#anyways if you need only maria's story i will give that to you if you write another ask 👍
aroacettorney · 16 days
tbh its kinda disappointing that aup focused so much on the power struggle between marias and casey to conclude their sibling arc when their conflict was much more subtle/psychological and had little to do with whether they could beat each other into submission.
marias didnt corner casey and scare her into agreeing to an engagement/arranged marriage just by force, as it would have ruined the reputation of both of them. instead, she seems to have given casey extremely generous terms when it comes to choosing her own love interest, but thats only because she lowkey already knew its not gonna happen, fully aware that casey had zero interests in love or romance.
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the deal between them was rigged against casey from the start, and it was even done under the guise of giving casey a fair chance to fight for her own happiness. casey, being herself — living only in the present, gave it a lick and a promise without any second thought, not knowing that even her reaction was also a part of marias's grand scheme to put casey under her control.
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marias was absolutely certain of her win against her beloved sister, which was why she didnt even bother to check up on how casey was actually doing before sending the letter to call her home, but miraculously for casey, ludger agreed to help and everyone in the entire continent for some reasons seemed to be convinced there was something that ambiguously could be romance between them.
marias is the extraordinarily cunning politician archetype of character — one that is on a par with eileen von exilion in terms of foxiness and cannot simply be defeated through brute force or sheer strength, while casey is... casey, ever straightforward in her problem solving approach. casey might have won in terms of raw power but it would still mean nothing if she couldnt outwit marias. the fight between the selmore sisters didnt end with the holy war; it barely just started.
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nishihii · 1 year
My mom wants to go as Lady Maria for Halloween and I still haven’t even gotten started on the Bloodborne lore and she wants to know about it what do I do 💀 (btw I’ve watched like two playthroughs and read the first comic and still know only that there were two schools 😭💀)
1. that is really cool and 2. holy shit thats tough jssgsgsg
im not sure if you mean she wants to know ALL of the bloodborne lore or just maria lore? i can sum up maria's lore very easily but the entire lore of the game thing is bound to have mistakes in it jsgshssh
but uhhh the MAIN story is a college of students and professors who strive to ascend discover catacombs of the gods underneath the college building, discover the healing blood and establish the healing church. the blood, however, is addicting and turns people into beasts. they take care of these beasts via hunters. the beast problem becomes more prominent with time and so the official church hunters are established, many commoners are also hired to participate in the hunts. all the while the vicar of the church and his comrades are attempting to contact a god (ascension never stops being a goal of theirs, its why everything happens) and uhh one of them gets sucked into a dream made by said god as a pact. the vicar clearly has to do something for the god but we dont know what. something with babies probably. (its complicated) (also the old part of the city of yharnam gets burnt down bc of the beast scourge but i cannot recall when this happens in the timeline) there is this thing called the choir that gets established (their goal is ascension who could have guessed). they find a god from the previously mentioned catacombs who is friendly and gives them her blood and thats epic and cool. anyways they experiment on a bunch of orphans. there is a school fromed from the choir called the school of mensis which eventually gets split from the church. why? different ways of wanting to reach ascension basically. the timeline of mensis happenings isnt really clear at all + i really need to refresh my memory of it- so sorry i cant explain this part properly. 😔 anyways they get sucked into a nightmare made by a god baby. they did this by performing a ritual and that ritual fucks everything up!!! a woman who managed to ascend into a god hides this so the world seems normal to everyone. so uh, this is where the player character, our hunter comes in. they have a sickness and come to yharnam to be healed via their epic blood, get transported to the dream where the vicar's comrade STILL resides. they kill a bunch of beasts, slowly uncover the weird shit going on in yharnam and why its going on- they kill the god hiding the effects of the ritual and then get inside the nightmare that mensis got themselves into. kills the main guy and silences the baby's cries. they come back to the dream and the house is burning down. they fight the guy in there and then god comes down to make them take his place, but she gets repulsed by the hunter because they've crushed 3 umbilical cords (still trying to figure out why she gets REPULSED of all things?). the hunter kills god and becomes a baby god. we dont know what this means for the dream or the world. you decide. the end
you will notice i didnt include the story of the old hunters- it's very important to understanding bloodborne's story and why things are happening but again this is a TL;DR. a long one but what else do you expect from bloodborne
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fairiesdowntheroad · 1 year
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summary — being a woman is difficult.what about being a woman who is pursuing a career in motorsports? you would be met with pandemonium.that was the story of her life.always having to fight for a place among the big leagues ; in this case the men just to prove she belonged in the sport.
her last name didn’t help her much either.the world would continue to bark and bite away at her confidence — even more so if they knew of her family ties.that was the reason why she chose to race under a different name,everyone would respect her so called “underdog” story after all.
the drivers were
.alright to say the least.she knew of their prying eyes and judging stares when she had first made her appearance on the grid.thankfully,there were a few diamonds in the rough to help her out.for now,she just needed to prove herself to everyone ; quench her hunger for victory.this was going to be a wild season..
pairing — f1 22-23 grid x fem driver!reader,love interest tbd
warnings — misogyny.
teaser | prologue | chapter 1
FROM J ⛅ : hello everyone!! the prologue is here <3 it’s just a little teaser to Y/N and her character,also her friendship with albonoooo 😼‍💹 she’ll interact with the other drivers soon,don’t worry! please lmk your thoughts and if you want to be added to the taglist!
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“Who run the world? Girls! Y/N Y/LN to race for Formula 1 — establishing her place as the first woman to race in the big leagues since Maria Teresa de Filippis”
“Do women really belong in Motorsport? What makes Y/N Y/LN so special?”
“A recipe for disaster: Y/N Y/LN’s Formula 1 debut and what it could mean for the future of motorsport”
Headline after headline.
Articles either criticising her every move or stating their unwavering support for her.
She read each and every article published about the news — eager to know how the world would react.A part of her already made peace with the reality that there would be people reacting terribly towards the news ; let it be a man or woman.The men simply viewed her inferior to the other drivers,commenting on how her biological capabilities were “leagues away” from the other nineteen
..just because of what was between her legs.The women on the other hand were possesive
thinking she would steal away their beloved drivers because she definetly was the only female presence on the paddock.
It was humorous really,how a mere woman wanting her career to align with motorsports could cause such an uprise of reactions among everyone.
Her eyes scanned over the headlines again and again.Laughing at the things they had to say.She found the articles scrutinising her every move amusing — it was ironic how they perceived her as ‘unworthy’ of a seat.
Yet,she did beat everyone else in Formula 2 in terms of points
claiming her place as the champion.
Becoming the champion of Formula 2 was a tough fight.She had stayed there for a few years,giving it her all to stand above all with victory — and she did in the end.Did they hate her because she was victorious? Or was it because she had rightfully earned her place among the others? She would never know..not like she wanted to anyway.
“You haven’t even had your debut,yet you’re causing an uproar on the internet” he hummed in amusement standing next to her while he observed her reading the words on her phone.His british accent was hard to miss as she chuckled along with him.“I think it’s admirable” Alex added on with his voice filled with sincerity.A bashful smile made its way on her face,flattered and touched by his words.
“That makes me a little more hungry to prove to everyone I belong here” she admitted with a chuckle.She was eternally grateful for the little support she had coming from him and her family
though she was more discreet when it came to the family part.He placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing it softly.
“You will.” he nodded his head,patting her back before making his way to the car.Her nerves buzzed with excitement ; her last race as a reserve driver.A few more months,and that seat would be hers.She felt remorseful for Latifi because he lost his seat
but it would be her turn to take on the mantle now.She would take his place since he didn’t perform.
That was Formula 1.
A sport dependant on results.If you didn’t deliver, it was best to kiss your seat goodbye.She could only cross her fingers and pray the 2023 season was kind to her.She needed the team to see her results
.see her effort.There was no way she worked her ass off just to quit now.Thankfully,James Vowles was there to see her worth.She had caught his eye — he was watching her races in Formula 2,undoubtedly raising his expectations with the performance she served on the track.
It was only a matter of time until she was offered a seat,he was unwilling to let such talent go to waste.
Not her first choice for a team when it came to making her debut but — she was eternally grateful she had a seat regardless.It was also a step closer to Mercedes
.even if she didn’t want aim to race with them.
Not when he would be there.
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“How do you feel about making your Formula 1 debut this Sunday?” the reporter asked curiously as he jotted down notes in his journal.The two RedBull drivers on her left and right turned their heads to observe her,eager to know what she had to say.
“It’s definitely nerve wracking — I’m feeling quite nervous to be honest” she admitted with a shy smile.Max and Checo chuckled softly at her words,the 2-time world champion nodding in understanding on how she would feel.
I feel excited as well.I want to prove to everyone that I deserve to be here just as much as the others.With Williams and Alex supporting me,I hope I can do exactly that” she finished her sentence,putting down the mic as fans clapped at her answer.It was diplomatic ; she was biting her tongue and choosing not to express her true feelings.
If she had the right to be a 100% honest there would be a lot more of
.colourful words being spoken.
The fans were definetly a plot twist.Hearing them cheer for her was heartwarming.She still did recieve her fair share of hate,but she would “focus on the positives” — just like dad advised.He was all the wiser when it came to motorsports anyway.
”Well Y/N,I hope the season treats you well.You’ve already made a name for yourself so I’m sure all will go smoothly”the reporter replied to her,the girl smiling bashfully and thanking him for his kind wishes.ïżŒ
The press conference ended after a few more questions being thrown here and there.She walked over to the managers with a pep to her step while maintaining the calm expression on her face
.even if her heart felt like it was about to burst.Alex stood there as well with small smile gracing his face.Her first press conference as a Formula 1 Driver! It was a milestone to her.
“You did amazing” Thea — her newly appointed PR Manager said with a smile.She chuckled softly,taking the water bottle she was offered with for a sip.Her heart screamed with excitement,adrenaline coursing through her veins even if it was only Thursday.There were three more days for her to impress everyone.
She shaked off her train of thoughts with a smile.Opening her mouth,she answered with a cheeky response.
“I hope I can do the same on-track then”
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taglist — @eutrizbea @eugene-emt-roe @ivoryluvs @itsjustkhaos @lewisvinga @kodzuvk @roseseraj @iliyad @laura-naruto-fan1998 @l0verl4ne
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Your assistant?
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Devil!reader/Wanda maximoff
Words: 2,400
Summary: So your typical story of a devil being owed money from a family but instead of paying Wanda’s parents give her to you instead, her first day with you is an eventful one to say the least, I’m sure you two will get along great!
Not a slow burn but we don’t have Wanda in our grips yet, not willingly anyway
Warnings: 18+ only! MINORS DNI swearing, some inappropriate language I think, lmk if I missed any more
You glared at the woman across the table from you, her whole body stiffened when she glanced up and saw you looking, that made you chuckle glancing at the redhead next to you “I think she’s nervous Natty” you chuckled but the Russian just rolled her eyes “you snatched her up from her dorm room before her classes, she’s probably worried about her attendance”
You nodded “I never understood why humans are so concerned with keeping schedules, life is short just go out and enjoy yourself, kill some men and fuck their wives, what else do they need to do?” You looked back at the woman across from you leaning forward to be closer “hey pretty girl, sorry for snatching you up but I really needed to talk to you”. She finally looked up again at you “if this is a way of asking me out then it’s really fucking stupid” you heard Natasha suck in a breath and you smirked knowing full well how Nat gets when someone younger than her swears, she was weird like that “watch your fucking tone miss Maximoff and don’t you dare speak to us like that!” See? Weird, she hates swearing but will swear at anyone who swears at her.
“Natty my aggressive little spider monkey how about you go outside and find Maria, use her body for a little bit to calm down okay?” You patted her slammed fist and she sighed agreeing to leave you alone with the woman, when she exited the room you moved across the room sitting next the woman smiling “little one do you know how much debt your family is in?”
Wanda shook her head “I know mama and papa like to bet on the horses but they said we were okay and had nothing to worry about” you nodded along with her and held out your hand for her take which she did “I understand they told you everything was fine but unfortunately you’re still in debt and as you can imagine I would like to be payed Wanda, be it money or other favours I choose”
Wanda snatched her hand away standing up shocked “oh so that’s why you snatched me?! Am I becoming some kind of prostitute for you and the crazy bitch out there to pay off my family’s debt?!”
You eyes widened and you had to hide your laughter “I mean if you wanted to skip around the place wearing barley nothing while the women here grope and use you then sure you can become our little plaything” her face dropped in horror and she went to speak again but you held your hand up stopping her “no pretty girl I won’t make you become our plaything, but I do need your help, you’ll become my assistant, you know helping with documents and accompanying me to events and meetings, your parents have already agreed”
Wanda was shocked, her parents really agreed to this? How could they, she had to call them.
“You can’t call them honey, from the moment you were taken by my security all communication was terminated between you and them, I can’t have you telling them what kind of activities you have gotten up to”.
“Like what?” She was curious but also nervous, you couldn’t do things that bad right? Also how did you read her mind?
You stood up stalking toward Wanda pressing her against the wall “I need you to trust me Wanda” your hand found it’s way to Wanda’s waist rubbing small circles there “do you trust me?” She shook her head no “I don’t know you, you literally snatched me up from my dorm and now you’re touching me inappropriately”.
You laughed “inappropriately? My fingers are on your waist not inside your pussy so don’t you dare tell me I’m being inappropriate right now, so I’ll ask you again, do you trust me?”
Wanda sighed relenting “sure” you smiled “good, your first job is to accompany me to a meeting in 20 minutes, you’ll stay quiet until I say you can speak, if you step out of line Natty will slit your throat faster than you can say sorry, got it?”
Wanda nodded her head so quickly you thought it would fall off “well done princess now to business” she didn’t have time to do anything before you lent down to kiss marks down her throat, sucking harshly against her skin she tried pushing you away but your hands gripped her keeping her in place “stay.still” you said sternly and Wanda relented standing still and letting you continue, you pulled away admiring the dark purple mark now blooming on Wanda’s neck “perfect”
Wanda let out a breathy sigh “I thought you said I was just your assistant, why’d you do that?”
You smiled kissing Wanda on the cheek “you are, but if I don’t mark you as mine then our conversation about you not becoming our plaything would’ve been for nothing Carol can be ravenous with an unmarked human”
“Why do you keep saying humans? It’s a little strange” Wanda had an idea but she really hoped it wasn’t true, being snatched was bad enough but adding in some weird supernatural thing would be even worse “it’s nothing to worry your pretty little head about, just know that you belong to me and I won’t let them touch your pretty body, now come on my assistant we have a meeting to go to”
**************************************************************************************************************”Took you long enough” Nat looked at Wanda’s neck and smirked “you work quick Y/n, that should keep the others away, maybe Carol will behave herself for once-
The double doors before you slammed open and the before mentioned Carol appeared with dark red eyes honing in on Wanda who quickly moved behind you clinging to your arm “are you our lunch? You look delicious!”
You growled at Carol keeping her in place “she’s mine and if you don’t stay away I will tear you limb from limb and make you eat the limbs” the woman held her hands up smiling at you “I love it when you threaten me Y/n, gets me all hot and bothered” she stepped towards you kissing you and biting your lip
“I miss you baby” she whispered and you rolled your eyes “you can’t say that when I walked in on you eating out Val, clearly you don’t miss me that much” You pushed the blonde away from you and Wanda and laughed at Carol’s expression, “you know she tricked me”
“How? Did she tell you there was candy in there? I’m guessing it was something sour” it was Wanda’s turn to let out a laugh now but she immediately shut up when everyone turned to look at her “was that funny princess?” You asked and she nodded “you’ll fit right in Wanda”
You pushed her through into the room and dragged her to a chair where you sat and she looked around confused “where do I sit?”
You pointed to your lap “either here or the floor” you stated matter of factly and Wanda blushed “w-why don’t I get a chair?”
“Because you’re mine and it’s a great way to keep a close eye on you if you’re on my lap, now sit” you pulled her onto your lap clumsily making the group laugh “god she’s adorable” Carol chuckled making her way next to you “forgive me yet?” She asked kissing your neck “no and I probably never will” she whined sadly “please forgive me I haven’t done anything since-
“Carol sit the fuck down!” Nat shouted jolting both Carol and Wanda “fuck me Nat you need to calm down” Carol scoffed moving away from you and avoiding the angry redhead’s gaze “I’ll calm down when you learn to not to stick your tongue where it doesn’t belong, I had to deal with Y/n’s heartbreak for weeks after she found you”. Carol rolled her eyes “we’re not children okay, how about we just carry on with the meeting”
You laughed “for once being an adult Carol, well done” you turned back to Wanda kissing her cheek “we need you to do something special, will you do that for me?”
Wanda shrugged knowing she couldn’t really say no “sure- she squeaked, when you jumped up with her in your arms suddenly “perfect!” You stood her up pointing to a bag on the table that she didn’t notice to begin with “can you take this dagger and stab the bag?”
Wanda looked at you questionably “what?”
“Just simply take the dagger and pierce the bag like a cook in the bag chicken” you pushed the dagger into Wanda’s hand making her face the bag guiding her hand “there’s nothing to worry about, stab right here” you pointed to a slightly raised part of the bag “what if I don’t want too?”
You shrugged “then I let Carol have her way with you” she glanced over at Carol who had her eyes glued to Wanda’s body and when she met her eyes Carol smiled “I would ruin you-
Wanda didn’t hesitate stabbing the bag but instantly regretted it when the bag spurted out blood and all over her, she heard roars around the room and heard Natasha’s voice “she hit the jugular vein! Like a pro!” Wanda couldn’t move her hand still grasping the dagger and the voices being drowned at by the blood rushing to her head
You cautiously removed Wanda’s hand from the dagger and pulled the stunned woman away from the group whispering in her ear “you did so well princess, what a good girl”.
Your voice went unnoticed by Wanda still shocked at what she did, she didn’t register you took her away until your forced her into a room and she could breathe again
“I can’t believe I did that
.I killed someone
I fucking killed someone!” Wanda was shouting and panicking unable to calm herself down until you wrapped your arms around her waist leaning in close to her ear “shh shhh honey I understand come on now
shhh everything’s okay, I’m so proud of you” while your words did calm her down they didn’t stop tears from falling “I hate it here” she whispered and you kissed her cheek turning her around to face you “it’s been 3 hours, give it time”
Wanda had no fight back, instead she fell into you letting you lay her on the bed “rest for a while princess, take it all in”
Nat found you drinking whiskey like a movie villain in your chair in a dark area of the front room “why are you sat in the dark like a movie villlian?”
You shrugged turning on the light illuminating the room and making you squint “why are you dripping blood all over my floor?” Looking at Nat covered in blood wasn’t anything new, in fact if she don’t have blood on her you’d be very concerned “Carol and I went out hunting and she can’t keep things clean”. You nodded along passing Nat a comically small napkin to wipe her face “thanks bud soooo helpful, how’s the assistant?”
“She’s a little upset about killing someone which is typical but I’m sure she’s fine” Nat sat down opposite you taking the bottle from the table and taking a long drink “I guess human’s do struggle with killing another living person, silly really”.
You agreed taking the bottle back and taking a swig sitting in silence with the woman for a few minutes. “I think she’s awake” Nat spoke up, you hummed in response turning your head to the stairs seeing your new assistant standing nervously on the stairs “feeling better Wanda?” She didn’t say anything instead she just walked downstairs and sat herself on your lap “oh? What do I owe the pleasure of this?” She pulled you into a kiss surprising both you and Nat, while you were definitely enjoying this you didn’t notice Wanda pulling a small knife from her pocket and plunging it into your stomach
You both stilled and Wanda’s breathing was heavy while you remained stoic staring into her eyes “did you really think that would work princess?”
Wanda felt a hand grab her hair and drag her off of you and throw her to the floor, when she looked up she saw Nat pointing a gun at her “give me a reason not to shoot you right between the eyes”.
You gently pulled the knife from your body discarding it on the floor and standing up and looking down at Wanda “you kill one person and now you want to kill me? Nat couldn’t even kill me so you don’t have a chance”. The tears gathered in Wanda’s already red and you started to feel bad making Nat lower her gun “Nat give us a minute”
The assassin sent you a questionable look but you just repeated “give us a minute” Nat sighed and put her gun away sparing Wanda one last glare and then she left you two alone “get up” your voice was stern yet gentle and Wanda immediately stood up wiping the tears that had fallen
“I know you don’t want to be here and I don’t want your experience to be horrible but you need to help me too, you’re here because of your parents they’re the ones you should be angry with, not me, if I didn’t step in for you you would’ve been sent to Steve and his group, they wouldn’t of hesitated to make you their plaything”
“I feel like I’m in a bad nightmare”
“Do you like to paint?” Wanda cocked her head to the side at the sudden change in sentence direction “what?”
“I said do you like painting? I have an art studio and it helps when I’m stressed, maybe it’ll help you adjust here”
Wanda gave a genuine smile “I do like painting, that would be nice”
You nodded walking through your house followed by the girl keeping close to you she didn’t get lost, finally coming to a door you opened it revealing the huge room with canvases and paints and even some pottery pieces
“Wow, this is a stark difference to a few hours ago” Wanda commented and you held back a laugh by biting your tongue “well I do have layers to me, take some time to paint or just look at some paints-
Wanda turned to face you stopping you talking
“Are you okay?” You asked and Wanda shook her head “I’ve killed someone, stabbed you, been threatened with a gun between my eyes by a crazy woman and now you’ve given me a nice room to paint in”
You shrugged “I need you be in a good mood to be working with me, otherwise I don’t have any use for you”
Wanda’s smile dropped “oh okay, I thought you were being nice”
Why were you being like this? What is the human doing to you, god Nat would never let you hear the end of it if you started to soften
“I just don’t want you to put yourself in any danger, then I’d have to deal with the consequences”
Wanda have a halfhearted smile and turned back to the room sitting down on the chair “can I have some time on my own, to process all of this?”
You sighed “sure, I need to do things, I’ll have to lock the door though and you’ll stay here for the next two hours then I’ll come and get you, the bathroom is over there” you pointed to a painted door “enjoy yourself, I won’t be this generous again”
You quickly left before she said anything and make you feel weird again, Natasha was waiting for you outside the room making you jump “fuck me nat what the hell?!”
The woman crossed her arms “why didn’t you let me kill her?”
“You could find another one, she stabbed you and instead of killing her you just show her your painting room? Is the devil becoming soft?”
You pushed her hard against the wall and kept her pinned there with your arm “I’m not soft! She’ll break I’ll break her, todays just a learning day”
The Russian rolled her eyes “sure you will-
“Y/n!” Carol ran up to you stopping whatever Nat was going to say
“What do you want Carol?” You sighed and she grabbed you kissing you hard “please take me back! I need you I’m really sorry about Val I swear she means nothing to me”
Nat laughed at Carol’s poor attempts at getting you back but then you did something unexpected “I don’t forgive you Carol but I need to do something stupid and here you are, come on”
You dragged a happy Carol away to your room leaving the shocked demon behind “why do I put myself through this? Take me back to poking humans with a hot poker in hell over this any day”
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lucysarah-c · 6 months
You all have inspired me to write a one-shot, so I'll post it soon. Thank you so much!
But since I'm on it, I think I'll give you a few headcanons.
In my idea, Levi didn't have many children, and while sometimes my scenarios may change depending on the situation, mostly Levi's boy would be an only child. This wasn't Levi's original idea, and I'll explain why.
Leaving aside whether in the canon period of time there are real contraceptives or not, I 100% believe Levi is a highly meticulous guy. If he needs to pull out and count days in the old-fashioned way, he will. If he has to wear condoms every single time, he will. I believe Levi would try to make sure that if he ever has a child, it would be planned, as far as is humanly possible, of course. Sometimes contraceptives fail, etc.
In my mind, I believe Levi and Y/N decided or happened to have a kid around the time before the expedition to Wall Maria. There was about half a year when the scouts waited for the correct time to do the expedition to Wall Maria. Well, I believe she probably got pregnant around that time. I believe it was a mix between Levi transitioning a lot of emotions after Kenny's death, etc., and having more free time on his hands since they weren't doing expeditions while preparing for the mission
 and well
 let's say they decided to go handy, haha.
With that said
 I think Levi would hardly admit it out loud, but he's one of those guys who always wanted to be parents, so they kinda said, "You know what? Fuck it, if it happens, it happens," and well, it happened almost immediately. Levi hears the news around two months later, and let me tell you, this man is all over the moon. He wants to be part of EVERYTHING. For me, Levi wants to prove that he is better than the men who failed his mother and also failed him. Levi wants to prove he can be a present father.
She goes to the doctor for just a check, he wants to be there. Better keep his man informed because he would ask a million questions. He's a first-time father, and she may sneeze, and he's all worried. Levi saw too many women die in childbirth or from difficult pregnancies in the underground. He's blessed with the chance of being a father, but also terrified. Levi feels that if he loses his love just because he "grew selfish" and asked for more (aka asked for a kid), he would feel horrible.
Anyways, back in the day, men waited outside during birth, and I believe they would try to kick Levi out of the room, and he would be like, "and who is going to stop me?" He wants to be there.
Now is when his baby boy comes into the picture. I believe, and God bless the mother, he was such a healthy CHUNKY boy. He was BIG. Those kinds of kids that look so healthy but at the same time, it's like "he literally sucked her dry, that baby took anything the mother has to offer."
Like, she's too tired after childbirth, and the nurses offer Levi feeding bottles with milk to keep the baby eating while the mother rests
 and the baby is EATING to the point a doctor comes, pats Levi's arm playfully, and says, "Hope you've a good salary, Captain, because that kid is going to eat like a horse."
Perhaps these are the only few times that Levi is the most excited out of the two, she's tired from all the work, and Levi is over the moon. Ah, but don't you dare to touch his baby without washing your hands. If Levi could force you to take a bath in chlorine before even getting close to his baby, he would.
Aside from that, I think Levi's baby boy that I've named in my mind "Adrien" because Y/N thinks that naming her kids with A's to match the last name, especially since Ackerman's are finally able to not be in hiding.
In my mind, Adrien inherits Kenny's height. Yes, as you heard, KENNY'S HEIGHT. 190cm (6'3"). He's a big boy. I think it's funny that all the doctors check the baby and say, "haha, he's going to be tall!" and Levi is there looking at her like "
 I don't like to admit I'm short as fuck, but if the kid isn't mine you can tell me," joking obviously, lmao.
"Levi, the kid is a photocopy of you."
Adrien is an extremely playful, happy, and hyperactive kid. He's so cheerful, and it makes Levi wish his mother was around so he could ask if he was such a cheerful kid too.
Chunky fat legs running down the halls as he doesn't even speak properly, but he already knows which office is daddy's office. He loves horses, he loves playing soldier, he loves being a daddy's boy.
This is when I mention that I believe Levi having a single child wasn't his original plan. I think he wished to give Adrien a sibling to make sure he won't be alone in life if anything ever happens to him as he was. But the whole rumbling happened, and after that, Levi was too busy trying to move him and his family outside of Paradise and after that settling down, taking care of Gabi and Falcon, that well time flew, and when everything was back to calmness, haha, well let's say that Levi had to admit that the train had left the station, and his energy to go back to change diapers had kinda withdrawn, lmao.
Finally, I think Adrien was a very hyperactive kid mainly because of the Ackerman genes. He has energy, he has strength, he has the abilities. He just has too much bottled up and doesn't know how to get tired. Levi is basically running around making sure the kid isn't jumping from the roof or climbing the kitchen cupboards. He probably ends up signing him up for a bunch of activities: baseball, self-defense classes, football, triathlon.
I have a bunch of other headcanons, so let me know if you want more!"
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @s0meb0dy-0nce-t0ld-me @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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0blobthefish0 · 21 days
Maria Hill with a fem! Reader where they're dating and when they're at work in front of people Maria has to stop everything in her from turning into a puddle.
Don't look at me like that (not here anyway)
maria hill masterlist | main masterlist
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Maria Hill x Reader 1106 words
a/n - i should really start planning my stories 😔 thanks for the gorg request anon!
“Commander Hill,” Director Fury announced with a lifted arm in her general direction, “will give you more information” He gave a short nod before stepping off of the podium and Maria Hill soon took his place. 
You watched as she placed down her papers, flicked to the right page, and set her eyes onto the crowd. “This will be a two week long, data collection mission for those of you who are level six. It will be dangerous, so we are letting you volunteer. Five of you will be needed, three out on the field, two for backup. If there is a failure-” suddenly her blue eyes flick to yours and you find yourself letting out a small gasp. Maria quickly tears her gaze away from yours and clears her throat,”-regarding the number of volunteers, I will be forced to choose. Any questions, please find me in my office.”
As Maria steps off the podium she finds herself ever so slightly less stable in her heels and the image of your face burned into the back of her brain. Her heart beats faster in her chest and she finds her bottom lip between her teeth as she takes a deep breath. 
You, on the other hand, are very conscious of the not so discreet looks that are being sent your way after Commander Hill had cut her speech short. Your relationship with Maria Hill wasn’t necessarily a secret one, but a quiet one, the two of you knew what you were getting into and you both knew that you had to be smart about it. It wasn’t as if you were in a relationship with any other agent, you were in a relationship with the deputy director of the very organisation you worked for.
The beginning of your relationship was rocky, Maria took her position very seriously and after the first month the two of you had taken a break. It was only after Fury had taken Maria aside and spoken to her in riddles, that she found herself relaxing and reaching out for you once again.
A few hours later, you found yourself walking a familiar path toward her office, two hot cups in a holder in one hand and a brown paper lunch bag in the other. Having lunch together had become some kind of ritual between the two of you; especially after you had found out that Maria normally skipped lunch. Too wrapped up in her work to realise that her stomach was running low. You put the bag in the space between your arm and your body and gave a light knock on the door in front of you. 
“Come in,” you heard from behind the door in her Commander Hill voice and you pushed open the door. “Y/n,” Maria smiles, “is it lunch already?” She asks with a frown on her face as she peers through her glasses to read the time.
You hum in response as you set down the food and drinks, “They were serving your favourite today,” you announce handing her her cutlery. You watch as her eyes widen and a smile grow on her lips as she opens up the box.
“Thank god I have you, otherwise I would have missed this,” she grins.
“If you’d only look away from your work for a second, you would remember lunch,” you lightly reprimanded before taking a seat opposite her.
“How do you know I’m not doing it on purpose,” she countered, an eyebrow raised, “maybe I just want to see you.” You can’t help the heat that spreads to your face as you stare at her with a loving smile on your face.
“What’ve you been up to, something super secret?” You ask her and take a sip of your drink, taking in the way that her glasses rest on her nose; you’ve never told her how much you really, really like them.
Maria glances at her computer screen before returning to look back at you, you’re looking at her the same as you were earlier, and she swallows sharply.
“You need to stop looking at me like that,” Maria warns lightly with a raised brow.
“Like what?” You lean back in your chair, feigning innocence.
“You know what,” she states, seeing right through your little act. “It’s very.. distracting,” she continued, recalling her shortened speech.
“I can’t help it, you’re just too pretty,” you pouted, Maria only shook her head.
“How’s the lab treating you?”
“It hasn’t been in my favour the past week,” you confessed and took a bite of food, “we haven’t been able to figure out what infected that agent, we’ve ruled out just about everything, they seem to be creating new chemical weapons and using your agents like guinea pigs,” you warn with a frown. “Thankfully, he hasn’t been getting worse, he just isn’t getting any better.”
“What did the raid on the Hydra lab tell you?” Maria questioned with knitted brows.
“They’ve been experimenting with um,” you avoid her eyes as you tell her, “aphrodisiacs.” 
“Aphrodisiacs?” Maria repeats, shock evident in her voice, and you nod your head.
“We’ve been working hard to find an antidote as they can be quite.. immobilising.” Just as you finish your sentence, you feel the vibrating of your watch and quickly stand up. “I need to get back to the lab,” you apologize with a sheepish smile and move to press a small kiss to Maria’s head.
“I’ll see you at home?” Maria asks hopefully, her blue eyes looking up at you, and your dull mood is instantly brightened, the two of you hadn’t shared a bed in quite some time, work causing you both to spend more hours in the office.
“I’ll see you at home,” you confirmed and left the way you came in.
By some miracle, Maria had made it home before you. The sight you walked into caused your heart to squeeze; your beloved girlfriend was curled in amongst the duvet, dark hair tied in a messy bun and face pressed into the unusually flat pillow. It wouldn’t last though. It was dangerous to feel safe, especially in her line of work.
After having a quick shower and brushing your teeth, you finally climbed onto your side of the bed, and an arm instantly found your waist to pull you closer.
You heard her hum against the shell of your ear and a relaxed smile found its way onto your lips, “I’ve missed you,” Maria muttered, her voice not yet awake.
“Missed you too,” you responded softly and entangled your fingers with hers before, finally, allowing your eyes to close.
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strawwritesfic · 3 months
(Don't) Hold Your Breath Master List
Summary: You've made a lot of monumental mistakes in your life. Cutting your arm off isn't even at the top of the list. Now you're about to learn a lot of life lessons at the hands of your savior and her brute of a guardian--and they're not about to let you learn them the easy way either.
Challenge: "#32 in His Rulebook" by Edible Heart Monster on Lunaescence Archives
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: M (post-The Last of Us; excessive swearing; sexual references; violence against children; infected children; references to abortion; references to cannibalism; references to starvation; references to riots; implied domestic abuse; implied grooming; implied sexual relationship between an adult and a minor; death of a parent; violence; gore; blood; gun use; ableism; amputee!Reader; enemies to lovers; not canon compliant)
Pairings/Relationships: Joel/Reader; Tommy/Maria; Reader/Male!OC; Reader & Ellie; Ellie & Joel; Ellie & Maria & Tommy
Notes: I've received a few asks regarding this fic. I'd deleted it a few years ago for various reasons, but I got into my old laptop recently and decided that, well, if people have cared enough to track me down and ask about it, maybe I should put it back online.
My feelings about this story are
complicated, which is why I'm hoping people read this before they jump in. The Last of Us is a dark story, and so this story has a lot of dark themes. They're not always executed very well. That might lessen the impact. Maybe it makes it worse. I don't know. But this is a very different sort of work for me. I feel, in retrospect, that I went a little overboard in some aspects. And I don't know how to really even begin putting in warning tags for some of the stuff that's just brushed off like nothing because, to the point of view character, it isn't worth dwelling on. If there's something you see that you feel needs a warning, tell me. I'll add it.
I think the most important thing for me to get out there is that the reader character is an amputee. I had people claiming to be amputees telling me I did a lovely job, but more crucially, I had someone claiming to be an amputee that told me that they didn't like that even 18 chapters in, I was having the reader character struggle with using only one arm in various ways and keep complaining about her situation. I respect that. My thought process during writing was that, in a world without physical therapy or prosthetic limbs, it would be much more difficult to adjust to suddenly having only one arm (and the nondominant arm, at that). And the character whining was because she's got a lot of self-pity that she has to work to get over. That being said, I really took that criticism to heart. I had every intention of drawing back on both aspects
I just never actually wrote another chapter. But, you know, if this gets enough attention for me to justify finishing the story, that's 100% on the to-do list.
I'm not changing anything. It's going up as-is. I'm going to do a quick proofread, of course, and catch a few more typos (I hope), but the excessive swearing and the weird coffee and the thing with Ellie using bang snaps inappropriately are staying in. I'm not doing a line-by-line rewrite like I have with my KHR stuff.
This is not intended to be canon to the television show. I've never seen it, and I don't plan to watch it. This is not intended to be canon to The Last of Us Part II. I've never played it or watched anyone else play it, and I never will. The only thing that this work might have in common with those is that Ellie is a lesbian, because I always intended to give her a girlfriend in this even way before the second game came out.
Anyway, I hope the handful of people that were (mysteriously, miraculously) searching for this story don't find themselves too disappointed now that they can read it again. Thanks for reaching out. It means a lot to me.
Posting Status: Incomplete
Story Status: Incomplete
Rule #1: Shut up. The enemy might hear you.
Rule #2: Try not to get yourself hurt.
Rule #3: Try not to get yourself killed. God, are you that stupid?
Rule #4: Quit stealing shit.
Rule #5: Don't touch anything.
Rule #6: Don't piss off the locals.
Rule #7: First impressions are important, so don't be yourself.
Rule #8: The villagers are always a little stupid. Try not to contract that.
Rule #9: If you fall off a roof, don't let go. Nothing will catch you.
Rule #10: Again, the enemy can hear you, so shut up.
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dbnightingale24 · 5 months
I'll Wait For Your Love
A StevexReaderxBucky Messy Triangle
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Everyone thank my husband because he fixed the wifi! This is only a bit of the final installation of 'My Little Decoy'. You can read the full version here. I didn't finish this as quickly as I wanted to, but it still got done a lot faster than I thought it would (yay anxiety!).
Thank you @fuckingbye for always putting up with my shit, and always making me amazing moodboards because I'm lame as shit. I love you and I can't wait to tackle you with a hug <3.
As always, please heed the warnings and I hope you enjoy it! Here we go!
Word Count: 35,290 (it's called growth)
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), Slight Infidelity, Arguments, Drinking, Smoking, Angst, Swearing, Self Loathing, Fluff, Heartbreak, Lying (by omission), Daddy Kink, Uhh...I think that's it?
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: You Cling To Your Papers and Pens, Wait Until You Like Me Again
Summary: When two major parts of your past come back and ask for another chance, do you stand your ground and stay with the life you've created for yourself, or do you decide to test the water after all this time and see if it's worth the leap of faith?
I do not give consent/permission for my works/stories to get posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
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It’s weird. You had made peace with never seeing either man again, yet for the past hour, the three of you have been in your kitchen arguing. Bucky snaps at you, Steve defends you, you snap at Bucky, Steve gets you to calm down, Bucky snaps at him, and you threaten to kick him out. Honestly, for the most part, Steve is the mediator. You’re assuming that they have some level of friendship again, or he just doesn’t want to pile anymore guilt and pressure onto you.
It was clear to you that he hadn’t expected Bucky to follow him and, if he hadn’t been so focused on seeing you, he would’ve noticed Bucky’s car. Apparently, with Maria being pregnant, Steve assumed that Bucky hadn’t even noticed his erratic behavior.
He should’ve been right.
“James, I don’t know what you want me to say,” you sigh for what feels like the millionth time as you stir the white sauce on the stove. “I can only apologize so many times, but it’s not like you were in the dark. You saw the connection between Steve and I, and you decided to pursue me anyway. I didn’t start cheating until long after you had-”
“You being in love with Steve was already cheating!” he shouts at you, and you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Are you ever capable of holding yourself accountable? Or is it only when you know you’re in danger of losing me? You never apologized for cheating and you still won’t fess up to it, you never actually apologized for your behavior when we found out I couldn’t get pregnant, and even now, you’re just throwing it in my face that I cheated on you after you cheated on me. Is that what you came all the way here for? To yell at me and make me feel small in my own home? Because, if it is, you can get the fuck out right now. I don’t need this shit from you, James. I didn’t need it then and I sure as shit don’t need it now,” you say firmly as you finally turn to face him.
You don’t miss the small smile that comes to Steve’s face, before he takes a sip from his beer bottle. 
Bucky lets out a frustrated sigh before he ran a hand through his hair, “no, that’s not why I came out here.” “Then what did you come here for?”
“I wanted to see you,” he confesses softly.
You turn and open the oven to check on the salmon, “she’s pregnant, James. That’s what you wanted-” “I wanted it with you and you know that.”
“You cheated with her, James. You cheated with her because you knew it would hurt me the most, you fucked her at work, in our house, and went out with her after work very publicly to make me look like a fool. Then, you denied the whole thing to try and make me feel crazy, like I couldn’t see the lipstick stains on my pillow-”
“You hurt me!”
“Because I couldn’t have a fucking kid? You think that was a fun thing for me to find out?!”
“It wasn’t just the baby! You never loved me in the way that you love Steve, and I tried and tried-”
“Then why not just let me go?!”
“Cause I loved you. I love you.”
“Well, you got married to her a year after I left, and now she’s gonna have your child. Looks like you’re doing just fine.” “Don’t be fucking callous,” he scoffs.
“James, you followed Steve to my home to berate me, and you’re gonna sit there and tell me not to be callous? You went out of your way to have this argument, and for what? Because you couldn’t trap me into being in love with you? Go fuck yourself and die on that fucking cross you’re so desperate to hang yourself from!”
“Darlin’,” Steve snaps and Bucky rolls his eyes.
“I’m sorry, but fuck that. You want me to feel so bad for something I tried to ignore, and that’s not fair! What I did was wrong, but I tried. I defended you, I looked the other way, and never held anything over your head. You constantly went out of your way to hurt me, and I’m supposed to feel bad for finally following my heart? I’m supposed to feel bad because I wouldn’t let you trap me and make me hate myself anymore? Fuck that. I never played you for a fool, you did that shit to yourself, and I refuse to pay penance for it anymore,” you snap as you pour the bow ties into the boiling water. “God, where does your pregnant wife even think you are?”
“I just told her I needed to get out for a while.” “You’re such an asshole. I don’t even like the bitch and I think it’s a low blow. You leave your pregnant wife to tell your ex-wife that you still love her? What the fuck did you think was going to happen? What did you think I was gonna say? You thought I’d see the light and wanna take you back? You married her out of spite, James.”
“I do love her-”
“Well, clearly not enough,” you scoff, “this feels a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, because you love her, but you’re still pining over me? That’s fucking rich, I gotta say. You’re a real piece of work,” you chuckle dryly as you pour yourself another glass. 
“I wanted to see you...make sure you’re okay. Nat and Meg won’t tell anyone anything, Meg won’t even talk to me-”
“Well, what the hell did you think was going to happen, James? I’ve been her best friend since we were six. Yeah, she’s not too fucking fond of you after everything that’s happened.”
“So what? You just hate me now?”
“I don’t hate you, you self centered asshole! I should, I have every fucking right to after the last year we spent together, and I wish I did, but I don’t! You’ve been attacking me! I’m sorry that you decided to pursue the one person your best friend was in love with, and I’m sorry that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t love you the way I’ve always loved Steve. I’m sorry that I cheated on you with Steve and it broke your heart even more. However, a lot of this shit could’ve been avoided if you would’ve just stayed away! I’m not your fucking scapegoat anymore, James. You’re finally getting what you want, and you’re still not happy-” “I don’t have you! I don’t have what I want-”
“You had me and then decided to treat me like an object! I can’t do anything about the fact that you treated me like total fucking trash, James! That’s on you, not me,” you state as the timer goes off.
As you turn off the stove top, Charlotte makes her way into the kitchen and sits patiently.
“You know better little miss,” you laugh softly, “go lay down.”
She huffs, but gets up and walks back to her bed nonetheless, and your heart flutters at Steve’s soft chuckle. 
“So, that’s it?” Bucky huffs.
“I honestly don’t know what else you expect. I don’t know what more you want to know. Everything you’ve asked, I’ve been honest about, everything you deserve an apology for, I’ve apologized for...what else is there to say? What else is there to do?” you ask as his phone goes off.
Pulling it out (rather aggressively), he mutters, “what the fuck now?” before getting up and storming out, slamming the door shut behind him.
“If he breaks my house, I’ll break his neck,” you mutter, checking on the broccoli, before taking another sip from your glass.
“It’s Maria. She’s been on edge lately. She’s due in two months and she feels like Bucky’s attention is elsewhere.”
“I wonder why,” you scoff. “What about you? Are you gonna rake me over the coals too?”
“You know better than that, honey,” he sighs heavily. “We don’t have to-”
“You might as well, Steve. It’s why you’re here-”
“I’m here because I’ve missed you like crazy, and I wanted to see you. We’ve already gotten farther than I expected us too.”
“I wasn’t sure if you’d wanna see me or not.”
“I was never angry with you, Steve. Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I still cry over it,” you scoff, rubbing your forehead. 
“Then why-”
“I couldn’t do that to you, Steve. I loved you. I love you. Breaking up your friendship with Bucky? Stealing you from the Avengers-”
“I told you I’d go with you-”
“But you would’ve felt guilty. Yeah, you’d still love me, and you’d be happy to make a life with me anywhere, but you’d feel guilty. You and Bucky? I knew it could get resolved once I was out of the picture, and for the most part, I was right.”
“You didn’t give me a chance-”
“Because you wouldn’t have been logical about it, babe. Neither of us are ever exactly smart when it comes to each other,” you smile softly and he chuckles with a slight nod. “Please understand that it wasn’t something I did lightly, or that I didn’t think about how much it would hurt you. It seems like I’m always hurting you one way or another, and I’ve never wanted that.”
“We always find ways to hurt each other, darlin’. We can’t seem to get this dance right,” he sighs.
“No, we can’t.”
“Whatever you’re making smells amazing,” he smiles weakly.
“One of the many perks of no longer being an Avenger, I get to work on my cooking skills.”
“You’ve always been the best cook, babe,” he compliments as he gets up and makes his way over to you.
Having him so close to you still makes your brain so foggy, even after all this time.
“I’ll leave after dinner-”
“You don’t have to,” you quickly interrupt. “Neither one of you do. I have spare bedrooms...” “You’re comfortable with us staying here?”
“I mean, I’m already feeding the both of you and I don’t want you to spend the money, when there’s no need.”
“Still the most thoughtful person I know,” he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, and you lean into his touch. “There is something I have to tell you though.”
“Oh God.”
“They know.”
“They who?” “Everyone. I told Tony I’d be gone for a few days, because no matter what happened today, I knew I was gonna need time to recover, and he kept saying that he needs me to train the new recruits. So, I just folded and told him where I was going.”
“I’m sorry, I really am, but I needed to see you, darlin’. I had no right and it’s your privacy, but I knew he wouldn’t let me go if I didn’t tell him.”
“No, it’s alright. I’m the one that left the way that I did...”
“He wants to see you, they all do.”
“I didn’t promise them anything, I just told them I’d let you know.”
“I guess I owe it to everyone, don’t I?”
“That’s for you to decide,” he smirks as his eyes study your face. “You smell like vanilla and strawberries.”
“It’s my soap,” you giggle.
“I feel like I should be angry with you. You looked me in the eyes and lied to me.”
“To be fair, you did the same thing, Rogers. For years.”
“That’s true,” he sighs, backing up and leaning against the kitchen island.
Your confusion is short lived when you hear Bucky come storming back in.
“Are you staying over or not?” you ask as the second timer goes off. 
He glares looking from you to Steve, “do you even want me here?”
“Whether I do or don’t isn’t the point. I’ve already made dinner, it’s getting late, and there’s no reason for you to spend money if you don’t have to. If you don’t have to go back tonight, I prefer you to stay where I know you’re safe. The last thing I need is for you to get into an accident on an almost five hour ride home, because you were sulking and not paying attention,” you mutter, dumping the bow ties into a strainer before transfer them to a bowl.
He looks taken aback (in a good way) , before responding with, “thank you,” and grabbing another beer.
“Ya know, I know you two can’t get drunk off of anything I have, but I do have stronger drinks.”
“This is fine, doll. Thank you.”
Well, at least he’s being nicer.
Soon enough, you’re taking the salmon out of the oven and breaking it up, before cutting up the broccoli and adding both to the bow ties. After adding in your homemade white sauce, you add just a bit of lemon juice and mixing it all in together. You can’t lie, it’s nice to cook for someone besides yourself for a change, even if the situation is extremely awkward.
“Uh, darlin’?” Steve asks softly as you take three plates out of your upper cabinet.
“Not to be creepy or nosey, but your phone keeps vibrating,” he laughs.
“Ah shit!”
You completely forget to answer the chat between you, Meg, Nat.
“Take as much as you want,” you tell them before sprinting up the steps.
Grabbing it off of the nightstand, you let out a small groan as you see the string of missed texts in the ‘Three Crazies’ chat.
Ms. Widow: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: What happened???
Ms. Widow: Steve heard me on the phone with Y/N, and hes taking a few days off go and see her.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Oh shit! Oh SHIT!
Ms. Window: I think Buck is going too, or something, cause he took a few days off too. Maria found out and she’s freaking the fuck out. 
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Fuck.
Ms. Widow: The whole fucking compound is buzzing, and Bruce is more than upset with me. Y/N, I’m really so sorry.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Has anyone said anything to you?
Ms. Widow: No, Tony’s been pacing all day and the team is kind of dumbfounded. No one knew where she was, now, both Steve and Bucky are off to see her. No one knows why the divorce happened...no one knows anything.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Babe, has anyone said anything? Has anyone showed up?
Ms. Widow: Oh God, please answer.
Rock n’ Roll Queen: Starting to get worried here, babe.
Ms. Widow: Please don’t hate me. I’m so damn sorry. I didn’t know Steve was even around.
Y/N: They’re here now, both of them are downstairs eating dinner, and they’re staying over tonight. I’ll talk more after dinner when I’m getting ready for bed. I could never hate you, Nat. You should know that by now.
You place your phone in your back back pocket and run a stressed hand through your hair, pacing before you remember they can both hear you and just stand in the middle of your bedroom. How was everything spiraling so fast? How the fuck were you supposed to explain things without saying too much? Oh God, how the fuck were you gonna deal with Maria?
All of these thoughts were giving you a headache, and you’re growing hungrier by the second. Racing back downstairs, you walk right by the two sets of inquisitive eyes, and make yourself a large helping of the pasta dish into a bowl before showering it with a generous helping of Parmesan cheese.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?” Steve is first to ask, but the look on Bucky’s face lets you know he’s just as worried. 
“Everything is fine, just having a day,” you mutter, grabbing a fork and your drink before making your into your living room, and curling up on the couch.
You honestly aren’t even mad at them, but you’re now trying to navigate how all of this is going to work. You’d closed that chapter of your life, and had dealt with things in your own way, but now? Now, everyone knows and for as much as you hate to admit it, they deserve an explanation. It doesn’t matter that you technically did everything by the book (turning in all your weapons and any sensitive and classified details you had), you still abandoned your friends. The family you got to create. All they want is to see you and know that you’re okay, and who are you to say no? None of them did anything to deserve that.
God, you hope they don’t think you’ll stay. You have no desire for that life anymore, nor do you feel like seeing Maria’s smug fucking face anymore. No, you’re life isn’t exactly quiet now, but it’s a lot more calm and a lot more stable. You have your job, your fur baby, your home-
“Darlin’,” Steve sighs as he sits at the other end of the sofa.
You hadn’t even noticed that Charlotte had sensed your anxiety and stress, and curled up by your toes. 
“I’m sorry, this is my fault-”
“I’m the one who walked away like I did, Steve.”
“Be that as it may, I-we disrupted your privacy. No, I didn’t expect Bucky to follow me, but I...I just needed to see you and didn’t think about anything else. I haven’t seen much of your life out here, but I can tell it’s quiet, you’re happy, and you’re finally at peace. Now, you have a million questions to answer and people to answer to. I’m really sorry, honey.”
“It’s...it’s fine,” you sob, not even understanding why you’re crying.
All at once, all of these emotions just overwhelm you, and you feel as if you’re drowning.
“What the hell did you do to her?!” you hear Bucky faintly yell.
Everything seems to fade around you and all sound is lost. Your family, friends, past...you have to face them all. Everything you’ve tricked yourself into thinking you’ve healed from is all of a sudden back in your life at once; the scabs all feel torn off and bleed again. Without warning, no easing back into it, and you have no idea what to expect. What if everyone hates you? What if no one even wants to see you? Is Maria the favorite now? Is she in your old office? You faintly feel someone wrap their arms around you, and you honestly don’t care which one of them it is, you just cling to them in a weak attempt to bring yourself back down.
“Darlin’, you’re okay, it’s all okay. Buck and I are right here,” Steve promises with worry laced in every word as he softly rubs your back.
He pulls you close and you can tell he’s trying to regulate your breathing with his own.
“I need you to breathe for me, pretty girl. Deep breaths,” he coos softly.
“M...Meg! Please call Meg,” you sob.
“Call Meg!” he repeats harshly towards Bucky, and you hate yourself for how worried they both are.
You pray that they don’t start arguing, because you don’t know what the hell you’ll do, and you can faintly hear Charlotte whining and feel her little paws on your lap. You haven’t had a panic attack since your second night there, and she’s never seen you have one.
This is only a bit of the final installation of 'My Little Decoy'. You can read the full version here.
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I loved episode 6 for so many reasons (Pedro your Emmy nomination is secured!) but two things really caught my attention while watching the episode and seeing people reacting to it (on YouTube, twitter, here...)
The amount of male reactors that didn't know what a menstrual cup was, and even thought it was some sort of birth control, shouldn't have been surprising to me but damn y'all really don't know anything do you?
One video I watched they were saying Maria was trying to control Ellie, by giving her birth control and cutting her hair against her will. They did not think Maria was being genuinely helpful at all.
Now let me tell you, as a woman, I would have helped another woman with everything she needs immediately. We have a shower, let me get you a nice soap. Need period products? I got you. I have scissors do you need a haircut? Let me get you clean underwear, do you need a bra? Here have a hair tie.
When Ellie found the tampons in ep 4 that made me so happy, then this happens and this display of not only women's solidarity towards each other but this awareness of our daily issues actually warms my heart.
I've always wondered what it would be like to be a woman in an apocalyptic world. We need these things. We don't just want them, we need them. I have cramps that are so bad sometimes I think I'm gonna pass out, even if I take meds, but I have never, not even once, watched a scene with a woman even acknowleding her period. unless if for some bulshit pregnancy arc but don't get me started
The second thing was that a lot of people (not just men in this case) thought that Joel was having a heart attack, when it was so clear he was experiencing something like a panic attack/anxiety/PTSD episode.
The lack of awareness on mental health is so clear. Maybe it's because I deal with anxiety and know what it feels like, but I understood immediately what was happening in those scenes.
We are so used to not talking about it. It should be so obvious to everyone but it wasn't. Because we don't even discuss this in real life.
I love that the show doesn't shy away from such important things that somehow for us are taboo. Mental health, women's health, these are things we don't really see in shows like this and I love that they are not hiding from it.
Ellie is a girl, she has periods. She also has a lot of trauma to unpack. Joel is not a robot, he's been through so much of course there's trauma there, of course he'll have PTSD and anxiety and have panic attacks on the possibility of caring for someone so much again and failing to protect them.
Anyway, I'd love to talk about everything I've been loving about this show but this post is too long already. I'm loving how they are adapting this story, they are doing a fantastic job, and the things they are changing/adding are only making the story better, and I can't wait for what's coming next.
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spookykoolkat · 1 year
the red j.m. | chapter four
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pairings: older!joel miller x plus sized!younger!reader
chapter summary: you've been in jackson for a month now and things are still a little rough. you haven't found the right crowd to fit into yet, and thought maybe you might have to settle for the family of four you already know, until you meet your patrol partner, tyler. unfortunately, joel doesn't seem to like the idea of you with any other man but him.
warnings: 18+ age gap (joel is 57, reader is turning 26), inappropriate thoughts, sexual language, teasing, touching, slight jealous!joel, x-rated descriptions, crude language, perv!joel, creepy!joel, mean joel not too mean tho, MDNI!!!
wc: 6.2k
na: HI! thank you for alllll of the love oh my god my little gothic heart is so full i love you guys!!! i hope this series is everything and more to you guys bc i love this so much! hopefully as chapters go by, i get better in my writing and hope everyone enjoys it! i appreciate all of your kind words and interactions with me and making me feel welcome since i am new to writing on tumblr and kind of took a six year break from writing oneshots/fanfictions LOL. anyways please enjoy this chapter things are g3tting a little hot and heavy :P I CANT WAITT i hope that my writing is cathartic for my big girls we do not get enough representation for us in stories and writings!please enjoy! smut coming soon fr fr LMFAOO
i appreciate all reblogs, likes and comments feel free to do any one of those things or ALL! if u think its deserved :P
you’ve been in jackson for a month now. you couldn’t believe it, you truly had every doubt about staying even a week. but, it’s probably the calmest life you’ve lived in a very long time. you enjoyed it and you truly felt you’d made the right decision, it didn’t take much convincing either. but, you still haven’t unpacked the items maria gave you and continues to give you. just in case. 
the neighbors are learning your name, as you are with them, and they actually care. as much as you let them. you felt quite bad because you found yourself still not clicking with anyone around you. and you’ve tried. the people your age find you boring, almost a dark cloud over them, bursting their bubbles. younger kids only approach you because of ellie, asking for advice on stance and grip. the older group, around tommy and joel’s age, finds you a bit much. 
your language, your lack of social awareness–sometimes it gets embarrassing. saying something old heads wouldn’t necessarily like, being too blunt and a little explicit. joel figured you should hang around your age group, yet you didn’t really click in with the rest. he was far from embarrassed being around you, you just said the things he was thinking out loud.
you only found yourself clicking with joel. in many ways, as much as he let you. he was standoffish most of the time, barely cracking a smile at your weird habits and the noises you make when you’re passed out on the couch. he refused to let you break him, this wall that he had up to survive. do not get attached. he thought, maybe the less he knew you the less it’d hurt to have anything happen to you. but it seems even as little as he does know you, he’s still feeling that tug at his heart laying his eyes on you. 
it was too late. whoops.
joel doesn’t want to address that feeling, and he doesn’t want to call it as it is. he actually cares about you. he had no choice but to call it that, because why else would he lie to you about finding cassettes in the house?— so that you didn’t know what he really did to get you whatever he could get his hands on. 
he didn’t want you to know that he actually smuggled in goods that he and his family needed, and while bribing, stealing, trading and selling for necessities, he made it a mission to find at least one cassette tape for you. he didn’t know you actually saw him red handed, and you still didn’t know where those boxes were coming from. he figured if you knew, you’d bring it up. 
he made it his mission for two whole weeks, after your first week of staying with him, and finally got his hands on some actual music for you. joel hadn’t made efforts like this in a long time, and he knew that denying the fact that he at least cared for you would mean he was being delusional. 
but he was always worried about you. you were his object of affection and he craved to find a way to get you out of his mind. he actually felt guilty for thinking about you in ways you’ve probably never been before, he felt guilty for wanting nothing but to make you feel good—however that was. 
you doubted it strongly of course, shaking the feeling off as your own delusion and insanity, but you always hoped. hoped that maybe his generosity and southern hospitality was actually him caring about you in a different way, but he was a grown man. you tried to off yourself in front of him–you were insane to think he’d even look at you as anything but a liability, he hardly looked your way as it was. 
at least you thought so.
joel paid attention to every single thing he sees and hears. he doesn’t show it, he doesn’t acknowledge it—all he does is observe. some more than others. 
you didn’t talk to him unless he talked to you, you kept your distance like he wanted, but somehow he knew everything that was going on. he didn’t have to talk to you to know you, and that’s what he was ashamed of. he watched you. 
he was a creep, he felt like someone who was abnormal and making things weirder than they had to be. he was studying you and you didn’t even know. he picked up on what made you smile, which cassettes you listened to the most, which just so happened to be the ones he was ‘holding on to.’ and in the midst of observing you, he checked you out any time he got. 
when you weren’t looking mostly, but even sometimes when you were talking to him about something not so important. he realized that if you did see that his eyes wandered over you, you were probably gaslighting yourself into thinking he wasn’t doing exactly what you thought he was doing. he loved your body. and he loved the way you dressed your body, the way the shirts you wore always clung to your heavy breasts, how even when you dressed in baggy clothes he still wanted to ruin you like that. 
sick. you’re a sick old pervert, ya kno’ that? he knew. what joel didn’t know is why you made him feel this way, why you drove him to do the things that he does for you. why he acted feral every time you bent over, why he would storm out of the room when you got on your hands and knees to pick something you dropped up off the floor. 
but he also studied you because he wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling how you felt the night you woke up in jackson, to make sure you weren’t feeling depressed or like you didn’t want to be here anymore. just talk to her fucker. he couldn’t. he would never admit it, but he’s eavesdropped near ellie’s garage to hear conversations between the two girls. 
“ellie, i mean it, you cannot tell joel.” you hushed as you glanced towards the door, back to ellie. 
she scoffed. “like i’d tell him, lay it on me.” you noticed the irritation in her eyes when you brought up joel, asking yourself if maybe there was something that wasn’t being said. you just put a pin in it. 
“okay. one, i’m finally allowed a gun and i got my patrol route.” you cheered in a hush and joel almost pressed his ear into the door. 
ellie rolled her eyes, grabbing the piece of paper. “no fucking fair. good looks, telling me bad news first. what’s two?” she joked. 
“i met my patrol partner. his name’s uh, tyler? i think. yeah,” you looked down and nodded, assuring yourself. joel made it a note to tell ellie how thin her walls were, not right now though. 
 tyler m?” joel thought of every man in this town named tyler with the letter M as his last name. instantly made a mental list of five tylers. 
“i don’t know. but he asked me for a drink. tonight, he was gonna meet me here but i told him i’d meet him there. lesson number 5, always have a way to leave anywhere you are if you need to.” you said. you figured it’d be best to teach her as much as you could, telling her things she needed to hear to survive. 
that’s how joel knew immediately what was happening when he heard your soft singing from your cracked door. you were getting ready for him. he actually hated it. he couldn’t remember the last time he felt that heat in his chest, biting the tongue—it wasn’t until his face turned down into the old familiar feeling, what he recognized as jealousy. 
who was he to be jealous? for what? it was a saturday night, most people were off of work, and everyone was settling in the town’s circle to drink and watch movies. everyone but joel. he was now classified as a bitter old man, with a dark whiskey in his glass. maybe now a bitter, creepy old man as he knocks slightly on the cracked door and you invite him in. 
you were fixing the laces on your shoes, simple black converse, and his eyes made his way up from there to your face. a deep v neck shirt that looked like a second skin from how tight it was, and faded black jeans with tiny holes from being lived in that hugged the fat of your thighs. he never noticed the gold dainty necklace that sat in the middle of your chest, but it sits right between the curves of your breasts. were they always that big? he felt like a kid, ogling and asking stupid questions.  
“hellooo? joel?” you called to him as you rested your palms on the width of your thighs. he saw your lips, coated in a sheen and your hair split down the middle instead of being in a pony tail or bun. creepy old man. you’re being creepy joel!!! he shook his head. 
“headin’ to the circle?” he asked. if he were close enough you could smell the whiskey on his breath. 
“yeah i-,” you thought for a minute. joel didn’t trust the next person as much as you did. you saw his protectiveness through ellie, you felt maybe he’d feel the same for you. even if you were a bit delusional. 
“-was gonna catch a movie with ellie, most likely be back around 12.” you said as you glanced at the clock, 9:32. 
“‘s that right?” he said suggestively, like he knew something you didn’t. he did. 
“yeah. that’s right,” you stood firm, even shot him a dirty look. “why don’t you enjoy the night, joel. you got the house to yourself, ain’t that what you’ve been mopin’ around for?” you stood up and grabbed your gun to put in your waistband behind your shirt, sticking a knife in your high top converse and one in your jean pocket. 
maybe you got too defensive, but you were right in a way. he looked miserable around the house, storming in just to grab a beer and lock himself in the library or room. 
“that’s right,” he was just smug. so smug you couldn’t stand it, you wanted to slap him. 
“whatever joel,” you wanted to be right so bad. you wanted to prove to even yourself that you were right. but neither of you were buying into this act you played, and you knew it. he was making you nervous with his stare, the hard shell you had was practically ripped off of you when he grabbed your wrist before you left the room. he held you, shoulder to shoulder and looked at your face, down your neck and to your chest. 
“if you need anythin’, you let me know darlin’.” darlin’? it was so foreign to you, so alien that you didn’t even have time to process it before your mouth moved to say a small alright and taking your arm from his grip. when you did, it was cold and you could feel the print of his hand around your wrist down the stairs. 
it was so different, something that leaked off of his words when he spoke to you. and you wanted to hear more of it, explore that with him. 
before you could psych yourself out of going through the bar’s doors, you heard someone call for your name and turned your head to the left to see tyler, walking towards you with a big grin on his face. tyler was just two years older than you, someone you met while you were in combat and patrol classes, and didn’t acknowledge until he approached you, re-introducing himself as your partner for the first two weeks. you couldn’t be cold and shoo him away, you just smiled and introduced yourself, really looking at him. 
he was not joel miller. tyler’s skin wasn’t as tan as joel’s but he wasn’t pale, and he was actually a bit lanky even under the thick coats he layered. you noticed that his chest wasn’t as broad and strong as joel’s, hell his arms were smaller than yours. he was a skinny tall thing, while you were a bit short and thick everywhere. and when he embraced you lightly at the entrance of the bar, you just felt cold. no warmth, no comfort, you felt like you’d break him. 
“hey, i was hoping you’d actually come.” he breathed in as he pulled away, still, it wasn’t feeling right. 
“why wouldn’t i?” 
“cause you’re out of my league,” he said with a seductive smile and you wanted to believe him. wanted to enjoy the night as it comes and maybe have a few drinks, talk. but your mind was on a bitter man who sat in a house all by his lonesome. 
the thing about ‘dates’ now is that small talk doesn’t happen anymore. what’s your mom like? she’s dead actually. really? mine too! it was pointless. if you ended up here, you knew that you were alone. 
it wasn’t long before you and tyler were sitting on two stools, side by side. your knees were in between his as the two of you talked, flirted, gave simple touches. you were having fun. doing what would seem normal at a bar, just enjoying the company of someone who actually liked you. 
“how come you’ve never hung out with anyone else? i never see you with anyone.” he said, his fingers tapping on your knee. 
“mmm, i’m just not for everyone.” you flirted, covering his fingers with yours. you knew this wasn’t going anywhere, but you’d like to live in it just a little longer. the touch of a man, someone who desired you even if it wasn’t how you wanted. something you started to crave from joel. 
“maybe you’re just for me then?” he suggested, and you decided to just play into it. it was kind of hard not to when you were thinking of joel, you needed to act out on it. 
“i doubt that, honey,” you said, tugging at the collar of his shirt. he smelled like tequila and grass, something not that appealing but you ignore it. you wanted something out of him tonight, because for some reason the words joel spoke to you kept ringing in your ears. if you need anything, you let me know darlin’. the words rumbled through your body and straight to your core, because if there’s anything you need he could definitely be of help. 
you didn’t know how long you stayed at this bar, teasing and touching each other until you felt the ache in your core, aching for a touch that you’ve had once before. but you didn’t give a shit about purity or virginity, you wanted the ache gone and you knew tyler was the best bet. 
“tyler,” you whispered in his ear as the bar started to empty. 
“yes, beautiful?” he answered and slid his hand up your thigh. 
“show me how good you are with your fingers, yeah?” 
he followed you back to joel’s, hand in hand as you turned the key to the house and softly opened the door to prevent the creaking. granted, you didn’t think this through, like everything else. maybe you should’ve gone to his. you cringed a bit, walking inside. 
it was dark inside, nothing but the sizzle of a freshly put out fire. you put your fingers to your lips to shush him, taking him slowly upstairs and to your room. you couldn’t help but find yourself glancing at joel’s door, which is cracked open. 
you finally made it to your room with the lanky man groping your body and trying to slither you out of your jeans, letting him. 
“only want your fingers, okay? if not you can leave.” you established as you stood in your panties and tight shirt. 
“fuck, yeah that’s okay,” tyler himself was craving a woman’s touch, he didn’t even care if he got off. he just wanted to see you, a woman’s body, to feel you. 
“can i touch you? like anywhere?” he asked as he sat on the edge of your bed, his cock already hardened against his pants. it didn’t sound right coming from him. you wondered what it’d sound like with the texas twang you craved to hear from a certain man. 
it still made your core twinge a bit, remembering the last time you were this vulnerable. you couldn’t lie, even if it wasn’t what you wanted, you fell in to the odd touch of the man desperately trying to touch you. 
“anywhere. keep your dick in your pants, i’ll touch as i go if you want me to.” you moved over to him and crawled into your bed, and he slipped in next to you as he propped himself on his elbow to look at you. 
“you’re so pretty, really.” he said, genuinely and you smiled. your stomach even fluttered a bit. it’s been a long time hearing that, hearing desire. 
“touch me, please.” 
tyler took his time, a little more than you’d liked but he was busy distracted with the way your tits pushed up to your chin, like you were suffocating. touching and teasing, his touch felt good but it still didn’t feel right, it didn’t feel heartstopping. maybe you’re expecting too much. 
but he didn’t talk to you when he dipped his hand in your panties, you just heard his whimpers and panting as he rutted his hard on into the side of your fat thigh, barely focused on you. you weren’t feeling it anymore, your wetness wasn’t even directed towards him really. everything you did with him was what you wanted to do with joel. you weren’t interested anymore and it started to feel wrong, it never felt good because tyler wasn’t worried about you. just his nut, and you didn’t like that. you didn’t like to feel used. 
“okay, wait, wait—i said wait!” you said and grabbed his wrist, pulling it from your panties and moving off of the bed. 
“wait, fuck i’m sorry, i was just so, fuck i’m so sorry.” he said a bit loudly, and you swore you heard a creak in the hallway as you moved to the door. 
“it’s okay, i just, i’m not–i’m tired. i think you should go.” you said, hugging your arm as he adjusted himself in his pants and got up. 
“i’m sorry, i,-” he tried again and you waved him off. 
“it’s done and forgotten, you didn’t do anything you were just really into it. i wasn’t.” you were careful with your words, not as tough as you would be because you’re vulnerable. but he wouldn’t get far if he hurt you, you knew that. 
“i’m sorry, goodnight. can we kind of like, forget this?” he asked rubbing the back of his neck and you softly laughed. 
“forget what?” you smiled and he returned it, giving a small kiss on the cheek before he left. he was a nice man, a good kid, and he meant no harm. he didn’t need a ruthless beating or yelling, just needed to tell him it wasn’t meant to be. you couldn’t shake the feeling of how wrong it was, how wrong it felt being tyler touching you. 
you knew who you wanted to touch you. as sweet and kind and charming tyler was, he wasn’t what you wanted. the man you wanted was across the hall from you, on the other side of the stairs. sleeping, maybe. 
you knew ellie was at a friends house doing only god knows what, so with the hope in mind that joel was asleep in his room, you trotted downstairs braless, and bottomless. you were still in the same tight shirt you left in, but now just in the pink panties that were apart of the gifts maria got you. just new/traded clothing you needed. the shirt hugged you and cut off at the dip of your curve, the fat of your tummy slightly protruding between the shirt and your panties. 
you didn’t look towards the fireplace where the sofas were, instead you grab a small cup and let faucet water pour into it, taking a drink. 
“work up a sweat?” a deep southern voice said behind you, from a distance. you jumped at the sudden break of silence and turned quickly to the sofas. 
“joel? what the fuck,” you breathed and stepped out to walk to the sofas. somehow, you completely disregarded the fact that all you had on was a shirt and panties, standing in joel miller’s living room. 
“what made you think it was a bright idea to invite a bastard in my home like that? not only that,” he said. you finally saw the light from outside shining on his face as he stood up, something glimmering in his hand. a gun. “but letting him touch all over you? that prick?” 
you had a lot to say, a lot to yell out. but the only thing to say was a snarky comment. “you know he called you the same thing.” 
which, he did. but you were too drunk on the flirting and drinks to care or to know why, even though you already knew. joel wasn’t nice to anyone but ellie. tommy and maria even think he’s an asshole, but that’s tommy’s brother and maria’s brother in law. he’s family. but there were things that you didn’t know about joel miller. things he didn’t want you to know either. 
“why do you even care? who’s touching me, i mean.” you scoff, feeling less embarrassed about your state of clothing. but being a lot more aware as he steps closer and closer to your curvy figure, putting his gun in the waistband of his sweatpants. 
he was intimidating like this. towering over you with his fists clenched, searching your face for something. you felt your heartbeat pick up as his eyes raked over you and fell on your lips. he was drunk off of you, the sight of your fat cunt only being clothed by a single piece of fabric drove him to dig his nails in his palms. the nakedness of your thighs, and the midriff showing—it was going to kill him.
“if you’re gonna fuck these town folk, make sure it ain’t in my house.” he spit, and you just rolled your eyes. you felt like you were in trouble for sneaking out, like a teenager. 
“i didn’t fuck anyone. we didn’t do anything. he wanted to, i didn’t.” you defended, feeling small now but still holding yourself tall.
joel just looked at you, not wondering if you were lying or not. he knew you weren’t, he heard it himself the minute he heard something bang against your wall. it was just you shuffling to get up, and he heard you consoling him. you weren’t satisfied. 
“why’d you lie to me? bout’ seein’ him tonight?” he asked, your head tilted up to his as he steps one step closer. your chest is almost touch his, and your breathing was getting heavier. 
“figured you wouldn’t trust him,” you said, sounding like you wanted to say something else but keeping it to yourself. 
he was watching you like you were his prey. like you were something he wanted to take and devour for himself, like you were something for his eyes only. 
“smart girl,” 
“he touch you wrong?” he couldn’t help but ask, the curiosity killing him slowly as time passes with you standing in front of him with your tight pink panties on. he looked down between the two of you and saw the hardened pebbles that were your nipples showing up through your black tight shirt, down to your tummy that was pressed against his. he liked the softness of your belly, he was practically dying to grip it himself. he wanted to grip every part of you, to palm your pussy and feel how warm you were in his grip. he even found himself hating his own mind as thought of what your pussy would look like sucking him in. 
“i, he,” you were stuttering, embarrassing yourself as his hand trailed up your arm, thinking of all the ways he could watch you take his cock for him. 
you watched him watch you. how his eyes went dark again, how there was a slight touch of possessiveness in his voice. you didn’t assume though.
“can’t find the words, hm? he wasn’t makin’ you feel good?” he asked softly, watching as you closed your eyes and breathed through your mouth, opening again to see a small grin playing on his lips, his head tilted to the side. his fingers barely left your wrist, and made their way to your fleshy hip, tapping against the bare skin. he was enjoying this. making you squirm. making you nervous. 
“fuck off, joel,” you meant it to come out a lot stronger than it did, even you thought you sounded needy. “s’ none of your damn business,” you spit, stronger this time.
and before you could even wallow in your retorts, a smile tugged very faintly at his lips. you weren’t so convincing when you were practically trying to pull him to your body with your fists buried in his sweater. he appreciated the effort though, he's never met someone with as much bite in their bark as you.
he just liked to watch you writhe for him. you wanted to whine with how eager you were for him, how mean he was being to you for no reason. you needed him.
“it’s like you’re not even tryin’, what’s the matter? do i make you nervous sweetheart?” he gleamed in his power over you, the way your eyes searched for him and your mouth parted, just for him. he wanted to ruin you in every way. ruin every man for you, show you how to truly be taken care of.
"go fuck yourself," you retorted and he actually laughed. and he laughed at you. a sudden heat rushed to your cheeks, embarrassment filling you.
“i didn’t tell you but,” he paused as he leaned into your ear, grazing his cheek against yours and smiling to himself, “you looked real pretty today, ya know that? you look even prettier like this, all flustered for me.” 
you had to be dreaming. had to have gone to sleep after tyler left, and this was your wet dream making up for it. there was no way you were this exposed to joel and he was practically pressed up against your body as he told you how pretty you looked. you couldn’t speak, your tongue was tied and joel smiled to himself as he realized he got you to shut up.
“would ya let me touch you, sweet girl? maybe you'd be nicer if someone knew how to touch you,” he asked, his fingers playing on your hip. 
you still couldn’t answer. it felt like a trap, like if you let yourself give in to his words, every guard you put up was pointless. you were frozen, and suddenly felt insanely vulnerable but his voice was so inviting, so impossible to not fall into.
“touch me where?” you asked, treading lightly. you wanted to hear it, you wanted him to tell you he wanted you as bad as you wanted him. you wanted to prove to yourself that you hadn't lost your mind yet. but you also wanted to stretch whatever this was as long as possible before you find yourself on your knees for him without even asking.
joel felt like he was out of his body. like he was watching you squirm and move under his presence from above. he was so distracted by how hard your nipples were rubbing against him that he didn’t even notice your fists balled into his shirt, trying to take him in closer. maybe it was the alcohol he drank to ignore the jealousy he felt, or maybe it was the fact that tommy came to tell joel about the boy you were seeing. how the two of you were practically on top of each other before he left, how he was touching you in public–he was angry. 
nothing was done, nothing more than joel grabbing your almost bare hip and you tugging on his shirt, but it still felt like something that was crossing a line. a line you wanted to cross.
until he got the courage to grab the hand that was buried in his sweater, taking it in his own and touching you with your hand. he was answering your question. his hand ghosted on top of yours as his eyes watched your eyes train on the sight between the two of the bodies, enjoying how soft and pink you look. you were hot and bothered, and he could get used to seeing you like this. 
“first place i’d touch you, baby,” he breathes, his lips practically against your cheek now. he was breathing you in, drinking you in, “is right here,” 
his hand guided you to cup your mound, angry that it wasn’t his hand touching you. your breath was shaky while you watched him, your eyes flickering from his moving hand to his eyes, and every time he made sure your eyes latched onto his. he wanted you to know how much he was enjoying teasing you like this, he wanted you to remember the way he looked at you while you panted against him. 
“but like this, lemme show you ‘xactly how i’d touch you sweetheart,” he was lost, drunken only on you, ignoring the world around him. “don’t think that boy would be enough for a woman like you, ain’t that right?"
he took his own hand as you were still pressed against his front, his lips now teasing the skin of the crook of your neck and starting to pull your panties away from your skin to dip his hand inside. your breathing was uneven and your soft whimpers were getting louder the more he trailed down into your underwear, and he was loving them.
the second he felt the scruff of your unshaved mound, he heard you release a shaky, sexy breath, and he grew harder against your bare abdomen. even feeling the heat of your skin on his clothed cock made him want to get on his knees and worship you.
"needy little fuckin' thing, that desperate for me huh? you gonna let me feel this pretty pussy how i want?"
he was so fucking filthy. so filthy for someone who hasn't even seen you naked, so filthy for someone who didn't even talk to you before this. it was agonizing, you were melting into his harsh words and wanted to listen to him make you feel small like this all night.
"joel, i swear," you warned as his breath hit your lips with his eyes on yours.
you had a bush, he thought to himself. he really didn’t think that would turn him on of course,  but now he pictured you standing in front of him, bottomless. how your belly would look with your curves, the way your breasts would rest at their natural position, your thighs fat and wide all for him, and the pretty fat mound waiting for him to feel and taste. worst time to think all of that of course, because it sent a flood of blood and excitement to his groin, giving him another thing to be nervous about. but god did he want to see it, see all of you laid in his bed, and tugging on the thatch of hair on your mound. he was fucked.
and god forbid you figured out that he’s been picturing you bent and folded in every way just so he could reach to the back of your cervix, if you figured out that his anger towards you is pent up sexual frustration because every time you’re in the shower, he’s thinking of the way you looked lathered in soap, waiting for him to join you. he was a sick man to think of you like this, but all of his desires and fantasies were threatening to barge in, to unleash all of his wants and needs to you. 
he was fighting himself to be a respectable man, a man who doesn’t think of women who were young enough to be his own kid in ways that were sinful. he shouldn’t be wanting to fill your throat with his cock when you smart mouth him. he was losing whoever he thought was himself, and letting heart and cock do his thinking. 
you couldn't think right, nothing was processing as you felt the heat of his hand on your cunt. you felt another wave of pleasure hit you and suddenly, you could feel your wetness pooling for him in your panties. you had a hard time wrapping your head around the fact that joel actually wanted you too, even if he wanted to put you in your place for once and shut you up.
you didn't care how he wanted you. you were a bitch, but you were desperate for him.
"mmm, you're real scary, baby, threats ain't gettin' you anywhere. you have t' beg me for my fingers," he teased, rubbing the hair on your mound.
"oh fuck off, i'm not begging you for shit," you're putting up a fight with yourself, and you were winning. at leadt you thought so. even if you were letting him touch you this way, you weren't goping to beg him or give him the pleasure of watching you submit to him.
"yeah? maybe i'll jus' make ya," he grinned, his sinister smile forming while he rested his forehead on yours, his hand inside your panties as the two of you watched him tease your lips.
the second joel’s finger moves from your hairy mound to the fat lips of your cunt to spread and feel just how much you ached for him, to tease your hole so you'd be sent into a fit of desperation, the two of you heard the doorknob jiggle and a loud laugh from the outside, meaning it was ellie. joel pulled his hand and body away quickly and nodded upstairs with a hard look, giving you the hint to go before ellie saw you in your panties. 
your face expressed everything to him, you needed him. and you didn’t want to let go. he watched as you walked up the stairs, your ass practically eating up the fabric of your panties. it left nothing to the imagination and he groaned, something you swore you heard, before he fixed himself in his pants. 
ellie walked in, and you stayed at the top of the stairs out of sight to hear the lecturing. 
“are you outta your damn mind, ellie? it’s three in the mornin’,” his paternal instincts were coming out, and you smiled. 
“i was down the street. relax, i just didn’t want to stay there.” ellie defended as she slipped her shoes off. 
“did somethin’ happen? are you hurt?” he asked quickly, examining ellie to see if he saw blood or cuts anywhere. 
“jeez, no joel lay off. why are you up anyways isn’t it like six hours past your bedtime?” she scoffed, annoyed at the father figure lecturing her right now. what was he gonna tell her? 
“was waitin for your friend to come home, so i can lock up before bed,” he lied. he was lying and you knew it. you came home an hour ago, and he was still up. 
“you’re in love aren’t ya? old man,” ellie teased. her demeanor was a little more playful than she’d been this last month and he shook his head annoyed, but to you it was silent. your lips pinched into a thin line as you heard joel grunt.
“go to be ellie. now.” he ordered and she rolled her eyes, saying her good nights and going to the garage to sleep in her space. 
a part of you wanted joel to come upstairs, into your room and to do everything he wanted to do. you didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do, but with the touching and flirting he was doing, it seemed like he wanted you. maybe he was drunk, you could smell it on his breath! he seemed pretty sober talking to ellie. you cursed yourself as you moved quietly to your room, leaving the door cracked open just in case. 
but nothing. you heard him trudge up the stairs, and walk directly the opposite direction into his own room. you were frustrated at this point. sexually frustrated if you must say, and the ache in your core was not leaving any time soon. 
you felt embarrassed, and you felt like joel was toying with you. all of the sudden this comes up and he's trying to finger fuck you in the living room when you genuinely thought he didn't even acknowledge your mere existence. it was so confusing for you, but the only thing you knew for sure now after a few weeks of deciding is that you craved joel miller.
it was a weird feeling. only because growing up in an apocalyptic world as a teenager and a young adult meant your chances of love and relationships were slim to none, at least for you. but you met joel in times where you had given up already.
as you lied in bed, wondering if joel was asleep or thinking about you too, you felt silly. you were setting yourself up for disaster by having hope that whatever this was with joel was more than that, and not just that. you worried you were getting ahead of yourself, maybe you were taking joel's advances too seriously. what if he just wants an easy fuck? nothing serious, something for pleasure in this dark world where everyone seeks a way to alleviate their pain
you felt like maybe you were geting into your head like you always do. maybe this could be good. maybe this could be your chance to let go, be vulnreable again, let someone make you feel like a teenager again. you had your fair share of crushes when you were in the QZ, you remembered that innocent feeling of liking someone, the shyness that came with it, how nervous you got around them. and with joel, you felt that times one hundred.
the flutters in your stomach, the goosebumps on your skin when he stands too close to you. he made you feel good even without trying.
but nothing good comes from joel miller.
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heartgold · 11 months
as much as it's frustrating how only two of the umi episodes were penned by Sayo in the irl layer, I think it's fascinating to compare them with each other because so much becomes clear when you look at the writing choices in each one side by side
the specific ways in which Legend and Turn differ from each other makes me certain that one was among the first message bottles she wrote whereas the other was one of the last, but it's not clear which is which -- it depends on how you interpret her internal journey and process of creating all these tales and fragments. Sayo's writing as a whole is very marked by her personal observations of the sins and struggles of the family and using them as mirrors to actually write about herself, using characters as stand-ins that give voice to her own inner thoughts, but both stories are very different in tone and approach
Legend feels almost methodical with the ways the murders and illusions are carried out, and the way her resentment manifests is more controlled, understated. you need to wring it around a bit more to 'see', but in my understanding: it's interesting how the 3 cousins are all made to suffer incredible grief losing their parents and love interests in quick succession (Battler being the only adult cousin who only lost his parents and not a love interest feels important to get him to remember!), but they live until the end then get invited to the Golden Land and choose to resurrect their lost love. By contrast, Natsuhi is put through the wringer through and through while being given the opportunity to be the star of the episode with her struggles as a woman taking the center of the stage, only to lose a duel (!) to Beatrice and be denied entry in the very last moment. there's a lot of conflicting emotions all over the place in both cases which is of course very characteristic of Sayo but I'm fascinated by how the cousins' entire role in this episode is to lose everything they had, experience earth-shattering grief and be led towards a romanticized afterlife where they can heal that grief, making the choice to resurrect the love that was lost, whereas Natsuhi's role is to mirror and portray Sayo's actual interiority and struggles (many that were caused by Natsuhi herself!) that went unspoken her whole life and then be challenged to a duel and get shot. to shoot Natsuhi is to shoot herself. shooting her actual personhood and interiority and struggles to death. as a metaphor for the entire ceremony of Beatrice's revival being a suicide in order to pass on into the afterlife where compartmentalized parts of herself can simultaneously exist as whole and find happiness with their respective love interests. the final step of rejecting reality, seeking love by truly becoming fictional while the human heart of the actress behind the characters dies buried between the lines of the text unless you 'see' it. god she makes me insane. anyway
Turn by comparison is very brutal. Beatrice steps onto the gameboard and is at her cruelest here, and the deliberate narrative choices are dripping with anger, helplessness and sorrow. everything about the focus given to Rosa in her role as the main accomplice who only had eyes for gold vs the framing of the tragedy as the gift of a halloween party for Maria, the wolves and sheep allegory, the way Shannon and Kanon get repeatedly kicked around for trying to resist their fate and wanting to believe in love despite everything. Kanon's "corpse" being desecrated by being forcefully resurrected twice, not being allowed death. the barely contained sexual conflict and trauma in the themes and imagery all over the episode. the way Sayo personally kills Jessica and George and her personas are killed along with them, an utter rejection of the possibility of being loved in reality as something that can only happen in death and fiction, so they all get to die together and be connected by their souls, all portrayed as the innocent victims of a vicious witch. the unspoken horror of one of the few true closed rooms in the game, with Sayo physically killing herself while facing herself in the mirror after doing all that. no one could dispute that a coffin is a closed room. and with closed rooms in this game often symbolizing being trapped in your own logic even though the door was unlocked all along, it absolutely stands for Sayo giving up all hope. Beatrice won, the gold won, the family's curse won, Sayo's worst feelings regarding herself won. Kinzo won too, even as a dead puppet haunting the narrative, he 'lives' to the end and gets his miracle of meeting Beatrice granted again. just that says a lot. Turn is horror after horror and you can only fully grasp that with the context for her writing choices
Legend feels relatively composed and deliberate in its choices of allegory. it also carries a lot of pain and conflicted feelings (particularly with the way she hatewrote Battler in it) but the text in Turn is basically bleeding all of her self hatred and suicidality and conflict over the idea of being loved. Legend is for the most part a straightforward mystery embellished in illusions with her heart still very baked into the text, and it has a big focus on solvability (Eva as the main accomplice basically points Battler toward the solution... which he rejects) and gambling/risk-taking, with multiple moments where Sayo left things out of her hands and up to chance, making it so that she could've been stopped even by accident. and then Turn is basically an eruption of all the horrible feelings churning in her heart. it says a lot that in Legend, she left the people she loved the most alive until the end, as if hoping until the very end for the miracle that at least one of them would see through her and stop her from murdering them, while Turn kills off the cousins (barring Battler due to being the detective) and then herself before the ceremony even ends, destroying all outcomes beyond utter annihilation. Turn is absolutely about her surrendering and leaning right into the illusion she casts on herself of being an irredeemable monster, so Beatrice absolutely plays into that role here. fitting that it ends with Battler surrendering, too
the sheer tonal contrast between these two message bottles tells a story of the journey of how Sayo's mental state changed as she kept writing and running over her murder-suicide plans over and over again -- it can either show her hope and composure deteriorating as she resigned herself to accepting her dead-end of fate (Legend -> Turn) OR the raw emotion she felt in the beginning of the writing frenzy dissipating as she kept going, any result being a satisfactory outcome but still focusing on planning out a difficult but fair mystery, staking her hopes onto the miracle of having it solved by the person who shared her personal philosophy on mysteries (Turn -> Legend). I don't like relying on Confessions too much as "confirmation" of Sayo-related things because it doesn't sit well with me, but if you go by the way it portrayed the process, then it strongly suggests the latter explanation
wish we could have seen more of the countless tales she personally wrote because you can see so much of her personhood hidden within the text, her thought processes, personal views and authoral voice all providing characterization, but the two we got already tell entire untold stories. it's funny that the two first episodes are usually thought of as the least interesting ones on a first read when they're the ones with the most firsthand insight into the culprit's heart and how she felt about everything. the sorrows and pain but the strength of will and hope too
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
hi i have a request if you’re able to write it :) how about g!p nat x reader where they’re avengers of course and they’re really close, they have this friends with benefit type thing so they have sex all the time, they’re both secretly in love with each other but are too scared to say anything, reader starts feeling sick and stuff so she takes a pregnancy test and is pregnant and is scared to tell nat but she does and nat is like really happy and they confess their love for each other smut and fluff :)
Not just friends
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Pairings: Natasha x reader, Carol x reader
Summary: you and Nat are fwb but are both in love with one another. When you both have an argument that stops you from seeing one another you try to move on only to find out you’re pregnant.
Warnings: Pregnancy, mentions of vomiting (again? Damn why are all my stories including vomit), smut, fluff, angst, unprotected sex, hand jobs, fingering, cunilingus, jealousy, swearing, kissing, think that’s all
Word count: 3,586 (went a little overboard)
No one is allowed to steal my work, copyright it, or reblog as your own!!
Both of you laid there in bed panting out of breath, you had just finished multiple rounds of sex and were tired as hell. You wanted to lay there in Nat’s arms forever but you knew you couldn’t. Standing up you grabbed some of your clothes and went to leave the room, not giving Nat a second glance. You knew if you looked back at her you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from going into her arms once again, it was just a friends with benefits deal, nothing more. Nat sighed as you walked out, she didn’t want you to leave, not now not ever. She wanted to fall asleep holding you and wake up to your face every morning. She wanted more than your agreement but she also knew you probably wouldn’t want anything more than a good fuck. She went to bed that night dreaming of being with you, kissing you, even having a family with you. But for now she just has to stick to her imagination.
The next morning she went into the buildings large gym only to see you in the middle of a set. She came up behind you and watched for a few moments until you stopped to look at her.
“What are you looking at?” You asked with a small smile on your face. Even when she did nothing she always somehow put a grin to your face.
“Just was thinking about you, decided to come over here and see you. Hey I was thinking, maybe tonight we could have a little bit of fun? I know you might still be sore but i just can’t get enough of you.” She says as she pulls you into her by your hips. You sigh knowing you have to reject the offer, as much as you’d love to you know if this keeps going on you’ll only fall harder and harder.
“I can’t tonight Nat, I have a..date.” You whispered the last part, fearing her reaction.
“A date? With who?” She asks as she thinks of all the people it could be. You have been spending a lot of time with Wanda, but no not her. Maybe Maria? You’ve always been good friends with her. Before she could guess you were already answering her.
“With Carol. She asked me out so I said yes. Thought it might be nice to finally get out there you know?” You said as you stared at the ground, a nervous habit of yours. Nat felt like her heart was breaking into two, the person she loves going out with a teammate?
“What so you’re choosing her over me?” She says the words before she could stop herself.
“What do you mean Nat? Can you really not go one night without putting your dick in me?” You huff out, you don’t mean to be so aggressive but it’s pissing you off how Nat thinks she can just play with your feelings like this.
“It’s not about the sex it’s about the fact that you’re choosing someone you barely know over me! Carol just wants to get in your pants like everyone else!” Nat yells in frustration.
“What so you’re calling me a whore now is that is? If I’m so much of a whore why’d you even agree to have meaningless sex with me anyways? So you could fulfill your needs? Well guess what, I’m done, you can cancel this friends with benefits shit because it’s over.” You walked out of the room slamming the door on your way. Nat didn’t mean for you to take it that way, of course you’re not a whore, you’re so much more than that. She took out her frustration and anger on the punching bag and left after two hours, knuckles bleeding and bruised. When it was dinner time she went to the main room only to see you in a beautiful red dress, the one she helped you pick out a while back. She stared at you with a loving gaze but you ignored it, still mad at her for earlier. Nat watched as her ‘friend’ stood up and linked arms with you, giving you a kiss on the cheek as you both left the room with smiles on your faces. Nat wanted to call out to you and stop you from going, but she knew she didn’t deserve you. Carol would probably be better for you anyways. She tried her best not to think too much about you that night, but she couldn’t help but think of your date with Carol. What if she was kissing you right now, or touching you. She hated the thought of someone else touching you, especially someone like Carol. Ones who slept around with multiple woman and left them on the side of the street after a good fuck. Her thoughts broke as she heard laughter down the hall, laughter she could recognize as your own. Peaking her head out of the door she looked to your room only to see you and Carol making out, her hands all over you and pushing you into your room. She went back to her bed before you could see her. That night she balled her eyes out realizing that she lost you.
It’s been two weeks and four days since you last saw Nat, she was sent onto a mission the day after your date with Carol. As much as you liked the blonde woman you knew your feelings for Nat would always be stronger. Every-time you’d kiss her the redhead was in your mind, and when she fucked you all you could think about was the other woman. Carol knew this too, she’d act like she didn’t but she saw the way your head shot up whenever Nat was mentioned. If she’s being completely honest the main reason she was still seeing you was to get over her break up with Valkyrie. The two woman loved each other dearly but it was hard with everything going on, so they took a break. Even when they still loved one another it was too difficult to work. So when she heard that you were single she took her shot. You were an attractive person and had a great personality, so why not go out with you. These more recent days Carol has been taking care of you because you weren’t feeling well. In the mornings you were puking, you couldn’t eat certain foods as they made you nauseous and you were more tired than usual. You knew these were all signs of pregnancy but you refused to believe it, you were on birth control for a reason. You were terrified of having a child. It’s not that you didn’t like them but you’re only 23 years old and an avenger. If you did have the kid you’d most likely be too busy with work and wouldn’t be able to care for them properly. On day two of being sick you gave in and took multiple pregnancy tests. You sat anxiously on your bed, checking the timer every few seconds to see how much longer you had. You prayed it would be negative, what would you tell Nat or Carol, ‘Hey carol by the way I’m pregnant oh and Nat it’s yours!’ Yeah, that wouldn’t go well. After what felt like hours the timer went off and you finally stood up. Taking slow steps to the bathroom you prepared for the worst, flipping over the tests and looking at the two stripes. Tears rolled down your face as you held you head in your hands. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go, you weren’t meant to get pregnant after breaking it off with the mother. Your girlfriend entered the room, seeing you not in bed she looked into the bathroom finding you crying over the sink. She tried to calm you down by holding you but it only caused more tears. She was confused on what caused this until she saw the tests. Letting out a small ‘oh’ she realized why you were so upset.
“I’m so sorry Carol, this wasn’t supposed to happen I promise.” You said as best as you could, hiccuping through the sentence.
“Shhh, it’s okay, it’s okay.” After a long pause she asked, “is it Nat’s?” You nodding was the only response she needed.
“You still love her don’t you?”
“What? No-of course not!” You replied to her question. As hard as you tried to lie she could tell that wasn’t the truth.
“It’s okay Y/N, I understand. If I’m being completely honest I’m still in love with Valkyrie. And as much as I loved our time together we both love other people. I’m still always going to be here for you but as a friend. Now why don’t you go get your girl.” She finished with a smile, urging you to go after Nat and fight for her back. You agreed and thanked her, hugging her goodbye and running to Nat’s room, even if she wasn’t there you’d wait for her for as long as you’d need too. When you heard the door handle wiggling after an hour of waiting you sat up straight, preparing for her to yell at you just like you deserved. When Nat entered the room to find you sitting there she was shocked to say the least, but remembering what happened she kept up a hard stance.
“What are you doing here?” She asked after an awkward moment of just staring at one another.
“I needed to talk to you.” You answered honestly.
“Would your girlfriend be happy with us talking?” She wanted to make you feel bad, she wanted you to feel the pain she felt.
“Nat please stop.” You begged. You don’t want to start an argument, you just wanted to get her back and apologize for all you did. She stood there staring at you waiting for you to continue. When you didn’t she decided to speak up instead,
“I think it’s best if you lea-“ “I’m pregnant!” You rushed out before thinking about your words. Realizing what you said you put your hand over your mouth and looked anywhere but her gaze.
“You’re-you’re what?” “I’m pregnant. And it’s yours.” You repeated as tears came back into your eyes.
“Are you sure I mean-“ being cut off once again you spoke in a slightly harsher tone. “Yes I’m sure! I took several tests and they were all positive. You can even ask Carol, she was there too.” Scoffing at the blondes name she went to the bathroom and opened the bottom cabinets. When she came up empty handed for whatever it was she was searching for she stood up and grabbed her keys heading for the door.
“Where are you going?” You asked in a panicked voice. You had a feeling she wouldn’t take the news well but you didn’t think she’d leave.
“I’m going to the store to buy a pregnancy test for you. Stay here for now.” She said without looking at you. You stopped her hand from enclosing on the door and stuffed your own hand in your pocket searching for the item. Pulling out three blue and white strips you handed them to Nat, proving that you weren’t lying and that you are in fact carrying her child. She stared at the test for what felt like hours trying to process it. She put the sticks down and wrapped her arms around you, engulfing you in a large hug. You both let out all of your emotions and cried into one another, feeling the relief of finally getting to be with one another again. She leaned back and stared at your lips, trying to get approval to kiss you. When you gave her a nod she leaned in and was about to connect her lips with yours when she stopped. You looked at her confused until she muttered out ‘Carol’, you knew what she was thinking and tried to reassure her,
“Don’t worry, we broke up. We both loved other people and realized it was best just to stay friends.” Once you finished speaking she leaned down to kiss you, this time not stopping. She held your face with one hand as the other held your hip. Once you finally broke apart you rested your foreheads together, it was something she used to tell you she loved you. She pulled you back into her as she kissed down your neck, leaving little bite marks to prove you’re hers. You brought her face back up to kiss her once again as she used her hands to roam your body, taking off your shirt in the process. You both quickly undressed each other until you only had your panties on while she was left with only her boxers. Nat was slowly walking you to her bed, pushing you down onto it softly as she laid above you. She stared at you with love in her eyes and you reciprocated, staring at her body like she was a goddess. You traced over little cuts and bruises that marked her body from the mission making her slightly wince. You let out a small apology but continued to stare at them with worry. She lifted your chin up so your eyes met her own,
“I’m okay now, it’s just a few little injuries but I’ll be fine okay? No need to worry your pretty little head about it.” You blushed from her choosing of words and left the topic but made a mental note to take care of those later. She continued her work on your body, leaving a trail of kisses and love bites from your neck to pelvis bone. She could feel your wet lips through your panties as she traced her fingers over it. You moaned in response to her teasing and begged her to continue.
“Please Tasha! Just fuck me already!”
“You’re going to have to beg better than that baby.” If you knew anything about Nat it would be that she is the biggest tease in bed, always wanting to make you beg for what she gave you. You let out an irritated groan while she chuckled and continued her tracing of your underwear. You knew she could go on for hours if you didn’t give in so you gave her what she wanted,
“Please I’m begging you Nat, I need you to fuck me! Just lick me up please.” You said with clear desperation in your voice. Nat finally gave in and moved your underwear to the side, giving a long lick up your folds moaning as your juices hit her tastebuds. Her hand trails up to your chest where they’re met with your hard nipples. She pinches the buds between her fingers as her other joins her tongue on your pussy. Using her fingers to prod at your entrance she slowly enters you with two and lets you adjust to the feeling. Once she gets your nod of approval she starts to slowly go in and out of you while sucking your clit, giving you the most amount of pleasure you’ve felt in weeks. Your moans grew as did her pace, she removed her mouth from your clit to give you a sloppy kiss. Her tongue prodded at your lips asking to enter, you could taste yourself as she made out with you. She soon replaced your mouth with your tits, sucking and playing with them. Her fingers only grew faster each and every second, bringing you closer to your orgasm.
“Nat! I’m gonna-gonna” you couldn’t finish your sentence as it became too hard to speak. Nat could tell you were close with how you were clenching around her. She removed your nipple from her mouth to speak, leaving a small trail of spit between the two.
“Come on baby, cum for me. Make a mess all over my fingers.” Her words triggered your orgasm, you let out a small scream as you finished around her fingers. Letting you ride out your high she slowed down her pace until you calmed down. Removing her fingers you let out a small wince at the loss of contact but soon felt them prodding open your mouth. You sucked off your juices as she watched in amazement. Once you let go of her hand she immediately sat you down on her lap. She still was yet to remove her boxers and you could see a little bit of wetness from the tip of her cock that was leaking pre-cum. You pulled of her boxers and threw them to the side with the rest of your clothes. You grabbed her cock with your hands and slowly jerked her off.
“Fuck I missed this cock so much. Missed it ruining my pussy, missed it in my mouth and hands.” You said in a low breath, still stroking her painfully hard cock. She whimpered into your neck as your warm hands only brought her closer to the edge. You could see the way she shook and was quick to replace your hand with you pussy. Lining up your entrance with her dick you lowered yourself onto her, feeling that same pleasure you longed for. Once you both adjusted she set her hands on your hips to try and control your movements.
“Uh uh Natty, let me be in charge tonight, you deserve it.” She nodded and let you choose your pace. Moans and whimpers left her mouth as you slowly rode her, trying to bask in as much pleasure as possible.
“Fuck! You feel so good around me Y/N. I’m so lucky to have you.” Her sweet words were able to bring a smile to your face. Both of you could feel your highs getting closer as you went faster on her dick.
â€œĐŽĐ”Ń‚ĐșĐ°, я ĐșĐŸĐœŃ‡Ńƒ (baby, gonna cum)” She yelled, you loved when she spoke Russian. She has mentioned before that when she was feeling so much pleasure in bed she often spoke in a different language. She always thought it was weird but you loved it, hearing her speak with that accent just turned you on so much.
“Shit! Fill me up sweetheart, wanna feel your cum inside of me.” Saying this only turned her on more, she loved the thought of filling you up and watching her cum leak out of you. Thinking about it now it’s not much of a surprise that you ended up pregnant.
“Don’t worry I will. I’ll fill you up with so much fucking cum that you’ll end up having twins. God I can’t wait to see this stomach grow all round with my babies, these tits full of milk.” She emphasized her words with a hand on your stomach and a squeeze to your breasts. Not long after you felt her cum spill into you making you squirt all over her stomach. Once you both calmed down you looked at her face only to see a large grin covering it.
“What?” “Nothing. Just that I made you squirt.” She said feeling confident in herself. You looked down to see that she was in fact telling the truth.
“Crap, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” You rushed out multiple apologies to which she only shushed you and assured you that it was okay, and that she in fact loved it. You both sat in a comfortable silence until you broke it,
“I’m sorry Nat.” “For squirting? I already told you baby it’s fine-“ you don’t let her finish before you’re interrupting her sentence. Trying to make it clear how sorry you really are.
“No, about everything. I only went out with Carol because I thought you just wanted sex and I wanted more than that. So I tried to move on from you, distancing myself and being with her. But whenever I’d kiss her or sleep with her all I pictured was you. I love you so much and I understand if you can’t forgive me but I just needed you to know how sorry I am.” You said, hoping she’ll be able to forgive you.
“Oh Y/N. I understand, I was a complete idiot and thought you were the one who only wanted sex. I was a jerk in the gym to you and I shouldn’t have insisted that you’re a whore because I promise you you’re not. You’re so much more than that and I guess I thought you deserved better than me so I didn’t run after you when you went out with Carol. Instead I was a coward and ran from my problems, I asked Fury to put me on a mission and I left. I guess I just couldn’t bare seeing you with Carol knowing that I could’ve stopped it. I’m so sorry.” Both of you were spilling out apologies to one another at this point. You both knew that it wasn’t only the other in the wrong but themselves too. That night you tended to her wounds and she led you into her bed, this time not just for sex. This time it was so she could hold you and kiss you goodnight. She kissed your stomach as a way of talking to the baby and held you in her arms, fearing that if she let go it would all just be a dream. When she woke up to see your beautiful face she knew it wasn’t just a dream, this was her life now. And she wouldn’t want it any other way.
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abimess · 2 years
High School Enmities
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: There's only one way to solve intrigues with your best friend's sister. And it involves ice water and the complete lack of clothes. 
Word count: 2.244 || Pronouns: not used
Warnings: smut (18+ only!), shower sex, bottom!Wanda, fingering (r giving)
A/N: I wasn't gonna post this until the end of the month but I'm too excited about the election results (O LULA GANHOU PORRA PAU NO CU DO BOLSONARO) so here's some gay shit to celebrate! 
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
Masterlist | Be notified of my stories (Read on: Wattpad)
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“Nice game there, Y/n.” Congratulated Tony with an arm around your shoulder, Steve and Pietro humming their agreements soon after. You blush at the compliment, but before you can answer him, the brunette at the other end of the group and friends is talking. “It would've been nicer if she had caught those last two balls.”
“You can't count on me to fix all your mistakes, Maximoff. Try to be a better defender next time. Maybe spend less time showing off to the boys and more time paying attention to the game?” You hit back in the same tone, a smirk on your lips as you see her face red from anger. “You fuc-”
“Enough, you two!” It’s Natasha who says, looking between the two of you rebukingly. “We own, that’s all that matters.” The redhead remembers cheerfully, earning some encouraging comments from the rest of the group, but you and Wanda just glare at each other before you look away again. 
“Come on now, we all need a shower.” Carol says with a laugh - already used to your bickering with her best friends -, and you and the other girls rush to the locker room. “See you guys later at the party!” Tony exclaims, leaving with the rest of the boys as you say your goodbyes as well. Pietro, however, stays behind.
“Hey, Y/n, can I talk to you?” The boy calls you softly, and you frown as you nod, standing with him beside the door as the other girls walk in. “Sure, Piet, what’s up?” You ask once there’s only the two of you left, and he lets out a chuckle as he says, “This gotta stop, man.”
“I’ve tried! It’s not my fault your sister is a pain in my ass.” You grumble defensively, but the platinum-haired boy laughs some more, shaking his head with amusement. “But what happened between the two of you anyways?” He asks not long after, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “You guys used to be so close!”
“What can I say? People change.” You answer with a shrug of your shoulder, and Pietro can see by your posture that you don’t want to talk about it anymore, so he lets out a sigh, and decides to end the discussion with a request, saying gently. “Just
 Can you try being a bit kinder to her? I hate seeing my best friend and my sister not getting along.”
“Sure, Piet, I’ll do my best.” You assure the boy with a smile that makes one of his own grow on his lips. “Thanks,” Pietro says sincerely, pulling you into a tight hug only to let you go the next moment. “Go shower now, you stink.” You laugh at the comment, and flip him off before walking inside the locker room. 
Most of the soccer team - who had arrived in the locker room before you - is already leaving and you exchange a few congratulatory comments with them when your paths cross. When you get to your own locker, you get your set of clothes, but frown when you see Carol, Nat, Hill and Rambeau still in their game uniforms.
“Where are you guys going? I thought you were going to shower.” You ask with curiosity, throwing the towel over your shoulder, and the four girls exchange glances - Nat with Maria Hill and Carol with Maria Rambeau. “We are, just not here.” It’s the blonde who says, and you chuckle at her insinuating tone, shaking your head amusedly.
“See you at the party?” Natasha asks as the four head towards the door, and you go close your locker. “Sure. Close the door on your wait out? I don’t want any weirdos trying to sneak in here again.” The four grimace at the memory, but you soon lighten the mood again as you joke, “have fun, sinners!”
The group laughs as they leave, closing the door behind them and leaving you and Wanda alone in the locker room. And, as the steps grow lower, the brunette walks towards you, closing the distance with her hands on your face and her lips on yours. 
“God, I missed this.” She lets out in a breath as she kisses you, and you smirk against her mouth, your hands on her waist as you walk a few steps with her, until her back slams against the metal doors of the lockers. “I’ll be honest, I was so close to kissing you in the middle of the game. You looked so hot on that field.”
Wanda lets out a soft chuckle as her hands take a hold of your hair, keeping your face as close to hers as it can be. You don’t mind, holding her hip bones just as tightly, pulling her body towards you. When your leg finds the space between her thighs, she breaks the kiss with a sharp gasp. 
“Do you really think I was showing off to the boys?” She takes advantage of your parted mouths to ask, and flashes from the game immediately come to your mind, of Wanda bending down more than she needed to grab the ball, pinning her hair in a ponytail and exposing all the beautiful details of her face, drinking water and letting it run down the soft skin on her neck... You were having a hard time sharing your attention between the scene and the comments and whistling from the boys in the bleachers. 
“All I know is they were definitely enjoying watching you play.” You take your lips to her neck as you finally answer, trying to keep your irritation under control but biting her skin harshly. Wanda shivers, her fingers tightening on your hair. But she lets out a husky little laugh against your ear.
“Is that jealousy, Y/l/n?” She teases, the rock of her hips against your leg driving you insane. “Good thing you’re the only one who can have me then.” The comment makes you groan, your fingers venturing under her shirt to squeeze her breast covered by her sports top, making the girl let out a low moan. 
 Wanna know a secret?” She asks in the same teasing tone, her hands sliding down to your face so she can have you looking at her. You look at her with eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, but the girl only smirks, leaning in so her lips are brushing yours as she says, “I was showing off for you.”
You groan against her lips as she kisses you sensually, and you can’t take it anymore, moving your hands up and lifting her shirt with them. Wanda stops you however, and her eyes dart to the door as she breaks the kiss. You smirk, leaving wet kisses along her neck that make her sigh.
“No one’s coming, Wands. They’re all outside already.” You remind her, and before the brunette can duel on it for longer, you suck that sensitive spot below her ear, and she moans as she gives in completely. 
You frown when the girl pushes you away from her, but your confusion dies down in a choke as she removes your shirt in a record time and takes her own off with one swift movement. Before you know it, you’re both naked, and the brunette is pushing you toward one of the shower stalls.
A hiss escapes your mouth as the cold water hits your back, but you don’t bother about it too much, the way Wanda is kissing you making your whole body heat up. Pressing her against one of the walls of the stall, you take a handful of her breast, swallowing her moan as she holds your shoulders for support. 
You play with her nipple until it stiffens between your fingers and move your hand away just to give her other breast the same attention. It doesn’t take long for the brunette to grow impatient, pushing her hips down towards your leg in search of more friction. 
As her pussy rubs against your thigh, you can feel her wetness mixing with the water of the shower, and you salivate immediately, biting her lower lip and making her whimper as your hand goes lower down her body. 
“You know, Pietro was talking to me about you earlier.” You tell her, but Wanda can barely process it, her mind clouded with arousal as one of your hands holds her leg against your body, the other tracing its way up her inner thigh. “He asked me to be kinder to you.” You let out a hoarse chuckle as you recall, smirking at the way the brunette looks at you eager for your touch. “I almost told him you don’t like it that way.” 
“Fuck, Y/n!” Wanda’s moans fill the room as you shove two fingers inside her without warning, her walls pounding against your digits. You fuck her hard, holding her in place as her legs start to fail her. Her hands, which were previously on your shoulders, slide down your back, her nails marking all the parts of your skin they meet.
You kiss her hungrily, but it doesn’t take long for the brunette to be unable to match it, her lips sloppily against yours as her orgasm approaches. So you just watch her, in awe at the sight of her parted lips, moaning and whimpering for you as the cold water slides down her perfect body, her breasts bouncing as you slam your fingers inside her. 
A high-pitched moan leaves her throat as you press your thumb on her clit, and the sound is so loud you finally remember where you are. So you kiss her again to muffle those sinful noises you love so much, and your tongue on hers is more than enough to send Wanda over the edge.
Her body spasms against you as you help her down her high, her teeth taking a hold of your lower lip in reflex, so harshly it stings. But you don’t stop her, and only pull away when her trembling hand rests on your wrist, her eyebrows furrowing at the overstimulation. She moans in complaint when you take your fingers off of her, however, and you let out a teasing chuckle as you take them to your mouth. 
“Fuck, baby, you taste so good.” You say after you sucked her juices out of your digits, but Wanda can’t even respond, her pupils fully dilated at the scene, her walls fluttering again, ready for more. “I need more.” You say as if reading her thoughts, but before you can kneel in front of her, you hear the locker room door open. 
“Y/n?” The familiar voice of your redheaded best friend calls your name, and you exchange an immediate look with Wanda, her eyes completely wide. “Nat?” You ask back, your index finger in front of your mouth to ask the brunette trapped between you and the wall to stay quiet - not that you needed to tell her that.
“Where’s your bag? I left my phone there.” Nat asks from the other side, and you let out a breath of relief. “It’s, uh, it’s in my locker.” You hear the girl moving around after she thanks you. You stay static to follow the girl’s movements by the sounds, hoping she’ll leave as soon as she gets her phone. When she does, however, she speaks. “So
 Should I make up some excuse for Pietro not to wait for you two or what?”
“Wha-who-what?” You try to come up with a question but to no avail, your eyes as wide in shock as Wanda’s now. The redhead lets out an amused laugh at your clumsiness. “Well, Wanda's clothes are on the floor along with yours and I don't see any other showerheads turned on.”
This time, at your friend’s remarks, neither you nor Wanda are able to hold back your laughter, and the brunette hides her red face in your collarbone. “So?” Natasha insists about the question she'd made, the amusement evident in her voice. 
“We’re coming!” It’s Wanda who answers, her voice muffled by your skin, and you can only smile in disbelief at the whole interaction. “Oh, I’m sure you are.” The redhead hits back in a suggestive tone, making Wanda groan in embarrassment at the double meaning as your cheeks start to burn. “Nat!”
Natasha only laughs at your complaint, warning you to hurry up before leaving the locker room again. When the door closes and you’re left alone, Wanda lifts her face again, her cheeks as red as tomatoes. 
No one was supposed to know. Wanda’s father wouldn’t accept his daughter’s sexuality and you weren’t sure if you were ready to come out to your parents just yet. So keeping what you have a secret from everyone seemed like the best thing to do. Getting caught was definitely not in your plans.
But, as soon as her eyes meet yours, the two of you burst into laughter, any doubt or fear completely ignored in the face of the comical moment you have just had. The brunette doesn’t wait for you to stop laughing to bring her mouth to yours, and you smile against your lips as you match the kiss. 
Now, in Wanda’s mind, that was a kiss goodbye before the two of you left the shower to go meet your friends at the school’s parking lot. However, when your hands press her body against yours, she’s sure that’s not the case.
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teecupangel · 5 months
Hi Teacup, I love the asks and answers. It's a nice treat to read especially when I feel depressed.
So I have been having an idea bug me for a while now and that is Desmond fully going to die, but at the last second two more people join him. He passes out from the ordeal but he sees the Templar Cross. It's not Abestrgo, but Templars of old. The thought is everyone brings back the assassins of old, so why not Templars and make them the good guys. I typically have Haythem Kenway, Shay Cormac, Ulberto, Cesere Borgia, Robert De Sable, and Kjotve the Cruel. I also add in Father Maffei, (he is the monk who was the tutor of the Medic children) and Rodrigo Borgia for flavor. So between Assassins Creed 3 and Valhalla Desmond is just chilling with these Templars just as friends. Oh Edward Kenway is there for added drama. Yes I have added in Daniel Cross and Lucy Stillman but that will be up to you.
Anyway look forward to the shinaginges that unfold.
I’m so happy to know these asks and answers are able to give you a little pick me up whenever you need it <3
I feel like around the time of Black Flag, he’d still be a little wary of his Templar ‘companions’, especially with Cesare Borgia and Uberto Alberti.
Like, Haytham Kenway would probably be the one he finds easiest to talk to because
 it’s Haytham Kenway. He might have some choice words for how he acted around RatonhnhakĂ©:ton but he was familiar and Desmond knew him most of all.
He’d also be chill with Shay Cormac because he doesn’t actually know him via the Animus.
Father Maffei is on his shit list though because he’s the one who led the guards who captured the Auditores.
Surprisingly, he’d be okay with Robert de SablĂ© for some reason. Maybe it’s a ‘residue’ of Maria Thorpe’s genetic memories, maybe it’s because his actions didn’t affect AltaĂŻr as severe as the others, maybe it’s because he’s quite polite even after learning Desmond was an Assassin.
He wouldn’t see eye to eye with Kjotve as well since he is
 well, he enjoyed death and destruction.
It’s only at the end of Black Flag’s storyline that he starts to be okay around them because they’re all dead and the afterlife has a way of soothing the rough edges brought by mortality.
It’s easier to talk to Cross than Lucy though for Desmond because Lucy betrayed him while Cross was just
 his enemy from the start.
Sure, he did bad things but that felt more like stories to Desmond since he wasn’t there.
And there was something in the afterlife that made it easy to just
 let go of things.
By the time Edward Kenway appeared, Desmond and the others are very chill with each other but they ignore everyone’s past (well
 they don’t talk about topics that would remind people while they wanted to kill each other).
Having Edward make things the brittle peace crack in a lot of ways, most especially on the side of the Kenway family drama.
Desmond wouldn’t even be sure if he should be part of any of that since they’re father and son but he will. Since he’s the only Assassin in this little patch of afterlife and he has remnants of RatonhnhakĂ©:ton’s Bleed, he and Edward would gravitate towards one another.
Edward would be the one questioning why Desmond would be okay with all of them. Sure, some of them, maybe but at least three of the people with them orchestrated the death of Ezio’s father and brothers.
That’s when the doubt would set in

Did Desmond form bonds with them naturally?
Or was there something in this place that was soothing them to the point of them losing something intricately them?
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bestworstcase · 5 months
...you have instilled A Thought in me, do we even know that Tock was sent by Salem? Afaik there's never been any in-text evidence beyond the assumption that Salem wanted to wipe out SEWs, and I'm not aware of any word-of-god that she was an agent of Salem? Like, our only two "data points" on Salem hunting SEWs is Tock, who we only know was working for someone, and the hound-man, who we know literally nothing about.
I'm about as convinced as can be that Salem has, in fact, spent most of her time just chilling in exile, but I struggle to fully square that with hunting SEWs - what if even that is just another thing Ozma blames on her out of paranoia?
we do, per her amity arena card:
Tock was a proud faunus. She was a predator, a born hunter. It wasn't enough to merely have the green scales, she was a CROC. That meant she needed a nasty bite. It was a tad uncomfortable at times, sure, and took a lot more flossing than she liked, but the looks on her victims' faces when suddenly facing her sharpened metal teeth was worth it. every. time. Master Salem did always warn her, though, to finish her prey before her invulnerability wore off. After all, her aura shattering after those heart pounding sixty seconds was a dangerous price to pay. Still, she could never give up playing with her food, as that was the privilege of a predator, and nothing made Tock feel more alive 
than dancing with Death.
and in all fairness to ozma: he’s not the one who proposed that salem has been hunting down silver-eyed warriors. maria’s father* believed that
 well, “how could such powerful bloodlines be so rare, unless something was actively seeking to destroy them?” and ruby hears that and goes “salem.”
(*who cannot have been ozma, because maria was among the first generation of huntsmen and her father an old soldier who would’ve been a contemporary of the king of vale)
two obvious flaws in that reasoning:
sometimes a trait is just rare. silver eyes seem to originate from ozma when he has children with partners other than salem, and we know of
 two. out of all the lives of his that we’ve glimpsed (four in the lost fable, three in the infinite man, the hermit-wizard, the king of vale, ozpin) only one had children. say it’s been four thousand years and ozma reincarnates, on average, once per century: that’s forty lives. if we’re shown a rough approximation of how often this man has reproduced, he’s only had children in four of them. across four thousand years. no shit they’re rare!
silver eyes are a genetically heritable trait that marks people born with them as destined to “lead the life of a warrior,” to live and die fighting grimm. “unless something was actively seeking to destroy them” YOU MEAN LIKE THE MONSTERS? THE MONSTERS THAT SILVER-EYED WARRIORS ARE LEGENDARY FOR HUNTING? again, no shit it’s a rare trait! warriors, famously, are a lot more likely than most to die young.
add in that oz seems happy to recruit silver-eyed warriors and must know there’s a kernel of truth in the stories, but really doesn’t seem to know much of anything useful—man didn’t so much as mention ruby’s eyes once in v5, he was more concerned with getting her proficient in hand-to-hand combat—and it what it really looks like is that the myths appeal to him as symbols. silver warriors are pure, incorruptible, destined heroes
 smaller, more honest souls
 et cetera.
it’s the actual silver-eyed warriors going “i can do WHAT NOW with my eyes!? how can this power be so rare, so obscure?”
anyway. our data points are:
maria, a legendary silver-eyed huntress whom salem definitively sent tock to assassinate something like 40-50 years ago
hound guy (??????????)
hazel saying of silver-eyed warriors “we’ve dealt with their kind before,” which might be in reference to hound guy.
summer rose, who joined salem.
not a data point strictly speaking, but worth taking into account: silver eyes are said over and over again to be very rare, so salem logically can’t be offing them by the score, nor keeping dozens locked up in a laboratory somewhere. there just aren’t enough of them!
also not strictly a data point: two empty seats at salem’s table, one of them accounted for by summer rose. if summer is working for salem of her own volition, then salem isn’t averse to working alongside silver-eyes; ergo, her problem with them must be with what most of them do, which is kill grimm.
salem is grimm. the grimm have been her only real companions for thousands of years. it is also fairly obvious at this point that grimm are not mindless soulless killing machines, because they keep behaving like emotional beings with a high degree of social organization and far more individuality than they’re given credit for. salem—
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—cares about them. it tracks that she’d assassinate silver-eyed warriors who gained the kind of prominence maria did. i think it’s probably worth noting that the one absolute certainty it-is-what-it-looks-like data point in regard to salem killing silver-eyed warriors is
 a legendary huntress who had nothing to do with ozpin or his conspiracy but went around calling herself the grimm reaper.
ignoring ozma’s imaginary shadow war whilst living in exile doesn’t necessarily mean salem wasn’t doing anything bad at all; just that whatever she got up to didn’t have anything to do with him.
that she targeted maria rather than anyone affiliated with oz in and of itself is an implication that she wasn’t paying much attention to him at the time; conversely, there hasn’t been so much as a hint that salem ever sent anyone to assassinate summer, ozpin’s token silver-eyed warrior, in the years before summer found her. and then hound guy is just a pile of question marks punctuated by an empty chair and me squinting at the lovecraft story very hard; if nothing else, the sixth empty seat at her table and the implied timeline of cinder being the impetus for that experiment gives me pause.
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almdragonrend · 9 months
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I have somthing I really need to say, I don't get how FL could be popular, I mean if you think for a moment about it even OG Katarina is morally superior to the Heroine in Maria and all The Capture Targets in the story, I mean nothing against an Evil protagonist or a good antagonist, but than don't portray Katarina as a Villain and Maria as a hero ! That's wrong! Katarina leaves Maria completely alone in both the Nicole and Alan route, meaning she only opposed Maria when she's trying to seduce HER fiancée or mess with her family or do both in the Harem route!
Than the fact that she's accused of bullying those bellow her station is bulls* she only bullied Maria who I just said why she did it and Keith whose arrival at HER HOME turned HER PARENTS against eachother when she was a Child! That doesn't make it right but she couldn't know that this wasn't his fault, and his own original family wanted to kill him! Luigi saved his life and that's how he thanked him ?
than Geordo she gave almost half her life up to that point in complete support and devotion to that mother fu* and he swore an Oath to marry her! I don't think many people get how bad a possible future king breaking an Oath is especially considering Geordo's Grandpa's actions,
further more Katarina actually don't mistreated dose below her status, first her Maid Anne who despite being related to Nobility is herself a Commoner just like Maria and Katarina even in FL verse treats her like a Sister more than a servant!
Next there's Sianna, she's the bottom of the barrel of Nobility and still Katarina cherished her more than anyone else! This makes the claim of her bullying people for their status down right nonsensicaly!
Especially when she's the only one who never partake in bullying everyone's favorite Target Sophia Ascart, since we see in VOD is never once mentioned that she did so when Sophia joined her book club, that would have had to be brought up than ! Meaning is the only Noble Girl who didn't bully Sophia! (Except Marry) and it's even implied she discouraged others from bullying Sophia!
When Bakarina in verge of doom just assumed OG Katarina bullied more people and wanted to apologize during VoD judgment event no one spoke up! And that Is most likely because she never bullied anyone other than the Girl who tried to steal her fiancée and/or shame her family!
Also, it's said that Katarina's bullying was only on the very edge of Criminal, meaning she never really committed a crime, the one attacking Maria with fire was Noelia, who acted on her own accord!
Keith and/or Geordo basically rigged the Trial to get Katarina stripped of her status and exiled which is a way to hard punishment anyway! When she comes back with dark magic she didn't even kill someone for it! She just had it !
And that idiots in the development team must have believe that this made her appear more evil since she's just born with the "bad magic" but instead it just means she didn't kill anybody for it ! Right OG Katarina is not a murderer and the idiots of the FL development believed Katarina being NOT a murderer makes her more evil than people who literally commit murder to get the same magic! what does that say about their Character ?
I heard a lot about people saying something for a Original Katarina redemption arc and I really hope she gets an happy ending, she deserves it but what people need to understand is Original Katarina dosen't need an redemption arc because she has not done anything so bad that she deserved getting to that point anyway, instead she deserved a pretty enormous apology from Geordo, Keith and Maria
To give her a redemption arc basically means recognizing Maria, Geordo and Keith, Cheating, betraying,Oath breaking and manipulate a Chords to commit prejudice as a good thing, Original Katarina shouldn't have to apologize to them! They should have to apologize to her! Even when something like that calls for ways more than an apology! And first of all her entire sentence should be revoked !!!! + there has to be compensation for everything she had to go trough!!!
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