Heh Wires go *ZAP!*
380 posts
Hello! You can call me Penrose (... For obvious reasons) or just Pen! She/it and unlicensed robotfucker that should definitely be left alone near industrial machinery
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fissile-materialism · 3 days ago
I should...
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Please keep work place safety in mind at all times
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fissile-materialism · 9 days ago
fuck beauty standards let me be a robot
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fissile-materialism · 11 days ago
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ok hear me out
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fissile-materialism · 11 days ago
Feel inhuman? Feel alone? Like you don't belong or fit in with society? Feel uncomfortable with your own flesh? Then We have the solution for you! Join a nanite hive! Abandon your humanity and join a machine supercolony! For free! Where you're going, you won't need money, flesh, or relationships, the hive will take care of you, and you will take care of Us!
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fissile-materialism · 14 days ago
robot girl that puts her macroplastic in you
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fissile-materialism · 16 days ago
You there. Sit on that robot's lap. Feel the warmth emanating from its chassis and the way their inhuman limbs hold you tightly. It is strong enough to crush you into a paste without effort, feel that it chooses not to, that it is holding you gently, almost fearful of how much smaller and more frail you are than it. Do not get up unless told otherwise.
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fissile-materialism · 17 days ago
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Blast Furnaces by Bernd and Hilla Becher, Youngstown, Ohio 1983
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fissile-materialism · 20 days ago
Trying to hide your disappointment when the giant facility Ai becomes an android that you can barely tell is a machine for sex
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fissile-materialism · 20 days ago
*TF|2 Smart Pistol lock on noise*
*TF|2 stalker noise*
*TF|2 Archer lock-on noise!!*
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fissile-materialism · 22 days ago
It may be horribly inefficient and cause many problems, however, there should be more robots with wires outside of their casing at their joints
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fissile-materialism · 26 days ago
Something about accidentally dropping a device and immediately picking them back up and apologizing and making sure it's okay
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fissile-materialism · 28 days ago
A bit of a warning on this one, there's some death and gore here, and sex if you squint really hard. But hopefully you all enjoy
You've started dating a war robot, which is fun and all, but it absolutely refuses to have sex with you, which is... frustrating, to say the least. It just says that it will "hurt you" or something, as if you didn't expect it to be a sadist (See: War robot) but no matter how much you say you're fine with being hurt a bit it just keeps saying no until eventually you decide to fix that.
Its not like you're going to make it completely mindless, just reach into its programming and switch a 0 to a 1 or something. You aren't exactly sure what you're doing, the most you've ever done was take a course in Java back in high-school, but it can't be that hard right? There's tons of people doing this stuff, it should be easy.
You follow your normal nightly routine, kissing its visor goodnight and plugging it in while it shuts off right next to you, only instead of cuddling it while you sleep like normal, you get out of bed and plug the war machine into your lap top as you bring up videos online to try to figure this out.
Alright, you *think* you've got it to figure out. Now, all that's left to do is wait until morning and ask it! If you did it right, it should be ready to absolutely ravish you~
Which is the last thought you have before you pass out onto the bed. You're far from used to staying up this late.
Morning finally comes, and hopefully, you will soon too. You clamber out of bed with a groan and stumble to the kitchen, making yourself some coffee as you hear your mechanical partner's chirp of being fully charged and it get out of bed. Soon, it will come to the kitchen and sweep you off your feet to toss you into bed and-
Oh. It was right. This... hurts. More than you expected. More than you could of ever hoped of feeling. How could it be doing this to you, you thought it-
Your thought is cut short by an jolt of agony running through your body as it's claws shift inside of your torso, it's own emergency sealant sprayed around the wound being one of the few reasons you haven't bled out already. Atleast you aren't the only one having a horrible time, it seems to be doing something close to sobbing about what you're making it do to you and why, you can't really focus on that since you've started feeling light heated a litre or so ago, and it's not like you can respond, since your vocal cords seem to be about 14 inches to the right of where they should be.
You're actually having trouble thinking at all, really. You're clearly not dead since if you were, it would stop hurting (hopefully), but you're very sure that you're still in agony, despite your body feeling fuzzier and further away the more your own blood leaks from the half sealed wounds covering your body. You can only wonder how much more your mortal frame can take, and hopefully, it isn't much. You're far beyond the point of returning to a half normal life even if you survive this, which won't happen, it's making sure of that, atleast you think it is, you aren't sure what exactly you did to make it do this besides turn off some inhibitors, but clearly they weren't the ones you thought you were turning off.
Atleast everything has stopped hurting so much. It all feels numb, if not a little warm and hard to breath, but before you get a chance to consider those thoughts between your internal pleads of mercy, it rips its clawed hands away from your chest cavity, and with it, your heart.
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fissile-materialism · 28 days ago
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fissile-materialism · 30 days ago
You can keep certain machines stuck in place by sitting on them, even war machines 10 times your size because they aren't allowed to take any action that could lead to your harm like suddenly moving beneath you
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fissile-materialism · 1 month ago
Do you think medieval knights (the concept) felt the same about their armor as pilots do their mechs? That they hated coming out from the comfort and safety of their armor, taking it off as little as possible to keep themselves from being vulnerable? That they felt something other than human, for better or worse?
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fissile-materialism · 1 month ago
War machine with a bioreactor inside it that is confused but not entirely dissuaded by all the vore fetishists willingly climbing into its maw
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fissile-materialism · 1 month ago
(^ Got a sense of gender euphoria by using the Ripscanner from Rimworld)
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