#anyways i just wanted to try drawing something a little.... inky.... heh
yansurnummu · 10 months
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yeah, yeah, "the horrors", we've all seen them
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eremiss · 4 years
30. Splinter
Set post-5.3, spoilers below the cut!
It’s late, but Gwen is awake. Plenty tired, not restless, yet unable to sleep, even with the comfortable weight of Thancred’s arm around her waist, and the heat of his body against her back. Ever since they’d returned to the Source cuddling together has felt different in a way she can’t quite put her finger on. It likely has something to do with him being whole again, body and soul reunited. She knows that's not what's keeping her awake, though it's always a curious thing to notice.
When her chronometer lets out a single, muted chime, Gwen reluctantly admits defeat. There are better ways to pass a sleepless night than lying in bed, particularly when she doesn’t want to disturb her partner. Even with the aid of tonics and healing magic, recovering from months abed is a tiring, time-consuming process. Thancred and the others need as much rest as they can get.
She shifts away from him, dragging herself from beneath his arm ilm by careful ilm. She’s almost free before his breath catches and the limp hand sliding over her waist twitches to life. 
He sleepily grasps at her, voice groggy, “Gwen?”
She pushes herself upright and turns to murmur gentle things against his temple, carding her fingers soothingly through his hair. He dozes beneath the calming sound and gentle touch, settling back into bed and only grumbling a little when she shimmies out from under his hand. 
Gwen does her best to be silent as she trades her nightclothes for pants and a baggy shirt, shooting frequent glances towards the bed. She flinches when she fumbles her pen and sends it clattering to the floor and snatches it up again, freezing and listening. Thankfully Thancred doesn’t stir, the sedate rhythm of his breath not changing. His face remains half-buried as she grabs her journal and tugs on her shoes, and she witholds a sigh of relief.
She puts effort into not making a peep as she creeps to her door, and then squeezes through and closes it softly behind her. The hall is dimly lit quiet, and she hesitates for a moment to listen for the sound of him rising to follow. It doesn’t come. She finally allows herself a sigh of relief and then starts down the hall.
It’s a pleasant and quiet night, not too hot but plenty humid. The sky is clear and the moon is a thin sliver hanging above the lake, constellations twinkling in the darkness overhead. Gwen wanders the empty streets briefly before clambering up to a dark rooftop, an additional handful of stars fading into existence as she climbs above the streetlights and some of the Toll’s light pollution. 
She perches at the apex of the roof, looking out over shadowy Mor Dhona and the inky darkness of Silvertear Lake. From here, in the faint light of the ambient gloom and the distant glow of corrupted crystals, her mind can almost twist the darkened ruins of the Keeper of the Lake into one of Amaurot’s towering structures, more hazily forming around it until the city itself is there, frozen in time in the lake.
The feeling resonating in her mind echoes in her chest, something not unlike the sense of longing similar to, but different, than homesickness. It was the same sort of feeling that had seeped into her senses when she’d first walked through Amaurot, an echo of familiarity more akin to recalling a friend’s description of the place rather than a memory of her own.
Her journal is heavy in her lap as she tilts her head up, picking out the constellations in the sky and imagining figures and shapes around the arrays of stars. Eventually she looks down at the leather cover, staring at it for drawn out seconds before tipping it open. She smooths her hand over the pages, flattening them down and feeling the texture of the paper, the constellations overhead conjuring the memory of the curious little crystals she’d gathered on her last visit to the seafloor. 
She twirls her pen in her fingers, considering. Her thoughts aren’t quite solidified enough to be formed into words, or tacked down in writing. But the blank page is staring up at her, and her pen is poised expectantly in her fingers. 
There are more ways to record things than just with words.
She has been known to draw on occasion-- though really it’s more like sketching. Usually it’s plants, crafting her own rendition of flowers and leaves for her notes place of a pressed or preserved sample, or whenever the mood strikes. Sometimes she sketches interesting buildings or weapons too, like the Hostelry in Kugane or Sidurgu’s greatsword. The lines are always wrinkled and the shapes come out crooked as often as not, but in they’re typically easy enough to identify in the end. She’s designed fantastical and ridiculous outfits with Tataru while she was in the midst of crafting new clothes for the Archons, which was always good for a laugh, too.
As for people, well… she tries every now and then, just for the heck of it. Just for fun. Her attempts usually wind up comparable to Alisaie’s attempt to sculpt a porxie.
The shape in her mind is, thankfully, a simple one: curved at the top, pointed at the bottom, narrowing down the sides. Nothing too difficult.
Her first attempt to copy it down onto the page comes out decent enough, if slightly lopsided. She pauses, pen hovering while a flicker of thought blooms into an idea. Then she slowly fills in the constellation the crimson crystal had carried, the first one she’d discovered after Elidibus had vanished and Y’shtola had left to collect her belongings. Beneath it, she writes out the soft whisper that had rung in her ears when she’d held it.
It almost scratches the itch in her thoughts. And it certainly keeps her hand busy.
“Heh heh… I see you are collecting stars.” She can clearly recall Hythlodaeus’ voice echoing in the quiet emptiness of Amaurot.
Gwen sketches the shape again and fills in the constellation from the yellow crystal next, penning its recorded voice beneath it. Then the green crystal. Then the rest.
“I mentioned before that there was a member of the Convocation who opposed Zodiark’s summoning and defected. One whose office was left vacant…” Hythlodaeus had said. “Defectors having been deemed unworthy of commemoration, no crystal exists for the individual in question.”
Another member of the convocation didn’t have one, either. The trail Hythlodaeus had scattered in the streets had been composed of only twelve crystals. The missing Fourteenth's made thirteen, but that still left one unaccounted for. Likely Elidibus’.
She draws a crystal for him anyway. At a loss as to what constellation it should hold, she leaves it blank. Beneath it, she writes the last words he'd murmured into the little stones atop the Crystal Tower.
“…Or shouldn’t exist, at any rate─ and wouldn’t, had a friend not created one in secret."
Oh. She realizes too late she hadn't put enough thought into sizing or spacing out the drawings, and the pages before her are full. The thirteen stones don't fill every ilm of paper, but they take up enough space that there isn't room to fit one more, even if she made it half the size. She’ll have to draw the Fourteenth's crystal on a different page, all on its own.
"A crystal bearing the forgotten name of her office, along with a magick of her own conceiving─ a singular incantation embodying her spirit."
She frowns slightly, tilting her head. It feels odd to break them up. Maybe she should start over on new pages, being careful with the sizing and layout this time.
Then again, the more she thinks about it...
“Among all the offices, the Fourteenth was most unusual. For while the rest sat in Amaurot, its holder was charged with gaining an intimate knowledge of the wider world.
...the more she finds it rather fitting that the Fourteenth's crystal be apart from the others.
She turns the page and draws the crystal's shape one more time. This one didn’t have a constellation, instead adorned with the image of a ring with two small beads around a central circle. 
“In the course of her duty, she traveled the length and breadth of every land, and befriended countless folk.”
She senses the vaguest suggestion of a tease, a jest in good humor, about the fact that Azem’s crystal is orange, of all colors.
Once the drawing is complete, she takes a moment to look it over and check her work. After a few dragging seconds she realizes how intently she’s staring at and studying the curious little shape, half-searching for something in the lines and curves. What, though, she isn’t sure. 
Gwen tap-tap-taps her pen on the other page until one section is fairly freckled, then tips her journal shut. 
It’s quiet tonight. Noticeably so.
She draws up her knees, her journal pressing against her stomach and thighs as she wraps her arms around her legs and hugs them close. 
So much has happened. The more she tries to think about it all, the more she feels like she’s barely wrapped her head around even a small part of it. No wonder she can’t sleep. It’s amazing she doesn’t have a headache from everything that’s clattering around in there. 
She uncurls one arm and studies her hand, splaying and curling her fingers. There’s nothing to see, really. It’s just her hand, calluses, scars and all. Her whole, complete hand.
She heaves a sigh, wondering how much she should or shouldn’t try to keep digging into all the revelations and truths of the First, specifically the Unsundered and the Convocation. How much she should ponder her connection to the Fourteenth, and how much it ought to matter-- or if it should at all. 
Perhaps not. She should remember everything she’s learned, but that doesn’t mean she has to dwell on it. She can remember who they were, that they were people who once lived their own lives, just as she and her friends do now. She can remember their deeds, and the world that they loved and lost.
Beyond that? She doesn’t really need to know. And the same goes for the Fourteenth.
She is who she is. It was true before she went to the First, and it still is now, after she’s returned. She’s still herself, no matter who she might be a splinter or shard of. She’s Guinevere Ashe and no on else.
“You walk with another at your side, yes?” Hythlodaeus had mused when they’d first met, giving both her and Ardbert pause. No one else had known he was there. “Nay, I see no definite form… just the faintest suggestion of a second soul. I doubt it visible to anyone but me. Otherwise, I assume only you can see and hear this ethereal companion? Your connection is hardly a coincidence. In our time, the two of you were one─ the color of your souls tells the tale. A hue that distinctive cannot be mistaken, no matter how thin the soul is spread.”
Sometimes, when she really thinks about it, she can sense Ardbert somewhat. He’d spoken to her at the peak of the Crystal Tower, before she’d faced Elidibus, but that was the clearest she’d heard his voice since he’d joined her to battle Emet-Selch.
Now when he speaks his voice is dim, a thought slipping by that isn’t quite hers. It’s similar, but different, to how Fray whispers to her. There’s a faint presence that leans on her senses sometimes, akin to the feeling of being in a room and knowing by pure instinct that someone else is there, too, even though she can’t find them.
Though he isn’t ‘there’ anymore, it’s heartening to be reminded Ardbert is still with her. 
She feels the slightest pressure on her shoulder, something hair-thin and light as air, a bare suggestion of sensation so faint that it just barely brushes her senses. It almost, maybe, feels like the playful nudge of a friendly fist.
There’s a small, sharp clack! just beside her. 
Gwen jumps and yelps, flailing ungracefully to keep from tumbling from her perch. 
She whirls around and watches a small rock skitter and skip down the incline of the roof before toppling off the eave. Thancred is standing in the street below, idly tossing and catching another rock in one hand. A backup, in case first hadn’t caught her attention. Rather than trying to climb up and join her, he waves for her to come back down to the street.
She’s hardly surprised he’s awake, given how he can be such a light sleeper when the mood strikes him. He was probably faking it while she’d gotten dressed. Neither of them are wont to rest while the other can’t, but time and experience, have taught them to give each other the chance to have a bit of time and space to themselves before coming to look for them. 
Gwen obligingly climbs down from the roof. As she nears the ground she calls, “Didn’t feel like climbing?”
“Not sure I have it in me yet,” he replies, tossing the rock away. “And Krile would have my head for trying.” He gives her an appraising look as she drops the last few fulms and lands lightly on her feet. “Odd hour to go for a walk.”
She shrugs, not disagreeing.
“Everything alright?”
She nods.
He frowns, one brow arching. He holds the skeptical expression for a beat to make sure he gets his point across, then lets it drop and slips his hand into hers. “If you say so.”
Gwen leans against him as they start heading back towards the Stones, savoring his loose but steady grip and the pressure of his arm against hers.
“Surprised you’re not in the stables,” he comments. “You usually cuddle up with your bird when you brood.”
“I could see the stars better up there.” She narrows her eyes at him, “And I wasn’t brooding.”
Whatever smart reply he has is interrupted by a yawn that he poorly attempts to cover much too late. 
She gives him a sly grin. “Krile won’t be happy if she hears you’re up at this hour.”
“Which is precisely why she’s not going to hear about it,” he replies matter-of-factly, shooting her a look.
They settle in bed and cuddle together again, the lantern on the side table lowered to a dim, soft glow that’s just bright enough to read by. Gwen reclines against her pillows with a book in her hands and Thancred settles comfortably between her legs, his arms around her waist and his head pillowed on her chest, turned away from the offending light. 
She reads and strokes his hair, and he’s sound asleep in moments.
Eventually the hour, the dull words, and the slow rhythm of his breath lull her to sleep.
Splinter- noun a small, thin, sharp piece of wood, glass, or similar material broken off from a larger piece.
I’m still considering how knowledge of Amaurot and the Fourteenth affects Gwen and what she makes of it all. Clearly lmao. So have some pondering.
There was SO MUCH going on in ShB and so many revelations and my head is still kind of ALDKAFJSDLKFJAL about it lol     I didn’t realize there were only 13 crystals until writing this. I’m just assuming Elidibus is the one who didn’t get one? It’s not like the crystals were all-that-decisively labeled, and we don’t know all of the Unsundered’s names.
Hythlodaeus is actually one of my fav characters from this expac. Anyone else?
hooly CRAP, FFXIVWrite2020 is done! :O
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Holy Hands
Fandoms: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!   Not Rated Graphic Depictions Of Violence F/M, Other Complete Work
Chapter List
Chapter 26
How could MC possibly hide from him all day in such a small house? Lucifer searched every room including the basement, then he checked the town, finally he double-checked the house and still came up empty.
He would find them, he wanted his answers and he'd get them one way or another. That being said...he missed them. They always avoided him now unless they were reminding him to eat. He wanted to get back to how things were before they'd moved to earth. When they could banter and have fun in each other's presence.
What had changed?
As the night fell he retired to MCs room, defeated. The only way they could've evaded his search was if they'd sprouted wings and flown away. He could see them now standing on the roof to take off.
The roof…
MCs room was on the second story, but the garage roof was only one story tall. Which meant in theory…
Getting up from MCs bed he walked to their window and peered through the curtain.
Sure enough there MC sat on a convenient ledge of roof just under the window, face turned to the night sky. He felt victory well up in him as he opened the window to address them.
"Ah so I've finally found your hiding spot." Lucifer smirked in triumph as he stuck his head out the window. With a sigh they dropped their head.
"Good evening Lucifer," they didn't look at him as they spoke. "What have you eaten today?"
"Everything you've made me eat, you know I don't need you doing that. I'm fully capable of feeding myself."
"Have you drank water today?" They asked blandly. Lucifer cringed, water was something he wasn't fond of indulging in anymore.
"Yes… a little."
Then there was silence.
"Why can't you just tell me why you're avoiding me?" He pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Oh, is that what you wanted to know? I had no idea…"
"You will tell me."
"That right there"
"That" MC twisted around to face Lucifer. "You haven't actually asked, you've just demanded an answer." They turned back around and looked at the sky again. "I don't owe you anything…" Even though their words were irritated, their tone was simple and wistful as they looked up at the starry sky.
"You don't seem to understand MC, you–"
"Stop talking from the window and get out here" they shook their head. Lucifer stopped and examined the small window. It was a tight squeeze but he managed to step out onto the roof. Standing beside MC he saw what they were staring at. The trees blocked a lot of the surrounding light pollution. The stars showed brilliant strips in the sky, even the Milky Way was visible. They were never this bright in the Devildom.
"Have you considered that you're just...too distracting?" MC interrupted his admiring the sky. He looked down at them but they didn't meet his eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"I have nine people in a house barely fit for two. And…" they shook their head.
"And what?"
"It doesn't matter, I'll figure it out. It's just taking a lot of work." Lucifer looked down and thought to himself. Thought about how much work MC was actually doing for all of them. Picking up extra shifts, making sure his brothers were comfortable, making sure Lucifer did basic things he should be able to do himself.
Maybe they had been a little justified in accusing him of slacking, from an outside perspective it did look like he'd given up. He looked down at them and thought, maybe looking down on them was the whole problem. He sat beside them, demon next to human, and he asked again with less force.
"What is it?" MC paused before answering.
"We're broke"
"I'm completely out of money…" they buried their head in their arms folded on their knees. He was immediately in solution mode, no longer would he be slacking.
"That's alright, my brothers and I can work, we've done it before. It's the least we can do after all you've shared with us."
"Okay, but let's not think about it, not out here" they looked back up to the stars. The night air shuffled the inky branches of the surrounding trees, an ominous scene against the starry sky. "I don't think of real things out here."
Lucifer watched their face, a small smile on their lips. They looked tired, but peaceful.
"Why do all of our conversations have to be tense?" He didn't even know he was speaking until he'd asked. He had no proof they'd ever loved him, but he had a suspicion, and now they only ever tried to make him go away. They gave him a strange look but answered anyway.
"I tried to be on good terms with you, I just...you freaked me out when you yelled at me."
"Pardon?" Lucifer didn't remember yelling at MC.
"Before…" they waved their hand at the general situation. "This...you tried to take Acacia's phone away, remember?" He did remember, but that felt like a lifetime ago. Technically it was since he'd died.
"I was not in a good place." He admitted tightly, staring ahead of him.
"Yeah I know you were stressed and scared, but a lot of what you said... wasn't ok." Now Lucifer was confused.
"I understand I may have yelled when I shouldn't have, and I spoke in a rude manner, but I didn't say anything I didn't mean."
Wrong move. MC stood and looked down at him. "Then we have nothing to talk about." They started to leave, Lucifer wasn't going to stop them, if they were going to act like a child that was their problem. They stopped and stood for a moment. Then they lowered themself back down to sit beside him again.
"No, we do have something to talk about. Avoiding each other isn't helping this so we're gonna get to the bottom of it." With that they turned to him. "You meant what you said? For real?"
"Yes, I did mean it. It's my job to keep you safe as long as you're in the Devildom, well it was, and that means sometimes you just have to trust what I say."
There was a tense silence.
"That is not what you said"
"You call me a liar?"
"No I think your memory's shot from the stress you were under and the fact that you drowned recently." They placated.
"Fine" he conceded, "what do you think I said."
"I wrote it down." They deadpanned. Springing up from their seat they climbed into the house.
"You what?" He had not expected them to have recorded the event. He heard them dig around their room for a minute before returning to his side. They opened their journal and thumbed through it for a while, finally coming to the page they were looking for.
"Here," they pointed to a passage scrawled on the page. It was hard to see in the dim light but they read it aloud easily.
"'You must be confused MC, the only one who will be figuring this out is me. The rest of you are to stay out of trouble here in the house.'
'You are mine to keep and you will do as I say.'"
They gave the book to Lucifer so he could see better. They'd doodled some very disturbing and angry imagery that dangerously resembled his demon form. "Yeah then your horns and shit came out and you tried to back me into a corner."
Lucifer stared at the page. That's...not how he remembered it.
"I...said this? Looked like this?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer. It seemed like something he'd say unfortunately.
"Yeah, but you were really stressed." They shrugged.
"I didn't mean to sound so...possessive. I don't know how I was trying to sound honestly." He shook his head and gave the book back to MC.
"Wanna hear my guess?" They raised an eyebrow. His curiosity got the better of him.
"By all means."
"Well, and stop me if I'm wrong, but I think at least subconsciously you don't understand I'm...a person." They paused to gauge his reaction, his face remained carefully neutral. "You're a person, obviously. You have a unique thought process and outlook and values...but you're so far above a human like me, you never really grasp that I have that too. Just as much as you."
He couldn't help feeling a little patronized by their psychoanalysis, but he had agreed to it. They were on a roll now.
"I think you see me as more of a pet. Something too ignorant to know what's best for it, something you have to protect and order around so it doesn't get itself killed."
That one hit him a little too close. Had he really thought of them like that? He had to admit now that he was drawing comparisons, MC did hold a similar place in his mind as, say, Cerberus.
"Why?" He asked suddenly. MC was pulled out of their rant.
"Why do I do that?" The question sounded rhetorical, but MC thought about it nonetheless.
"Maybe it's because you think so highly of yourself? I mean you're the Avatar of Pride and the definition of pride is to put yourself...above... God…" they trailed off, lightbulbs going off in their brain. "I bet that's it."
"What is?"
"God. God made angels to love him always, no matter what, you weren't given a choice."
"What does that–"
"Shut up and let me put this together" they waved him off. He wasn't comfortable with the subjects they were breaching, but they were on an interesting path. "God gave the humans the choice of whether or not to love him but he never gave the angels that choice. You see yourself above God and God didn't see your autonomy, so why should you see that in a human?"
He was actually really uncomfortable now, and it must've shown because he MC stopped their conspiracy there.
"Perhaps...my issues with my father went deeper than I realized." He said quietly.
"Oh no...I broke my own rule." They chuckled. He raised an eyebrow. "No thinking about real stuff on the roof." He was happy they were trying to lift the mood slightly. The roof really did feel like a place dark thoughts didn't belong.
"Ask me something stupid" he said. MC blinked at the unexpected request.
"Because I miss talking to you about meaningless things." He sighed. MC smiled, it was a simple enough reason.
"Ok lemme think" they were quiet for a moment. "Ok got it, so...nah that one's too stupid." They shook their head.
"No what is it?" He insisted.
"Heh ok well...is Satan like...your son?" They asked. Oh no, that was a weird one.
"That's complicated, you see he is made from my anger so in a way he's...how would a human say…a clone?"
"Really" they seemed genuinely interested.
"Yes" he was encouraged that they weren't unnerved by the subject. "Though I suppose in a way he's my... son" he admitted. "More than he's my brother."
"Then why do you call him a brother?" He didn't speak for a moment.
"I was far too young to be called... especially since I wasn't very fond of the man I knew who was called 'father'." He shrugged. The blush on his face gave away his embarrassment, but he didn't seem uncomfortable any more.
"Your turn." They said.
"To ask you a question?" He guessed, they nodded. He had a few silly questions he could ask, but he decided against it. They had made him very uncomfortable before and he couldn't just let that go without retaliation.
"Why did you stop loving me?" He decided to ask. He wasn't upset, but he was curious. He'd expected them to be thrown by the presumptuous question, but they took it in stride.
"I didn't." They shrugged
"Then what do you want from me?" He turned to them and fixed them with a stare.
"Nothing" now that he couldn't believe. How could they claim to love him but not want anything from him?
"You must be confused, surely you love something about me that you want. Is it protection? Status? Loyalty? I can offer you a lot if you just tell me what it is." His tone sounded light, but inside he was pleading. He'd had feelings for them for so long he was willing to give them anything their heart desired. And that was before they'd taken in his family, shared everything they had and resurrected him from the dead.
Didn't they know he owed them the world?
"'you must be confused'" they mimicked his tone. Did he really sound that condescending? "I don't want anything from you Lucifer. That's not how loving someone works."
He rolled his eyes in disbelief and they laughed a breathy laugh. As if having to explain it was silly to them. They thought for a moment on how to best put it into words.
"I love you...like I love the night sky" they decided. He looked up again at the beautiful night tapestry. "It's too far away to reach, but that's ok because I don't need to touch it. It's far too vast for me to understand, but I don't have to understand it to love it. It's there whether or not I show up to see it. And it's so beautiful no words could ever describe it." Their wistful eyes weren't on the sky as they spoke, but on Lucifer.
"It owes me nothing." They finished.
He was left speechless at the comparison. They had said no words were enough to describe the night sky but Lucifer had to disagree. What they'd just said was far more beautiful.
He was silent as he sat beside them, human next to human. He was silent for so long they must've thought the conversation was over. They stood slowly and bid him a quiet "night" before climbing back into their room. Lucifer just stared at where they'd disappeared from.
He thought he loved MC, but his idea of 'love' as a form of control was a far cry from the exalting definition they'd given him. To see someone just as they are, and to expect nothing. MC was a perplexing human indeed, their dignity and intelligence something he'd sought to own. Never taken the time to just see. As he thought of them he understood a little better that in the end they weren't his.
And they owed him nothing.
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saffronaura · 7 years
Folly Five AU - The Scaley Trickster and The Dancing Demon
This is a starter fanfiction story of a toon alternate universe idea me and @the-vampire-inside-me have been brainstorming together and it’s going to get bigger. :) 
It basically has toon characters from Disney, Bendy, Cuphead, and various other cartoons, games, and studios many people are familiar with or recognize. Few of the characters in our AU are OCs owned by me and vampire. 
Anyway, enjoy! ;3
Whizbang the Dragon © me Bendy, Bendy and the Ink Machine © theMeatly Horace Horsecollar, Pete, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit © Disney Prologue 1  Prologue 2 Prologue 3
Folly Five AU  - The Scaley Trickster and The Dancing Demon
The Tooniverse. A world between the real world and the world-between. Cartoon characters that were ever created go here to call home.  It was during the olden days of black-and-white when cartoon characters would gather in the growing settlement of Toontown. When they aren’t doing their jobs in playing their cartoons, toon characters would come to Toontown to relax, rest, spend time with friends and family, and most of all have fun. Main cartoon stars and their co-stars would leave the studios of their workplace to retire for a hard day’s work until they are called back. Most characters play roles that are identical to when they are off the set, while others have opposite personalities. Toontown is reminiscent to the real world, such as the presence of toon crime, violence, and other things. But it was otherwise a nice establishment, where toons come and work together as a team. Everyday was the usual for the toons.  Except for one little fella.
A baby, black and white dragon scurried through the streets in a playful prance. A cute mischievous smirk was plastered on his small muzzle and only one baby tooth poked out of his mouth. A pair of small wings stood from its back and a ridge of small spines ran along its back. As he walked, he was leaking drops of black ink from his stubby body, leaving behind trails of black spots on the sidewalk. The little toon is a newcomer, having been created and drawn on the storyboards three hours ago. And already, he managed to escape his human creators and entered through the world between and into the Tooniverse. You could say today was his birthday. 
This mischievous baby dragon would later be named ‘Whizbang’. Of course, during his first run through Toontown, he had no name. He was pretty much nameless.  POP POP POP! A loud popping sound made itself known followed by a yell of surprise. A nearby dog toon howled loudly and jumped out of his chair after being startled by a firecracker that placed under his seat. Whizbang grinned happily. He had just pulled a firecracker prank on the unsuspecting toon and was quite proud with himself. What a little scamp. 
Soon he did the same trick on a large fat cat called Pete, a rabbit named Oswald, a horse called Horace, and many other toons around Toontown. After each firecracker pop, Whizbang would make a quick getaway before his victims could catch him in retaliation. Nearby toons would sometimes laugh at the prank or act surprised. Regardless, the reactions of bystanders and his victims made Whizbang laugh. At this pace, he would be the best beginning prankster, and this got him cocky.  Maybe too cocky.  Whizbang then decided to play his next firecracker prank on a trio of teenage toons at once: a cat, a dog, and a human toon. A small feat for a beginner. The baby dragon snickered cutely at the idea before making his move. A perfectly placed firecracker was dropped at the center of the trio of teens, before it went ‘POP POP POP POP!’. There was a yelp, a yowl and a yell from each respective toon teenager, causing Whizbang to drop on his back and release a series of cute laughs. However like the other toons, these three kids didn’t take firecrackers prank very well and they shot aggravated and menacing glares at Whizbang. This made the little dragon stop laughing when he notice their expressions and he only smirked at the teens with a toothy grin feigning innocence. And when they began to approach him aggressively, Whizbang quickly scurried away with the angry teens in hot pursuit. As he ran, loose ink ran down his body and dripped on the ground behind him, leaving a trail of dots. This would accidentally lead the bullies to where the dragon would hide: an alleyway. Surprised by this change of events, Whizbang found himself cornered as the teenagers approached him with smirks and laughs, eager for revenge. With nowhere else to run, the dragon has no choice but to try and defend himself. He tried to breathe fire, but all that came out was a small harmless ember. Seeing Whizbang’s attack attempt, the bullies laughed cruelly at him and the leader roughly pinned the baby down with a hand while his two companions gathered around, snickering.  Whizbang squirmed and wiggled against the bully’s grip, but wasn’t strong enough to get himself free! He then felt a hand grabbing hold of his left wing and the baby spiraled into a world of pain when the bully started getting yanking on Whizbang’s developing wing. The lead bully was intentionally pulling on the dragon’s wing, causing Whizbang to cry out in agony. At this rate his wing will be ripped off! 
The baby dragon whined. He just wanted to play a few tricks that’s all, they were harmless! But apparently these three bullies intend on hurting him for playing pranks on them. Turning his head, Whizbang managed to sink his teeth into the bully’s arm holding him. The toon released the baby briefly in pain but he became enraged and pinned Whizbang’s head to the ground heavily to keep him from biting.  As this was taking place, a devil shaped figure with a floating head approached the entrance to the alleyway. This mysterious person had followed the trail of ink spots on the ground and they led him to the commotion coming from within. Hearing the voices from the alleyway was a black, devil-like toon wearing equally black shoes, a white bowtie, and having the standard white gloves. A devil’s tail swayed from behind the toon and a pair of horns stood atop his head. This little devil’s name was Bendy, also known as The Dancing Demon, another new toon character who arrived in Toontown a while ago. When he quietly stepped closer towards the alleyway, Bendy widened his eyes when he saw what the bullies were doing to Whizbang. From the looks of the ink he followed, the little dragon was a newcomer like him, fresh out of the drawing board and new to the Tooniverse. The baby may also be that little prankster dragon Bendy heard about around town. “Keep him still!” “I am, I am!” “This little lizard’s gonna get it!” While the bullies were too preoccupied with harassing Whizbang, they failed to notice Bendy standing behind them. The ink demon felt furious and curled his hands into fists, angered by the bullies hurting a baby toon like Whizbang. Ink began oozing down over the devil’s left eye and then over his mouth. Strangely, he didn’t seem fazed by this. Instead Bendy’s features melted even further into big drops, and then he started growing bigger and larger with ink pooling out from him… With Whizbang fully pinned, the lead bully smirked almost evilly, grabbing hold of the little dragon’s left wing once again, “Heh! Now let’s see if this wing pulls off like paper, boys!” He began pulling on the wing once again, and Whizbang released a pitiful squeaky screech of agony, squirming wildly in vain. It was no use. He was held down, no matter how hard he struggled, he just didn’t have the strength to fight. The poor baby dragon closed his eyes, preparing for the incoming pain of his wing getting forcefully ripped from his body. Boom… boom… boom… The ground suddenly began to shake, stopping the bullies in further tormenting Whizbang. The toon cat, dog, and human looked down at their feet, feeling the vibrations and seeing the nearby rocks and empty cans rock and topple over with each tremor. Whizbang, in spite of his aching wing, came to notice the ground shaking as well and looked around briefly in confusion. But then it started to dawn on the teens and the baby. These tremors felt like footsteps. Something big was coming. A dark shadow soon eclipsed them all, blocking the sun. The intensity of the shadow was enough to send deep chills down the spines of the toons caught within.  Whizbang and the bullies involved all froze up in growing terror, their eyes spread wide to the brink. Slowly, their heads tilted upwards until they gazed upon a black, massive ink demon! Six curved horns stood atop the beast’s head and its body was constantly oozing with ink; the only things that stood out was the left portion of its white face, its wide grin that contained sharp fangs, and a white bowtie which strangely wasn’t stained by the ink. Long arms stretched out from its shoulders, each ending with clawed hands that could slice through steel and flesh. A pair of solid black eyes, deeper than the ink that coated its body, stared down at the small toons from the monster’s head with bone-chilling, white pupils focused on them. Its elognated, oozing legs were creating a pool of ink around it, but they allowed the monster to tower over the toon bullies and Whizbang. A devil’s tail swished back and worth from behind the demon, also dribbling with ink. The teenage toons and Whizbang gawked at the large inky monster that loomed over them menacingly. None of them uttered a gasp as they were locked in terror. As if to break the silence, the ink monster spoke to the teenagers in a demonic and slightly garbled voice, "Oh don’t mind me! Go on! I’ll just have fun to DRAW YOU TO HEEEELL!!“ A guttural growl then leaked out from the monster’s grinning jaws and it leaned down slightly towards the cornered toons.  “AAAAAAHHHH!!!” The toon bullies let loose a chorus of comical screams of horror, their ears popping out of their sockets and their eyes bulging out comically. In a panic-induced rush, they released Whizbang and desperately ran around the ink monster, stepping in the pool of ink as they did. They fled the alleyway, crying for their lives, and for their mommies. The ink monster’s haunting glance followed the teens until they were out of sight. It looked amused at the result, its grin stretched slightly further as a mischievous glint appeared briefly in its eyes. As soon as the bullies dropped him, Whizbang had climbed to his feet, panting softly from the pain erupting from his pulled wing. He looked in time to see the bullies running away, and now only he and the ink demon remained in the alley. The little dragon now has to escape too; who knows what this monster is planning, or thinking, right now. But then Whizbang saw the massive ink demon turn its haunting, penetrating gaze back to him. Those bone-chilling, white pupils and that toothy grin tore through the little dragon’s little soul like daggers. And that was when the monster grinned wider at him. Whizbang’s eyes widened and his ears dropped down in terror, “!!” The  inky monster took a big heavy step towards Whizbang, and that was enough to send the poor baby in a state of panic. Whizbang took a few steps back to keep his distance away from the approaching fiend. Overcome with fear, he tried running to the side of the monster; the same opening the bullies took to escape. A huge inky hand belonging to the monster suddenly plopped down in front of the baby, blocking the little toon’s escape route. 
“!!” Whizbang was quick to stop in his tracks and run for the other side of the monster. But another clawed hand dropped down before him, cutting the dragon off again. That same hand moved toward Whizbang before he could run and carefully wrapped its oozing claws around his small form. The monster’s grasp on the little dragon was enough to secure Whizbang from escaping, but not agitate his already injured wing. The next thing he knew, Whizbang was lifted off the ground and pulled close to the monster’s demented face. Captured again, Whizbang was forced to stare into the eyes of the inky beast holding him; those little, glowing white pupils observed him closely. The baby dragon was trembling like a leaf, fearing the worst. Worst scenarios played through his little head like a projector. Was he going to be eaten alive by this ink monster? No, ripped to shreds? Or both?? Eaten alive and ripped to shreds?! Oh, the worst possible ways to go! Never to see his mother or father creators, or see the light of day again! Whizbang closed his eyes and whimpered, ready to accept his premature demise. When suddenly, the ink monster released his grasp on Whizbang and gently held the baby in the palm of its hand. A large finger, no longer clawed, from the demon’s other hand reached over and softly prodded on the dragon’s head as if it was petting him.  Whizbang was startled, inching back slightly at this sudden guesture, becoming confused as his eyes went wide, “??” The finger then moved to Whizbang’s stomach and began rubbing against it, causing Whizbang to start laughing cutely, “Hahahahaha!” The baby pawed and kicked at the monster’s inky finger in an attempt to stop the demon from tickling him. This earned him a deep chuckle from the large ink demon, who became amused by Whizbang’s show of innocence and cuteness. The monster moved its finger away to further inspect its object of attention, leaving the little dragon covered in blotches of ink.  Catching his breath, Whizbang took the chance to shake the messy ink off his small body and looked back towards the face of the monster. He was surprised when he noticed a sudden change in the demon’s features. It no longer has claws and the fangs the monster once had were replaced with just a regular friendly grin stretching from ear to ear. The white pupils in its eyes had grown bigger and rounder, giving the expression that this ink 'monstrosity’ was curious and docile, but a bit on the messy side with the ink. In spite of this change, Whizbang still felt uneasy about this ink demon. Why did it save him? And what was it planning to do next? Plus that cute face it was making was creeping Whizbang out. There was a sudden shift that rocked both the demon and Whizbang, causing the monster to blink its eyes and shift his face to a look of confusion. When the large ink demon looked down, Whizbang followed its gaze and saw that the demon’s body was dissolving into a puddle of ink, causing it to shrink. This decrease in ink mass caused the monster to rapidly shrink down, accidentally leaving Whizbang to stand on open air. The baby dragon flailed frantically to stay afloat, even flapped his tiny wings, but he began to plummet towards the ground below with a cry of distress. The shrinking ink demon caught sight of the baby dropping towards the concrete like a rock and frantically lunged forward with its arms outstretched to try and catch Whizbang- SPLOOOSH! There was a big splash of ink that surged and splattered on the walls and the corners of the alleyway. After a few moments, the ink started to move and was being pulled back into its source. Recovering from the fall, Whizbang groaned softly and opened his eyes slowly. He gasped softly when he found himself in the arms of the toon devil Bendy in his regular small form, laying flat on the ground. Bendy was currently absorbing the loose ink around them into himself. Once all of the ink was drained, only large black stains were left behind on the ground, walls and surrounding objects. Bendy opened one black eye, then the other. He saw Whizbang unharmed and gave out a sigh of relief. The little devil then rose to his feet, using his right arm to support himself while holding the baby with the other. “That was close! Almost dropped ya.” Bendy smiled, bearing his trademark grin innocently at Whizbang, “Can’t hold on to my other self fer long, still learnin’.” Whizbang stared at Bendy for a moment, but his face turned into a frown. The baby dragon suddenly jumped forward with his small jaws open and bit down on the space between Bendy’s eyes with his baby teeth. CHOMP! “AAHH!!” Bendy yelled in pain, quickly grabbing hold of Whizbang by the tail and  started trying to yank him off. Finally, the ink demon managed to pop Whizbang off his face leaving behind three bite marks. He held the baby by the tail, glaring at Whizbang in the eye in a cute manner, “Hey! Is that any way ta treat yer hero?!” Whizbang only barked at Bendy, furious that the demon had scared him, “Rawrh rawrh hissss!” The baby dragon still got chills from the scare, but that didn’t stop him from yelling his anger out at Bendy. Unfortunately for Whizbang, Bendy couldn’t understand his baby talk and thought Whizbang was being playful. “Heh, fiesty little scamp huh?” The ink demon chuckled, his small scowl curling back into his signature grin. He held Whizbang with both hands at eye level, as if he was admiring the baby. The ink demon soon came to notice Whizbang wincing in pain, and then saw the baby’s limp left wing. 
”Aw those bullies were pulling on yer  little wing?“ Bendy cooed, then smiled reassuringly, "Don’t worry, they’re gone now. You don’t need to worry about them, at least for a while. Let’s say we take ya back to yer studio, before you get into more trouble,” He began walking out of the alley, carrying baby Whizbang in his arms. As soon as they walked back onto the sidewalk… POP POP! “AH!” Bendy yelped with surprise, jumping up with his devil tail sticking up comically but kept his hold on Whizbang. He quickly turned his floating head, seeing the singed remains of a firecracker that was dropped on the sidewalk behind him. Bendy turned back to Whizbang, seeing the baby snickering at the look on Bendy’s face. “Hehehe!” The dragon couldn’t help but play another prank to get another laugh; at least a bit of payback for Bendy scaring the daylights out of him. But then Whizbang tensed and stopped his laughter. There was a chance Bendy didn’t like the firecracker scare and may seek retribution. And the baby already has an injured wing. Who knows what Bendy might do to him now.
“H-Heheheh… Hahahahaha!”
There was a snort, followed by a hearty laugh afterwards coming from Bendy. This surprised Whizbang. The inky devil found… the prank funny? And Bendy was the victim of said prank. None of the other toons who got pranked laughed. But Bendy… After a moment, a small smile appeared on the baby’s little muzzle. Finally a toon that can take a joke without getting angry!
“Heh, quite the prankster aren’t ya? I like that!” Bendy chuckled, as he continued walking down the street with Whizbang in his arms, “I dun know why those other toons get so angry at you. They dun have much of a big sense of humor!”
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Bendy In Inky Terrors Chapter 3 New Version [Full]
heyyyy look here it’s chapter 3!~~~ hope you all are ready for more spooks and the feels and the triggered of alice taking away boris. oh and also angruh bendy boy too and haft of this chapter is partly based off of an rp i did with someone of their alice au with modern!bendy in his ink form but i edited an few knots into it to make it seem like an part of the story. and also there are poor feels when henry sees norman as in this au he and norman were like the bestest of friend like brothers nearly too you can guess that when he saw him as…. well the projectionist   you can guess that it was more of an heart breaking moment for henry rather then an scared moment
“Alice” and “bendy” and the butcher Gang belongs to themeaty shawn flynn belongs to jacksepticeye grant belongs to DAGAMES (i can’t remember the last name  ) Modern BATIM AU belongs to me happy halloween everyone or late halloween depending on what day you all read this on and there may be only one or two flashbacks occurring as we all know how long chapter 3 is too i won’t make it extra long cause I’m not that evil……. yet XD and also anything else can happen at this point make some fan stories of this au if you want or make up some random theory or even draw fanart of this au i don’t mind seeing what you all have.
made on: October 24th
finished on: October 30th
[[P.S you’ll find out why this is an new version since due to the new secret of chapter 3 being released]
 Henry’s eyes opened as he got up from the bed after an few days or maybe even an week have gone by since he and bendy met up with Boris. Overtime however the demon and the friendly wolf noticed the scar Henry had on his arm thanks to joey. The rather young but still old animator had just woken up from an restful sleep he needed it due to how tired he and his friend were from fighting and trying to survive in the studio. He looked around the room he was in he sighed “we can’t stay here any longer” he decided that they stayed here long enough it was time for them to leave the saferoom. Henry then noticed that the hooded devil was nowhere in slight in the room “bendy?” he looked around not seeing the hooded devil darling anywhere “must have woken up he walked out seeing another pair of overalls hanging he went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror "heh god I look like a mess” he said as he scratched his beard a bit and noticed his clothing still had some stains of ink left but he can barley see it “i’ll have to wash these when I get back home… if I ever make it out with these two that is” he said and walked on to see Boris listening to an rather classy cartoon like tune playing and saw bendy with the cartoon wolf he noticed bendy was not listening to the music as he kept drinking an can of bacon soup in his hand “hey there bud couldn’t sleep?” he asked the cartoon as bendy just nodded “eh to be honest I was just waking up to get something to drink” he said while taking an sip of the can of bacon soup. Henry patted the devil on the head “just try not to drink too fast remember your body hasn’t fully healed yet” bendy blinked before nodding Henry saw an series of numbers on the can which he assumed was the expiration date he looked at bendy and told him “besides you know that bacon soup is expired right?” bendy’s eyes widen so fast they almost fell out of his head as he spitted it out “AUGH WHY DID'INT YA TELL ME BEFORE?!?!?” he said while wiping his mouth trying to get the taste out. Henry held his laughter back and waved at Boris who waved back with a smile “good morning Boris… or good afternoon hard to tell the time down here” Boris pointed to an nearby clock the time on it said 10:00 AM on it  "oh thanks" he said to the wolf and went to look around an bit he saw the weird design on the wall he shook his head “whoever was here in this saferoom before did not think of what cartoons look like” he saw Boris and bendy nodding agreeing with him he walked towards the door and saw the lever was missing “not getting out of here that easy the lever’s missin-” Henry looked over to see Boris whistling with an innocence look on his face and Henry had to held back his laughter as he saw bendy doing the same thing only using the banjo just for fun “kid-” bendy started to play the banjo interrupting Henry as he choked an laugh “wellll howdy there deputy Boris! what do ya say we go and find that lever for our good friend Henry partner!” he said in the most funniest Texan accent he could manage and Boris whistled and did an motion of nodding while trying to hide his laugh “welll what do ya say hen? wanna help out old sheriff bendy and my deputy Boris in helping ya find that lever partner?” bendy said and the banjo lost an string hitting the little devil in the face Boris and Henry both covered their mouths trying to stop laughing out loud “pfffff-” Henry was trying his hardest not to laugh “well that was the 20th gosh darn banjo this week” he turned to look at Boris with an fake angry and funny expression on his face “BORIS! I TOLD YA WE NEEDED MORE BANJOS B O I!” Boris was wheezing and banging his fist on the table as Henry was laughing “come on Boris I know you have it or are you holding it hostage until I make you something to eat?” Boris had an innocence puppy look on his face while smiling and his tongue was out as bendy had to hold in his laughter after he and Boris did that little joke. Henry gave in to the wolf as he sighed and smiled “I thought so let’s see what I can find” Henry said as he walked around to find three bacon soup cans as bendy had to release his laughter he and Boris were laughing so hard “ohhh god Boris that was the funniest thing I ever seen in this studio ever since Henry came back” Boris nodded “hey what’s wrong you still don’t feel like talking?” the wolf nodded and bendy shook his friend “Come on pal you were laughing! Your voice has to be fixed now” Boris looked down and bendy patted his head “hey pal come on I promise you your voice will come back to ya maybe not even today but it’ll come back someday” Boris smiled and nodded. Henry came back with three cans of bacon soup “well I think I have enough to make an batch of soup for you Boris” he said and started to make the soup “hey bud how are your injuries holding up?” Henry asked and bendy fell silent “i’m still going strong!! it’ll take more than an ink demon to take me down!” he said trying to look tough but instead fell down from the seat “ow” Boris chuckled “not funny pal” bendy said rubbing his forehead “Hey Henry can I ask you something?” Henry looked at bendy as he putted the bowl of soup down for Boris “I guess so what’s on your mind?” he said as he helped him up “what was your family like?” Henry fell silent he paused and tried to think “well truth be told the only family I do see now a days are my sister and cousin along with their grandkids but I used to visit my other family members like my cousin and aunt and uncle” bendy looked at a picture in Henry’s pocket he noticed it has “what about your mom and dad?” Henry stopped and sighed “my father… well I take after him he was an war hero and a Good guy….. an real good guy I actually miss him..” bendy could see that the old animator did'int like to talk about his family that much because of what happened with his father bendy smiled sadly “hey i’m sorry if that made ya….. well ya know” Henry nodded “it’s fine I needed to get that out of my chest anyway” he said and picked up the lever that was in the box Boris putted “wait why do you need the lever anyway?” he asked and Henry pointed to the door that leads to out of the saferoom “well we’re not staying here forever bendy. At some point we do need to get out and we rest for long enough. are you ready to go?” he asked the little devil and he nodded while pulling out the same gun Henry used that was given to him by his father “you still remember how to shoot like I taught ya during when we were in here” Henry asked the toon and he nodded. Boris got up while he stretched his arms and Henry putted the lever back on and tuned it down while opening the door in the process “let’s see what’s out there don’t wander off” he told them. The three walked as they felt the saferoom door slammed shut. Henry noticed an little station near the corner “why would Joey add confession booths in the studio? since when did he care about religion?” bendy and Boris shrugged. the three saw an dark corridor up ahead Henry grabbed an flashlight that was on an table and he, bendy, and Boris both walked into the darkness they slowly walked keeping an eye out for anything as they walked an clanking sound was heard Henry and Boris and bendy jumped at the noise “it was nothing come on just the pipes you know how this place now is” he told them and they kept walking until they reached an blocked off door and the door behind them closed “shoot…” bendy stated as they were not trapped until they found an way out of this room. Henry looked around trying to see any opening “I don’t see any other way through, got any ideas guys?” Bendy shrugged and Boris pointed to an nearby vent happened to be right near the door “hey wait a minute Boris you think you can open that door for us?” The demon asked and he nodded “well you’re gonna Need this than we do” Henry said while handing Boris the flashlight and opened the vent as the 6’4 foot tall wolf crawled in as the two waited “so bud” bendy looked at Henry “mind tellling me how your able to uh….. well” bendy’s face darkened “you mean how I can transformed into…. that more monsterized version of that other me with the limp do ya….” Henry nodded and bendy sighed “Joey… well let’s say he used an kind of special ink coated on my body… that was only used on me he said it was an test he wanted to see how I can deal with having an special ink this was before you left and all and after an few weeks of Boris and Alice being brought into the real world….“ Henry raised an eyebrow "and why was I not aware of this?” he asked the devil and he shrugged “I honestly have no clue maybe Joey didn’t want you to know or maybe he was planning I don’t know all I know is that how he began his little tests with me he wanted to see if anything changed and it did one day I woke up like….. like what you saw fighting those searchers in the projecter room, only before I did'int even have any control over it when I realized what I became. You see some of that special ink may cause an different affect to certain toons I guess while some makes them tall or changes their appearance there are others tho…. that will give the said toon an increased amount of strength enough to lift a car and…..  in order to gain that strength one must….. pay the burden of becoming an monster…..” Henry could see the little devil shaking “I got the worst one…….. I was….. cursed…. to transform….. into an deadly… horriflying…. powerful…. monster version… of myself…… that was only the first form you saw…. yeah….. side effects sometimes can be a real pa-” Henry shushed him “stop, if you don’t wanna talk about it you don’t have to alright pal?” he nodded “it’s fine I just…. wanted to get that out of my head. been bother me for a while…” as they stand there and waited they both got worried that what if something happened to Boris. Then what seem like forever the door finally opened up “there we go come on bo-” bendy stopped when he realized “Henry… I think we’ll have to find Boris when we get into that room” Henry sighed “than we’ll have to meet up with hi-” he stopped “what did ya stop talking fo-” his eyes widen the two saw an massive room with the sign “HEAVENLY TOYS” on top “woah….” bendy said his eyes sparkling with awe and amazement “wow” Henry said shocked at what he was seeing “I don’t remember any of this” he said. the two looked around before going upstairs and seeing an shelf full of toys “huh wonder why none of these didn’t sell” henry asked himself and bendy pressed an button on a tape recorder “this” he pointed and the two listened “I don’t be seeing what the big deal is, so what if I went and painted some of those bendy dolls with a crooked smile? that’s sure no reason for mister drew to be flying all the handle at me” the voice had an slight Irish accent Henry knew only one person with an accent like that “Shawn Flynn?” bendy nodded and they kept listening to the tape “And if he really wants to be so helpful he could be telling me what i’m a suppose to doing with this warehouse full of that angel whatyamacall it. Not a Scrap of that mess be selling, probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all” the tape stopped “haven’t heard that voice in a long time kinda gave me an surprise” Henry said looked at the wires and an lever “what’s ya thinking about?” Henry looked at the way that was blocking the door “why is there always something blocking the door? gotta be a way th-” he stopped when he felt a light bolt lit up above his head “hey bud I think I have an idea” bendy looked up “I’m listening” 10 minutes later after taking the toys out of the clogged places and turning on the power the door finally opened “well gotta say-” the two’s eyes widen “al….” bendy said quietly as they looked at the “SHE’S QUITE A GAL” sign Henry could see that bendy’s face was melting bring back some memories to him.
~flashback~ “ohhhh bendy darling!!!~~” Alice said in an cheerful voice. The hooded devil looked up he was busy helping out the old man with an drawing “yeah Al?” he said and she handed him an present “I realized you haven’t gotten an present since today is your birthday so hope ya like it!~” bendy’s eyes blink he forgotten that despite being created on Christmas he was only in the real world for a few weeks and he haven’t yet gotten an welcome he shrugged and opened it and his eyes widen as he saw an necklace locket he opened the pocket watch and an picture of him and Alice and Boris were on it with the words “Greatest Friends Ever” bendy had an dark blush on his face as he smiled at it softly and hugged the angel “thanks Al” he said with the angel hugging back “no problem” bendy looked down “but sorry i did’int give ya anything for ya toots” alice smiled and gave the hooded toon an kiss on the cheek “darling making you happy is all i need to see as an present” she said with an soft smile.
~flashback ended~ “hey, bud you alright?” he said and bendy snapped back to reality “o-oh! y-yeah I’m totally fine old man just remembering some good old times with the gang!” bendy said smiling hoping Henry wouldn’t notice the stutter he made thankfully he didn’t notice and they walked an little bit closer to the big window with the door on it the entire room went black as they heard the voice of Alice angel while seeing images of Alice turned on at the small TV boxes “what… the…. ” he said in pure shock as bendy and he looked both creeped out and confused before he could say anything else suddenly what seems to be Alice angel appeared slamming on the window “I’M ALICE ANGEL!!!!” both bendy and Henry jumped in shock as she screamed and then the sounds of the glass breaking and laughing in a devilish tone was heard the entire room turned off blinding the two in total darkness “I see you there” the voice known as Alice angel spoke as Henry kept the little devil with him as close as he can as the hooded devil hid behind Henry’s leg “a new fly in my endless web” Henry gritted his teeth while keeping an grip on the hunting knife he found when he had first arrived in the studio. Bendy tried his best to keep hidden as he was scared now to even come out from behind he’d never been this scared before of something he saw happen basically every single time Henry felt something touched his cheek “come along now, let’s see if your worthy to walk with angels, hahahahahaha~” the lights turned back on and bendy jumped while screaming onto the ceiling henry blinked and looked up “bud you okay?” bendy realized he didn’t have claws in his normal form and he fell down onto Henry the two falling on eachother “ow! henry why did-” bendy noticed his friend’s eyes were widen so much he was paused for the first time in his life the old animator was terrifed and afraid “henry!” bendy said slapping henry “come on we have to keep going! who knows if that lady won’t come back over here to just kill us!” he said and the two marched on quickly with bendy trying to drag henry. they were stopped at two paths “what the…” bendy said now freaked out “okay when joey said he was gonna remodel the place I did not think he make two paths!” bendy said with ink melting from his head henry finally getting back to his senses patted the demon’s shoulder as he got up  “bud calm down we’ve seen weirder things than this” Henry said and he looked at the doors trying to think of which one to go to “looks like there’s only two ways to go but the question is…. which way is the right one?” he said as he looked at the two signs one said “THE DEMON” and the sign had an stained head of bendy colored in fully black as ink seem to drip down and they looked at the other sign which seemed normal with the words “THE ANGEL” on them “well come on let’s get going!” he said as he went the other way but Henry instead walked towards the door that said the demon. Bendy stopped in his tracks noticing that henry did’int follow him in and ran after him tugging his leg “h-hey! why are you going in there that other me could be hiding in there! come on henry you know how tough that thing is!” Henry looked down at him “bendy as much as I would want to deal with that… angel right now I prefer to go this way because-” he stopped as he was trying to think of what to say. bendy walked with him “well?” the toon asked and Henry putted his hands up saying in a calm and stern tone “i’ll tell you about it later alright? right now let’s focus on getting out of here” bendy nodded “okay...” Henry started to walk ahead “come on let’s see if we can find a way out of this room” they walked into the ink filled room and they heard the other door on the right closed “well no going back now it seems” bendy said and Henry noticed an tape recorder. He turned it on and the two were shocked to hear the voice of “Joey?!” Henry said surprised at how young the voice sounded in the tape recorder “there’s nothing wrong with dreaming. wishing for the impossible is just human nature. that’s how I got started just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything without even having to lift a finger. they say you just have to believe. belief can make you succeed, belief can make you rich, belief can make you powerful. why with enough belief you can even cheat death itself! now that…. is a beautiful and positively silly thought” after hearing the message Henry felt creeped out the way joey was talking. He was confused to how cheerful and calm he was in the tape almost like he did'int seem to care about anything at all. bendy got out of the ink shaking it off of his legs and rubbing it off his shoes “come on let’s get out of here this room is giving me the creeps” he said and the old animator followed the toon not knowing that an certain ink demon poked it’s head out of the inky floor as they walked away the ink demon’s unmoving grin grew wider and slowly went back into the ink leaving out an dark chuckle and cackle as it went underneath into the inky depths. The ex-animator and the hooded toon devil kept on walking in the studio listening to the eerie deathly silent in the corridors. It was Rather unsettling ‘it did'int feel right it’s way to quiet’ Henry thought to himself and he looked at bendy and he looked back with an worried look “something should had popped out by now in front of us it’s weird that nothing happened yet Henry” the toon said keeping an grip on the gun while gulping and Henry patted the toon’s back “well let’s not lower our guard yet anything can hap-” they both jumped when they saw an cutout peek from around the corner. Bendy yelled and accidentally fired an bullet from the gun out of fear Henry looked at him with a 'really?’ expression as bendy chuckled and smiled nervously “h-heheheh… s-sorry?” Henry sighed and they heard an seerching noise echoing along with an voice saying “My EyEs!!!!” bendy and henry looked at eachother with confused looks on their face “let’s pretend we did’int hear that” henry said with his friend nodding “that was creepy...” bendy said as the duo turned to see who was around the corner and they saw Boris standing there waving at them with an smile. Bendy ran quickly and hugged his friend the wolf patted the toon’s head “Boris you’re alright! how you get here so fast?” the little devil asked and Henry said “Boris!, you scared us to death I don’t suppose you have anything to protect ourselves with?” Boris nodded and handed him an gent pipe Henry grabbed it “this will do for now” he said and bendy got off of boris “good to see ya alright Boris! now let’s go!” the three marched on arriving in another room with what seems to be filled with toys of bendy, Boris, and Alice all in small and large versions. It did'int make the creepiness go down as there was ink everywhere it made the three looked around an check their surroundings “what happened in here? looks like an warzone happened in here” Henry said while bendy just looked down obvious to what happened here as he sighed “an lot of bad things happened while you were gone for so long hen…” Boris walked over and pointed to an lever while tapping his feet the two walked over “woah nice eye! I forgot your still good at seeing things we can’t!” bendy said and Boris smiled and looked proud of himself “looks like we need to turn on two levers at once you got this one Boris i’ll find the other one” bendy went ahead “oh! I remember those guys!” Henry went over to see what was his friend talking about he saw the butcher gang poster at the end of an corridor “oh, the butcher gang I remember them appearing in your cartoon haft the time they were like uncles to you right bud?” bendy nodded while smiling slowly “yeah…” he said and Henry started to walk over to the lever that happened to be right near the poster he turned around to see bendy not moving “hey bud you okay?” bendy blinked “o-oh s-sorry i’ll just stand here I-I just though I saw something move in there” Henry raised an eyebrow “what do you mean-” before he could say anything he heard something he turned around and got jumpscared by something coming out of the picture it roared at him and Henry backed away and as it got up and walked towards him he wasted no time in bashing it with the pipe it took only two big hits to the head for it to fall down he got an good look of the downed creature bendy saw too and he looked sadden “it’s charlie….” he said sadly and they watched as the inkified piper melted into ink and bendy stared as the ink that was the only remaining thing of piper went into bendy Henry did'int question as he remember in his cartoon piper and the two others were like mentors to bendy and kind of like the three uncles from Casper he sighed and Henry pulled the lever and Boris came running down the corner and saw his toon friend leaning on the wall “hey bud… you okay?” Henry asked the hooded toon devil as he rubbed his tears away “….. i’m fine… let’s keep going…” Henry nodded and the three walked into the room with the lift and they went inside as Henry pressed the number 9 on the wall and the lift went down. they heard the supposed voice of Alice angel speak again “your so interesting so.. different I have to say i’m a instant fan” Henry did'int say anything as bendy looked so emotionless and depressed from hearing Alice’s voice for so long. Boris comforted his toon friend and Henry listened to her speaking “looks like you got a date with a angel!” bendy looked up feeling like his heart just broke into a million pieces Henry took noticed and grunted at the voice of Alice and silently flipped her off even though she did'int see it. he muttered “yeah right lady…..” he looked at bendy and smiled and bendy smiled back with a few tears dripping down “hey don’t worry i know you’ll probably hit me with a mallet if I ever do that” Henry said while chuckling at his own joke and bendy kinda snickered an bit too while Boris smiled and patted the toon’s back. After what seemed like an few minutes of waiting they had reached the floor finally the trio could tell it was Alice’s place because of the sign of the SHE’S QUITE A GAL sign was on there. The door from the lift opened and all three of them walked down “come along there’s a whole twisted world out here~~” Henry noticed another tape recorder as Boris went on ahead and he pressed play on it and listening to Thomas yet again rambling on “kinda shocking that an elevator still works in this place after 30 years… than again it must be my head and mind playing tricks on me and i’m only just imaging all this happening” he said and chuckled when he heard Thomas said “I’m taking the stairs” Henry turned off the tape recorder “I would of done that too Tom” he went over to the platform and he along with Boris stepped on the tile as the door opened and Boris’s ears perked up and he ran ahead of the two “hey Boris wait up!” bendy said and chased after his wolf friend with Henry following “hey what’s the matte-” his eyes widen as he saw what Boris was looking at. an dead body of himself “oh… god…” Henry said and looked around shocked at what he was seeing an ton of bodies of dead v bendy’s eyes widen in pure shock upon seeing the amount of bodies of dead Bories he held his chest where his heart would be and started sobbing while leaning on the wall “nononononNONONONONONNNO!!!!! NOT AGAIN! PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME SEE THIS HORRIBLE IMAGE AGAIN!!!” bendy screamed loudly and ferociously while his clothing started to turn tattern and worn out. Henry knew what was happening to bendy, he was hyperventilating he knew that condition far too well but since the toon wasn’t an human Henry did'int know what else to do. As Bendy kept crying he started to grow claws on his gloves as he was trying not to transform out of pure saddness and anger he digged the claws in his own head trying to make the pain of the flasbacks of boris dying out of his head. He hugged the toon tightly while shushing him as bendy kept breathing quickly and sobbing and coughing harshly “hey hey hey buddy! calm down! it’s gonna be okay just calm down! it’s alright bendy! it’s gonna be alright!” Henry said rubbing the toon’s head as he saw his crying was sounding more demonic “NO NO NO IT’S NOT ALRIGHT! NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN! WHY! WHY DID JOEY DO THIS!” His eyes turn turned red and purple as he snapped at the retired animator  "WHY DID YOU ABANDONED US HENRY?!?!?!“ bendy said while screaming and snarling in a demonic tone and lashed out scratching Henry’s arm on accident he was going to keep lashing out but than Boris hugged the toon. Bendy’s eyes widen and he was now whimpering and he hugged the wolf back crying softly into his shoulder than something came out of his throat he spoke shocking bendy and Henry "i-i-it’s a-alright b-bendy i-i-i-i’m h-here a-and i-im n-n-not l-l-l-leaving!” Boris said wheezing and coughing Henry and bendy looked at shock boris’s voice sounded so weak and tired but bendy sniffed and hugged the toon “i’m not d-d-d-d-dead bendy okay? your b-big b-b-bro is still here” he said coughing and after an few minutes bendy calmed down Henry growled and glared as they heard Alice’s voice again “look around it took so many of them to make me so beautiful” bendy then snarled darkly and was about to transform and beat the living ink tarp out of her body but Boris shook his head “don’t it’s not worth it” he said and bendy grunted but nodded than the three heard something that made all of them confuse of what Alice was saying “I had to do it, she made me” Henry than carefully walked over passing by an tape recorder but did'int press it he did'int want to hear what it had to say as he gripped on his fists and went inside to meet the ink angel face to face. Meanwhile Boris was trying to get bendy to calm down. The hooded toon was furious and angry as he argued on  "I CAN’T FREAKING BELIEVE IT! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS ALICE! SHE WAS HERE THIS WHOLE TIME! SHE. SHE. SHE’S GONE COMPLETELY MAD BORIS!“ bendy said hissing and snarling while Boris looked away from his corpse "I….. I know bendy b-but it wasn’t her fault you have to understand-” bendy snapped “I KNOW! IT WAS SUSIE’S DOING BOR!! BUT STILL….” bendy’s growling toned down as he sighed “why did she have to kill you so many times after joey did it to you the first… w-why….. why do I have to keep on seeing you die in front of me every single time!” he knelt down burying himself on Boris’s lap crying as he patted his head “there there buddy…” Boris looked up and noticed something was inside the corpse he pulled it out and saw an spare heart his eyes widen and he hid it in his pocket that he can fit it in thankfully and he picked up bendy “come on we’ll wait for Henry back at the li-” bendy suddenly got out of Boris’s arms as he looked at Boris with an expression that showed no emotion “no…. tell Henry I need to be alone for an bit” he said before walking off putting his hood over his head and putting his hands in his pockets. Boris looked down sadly while sighing deeply and walked off too waiting for Henry by the lift while bendy walked off by himself to gather his thoughts as he hid his anger and kept walking off and finding an shortcut to level 14. Henry came out of the angel’s lair and was going to walk back to the lift but he saw the gate closed in front of him “I’ll make this simple, look for value panels turn the clogs and get the things, please don’t make me regret sparing you I can always change my mind” Henry rolled his eyes and grabbed the plunger he stared at it “........ seriousally? an plunger” he sighed and walked off. He noticed that bendy was not with Boris “hey buddy? where’s bendy?” Boris looked up at him with an tired look “he said he had to be alone for a while needs to gather his thoughts” Henry nodded “I can understand that knowing what the poor little guy saw..” Boris nodded “Henry I… I need to ask ya…. do you think that we’ll ever get out of here?” Henry nodded “I made an promise to bendy Boris and i’m not going to break it I will get him and anyone else that isn’t or wasn’t affected by the ink out of this hell hole” Boris smiled “so should I come with you to uh help out with whatever she asked ya to do?” Henry shook his head “no i’m fine you can wait here if you want. I need to recollect on my thoughts too” Boris nodded letting his friend go off. the old animator sighed while walking as he listened to what Alice was saying as he searched around for the values “there’s so little rules in this world now so very. But there’s one rule we ALL respect down here, BeWaRe ThE iNk DeMoN~ stay out for too long and he will findddd you~~ if you don’t make it, well… I enjoyed seeing you again” Henry raised an eyebrow confused at why she said that but shurgged it off and kept on walking looking for the value cores. After what felt like hours of searching he’d finally found the last one it was in an room where he encountered the second member of the butcher gang. He noticed something strange. he stopped and looked at the creature’s appearance “the hell…?” he nearly vomited when he noticed the camera on the creature’s head he almost felt sorry for the ink creature as it walked off away from his slight “jeeze… wonder if that thing can see anything in there” he muttered to himself and got the last value core and walked back. Henry noticed ink veins appearing in the room and his eyes widen as he felt something whistling “WhAt’S Ya ThInKiNg AbOuT hEnRy?” the ink demon said incing his face closer and henry reacted quickly, by making the plunger stick to the ink demon’s face. “........ huh?” henry saw that the ink demon stopped and he growled “ArE yOu KiDdInG Me?” the ink demon growled while flipping him off and slowly went back down into the inky depts while the plunger was dropped to the ground henry picked it back up and ran out of the room back to where boris was waiting. Henry dropped the vaule cores and the plunger back in the dispenser like machine and the sounds of alice’s speaker turned on “my machines are hungry! gather me some spare parts” Henry groaned and took the wrench like object and walked off. he walked on carrying two gears to room to room he began to see the rooms darkening with ink viens appearing again henry’s eyes widen and he hid quickly in an miracle station and waited for “bendy” to go away. the ink was fading as it looked like the ink demon wandered off to another area and he got out of the booth breathing heavily while holding his chest “damn it! why now this happens just what is up with this place?!” henry ranted while moving on. After 20 minutes he gathered the last one and on his way back noticed an flooded room he felt like he will need to come back here soon “maybe it’s just my head but i feel like there’s something in there” he thought in his head as he walked back and noticed Boris was whistling an tune he heard when he was doing the sheepsongs episode. Henry putted the spare parts into the can and putted the wrench in there and then he blinked with an hopeless look as alice speaked into the speaker again “have you seen them? the swollen ones? there filled with ExTrA tHiCk InK!!! it makes me sick and yet it’s the perfect thing that keeps myself together but an little warning you will have to move quietly if you see one cause they get startled very easily” she said and henry took noticed of that and took the syringe he noticed it looked different than most syringes he saw during his time at the war but he payed no mind to went to work but he could’nt help but groaned “how much freaking stuff do you even need lady?!” he muttered to himself while walking off. Almost an hour and a haft later he found the last one while also listening to an tape on the way back “I don’t get it!” the voice of wally said on the tape “everyone’s walking around like grandma just died I mean hello people! you make cartoons for crying out loud your suppose to make people laugh! i’m telling ya if I don’t see an smile on anyone anytime soon i’m out of here!” Henry chuckled “I sure hope ya did make it out of here wally” he said and went back up during the way back he saw the walls showing spots of ink everywhere again. He hid inside and saw the ink demon once again as it was dragging something and it dropped it he snarled “oKaY ALiCE I KnOw YoUr FrEaKiNg OuT HeRe!” Henry kept quiet but curious ‘why did he said alice instead of me?’ The ink demon’s growling grew more viscous and he jammed his claws onto the inkified person’s back and dropped them and walked off snarling. Henry could see that it was the same person he saw in the closest with the knife and head wound and he was shocked when he saw the person getting up and moaning in an almost zombie like manner before wandering about and Henry waited no more than 3 minutes and started bolting straight back and called the lift and went into it “Henry you okay?” Boris asked as he saw him panting and pressing the 9 button an few times “i-i’m fine” he said ingoring what Alice was saying as he tried to catch his breathe. he did however caught note of one thing she said before they reached floor 9 “dreams come true susie, dreams come true no matter what joey said” Henry shivered remembering on the way back to the lift after Alice had spared him he listened to one of the tape recorders and found out that Joey took Susie on a date and felt creeped out when he heard her said “he even called me Alice, I liked it” Henry again breathed in relif and when he putted the syringe away back in the dispencer like machine she said something that made his heart stop cold “have you seen those grinning demons? let’s remove them shall we? oh i have just the tool to make it more enjoyable~~” meanwhile at all the way down to level 14 bendy looked up while dropping an haft eaten searcher his eyes blinking before he growled and snarled harshly into the air hearing what the 'angel’ said. He was tired of always losing his  temper and his friends always getting hurt. He though about how all of this started with Joey than later that changed to him hating Susie even more for becoming too attached to Alice and now they became what he feared, an monster of her former shell. He snarled and banged his fist as his gloved hand slowly faded away revealing his claw he looked at it as the hand was bleeding he made an twisted crooked smile on his face as he started to laugh like an maniac “heheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” the ink started to melt from his face as his crooked grin grew even more wider as his entire body and appearance grew taller. his ink like state grabbed the dead searcher’s haft eaten body and slashed it and swallowed it all up “….J O E Y D I D T H I S T O M E!” bendy then climbed up and looked up and was gripping on his fists he snarled darkly while yelling out “I’LL GET YOU JOEY!! AND YOU TOO SUSIE! YOU ALL RUINED ME AND MY FRIENDS! NOW YOUR GONNA SEE THE DEMON YOU ALL WANTED!!! DO YOU HEAR ME JOEY?!?!?! I. WILL.” his voice than turned even more dark and corrupted and demonic “KILL Y O U JOEY DREW!!!!” bendy lifted his head and then released an loud blood curling demonic roar echoing throughout the whole entire studio. Henry was trying not to laugh as the ink demon roared with annoyance “WhO kEePs FUcKiNg BREAKING THESE CUTOUTS?!?!?!” henry had to calm himself down and felt relived when the ink demon finally left the area. he flinced after hearing the angel said “i forgot to mention he hates it when I do that~~. I would hide if I were you~~~” he than heard the roar from bendy’s anger and fury as it echoed throughout the entire studio and so did the ink demon and Boris and Alice as they all heard his demonic roar of rage. The ink demon simply grinned and clapped his hands like an happy child would and simply walked off snapping his fingers while whistling the same tune an certain mouse sang and than an swarm of searchers and members of the butcher gang were heading towards level 9 where Alice was at. Henry came back to floor 9 and was about to put the axe away when he heard the anger in Alice’s voice “those fiflty creatures that have wandered my halls have been left unchecked! they broken in don’t let them take your angel! purge them one by one smash them into bits! KILL THEM!!!!” Henry heard the sounds of the butcher gang and the searchers and he sighed “getting too old already for this and i’m not even 40 yet” he said and watched as the searchers and butcher gang members came down he gripped on his axe and attacked the creatures. Bendy quicken his pace of running on all fours when he sensed his friend was in danger he kept on running and running not stopping he even passed the other version of him as the ink demon watched the angry monsterized toon ran on all fours his grin grew even more and decided to watch the show that was about to unfold. after each blow Henry still couldn’t get the searchers or the butcher gang to die he soon felt he was being outnumbered as they were going to soon finish him off. Than an loud roar broke out and an pissed off ink bendy appeared lunging at the group of searchers and butcher gangs with his claws slashing the butcher gang and searchers one by one. Some of them managed to hit him and bendy simply stabbed them with his tail and threw them aside. Henry watched in horror for once as his hooded friend slaughtered the ink creatures in the most burtal and gruesome way possible. After everything was gone and all that can be heard were bendy’s heavy breathing Henry got up and walked towards the demon his wounds making it kinda difficult to walk “hey… bud…” Henry said touching bendy’s forehead as the hooded ink formed demon turned to look at him “are you alright pal?” he nodded slowly while wincing an bit Henry noticed his wounds on the toon had gotten worst “bendy... you don’t have to it’s alright it’s over” he nodded again and watched as the ink remains of all the creature he’d killed in this room went inside his inky body as he growled and tears starting to stream down his inky face “I’M…… I’M SORRY HENRY… I WAS JUST…. SO….. SO…. ANG-” he stopped when Alice finally spoke “shhhhhh listen there’s nothing, like the sound of a welcoming grave” she said giving an nice sigh and breathe of relief “I like the silence. don’t you?” Henry did'int response but he did nodded slowly “oh I hate leaving work unfinished! but that’s why I have you to do that but you’ll have to go down even deeper into the abyss, take the lift, see an old friend” the word old friend stung Henry as his eyes widen in pure shock “but here’s a little present an extra little firepower, take VERY good care of it, it belonged to someone very special” she said as Henr turned over to see an Tommy gun at the door Henry grabbed it before seeing if it was really real he pulled the trigger and it shot an bullet he could'nt help but smiled at it “now this is what i’m talking about” he said and bendy nodded giving him a thumbs up “alright come on let’s go-” Bendy shook his head “NO… YOU GO ON I…. I NEED TO CHECK UP ON SOMEONE” Henry was confused by this but he nodded and walked away as Bendy went inside to see Alice. As The Demon walked on he saw the door was opened he slowly walked in and saw Alice he saw what was different about her. Her once beautiful blue dress was now stained and tainted with ink and blood. Her halo that shows her emotions was stuck to her head only revealing an black color, Her Gloves were gone revealing sharp fingers almost looking like claws. she turned slowly to face him he could see the toon eye instead of susie’s he smiled lightly “HEY…. AL…” he said and she blinked and replied tirely “hello bendy, what brings you to this parts of the studio?” she asked and he walked up closer “OH… YA KNOW I WAS JUST IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND DECIDED TO CHECK UP ON YOU” she turned around revealing the right side of her face that was burnt due to the ink demon slamming an bottle of acetone on her “bendy things have been wonderful thanks to a certain human gathering items for me i’m sure you’ve seen his frighten soul all around the studio” she said smiling that bendy had her on his mind. he noticed the tone of her voice he was sad to see that somehow susie corrupted Alice both physically and mentally “YES…… BUT….” he said as he walked closer to her grabbing her hand “ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” he asked her and she looked up at him and reached up to brush away the ink to look at him in the eye “bendy darling i know i haven’t been the best but everything is going well now with Henry here you’ll see me beautiful again darling just like the old days” Bendy’s eyes were tired as he looked at her he should be angry mad wanted to rip her throat out but he can’t “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT AL?…. YOUR STILL THE ANGEL I MET THOSE YEARS AGO” he said grabbing her hand gently “WHY IN MY EYES YOUR EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU WERE BEFORE” Alice smiled softly but then noticed the wounds “let me guess, that demon again?” he nodded and she sighed “you gotta learn how to block it’s attacks bendy dear not everything can be destroyed from just your brutal sheer strength” he nodded and sat down as she proceeded to treat his wounds. ~haft an hour later~ Boris and Henry were waiting for bendy to come back from whatever he was doing in the other room. During that time Henry found another boarded up door and chopped down the boards with ease and noticed there was an tape recorder there he pressed play on it and he raised an eyebrow upon hearing an voice he remembered but at the same time did not remember “grant?” he asked himself. he and grant barley knew eachother but he known grant enough to see that he was an mellow relaxed kind of guy for having an fonding of love and hate for music Henry agreed to that as he too had a thing for music as he listened to the tape playing Boris was looking around he admit he was scared coming back here after being killed and brought here too many times it felt like an endless loop he hoped when it finally ended when he saw Henry and his best pal but now he feared his own death was coming back to haunt him he was brought back to reality when Henry snapped his fingers “hey Boris you okay there?” he nodded “y-….yeah i’m fine H-Henry just thinking” he said his throat not sounding that much weaker than before as he was slowly starting to get use to his voice recovering. They look over to See Bendy Walking back in his normal form and he looked like his injuries were not bothering him “well you look fine and dandy guess you got your injuries fix bud?” he nodded “hey why did'int you two go? I would of catch up with ya some other way” he asked “well we were just recovering from what had just happened but if you want to go now we can” he nodded “yep! let’s hurry up and get out of here!” henry nodded “we still have to find joey though I still need some answers out of him” bendy’s face turned from happy to scared but he did'int question him about it. after 10 minutes in the lift they finally reached level 14 henry looked at the amount of ink that was there “this whole place looks like it was flooded on purpose” he commented and henry and bendy both walked down as they noticed an heart on a hand henry picked it up grossed out and then saw something he though he never seen the camere ink creature was there “shhhhhhh there he is, the projectionist sulking in the darkness, stay out of his life if you don’t want trouble just gather the things i need and return to me” the voice of 'Alice’ said but Henry couldn’t believe what he was seeing bendy noticed an tape playing and went over to grab it and walked back to henry and he turned it on and Henry felt tears streaming down his eyes “that’s…… that thing…… it’s Norman……oh god….. why…. why did it have to be him…” he said sadly as he knelt down silently crying inside his head. Bendy never saw Henry like this before it made him sad to see his friend like this he comforted the poor tired old man “Henry…. I… I tried Hen…. I tried so hard to stop Joey from turning him into that…… but……. but i was too late…” Henry sniffed “after all these years… and I did'int know what he was doing to you or the others….. oh god….. Norman i’m so sorry…. I…. I should of never left.. may-” bendy got up grabbing Henry and looking at him “no…. listen even if you did'int leave overtime joey would of done it anyway he’d lost it Henry! he gone and went mad with power he’s not himself anymore!” bendy said to him and letted go “come on we can be quick if you wa-” Henry gripped on the Tommy gun “no…. let’s just…. take our time….” he said and the toon nodded. As they ventured into the flooded ink he noticed an path boarded up he chopped it down and noticed an value panel and turned it not knowing what it could do “why did you do that?” he asked and Henry sighed “I just felt like doing it I don’t know everything is just….. starting to get more and more weirder” after what felt like hours of searching through the maze they walked into and hiding they found only 4 hearts they were now walking carefully looking for the last one and they noticed an shadow they took an closer look to see it was the projectionist/Norman he was just standing there looking at an screen that showed one of the cartoon scenes from bendy’s show he did'int move an single inch problem was the last heart was near him he gulped and carefully took one step as quiet as he could he slowly picked up the heart and backed up but the ink turned Norman did'int move an single inch still Henry then though of something he sighed “Norman…. I don’t know if you can hear me or… if your still in there but…. I wanted to give this to you before I left” he said and silently handing him an photograph seeing the inky hand tighten he and bendy quickly walked off Norman lifted the picture up to his 'face’ looking at the photograph it seem to open up an memory in his head that he kept inside him when he became this projectionist it was the only thing that kept him still mentally sane.
~Flashback~ “hey um Henry?..” Henry looked to see it was Norman “I know your leaving and all soon but can we have a talk?” Henry nodded “sure thing Norman anything for a friend” the two sat down having an drink of coffee “so what did you wanted to talk about?” he asked and Norman took an sip “well I was wondering… how long will you be gone?” Henry though he did'int really know how long he be gone for “I think maybe an few years I reckon but when I get back I better see this place rolling with films or my ghost is gonna haunt you till ya die” he said laughing and Norman chuckled “yeah I get it stay safe pal” he told Henry “hey do you think ya talking to your talking to a guy that’s technically been to war 2 times as of now” Norman nodded “I know you told me but still be careful alright” he nodded “I promise keep being you Norman alright and maybe when I get back we’ll have that drink like I promised or else you’ll knock me out with an hammer” Norman laughed “okay see ya around Henry” he nodded “see ya Norman”
~Flashback ended~ Henry And Bendy went back to the lift and he took one last look to see Norman Walking out and looking at him the two shared an stare at eachother bendy was on his guard he did'int know if he was here to hurt Henry or take him. Norman simply did an impression of Henry saluting and then walked off into the other room of the maze like hallways. Henry was shocked but he smiled “he’s still in there somewhere….” bendy noticed the look of relief on his face and smiled “hey come on we can take one last look around the place before we head back to Alice” he nodded “yeah come on I think that value I drained might had opened up an new area” they went back into the lift and it went back up. after what seem like hours they finally reached floor 9 and Henry and bendy and Boris both went to the room Henry was talking about they saw an lone searcher but Henry was able to put quick use to his new Tommy gun as the searcher went down quickly “why is there an tape here?” Boris asked and Henry walked over and pressed play on it “only 2 weeks into this company and already it’s gotten interesting. Joey is a man of ideas.. and only ideas. When I agreed to start this whole thing with him, I thought there would be a little more give and take. Instead I give and he takes. I haven’t seen My Friend Linda For days now. Still though someone has to make this happen, when ever in doubt just keep drawing Henry. On the plus side though I’ve got a new character That I think people are going to love.” Henry listened to it replaying itself “Henry?” Boris asked and Henry silently turned to look at him but turned around and walked back up bendy could of sworn he saw the old animator frown slightly “come on… let’s just finish this and find joey..” Henry said in a serious tone as the two toons followed him. Henry leaned against the wall in  a corner with insturments nearby and a piano “henry you alright?” boris asked him “y-yeah yeah im alright j-just go on wait for me by the lift i’ll catch up i need to... catch my breathe” bendy and boris nodded and walked off Henry was breathing as he  accidently hitted an few inturemtns and touched the piano “shit!” he cursed and he did’int see the room going dark. Instead he heard footsteps inside of the wall curious he leaned towards the wall trying to see what was happening behind it and he heard an voice he though he never thought he hear again “we have all been waiting but now he will..... set..... us....... free” Henry ran quickly back to where bendy and boris were waiting they looked at him with worried and concern faces “Henry you alright?” Boris asked him “gee old man you looked like you seen an ghost” bendy said trying to make him laugh but it did’int seem to work. Henry was breathing heavily “it’s n-nothing!” he said and quickly went over and putted the 5 hearts in the box. Boris grabbed henry by the shoulder “hey come on you can tel-” he was interuppted by alice’s speaker turning on again  “ahh that should be enough now return to the elevator, it’s time to go home” Henry was breathing still but he glared at the speaker he did'int want to leave just yet but something came up in his head an thought ‘maybe after we all ascend i could find another way to reach joe’ the three sat in the lift Bendy was  jumping with joy while hugging boris “hey Boris you hear that bud we finally get to outside! your gonna see the things Henry told us about! the beautiful skies, the nice open fields! and the wonderful amazing ocean! oh man it’s gonna be so great we don’t have to be in the studio anymore! we finally get to go outside for good this time!” Boris smiled kindly at his friend “that’s great b-b-bend-” than all of a sudden the three heard the lift go down very fast Henry’s eyes widen and screamed in an very angry tone “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LADY?!?!?!?!” he shouted at alice as she screamed into the speaker with an demonic voice “DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN LEAVE THAT EASY?!?!?! NO! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE HENRY! AND I KNOW WHY YOUR HERE!!! YOU WON’T STOP WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! NOW COME BACK HERE AND BRING ME BACK MY BORIS!!!” bendy’s eyes widen before glaring “HEY HE’S MY PAL NO ONE TAKES MY BROTHER CRAZY LADY!!!” He said now very very angry at the now possessed voice of Alice angel “HE IS THE MOST PERFECT BORIS I HAVE EVER SEEN AND I WANT HIS INSIDES TO MAKE ME BEAUTIFUL AGAIN!! SO GIVE HIM TO ME!” Henry glared and saw Boris was cowering in fear as bendy was getting ready to transform “OR BETTER YET I’LL TAKE HIM!” Bendy growled and Henry did’int know what else to do so he tried to look at the buttons and tried pressing one but it did’int stop going down he silently cursed as it went down even faster and Alice’s voice started to get more demonic “ONCE. YOUR. DEAD!!!!” She said yelling. Than an big loud crash to the ground and the elevator breaking is what sent Henry and bendy to blackness.
Bendy was watching the others drove off away from the studio he sighed and saw that Henry’s Car was still here he was confused “I don’t see Joey’s car so why is hen still here?” He got off and walked around and noticed someone sleeping he looked to see the young but old looking animator sleeping on his desk again bendy sighed deeply “overworked again I see” he said quietly before going to the closest and grabbing an blanket and putting it over him “Jeeze Henry you gotta learn when to stop overworking yourself” he said knowing the old man couldn’t hear him he looked to see what was he drawing this whole time and raised an eyebrow he picked up the drawing it was an drawing of him and what looked like Henry in it he noticed that in the drawing Henry was showing Bendy what seems to be outside the studio he noticed how happy he himself looked and he noticed the words “happy birthday Bud” was written on it he smiled and putted the drawing back on the desk he smiled at the animator and patted the sleeping Henry while putting an pillow underneath his head “night hen” he said walking off. Bendy heard muttering going about he looked to see Sammy was still here chanting something that bendy couldn’t hear him say he tilted his head to see what was he doing he saw the room he was in darken his eyes widen and quickly slammed the door shut and backed up and ran off surely something did pop out of the pentagram an demonized version of bendy as the ink demon slowly grinned but then it melted back into the pentagram Sammy’s eyes widen and shouted "NO!” bendy could hear him shouting repeadtly  he was breathing heavily and quickly ran off to find Boris and Alice “maybe they know whats wrong with Sammy” he said to himself as he kept running.
~flashback ended~
Henry could barley open his eyes as he slowly opened them to find Boris shaking him “B..Boris what are you doing here..? G-get out of here b-before she gets you…” He slowly cough and Boris kept shaking him he slowly turned to see bendy knocked out leaning on the wall with his hood covering most of his face. He turned to see Alice slowly coming towards them he tried to warn Boris but he couldn’t speak Alice grabbed him and pulled him away into the darkness Henry tried to reach out to get him as he heard Boris yell “HENRY!! P..PLEASE SAVE ME!!!!” Henry had tears dripping out of his eyes “Boris… I’m sorry..” He thought in his head as he slowly slipped into darkness As Alice’s Laughter is the last thing he hears as he blacks out before getting two pictures flashing up in his head an vision of boris strapped on an table with Alice’s Shadow looming over him and the second one shows the ink demon with his minions looking like they’re going to plan something to take down The Angel once and for all
~40 minutes later~ Meanwhile in an rather normal looking office, an short black haired man was sitting down on the chair reading some files he hears the door open and turns around to see an rather happy ink demon “well? did you figure out something yet my little devil?” the voice known as Joey Drew said as the tall ink demon nodded while it’s grin was wider than before joey smiled “good susie is no longer useful at this point even though she never was… make sure you finish the job and end both her and that…… AnGeL’s life” he said shivering after saying the word angel The ink demon made an sound that sounded like an happy child and clapped it’s hands repeadtly and ran out Joey smiled as he sat back down and putted on his reading glasses and kept on turning the pages of an book he was reading he then frown as he heard an deeper voice inside his head “S O O N” joey sighed and kept on reading
0 notes
Bendy In Inky Terrors Chapter 3 [FULL]
heyyyy look here it's chapter 3!~~~ hope you all are ready for more spooks and the feels and the triggered of alice taking away boris. oh and also angruh bendy boy too and haft of this chapter is partly based off of an rp i did with someone of their alice au with modern!bendy in his ink form but i edited an few knots into it to make it seem like an part of the story. and also there are poor feels when henry sees norman as in this au he and norman were like the bestest of friend like brothers nearly too you can guess that when he saw him as.... well the projectionist   you can guess that it was more of an heart breaking moment for henry rather then an scared moment "Alice" and "bendy" and the butcher Gang belongs to themeaty shawn flynn belongs to jacksepticeye grant belongs to DAGAMES (i can't remember the last name  ) Modern BATIM AU belongs to me happy halloween everyone or late halloween depending on what day you all read this on and there may be only one or two flashbacks occurring as we all know how long chapter 3 is too i won't make it extra long cause I'm not that evil....... yet XD and also anything else can happen at this point make some fan stories of this au if you want or make up some random theory or even draw fanart of this au i don't mind seeing what you all have. made on: October 24th finished on: October 30th -------------   Henry's eyes opened as he got up from the bed after an few days or maybe even an week have gone by since he and bendy met up with Boris. Overtime however bendy and the friendly wolf noticed the scar Henry had on his arm thanks to joey. The rather young but still old animator had just woken up he looked around the room he was in he sighed "we can't stay here any longer" he decided that they stayed here long enough it was time for them to leave the saferoom. Henry then noticed that the hooded devil was nowhere in slight in the room "bendy?" he looked around not seeing the hooded devil darling anywhere "must have woken up he walked out seeing another pair of overalls hanging he went to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror "heh god I look like a mess" he said as he scratched his beard a bit and noticed his clothing still had some stains of ink left but he can barley see it "i'll have to wash these when I get back home... if I ever make it out with these two that is" he said and walked on to see Boris listening to an rather classy cartoon like tune playing and saw bendy with the cartoon wolf he noticed bendy was not listening to the music as he kept drinking an can of bacon soup in his hand "hey there bud couldn't sleep?" he asked the cartoon as bendy just nodded "eh to be honest I was just waking up to get something to drink" he said while taking an sip of the can of bacon soup. Henry patted the devil on the head "just try not to drink too fast remember your body hasn't fully healed yet" bendy blinked before nodding Henry saw an series of numbers on the can which he assumed was the expiration date he looked at bendy and told him "besides you know that bacon soup is expired right?" bendy's eyes widen so fast they almost fell out of his head as he spitted it out "AUGH WHY DID'INT YA TELL ME BEFORE?!?!?" he said while wiping his mouth trying to get the taste out. Henry held his laughter back and waved at Boris who waved back with a smile "good morning Boris... or good afternoon hard to tell the time down here" Boris pointed to an nearby clock the time on it said 10:00 AM on it  "oh thanks" he said to the wolf and went to look around an bit he saw the weird design on the wall he shook his head "whoever was here in this saferoom before did not think of what cartoons look like" he saw Boris and bendy nodding agreeing with him he walked towards the door and saw the lever was missing "not getting out of here that easy the lever's missin-" Henry looked over to see Boris whistling with an innocence look on his face and Henry had to held back his laughter as he saw bendy doing the same thing only using the banjo just for fun "kid-" bendy started to play the banjo interrupting Henry as he choked an laugh "wellll howdy there deputy Boris! what do ya say we go and find that lever for our good friend Henry partner!" he said in the most funniest Texan accent he could manage and Boris whistled and did an motion of nodding while trying to hide his laugh "welll what do ya say hen? wanna help out old sheriff bendy and my deputy Boris in helping ya find that lever partner?" bendy said and the banjo lost an string hitting the little devil in the face Boris and Henry both covered their mouths trying to stop laughing out loud "pfffff-" Henry was trying his hardest not to laugh "well that was the 20th gosh darn banjo this week" he turned to look at Boris with an fake angry and funny expression on his face "BORIS! I TOLD YA WE NEEDED MORE BANJOS B O I!" Boris was wheezing and banging his fist on the table as Henry was laughing "come on Boris I know you have it or are you holding it hostage until I make you something to eat?" Boris had an innocence puppy look on his face while smiling and his tongue was out as bendy had to hold in his laughter after he and Boris did that little joke. Henry gave in to the wolf as he sighed and smiled "I thought so let's see what I can find" Henry said as he walked around to find three bacon soup cans as bendy had to release his laughter he and Boris were laughing so hard "ohhh god Boris that was the funniest thing I ever seen in this studio ever since Henry came back" Boris nodded "hey what's wrong you still don't feel like talking?" the wolf nodded and bendy shook his friend "Come on pal you were laughing! Your voice has to be fixed now" Boris looked down and bendy patted his head "hey pal come on I promise you your voice will come back to ya maybe not even today but it'll come back someday" Boris smiled and nodded. Henry came back with three cans of bacon soup "well I think I have enough to make an batch of soup for you Boris" he said and started to make the soup "hey bud how are your injuries holding up?" Henry asked and bendy fell silent "i'm still going strong!! it'll take more than an ink demon to take me down!" he said trying to look tough but instead fell down from the seat "ow" Boris chuckled "not funny pal" bendy said rubbing his forehead "Hey Henry can I ask you something?" Henry looked at bendy as he putted the bowl of soup down for Boris "I guess so what's on your mind?" he said as he helped him up "what was your family like?" Henry fell silent he paused and tried to think "well truth be told the only family I do see now a days are my sister and cousin along with their grandkids but I used to visit my other family members like my cousin and aunt and uncle" bendy looked at a picture in Henry's pocket he noticed it has "what about your mom and dad?" Henry stopped and sighed "my father... well I take after him he was an war hero and a Good guy..... an real good guy I actually miss him.." bendy could see that the old animator did'int like to talk about his family that much because of what happened with his father bendy smiled sadly "hey i'm sorry if that made ya..... well ya know" Henry nodded "it's fine I needed to get that out of my chest anyway" he said and picked up the lever that was in the box Boris putted "wait why do you need the lever anyway?" he asked and Henry pointed to the door that leads to out of the saferoom "well we're not staying here forever bendy. At some point we do need to get out and we rest for long enough. are you ready to go?" he asked the little devil and he nodded while pulling out the same gun Henry used that was given to him by his father "you still remember how to shoot like I taught ya during when we were in here" Henry asked the toon and he nodded. Boris got up while he stretched his arms and Henry putted the lever back on and tuned it down while opening the door in the process "let's see what's out there don't wander off" he told them. The three walked as they felt the saferoom door slammed shut. Henry noticed an little station near the corner "why would Joey add confession booths in the studio? since when did he care about religion?" bendy and Boris shrugged. the three saw an dark corridor up ahead Henry grabbed an flashlight that was on an table and he, bendy, and Boris both walked into the darkness they slowly walked keeping an eye out for anything as they walked an clanking sound was heard Henry and Boris and bendy jumped at the noise "it was nothing come on just the pipes you know how this place now is" he told them and they kept walking until they reached an blocked off door and the door behind them closed “shoot...” bendy stated as they were not trapped until they found an way out of this room. Henry looked around trying to see any opening “I don’t see any other way through, got any ideas guys?” Bendy shrugged and Boris pointed to an nearby vent happened to be right near the door “hey wait a minute Boris you think you can open that door for us?” The demon asked and he nodded “well you’re gonna Need this than we do” Henry said while handing Boris the flashlight and opened the vent as the 6’4 foot tall wolf crawled in as the two waited “so bud” bendy looked at Henry “mind tellling me how your able to uh..... well” bendy’s face darkened “you mean how I can transformed into.... that more monsterized version of that other me with the limp do ya....” Henry nodded and bendy sighed “Joey... well let’s say he used an kind of special ink coated on my body... that was only used on me he said it was an test he wanted to see how I can deal with having an special ink this was before you left and all and after an few weeks of Boris and Alice being brought into the real world...." Henry raised an eyebrow "and why was I not aware of this?" he asked the devil and he shrugged "I honestly have no clue maybe Joey didn't want you to know or maybe he was planning I don't know all I know is that how he began his little tests with me he wanted to see if anything changed and it did one day I woke up like..... like what you saw fighting those searchers in the projecter room, only before I did'int even have any control over it when I realized what I became. You see some of that special ink may cause an different affect to certain toons I guess while some makes them tall or changes their appearance there are others tho.... that will give the said toon an increased amount of strength enough to lift a car and.....  in order to gain that strength one must..... pay the burden of becoming an monster....." Henry could see the little devil shaking "I got the worst one........ I was..... cursed.... to transform..... into an deadly... horriflying.... powerful.... monster version... of myself...... that was only the first form you saw.... yeah..... side effects sometimes can be a real pa-" Henry shushed him "stop, if you don't wanna talk about it you don't have to alright pal?" he nodded "it's fine I just.... wanted to get that out of my head. been bother me for a while..." as they stand there and waited they both got worried that what if something happened to Boris. Then what seem like forever the door finally opened up "there we go come on bo-" bendy stopped when he realized "Henry... I think we'll have to find Boris when we get into that room" Henry sighed "than we'll have to meet up with hi-" he stopped "what did ya stop talking fo-" his eyes widen the two saw an massive room with the sign "HEAVENLY TOYS" on top "woah...." bendy said his eyes sparkling with awe and amazement "wow" Henry said shocked at what he was seeing "I don't remember any of this" he said. the two looked around before going upstairs and seeing an shelf full of toys "huh wonder why none of these didn't sell" henry asked himself and bendy pressed an button on a tape recorder "this" he pointed and the two listened "I don't be seeing what the big deal is, so what if I went and painted some of those bendy dolls with a crooked smile? that's sure no reason for mister drew to be flying all the handle at me" the voice had an slight Irish accent Henry knew only one person with an accent like that "Shawn Flynn?" bendy nodded and they kept listening to the tape "And if he really wants to be so helpful he could be telling me what i'm a suppose to doing with this warehouse full of that angel whatyamacall it. Not a Scrap of that mess be selling, probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all" the tape stopped "haven't heard that voice in a long time kinda gave me an surprise" Henry said looked at the wires and an lever "what's ya thinking about?" Henry looked at the way that was blocking the door "why is there always something blocking the door? gotta be a way th-" he stopped when he felt a light bolt lit up above his head "hey bud I think I have an idea" bendy looked up "I'm listening" 10 minutes later after taking the toys out of the clogged places and turning on the power the door finally opened "well gotta say-" the two's eyes widen "al...." bendy said quietly as they looked at the "SHE'S QUITE A GAL" sign Henry could see that bendy's face was melting bring back some memories to him~flashback~"bendy darling!~" Alice said and the hooded devil looked up he was busy helping out the old man with an drawing "yeah Al?" he said and she handed him an present "I realized you haven't gotten an present since today is your birthday so hope ya like it!~" bendy's eyes blink he forgotten that despite being created on Christmas he was only in the real world for a few weeks and he haven't yet gotten an welcome he shrugged and opened it and his eyes widen as he saw an necklace locket he opened the pocket watch and an picture of him and Alice and Boris were on it with the words "Greatest Friends Ever" bendy had an dark blush on his face as he smiled at it softly and hugged the angel "thanks Al" he said with the angel hugging back "no problem bendy" she said with an soft smile ~flashback ended""hey, bud you alright?" he said and bendy snapped back to reality "o-oh! y-yeah I'm totally fine old man just remembering some good old times with the gang!" bendy said smiling hoping Henry wouldn't notice the stutter he made thankfully he didn't notice and they walked an little bit closer to the big window with the door on it the entire room went black as they heard the voice of Alice angel while seeing images of Alice turned on at the small TV boxes "what... the.... " he said in pure shock as bendy and he looked both creeped out and confused before he could say anything else suddenly what seems to be Alice angel appeared slamming on the window "I'M ALICE ANGEL!!!!" both bendy and Henry jumped in shock as she screamed and then the sounds of the glass breaking and laughing in a devilish tone was heard the entire room turned off blinding the two in total darkness "I see you there" the voice known as Alice angel spoke as Henry kept the little devil with him as close as he can as the hooded devil hid behind Henry's leg "a new fly in my endless web" Henry gritted his teeth while keeping an grip on the hunting knife he found when he had first arrived in the studio. Bendy tried his best to keep hidden as he was scared now to even come out from behind he'd never been this scared before of something he saw happen basically every single time "come along now, let's see if your worthy to walk with angels, hahahahahaha~" the lights turned back on and bendy jumped while screaming onto the ceiling henry blinked and looked up "bud you okay?" bendy realized he didn't have claws in his normal form and he fell down onto Henry But he caught him before that he fell down onto the floor with him "you alright bud?" he nodded and he putted the toon down "come on we have to keep going" he said and the two marched on. they were stopped at two paths "what the..." bendy said now freaked out "okay when joey said he was gonna remodel the place I did not think he make two paths!" bendy said with ink melting from his head "bud calm down we've seen weirder things than this" Henry said and he looked "looks like there's only two ways to go but the question is.... which way is the right one?" he said as he looked at the two signs one said "THE DEMON" and the sign had an stained head of bendy colored in fully black as ink seem to drip down and they looked at the other sign which seemed normal with the words "THE ANGEL" on them "well come on let's get going!" he said as he went the other way but henry turned and walked towards the demon path bendy stopped and ran after him "h-hey! why are you going in there that other me could be hiding in there" Henry looked at him "bendy as much as I would want to deal with that... angel right now I prefer to go this way because-" he stopped as he was trying to think of what to say. bendy walked with him "well?" the toon asked and Henry putted his hands up saying in a calm and stern tone "i'll tell you about it later alright? right now let's focus on getting out of here" bendy nodded "okay" Henry looked and started to walk ahead "come on let's see if we can find a way out of this room" they walked into the ink filled room and they heard the other door on the right closed "well no going back now" bendy said and Henry noticed an tape recorder turned on the tape recorder to hear the voice of "Joey?!" Henry said surprised at how young the voice sounded in the tape recorder "there's nothing wrong with dreaming. wishing for the impossible is just human nature. that's how I got started just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything without even having to lift a finger. they say you just have to believe. belief can make you succeed, belief can make you rich, belief can make you powerful. why with enough belief you can even cheat death itself! now that.... is a beautiful and positively silly thought" after hearing the message Henry felt creeped out the way joey was talking he was confused to how cheerful and calm he was in the tape almost like he did'int seem to care about anything at all bendy got out of the ink "come on let's get out of here this room is giving me the creeps" he said and the old animator followed the toon not knowing that an certain demon poked his head out of the inky floor as they walked away the ink demon's unmoving grin grew wider and larger and slowly went back into the ink leaving out an dark chuckle and cackle as it went underneath into the inky depths. The ex-animator and the hooded toon devil kept on walking in the studio listening to the eerie deathly silent in the studios was an bit unsettling 'it did'int feel right' Henry though to himself and he looked at bendy and he looked back with an worried look "something should had popped out by now in front of us it's weird that nothing happened yet Henry" the toon said keeping an grip on the gun while gulping and Henry patted the toon's back "well let's not lower our guard yet anything can happen-" they both jumped when they saw an cutout peek from around the corner. Bendy yelled and accidentally fired an bullet from the gun out of fear Henry looked at him with a 'really?' expression as bendy chuckled and smiled nervously "h-heheheh... s-sorry?" Henry sighed and they turned to see who was over there and they saw Boris standing there waving at them with an smile. bendy ran and hugged his friend  the wolf patted the toon's head "Boris you're alright! how you get here so fast?" the little devil asked and Henry said "Boris, you scared me to death I don't suppose you have anything to protect us with?" Boris nodded and handed him an gent pipe Henry grabbed it "this will do" he said and bendy got off "good to see ya alright Boris! now let's go!" the three marched on arriving in another room with what seems to be filled with toys of bendy, Boris, and Alice all in small and large versions. It did'int make the creepiness go down as there was ink everywhere it made the three looked around an check their surroundings "what happened in here? looks like an warzone in here" Henry said while bendy just looked down obvious to what happened here as he sighed "an lot of bad things happened while you were gone for so long hen..." Boris walked over and pointed to an lever while tapping his feet the two walked over "woah nice eye! I forgot your still good at seeing things we can't!" bendy said and Boris smiled and looked proud of himself "looks like we need to turn on two levers at once you got this one Boris i'll find the other one" bendy went ahead "oh! I remember those guys!" Henry went over to see what was his friend talking about he saw the butcher gang poster at the end of an corridor "oh, the butcher gang I remember them appearing in your cartoon haft the time they were like uncles to you right bud?" bendy nodded while smiling slowly "yeah..." he said and Henry started to walk over to the lever that happened to be right near the poster he turned around to see bendy not moving "hey bud you okay?" bendy blinked "o-oh s-sorry i'll just stand here I-I just though I saw something move in there" Henry raised an eyebrow "what do you mean-" before he could say anything he heard something he turned around and got jumpscared by something coming out of the picture it roared at him and Henry backed away and as it got up and walked towards him he wasted no time in bashing it with the pipe it took only two big hits to the head for it to fall down he got an good look of the downed creature bendy saw too and he looked sadden "it's piper...." he said sadly and they watched as the inkified piper melted into ink and bendy stared as the ink that was the only remaining thing of piper went into bendy Henry did'int question as he remember in his cartoon piper and the two others were like mentors to bendy and kind of like the three uncles from Casper he sighed and Henry pulled the lever and Boris came running down the corner and saw his toon friend leaning on the wall "hey bud... you okay?" Henry asked the hooded toon devil as he rubbed his tears away "..... i'm fine... let's keep going..." Henry nodded and the three walked into the room with the lift and they went inside as Henry pressed the number 9 on the wall and the lift went down. they heard the supposed voice of Alice angel speak again "your so interesting so.. different I have to say i'm a instant fan" Henry did'int say anything as bendy looked so emotionless and depressed from hearing Alice's voice for so long. Boris comforted his toon friend and Henry listened to her speaking "looks like you got a date with a angel!" bendy looked up feeling like his heart just broke into a million pieces Henry took noticed and grunted at the voice of Alice and silently flipped her off even though she did'int see it. he muttered "yeah right lady....." he looked at bendy and smiled and bendy smiled back with a few tears dripping down "hey don't worry i know you'll probably hit me with a mallet if I ever do that" Henry said while chuckling at his own joke and bendy kinda snickered an bit too while Boris smiled and patted the toon's back. After what seemed like an few minutes of waiting they had reached the floor finally the trio could tell it was Alice's place because of the sign of the SHE'S QUITE A GAL sign was on there. The door from the lift opened and all three of them walked down "come along there's a whole twisted world out here" Henry noticed another tape recorder as Boris went on ahead and he pressed play on it and listening to Thomas yet again rambling on "kinda shocking that an elevator still works in this place after 30 years... than again it must be my head and mind playing tricks on me and i'm only just imaging all this happening" he said and chuckled when he heard Thomas said "I'm taking the stairs" Henry turned off the tape recorder "I would of done that too Tom" he went over to the platform and he along with Boris stepped on the tile as the door opened and Boris's ears perked up and he ran ahead of the two "hey Boris wait up!" bendy said and chased after his wolf friend with Henry following "hey what's the matte-" his eyes widen as he saw what Boris was looking at. an dead body of himself "oh... god..." Henry said and looked around shocked at what he was seeing an ton of bodies of dead v bendy's eyes widen in pure shock upon seeing the amount of bodies of dead Bories he held his chest where his heart would be and started sobbing while leaning on the wall "nononononNONONONONONNNO!!!!! NOT AGAIN! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME SEE THIS HORRIBLE IMAGE AGAIN!!!" bendy screamed while his clothing started to turn tattern and worn out. Henry knew what was happening to bendy, he was hyperventilating he knew that condition far too well but since the toon wasn't an human Henry did'int know what else to do. As Bendy kept crying he started to grow claws on his gloves as he was trying not to transform out of pure saddness and anger. He hugged the toon tightly while shushing him as bendy kept breathing quickly and sobbing and coughing harshly "hey hey hey buddy! calm down! it's gonna be okay just calm down! it's alright bendy! it's gonna be alright!" Henry said rubbing the toon's head as he saw his crying was sounding more demonic "NO NO NO IT'S NOT ALRIGHT! NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN! WHY! WHY DID JOEY DO THIS!" His eyes turn turned red and purple as he snapped at the retired animator  "WHY DID YOU ABANDONED US HENRY?!?!?!" bendy said while screaming and snarling in a demonic tone and lashed out scratching Henry's arm on accident he was going to keep lashing out but than Boris hugged the toon. Bendy's eyes widen and he was now whimpering and he hugged the wolf back crying softly into his shoulder than something came out of his throat he spoke shocking bendy and Henry "i-i-it's a-alright b-bendy i-i-i-i'm h-here a-and i-im n-n-not l-l-l-leaving!" Boris said wheezing and coughing Henry and bendy looked at shock boris's voice sounded so weak and tired but bendy sniffed and hugged the toon "i'm not d-d-d-d-dead bendy okay? your b-big b-b-bro is still here" he said coughing and after an few minutes bendy calmed down Henry growled and glared as they heard Alice's voice again "look around it took so many of them to make me so beautiful" bendy then snarled darkly and was about to transform and beat the living ink tarp out of her body but Boris shook his head "don't it's not worth it" he said and bendy grunted but nodded than the three heard something that made all of them confuse of what Alice was saying "I had to do it, she made me" Henry than carefully walked over passing by an tape recorder but did'int press it he did'int want to hear what it had to say as he gripped on his fists and went inside to see the angel face to face. Meanwhile as Boris was trying to get bendy to calm down the hooded toon was furious and angry as he argued about  "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! AFTER ALL THESE YEARS ALICE! SHE WAS HERE THIS WHOLE TIME! SHE. SHE. SHE'S GONE COMPLETELY MAD BORIS!" bendy said hissing and snarling while Boris looked away from his corpse "I..... I know bendy b-but it wasn't her fault you have to understand-" bendy snapped "I KNOW! IT WAS SUSIE'S DOING BOR!! BUT STILL...." bendy's growling toned down as he sighed "why did she have to kill you so many times after joey did it to you the first... w-why..... why do I have to keep on seeing you die in front of me every single time!" he knelt down burying himself on Boris's lap crying as he patted his head "there there buddy..." Boris looked up and noticed something was inside the corpse he pulled it out and saw an spare heart his eyes widen and he hid it in his pocket that he can fit it in thankfully and he picked up bendy "come on we'll wait for Henry back at the li-" bendy suddenly got out of Boris's arms as he looked at Boris with an expression that showed no emotion "no.... tell Henry I need to be alone for an bit" he said before walking off putting his hood over his head and putting his hands in his pockets. Boris looked down sadly while sighing deeply and walked off too waiting for Henry by the lift while bendy walked off by himself to gather his thoughts as he hid his anger and kept walking off and finding an shortcut to level 14. Henry came out of the room after 10 minutes later and was going to walk back to the lift but he saw the gate closed "I'll make this simple, look for value panels turn the clogs and get the things, please don't make me regret sparing you I can always change my mind" Henry rolled his eyes and grabbed the plunger and walked on. He noticed bendy was not with Boris "hey buddy? where's bendy?" Boris looked up at him with an tired look "he said he had to be alone for a while needed to gather his thoughts" Henry nodded "I can understand that knowing what the poor little guy saw.." Boris nodded "Henry I... I need to ask ya.... do you think that we'll ever get out of here?" Henry nodded "I made an promise to bendy Boris and i'm not going to break it I will get him and anyone else that isn't or wasn't affected by the ink out of this hell hole" Boris smiled "so should I come with you?" Henry shook his head "no i'm fine you can wait here if you want. I need to recollect on my thoughts too" Boris nodded letting his friend go off. the old animator sighed while walking as he listened to what Alice was saying as he searched around for the values "there's so little rules in this world now so very. But there's one rule we ALL respect down here, BeWaRe ThE iNk DeMoN~ stay out for too long and he will findddd you~~ if you don't make it, well... I enjoyed our date~" Henry rolled his eyes and kept on walking looking for the value cores. After what felt like hours of searching he'd finally found the last one it was in an room where he encountered the second member of the butcher gang. He noticed something strange. he stopped and looked at the creature's appearance "the hell...?" he nearly vomited when he noticed the camera on the creature's head he almost felt sorry for the ink creature as it walked off away from his slight "jeeze... wonder if that thing can see anything in there" he muttered to himself and got the last value core and walked back to the room and putted it away and while also dumping the plunger in there too "my machines are hungry! gather me some spare parts" Henry groaned and took the wrench like object and walked off as he walked on to room to room he began to see the rooms darkening and he felt his heartbeat thumping he hid quickly in an miracle station and waited to see who it was and his eyes widen it was the other bendy the one with the limp he could see it more clearly now he noticed it had an green glove like his bendy had and an red glove he noticed the bow tie was mixed color of blue and red he saw how it was walking it made him feel sick. The ink demon looked around growling in a confused tone thinking it heard someone walking about he grunted and walked off away from Henry's view and soon the black started to fade from the walls but Henry waited an few more minutes before coming out and went back to finding the spare parts. After 20 minutes he gathered the last one and on his way back noticed an flooded room he felt like he will need to come back here soon "maybe it's just my head but i feel like there's something in there" he thought in his head as he walked back and noticed Boris was whistling an tune he heard when he was doing the sheepsongs episode. Henry putted the spare parts into the can and putted the wrench in there and then he blinked "have you seen them? the swollen one? there filled with ExTrA tHiCk InK!!! it makes me sick and yet it's the perfect thing that keeps myself together but an little warning you will have to move quietly if you see one cause they get startled very easily" she said and henry took noticed of that and took the syringe he noticed it looked different than most syringes he saw during his time at the war but he payed no mind to went to work but he couldnn't help but groaned "how much freaking stuff do you even need lady?!" he muttered to himself while walking off. Almost an hour and a haft later he found the last one while also listening to an tape on the way back "I don't get it!" the voice of wally said on the tape "everyone's walking around like grandma just died I mean hello people! you make cartoons for crying out loud your suppose to make people laugh! i'm telling ya if I don't see an smile on anyone anytime soon i'm out of here!" Henry chuckled "I sure hope ya did make it out of here wally" he said and went back up during the way back he saw the walls showing spots of ink everywhere again. He hid inside and saw the ink demon once again as it was dragging something and it dropped it he snarled "oKaY hEnRy! I KnOw YoUr OuT tHeRe!" Henry kept quiet and still as possible after minutes of growling he jammed his claws onto the inkified person's back and dropped them and walked off Henry could see that it was the same person he saw in the closest with the knife and head wound and he was shocked when he saw the person getting up and moaning in an almost zombie like manner before wandering about and Henry waited no more than 3 minutes and started bolting straight back and called the lift and went into it "Henry you okay?" Boris asked as he saw him panting and pressing the 9 button an few times "i-i'm fine" he said ingoring what Alice was saying as he tried to catch his breathe. he did however caught note of one thing she said before they reached floor 9 "dreams come true susie, dreams come true" Henry shivered remembering on the way back to the lift after Alice had spared him he listened to one of the tape recorders and found out that Joey took Susie on a date and felt creeped out when he heard her said "he even called me Alice, I liked it" Henry again breathed and when he putted the syringe away she said something that made his heart stop cold "have you seen those grinning demons?" meanwhile at all the way down to level 14 bendy looked up while dropping an haft eaten searcher his eyes blinking before he growled and snarled harshly into the air hearing what the 'angel' said. He was tired of always losing his  temper and his friends always getting hurt. He though about how all of this started with Joey than later that changed to him hating Susie even more for becoming too attached to Alice and now they became what he feared, an monster of her former shell. He snarled and banged his fist as his gloved hand slowly faded away revealing his claw he looked at it and than he made an twisted crooked smile as he laughed like an maniac "heheheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the ink started to melt from his face as his crooked grin grew even more wider as his entire body and appearance grew taller. his ink like state grabbed the dead searcher's haft eaten body and slashed it and swallowed it all up "....J O E Y D I D T H I S T O M E!" bendy then climbed up and looked up and was gripping on his fists he snarled darkly while yelling out "I'LL GET YOU JOEY!! AND YOU TOO SUSIE! YOU ALL RUINED ME AND MY FRIENDS! NOW YOUR GONNA SEE THE DEMON YOU ALL WANTED!!! DO YOU HEAR ME JOEY?!?!?! I. WILL." his voice than turned even more dark and corrupted and demonic "KILL Y O U JOEY DREW!!!!" bendy lifted his head and then released an loud blood curling demonic roar echoing throughout the whole and entire studio making everyone hear his anger. Henry flinced after hearing the angel said "he hates it when I do that~~. I would hide if I were you~~~" he than heard the roar from bendy's anger and fury as it echoed throughout the entire studio and so did the ink demon and Boris and Alice as they all heard his demonic roar of rage. The ink demon simply grinned and clapped his hands like an happy child would and simply walked off snapping his fingers while whistling the same tune an certain mouse sang and than an swarm of searchers and members of the butcher gang were heading towards level 9 where Alice was at. Henry came back to floor 9 and was about to put the axe away when he heard the anger in Alice's voice "those fiflty creatures that have wandered my halls have been left unchecked! they broken in don't let them take your angel! purge them one by one smash them into bits! KILL THEM!!!!" Henry heard the sounds of the butcher gang and the searchers and he sighed "getting too old already for this and i'm not even 40 yet" he said and watched as the searchers and butcher gang members came down he gripped on his axe and attacked the creatures. Bendy quicken his pace of running on all fours when he sensed his friend was in danger he kept on running and running not stopping he even passed the other version of him as the ink demon watched the angry monsterized toon ran on all fours his grin grew even more and decided to watch the show that was about to unfold. after each blow Henry still couldn't get the searchers or the butcher gang to die he soon felt he was being outnumbered as they were going to soon finish him off. Than an loud roar broke out and an pissed off ink bendy appeared lunging at the group of searchers and butcher gangs with his claws slashing the butcher gang and searchers one by one. Some of them managed to hit him and bendy simply stabbed them with his tail and threw them aside. Henry watched in horror for once as his hooded friend slaughtered the ink creatures in the most burtal and gruesome way possible. After everything was gone and all that can be heard were bendy's heavy breathing Henry got up and walked towards the demon his wounds making it kinda difficult to walk "hey... bud..." Henry said touching bendy's forehead as the hooded ink formed demon turned to look at him "are you alright pal?" he nodded slowly while wincing an bit Henry noticed his wounds on the toon had gotten worst "bendy you know your injuries haven't healed themselves yet" he nodded again and watched as the ink remains of all the creature he'd killed in this room went inside his inky body as he growled "I'M...... I'M SORRY HENRY... I WAS JUST.... SO..... SO.... ANG-" he stopped when Alice finally spoke "shhhhhh listen there's nothing, like the sound of a welcoming grave" she said giving an nice sigh and breathe of relief "I like the silence. don't you?" Henry did'int response but he did nodded slowly "oh I hate leaving work unfinished! but that's why I have you to do that but you'll have to go down even deeper into the abyss, take the lift, see an old friend" the word old friend stung Henry as his eyes widen in pure shock "but here's a little present a extra little firepower, take good care of it, it belonged to someone very special" she said as Henry and bendy turned over to see an Tommy gun at the door Henry grabbed it before seeing if it was really real he pulled the trigger and it shot an bullet he could'nt help but smiled at it "now this is what i'm talking about" he said and bendy nodded giving him a thumbs up "alright come on let's go-" Bendy shook his head "NO... YOU GO ON I.... I NEED TO CHECK UP ON SOMEONE" Henry was confused by this but he nodded and walked away as Bendy went inside to see Alice. As The Demon walked on he saw the door was opened he slowly walked in and saw Alice he saw what was different about her. Her once beautiful blue dress was now stained and tainted with ink and blood. Her halo that shows her emotions was stuck to her head only revealing an black color, Her Gloves were gone revealing sharp fingers almost looking like claws. she turned slowly to face him he could see the toon eye instead of susie's he smiled lightly "HEY.... AL..." he said and she blinked and replied tirely "hello bendy, what brings you to this parts of the studio?" she asked and he walked up closer "OH... YA KNOW I WAS JUST IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND DECIDED TO CHECK UP ON YOU" she turned around revealing the right side of her face that was burnt due to the ink demon slamming an bottle of acetone on her "bendy things have been wonderful thanks to a certain human gathering items for me i'm sure you've seen his frighten soul all around the studio" she said smiling that bendy had her on his mind. he noticed the tone of her voice he was sad to see that somehow susie corrupted Alice both physically and mentally "YES...... BUT...." he said as he walked closer to her grabbing her hand "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" he asked her and she looked up at him and reached up to brush away the ink to look at him in the eye "bendy darling i know i haven't been the best but everything is going well now with Henry here you'll see me beautiful again darling just like the old days" Bendy's eyes were tired as he looked at her he should be angry mad wanted to rip her throat out but he can't "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT AL?.... YOUR STILL THE ANGEL I MET THOSE YEARS AGO" he said grabbing her hand gently "WHY IN MY EYES YOUR EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU WERE BEFORE" Alice smiled softly but then noticed the wounds "let me guess, that demon again?" he nodded and she sighed "you gotta learn how to block it's attacks bendy dear not everything can be destroyed from just your brutal sheer strength" he nodded and sat down as she proceeded to treat his wounds. ~haft an hour later~ Boris and Henry were waiting for bendy to come back from whatever he was doing in the other room. During that time Henry found another boarded up door and chopped down the boards with ease and noticed there was an tape recorder there he pressed play on it and he raised an eyebrow upon hearing an voice he remembered but at the same time did not remember "grant?" he asked himself. he and grant barley knew eachother but he known grant enough to see that he was an mellow relaxed kind of guy for having an fonding of love and hate for music Henry agreed to that as he too had a thing for music as he listened to the tape playing Boris was looking around he admit he was scared coming back here after being killed and brought here too many times it felt like an endless loop he hoped when it finally ended when he saw Henry and his best pal but now he feared his own death was coming back to haunt him he was brought back to reality when Henry snapped his fingers "hey Boris you okay there?" he nodded "y-....yeah i'm fine H-Henry just thinking" he said his throat not sounding that much weaker than before as he was slowly starting to get use to his voice recovering. They look over to See Bendy Walking back in his normal form and he looked like his injuries were not bothering him "well you look fine and dandy guess you got your injuries fix bud?" he nodded "hey why did'int you two go? I would of catch up with ya some other way" he asked "well we were just recovering from what had just happened but if you want to go now we can" he nodded "yep! let's hurry up and get out of here!" henry nodded "we still have to find joey though I still need some answers out of him" bendy's face turned from happy to scared but he did'int question him about it. after 10 minutes in the lift they finally reached level 14 henry looked at the amount of ink that was there "this whole place looks like it was flooded on purpose" he commented and henry and bendy both walked down as they noticed an heart on a hand henry picked it up grossed out and then saw something he though he never seen the camere ink creature was there "shhhhhhh there he is, the projectionist sulking in the darkness, stay out of his life if you don't want trouble just gather the things i need and return to me" the voice of 'Alice' said but Henry couldn't believe what he was seeing bendy noticed an tape playing and went over to grab it and walked back to henry and he turned it on and Henry felt tears streaming down his eyes "that's...... that thing...... it's Norman......oh god..... why.... why did it have to be him..." he said sadly as he knelt down silently crying inside his head. Bendy never saw Henry like this before it made him sad to see his friend like this he comforted the poor tired old man "Henry.... I... I tried Hen.... I tried so hard to stop Joey from turning him into that...... but....... but i was too late..." Henry sniffed "after all these years... and I did'int know what he was doing to you or the others..... oh god..... Norman i'm so sorry.... I.... I should of never left.. may-" bendy got up grabbing Henry and looking at him "no.... listen even if you did'int leave overtime joey would of done it anyway he'd lost it Henry! he gone and went mad with power he's not himself anymore!" bendy said to him and letted go "come on we can be quick if you wa-" Henry gripped on the Tommy gun "no.... let's just.... take our time...." he said and the toon nodded. As they ventured into the flooded ink he noticed an path boarded up he chopped it down and noticed an value panel and turned it not knowing what it could do "why did you do that?" he asked and Henry sighed "I just felt like doing it I don't know everything is just..... starting to get more and more weirder" after what felt like hours of searching through the maze they walked into and hiding they found only 4 hearts they were now walking carefully looking for the last one and they noticed an shadow they took an closer look to see it was the projectionist/Norman he was just standing there looking at an screen that showed one of the cartoon scenes from bendy's show he did'int move an single inch problem was the last heart was near him he gulped and carefully took one step as quiet as he could he slowly picked up the heart and backed up but the ink turned Norman did'int move an single inch still Henry then though of something he sighed "Norman.... I don't know if you can hear me or... if your still in there but.... I wanted to give this to you before I left" he said and silently handing him an photograph seeing the inky hand tighten he and bendy quickly walked off Norman lifted the picture up to his 'face' looking at the photograph it seem to open up an memory in his head that he kept inside him when he became this projectionist it was the only thing that kept him still mentally sane. ~Flashback~ "hey Henry" Henry looked to see it was Norman "I know your leaving and all soon but can we have a talk?" Henry nodded "sure thing Norman anything for a friend" the two sat down having an drink of coffee "so what did you wanted to talk about?" he asked and Norman took an sip "well I was wondering... how long will you be gone?" Henry though he did'int really know how long he be gone for "I think maybe an few years I reckon but when I get back I better see this place rolling with films or my ghost is gonna haunt you till ya die" he said laughing and Norman chuckled "yeah I get it stay safe pal" he told Henry "hey do you think ya talking to your talking to a guy that's technically been to war 2 times as of now" Norman nodded "I know you told me but still be careful alright" he nodded "I promise keep being you Norman alright and maybe when I get back we'll have that drink like I promised or else you'll knock me out with an hammer" Norman laughed "okay see ya around Henry" he nodded "see ya Norman" ~Flashback ended~ Henry And Bendy went back to the lift and he took one last look to see Norman Walking out and looking at him the two shared an stare at eachother bendy was on his guard he did'int know if he was here to hurt Henry or take him. Norman simply did an impression of Henry saluting and then walked off into the other room of the maze like hallways. Henry was shocked but he smiled "he's still in there somewhere...." bendy noticed the look of relief on his face and smiled "hey come on we can take one last look around the place before we head back to Alice" he nodded "yeah come on I think that value I drained might had opened up an new area" they went back into the lift and it went back up. after what seem like hours they finally reached floor 9 and Henry and bendy and Boris both went to the room Henry was talking about they saw an lone searcher but Henry was able to put quick use to his new Tommy gun as the searcher went down quickly "why is there an tape here?" Boris asked and Henry walked over and pressed play on it "only 2 weeks into this company and already it's gotten interesting. Joey is a man of ideas.. and only ideas. When I agreed to start this whole thing with him, I thought there would be a little more give and take. Instead I give and he takes. I haven't seen My Friend Linda For days now. Still though someone has to make this happen, when ever in doubt just keep drawing Henry. On the plus side though I've got a new character That I think people are going to love." Henry listened to it replaying itself "Henry?" Boris asked and Henry silently turned to look at him but turned around and walked back up bendy could of sworn he saw the old animator frown slightly "come on... let's just finish this and find joey.." Henry said in a serious tone as the two toons followed him. Henry Putted the 5 hearts in the box "ahh that should be enough now return to the elevator, it's time to go home" Henry grunted he did'int want to leave let but maybe after they ascended he could find another way to reach joey as the three sat in the lift Bendy was looking around "hey Boris you hear that bud we finally get to outside! your gonna see the things Henry told us about! with outside the beautiful skies, the nice open fields! and the wonderful amazing ocean! oh man it's gonna be so great we don't have to be in the studio anymore!" Boris smiled kindly at his friend "that's great b-b-bend-" than all of a sudden the three heard the lift go down very fast Henry's eyes widen and screamed in a angry tone "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK LADY?!?!?!?!" he shouted at alice "DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN LEAVE THAT EASY?!?!?! NO! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE HENRY! AND I KNOW WHY YOUR HERE!!! YOU WON'T STOP WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! NOW BRING ME BACK MY BORIS!!!" bendy's eyes widen before glaring "HEY HE'S MY PAL NO ONE TAKES MY FRIEND CRAZY LADY!!!” He said angry at the now possessed voice of Alice angel aka Susie campbell “HE IS THE MOST PERFECT BORIS I HAVE EVER SEEN AND I WANT HIS INSIDES TO MAKE ME BEAUTIFUL AGAIN!! SO GIVE HIM TO ME!” Henry glared and saw Boris was cowering in fear as bendy was getting ready to transform “OR BETTER YET I’LL TAKE HIM!” Bendy growled and Henry did’int know what else to do so he tried to look at the buttons and tried pressing one but it did’int stop going down he silently cursed as it went down even faster and Alice’s voice started to get more demonic “ONCE. YOUR. DEAD!!!!” She said yelling. Than an big loud crash to the ground and the elevator breaking is what sent Henry and bendy to blackness. ~Flashback~ Bendy was watching the others drove off away from the studio he sighed and saw that Henry’s Car was still here he was confused “I don’t see Joey’s car so why is hen still here?” He got off and walked around and noticed someone sleeping he looked to see the young but old looking animator sleeping on his desk again bendy sighed deeply “overworked again I see” he said quietly before going to the closest and grabbing an blanket and putting it over him “Jeeze Henry you gotta learn when to stop overworking yourself” he said knowing the old man couldn’t hear him he looked to see what was he drawing this whole time and raised an eyebrow he picked up the drawing it was an drawing of him and what looked like Henry in it he noticed that in the drawing Henry was showing Bendy what seems to be outside the studio he noticed how happy he himself looked and he noticed the words “happy birthday Bud” was written on it he smiled and putted the drawing back on the desk he smiled at the animator and patted the sleeping Henry while putting an pillow underneath his head “night hen” he said walking off. Bendy heard muttering going about he looked to see Sammy was still here chanting something that bendy couldn't hear him say he tilted his head to see what was he doing he saw the room he was in darken his eyes widen and quickly slammed the door shut and backed up and ran off surely something did pop out of the pentagram an demonized version of bendy as the ink demon slowly grinned but then it melted back into the pentagram Sammy's eyes widen and shouted "NO!" bendy could hear him shouting repeadtly  he was breathing heavily and quickly ran off to find Boris and Alice "maybe they know whats wrong with Sammy" he said to himself as he kept running. ~flashback ended~ Henry could barley open his eyes as he slowly opened them to find Boris shaking him "B..Boris what are you doing here..? G-get out of here b-before she gets you..." He slowly cough and Boris kept shaking him he slowly turned to see bendy knocked out leaning on the wall with his hood covering most of his face. He turned to see Alice slowly coming towards them he tried to warn Boris but he couldn't speak Alice grabbed him and pulled him away into the darkness Henry tried to reach out to get him as he heard Boris yell "HENRY!! P..PLEASE SAVE ME!!!!" Henry had tears dripping out of his eyes "Boris... I'm sorry.." He thought in his head as he slowly slipped into darkness As Alice's Laughter is the last thing he hears as he blacks out before getting two pictures flashing up in his head an vision of boris strapped on an table with Alice's Shadow looming over him and the second one shows the ink demon with his minions looking like they're going to plan something to take down The Angel once and for all ~40 minutes later~ Meanwhile in an rather normal looking office an short black haired man was sitting down reading some files he hears the door open and turns around "well? did you figure out something yet my little devil?" the voice known as Joey Drew said as the tall ink demon nodded while it's grin was wider than before joey smiled "good susie is no longer useful at this point even though she never was... make sure you finish the job and end both her and that...... AnGeL's life" he said shivering after saying the word angel The ink demon made an sound that sounded like an happy child and clapped it's hands repeadtly and ran out Joey smiled as he sat back down and putted on his reading glasses and kept on turning the pages of an book he was reading.
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