#anywayyy hope this post makes sense.
Do you ever think about how Shinji and Akinari are the moon and sun social links, respectively. How the sun and moon are typically considered opposites (in general culture if not in tarot).
Do you ever think about how they're both dying - one willingly, as a result of his own actions; and one unwillingly, a victim of circumstance. How Akinari spends the better part of his social link lamenting his lot in life and hating his body; angry and searching for reason in his illness. Desperate to know why him, why this body, why is this all happening? While Shinjiro knowingly takes the suppressants that are destroying his body and slowly killing him; thinking this is how it should be, this is right. He's dying because he chose to be; he's dying because he wants it that way. One dying and hating the fate he's been dealt, wondering why it had to be him of all the unlucky people in the world. And one dying because he decided he should, because he chose to; he decided that of all the people on the planet that it should be him. 'Why does it have to be me?' vs 'Of course, it should be me.'
Do you ever think about how Akinari finally decides that the meaning of his life depends on what he does with it - his legacy is his story, which he spent his final months working on. And Shinji's decided his life carries meaning only with his death - he's wasting the time until it's over, isolating himself and hanging out behind the station alone. And then when he does die, it's to save Ken. He wronged Ken so badly, the only way to make it right is to die. The ultimate in self-sacrifice as repentance. Akinari dies having accepted his fate and contented with his life; Shinji dies still full of so much guilt and regret. Akinari's life is, for him, defined by what he did while he was alive. How he spent those precious moments. Shinji's is defined by what he does when he dies - how can he ever right the mistakes he's made; how can he ever be absolved of his sins in any other way?
Do you ever think about how Shinji is wrong? About how his inaction, wasting away until it's all over, taking the pills that are slowly killing him - none of it fixes anything. Do you ever think about how Ken's actually upset to learn Shinji is dying; he's upset that no matter what he does, Shinji would die anyways. Do you ever think about how it's not his inaction and his death that changes Ken, but it's the one action Shinji did finally take - protecting Ken from Takaya. If Shinji had sat around and wasted away until his body gave out, it wouldn't have done anything. He thinks it's repentance but it's not. He could have died any other way and Ken wouldn't have been changed. And after years of inaction and waiting for it to finally end, Shinji finally, finally took an action - he saved Ken from Takaya - and that's what changed Ken? Not Shinji's death, but his desire to protect Ken. Proven in portable, where Ken still undergoes his evolution even if Shinji doesn't die. He never had to die to repent. He just couldn't conceptualize such an idea.
How Shinji was so off base, but Akinari eventually figured it out. How even in their final moments, they remained opposites - Shinji dies never realizing the truth of the matter; never realizing his life and his actions mean more and fix more than his death ever could, while Akinari passes away knowing his life was made by how he spent it. Shinji thought he knew what his life's meaning was, but he was wrong. Akinari died knowing for sure he was right about his. Only one of them ever gets to really figure it out.
Do you ever think about how they're similar, too? How they both leave behind someone who goes on to live for them? How Akinari's mother says she's going to travel, and eat delicious foods, and do all the things her son couldn't do, and take those experiences with her to tell him about when they meet again. How Ken goes on to fight Nyx; to eliminate the Dark Hour; for Shinji. How Ken says 'I'm fighting for him, now, too."
The sun and the moon, alike and yet opposites in so many ways. Do you ever think about it.
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pickapea · 6 months
there's something beautifully romantic about heterosexuals. despite their differences, despite being raised differently in different cultures and with different expectations put on them, despite coming from different worlds and being kept apart their whole upbringings, they still manage to bridge that gap to find love. it's unfortunate that they don't like each other and don't view each other as human, but i digress
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auras-moonstone · 3 months
Hi!! So the Canucks just lost to the oilers 😔 could we get some more Ethan or Jack x Hockey??
Or sm cowboy Jack related yk bc of his most recent ig post🤭
Anywayyy hope you are having a great start of The Weekend, love your writing 🫶🏼💋
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ sparking up my darkest night — ethan landry
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ᡣ𐭩 word count: 3k
ᡣ𐭩 pairing: cowboy!ethan landry x pop star!fem!reader
ᡣ𐭩 summary: y/n goes to her grandparents’ hometown to hide from the drama, and she meets ethan, a cowboy who helps her through the darkness as they fall in love with each other.
ᡣ𐭩 warnings: fluff. cheesiness.
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after long, exhausting hours of driving, y/n arrived to the minuscule town where she was going to hide for undefined amount of time. according to her publicist, disappearing from the public eye was the best choice, primarily for her mental health.
the two grammy award winner fell victim to the manipulation of another famous singer who, using his power as a big figure in the industry, twisted a story and went as far as editing conversations and calls to paint y/n as a villain.
and it had worked like a charm. at the moment, y/n’s name was trend on every platform and the hateful comments outlawed the positive ones, that were practically non-existent. people who already disliked her took the situation as an opportunity to unleash their hatred and some of their fans even turned their backs on her.
the castle y/n had built crumbled overnight, and so she decided to hide in the town her grandparents grew up in and try to pretend she was a normal person and her career and future weren’t slipping through her fingers like sand.
y/n stood right next to the car as her eyes inspected the house from outside. the flowers on the front garden were very much alive, the grass was perfectly cut, the windows were practically glowing. there was no aspect of the house that indicated it had been uninhabited for the last five years, and it sent y/n in a spiral because why was the place in such good conditions?
“y/n?” a boyish voice pulled her out of thoughts.
the girl went stiff and adjusted her sunglasses. “um, no?” she turned around to find a boy her age and a brown and white horse by his side.
amusement filled his eyes. “you are not sure if you’re y/n?” he asked, evidently trying to hold his laugh. “what’s with the big glasses and the bandeau?”
the pop-star instinctively ran her hand over the silk cloth. “i’m undercover.”
“in a vuitton bandeau and driving a benz? hate to break it to you, but that’s not how you go undercover. does your team hate you or something?”
“wouldn’t be surprised.” she muttered under her breath. “anyways, how do you know my name, smartass?”
“i’m ethan landry, nice to meet you.” he extended his hand for a shake and his calloused fingers met hers. to his surprise, they were calloused as well, and then he remembered that y/n played way too many instruments so it made sense. “my parents are friends of yours, they asked me to check if you’d arrived safely and to help you settle.”
“oh, that’s nice of you. thank you.” y/n smiled gently.
“no problem at all. at your service, ma’am.” he jokingly tipped his cowboy hat.
y/n laughed. “nice hat, want to exchange?”
ethan scoffed. “get that overpriced thing away from me, i’d rather stay true to my roots.”
“whatever, cowboy. are you going to introduce me to this gorgeous creature?” she eyed the horse with soft eyes.
“i already told you, my name’s ethan.” he winked, making her roll her eyes. but the boy was charming, there was not denying that. “this is my horse, pegasus, and his favourite song of yours is white horse.”
her shoulders shook with laughter and ethan’s heart skipped a beat. that sound was as angelic as her voice. but he quickly locked those thoughts away, he could not go there. she was not only here for a short period of time, she was also beyond untouchable.
“hi, pegasus. aren’t you the cutest horse ever? yes, you are.” she baby-talked the gigantic animal while petting him. “i love your name.” the horse made a sound and the next thing she knew, he licked the side of her face. “aww! it’s nice to meet you too. you’re as charming as your owner, huh?”
“thanks for the compliment but i’m not going to lick your face.” ethan joked, but he was screaming from the inside.
y/n sighed, feigning disappointment. “well, i tried.”
they got to know each other a bit more as ethan helped her get settled in the house, which he knew like the back of his hand because he was the reason why the house looked good as new. her parents payed him to clean the house and take care of the garden.
“well, i’ll leave you to start getting familiar with your new home for the time being. i wrote down my number and sticked it to the fridge. you can call me or text me any time, i live five minutes away so it’s no inconvenience for me. don’t hesitate to reach out, okay? whether you need help with something or if you need a friend to talk to.”
a friend. that sounded so nice. her so called friends from the city let go of her hand as soon as the drama unfolded, not giving her a chance to explain. they didn’t even ask what happened, they just disappeared. they discarded her once her reputation went down the drain.
“hey…” he said softly. she met his gaze and the look in her eyes splitter his heart. he lived in a small town and even though he wasn’t on the phone that much, he didn’t live under a rock. ethan knew the reason behind her escapade, and because of his parents’ friendship with y/n’s family, he knew all those things the singer said about her were fabricated and far from real. “the truth will come out. it always does. you’re allowed to feel sad, and angry, and whatever you’re feeling, but don’t let them bring you down.”
“they already did. my career might be over, everyone hates me, the record is thinking about letting me go because i don’t bring them a good image anymore, i have no friends left. they made me ran away from my home, ethan. i can’t even defend myself because they’re so filled of hatred that they won’t hear my side of the story.”
“so you don’t play the part of the victim, even though you are one. you gather all the awful things they’re saying about you and laugh it off. make it your brand. they can’t use it against you if you embrace the hate.” he said all of those things, and he truly believed it. but at the same time, he had the urge to bring him into his arms and secure her from the outside world.
she pressed her lips in a thin line “that sounds great, ethan. but i don’t know if i can do that.”
he nodded in understanding “and that’s normal. the wounds are still raw, but you’ll get there eventually, because you cannot let them win.”
“you’re kinda wise, cowboy.” she finally smiled.
“thank you, super star. maybe in your next album you can mention a hot cowboy who helped you see reason.”
“oh, do you know any hot cowboys? introduce me please.” she teased him.
ethan gritted his teeth. he did not like the image of her with someone else at all. he had met her two hours ago and he was already having possessive thoughts. ethan was definitely not going to survive y/n. he feared she already had him under her spell. after all, her funny comebacks and soft heart were impossible to resist.
“nah. you already have the best combo in town, the hottest, most charming cowboy—me—, and his sweet sidekick—pegasus.”
y/n shook her head in amusement “you’re so full of yourself.” but she couldn’t deny that she agreed with him.
“more like aware of myself.”
“i don’t know how that hat fits in that big head of yours.”
“it’s custom made, darling.” he winked.
“and pretty ugly, too. here, let me help.” she took off her bandeau and wrapped it around his hat. “now you’re a fancy cowboy.”
“i’m going to be the town’s biggest disappointment.” yet, he didn’t take it off. “i really have to go, but let’s do something tomorrow, okay? maybe i can show you around town.”
she smiled like the cheshire cat. “can i ride a horse?”
“sure, we can borrow my sisters’”
“yay! can’t wait. see you tomorrow, ethan.”
“it’s fancy cowboy for you, super star.” he winked and then left the house.
as she watched both pegasus and ethan disappear from her sight, she realized it had been months since the last time she had smiled so genuinely. and even though she had been in this town for a couple of hours, she already decided it was the best decision she could’ve made.
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as soon as ethan caught sight of y/n standing in the porch, he smiled like a little kid. she was adorable, with a basket in hand, short overalls and cowboy boots and excitement lighting up her face.
“dressed for the occasion, i see.” ethan said.
“like it?” she asked, doing a little turn.
“you look gorgeous, y/n.” he answered softly making the singer blush. “though, there’s something missing to complete the outfit.” her curious eyes met his, and he simply smiled as he took a cowboy hat from his bag. he put it on y/n’s head and hummed in content. “now we’re talking.”
“i love it! thank you so much!” y/n didn’t even think before jumping and throwing her arms around his slim waist.
“you’re very welcome.” he murmured, hugging her back. her figure felt so perfect against his, like puzzle pieces. “what’s on the basket?”
“i made cupcakes, a cheesecake and sandwiches. i was thinking we could stop to have a little picnic.”
“that sounds very nice. i know a spot by the lake.“
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y/n admired her surroundings. the sun reflecting on the lake, the green grass, the quietness, the tall trees, the animals living so freely. she felt so at ease, not needing to be in high alert for invasive paparazzis or overstepping fans.
“a penny for your thoughts?” ethan asked, curious about what thoughts had her smiling so big.
“it feels so good not being under scrutiny. no hunters with cellphones at sight, i feel so fucking light.”
“you don’t miss the city?” he asked curiously.
“not even a bit.” she answered truthfully. “when the drama began, i realized i have nothing there.“
“what about your friends? boyfriend? girlfriend?”
“no boyfriend or girlfriend.” thank god, ethan screamed internally. “and all my supposed friends turned into smoke. being friends with a liar is not good for their image, and that’s the whole reason why they hung out with me i now realize.”
“fuckers.” he spat angrily. “when your next album breaks all the records they’re going to came back with their tails between their legs and you’re going to laugh at their faces.”
how could someone she had met less than a day ago make her feel so much? “you’re setting the bar too high for my next album. what if it ends up sucking and you have to eat your words?”
he shrugged “easy, you just have to work your ass off so my ego isn’t hurt by not being right.”
“working hard is the way of making a good album? damn, i would’ve never thought of doing that!” they exclaimed sarcastically.
“lucky you met me, then.”
jokes aside, y/n really was lucky. the soft spot on her heart was slowly becoming reserved for him. feelings were already blooming and there’s nothing she could do to stop it.
she really liked how funny he was and god, she was part of hollywood yet she had never encountered someone more breathtakingly beautiful than ethan landry. but the way he constantly made her believe that she could truly get her reputation back? the way he truly had faith in her? that’s what made her certain he was the best of the best.
“would you…” he started the question, then hesitated. y/n raised her eyebrows, urging him to keep going. “would you consider leaving the city to move here?”
“right now? i would say yes, i’d really consider it. but that’s because in l.a everyone is going to shove a camera in my face and ask questions and i wouldn’t be able to go out without hate being thrown at me.”
ethan nodded. “yeah, that makes sense.”
“i guess time will tell.”
“maybe i’ll have to make sure to give you endless reason to stay.”
she had a feeling it wouldn’t take too much work. besides, him living there was enough reason to make her stay.
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six months had gone by. everyone wondered where y/n was, if she was going to drop new music, if she was going to show her face, activate her social media again, if she was going to address the drama and explain her side of the story in detail. everyone speculated that she was drowning in her own misery—which they agreed she deserved for being a liar and manipulator—, they had no idea she was going better than she ever had. or that she had just finished writing her comeback album.
“this is amazing, y/n.” ethan said when he finished reading one of the songs. “everyone’s going to love it.”
they were currently sitting in y/n’s living room, just right by the fireplace. they had brought down her mattress and made a fort with the covers and pillows. ethan had begged her to show some of the songs, and she accepted. she was not showing him the ones she had written about him, though.
“i don’t know about that.” she shook her head. “anyways, i’m not doing it to be liked again. i guess the only reason i’m dropping this album is because i don’t want to keep my side of the story to myself. if i want to close this chapter of my life, everything needs to be let out. and i also want my remaining fans to know.”
“you don’t want your career back? you deserve it. you’ve worked so hard to get the spot you had before that jealous prick ruined it.” ethan spat with hatred. honestly, at this point he was more angered by the whole thing than her. it made her heart melt, the way he cared about her.
“i do want my career back, but i don’t want it to be the center of my world anymore. i’ve found other things that brings me joy, too. i don’t want to let go of them.”
ethan pushed himself up on one elbow and looked down at her. “and… what are those things?” he asked hope invading his chest.
“picnics next to the lake, taking care of farm animals, riding horses while watching the sunset, just… enjoying my life with no pressure.“ she spoke, then shoot her gaze up, meeting his. “but mostly, i enjoy doing those things with you. having you in this house, making dinner with you, baking, making forts, dancing around the kitchen… you make me want to leave my old life behind.”
ethan smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “there’s nothing i’d love more than for you to stay here with me, but i’d never ask you to give your career up.”
“i know. i know you wouldn’t, and that’s why i like you so much. you’ve been supportive since the beginning. you’re the main reason this album is going to exist. not only because you were my muse, but also because you gave me the strength to want to get my career back.”
“y-your muse? what are you talking about?”
“i only showed you two songs, the album is going to have around sixteen songs. those i showed you are about the drama, but… the concept is going to be about how finding love got me through the drama.”
“finding love? you…?” he would’ve been embarrassed of his high pitched voice if he weren’t so shocked by her choice of word.
she nodded softly, and eyed him hesitantly, trying to figure out if she’d read the signs wrong. next thing y/n knew was ethan rolling on top of her and his soft lips pressing against hers. “i love you. i love you. i love you.”
“i love you, too.” she kissed him back. “eth?” he hummed. “what do you think about the basement?” she asked, making him blink in confusion.
“the basement?”
“yeah, do you think it would be a cool place to build my little recording room?”
his jaw fell open. “what are you saying?”
she traces his face features with her fingertips “i’m saying that i’m moving here. and there’s no way i’m driving to L.A everyday to record the album, i would get too tired and i’d miss you too much.”
“we could move to your apartment until you finish.” he suggested.
“you would move to the city for me?” she asked, getting a bit emotional.
his eyes sparkled. “i would do anything for you.”
“you’re so fucking sweet, but you don’t need to move. i really want to move here, for good. i would probably have to drive a few times a month for important meetings or for interviews, but this is my home. both you and this town.”
he had no words, he simply kissed her softly and then hid his warm face on the crook of her neck. after a long, peaceful silence, he finally asked. “can i read those love songs?”
y/n smiled. “why don’t i play them for you?”
“this is the best day of my fucking life. don’t move, i’ll get your guitar.” he quickly got off her and ran up the stairs like an over-excited puppy.
y/n couldn’t believe what a turn her life has done. a couple of months ago she wished to have a time machine to avoid that call that turned her life into hell. now, she found herself feeling grateful that happened. not only she felt stronger but it also showed her the fake world she had blindly been living in. and most importantly, it brought her to ethan, and she would go through hell thousands of times for him.
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x-0ophelia0-x · 11 months
Ezra just nonstop flirting and being an absolute lovable dork around fem Reader Post reunion..
Poor reader’s desperately trying to get her work done in peace but she is struggling..
One, either because Ezra is even vaguely in the same space as her and she can’t focus because of his stupid pretty face, or his stupid voice that makes her feel all fluttery inside..
Or two, he’s not there at all but she still can’t focus because she can’t stop thinking about him! A mechanic who can’t focus is a mechanic who can’t work… and she needs to get her work done!
So the next time Ezra walks up to lay a flirty line on her she just stops.. gets up, walks over to him, grabs him by his collar and shoves him In chair.. sits on his lap, grabs his face and kisses him.. hard, like within seconds Ezra went from being all suave and flirty with his crush to his crush straight up making out with him on his lap….
Girl has her hands fiddling with his soft curly hair, and thumb rubbing across his cheek when she pulls back for air.. gently running her fingers across his bearded jaw as she slowly gets off his lap…
He his too stunned to speak…. But she’s not~
“I finish work at ten.. I know a few places that stay open late for dinner.. if you’re late THAT won’t be happening again for awhile..”
Reader Calming walks away with a satisfied grin on her face to go back to work…
Ezra: ….. OH KRIFF YEAH!!!!
the last sentence was literally me when I first read your request 😭
can’t focus? can’t work.
pairing: Mechanic!Fem!Reader x Ezra Bridger
warnings: none, kissing at the end
word count: 2K
summary: you are a well known mechanic which meant that you had plenty of work to do. There was one problem tho.. Ezra. He always managed to distract you from your work, even if he wasn’t around you. You can’t focus yourself anymore on anything and this was bad for your job. You had to find a solution to this.. which you did. Leaving him completely flustered behind.
authors note: Flirty Ezra lives rent free in my head.
Pls bare with me, flirting isn’t my speciality, if his attempts to flirt don’t make sense I‘m deeply sorry.
enjoyy <3
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Hera asked you if you could help her with something. The Ghost made weird sounds for over a week now, she wanted you to take a look at it. 
„Are you sure? I don’t want you to overwork yourself. I know that you’re quite busy, this can wait for a few days“
She tried to reassure you, knowing that you were a well known mechanic which meant that you had tons of work to do.
Unbeknownst to her though, you had other problems. 
Some time passed now since he finally returned. He didn’t want to show it but those years which he spent alone… let’s just say that they left their mark.
You two were close before he disappeared, nobody confessed but you had your moments with him. And now? After all those years you two noticed that you had to catch up on a few things…
And since he was alone for a decade now.. he made sure that he made his affection towards you clear, not thinking twice before he opened his mouth to say something he’d maybe regret when he couldn’t sleep. 
Or not, it’s Ezra after all, he’s sure as hell proud at how he makes you feel.
You kind of enjoyed it, and you still do. But your not so official boyfriend just doesn’t know when he has to stop. 
It all leaded to your current situation. You accepted way to many comissions hoping that they’d keep you concentrated. And they did, for a few days. 
You were stressed, regretting your actions while you worked at the different shuttles or machines. 
Ezra always found his way to you, sneaking in to your workshop, spending his time with you while you fixed some broken parts. 
„Did I tell you that you’re beautiful?“
Yes he did, multiple times now and he always managed to make you blush whenever he said that.
„I guess so“
You tried to brush it off, focusing on your work as best as you could. 
„Do I see a blush?“
He smirked, walking closer to you while you continued your work. 
This boy was so full with love, love that he wanted to share with the only person he wanted. You.
And he made sure that you knew that there was ‚someone‘ who’d be always here for you.
You turned around, originally wanting to change the tools you were working with only to collide against Ezra’s chest. 
You were trying to maintain your focus so much that you didn’t even notice how he left his corner and made his way closer to you. 
And you blushed even more.
„Oh yeah that’s definetly a blush“
There was no point in hiding your face now, you just stepped closer to him, resting your head on his chest while you wrapped your arms around him.
„You’re going to be the end of me, do you know it?“
„Your ‚end‘ will at least be a handsome one“
He said, not even hesitating for a second after your statement. A proud smile made it‘s way up to his face, yes. He indeed was very handsome.
You looked up to him, straight into his eyes. They were directed at you, representing his affection. 
Words can’t explain how they made you feel.
You could stare at them for hours and never get bored of them. 
They were just so… peaceful? Loving, caring, actually a sight that comforted you. 
Blue always had this effect on you. Hera once got really worried because you were standing in the cockpit, not moving a muscle while you observed the hyperspace’s blue. 
His eyes had this magic effect on you and he soon noticed that.
„If you like my eyes that much.. why don’t we go somewhere more private where you’d have all the time you need to observe them.. or more“
He of course had to say something. 
Would it still be Ezra if he didn’t? Nope.
Why did it even surprise you.
After all, deep within his heart, he still was the 18 year old boy who loved to tease his people. 
„Don’t worry, I’d be more then happy to work at something I actually care for“
Even if Hera was right about you being busy, she didn’t know anything about your inner conflict. 
Ever since Ezra started to be all lovey dovey around you, flirting with you whenever he got his chance, you felt like you couldn’t get anything done anymore. 
The image of his face, his eyes, his mouth, his handsome hair or whatever. 
He was just perfect and your brain made sure that you wouldn’t forget it.
His voice was a constant element in your mind, haunting you whenever you did something.
„I‘m just worrying about you.. you seem to be stressed“
„I mean… I am but.. believe me, working on the Ghost will definetly help“
„How so?“
„I‘ll be actually working alone“
She was confused, you were already working alone, you didn’t have a coworker, or did she miss something?
„What do yo-„
„Heyy Hera! Ehem..“
Hera was cut by Sabine calling her through her comm link. 
„Sabine! What’s going on?“
There was an apologetic look on her face as she turned around.
„Could you come please? A pilot needs some good advice from you“
„Can’t you handle it..? I‘m in a conversation right now“
„With who?“
Hera gestured for you to come closer so that Sabine could see you.
„Hey there“
You said nervously.
„Oh perfect! Okay y/n tell me and be honest, would you want to repair another X-Wing this week?“
This confused you, Sabine knew about your busy schedule, why would she recommend such a thing?
„.. Sabine… why do you ask?“
This caught Heras attention too.
„Well.. if Hera doesn’t want to come to lecture our newest pilot, your mechanic skills may come in very handy by the end of the week“
You heard a sigh coming from Hera. Seems like Sabine won.
„Okay, I‘m on my way“
„Thank you, see you! And y/n, good luck with the Ghost!“
And with those words she ended the transmission. 
„Seems like she still got her spirit“
Your attempt of a joke actually managed to get a chuckle out of Hera.
„Oh yeah.. however.. thank you for prioritizing the Ghost on your list, I really appreciate this“
„No problem, you’re basically my family, the others can wait a little longer“
You said your goodbyes when Hera left to go and get this new pilot lectured about his X-Wing while you made your way to the Ghost. 
You ran some test and after a few minutes you too noticed the weird sound coming off the engine. 
You ran a mental check list of the things you’d have to get from your workshop in order to get that nasty sound fixed. 
Well.. you tried your best. The thought of a certain someone crossing your mind. 
His laugh and his eyes.. damn they where so beautiful.
He was beautiful.
Damnit! Again! You won’t be able to get any work done at this rate. How did he even manage to take control over your thoughts. 
Jedi or not, he wasn’t even in the same room as you right now. 
With all your willpower left, your tried to stay focused and get your tools to repair your friends ship. 
Everything you had to do right now was to just fix it, it shouldn’t be too difficult, right? 
Your mind always managed to drift off, memories of and with him, his attempts to flirt with you or his handsome face.
Oh my force, why did he have to be this handsome in the first place?
Drifting off while you were at work seemed to be your new speciality.
He had such a big effect on you and it started to annoy you. 
Not he as a person, nor his affection.
You were growing to be upset with yourself. 
A mechanic who can’t focus is a mechanic who can’t work. 
It is as simple as that.  
And if you can’t work, you sure as hell won’t be able to keep your deadlines.
You had to find a solution to this.
Something to stop you from getting distracted whenever you where alone.
But what?
You were once again working on a other shuttle. This time you only has to repair something that broke within the wings.
Yes. Wings.
Heras advice didn’t seem to help enough, that new pilot still managed to destroy it. 
For the first time in what felt like forever you managed to stay focused.
Not thinking of him and his flirting or everything.
Until now.
You heard someone’s footsteps closing in on you. 
And then, his sigh before he started to speak. 
„We’d be married by now if you decided to just spend half of the time with me that your spending with those shuttles“
He faked a hurt tone, looking down in ‚defeat‘.
„I already miss your voice.. so sweet..“
He continued, sensing through the force that even if you didn’t answer, he still managed to make you feel flustered.
„Please don’t make me bring the ‚I see the stars in your eyes‘ card, it’s too simple, your eyes don’t just resemble the stars but also the whole un-„
Ezra stopped when you just stopped whatever you where doing.
You placed the tools somewhere on a desk, getting up from your sitting position to walk over to him.
You didn’t say a thing. 
Not a damn thing. 
Still no answer. 
Instead you reached out for his arm, grab him by his collar to push him onto the nearest chair. 
He was speechless and when you didn’t leave him any time to realize what was happening, you were already sitting on his lap.
Now it was Ezra who was flustered af. 
You then placed your hands on his face, holding him while you took every ounce of courage you had to finally kiss him.
Very. Hard. 
Bro was flabbergasted to say the least. 
But he didn’t hesitate to return the kiss.
He still tried to understand what was happening right now. His flirty attitude from before seemed to be replaced. 
Right now, just for you, he was the most passionate man, putting everything he had into that kiss. 
Your hands started to work on their own. The one fiddling with his soft locks while the other did it’s work around his cheek. 
Poor boy still tried to understand how he went from trying to flirt with you to straight making out with you on his lap.
However, oxygen was something you both needed in order to survive, and you two started to run out of breath, you pulled back.
Locking your gaze with him.
You were panting, both of you. Trying to catch your breath.
This was… intense.
You ran your fingers across his bearded jaw as you stood up from his lap, not breaking the eye contact. 
Now it was him who was speechless, a blushing mess even. 
You at the other hand enjoyed this.
„I usually end my work at ten… there are some places I know that stay open late for dinner… don’t be late, otherwise this… won’t happen again anytime soon.“
You then walked off, back to where you were working. A satisfied grin on your face. Words couldn’t describe what you were feeling right now.
It was overwhelming, you just kissed him, kissed him so hard that he was still speechless.
The Ezra Bridger. Speechless. Because of you.
Ezra was still sitting on the chair. Slowly realizing that you asked him out on a date. And that you also just made out with him on his fucking lap. 
His stunned expression turned into a excited one.
He was still too stunned to speak, but his mind was everything but quiet right now.
„Holy force…“
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azureseacloud · 9 months
Stage Lights
Ghost (Band)
Part 6
Swiss x Reader
Words: 2,110
Warnings: swearing
Well here it is, the final part!! I was trying to keep it around the same word count as the other parts but I kinda went way past that :)
I really hope you guys like it, I’m worried it gets a bit clunky at the start but I’ve rewritten that part like five times already (one of the reasons it took so long to post) and I don’t know if I’m just overthinking it so anywayyy
I’ll be working on a Christmas request next and Hidden Messages :)
Swiss was very much not over it.
It had been three days now, and he hadn’t said anything to you. He’d been avoiding you—not that you had been seeking him out. If he wasn’t going to talk, then you weren’t either.
Except that wasn’t up to you. Copia had pulled you aside yesterday, asking you to fix your issues with the multi ghoul before the next ritual. It was now half an hour before going on stage, and you were debating just how mad Copia would be if you didn’t.
Pacing around your room, that bubble of guilt rose up inside you as your thoughts turned back to Swiss. He hadn’t been his normal self, and you were worried about him. Even without Papa’s interference, you knew that you wouldn’t be able to go on stage without at least trying to get things back to normal with Swiss.
The unresolved tension was grating on you to the point that you couldn’t ignore it. Just like how you could no longer ignore the fact that you really fucking cared about Swiss.
But by Satan, he sure had a way of pissing you off.
Flipping on your helmet so you were ready for the show, you made your way out into the corridor and down towards Swiss’s dressing room.
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you knocked at the door, knowing full well that Swiss would have already sensed your presence. If he didn’t answer then you could at least tell Copia you tried.
He’s head over heels for you.
You pushed Aurora’s words out of your mind. You were only making things up with Swiss, not confessing anything. That was if he even opened—
The door swung open, revealing the multi ghoul, also fully dressed and ready for the ritual.
“Hey Swiss,” you greeted tentatively.
“Hey,” he said back, his voice friendly.
That was a good sign. He hadn’t slammed the door on you either—this was going a lot better than how you had imagined.
“Copia told me he doesn’t want us fighting during a ritual. And I’ve been worried about you Swiss,” you said the last part softly. As much as you wanted to be mad at him for the past three days, you found yourself missing him. Even his relentless teasing.
“Yeah, Copia said the same to me. I was just about to go see you.” Swiss braced one hand against the doorway. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you after the ritual. What you and Dew did—I wasn’t expecting that.” He smiled sheepishly at the last part.
Relief surged through you at his words and you offered him a small smile back.
“I’m sorry too, for what we did, and for what I said after.”
Swiss shook his head. “It’s okay. I know it was Dew’s idea, he knew exactly what he was doing. I should’ve taken it out on him, not you.”
“Then you guys should probably sort your shit out too.”
“Already done.” Swiss smiled smugly. “If Aurora wasn’t there then he might have gotten more than just a black eye.”
You huffed a laugh. That explained the scratches on one of his forearms. Dew must have left those on him during their fight. You were almost disappointed you missed it.
“I take it Aurora broke you two up?” Though she was tiny compared to the other ghouls, that didn’t mean she couldn’t be intimidating when she needed to be.
Swiss nodded. “She practically dragged me off Dewdrop. Also helped clear some other things up as well.” He grimaced at that, pulling at his vest.
You tilted your head quizzically, wondering what had needed clearing up. He caught your look, sighing as an embarrassed smile crept across his face.
“I may have thought that you and Dewdrop...” he trailed off.
You frowned, before your mouth fell open.
“You thought Dew and I were—really Swiss?” Unholy shit he could not be serious right now.
He put his hands up in mock surrender. “You two put on a pretty good performance. The little dickhead wouldn’t let go of you last night.”
“You’ve literally groped Dewdrop on stage,” you said, crossing your arms. “And I saw you kiss Phantom last month as well. To think I didn’t believe Dew when he said you would get jealous.”
Swiss sighed exasperatedly. “So he told me. You really thought all I wanted was the spotlight?” He mimed a hurt expression pressing a hand to his chest. How much had that fire ghoul told him?
“Yeah well apparently I’m the only one who didn’t realise you liked me,” you countered.
Swiss huffed, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face.
“Why are you smiling?”
“You know, Dewdrop and Aurora also told me something very interesting earlier today,” he said cryptically. You shifted a foot as he stared you down.
Oh fuck.
“Yeah?” You answered hesitantly, mentally cursing the traitorous ghoul and ghoulette. Of course Dew would. He’d been trying to get you to make up with Swiss since the ritual—or as he put it, “fuck and make up”. The short bastard had obviously thrown you under the bus after their little fight.
“When were you going to tell me you liked me?” Swiss asked smugly, folding his arms and taking a step forward that left the two of you almost touching.
“I don’t like you, actually. In fact, I fucking hate you,” you replied, but your voice had smoothed to a teasing lilt.
He made a disbelieving noise, and you glanced up defiantly at him. But your resolve was fading, and you knew that even your denial was not as strong as it usually was. You wanted him to know. Because you really did have feelings for Swiss. And a part of you had sorely missed his stupid smile and his teasing comments over the past few days.
He smiled and your eyes darted to his mouth as a wave of heat washed over your body. The two of you were still in the doorway—and here you were, thinking about kissing Swiss.
He slid his hand to the small of your back, heat flaring from the contact. You bit back a gasp, knowing he was very aware of how you were feeling right now, just as you could sense that he was very interested. You listened to his heartbeat as it raced, matching in time with yours.
“When I saw you on stage with Dewdrop,” Swiss murmured, his breath on your ear. “I wanted that to be me. I wanted to be the one that was holding you. I wanted to kiss you the way he did.”
Your breath caught and a pulse of desire hit you. Fuck it.
“Then do it,” you challenged, brushing your lips against the shell of his ear. “Kiss me.”
Swiss stilled momentarily, as if taking a moment to register your words. Then his hand ran across the back of your neck, pulling your lips to his.
The kiss was hungry, the two of you pushing against each other, still fighting even now. One of your hands dipped to his vest, pushing him back into his room as you kicked the door shut with your boot. You kept going until he was against a wall as he pulled you closer by the hips.
You growled as your helmets knocked together uncomfortably, and without breaking the kiss you reached up and pushed his off, as he did the same to you.
Relinquishing your grip on his vest, you traced your hand up to his beautiful horns, running your fingers along them as Swiss gasped into your mouth.
He used his grip on your hips to spin you around until your lower back was pressed against the dressing table. He lifted you up, letting you sit atop it, moving to stand in between your legs.
You broke the kiss, taking in his wide pupils as he panted, lips parted in a way that set you on fire.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” you whispered, watching him smile devilishly. He squeezed your thighs in his hands, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours.
“Is that so?” He whispered softly, a mischievous humour in his voice. “I thought you hated me?”
You huffed, dragging him back in for another kiss and locking your legs around his waist. The kiss was feverish, the two of you pressing as close as you could, as if you were trying to devour each other. His fingers stroked along your thighs as yours ran along his chest, fumbling with the buckles of his vest. You managed to get one off, moving on to the next one.
Swiss moved his mouth along your jaw, pressing kisses as he worked his way toward your throat. You tilted your head, giving him better access as he sucked and nipped at the skin.
“Fuck, Swiss.” You murmured blissfully, closing your eyes as a quiet purr built in your chest. Swiss smiled against your skin. He left a trail of kisses and bites along your neck, while you struggled to undo his buckles. Shivers were running down your spine at the mesmerising feeling of his lips on your skin.
“Having trouble?” He teased, looking down to where you had only just managed to undo his second buckle.
“No, I’m not,” you answered, flicking open the next one to prove your point. “It’s just harder when you’re distracting me.”
“Oh, like this?” He kissed along the other side of your neck, sucking hickeys and leaving bites. You tried to focus on your fingers and what they were doing but it was a losing battle. Since when was it this hard to undo a vest?
“Prick,” you mumbled, and you felt his chest shake with a silent laugh. His hands reached up to caress your own horns, sending shivers down your skin at the blissful feeling.
“Hey Swiss? We’re about to go on stage and Copia says—oh.” You look over Swiss’s shoulder as he pauses on your neck.
Phantom stands still in the doorway, helmet clutched in one hand and eyes wide as he takes in the two of you.
“Fuck off Phantom,” you say as you see the smirk growing on his face, Swiss laughing as he looks back at the quintessence ghoul.
Phantom points at his wrist. “You guys have three minutes to, uh, finish up whatever this is.” He shot you two a wink as he closed the door.
“He’s going to tell everyone isn’t he?”
Swiss laughed again, pressing another kiss to your jaw. “Of course he is. Which is good, because at least everyone will know you’re mine.”
You snorted, pulling his lips to yours in another bruising kiss. “I’m yours, huh?”
Swiss purred in response, kissing you back. You went to reach for his vest again but he stopped you.
“I don’t want to stop, but we should probably go,” he murmured against your lips. You sighed, eliciting a satisfied smirk from the multi ghoul.
He began to move away but you slipped a finger into one of the belt loops of his pants, pulling him back.
“There’s something I have to do first,” you whispered slyly. You moved your hand into his hair, tugging his head to the side as you pressed your teeth against the side of his neck. Swiss groaned, hands grabbing your thighs as you bit down.
Leaning back, you admired the indents of your teeth on his neck. You slid your hand to caress his cheek gently, Swiss’s eyes fluttering shut at your touch.
“Payback’s a bitch,” you said, drawing a laugh out of the multi ghoul.
His hands were gliding up to your hips and then he was lifting you down from the counter.
“So, did you want to annoy Dewdrop tonight?” Swiss asked slyly, fixing up the buttons that you had managed to undo.
“I think it’s only fair that we wipe that smug attitude off. And you know how upset he gets when he screws up a solo.”
You grinned devilishly, already thinking of all the ways you could make Dew falter on stage. Being his best friend did have its perks. He should have thought of that before he went running to Swiss, even if it had gotten you the best make out session you’d had since you were summoned from the pit.
“Absolutely.” You kissed him again, handing him his helmet. “He’s about to have the worst ritual of his life.”
“Sounds like a perfect date,” Swiss said, slipping his hand into yours.
You smiled back. This was going to be a good night.
Well, not for Dew.
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ladyadalicialove · 2 years
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Have I fed you well my thirsty kids?! FELIX MY BOY THEY DID U SO WELL 💕😭🙏🏻
This is a redraw of this scene cus I’m thirsty and I know you guys are too heh also I didn’t draw the feathers on the hood cus that’s too hard 🥲
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Hehe I kept seeing thirst traps of him on TikTok and this frame of his shushing got me like this
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Also before anyone asks I haven’t seen the full episode all Ive seen is Felix stuff and my brother gives me his updates on the show and says the theories of Adrien and Felix being sentimonsters is basically canon (he really loves this theory idk) at this point which I hope isn’t true cus a. That’s fucked up for a kids show, b. It’s lazy writing in my opinion — it’s like how screwed up can we make Adrien guys D:
also I personally think it’s not true due to the Feast episode where Nathalie freaked out at the amok frog thing cus she was basically fusing with the miraculous at that point and could sense it so if Adrien was a sentimonster wouldn’t she have done the same reaction? Like make it make sense.
From what I have seen from the episode — the animation is looking really good suddenly? Whoever did the lighting for the episode deserves a raise — my brother told me a different studio did this episode so kudos to them. Felix’s story and character finally looking really interesting, I still wish he wasn’t a carbon copy of Adrien. Hence why I draw him with a sharper chin and eyes; makes him look more cunning and mature.
Anywayyy I am working on my favourite things rn I want to finish the storyboarding of the entire comic before I post anything related to it so it might be a while — many of you know i have written out the entire plot it’s just drawing takes a while and I’m trying to find a new job cus I’m sick of my current one atm and with Christmas around the corner I’m v busy I’m hoping January maybe but I really can’t guarantee :)
When I do start releasing pages again I hope you guys will love it cus I’m working super hard to ensure it will be great! You just have to be super patient 🥰💕
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
this made me giggle and think of u writing the kinktober list 😭😭
anywayyy hello !!! its been a while 😅 i kinda logged off tumblr the whole summer idk why but how are u ??? i saw u’ve posted a few things these past weeks (or days? i’ve lost the sense of time tbh) so i guess i gotta catch up now 💞 hope u’re having a wonderful day <33
That is honestly so accurate😭😂
I hope you had the loveliest summer!! Tumblr has been pretty dead so I don’t think you’ve missed too much anyway but I hope you’ve been spending your time doing things that make you happy💕
I had a day off today so I’ve literally been chilling and catching up with 90 day fiancé😍
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dreamhousecafe · 2 years
Hi, I just saw that you unfollow blogs that have been inactive for 2 months and more. How does that work? Do you check your followed blogs list every 2 months and unfollow? Or do you maybe have an app or browser extension that does it automatically for you? Please tell us!
hey thanks for the ask! no one sends me asks anymore 😭 anywayyy. on the desktop version of tumblr you can use the extension xkit and it shows which blogs are inactive. they also have an app but it's not supported anymore so it doesn't work. and honestly i'm not even sure if the desktop version still works either because i don't really use tumblr on my computer anymore. with that being said i only know if a blog is inactive if a actually go to their blog and see when they posted last 😅 so basically i don't really unfollow blogs at this particular moment in time especially in the hopes that mutuals will become active again in the future. i hope this makes sense!
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ratmonky · 3 years
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5k in and finally... i can write about the fuckady doo doos geto and gojo has planned for da reader <3
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cobrakaisb · 4 years
Could you do headcannons of hawk and miguel being besties me with them but the reader bit the reader is in a band and the reader is the lead singer/guitarist?
yes bestie of course!! sorry this took so long but here it is. i hope this lives up to your expectations!! (also if you undertsand the jatp references <3)
Hawk and Miguel Being besties with the lead singer in a band
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alright so y’all have been friends for so long, but they have no clue that you are in a band
it comes to a shock for them when they find out 
miguel is literally so impressed, like mans admired you already but now that admiration 📈📈📈
hawk thinks that it's the most badass shit ever, i mean you were already badass but now 📈📈📈
also i feel like they found out by accident??
like you and your band are performing at an open mic night and the cobras just happen to be there
you definitely didn’t tell tory
tory definitely didn’t suggest that everyone goes 
your band is the last act of the night 
miguel and hawk are shook to see you get up there
“since when is y/n in a band?” “idk bro but it's hot af” 
you can guess which boy said what
you look so nervous, but at the same time so confident
your band ends up singing like three songs 
during one of them you and luke, your bandmate, have a small moment
“are they dating?” - miguel “i don’t know, but we better talk to him.” - hawk
after the performance you and your band are just chilling when miguel and hawk approach you
“what are you doing here?” - you “we could ask you the same question,” - hawk
cue the aggressive glares between miguel and hawk and your band 
you introduce them to each other
miguel and hawk are wary of the band
the band is wary of miguel and hawk
they are all very protective of you
hawk and the band go at it about who’s known you for the longest
you and miguel watch them fight, like disappointed parents
(it’s the band btw but hawk and miguel don’t need to know that)
you decide to leave with miguel and hawk
luke kisses your cheek before you go, telling you how good you did
hawk literally pulls you away from him and pushes you out the door
“so you and luke?” miguel asks casually
“what ew no! pretty sure he’s dating reggie” you respond
“he better be dating reggie!” hawk yells
once they know you’re in a band everything starts to make sense 
your journal that you never let them touch = songbook 
the guitar in your room that you're always strumming on
you're always tapping your foot or your fingers on a desk/table at school
they feel dumb because literally all the signs were there 
especially when you wear your band t-shirt
but you don’t hold it against them
because they have to focus on karate and are just oblivious to everything that’s not karate
the boys are sooooo supportive
after that night the boys need to be at every single one of your performances
“you guys don’t need to come to all my performances, you know that right???”
“yeah but you come to all our karate things so”
they def buy all the merch that your band sells (if they sell any)
“guys i can just give it to you” “no we need to support you”
if you think that miguel isn’t constantly resposting your band’s post on his insta story, you're dead wrong
hawk won’t post about you, but he’s always listening to your music
like if you haven't given that boy a recording of your songs, please do
if you think the entire cobra kai dojo doesn’t know about you and your band, you are so wrong
“so y/n’s band is performing-” “at the coffeehouse on saturday yes miguel you’ve told us fifty times already.”
“sensei can you need to listen to this song” -miguel “miguel i’ve listened to all of their songs already”-johnny 
sometimes you run song lyrics by them
“whatever you want y/n, i’m sure it’ll be good”
“i didn’t ask if it’ll be good hawk, i asked if it fits in this specific spot”
“oh well then you asked the wrong guy”
band practice with hawk and miguel there >>>
hawk had to go to see if luke was really dating reggie
(luke is)
when hawk and miguel are at band practice nothing gets done
“guys can we please-” “no y/n he’s telling me about the mohawk!!”
“miguel can you-” “and then i took him out with a punch to the shoulder”
it’s safe to say that after a couple of hangouts, everyone likes each other
the band gets so invested in the cobra kai vs miyagi-do feud
“why would demetri do that??” “i thought y’all were friends??” “yeah me too bro”
“cobra kai never dies!!” “oh my gosh! hawk, miguel, i’m going to kill you!!”
miguel and hawk get invested in the band rivalries
“stop clapping for them! they took our spot at the school dance!” “oh shit my bad”
y’all know demetri’s moment of standing up for hawk in season three?? during the last episode??
well that is literally miguel and hawk everytime someone says something nasty about the band
except hawk will probably fight them, like physically, until they shut up
“who made a groupchat titled ‘the band + hawk and miguel’?” “i did! they need to be in the loop!”
you can’t convince me that you all don’t have sleepovers and stay up until 3:00 am watching movies 
whenever cobra kai has a party you and your band go 
and perform
in conclusion hawk and miguel are super supportive and love you and your band
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hella1975 · 3 years
Not to be vulnerable on main (and you don't have to post this if it's Too Much) but I have a similar relationship to my dad as Sokka does with Hakoda because of a whole "he had to leave for work and missed a chunk of my childhood and most of my teenage years" and the scene where Hakoda is telling Sokka that yes he is proud of him and yes he is strong, but that he will love him no matter what and he'll always be his son, therefore getting rid of any "I have to be strong so my dad will love me" feelings Sokka has? That made me cry Hella, it made me CRY oh my god, it hit way too close to home. I know you said a core of the story/readers have daddy issues and you are right but also how dare you. Anywayyys, amazing chapter as always. Recovery is not linear and you writing that out also means a lot to me but I don't have as many words to describe that so this is what you get. I hope your move goes smoothly soon
AH OMG THIS IS SO COOL LIKE IM SORRY YOU CRIED BUT IM GLAD I COULD WRITE IT IN A WAY THAT FELT ACCURATE ENOUGH THAT IT TOUCHED YOU IN THAT WAY??? IF THAT MAKES SENSE??? i'll be honest, a lot of hakoda and sokka's relationship comes quite easily to me bc of personal reasons, so i totally get it, but actually because of that it's a relationship i'm also quite wary of, because i have to make sure i'm not just projecting everything into it and thus isolating from their actual characters. so this ask is really nice to hear (again, in an evil laugh kind of way) <3
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yoichichi · 4 years
Power Couple Playlist
for my love @ikigaitooru , please enjoy Shawty :)
warning: slight timeskip!oikawa spoilers
Relationship Head cannons 
I am not joking when I tell you you guys would be the definition of a power couple, like the kind where when people see you together they definitely get a little nervous assjjjdjsakaka
The team adoressss you too, like you are constantly clowning Oikawa and he’ll just be there like 🧍‍♂️ while the rest of the team loses their minds
Don’t let him fool you though! Oikawa clowns you just as much as you clown him definition of a petty queen
But also let literally anybody else say something to either of you, y’all just go innn on them (unless it’s Iwaizumi of course)
But as much as you two bully each other, you guys are infatuated with each other like you guys got each other on the brain constantly
IMO you guys definitely started off as flirty bullies, to flirty jackass friends to lovers 😶 (I’ll go more into detail with the playlist ;))
Your relationship definitely gives off summer fling type vibes but it just ,,, never ends lmaoo
You guys are LITERALLY the king and queen of the zodiacs and I feel like Oikawa would bring it up constantly “who cares babe we rule the world, let’s do what we want 😩” headass you cannot tell me he wouldn’t say this shit slightly unironically
Stares at you any chance he can get, he loves it when you’re hanging out with someone and you’re doing most of the talking so he can just watch you (will get embarrassed and sheepish if you notice though)
His favorite is when you’re smiling or laughing really hard and then look at him to talk or wait for his response shit gives him butterflies every time
Totally the type to wipe your face with a napkin if you guys are out and you got something on it and then just smile at you like 😊 got it
OKok i dont know much about smoking but he’d DEFINITELY be the giggly type probably horny too but you didn’t hear that from me
Boasts about you literally all the time whenever he gets the chance pls, whenever he gets interviewed at his games in Argentina he relentlessly finds ways to bring you up
Definitely let’s you do his makeup, no questions asked
Sometimes you’re aggressive and chaotic and it scares but also excites him in the best way
OKOK Playlist time!!
(the title is a joke pls don’t come for me asjfkdllsjs)
I kind of made this playlist as a soundtrack to your guys’ relationship and did my best to have it align with your music taste even though I feel like I did horrible job of that 
I really hope you enjoy it and if you need me to change anything please tell me!!
1. Song for Me - Greer: Ok here we go, friends to lovers gang!! Y’all definitely trying to deny it, but you’re catching stupid feeligs stupid fast. He can really talk to you about these big dreams and you just listen and talk with him so intently that it makes him feel something he can’t explain at first it’s called romantic feelings dumby. And hearing him talk about his dreams with you and just really want to talk with you really makes you so happy; and you can’t help but imagine getting to be by his side with him while he does this and- hold on, did you really just think that? Yeah cue 2:37 of the song 
2. This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory: Yeah, so you guys mutally realize that you like each other and do NOT know what to do. You guys kind of start to dance around it and aren’t sure what signs are real or made up lmaooo. You’re both so playfully flirty it’s like 😏 ahahahah.. 👀👀 bimboz anywayyy cue the side glances from Oikawa and his relentless staring as he slowly falls more and more for you
3. Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex: UGH DID SOMEONE SAY MUTUAL PINING, pls I feel like this would go on for a fair bit with Oikawa, he’s so dramatic. This song is just the definition of you two just wanting each other. And the fact he’s so nervous to screw it up with you just makes him more nervous cause he’s like oh shit, I really like her. Iwaizumi talks it through with him though knocks some sense into him “If she’s so great why wait until someone else recognizes that and want’s her all to themselves? As a matter of fact I’m sure-” “IWA PLEASE I GET IT” literally runs to your house out of breath after practice to confess to you assjfjdkkd
4. Violet - Hippo Campus: Ok so you guys are definitely together now, and this song just reminds Oikawa of you so hard. It played on his way home from your first date and now he just completely associates with you. Sometimes if he’s feeling extra nervous before a game he’ll listen to it and immediately feel better, it’s like your theme song for you in his mind right now, not that he would tell you that. Whenever he see’s you in the stands at his games this song is like a backtrack in his mind and it just gets him so extra pumped them serves are definitely extra terrifying
5. Michelle - Sir Chloe: Ok we’re gonna get a teensy bit angsty in here 😶 this song is definitely about Oikawa. He’s just so perfect and you hate it, you can’t help but start to love him and it’s so frustrating? He’s just gonna ruin you and you know it. You wanna try to fight falling in love with him so bad but you know there’s just no way that’s gonna happen. It’s like, who are you to be falling for him? It’s intimidating to fall in love with someone you can’t help but see as literally so perfect, knowing practically everyone wants him. He would obliterate you if he heard you think this way but who has to know
6. Sweet - Cigarettes After Sex: This is it, this is the song Oikawa realizes he’s in love with you to. Not just loves you but like in love with you. It starts playing in his headphones while he’s on a run and it makes his heart stop. He just can’t stop thinking of you alongside every lyric (1:45-1:53? Oh yeah) and it makes him so soft; while also scaring the absolute shit out of him. He’s just so in love with you.
7. I Love You - The Post Nobles: OK IM SORRY A LITTLE WITTLE BIT OF ANGST! I do see falling in love scary period, and I do feel like it would kind of scare Oikawa for a second, like he’d really have to sit with his thoughts for a second and be like?? I love this girl? Oh god what if I mess it up? What if I lose her? What would I do? What if she doesn’t love me back? It would just be so much easier if I didn’t love her. So this song is more to himself like, fr my guy?? You love this chick? Wanna take it back? Nope. He can’t believe it but he’s in love with you and has no choice about it, it’s scary but he would let you ruin his life and he ultimately wouldn’t want it any other way. 
8. Pretty Boy - The Neighbourhood: I mean c’mon, this SCREAMS falling for Oikawa vibes. But it’s kind of like your song to each other like fuck it, we’re in love and we can’t do a damn thing about it. ~acceptance
9. Hot Faced - Margaux: I don’t know how to explain it but this is definitely you and Oikawa?? (”King” C’mon now 🙄) I have a feeling people are easily intimidated by you (you look like someone I’d be scared to talk to you) and Oikawa is so charming and inviting, like everyone loves him. So I’m sure there’s people who are like 🧍‍♀️ she’s intense, how’d he just get her like that? And she got him? Power Couple
10. Driving - Donna Missal: Honestly, this is totally just a ~vibe time song for the two of you :)
11. Burning Pile - Mother Mother: Ok TELL me you two wouldn’t blast this song, singing your lungs out together when someone’s had a bad day or is particularly stressed out? Definitely becomes somewhat of a ritual between you two 🖤 you guys are so cute I love you
12. Sunrise - Kevitch: This song is just the definition of your guy’s infatuation and love for each other. People are definitely jealous of you two cause it’s just so obvious on your faces you love each other. 
13. The Girl - City and Colour: Don’t hate me - slight Oikawa angst 🧍‍♀️ It’s Oikawa, he’s angsty. I strongly HC he’ll just never feel quite good enough for his s/o. He just feels like he’s dragging you around so he can chase his dreams and he hates how selfish he feels for doing that to you, but he just couldn’t imagine loving anyone but you. He has these big dreams of becoming a professional volleyball player, and even when he makes it to Argentina with you he feels like he constantly needs to do better for you and just loves you so much it hurts, and he just hopes that that’s enough for you :( 
14.  Cover Me in Roses - Holden Laurence: Intimate much?? Oikawa would most definitely make you slow dance to this song with him. It plays in his head if he wakes up before you, or if you fall asleep before him, all while he just can’t help but look at you and feel so so soft while he caresses your face and just thinks: this is it, this is all I need to make it through anything.
15. I Wanna go to the Beach - Algernon Cadwallader: Did someone say laughing and dancing in the hot night air or Argentina in nothing but your underwear inside your house with all the windows open? Cause that’s what I heard.
OKOK THAT’S IT BABES, I really hope you liked it, pls tell me if you’d like any changes.
And if anyone else see’s this I’d be more than happy to do this for you, too! Just send an ask with your music taste, tell me about yourself (a fair amount pls lmaooo) and whether or not you want someone or want me to pair you up! (haikyuu only please!)
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disaster-fruit · 4 years
Talk to me about the lusoteens, pretty please? I'd like to know their ages, a bit of them and their relationship with Luciano and among each other ♡
Hehe lusofam talk time
I know I said this would be spoon-fed but it got LONG so I apologize…. But at least is everything in one place??
I’m gonna focus more on aspects that are useful for writing AUs since that’s what’s on your mind and not really focus on history stuff, but if you want more nation-verse stuff I’m also going to link three posts by portu talking about each of them. Portu was who originally came up with the characters and I mostly build from what she created because her characters are just too damn good and I had to steal them for myself and design them and think about them a lot so it’s our lusofam but she will always be the best source of information and headcanons. I just happen to have a lot of free time. Anywayyy
As the name suggests, they’re all teens and don’t have a big difference in age, but I do think you can be fairly liberal with how old you decide to make them since it’s for an AU. Cape Verde is the oldest, São Tomé e Principe is in the middle, Timor is the family baby.
Cape Verde:
·         Rosa
·         13-14
·         Shortie lol
·         Artistic!! She paints landscapes and writes poems, and also loves biology.
Rosa is really chill and carefree, she’s a sweet artistic introverted girl who lives on the present and tends to avoid conflict. She doesn’t like to be on the spotlight but likes to be around people who does (like Guinea Bissau, her older sister in the nationverse). She tends to not stand up for herself and not be openly angry at people, even when she should, and she’s also diplomatic in the sense that she’ll try to always understand all sides and help, so though she avoids conflict she finds herself in mediator roles many times. She’s like a sweet and charming Disney princess.
São Tomé e Principe:                                                                                                              
·         Vera
·         12-13
·         the chaotic one
·         too smart for this
She’s the more outspoken and cheeky, bratty even. As a nation she has grown up mostly alone so she’s more self-sufficient and separated from the rest, and doesn’t necessarily wishes some sort of reapproachment. Unlike Rosa, she’s more of the type who does get angry (justifiably so, most of the time), and who can hold a grudge, and say what’s on her mind. She’s an introvert, she’s good at being alone, and enjoys studying for fun, though she leans more towards mathematics and engineering and stuff like that. She loves animals though! She’s pragmatic and independent!
Timor Leste:
·         Simão
·         11-12
·         Family baby, everyone must spoil
·         CatholicTM
The precious baby boy, he’s the youngest one so he could, in theory, get away with anything, and be a true little devil (as luci certainly was) but… nope, he’s an angel. He’s very shy and quiet and too forgiving. Also an introvert, he enjoys talking to older people rather than young, hear stories about the land and the people and etc. He’s friendly with all people though, and specially with the weak and the struggling. The person he’s closest to in the family is Mozambique, who’s this very important and great older brother figure. No one in the family can say no to him, and he definitely has a sugar tooth so he gets all the candy he’s not supposed to have!
 That’s the basics on them, now to their relationships with Luciano and with each other:
First, as nations I don’t think all the lusofam are siblings (or all port’s kids, for that matter), they all are family, but the exact bonds are not necessarily defined between all of them. However, that means when it comes to AU’s you have plenty of space to define those relationships in a way that best serves the story and you don’t really need to add Mozambique and Guinea Bissau and Macau, and etc.
I think the lusoteens all get along with each other, Rosa and Vera are very good friends and though they have very different attitudes and ways to view the world, they can talk about those things and understand each other’s perspective even if they don’t agree. Timor gets along with everyone and these two are not an exception. The three are more quiet and introverted kids, so they can vibe with each other pretty well.
Luciano, on the other hand, is very much the loud older brother they all think is super cool and kind of admire but who is also… too much? Though many times the kids will go along and end up having fun, because at the end of the day they do think he’s the cool brother and want to do Cool Stuff. He likes to take the teens swimming and playing sports, which is all fun. I think when he’s alone with each of them things do go better, since its less of a group activity and more of just a quieter bonding. He taught Simão to play guitar, he can talk about animals to vera or take her to see cool animals, or talk about how cool Rosa’s paintings are. In general, their relationship is pretty good and they look up to him more than anything.
Boyyy this was long. I hope it was useful for your au!! If you have any question, feel free to send another ask or DM me!! I’m more than happy to help with that au and to ramble about the lusofam haha
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sicsicsicx · 3 years
More self deprecating stuff. I’ll just write them off here with no particular theme or order in mind. I simply hope that with these ideas now immortalized, my would no longer bug me about them
1. Whatever the question maybe, if I’m one of the choices, the safe answer is “not me”. 
- Whatever I can do, anybody else can do better. hahaha. I am a little smart but I have no skills whatsoever. Whatever you’re thinking about, I’m pretty sure I can’t do that well. So if you need anything, there are better choices. If you’re choosing me, you’re likely mistaken
2. I have minimal to no impact on other people’s lives
- If people I’ve met will have to write their biographies, I’d be very lucky to appear on a paragraph. The best I could do is appear on a footnote.
- There are levels to this, I might appear in a paragraph for my highschool  and even college friends, but for my “adulthood friends”, I’d be lucky to get featured at all.
3. I exist but I don’t really matter
-  I know I exist, I feel my presence is acknowledged on social settings. I just can’t stop thinking/observing, that whether I’m there or not, it doesn’t really matter. 
- It’s not bad though, cause I never really feel hated (not that I know of, haha) nor do I ever feel “loved” (except by Misty, my niece). It also helps my inner peace ‘cause I know people’s actions “against” me are not out of hatred, but out of consequences of their circumstances.
- As an analogy, if I am ever late for a feast, people will still give me food if there’s any left. But people won’t reserve food to make sure there would be anything left for me. It’s no one’s fault, and I could get people to preserve food for me if I just assert myself, no problem. But naturally, no one would do that. (except for my family)
4. My social role is a reliever
- Already booked a package trip and need more people to reduce individual cost? Hello, it me. Need company for a trip with a very short notice? Hello, it me. We haven’t talked in 10 years but your son needs some hospitalization money? Hello, it me.
- You know how pre-teens or boomers in social media post about fake friends, friends who aren’t there in times of need; I’m like the opposite of that. I can be a friend when one’s in need, but I disappear when the sails are running smoothly again - an emergency friend I guess.
5.  “couldn’t hate enough to love”
- I just like this line from Snuff ‘. anywayyy. The things that irk me now are just things or situations, not people. The people I sincerely hate are mostly corrupt government officials. But again, they’re not “people” - they’re just celebrities or figures. My opinion might even change when I get to see them as people.  
- In that sense, I relate my lack of hate for the real people around me to my inability to love at all. I could imagine the emotions you need to hate just needs to be flipped into the opposite direction so you could love. I can’t do either.
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lils420 · 4 years
A lil something for the kids - Part 11
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: A little time has passed since Part 10. Y/n finds another aspect to her powers.
Warning: Mentions of suicide, funerals and deaths of family members
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Life fell back into a routine, one that was a little different than before, which y/n liked. Although she still trained a lot, it now differed in nature. Shuri was convinced with a little more practice, y/n would be able to also control the other two elements, earth and water, so she would try the most unique ways to trigger y/n’s senses that way. Apart from that there was a lot of normal combat training, similar to the one y/n had received as part of the Auserwählten, and in the afternoons, she received lectures on a range of topics, including Wakandan culture and the backstory of the Avengers. Her favourite part of the day, however, were the evenings. Those hours at dusk where she and Bucky would walk through Wakanda, exploring the city, rambling about their day and telling each other stories of their past and visions for the future. To be fair, it was mostly y/n talking, as Bucky seemed to be more on the quiet side. Y/n could only hope he enjoyed those walks as much as she did, for he never said. But considering that Bucky did not engage with anyone apart from her and occasionally Shuri, she counted herself lucky. For she loved his company, his thoughtful silence, his half smile when she trailed off on a topic she’d forget tomorrow, his laughs, as rare as they were.
They would usually come back after the sun had set, and spend some time in the kitchen with Shuri, just as they did today. Y/n was sitting at the table and eating some leftover rice, while Shuri rambled about some of her recent technological advancements.
“Anyway, so far nothing has helped, but you know, I really wish I could help her. Ever since her husband died, nothing was able to soothe her pain”, Shuri shuddered, “Poor Malice.” There was a short pause, in which y/n silently asked herself what happened to Malice’s husband, but she didn’t dare to ask because that would reveal she hadn’t listen to her friend again. It was just hard, when there was also Bucky in the kitchen. Lately, every time she had been with him, her heart had started beating faster and she was pretty sure she was crushing on him. Right now, he was leaning against the counter, a cup of tea in his hand and, to her surprise, frowning.
“Nothing is able to soothe her pain?”, he inquired and Shuri looked up to him in surprise. It was untypical for him to initiate conversation. She nodded, to confirm. Y/n could see Bucky gripping his tea cup tighter. “Couldn’t y/n try?”
“Me?”, in surprise y/n spilled the rice on her fork, “and how would I do that?”
Bucky’s knuckles were white now and he bit his lip. “I don’t know. I just remember, when you flew us out of the tower, at one point, you started gripping my shirt really tight. And then you gave me some of your power and it felt like relief.”
“Really? You felt my power?”, y/n was still in disbelief. But she had never told Bucky about how her power felt. Never told him that the fire in her warmed her and gave her a sense of security and strength. Never mentioned that the air triggered a lightness and with it relief and freedom. Maybe it was true.
“Maybe we should just try it”, Shuri suggested, “Malice is open for anything at this point.”
Y/n swallowed. “I - I don’t exactly know how to transfer my power. I only did it twice so far, I think, and the first time, I killed a lot of people.” She grimaced at the memory and, as if it was a reflex, her fingernails dig into her skin. She heard Bucky inhale sharply, which only made things worse. She could have sworn she had told Bucky about her time at the CIA.
“But the second time you didn’t”, Shuri argued, “I think you should try.”
“Me too”, y/n felt Bucky’s eyes linger on her and she looked up to him. There was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite place, maybe faith, but he looked away too soon for her to figure it out. He cleared his voice, before nodding at Shuri and quickly glancing at y/n. Then he left the room. Shuri didn’t look impressed.
“He doesn’t talk a lot, does he?”
“Usually more than this.”
Shuri tilted her head and there was a short pause. “You know, all this time I asked myself why Bucky was so open with you. He barely talks to anyone but you, he even goes on those weird nightly walks.”
“They’re not weird. You're weird.”
Shuri scoffed playfully. “Anywayyy, it would make so much more sense if you also had mental abilities. If you’re easing his pain and insecurities unconsciously, no wonder he spends so much time with you.”
Images appeared in y/n’s head. Her melting the ice around Bucky. Sitting next to him during those initial times, warming him with her fire. Holding him and letting her air flow through him, when they fell. Her holding his hand when Steve left, again using her Pyrokinesis. Her power seemed to bind them together, that much was certain. Y/n played with the rice on her plate. “Maybe I am just an awesome person to talk to, have you ever considered that?”
“You’re like the worst person to talk to”, Shuri rolled her eyes, “I’m trying to explain why Bucky was so open with you initially, I’m sure the reason he sticked around was you not your power. But that’s not the point.”
“Is it not?”
Shuri snickered at y/n’s words as if she had said something incredibly stupid. “The point is that you will talk to Malice tomorrow.”
“It’s not working”, exhausted y/n let go of Malice’s hands. They had been trying to find a way to transfer her power to Malice, but so far, they had no luck. Of course, she had been able to warm and cool Malice’s hands, depending on the element she used, but apart from physical interaction with her power, nothing had happened. Malice, the tall, middle aged woman, swallowed audibly. “It’s okay”, her voice could not hide the disappointment, “I didn’t expect it to work.”
Shuri crossed her arms. “But I did. Why does it work with Bucky, but not Malice?”
“I don’t know”, y/n shrugged, “Maybe because I’m more familiar with him? Also”, she pointed out, “it only works when either he or I am in distress. Either way, I’m always an emotional disaster when it happens.”
“Maybe I should slap you”, Shuri mumbled, “So you get angry.”
“But I don’t want to do it that way”, y/n protested, “Because then I don’t know if I can control it. And if you slap me, I’ll slap you right back.”
“Stop it, both of you”, T’Challa scratched his chin. Y/n had been surprised to see him upon her arrival, but apparently this was a matter of national security and required the king. Except she wasn’t sure if it was because of Malice or because of her. T’Challa continued. “What if it works differently. You said the past times you have imposed your power. Maybe try looking at it as an exchange. You give Malice something, you take something else.”
“And what exactly is she supposed to take?”, Shuri inquired. A question y/n had asked herself. But T’Challa only shrugged. “That is for you to figure out.”
Y/n sighed. Might as well try it, she thought, and aloud she asked, “Would you like fire or air this time, Malice?”
Y/n took her hands again and let the coldness take her body over. But not completely, this time she also concentrated on Malice. She looked into her dark eyes, which were pained, so clearly. She remembered Bucky’s eyes when he had woken up, also filled with a sadness deeper than the ocean. A wave of sorrow hit her. And then, and she was not sure why, she reached out with one hand and touched Malice’s face with two fingers, right between her eyes, and gave it a push. There was wind, a lot of wind, that blew into her face and she fell forward with Malice, into a black abyss. Shortly, y/n was overwhelmed with confusion, but then the black abyss changed to show images, in black and white, fleeting past her. She saw a boy, about thirteen years old, dead on the bathroom floor, surrounded by pills. Suicide. And Malice crying over him, screaming in pain. One grave. She saw another child, a girl, even younger, lie in a puddle of blood at the bottom of a cliff. An accident. Malice was screaming again. Two graves. And then there was a man, Malice’s age, being carried in an open casket. A mission that went wrong. Malice’s pain was suffocating. Three graves. But y/n could not stop herself. She pushed harder against Malice’s head and she could fill the pain flow into her. It seemed to eat her alive. Her heart seemed to burst into a million pieces and y/n asked herself if she could ever take another breath of air, for it hurt so badly to be alive. As the pain flew into her, she could see a memory in colour. Only a single one. It showed Malice opening the door to a bedroom to find a girl in there, alive. And then it hit y/n. Relief. Relief that the girl was still alive. Relief that it was safe. Y/n concentrated on that feeling, amplifying it. She took the emotion of that single memory and made it the biggest thing in this reality. The pain she had received from Malice, she returned now, in form of relief. Y/n gasped, for it took everything she had to see something good in this horrible world. And then, she let go of Malice’s head.
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rainstormfes · 4 years
Attack on Titan: The Final Season Ep13
didn't think i'd do another one of these but here i am. y'all know the drill, spoilers for everything aot are under the cut and i highly, highly recommend getting into aot if you haven't already. it's frickin amazing.
btw manga peeps pls pls pls no spoilers in any interactions to this post, pls and thanks :)
AIGHT I'M FRESH OFF OF WATCHING EP 13 AND OMG I AM ABOUT TO GO ABSOLUTELY INSANE. side note: right after i finished the ep i saw this pic on onoken's twt
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AND LIKE I STILL LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH AND THEIR PERFORMANCE THIS EP WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING BUT MY GOSH I FRICKIN LOST IT. I absolutely despise floch and eren right now solely bc theyre essentially imprisoning their friends and coworkers. i'm more angry at eren than floch cause i care more about him noT TO MENTION HE THREATENED HIS BEST FRIENDS OF MF ~12 YEARS LIKE ??? seeing mikasa look so... defeated, I felt so bad for her. all she's been doing is trying to get eren back home and keep him safe while he's still on his 13 years as a titan shifter
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this whole scene was amazing in the sense that it showed just how messed up this whole scenario is. Levi had protected eren at all costs for years. There were so many sacrifices made in the name of protecting eren. and now the boy himself was essentially making all these sacrifices into a joke. they don't have to attack the military for this. like hanji had said, there's no time to be fighting amongst each other.
Ok but now for the better half of the ep, hehe.
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GOSH, i've been wanting gabi to meet so many ppl including sasha's family and nicolo. and she's managed to meet everyone and then some, including the girl that sasha had saved from a titan, kaya, and now eren too (i can only imagine, until next sunday ofc, how the convo/realizations between gabi and eren are gonna go IM SO EXCITED)
i absolutely love the situation we got to see: a marleyan captive (specifically the one who was very attached to sasha) and an eldian 'honorary marleyan' (specfically the one who killed sasha). like w ep11, we got to see gabi's eyes being opened again, just a little bit. she's seen again and again how the 'island demons' are nothing but ordinary ppl, just like her. and that also includes some that have shown them hospitality and sheltered them. AND that passing comment that gabi made abt mr. braus' dialect and how it was from marley... GOSH the day she fully opens her eyes and realizes that she and the ppl on the island are one and the same... PHEW thatll be one of the best moments ever. falco's already been pretty neutral to the island ppl so i am just WAITING for him to talk to eren again.
one last thing: WHAT MAKE'S ZEKE SPINAL FLUID SO MF SPECIAL. LIKE ???? ik that what he said abt it making eldians freeze up is prob a lie bUT NOW WE SOMEWHAT KNOW HOW CONNIE'S VILLAGE GOT TURNED. i just ... "i send the Power of the Titans to the coordinate via Paths" AND THAT IS THE ONLY EXPLANATION WE GET FOR THAT. like does royal blood just surpass EVERYTHING we know abt the titan power ??? and if so then like... d a n g. mf is op asf.
anywayyy, all in all, i am LOVING attack on titan more and more every week. everything that's been happening is absolutely insane and i can't wait for everything else to be animated. i rly rly RLY hope an ova is made in the future bc WE N E E D to see the final chapter animated. i will ofc pick up the manga once ep16 airs but i still wanna see that final chapter animated and released to the public in the future.
also also congrats to Ishikawa Yui-san (voices mikasa) for winning 'Best Voice Actress' at the 15th Seiyuu Awards!! she deserves it :3
and also Koyasu Takehito-san (voices zeke) for winning 'Supporting Voice Actor' !! his voice is absolutely amazing, he definitely deserves it
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