplishment that you have ends up with him being prouder than you are
You two are just pretty in tune with each other tbh
You definitely admire him from afar 
You liked him first for sure
He’s just super one track minded and oblivious that it was hard for him to notice
You guys were still friends though and bonded through shared missions, training and getting food together after either/or
You just admire his dedication and persistence as well as how hard he tries to make his dreams into a reality
Not only that, but he’s so attentive to your needs and emotions that he’s a really steady figure within your life
No one except a few people close to you know just how much you admire him
You don’t want to distract him from his goals as a Shinobi and tbh it doesn’t seem like he ever will be
You’re convinced for a while that he’ll never like anyone until he’s retired
So when you see him with Sakura it lowkey saddens you
Because that means he does like someone, he just doesn’t like you
However Tenten, who has her suspicions on how you feel about him, casually mentions in passing that although he really does think she’s pretty, she believes Lee’s pursuing of Sakura is only a product of his rivalry with Naruto and Sasuke
Thank god for Tenten, the queen that she is
It’s a long process with Lee
Unlike Choji who always liked you, Lee takes a longer time to see you for just how amazing you really are
It starts out with training
He punches the training stump at a bad angle accidentally and cuts his finger. It’s not bad, but he’s bleeding a decent amount for a cut
He tries to continue but you won’t let him and insist on him being properly bandaged before he continues
It’s when you’re wrapping his hand that he sort of realizes how great you are to him
This doesn’t directly lead to any feelings though
He just starts noticing how great you are in general
He thinks it’s totally platonic too
You land a good hit on him? Wow, you’re so amazing!
You stop to take a drink of water? What an awesome self-caring person you are!
You bandage someone up? Could you be any better?
He just starts to notice things about you that he doesn’t even think are that important, just normal admiration for his friend
You of course already admire everything about him
So when you get asked out by someone else and he hears about it??? 👀👀👀👀
Lee can’t help but think to himself that they just don’t know how amazing you are as well as he does
Again, he thinks it’s totally platonic
Boy is dense
But it still really bothers him
You didn’t even say yes to the guy
But it’s just a matter of him thinking about you with them
Now the boy is not a control freak or dominating product of toxic masculinity
He knows you have a free will and that you don’t belong to him or anything
It was just the thought of you not spending as much time with him and showing off how amazing you are to him that got him sad :(
And then he just kind of realized that he wants to spend all the time he can with you 
And so he does lol
You start recognizing how much time he’s been spending with you lately and how much he seems to want to be around you
And so with a little push from Tenten you decide to confess
But when you do, Lee kind of just goes:
“Oh... so that's what I’m feeling...”
And realizes that he didn't just want to spend time with you, he just wanted you
And so from there, you got to show him just how amazing you are every day forth 😌
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