#anyways i thought that was like. Fucking weird. also she got nepo babied into the avengers bc her grandpa knew capt america lmao
karmirage · 1 year
personally my favorite fact about izzy kane is that she massacred refugees to get the super guardian title
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dykeyote · 1 year
please tell us your thoughts about jedidiah and lucille's relationship i need to know
THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME I WAS SO SAD THAT IT GOT EATEN ..... but yeah jedidiah and lucilles relationship sort of fascinates me ...... this isnt gonna have a cohesive Thesis or anything and a lot of the things i raise i dont really have answers for bc i think we're gonna get More lucille lore and so its kind of hard to like .... nail down any hard answers rn so im kinda just rambling abt my thoughts but yk . mainly the like ... Secretive nature of their relationship sort of fascinates me theres this feeling throughout that their mother-son relationship is something that needs to be ignored and kept secret . which Does make sense in the broader context that jedidiah might not wanting the kids or even his co-counselors knowing, thats fairly normal (nobody wants to be a nepo baby lol) thats not really what im talking about, im more focused on how this permeates their interpersonal dynamics, mainly in hive of anxiety. jedidiah speaks to lucille in a way that is incredibly formal - the way an employee speaks to their boss, but dialed up even higher than that, up until he starts getting emotional. the effort being put into avoiding the fact that lucille is his mom is Strong, though interestingly lucille doesnt fall into this role as much - though she does change her behavior after jedidiah calls her mom, implying that there is some amount of going w this on her end as well. calling her mom is something that is used as a last resort, and its notable that jedidiah is EXTREMELY upset before this point. before jedidiah resorts to acknowledging the fact that lucille is his mother, hes already had several angry outbursts and almost started crying. it takes him being so frustrated that he loses the ability to speak coherently in anything other than repeating jesus over and over for him to Finally resort to calling her mom. and interestingly, the one time lucille shows favor to sydney over jedidiah within the events we see in canon flips these roles: she speaks to sydney in secret and goes behind jedidiahs back, which also happens to be the one episode where lucille expresses public affection towards jedidiah. just an interesting little detail. its just really interesting to me bc it makes me wonder how long that dynamic of secrecy has been going on? theres some conflicting evidence on this - sydney references jedidiah knowing what love and care looked like, but he has a father so its not clear enough if thats really referring to lucille to be able to extrapolate it. jedidiah makes a sort of dry joke about lucille never teaching him how to hug, but lack of affection doesnt Necessarily equate this specific weird dynamic they have going on. jedidiah mentions to joshua and yvonne that he works for his mom which COULD imply that weird dynamic wasnt a thing in college so they already knew, or it COULD mean that he just said it bc he was in the middle of a rant, or it COULD mean that the counselors just know this information, or it COULD mean fifty different things . u see why jedidiah and lucilles relationship is reaaalll hard to analyze lol . anyway im sleepy so im gonna finish this here but basically im kind of fascinated in the layers of how fucked up they are and i really want to know How Long theyve been this fucked up and Why theyre this fucked up and AGH
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
Omg cake gate is hilarious. Casual fan who lurks the fandom when bored here, so full disclosure that I’m not as convinced they’re PR (I think they’re a weird as hell match though). That said I have THOUGHTS.
I’m a good friend, so I would never in a million years get a cake like that for someone. A million conflicting sports teams is already insane in of itself (I’m not at all convinced someone who likes all of those teams could be a real person). But what friend would be like, “oh I know! Let’s do pots and pans, sports, and other deeply personal motifs like buying a house, their girlfriend’s name and dog.” Like real talk, I’d be freaked out if a friend got me a cake of my interests (real or not) married with my home life (real or not). It’s so weirdly not a friend’s place to make a cake about their home and personal life.
But also being a good friend, I would never give a friend something so fucking ugly. An airplane runway taking up an entire side of the A and sports themes littering the second side? 😂😂😂 Tell me you don’t understand symmetry without telling me you don’t understand symmetry.
It’s like AI generated a cake under the suggestion of “Austin butler” and “boy themed birthday cake.” I low key think it was Kaia (who else in the blue fuck would do this?!) but even that option doesn’t make sense bc as much as I don’t get why people like her…she has taste. And high end taste at that. She’s young but it looks like a 6 year old (or AI) customized it, not a woman who can at least legally drink and has graced the covers of Vogue.
Again, I’m a casual fan so IDGAF about who really made the cake or what their relationship dynamic is. But I guess I’m officially taking your guys side bc wow anyone who thinks this eyesore is romantic needs a reality check…and glasses. But also, didn’t Austin get in some heat bc he called Vanessa a friend when recounting a story about her when they were together? “Friend” is Hollywood speak for “we’re not gonna name who to respect their privacy” so it’s just easier to say friend. Saying a friend ordered the cake proves nothing in either direction.
Anyway, whoever did order this cake…THANK YOU. You made Saturday morning hilarious with your atrocious taste in cake motifs and decorating. This fandom getting into fights about it is the hilarious cherry, no scratch that, frosting on top!
#cakegate lol. i truly had such a good laugh about it this morning. like...lord.
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hahahaha when you get people who say the cake looks like it was crafted by a child, Artificial Intelligence, or a 21 year old self absorbed nepo baby then you know you done goofed. i really don't know what else to say about it. it's fucking hilarious to me
his entire birthday party was a PR shitshow and it's all thanks to her. when you love somebody, you don't do embarrassing shit like this. you unplug. you leave the paps out of it. it's just really bad.
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bisluthq · 2 months
I’ve seen so many swifties hate on Maisie (it’s happened before but I’m seeing it again now with the announcement) for dumb song lyrics from songs that are clearly meant to be fun, and I would get it if they were idk Lana del Rey fans but Taylor has songs like ME! and gorgeous and shake it off and YNTCD and London Boy and a million other dumb fun songs? I just don’t understand hating on purposefully not deep songs when it’s something your fave does often? The one I saw people complaining about now was the start of Holy Revival, specifically the “I guess I'm disappointed that you didn't "Merry Christmas" your way back into my life” and I don’t see the problem with it?
I guess I never really get the Maisie hate because it’s not like she’s big enough to be annoyed by seeing her everywhere (*cough* Sabrina *cough*), she hasn’t written any songs about Taylor (Charli), she doesn’t have the credits drama that comes with Olivia, she isn’t a competitor like Olivia or Billie or even Ariana, she isn’t a nepo baby like Gracie (which some people have a problem with). I don’t see many people talking about Maisie ever, but when I see people hating on her is usually swifties over fun songs like that or Cate’s Brother and idk I just don’t really get it?
I’ve frankly not seen hate of Maisie but that’s very deeply weird coming from Swifties. I really like Maisie. If I were to criticize her, it’d be that she’s a little unoriginal? She’s clearly very inspired by Taylor, Kate Nash, Lily Allen and Ed (obviously lol). A lot of her songs sound like you just married a Lily song with a Taylor song and sprinkled in some Kate and Ed and there we are. I happen to really like all those artists so it’s not a problem for me but I’m gonna be honest, it prevents me from like… loving Maisie. I like Maisie but I don’t love her. Cate’s Brother is actually one of the songs I like of hers more BECAUSE it’s a joke and in it being a joke, it feels less ripped off from her influences. I also really like Blonde, kinda for the same reason. She’s best imo when she’s silliest because then she seems to be more herself and trying less hard idk.
personally, I don’t get hating anyone as your personality. I don’t like Sabrina, as I’ve explained, but I don’t have the energy to go beef with people who DO like her (fair enough) and I’d get fuck bored being a full time anti because that’d involve like…. following her??? And my whole entire problem with her is I want to know less about her, not more??? Almost everything I learned about her - aside from her having a great voice, which she does - I learned entirely against my will? I don’t really “get” Charli’s music but I’m not gonna anti or shit on people’s brat summers? I have 0 regular thoughts about Gracie and find that to be just fine by me lmao? I like some of her songs well enough but not enough to like stan and as for her being a nepo baby, I like that she’s acknowledged that and she works really hard herself anyway. I really like some of Ari’s songs, I really liked the new album, and I think she’s got a phenomenal voice but she doesn’t really inspire much passion in me (her messiness is fun). I like Billie a lot. I like Dua a lot. I like Bey a lot. I like Harry a lot. I like a lot of things and artists and liking them doesn’t make me dislike other things lmao and disliking other things doesn’t make me want to go and tell people they ought to dislike those things too because frankly idc lol. Like whatever tf you like.
I mean some shit is just objectively BAD lol like Liam Payn’s solo stuff (remembered about him since we were discussing him). Like it’s just actively dreadful. I will absolutely judge you if your favorite songs are like from LP1 or if you unironically listen to him a lot. But beyond judging your bad life choices, and maybe telling you that he’s also like… legitimately not a nice person… I also won’t really gaf.
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