#anyways hiiii i wanna. fuck around with my thoughts
nebuladreamz · 3 months
Thinking about how if i ever had the opportunity to make. a mascot horror game or story that i'd have it take place right before the eventual Big Fall of the establishment
[Big ramble under the cut lmao]
Something something reuse how I thought for Security Breach we'd play as Vanessa and the five nights formula was doing the shift but slowly discovering through each shift that Some Shit is happening and she has to stop it (directly before we found out Vanessa was Vanny/Vanessa was the security guard's name)
LIKE!!! I fucking adore how a couple of standout mascot horror games have been [primarily Indigo Park, I'm willing to give it a shot and it's deadass because of Rambley and his role as an AI assistant], but a lot of what I've seen personally (stares at. Fucking. Garten of Banban), it's a lot of post fall. Always investigating or going through the abandoned place where shit's gone wrong (thank you BATIM for starting the chapter-based formula -bangs head-)
But like. I've always thought about what it would be like for a mascot horror game to take place before the fall, or even during it depending on the execution.
Before the fall, you're either a kid who's a regular at the establishment (daycare, amusement park, whatever) or even an employee working there-
(or even MORE interestingly, if we go with a chapter-based thing or even similar to FNAF in terms of there's a set thing for whatever, the POV keeps changing between different people- wait I'm cooking. i'll get back to that later actually)
-And slowly as it all develops, you watch as everything begins to just. Fall apart. Employees leaving, the place coming down into disrepair, something's up with the main mascots of the place but you don't know what (at least in universe, we all know this formula as players)
Actually, coming back to the changing POVs, you can even draw in inspiration from DBH (I only watched gameplay back then oops) where the perspective changes between different people. A child enjoying their day, a first time employee, a long time employee, a parent of a child. Hell, depending on things, you could even have a moment where (depending on the location) you play as a fucking burglar looking to steal shit (before getting. Fucking bass boosted)
And eventually there'd come the inevitable end where it all closes down, leaving whatever living mascots inside to rot (insert Abandoned by Disney line here /j)
LIKE!!! I want to see people expand on the formula!! I want to see people fuck around and find out!!!
Honest to god, I might take this and run with it myself cause now I'M getting ideas.
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mxstellatayte · 4 months
hiiii ! could you write a part 2 for the charles and the vibe fic?
i was gonna write it anyways but now i have an excuse to do it!
warnings: this is pure filth, threesome (mmf,) p in v sex, unprotected sex (DONT DO THAT,) mirror sex, carlos is an ass guy, charles is a boobs guy tho, kinda exhibitionism?, creampie, sex under the influence kinda?, it's all consensual though!
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all you wanted to do was tease charles. all you wanted to do was see how much you could tempt his resolve before it would crumble. you had no idea it would result in getting eaten out in the bathroom and then promptly realizing that carlos had heard the whole thing and had covered for you and charles.
in exchange, carlos wanted to make even on a bet that he and charles had made at the start of the 2023 season.
monaco. february 10th, 2023.
"what do you think the odds are that one of us wins a race this year?"
charles looked up from the chessboard, his eyebrows furrowing. "what do you mean?"
"i was looking at the red bull and mclaren numbers and our car splits them. we have a fighting chance this year, so do you think one of us will get a win this year?" charles moves a rook, taking one of carlos' pawns.
"it depends. if my entire radio just sounds like 'we are checking, we are checking' and i have to make my own strategy and tyre calls, maybe. if xavi learns basic engineering and communicative skills or gets replaced altogether, i'd say yeah, there's a chance."
"you wanna bet?"
"what are we betting?"
carlos hesitates, then looks up when he hears the door opening. something clatters in the closet before you can be heard cursing quietly, then rearranging the fallen shoes onto the rack. eventually, you come through the doorway to the living room, and, when you see carlos, your face lights up.
"carlos! cómo estás?" (how are you?) you walk over and lean down, kissing his cheek in greeting.
"bien. un poco nervioso para bahrain, pero el carro maneja fantástico este año. y vos?" (good. a bit nervous for bahrain, but the car drives amazing this year. what about you?) you walk over to the kitchen while he's talking and pull out ingredients to make yourself a bowl of yogurt and berries- your favorite snack to have after work before you take your pit bull out for a walk.
"i'm alright. the marketing team made a stupid mistake so i had to do some damage control that took way longer than it should have, but i know martin is going to give them absolute hell tomorrow for it, so at least it doesn't reflect badly on me." your bowl clinks on the countertop as you sit down at the island and take out your computer, your headphones that were previously resting around your neck being slipped over your ears. "i've got some emails to write for an upcoming content creator collab we're doing, so i'll be in my zone. you guys know the drill?"
charles nods. "hermit mode?"
you smile, slipping the second speaker over your ear. "hermit mode."
a few moments pass before carlos speaks again. "are you okay with betting her?"
charles' eyebrows raise. "what do you mean?"
carlos makes his move on the chessboard. "if i win more races than you this year, i get her for a night. if you win more races than me, you can use me for a night. however you want."
the thought of his teammate and closest friend getting to fuck you lights a fire inside of charles, and while he wants nothing more than to agree to the bet purely for the stakes of it, he needs to check in with you first. "can i run it by her and get back to you on that?"
carlos nods. "just get me an answer by bahrain so we can figure something else out if she doesn't want to do that."
italy. february 3rd, 2024.
you had forgotten about the bet. charles and carlos had not.
now, just minutes later, you find yourself with your back once again against the wall, but this time you're staring into carlos' eyes while he fingers you gently, your legs wrapped around his waist and charles leaning against the vanity facing both of you. your eyes unintentionally flick over carlos' shoulder to your boyfriend who is an absolute mess. he's palming himself over his slacks, and you can tell just from the flush in his face that creeps down to his neck and the way his eyebrows are pinched together that he likes what he sees. before you can eye-fuck him the way you know he likes, carlos pulls his fingers out of you and you whine, but he carries you over to the vanity and taps your ass to get you to let go. "spin around, amor. let me see that beautiful ass of yours."
this is a side of carlos that you've never seen before, and it would be a lie to say that it's not hot. without a second thought, you spin yourself around so that your back is resting against his chest and your ass rests against his crotch. "come on, hermosa. bend over." as slowly as you can, you lean forward, resting your hands on the vanity and grinding yourself against him and you swear you can feel his dick twitch inside of his own black slacks. as soon as your forearms are fully resting on the granite vanity, carlos runs his hands down your back and to the front of your legs where he pulls the scarlet fabric of your dress to gather on your left side, the slit opening so that your entire ass is exposed. "no panties?" oh. you forgot about that.
"i kept them for good measure," charles says, pulling them out of his pocket. "you want 'em? you might have to shut her up. she never stops moaning."
"i know. i heard everything. you two are lucky i was the one outside and not anyone else. now," carlos says, taking your panties from your boyfriend and shoving them in his pocket, "do you feel like returning the favor?"
the whiskey you'd downed earlier is taking its effect, and you can't help but bite your lip and nod. normally, you wouldn't be nearly as confident as you are now with someone other than your boyfriend having you in the position you're in right now, but you trust carlos and frankly, you're too turned on to care. charles is in the same room and you're both comfortable enough in your relationship that it's okay. "yes, carlos. i'll return the favor. whatever you want." as you're talking, you can hear carlos unbuckle his belt and unzip his slacks, and when there's finally one layer of fabric between the two of you, carlos reaches into his jacket packet and pulls out a condom. before he opens it, though, you pipe up, your voice embarrassingly breathy and high. "i'm clean and on the pill. don't waste it if getting me pregnant is your only concern."
"are you sure?" carlos says, glancing over at charles. your boyfriend only responds with a shrug and points his thumb at you.
"whatever she says. you're the one fucking her."
carlos doesn't waste a second setting the condom on the vanity, pulling his slacks and underwear down his thighs just enough so that it's comfortable, and pushing into you. you have to bite your lip and cover your own mouth to prevent yourself from moaning too loudly, the stretch from carlos being so different to the one you're accustomed to with charles.
when you look up, carlos' head is thrown back and his hands grip your hips so tight his knuckles are white. it might be the hottest sight you've ever seen. "carlos." your voice is whiny, and you're shocked you can even get his name out.
"fuck me, please."
"are you sure?" his voice lilts in the way you're used to hearing, but this time, there's something slightly different about it. maybe it's the fact that he's currently buried inside of you, his hips flush with your own, or maybe it's the fact that every time you move your head to look up at him, your cunt squeezes around him so perfectly he fears he might cum within three thrusts, but either way, you feel so, so perfect.
"positive. now please. fuck. me." slowly, carlos pulls his hips back before pushing into you, slowly increasing his pace until every time his body meets your ass, you're shoved forward slightly on the counter and your breasts bounce forward, almost falling out of the low neckline of your dress.
"mierda, amor, tienes un coño hecho para mi," (shit, love, you have a cunt made for me,) carlos groans out, pulling your arms back and holding them with one hand while the other goes to hold you up by your neck. the restriction to your windpipe makes your head spin and the new angle has carlos' entire cock running against your g-spot with every thrust. you're able to wiggle your hands free, your left hand reaching back to tug at carlos' hair and your right goes down to rub circles around your clit, making you tighten around carlos' dick, and the combination of the pain from his hair being pulled and your cunt spasming around him makes him tip over the edge.
the feeling of carlos filling you up in turn sends you into your own orgasm, and as you cum, you look to your left, where charles jerks himself off watching you. when you make eye contact with him, though, it's the last straw and he spills into his hand with a quiet groan and his head thrown back.
the three of you catch your breaths and carlos pulls out of you gently, then shoves his cum back inside of you. the forgotten egg vibrator in charles' coat pocket is reinserted into your cunt and you whine at the overstimulation, slightly anxious that charles might tease you again, but he whispers a quiet promise in your ear that you've been good tonight, he won't turn it on anymore.
eventually, carlos slips out of the bathroom and you follow shortly after, walking back down the large hallway to return to the event. later that night, after speeches have been made, hollow promises have been spoken, and many, many bottles of expensive champagne have been toasted with, you make your way back outside, your arm linked with charles' as he calls his car to be pulled with the valet service. carlos walks up and stands next to the two of you, his car already on its way up, and turns to you.
"i'd say the bet is settled, no?"
there you have it folks :D
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Hiiii your marauders fics are AMAZING!! I’m truly obsessed with them. Would you ever do an aftercare fic where the reader is in sort of an emotional subspace and is just super clingy? Totally fine if not just curious :)
Hi, thank you! I realize you said "just curious" lol but I decided to try my hand at it. I'm not super familiar with this stuff, so it might be kinda cringey lol--sorry! Anyway, thank you for asking/requesting lovely :)
cw: smut mdni, p in v, dom/sub dynamics, praise kink
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 605 words
Your forehead crashes against Remus’ chest, panting breaths blowing warmth back onto your own face. 
Both of his hands had been gripping your hips, but now one coasts up the ridges of your spine, coming to rest on your upper back. 
“You’re alright,” he murmurs. 
You hum in response. It comes out a bit like a whine. You’re feeling teary and torn open, the emotions that had been heightening as you inched toward climax now crashing into the gulley below. 
Remus’ lips press gently to the top of your head. “Was that good for you, sweetheart?”
“Mhm,” you affirm readily. “Really good. Was it for you?” 
“I thought I made that apparent enough.” There’s a teasing edge to his voice, and you smile, turning your head to nuzzle your cheek against this chest. “Ready to get up?”
“No.” It’s almost a whimper. You needle your hands under his arms, wrapping yourself around him. “I wanna stay here.” 
He shifts, and you inhale sharply at the slight movement of his cock, still inside you. Shushes and apologies alike fall from Remus’ lips, but he leans up on his elbows, using one hand to tilt your face towards him. His expression shifts as he realizes your still-fuzzy headspace, lips pulling down.
“Oh, baby.” It sounds almost pitying, one knuckle stroking down your cheek lovingly. “You’re not going to feel better until you let me clean you up, dove.” 
Tears press at your eyes, but you do your best to sound reasonable. “I’ll feel better if we cuddle.” 
He kisses your forehead again. You recognize the apology in it and whine as he moves uncomfortably against your sensitive walls, sitting you both up. “We’ll still cuddle, I promise.” He slides you off his cock despite your protests. “Hey, you’re alright. I’ve got you, sweetheart. Not hurting, are you?” 
“A little,” you say, giving him doe eyes in hopes of some extra attention. But then Remus’ brow furrows concernedly, and you rethink it. “Not really, though. Not more than I wanna be.” 
He lets out a little sigh, pressing his lips to your forehead again. “You’re fine,” he says, seemingly to both of you. “Wanna have a bath, honey? We can cuddle in there, if you like.” 
“Or…” You give him a suggestive look, and he laughs. Not exactly the response you were looking for. 
“Sorry,” he says at your frown. “Sorry, dovey, you just looked too cute.” Admittedly, that softens you a bit. Remus squeezes your hip lightly, tilting his head as he considers you with an odd half-smile. “No, no more tonight. Think I’ve got you a bit too fucked out already, hm?” 
You pout. “Am not.” 
Remus hums, leaning forward to kiss your pushed-out lips. “Right, course not.” He lifts you up a bit, slipping out from under you. “You wanna stay here while I go start the bath?” 
“No.” Your tone pitches desperately, grabbing for his wrists as he stands beside the bed. Your vision blurs. “I want to be with you, Rem.”
“Okay, okay.” He brings his hands to your waist hastily, standing you up in front of him. “You’re fine, baby, you can come with. You gonna be okay with sitting on the counter while I get it all ready for us?” 
You blink at him interestedly. “Because I’m a good girl?” 
His chin comes down on your head and his arms wrap around your shoulders. You’re not sure what’s prompted the show of affection, but you’ll take it, nosing your way into the juncture of his neck. “Sure, darling,” he says, a definite note of amusement in his voice. “My good girl.”
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jsluvtzu · 1 year
late nights
g!p minatozaki sana x fem!reader
summary: you get a taste of her version of an after-party
cw: smut!!! really nasty smut!!!!!, somnophilia, breeding kink, honestly no plot, men dni
wc: 2k
a/n: wrote this while listening to muse by pnd anddd lemme tell yall… this fic is so muse coded
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you splashed your face with water one last time, pat drying it with a towel.
it was 11:24 pm on a friday night, and you decided to have a self-care night while your girlfriend drank her life away at a work party.
the song you had playing on the bluetooth speaker paused and got replaced with a now blaring ringtone.
you disconnected your phone from the speaker and answered it to hear the one voice you’ve missed all day.
“y/nnnn, my favorite girl everrr, hiiii”, sana’s slurred words and giggly tone filled the ear you held to your phone.
you chuckled at your girlfriend’s cute greeting, wondering how many shots of soju she’s had already.
“hii cutie, you having fun?”
“mmm i guess.. nayeon unnie keeps crying and telling me how pretty i am.”
you hummed and walked into your shared bedroom, switching the call to speakerphone and placing your phone on the bed.
“what’ve you been up to without me?”
“i just finished getting ready for bed, that’s all.”, you missed being able to have some time to yourself, but you missed your girlfriend more.
“yeah? what else did you do?”
you heard shuffling noises and small grunts over the phone, but thought nothing of it as you took your sleep shorts off, sliding into bed with nothing on other than sana’s oversized tee.
“hmm, i cleaned a little, took a nice, hot shower, did a face mask, and-“
sana interrupted your rambling with louder groans and you finally realized what she was doing.
“mhm, keep talking for me baby.”
your cheeks burned up immediately at the thought of sana touching herself to the sound of your voice.
“sana.. aren’t there people around you right now?”
“i’m in a stall love. don’t worry about me, ‘just wanna hear your pretty voice.”
“why don’t you just come home and let me help you? it’ll feel so much better, i promise.”, your mind getting filled with dirtier thoughts by the minute.
“fuck, i can’t baby, not yet. jeongie wants us to play some dumb drinking game.”
you groaned in annoyance and pulled the comforter higher up your body.
“i know, ‘m sorry baby, i’ll be home in an hour or two, okay?”
“mhm, whatever..”, you knew that was a lie. every time sana went out with her coworkers, it would always be an all night thing.
unfortunately, sana got you all needy for her from just one phone call, but she wasn’t there to help you relieve your urges.
you turned to lay on your side and rubbed your thighs together in an attempt to soothe the throbbing pain between your legs.
“shit, i gotta go y/n, just wait for me. i’ll be home soon and make you feel better, yeah?”
reluctantly, you agreed and hung up the phone, placing it on your nightstand and turning on a random show on the tv, putting the volume on low.
the dim light from the living room was the only source of light that shined through your open door, the warm ambience calming you into a state of drowsiness.
you fought with yourself to keep your eyes open in hopes that sana would actually keep her promise and come home at a reasonable time.
that fight ended rather quickly.
several hours had passed when sana finally came home, extremely drunk and horny.
she stumbled her way through the hallways, bumping into anything and everything in sight.
when she got to the doorway of your shared room, she stopped and held the door frame, stabling herself.
she stood there, staring and observing your peacefully sleeping figure.
you were laying stomach faced down and had one leg hanging out of the blanket, ass fully on display for her.
sana pushed herself off the wall and carefully approached the bed, trying her best not to make any noise.
not that it would wake you up anyways, you were always a pretty heavy sleeper.
as she made her way over to you, she kept her eyes locked on your visibly wet pussy, simultaneously slipping out of her leather jacket.
she got close enough to brush her fingers over your ankle all the way up to your waist, and up again to your face, softly caressing your cheek with the side of her finger.
your messy hair covering half your face. your soft, deep breathing and curved figure. you sobered sana up better than a good night’s sleep could.
she had a moment of clarity. never having thoughts any clearer than right now.
she needed to fuck you. just like this.
sana reached her free hand down her crotch to unzip her jeans, fishing her own cock out in hand.
it wasn’t enough to just stand there and stroke herself to the mere sight of you, she needed to use you.
she stood up straight and lifted one leg up and over the bed, clumsily straddling herself over your legs on her knees.
her skinny jeans were limiting her movement, so she pulled them and her boxers further down her thighs, allowing them to pool at her knees.
sana’s cock was hurting at this point, just eager to have your tight walls wrapped around her.
she ran her tip along your puffy folds, collecting your previous arousal on it and mixing it with her leaking precum.
soft moans escaped her lips when she accidentally dipped herself inside you, throwing her head back and biting her lip, relishing the moment.
“fuck y/n, you’ve just been here all wet and ready for me, huh? poor baby must’ve been so tired, she couldn’t even stay up a few more hours.”, sana whispered.
she was mumbling the filthiest things and having a whole conversation with herself.
“i know this is wrong love, i shouldn’t be this hard when i see you laid out like this. lookin’ all pretty for me while you’re sleeping.”
sana slid your shirt up your back as far as she could without lifting your body, losing her grip on reality when she saw the way your back was slightly arched.
“arching for me even in your sleep? fuck baby, you want this. yeah, you were waiting for this. just waiting for me to take advantage of you when you can’t tell me yourself.”
sana rubbed her hands over your ass, gently massaging your flesh.
“ ‘this why you wanted me to come home so bad? so i could fuck you out of your dreams? wake you up with my dick so fucking deep inside your pussy? huh? my pretty girl..”
you let out a small, short grunt, stretching and adjusting your position, still fully asleep.
sana paused her movements in fear that she woke you up before her fun started, but she smiled when she realized you actually had no clue what was going on, subconsciously angling yourself at an even better position for her.
“look at that.. poor needy little thing just begging to be fucked even when she’s unconscious. how cute..”
she tapped her cock up against your clit a couple times before she ran through your slit down to your entrance, inching herself inside.
dragging out her slow thrust, she made sure to feel every single bit of you, taking in how your pussy stretched around her thick, long cock.
she let out a low groan when she hit your cervix, the whole length of her cock disappeared from view.
“shit.. y/n. you take me so fucking well. god, look at you baby.”
she pulled out of you at the same leisurely pace with no struggle, given how wet you already were.
sana lifted up her t-shirt with her left hand, bunching it up just above her breasts, her abs flexing with every breath she took.
her right hand stayed on the small of your back, holding you in place while she teased herself inside of you, thrusting in and out of you painfully slow.
“you feel so good like this, y/n. fuck, you were right. i should’ve just- fuck- came home and let you help me.”
her pace was getting sloppier, words struggling to become coherent.
“still not awake yet, love? better be dreaming of me if you’re sleeping this good.”
sana was closer to cumming than she thought, her neediness getting the best of her.
she leaned over your figure, hands landing on either side of you, lowering herself to fuck you at an insane pace.
“ ‘gna put a fucking baby in this pretty little pussy.”
you heard her voice right in your ear, slightly stirring out of your sleep.
sana moved her hips in an uncoordinated and messy rhythm, her drunkenness still apparent.
her thrusts were heavy, the whole bed shaking when she started fucking into you roughly.
you were almost fully awake now, feeling how full of your girlfriend’s cock you were, moaning lightly at the way sana pushed up against your sweet spot.
“s- sana..”
“aww, is my baby finally up? change your mind?”
sana stopped and waited for your approval, or any sign that you were genuinely uncomfortable.
“no, please. keep going..”
she leaned down to kiss your cheek, moving down to your neck, the smell of alcohol on her breath pungent.
“i knew you wanted it, baby. such a pretty fucking slut for me. you’d let me use you anytime, wouldn’t you?”
your breathy moans and whines encouraged sana to fuck you even faster than before, her growing urge to cum inside you being the only thing on her mind.
sana straightened herself back up and grabbed your hips, pulling you closer to her so that you were supported on your knees, face still down on your pillow.
her bruising grip stayed on both sides of your waist, resuming her animalistic speed.
you clutched onto the sheets below you, screaming out in pleasure into your silk pillow.
sana hated that your moans were muffled, she needed to hear every pretty sound you made.
her right hand left your side and made its way up to your hair, grabbing a fistful of your strands, yanking forcefully until you were flush up against her.
you yelped at her roughness, moaning at the way it turned you on twice as much.
“fuck, sana. just like that, fuck- please don’t fucking stop.”
“yeah? you like it when i fuck you like the toy you are? hm? ‘love it when i use you like a fucking fleshlight. dumb slut can’t even think right when i’m fuckin’ her this good.”
you moaned uncontrollably at sana’s words, your mind going blurrier and blurrier.
both you and sana’s moans were in sync, a perfect harmony.
“shit- i’m so fucking close y/n. ‘gna fucking cum inside you.”
“fuck, please, yes, please, i can take it, ‘just fucking get me pregnant.”
you didn’t even realize what you said, too fucked out to think rationally.
sana was basically growling in your ear, holding you tightly against her with her arms wrapped around your waist.
she let her grip on you go, flipping you over and pushing you down on your back, thrusting into you inhumanly fast.
tears rolled out the corners of your eyes, the pleasure overwhelming you.
sana’s hands wrapped around your throat, her eyes staring deeply into yours and her mouth slightly open, letting out short groans and curses.
“fuck fuck fuck, ‘m gonna cum, oh fuck-“
sana slammed her hips down, stilling her movements and moaning every time her cum pulsed out of her cock.
you felt her warm liquid filling you up, whining at the way her dick twitched inside you.
her hands loosened from your neck, her body crashing down onto yours as she tried to catch her breath.
she didn’t pull out yet, her dick too sensitive to move.
you reached your hands up to her hair, raking your fingers through her tangles, stroking her head gently.
the sleepiness was sneaking its way back to you, your eyes fluttering closed.
after a couple minutes of sana laying on top of you, she pulled out and looked up at you, kissing her way down your body.
she reached your sticky, cum-filled core, hovering over it with hungry eyes.
“let me clean you up, baby.”
you didn’t even care that sana stayed out too late anymore, she definitely made up for it.
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rinstaro · 1 year
I’m so happy ur back and and I js wanted to let u kno ur so strong bestie! <3333
now, I have but a wee thought I would like to share. An offering, if you will.
late night sleepy cuddles with sky (or really any of the boys tbh) and they sneak their hand into them Panties and start mindlessly making you cream but you can’t do anything about it because they have you in a death grip and your writhing and your legs are shaking and omg- and they just did it cause they felt like it. they were just like “omg ur literally so cute now cum you whore”
anyways that’s what’s been happening in my crusty little rat brain lately
k bye! <333
oh. you missed me? oh that makes me so happy !!!!!!!
i like this offering!!!! imma do sky and just a short twilight for this <33 thank you star
cw: overstim, mean boys, twilight is sweet but he’s really not, sky has a wet dream, fingering, coochie eating, consensual somnophilia, reader has a vagina no pronouns!
minors do not interact.
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sky awoke from his nap with a throbbing pain. said pain coming from his dick being so hard. he knows it’s bound to happen as a guy, but his problem is that you’re right next to him. still sleeping.
sky had dreamt of you. he dreamt that your soft, sweet body was shaking, writhing in pleasure while you called his name. he was startled when he awoke to find out that your sweet cunt was indeed not wrapped around him like a vice. he slowly sat up, gazing at your form. you looked perfect to him.
he pulled you closer to him, pressing his hard cock against your ass. he couldn't help but squeeze the soft flesh. he adored that you slept in panties, or sometimes nothing at all. he groaned at the pressure as he hid his face in your neck. one hand stayed wrapped around your waist while the other slipped into your panties.
he loved the feeling of your folds between his fingers. he sighs shakily, rubbing slow circles on your clit. you stirred only slightly, letting out sleepy little groans. sky really couldn't help himself. he began to grind into you, his dick straining against his shorts. he hissed, slightly speeding up his pace on your clit.
you began to twitch, soft whimpers leaving your lips. sky imagined how you'd whimper when he was drilling his cock into you. he let out a needy groan. he felt you grow wetter and wetter under his fingers. slowly, he slipped two fingers into your cunt, his breath hitching at just how tight you were. you stirred even more, your legs beginning to clench around his arm. okay, he's had enough. he lifts your leg, giving him as much access as he needs. he wasn't a selfish man, though. he'd let you cum before fucking your cunt.
the sudden movement jolted you awake, your eyes fluttering open. "b... baby?" your sleepy voice sends him over the edge. sky began to pump his fingers in and out of you, curling them harshly.
you clutched the sheets, body overwhelmed with such a sudden jolt of pleasure. your cunt only grew wetter as he fucked you with his fingers. "b-babe! hahh, wait-"
"come on, pretty, don't you wanna cum for me? feels good, yeah? slutty cunt's dripping."
you can only respond with a weak moan, your leg twitching in his hold. your body began to shake, your orgasm hitting you so viciously. you try to pull your leg away, but his grip only tightens. "b-babe, c-cumming! s-slow down!"
your cries fall on deaf ears, sky continuing to grind against your ass. he grunts lowly, only speeding up the pace of his hand. you squeal, hips wriggling away from his.
"pretty, so pretty, n-need you to cum some more. come on, slut, we just started. give me more."
he’s just now slipping into bed after a long days work. you blink slowly, still a little groggy but happy that he was home. his hands grasped your hips tightly. “l…link?”
as soon as his name left your lips, you were flipped over on your back and pulled closer by your thighs. “hey, darlin’. gonna cum like a whore for me, ‘kay?” your husband kissed wildly all over your neck and chest, not even giving you a chance to breathe. you writhe and moan, the sudden pleasure wracking your poor body.
“l-link! a-ahh, slow—“ you kept getting cut off by your own moans as he kissed your chest, making sure to give your hardened nipples plenty of attention. he kissed all the way down your stomach, making you jolt. then, your sleep shorts were off in an instant.
like the animal he was, he pressed his nose to your mound and inhaled. you gasped out of shock, body jerking in his hold. he does nothing but growl and pull you closer, diving in to taste your sweet cunt. he’d been dreaming about you all day. work should have never dragged on for so long. he was craving a taste of you so badly he could go mad.
your back arched and you grabbed at his hair, pulling his strands. he slurps and sucks at your wet cunt, never stopping for a moment to breathe. you could only let out weak moans at the feeling, your body being fully awake now. you jolted and squirmed from your sensitivity, but he had no plans on letting you go.
he could feel your orgasm before you can. it hits you so quickly you can barely think. “f-fuck! link!”
this does nothing to stop him. he keeps lapping at your poor cunt, desperate to have all of your cream down his throat. you push at his head, clamping your legs around his ears.
“fuckfuckfuckfuck link! e-enough!”
he pulls away from your cunt only to growl. “quiet. let me finish.” he dives right back in, showing no mercy for your sorry cunt.
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sevscig · 9 months
fucking loser -loser!ellie <3
HI GUYS!? I wanted to write, (which I havent in a long time) but I wanted to write my take on loser!ellie, i feel like shes such me tbh, soooo yeahh. Srry if this is shit yall.
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Ellie was a fucking loser. She had a helpless crush on you, always finding herself staring at your pretty face for too long when you guys were out on patrol or when you finally asked for her to hang out with you, dina, and jesse. She stuttered like a child. It was pathetic, to say the least, but it was cute. well, you thought it was cute. She always got red and flustered when you were around; you thought it was adorable, ellie being ellie thought it was a weakness. It wasn't like she could stop herself anyway.
Yesterday, Ellie finally mustered up the courage to ask you if you wanted to hang out—a date? No, no, she wasn't that brave, but you being you, teased her anyway :( "oh, so a date stargazing? You're so cute, els" you teased the poor girl as her cheeks blazed with excitement.That's how you guys ended up walking to a small field outside of Jackson, the moonlight casting a cool aura across your faces.
As you guys settled down on the grass, the field was damp with the spring rain that morning. A comfortable silence settled between you two, watching the stars above, but ellie couldn't stop staring at you as you guys shared headphones, listening to your playlist through each of the wires. She just couldn't keep her eyes off of you. You could feel her face on you, studying you like a piece of art. Scanning every freckle, scar just everything on your pretty face. "enjoy the view?" You taunted with that stupid, stupid fucking smile.
You turned your head to meet her eyes, she was smiling like a child in a candy store, it was such adorable, She had a piece of grass on her face; she clearly didn't notice, and, well, you just wanted to be sweet. right? You leaned in close to her, so close that she could feel your fucking breath on her face. She could feel the heat starting to work its way up her neck. She closed her eyes, waiting for your lips to meet hers. "Got it." You said cheerfully, plucking the price of grass off her face, and she released a deep breath of...disappointment?
Stupid, She was so fucking stupid, she thought, Why would you wanna ki- she got cut off by the feeling of your soft lips on hers, your hands gently holding her face in place. It felt like bliss; everything she imagined about kissing you and more, she felt warm and fuzzy, something Ellie hasn't felt in so long. You slowly pulled back with a smile on your face as you let a giggle rise out of your throat at how red ellie's face was. "was that okay?" You asked softly, and she could only let out an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of her neck and nodding her head like the fool she was.
such a loser.
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HIIII!? Idk if that was good; I haven't written anything in so long. I really wanted this to be good; it's been sitting in my drafts for months. I've been contemplating posting it or not. Please let me know what you think!!!
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soo hiiii i saw ur requests r open for… könig….. and honestly i think ur cool sooo yep! :3
but anyway-
what r ur thoughts on König w his innocent lil wify afab reader??
like i just wanna know what u think he would do if his precious darling were just running around their shared space w nothin but his t-shirt n panties, smiling at him n kissin his cheeks n lips bc he’s “such an innocent sweetheart” WHEN IN REALITY HES THROBBING IN HIS PANTS AS WE SPEAK-
um anyway-
u don’t have to respond or anything, pook. just hope ur doing well and takin care of urself!! stay safe, love ya babe!! ::::3
Honestly, no, we NEED to talk about this!!!
It's not a full-on smut, but you can gladly come back for more babes <3
And im doing okay! Had a long day at work and all haha,, I hope you're good as well, love ya too xxx
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He quietly watches from the couch as you shimmy around your apartment in such skimpy clothes. Nothing but his (way too big) shirt, and some panties. It didn't seem like you were trying to rile him up on purpose, no.... you were just being you; his cute, little spouse who he'd do absolutely anything for. And that thought alone is all you need.
You're aware that what you're wearing is provocative; not like you intended to tease your giant of a husband, really. You were just doing casual things around the house, and when you were done, you spotted him on the couch. "Love, can you help me with the plates? I can't reach the top shelf..." You ask him, avoiding eye contact since your cupboards are higher than normal ones due to König's gigantic stature.
He rises and follows quietly behind, his eyes glued to your naked legs, watching as the shirt you're wearing rides up just enough for your butt to poke out. König could feel the blood rush to his cock at the sight, moving closer and trapping you against the counter. You turn around, looking up at his face, which you so deeply adore and flash a smile.
He bends down to capture your lips in a kind of rough but passionate kiss that leaves you breathless and hot and bothered at the same time. "What are you doing?" You whine a little when he lifts you on top of the counter, slightly shivering when the cool wood makes contact with your warm legs.
"You made me so fucking hard.... walking around like you're easy... aber nur für mich, nicht wahr?" (But only for me, right?) König says, lips millimeters away from yours. The way he says it got you feeling butterflies.
"Yes, only for you." Is all you can mutter before he delves in, his kisses all tongue and teeth, and you wouldn't have it any other way. You like when he's a little rough with you. "I'm sorry for riling you up... I didn't think anything of it..."
"Oh, ich weiß, mein kleines Schätzchen. I'll teach you what you're getting yourself into for the next time." (Oh, I know my little darling) He smirks before effortlessly throwing you over his shoulder, one hand smacking your ass. Hard.
You're in for a long night, dear.
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pichiru · 10 days
The Sun Also Smiles - Chapter 5
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Chapters - [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Summary - With Mabel and Dipper's 16th birthday party on the horizon, Grunkle Stan takes to online dating to find a date for the party. Things start to get real weird real fast.
Word Count - 3,582
Pairing(s) - Stan Pines x OC
Genre(s): Romance, Comedy, Mystery
“Sixer, is this really necessary?” Stan panted as he was running on a treadmill in their lab. He was keeping up just fine but of course he was a little winded. Being on a boat nonstop for two years will do that to you.
“Yes, it’s extremely necessary because I don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning and hear that my brother died from over exerting himself if he…” Ford cleared his throat with his fist over his mouth. “Happens to “get lucky” the night before.”
“Why do ya talk about sex like you’re the kids’ ages? Like ya don’t sneak off in the dead of night to be with Fiddleford,” Stan said loudly, unable to control the volume of his voice from running so much.
“Shut it!” Ford snapped as his face reddened from Stan’s words. He was completely unaware that his brother knew about that and now he was self conscious.
Stan cheesed, pleased with himself that he outed his brother the same way he outed him to the kids. “How much longer do I gotta run?? I gotta take another shower cuz of ya!”
“You should wanna freshen up before a date. Anyways, you can stop at any time. Nobody told you to run. I told you to just get on the treadmill. You’re the one who started running like there were demons chasing you,” Ford said in a snide tone.
“Oh for fuck’s sake…” Stan growled, immediately turning the treadmill down to a comfortable speed before hopping off. “Are your tests conclusive?” He asked as he went to the fridge that was in the lab. Ford spent long hours down here since they were back and Stan thought to get a fridge installed so he could stay hydrated at least. He saw a jug of water and sighed in relief.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ford said with his back to Stan, waving his hand dismissively. “You’ll do just fine if you get lucky tonight. I have no doubts. Just watch that your heart doesn’t start feeling funny,” he explained while he wrote on a piece of paper.
Meanwhile, Stan was chugging the water and let out a loud sigh then burped loudly. He put the half finished jug in the fridge and closed it. He wiped his mouth followed by his forehead to get rid of what sweat he could for the moment.
“If I do get lucky, can I bring her down here? Don’t wanna scar the kids. Not somethin they need to be around honestly,” he half joked.
“Yeah, sure,” Ford said, waving his hand again. He wasn’t paying attention in the slightest anymore. He was too focused on what he was doing to hear any of what Stan was saying.
“Loser says, yeah?” Stan said quickly.
“Yea- Oh, good grief,” Ford groaned, putting his head in his hand in defeat. Stan’s obnoxious laughter could be heard receding as he went upstairs to get ready for his date.
Mabel was sitting in Stan’s recliner when he came up from the lab. He walked into the living room.
“Hiiii, Grunkle Stan,” she said cutely.
“Hi, Pumpkin,” he said, ruffling her hair affectionately as he walked past her. “Bein good?”
“As alwaaayyyssss,” Mabel said with a grin.
“Good. Take care of your brother tonight for me, alright? He seems like he needs a lot of support right now.” Stan started up the steps then stopped and looked at Mabel.
“Can I ask you somethin?”
“Anything for yooouuuuu!” She chirped happily.
“What should I get her for our first date?” He asked shyly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” Mabel hummed for what felt like centuries.
“Cmon kid, I ain’t got all day,” he said playfully.
“She looks like the type to enjoy flowers if they were very specific flowers,” she said honestly.
“Specific flowers?” Stan asked, intrigued by this thought process now.
“Yeah like don’t get her just any old bouquet of random flowers. I’ve seen rose and sunflower bouquets. The red and yellow look soooooooooooo good together. Also! She just seems like a sunflower kinda lady. You know that special fact about sunflowers right?”
“No?” Stan said in a tone that gave his confusion away immediately.
“Sunflowers always face the sun no matter what. And I think, if I remember correctly, if there’s no sun, they face each other. So you could be all corny, hand her the bouquet, and say, “wow! I didn’t know you were the sun with the way these sunflowers are facing you!” Or something like that,” Mabel mimicked in her best Stan voice.
Stan stared at her with a deadpan expression, not buying it in the least bit. “I’ll get her the flowers but there’s no way in hell I’m sayin all that.”
“Why nootttttt! It’s cute! I think she’d appreciate it!” she pouted cutely.
“I think she’d laugh me out of house and home,” Stan chuckled.
“Noooooo! She’s really nice! I don’t think she’d do that to you,” she said, nodding to emphasize her point.
“If you say so kid. Anyway, I’m gonna go get dressed. Don’t let the tv or the phone rot your brain,” Stan said, walking up the stairs.
“Suuuurrreeee!” She said before whipping her phone out immediately and texting the group chat she had with Grenda and Candy.
Mabel said:
Candy said:
What’s up Mabel!
Mabel said:
My Grunkle Stan is going on a date tonight and I kinda wanna spy on them 😼😽
Grenda said:
Spy on them?? How would you do that?
Mabel said:
Welllllllllll the driving age is 16 here and Candy is 16,,,,,,,,,,and she has her driver’s license,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Mabel said:
Candy said:
I don’t think my parents would let me drive this late in the day
Mabel said:
That’s why yooouuuuuuuuu sneak ouuuuttttt. Just this one time! Please please please please please please pleeeeaaaassseeeeeeereeee 🙏🏻
Candy said:
Sighhhhhhhhh fine. This one ☝🏻 (1) time
Grenda said:
Mabel said:
Operation Date Night is a go 😈
Mabel hopped up from the chair then hurried up to her and Maze's bedroom. "Maze! Maze, Maze, Maze!" She repeated excitedly but enough to where Stan couldn't hear if he happened to be listening too hard.
"Whaaaaaaaat?" Maze asked in an annoyed tone. He was laying on his bed and reading a comic book when Mabel jumped on his bed.
"Wanna go on a spy mission with me and the girls?" she asked as she got extremely close to Maze's face. Her nose was pressed against his cheek which made her breathe heavily on him over and over again.
"A spy mission? Who are you spying on?" he asked, looking out of the corner of his eye so he didn't move to look at her.
"Grunkle Staaaaaannnnnnnn."
Maze fully turned his head to look at his insanity driven sister. "Mabel, isn't that a little...extreme?"
"Well yeah but don't you wanna make sure that this lady isn't some weirdo freak?" She retorted simply. "I wanna make sure Grunkle Stan is happy and taken care of in his old...er...age. That's all."
Maze sighed heavily. "Okay, even if I agreed to go along with this insane plan, how would we even get there?"
"Candy has her license," Mabel said in a singsong voice as she grinned from ear to ear.
He stared at Mabel for what seemed like 117 business days. "Fine," he said simply. "But if this goes downhill for us, I'm gonna say I told you so. Deal?"
Mabel laughed at that. "Deal!"
"Do you even know where they're going?" he asked.
"I asked Grunkle Ford and he said that they're going to some...wine tasting event at the art gallery. I dunno. Adults are weird," she explained.
"Huh. I knew Grunkle Stan was the artsy type but I didn't think he'd share that so readily with someone he just met. I only found out from Grunkle Ford recently in a correspondence from when they were out on their voyage."
"Mhm, mhm," she responded, nodding her head with her arms folded across her chest thoughtfully. "I'm gonna tell Candy to come get us after Grunkle Stan leaves. I know exactly which gallery they're going to. It's so nice from what I remember."
"Okay. Come get me when they're here and you're ready," Maze said, giving her a quick nod before going back to reading his comic book.
"You're the best little brother I could ever ask for!" Mabel said as she tackle hugged him.
"Hey, hey! Easy on the little stuff!" He said in a strained voice, starting to blush.
"I thought you were over that stuff??"
"Sometimes," he grumbled in response.
"Maze, you're always gonna be the little brother. You just have to learn to live with it at this point," Mabel teased, poking his side which caused him to flinch from being ticklish in that spot.
"Yeah, yeah. Sure," he laughed gently.
About an hour passed before Stan emerged from his room. There was a tolerable smell of cologne wafting off of him and his hair was done perfectly to his standards. He had on a black button up shirt with a fancier than usual, but still simple, gold chain adorned around his neck. His pants were simple but he definitely put on his best pair of shoes for this event. He even put in some old earrings he forgot he had.
Nobody ever really noticed except Ford because his hair was shaggy majority of the time but Stan had six piercings. Three on each ear. One on each lobe and two going up the outsides of his ears. There were two gold hoops and four gold studs. The man even shaped up his beard of all things. He felt amazing and most of all, ecstatic, about this date.
"Kids?" Stan called to the twins in the hallway. "I'm headin out! Be nice and try not to kill each other. Take care of Ford too!" he yelled out to them as he started down the hall to go down the stairs.
"Grunkle Stan!!" Quick and heavy footsteps could be heard closing the space behind Stan. Mabel held up her closed fist at him with her fingers facing upwards. "Give these to her," she said sweetly.
Stan turned to see what Mabel was going on about. "What is it?" he asked with a quirked eyebrow as he stared at her closed hand.
Mabel opened her hand to reveal a pair of well made conversation heart earrings that read, "Be Mine" and "Sweetheart". One was yellow and the other was pink. "She seems like a conversation heart kinda gal. Tell her you commissioned me for these and watch how fast she swoons," she suggested with a wink.
Stan stared at the earrings then took them from her gently. He smiled at the gesture and closed his hand around them. "Thanks, Pumpkin. Appreciate this a lot."  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
She giggled and blushed shyly. "Let me know how she likes them!!"
"I will. Solana's an artist too and I know she'll appreciate how much work ya put into this, kid." Stan smiled at her gratefully while he patted the top of her head lovingly.
Her eyes sparkled at that fact. "I'd love to see her work some time!"
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind showin ya. Just be patient, yeah?"
Mabel nodded quickly, pursing her lips at the same time. "I got ya!" She winked at him.
"Okay, I gotta get goin," he said as he checked the flashy time piece he had on his left arm. "Don't wanna be late to my first date in years." He chuckled. A date. That felt funny to say out loud.
"Yeah! Gogogoogogogogo!" She urged eagerly, pushing him to go down the stairs faster. "I wanna hear all about it when you get home!"
Stan laughed to himself. As if he'd tell her every single thing. Especially if things were to get a little heated like they did earlier at the store. He made it to the bottom of the stairs intact, no thanks to Mabel still pushing him. She didn't stop until they were at the front door. "Gooooooooo!"
"I'm goin, I'm goin!" he snorted, opening the door to leave. "Be good, kid." Stan closed the door behind himself and walked to his car.
Mabel whipped out her phone immediately and texted the new group chat that she'd made with Maze, Candy, and Grenda.
Mabel said:
Guys. Operation Date Night is a go. 😈
Candy said:
Got it. On my way. 🚗
Grenda said:
Maze said:
Ready as I can be to spy on my grunkle
On the drive to the gallery, Stan sang along to the radio to every song that played. Either he listened to the radio too much or they needed to find new songs to play for once. Maybe it was both. He didn't really care either way. It was a way to work off the nerves he was feeling the closer he got to the gallery.
He'd already met her and kissed her but he still wanted to make a good impression on her anyway. He _had_ to. There had to be some way to make for his behavior earlier. Hopefully the earrings Mabel made for her would butter her up even more in his favor. Make it look like he loved his niece and believed in her work. Which does. Obviously.
Once he arrived, he parked the car and cut the radio off to sit there in silence. The nerves were creeping back up on him slowly the longer he sat there in deep thought.
Stan reached in his pocket for his phone to see if Solana messaged him. And by a stroke of luck, she did.
Solana said:
I'm inside whenever you get here. I'm the one in the long and frilly off the shoulder affair 😋🖤 It's all black
Stan 🖤🖤🖤 said:
Alright I'm here I'll be in
Solana smiled at the message before putting her phone back into her purse and waiting for Stan. She was just as nervous as he was, surprisingly. She started fidgeting with her hands to try and work some of the energy off.
Breathe in.
It's okay.
Breathe out.
He's a nice guy. He won't be weird.
Breathe in.
What's to be nervous about?
Breathe out.
What if he thought she was…promiscuous…for throwing herself at him?
Breathe in.
He definitely thought that.
Breathe out. Breathe in.
Oh God.
Breathe out. Breathe in. Breath out.
He does.
In. Out. In. Out.
He does???
In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In…
He does.
The speed of her breathing quickened alongside the speed of her thoughts. It started to become overwhelming almost immediately. Everything around her started to sound extremely deafening but unintelligible gibberish at the same time. Her head started spinning the longer she sat there with herself. It became unbearable.
"...ana?" A voice said through the fog.
"Huh?" She said softly, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
"Solana?" Stan's voice said clearly, snapping her back to reality promptly.
"S-Stan," Solana said softly as she tried to compose herself. She adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder. After shaking her head a little to reduce the fog in her brain, she saw Stan clearly. Smelled him too. He smelled so...*good*.
Stan was standing there with a bouquet of roses and sunflowers like Mabel suggested with a distressed look on his face. He was worried sick about the state Solana seemed to be in at the moment.
“Wow, you look fucking amazing,” she complimented as she looked him from head to toe a few times over. “The sexy black shirt. We just so happened to wear all black and match? That’s cute. And oooh, the earrings? You really pulled out all the stops,” she rambled, trying to get the residual nerves to go away at this point.
Stan’s entire face turned red at the compliments she rapidly fired at him. He was completely speechless.
“I…uh…speakin of earrings. I…I had these commissioned for you. From my niece,” Stan said after clearing his throat. He pulled earrings from a little part on the bouquet and handed them to her in a decorative baggie. The florist did him a solid and gave him a mini bag for them.
Solana took the baggie gently and opened it then poured them into her hand. A soft look plastered itself on her face. It was an expression that held admiration for Stan and happiness that he’d even think of something like this so quickly.
“Stan, I…”
“Oh! It’s not me askin ya to do anything ya don’t wanna,” he said quickly, his embarrassment becoming much clearer the longer they stood there in silence. His neck and ears heated up.
Solana stepped forward then stretched onto her tippy toes in her heels to place a kiss on his lips. Stan cleared his throat to hide the pride he felt in getting another kiss from her.
“Thank you. I love these. I’ll put them on right now, actually.” And she did just that. As she was putting them on, she finally turned her full attention to what was in Stan’s hands.
“Flowers? For me?” She asked, tears clear in her tone. “Homemade earrings and a bouquet of flowers so delicately made and designed? For me?” She asked again as she started sniffling.
“WAIT, why are you cryin!” Stan said, holding his free hand out at her. Admittedly, he didn’t know what to do with her like this so he waited until she told him what she needed.
“Should I get ya some tissues??” He asked worriedly.
“No, no. I’m fine,” she said through her copious amounts of sniffles as she pulled a jet black and lace trimmed handkerchief from her cleavage. Stan blinked at that motion. That was…kinda hot. Solana started dabbing her the waterline of her eyes with the cloth then patted her cheeks dry.
“I’m sorry. It’s just so sweet of you to do all of this and I don’t have anything for you.”
“S’fine, toots. I don’t need anything,” Stan deflected quickly.
Solana rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I asked or said. Now I have to get you something as equally or even more amazing than these gifts. Can I?” She asked, holding her hands out for the flowers.
“Oh, yeah. Sure. They’re all yours,” he said while putting the flowers into her hands gently. “I got ya sunflowers cuz ya been lightin up my life like the purest ray of sunshine since we met and sunflowers always face the sun no matter what. So…yeah.” He took Mabel’s advice but he tried to doctor it up a little from what she originally said.
“Stan, that is…” She started sniffling again. “That’s the sweetest thing a man has ever said to me. You got game, old man,” she joked through her stifled tears.
“Yeah, you know, I try,” he said with a shrug and charming half smile that could only be interpreted as him trying to be humble but failing miserably.
Solana giggled at his attempt to seem nonchalant. “You’re so funny,” she sniffled once more, wiping her eyes and cheeks again. After she did that, she folded the handkerchief up and put it back in her cleavage.
“Are you…ready to get this show on the road? It’s a night of fine wine and fine art beside a fine man.”
“With a fine lady on my arm,” Stan added before holding out his arm for her to take.
She let out an excited but quiet “ooh” sound then took his arm just as he wanted her to. “Wanna get the wine before or after the art?”
“After. I don’t wanna be tipsy for this,” he said honestly.
“I respect that so much,” she said sweetly. “Lead the way?”
“Glad to do it, toots.” Stan started towards the beginning of the gallery with his date on his arm and his confidence through the roof. He leaned down closer to her ear. “Ya look great by the way. I’m diggin the whole goth vibe. It’s sexy,”he said in a low voice.
“Oh!” She said as her face flushed. “Thank you.”
As they walked deeper into the gallery, Mabel, Maze, Candy, and Grenda were peeking around a corner and watching from afar. Mabel and Candy were borderline crying at how Stan managed to pull everything together and make it cohesive.
“I am so proud of him!” Candy nearly sobbed.
“The sunshine line was my idea. He just dressed it up a bit,” Mabel said in a wavering voice as her bottom lip quivered.
Maze rolled his eyes and, of course, put his hands in his pockets. “You guys are so mushy.”
“Guys, they’re getting away from us! We have to focus!” Grenda said as she grabbed Mabel’s face and held it tightly in place. “We have to see,” she whispered.
“Grenda’s right. We gotta go!” Mabel said in a louder than she should voice. Maze immediately covered her mouth.
“Do you wanna ruin your own covert operation??” He asked her. She shook her head. “Then we gotta be quieter so we don’t get found out. Got it?” She nodded and he removed his hand from her mouth.
“Let’s go,” Candy whispered, sneaking forward to try and catch up to Stan and Solana at a reasonable distance. Everyone else crept beside her.
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crazystargirl · 1 year
hiiii! i saw you wanted some request so i got you! can i request a jack champion x reader where the two of them are on the avatar set just goofing off and being totally oblivious to their feelings for each other while everyone just ships them so hard thank youuuu i love your blog!!!!!!!
take one !
pairing ! - jack champion x reader 
word count ! - 0.6k 
a/n ! - BRO ANON ILYSM MY REQUESTS WERE LITERALLY A DRIED UP WELL BEFORE ( except for that rlly good smut request but idk how to write smut 😭 ) i also don't think i did this request justice since ive been writing it this whole week and im sick, stressed, and dealing with a lot of issues about friends and grades [ i'll add photos later ]
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you basically grew up on the set of avatar the way of water with all the other younger cast members, who practically were family to you at this point
most people try not to play favorites with their friends but you did and tried your best not to reveal to everyone that your favorite was jack. everyone found out anyway even though you thought you were sneaky
but anyways that's not the point
you and jack were "the duo" on set and loved goofing off with each other even though some scenes took longer to film because of this, no one really minded since they all shipped you two
like c'mon you two were so oblivious to the "flirty" side if your friendship that you guys were basically a lost cause
so one day britain, trinity, and jamie decided something needed to happen like cmon the tension was becoming too unbearable 
today you guys needed to film a scene where your character, spider, and the rest of the Sully kids were running around the forest before you guys find the recoms
this scene wouldn't have taken that long if it weren’t for you and Jack
you two were not taking anything seriously, stopping every five seconds because jack would trip you or you would push him into the set structure
and then when james would tell you guys what you needed to improve on the scene, you and jack would be playing roblox or scrolling through memes instead of listening
james had decided you two needed a break because you guys had filmed a lot already and you and jack were not helping get anymore done
so now you and jack were hunched over your phone where you kept making jack try on all these filters and you kept taking pictures for later 
jamie came up behind you two and tapped you and jack on the shoulders that were closest to each other and since you guys were hunched over, you ended up kissing while trying to see who tapped you two
you both froze and quickly moved away from each other, embarrassed
you guys heard cheering behind you and looked to see the rest of the cast even the adults, clapping and cheering, while jamie stood laughing his head off
"im going to fucking kill you!" you yelled at jamie, getting up to chase him
"y/n! i need a dollar for the swear jar since you cursed!" trinity yelled, also laughing while you and jack were chasing jamie around
eventually jack tackled him since there was no way you would actually be able to tackle jamie because of the unfair height advantage 
after jamie was on the ground, jack kept punching him, enough to slightly hurt but not enough to bruise while you held his legs down so he wouldn't kick jack
then you got the idea to steal jamie's phone and quickly took it from his pocket, tugging on jack's arm to tell him "let's go"
you guys ran into one of the storage closets no one uses and sat down, unlocking jamie's phone easily
"so you wanna talk about what happened there?" jack said, playing with your hair as you leaned your head on his chest, scrolling on jamie's phone
"mmmm no i rather not" you said, looking up and kissing him again
jack pulls you into his arms and you guys end up staying like that for the rest of the day, messing around on yours, jack's, or jamie's phone
and of course everyone knows damn well where yall are put who would want to ruin this sweet moment that they had been working on to push on you two?
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taglist ! - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound, @phsychobanana
lmk if you want to be added/removed !
© crazystargirl || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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Hiiii baby, how's my favorite dumbass? ♥
Alicia sweetie I wanna ask for a small drabble of Matt and car sex 🤭
I don't why but I found it so hot that Matt fucking Manwhore Murdock would most likely be interested in that
I'm such a slut for Matt 😩
I've been having quite a lot of thoughts that are just- 😳
anyway, I hope you're doing well dumdum ❤
with love- you're one and only favorite slut and whore and dumbass Hailey 💋💋
hiii my hailey baby!!!!!!!! im doing well, how’s my favourite dumbass doing?? and that sounds like an absolute dream🤭 I may have ‘accidentally’ wrote you a bit more than intended🤫 thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
lots of love- your fav feral friend💋💋
parking bay play
Matt Murdock x f reader
wc || 0.65k
warnings || 18+ only sexually explicit content (semi-public sex, little bit of hair and throat stuff bc I love that stuff) minors dni
masterlist + rules
You drive into a desolate multi-storey parking lot with a mischievous grin on your face, backing into the space, you turn to look at Matt.
"This isn't the apartment?" He questions, slight confusion in his voice.
Locking the doors. "Thought we could take a little detour…" you flirtatiously linger, running a hand up his thigh.
"Oh, really?" he grins, his tone full of allure.
You simply hum as you unbuckle your seatbelt. "How does that sound?"
"I think that sounds good," he smirks, unbuckling his own seatbelt, nodding for you to climb over to him.
You face him as you straddle his lap, running your fingers over his stubble. He snakes his hands over your hips, grabbing them to lift you up. You reach down to undo his pants, unzipping them so he could slide the fabric out from underneath himself. You slip your hands into the waistband of his boxers, tugging them down and allowing his hardened cock to spring out.
His fingers slide up your inner thighs, rolling your sundress out of the way, roaming over the saturated patch in the front of your underwear. "That all for me?" he grins, slipping his hand down the front of your underwear, teasing through your wet folds. He parts the flimsy fabric, dragging it to the side to create an opening for him.
He grips his cock from the base, firmly rubbing over himself, teasing his tip. He clasps around your waist, lifting you up to hover over his groin as he pushes his slick head through your wet folds, coating himself with your sweet essence. You align yourself with his tip, slowly sinking down, allowing him to fill you entirely.
His hands desperately roam up to your back, pulling your chest to his as you melt and mould around him. His fingers knead into your skin as he groans at the sinful feeling. You desperately drape your arms around his neck, wrapping them around his head, urgently pulling his face into your chest.
He leisurely bucks his hips into you, engulfing his sensitive cock with every precise roll. He softly sucks on your lower neck, nibbling and grazing sloppy kisses up the length as he tightly grasps at your skin, softly groaning into the reddened skin.
You mill your hips, grinding over him, working your contracting walls over his cock as he winds himself up into you. Massaging yourselves with every gentle bounce. His hands slide up your back, tangling his fingers into a lock of hair at the back of your head, gently tugging while he litters your throat with brash and branding kisses. Marking you, purposefully.
You clench around him as you drop your forehead into the nape of his neck, breathing staggered whimpers against his skin as your hands roam his shoulders, sinking into the muscle. His thrusts become more focused as he drives into you, grabbing you urgently as he fucks you, pulling you towards his persistent pokes. Deeply groaning against your collarbone, messily kissing along it.
“Can I come in you?” He asks in almost a whimper, clawing at your skin.
Nodding vigorously as your whines grow louder, gripping the back of his head and pushing him into your bouncing chest. You spasm and flutter around him as you reach your release, shuddering as his come spills deep inside you, filling you with himself.
Slowing down, he continues to sloppily fuck his come into you, holding your jaw to bruise your lips in tender, passionate kisses, rolling his tongue over yours.
Breathlessly separating, he gazes at you as he brushes a few strands of hair behind your ear, kissing the tip of your nose. You slowly lift yourself from him, hovering over his thighs as you smile widely at your naughty moment. Shifting your weight, sitting comfortably across his lap as you snuggle into his chest.
"You should 'accidentally' drive the wrong way again sometime."
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verdantglow · 7 months
Hiiii, hellooooo, I saw your Homestuck au and I love it. Love your art !!! I wanna eat everysingle one of them they are so-
Ok so, I had a few questions if you don't mind like, how did Scar and Grian met? Like- how they become moirals? Aaaand what would be the quadrants between Mumbo, Scar and Grian
Aaah hi! & thank you so much! (I’ve never had someone say they wanted to eat my art, that’s such a high compliment, omg…)
So Scar & Griann. They met while playing the VR version of Flarp around mid adolescence!
Actually, the VR edition of Flarp is how all the various groups of characters know each other. When they were around 7-8 sweeps old, they all signed up for & played a VR Flarp called Third Life. After the campaign ended, they stayed in touch & over the years they’ve played four more campaigns over VR, occasionally adding in more players. (This is very odd for Flarpers & really just for trolls in general. Maintaining relationships outside of your quadrants once you’re an adult & off planet is exceedingly rare, but this group is now around 12-14 sweeps & just finished playing the Secret Life module together.) (…There might be something to be said about the complex shipping chart that has developed holding them together in some ways.) (But mostly they’re just all friends, for whatever shade & value of friendship is possible as an adult troll.)
Anyway! Back to Scar & Griann! Griann ‘accidentally’ (no one is sure how accurate that word is) led to Scar’s first death in the Third Life campaign. We can guess that either Griann really thought Scar wouldn’t die or he just is piss poor at thinking things through, ‘cause killing a sea dweller, even in a game, when you were not supposed to… Well let’s just say that Griann vowed his first life to Scar & Scar, whether by dint of being the friendliest sea dweller you’ve ever met or because he was genuinely placated by the vow, didn’t pursue revenge IRL as he was entitled to by troll custom.
(It’s important to remember here that 1. Griann is a mutant candy red blood & 2. everyone was around the age where blood colour starts showing in your eyes, making it harder to hide your hemostatus. Given Griann wasn’t a full adult, so there was just a tint of red to his irises, during the Third Life campaign most of them assumed Griann was a rustblood. & a such a low blood killing fucking royalty out of turn, frankly most of them were pretty damn shocked that Scar accepted the vow instead of killing Griann on the spot, at least in game. It was very much a defining moment for everyone’s thoughts of Scar.)
So Griann & Scar teamed up & feelings… happened. Most of the rest of the crew saw their relationship as a somewhat forced moiraillegence, Griann placating Scar for his own safety as well as that of others while voicing his desire to leave the partnership to almost anyone who’d listen. By the end of the campaign, the forced part fell off people’s estimations, as Grian obviously became closer & closer to Scar. But it still seemed like a pretty cut & dry moiraillegence, albeit a kinda dysfunctional one, given how much death & destruction Scar still enacted on everyone.
When they were asked about their fresh moiraillegence after the campaign, they both just kinda smiled & nodded, trying not to think about all the confusing vacillating make outs that happened on Monopoly Mountain. & they’ve been living in ??? ever since.
Now, Mummbo Jummbo. My favorite jade blood. (My only jade blood lol.) He & Griann have known each other since they were grubs & have always been pretty much inseparable, despite Mummbo not picking up VR Flarp until the group’s second campaign.
No one knows what the heck is going on between Griann & Mummbo. They are utterly, helplessly devoted to each other in a way that everyone speculates whether they flushed or maybe ashen or ??? Like. Scar & Griann, while they keep up the image of them being moirails, anyone who really knows them can see quadrant vacillation clear as day. That’s not too out of the ordinary. But Mummbo & Griann? Extremely odd by troll standards, particularly adult troll standards. They seem to swing between pity friends & hate friends, as many troll friends do; they just do it at an intensity & velocity that most trolls find baffling outside of quadrants.
(The truth is Mummbo’s quadrants are completely empty & he prefers it that way. Aroace king right here. If you ask if, he’ll just say that quadrants are too much fuss & confusion for him. Though it is worth noting that Mummbo’s main point of reference for what quadrants look like for a long time was whatever the fuck Griann & Scar have going on, which, is, uh, not particularly stable & frequently somewhat unhealthy. Love them though.)
Mummbo & Scar become good pity friends after being introduced by Griann post-Third Life campaign, though they also have their hate friend days. Heck there have even been a few times that others have suspected Mummbo was pitch flirting with Scar (like during the Secret Life campaign when Mummbo said, rather loudly, in public, something to the effect of ‘get good.’). But really it’s a case of the hate friendship aspect of their relationship flaring & Mummbo being utterly clueless to flirting of any kind, even when he seemingly is the one doing it.
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hiiii mackerellll my brains also bad soup rn soup brain solidarity BUT nhw.... winters family torment nexus..... i did have a question for u actually. currently wading around in the tranches (early game nhw) n i wanna write them doing silly like teen traumatized child soldier shit like playing truth or dare or shit like that... what do u think their two truths & a lie would b? also like. do u have any thoughts on their civilian life. when they are Not on the job or fighting extinction level threats or having panic attacks at school. u know. that 10% <333
ALSO. NHW WAVELENGTH..... do u have any thoughts on him. my only secret backstory caveat is that he has to have the fucking worst shit nightmare rube goldberg machine luck of all time. third & final question im just curious was danny phantom vivisection real & canon or just like a Thing??????
ok im going to start with the danny phantom question bc im dyinggg to talk about this. pun intended. also this is my equivalent of rent-lowering gunshots. if u cannot deal with my dp posting u do not deserve my pd posting etc etc etc !!!
THE ANSWER IS. BOTH YES AND NO. it never Actually Happens but it is talked about!!!!!!! the whole thing is like. dannys parents are ghost hunters and dont know about his powers so theres a lot of him like. overhearing talking about them dissecting ghosts and experimenting on ghosts and such. not knowing that he is one!!! prime territory for somes angsty ass fics. however i am of the small minority that doesnt actually think the fentons are monsters apparently. they dont know!! how could they know!!!!! theyre scientists!!! do you know how much scientists casually talk about dissecting things!! its a lot!!! also theres been a few different instances of them finding out about dannys powers (almost always retconned by time/memory shenanigans but its fine) and EVERY TIME THEYRE SO SUPPORTIVE OF HIM. AND THEY TELL HIM THEY LOVE HIM REGARDLESS. AND IN ONE CASE THEY EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR SAYING THOSE THINGS AROUND HIM BC THEY DIDNT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway. anyway. i digress bc i love the fentons. anyway! there are so many. SO MANY fucking fanfictions out there of danny getting dissected/vivisected. so many in fact that its one of the things the fandom is best known for by outsiders. enough that there was literally a FANDOM-WIDE DEBATE about whether to call it dissection or vivisection because dannys status as alive/dead is so unclear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao!!!!!!!!! worlds most fucked up fanbase i love it here
putting the nhw stuff under a cut. subjecting my followers to my dp ramble bc fuck you!!!!!! read about my ghost boy first
OK I AM SOOOO FUCKING BAD AT TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE. IM SO BAD AT IT I CAN NEVER THINK OF ANYTHING. so instead i am just going to think of fun facts about them. so actually im gonna kill two birds wiht one stone here and answer both of ur questions abt them. here we go !!!
i think it would be REALLY funny if william is the only one with a drivers license bc he grew up in Not The City (just because he has a license doesnt mean hes GOOD). dakota is lactose intolerant but chooses to be in stubborn denial about it (he canonically doesnt like ice cream!). virion, despite being compared to a cat so often, is allergic to cats. speaking of animals, william likes animals but animals DO NOT like him!! on the other hand animals absolutely love dakota he is friends with every stray dog and cat in the whole city. virion was homeschooled by his parents/the greats. virion also doesnt know much about anything in regards to pop culture/general everyday civilian life? because he was never completely removed from the cape world at any time growing up. no non-cape adults in his life. so he and william still have their movie nights where william introduces him to shitty b-movies hehehe. dakota tries to get him into more Normal movies like. disney or ghibli or whatever but virion likes the shitty ones more. ASSIGNING THEM FAVORITE GHIBLI MOVIES WHILE IM AT IT. this is not which ones i think theyre the most like, just the ones i think are their favorties. dakota likes ponyo, william likes howls moving castle, virion likes princess mononoke, ashe likes spirited away . dont ask me why. UHHH FAVORITE PLACES TO HANG OUT OUTSIDE OF THE BASE/HOUSE. dodgeboy memorial library. lightspeed hangs out there and they like her <3. antonios pizza. he lets them loiter bc they always tip really well. william likes going to the park because he has chronic Grew Up In The Woods disease and needs outdoor time or else he'll go crazy. hes not used to city life. dakota likes the park bc there are lots of little animals there and he can Run Around, virion doesnt like the park as much bc its a lot of Vulnerable Open Spaces and those make him nervous. speaking of which in my head ive grown so attached to the idea of him being so hypervigilant at all times. look at him ive given him anxiety!!! just like. the insane betrayal losing every important figure in his life immediately leading into a life basically on the streets alone picking fights with other capes led to . idk man i keep thinking about it like sleeping in shifts but its impossible to do that with only one person!!!!!!!! do u know what i mean!!!! basically translating the "growing up on fauna where everything wants to kill you" energy into this setting. HMMMMMM. I THINK THATS IT. THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN . SORRY FOR THE BLOCK OF TEXT
ohhhhhhh god. oh god oh fuck. i literally Have Not Thought about nhw mark yet like AT ALL only bc i know if i do ill get so sick about it. worlds most suffering man ever he is losing everything!!!!!! ok bc im thinking about lizard stuff tonight im going to answer your question with a question. we;ve kind of sort of talked about the existence of harttawa in relation to overlord and cauldron does he still get fucked up lizard mutations!!!!!! ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS POWERSET. i have a lot of feelings abt him being at least partially a tinker. i think before u also called him a striker (maybe? am i remembering that right) i dont think i know strikers yet what does that one mean. WHAT WAS HIS TRIGGER EVENT. OR IS HE A CAULDRON CAPE. SHAKING YOU. I KNOW I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS BUT. I NEED 2 GET TO THE WORM SECTION WHERE I GET TO LEARN ABOUT NHW ASHE SO BAD. actually i didnt get to read any worm this weekend so im gonna stay up a Little later just to get past this section where theyrre fighting the dragon suits. ouagh EXCITED.
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chrisismine22 · 3 months
Not enough
chris and you are"freinds" right?
TW! smut, unprotected sex, p in v, use of toys, masturbating, pet names, language, drinking.
y/n and chris
It was 10 at night and you were exhausted from your meetings. Tomorrow was a big day and you were so exited. You were planning on meeting up with a bunch of your friends for the triplets birthday. You were most exited to see Chris. You and the triplets had been friends since high school but you had connection with Chris. You didn't know what it was but being around him made you feel warm and cozzy. His voice was calming and he was HILARIOUS. You decided to text him before you went to bed.
y/n:Heyyy wyd
Chris: hey y/n im trying to go to sleep rn but u texted me
y/n: shut up bru
Chris: well Nick invited Larray. I thought you would be happy so ya
you and Larray were such good friends. His energy made your day. Everyday. Even when he was mad, it was still funny and made you giggle.
Chris: glad ur happy y/n
well cu tmrw
y/n: byee chrisyyyyy
Chris: dont call me that
y/n: fineee
Talking to Chris made you so happy no matter the topic. You decided it was best for you to just sleep for now cause u also wanted to buy a new outfit tmrw.
next morning---
Its almost 12. "Shit, i'm gonna be late" You quickly got up from bed and went to change. You threw on some grey sweats and a baby-T. You didn't put on a bra tho cause you thought you were just gonna go to get an outfit. By the time you finished eating it was like 1 so you just decided to stay home. The mall was to far from your house to get new clothes so you just went to fix up you hair and put on some makeup. You were heading upstairs and when your phone started vibrating in your pocket. It was Chris calling.
"Hey Chrisy" you say with a smile cause you knew how he hated that name
"Shut up y/n. Do you want matt and I to pick you up. Nick said hes gonna try to get Tara to come to the party so he wont be coming to pick you up"
"Ya Im just gonna fix my hair and shi but you guys can come in like 20 min"
"ok let me tell Matty"
you giggled at the nickname Chris gave his brother. you just hung up the phone and started your make up.
It was about 30 min later and you were sitting on the couch. You didnt chage your clothes cause you would be uncofortable in smth fancy anyways. plus the triplets and u were close so it didnt matter what you wore. You heard a knock at ur door and got up from the couch. It was chris.
"HIIII" you said giving him a hug
"HIIII" he said hugging you back.
"wheres Matt?" you didnt see him because oyu were caught up in looking at Chris' new shirt. It was just a white T but it was right up on his abbs. "God" you thought to yourself
"Matts in the car waiting, ru ready?"
"oh ya sry we can go now" you said as you giggled a bit.
Chris was looking into your eyes but you didn't think anything of it cause you know, we're friends.
It was now almost 9pm and the party was going great. Chris decided to get a little drunk which confused you cause he never drank. You were dancing when you felt two large hands on your waist. It was Chris
"Fuck you scared me chris"
"Sry ml"
you gasped at the new nickname. You knew he was drunk for sure
"Chris! get urself together bud" you laughed
His sleepy eyes looked into yours. You gasped again but this time, it was at the feeling in you stomach.
"Im not doing anything baby"
You didnt know what to say. because you liked it. You just decided to ingnore him until he pulled you in.
"Dont ignore me sweethart, I wanna hear your pretty voice again"
His low voice and the names you were given made you throb to you core. You decided it wouldnt be HOriBle.
"ok handsome" you dragged your fingers down his chest. You were drunk but not as drunk as him.
Chris didnt hesitate one bit, pulling you in and smashing his lips against yours. A slight moan escaped your throat at the sudden contact. You bodies were so close you could feel his bulge.
He broke the kiss, pulling you arm toward his room. It took you a second to realize what was going on after his kiss. Hypnotising as his tongue wandered your mouth. He swung open the door and pushed you in the bed.
"Chris what ru doing"
"Dont worry baby,"
You didnt know what to think because you guys were "friends". right?
Chris climbed on the bed, slamming his lips to yours again. You felt one of his hands travel down to your tits.
"Fuck you dont have a bra baby"
"Chris, we cant do this"you hated saying that cause you really did want to do this
"why not sweetheart"he groaned slowly kissing your neck
once again, you ignored him enjoying the plessure of his lips and his hands on you sensitive nipples. You were wet. So wet you couldn't explain.
After a bit of you whimpering and quietly moaning Chris kissed a trail down to your thighs. Before doing anything, he looked up at you for consent. You slowly nodded as he pulled your sweats of. He stared at the puddle formed in your thong.
"wet for me princess"
"Chris pleae--" you were interupted by a moan escaping your mouth as you rubbed slow but strong circles on your clit.
"please what baby, I wanna know what you want my love"
Your back arched at the feeling of his finger caressing your folds. "plea-please touch m--"
"you want me to make you feel good dont you"
you hummed in response loosing the ability to speek has the circles got faster and rough. You loved it so much. The pet names and his deep voice turned you on enough. without warning, Chris shoved two fingers into you. "Chris!" you moaned his name as his long veiny fingers hit your g-spot immediately. "you like that princess" he grinned as his pace sped up, still hitting your g-spot
"mhm" you whimpered as you felt a knot growing in you lower stomach. "Im-- close" you could barely get words out of your mouth because of the pure pleasure u felt. "cum all over my fingers baby" Those words set you off, squirting your liquid all over his finger. You were catching your breath when you looked at chris. his bulge was unbelievable and it turned you on, even after you just came."your such a good girl f'me you know" he praised you as he licked his fingers"taste so good mm" he groaned. Without thinking, you quickly pushed him on his back, desperate for him to be in you. You kissed him desperately as you grinded on his member. he was big, and you loved it. "wtf do you think your doing" he grabbed you hips holding them in place. "please chrisy, i want you daddy" you said whimpering at the loss of friction. That five letter word made him go crazy as he grinded you on him, helping you gain friction. You were a moaning mess and his boxers weren't even off yet. "your such a slut y/n. your my slut" You couldnt listen as you were derperate for his cock. lifting you hips, you slid his boxers down watching his long cock smack his pelvis. He was leaking pre-cum all over his pink tip. You decided to contain yourself for a bit as you palmed his tip slowly."agh fuck it--- feels so good" you knew he loved it from the groans and whimpers but you needed him now. You aligned his gurthy cock with you needy cunt and sank onto him. A pornographic moan escaped you mouth. "o princess your so tight i love it".
At this point you weren't listening to him, instead focused on the feeling of his dick deep inside you. he grabbed your waist only to thrust deeper into you. Both you guys' moans were getting uncontrollable. You could feel Chris' dick throbbing in you which meant he was close.
"fil-fill me up daddy"
The last word pushing hit to the edge. As you felt his warm liquid shoot inside of you the know in your stomach released, causing you to orgasm again. It felt so good. as you rode out you high chris started massaging your clit again. Again, it felt so good. the overstimulate wasnt painful but felt amazing. this time he wanted to be in charge. giving you barely any time to breath, he flipped you over onto your back again.
This time there was no teasing. You felt him slamming right into you. You did feel pain but it felt soooo goood. Your moans turned into screams as his member reached somewhere no one could reach. The squelching noises and your moans turned him on even more. You didnt think it was possible be this desperate for more but you were. He was pounding. All you could do was enjoy as you tits bounced up and down. it was mezmorizing how quiet but how loud he was. His groans made you reach you high faster each time. You were grspimg on the sheets as his cock made you nausuos in a good way. You couldnt get over it. Without saying anything you came all over him screaming his name
'' CHRIS OMFG'' your moans were so loud anyone could hear. As you were way overstimulated, Chris finaly came in you again. "fuck my princess" he moaned
He slowly pulled out as he flopped next to you on the bed.
''Fuckkk y/n your to good. I love you''
''I love you too chris''
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a-iya · 4 months
Hiii \(゚∀゚)/
Sooo what do you think about the Haikyuu! Movie without knowing anime? 😀
(I'm sending this ask to discuss our impressions in the comments (and recommend this series a bit haha)
Have a nice day ♡
hiiii!! i didn't realize this was going to become a full-on essay so 💀 apologies in advance for the long-windedness. i don't blame you if you don't feel like reading all the way through lmao (there is a tl;dr at the end if that's the case)
my sister actually got into haikyuu after S1 (pretty much a decade ago at this point 😭) so i've at least known about it and understood the gist of it for a while now. i myself didn't get into anime until a few years ago though! so i've been slowly building up my watch catalog. normally i like funny animes so haikyuu definitely fits the criteria, but due to the fact that 1) it's a sports anime 2) i have very little interest in sports and 3) there would be a LOT of episodes to catch up on, it's just been sitting in my to-watch list for years lmaooo
as i started to follow more people on tumblr, i also started to see more haikyuu content, so i recognized some characters just by their appearance (hinata [obviously], but also kenma, kageyama, and atsumu miya [the guy with the undercut, who i don't remember seeing in the movie]). but anyway, my sister had been saying she wanted to watch the movie once it came out. and over the weekend, i happened to see a lot of people posting about going to watch the movie so i told her we should go! and so we did!
the movie was so hilarious and i thoroughly enjoyed watching!! the rivalry between the 2 teams was sooo funny. i knew i was going to like the movie, but it did end up being a little bit fast-paced for me cause i basically dived in with like. 0.4 background,,,, like ya girl was strUGgLinG trying to keep up. but that's no one's fault but my own 😔 i was kind of hoping it'd be like the demon slayer mugen train movie (which is actually what got me into anime! but that's besides the point). where the premise would be simple enough that you wouldn't need that much context before watching. i knew the movie would basically be just one really long volleyball game so i figured it would be fine... alas, i was wrong 😭 i don't know the rules of the game or any of the characters/their positions so it was all i could do to just watch and try to understand everything as it was happening ;-;
another thing i wanna mention is that now that i've long since graduated from my "beginner weeb" phase and become a full-on weeb, i'm familiar with a lot of voices and voice actors so it's difficult for me to see new characters and their voice actors (that i already know from somewhere else) as one entity 🤔 i'm not sure if that makes a lot of sense ><
for example: the whole time we were watching the movie, i felt like kenma sounded a lot like yuki kaji (who voices shoto [mha] and eren [aot])?? but also didn't at the same time. it was bothering me the whole 2 hours but i looked it up after it was over and i was right 😩
i also immediately recognized kuro as gojo [jjk]/hawks [mha]/greed [fma]; so kuro wasn't even kuro to me, he was just a volleyball au gojo with a completely different look 😭 i feel like that kind of gets in the way of my viewing experience personally, because i couldn't pause and think about where i know this voice from (like i usually do when i start a new anime). but it bOThERs mE because it's like on the tip of my tongue and my mind caNnOT rEST until i confirm my suspicions 😩
anyway, going in, the only people i knew about were like. hinata and kageyama... and it was surface-level knowledge at best. but i've seen kenma around enough where i recognized his character design so i thought i might like him. and he ended up being super cute!! i loved him, but i also really loved kuro (he is very handsome 🥰) and the tall glasses guy from karasuno. he was funny as fuck. but i'm definitely interested in watching the show to see what other lovable goofs the story has to offer. i'm always on the hunt for more blorbos
tl;dr basically i loved the movie, i thought it was really funny; now i have to actually watch the show so i can really enjoy the experience the movie had to offer. the production was honestly great. my sister wants me to get caught up so we can watch it again while it's still in theaters lmao. we'll have to see about that... the first 2 seasons are 25 eps each and then there are at least a few more seasons (even if they are less eps) after that 💀 when i got into mha last year, i was able to blast through 6 seasons within a week,,, but that costed me 3 full days worth of binge-watching and several work nights to catch up 😩 idk if i can do that again
thank you for the ask and interacting with me 🥺🫶 i know your day just started so i hope it goes well!! have a nice rest of the week also <3
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queers-gambit · 2 years
hiiii, if u have time can you do billy and reader running away back to california together after high school, maybe the reader decides to go to college there?? reader isn’t from there but they both just want to escape to somewhere
hi, hey, hello, i've been sitting on this one for a bit.
i hated every "imagine" or "one shot" i was writing, so, i decided to simplify it for me, hope it's satisfying enough. all my love 🖤
but the repeating themes i keep coming towards?
reader decided to go to college out in California, and maybe Billy's maternal grandparents have a condo out there that they let reader and Billy have. they feel really bad for what Neil did, they didn't know the true extent - so, when you two come around, he tells them the truth, and out of guilt, they offer the only thing they can. it's already paid for, so, like, they're cool letting y'all pay for utilities and whatever - no rent. "least we can do," they tell Billy.
wouldn't that be nice? no rent? sheesh.
anyways, it's a cute lil apartment / condo thing, and while Billy hates accepting help, his grandparents insist it'll go to him in their will anyways so he might as well take the keys now. so, fuck it, you know?
reader goes to school full time while Billy works, maybe at the local mechanics shop? just imagine that - Billy... mullet and all... overalls, grease-stained white wife beater... oh, yeah, that's a good mental image for me. yum, you know? and maybe he even gets you a part time gig as the receptionist for you to work between classes.
it would mean you two see more of one another and reader would often see Billy working. gets reader goin', yah know? vroom vroom.
anyways, reader def doesn't stay at the receptionist job 'cause of the college degree, yah know? internships and shit. so, Billy doesn't mind picking up extra shifts, he's content to support reader's dreams and aspirations, and you know what? reader turns him into a house husband eventually! he still has his mechanic job, but it's mostly part time after reader graduates and gets their first big-time job.
that money upgrade? lord, have mercy! and no rent? all there is to do is SAVE money! oh, it must be nice!
anyways, wife him up, yah hear me? reader is the breadwinner, but that's only 'cause Billy held it the fuck down during reader's schooling. no matter how long it took, he was happy to see his lover working hard. and sure, yeah, there's years of turmoil and fighting and disagreements, but life gets really good after that 'cause all Billy needs is consistency.
anything outside of that isn't really okay with him. Billy's used to things being so shitty that when reader's busy with school, it makes him uneasy. part of the reason he got you the receptionist job, you see? he likes physically seeing you, it comforts and assures him, but it also was a routine for him. he knew your work schedule and just had to adjust to your school schedules. poor boy loses his shit after the first semester because classes change in the spring and fall and he *just* got used to the first semester schedule.
however, being in Cali really helps. it's his neck of the woods, it's where he's confident, so, eventually, he learns that while you're in school, he has to make the effort in the relationship. it takes a lot of work on his end, and Billy's not used to that, so he has a difficult time adjusting but for his lover? he'll make do. y'all establish a life there, a routine, a home - and eventually, you move out of the condo for a "starter home" because now? that you've graduated? yeah, Billy's ready for marriage.
never thought he would, but after he realized you had given up your entire life in Hawkins to move with him back to Cali? the boy is considering something long-term. something committing. something permanent. so, literally only 3 months after you start your new job, Billy's posing the question - just to get a feel for the feelings surrounding marriage. he likes where things are, doesn't really wanna shake things up, but when reader's like "yeah, i'm down," he's getting a ring and running to the courthouse.
it's simple, it's official. it's the way things are supposed to play out.
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carmenberzattosgf · 2 days
Hiiii, Olive! Another update on the cook I guess??
I met his girlfriend...... I'm bisexual for a reason I'm afraid...... She is so nice too omg!!
So, he clocked out around the same time as me tonight and offered to give me a ride instead of waiting for a taxi (it's on corporate, so I don't pay for it but sometimes it takes a while to find a car to my address). Another thing, we apparently live in the same neighborhood, so that's fun, didn't know that.
His gf was picking him up and so I got into the car and she is IMMEDIATELY so friendly and is asking questions and just being very nice. We talked through the whole ride to my place and she's like— I wanna put her into my pocket and feed her tiny snacks and take her everywhere with me, she's fucking adorable.
And a marketing major too! We graduated from the same college, different year. We talked shit about some professors, which was fun too. Shared horrors and all that.
Ugh, and they oddly make so much sense together, I'm not even upset he has a gf because they look very cute. (Kinda feel bad for thirsting in the comfort of my thoughts... Just a bit.)
Anyway, I think that's it? I'm soooo excited for bearblrpromptober, I'm SAT. Hope you're doing well, how is your week?
— 🦫
UGH the hot ones always have girlfriends. even though you're not upset, im still sorry! im glad she's so sweet though she sounds lovely!
im doing good! kinda dragging this week but eh that's the norm for me atp. I've just been off as of late.
i hope you're enjoying bearblr promptober so far!
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