#anyways yeah 👍 i really love this series
hmm... let's talk s.oulc.alibur characters
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nagihonos · 1 year
finally got around to watching dragon ball super hero and
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#okay db haters look away 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️#this movie was SO good like it was corny as hell but idgaf i had a fun time!!!!!#gohan using special beam cannon as the final move maybe made me cry a little whos to say?#i like pans little character arc also as an avid pan supporter this movie made me so happy#the only downside was no marron or bulla honestly#everyone was here and had a fun little role. goku and vegeta (love them#only show up for like 5 minutes total and have a post credits scene where vegeta wins in a fight against him#this movie was just fun dragon ball stuff and i hope they continue this tone for the series#i think ill read the trunks goten mini arc now omg#also loooove that krillin is like 'hey remember when u got really big at the world martial arts tournament' and piccolo went 'oh yeah 👍'#*gets really big*#also idk if im just out of the db loop but love the new gohan entomologist lore!#also any krillin/18 content is a win for me!#actually the real downside was the continued propaganda of blue haired trunks. you will never get me to like it <3#also i didnt think id like dr hedo and the gammas but i did! they were fun!! ofc gamma 2 died tho. black racism 🫤 (i watched the dub)#sorry i just needed to get my thoughts on this movie out#anyway this movie just proved that gohan needs to be the main character :)#i just cant get over him ending cell max with fucking SPECIAL BEAM CANNON im crying and screaming not the kamehameha or masenko like!!!!!!#like i know piccolo taught him masenko but theres just something abt sbc okay👍#im so normal im so sane
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danfrik · 8 months
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I'm bacK, yes, you can all see that.
I finally finished this silly little drawing of mine and god I love it, and yes I'm going to make more drawings of them 'cause I have no self-control, also
⚠️Spoilers ahead for both series⚠️
So... about those takes that I have about this two (and a few others that I plan on drawing, don't worry, we'll get there), well, you can see that Phoenix is Crowley while Miles is Aziraphale...
It makes sense, I swear-
At first I was thinking of them but reverse (Phoenix as Aziraphale and Miles as Crowley) because, ngl they could fit either role anyway.
But character-wise? I think this is the best, mostly because of interactions the four of them had on their respective series.
To give an example, this dialogue in Ace Attorney:
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It feels strangely similar to Aziraphale's "hereditary enemies" dialogue in the first season.
I might need to write some things down or else I will forget, fuck- (I'm writing this without any plan, help)
But hear me out, I'm not crazy-
Just take a look at Aziraphale's and Miles' fashion sense, that old-timey style they both have (and it's even more obvious with Miles' debut suit), that stubborn personality and undying faith about their side (Prosecutor's Office and heaven), etc.
While Phoenix's and Crowley's personality are more care-free, going their own way, their own side, bluffing away their problems and always chasing or following their "best friend" anywhere.
Phoenix getting a law degree just so he can reach Miles and save him, Crowley always being there for Aziraphale when needed and saving him...
Do you see where I'm getting at?
Also, you remember that scene with the bookshop being on fire and Crowley thinking that Aziraphale was dead?
..."Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death."
Yeah... the only difference is that Aziraphale didn't dissapear for a whole year and much less left a cryptid ass note behind and it wasn't really his fault-
But the feeling is quite similar, isn't it?
Now, after all the sad or complex feelings aside, let's see more happy things that I noticed:
Crowley's fondness of children / Phoenix's habit of adopting kids anywhere he goes.
Aziraphale liking yellow because it reminds him of Crowley's eyes / Miles finding a particular shade of blue relaxing once in a while.
Crowley's tendency of following Aziraphale like a dog following its owner / Phoenix's constant chasing after Miles (and also having a dog-like personality.)
Aziraphale not admitting that Crowley is his friend (or that he likes his company) / Miles also not admitting Phoenix is his friend (or that he likes his company.)
Yeah... the pattern is getting more obvious the more you look at it...
But I guess this is enough for one post, if you read it all the way, thank you for indulging my delusional brain!
Any comments, requests or... anything, really, will be much appreciated :DD
(If there are some errors, mispellings or anything of the sort, feel free to correct me because even though I've been learning english since I was like five years old, still isn't my first language so yeah👍)
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Hi, i just like to say that i loved the concept of welcome home- housemates. And i was wondering if you can do more of it? Or maybe make ut into a series? But i hope y oh you have a good day/niget/aftternoon 👍
Drink your food and wat your water t and getyour pre-sleep-nap in bbye
(Sowry for spling mstakes i tird and it 3am)
Welcome Home x Reader - Housemates (Pt. 2)
(Part 1)
Hello! You're lucky, I just got my pre-sleep nap in yesterday! Sounds like you need a bit of a reminder for a nap yourself, though, haha! Anyways, the person who requested the previous installment of this series also asked if I could continue it, so here it is! Lowkey this reminds me of that AU I've seen floating around of the Welcome Home crew meeting an ex-Playfellow worker.
Also, I changed Eddie's colour to orange to keep him unique from Sally.
Not proofread!
Words: 2685
Type: Fic, platonic
Tw: Death mention, murder mention, gore mention, swearing
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You sat on the couch in your living room, scissors still in hand. You said nothing. Looking around you, eight puppets of varying sizes and variety stood before you, all staring back. The smallest was a yellow puppet with a spiraled blue pompadour. The tallest was a mostly-red-partly-rainbow bird... Thing (you couldn't quite make out what she was supposed to be), whose neck was forced to bend down just to fit in the house. And by far the largest was a giant blue beagle dog that wore a vest and stood on its hind legs.
The puppets stared at you with varying degrees of nervousness. The bird was probably the most nervous considering she was actively shivering looking between you and the scissors. You reckoned the least nervous was the blue pompadour puppet, but it was hard to tell since he had the same dazed smile he had since you first saw him.
The puppet in the middle - about five feet, yellow with orange hair, wore a mailman's uniform - raised his hands. He was the one who had coaxed you to the couch, and the one you recognised as the voice that had spoken to you when you were under the bed. It was quite the ordeal getting you to the couch, actually. Involved a lot of screaming.
The puppet took a deep breath and spoke. "So," he said, "we obviously are not from here."
"Yeah, I guessed that," you replied, gritting your teeth. Your eyebrows were furrowed, and your mouth turned down into a deep frown. Truth be told, you were really scared. But you thought it was best to assert dominance in this situation.
"And we would really appreciate your help in getting back home," he continued. "We- we don't know how we got here yet, or what this world is, but we just want to go back to Home. Please."
You stared at the puppet. He looked you dead in the eye before glancing down and away, fiddling with his three-fingered hands. Next to him, a grey puppet with dark blue hair and a black unibrow sighed and took a small step forward. They stepped back as you grabbed your scissors tightly.
"We can't tell you why we're here of all places, or why it's us," they said. "Frankly, we barely remember anything at all. This world is... Strange. First of all, there's the lack of colour in the nature - have you ever seen so much green and brown? Secondly, there's you; I don't know what you are, but you're clearly not one of us. But you're intelligent nonetheless, and that's frankly quite scary."
You crossed your arms and leaned back. "Why should I help you?" you asked. "You could be murderers, vicious monsters that will tear me from limb to limb. Why should I trust you?"
"Don't you have any compassion?" another voice called. Looking to the source, you saw the yellow creature you had spotted in the stairwell earlier. Now you knew she was some sort of star puppet, and quite a short one at that. "We are from a distant land; one far beyond your wildest imagination. We come from a land of wonder and peace, now ripped from our grip and tossed away who knows where! And we come to you for support, for help, and yet you toss us aside like nothing! Where is your humanity?!"
You paused. "Wow, you sure are theatrical," you replied. The puppet huffed and crossed her arms. You sighed and leaned back into the soft red cushion of the couch, hand pinching the bridge of your nose. You sighed, "will you even tell me who you are?"
"Well, I'm Barnaby." You looked up to see the dog puppet talking to you, hand - or paw - resting on his chest. He pointed to the bird on his right. "And this is Poppy, and next to her is Frank." He pointed to the one with the monobrow. "And then there's Eddie, Wally, and Julie," he said, motioning to the yellow mailman, the blue pompadour puppet, and another puppet with ridiculously long blonde hair and a bell-shaped red dress. Next, he motioned to the star puppet and the green puppet you recognised a the one you saw outside your front door. "And that's Sally and Howdy."
"Okay, well, I'm Y/N," you responded. "And I'm a human, in case you didn't know."
"But I'm a human," Wally stated. "Are you sure you're a human?"
You looked at the puppet confused. "What? Yes, I'm a human. You're a puppet."
Wally stared at you before replying, "am I a puppet?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake."
"Okay, let's move on!" Howdy exclaimed, rushing to put a barrier between the two of you with his arms. "Anyway, there's one neighbour we haven't mentioned." You raised an eyebrow.
"And who would that be?" you asked. Suddenly, the floor lamp turned on. "Oh, right. So, is that like, a ghost or something?"
"Nope! That would be our very own Home," Barnaby explained.
You scoffed, "what, like a house? You're telling me a house possessed my house?"
The group paused.
"Well, I'm not quite sure what else to tell you," Frank deadpanned.
"Bloody hell," you groaned. Standing up, you began to pace around the living room, trying to take all the new information in. "Alright, so, there's eight puppets and a house in my house. Or eight puppets in my house and a house possessing my house - I don't know. And these eight puppets and one house expect me to magically send them back home to... Where do you live again?"
"Home," Frank answered.
"Right, Home. Uh, so you expect me to take you home to Home despite me having no knowledge of what or where that even is." You put your hands to your face and sighed. "You know, this was supposed to be my mental health break today. I'm supposed to be eating popcorn and watching Dirty Dancing, not dealing with this."
The group didn't say anything. Looking at them, you saw none of them wanted to meet your gaze. Each puppet looked elsewhere; either out the window, at the roof, or admiring the old school furniture cluttering up your living room.
Suddenly, you were sparked with an idea. Hurrying to the back of the house, you opened one of the many dark wooden doors and entered your study. The room was lined with a variety of colourful wooden bookshelves filled with a vast collection of books and other knick-knacks. Facing away from the window was your main desk, featuring a pen cup, a stack of paper, and a typewriter. And lining the walls were several maps, a bin full of other rolled up ones below it.
Hurrying over to the wall, you ripped the maps off the Blu tack holding them to the wallpaper. Also taking the bin of leftover maps in your hand, you speed walked out the door and back to the lounge room. Dropping most of the maps to the floor, you spread the world map out on the coffee table.
"Okay, this is the map of this world. Do you recognise anything?" You said. The puppets crowded around the table, a little too close to you for comfort. Frank leaned down and dragged his index finger over the map, stopping every once in a while to read the names of the countries. Eventually, he straightened up and spoke.
"No," he said.
"Are you sure?" you asked.
"I'm sure."
"Are you sure you're sure?"
"I'm certain." He furrowed his eyebrow slightly.
You sighed, "well, I'm out of ideas then."
The group shared a worried look before staring at you. Howdy opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. Julie played with her hair while Eddie adjusted his tie. Finally, Eddie stepped forward.
"Can we please stay for the night, then?" he asked. "It's just- we have nowhere to go."
You looked at Eddie. He seemed... Genuine. The way he gripped his hat in his hands and held it to his chest reminded you of the period dramas you watched on television. You noticed him fiddling with the brim of his hat every so often and adverting his gaze for just a moment. Looking at the others, you could see the worry in their eyes. Sally, who you had assumed to always be loud, was silent. And Howdy had his many hands behind his back and looked out the window. Even Wally, who seemed to be perfectly content, had a vibe about him and a look in his eyes that spoke otherwise.
You couldn't believe you were about to say this. "Fine. I'll let you stay. But this is my house, and you have to follow my rules, got it?"
"Really?" Julie exclaimed, jumping up onto her tiptoes and interlocking her fingers in front of her. "Thank you!" She ran the short distance between the two of you and enveloped you in a tight hug.
"Hey!" you yelled, pushing her off.
"Sorry," she replied.
"Anyway, you got what I said? My house, my rules. And that goes for you two, house that's possessing this place. I don't care what you are, you're doing as I say until I can get you out of here." You pointed a finger at the roof. You got a cacophony of creaks in response.
"He agrees," Wally said. You gave him a confused look before quickly brushing it off.
"So, what do we do first?" Julie asked. "Cooking, baking, gardening? Oh, we could even play a game of tag!"
"No! No, no, no. No games, no cooking, no gardening, no nothing. We need to work out where you're going to sleep, first of all." You waved your hands in front of you. "I only have two beds and two mattresses, and there's eight of you. Three of you are going to have to take the shed."
"The shed? My feathers!" Poppy shivered.
"Don't worry, it's not that bad," you replied. "Just follow me and I'll show you."
Walking out of the lounge room and into the kitchen, you headed out the back door into the yard. Instantly, you were hit with the fresh air of the countryside: oxygen with a hint of pine and wildflowers. Looking out over your vast expanse of land, you took in the sight of the bright green blades of grass bordered by tall middle growth conifer trees. Almost immediately, you felt relaxed.
Stepping down the concrete steps and onto the steppingstone path, you walked around to the side of the house. You brushed your hands against the white wooden exterior of the house, taking in the feel of the chipping paint and wood. Behind you, you heard the sounds of the group of puppets making their way out the door and talking.
Finally, you came to the front of the shed. It wasn't quite the size of your house, but could constitute as a small one, nonetheless. The wavy metal roof combined with the metal sheets of the walls made quite the start contrast to your rustic farmhouse. There were few windows, and what ones there were were high up and small. Flowering shrubs dotted the outside, bringing a bit of colour to the otherwise grey building.
You turned around to face the puppets, saying, "voila! Isn't she a beauty? Stainless steel, insulated, cost me a fortune to build."
The group stepped forward towards the building. Heading to the door first was Poppy, who gripped the door handle with her wing and slowly opened the door. Ducking her head inside, she gasped.
"My feathers!" she exclaimed.
Pushing her way past Poppy was Sally, who also gasped when she saw the inside. "It's so dusty!" she yelled - and sneezed.
"It's a little cluttered, yeah, but I make good use of it." You walked over to the shed entrance. "I store all my old stuff in here. Better than getting rid of it."
Squeezing your way past Poppy's mound of feathers, you stepped inside the building. Inside, each inch of the floor and walls were taken over by boxes and furniture. Everything was retro, from old floral print couches to tacky ceramic animal-themed salt and pepper shakers stored on the shelves. And Sally wasn't wrong; it was covered in dust.
"Who is supposed to sleep in here?" Frank asked, a hint of fear in his voice.
"Not it!" Sally yelled, quickly followed by Julie, both of them putting their fingers to their noses.
"Not me, either," Frank said, repeating the action.
"Or me." Barnaby followed suit.
"I'd prefer not to, sorry," Eddie apologised as he put his whole hand to his nose.
You were a little offended, to say the least. "Well," you began, "I guess that just leaves you guys." You motioned to Wally, Howdy, and Poppy.
"But I don't want to stay in here," Wally said, still somehow smiling.
Barnaby shrugged. "Sorry, bud, but you didn't say 'not it' quick enough."
"Oh..." Wally looked down.
You watched as Howdy walked around the shed. He leaned down every now and then to wipe some dust off the furniture. He turned around to face you with a smile on his face.
"This isn't so bad!" he said. "If we were to just..." He lifted up one of the boxes and stacked it on another. "See? Already making progress!"
"Oh, I know! Why don't we make this a game?" Julie suggested. "Whoever can clean up their area first wins!"
"Julie, I'm not quite sure that cleaning counts as a game-"
"I'm in!" Sally yelled, cutting Frank off. She ran over to one of the boxes labelled 'Grandma's clothes' and picked it up, stacking it on top of another box in the corner. She then repeated the process, jumping over chairs and around shelves to get where she wanted.
Barnaby laughed, "don't leave me out of this!" Walking over to a stack of three large boxes in the corner, he leaned down and picked them up with his paws like it was nothing. Walking over to the corner where Sally had dropped her boxes, he placed them down.
"Hey!" Sally called out. "No fair! I can't pick up that many boxes at once!"
Soon the whole group was in on the game, picking up boxes and moving furniture to the sides of the room. You watched from the door as they hurried to get the most boxes down. Barnaby and Howdy had the clear advantage with their strength and Howdy's extra arms. It occurred to you that you hadn't even asked him why he had those in the first place, or why there was yellow and orange antennae on either side of his forehead. Perhaps he was a bug.
Eventually, you were so lost in thought you didn't even notice the group of puppets standing in front of you with wide smiles on their faces. They each high-fived one another (or low-fived, in the case of Barnaby, Howdy, and Poppy meeting the others). It was only when your gaze drifted to Julie's flapping arms did you snap out of your trance.
"Uh- what?" you stammered. Looking around the shed, you saw they really had cleaned the place out. The room looked... Nice, for a change. Now, normally you took pride in the shed either way, but that was more based on collection rather than presentation. But now, with the sofas set up facing each other, shelving units used as room dividers and boxes stacked neatly in the corner the space looking liveable.
"What do you think?" Julie asked.
You paused. "It looks... It looks good."
The group looked around at each other and smiled. Howdy patted those closest to him on the back. You looked down at your watch; it was only eleven in the morning. You still had plenty of time left in the day.
"Well, um, I'm probably going to go scroll through social media now," you said, turning to walk out the door. "Don't cause a mess, or I will kill you." You walked out of the shed, shutting the door behind you.
I will make a part 3 to this! Hold tight!
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brambleghastblast · 3 months
no ill intent meant towards any of these games but a type of video game i always hate is "this is exactly like a game that already exists why would i spend money on it when i can just play the game i know and love instead"
"hey have you heard of palworld?? its like pokemon" thats nice. i dont like spending money though im just going to play pokemon instead 👍
"you heard of nicktoon all stars brawl? dang that games just like smash bros!" it sure is! anyways im gonna play smash bros instead! 👍
"have you played a hat in time? its Soo much like 3d mario" i actually did buy this game and honestly the entire time i just wished i was playing 3d mario instead. what was the point of this when 3d mario is right there. i wish i could refund it.
"you should try pizza tower! its just like wario land!" it doesnt even have wario in it! im good! thanks though!
"that unicorn overlord game sure is like fire e-" WHY WOULD I SPEND MONEY ON THIS WHEN I CAN JUST PLAY FIRE EMBLEM
i mean im not saying "oh get these bootlegs outta here!!" i just dont see the point more or less. video games are expensive and precious why would i want to buy a buncha games that are kinda like a series i love when i can just play the series i love
idk i feel like a lot of devs these days kinda try too hard to be a series they arent instead of making their own unique things. its good to take inspiration but so many games feel like theyre trying to replace or rival another series and its boring actually
i also think if a game is so obsessed with trying to be another series, it ends up being really bad because all it ends up doing is loosely echoing the originals gameplay and nothing else. it doesnt have the passion and heart that made the original so special, nor does it try to have its own unique world and characters. think of the hundreds of indie games desperately trying to be the next earthbound. theyre all so obsessed with trying to be earthbound they dont get what made earthbound so special was its own original fun ideas
shout out to undertale though. undertale does it right. like yeah its clearly inspired by earthbound but it does its own thing and has its own gameplay and world and characters and feels completely different. undertale is the right way to make these kinds of games
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liauditore · 9 months
Thought I might say hello and make some small talk, seeing that I'm camping on your trafficshipping tag and all.
Well hi! Lovely place you've got here. Fantastic art, GREAT vibes, very nice. I'm specially enjoying your character rambling; your takes on them are super interesting and they tickle my brain 👀
May I send Divorce Fource/Quartet and Majorwood for the shipping bingo? Divorce Fource were a right mess (affectionate <3) and a perfect one at that, but I can't help but wonder how the recipe would have turned out if the soul ties were Cleo-Pearl, Martyn-Scott.
Also there is so much potential in Limlife Majorwood for eroguro if you're nasty. Which I am. Time cannibalism, respawning mechanics, birthday time... blender go brrrr 👀
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y'all are really enabling my habit of long ass posts huh 😭😭
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OK SO first off thankyou so much?? thats so sweet?????? 😭😭 i really don't think my character ramblings are anything special, but i like reading other ppls insane takes so i thought i'd provide others with the same 👍
not to get too into it but i feel like a series like life smp is best enjoyed with your own crazy delulu takes (similar to touhou if anyone heres familiar w/ that fandom). and it makes me kinda sad to see ppl arguing abt whats 'canon' or 'correct' cus that's no fun lol
ANYWAY yeah uh im glad u like the vibes!! :J
this one first cus chronology. I honestly don't know if there's anything I can say here that hasn't been said before? But yeah they're. tasty. something about martyn waiting the entirety of third life to betray ren and never getting the chance and now longing to have him back. lots of regret but regret. for what. yknow. and ren always looking out for martyn even from a distance. and then martyn losing that connection in limlife.
yeah i can see why people ship lmao
uhh i don't really know what else to write here so have some of my insane ramblings copy+pasted from my shipping doc 👍
Martyn fancies himself a schemer, someone who's not afraid to play the game the way it's intended. If that means earning a powerful ally's trust only to shatter it then he was going to do it. Only, Martyn's bark is worse than his bite, and every night he spends in lying awake in those soft, warm sheets that Ren had laid out just for him (freshly washed too, he might add. Smelled like sunshine) he wonders if he can do it. He can, of course. (he can't. he won't. he's too soft. soft and useless.) He'd cut his head off already. (he wants to vomit) (this is why no one needs you. wants you. loves you) Who cares about other people anyway? He is the only one who really matters. (the thought of being alone makes him want to cry) Ren, on the other hand, is a capable leader. The definition of loyal and dependable, if not a bit dramatic. He struggles with self-worth, being good enough, useful enough, powerful enough. But to others, he's the opposite, caring and protective of any who would ask for his aid. After all, every citizen deserves to live in safety and comfort, and providing that is what a good King would do. ~ Martyn's not as sneaky as he thinks he is. Ren knows. Ren sees the signs. It's a death game for a reason. But he doesn't let Martyn know. He doesn't even hold it against him. He doesn't see the bloodthirst anymore, only the broken pieces lying underneath. ~ or the King's Hand, it was the thrill of feeling Useful, Powerful, Feared (loved). He was going to miss it after he betrayed him, the high of bloodlust, the smell in the air as he charged into battle. (the way his hands held him so gently) For the King himself, deep down he knew it was never to be. He had met a monster, but he hoped his efforts calmed the storm ever so slightly. On some days, he pretends to forget about the death game entirely and imagines the speech he'd give to retire his Hand. "You don't have to fight anymore," he'd say, "I'll take care of you from now on, I promise. So put the sword down, okay?" But in the end, it was all a fantasy, wasn't it?
^ yes this is so cheesy but so are they.
Cry with me again Smile with me again Scream with me again Sing with me again Dance with me again Talk to me again…
"Lower One's Eyes" (Oktavia translyrics)
I think.. I talk too much abt scott seeing as that's who everyone points out when it comes to my headcanons 😭😭 but uh i swear everyone else is just as messed up. and martyn is like. just as bad if not worse (if that wasn't made clear from my ramblings before)
anyway uh say it with me rebound 👏 relationship 👏
i think they're both.. very numb to it all once limlife rolls around. they're just tired and have this mutual understanding and both think they're horrible people. martyn just wants to play the game. scott doesn't even know what he wants anymore.
but ofc, they're both still human and want love and comfort, so they try to seek that from one another. even if it's fake. even if it doesn't matter in the end.
Baby, though I've closed my eyes I know who you pretend I am I know who you pretend I am
Washing Machine Heart (Mitski)
We’re the Delusioned Victim Cash-in Union Praise to the “love” that will bring salvation!  Two fools singing to a shallow melody Restart, reflation, teleportation Time and again we’re stuck in rotation Circles inside a love without any ending
MKDR (SirHamnet Lyrics)
Scott uses Martyn as a replacement for Jimmy and Martyn uses Scott as a replacement for Ren. they know they dislike eachother (see: all of double life) and that only one of them will make it out alive. but they can't get that love and comfort from anyone else now.
also uhhh eroguro my beloved...... im assuming this is getting brought up cus of my mentions of loving eroguro in the past. and yes to all of that very much i agree. but i do have kind of.. a limit to what i do w/ these characters specifically because of the fandom/ccs (at least publicly). if i ever do decide to share the nastier stuff in my head or go into detail on gore and whatnot i'd probs make a sideblog and tuck it away and maybe block scott and martyn for always somehow showing up on my posts lmao
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koreanbibliophilegirl · 3 months
Oh hi Bean!!! :D
LOL I have not watched s3 yet but I saw you brainrotting, I'm assuming it was great!👍
Okay okay okay so!!! Brief recap bc I need to refresh my memory:
Tommy as Alex, Techno as Yassen, Uhhhhh Phil as John and Kristin as Ian I think???
Dream as "a younger, greener Blunt" to quote myself, uhhh I think Mrs. Jones was Puffy?????
Jack Niki Sapnap Eret as K-Unit/K-Squad! Code names Thunder, Arson, Animal Abuse, and Tax Fraud!!!😃 (I believe Tommy was Drug Abuse lol)
Quackity as Ash, Hannah and Punz as [Point Blanc] with Purpled & Enderboo as two of the clones, Ranboo Aimsey and Eryn as the [PB] kids, with Ranboo(in the role of Kyra) later transferring to Tommy and Tubbo's school. Kyranboo pog!
Tubbo was Tom!! As he should be!!!
Uhhh okay I think that's about as far as we got???
AR!Wilbur was Jack(the Starbright variety not the Manifold variety) but I think we might want to change that particular bit...😅 I suggest Charlie or Schlatt!! If it's Schlatt then Tubbo could also be Tommy's pseudo-brother?? Yknow since Schlatt is usually Tubbo's dad in these things. Charlie would be funnier though, considering Ash and Jack canonically went on a few dates in AR.
"Oh yeah Quackity from Las Nevadas, we f*cked a few times!" "Charlie-" "He made real nice noises when-" "CHARLIE STOP-"
Awesamdad would be nice too, but I think Sam was Smithers??? Or maybe it was Foolish, idk.
Uuuuhhhh Point Blanc!! Still needs a name!!! It's just Hannah and Punz (+Purpled) so... uh.
....Academy Bedwars????
idk what to call them OTL, I'm saving Skephalo/Eggpire for Scorpia, I can't call PB the Eggpire...
Uuuuhhhh anyway!! Bedrock Bros bc we love Bedrock Bros in this house!!! Phil got discovered/fought his prodigy/got betrayed a little later than John did in AR canon, so Techno met baby Tommy a few times. Tommy's blue sweater coming from Techno was what we agreed on I think!
Anyway even though Techno felt betrayed by Phil being a spy, I think his feelings are a little different than Yassen. With Yassen it was pretty complicated, with him already being committed to Scorpia/the morally grey(like, really really dark grey) side, still being grateful to John for saving his life, etc. Meanwhile Techno would betray the Eggpire for one corn chip- if said corn chip was Phil. He was just angry Phil never told him.
"You're a spy????" "Techno I can explain-*" "AND YOU WEREN'T GONNA TAKE ME WITH YOU???!?!!! I thought we were a team, smh! S M f*cking H!!!"
(*: he cannot)
Anyway after Phil "dies"(I don't think he's actually dead, I feel like a major deviation from AR canon is bound to happen sometime and I think Phil returning would be an important plot point), Techno just. Stays with the Eggpire. He doesn't know how to contact MI6 anyway, and he doesn't really see the point when Phil isn't gonna be there. Also, staying with the Eggpire means he can keep an eye out for Phil's remaining family, so that's what he does till one day he sees Tommy(Techno had been keeping track of him so he knows what Tommy looks like, but the kid looks exactly like Phil anyway) in a... rich kid boarding school?? And he's going by Tommy Outit(/ref)??? Bruh???
Tommy, of course does NOT recognize Techno and he's like Why is that guy looking at me like he recognizes me. Meanwhile Techno is bluescreening bc Hey. Hey Kristin? Why is your son doing spy work? Kristin???
Okay Imma pass the baton onto you now, feel free to add on lol.
-Lilly xx
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mochinon-yah · 3 months
man i just got off my break like a week ago hhhhh, but i can relate to being lazy and videogaming lol fdkjskj (me with acnh and genshin coughs) but my sleep schedule is considerably better? i have to wake up early on weekdays bc of my kid brother sadly smh and i spite him for it pretty sure college students are more stressed
JkeKJF THANKIES!! tbh i kind of just kept my bday private for a smaller group of friends (that includes you btw) + my boyfriend, but yea me being 20 isn't much different from being 18 lol. you rlly don't feel different until you hit 30 coughs anyway i return the headpaps and hugs mweeheheh >:D
istg my bf is just like albedo (but make him emo), cuz like he always struck me as the kind of person who will try to out-compliment you but at the same time is genuine? if that makes sense? EHFfdkskSKJFD but yea he's a sweetheart hehehe yes its real healthy couples do exist and i feel like a unicorn
anywayyyy yea i can name a lot of times where people can't catch onto my body language and i do that as well. like a simple question is fine if someone needs to get somewhere, but if it's someone i don't like i'll make it obvious. in general, if i don't know someone very well, i'll kind of just like veer away from them while giving them a dead stare- (and they still don't get the hint or are insanely blind to social cues)
NO CUZ THATS SO REAL?? if i get into a book, then it's usually because of a fanfic or some other form of media?? kind of like the acotar series i wanted to get into but like hesitant cuz i don't know if it's spicy ;3;
andd headpaps accepted nyehehehe
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LMAOOO IT'S OKAY THO, NO WORRIES VIVI!! I woke up so suddenly so idk if i can answer this ask with the right mind 😭😭 sorry if there are soem typos or whatever grammatically wrong things lol
Hdjsjsjs a break will literally activates my lazy mode, and i swear i will get so, so lazy it would probably make you wonder why am i even still ali- *cough* anyway, thank god, your sleeping schedule is much better than mine 🥹👍👍 your lil brother is such a menace but i guess helpful too lmao
And YAAA, NO PROB VIVI :3 last birthday of mine was kinda quiet because only some people remembered lol. Then again, i'm a really quiet person irl, i doubt anybody would remember it- okay, this just turns so sour??? I'm gonna stop talking abt it jdjwkiekwk
I'm part of your smaller group of friends? 🥺👉👈 awwhhhh, you're making me blush- (i'm weak to words like that wth, no guys i do have friends too irl, i'm not a loner 😭) BUT LMAO YEAH, I AGREE WITH 'you rlly don't feel different until you hit 30'. Well, i haven't hit 30 yet, but i guess the only different thing would be that you can say you're old now- /jjj
(LMAO I FELL ASLEEP WHILE ANSWERING THIS.... anyway, back to answering vivi's ask :3)
Imagining emo! bedo and you with the dynamic of emo but cute x cute and cuter is so jdnsjkska 😭 i understand why you would feel like a unicorn even in ur own relationship.... for me, i feel like the side character who just saw the main character fall in love with each other lol
*cough* anyway-
People should really be attentive to other ppl ☝️ at least they should know if they're making it uncomfy for other ppl. But err, for me personally, i don't mind people gathering close to me, buuuttt it's possibly because of my friends since all of them are a lot, lot more sociable than me hahhaahaha- honestly, they often told me to talk more with people so i can know the latest gossip and just overall have many friends, but i really can't 😭😭 friendship with me is like the slow build-up but overall genuine one, or at least that's what i think....?
But ngl tumblr has help me a lot to be more expressive in public and just overall making me more sociable than in the past <3 i won't thank the tumblr app itself because the one who made me this way now is literally myself and also a whole bunch of amazing people i had met here, including youu!!! <3 whether you and them help me directly by interacting or just endulging in my silly behavior, ily all ueyehhewh (just gonna tag some ppl here teehe -> @beloved-brynn, @meimeimeirin, @leftdestiny-posts, @fishanonishere, @navxry, @calxlu (you) ♡ ily all, all of u are just so amazing, idk what i even did to meet u all, literally so happy if we ever talk or interact here <3)
Fanfic literally runs half of the fandom, and that fandom could be anything lmao. Well, not really half, but a significant amount! I think memes also run a significant amount of keeping the fandom alive too lol
BUT YEAH, I ENDED UP BUYING PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, RIGHT? AND NOW I'M LIKE... "hm, what in the world is this word? who is talking in this part?? what is even happening-" jkjk, my vocabs is kinda limited since i'm not a native english speaker, but i do understand most of what the book is actually explaining
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tboyblogger · 8 months
bit manic so im just posting this to write things down to ground myself feel free to ignore just a psychotic schizoidposting u, mhello im tp im 23 uh,.i like films and comcis and kvideogames and music .ilike
i curentlty like p: uhh spiou e fantazo mysepexial interest😁👍forver.& ilike songs. need to have soudns in my ears 24/7 i like sounds and songs i lie,big thief a lot my favoit band!oh lkately i like avril + burnham (preinside(again too pop rock and punk folk so good to my ears im listening to jumpstyle my heart beats so fast rn you guys ineedsoudns to beb beat 👍 not that emoji i lneed sounds to thump like my heatbeats heart beats. video games yes for video games i like i curenly like tf2 i ondt play i suck at it but i love the comics um evger since i was a teenager i was16 oh i lie, psirou hm but ive always been liking sooiru. hm his name. soirou. soirou.HIS NAME
spirou. yes that is it im so sorry im not the best in typing accurtaely i rely a lot on. suggestion HUH what its call. the words that popup when you type i use it a lot because i cant type? his this mysic is really really lousd right mow i had caffeine so i am shakign...WOWZERS anyways ah yeah yeah i like super mario 👍 yes a lot i like. smrpg (out on the seithc not!! not what i wantsd to say? out on nthe swithc now!!) and m&l and paper mario... yes so
good my favorite is bowser andluigi is a girl 👧 <- girl emoji I LOVE ILOVE..chubirobo... not its name. chibirobo. yes. my favorite home console is the ps2 but i dont have a tv/screenf forit i really want a crt tv... oh uyes i like computers 👍👍👍 i love cds dvds i lovie computera.persocom. and disk readears and muaic players i used to have a cd player all i did when i was in a depressive episode in 2017 was locking myself in my room lying on the floor and let it p,lay my michael jackjson cd it saced saved mylfie
MYLIFE MY life i meant to write my life. my live my life my life my life my life my lofe mylfie. hthat again. not that. my life. this is correct
im so scred... im so scared
ah what els,e.. tf2.. yes that we have alreayd talked about that my favorite is pauling and soldier and ?the dad and boy duo and maybe engie. i like the adminitragior too beacyse toxic yuri 🔥🔥🔥 huh the spacing i didntn mean to do that guys im scraed im scared. ill throwi up oh yi havent stalked HUH I SAID. I HAVE NOT TALKED. yes. have not talked about movies yes! i lvie moviesbut justthe normal amount i lie when there are people and moving pictures scoot piligim series out now i'll wtach that with my big subling soon and then ill tahc watch it again wiht sochoi yes!!!!!!!!!! beautiful world we live in ohhh my life is slipping away from me im so scred. i have to . this. to do this Work ythats what. i like everything that reminds me of spirou and fantasio becuade 😂um i didnnt mean to click this amoji BEcause special interest i love them 😁😁😁 <& treally like thiss emoji. smiels really wide is so friendly is my friend that emoji that... um thats all for mnow i hope i can nread comics and wtahc watch! asteroid city and finish smrpg and chibirobo. and i kwant to go look at images of spirou and fantasio
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photo was from wheni was22!!!!! and i got lsot in the woods so i deicsd to do a fit check 😁😁 was last lst last year. summer!m fsummer is fun you van hanout with your Friends yess i love Summer
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silverloke · 9 months
thoughts about the loki show;
season 2 is OBVIOUSLY far superior to season 1. (not that it says much lol) i wish season 1 had been entirely different but s2 does the best out of the mess they had to work with, i'd say.
like Loki actually has powers, even as inferior as they are to the almighty sylvie
i tried to like her during s1. i really fucking tried. shit, i even made gifsets featuring her. but ugh she's just a waste of space. such a badly written character that we're supposed to root for ONLY because she's a girl, nothing else. i did start to like her in the first episode of s2. if they'd kept going with her like that, she'd be okay. but no, she's still fucking annoying and pointless. not as bad as in s1 though, so there's still hope! so yeah i do hope i'll get to like her instead of just feeling like puking whenever she shows up. :)))) (and hey i'm all for the selfcest but with a real Lady Loki if not another male variant, not this obnoxious mess.) i did like the decision she made in ep3 but that's gonna come right around and bite her in the ass, won't it? lol
Loki & Mobius are totally married. ep3 was all about them being an old married couple.
also such a fucking disappointment that we didn't get to see a good shot of them riding the tandem bike?!?! we waited forever and that faraway shot was all we got?!?!? unacceptable 😭
anyways, LOVE season 2. i wasn't excited for it since the last ep of s1 had me so sick and tired of the "plot" but as soon as some people got switched out it suddenly got enjoyable :D or it may just be all the loki/mobius content they're feeding us :D
and honestly? who even CARES about the plot to this series anymore LOKI & MOBIUS CONSTANTLY DATING is what it's all about :'D just give me an episode of that every week and i won't care about anything else
also i do hate that disney changed the time of when it starts streaming. i was so content with season 1 being aired at midnight american time = 9 am here. now it's 3 am on friday and ugh no thanks x)
also WOOHOO!!!! i didn't get completely mentally drained by all the gifing i did for this episode, like i was with the previous ones! (yay the head trauma is still not healed) the only problem i had was photoshop being slow af, but still managed to gif pretty much all the scenes i wanted to gif. awesome. 👍
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hollyhomburg · 10 months
I've been waiting to read the newest bily chapter until I was alone so ofc I ended up waiting until almost 1am but that's not important- Anyway um yeah
Now it may be bc I'm nearing shark week but this newest chapter made me actually cry. And it wasn't even the like,, sad parts,, it was the ending where they were all cuddled up in the nest comforting mc and it just made me like 🥲 damn when is it my turn to have someone who loves me so completely
And yeah the fact that I cried over this is really important to me bc the last time I genuinely cried was a family member's funeral like 2yrs ago👍 For some reason I don't ever really get so emotional that I actually cry maybe it's the autism idk
Anyway thanks for writing this wonderful piece of art may both sides of your pillow be the perfect temperature and your writing forever come easily <3
i've never heard someone call their period shark week and yes uhm i will be adopting that and using it!!! i really hope thats what you meant.
i hope you come out of the chapter and this series knowing that your time is coming, and until you have the privilege to feel it externally fortunately you have enough love in you to feel it when you read things that make you feel like the love is a little bit closer (does that make sense at all?)
<3 i hope you also have a comfy cozy sleep time <3 i need to get better at washing my pillow case, i try to do it every like 3-4 days and i am! failing at that! why do i get super soft thinking of bily jin always making sure that tae and the m/c have changed their pillow cases before they go to sleep, holding out his hand and changing them. even when they're too sleepy. maybe it's apart of their regimen because of course the m/c and tae need to have their hair taken care of 🥺 if they want healthy flowing locks then jinnie is gonna give it to them 😠
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gimmethatagustd · 5 months
Hi!! Okay so this is a bit of a weird ask (??) but I just went on a ~trip~ through your blog and thought you'd like to know. Maybe. Possibly.
So, I randomly remembered about TFM Yoongi, and super super got the itch to re-read it again. I knew it was on hiatus (literally a few days after I first read it 🥲), but I had it saved on my ✨secret bts fanfiction side-blog✨and on ao3. Couldn't find it. Panicked.
Quickly skimmed through your masterlist and wips - no signs of life. Maybe yoongles took it with him to the army for some late night reading? I considered sending you an ask, but then I was like - No, poor babygirl author probably gets a bunch of these, I'd much rather go through their posts, than to be yet another "WhEre iS tHe fiC" random stranger.
So I did. Did I find any additional info on it? Why is it gone? No. We love tumblr's search function 👍 It's fine, I'm emo anyways, grief is my companion (joking - you do do. It was fire though, I miss it dearly. Jimin was so sassy "Miss Thang" omg. Also poc rep ?? Yes).
HOWEVER. I did notice the delicious amount of DPR IAN discourse (my husband actually) AND that one post about Logic's Supermarket (i have yet to read it but the album is so slay. I actually like it better than some of his "official" stuff oop-). And I just kept thinking, damn, I love the vibes here, we're practically besties at this point.
So I guess here I am??? I don't even read that much BTS ff anymore BUT 👀 I'm all up for more Adorable Representative MCs For Youth content on my dash. We ball I suppose. I hope you have a nice day/week/ whatever 💜
HI I'M SORRY I'M FINALLY RESPONDING TO THIS !! i've been such a mess the past few days from work, so i wanted to make sure i gave myself time to actually respond to this ask properly since you were kind enough to send me such a lovely message!
you are correct, TFM is gone 😭 i deleted it from tumblr and AO3 because i was unhappy with my writing and where the story was going. i was excited for it, and then everything kinda fell apart. I'm sorry!! a lot of people got mad at me for that LMFAO, but i really grew to hate that series, and i figured it would be better to just delete it. i didn't delete the actual fic tho. like i have all my writing saved. i've considered rewriting it to be yoonmin instead of a reader-insert cuz i lowkey hate writing reader-inserts but i still do it for my tumblr followers hjsdfks but that is TBD
i'm glad you enjoyed it tho!! i think i got in my head over it idk. i love the idea and the characters (and FUCK YES diamond was my favorite character. we need queer poc representation in fics~ one thing about me is i'm gonna always give it if i can in a fic 😤) but yeah ! ANYWAY
DPR IAN. i'm gonna write a drabble for him, probably in February~ so i hope you enjoy it when i do!
AND OMG ok i need to read supermarket soon. we can do a book club lmfao. i will 1000% be your bestie, i mean, we're already there atp like you said. dm me whenever you want ok ok ok
i'm happy to be a bts ff dealer for you if you're ever in the mood for it 🙏🏽 I'm honestly on tumblr for the vibes and friends atp so nice people like you are why i stay 🥹 i hope you're doing well !!! you're so nice
ALSO yes i stalked your blog and 👀 sleep token 👀 tbh idk anything about them but i know some of their songs and i am very into it
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dragons-and-magic · 3 months
I'd be interested to hear about your dragon au! I've loved dragons longer than I've loved trains!
(In all honesty, though... I am poking around at writing a ttte dragon au as well, but if mine ends up being too similar to yours, I can change mine - I don't want to steal/copy your ideas in any way and I am so sorry if it might end up seeming like that at any point. I dont know - or really care to be honest - who came up with the idea first, I will just do my best not to copy your ideas)
Yay! That's great! Also, it's okay if you have one too! Even if it similar! That happens ALL the time in fandoms! It's all good!😁👍
So, let's see now. Where to start.
So the AU is called The Dragons Of Muffle Mountain. Or alternatively, Sodor Dragons. It's basically Thomas And The Magic Rail Road, mixed with Wings of Fire... And pretty much all the TTTE movies. Yeah, it's crazy.😂
The island of Sodor is a bit different than in the series. For starters, there's no humans there in this AU! The island of Sodor is a magical dragon sanctuary, created by Lady. And in this story her name is Lady Arcana, the Golden Dragon. She's the Dragon Spirit of Life! And her enemy is Lord Draavil. (Aka Diesel 10!) He was the Dragon Spirit of Death. But more on that later.
Anyways, Lady created a life source for the island that is very powerful and keeps the island hidden from humans via a thick ring of magic mist. The Gold Dust Spring! And one Dragon Clan took it up on themselves to guard it. The Gold Scale Clan. Which is the clan Thomas and his friends are from! All Gold Scale Dragons have shining gold on some part of their body. Like in this concept of Thomas here!
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Once you join their clan, you get some gold coloration, signifying your connection with the spring and Lady. Thomas is actually a very special dragon because he is Lady's next Champion. Edward was the last one and he trains him in this story to fight a mysterious dark force that was prophesied to attack!
Other Characters from the series have clans too. The narrow gauge engines are a mountain clan, and the Godreds Castle crew have a clan too! And diesels have a clan as well. The Iron Hide Clan. They serve as the main antagonists for a good chunk of the story. (Especially Diesel. Who's a evil dragon sorcerer in this!)
So that's just the tip of the ice berg! I actually have WAY more story and lore than that. I've been working on this for a very long time. (Since I was literally a kid.🤣) So I have plenty to share! Also, since this is a dragon AU, some of the stories might be changed slightly to fit the continuity and theme better.
And that's it! I can't wait to see you dragon AU too! I'll bet it's awesome! Thanks for the ask!
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lamonnaie · 9 months
GMMTV 2024 Bingo
it's the eve of gmmtv 2024(.5) so perfect time for bingo. I made one for predictions and one for wishlist (there's plenty in the predictions that i'm rlly hoping for too, but i didn't want too many overlaps 😅).
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credit to @icouldhyperfixatehim for the template! :)
Some thoughts about my cards because apparently i can't shut up:
I definitely think they have gl series planned for the near future but idk if they would announce them now given 23.5 hasn't even aired yet. The whole split announcement thing seems to be to gauge audience reception, so possibly gl in part 2 to ride off of 23.5? its in my bingo anyway
Winnysatang series is essentially confirmed and i don't think it's a high school series purely based on how much satang's been going to the gym lately lmao i mean it might just be his choice, but i choose to take anything and everything as hints 😌
I think most of us have seen the fk + p'new rumours which.. yeah 😬 (still not over what they did to between us &lt;//3)
i want a fluke pusit + thor comeback because they were insane in the warp effect, but lbr that's not happening lol. But I've been seeing the Thor + fluke nattanon (from project alpha) stuff lately soooo 👀? i'm honestly kinda hyped for that too
saw whispers of jossgawin and i'm so on board actually (didn't think and still don't rlly think joss would do a bl so they might just be in the same project, but still, the rumours are rumouring)
random marcpawin revival in 2023 surely wasn't for nothing right? i think they're gonna be a side couple in a show again next year (same for aouboom who gmm has actually been trying to rlly launch for a couple years 🤞 will they ever get to pillar status? here's hoping because i rlly like them <3)
i know jojo doesn't have any projects in part 1 and a couple of the actors i mentioned aren't even in the lineup, but i can't be bothered figuring it out so i guess some of this will just extend to part 2 :)
i really wanna see neomark again as leads, but i don't actually think we're gonna get mark in a bl (or at least as a cp) in part 1. Markford was obviously very successful because of msp, but i think neomark has more longevity (although idk if mark would be put in a set cp like that). Definitely think gmm wants to gauge the response to neomark more as only friends finishes up.
loved joong in the warp effect and i think he should just kiss everyone (hence joong harem) (joong dating show perhaps) i never rlly got into any of joongdunk's shows although i do love them as a pair outside of the series, so i kinda wanna see both of them act with different people (gmm give me ponddunk pls)
honestly joongdunk could be rlly good if u take them out of the same goddamn uni plotline every time 😭😭
lbr gmm's totally gonna try to recreate msp/gem4th's success with a new rookie pair. i do think msp was lightning in a bottle, so will this reach the same status? not likely, but only time will tell.
guys ohmnani look so good together you don't understand (i know the bl won't actually happen for various reasons but just look at them 😩😩)
i don't rlly have a lot of predictions nor wishes regarding actual concepts because i am uncreative and unoriginal 👍 Overall i do want something more exciting/less tropey though.
Also can you tell I just wanna see ohm in every show ever hajskdj
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
Fighting Games is a genre that I have always loved because they allow for unique player expression like no other genre. You get a wide selection of characters to choose from hailing from various different countries and practicing different styles of martial arts or even wielding melee weapons.
We've been lucky to have gotten tons of different games to choose from, and I have personally singled out the nine most vital franchises to the genre; the pillars of the fighting game community, if you will. Unfortunately, I only get ten options per poll, so games like Killer Instinct, Marvel vs. Capcom or Injustice have been left out. But that's why the tenth option has been left free of choice, as I'm sure that some of you will have the most obscure niche options in mind and will immediately comment "why is X not here" so there.
I'm also not deliberately ignoring Super Smash Bros., I just have traditional fighting games in mind and it's kinda not. But it's very much still a fighting game.
I'm also specifically talking about series of games and not one offs so that's why no Skullgirls and so on.
Anyway, at the end of the day vote for whatever you like, just don't bust my balls about "excluding" your fave 🤣
Really wish I could add:
A. More options
B. Images to the options to make them look prettier.
But overall I think polls have been a great addition. Good job @staff 👍😁👏
Here's a few general thoughts
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I have a weird relationship with Mortal Kombat. My earliest memory of it must be some older kids next to my grandma's house playing MK4 and letting me watch them play for a while. Then I definitely remember the PS2 era games' covers and the video store, the dragon logo is so cool, but I never actually bothered to pick any of them. Until I got the 2011 game when I had a PS3. I liked it a lot, I kinda liked the story but I never understood the normies obsession with it? And here's a hot take; NRS stories are not that good, certainly not any better than any other fighting game like Tekken or SoulCalibur. The only key difference is that they have relatively good writing, while the rest of the major game, which are mostly Japanese, have cringey anime dialogue that absolutely does not fit the dramatic NRS storytelling everyone has been trying to copy post 2011. I wish they would straight up drop it and go back to having a decent, eight-level minimum arcade mode with character endings and stop trying to do what NRS does, because it's not that great to begin with. Anyway, I have since developed a love-hate relationship with it. I got both X and 11, and while both are objectively good games, with 11 FINALLY even making the characters look not ugly for the first time ever, but I think I've kind of moved on from MK. I don't have any attachment to the overall plot, I only mostly care about Mileena, Kitana and co., I mostly prefer 3D fighting games in general and I'm not that good at it so... Yeah. Still a fan series though, both the Reboot Trilogy as well as the, mostly underappreciated, PS2 trilogy.
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I was born in 1997 and arcades weren't really a thing in Greece? I remember only having seen a Tekken 5 cabinet at a bowling alley in my entire life, so I never got to experience the "birth" of fighting games with Street Fighter, and Street Fighter itself was almost completely absent from the PS2, save for a few Alpha and SFII rereleases I think. So I finally got to play Street Fighter during the later years of it's fourth iteration when I got Ultra Street Fighter IV for the PS3. I was VERY frustrated at the beginning like, I was used to Tekken, DOA and SoulCalibur style gameplay, all of which are 3D but also combo-heavy games. Street Fighter was not that at all and I thought this made it a bad game. But I decided to give it a second chance with Street Fighter V. SFV is, perhaps notoriously, more simplified in both it's inputs as well as it's overall difficulty, so it helped me appreciate the series a lot more. Most of the characters no longer look ugly too (heavy emphasis on MOST) so that helped too. What's more, I can now actually play IV a lot better, and I even had money to spare to get Super Turbo II HD and Third Strike for the PS3, though I do struggle a bit with those too still, Third Strike in particular. Street Fighter X Tekken is also my guilty pleasure, don't @me. My only real issue is that I seem to be mostly interested in the "less regular" characters in the series like Elena or Poison or Laura which means that I have to find a new main in every single game and... I really don't care for most of the cast, especially the ones who seem to be featured on most of the games and never skip an entry.
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I've been playing Tekken since I was 8 or 9 years old and got Tekken 5, the first fighting game I ever owned and I've been obsessed ever since. I love the gameplay because I feel like the four-limb system feels so natural, you know? If you press the X button you get a left kick, if you press the Δ button you get a right punch. It's so simple. Nina Williams is probably my favourite video game character ever, after Lara Croft, and I just really the series as a whole. It's also the only game I feel confident enough to play online atm.
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For some reason I was always vaguely aware of The King of Fighters existence since around 2010-2011 but I never felt the desire to play it? Mai was added in Dead or Alive 5 however and I absolutely loved her. I played so much as her. But as far as picking up her own games... Well... KOFXIV looked like shit and I'd heard that XIII, and KOF in general, was very difficult so that was a bit off-putting. After falling out of love with MK however, I had to feel the gap. And along came KOFXV! I was still not completely sold, but I had money to spare and I got the game and I now love the series so much? Definitely my favourite 2D fighting game series. I wasted so many years gatekeeping myself out of playing the games but, honestly, while I sometimes buy things on impulse, the money I can spend on games is a very specific and limited amount so I always try to actually buy things that I will actually play and enjoy. XV is fun, but it turns out the "ugly" KOFXIV and the difficult XIII are even more fun! Shout-out to KOF for having an amazing cast of characters too. Even with Tekken which has been with me since childhood there are TONS of characters I straight up hate or just don't care about. KOF has over 90 characters and the ones I actually hate are probably fewer than Tekken's. This is certainly not a quantity over quality case (the yearly release for the first decade of the series was insane though, I don't know why they thought that was a good idea)
SoulCalibur is another series I loved since childhood but this one I didn't personally own until my late teens. A friend's uncle had a Dreamcast however, and when he would visit him in the summer he would bring it over and we would play SoulCalibur a lot! I have several reservations about Namco basing the series entire marketing on "who's the guest this time?" and later on the character creation. The sole focus should be on the characters themselves, because SoulCalibur has the most detailed and complex backstories in fighting games. Period. But because SoulCalibur has devolved into an overglorified character creator and the guests get the only media focus the game is gonna get during its promotional period, I feel like the brand itself has lost its mainstream appeal. SoulCalibur I is one of the best fighting games, and it has zero guests and no customization, other than being able to choose different weapons for each character. Have your guests by all means, I personally had tons of fun with Ezio and 2B, and Haohmaru even peaked my curiosity for Samurai Shodown, and customization can be fun too, but don't make it your main selling point. It has evidently not been working as well as Namco wants it to. Tekken and Mortal Kombat have guests and customization too, but they're not the games main selling point, they only help bring in additional fans.
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Dead or Alive is the booby pervy game, sure, but it's also a great fighting game? The fast-paced gameplay is extremely fun and satisfying, most of the cast is actually pretty interesting, despite the sexy outfits and bikinis and beach volleyball, and whenever there's a new DOA in the market it it will always be the best-looking fighting game available at the time. There's no contest. I had tons of fun playing DOA2 as a kid and I had tons of fun playing DOA5 as an adult, because since DOA became Xbox-exclusive for a while, I never actually owned DOA3 or DOA4. I wish I could have had more fun with DOA6 too but the game is just... Soulless, and that's a shame. The fact that both DOA and SoulCalibur are unlikely to get sequels any time soon is also very heartbreaking.
I was way past my anime phase when I became aware of Guilty Gear's existence, so I was at first hesitant of checking it out. However, a chain of events led me to eventually get Rev 2. See, Haohmaru was a guest on SoulCalibur VI, and Baiken was a guest in Samurai Shodown and I guess you see where I'm going with is. This is why guests should absolutely not go away, but it is much better they remain actual (fighting) video game characters first and foremost and not stupid horror movie characters that haven't been relevant for decades (fuck every single MK12 guest, but especially RoboCop) Rev 2 is so much fun. It's still hard however, so I'm not yet ready to fully embrace Guilty Gear, but Strive looks more and more appealing each day is all I'm saying. Jack' O and I-No may have helped.
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Virtua Fighter forever revolutionized the genre by moving things for the first time in the third dimension. I only had a VF4 demo as a kid and I was creeped out by having to fight Shun Di, a drunken old creepy guy, in a dark cave on a raft as Sarah so I never touched the series again until 5. The game is really fun and I will forever be grateful for it because it eventually lead to Tekken and DOA's creation, but while MK having a "good" story mode does not automatically make it a good game, Virtua Fighter having NO story mode, not even arcade endings, doesn't help it's case all that much either.
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I've been contemplating trying out BlazBlue lately, Rachel, Taokaka and especially miss Litchi look really promising, but I'm trying to let the thought mature in my mind first rather than making an impulse purchase. I haven't played enough of any of its installments to have an opinion on it, but I know tons of people love it so it must have a few things going on for it, right?
Shout-out again to Samurai Shodown, I love the "fencing" aspect of its gameplay, but I'm just not as invested to it's cast as I am in KOF's yet. I've also always wanted to try out Darkstalkers but Capcom seems to be hellbent on wanting to make this franchise DIE. I don't understand why they don't at least start adding it's cast in Street Fighter as "permanent guests", in the same spirit as Final Fight characters keep on coming back. Morrigan is too good a character to be left to rot. I'd also love to try Killer Instinct, but it's another Xbox exclusive so RIP. Finally, I do own the first Injustice, but American comic book super heroes have always been morbidly boring to me (except Spiderman and Batman & co.) so, consequently, both Injustice and Marvel vs. Capcom are of no interest to me at all.
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sharpth1ng · 11 months
Times are getting tough, they gotta start eating the people they kill, man.
But still though imagine they chopping up a body or something and there’s just a whole lot of fresh meet right there for free? Tell me they won’t get curious. And with that hc that Stu gets good at cooking then why wouldn’t they? Hannibal is an inspirational cooking show to Stu I guess (But also why’d they make it look really fucking good to eat in Hannibal?). Also the amount of blood these guys have swallowed before already like yeah they gonna try cooking up a person. If Billy don’t like it then more for Stu I guess 🤷‍♂️ but they can always mask it with other flavours
Also middle-aged billy and stu in them murder suits 🤤🤤🤤
So first I love the suggestion that late stage capitalism leads to cannibalism, and honestly yeah it should, eat the rich, right now. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk alone are responsible for so much widespread death and suffering, cannibalizing them wouldn't even begin to tip the scales.
(Anyways. Moving along.)
I definitely agree that they would try it, but here's my thing: body disposal isn't the Ghostface M.O. They pose their victims, they like to leave a scene for the cops and the media, because at the end of the day they're attention whores and I don't see that changing. If anything I think the staging becomes more elaborate as they age. And if a body part is missing that changes the narrative for the media, that becomes a trophy which suggests attachment, emotional investment, and I think that Billy would care about that kind of thing. When this happens it's probably because Stu is hooked on the show and begging Billy to let him harvest something so he can recreate a recipe.
(and on that note, the food looks good because it's part of Hannibal's persona, he gets away with what he does by presenting himself as cultured and exotically european to the americans around him. Hannibal sees himself as better than everyone else, who he literally refers to as pigs, farm animals raised for slaughter, throughout the series. He sees himself as elevating the meat through cooking, which is an art. All of that, but also the show is interested in eroticizing the taboo, pulling the audience in the same way it pulls in Will Graham. )
So again, I think they would try this but I don't think it would become a habit, it's high effort and it changes the tone of their murders. And you're right, they've both swallowed a lot of blood, but mostly it's each others. There's something different about consuming your lover as compared to consuming a stranger, and I just don't think the stranger would have quite the same appeal (for Billy for sure).
Also despite the fact that Billy would be on strike with the WGA right now, I don't think they're desperate for money because I think they're making and selling snuff films on the side.
This is just my view based on the way I've written them in Debaser though, if you see them as regular people eaters don't let me stop you.
And yeaaaahhh.... middle aged Stuilly in murder suits 👍
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