#anyways um shes so cool give her murder rights
fruity-legos · 8 days
@wannabemasterofwindintraining here's the euphrasia edit >:3
This took me three hours idk about y'all timezones but it's currently 1 am for me I'm dying
If you don't like it I'm so sorry I give you permission to shoot me <//3
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jazzyblusnowflake · 7 months
I wanted to talk about a topic that is interesting to me at the moment-
when me and my partner @/keebokuun bring up the subject about J x Tessa for murder drones- alot of people bring up the dynamics that may need to improve- to which we say yeah- we dont ship them in the context of the show. Tessa is still very much biased and treating drones as her slaves that dont have rights as her since shes a human. whether its cuz of her culture, her trauma or whatever else. but in the context of a human au where they all grew up together- yeah that doesnt exist, or at least we have room to improve. and people have been polite enough about this and sharing their opinions and im greatful of that. yall are really cool and gave me ideas to improve my stories on 👌
but then some OTHER people come and say "but Tessa was a minor in the FLASHBACKS- oh AND- was also their MOM"
to which... i say.... um.... So.... Tessa is a mom? [to a bajillion of those maid and butler drones that were not working at the begining of ep5] AND a minor? AAAND she asked her- CHILD DRONE- to pretend to be a RIPPING ROYAL STUD for her to practice flirting or talking with.... to yknow... HAVE A HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH-? [cuz correct me if im wrong- girls dont go looking for "ripping royal studs" just to stare at them autistcally right? they wanna talk and do human communication stuff with them right??] and uh... IM the one whos saying weird stuff here? hELLO???
once again. me and keebo will personally remove ANY INAPPROPRIATE content we have online if the creators come up and say "oh yeah that character is a minor"- i promise you all that. we are not degenerates- but first of all- yeah the thing i just said about Tessa being at least a late teen in the flashbacks for the whole stud thing- and also- she had toys in her room- for CYN! as we saw her playing with them- and she was referred to as a "robo child" ? i mean go back and watch the EP again and really look at Tessa, J and N and SAY they are at an age to play with a rocking horse and barbie/ken dolls [damn cyn was making those two naked ken dolls smooch fr]- look at me in the eyes and say a girl that big is at any age to play with those things. NO?? also- if yall actually LOOK at tessa- she has a very pronounced body/ heigh/ chest size even/ etc in the flashbacks. thats not a design youd give a MINOR. and by that logic then N and V having crushes on eachother should be incest because oh damn Tessa is the minor/teen mom to ALL those erroring drones and N and V are siblings omggg 😱!
if anything by this logic Tessa's first choice of going to J to pretend to be a hot stud for her [which probably works in my favor btw lmao] is def concerning jesus.
companies nowadays make it a point to make all characters above the age of 18 as much as they could to avoid these sorts of issues- lest i remind you all again of the fact that every classmate of Uzi in episode 3 has their age above 18 on their missing posters. companies wouldnt include shots like that unless they WANT people to know they are in the clear.
also.... being in a relationship doesnt always translate to "they are having SEX"????? you can be a kid and still hold hands and have crushes and hug and kiss-
not every couple french kiss or suck eachother off oh my God.
anyway thankyou for coming to my Ted talk- im willing to hear anyones opinions on this below cuz im genuinely curious 🤔
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obsidiancreates · 7 months
Catching Up (With No Murders This Time!)
(I just wanted Shawn and Abigail to like, see each other again and get a little closure since they broke up under such horrible circumstances.)
"Hey, sweetheart. I just wrapped up a case and I just so happen to be next to that awesome bakery you love, do you want- sweet! Uh, no, no Gus with me, your croissant will make it to you with no bites taken out of it. ... No, I'll buy my own so I'm not tempted either. Yeah, well, Selene called and told him Charlie is running a fever so he sped off before I even finished the wrap-up. Oh, gotta go, someone is about to try and get the last Nutella-filled one."
Shawn hangs up and rushes up to the counter as the person who's eyes were lingering on the Nutella-filled croissant is about to order. "You know, I am amazed you guys still make these, because I heard that hazelnuts and chocolate combined can give you hair loss."
The woman freezes, and Shawn almost does a little celebratory shimmy- until she turns around.
Shawn's mouth parts in shock. "Abigail?"
"Shawn?" Abigail blinks. "Are you really..." She leans in and whispers, "Why are you in San Fransisco?"
"I- I uh, moved here. A few years ago with- uh, well with my wife." He holds up his hand. Please don't let this be awkward, please don't let this be-
Abigail holds up her hand, showing off her own wedding ring. "We match."
A tension Shawn hadn't realized he was holding bleeds out of him. "Look at that!" He grins at her. "Who knew us crazy kids would ever find that, huh?"
"Who knew. ... Oh, you um, wanted the Nutella."
"Yeah, if- it's Jules's favorite so I just-"
"Jules? The detective you worked with? ... Actually, that makes sense."
"... Is that a... bad, 'that makes sense'?"
"No, just... it makes sense. Here, uh, I'll have the regular chocolate instead. My husband is allergic to hazelnuts anyway, I'd have to brush my teeth before kissing him, it's... a whole thing."
They order, and sit together while waiting for the coffees.
"So, um... how long have you been married?" Abigail asks before taking a bite of her pastry.
"Let me see, uh... six years, now? ... Holy crap, I've been married for six years. ... What uh, what about you?"
"Four. We met through the program I do, for teaching abroad."
"Ha, that's cool. I'm a detective, I married a detective, you're a teacher, you married a teacher... fits, it-it fits good."
"... Sorry about uh... all the stuff I put you through, back then. Taking you to crime scenes and client's houses was a little-"
"I was going to say offbeat, but... stupid works too." They both give a small laugh. Shawn awkwardly picks at his own pastry, Jules's sitting in his lap. There's a beat of silence that's just agonizing.
"How's Gus?" Abigail looks up at Shawn again. "I mean, I just assume you're both still doing the psychic detective thing."
"Oh, Gus is great. He uh, he got married too, about four years ago now, just before the whole uh... pandemic, thing. She's basically a clone of him, but a woman, and they've got a kid."
"Let me guess. You're the godfather."
"Which still freaks me out, by the way. He's a great kid though. Smart and awesome, just like his dad, and it looks like he got The Super Sniffer too. Gus says it's too early to tell, but-" Shawn puts a finger by his temple. The movement feels weird. He hasn't really leaned into the whole "psychic" thing for a few years now, and when he does he usually use the finger-to-eyebrow device anymore. When was the last time he did? ... Dear god, it's been ten years. Ten years since he moved out of Santa Barbara.
"Time really flies," he finds himself saying."
"Tell me about it." Abigail shakes her head. "My husband and I adopted, about two years ago now, and she's just... shooting right up. When she started walking I couldn't believe it."
"Gus couldn't either. I think he showed me the video about a billion times."
"Absolutely weeping, yes."
"Nice to know some people never really change."
"Mmmm, I wouldn't say that. He's done some pretty badass stuff since you last met him."
"You do know that seems... a little far-fetched."
"More far-fetched than the time we had to prove a polar bear was framed for murder?"
"... I'm not sure if I believe you about that."
"If we had time, I could condense each little weekly adventure into about a forty-three minute story each."
"That's not very condensed."
"... You're right, it's not." Shawn nods, and looks up as the bell on the door jingles- he hears Abigail laugh a little about it and mumble that yeah, people don't really change.
The man at the door spots Abigail and grins. Shawn hones in on a wedding ring, a tie with Abigail's favorite flowers as the design, and hair that just may rival Shawn's own.
"Hey, honey." The man sweeps right over to Abigail and leans down to kiss her in her chair. "Finally sorted out the issue with our plane, we should be on our way day after tomorrow."
"Oh, thank god," Abigail groans, holding her husband's hand as he pulls over another chair to sit next to her. "I'm so tired of hotel food."
"You and me both," her husband chuckles. He looks at Shawn. "Who's this?"
"Oh, um, this is Shawn Spencer."
"Ooooh, you're the guy who took her to a crime scene as a date one time."
"Guilty," Shawn says with a laugh.
"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you. Good things!"
"And some not-so-good things, I'm guessing?"
"No, no. ... Not about you as a person, anyway. Plenty of bad things about your job."
"Yeah, I figured. ... Oh, there's our coffees." Shawn takes his paper tray with 4 coffees (Gus and Selene will need them) and stands up. "Well, this was totally unexpected, but I'm glad it happened. It was nice seeing you again, Abigail."
"Nice seeing you too, Shawn." She smiles at him. "I'm glad you're doing well."
"Me too. Doing well is pretty great. Oh, and, glad for you, I guess."
Abigail laughs again. "Bye, Shawn.
"Bye, Abigail."
He walks out of the bakery, the sound of Abigail chatting with her husband following him until the door closes. She sounds happy. Happy and relaxed in a way that even on their best days, she never was with him. And he's glad.
He's just genuinely happy for her. That's a really, really nice feeling. No jealousy, no feeling of missed chances, no wondering of 'what-ifs'. Just... actual, authentic happiness that she's doing well.
He tucks Jules's croissant into his pocket and pulls out his phone.
"... Hey, babe! Yeah, got the last Nutella for you, and a coffee. ... Yup, that perp was our case. Really? Described being caught by 'some kind of ninjas or something?' Well, babe, as much as I'd love to tell you I've secretly been a martial arts master our whole marriage, you can put in your report that he's absolutely lying because he's very embarrassed. Truth is Gus accidentally knocked over some marble statue onto him while he was chasing me through the art exhibit. ... Can I fill out the statement later tonight? I got coffee for Gus and Selene too. Awesome! I will hang around to tell you who I just ran into, though. Of course I'm neglecting paperwork in favor of personal matters, if I ever don't then your husband has been replaced by a pod person. Okay, love you, I'll be there as soon as I find a ride..."
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yzeltia · 3 months
Closer to You
Chapter 20 Characters: Jannie Fortemps Natsu Obinata, Artoriel Fortemps, Haurchefaunt Fortemps, Keith Summers, Kierian Summers, Violet Fisher, Bounding Otter, U'rahn Nuhn, Patient Heaven, U'rahn's Daughters, Fuyu'li cen Zwhan, Drowning Thunder, Y'zel Tia Rating: T for T Notes: Thanks to @biot08 again so so so much for helping me get through all of this before DT.
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- 2 Years Later -
“I can’t thank you enough Miss Obinata, or is it Mrs. now?” Jannie asked, bouncing little Haurchefant on her waist before handing him over.
Natsu smiled, brushing the boy’s hair from his face then poking his nose. “That…is a bit complicated,” she laughed before returning her attention to Lady Fortemps as Lord Arteriole Fortemps frantically looked through their diaper bag to ensure nothing had been missed. “My goodness, Haury is getting so big.”
“Don’t remind me. He’s already caught onto some words. I thought my husband might murder U’rahn when he started saying ‘Nuhn’,” Jannie mused before leaning in to kiss her son on the forehead. “Arty will be back after seeing me off, though if it isn’t a bother I’d like for him to come drop him off with you now and then just so that he can play with U’rahn’s girls. This contest will be brief, I hope. I really hate to go.”
“That won’t be a problem at all. The little huntresses love playing with him and I’m sure you’ll be back before he can miss you too much. You two go enjoy some time together while you can,” Natsu said, helping little Haurchefaunt wave by to his parents before the two left to have a much needed mommy and daddy night.
“Smile!” the little boy said before babbling incoherently, Natsu in turn giving him a wide grin.
“Ah. Hey! Natsu. Uh…so…you haven’t seen G’khenna or Khloe around have you,” Keith breathed out, Kierian on his back and holding onto him. “You see, I was supposed to go get them in Idyllshire and Rowena said I owed her a bunch of gil for outfitting and I’m really hoping Mr. Gage just gave them a small errand or something small to do. Maybe for Silent Courel?”
“Um…,” Natsu said, looking up as she bounced U’Nyxia on her lap while the rest of the girls ran around screaming and laughing behind her in the yard. “They had come through telling the girls about a city full of treasure or something? Sounds like they were eager to break in their adventure plates. Did you check the docks? G’k mentioned heading over with the others to Tural.”
“Tural…Tural…They’re going to…,” Keith trailed, face going pale. “Kierian…pray for your pops, cause Daddy Raha is going to kill him.”
“Listen! Listen! Listen! It was so cool! So Apple went up to her and- You’re not listening,” Violet wined, nudging Natsu in the rib, nearly causing her to spill her drink.
“Sorry. I just got a little lost in thought…and how can you stand this stuff. It tastes like I’m drinking liquid tree bark,” she said, sticking her tongue out at her mug of ale before taking another swig of it anyway.
“You’re just starting to refine your palate. I promise when I get back from Tural I’ll bring a keg of rum for us. Speaking of which, I can’t believe I’m leaving your brother-in-law in charge of The Final Pillar,” she asked, watching as the clumsy Roe accidentally knocked over a glass then panicked and tripped one of the taps as his hand slapped backward against it.
Natsu laughed, “He’ll be fine. He was a rather popular mixologist where he’s from. Though, when it’s time for him to go…,” she trailed.
“No worries. P’ebaloh said she’ll cover him for the other half of the month,” Violet assured her. “You enjoy your time with your man.”
“And you do the same with yours,” Natsu hummed, causing Violet to flush. “It seems everyone is going west. It’s going to be lonely without everyone. Certainly a lot quieter.”
“Hardly with the little huntresses and Haury running around,” Violet said, smirking. “You know, you and Drowning didn’t have kids right? In that other place. What about now? You’ve got the daycare and I’m sure someone is already prodding him for grandchildren.”
Natsu went crimson. “We’re so young again…And it’s not like we didn’t want any. There’s just certain…difficulties we ran into,” she said, looking at Violet then running her bare hands down the side of her mug.
Violet nearly spit her drink as she watched the gesture before erupting into roaring laughter. “S-Sorry. I’m sure that’s a sensitive issue. Um, there’s…there’s ways of, helping minimizing that situation. I’ve had my share of Roegadyn men before letting Riol anchor me down.”
Natsu avoided eye contact for a moment. “I cannot believe you’re a Doman princess. Has your brother heard you talk like that?”
“Shh! Shhhh Shhh Shhh!” Violet hissed as Natsu took her turn to laugh.
“Absolutely not! You are just asking for someone to get hurt,” Natsu huffed, hands on her hips as she looked between U’rahn and Patient as they held out blueprints for a small rollercoaster. “This is a daycare! Not an amusement park. The little train around headquarters is perfectly sufficient to entertain the children. We don’t need…whatever deathtrap that is running off the back of the house. Furthermore…furthermore- Girls! Get those bows off of Erick Jr.’s  before you knot his fur.”
Natsu gave U’shtola and U’vi a stern look before the two girls started to undo the makeover they’d started on the furbul. “Anyroad. There answer is a firm no.”
U’rahn’s ears lowered as he folded up the plans. “I just wanted to make something really cool before I have to go. With the Herrro Coaster they’d remember how brave their dad is even if he’s far away! And with the Nuhn hugging bars of protection they’d be extra super safe. How can you say no to this face,” he said before scooping U’bylti up and holding her out to Natsu.
“I want to plant a rose garden! Can we do that,” the little huntress said to Natsu.
“Of course we can. Lady Fortemps left us some nice bulbs and if we ask Miss C’orretta really nicely I bet she can help make them grow so that they bloom-”
“PINK!” U’bylti answered with a laugh before squirming free to run after U’klynt as she passed by.
Patient shook her head, “None of those were the patented names Rahn.”
“They’re very good names though.”
Patient grimaced and looked to Natsu who sighed and watched U’sette and U’lolamo color pictures on a table. Smiling, she walked over then knelt down to look at U’sette’s rather perfectly drawn dragon then to U’lolamo’s, what appeared to be a mostly princess in a bright blue tul gown standing on a pile of knocked out soldiers flexing her arms.
“I think your daddy is looking for projects to keep him here so he doesn’t have to be away from you,” she said, looking back to U’rahn as he looked over the blueprints again with Patient, his ear flitting toward her.
“Daddy has to go,” U’lolamo said, looking up at Natsu.
“Yeah. He’s run out of stories. He’s super boring now,” U’jannie echoed.
U’rahn’s ears fell flat as he turned to the girls, eyes brimming with tears. “I-I’m borrring?”
The eight girls nodded, not looking away from their various projects and playthings, causing the Nuhn to drop to his knees in despair. Patient sighed, reaching down to gently pat his back with the end of the blue prints. “Daddy is…borring…okay. This is okay…This is okay…This is okay…”
U’nyxia wandered over, bending and tilting her head to look into his face. “It will be okay! You’ll go across the sea with Nyx, and Auntie Wuk  and bring us back lots of new stories. Okay?”
U’rahn looked up, then rose to his knees before hugging his first born tight, trying to disguise a little sob of happiness. “You bet! I will bring you back stories!”
Natsu smiled as he dried his tears, the Nuhn nodding to Patient once before running out the door. While relieved that the commotion was over, she looked back to the girls. “I…I think he forgot he was also here to take you home.”
“Things are going great here. I feel like I’ve really found my home among the alchemists of The Great Work! Azdaja and I are getting closer as well. I am learning draconic, though I am finding it rather difficult as our mouths simply cannot imitate some of their consonants. It is amusing for us at least when Vrtra is busy with his Satrap duties or off playing with the children,” Fuyu’li’s voice sounded from Natsu’s tombstone.
“I’m glad things are going well. So we’ve abandoned saying Master all together?” Natsu mused, painting her toenails as she leaned against Drowning Thunder as he read quietly to himself. She hummed, imagining the other erupting into a shade of red in frustration on the other end.
“We are…more than regent and subject. It makes him uncomfortable to be addressed as such given the intimacy we share and he insists on equality. Sometimes he feels more mortal than dragon, though there times he had his draconian moments. He can be possessive at times…and for some odd reason he’s given me a rather beautiful egg to watch over as a symbol of our bond. It looks rather expensive, and he’s not one to give gifts so I am sure this is a great gesture for dragonkind.”
“Uh…” Drowning sounded, eyes wide looking down at the phone. “Does he know how-?”
“Does he know how what?” Natsu asked.
“Y’know, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Drowning said before hiding behind his book. 
“Excuse me Fuyu’li. I need to interrogate my husband,” Natsu huffed before ending the call.
After a brief explanation, Natsu went quiet. “...We can not be the ones to tell him.”
Natsu sighed softly before looking up as Pouncing wandered by to refill her tea. “Thank you,” she said with a smile. “Are we making sandwiches this evening?”
“Of course! I’ll teach you how to cut apples into rabbits too if we have time,” Pouncing answered before heading back to the kitchens.
She couldn’t remember how long it’d been since they’d seen one another. Too long to be sure. As Y’zel wandered in, she looked up, the other dressed in Doman silks, looking rather nervous as he looked about headquarters. Taking a seat across from her, he reached out and quickly downed her cup. “Hey!”
“S-Sorry. I am just a bit nervous. It’s still a bit embarrassing to be out like this…I still really haven’t…apologized enough to them,” Y’zel said softly.
“I think somewhere around the fifth time we started getting inundated. You should visit more. You’re missed,” she said, reaching out to touch his arm.
“I know…Yet between having to swing duties as a consort and keeping up with my work. Not to mention Claudien still has me checking in with him as often has not let up in his possessiveness. I’m spinning plates,” he said before lowering his head to hit his head against the table.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. You’ve got two handsome men who are absolutely crazy about you, not to mention Ioh’juhn makes it no secret that he steals you away. You have exactly what you wanted,” Natsu sighed, rolling her eyes.
“I guess I do…Um, speaking of which. How is Drowning…or is Bounding with us now,” Y’zel asked as he lifted and sat back.
 “Fine. The moon wanes so I have Drowning but he is with his mom today,” she answered, watching Y’zel’s ears fold back as he grit his teeth.
“I see…”
“Leonnioux is well though. He sends his love. Still adjusting…,” she said. “You should go see him. When Drowning and Bounding must trade again.”
“I’ve…I’ve lost my will to go to that place. I’m unworthy of the mantle or the grace,” Y’zel said weakly, “Perhaps when it is my time I might be fit to return. Until then, he’ll just have to find his way to me.”
“Oh my goodness. You are so dramatic. How are you so dramatic? You were not this bad when you were little,” Natsu laughed.
“Well of course you’d think that. You’ve only seen me as me and I didn’t fancy myself as dramatic. Maybe romantic, but not dramatic.”
Natsu smiled then looked at her brother’s ears and frowned. “Did the Mol’s cure work? For your ears?”
Y’zel shook his head. “No, I’m still relying on my Echo. It’s fine though. I’ve no shortage of aether to expend as always. It’s been three years so I’ve learned to live with it. Speaking of which…,” Y’zel started before looking around. “Has Zoissette departed? I brought her a silk scarf from Doma as a present.”
“I believe she departed for Tural on a submarine already. I wasn’t able to see her off because I was busy with the daycare,” Natsu said, sitting up a little.
“Right…Well, I shall endeavor to find her when I make the journey over there myself. I am to act as an envoy of Doma and extend our friendship toward the current and eventual Dawnservent. Something I actually feel I can do for Doma,” he sighed, before running his finger around the saucer. “It is not long before my ship departs for that matter. It was good to talk though while we can. I promise I will return come the Summer Faire. We can go see the fireworks together,”  he continued moving to take his leave.
Natsu blinked then furrowed her brow. “Wait. Is that it?”
Y’zel turned, “What do you mean is that it?”
Natsu huffed, standing up. “You mean you brought a fine scarf from Doma for Zoissette but not something for your precious little sister?”
Y’zel fluttered his ears before sticking out his tongue at her. “I don’t ever get any gifts from you. I had to take your tea because you didn’t have the foresight to order me any. Zoisette would have had a whole kettle ready. And some oats too,” he sniffed before heading toward the door with a little laugh.“Y’zel you are literally the worst big brother ever!”
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xxswagcorexx · 1 year
grabs u by the shoulder. hey. hey u. have you've ever wanted to learn about a mcrp arc with themes about violence and the death of innocence, scary arcane experiments, political murder, and interdimensional travel where u meet alternative versions of urself?
well if any of that sounds awesome to you, BOY DO I JUST HAVE THE THING FOR YOU!!! midmysticx's egg arg in lifesteal season 4 has all of that!!! it had to be cut off short because of meta reasons, but with what was released so far, it was. So Cool .
now i HIGHLY recommend checking this out for yourself (a curated playlist that i made can be found here! it's pretty short but. imo the themes of it carry it in SUCH an interesting way), but if you don't have the time/want more. propaganda reasons why you should watch it, there's more under the cut!
(mild cw though for the "having a voice in your head through magic items/powers" trope! it plays a very small part in the story, but i'd figure i'd give a heads up just in case 👍)
ok so like. this arg happens in the canon of lifesteal season 4 (lifesteal seasons fully reset like hc seasons) and the main "progatanist" of this arg is c!midmysticx/c!mid, and most of the "lore" is told in the format of vhs tapes
that being said, c!mid is a little confusing in the way that s4!mid is implied to be a different character that c!mid from other seasons
i say that bc s4!mid made an "application video" for lifesteal, citing about how shes excited to join (even tho cc!mid has been a part of ls since s2)
also. very interestingly, mid excludes herself from the s4 start in a replay shot (even tho cc!mid was present during the s4 launch)
and interesting enough, s4!mid seems a bit. naive in the application video? like she mentions she's "good at editing" as one of her attributes on why she should be added to the server and mentions. nothing about the violence of the server (other than introducing the mechanics of the server which is LITERALLY about killing people to gain hearts and losing hearts when you get killed)
halfway through her application video, though (after a few months passed according to the date on the bottom of each video) she sounds very. bitter
the video changes to be all in black and white and she starts asking: "why? why do you all kill and ruin friendships and betray? all for hearts?!"--a MUCH different demeanor than what she had when she started. bitter and resentful, almost, compared with the excitement she showed earlier in her "application", and it ends with her announcing she stole the dragon egg and she's made 4 trials for people to look for it
anyways, moving onto the first tape that takes place ~around 2 months before the shift in demeanor, s4!mid starts to record video tapes about experiments she's doing with the dragon egg, eventually combining a heart with the dragon egg and opens up a portal
she doesnt know what on Earth it is so. shes testing it out right. like any person with safety concerns would
and well uh.
she puts a pig through and it fucking died
so . Erm! not a good start
anyways she eventually feels a voice/urge calling her to go through the portal even though she knows its risky, but she's been having such bad headaches that she goes through the portal anyways, ditching her plans to figure out how to control the power of the egg before going through it
and uh. heres where things get confusing again because this is where. the interdimensional stuff comes in
she arrives in an unknown location right. and. jumpscare . it ends up being a manor (and i'm just gonna call this mid "murder mystery!mid" bc the manor is the same one in one of her other videos, a halloween special where mid + co do a whodunit)
and basically, s4!mid witnesses a mayor election (which is a big part of murder mystery!mid's story), and after s4!mid explores for a little, s4!mid and murder mystery!mid eventually . make eye contact
and um. you see. s4!mid accidently eavesdrops (im assuming so? there's a tape of that and its been established that s4!mid films all of them herself) on murder mystery!mid's plan to kill the mayor and Uh. s4!mid. ends up also witnessing murder mystery!mid's murder as well
s4!mid gets chased and has to go back to the portal to escape, but the issue is. the portal doesnt bring her back to lifesteal. it brings her to eclipse smp
she eventually sees someone crying over eclipse!mid's grave before going away into the woods before hearing a sound and running away
that's where the arg (unfortunately) had to be cut off but like. Still. the part that makes me constantly rotate this arg in my head is the fact mid literally saw her own death. the different versions of her. her witnessing a version of her that was Willing to commit murder. the whole change in demeanor in the application video in such a short time .
anyways, if i had to homebrew an "ending" to this arg, i think mid would have traced back and started to Learn more about the other versions of herself, and eventually had a character arc where she just. witnesses all of this destruction and pain and suffering
and just. Realizes how much of that there can be and realizes how much stuff like that effects lifesteal and how. pointless it is in the end.
and eventually, in a last ditch effort to have everyone work together again and despite all she's been through, makes the egg arg
also on a meta level it would make sense i think (since a lot of the actual arg puzzles involved trust and working together and trusting your teammates)
and on the topic of the egg arg meta, it fucking worked. the lifestealers did work together and put trust in each other even when threatened with death to solve the arg.
it did bring lifesteal together. even just for a little bit
and i am just. man thats fucking cool!!!!!!
not to mention just. the cool character study stuff you can do on c!mid. the thought of seeing yourself throughout all of this. realizing about how these things can effect you in different ways. witnessing your own death TWICE. and by the time to come up because of it, you're a changed person on a fundamental level. and in the end, looking at the thing that caused all of this, and throwing it out there in a last ditch effort to make things right again. in the worst scenario. even though you're bitter and angry now. you try anyways.
that concept is so. cool to me . i wish more people talked about it but yk. this is me throwing my hat into the ring
egg arg my beloved fr <3
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epicfranb · 5 months
Anyway remember a post i made about assigning hermits superpowers. No worries if you didn't see it btw. Basically, i talked about how i looove coming up with superpowers, but usually have no idea how to tie the plot together... The last concept i had was pretty boring (hermits get isekai'd into the real world. Blegh), but i think i got something here. Take my hand and let's go.... Into the read more
Bdubs comes home from work to find his girlfriend, who he lives with, Cleo, murdered. And the murderer, still at the scene! The murderer disappears right before Bdubs's eyes, and leaves shards of glass behind. The investigation obviously takes place, and, after long questioning and everything, Bdubs is forced to spend the night at a hotel, exhausted. Strange things continue to happen, as everything becomes strangely quiet, as though the entire world had stopped. There is knocking on the door, but no answer; until a tall woman, mysterious but strangely normal looking, enters the room. She introduces herself as Pearl and gives Bdubs a clock, saying he lost it. Bdubs doesn't recognize it, until Pearl shows that his name is engraved on the backside. That's when Bdubs remembers that it was his former friend, Etho, who made this clock for him. They haven't talked in such a long time, but Bdubs was still devastated that he lost such as precious item. Pearl doesn't even hint at where she found it or how she has it, but she says that it's been away, quietly collecting magical power. Turns out, the clock can stop time - Pearl shows him how, and after Bdubs puts the palm of his hand on the face of the clock, the time resumes, the ambient noises are back and Pearl just... Disappears, with no answers.
As if Bdubs wasn't stressed enough already, Cleo's body also goes missing. One of those days, Bdubs walks by his house and sees a familiar silhouette... It speaks with a familiar voice, though horribly distorted. The person is Cleo, a walking corpse. She calms Bdubs down to the best of her ability and they try to catch up on what's going on. Turns out, Cleo woke up with a strange woman looking at her; it was the same woman that Bdubs met, Pearl! Cleo thinks she probably was given a little time to finish her business, and decides that the last thing she has to do in this world... Is to take revenge on her killer. Bdubs thinks it's uncharacteristic of them; he thought they'd say something like, "to spend my last days doing what i love, with someone i love". But Cleo says they have a specific reason why they want to take revenge. It's because they know the killer! They don't tell Bdubs who it is though.
Now, i haven't figured out what happens next yet. Here's some miscellaneous stuff ig
Some people may have guessed that "person disappears before your eyes and leaves glass shards behind" sounds like a specific power i have for a specific someone... It's Etho, actually. But also, writing this, i thought how cool would that be... If they meet Etho and find out about his power, and think oh it's so obviously him. But he swears it's not. And plot twist it's actually someone else who framed him ghhhhgghh do i wanna say who i have in mind. Do i wanna say. Um. I was thinking Lizzie. Idk. Idk. I think it's cool tho
There's gonna be other peepos in this AU too!! I'm thinking it's gonna be groups of people who start off seeming unconnected, but gradually your realize they're all part of one story (i love this sort of thing!!). The other group will be the Magic Mountains bros (or whatever they're called). So far I have thought of powers for Scar and Joel, and i have ideas but am undecided on Gem, Grian and Skizz, and haven't even began thinking about Impulse.. And mumbo (i keep forgetting he exists)
I thought it'd be funny if Grian had to throw a dice for everything he does and let luck decide if he succeeds or fails. No particular reason for it, other than sort of? adapting a curse i had for him in another AU but for a different setting. In that other AU, he had a curse where, when he would involve himself in someone else's business, the result of his involvement would be the opposite of what he intended. Here, i adapted the basic idea of this, which is: Grian's actions are not under his control, and are independent from his intentions. The only thing is... The rest of them have actual powers, but Grian is stuck with a curse again LMAO i will keep thinking about this.
For Scar, it's a power that i talked about and, in fact, also headcanon for his Hermitcraft character. It's that he has (pretty limited) shapeshifting abilities. Essentially, he can change a few basic things about himself, but he can't, like, turn into a tiger or into a rock. So he has to remain human basically. I think.
For Joel i wanted something crazy. I remembered an AU i had for another fandom, so i gave him a power based on that. Whenever Joel has a bleeding open wound, he goes berserk.. he has increased strength, but can hardly control himself. He ends up being covered in scars, poor boy.
For Gem, i initially had nature powers in mind. Her talent and love for building organics could translate very well into something like controlling plants. But then i remembered, if I'm (sort of) basing this group on season 10, should i give her water powers instead? Hm.
For Skizz, uh, I'm like. I REALLY want something that's kind of like... It SCREAMS that it's Skizz's power, or maybe it enhances his already present character traits. But so far the only thing i came up with is... Super duper eyesight. He can see ridiculously far, with all the detail, but also ridiculously close. What do you think. I think it's a cool power but I'm not sure it fits.
As for Pearl, i think she's kind of like... Not the "mastermind", but something like an outside force who has more powers and information than everybody else. Perhaps she isn't even human. I thought it'd be neat if she only appeared during a full moon.
Oh, and on Etho, of course. His power is to go fully non-existent for short times, but he leaves glass shards behind. In addition to that, he needs to keep a strong grip on his consciousness in this state, or it will disappear as well and he will forever remain this weird type of ghost.
That is all i have for now (i think)! I just like thinking, guys. I guess i should really get into a habit of finishing stuff though... It definitely won't be this time lmao sorry. Please do talk to me about this though UwU
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For your silly Descendants prompts, the core four see Ben's room?
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And they find out he can play the drums apparently?
So, yeah, here it is!
Core four visiting Ben’s room! Carlos, Jay and Evie being mildly chaotic Isle menaces, and Mal, unfortunatelly, well on her way to her D2 breakdown. They also start the process of getting more Isle kids off, starting with the de Vil cousins and Jade.
I realise that the characterisation might be all over the place, but I hope you enjoy anyway! ♥
Ben’s bedroom
It’s Carlos’s first time ever visiting Ben’s dorm room, as far as the young king and the campus guards are concerned anyway.
But come on: Carlos is an Isle kid. 
And saying „You can’t go there,“ to an Isle kid? You could as well wave about a giant flag proclaiming „Free real estate,“ and „It’s a dare!“
Now, all of this is not to be discussed, though, as neither he nor Evie didn’t nick anything,and Jay surely isn’t gonna get caught. 
(Look, with the insane amount of stuff that is just laying around here, practically asking to be stolen? Hardly anyone is gonna notice anyway.)
And Mal? Well,Mal apparently has a blanket approval to visit Ben’s bedroom whenever she wants.
Carlos wonders what the school staff has to say about this, and decides that if they are smart, they probably won’t say a word. When they might be overheard anyway.
But enough empty talk about nothing!
Carlos steps over the threshold with a practised polite smile at his face, and doesn’t bother not looking around, as he and Evie agreed that it might be more suspicious.
If anyone in Auradon cared, that is.
Speaking of Evie: She walks in just after him, followed by Jay, and she briefly touches his hand, letting the touch linger just a tiny bit.
Mal is already waiting inside, smiling, and clearly excited to be spending time with both her boyfriend and her friends.
Well, Carlos doesn‘t want to crush her dreams, but what happens, happens, right?
He smiles back at her, and then turns at Ben:
„Nice room you have here, man,“ he says. He can’t help but to be impressed, and honestly, little jealous.How could he not, having grown on the Isle? How could he not, when he knows that his cousins are still at that hellish place?
The Isle is always at his mind, in more ways than once.
„Love the colours!“ adds Evie. He, personally, finds the favoured Auradon combination of dark blue and gold a bit plain, not to mention: Pastels? Really?
He knows what Ivy and Diego would have to say about those, but he just wrinkles his nose and looks his other way. No insulting the king right now, remember?
„Wait, is that a walk-in closet?“
Of course Evie would get distracted by that.
„Um, yeah?“ Ben says, blush creeping up his cheeks.
Evie immediately sets off to explore it, and Ben awkwardly follows behind.
„Cool,“ says Carlos off-handedly, „I used to sleep in one of those.“
Coincidentally, at the same moment, Jay manages to knock something over and distract the prince. Pure accident, you see.
Evie, however, isn’t feeling like being a diplomat today. 
The difference between Auradon and Isle is really grating on her nerves, she complained about it just yesterday.
And the day before that.
And the day before that.
You get the picture.
„Oh!“ she pipes up, already half-way in the closet, „I hope you won’t try to kill me in this one, Mal! It would be such a pity – I mean, look at this suit, that is a work of art!“
„Thank you, Lumiere made that one for me. I’ll give him your compliments,“ answers Ben before his brain fully catches up to his mouth, „Wait, what?!“
Mal just blushes, and stammers something like: „I wouldn’t do it again,“ to  which Evie doesn’t  even answer. She just giggles, her voice like jingle bells.
„Jay! Say something!“ Mal turns at the last member of their group.
„Yeah?“ he looks up from Ben’s Tourney and Roar trophies, oh so shiny, and, „It was pretty subpar murder plot, I must say, but fun anyway. Say, did LT give you an A for it?“
Mal buries her face in her hands: „You are not helping. Besides, she almost failed me, for balking out before the end – Not that I would want to finish it, E! Really! I already told you–“
Carlos chuckles, as Evie chose exactly this moment to emerge from the wardrobe and calm down the situation, and especially Ben. With soft and sweet smile on her lips, she says that „It’s just how the Isle children make friends, isn’t it?“ and „We didn’t know any better,“ and that she is so glad she is in Auradon.
The implication of the other Isle children is both unsaid and well received.
„Well, ehm, so, anyway,“ says Ben, „What would you like to do? I was thinking we could play some video games?“
Carlos, Jay, and Evie beam at that proposition, while Mal pouts. She is not the queen yet, and she is clearly outvoted.
Besides, as Evie would put it, Ben’s console is a work of art.
So, they play.
They try not to cheer too much at each kill and swallow at least the most disturbing remarks of how they’d react on the Isle.
Though, honestly?
They got so lost in the game and the debate – even Mal – that Ben was staring at them with mouth agape, wondering why on Earth do they know so much about back alley assaults.
(He didn’t ask at which side they were, that sweet fairy tale child. They will not tell him.)
Instead, he suggests if they’d perhaps like to do something else?
Carlos swats Jay in the arm as he attempts to swipe the controller to his pocket, and points at the drum set the prince has at a mini podium.
(A drum set! At a podium!)
„You play?“ he asks casually.
„Yes!“ Ben beams, „Well, not so much anymore, but I used to! It’s really fun – do you play?“
Carlos ignores Jay scoffing and him and Evie muttering „Who the fuck makes a sixteen years old a king?“ in languages they hope said sixteen years old king won’t understand, and Mal glaring at them.
„Worked out, didn’t it?!“ she more gestures and hisses than says, and, yeah, as far as Carlos is concerned?
There is still some work to do.
So he puts his smile back on and says: „I don’t, but my cousin Diego has a band. Maybe one day, you could play together!“
(If he added „That would be awesome, right?“ he’d be laying it on too thick, wouldn’t he?)
„Your cousin has a band?“ Ben repeats, „That’s pretty cool!“ and „Wait, I didn’t know you had a cousin.“
„I have three,“ informs Carlos with a stony expression.
„I also have a cousin,“ adds Jay, „Jade, my aunt’s kid. We grew up together.“
„I… I honestly didn’t know that. You see, the records, well, they are a bit spotty–“
„Oh, don’t worry about it,“ smiles Evie sweetly, and if Carlos didn’t trust her that much, he’d choke her right on the spot. Mal looks like she wants to do that too.
„We will take a look at your records, won’t we, boys? Jay, Carlos?“
They smile at her, Isle smile, too much teeth and no love in the eyes. They can see some interesting times ahead, already.
„You can start the process of pulling Diego, Ivy, Hunter and Jade over; You can also add Dizzy, that girl is like a little sister to me, and Claudine Frollo.“
„Frollo has a daughter?“
„That’s what you take from this, man?“ asks Jay, leaning against the doorframe, ready to leave.
„I mean, yeah, good for you. But, Jade? Hello?“
Evie smiles at Ben, her mirror-smile, and he nods:
„Cousins. Got it. Claudine Frollo.“
He shakes his head.
Carlos can still see Mal pouting, and she will likely throw a tantrum later that day, gods know what got into her lately, but that’s a problem for his future self.
He has a faulty system to look at.
„Let’s go,“ he says, and they go, because you didn’t think they didn’t know where the records are kept, did you now? They are Isle kids, after all.
Evie only stops for a bit to make Ben give them an official pass, but she catches up soon enough, she smiles and takes both of their hands.
Carlos feels like everything is going to be okay.
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starfilled-galaxy · 3 months
why do me fusi and their sister keep accidentally getting into the most insane roleplays on toog 😭
@bananacat76 you already know all of this but ill tag you anyway
talking ab roleplays under cut bc its long :3c
first time was that kel was the manager of gino's and got into an argument with omori because he only served orange joe and keep sitting on the counter. something appeared and everyone ran out bc holy shit this place is haunted, and kel quit his job as manager. anyway they fought outside while mari was trying (and failing) to keep them from fighting. eventually omori and mari went home and kel was like "man i hope i dont get reported to the police for killing the old manager and then taking her job..... OH SHIT IS THAT THE POLICE???" (he got put in jail) then hero comes across mari and sunny talking at their house and is like "hey do you guys know where kel is? he's missing..." and mari's like "oh last i saw him he was at the plaza" "i just checked there tho?" "you did? um, well he got into a bit of an argument so maybe he went somewhere to cool off?" "ah, well he normally thinks the secret hangout lake area is calming so he might be there" "alright, how about we come with you?" "oh uh sure!" so they look by the lake and do not find kel, right before hero leaves mari gives the run-down to hero ab the argument with omori and kel then they all go home sunny threatens to kill himself by jumping down the stairs. he does not hero gets a call from the police and tell him that his brother is in jail for committing murder. he then finds kel's journal with the most recent entry confessing about his murder (and littering potatoes everywhere). hero is like what the fuck so he goes to the park to clear his head, where mari and sunny find him again mari talks with hero while sunny. does stuff. such as stabbing potatoes hero tells her about how kel was a murderer and he's really sad and stuff then in the middle of the convo at some point hero gets FUCKING POSSESSED....... by..... kel's evil twin brother "jel" he turns to mari and smiles "so anyway wanna go commit murder with me?" "what.... why...." "idk sounds like fun" "HERO WE JUST TALKED ABOUT THIS MURDERER ISNT FUN" "yes it is?" "NO ITS NOT??" during all of this sunny is still stabbing potatoes and fusi (mari) is occasionally going out of character to do the basketball YUH sound sunny goes home and hero and mari continue their convo "well if you dont join me you're gonna be my next victim" "...what" he pushes her to the ground "join me" anyway mari refuses so hero chases her like some fucking horror movie scene until she gets home to call the police and locks the door with sunny and hero still outside. hero attempts to scare sunny but sunny has a knife and he doesnt wanna get stabbed. sunny stabs him anyway and he bleeds out. mari's like "oh my god what did you do" and takes him to the hospital, where he wakes up and uh talks with mari while having no memory of when he was possessed they leave the hospital and then the roleplay ends bc we didnt know where to go from there lmfao
second one, still ongoing, is that mari stole hector and had him be a backing dancer on a stage while she did a ted talk ab the respawn button. then hector got... stuck in the floor somehow so i had to reset character (die), and sunny saw. and then kel shows up and is like "mari what did you do with hector?" and she's like "oh sorry i just wanted to use him for a bit, but i can give him back now. sunny can you go get hector?" and sunny's like fuck hector is dead i cant tell kel... so he's like "uh uh uh um uhhhhh i saw. hero. and i gave hector to him. and he said something about going to a dog park. so he wont be home" and kel is like "oh ok :D" and goes home then he gets there and sees hero "you're back already?" "i never left??" "huh? sunny told me you went to a dog park with hector?" "no????" "HE LIED????" and then sunny to mari "HOLY FUCKING SHIT HECTOR'S DEAD MARI WHAT DO I DO"
oh also there was one time that was really short that was set in headspace where basil and omori were watering flowers but then hector (rock) kept jumping on the flowers so omori killed him, then kel shows up and is like "hey where's hector" and omori's like "uh uh maybe go check where he was last time you lost him" "oh yeah orange oasis! ill go check there!" basil and omori come along then kel gets hit by the train to orange oasis and dies then hero shows up and is like "hey where's kel i think he ran off again" "oh um. he got hit by the train. um. he's toast. we're gonna need life jam" "oh damn" and then hero also got hit by the train
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queer-cosette · 1 year
tell us about your favourite line from the fic you can't share in the guild!!
[Mia please know that I am spiritually giving you the BIGGEST hug right now 🩷🩷🩷]
Honestly, it might be the fact that she swoons at the obscure 19th century French poetry of all things that makes him realize that yeah, another girl in another town is infatuated with him, but, shit, this time he is infatuated right back.
Okay so there's a lot of stuff in The Fic that I really love so far, mostly because I love thinking about what if JD and Veronica had got the chance to just be two kids falling in love instead of accidentally committing murder, but this bit is possibly one of my favourites thus far. JD is so cool in the cafeteria scene, I love imagining that under the surface he's actually going oh my god I need to impress her so bad and freaking out slightly because he's never had a crush before (2023 is gonna be the year of demisexual JD and no one can change my mind).
ANYWAY he's such a fucking DORK and he disguises that behind a trenchcoat and motorcycle boots and an 'I don't care' attitude and then he meets Veronica and it turns out she's as bad as he is, and is actually in fact WORSE at hiding the fact that she's secretly a nerd, and he pretty much immediately starts simping for her as a result. There's a very cute bit later on where they discuss Les Mis and it's. yeah.
Veronica looks delighted. “I love that book! It’s, um, kind of embarrassing now, but back in Freshman year I would sometimes sit in my garden and pretend I was Cosette, waiting for my Marius to leave pages of handwritten poetry for me.” JD laughs at that, because it’s adorable, and fits so well with everything he knows about her, nerdy daydreamer that she’s turned out to be. “Sorry to disappoint you; I don’t think I’m much of a Marius.”
(I know that is more than just one line I've shared but. fuck me it might be the cutest thing I've ever written.) I was sitting there like. Would either of them have read Les Mis? Is that in character? and well. yeah. They're both canonically fans of Charles Baudelaire, and Veronica is literally introduced as being a nerdy overachiever who is hanging all her hopes on getting into an Ivy League school. And speaking from experience, that book doubles as a pretty effective weapon, and I think JD would like that.
Honestly there's so much cute stuff in this fic, but unfortunately (for Discussing Reasons) there is also a lot of VERY saucy stuff in with the cute bits, so there's a lot that I can't share in the Guild and also a lot that I'm too shy to outright share on here without the buffer of an AO3 link 😅
Thank youuuuuuuuu🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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thessalian · 11 months
Faerun!Alisaie vs Bhaal Cultists
With a few other things done in the meantime...
Gale: So ... let me get this straight. I have a chunk of the Kharsite Weave stuck in me and Mystra's letting it feed on the normal Weave for awhile. But now we know how to reforge the Netherese Crown and she wants it for herself and if I get it to her ... she can pull this out of me and I'm free.
Astarion: You could just keep it for yourself, you know. Phenomenal cosmic power ... all right, probably doesn't entirely suit you, but I couldn't imagine giving that away to some god who has too much power of their own to truly appreciate it...
Gale: And why do you think you have a say here?
Astarion: I did help get the thing, didn't I? Of course, that means I also helped Alisaie get the ability to summon the Thayan dead if required. ...Where is she, anyway?
Gale: Note who else is missing.
Astarion: Aaaah. I wonder if I should go track them down. Just to ... keep an eye on them. You know. Dangerous place, Baldur's Gate...
Alisaie: *from the window* If you were looking for a show--
Astarion; Gale: GAH!
Alisaie: Astarion, my dude, you're not the only one who can sneak, you know. Anyway, if you were looking for a show, you'd have been disappointed. It was just talking about the future and stuff.
Astarion: ...It would have been a disappointment without nudity, true. Gale, on the other hand...
Gale: ...I would have invited Wyll and conjured popcorn.
Alisaie: .........Why? I mean, I get Astarion, but--
Gale: I'm a sucker for a romantic story, alright? As is Wyll! It's the one place where he and I can truly bond! ...Well. That and go-to cantrips. We've done quite the trade. He's taught me Eldritch Blast, and I'll be teaching him Fire Bolt. Maybe he'll even be able to keep it when Mizora cuts him loose.
Alisaie: ...Right. Okay. If that works for you, cool. Now, get some sleep, those of you who do sleep; big day tomorrow. We're going to hit Felogyr's Fireworks and find out why the fuck they're giving refugee kids exploding teddy bears. Sure you don't want to come, Astarion?
Astarion: I dodged quite enough fire in that stupid repository, thank you. There are some things that even the most delectable neck won't make appealing. It's a vampire thing; fire is not our friend.
Alisaie: There might not have to be that much fire, you know.
Astarion: You're going to be attacking a fireworks shop. With Gale.
Alisaie: ...Allow me my delusions, okay? I have very few and they aren't usually that harmful.
One massive amount of property damage later...
Gale: ...I'm amazed that I didn't do the most damage with fire for once.
Wyll: You did a pretty sizeable amount of damage with fire. That wall of fire you used to block reinforcements went right through a box of fireworks, you know.
Gale: That was accidental! Alisaie firing a fire arrow at barrels full of smoke powder, on the other hand...
Alisaie: Oh for-- Look, it got the place cleared out fast. We've got way too much to do to waste time just stabbing them all. Besides, better on purpose where we can be clear of the explosions than by accident. Or have you forgotten that thing with the kobolds?
Gale: Fair enough. Not sure what was worse; the burning alcohol, the burning debris, or the cooked kobold giblets.
Alisaie: All three were a nightmare to get out of my hair, I'll tell you that much.
Shadowheart: So what now?
Alisaie: Over to the local cemetery to see about a murder-cult.
Over at the local cemetery
Shadowheart: Well ... that was a detour... A good one, mind you.
Alisaie: What can I say? I can dig out the best in just about everybody. Office In Charge Of Deep Mining Operations, that's me.
Wyll: Much like the ... um ... priestess woman over there, I'm wondering what by the hells that noise is.
Alisaie: It seems to be coming from ... that metal tube ... stuck in a grave oh you have got to be fucking kidding me! *starts digging*
Wyll: Waitwut--
Gale: *who actually has an INT score worth talking about* Oh, no.
Alisaie: *digs up Gothric*
Gothric: Thanks for that! Those arseholes stomping on Nine-Fingers' turf are arseholes, seriously. I haven't any money but you've already started grave-robbing so why not finish? Bye!
Alisaie; Gale; Wyll; Shadowheart: ..............................
Alisaie: Yeaaaaah this is one of those days, isn't it. C'mon. After this, infiltrating a murder cult will at least make sense.
And, down in the basement of a certain coffin-shop
Sarekov: You have delighted us with your bloodthirst. Now, ascend by killing this celestial being!
Valeria: What? No! Don't do that! Kill this unholy fuck instead!
Alisaie: Calm your ... trunk, I guess, Valeria. That was the plan all along.
Sarekov: ...wut.
Alisaie: I lied. Dolor killed the guy whose hand I waved around, and he probably enjoyed the hell out of it but honestly? Even here, all I'm getting is the satisfaction of making you actually dead like you're supposed to be, you uppity corpse!
Gale: Oh dear. Um ... time to bring out the powerful spells. *Casts Blight*
Blight: *does not work on undead*
Gale: Oh. Right. Undead. ...Shadowheart?!?
Shadowheart: Right! *Turns Undead*
Turn Undead: *does not work either*
Alisaie: *casts Heat Metal on Sarekov* Make up your fucking minds, you murder-happy assholes!
Stabnation: *ensues, with a lot of AoE and CC sorts of spells, until...*
Alisaie: *reapplies Heat Metal damage to Sarekov*
Sarekov: *cooks to proper-death*
Alisaie: ...I really need to remember I have magic more often.
Gale: So. What now? And please say it involves some rest...
Alisaie: For you, probably. Buried-alive dude had things to say about Nine-Fingers. Or I should probably look for Mol first because that's going to be a thing, and probably put some prepwork in place for robbing the House of Hope, but if you want some rest we could probably bring Astarion along on a sweep-and-clear of the rest of the mausoleums in case of free-floating cultists and--
Wyll: Shadowheart ... when we go to pick up Astarion...
Shadowheart: Bully her into a meal and a sit-down, I know.
Wyll: You two are so amazing together, you know that?
Shadowheart: Still envious?
Wyll: Not really. I couldn't deprive anyone a love story this epic.
Shadowheart: *punch to shoulder* You're just saying that so we won't complain when you and Gale eavesdrop with popcorn.
Wyll: It's one of the high points of our day!
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badheart · 2 years
oh gosh, you now have ocs! so cool! Tell me what made you make them? your inspirstion? 🥰
shh don’t tell em *casually sneaked them onto my blog*  these aren’t my first OC’s tho, but definitely ones, where I finally properly rp them 🥰 but also thx to my gf, and friend - cause if I didn’t have anyone to interact with, then they would just catch dust ahaha. 
For some reason I am very interested in the Yakuza. And at this point I don’t remember fully why or how it happened. But I am also biased towards Japanese culture (but also others) cause my own is um... there ain’t much, or nothing really old that plays still a huge role nowadays. 
Anyway, with that is the base set, basically the crime scene in Japan. And I really always wanted to interact with a police themed OC (but personally I have never spotted someone, except an detective in the past, who is sadly not active anymore), cause I like when two different sides clash, considering Kugo ain’t the most good person. And there is a series called Gi.ri/Haj.i on netflix, which was about a japanese detective, who had to find his yakuza brother in london, and it was very nice to see the culture differences, the stories of the side characters, anyway this series gave me lots of inspiring content. Jiro my yakuza, is even snatched out of the series, and now filled with hc’s. Jin my police oc, is heavily based on the protagonist. 
And there was also the big desire to write more about mature / adult themes, which I don’t get to explore all with Kugo, and my friends were luckily interested too. With Jiro I can explore the gang-life or finally a more bad guy, also a toxic relationship with his ex-gf. Then there is Jin, who is overworked, a family man, but honestly close to a divorce, not every marriage is meant for forever, but neither him or his wife has fully accepted it yet. Also some police work, with which I can bug all my mutuals who play crime-themed muses. Futaba is another bias, I finally get to rp a tall woman haha, but also another cop, but this time corrupt (aka exploring also the many bad sides of the police), she is also bit of a way of coping with everything going on, as I also explore war, and political topics with her, since she is very interested in that stuff and can hold some extreme opinions. 
Anyway I got myself a bunch of flawed muses, which hold many bad but also good sides, it is a nice mix I missed seeing in the rpc, since a lot don’t explore dark themes beyond death. It offers so much to explore, but also an unholy amount of research... 
I can give an example (with Kugo), how far my interest goes with more realistic topics. Ofc I don’t expect a Shonen Manga to point out those kind of consequences (for that I have rp), but not many realize that Ichigo basically killed a human being, and while Kugo had manipulated his family and all through his friend’s help, is it still justified to take his life? Why not prison, why not just a good ass-kicking? Ideally Ichigo should have called the police, and let them handle Kugo, but he took himself the right to judge himself - committing a crime as well, which was not even fully self-defense (ofc no easy case with the supernatural parts), but Kugo originally just wanted to leave, but Ichigo insisted on getting his powers back, and revenge (after getting his powers from the Shinigami). And even when Tsukishima died, Ichigo kept going, even though there was no more any reason to fight Kugo, his family & friends were free from Tsuki’s powers. 
Ichigo really became a killer / murderer in this moment, even though no one was really harmed of his friends (just total emotional roller coaster, which ofc is not okay either, not trying to deny this here) In our world this would have meant court and everything, and then there is also Ginjo’s family, who in canon is maybe still alive or not, either way... damn. One can question the morals, the possible consequences (or lack of) quite a lot here, and I find that very interesting and love to confront other muses with it. After all, Kugo’s world still plays in our modern one, and ofc there are laws in their country, which Ichigo ignored. 
I am biased, since Tite offered only a little bit about the possible turmoil in Ichigo’s mind or what his friends possibly think of him after this event, ... fuck I sure would not take it easy if my friend murdered another human being. But again yeah SHONEN MANGA... no expectations asdfgh.
But it is definitely nice that I can touch on those topics in rp. 👀
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All Roads Lead to Kawata… Pt. 2
This is Part 2 of an excerpt from my Mitsuya fanfic over on ao3 called “Love Endures”. The female in this story is NOT the main OC of the story. This is a side character from Mitsuya's past, Aya. It falls within her backstory, within his backstory. This is the story of how she meets & gets involved with the Kawata twins, which later becomes a real problem for her AND for MItsuya. Part 1 led you up to her just meeting them. Pt. 2 is them, ahem, getting together. It’s fuckin FILTHY, or at least in my opinion.
So, yeah, this is the (next part of the) Kawata Twins hole that I fell down. Oh my Goddd… Hope y’all enjoy. 💙💜💙
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**long portions of italicized text represents character’s thoughts**
Saturday, February 3rd
Shato and Aya show up at the Kawata twins house. Smiley answers the door. It seems like it’d be hard to tell, since he’s always smiling but somehow, when he saw them, particularly her, he became even happier. You could see relief in his expression, too.
“Thank God you guys came. Now we can get this party started, yeah?”
Her musical laugh pours into the house and he sticks out his arm for her. She smiles at him and blushes and puts her arm through his.
They walk into his place.
He looks over at her. “Hi, Aya! Welcome to our house.” 
She laughs and says, “Hi Smiley. Um, is it ok for me to call you that?”
“Well, I mean, I suppose you could call me Nahoya. Nobody but my brother calls me that, tho.”
She looks like she’s mulling it over.
“Well, what do you want me to call you? What’s your preference?”
He thinks about it for a minute. “I don’t think I really give a fuck what you call me. As long as you call me.” He winks at her.
“Well, I like feeling special, so I’ll call you Nahoya. I like that name, anyway. I don’t know any Nahoyas, except you. I guess that makes <i>you</i> pretty special, too.”
She smiles at him and hugs his arm.
He looks at her. “Yeah…I can tell you’re definitely special, alright. Where’s Shato been hiding you all this time?”
“Well, I’m not HIS, if yer thinkin that. We’re just friends.”
“Really? So last night was just…friendly?”
“That’s none of your business, sir!”, she says with a smile and a playful hand that goes to his chest. “We just studied. That’s ALL. I swear!” She laughs and starts blushing. “He likes to look cool in front of the guys, but he’s just a softie underneath it all.”
“Hmmm…interesting. Alright. Well, good. Cuz I like you. You’re cute.”
“You think so?”
“I cannot tell a lie.”
“Well, you just did.” She giggles.
“Heh heh. Maybe.” He winks at her.
“Come on, let's go get our drink on and meet everybody.”
He starts to pull on her arm, encouraging her to move forward with him, but she stops and then starts acting real shy again. “Umm, Nahoya?”
“I’m feelin a little nervous. I don’t know most of these people and they seem a bit scary to me. You don’t mind if I stick with you tonight, do you?”
“Yeah, that’s where I was hopin you’d be. Right by my side. I’ll keep you safe from all these creeps.” He chuckles. “Trust me, there ain’t a single guy here who’ll fuck with me OR my girl. I’ll fuckin murder ‘em all and they know it.”
She dips her head down. “Th-thank you, Nahoya.” She kisses him on the cheek and then looks down. Her cheeks are pink.
“God, yer adorable. Phew! Come on, let’s go meet all these assholes and get trashed.”
She laughs. “Ok, that sounds pretty good to me, actually.”
He introduces her to a bunch of guys from the gang and a couple from his high school and she takes note of every single one of them. Logging all the information away in her mind. She plays her role perfectly and has a great time. They all do. 
Drinks are flowing freely and a couple hours in she finds out one of the guys has some X, which she gladly accepts from him. Less than an hour later, she’s feeling amaaaazing. It’s becoming harder and harder to stay in character now and the deeper the X gets into her nervous system, the more she opens up.
She looks around and sees several people have already left. Her eyebrows rise, she didn’t realize so much time had passed already. She turns to look at Smiley and starts getting extra cozy with him. If her normal “resting self” was like this already, imagine her on a drug which amplifies all those things. She could barely keep her hands to herself (she didn’t fully) and she could barely keep her clothes on. When she couldn’t stand it even one second longer, she starts whispering in his ear. “I, uh, can’t take it anymore. The Molly…umm… Can we go somewhere, Nahoya?” 
His smile gets even bigger and he nods. Now it’s his turn to lean in. “I’m pretty sure the few that are left here are fucked up enough by now that no one’s gonna care or probably even notice if we, uh, check out for a bit”, he says with a wink. She giggles and bounces up and down on the couch next to him. “Thank you.”
Izumi immediately proves his theory wrong by looking over at them and asking, “Thank you for what? What’chu doin that’s worthy of thanksss?”
Smiley stands up off the couch and holds his hand out to Aya. She grabs it and stands up with a huge grin on her face to match his.
“Oh, nothin. She’s just really happy that I’m gonna give her a tour of the place. We’ll be back…whenever.”
“Yeah…”, Izumi scoffs. “Tour of your bedroom. Whatever.”
Smiley pays him no mind. He knows his friend is drunk and just upset because he wasn’t getting the prize tonight. Winner, winner, chicken dinner; all the guys had been hoping they could win it, but no one dared move on his territory. 
Smiley was unnerving to anyone who didn’t know him really well, because you never really knew where he was at mentally or emotionally. He’d be smiling big all the time, while, at the same time, saying some murderous evil shit and it would really shake people up sometimes. The darkness hiding behind his smile was something most people really didn’t want to see. Because if you were seeing that darkness, it usually meant your ass.
Smiley leads her back to his bedroom and when he opens the door, he sees Angry sitting in there, on his bed, watching TV. Smiley rolls his eyes and walks over to his dresser to set his cup of whiskey down. “What’re you doin in here, Souya? Why won’t you ever just relax and have fun? Go talk to people, have some drinks. Yuuma’s got ecstacy… You want some?”
Angry shrugs. “I dunno, man. Did you take any?”
“No. I’m drunk. You know I’m not really into all of that. But she did and she’s feelin real good right about now, aren’t ya, darlin?” He leans over and kisses her and she eagerly kisses him back.
She giggles and turns to his brother. “I, um, actually have another pill. He gave me two.” His eyes go wide. She giggles. “Y’know…Feminine charms and all.” Angry looks over at Smiley with a slightly concerned expression. Smiley nods at his brother. 
“Yeah, it’s alright, bro. Do it, if you want to. It’ll relax you. Make you feel good. I mean, hell, why not? We only got one life, ammirite? Who the fuck cares? Life’s too short…” He throws his arms around her waist and pulls her close. “…to not take time…” He begins kissing her again. “…to smell those roses.” 
She giggles. “He’s riiiight! Come here, take it.”
He sighs and gets up off the bed. “Alright, fine.” She extends her arm out toward him, the pill between her fingers. Smiley starts kissing down her neck and she throws her head back and laughs, giving him better access. Angry turns his head and watches his brother with her. She turns her head toward him and smiles. He ducks underneath her fingertips with an open mouth and she drops it in. He swallows unceremoniously.
“How long does it take?”
She shrugs. “Everybody’s a little different but definitely within a half an hour, you should be feelin SOMETHIN.”
Smiley extracts himself from her body to walk over and grabs his cup of whiskey. He walks it back over to his brother and hands it to him. “Drink this. It’ll make it kick in faster.” He winks at him and turns back to his prize. Angry shrugs and downs it.
He stands there, still right next to them, and watches as his brother take off her shirt and she takes off his. He watches their creamy flesh come together in the middle and move in tandem. He watches as her hand starts to explore. He watches Nahoya’s tongue probing her mouth, then he sees hers fighting back. He doesn’t even notice, at first, that he’s getting aroused.
Nahoya reaches behind her back and undoes her bra. She slides it off her arms and lets it fall to the floor. His hands have already moved on to her skirt. His hands move down the fabric until he feels flesh again and then they rise back up underneath it. His kisses and his movements are becoming more and more eager. He’s not the patient type. His fingers drag her panties down. Angry’s eyes watch as they fall to the ground. He licks his lips. 
Aya steps back from Nahoya’s urgent kisses for a moment and she turns away from him and faces Angry. She smiles at him kindly and her hand comes up to his face. “You feelin it yet, sweetie?”
I reaaallly want to go with two dudes at the same time…and twins at that? AND they’re cute. Fuck meeee. I’ve died and gone to heaven!
Her fingers move up through his soft blue hair and his eyes close as the feeling of it resonates throughout his entire body. It’s not super strong yet but it’s enough to notice. His eyes pop back open. “Whoa. Yeah…I think so. A little bit. That felt way more amazing than it should have.”
She turns her head back towards Smiley and laughs. He grins at her and walks up right behind her. She turns back to Angry smiles at him. “Or maybe I’m just THAT amazing?” She gives him an angelic look and giggles. “Let’s try this then and see how it feels…” She leans in and kisses him. 
Oh my Godddd, he’s such a good kisser. He’s so gentle. Those soft lips…phew! I want to keep kissing him for a while, I think…
Angry’s eyes close and he enjoys the best makeout session he’s ever felt before. Smiley grins and presses himself against her back and ass and it pushes her into Angry. 
He blushes and says, “That’s ok. I kinda like you this close. As long as Smiley doesn’t mind.”
“Bro, if I didn’t want you here with us, I woulda kicked your ass out already. But why would I? We share everything, don’t we?”
Angry nods and kisses her again, thinking about the fact that Smiley had never once shared a girl with him before. But he wasn’t complaining about it now.
{Go - The Chemical Brothers}
He starts to smile at her but it’s cut off by her lips. Smiley unzips himself. She smiles at the sound of it. She feels for Angry’s hand and brings it up to hold her breast. Then she takes his other one and puts it between her legs. Once his hands are properly placed, her hands begin to roam his body. She starts moaning into their kiss. It’s not long before Angry has joined her. “Mmmm…” She smiles to hear it.
Smiley pulls himself out through the hole made by his open zipper and then ducks slightly so his hand can slide between her legs as well. But his are there for a different purpose. He presses against her thighs to spread them further apart. She obliges happily and then she feels Smiley’s head probing between them. She tips her butt back and up just a little. She wants to help him in any way that she can. She’s absolutely dying to get it inside her.
She manages to get Angry’s shirt off and then starts working on depantsing him as well. Once she has him completely naked and vulnerable, her hand goes down and grabs a hold of him. He groans out in pleasure. She’s pleasantly surprised by his size. It makes her giddy. 
“You ready for me?”, Smiley says into her ear, punctuated with a nibble on her earlobe. She loves hearing his heavy breath in her ear. He sounds frantic to be inside her. She loves it. She nods up and down. 
“Yessss, please. I can’t wait to feel you, Nahoya.”
He chuckles. “That’ll make two of us.” He presses himself inside her and she moans loudly. 
“Oh my Goddd, you feel goooood! Hahahaaaa! Holy shit, girl. Woo! I’m reaaaally gonna enjoy fuckin you.” 
His statement makes her chuckle. “That makes two of us”, she says with a smile. She turns her head and winks at him. He takes the opportunity of her turned head to lean forward and kiss her and the forward motion pushes him all the way up into her.
“Ohhh fuck! Mmmm, you’re so big, Nahoya. Mmmm…you feel fucking amazing.” 
Her hand begins to stroke Angry faster. She gives him another kiss and a large part of her doesn’t want to stop, but she knows she has to move on… IF she wants the night to progress as she’d like it. And she very much does.
Her hands come up to Angry’s chest and she presses gently. His eyes open and he looks at her, confused. She smiles at him and says, “Trust me.” She winks at him and he smiles back at her. “Alright.” He nods and steps back a pace. 
“Let me see if that’s enough…” She bends slowly down as Smiley continues to move in and out of her. The lower she goes, the more his previously barely heard moans turn into grunts. “Fuck….yessss, just like that, sweetheart. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Mmmmm… RAHHH!” His stroke gets a bit more aggressive and he grabs her hips tightly.
“Oh my God. Yes!”, she yells out and then she looks at Angry. “Come here, sweetie.” 
He takes a step forward and she grabs ahold of his hard cock and then places her mouth around it. She lets the pounding movement of Smiley aid her in having Angry’s dick slide back and forth into her throat with ease. She starts moaning on his dick and he’s losing his shit. Everything was so much more intense right now. He probably could’ve cum just from what she was doing with his hair earlier, or even the kissing, much less THIS. 
But for some reason (the X, in case you’re wondering) he never does. Smiley watches her deep-throating his brother and somethin about it makes him even harder. He shudders and slams into her. “Ahhhh!”, she screams but it comes out as some sort of garbled sound. Her open throat makes Angry tap even deeper.
Smiley chuckles. “Good thing the music is blasting out there. Fuck, girl. I have to say I like hearin you scream, tho. Do it again.” He slams into her and smiles from ear to ear when he hears her scream again.
“Hahahaaaa! That’s my girl.” 
She smiles on Angry’s dick. But it had hurt her throat a bit. She brings her arm behind her and taps Smiley's arm a couple times.
“Yesssss?” He pulls out of her and rests his hand at the base. He strokes up it once. She lets Angry slip out of her mouth.
“My mouth is getting a little sore. Can we take this to the bed? I’d really love to be on top, if you don’t mind?”
“Hmmm, I don’t know.” He looks to Angry. “Whadya think, Souya?”
Angry looks down at his slightly softened penis and shrugs. He looks back at her. He’s catching feelings already. “Honestly? I just want to kiss and cuddle. I love you, Aya.”
She giggles a little and blushes. She looks at him with such tenderness in her eyes. “Oh my God, I’m sure you do right now. And right now I love you, too. Isn’t that nice? To get to do this with two people you love and two people I love. This is the best…”
Angry smiles as big as his brother and nods his head happily. “It really is. It’s especially nice for my first time.”
Her eyes go wide. “Oh my God! Are you serious?? I’m your… Oh my God, you just made me soooo happy. I’m gonna take such good care of you, love. Come here.” He steps back up to her and she kisses him and runs her fingers through his hair again. He moans into her kiss. She stops suddenly. Her head turns to Smiley. 
“Wait… You definitely don’t fuck like you’re a beginner, Nahoya.”
“No, I definitely am not.” He smiles.
“But you said you share everything with your brother, so how come, uhhh…?”
Smiley laughs. “He never wants to.”
“What? You never asked before”, Angry retorts.
He shrugs. “Yeah, maybe not. Who knows? I guess I just never thought of it before. And you’re usually not with me when I’m having “Happy Girl Time”, cuz I usually do it at the girl’s houses or wherever we happen to be. Whatever. We’re sharin now, so who cares?”
“Yeah…” Angry smiles. “Who cares? I’m glad you shared this time, tho. Like, soooo sooo glad.”
Smiley laughs. “Yeah, I can tell. Enjoy it.”
She kisses him again and his response comes out as just, “Mmmmm”.
Smiley grabs their hands and leads them over to his bed. “Come on, lovers.” He unbuckles and takes his pants off the rest of the way. “I don’t like to wait.” 
She laughs. “Me either. I hate wait!”
He falls back on the bed and says, “well, then what’re you waitin for? Huh? Get on me, woman. Stop kissin for 10 seconds so I can get back inside you.” She removes her tongue from Angry’s mouth and giggles. “Sorry, it just feels sooo fucking good kissing him. You might be one of the best kissers I’ve ever met.” Angry blushes profusely at her words.
“Hey, I feel good too, don’t I?” He whines slightly.
She looks at him. “What? Are you jealous of your brother?”
“Well, maybe if you told me I had one of the best cocks you’ve ever felt, then I’d be feelin just fine about it.”
“Oh, well let me put you at ease.” She crawls up onto the bed next to him. She looks down into his eyes. “You have one of the best dicks I’ve eeeeever met. I love it.”
Smiley beams with pride. “Ok, I’m good now.” His smile is huge again. She swings her leg over his body. He looks over at his brother. “No, wait.”
“There’s that word again. I thought you hated wait like I do?” She laughs. 
“Haha, I dooo. But this won’t be long.”
He grabs her by the hips. “Turn around.”
“Ooooh! I LIKE yooouuu”, she smiles.
That makes him laugh. She turns herself gladly.
“That way you and little bro can make out while I pound you for as long as I can stand it.”
She bounces up and down and yells, “Yaaay!”
Angry’s eyes follow the trajectory of those lovely globes flying in slow-motion in front of his eyes. 
She sees the hunger in his eyes.
“Come here, my sweet little lover.” She holds out her arms to him and like he was on the other end of a rubber-band he snaps right back to her. It’s mere seconds before he’s on the bed, on his knees, in front of her and her lips are on his and her arms are wrapped around his body.
This makes Smiley happy and he lifts her ass up, which pushes her breasts against Angry’s bare chest. His hands come up and cups them and caresses them. God, she feels fucking amazing. He’s in awe of this beautiful creature. Once Smiley has himself positioned perfectly under her lips, he flicks his hips up and plunges into her plush juicy insides. It forces a loud groan out of both of them. Then she smiles and continues kissing Angry.
Smiley’s fingers make deep dimples on her thighs as his grip tightens on her. He starts moving her hips with his hands and thrusting up into her. She has to break the kiss and moan out loudly. “Oh my Goddddd, you feel good. Fuck.” She straightens up a bit, pulling Angry along with her and she throws her head back. She’s flying high on the gusts and updrafts of the amazing feelings coursing through her right now.
Angry looks at her getting totally fucked out by his brother and he smiles and his eyes drop to the lovely jiggle of her breasts. Every time he sees them this warm feeling washes over him and all he wants is to be safely held by her and to have her breasts in his mouth. He just has to have them. He inches down and places his mouth on her nipple. Oh my God! Having it in my mouth. Mmmm… God, I gotta control myself. I’m about 2 seconds from shouting Mommy. What the fuuucck? Why is this sooo good?
He loses himself in it for some time. She straightens her back out even more, simultaneously adjusting the positions of both of the guys; Smiley inside of her and she moans as she feels him rubbing against her back wall now, and Angry, who now doesn’t have to hunch over as much to gain access. He sits back on his heels and her breasts are now perfectly at mouth level. His hands alternate running up and down her stomach and leg. He cannot stop touching her. But he wants to be touched by her, too.
He finds her hand and gently puts it between his legs. He was still mostly limp but he didn’t care. He just wanted to feel her hands on him, touching him. He wanted anything that was gonna intensify this. She doesn’t disappoint.
They stay just like that for a little while and then she turns her head back to look at Smiley and she smiles at his ecstatic grin. “Nahoya?”
“Yes, love?” His eyes actually open a bit and she sees his gorgeous blue eyes. He is stunningly beautiful. Phew!
“I want to cum reeeal bad but I need you to fuck me as hard as you can, ok? You think you can do that for me, big boy?”
That big ol’ smile comes right back and those baby blues disappear once again.
“Yeah, heh heh, I think I can manage it.” He slides out of her and gets up off the bed. He looks to Angry and says, “Hey buddy, yer gonna have to just watch now for a little bit. Ok?”
Angry looks slightly sad but he nods his head and moves off the bed as well. She’s left there all on her own, naked, sitting on her heels on the bed. 
Smiley shakes his head and holds out his arm for Angry to come to him. He wraps his arm around Angry’s shoulders and turns his head towards him.
“Y’ever seen anything so fucking delicious in your life?”
He starts shaking his head in a daze. “No…not even close. She’s like an…angel or something.”
They hear her musical laugh. “Farrrr from it, I’m sure.” She gives them a wicked look and Smiley’s dick twitches. “Welp, that’s my cue. Get on your stomach for me…angel.” He smirks at her and she giggles and complies, eagerly.
“Even drunk, I ain’t gonna be able to stop from cummin this time. You want me to get a condom?”
She turns her head away from him and says, “no”.
“Damn, yer filthy, girl!”
It makes her laugh. “Nooo, birth control.”
“Nice. Just what I like to hear. Wish more girls were smart like you.”
She smiles but it fades to a straight face. She knew why she was so “smart” now. It was because she’d been so dumb before, with Dai. The dark thoughts start creeping in. She suddenly yells out, “Fuck me, Nahoya! Fuck me till we both cum.”
His dick twitches again. “Yes, ma’am! When I start, I’m gonna be comin in fast and hard, ok sugar?”
“Mmmhmmm” she says, biting back the tears. She needs him to fuck every last bad feeling out of her soul. “Pleeeaassee,” she whimpers.
He plunges into her with a long drawn out “Mmmmmm”. 
He starts pounding into her with a great grunt and a loud smack of their bodies at the end of each collision…over and over…
“Harder! Fuck me uuupppppp! Oh my Godddddd!”
His eyes roll into the back of his head as he fucks her into oblivion.
Angry is watching them with eyes wide. He has no problem getting an erection now. He’s hard as steel and is very soon experiencing one of the best orgasms he’d ever felt. All three of them end up cumming at the same time and all that’s heard for a little bit is a great assortment of animalistic grunts and moaning noises. When their respective orgasms were done with them, none had anything left over. Angry smiled to hear all of them breathing so heavily. He stumbled over to the bed and layed down next to her. He immediately curled up in her arms and started dragging his fingertips up and down her belly. He had no sexual intent, she just liked feeling her. She ran her fingers through long silky hair and it sent chills all through his body.
He tipped his head up from looking at her stomach and looked at her face. He kissed her. She moaned into their kiss and pulled away with a smile. “Y’know…this is literally the perfect way to end this looooovely night. I’ve never fallen asleep in the arms of two lovers. Mmmmm… Perrrrrfectttt…”
She turns her head to Smiley. “Will you spoon me, love?”
“With pleasure.”
“Just till I fall asleep. Then you can do whatever the fuck you want.”
He chuckles at her ordering him around. “Ha ha, ok, Missy. Did I not dominate you hard enough?”
She giggles. “I bet you’d looove to be dominated…” She looks into his eyes which have opened once again. “…by the right girl, perhaps.”
He shrugs. “Maybe.” He moves himself up against her back and slides his arm under her. She holds out her arms in front of her and Angry scootches into them and lays his head sideways on her breasts. She wraps her arms around his neck and back. Smiley moves his hand down and at first, rustles his brother's hair a bit with his fingertips. Then he relaxes his hand and lets his fingers just play. 
“Mmmm… Can I just stay right here…like for the rest of my life?”, Angry says lazily.
Aya and Smiley start laughing. It makes all of them bump and bounce.
“I think somebodyyyyy’s in looove, ladies and gentlemen.”
She feels his face get hot against her chest. 
Oh my Godddd, he’s so damn precious. He’s definitely the sensitive one of the two. Awwww, poor baby’s gonna get his heart broken here. She frowns. It makes her sad because she genuinely liked the boy and she didn’t want to hurt anyone. She just had an itch that HAD TO get scratched. And, sex was the only therapy she’d found to push the darkness in her soul back. 
She brought her lips down and kissed his head and wrapped her arms a little tighter around him. Angry was currently in heaven. He brought his arm up her leg and then draped it over her waist and his brother’s. His eyes closed.
This is the closest thing she’d felt to being with Dai. She smiled.
And it took two of them to get there. Jesus… He’s fuckin ruined me. No, no. Stop. This is good. I feel good. I just want to stay right here, right in this moment, feeling this and go to sleep. 
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bearpillowmonster · 2 months
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Wait, so you get denied a raise because of your credit score...and they tell you to sort it out- before the raise that will raise your credit score? Wait-
It's so easy to forget that there were successful comic book shows and movies outside of what we see today. You know how many we get a year now? 7 mainline live action in universe Marvel and DC movies plus 2 live action shows. These are straight from the source so why is it that Netflix, the company that redid Avatar and is famous for their goofy live action anime adaptations did something more quality years ago versus what we get today with super inflated budgets? Whether you like the show or not, whether you rank this lower than the other seasons, doesn't matter, the production quality is objective.
Bullseye in this season is top notch. I seriously didn't expect that or some of what the dialogue considers, I pondered some of that for days, the writing really shines. Everyone talks about Karen and Foggy reappearing for the reboot but Karen's still whiny. They even give her a whole episode on number 10 out of 13 and it's really something we should've gotten- um- not at the last moment. It doesn't even change context. Seeing it titled 'Karen', made me think there was this cool long hunt for her and she'd have to use her wits and ideals that she's built to fight back until Daredevil stops Bullseye's attack. Yeah, no, it's pretty straightforward.
It's strange how they really made Kingpin staring at a white wall a plot point and it's actually not bad, like how do you make that a successful character trait?
Sometimes it reverts to a stage play though, more often than not it's the most pivotal moments too. There are some great fights, don't get me wrong, it goes back to a lot of the corridor fighting and innovates really nicely but then there's the Bullseye fight in episode 10, it just didn't hit the right notes for me and neither did the last episode's fight. It's not even just the fights either, it's the dialogue. I expected Vanessa to die then Wilson concedes so DD will kill him, but DD doesn't give him what he wants and refuses after all this time. I ended up with half of that. But it's all done so rushed like there's no reason behind it. And Matt's speech is just over the top cheesy "You will go back to prison and live the rest of your miserable life in a cage knowing you'll never have Vanessa." Blah blah blah, I beat you. Stupid, like a pissing competition. I complained about Ultimate Spider-Man and it still gives me horrors thinking about it but there was one thing that followed in line with what I want and that's actually Daredevil.
There was a scene where he knows he can't beat Fisk at his own game so he sneaks and finds Vanessa- here, flocked right to it. Issue 110
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She's comatose in that story and now he shows that he has all the cards, he's in control, he could break both his and Kingpin's life at once. It's Spider-Man that talks him down and we don't need that here but he stands for fear but how do you scare the person that isn't scared of anything? You scare those closest to him. "It was just business. Don't make it personal." Kingpin leaves the country but he ends up calling a hit on Spider-Man and DD anyway. That is until he gets what's coming to him, sidelined and distracted so that the cops come and get him for a murder he barely even remembered.
It'd be interesting if they made the season a murder mystery where it turns out it was Fisk even though he's in prison and then it starts the FBI thing then him barrelling through cops as they try to bring him down at the end. In fact, when I first heard of this season and saw Bullseye with the outfit, I thought that maybe he was A. a wannabe. or B. Someone framing him. DD going back to his old costume so not to be confused (or the other way around) and they're trying to uncover his identity all the way through until they figure it out in the end and DD reclaims his costume and beats him. That didn't happen and I love his character study but I feel that they kinda pissed on him in that final episode too. They kinda just chalked him up to another crazy guy by that point.
I didn't mind them hoping for another season and teasing for it but there are some things left undone, (what's that stain on my rug?) I won't really complain about them but I can say that the beginning where we get caught up on stuff that happened off-screen goes nowhere. Should Elektra have appeared, it'd undermine her death but if she was apart of his visions like Fisk and his dad were then it'd make more sense like "oh, he hallucinated her." I realized that Elektra's story more fit Blade's type of playground than what ended up being S2 so it does seem a bit weaker.
All in all, I see why the series is so heavily regarded and I probably agree with a lot of the consensus in terms of ranking.
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thenixkat · 5 months
The Coup - Fat Cats, Bigga Fish (Explicit)
[Intro] Well, what do we have here?
[Chorus] Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down
[Verse 1: Boots Riley] It's almost 10 o'clock, see, I gotta ball of lint for property So I slip my beanie on sloppily And promenade out to take up a collection I got game like I read the directions I'm wishing that I had an automobile As I feel the cold wind rush past But let me state that I'm a hustler for real So you know I got the stolen bus pass Just as the bus pulls up and I step to the rear This old lady look like she drank a 40 of fear I see my old-school partner, said his brother got popped Pay my respects, "can you ring the bell? We came to my stop" The street light reflects off the piss on the ground Which reflects off the hamburger sign as it turns round Which reflects off the chrome of the BMW Which reflects off the fact that I'm broke Now what the fuck is new? I need loot, I spot the motherfucka in the tweed suit And I'm in his ass quicker than a kick from a greased boot Eased up slow and discreet Could tell he was suspicious by the way he slid his feet Didn't want to fuck up the come-up So I smiled with my eyes said "hey, how's it hanging guy?" Bumped into his shoulder, but he passed with no reaction Damn this motherfucka had hella Andrew Jacksons! I'm a thief, or pickpocket - give a fuck what you call it Used to call 'em "fat cats," I just call them wallets Getting Federal: ain't just a klepto Mastercard or Visa? I gladly accept those Sneaky motherfucka with a scam, know how to pull it Got a mirror in my pocket, but that won't stop no bullets Story just begun, but you already know Ain't no need to get down, shit, I'm already low [Chorus] Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down
[Verse 2] My footsteps echo in the darkness My teeth clenched tight like a fist in the cold sharp mist I look down and I hear my stomach growling Step to Burger King to attack it like a Shaolin I never pay for shit that I can get by doing dirt Linger to the girl cashier and start to flirt All up in her face and her breath was like murder Damn, the shit I do for a free hamburger! Well you got my number, you gon' call me tonight? It depends: is them burgers attached to a price? I'm just kidding, I'ma call, even write you love letters Thanks for the burgers, um, hook me up with a Dr Pepper That's cool, you want some ice? Yeah, and some fries would be hella nice Damn my manager's coming, play it off, okay? 'Have a nice day!' I'm up outta here anyway
I use peoples before they use me Cause you could get got by an Uzi over an OZ That's what an OG told me Gots to find someplace warm and cozy to eat the Victuals that I just got Came to a underground parking lot "This place is good as any, fuck it, it's all good" Walked in, found a car, hopped and sat up on the hood Ate my burger, threw back my cola Somebody said "hey," it was a rent-a-pig, I thought it was a roller "Want me to call the cops?" I don't want them to see me Looked down and saw that I was sitting on a Lamborghini It was Rollses, Ferraris, and Jags by the dozen A building door opened; damn, it was my cousin Getting off of work, dressed up, no lie Tux, cummerbund, and a black bow tie I was like "hey!" "Who is it?" "Me" "Oh, what's up man, I just quit this company They hella racist and the pay was too low" I said "right, what was up in there though?" "A party with rich motherfuckas, I don't know the situation I know they got cabbage, owning corporations IBM, Chrysler and shit is what they said" Just then a light bulb went off in my head "They be thinking all black folks is resembling Give me your tux and I'll do some pocket-swindling" Finna change in the bathroom and not freeze off my nuts Lets take a short break while I get into this tux
[Pre-Chorus] Alright, I'm ready
[Chorus] Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down Get down, get down, get down
[Verse 3] Fresh, dressed like a million bucks I be the flyest motherfucka in an afro and a tux My arm is at a right angle, up, silver tray in my hand "May I interest you in some caviar, ma'am?" My eyes shoot around the room there and here Noticing the diamonds in the chandelier Background Barry Manilow, Copacabana And a strong-ass scent of stogies from Havana Wasn't no place where a brother might've been Snobby old ladies drinking champagne with rich white men Alright then: let's begin this Nights like this is good for business Five minutes in the mix, noticed several different cliques Talking, giggling and shit With, one motherfucka in betwixt And everybody else jocking him, throttling Found out later he owns Coca Cola bottling Talking to a black man, who's he? Confused me, looking hella bougie Ass all tight and seditty Recognized him as the mayor of my city Who treats young black men like Frank Nitti Mr Coke said to Mr Mayor: "You know, we got a process like Ice Ts hair We put up the funds for your election campaign And, oh, um, waiter can you bring the champagne? Our real estate firm says opportunity's arousing To make some condos out of low-income housing Immediately, we need some media heat To say that gangs run the street and then we bring in the police fleet! Harass and beat everybody till they look inebriated When we buy the land, motherfuckas will appreciate it Don't worry about the Urban League or Jesse Jackson My man that owns Marlboro donated a fat sum" That's when I stepped back some to contemplate what few know Sat down, wrestled with my thoughts like a sumo Ain't no one player that could beat this lunacy Ain't no hustler on the street could do a whole community This is how deep shit can get It reads "macaroni" on my birth certificate "Puddin'-Tane" is my middle name, but I can't hang I'm getting hustled, only knowing half the game
[Outro] Shit, how the fuck I get up out this place?
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livecharliereaction · 10 months
Bye tsumihoroboshi
thats all for tsumihoroboshi chapter ZAMN. omfg i did cry i cant lie at that big battle on the rooftop i did i did i did.. It just hits a litte close to home friendship and all that... I love my friends so mach i get everything theyre feeling u know... AND the delusions of rena what a crazy writing style i dont think ill get over it like ever. urgh. Well the final tip almost wanted me to consider that "ooh maybe she was right!" but honestly my takeaways from it are juts 1. disaster happens regardless no matter how the events go otherwise 2. rika was murdered? Thats pretty weird 3. BUT theres hope liek she said BECAUSE: keiichi rememberd something from "another world" (i know a timeloop when i see one. its def a timeloop. Hells yeah) 4. the scrapbooks do hvae some evil spell or something takano i am onto you its weird anyway she shows up at such times and all.. Idk if shes the #MAIN VILLAIN DEMON OMG but shes Something.
Rena i love you thank you for solidifying your place as my favorite good time. argh every chapter so far is better than the one before it goes for this one too it does it does... Which is amazing implications for next ones... Lets hope they keep it up...
And keiichi i cant lie i do love you. I love you i love you i love you. Ughh. If i was still 16 hed have a big chance at going to that kinlist. But hes so gross so i wouldnt actually have added him then either!!! im unable to kin these days because EVERY GOOD CHARACTER EVER has Some Traits I Can Relate To Myself becuase i dont know something something human emotion something i am just like everyone else and everyone is just like me in the end and i love it. But yeah keiichi love the guy hes so #Power of Friendship #Protagonist. Im mentioning this cos i loved the girls from the start and still do but keiichi had to prove himself a little...
Yeah im curious about satoko now too i dont think i paid her enough mind i sort of ended up assuming shes #Normal but just super close to rika obviously but that one line about her being older. I couldnt tell yet if its Haha satokos body is older and rikas being funny! OR Omg satoko some immortal or something too woww! but yeah. I wouldnt think she is it doesnt seem that way at all BUT u never know w this fuckass series..ou ou ou ou ou
Mion i love you the girl that you are. Rena you are everything and more. Rika how have you managed to stay mysterious ive been here for like over 30 hours total for sure maybe even 40. But hmm
if its a timeloop i still cant tell what its about. id say rikas in charge (wants to keep giving this world a chance) n takano is with the antagonistic forces But how does it work exactly? If rikas the one "looping the time" directly it doesnt really compute unless she can do it from the afterlife. I dont konw.
And Omfg i hate this series because i STILL believe satoshi will show up one day. Even though it seems impossible now. But i liked him n shion so much dude i love shion so satoshi HAS TO come back for her. Urgh urgh urgh
But yeah i fr didnt think keiichi would be able to break renas delusion even for such a long moment But he pulled it off. Shes really cool i love her. I love her i love her i love her. UGHHH. Everything and more. and i said it alr but ill say it again the portrayal of her delusional state is SO personal to me i get her i get her i DO so good... Urghh. Ok. Thank u charhigurashi6 i have to check how many games the bundle i bought still has hmm
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ok these 3 i own but havent installed lets see The first one here is um well i dont know that girl i havent seen her which is concerning! I feel like i mightve seen a sprite (in the og style that i read with) but thats kinda it. I recall seeing a name somewhere too shes a furude i think but not too sure Im always frustrated when i see a spoiler like that but then it never makes me any more knowledgeable about anything so so far its fine #LOL. proably has to do with the demon stuff tho...
takano in the middle one right takano you are so weird and offputting. Damn maybe she IS the big bad afterall
last one aww rika But yeah thats. I dont know its at least 5 hrs each but i think i spent like 10+ hrs on meakashi so it could possibly be up to like what. 15 even 20? per game. At least 15 hours left though.. Idt theres anything outside of the bundle after this its either higu anime time or umineko time ill see what kinda time i have then (i can probably watch the anime while multitasking i dont really care so much but umineko i want to be TUNED. IN.)
yay exciting ok thank u charhigurashi6 best chapter so far loved it love u rena love u everyone ok gn
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percontaion-points · 1 year
TOWB chapters 37-40
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 37
It took four Hands to pin her down, and still she fought back, screaming around her gag as they bound her. Black ink stamped her limbs, depicting whirling krakens and three-finned sea dragons. She was Oori, a seafaring coven that spent their lives navigating between the temperate Broken Sea and the harsher waters of the Trija Ocean cradling Witchik’s eastern shores.
This would probably be interesting if the plot actually fucking cared about the different covens.
It was like the author spent a lot of time creating these different covens, but ended up going in a different direction. But by god, she was going to shove it all in anyway!
Ranka lifted her head. “Tell me what I have to do.”
Chapter 37 summary: They watch as the council brings out two witches. They’ve got a second strain of the virus, which is supposed to be slower. The two of them watch with horror as they infect the first witch, and the council discusses the long-term strategy here.
Finally, Aramis puts a hand on Ranka’s and tells her to calm down; that attacking right now would solve nothing. She reminds Ranka that she’s not simply protecting her coven sisters anymore, but all witches. Ranka says “You don’t understand”, but Aramis is quick to call her out on her shit. Nobody understands the burden of power and responsibility better than the goddamned PRINCESS. 
Chapter 38
Ranka kicked through the window. The glass shattered, and she swung them out into the cool air of Seaswept, leaving the Hands of Solomei behind to burn.
Chapter 38 summary: Before the council can infect the second witch, Ranka chucks a torch into the galley below. In the confusion, Aramis stands and shoots at the person holding the witch, which allows her to escape. Ranka then takes Aramis’s hands and they jump out a window. 
Chapter 39
“All of this is too much. I convinced myself the Hands weren’t a threat.”
They were only murdering a little bit of people, rather than a lot! 
Aramis fell silent, and the weight of what she’d said settled between them. Ranka didn’t know if she was terrified, furious, or both. Aramis had known this the entire time and kept it from her. Had strung Ranka’s hopes along, let her believe her power might be managed someday, while the memory of a girl ripped in half for attempting the same haunted her. 
In case Ranka forgot, but the entire purpose of Aramis studying Ranka is to fucking find a cure for this death-sentence!
“She’s not in the city.” He gulped. “I, um, caught her. She’s here.”
Chapter 39 summary: They spend some time searching for the newly-infected witch who escaped at the end of the previous chapter, but are unable to. After they give up, Ranka tells Aramis that Foldrey knew. He wanted her to go, not because she was a shitty person, but because if the bloodwin wasn’t around, the other witches wouldn’t come into the city. There would be no reason to do so. But now, there are reports of the covens getting closer and closer; it’s too late for Ranka to abandon her post now. 
Aramis then tells Ranka some critical detail about other blood witches. About how most of them don’t remember how they came into power, only that it revolves around some sort of extreme violence and death. We actually don’t know the specifics of what happened to Ranka in that village, BTW. Only that something happened. 
Aramis tells Ranka of another bloodwitch who came to the palace seeking her mother’s help. That the girl tried to work through the mental block her mind had put up to shield her from whatever trauma caused her to turn into a bloodwitch. But doing so literally killed her, made the magic literally erupt from her veins. But not in a quick way; it was so slow that eventually, Aramis’s father shot the girl to put her out of her misery. 
Ranka is really upset over this, regardless of the fact that Aramis has been trying THIS ENTIRE TIME to find a cure for the entire thing. 
They go back to the palace, and Percy comes over to them. Says that the sick witch turned up at their doorstep. 
Chapter 40
As the morning sun rose, a new feeling swept through Ranka, so unfamiliar it stung. It was a thing she hadn’t felt properly in five years. It was hope.
Chapter 40 summary: Aramis works hard to save the witch from her plague death, but she still dies anyway. Aramis then has a break-down, but it’s not simply about the now-dead witch. It’s about how shitty that the world is; how they groomed her to take over as queen, yet took away her crown the second it was obvious she wasn’t actually a witch. About how out of every named character, she’s the only one without powers. 
Then the leeches that they’d put on the now-dead witch start to fall off. This gives Aramis an idea and she randomly brings the witch back to life. I followed literally none of it; it’s some of that vague hand waving and the next thing anybody knows, A RABBIT IS PULLED OUT FROM A HAT. 
However, the woman isn’t doing well; Aramis likens the condition to having been paused, rather than the woman being dead-dead. She’s still really sick, so Aramis asks Ranka if she’ll give some blood to the woman. Ranka agrees. 
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