#I think about ​that one theory I saw once that she’s the werewolf in Chronicles sometimes
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chibishortdeath · 8 months ago
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Woahg, that’s a lot—
Explanations under a cut :3
This is Simon like immediately after defeating Dracula. Just sitting on his knees, hands on his face. He needs a minute, but he’s not gonna get a long one cause the castle is collapsing—
Wow! What a nice happy family :3. I sure hope nothing happens to them! :3 I’ve always liked to arrange the series of events like first Selena and Simon met and got married, then the Dracula stuff went down, so uh yeah uh fan interpretation of their (currently) unnamed kids.
The text here says “where’s momma?”, said by his daughter (who by this point is 2-3 about). Shout out to the artist ability to make yourself really sad—
Just Simon and the kids chillin. He probably was a really good dad, just kinda struggling.
Little quick doodle of the designs of the kids. Agh I need to name both of them (TwT ). It’s hard, I feel like they gotta have nice but cool names, but I just haven’t found any I like yet. Anyway, the one on the left is the older daughter and the one on the right is the younger brother and as of Simon’s quest they are 10 and 7 respectively. The brother would’ve been born the year of CV1 if I have my math right, so when Simon was 22.
Sobbing! It be like that sometimes 💀. This might count as like one part vent art and one part just expression and emotion practice :O.
This one also kinda counts as vent art I guess lol idk. It says “I did everything right”. I was thinking of a specific audio while drawing this and tbh I might actually have to animate something hmmm. Or just still images cause animation is hardddddddd oof. The text isn’t like from the audio or anything either (>< ;).
This one is based on an old insert character here kind of meme :D. The text says “step 1: establish character with a little worry but a lot of determination. Step 2: inflict soul crushing trauma Step 3: inflict soul crushing trauma—“ and that repeats until step 5 lol. The original meme only had two images, but each of these are supposed to be based on specific events so yeah. First one is just pre CV1, then the moment he got hit, then shortly after leaving the castle, then in the graveyard 6 years later, then somewhere in the middle of his quest.
This one is fun!!!!!! It’s an idea for like a double sided keychain :D!!!!! One side has the like CV1/CV4 era Simon swinging on one of those loops and the other is Simon’s Quest!!! And it’s supposed to be the Hanged Man tarot card!!! So cool!!! Idk how making keychains works so if I actually did this I’d probs just make one in shrink plastic tbh. But ough it would be so cool to actually make and sell little fan keychains and stuff (TwT ).
This one I don’t remember if I’ve posted or not but it’s never getting finished 💀💀💀. Gotta love drawing The Character in increasingly dynamic poses and surreal ways.
Ok it’s super late I have to sleep 💀👍
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treatian · 4 years ago
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  Magical Loopholes
Chapter 57:  Magical Conduit
Regina followed him back out to his car. If she cared about where he was taking her, she didn't ask; frankly, he suspected she asked because deep down she really didn't care. He drove her through Storybrooke, up into the woods, and into a small parking lot where people could leave their cars before choosing a trail to hike. It was only then that she finally broke her silence and looked around completely baffled.
"Here? Really?"
"No…" he corrected pointing up the trail path that would take them up the small hill to overlook downtown Storybrooke. "Up there."
"We're in the middle of nowhere!" she argued, screaming after him as she slammed her car door.
"Not exactly." He locked the car and began the walk up the trail as she followed.
"It's the middle of the woods! There's nothing out here except…"
And then he smiled and looked back at her as the realization dawned.
He left it at that. And so, it seemed, did Regina, who immediately appeared at his side a few moments later. She had figured it out. She might not have understood his theory or agreed with it, but he knew that she had figured out where he was taking her. He knew she'd figured it out because otherwise, she'd still be whining about it.
And so up the mountain they hiked, her in her heels and he with his cane as if they were out for a leisurely stroll and not here to commit a murder that was long overdue to protect those they loved.
"So…the town wishing well…this old myth?" Regina finally drawled as the well came into view ahead of them.
"Not such an old myth, not in a place like this," he corrected. "Everything in this world has meaning and symbolism, something that it carries over from our world. This is the well that brought magic back to us, brought it from our world into Storybrooke. It stands to reason that if it worked once, it'll work again."
Regina huffed as they neared it, looking more and more nervous with every step. "You're certain the portal's going to open up all the way out here?"
"There," he reiterated pointing at the well and veering off toward it. Not just anywhere, but right in that spot. Together with Regina, they climbed up its stone base. "This is where things once lost are returned to us. This is where Cora's going to come through."
He peered into its depths, expecting it to look like black oblivion as it had the last time, but instead, he spotted water at the bottom, bubbling and gurgling away, churning like it was in a simmering pot, waiting to erupt into a boil. But it wasn't how the water was acting that confirmed his suspicions, it was what he felt coming from the depths that was far more concerning.
Magic. Strong Magic. Neither Light nor Dark Magic. It felt just like all portals did. It was all the confirmation he needed. But Regina…
"Unless, it's Mary Margaret and Emma," she muttered quietly beside him.
It took all his power not to laugh at such a thought. Magic like that?
"I highly doubt it," he responded before swallowing and assessing things. It was a portal, but it wasn't yet. It wasn't the right time. It wasn't a portal until the water began to swirl, which could be any moment now. They had to be prepared.
"When the time comes, I'll ask you to open a channel, release some of your magic to aid my own so that-"
Something stopped him suddenly, mid-sentence, something that he didn't particularly like. Someone was at his shop. Many people actually. However, the signatures of the magic they carried were familiar enough that he knew "people" was a stretch. But he knew them. He knew one of them well, in fact. He'd felt it in the library a dozen times in the last week: Ruby.
"What?" Regina questioned at his sudden quiet.
"Ruby and the dwarves are in the shop," he muttered.
Regina stared at him for a moment, her eyes gaping in something like shock and surprise before she shook her head and smiled knowingly. "Protection spell…" she muttered to herself. "Is there anything you haven't put magic on?"
That was privileged information…but no.
"Wouldn't you like to know," he growled.
Suddenly Regina slowed, her brow furrowed before her eyes went wide again in shock. "The dwarves…you don't think they know…"
He shrugged. He had protection spells on his buildings but that didn't mean he knew their intentions, not unless the Seer saw it fit to give him a vision. He understood her suspicions though. It was true, the dwarves might very well be there because they'd discovered what they'd done. But even if they had it wasn't a concern of theirs.
"Doesn't matter if they have put it together. They're too late to stop us."
Nearly the moment he'd said the words the waters below began to swirl and to shift. It was as if a drain had been opened up at the bottom only he knew it wasn't an eddy in this world, it was a tether to another world.
"It's time," he muttered.
"So what are we waiting for?" Regina questioned.
He felt her open to him as they took careful steps away from the well; felt her magic begin to roll off of her for his own use. Yes, the fairy dust and his own would have been enough, but as he pulled his wand from his jacket and tried to summon up a good intention, he knew that it was only as easy as it was because her magic didn't identify as wholly Dark. If he'd had time, he might have taught her to use the Fairy Wand. Bleeding heart like hers? She'd probably be good at it.
He leached the magic rolling off Regina in waves for himself and held the wand up to the sky. Like before, down in the mines, it turned pink and he turned his gaze skyward, willing a protection spell, willing air to move and create friction, willing power to circulate. A storm was summoned. But not an ordinary one by any stretch of the imagination. This was green and sudden and violent. And with the right direction…
Thunder rumbled as he tossed his power into the electrified clouds to grab hold of that power and force it down, down into the well. A loud roar cracked as it settled into the magic it felt there.
At the same time, in the distance, he felt the werewolf leave his shop without the dwarves. He stared ahead of him into the electrified well. He didn't know if she'd put it together or not, didn't know exactly what David had told her when he'd settled his affairs, didn't know what she would tell Belle when all this was over. But he knew one thing.
"Doesn't matter who comes through now," he muttered aloud, more for his own comfort than for Regina's. "No one can survive this."
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nikkijl-blog1 · 7 years ago
My first piece of Wayhaven Chronicles fanfiction. In celebration of Adam, I created this little story. Hope it does the legendary Angst du Mortain justice.
Adam’s Birthday Present
Synopsis: Detective Alice Roesler decides to give Adam a shoulder massage for his birthday
F!Detective/Adam du Mortain
"Something you need, Detective?" Adam eventually came into the office about three hours after he'd been summoned. Alice leaned back in the chair behind her desk, her professional persona taking a breather. 
"Are you avoiding me?" she asked. The question was lighthearted but curious. Adam sighed, crossing his arms at the topic of conversation.
"Things have been rather busy at the Agency. I do have other jobs that I'm responsible for besides watching over you," he turns on the defensive almost immediately. That's alright, she had prepared evidence.  
"Does Nate not factor into any of those missions? At this point, I feel like I could take over as his best friend. Did you know he has an obsession with high end quality hair products? I mean, not that it's surprising, look at the man," she said. She probably should start calling her lunch hour, Tea Time with Nathaniel.
"Nate can simply be more flexible about where he does his work. During times like these when we aren't facing any verifiable threats, it's more ideal to split ourselves in many different directions. Nate is obviously the best equipped for human relations," he spouts off a dozen lines of professional script like its second nature.
"Human relations, huh?" she asked, "Isn't that a dry way of putting it."
"Unless things have changed, you are still human," he said. 
"Well, I was bitten by a werewolf last week but I've yet to grow any extra hair," she said. His pale complexion blanched even further as he took a hurried step forward. 
"You were what?! Why didn't you report this to--"
"Hey look, a genuine response," she smiled before continuing, "That was a joke, Adam," Adam pinched the bridge of his nose with a frustrated sigh.
"Is there a point to this meeting, Detective? Or are you just entertaining yourself by adding to my already stressful day?" he grunted, barely hiding a snarl.
"So, are Felix skills also not included in your apparently legendary pile of responsibilities?" she said. Adam half turned towards the door, eager to make a quick exit as soon as she released him.
"Not recently. Besides, he volunteers whenever he's available. For some strange reason, he enjoys your company," he explained. She braced her elbows onto her desk and steepled her fingers.
"And Mason?" she kept up the interrogation. Adam's lips pursed.
"That... was a last minute decision. I was called away on something--"
"Man, Adam, you are a master of weaving yourself out of a tough conversation, especially one dealing with your feelings," she said. 
"There are no feelings involved, only common sense. I apologize if I've somehow offended you, it was not my intention," he said, "Considering it's the end of the day, I will walk you back to your apartment. Would that be sufficient time spent with you?"
She almost considered telling him to pound sand right then and there but that was what he wanted. Instead, she pushed herself out from her desk and stood up, "So it's your birthday today?" 
He flinched, not expecting the blow. He muttered some choice words about Nate before collecting himself again, "Is that important?"
"You tell me," she asked then decided to answer for him, "Although, considering it's you, I'd imagine you'll say something broody like 'it's only another day, not worth celebrating. I've got work to do,' blahblahblah."
He grit his teeth, quickly losing patience, and she guessed she'd hit the nail on the head. However, he was getting very close to fleeing so she should probably get to the point before it was too late, "Anyway, I wanted to give you a present."
"I don't need anything," he said.
"You need a lot of things, hun. Trust me," she carefully stepped around her desk, the poorly taped corner acting as a perfect monument to Adam's needs. She shut the blinds over the windows into her office, "And I know the perfect thing to help you relax."
"What are you doing?" he swallowed dryly, tensing up like a penned in wild animal, "There is no stress reliever that requires such privacy," his voice rises several ticks.  
"Adam, come on, you're how old? I think you can come up with one or two ideas," she turned the lock, shutting everyone else out and Adam started becoming more erratic.
"Detective, I think we should rethink this course of action," he said, "We don't want to do anything we might regret."
"Oh, don't be ridiculous. Now go have a seat," she stood between him and the door, "Don't worry, no one will think anything strange is going on. Unless you're a moaner, that is."
That got him. A light flush of red rose on his cheeks and she could tell he was fighting every instinct in his body. He wanted to give in, but he had the emotional defenses of the Great Wall of China, "Alice, that's enough. Flirting is one thing but I'm not about to... in your office. It's unprofessional. You need to get ahold of yourself."
"Wow, I didn't think a simple shoulder massage was a reason to call the puritan police," she said. Her smile grew with satisfaction as realization dawned on his handsome face. She'd crawled right under his skin and buried herself there, "What were you thinking of--"
"You know exactly what I was thinking of, woman, and don't even try to deny it," he snarled at her. God, she wanted to take him by the collar and kiss him, drawing in all that repressed heat that was burning like an oven inside him. But she refrained.
"Ok, I'll stop teasing. Now please sit down," she gestured towards her chair.
"This is unnecessary," he protested.
"If you don't do as I ask, I will schedule midnight patrol for myself for the rest of the week. I think the city's been a little restless lately," she tapped her chin. She could tell he was calculating whether or not it was worth the extreme inconvenience, "I promise, no roaming hands. This is your birthday, not mine," he fidgeted at the implications. Finally, he sighed, tired of fighting against her will. He sat down in the desk chair, back stiff as a board. 
"Get it over with," he said like he was prepping for a round of torture. Fine with her, she was ready for a challenge and she knew what she was doing. However, despite his sudden burst of courage, he froze the second she laid a hand on his shoulder. She could only imagine what his face looked like right now. 
"Adam," she sighed, unable to even get a grip on his muscles, "I know it's not in your nature, but could you try to relax a tad?"
"I thought that was your job in this instance," he drummed his fingers on the arms of the chair. She shook her head and removed her hand, rolling up her sleeve. Before he could ask her what she was doing, she drove the tip of her elbow into the space connecting his neck with his shoulder. He choked back a small grunt with the sudden spike to his Trap. 
"You want to do this the hard way, fine with me," she said determined. She used her forearm like a rolling pin across the top of his shoulder, gradually kneading out the muscle until it was at least pliable. It helped that after the initial defiance, Adam lowered his guard. Once, Alice got into it, she was quiet and focused on her work. Sliding her thumb above the bone of the scapula, she ran into a web of knots. Adam's lips twitched when she pressed against it. 
"Have you ever done something like this before?" she asked and she strummed the adhesions like the strings of a guitar, "Because there's gotta be a century's worth of tension built up in here."
"I'm in a very stressful work environment," he said with the hint of a smirk, "Especially recently."  
"Well, I'll just have to call this cluster the Alice knot, won't I?" she dug her elbow into the spot which was turning from a mountainous to a hilly terrain, "Heaven forbid I find the Felix knot, that must be the size of a grapefruit." 
She prided herself when she was rewarded with a one note laugh. Such a rare and beautiful occurrence. 
Later, when she returned to squeezing his Trap muscle, she managed to get enough of a grip of it to pull it off the bone, "Turn your head to the left for me," he did without complaint. She found more congestion around the collar bone when he opened up his neck, "I sort of wondered if vampires had problems like this but the muscle is healed tissue, just not healed the correct way."
"That is an interesting theory," he said, his voice growing deeper, momentarily throwing her off balance. 
"Is that your way of saying you don't know?" she asked. His answer was cut short when she tilted his head forward again, fingertips grazing his clean shaven jawline. She was close enough to hear his breath hitch at the contact. She honestly didn't think much of the gesture, instinctively maneuvering him around like she would've done to any of her friends. However, a spark coursed through her blood with the minor touch. 
She quickly moved back on track, drawing a line up the base of his neck into the gap right below his skull. She strummed her way up the tight bands and she was shocked when Adam gradually opened up his neck as he let his head drift towards his opposite shoulder. 
For the longest time, they said nothing. There was no teasing and jokes from her or complaints and barks from Adam. She transitioned her way over to his other shoulder to repeat the process. She again had to dig her elbow into hard flesh to break ground, but he was more open to it now. She tended become almost clinical when giving someone a massage so there wasn't much for him to be uncomfortable with. She truly did have good intentions. Ever since she saw the way his shoulders hiked up towards his ears and his ritual-like rolling of them, she'd been dying to smooth him out. 
There were other ways she wanted to touch him too, but those were on the back burner for now. 
"You are... very good at this, Detective," she startled when he spoke, silent for such a long time, his voice cracked. It was only now she saw that his eyes were closed, thick eyelashes resting against his cheeks and lips normally frozen in a frowning state were slightly parted like he could fall asleep at any moment. She half smiled, zeroing on another knot near the base of his neck and kneading it into submission.
"Thanks," it was a simpler reply than what she was accustomed to, but she didn't want to risk damaging the fragile connection they'd established. Things would likely return to their scheduled awkward programming as soon as she stepped away. However, she didn't want to speed things along. 
She finished the massage by wrapping her hand around the back of his neck and rubbing all the muscles simultaneously. It was telling that Adam remained completely at ease even around such a vulnerable spot. He even let out a content moan that caused her heart to flip in her chest. Her thoughts began to morph, thinking about replacing her fingers with her lips, trailing kisses down his spine, drawing out a symphony of pleasure from him.
"Alice?" she felt his body heat rise under her hand. She must've delved a little too far into her carnal desires and the mind reading vampire had noticed. But he wasn't pulling away either, so maybe--
"Detective, are you here?" Felix said and Adam shot up out of the chair so fast she nearly bounced back against the wall. The door was unlocked a moment later and Felix and Nate were both standing with curious expressions on the other side. While Nate's was more of concern, Felix was filled with ulterior motives.
"Felix said you weren't answering your cell phone," Nate says. However, he read the situation quickly enough when Adam had his eyes glued out the nearest window, hand fixed on the neck she'd been rubbing only a few seconds before. Felix sidled in, throwing the door the rest of the way open as if he owned the place.
"Well, well, well, here I thought we would need to find both of you, but it turns out you're holed up here together. Alone," he said.
"The Detective was simply helping me with something," Adam said, barely hiding a growl. 
"Hmm, and what was she helping you with that required the shutters to be closed?" he said switching into investigation mode. Adam crossed his arms, tensing again. While she normally would've been on board the teasing train, in this case, she was rather annoyed.
"Felix, you're going to undo all my hard work," she said. Every occupant in the room was startled by her serious tone, "I was just giving him a shoulder massage for his birthday and I figured he'd be more comfortable if nobody was watching."
"You were able to get him to relax?" Nate said, brows arching in surprise.
"That's impressive, I didn't know our fearless leader had an off switch," Felix said, "But with that kind of magic, I want a massage too. Do me next, Detective!" "Felix," Adam scolded him.
"Maybe on your birthday, if you leave Adam alone," she smiled and Felix recoiled as if he were burnt, pressing a hand over his heart.
"Impossible," he said. 
"We were hoping to bring you along to the celebration," Nate changed the subject, eyeing Adam as he said it and Adam bristled for another reason.
"Why are you all suddenly interested in celebrating my birthday?" Adam started before clicking his tongue, marching towards the door, "Forget it, I don't have the energy to argue."
"The Detective really loosened you up, didn't she?" Felix remarked. Adam snarled at him as Nate cleared a path for him.
"You couldn't even last until he left the room," Alice said although she was smiling along with his antics this time.
"Are you coming, Alice?" Nate said. Her gaze shifted to Adam who was trying his darnedest not to show his interest in her answer.
"I will not," she got the response she was hoping for when a brief flash of disappointment crossed Adam's features. She finished her sentence, "Miss it for the world." Adam twitched in anger for falling for her trick, "Just let me close everything up in my office."
She ran through her usual process of straightening up, shutting off the computer, and locking the filing cabinet. When she finished, she found Adam still lingering at the door waiting for her. She smiled as she joined him. 
"Hope that wasn't too painful for you to endure," she said, secretly wanting her opinion.
"You've made this birthday more enjoyable than most," he said, lips twisting up into a subdued smile as he kept pace with her out of the office, "I may even ask for your services again sometime."
"Oh good, I've been dying to get my hands on those Glutes," she said and he missed a step. She nudged him with her shoulder in good humor and he shook his head.
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gehayi · 7 years ago
Fandom Snowflake Challenge--Day 3
Day 3 In your own space, post recs for at least three fanworks that you did not create. For this, I thought I would rec all the stories that I have bookmarked that I thought need more love. All of them are complete (no WIPs, though I do wish some would continue). I made notes on some when I bookmarked them, so where those occur, they're included.
Also, this is LONG. You have been warned.
14th CENTURY CE RPF Hallowmas, Or Shortest Of Day by skazka Isabella, future girl-queen of England, receives a visit from a predecessor. Commentary: Melancholy and sweet, with wee Isabella as an adorable seven-year-old who's very much at sea and Anne of Bohemia as the gentlest and kindest of ghosts. It's A Terrible Reign by angevin2 A dying John of Gaunt, with the aid of his long-dead brother, walks the road not taken. Commentary: Wickedly deflates the "It's a Wonderful Life" premise simply by having John of Gaunt be himself--confident, convinced that what he wants is surely for the best, and blunt enough to point out that most of the awful stuff that could have happened DID happen anyway. Also, Gaunt and the Black Prince are both believable and hysterical as brothers. Jesu dulcis memoria by angevin2 Master Ladislaus's only regret is that his greatest masterpiece--the Wilton Diptych--is one born of grief. Commentary: Brief, sorrowful and stunningly beautiful. I had a lump in my throat when I finished reading it. Remembrance of a Weeping Queen by angevin2 Anne of Bohemia contemplates her purpose in life. Commentary: It’s not easy dealing with public crises while coping with private grief. If you like royal ladies who make a difference in their world and who smile sweetly and gently despite heartbreak, this is for you. *** A STUDY IN EMERALD - NEIL GAIMAN: R'Iyeh Is Not An Empty House by Trobadora It all began because of the woman. *** ARTHURIAN MYTHOLOGY Wheels Within Wheels by Philipa_Moss “Have you heard?” Linet asked. “She’s back.” *** AUSTIN & MURRY-O'KEEFE FAMILIES - MADELEINE L'ENGLE Galois Theory by primeideal Five times everything fell into place. That Unexpected Fateful Hour, Once Again at Hand by ElegantPi Charles Wallace is assigned two new classmates and a task, just before his winter holiday. Wordless by CG (NYCScribbler) Three times Calvin O'Keefe hasn't known what to say. *** BENJAMIN JANUARY MYSTERIES - BARBARA HAMBLY Escargots by Nary Rose was not one to offer platitudes for a man she hadn't known, to a man who hadn't cared about him. "What killed him?" she asked instead, for she couldn't think of any reason why Shaw would be telling her about this if it had been a natural death. "Poison's our best guess." He paused, as if considering how to most gently say what was coming next. "He took his final meal at the Hotel Iberville last night. So as you might imagine, I got a pressin' need to speak with your nephew, Gabriel Corbier." Commentary: This story belongs to the women, and deservedly so. Rose January/Janvier is brilliant and shrewd and a fantastic scientific detective in 1830s New Orleans, while her sister-in-law Olympe Corbier solves half the mystery by deducing what posion was used. It's sharp, smoothly written and as thoroughly researched as any of the books. Honestly, you could drop this into Barbara Hambly's Good Man Friday (the book in which Benjamin January goes off to Washington DC, a trip which Rose mentions in passing) and it would fit in seamlessly. I'm honestly not sure that the person who wrote this for me isn't Barbara Hambly. If you love historical mysteries, stories featuring characters of color, or both, then read this story. Five moments in the life of Augustus Mayerling by sevenofspade Becoming Augustus Mayerling is a process. Commentary: The details of how Augustus Mayerling became Augustus Mayerling. Detailed, sharp and utterly right. Headcanon accepted. Magnificat in New Orleans by Taabe On the eve of Benjamin and Rose Vitrac January's first Christmas in their new home, at the end of a Reveillón, Ben and Hannibal have a run-in with a less peaceful holiday tradition, and they and Rose take a in young stranger in more need of help than even they realize. Commentary: Dazzlingly beautiful, brilliantly researched, and powerful enough to make your heart ache. A magnificent Magnificat. *** BISCLAVRET - MARIE DE FRANCE J'ai Vu le Loup by Gileonnen The hunt collapses the distance between man and beast. Commentary: A canonical medieval gay werewolf. I love it. *** CADFAEL CHRONICLES - ELLIS PETERS A Flourish of Gold by thelittlestbird When a murder disrupts the peace conference that might end the Anarchy, Brother Cadfael must solve one last mystery. Fortunately, he has some very competent people to help him. *** CANTERBURY TALES - GEOFFREY CHAUCER Mordre, She Wroot by sistermagpie At least one pilgrim will not make it to Canterbury. *** CHRONICLES OF NARNIA - C.S.LEWIS Clipsie the Mariner by Transposable_Element The episode of the Dufflepuds and the Magician's book, from the point of view of the Chief's daughter, Clipsie. Dark and Deep by the_rck Tumnus delivers Lucy to the White Witch, and Aslan never comes. All four children end up in Jadis's hands, and she decides to see what she can mold them into. *** CROSSOVERS Chronicles of Narnia/Harry Potter And Bide the Danger by MiraMira Susan Pevensie: former Unspeakable, legendary beauty, possible Dark witch. A young Amelia Bones, eager to make her mark on MLE, has just been assigned to track her down. But the further Amelia proceeds with her investigation, the more questions she uncovers - especially once she meets Susan herself. Dark Tower/The Stand On the Plains of the Crimson King by magistera Eight years after Randall Flagg was defeated, life goes on in the much-reduced circumstances of post-Trips America. But when Fran and Stu's son begins to have disturbing (and all-too-familiar) dreams, it's a sign of change to come. Commentary: This ties together the stories of The Stand and The Dark Tower, blending the worlds and explaining why Flagg saw Fran Goldsmith's baby as so much of a threat. The tone and the characterization are spot-on, and there's one action scene early on that chilled me. And despite all the supernatural occurrences, which are handled beautifully, this world is solidly grounded. It feels real. Honest to God, if I didn't know better, I'd think that Stephen King fanficced himself. Doctor Who/Mrs. Pollifax - Dorothy Gilman Mrs. Pollifax and the Christmas Party by Emiline “Since you mention it, there was something else,” she admitted. “I’d like you both to come to my Christmas party this year.” With gate-crashing by the unstoppable Jack Harkness. Doctor Who/Wicked Voice - Vernon Lee The Sapphire of Rassilon by zopyrus All Grace Holloway wanted was an ordinary night at the San Francisco Opera. But when the Doctor shows up unexpectedly (again), Grace finds herself travelling back to 18th-century Venice—with a stop along the way to pick up the forgotten Victorian author, Vernon Lee. Murdered composers, lesbian drama, opera singers, and more! Commentary: A gorgeous crossover with the Eighth Doctor and a canon called A Wicked Voice, set mostly in Venice of the 1700s and 1800s. It's a gorgeous story--vivid and colorful, and capable of making you see the Venice of both time periods. This is a story to get lost it. Read it. You'll be glad that you did. Dresden Files - Jim Butcher/Tale of the Five Series - Diane Duane Fire Working by melannen Herewiss goes through a Door that is probably not the Door into Starlight, and meets a man who uses the Fire. Romeo And Juliet - Shakespeare/Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare/Peter Pan - J. M. Barrie Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps. by fresne Perhaps, the story went this way. Perhaps, it went that way. Perhaps. *** DRESDEN FILES - JIM BUTCHER Johnny's Little Secret by shiplizard A mafia errand boy worries about his junior partner. Slash implied, friendship explicit. Rated Teen for language. *** EAGLES ARE TURNING PEOPLE INTO HORSES: THE MOVIE (2009) Eagles are Turning People Into Horses: The Movie: II: The Horses That Used To Be People But Were Turned Into Horses By Eagles Strike Back: The Revengening by KiaraSayre "This is real life, Brian. There's no ignoring the fact that eagles are turning people into horses. We just have to learn to live with it." Commentary: Glorious crackfic. Every line made me smile, grin or laugh. Quintessentially Yuletide. *** ELIZABETHAN AND JACOBEAN THEATRE & LITERATURE RPF Sad Stories of the Death of Kings by angevin It's 1593, and Kit Marlowe is trying out a new genre. Commentary: If you're intimidated by the canon's title, don't be. Kit Marlowe and Will Shakespeare are playwrights and rivals, each criticizing each other's work while writing plays that are strongly influenced by the same. Marlowe is gloriously OTT, as he was in real life, and Shakespeare is the ultimate fanboy who can't quite tell if his idol is flirting or not. This made me smile. A lot. *** EVERY HEART A DOORWAY - SEANAN McGUIRE The Mirror Cracked From Side to Side by Amazing_E_Ko Nancy has left her old life behind, but when Jack comes tumbling through a portal bearing news of an apocalypse, her sister speaking prophecy from beyond death, Nancy is pulled back into the world of living, breathing things. With the help of Kade and Christopher they must unravel the mystery of the disappearing worlds, and uncover the truth behind all their journeys. Post-canon. Commentary: Absolute magic. I am not entirely certain that the writer isn't really Seanan McGuire. And I am so very grateful that I found this story. *** FAIRY TALES AND FOLKLORE Der Rattenfänger von Hameln | The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Fairy Tale) If I Miss You Call the Tune by lalalalalawhy It is 100 light years since our children left. Commentary: A fairy tale retelling in space. Heartwrenching and so, so good. Sneedronningen | The Snow Queen - Hans Christian Andersen The Enchanted Hawk by Alona In which the robber girl encounters a dysfunctional royal family and makes the most of it. Commentary: The robber girl--no longer so little--is beautifully sly, cunning and practical, defying conventions both in her world and in ours. She doesn't assume that enchanted animals are necessarily truthful, she takes the time to scout out a situation, and she knows what she wants and goes after it cheerfully and unashamedly. I'd love to read more about her and her adventures. *** FALLEN LONDON (FORMERLY ECHO BAZAAR) Fortune, Fate, Freedom by escritoireazul Are we the sum of our choices, or are we our fate? Commentary: A Choose Your Own Adventure tale about the Cheesemonger, the finest of all spies. Hard To Find by Kastaka As if the Comtessa would let a little thing like social ostracism stand in her way. Commentary: When this was first published, it was the first Echo Bazaar fic I'd ever seen, and it continues the story of the subject character--the Missing Comtessa--smashingly, not to mention capturing the atmosphere of the twisted world of Fallen London so well. If you know the game of Echo Bazaar, you'll love it. If you don't know the game, you'll STILL love it, plus the story may inspire interest in the game. Either way, you win! or leave it by anstaar A tough shares their story. *** FIREFLY Can’t Take The Sky by Glinda Serenity does not understand grief; Serenity understands grief all too well. Inundation by lilacsigil When knowledge is power, it's important to keep knowledge controlled. Shepherd Book is here to help. *** GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY Medusa's Tale by Area51Fugitive Ah. You've come. I knew you would. Commentary: The very best retelling of the Medusa myth I've ever read, and the only one that ever made me cry. *** HARRY POTTER - J.K. ROWLING Poseidon's Prisoner by esteoflorien Young Cassiopeia Black sets off in search of her brother - and receives assistance from an unlikely person, making her reconsider the way she previously viewed her world. *** HIGHLANDER: THE SERIES Mnemosyne by Medie Wounds of the flesh heal easily for Immortals, the ones of the soul, less so. Commentary: A sympathetic and angry Cassandra, after the Horsemen Arc. *** HIS DARK MATERIALS - PHILIP PULLMAN Valleys of the Shadows by finch (afinch) This is not a happy story. This is the story of three girls who find themselves in the middle of a new African war. There are witches' revolts, daring escapes, the killing of the bears, echoes of freedom, the lack of mercy of the pirates, chains stronger than any steel, and three deaths, one by one by one. This is not a happy story, there are no happy endings, no miracles, no subtle knife, and no angels. This is the story of three girls, a slave, an unwilling pawn, and a refugee. This is story of three girls and three dæmons. *** INVISIBLE LIBRARY: FANWORKS BASED ON IMAGINARY WORKS MENTIONED IN FICTION Miserable Les, Les Misérables - All Media Types, Discworld - Terry Pratchett Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably-priced love! And a black coffee! by greenet Wherein everybody is protesting, drinking a whole lot of coffee, and falling in and out of love. Nina Lightfingers learns to appreciate the elegance of a lady’s fan wielded with murderous intent, Petiterre is over-caffeinated, Evgeni is banned from reading self-help books, and Brusher is over-protective. Among other things. Commentary: If Terry Pratchett had written an in-universe musical about the events of Night Watch, it would have been this story. That is to say, it would have been perfect. P.S. Miserable Les is mentioned as a possible opera in Maskerade. *** JOHN LEWIS CHRISTMAS ADVERTS Please, please, please... by AdaptationDecay Lewis knows exactly what he wants for Christmas. Commentary: This is a stealth crossover, but I'm not going to mention what it's crossed with. That would spoil the impact of the reveal. *** MARY POPPINS (1964) Pictures in the Pavement and Magic in the Rain by El Staplador (elstaplador) Time moves on, and when the wind changes, things happen. Usually Mary Poppins is there, somewhere. *** NCIS No Such Thing by circ_bamboo There's no such thing as zombies. (Or: People should have realized that, sooner or later, pouring the liquefied remnants of corpses in the municipal water supply was going to lead to zombies.) Commentary: Absolutely the best and the funniest zombie story I've ever read! The NCIS team is spot-on as a bad situation snowballs gloriously. Also, I will never think of cedar shavings, sodium intake or tiki torches the same way again! P.S. Here are more sources about resomation: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-14114555 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_hydrolysis_(body_disposal) https://funeralbooker.com/blog/everything-need-know-resomation/ *** ONCE UPON A TIME (TV) Staying Found by misscam “I will always find you,” they say. And they did. Now they just have to get used to having been found again, together again, a relationship again, all the little things again. [Snow/Charming + minor Emma, Henry, Belle] *** PETER PAN - J.M. BARRIE The Art of Becoming by LostWendy1 “Every child is affected thus the first time he is treated unfairly. All he thinks he has a right to when he comes to you to be yours is fairness. After you have been unfair to him he will love you again, but will never afterwards be the same boy. No one ever gets over the first unfairness; no one except Peter. He often met it, but he always forgot it. I suppose that was the real difference between him and all the rest.” (Peter Pan, Barrie) Commentary: The story of Mr. Darling--and the origins of Captain Hook. *** PRINCELESS There's No Such Thing As Elegators by psocoptera Sparky, Adrienne, and Bedelia have an encounter in the grasslands. Commentary: You don't often hear stories from the dragon's point of view. *** REBECCA - DAPHNE DU MAURIER A Thousand Words, Or Simply Three by Skogkatt Danny, faced with a new mistress of vastly inferior rank, ruminates on the past. *** RUBYQUEST Rubyquest II: The Island by AdaptationDecay In your inventory, you have two walkie-talkies and an empty champagne bottle. Time to save the world... *** SHAKESPEARE King Lear - Shakespeare 'Tis Strange by lorata Lear Enterprises' CEO prepares to divide his company's controlling shares between his daughters and their subsidiaries. Edmund, non-powered and disaffected son in a superhero family, plots to turn villain. Regan and Goneril abandon their father to the zombies after he endangers their safehouses one too many times. Gloucester scours open space for the former commander of the star system, set adrift in a malfunctioning lifepod. Cordelia and her dragon prepare to take on her sisters with the help of the French aerial dragon corps. Some stories aren't just universal, they're multiversal. The tale of King Lear, from eleven different worlds. When She Was Bad by lorata LEAR: Then let them anatomize Regan. See what breeds about her heart. Is there any cause in nature that makes these hard hearts? Act 3, Scene 6 SERVANT: If she live long, And in the end meet the old course of death, Women will all turn monsters. Act 3, Scene 7 Even the sweetest pup will bite if handled roughly, and Regan is no innocent. The making of a girl who embraced her demons and turned them to her purpose. Richard II - Shakespeare A Signet On Thine Arm by skazka Kisse he me with the cos of his mouth. For thi tetis ben betere than wyn, and yyuen odour with beste oynementis. Richard and Anne make out in the bath. Privilege by angevin2 Richard kissed a girl and he liked it. And then things got really complicated. Six Variations on Loyalty by angevin2 The King's party (for it is, in fact, still the King's party) has not even left Flint Castle for London before Henry of Hereford, now styling himself Henry of Lancaster, begins trying to seduce Edward of Aumerle. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart by Aris Merquoni (ArisTGD) Soulbonds between men and women are the most romantic form of marriage in the known world. Soulbonds between men and men make bards and poets salivate with the prospect of terrible, epic tragedy. Richard and Henry think that bards and poets are assholes. Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare Starling by loathlylady Rosaline in the hot sun. *** STORIES BASED ON ARTWORKS La fiancée hésitante | The Hesitant Betrothed - Auguste Toulmouche Les Femmes Acharnées by Violsva Blanche has a plan, Céleste has a plan - really, everyone has a plan. Commentary: An excellent story of marriage, murder and female friendship. *** SWAN LAKE (BALLET) Juno's Swans by La Reine Noire (lareinenoire) And wheresoever we went, like Juno's swans, / Still we went coupled and inseparable. *** THE GOBLIN EMPEROR - KATHERINE ADDISON Passage by bigsunglasses Released from his role as Prince by the birth of a son to the Emperor and Empress, Idra is allowed to attend university. But he can't escape his past so easily, or perhaps at all, particularly not when he meets someone who walks under a similar shadow ... Three years post-canon. *** THE SANDMAN The First Conversation with Death by evilhippo What happens when someone is no longer an aspect of the Endless? (An imagined epilogue to The Wake.) *** THOMAS OF WOODSTOCK (PLAY) like brambles to the cedars by angevin2 Queen Anne isn't used to English customs. It doesn't help that her husband and his uncles can't agree on what they are. Commentary: This is the story of a gentle young woman adjusting to life far from home and adjusting to political currents she doesn’t quite understand. If you like sweet and feminine Sansa Stark singing songs or sewing expertly, you’ll love this. *** THURSDAY'S CHILDREN - RUMER GODDEN A Bitter God to Follow by Bakcheia In which everybody is in love with ballet dancer Yuri Koszorz, including Yuri. Commentary: A story of seductive charm and self-absorption. Yuri is a likable young man, even as he heedlessly captivates everyone around him, not caring whether anyone gets hurt. *** WATERSHIP DOWN - RICHARD ADAMS The Story of Hrayatha and the Rabbit Who Left No Tracks by Luzula Pipkin listens to a story. Post-canon. *** WENDY TRILOGY - S.J. TUCKER (SONG CYCLE) Always keep your head by LeaperSonata So Wendy'd got herself a crew of ruthless men and brave and they'd terrorize the Lost Boys each and every Saturday. One day Wendy says to Peter, "I'd like more girls on my crew." So Peter goes a-hunting Lost Girls and brings back Green-eyed Sue. Commentary: You don't have to know S.J. Tucker's songs--specifically, the Wendy Trilogy--to understand this story about the time when Wendy Darling became a pirate called Red-Handed Jill. This story is about Green-Eyed Sue, Jill's first mate, but more than that, it's about finding the place where you belong. Most of all, it's about identity and love and being honest with yourself. Highly recommended. Journey's End by eris_kyrall (kereia) The decision to go back home had not come easily to Wendy Darling, and the hardest part of it was saying goodbye. Commentary: This story deals with Wendy's departure from Neverland, but it treats her decision to leave as right and natural, as if Wendy were a potted plant that had outgrown its container. At the same time, it shows that those who didn't follow Wendy home were also right. Also, I love the female friendship in this story. Bittersweet.
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