#anyways th e bank is so annoying
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vampiregirl1797 · 5 years ago
When You Have a Breakdown at Work
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Jake Peralta x Reader
 GIF Not Mine
 Word Count: 3,184
 Warnings: maybe a little angst, & so much fluff
 Click Here For Masterlist
 Summary: Y/N’s having a bad day at work. The brother she hasn’t heard from in five years called to ask for bail money, and it brings back a lot of painful memories. More specifically, the memories of her parents turning her away after she removed the presence of her toxic brother from her life. Work isn’t the best place to have a breakdown, but the evidence room offers some privacy as she slowly falls apart, and when her partner finds her, his warm embrace provides some much needed comfort. As Y/N tells him what happened, he finds himself unable to hold his words back and ends up confessing how much she means to him. How will she react?
 I took another deep breath and forced myself to gently place my phone back on my desk, instead of throwing it through one of the precinct windows like I wanted to. Now wasn’t the time to express my anger and complete frustration—I was at work. Now was the time to be professional and get on with my job, no matter how unbelievably annoying my brother was.
He’d done it again. Gotten himself arrested for having drugs on his person and in his system evidently. His sentence was going to be higher than it usually was because the high quantity of illegal substances he had on him led the cops who arrested him to believe he had the intent to distribute. Hell, I wouldn’t even be surprised if he had turned to dealing—he couldn’t hold down any other work so why wouldn’t he try and make some money to ensure he could keep up his habit.
 I’d really tried with him, he was a year and seven months younger than me, and despite the fact that he towered over me and looked about forty five rather than thirty one, he was my little brother. But I’d disowned him about five years ago, after he’d gone off the rails for the third time, and I’d had to use what little savings I had to bail him out of jail, again. I realised then that I wasn’t family to him. I was a bank that he called up when he needed someone to come and save him because he couldn’t face the repercussions of his actions.
 That was the last time I’d saved his ass, and I told him that from that moment, as far as I was concerned, I no longer had a little brother. I was officially an only child. He hadn’t taken it well and my parents had taken it worse—they’d retaliated by disowning me. It had been hard for a while afterwards, but when I got transferred to the 99th precinct in Brooklyn, I found a new family. One that was better than the one I’d had, and I was incredibly grateful to have them all in my life every day.
 So, after all of this time, it came as a shock to receive a call from him. He’d gotten himself arrested again and apparently mom and dad couldn’t afford to bail him out this time. I idly wondered exactly how many other time’s they’d had to cough up some bail money for their perfect son, especially if it had gotten to the point of them having nothing left this time. I knew mom and dad had a nice little nest egg they’d put aside for their retirement—had he drained it all? I felt my heart clench at what that meant for them, but I didn’t let myself linger on it—it was their choice to keep him in their lives and ignore his toxic tendencies. I was not responsible for their choices and I was certainly not going to suffer the consequences of their actions.
 ‘Hey, Y/N did you finish the report for that B and E?’ Jake’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
 ‘Uh, yeah it’s on Holt’s desk.’ I forced a smile, grabbing some extra files I needed to finish and standing up, ‘I’m gonna go and finish these somewhere else. It’s a little loud in here, I can’t concentrate.’
 I fled before Jake could say anything in response—if I gave him the chance to talk he would comment on the fact that the bullpen was quieter than it ever was because him and I were the only ones there. Well, aside from Sarge and the Captain, but both were always quiet because they had their own paperwork to be getting on with. Rosa and Charles were out on a case and Amy was off for the weekend—apparently she was going to see a TED talk on body language…at least I think that’s what she’d said. Gina was out on lunch, but she’d been gone for at least two hours now—I was anyone’s guess if and when she was coming back.
 So really, needing quiet was a bogus excuse and Jake would pick up on that and start asking me what was wrong, and I didn’t want to talk about it. At least, not here anyway. Jake already knew about the non-existent relationship I had with my family—he was my partner and the stake outs, undercover missions and late nights filling out paperwork led to a lot of time for bonding. It was safe to say that the hyperactive man knew me better than anyone on the squad, or rather, anyone ever. There was just something about the brown haired, brown-eyed boy that made it impossible not to feel comfortable around him. I didn’t know if it was just a part of his personality, or if he was just the first and only person I’d ever clicked with so fast. Either way, I was lucky to have him in my life, as someone I could tell anything to, as someone I knew I could call at three in the morning because I needed to talk to someone who would listen… as someone I was starting to care for as more than a friend.
 I shook my head free of those thoughts and took a seat at the desk in the evidence room. I will only focus on my paperwork. With a determined nod I opened my files and started filling out the relevant information, placing sticky tabs onto the pages I’d need to get Peralta to sign too. It didn’t take as long as I’d thought and in no time, I’d finished the four lots of reports and I was staring blankly at one of the many plain brown boxes piled on the shelves of evidence lock up.
 These were times when I’d distract myself, refusing to linger on the pain and abandonment that sprang up inside of me whenever I thought about my family. Usually it worked great, and I got to a point where I could go months without them even crossing my mind. But I guess hearing my brother’s voice earlier was making it more difficult—he’d opened up the wound and I was going to have to wait for the skin to stitch itself back together.
 I knew I’d made the right decision for me—my brother was toxic and even though it hadn’t been easy, I’d cut him out of my life, because I just couldn’t be happy while I was constantly waiting for the phone to ring to bail his ass out of whatever problem he’d managed to get himself into. The thought of that isn’t what hurt; what hurt more than anything was how easily and quickly my parents had turned their backs on me. How couldn’t they see how poisonous, how selfish he was? Why couldn’t they understand why I had to do what I did?
 I took a deep breath and when it turned into a sob, the tears in my eyes spilled over. I leaned back in my chair, pulling my knees up to my chest and decided to indulge in a good cry. Everyone needed that once and a while, right? I hid my face in my knees and just let the tears, the sobs, all of it out. I’d been holding it in for a long time—while I’d shed a few tears over this predicament over the last five years, I’d never let myself go this much. And while my heart was throbbing painfully and my throat was starting to feel raw, it felt good to purge all of the feelings of abandonment, anger and hurt from my body.
 Being so lost in crying I hadn’t heard someone join me in the evidence room and I just about jumped a mile when I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Jake, his hands held in front of him defensively and his brown eyes shining with concern. Without much thought I practically leaped into his arms and buried my face in his chest, the sobs and tears continuing to fall from me—I was too far in to stop now, I had to let it run its course. Jake’s arms wound around me and he rested his chin on top of my head, murmuring soothing things to me. Eventually he sat in the chair I’d been on when he’d arrived, pulling me onto his lap and allowing me to nuzzle further into his warmth. He started to rub the bottom of my back comfortingly and I just about melted into him as the tears finally started to subside.
 I don’t know how long we were sat there for, but he never once complained or pushed me to talk about what had caused this reaction, even after the tears stopped. He just kept rubbing my back and occasionally placing a chaste kiss to my hair, which made my heart skip in my chest every time. I nuzzled my way up to the crook of his neck, inhaling his cologne and not fighting as my eyes fluttered shut at the comfort and security that intensified around me.
 ‘Thank you, Jake.’ I murmured, my voice was low but even I could hear how weak it sounded.
 ‘It’s no problem, Y/N.’ He kissed my hair again and I could sense that he was bracing himself to ask me something that he was worried I wouldn’t want to hear, ‘did something happen?’
 The question didn’t make me stiffen defensively like it would have if anyone else had asked. But coming from him, I didn’t mind, and so instead I sighed and melted further into him.
 ‘My bother called.’ I felt him stiffen momentarily—he knew that couldn’t mean anything good, especially with the state he’d found me in, ‘he was arrested for possession and intent to distribute. Mom and dad couldn’t afford to bail him out this time, apparently I was his last resort.’
 ‘What did you tell him?’ he asked, a little hesitantly.
 ‘I told him that I didn’t care and that it was about time he faced some repercussions for his actions. He told me I was a bitch and that I was dead to him. I told him he’d been dead to me for five years, harsh but true.’ I shrugged and Jake’s index finger tilted my chin up so he could study my eyes. I assumed he was trying to figure out if I was actually feeling as casual and dismissive as I was acting over the conversation I’d had with my brother.
 He frowned in confusion, ‘you don’t seem upset about that, so what’s bought this on?’
 Another sigh fell from me, my eyes fluttering closed as his hand caressed the side of my face, ‘over the past five years I’d gotten good at not thinking about my family, I’d just distract myself whenever a thought about them popped into my head.’ He nodded, but the crease between his brows hinted that his confusion lingered, ‘and I got to a point where they wouldn’t cross my mind for months, but that phone call, hearing his voice just bought it all back. Tore open the wound all over again, and while I honestly don’t care about my brother no longer being in my life… it still hurts that my mom and dad just disowned me so easily. I still don’t understand why. I get that they were pissed at me for disowning him, but why can’t they understand that with him in my life I was only ever on edge? That I couldn’t be truly happy while I was waiting for the phone to ring with him asking for more money to bail him out of whatever trouble he’d gotten himself into?’
 The pain in Jake’s eyes made my eyes tear up all over again, touched that he seemed to care enough that my sadness affected him so deeply. I took a deep breath, determined to get it all out.
 ‘My anger has stopped me from shedding more than a few tears over the years, I never let it out, never let myself properly grieve for the parents I lost. And for some reason I decided that here in the evidence lock up was the best location for that to happen.’ My tone turned a little light-hearted at the end and Jake acknowledged my effort by smiling a little, but the pain still lingered in his eyes.
 ‘I’m so sorry, Y/N.’ He said, his words coming out so quickly that I had to concentrate to catch them all, it was as if he’d been holding it in for a long time and now he was rushing to get it all out, ‘I’m sorry that your parents and your brother didn’t realise how lucky they were to have you in their lives. I’m sorry that they just disowned you so easily, without recognising what a loss it would be and how empty their lives must be without you in it. I’m sorry that they hurt you.’ His eyes were shining with such intensity as he spoke and when he paused to take a breath, a softness appeared in them that made my breath catch, ‘I’m sorry they didn’t appreciate how incredible you are when they had the chance, but I’m not sorry that they’re never going to get the chance again. Because they don’t deserve it, they don’t deserve to have you in their lives. They don’t deserve to know the person you are now because they didn’t realise how kind, sweet, caring and loving you were then. They don’t deserve to know all of the achievements you’ve accomplished in your career and your personal life.’ He gently wiped away the tears as they fell down my cheeks, ‘the truth is, Y/N, I don’t understand how anyone could ever turn their back on you, because I cannot imagine my life without you. It would be empty, a lot less fun, I wouldn’t be as enthusiastic to come to work because I wouldn’t have the fact that I would get to see you to motivate me.’
 ‘Jake,’ I whispered, overwhelmed and I feeling myself fall that little bit more in love with him.
 ‘I know I’m being a little intense here and I hope that it’s not freaking you out, but I wanted you to know that I and everyone in your life now, would never be able to abandon you like they did. You have a family, you have a home here.’ He kissed my forehead.
 His proximity didn’t diminish after, as he rested his forehead against mine, close enough that I could feel his breath mingling with mine, both of us suddenly breathing sporadically. I knew he wouldn’t move close enough to kiss me, he would leave the power in my hands, and if I pushed him away he would immediately get off me and give me space. But I didn’t want space; I wanted to feel his lips moving against mine, I wanted to taste his skin on my tongue. My hands trailed up either side of his neck and moved through his soft brunette hair, Jake’s eyes darkened with lust and I felt my knees go weak—if I’d still been standing I would have crumpled to the floor. I gently pulled him towards me, close enough to close the small gap between us.
 The kiss started off tender, his soft lips dancing gently with mine as we tentatively learned how to move together. Once the shyness melted into the heat of our lust, the kiss became more passionate, me shifting in his lap to straddle him, my hands tightening in his hair when he gripped my waist tighter to pull me closer. I felt a moan tumble from me when he flicked his tongue against mine—I’d never had that kind of reaction when kissing anyone before, but no one had ever kissed me so expertly, so effortlessly as if he knew what I wanted when I didn’t. I felt myself melt into him as his tongue dominated mine, another sound of pleasure leaving my throat. I was overwhelmed with the affect he was having on me—my whole body was tingling with electricity, my bones felt like they’d melted and a knot of pleasure was forming in my belly and growing so quickly that I felt like I was going to burst into flames at any moment.
 Eventually we reluctantly pulled apart, our bodies needing the oxygen we’d been denying it for too long. My forehead fell to his shoulder as I tried to get my breathing under control, and when I felt like I could speak again a breathy, ‘wow’ was whispered into the skin of his neck.
 ‘That was the hottest moment of my life.’ His voice was breathy too and I lifted my head to look at him, a teasing smile on my face.
 ‘Title of your sex tape.’ I winked, laughing with him, though I stopped abruptly when he sat up straighter, his hands tightening on my waist to assure he didn’t drop me.
 He gasped, ‘title of our sex tape!’
 I threw my head back, a loud laugh tumbling from my throat as I slapped the hand he held up for a high five. He entwined our fingers together and pulled me closer, placing a short but passionate and loving kiss to my lips. His eyes were soft when we pulled apart, and I knew that I was observing him in the same adoring way as my free hand fell to the back of his neck, playing with the longer strands of his soft hair.
 ‘I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Jake Peralta.’ I murmured, kissing his nose when he bashfully grinned, his eyes softening even more.
 ‘Not as lucky as I am.’ His hand caressed the side of my face, his eyes tender with adoration and sincerity, and he bought our lips together once again.
 As our lips moved together once again, I couldn’t help but thank whatever deity had bought Jake Peralta and the rest of the squad into my life. Because Jake was right, I did have a family here, one that was better and stronger than the relationships I used to have with my mom, dad and brother. But I was especially grateful for Jake. For his kindness, generosity, for caring about me, for loving me. We might not have said it, but I knew he felt it, just as I knew he was sure that I felt the same for him—it was clear in our eyes as we looked at each other and our touch as we held one another.
 And as our kiss deepened with fervour, I was certain that I would go through all the pain that came with my parents disowning me a thousand times over, if it meant that I would be blessed with having Jake Peralta in my life when it was done.
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anythingyoucanimagine · 5 years ago
The Phillips' 'Yandere Gene' Explained (And how they act after they snap)
Warning! 18+ Facts approaching! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
The link to the Picrew used for the pics in this...
The gene itself
Only surfaces when they fall madly in love with someone
Always surfaces when they fall madly in love with someone
No way to reverse it
Once the gene has been awakened they will love that person no matter what happens, and be incapable of loving anyone else, ever again.
It came from hundreds of years ago when one of their (crazier) ancestors pissed off some gypsies by killing one of them in an attempt to steal the affection away from another.
Spoiler alert, the person failed but the curse is still very much here.
Something changes in their eyes, it's a constant warning to the crazy fucker that lies beneath.
Crazy Jaime
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Will adore him and love him no matter what
What? He doesn't love him back?
Of course he loves him, he just need some time to realize that.
He's a patient guy, he can wait.
God forbid anyone tries flirting with his man
He'll find a place to hide the body later
Needs to be touched by his guy
P l e a s e just touch him
Only thing that's worse than trying to TAKE his man?
Talking shit on his man.
Ooh, he's gonna make sure you hurt if you do that.
He knows no-one could beat him in bed, so that's not a problem.
If his guy is supportive of him when he finds out...
He's gonna be shook???
He's a murderer and his guy is SUPPORTING HIM?
Th ank-
He'll still be extra careful the next few days, and goes extra out of his way to do nice things for his man.
If his guy is upset when he finds out?
Jaime'll be...
He'll constantly spam his phone with calls and texts and wHY ARE YOU AVOIDING HIM HE ONLY WANTS TO LOVE YOU
He tries to go to the cops?
He's already become friends with half the police force, and the other half he gives free coffee to as a barista.
Always good to have the law on your side, that's how he sees it.
So he'll wait until his man has realized there's no escape, and there's no one that'll ever love him as much as Jaime does.
He'll make him come back.
There'll only be minor punishment, because he really doesn't like hurting his guy
Don't expect him to go easy on him in bed that night, though.
Ooh, no. He'll be rough.
But he'll take good care of him afterwards, making sure to kiss every spot he marked to show the world what's his
Pretty sadistic when it comes to the people he's decided to kill, every delicious expression of pain, every bit of beautiful crimson that spills out of them...
He keeps a tally of everyone he's killed, NOT on his neck because that is a no-no zone (Long story, one for another post.) Probably on his wrist, or maybe his lower back... Somewhere he can cover with a shirt, because tattoos raise questions. And only his guy gets to see his tattoos...
Actually prefers hand-to-hand but if he's going for a cleaner kill he'll use a knife.
Or strangle them. He knows from experience that isn't the quickest way to go, and it has more of a possibility to get out of it, but it's a good one.
That's reserved for the worst of them.
Only doesn't want to get hurt so he doesn't make his guy worry
But he secretly likes being worried about, just doesn't like that it causes distress.
Gonna be way more into tying his partner down now
And being tied down (But again, nothing around the neck!!)
Also gets a little bit more masochistic
But only with his guy
Only his guy gets to hurt him
He'll r e l i s h the pain
Crazy Brie
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She n e e d s her darling's attention
She'll do whatever she has to to get it.
Fetch things for her? Done.
Do tasks for her? Absolutely.
Shank a bitch if they get too close? Obviously.
She's a little bit more of a sloppy kill than Jaime, but she's not afraid to call him for help.
Especially if he's already had his own 'snap'
Not above kidnapping her darling to have all her attention
She WILL tie her darling down if she has to, or hurt her just enough to remind her who's in charge.
She WON'T force herself on her darling.
Will still try to make her darling as comfortable as possible.
No matter how much she wants to feel her...
She will always respect if she doesn't want her to get any closer.
This may result in her calling Jaime in tears a few times, trying to find a way to get her darling to let her touch her
Hates seeing her darling upset, but understands that it's necessary for them to ultimately be happy together.
She knows how to look at her darling just right to make her feel bad about her for a moment
She uses that to her advantage every time she tries to escape.
Doesn't mind a mess, found out she actually likes the taste of blood
Will not admit that she likes the taste of blood
Prefers knives above everything else, but she'll do whatever she has to so she can 'take care of' any 'distractions'
Very careful in a kill, they won't be able to lay a hand on her.
If her darling actually returns her feelings?
She will be so surprised???
She's... Loved???
By the woman she loves???
Yes please
She will try not to be overbearing
She'll constantly be complimenting her darling, telling her how beautiful she is, telling her she's perfect, thanking her for choosing her
Tries to keep her darker side hidden
One night coming home late covered in blood and that goes out the window
She will b e g for her darling not to leave her
If she does anyways?
She'll always find her.
There is no running
She might let her think she can escape, only to come in at the last moment and bring her back.
And then she's stuck with an obsessive, emotionally wounded crazy girl.
But if her darling supports her even with her crazy side?
She'll do a n y t h i n g to keep her close
If she asks her to rob a bank she'll find a way to get it done.
All reason is lost on her at this point. She just needs her darling, nothing and no one else.
Always keeps her inhaler on hand, even after the 'snap' she's still asthmatic and gets plenty of gay panic from her gorgeous darling every day...
Crazy Brandie
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Why two pics? The original's filter is 👌 but hides a lot of her design with the sheen and the handprint. Plus I haven't shared any @momma-phillips here yet!
Much more logical than her children
She understands that her s/o is a normal person, and she keeps her darker side neatly tucked away around them.
But God forbid someone gets too close to them, or ever tries to take them from her.
She's subtle about her devotion, simple pet names and happily helping them with any task no matter what...
Also, she'll be latched onto their side at all times.
Holds them in higher regard than her children.
Actually has a lot of preparation before each kill, she plans it out depending on how much she wants them to hurt.
Always wears gloves for a kill
Ties her hair back so she doesn't get blood in it
Her preferred method of kill is dragged out through hours of her victim tied to a chair bound and gagged while she carves their 'sins' into their skin. (Ex: 'Thief', 'Blasphemer', etc. (Depending on how they've wronged her and her S/O))
Of course, she doesn't always have time for that.
Once, she burned down their house with them in it.
Listened to their screams
They deserved it for trying to touch what's hers.
Very possessive.
Will always want to be touching her S/O
It might be a little annoying at times, but it comes from a place of love
A little too much love
She'll verbally lash out at anyone that wrongs her S/O, and then subtly destroys the wrongdoer and their life over the course of a month (at most)
Never lets her S/O discover her darker side, but if they do she'll do whatever she can to make them stay of their own free will
They want to leave anyways?
They won't get far.
She really hates her S/O hurt, but if they want to leave like that...
She has no trouble with a little punishment to get them back in line.
A week in the basement should suffice, somewhere she can still dote on them
Whether they want her to or not
She'll make them love her again...
Absolutely capable of inflicting Stockholm Syndrome
She'll make them see things her way
No matter what she has to do.
But if they support her after learning what she's really like?
There's no stopping her now.
She'll constantly dote on them with affection and gifts
From now on, she'll completely refuse to leave their side unless she needs to go for a kill.
Refuses to let them come along, even if they ask.
Her precious S/O doesn't need to be exposed to that...
Of course, they probably know how to plead right to get anything by now
And if they do that, well of course she can't refuse...
But she'll do her best to make that one a clean kill.
(And unlike her children, she's bi, not just gay.)
That's all, folks!
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Pixar Films
I dislike Disney as an entity; it is an evil corporate conglomerate that makes focus-grouped schlock to appeal to as wide an audience as possible at the detriment of story.  That said, Pixar was once the greatest animation studio on the planet.
Keep in mind, these are movies for kids, so anything negative I say will almost certainly be rebutted with “you’re just old and you don’t like Disney because it’s popular and you’re a hipster and you’re not even the target audience anyway so shut up.”  I’m just giving my two cents, whatever that’s worth.
I’m not gonna rate them on a number scale, I’ll just tell you how much I would or would not recommend watching them.  Some are must-see-cinema, others are bland and skippable affairs that you should not feel obligated to watch just because it has the Pixar brand on it.
Let’s start from the very beginning (a very good place to start)
Toy Story (1995) Groundbreaking, the first feature length 3D animated movie, spectacular cast, great story, though a little wonky by today’s standards both in the visuals (though that’s just a product of the times) and in the characterization (Woody is kinda of a jerk in this one; he was worse during pre-production, so this is the tame version).  Pixar started off on the right foot.  Would Recommend
A Bug’s Life (1998) This has some flaws, but is still a really fun movie.  Not as good as Toy Story, but infinitely better than Dreamworks’ knockoff Antz.  Great ensemble, memorable characters and set pieces, really funny.  Would Probably Recommend
Toy Story 2 (1999) An excellent sequel, they knocked it out of the park with this one.  It’s surprisingly deep, exploring concepts like the inevitability of change; nothing lasts forever, you can’t keep kicking the can down the road forever.  The journey is finite, but that doesn’t make it worthless.  Would Definitely Recommend.
Monsters, Inc. (2001) To date, their best original movie, maybe even better than Toy Story 2.  Everything about it is perfect; John Goodman and Billy Crystal have great chemistry, Steve Buscemi plays the perfect sleaze, Boo is just adorable, it’s an excellent movie.  Would Definitely Recommend.
Finding Nemo (2003) This is a beautiful movie; they had to invent new animation techniques to make it look this good, new ways for light to bounce and diffuse through the fishy medium.  Amazing story, absolutely heart wrenching at points, hilarious at others, without feeling tonally dissonant.  Would Definitely Recommend.
The Incredibles (2004) Another home run, they’re just showing off at this point.  This is a much deeper and arguably darker story than any of their previous films.  It doesn’t pull any punches and explores adult concepts like mid-life crises, extramarital affairs, death (oh, so much death; red shirt mooks and civilians alike).  This may be my favorite (definitely top 3; I’ll expand the list below).  Would Definitely Recommend.
Cars (2006) A competent movie, though by Pixar standards it’s not quite up to snuff.  Not bad, by any means, but this one is the most blatant cash grab of them all, just a commercial for hot wheels and die-cast toys.  I have a soft spot for it because this is the one I’ve seen the most; my mom would turn on this DVD to keep my baby sisters occupied, so it was literally always playing in our house.  That said, I’m not nostalgia blind; it has good parts, but it’s not great.  Would Probably Not Recommend.
Ratatouille (2007) C’est Magnifique!  Patton Oswalt does a fantastic job, I identify with Linguini on a spiritual level, the human characters are all perfectly demented and the rats are equally so.  I love this moral; anyone can be successful, it’s about who you are not where you come from.  Funny and relatable, an all around feel-good movie.  Would Definitely Recommend.
WALL-E (2008) Top 3, hands down, this is a true work of art, a modern masterpiece.  A film mostly devoid of dialogue, it expresses so much emotion from how the characters carry themselves and react physically to their surroundings.  The body language, the color choices, the camera work (especially in the space dance sequence), just how RAW everything is, how grounded it feels, how fleshed out these little robots are..  I Cannot Recommend This Enough, Watch it Right Now. Now. Why Are You Still Reading This?  Now! Go Watch it Then Come Back.  Even if You’ve Already Seen it, Go Watch it Again.
Up (2009) Another near perfect installment under Pixar’s belt.  They’ve really nailed the art of opening scenes; Carl and Ellie’s love story moves me to tears, it is so beautifully portrayed.  Some of the characters can be a tad annoying and overly cutesy to sell merchandise, but the story never suffers from it.  The villain actually feels like a threat, there are stakes, and the image of a house sitting by a waterfall and the story connotations thereof are indescribably bittersweet.  Would Definitely Recommend
Toy Story 3 (2010) This is is sort of hit or miss.  It’s a very well made movie, and an excellent CONCLUSION to the Toy Story franchise (Conclusion: noun, the end or finish of an event or process).  I liked it, felt it really wrapped things up in a satisfactory way, but it’s not better than Toy Story 2 in my mind.  I feel like this was a turning point for Pixar; after this, they were never quite the same, never really bounced back.  May or May Not Recommend, I’m on the Fence
Cars 2 (2011) You don’t give the comedy relief their own movie.  That’s storytelling 101; the comic relief bit-character can rarely stand on their own and meaningfully carry a story, though corporations are laughing all the way to the bank as I say this because these types of movies keep making boatloads of money even if they suck.  Minions made bookoo bucks, the Pirates of the Caribbean series is still ongoing despite the loss of Bloom and Knightly (and bringing them back for the last one doesn’t really count because Depp is still the main character), Cars 2 is a corporate cash grab, and devoid of artistic merit; this is my first hard no.  Would NOT Recommend.
Brave (2012) This is not a Pixar film, it is a Disney film that they decided to make under Pixar’s name instead because they knew Pixar had enough good will and positive connotations to get people into seats regardless of story.  It’s not terrible, but it’s not great.  That’s the story of modern Disney; not terrible, not great, just okay because that’s all it needs to be.  People will watch it no matter what, so they put in the bare minimum amount of effort so nobody can say they suck at making movies again (because for the longest time in the early 2000s, they did suck; Dinosaurs, Home on the Range, Chicken Little).  Would Not Recommend.
Monsters University (2013)  Why did you do this, Pixar?  Why did you take one of your best movies and do this specifically to it? Nobody asked for this, nobody wanted this.  I can only applaud them for having integrity enough to NOT give people what they wanted; people wanted a sequel, and that would have bee terrible.  You can’t follow up on Monsters, Inc, it had a perfect ending, it was hopeful and heart warming and definitive.  A prequel is the only thing they could have made without messing up the ending of the original, so I’ll give them some credit for that.  It’s not good.  Would Not Recommend.
Inside Out (2015) Their best one since Toy Story 3.  Not terrible, I actually liked a lot of things about this one.  I like it when Pixar takes on more serious subject matter, and I thought they did a good job exploring how a kid would react to such a drastic lifestyle change.  The cast was good, the animation was fun (inside Riley’s head; outside was generic and samey).  Not bad Pixar, not bad at all.  Would Probably Recommend.
The Good Dinosaur (2015) It doesn’t matter what i think because this movie still made hundreds of millions of dollars.  Disney is losing no sleep over this.  Would NOT Recommend.
Finding Dory (2016) Again with the continuations!  This was better than Monsters University, but the original was still such a hard act to follow.  It had potential, and I liked how it respectably handled mental illness in a way that was easy for kids to understand without dumbing it down and underplaying its significance in the lives of those who it effects.  I think Marlin kinda regressed, having to relearn what he already learned in the first one. The hardest I laughed was during the climax, the truck chase scene, “It’s a Wonderful World,” just amazing.  Would Probably Not Recommend
Cars 3 (2017) I hope Disney was happy with this end product.  I hope the producers really enjoyed cashing their toy checks for this one.  I thought it was worse than Cars 2, but I can see why some people might like it more.  Either way, it’s worse than Cars 1, which wasn’t particularly great anyway.  Would NOT Recommend.
Coco (2017) I’m on the fence with this one.  It was beautifully made, and the songs made me cry, but it’s hard for me to look at this movie without judging it as a product made by a focus group of mostly white people.  By itself it’s a good movie, but when you know how the Disney sausage is made it feels disingenuous and calculated.  Might Recommend, But it Had Some Baggage
The Incredibles 2 (2018)  I am Boo Boo the Fool, Pixar suckered me and I fell for it.  I was legitimately enthusiastic for this one because the original is one of their best, and unlike Monsters, Inc it actually left room for a sequel.  It had so much potential, and big shoes to fill, and it did so in the most generic Disney way it could.  Like Brave it wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either.  Middle of the road, some things were fun, others made little sense, it was “appealing” in that it literally appealed to as wide an audience as it could without alienating anyone by doing anything particularly risky.  I liked Voyd, I liked how Helen became the main character, I liked the villain twist; I did not like how easy it was to make superheroes legal again.  It felt like it was tacked on at the end, like he just says “and there we have it, they’re legal again, congratulations,” like he was announcing the winner of the Price is Right.  Would Probably Not Recommend
Toy Story 4 (2019) I want to be clear that I made a point not to pay money to see many of the previous films on this list.  If I thought they were going to suck, I waited until a friend bought it and saw it with them for free.  This one, though, I was forced to pay for because my mom insisted on seeing it in theaters as a family.  It wasn’t terrible.  Wasn’t great.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  It was the same villain again; Stinky Pete, Lotso, Gabby-Gabby... I can’t wait for the fifth one where the villain is an old toy who is mad because they weren’t played with.  Buzz was made much dumber for this one, and I felt they didn’t do enough with Forky.  I was excited to see how they handled the existential aspects of the series; what makes a toy? How are toys sentient? Why are toys sentient? In the first movie Woody implied that there were rules that toys were honor bound to follow, so what is stopping Forky from blowing their cover on accident?  None of these questions were answered.  I liked Keanu Reeves, I didn’t like Key and Peele.  Would Probably Not Recommend.
The mighty have fallen.  It’s just sad. 
”Onward” looks kinda dumb, like a kiddy version of the flop Will Smith movie “Bright.”  I have no faith in this production company anymore, but I’m sure it will make hundreds of millions of dollars; the cast are fan favorites, including Disney’s favorite topical pet celebrities (because let’s be honest, Disney basically owns Tom Holland at this point.  Whether they own Spider-Man or not, they own Tom Holland, he is theirs, his soul contractually belongs to them).
Speaking of souls, ”Soul” will probably go over well with critics, though I can’t help but notice that their main character of color is transformed into a non-human for most of the movie.  Again.  I’m also not a fan of this one-word naming convention Disney has fallen into in the last decade.  “Brave” was originally titled “the Bear and the Bow,” but one-word titles seem to test well with kids.  Hopefully this will pass, but I’m not holding my breath.
I’m swearing off Disney movies, firsthand.  I might catch them second hand, through friends or other means, but I refuse to give this corporate conglomerate one more penny.  They basically own Hollywood, so my money will eventually make my way into their pockets, I just want to put as much distance between them and myself as possible.  No more Pixar, no more Star Wars, no more Marvel, no more Disney.  I am one drop in the bucket, I will not be missed, and they will not be affected in the slightest by my absence, but I need to prove to myself that I have integrity enough not to keep funneling my hard earned cash into a trillion dollar snack company.
Disney movies are snacks, not meals.  And I’m going on a diet.
Anyway, here’s my top three:
Monsters, Inc
The Incredibles
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dryplaspurpose · 7 years ago
A brief about Plas
To you all out there in the Tumblr world, my name is Plas.
 I have created this page, for my own personal reasons. The fundamental purpose is to document my year in 2018 – through words, pictures, phrases or anyway possible.
 Before I continue, a warning to friends and family that have found this page – this will be the most authentic version of myself will ever know. I will tell all my secrets and describe every obscene act I experience throughout the year, and i won’t hold back. If you wish to no longer continue reading this, I truly understand, but be warned if you continue, this is a new light you will see of me, rather than the facade that I portray around you all.
 I guess I should answer my own question really. Why.
Why do this, and why for the year of 2018.
The year itself really is just coincidental, however there will be a few significant events that will happen in 2018 that make it quite exciting to document – my 30th birthday, quite a few of my mates 30th birthdays, marriages, travels, new work environments, moving to different areas and I’m sure a lot more eventful things that I cannot foresee.
I have a few monumental life changing objectives that I want to try and achieve: weight goals, mental goals, work career goals, health goals and relationship goals, to name a few.
 So why through Tumblr, why not just boast your achievements through other social media; Facebook, Insta, Snapchat, Twitter etc. well I’ve never been one to gloat my accomplishments, or seek for appraisal. I’d rather be hidden behind this laptop/computer. And who knows I may eventually post a picture of myself through Tumblr. But it’s a picture. Most people that I speak to won’t know about this – and if you do recognize me or know me, enjoy the real Plas.
 Let me introduce you to brief version of myself.
My heritage is South American, though I’m an Australian, G’day.I’m currently 29 years old.
I have three siblings – all girls.
E is currently 40 years old, she is married to S with two children J & Q. I am a godparent to her second child – Q.
L is 37 years old, she is also married (my father is not aware of this – please ask so that i can be reminded to explain) to G and they have one child - S.
C is my younger sister and she is 25 years old. In 2018 she will be moving into her first house that she just recently bought. So I will definitely be showing you that day.
I have a mother – M, and a father – A, who are both very old fashioned when it comes to anything. We’re a close family and yet I feel like the black sheep at most times.
 I’m fairly short - just less than 5 feet 7, with dark black hair. I describe my frame as stocky/chubby (or as I like to call it stubby). Although two years ago I weighed 104kg and was just short and fat, now I’m stubby weighing at 76kg.
I went through a life-changing event two years ago (a long term relationship ended) and ever since, I have never been quite the same.
I’m now a pretty shy person to some, a loose unit to others, a reckless person to most and an idiot to others. I mostly stay quiet or keep to myself. Then at other times I can’t stand still and need to escape my mind.
I work in the banking industry and already know that I utilize work as a way to avoid my problems. I tend to avoid socializing and have become an introvert when I used to be an extrovert.
So there’s a bit of background about Plas.
I am different in many of my friendship groups – the quiet guy, the party animal, the loser, the idiot, or the annoying insomniac guy. But I feel that if I express my raw emotions through this blog at least someone will know the real Plas.
2017 was a roller-coaster year. And I’m using this blog to find a sense of purpose or to at least set a direction as to the person I want to become. Plus I like writing. I’m no Stephen King, Joe Hill, Jonathan Nasaw or Mark Billings, but I enjoy escaping into the life of a fictional character and I might even share my Short Stories every now and then.
 Well it’s 3:51am and I have to be up in under two hours. So I’m going to get some rest. In the coming week/s I will post some goals and prepare anyone who is reading this what 2018 awaits for Plas.
 Also I apologize (to any grammar nazi’s) about any spelling or grammatical blunders, I don’t really edit when I type freely – only when it’s my shorts do I ever read back and edit.
 Goodnight Tumblr. Plas Out
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thedemonconstantine · 4 years ago
“I’ll bring you your cigarettes”
Talia was getting up to make herself some tea anyway she might as well grab his packet, she would return to him fifteen minutes later with her immaculate make up and hair or as John referred to it all as her spidery veil, all the pain was hidden away.
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She handed him his sticks and served herself a cup of tea full of etiquette, slowly as to enjoy the ritual of steeping the leaves and then serving herself a cuppa.
“We shall see if you feel the same when you are spending Friday afternoon in A&E because you bullied me and paid the price” Talia remarked in dry monotone as she sat to watch the cooking show with John.
It distracted them, it made time pass where they didn’t have to speak and could just cuddle.
“You really are computer illiterate aren’t you. You see last summer I believed you might be playing stupid as to have an excuse to draft my help” she referred to their little hacking adventure last summer.
“And if you say magic and technology are mutually exclusive I will call bullshit. You simply do not wish to learn.” Talia clicked to skip the intro as the next episode begun.
“It matters very little to me. We both know I am marrying you for your looks” Talia fixed that one tuft of hair that was annoying her on him and it seemed that like the Hydra you defeat one tuft and three sprung to mock her in it’s place.
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“Aye well I ‘appen ‘ta find a woman hoo kin put me in th’ ozzy bloody attractive,” Said John who was putting his ashtray onto his belly so that he could lie down on the couch and smoke and not get ash everywhere, for no other reason that he was already banking out on whatever good graces Talia had left for him.
“Is it nah yeh ‘usband’s job ‘ta be a rite proper bully? Else married life won’t be as interestin’, innit? Didje e’en read yeh wife manual on page 35?” He was teasing of course, for it had always been how he coped with difficulty.
To make light of everything.
“Well I knows pressin’ buh’ons defo does sumfing!” John retorted with a huff of smoke through his pout, turning his big blue puppy eyes up at her.
“Aye ‘n if it dinnae works den I’ll just whinge ‘ta yeh~” And he’d flutter his golden lashes at Talia just to get her to soften up.
Three more episodes later of Jon Favreau messing up other chefs’ kitchen later and John finally blurted, “Woh’s fer tea?”
What the..?! Has it been nearly two hours already?! Netflick’s evil!
“I fink…I fink I kin keep some proper scran down.”
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