#anyways this is yuri. to me. if you care
sqlatoon · 2 years
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cohozuna and horrorboros cant appear in the same rotation because they would be making out the entire time
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kitamars · 2 years
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in which i take the aa-tnb pipeline and shove it into the hadron collider
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crustycrackhead · 11 months
StarHalo is literally when two knights duel: one is honorable and and one would throw dirt in the other’s eye to gain an advantage. Also they’re sweating and covered in blood.
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susandsnell · 10 months
my hot take on Lizzie: the Musical is that the love story becomes infinitely more compelling the more actors/the production lean into Alice's flaws and selfishness rather than presenting her as some fragile little flower who's the voice of reason (tag novel below)
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2bu · 9 months
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im sorry but am i supposed to know who sent this lmao
edit: btw if this is anyone who i think it could be i think it's weird and hypocritical for you to continue to perpetuate stalker behavior towards me despite me making my own boundaries /very/ clear, especially if you've found yourself blocked by me. crazy how you guys continue to treat me this way and continue to assert that I'm the bad guy 👍🏼
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yellowistheraddest · 4 months
love how the latest dungeon meshi episode is just revealing how some people have no brains and are now making laios into a creep 😁😁😁😁😁 wow guys you should have slept in your lit classes a bit more that totally wouldn't have made this shit even worse noooo this is totally not revealing you have no media literacy
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cyberfunsupporter · 1 month
i don’t really like yurifying m/f ships for a number of reasons but when i say harijun is yuri i’m so damn serious about that… whenever i remember that’s not canon i physically recoil like seojun is NOT a guy 😭 that’s a he/him butch AND HIM AND HARIN ARE LES4LES please don’t make me sick……….. he literally came out ok😭 Stop etop they’re so butchfemme please god
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dogearedheart · 23 days
i wanted to share this with you. it’s a snippet from an ao3 wip i have that i thought you might like. hope you’re doing okay 💕 - 🐉
“The groceries come first, surprisingly. They deplete quicker with two people, Cas finds, though that isn’t necessarily a problem.
In fact, there’s a satisfied part inside him knowing that he can take care of Dean—that he can provide. The feeling nestles deep in his chest, a cross between contentment and something else he can’t name.
Something about the last two days has been almost unreal. The last two days have found Dean Cas settling into not being surprised to find him lingering in different rooms. Dean is real. He’s not a ghost, not a figment of Cas’ imagination. The heat beneath Dean’s skin when Cas brushes his hand up against the back of the younger man’s neck, the shiver and the slight lean towards Cas that follows—that is real.
It’s a heady sort of feeling, the way that Dean reacts. Cas could almost get drunk off of it. ”
dude! anon! I was just thinking about you (i've been trying to write too)! still can't believe you are here sharing your incredible writing so publicly with us! you're absolutely right, I like it a lot for so many reasons. like, the way cas cares so much about dean? that he's so glad about dean being there, right by his side? yeah, fuck man, your writing is incredible!
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goldentigerfestival · 6 months
The 30 day Tales challenge... in one post or else it would never get done!
Favorite Tales game: Legendia
Favorite Main Male Hero: Yuri and Senel
Favorite Main Female Hero: Kohaku
Favorite Side Male Character: Moses
Favorite Side Female Character: Stella
Favorite Canon Pairing: Senel/Stella + Shing/Kohaku
Favorite Non-Canon Pairing: how official is stahn/leon at this point i wonder
Favorite Opening Song: Destiny
Favorite Location: ??? idfk the entire Legacy??? I'll go with Werites Beacon for simplicity I guess. feels like home
Favorite Mascot: Giet. don't tell me he's not a mascot, I'm not listening. (and if you want to try having that discussion my answer is still the Oresoren so we're not getting far, are we)
Favorite Monster: ??? also dfk, probably something cute except i don't like hurting cute so i guess we're stuck
Favorite Boss Battle: UHHHH listen it hurts to say but Vicious; bc the raw emotion that went into that entire storyline ate me whole
Favorite Villain: since I'm avoiding antagonists here (such as Duke who aren't explicitly villains) and prefer to go full villain, Creed.
Least Liked Character: not opening THAT can of worms!!! :D
Your First Tales Game: boooo boriiiing. Symphonia like the other half of the western population. no fancy answer here
Your Favorite Scene: ??? I mean, there's... a lot I guess??? Stahn pleading with Leon moments before disaster??? Kanata crying that Vicious was okay and came back to them??? Moses saying literally anything ever in any scene ever??? the end of Innocence but when you choose Spada as your soulmate bc I'm a bias little fuck??? anything with Yuri and Flynn being happy together??? the entirety of Legendia???
Funniest Scene: idk but it either had Moses in it, Vicious in it, or it was Spada's "I can't believe you mixed up Frosty the Snowman with the Abominable Snowman"
Saddest Scene: Moses' Character Quest cutscene (if not the whole fucking CQ), moments during disaster with Leon, moments during disaster with Asch
Favorite Quote: a lot of stuff Vicious said ngl. can't think of nor pick one off the top of my head but every time he Gets Serious it's one of those and I fall in love further every single time. but if we wanna be REEEALLY simple? "Yeehaw". thanks, Moses. maybe Yuri has said something cool enough to get on the top list, but I'm not sure anything is trumping "yeehaw", and maybe that's equal to something Vicious said
Favorite Piece of Gameplay Music: Scutum - Decisive Battle. Pour one out for Rebirth having the fucking BEST battle theme ever.
Most Shocking Reveal: ??? I'm... not sure at this point. Giet??? was it Senel??? maybe Mathias and Ruca??? Ratatosk and Emil??? I kind of want to say Ratatosk and Emil because I remember being very impressed with the direction of the plot, in that the main protagonist/player character was actually the villain the whole time that the antagonist was trying to kill the whole time. definitely not a plot direction you usually get in JRPGs. Giet's story still hit like an entire brick building 100 storeys high falling on me though
Favorite One on One Fight: that was actually FUN??? uhhh idk Vicious against Kasque. what did you expect me to say???
Favorite Skit: way too many skits to have even a semblance of an idea. I'm going to assume it was either something related to Yuri and Flynn, Moses, Vicious, Spada or Stahn. that's about the closest I can pinpoint
Favorite Tales Spell: I don't... think I have one...
Favorite Tales Weapon: -bangs fist on desk and gets really obvious really fast- BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS, BLOOD SINS. after that the Swordians
Tales World You Want to Live In: honestly Legendia's and Graces' seem the most reasonably normal compared to the rest, but also shiny fingertips and Moses is a pretty solid Legendia
Favorite Animated Tales Series/OVA: (don't say rays don't say rays don't say rays don't say stahn/leon) probably First Strike if only because it focuses on Yuri and Flynn who I love, but Abyss' anime was very solid compared to the other Tales animated series that were just heavily condensed versions (or worse in Eternia's case, not even being relevant to the main story). like, I would not recommend the animated series to anyone prior to playing the game except for Abyss, which is the full major story and I have inarguably rewatched that anime more than I've played the game. I guess in terms of general animated, FS, but in terms of actual consistency to the game it came from and dedication it had in retelling the story faithfully without skipping 80 percent of it, Abyss
Favorite Tales Outfit: RICHARD??? HEEEELLO??? not arc F though that shit is too fruity for me. also Leon has VERY enjoyably bright colors that make him stand out and as a Very Deeply Definitely Not Obsessive Leon Enjoyer, I very much love that. Aegis also has a really nice outfit. Asbel's is pretty but definitely not Richard level of I'm obsessed with this look
Favorite Game Plot: -breaks everything in your room and your neighbor's room for good measure- TURN IT BACK ON NAMCO I'M PAST MY LIMIT SO I'M PROBABLY IN OVERLIMIT (Crestoria. it's that or I'm saying Legendia again. Innocence and Hearts both are really close runner ups tho!!! definitely the most unique in the franchise imo out of the mainline games and sadly confined to "nobody fucking cares about them and never did")
Favorite Game Ending: so that's got... layers. it really depends on the sub topic. I guess in terms of a happy ending, Graces (the Wii version specifically, getting Richard back. don't really care for the ending of arc F and lean more toward disliking it). in terms of a depressing fucking ending that makes me Very Upsetti, Destiny. there is literally nothing happy about Destiny's ending for me. like yeah we saved the world, but at a LOT of cost and it's just depressing. I've wanted to make a post about that anyway, but basically it's a type of ending they don't really make anymore (especially in Tales), and the emotional impact for me was a lot heavier than the other games, with Destiny 2 lingering right behind it. both Destiny games were just DEPRESSING, and no matter how bittersweet Destiny 2's ending was, it's still DEPRESSING. Vesperia at least had a more outright happy ending (that wasn't completely changed by a post game ending arc with a totally different ending) and I finally at that point didn't lose my favorite character to Certain Final Boss Death or Recurring Side Character I Came To Love Dying Unceremoniously and Undeserved. only a couple of top favorites actually came out of their games alive for me by Vesperia in terms of games I know + release timeline (to put it into perspective, by the time of Vesperia in release order (so not the order I played in bc I don't really remember the whole actual order at this point), out of all the games I know, my favorite character death toll was five to three survivors not counting Vesperia. still haven't played Eternia so I'm not counting that one). so I guess like, my answer is a whacky combination of Graces for the Wii, Destiny and Vesperia. maybe if Hearts hadn't killed my mans off then it could've had it all. 😔
#GTF Thoughts#GTF Things#Tales 30 Day Challenge#mainly doing this in case anyone has Same Hat Opinions and wants to talk abt them LOL#for number 22 it was also fun using his new form. normally one on one battles are either#annoying or just a nightmare. or just outright unwinnable by scripted plot (ex Senel and Melanie)#as far as ''canon'' ships go that's also a can on worms i am NOT opening until society can accept that gay ppl actually exist :)#anyway have i properly established my love for legendia now? for crestoria? for moses? for vicious?#i post abt them a lot less bc the amount of content out there for like#vesperia and abyss which i tend to post reblogs of most is WAAAAAY beyond higher#it's kind of like... the less i talk abt it and the less content it has... the more likely i WANT to talk abt it and LOVE it#i could talk to you about moses and spada ALL FUCKING DAY but most ppl haven't played either game or don't care for them#and also i usually stay quiet abt moses bc ONCE THOSE GATES ARE OPEN YOU'RE NOT SHUTTING THEM#moses leon vicious and spada are like... the ones i would love to talk abt nonstop forever#bc they're talked abt a lot less. leon IS popular even in the west but your average tales fan#is not going to know destiny/that it exists or have played destiny or even care to from my experience#i ramble abt what faves i can basically LOL but many of my actual top of the top faves are so obscure that like#i can't find ppl to talk to abt them. yuri is in a very very weird place with my faves#bc my technical favorite in that game is duke but yuri gets senel level position of fave mc#and is also Very Special to me so he's in a weird place as a favorite that#in some ways passes Actual Favorite Duke and in other ways doesn't
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shieldwife · 10 months
also worth saying that this is driving me to writing thg fanfic bc I'm genuinely pissed off, but my favourite way of engaging with thg isn't even with canon characters at this point. it's through thinking about two ocs I've had for years that I mentally refer to as "toxic fishermen yuri", and I'm incapable of writing extensively abt anything related to thg that doesn't involve them lol
#toxic fishermen yuri is like:#what if we were childhood friends who grew up together in our working class neighbourhood and knew each other in a way no one else ever wil#but you were being indoctrinated into thinking that our evil fascist government and their child murder competition were actually cool#and that you should totally volunteer for them one day. and even though I unlike you am immune to propaganda I can't abandon you#I'll never abandon you. you're the only person who has ever truly known me and I'm the only person who has ever really known you#so even after you volunteer and I watch you become twisted into something I KNOW you're not and you come back as ghost of your former self#with blood on your hands and a dead look in your eyes I'm still here. I'll always be here. I promise.#even when I become more and more deeply involved in a plot against our government and you become more and more entertwined with it#and I watch you be used and abused by it even as you claim you owe everything to them. and so many ppl I know claim you're a collaborator#a capitol loyalist and a traitor I know you're not. I know you. you had good intentions and did what you thought was right#I know you're just scared. I know you just want to protect people and you're just trapped in a web of you're own making#and given the opportunity? I know you'd take a way out. I know you'd do the right thing. I dont care what you or anyone else thinks.#I'm still here. I can't abandon you even if I wanted to. and I know you won't abandon me#and also we were both girls#anyway. they make me unwell </3 I love toxic homoerotic friendships. I literally can't talk about them or I just. do what you see above#I go completely insane and I know literally no one else will care lol#op
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desertsportshipping · 8 months
As cute as Wes x Rui is, I could never get behind it because for me: Wes is very gay and Rui is either very straight or very in denial about being bi.
It is also important to mention that there are a lot of off handed comments from other NPCs that Wes and Rui are dating and I am a Contrary bitch.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
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Joe Zieja on stream playing Three Hopes voice: the only good dad
don’t take this seriously in a way that harasses joe even indirectly where he may never see it or im going to put the bottom of the aegis shield through your head
#Fire Emblem Three Houses#Fire Emblem Three Hopes#Three Houses#Rodrigue#Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius#Three Hopes#FE16#you all rly thought i wouldn't take sev up on that offer?#tossing love for characters into tags? throwing love around bc it's nice to have???#and yes I am in fact quoting Joe Zieja when I say the only good dad in his exact words#hey look maybe he was half joking but considering he comments regularly while playing on all the dads he thinks are bad dads#im pretty sure to some degree he actual meant yes this is the only good dad in two playthroughs of houses and one playthrough of hopes#and he did play felix's paralogue in houses so he has met rodrigue to some extent#and considering like 75 percent of the fanbase behaves like joe z's opinions and thoughts are word of god. well.#anyway joe z is a cool human being and im chill with him and he's fun to play jackbox with#yes i will take his comment about this old man seriously bc it makes my heart happy and fluttery to hear anyone say such nice things abt him#JUST for this nice comment he made about rodrigue i'll forgive him for the time he accidentally murdered yuri#and was going to continue playing the rest of the game with yuri dead until his whole chat was like#no go back bc he also killed judith in that map run. oh and he literally didn't care abt killing yuri so like#listen. that comment abt rodrigue is the level needed to make me overlook such terrible things#NOT MANY THINGS WILL MAKE ME OVERLOOK A HEARTLESS MURDER OF YURI SO THIS WAS IMPORTANT#joe has since completely neglected yuri tho btw smh joe why are you like this#why do you love balthus and constance but you won't even glance at the prettiest boy#wife hapi also doesn't seem to be on his list of import. joe how could u my guy#joe we play jackbox together and write dumb answers together how could u do yuri lovers like this#but i'll let it slide bc u said something nice and just abt rodrigue#yeah this has like very little to do with the post anymore but hey at least the yuri shenanigans are fond joe z memories now#this post is like half a joke but also not a joke u kno??? one of those kinds???
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veryfrozenroyalty · 5 months
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agp · 5 months
alison its because im on your mind that you keep popping into mine and my moms. STOP THINKING ABOUT US EITHER OF YOU SHADY DIED AND THE NATIONAL WAS ASKING US WHICH ONE OF YOU THREE IS GOD
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girlkomaeda · 9 months
I’m done caring and I don’t CARE. I DONTTTT CAREEE life is is so embarrassing every step is humiliating I want to be Free from the confines of my deep seated shame LOL. Every single sentence out of my mouth is the single most earth shatteringly humiliating string of words strewn together so it doesn’t matter anywys. I’m done and I’m doing great and I’m gonna go buy yaoi and Yuri with my family for my birthdayv this weekend so life is perfect
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timmie-p · 6 months
april fools post translation 👍 * indicates i have notes on the translation if you want to read below
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Hyun Woo —> He stopped acting in his childhood but is currently working on ALNST as a lighting crew member. Worries about his dull, slow sister
Hyuna —> The last and youngest of the ALNST cast to debut! Her real personality is gentle and innocent
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Mizi —> Fan favourite among the actors. Shy personality and very nervous about her first leading role
Sua —> The feisty actress is popular among her co-stars, thanks to her nonchalant friendliness
Sua: Great job on the shoot today. I’m sure Director Kim was only speaking so harshly because he was worried about your safety, so don’t take it personally.
Mizi: Yeah.. ((It’s sunbae!!! What should I do! What should I do!!))
Sfx: Thump thump thump [heartbeat sound]
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Ivan and Luka are actors from a different agency. They’re also in an idol group together (for the record, Luka hates it)
Ivan —> Ivan loves kids and voluntarily takes care of them
Luka —> Luka is Ivan’s best friend, so he’s forced to babysit with him
Baby Till —> Baby Till for flashback scenes
Baby Mizi —> Baby Mizi for flashback scenes when the kids are older
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Till —> Till, the youngest in the series, is actually the oldest in the cast and debuted with CF before he could even speak in a diaper commercial. Till has a strong “my pace”* persona. He just wants to quickly wrap up the shoot and go home. His dark circles are from overwork, not make-up.
Others —> Three people who want to approach their mysterious** senior but can’t
Ivan: ((Lamenting over delays..?))
Mizi: Want me to talk to him?
Luka: Yeah
Till: ((I want to go home))
Sfx: Spacing out~
*according to namu wiki, either someone who’s strongly independent and doesn’t care what others think or someone who’s always chill
**according to namu wiki, the adjective translates to a famous person who deliberately keeps their private life secret. i just went with mysterious bc it directly translates to “mystic”
i didn’t choose to translate sunbae in Mizi’s thoughts because it sounds weird and most of you probably know what it means anyway
lol it looks like everyone’s personalities were flipped. does that mean ivan actually hates kids? and till as the cool mysterious senior everyone is scared to talk to vs hyuna as no thoughts head empty is kinda funny. i have a feeling ivan and luka are shipped together a lot by fans in this au.. the woes of being besties. also mizisua is always canon 🙏 theyre so yuri
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