#anyways i’m just saying. grimace was not designed to be scary but if he ran at me very fast in a hallway i would be scared.
scp372 · 1 year
redesigning banban characters to be scarier mascots is fun but also like. counterintuitive. i’m pretty sure the game is purposefully “what if a red gumby tried to eat your organs”
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wickxdangels · 4 years
Travis Stoll Imagine; Dream Girl
Hello!! We are back this Monday with a Percy Jackson Imagine! I started reading the series last week and i’m currently on the third book which is so exciting! I love the Stoll brothers so making this imagine was so fun! i hope you guys like it! :) As always, I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know! And also, thank you everyone for the support and the cute comments i’ve been getting on my other stories! I love you all xx (also, sorry i couldn’t find a better pic to place)
Pairing; Travis Stoll x Reader
Warnings; None
Request; Would write a Travis Stoll x reader who is daughter of Ares who’s Clarisse’s second in command/best friend even though they’re opposite personalities and Connor is so sick of Travis’ pining for her that he decides to get them together?
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It was a bright, hot and sunny day in Camp Half-Blood; the satyrs were running in the woods playing hide and seek with the dryads, who turned into trees whenever they tried to steal a kiss from them. Young demigods runnings through the camp wearing those bright-eye-cramping orange shirts, some of the kids from the Hermes Cabin were picking up the locks from the Camp Gift Shop. It was pretty much a normal summer day like any other.
Y/n was sitting down on top of a wooden-table, cleaning and filing her sword, it was something she found relaxing and it helped to calm down her ADHD for a bit. Mid-cleaning, she felt a pair of eyes staring into her. This has probably been the fifth time she has felt it in this week alone. She quickly looked up, not finding anyone on reach staring at her, it was infuriating not knowing who those stares belonged to but she brushed it off, it was stupid to get mad at something childish like that.
“Attention, attention, campers.” The voice of Mr. D, the camp director, said as he walked close by to the campers. Lots of them stop what they were doing to look at the news he was about to say. “Today we will be playing Capture The Flag, in about two hours or so, you all know what to do, gear up and blah blah..” That earned the cheers of lots of campers, and Mr. D with a quick a wave of his hand he dismissed them as he kept walking towards the Big House, to play some pinocle perhaps, as he complained how teenagers were always so loud.
Y/n then kept filing her sword as a blonde haired and all girl walked towards her, Clarisse La Rue, her half-sister. “Did you hear that? We’ll finally get to have another reason to beat up some kids and get back our flag from the Blue team!” The girl exclaimed with a sinister smile on her lips.
Y/n simply chuckled at her words and nodded. “Indeed, sis. It’s been too long since the last time we played, that flag needs to be back on Ares’s Team.” she said as she blew on her sword, grinning at her sister as she nodded.
“C’mon, let’s go get something to eat before the game, my stomach is killing me.” Clarisse said as Y/n tagged alone.
Y/n and Clarisse were both daughters of Ares, god of war. They belonged to Cabin 5, where lots of her other half-brothers lived year-round just like both of them. Ares kids shared lots of physical attributes, like their muscular bodies and tall height, meaning all of them looked big and scary, a good pro when it came to war or simple games like the one they were about to play. But when it came to personality, both girls couldn’t be more different.
Clarisse was the designated Camp Half-Blood bully, she was the one that messed with the new campers, just like she did with Percy Jackson. She would find the tiniest of reasons to start a riot and just set the world on fire if she could, just like their father.
Y/n on the other hand, was a bit more calm. Or well, as calm as a daughter of Ares could get. She enjoyed battles, she enjoyed kicking butt from here and there but sometimes she would just get tired of the same old. She wouldn’t pick fights as much as Clarisse did, well, not now anyways. But whenever her sister needed a fighting partner she would be there without a doubt, not giving a damn who started the fight, simply being there to put up a good show.
Some feet away, behind a tree was Travis Stoll, whose favorite hobby has radically changed from picking-up locks or throwing the best pranks in camp with his brother, to spying on Y/n behind trees…or behind anything really. He saw as the girl of his dreams walked away with his most-hated-camper, who was no one else but her sister, Clarisse.
“I really can’t believe you’re still secretly pinning over her, Travis! It’s been what? Four, five years? Don’t you think it’s time to act like a big boy and tell her for once and for all?” His younger brother’s voice made him jump from his hiding spot as he turned around to face him.
“Connor! Do you have to be that loud all the time?” He cried out, grabbing his brothers shoulder as they walked out of the forests and towards their cabin. “And you know I cannot do that, she’s literally my archenemy’s sister! And best friend! Also, not to forget about her dozen of brothers with anger-issues!” Travis complained, sighing as he kicked a little rock that was in his way. “I don’t know why life has to be so hard!”
“Travis, shut up. Jeez, you’re always complaining, it’s been five years! Five of which I had to hear you whining about Clarisse and how she would maim you if you were ever to confess your feelings for Y/n…can’t we get over that? I mean, the day will come when she’ll maim you regardless of your confession or not..” His brother shrugged, placing a comforting arm around him. “Also, I have a bet going on with Pollux.. and for me to earn the money means that you’ll have to confess your feelings for her today…” Connor confessed with a grin on his lips, highlighting his elvish features who looked so much like his brother’s.
Travis stopped mid-way as he stared at his brother, a deadly stare to be exact.
“YOU DID WHAT?” He sort-of yelled at him, making his younger brother grimace a bit. “How much did you bet, though?” He slowly asked, bit interested after all, money was money.
“Around twenty drachmas and some hundred bucks..” Connor shrugged as he scratched the back of his neck. “Is that an ‘okay brother, I’ll make you win the bet’?” He curiously asked with a sheepish smile.
“Ugh, you’re so gonna share that with me. And you’re gonna do my laundry for a month! After all, I don’t know.. I might end up missing a limb..”
“You always love to exaggerate, Travis. Chill, things might turn good.” He shrugged at his older brother as he raised both of his eyebrows in a funny manner.
Two hours later, after getting something to eat and putting on their armors, the Ares cabin walked towards the centre of the camp, there the rest of their allies, Cabins Four, Nine, Ten and Twelve were already in position and armed with their respective weapons of choice.
The blue team stood on their left side, she could’ve sworn she felt the usual stare again and she just knew it came from the blue team. At least she was a bit closer to knowing who her stalker is.
“Attention Campers, let’s get this over with.” Mr. D’s voice resounded through the crowd, besides him stood Chiron, who acted as the referee and was there in case anyone needed medical help. “For tonight’s game of Capture The flag, the blue team is lead by Annabeth and Percy, who have allied with Cabins Seven and Eleven.” He rolled his eyes as he then proceeded. “And Team Red is led by Clarisse and Y/n, who are joined by the remaining cabins.” He was too lazy to mention all of the cabins but it was no surprise coming from him. “You all know the rules by now, the creek is the boundary line, and the entire forest is fair game. Magic items are permitted, killing and maiming—much to my regret—are not.” He sighed as he tiredly placed his hands on his waist.
“I’ll be close by in case anyone is in need of my assistance.” Chiron commented as he looked at the campers in front of him.
“I believe Travis will be needing your assistance later on, Chiron!” Connor joked, making some of their teammates chuckle as Travis could only blush at the statement, he looked towards Y/n, hoping she wasn’t staring at him now, but much to his luck, she was chuckling along with Clarisse who had a deadly stare at him, making him shriver.
“Yeah, yeah. Well kids, off you go now! Shoo!” Mr. D said as he waved his hands, both of the teams were now running towards the forest and the hills.
The Ares cabin took the lead of the rest of the cabins as they ran towards their different positions, some of them were on border patrol duty as other were hiding behind bushes or trees, waiting for the other campers to come by so they could jump on them.
“Y/n, guard our flag! I’ll try to steal theirs!” Clarisse grinned as she ran off towards the lake, Y/n could only chuckle as she grabbed tightly on her sword and ran towards their red flag, ready to fight anyone who came in sight.
As she ran towards the forest, she could see her brothers fighting with the other campers, or well, the enemies. Her battle reflexes came in handy when someone was about to jump on her but she swiftly avoided her, bringing her sword up as she fought a blonde-haired girl from the Athena cabin, quickly disarming her before sending her flying backwards towards a tree with a hard kick on the chest. She’ll definitely be needing some ambrosia after this, she thought.
She chuckled as she kept running, she had missed the feeling of the air hitting in her face as she ran, the way her instincts would work whenever someone was attacking her, the balanced weight of her favorite sword in her hand.
One of the guys from the Apollo cabin came after her, making her chuckle when she easily avoided one of their arrows as it landed on a tree. “That wasn’t very smart, was it?” She asked with a smirk as she then ran towards him and before he could take another arrow, she kicked the bow out of his hands. “Bad choice.” She said before bringing the sword up, the kid was quick to avoid a hit before he tripped backwards on a branch, she was about to keep fighting as one of her brothers came to her.
“I’ve got this punk! Go protect the flag!” Her brother said before she nodded and smirked at the kid.
“Well, you’re just in luck!” She winked at him before running through the forest once again, making sure to avoid any distractions on the way.
Her feet were fast as she ran, ducking whenever she saw an arrow being shot at her and jumping whenever she would meet with a camper passed out on the floor, not many minutes later and the flag was already in her sight, she came closer to it, checking her surroundings for any enemy in sight.
Not many seconds had passed when she heard some steps coming on her way, she quickly jumped on top of a tree branch hiding, she saw as a guy came close to the flag but did not grab it, instead he looked around as if searching for someone.
She then took the advantage and jumped on top of him, making him land with his back on the floor as she had him trapped between her legs. “Huh, a son of Hermes. I thought it would be one of Athena’s kid the one who would come for the flag.” She said as she brought her sword up to his face, he looked just like every other Hermes’s kid, elvish features, curly hair, tall and kind of cute.
“No! Wait! I’m not here for the flag..” He confessed, having her so close to his body made him shriver, luckily his face was already red from the game if not he would be blushing madly.
“You are aware that we are playing Capture The Flag, don’t you?” She chuckled as she stared at him, her eyes looking directly into his blue ones as he felt the shiest he has ever felt in his life.
“Y-yes, yes! What I meant it’s that, I’ve been meaning to confess you something..” He said as she stood up, holding a hand out for him as he slowly grabbed it, she pulled and helped him stand up.
“Okay, now you’re kind of creeping me out, Travis.. What is it?”
“How.. how do you know who I am?” He asked, kind of surprised she didn’t mistake him for his brother, which happened quite a lot.
“We were friends, remember? When I first got here, you were one of that befriended me. I stayed in your cabin for some weeks before Ares claimed me. We used to play pranks on the Aphrodite kids so much that you thought I was one of Hermes kid’s as well.” She said chuckling as he nodded, he remember those times. That was the time when he started to develop his current huge crush on her.
“I.. I didn’t know you remembered that.” He gave her a bright smile as he scratched the back of his neck in a shy manner, something she thought she had never seen before on any kid of Hermes.
“Of course, I do! Now, what were you going to tell me?”
“Oh! That! Well, you see—” sadly he was too slow and too immersed on their chat that he did not see Clarisse flying at him, knocking him off his feet as they rolled down on the floor.
“It was you!” Clarisse yelled as she threw some punches at him, he luckily evaded some but not all of them, so he groaned when she had delivered a square punch to his right eye.
Now that’s gonna leave a nasty bruise, he thought.
“Clarisse! What are you doing? He was gonna say something to me!” Y/n said as she ran towards them, trying to pull her sister off of him.
“It’s him, y/n! He’s the one who’s been lurking behind trees and staring at you!” Clarisse said with disgust as she stood up from top of him, delivering nasty glances at Travis.
“Oh.. so you’re my little stalker, huh?” Y/n said with a smirk on her lips as she looked at Travis, helping him stand as he slowly nodded, grabbing onto his side as he looked embarrassed.
“Okay, I’ll have to say that that wasn’t the smartest thing to do.. but yeah. It was me.” He confessed to her, giving her a little smile as she stared at him. “And besides that, what I wanted to say it’s that… I like you, like, a lot.” he said. “A crazy amount probably, and I know you may not like me back! Knowing that I’m your sister’s most hated person in this camp besides my brother.. and Percy..” he explained
“This is disgusting! Completely disgusting!” Clarisse gagged at the scene in front of her, she has always disliked the Stoll brothers even more after the little prank they pulled on her few years ago.
“I.. I’m quite shocked, actually.” she confessed, her cheeks tinting a light red but when she was about to actually reply to him, she saw how another figure behind Clarisse and Travis took the chance of the flag being unprotected and quickly snatched it.
In the background, all could hear a horn being played in signal that the game has finished.
The result? Blue team were the winners, once again.
It turns out that, Travis’s younger brother Connor, knowing that he was going to confess his feelings towards Y/n, seized the opportunity of us being entertained by his brother’s confession to grab the flag, it was all part of his plan.
Which helped to ignite even more, the hatred Clarisse had towards the Stoll brothers.
The whole game ended up quite quickly after that, with the campers of the blue team cheering for their new victory and the red team growling at them and cursing them out.
Y/n never had the chance to talk to Travis in that moment, seeing how Chiron with other campers, took the injured ones towards the infirmary to help with the wounds.
That’s when Y/n knew it was now or never. She escaped from the celebrations of the night, walking towards the infirmary to check on the wounded Stoll brother. She walked through it, looking at some of the demigods sleeping on the beds and other being taken care by Argus and some dryads. Once he saw the familiar curly hair, she walked towards it, grabbing a pack of ice a girl was carrying towards him. “I can take it from here.” she explained to the girl as she just nodded and left.
She then walked to his bed, sitting down at the edge of it and softly pressing the ice pack on his already-bruised eye. “Who knew.. that purple eye really suits you.” she softly spoke, waking up the prankster from his nap.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” he asked as he quickly sat up, groaning from the pain as he realized it wasn’t a good idea after all with his bruised ribs.
“Clarisse really did a number on you, didn’t she?” the girl said as she softly helped him to lay down once again, slowly. “I’m sorry about that, she can be easily carried away by her emotions.”
“I really can’t believe you two are sisters, you two are nothing alike.” he said, wincing as he laid down. “You’re gentle and understanding, meanwhile Clarisse would throw a punch at literally anyone who crosses her path.”
“Well, that’s because I have never really fought with you, you know? When we are in battle, that’s when we are scary alike.” she chuckled, holding the ice pack on his eye as they talked. “So.. I never really replied to what you said to me back there.”
“You don’t really have to. I know it must’ve been silly, I just couldn’t really hold it in anymore, you know? You’re so beautiful and so strong! And you love pulling pranks on people, which is so hot! And whenever you’re fighting you’ve got this beautiful frown that—”
“Could you shut up for a second?” she said quickly before a smirk appeared on her lips. “I know I’m hot and all of that, but I just really wanted to say that… I think you’re really cute.” her smirk turned into a smile at him as she looked at him, he could’ve sworn his insides were on fire, which could’ve been due to the punches he’d got but he knew it was because of her smile. “And I would like to see where this could go..”
“Wait! You’re serious, right? This is not a prank, right? Cause that wouldn’t be so hot..” He explained making her giggle. “It’s not a prank, you dummy!” she interrupted him. “I like you, like, a lot.” she smiled, saying the exact words he had said to her back in the forest.
“Oh! Wow! I— I really, don’t know what to say! Jeez, I think I’m blushing again!” Travis confessed with his cheeks flaming red as he looked at her.
“Shh, don’t talk.. Less words and more…actions.” she smirked before laying the ice pack on the bed and slowly leaning her face against his, until their lips were touched; she was careful to grab his cheek, not wanting to hurt his purple eye as he returned the soft kiss she laid on his lips.
It was all he ever dreamed, kissing her felt like drinking ambrosia, her lips tasted so sweet. His stomach felt like the excitement he would get before pulling any prank, multiplied by a hundred. He just knew that this was it. This was all he ever wished for. This was the girl of his dreams.
That was it, until a wave or realization fell over him as she softly pulled away from him. “Oh, gods! now Clarisse is so going to murder me!”
That only made her laugh even more. “Leave her to me, she’s really not that scary, I promise.” she assured him. “Now, what did I say about talking?” she asked.
“Oh! Yes, yes. Less words, more actions, got it!” he smiled mischievously as he then pressed his lips against hers once again.
“Oh, I forgot to ask. What’s the bet Connor has goin on with Pollux about?” she asked, looking at his eyes for a bit before raising his brow.
“Oh, now you shut up. I’ll explain later, I’m badly injured and I demand more kisses.” he said with the cutest little pout she has ever seen, she rolled her eyes. “It’s just some bruised ribs.. and a bruised eye.” she joked before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him again.
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kairi-chan · 6 years
“you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.” Borusara, try to doge this haha
Title: Guess Where
Rating: T
Genre: Romance / Humor 
A/N: A fourth wall fic for Chapter 8 of Functions and Feelings. 
He slinked through the halls of the studio with his hands in pockets and a strawberry flavored lollipop in his mouth. He shifted the candy in mouth from side to side with his tongue, casually nodding at the crew and staff who passed by him. 
Boruto didn’t even know why he was at the studio today. He wasn’t scheduled for a shoot until the following week, neither did he have a fitting or briefing. 
Why was he here? 
Ah, right. Because Sarada was scheduled for fittings today, and he wanted to see her. 
He smirked to himself, quite proud of how he even found out. It was all too easy, really. Just a simple text, asking her out to lunch. He was rejected, of course. When he whined and pushed further, he successfully irked her, which led to a long winding speech about how busy she was, and how her schedule was full for the week. He simply poked a little further until she ended up sending him a screenshot of her planner. 
His eyes went wide when he saw it: Tuesday, 11am, FnF gown fitting. 
Now that was a sight to see. 
Boruto knocked on the door a few times and waited. Now, he wanted to see her, but he wasn’t rude. His mother taught him better. He heard shuffling and a few quick steps until the door opened. He came face to face with the head costume designer. 
“Ah, it’s you.” He blinked down at the small woman with thick glasses, graying hair that was pulled neatly back into a clean bun. 
“Heya, oba-chan, Is Sarada–” 
“Of course she is, this is her dressing room,” the old lady replied curtly. 
His eye brow twitched. “A-ah. Of–of course.” 
She rolled her eyes and left the door open as she made her way back into the room. Boruto hesitantly let himself in. He walked cautiously, and looked around. There were racks of clothes neatly lined up the wall. Her vanity sat at the corner near the bathroom. He sat himself down on the couch, not daring to walk further and cross the dividers. 
“Who was that, Sami-san?” Sarada asked. 
“Oh, just one of your fanboys. Now, come here. Let me see how I can tighten that up on your bust a bit more.” 
“Oh, really? Ah-sure.” 
Boruto blushed. One of her fanboys? Suddenly, he felt his temper rise. Her fanboys were able to reach all the way to her dressing room? What the fuck was security doing? No one was allowed this deep into the studio without proper clearance. He grimaced. 
“How does that feel, dear?” 
Boruto heard fabric swishing around before Sarada finally responded. “Much better… gosh,” Sarada sounded breathless. “This is such a beautiful dress.” 
“Perfect for the next Hokage,” Sami-san declared proudly. “One of my best works, too.” 
“Do you think I can borrow it?” Sarada asked. “Maybe… Maybe I can wear it to Function and Feelings’ closing night. What do you think?” 
“Already thinking about that, huh? Still have a few more to shoot, don’t you think?” 
Boruto shrank on the couch. That’s right, he thought. Only two more and Functions and Feelings would be coming to a wrap. He felt quite sad, this was his first big break with Kairi’s stories, after all. 
“Well… we were already briefed how it would go…” Sarada mused. 
“Oh, you were? What did you think?” The old lady teased. 
Boruto felt his heart flutter. They hadn’t scheduled the shoots yet, but he was quite excited for it. Some of the scenes were just… out of this world. Something he had never done before. He took a peak at one of the studios being specially set up for one of the scenes, and it only enthralled him, making him far more anxious than ever to shoot. 
“I–well…” Sarada stumbled for words. “I–I don’t know. I just hope I can do it justice. It’s an important story, and a lot of people are waiting on it…” 
“I guess, so,” the old lady replied. “Well, Sarada, I’m all done here. Just hang up the dress on that rack. I have another matter to attend to.” 
Sami-san started walking and spotted Boruto on the couch. She smirked. “You have a guest waiting for you, dear.” She then turned to him and narrowed her eyes. “Don’t ruin my dress!” 
Boruto squeaked and nodded vigorously. Seriously. Sami-san could be scary.
“Huh?” Sarada emerged from the dividers, and her eyes widened as her gaze settled on her visitor. 
His lips parted, and he forgot how to talk. His heart forgot how to beat. Hell, he even forgot how to breathe. 
Sarada looked beautiful. 
She blinked a few times under his gaze, and her cheeks were tinted with pink. “Wh-what? Why are you looking at me like that? It’s not polite to stare, you–” 
“You look gorgeous,” he breathed. Upon realizing what he said, his cheeks colored, stumbled back, and flailed his arms around. “A-ah. What I mean is–you don’t usually wear a gown, and like, it’s just different, ya know? I didn’t mean like– yeah!” He forced a loud laugh, and choked on the lollipop in his mouth. 
Sarada was still watching him with her eyes wide, but then eventually started laughing. 
Once he recovered his breath, he straightened up and scratched the back of his neck. Boruto loved seeing her dark eyes twinkle with joy, and listen to her laugh. He could do it for the rest of his life.
“Hey, is that a lollipop?”
“Hmm? Ah, yeah.” He pulled it out of his mouth and grinned. “Want it?” 
Sarada scowled. “That’s disgusting, Boruto.” 
He laughed and ran his eyes down her figure. “Sure, but that dress is really something. You look… you look really pretty, Sarada.” 
“Th-thanks.” She looked away and fidgeted with the hem of her dress. 
After a few moments, Boruto smirked. “But you know, you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.” 
She gasped and hit his shoulder. “You pervert!” 
Boruto laughed and placed his arm around her shoulder. “Oh, come on. You know it’s true.” He winked. 
“You’re lucky Papa isn’t here.” She grumbled. Though her cheeks were still pink. 
He grinned and kissed her temple. “Sure.” Boruto placed the lollipop back in his mouth and said, “anyway, wanna grab some lunch?” 
Sarada gaped. “I told you, I’m too busy. I can’t leave the studio.” 
“Who said we were leaving the studio?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “I made some arrangements on a certain set.” 
She quirked her eyebrow up but then it hit her. “W-wait. You mean you set up lunch in…” 
Boruto grinned. “You know it!” 
“How did you even–” 
“Let’s just say I gave up half my dignity to let the team let me borrow it for an hour,” he laughed nervously. 
Sarara squealed in delight. “Sure, just let me change.” 
“Sure, I’ll watch.” 
“Shannaro!” she screamed. “Get out of my dressing room!” 
A/N: Sorry I haven’t been posting, you guys. Been super busy at work and I really need to get my life together, ya know? Here’s a little something. Remembering FnF is about to end really pulls at my heartstrings, ya know?    
You can read more of my stories in my master post, or visit my FFnet!
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jinjikook · 7 years
let’s talk about sex, baby (m)
🎃 word count: 3.8k
🎃 genre: smut ; idol-verse + english tutor! reader
🎃 pairing: reader/taehyung
🎃 warning(s)/kink(s): phone sex, dirty talk, teasing, references to other sex acts, masturbation , semi-public (?)
🎃 summary: taehyung is kinda clingy and while you love what you get up to with him, you can’t afford to miss out on a job for the sake of paying rent. taehyung at least finds a way to make the most of things, even if it’s a little risky.
🎃 requested by: anon -  “Could you maybe do a kinktober where it’s semi public w/taehyung? Like maybe the girl is the group’s English tutor or a stylist? With lots of whispered dirty talk from tae in his amazing voice”
🎃 music: often - the weeknd + liquor - chris brown
🎃  a/n:  the parts in italics (that have been specified) are spoken in english, anything else is in korean (technically lmao since i obviously don’t speak it)
🎃 masterlist + kinktober 2017
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“Hello, my name is V. I love you,” Taehyung’s deep voiced drawled slowly, eyes watching you curiously as he dragged each syllable carefully. You nodded along with his words, confirming that he had been pronouncing them well.
“Good! Now, what else can you say?” You spoke in perfect English, gauging Taehyung’s ability to listen and understand along with responding in your mother tongue. He paused for a moment, intently trying to piece together the phrase to then answer properly.
“Uh,” He stammered, Taehyung repeating the script he’d made for himself in his mind. He ran through the possible questions he’d have to answer, English reporters having the same usual queries for the lot of them and they’d typically ask Namjoon all the insightful ones. “Do your best.”
You tittered at Taehyung reciting what he once confidently said to Eric Nam on their visit to ASC quite some time ago, his small phrase inciting coos from fans all over the world and even managed to make the show’s host flustered.
“You’re too cute, Tae. Do you know how much fans love when you say stuff like that?” You spoke in Korean once more, to Taehyung’s relief. He winked at you and turned on his charm as he returned to his comfort zone.
“Of course! I’m supposed to make their hearts flutter,” He posed cutely, in what you could say as a ‘flower stance’ with his hands at his cheeks, the fluffy fat there squishing up adorably to make his eyes form crescents.
Rolling your eyes, you turn back to your phone to read an email from a company hiring you to translate at some event, boring business work as usual.
Taehyung—always the nosy badger that he was—peered over your shoulder and rested his cheek on it as he read your message.
“Aw, don’t tell me you’re leaving us again?” He pouted and you pinched his cheek in retaliation, watching as he let the air out of his mouth through his pursed lips. “Why don’t you just stay with BigHit permanently, Y/N?”
“Because Taehyung,” You began, sighing in exasperation at having to explain this to him for the nth time since you began tutoring Bangtan in English. “BigHit only hires me from time to time, rent is more than just one paycheck from showing you all how to say you love pizza.” He groaned and laid back onto the black couch, throwing a small tantrum at not getting his way again.
“Quit being such a baby, it’s only for a few days. The business conference is in Gwangju, I’ll be back in a day or two, tops. It’s not like I was scheduled to see you guys before then anyways,” You trailed off, responding to the email with quick fingers much to Taehyung’s chagrin and he literally whined like a kicked puppy and looked the part too.
“Hey Y/N! What does this mean?” Hoseok came from his make-up chair, hair all coiffed up to look even more regal than normal. You took Hoseok’s phone from his hands, reading over the tweet replies that had come from his recent selfie. Most of which were really eccentric ways to say I love you or a mix of people saying variations that they’d had their wigs snatched or their hearts fell out of their ass.
“Just that you look great, Hobi.” He beamed and nodded as he bounded away, bragging to Seokjin about how many retweets he’d gotten and Seokjin threatened to post the one “risqué” photo he had on his phone to see just how many retweets that’d get. The shade of red that graced his face before draining rapidly was sort of scary, and you wondered if Hoseok was going to faint from the fear alone.
A few of the others around chuckled at the reaction and Namjoon clapped him on the back to break him out of his stupor, a little too hard if you had to judge from how much Hoseok’s body jerked forward.
“Y/N,” Taehyung drug out your name, remaining in his role as a whining puppy. “It’s not that you don’t have an appointment, but when will we see each other?” He enunciated his words carefully, treading around the meaning and raising his brows in hopes to translate what exactly he meant.
A quick look around to make sure no one was watching or listening to the two of you had reassured you and you leaned in to speak in hushed tones.
“We can still talk on the phone,” Pointing at the said device, Taehyung nodded in understanding from your words before trying to string along his own response. He stuck his tongue in between his teeth as he thought, a strand of fiery red hair dipping down to hang in between his eyes and while he continued to ponder, you took the liberty of pushing it back to join the rest at the sides of his forehead, along the edge of the patterned bandana he’d been put in.
“I understand, but I want to do more than talk,” His words came out stuttered and broken, long pauses as he thought of conjugations and proper tenses. “I want you, Y/N.” You tried to shush him at the words, still warning him that there were too many people and prying ears around to be completely safe but his eyes bore into yours, a darkness swirling in the hot cocoa of his irises.
“Tae, you need to calm those wild hormones of yours,” You shoved the red-haired boy away from you, trying to gain distance from him and his wickedly enticing lips for fear of what you might do on impulse if they stay so close to you for any longer.
“Alright all, prepare to head on stage!” Some staff shouted, gathering the group and they had a small pep talk before breaking to line up for their Fire stage. Taehyung looked back and winked at you before making his way to the door, heading out to dance and sing his heart out.
○ ◐ ●
Taehyung laid in the comfort of his bed, juggling his phone restlessly in his hand as he tried to think of anything else.
Anything other than your legs and body and pretty lips that look so much nicer when they’re wrapped around his—
“Hey Tae Tae, we’re going to that lamb skewer place around the corner, did you wanna join?” Jimin came into the room, already bundled comfortably in a hoodie and black jeans, phone in hand. Jeongguk popped up from behind him to shoot him a pleading look to join the rest of them, but Taehyung had already decided on what he needed.
“Oh, never mind then.” Jimin smirked and hid his laugh behind his petite hand, gesturing to where Taehyung was pulling his shirt over. Jeongguk was about to protest some more but with Jimin leading him away by the waist, he hadn’t the chance to even get a word out before he was guided out of the room and the door was shut behind them.
Taehyung sighed as he let himself melt into his mattress, thoughts running rampant about you. He hadn’t been able to focus on anything else since the day you’d left to board a train to Gwangju, wearing a pretty pair of shorts and a cut-off t-shirt, looking like his wildest dreams all wrapped up into one pretty package.
With a tug of his belt, he shimmied out of his bottoms and laid sans pants for a minute, trying to pick out one direct thought to work with before finally feeling his dick twitch at one particular memory.
You’d been working hard with Jeongguk in teaching him the lyrics to a song he planned to record a cover for in the recent future. The entire time, your focus had been on the youngest and thus you had missed the serious ogling you were receiving from Taehyung.
It wasn’t his fault, he swore by that. It was all because of that pretty dress you’d chosen to wear that revealed most of your back in an open-cut design, giving him all sorts of ideas on touching you there, knowing how sensitive and ticklish some spots were.
With the tangible thought in mind, Taehyung closed his eyes and focused on the exposed skin of your back, the midriff of the dress rising as you crossed your legs. His palm sneaked down to rub at his rapidly growing erection, the length tensing with timid touches.
He groaned and threw his head back, mop of red fanning around him like a bloody aura. The iridescent scarlet halo framed his sharp jawline and crisp cheekbones, cradling the soft dips of his baby fat and following the curve into his almond, cat-like eyes.
Taehyung reached into his boxers and took himself in hand, not bothering with taking out his cock just yet. The friction was delicious, just what he needed to ease the thoughts that were running nonstop in his mind.
But, just as he was getting into the midst of things, his phone began to vibrate off in the distance. It rumbled by his pillow, somewhere around his bed.  He released himself in frustration, grimacing at the feeling of pre come soaking into the fabric and sticking to his skin. A little bit of shuffling earned him the feeling of his plastic case before finally bring up the phone to his ear, not even looking at the caller ID as he punched the green answer button and grumbled into the phone.
“Wow, didn’t realized I rang up Grumpy.”
“Oh, Y/N!” Instantly, Taehyung’s mood brightened. He beamed and held the phone closer to his ear, adjusting his dick in his boxers as the strain got a little uncomfortable the longer he laid there. “I didn’t see it was you calling, I’m sorry!”
“Yeah you better be, all this crying about me not being there and when I try to cheer you up with a call, you get pissy with me.” Taehyung giggled a little mischievously and apologized once more. You followed up with asking about his day, making sure he was eating and staying hydrated.
As he answered your usual queries, Taehyung shifted a little on the bed and let his hand run down out of habit, rubbing along his soft tummy and dipping under his waistband. It was a totally normal guy thing to do, and he just grabbed his cock and gave it a little squeeze, feeling the heft of it lay in his palm.
“You okay, Tae?” The groan he’d let out hadn’t gone unnoticed by you, though Taehyung hadn’t realized he emitted it in the first place. His eyes went wide for a moment, lips pursed tight as he tried to stay pin-drop quiet.
“Y-yeah, everything’s fine! Just stretching,” He mimicked a yawn that was clearly exaggerated and you rolled your eyes at his terrible lie.
‘C’mon, don’t lie to me.”
His guilty conscience was barely there, overshadowed with the itching need to finish what he’d started. He had been riled up for some time now, anyways.
“Alright, alright, I’ll admit it. I was jerking off when you called,” Taehyung tried to listen to your reaction on the other end, silence bearing a heavy weight on his mind. When you hadn’t said anything for a full, swollen minute, the boy began to worry. “Uh, Y/N?”
You stammered out an apology, not realizing how quiet you’d been.
“You thinking about it?” He asked, smirk toying on his lips as his hand began to massage his length slowly, teasingly.
“A l-little, shut up.” At that, Taehyung chuckled and he felt his hard on come back at full force, no longer feeling like he had to conceal his noises as he pulled the waistband far enough down to let his cock spring out, slapping the soft, wrinkled fabric of the old tee he had on.
His audible hiss had you crossing your legs tighter, sitting in the open hallway of the conference rooms where a few swiveling seats had been placed along the walls. You tried to look inconspicuous as businessmen and women alike passed by, conversations in tow about deals and marketing and strategies.
“Taehyung, I’m in public,” You whispered into the receiver, smiling at a man who had passed by as you spoke, giving you a strange look.
“Oh? Kinky, aren’t you?”
With an affronted snort, you look at the phone as if you could channel enough power to make Taehyung feel the glare you were giving it.
“I was thinking of you, in those cute shorts you left in. Made me wish I had gotten the chance to eat you out before you left—”
He giggled into the phone, letting his voice drop to its natural baritone octaves as he continued to prod. He allowed his hand to slowly stroke himself as he spoke, a smooth glide to counter his filthy phrases.
“When was the last time we even did anything? No wonder I’m so horny, I haven’t gotten my vitamin Y/N yet,” A squeeze at his head make even more pre come dribble out, the fluid in Taehyung’s eye line as he brought his fist back down to the base, letting his thumb graze the sensitive skin there.
“T-Tae, we can’t be doing this, at least not now,” You tried to sound commanding but your voice was giving you up quickly, the shake in it making it clear to Taehyung that you were just as affected as he was. That was his saving grace, the little bit of glory he found in this situation.
“Mmm, I miss your mouth. Having you suck me off is like a dream, so hot and wet—I just want to fuck your throat until it’s raw.” You sat in silence, trying to fight off the look of complete and utter desperation that tried to cross your features. You were due to return for another seminar to translate for in a few minutes, ten tops. “How do you think you’d be able to teach us English if you can’t even speak?”
He already had you speechless, face flushed with heat while your thighs clenched harder at his sinful tongue and the serpent-like speech that was flowing from it. He was going to be the death of you; a deep lungful of smoke slowly but surely killing you.
“You’re so sexy, Y/N.” The English came out smoother than it normally did, with a trained finesse you knew only came from hours of practice. Sure, he would refuse to go over normal notes like introductions and answers to questions but of course he’d memorize how to talk dirty in another language.
It’s like they say: when you learn a new language the first thing you need to know are the curse words.
“Fuck, you drive me crazy, baby.” Taehyung let his hips rise as he fucked his hand, the sounds much more noticeable now that there was a steady stream of pre come slipping down his cock. You bit down on your lip hard, closing your eyes and counting to three slowly.
“W-where are the others, Tae?” Taehyung grinned that you were finally taking part in the conversation, slowing his hips down to a gentle grind as he looped in you like a siren with their call.
“Out, eating I think. I honestly wasn’t paying much attention, all the blood was elsewhere and not in my brain. Jiminnie saw me, he knew I needed some relief. If only you were here to grant me some,” He exhaled slow and loud, drawn out to your ears.
With a gulp, you proceeded in hushed tones, eyes looking back and forth for any prying ears.
“Are you close?”
He hummed, upping his speed once more.
“I could be. Are you?” With a negatory noise, Taehyung thought for a second before rolling his hips in tight circles, into his calloused fist with neatly trimmed nails lightly grazing his length. “What’re you wearing?”
You looked down, inspecting your outfit as if you hadn’t dressed yourself this morning and couldn’t recall what you had picked out.
“A navy blouse, you know, one of those loose button down ones? And a skirt, the tight kind.” Taehyung whimpered as he squeezed a little too hard, a bead of pre come rolling down to meet his fist.
“I could picture me fucking you in that, bent over some desk or podium or something; that sweet little ass of yours out for me.” He growled into the phone, his grip white-knuckled on it. You tried to hide you own noise behind your hand, hoping you didn’t look as disheveled as you felt.
“You’re such a tease, Y/N. Always walking around in little outfits like that just to drive me crazy. You know how many times I’ve almost been caught by fans and fansites with a boner? All because of you.”
Your hands were positively shaking at this point, something you just couldn’t hide even behind the most trained smiles and tightly wound legs.
“That sounds like a personal problem, don’t you think?”
His laugh was dark; bitter. Like morning coffee too hot to taste and certainly too soon to douse with cream and sugar.
“Don’t make me laugh, baby. Otherwise I’ll have to take an impromptu trip to Gwangju to shut that pretty mouth up with my cock.”
You snorted, feeling like you’d gained a little footing in the scenario. You only hoped this meant you had a chance at getting the upper hand.
“Yeah, okay Tae. Whatever you say, good luck hopping up on a train without being flocked by fans and having your hard on photographed in grave detail.” Taehyung shuddered at just the thought of that sort of embarrassment. It was already bad enough that people still managed to get photos of their bodies even when they were fully concealed by clothes.
He growled, letting his other hand let go of his phone to push it against his ear with the aid of the mattress and his shoulder, using its newfound freedom to nudge his shirt up and trail patterns over the sensitive part of his tummy.
“Don’t tempt me,” He spoke low and with intent, lust laced into his words as he tried to stave off his orgasm for a little while longer.
The waver in his voice told you that Taehyung was close, and you felt enough confidence oozing from your fingertips to try a hand at messing with him, since he was the one who started this.
“You’re all talk and no bite, Taehyung. I mean, you’re all for teasing when the others are around and trying to play the ‘will we or won’t we be caught’ game but in reality, you’re just a coward. A coward with a big dick and an even bigger mouth.” Taehyung’s voice got caught in his throat, stunned into a silence from your sharp tongue.
With a hum, you nonchalantly looked over your manicured nails, digging underneath one the longer you awaited for the boy on the other end of the call to respond.
“See? I was right—all bark, and no bite.” You laughed breathlessly into the phone and finally felt some of the unease seep from your body, becoming comfortable with the odd situation at hand.
“You can say that now, Y/N. But be warned, the minute you get back, you won’t be able to walk for a week.” His hips canted forward once more, now out of the little hiccup he’d gotten stuck in from surprise to finally finish what he started. “I’m going to make that ass of yours raw, you’ll be lucky if you can even sit down with I’m done with you.”
You allowed Taehyung to continue, not sure if he’d really cash in on these threats but the thought was enough to have you tightening your legs again. Besides, you figured the poor boy at least deserved to come, if he was this riled up from you alone. And it was true, you two hadn’t messed around in some time; not since Yoongi nearly caught the two of you in the bathroom closest to their practice room.
“How hard would you fuck me?” You spoke in English, taking a prime opportunity to not only test Taehyung’s grasp on the language but it also allowed you to speak so filthily in public without getting side eyed; no one the wiser as you were just the foreigner speaking some other language to someone on their phone, nothing suspicious there.
Taehyung’s pulse raced, breathing following in the quickened pace of his heart as he tried to fist his cock faster. He whimpered softly, almost too quiet for you to hear but you were trained and attuned to those sort of noises, the desperate keens of Taehyung getting closer to his release.
“So hard, baby.” His tongue was heavy, laden with malicious intent as he spoke. “I want to be the one to make you scream, the others would know just what we were doing. I bet they’d get so addicted to those delicious moans of yours, they wouldn’t be able to hold back from touching themselves. But no one else gets to have you, only me.”
“Only you?”
The answer was without hesitation, a scary sort of sureness in his voice that even endless practice couldn’t ascertain.
“Only me.”
“Come, Tae.”
The orgasm hit him like a freight train, his guttural groan so loud you had to cover your phone’s speaker for fear of nearby passersbys hearing it and knowing exactly what was going on. His come shot up onto his shirt, soaking into the fabric.
It took him a little bit to come down from his high, mumbling and hissing from the overstimulation as he continued to drag his hand down his softening length to milk out every last drop.
“Fuck, Y/N. I haven’t come that hard in ages, holy shit.” Taehyung’s breathing was labored and you thanked your lucky stars that you were wearing an ensemble that allowed you to hide the aching arousal in your own underwear. “I think it’s your turn, right?”
You made a noise as you shook your head, straightening your outfit out as you stood from where you sat. Your legs ached from where they were tightly clenched but you were already being beckoned by the head who hired you to translate. The seminar was about to begin.
“Not now, Tae Tae. I have to go speak to like, two dozen people for the fourth time today.”
“Well, I plan on making what I said earlier come true so anticipate it, love.” You giggled at Taehyung’s obviously drowsy voice—he always knocked out right after coming. It was an issue more than anything else since you two never really did much on what would be considered “sleeping surfaces”.
“Of course, whatever you say, pup. Sweet dreams.”
“As long as you’re in them, they will be.”
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serenecatbird · 6 years
Scary(?) Story: Bruce
There was once an old costume designer named Bruce Furrier who ran a shop where he made costumes. Many people who knew him thought Bruce was odd. He was always into things and trends some say he was too old for. Bruce would only shrug people off whenever he was told to act his age. He seemed cheerful despite his recent tragedy with his wife's passing. "It would be an insult to her memory." He would say. "She wanted me to be happy." Bruce never remarried, always working in his costume shop making fur suits. Bruce and his late wife liked furries. Bruce's shop was filled with all kinds of different fursuits. However, it made Bruce sad when someone from his town came in wanting a costume. You see, the town had no furry enthusiasts and his only customers only wanted fat, goofy mascots for schools and other businesses. This was the only time Bruce seemed sad, having to 'mutilate ' his creations to be cheerleaders or sign twirlers for unappreciative clients. One day, he started his own online shop to sell fursuits. He also sold kits and supplies in case his customers wanted to make their own suit. He made a lot more money with his online business and decided with the extra, he would make his own fursuit. He and his late wife talked about it and he was only starting to male his wife's suit when he found out she had only days to live. The funeral expenses and her death made it impossible to finish his project. But now, he could make his suit. He designed a buff blue wolf furry and began to cut the fabric and padding to make his costume. When it was finished, he named the fursuit after him, Bruce the Wolf. On Sundays when his shop was closed, he would pretend to be the character he made up. He would even flirt with the girl fursuit characters as if they were his wife and even call them by her name. Then one day Bruce got sick. He had the same illness his wife died of and only had a week to live. He had to sell his shop to a young man named John and move all of his merchandise out. However, John assured him he would still run the shop as a costume shop and make sure he continued making costumes. Bruce wasn't so sure of the young man's intentions. He acted more mature and stoic than he did. He agreed. However, he locked Bruce the Wolf up in his office closet and hid the key. Bruce the Wolf was after all his best work. After his death, what Bruce feared the most happened. John went on to redesigning all of his beautifully crafted fursuits into goofy, grotesque and cartoonish mascots. He even shut down his website that was the big moneymaker for the shop. The shop was now not doing well. The most business it got was only on Halloween or when a school, shop or car lot needed a new mascot costume. John didn't seem to care. He continued working on costumes not caring about giving them personality and charm like Bruce did. Then one day, a local grade school asked John to make a new William the Timberwolf after some high school students stole their old William. John was looking around for scissor when he accidentally dropped them behind the desk next to the wall. And as he moved the desk, he found the key to the padlock that kept the office closet door shut. He smiled. He needed that closet for a long time and wondered how unlock it. "I wonder what that crazy old man had in there?" He asked. He unlocked the door and opened it. There was Bruce's fursuit. It stood there, it's seemingly cheerful eyes looking at John. Even for as long as it had been in the closet there was not one cobweb or speck of dust on the suit. The fursuit was impressive. It was muscular looking and wore a swimsuit like outfit. John smiled. Here was another fursuit to remodel. As he grabbed up Bruce, he thought the suit felt unusually heavy and warm. John thought it was only his imagination. Then he layed the suit on the work table. The suit looked as if it was looking around as he adjusted it to be redone into a mascot. John then went to the box of needles and got out a stitch remover. John felt like he was being watched. He turned to see the head of the fursuit seemingly staring at him. It's smile didn't look too cheerful. It seemed more like a sad grimace. John figured it was because of the lighting. It needed to be fixed. He made his way over trying to find stitches to replace Bruce the Wolf's sixpack into a pot belly. John couldn't even find a seam. He decided to just sew the belly over abs and got his materials. But as soon as he stuck the needle into the suit, he heard a loud yelp like a large dog. John stepped back. The fursuit got up. It looked at John and went walking on its own back to the closet. John wasn't amused. He assumed some kids from college were pranking him. He tackled the wolf costume and took off its head. John stumbled back. There was no one in the costume. The body turned and a voice coming from the head said in a familiar voice. "Excuse me, young man. Can I have my head back?" It was old Bruce's voice. He tossed the head back and ran. It was only when John got home that he started to think he was being silly. "I must be imagining things." John said. He went back to the shop to find all of the display mascots missing. Those high school kids must've stole them, John thought. He went to his office to call the police only to find fursuit Bruce working on the costumes. "Why?" The wolf costume asked. "Pop's worked hard on these guys to look nice and you mutilated them." John was no longer scared. He was more curious than anything. "How are you alive?" He asked. Bruce looked at him. "I don't know myself." Bruce answered. "If I believed in fairy tales, which I don't, I'd say Pop's made a wish on a star and summoned a fairy to give me life." John looked at Bruce curiously. "But Mr. Furrier had a lot of kids." The costume gave a sad pantomime gesture. "Maw and Pop's other kids weren't very close to him." He sighed. John came close to Bruce. "I was starting to believe you were haunted." John said. " and I don't believe in ghosts. " "I don't either." Bruce said. John was about to ask more questions when they heard someone walking around the back of the shop. It sounded like several young men laughing and boasting about their pranks. Bruce gave a shush guesture and listened to the voices. "I can't believe we managed to get away with stealing the whole costume." One boy said. " lets burn it in this old building. " a second boy said. "They're going out of business anyway. And I'm sure the new guy went home." A third boy said. "Lets look around first. Maybe we can find some costumes to scare that girl whose afraid of furries." John wanted to call the police. "Not yet." Bruce said. " I know those kids. They think going to jail is a joke. " Bruce whispered his plan. The three young men looked around chuckling about watching the shop burning down to the ground. As they looked around they didn't notice Bruce sneaking in as the teens searched for costumes to steal. They wondered why the shop was empty. "They had costumes yesterday." The first boy said. "I saw them here today earlier." The third boy said. "Hey, check this out." Said the second boy shining a flashlight on Bruce. "It's one of that crazy old man's costumes." Said the second boy. The boys laughed. "Let's burn this one." The third boy said. "No, let's use it to scare that girl." The first one said. They argued until Bruce spoke, "How about returning what you stole before I get you!" Hos voice was loud and deep. The three boy looked at Bruce. The one holding the costume dropped the mascot and started to run after the other two boys who went into the office by mistake. John shut the door and called the police. They were arrested and sent to jail. They were tried as adults in trial. Afterwards, the shop went back to making costumes. John started a new website to continue selling fursuits. As for Bruce, the suit that old Mr. Furrier considered a son. He stayed in the shop, only now he stands in the display window. And some say they can see his eyes following passersby.
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