#anyways it's 2am I'm going to bed BYE
dragon-spaghetti · 8 months
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axailslink · 2 years
i saw this prompt “I don't care if it's 2am, I'm lonely, come watch a movie” so could you write this shuri x reader fluff where the reader isn’t in wakanda and they haven’t seen each other for a while and the reader is a bit sad so shuri flies out to surprise her?
You flew here!?
Shuri x FEM reader
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Summary: you've been complaining to Shuri about how much you've missed her this past week. She pops in for a surprise visit.
You stare at the kimoyo beads when she answers and she stares back "are you frozen? Is there something wrong with the beads?" You shake your head "no just taking a moment to admire my wife since I've been away from home so long" she nods "I know it sucks" "exceedingly" you comment as you sit up and focus your eyes "where are you? The lightning is different" she looks around before answering that's suspicious "my bedroom love I took time from the lab" you glance at her outfit and nod "oh well like I was saying it kind of sucks being here alone the hotel is nice thanks to you but it's not like home there's no warm air, no dora Milaje, or even running children the children here act like adults..." She laughs and you nod "I'm so serious it's weird as hell it's odd" she nods "you only have about half a month left" you face plant the pillows beneath you "without you that's like years my love you know this I'm used to having you behind me in bed yet I wake up every morning with nothing but cold behind me and in front of me I'm sleeping with my pillows imagining they're you. It's kind of depressing." She laughs and you come face to face with her "it's so not funny not just being away from you but I'm sex deprived terribly sex deprived not even just sex I need intimacy bad." She looks at you then around her you finally bite wondering what the hell is going on and why she keeps looking around. "Baby I'll call you later someone just came to my door. I love you bye." Before you can answer she hangs up leaving you stunned "I know she did not just hang up in my face... I'm going to kill her."
After maybe an hour of flipping through the hotel television channels you fall asleep on the news.
"New news the queen of Wakanda Shuri Udaku has made an exciting visit to us today!"
Maybe you were already sleeping or wanted your wife beside you so bad you were conjuring up sounds either way it didn't matter as you flicked the TV off and went to bed again alone. You wake to a gentle dip in your bed causing you to carefully reach underneath your pillow and grab your gun but as soon as you reach for it there's already a hand there "on edge my love?" You sit up so fast to see if the voice truly matches the face you scramble to the lamp clicking it on and your smile is so big when you see hers. "Wait fuck am I still asleep? I swear if I'm still asleep and I wake up and you're not here I'm going to cry." Shuri grabs your face and shushes you "no I'm really here you're not dreaming my love your subconscious would never be that cruel." You look away as tears begin to form in your eyes anyway she pulls you into her arms after a gentle peck on your lips "hey hey what's wrong? I'm here" you look at her and shake your head "I didn't realize how truly lonely I was until now seeing you I feel so less lonely you really mean so much to me." She smiles and kisses your forehead "well I know that I mean you did marry me" you cover her mouth and lay on your chest "if you start talking you'll ruin the moment this isn't a joking matter..." She smiles down at you and pulls you into her lap "you have no reason to be sulking I'm here now my love" you pout as she moves your hand and places a gentle peck on your pouty lips. "I was hoping the news wouldn't tell you before I could but I'll be staying with you for the rest of your mission." You jump up immediately "I'm sorry what? What about Wakanda? What about your lab?" She nods "all handled don't worry we always said M'baku would be a great king I know they might not like him but he has leadership and he offered to take over for me while I was gone." You blink "I'm sorry M'baku my M'baku of the mountains? My brother?" She nods "he loves you and he'd do anything for you especially if he heard that being away from you was ripping the joy out of your mission." You smile and sit up gently pressing on your kimoyo beads "I have to call him" Shuri smiles at your excitement.
"It's so early he might not be awake..." You glance at her "he's always awake for me" M'baku answers immediately "yes child of Satan?" You immediately want to hang up but you remember the good deed and sigh "you're protecting Wakanda?" You can hear the snap of a carrot which makes you smile to yourself "yes I mean the throne's quite comfy and Shuri beg-" you interrupt "thank you big brother I was so lonely an-" you can hear him yawn on the other end causing you to glare at your kimoyo beads "oh fuck off" he laughs causing a smile to spread across your face "you feel better." You nod as if he can see you and he hangs up.
It finally gets to you now that if Shuri is here she flew here "Shuri you flew here!?" She taps your head letting you know you're a bit too loud and replies "yes control your voice I'm right beside you" you wrap your arms around her neck and don't let go you just bathe yourself in her scent breathing her in smelling the sweet shampoo she uses, the honey body wash, and the cocoa butter lotion. "Are you smelling me?" You shush her "I said I miss home and you are my home my warm and inviting home" she laughs as she lets her hands rest on your lower back. You sit up pressing a kiss to her lips which she wasn't expecting but immediately kisses back. Shuri lets her hands drop to your ass and you pull away and look at her "I didn't do a thing" you shake your head "a complete horn dog we're having an emotional... Moment" she continues to kiss you in-between your words causing you to slowly lose your words. "You've missed my touch as well you're arching your back" you immediately roll off her lap trying to act as if the kiss itself didn't have you needing to cross your legs. "You're going to distract me from my mission let me sleep" she shrugs and pulls you back to her "absolutely not I slept on the way and so did you you've had enough sleep. Now make time for me." You gently unravel yourself from her grip and lay back on your side of the bed she nods and turns over hovering above you "well thanks for making things easier" you just laugh as she glances down at your little satin night shorts. "You do know you're not getting any type of sleep? You did say out loud while I was on the ship with Okoye and Aneka that 'I'm sex deprived terribly sex deprived'" she mocks your voice and you laugh before leaning up on your elbows and kissing her. "You're right I am terribly sex deprived. How are you going to fix that problem?" You let your hand gently caress her face while she glances at her bag then back at you "you did not..." She nods "you finished it? We were just joking when we had that conversation about the Americans and their silly little toys" she shrugs "it works well want to try it?" Your curiosity of course gets the best of you "absolutely."
A/n: I enjoyed writing this one it was cute to me. 🥺
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 10 months
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#LOVETALK! - warnings : cuss words, mentions of sexual activity
004. - 005.
"wake up, soomin-ah. " jungwon shakes me awake, sunlight peeking through the blinds. I stir in the bed covers, groaning at my high level of tiredness.
"come on. we have to go. " he sighs, caressing my cheek with his left palm. I sit up and look at him, noticing my dress is missing.
"what's the time? " "6am. we should get out before a sober beomgyu realises we're in his bed." he lets a hushed whisper and rubs his eyes exhausted.
I groan and throw myself back on the bed. "fuck him. I'm tired. " I close my eyes, ready to rest when jungwon abruptly pulls me up by my hands, and the covers off of my tired body. "you can sleep at mine, just hurry up. "
I sigh in exaggeration and nod defeatedly. I walk over to the other side of the room where my clothes lie on the wooden floor.
"why is my dress ripped jungwon? " I slowly turn at him, noticing a sheepish smile on his face. "well.. "
"mmm jungwon-" my moan gets cut off by a sound of my dress ripping in half. I widen my eyes and my jaw falls open.
"you dick! did you just rip my dress? that was EXPENSIVE!! " I slap his hand away and pout.
"oops? wanted an easy access to your tits, my bad. " he sarcastically pouts back and unclips my bra from the back surprisingly quickly.
I feel my nipples harden at the cold air blowing from the half opened window, arching my back slightly. "not my problem you're impatient. you could've asked me first. " I subtly roll my eyes at him, only to get harshly grabbed by the jaw.
"don't give me an attitude or this'll end in you crying, understood? " his eyes darken for a moment before diving back to sucking and peppering my boobs with kisses.
NOW. - 6am.
"oh my fucking god, what the hell? " I whine and throw the ripped dress at him. "Im sorry I thought you wouldn't remember it. " he walks over to me and pouts. "kisses? " he leans in to kiss me, my hand stopping him.
"no." I harshly glare at him and he rolls his eyes. "fine whatever i don't care bye" he falls facedown onto the bed like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
I grimace at him and put my bra on, finding a random shirt in the closet, presumably beomgyus.
I walk over to him and smack his ass so he gets up. "what the hell soomin?" he winces in pain and hurriedly stands up to glare at me. "you said we should hurry, so hurry up" I open the door quietly, hearing it creek loudly to my luck.
"fuck was this house built in 1900 or what? " I whisper-groan and walk out with a grumpy jungwon following me.
reaching the bottom of the stairs, jungwon spins me around. I yelp in suprise but he kisses me in time before I could make more noise. kissing him back, he pulls away and smirks. "that's for this morning. "
I playfully roll my eyes at him and slowly open the front door. "ill call us a uber. have my jacket, you look cold. " he offers with a sly smile and I take it but glare at him being the reasoning of me wearing nothing but beomgyus shirt and lacy panties.
anyway, as we arrive to his place, he unlocks the door leads me to his bedroom. its grey, led lights stuck around the corners and a gaming set up. my eyes run across the room when I suddenly see a photo.. of me? getting closer I see that it's a 100% picture from a couple months ago when I was out shopping.
what the hell? I hear jungwons footsteps and quickly jump into the bed, ignoring the picture even though im morally petrified.
"I see you're getting comfortable already. " jungwon smirks at me and takes off his shirt. my eyes widen as I take his defined abs in notice. he crawls in next to me and leans on his hand to make eye contact with me. "what? " he smiles and says, "have I told you how pretty you are? "
I furrow my eyebrows and think back to all the times he's beat me up or made me choke on his dick. I shake my head and say "no".
he frowns. "really? I should start saying it more then" not knowing how to reply, I smile at him and turn around. "goodnight." a confused sound leaves his mouth "huh? you're going to sleep? " I mutter a yes and groan. "you told me i could sleep at yours, jungwon. "
"well yeah but I didn't think you'd actually go to sleep. " he pouts and crawls closer to me so he can wrap his arms around my waist. "let me at least sleep with you. " jungwon mutters against my chest.
I nod and close my eyes.
hearing him snore, I quickly shimmer out of his hold and leave the room. feeling more than uncomfortable by the idea of him stalking me, I leave through the back door and walk a few neighborhoods to call aeri to pick me up.
"god.. i knew he was an asshole but a creep? " i rub my eyes and thank the lord when i see aeris car pull up.
"hey, what's the rush? you okay? " she immediately pulls me into a hug. i hug her back and when she drives off i give her the whole explanation from last night till this morning. she notices my sullen expression and pouts.
"do you wanna go straight home or should we go to my place? " while driving, aeri smiles at me before looking back at the road. i sigh knowing that jungwon will look for me at my apartment. "your place, please. i don't think ill feel comfortable staying alone today"
she nods and the two of sit in silence for the rest of the ride. looking out of the cars passenger seat window, I think back to what I saw. im still somewhat shocked about the fact he has a picture of me, but not that weirded out. its better than other shit I could think of. I mean god knows what he does with that picture but as long as he leaves me alone I think I'll be okay.
he also still hasn't called me which means he's either still sleeping or looking for me. Id hope its the first option, hence me not wanting to see him for a while. but is that really even an option when it comes to jungwon? most likely not.
hes extremely clingy, he's always been clingy. even when he used to bully me. it's weird, but I've gotten used to it.
now is when I start to panic. what if he calls me? or texts me? or worse.. finds me? what do I even say? I have to make up a lie that will not make him suspicious but also sound believable enough as to why I left without saying anything or waking him up.
maybe if I just tell him its a family issue. or a friend issue? school issue. bullshit! why would he believe that? for the most part, let's hope he won't call.
all off a sudden, my phone starts ringing. fucking jinx. I do a quick prayer before checking who it is and to my suprise its the one and only yang jungwon. fuck.
"yes? " I pick it up hesitantly and take the phone to my ear so aeri won't hear. "where the fuck are you soomin? " I could hear his frantic voice from the other side, almost as if he was pacing around for no genuine reason.
i gulp and make up a lie, "sorry but my mom called me because she needed help with setting up new furniture in her house. I didn't want to wake you" I smile proudly at my great and improved lie until I hear him sigh. "okay. call me once your done, mkay? I wanna see you. " upon hearing this, I hum in agreement and end the call.
"was that him? " aeri asks, eventually pulling up in her driveway. I nod and get out of the car, excited to finally rest.
"what did he say? " she unlocks the wooden door to her apartment and smiles at me comfortingly. "just that he wants to see me later. I think im okay for now though. " I welcome myself into her cozy household by sitting on the couch into a manspread and closing my eyes.
"you can have some ramen I made earlier. I'll be in my bedroom okay? just knock if you need anything. " she kisses my forehead and hurries to her room. I sigh and decide it'd be best for me to sleep for now, hence the fact I got no sleep at two different houses in one night.
my phone pings. for fucks sake, what's up with my sleep schedule today? I groan and unlock it, only to see a chat from jungwon. gosh he's so extremely clingy it's annoying.
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sockeyesoren · 1 year
I wrote this at 2AM a while back and now dug it out of my drafts enjoy my ramble I watched Caveat (2020) a while back, right before bed and that movie fucked me up bro. I don't remember everything so this is probably very rambly and dumb but I must scream. Spoiler warning for Caveat (2020)
I've never been that scared of a movie. The scene where Isaac is stuck in the wall with Olga's mom?? Yeah that kept me up dude oh my god. I couldn't get that part out of my head. The mothers face was just etched into my brain or something because I could not stop thinking about that part. Now I'm kind of a wuss but I somehow always end up searching out scary media. First off I loved the setting. Them being stuck on an island and Isaac being put into that harness made it instantly feel claustrophobic. I also just enjoy the aesthetic of it. Like that, gross, abandoned forest feel if you catch my drift. That's what drew me to the movie in the first place. I kind of lump it together with The Blair Witch , The Ritual and The Witch (by Robert Eggers ) in my brain, visuals wise anyway. I don't know if that makes sense but it does to me.
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The ritual, The witch and Caveat in order Also the set up where we first hear the fox call during the day and how it's used throughout the movie, I thought that was very clever. I need subtitles so I spoiled the question of "oooh is a person or a fox screaming?" (Since the subtitles go like [FOX CALL]) But I think it worked very well even with subtitles. Just added that extra unsettling ambience.
I don't know if I can call it my favorite horror movie since nearly the whole runtime I wished it would just be over with, I was that afraid of it. But looking back I enjoyed it a lot, though the tension made me literally sick. Very well paced from what I remember. FUCK THE LADY IN THE WALL THOUGH I STILL GET LIKE A STUPID ADRENALINE RUSH WHEN I SEE HER SHE'S SO SCARY BYE I had a weird delusion that she was following me around after watching, like I would imagine her in my wall and watching me from the little window above my door.
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doitforbangyongguk · 7 years
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so I’ve been m.i.a for a little while and it’s mainly because I’ve been non-stop rehearsing AND STRESSING about my university dance competition, but I have thankfully survived intact (although no trophies aside from our soloist winning best costume. belly dance always gets snubbed smh :/:/ ) so since I was relatively proud of this makeup you get some dressing room selfies. oh and apologies for my boobs, they were desperate to escape their sequinned prison it would seem 😩😩😩😓
anyway hopefully gonna be more active since things are quietening down a bit now and alSO SET UP A DAMN QUEUE MAYBE???!? 
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deaddovecoterie · 3 years
- 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓹𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 -
fandom: julie and the phantoms
rating: like K-T
pairing: reggie peters x reader
a/n: a series of miscellaneous headcanons about our best boy reggie :') heres your birthday gift you beautiful mf <3 @whoseblogsthis BUT SERIOUSLY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH
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this man is so forgetful, like he would lose his head if it wasn’t connected to him, but he always remembers really random and specific dates like your half birthday, national girlfriends day, national cuddle up day, etc. he always remembers to make small little efforts like that to remind you of how special you are to him
he never liked the corny cliche things that people do for valentine’s day so instead of giving you flowers or something like that, he takes you to block buster to get the most obscure, awful looking movies and you guys watch them all and judge them/make commentary as if you’re movie critics while snuggled up on the couch
reggie loves to be the little spoon :’)
on your first date, he was so nervous to the point where he was shaking the whole time.
this man is so scared of thunder storms, like he absolutely detests them. the loud noises, unnecessary bright flashes? not for him. so every time there’s a storm, you and him make a blanket fort and play video games
you two dressed up as ghosts for halloween and went trick or treating together even though you’re both “too old” to. his reasoning was “it’s free candy and no ones even gonna know??? we have blankets on our heads??” and that was a pretty solid argument
he definitely would facetime you at 3am just to tell you that they found one of your socks that you left at his house
this man has a stash of twinkies hidden somewhere, i just know it
okay so think of 2am drives to get icecream? yeah, that, but hot chocolate at 5am to watch the sunrise together
on early Saturday mornings he would drive to your house with lucky charms and sugary cereals so you guys could watch old cartoons together :')
he's someone who would remember all the little things about you, like why you want to travel to a certain place, your favourite set of sheets to have on your bed, etc
he leaves you random voicemails when he thinks of something
"hey baby, its like 6am and I know you're asleep but I just saw a picture I took of you the other day in my camera roll and I just wanted to remind you of how pretty you are. okay bye, love you"
cute shit like that
concerts. every singer that comes to town? you're going. does it matter if either of you knows who it is? no, but you're going anyway. he just loves the loud music and the cheering crowds and having you and him live in the moment jumping up and down with the rest of the people
will most definitely tuck you in if you fall asleep on the couch. he'll take a blanket and tuck it up around your neck so you don't get cold
in the summertime, you guys will go star gazing on the roof of his house, like he'll go all out too, blankets snacks and everything. he'll name off like the only two constellations that he knows (orion "cause he has a cool belt y'know" and Cassiopeia "cause the name's funky")
after naming off those two he'll start making up random ones and giving unbelievably in-depth, tragic backstories to which you cant help but laugh at
hes definitely into astrology and is always rambling on about if your signs are compatible-
"baby my horoscope said I should stay away from aries people this month- oh my god wait no-"
he'll get super worked up about it too and you'll be like "luv I'm sure you'll survive"
very cuddly !!
will hug you from behind at any given moment
a firm believer in generous amounts of kisses on the cheek throughout the day
takes pictures of you when you aren't looking so he can go back and see them when you have to leave
sways back and forth on the spot when you guys hug
will interrupt you overthinking with lil kisses
jam sessions but make it him teaching you a few chords on his guitar with his hands over yours guiding you :')
and that's it <3
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interlagostrack · 7 years
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