#anyways enjoyyyyyyyyyy
fuckingpajamas · 9 months
Parenting 101 by Vanshound - A Review
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Parenting 101 is easily the best comic I have picked up in a very long time. It's in the small details but the artwork and general flow sucked me in right away. The composition of frames and the overlying story work in perfect harmony and if someone asked me to pick a favorite moment I would probably melt into a little pile, unable to do so. I was gifted (by Irish ofc) Parenting 101, Scorched Earth and the Butchlander bookmark from Vanshound's collection. Vans has posted about their architecture work and it's very visible in this book, especially in regards to cleanliness and stunning backgrounds. The way pages shift from dark to light also aids the general quality but- I would be lying if I tried calling this book anything but perfect. Admittedly as a supe!Butcher fan, I loved this timeline. Picking up from the end of season 3 we get to see our two favorite co-parents somehow stumble upon their truce thanks to Ryan. The conflict was kept in line with the show and left me wondering at times if I was confusing 'Parenting 101' with the canon show. TL;DR: If you are a butchlander fan, Homelander fan, Billy Butcher fan or a general enjoyer of art that is so perfect you'll want to stare at it for hours on end, please consider supporting this absolute masterpiece. BUY IT HERE
[EDIT: there is now a digital version for purchase on Vanshound’s site / gumroad, check it out if you can’t afford shipping costs!]
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mooonjin · 2 years
Hi hi!echo anon here i just realized that instead of putting echo x reader i put hunter/// can you feel my love for that man coming though yet-??? Anyways..the echo fic was so cute!! I hope you dont mind me requesting again;;but since i cant seem to get hunter off my mind... Hunter x reader where hunter is being a dad figure to omega AND navigating being in a relationship with the reader? I feel like alot of fics skip the part where The bad batch were soldiers and loving someone doesnt really come as easy to them;; oh my lord i wrote alot- anyways ill end this!! Do you have a masterlist?? And rules for your writings?
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Notes: AAAA so sorry echo anon that took so long to come you!! but its hereeee~~ to answerr your questions, i will have a masterlist soon once i get rest of the bad batch fics out and rules? not so really,, just nothing so super violent or extreemly dark smut ykk? okok enjoyyyyyyyyyy :DD
Pairing: Hunter x gn!reader
Summary: Dealing with a role as an older brother (dad)  was something he'd never have thought of but also getting into a relationship? Yeah, that's another.
Warnings/Tags: mentions of Zygerrians, mild kissing, fluff — tell me if I've missed anything!
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Hunter whimpered into the kiss.
You don't remember how many rotations it's been since you were able to have a makeout session with him. Let alone have him make noise. The shiver that travelled throughout your body caused you to push desperately against him.
Hunter's breathing shifted, he was almost panting like a dog in need of water. His kissing was sloppy, though you didn't complain. He's a soldier, obviously not the type to go around and practice kissing.
As Hunter's firm hands slid under your blacks, goosebumps appeared across your skin. His mere touch can send you into a frenzy; it was electrifying and soft. His hands came down to the hem of your shirt with the intention of removing it. He grinned teasingly against your neck, you could feel it.
As inexperienced as he seemed, he could still be the biggest tease ever. Just as he was about to take your top off, his thoughts wandered too far into a territory he'd been avoiding.
For him, he felt oddly free of worry and thought. He wasn't about to let that mindset take over him.
Hunter's paranoia kicked in, his hands abandoning your shirt and you completely.
You pouted once his touch left your skin, "Wait, where's Omega?" Hunter's iris dilated at a concerning speed, his eyes staring you down, his squint as menacing as ever. The initial atmosphere of arousal dissipating at lightspeed.
You sighed, shaking your head. He still wasn't used to balancing such a dad-like life with a relationship at the same time, "I sent her off with Wrecker," you reassured him, but he didn't appear too convinced. He always had to make sure Omega was somewhere in his sight, "Your brother's a big guy 'n Omega can handle herself now." you added on.
Whilst cupping his jaw, you examined his face. You gently took your thumb and caressed the tatted skull upon his cheek. He seemed nervous and wasn't easily reassured that Omega was okay. Not that he doesn't trust you or his brothers, oh gosh no.
"Woah-ho, 'm I interrupting?" a booming voice suddenly filled the Marauder, frightening Hunter and yourself.
It was only Wrecker, who seemed to be searching for Gonky as he frantically whipped his head around the nooks and cranny of the shuttle. The brute loves doing sets with the poor droid and is also the master of barging in without warning.
Although you had a grin on your face, Hunter wasn't the same. You could feel his gloved hands grip the lower part of your waist and you didn't know why.
His lips pursed inwards and his eyes squinted more than you've seen before. As his eyes darted around the space in thought, you spoke with a soft voice, "Hey, you okay?—"
"—Wrecker, where's Omega?"
This time, your eyes darted around the space, trying to regain Hunter's eye contact. You could hear happy noises erupt from further up the ship, assuming Wrecker found gonky laying around.
With a quick kiss on your forehead from Hunter, he hastily bolted up towards Wrecker, who was fortunately not paying attention to the lovebirds in the ship.
"Where's Omega?" as you walked slowly towards the two, you could hear how stern Hunter's voice became. You placed both of your hands on his shoulders to calm him down.
He looked over his shoulder to face you, oddly getting distracted by your beauty. The sight of his eyes relaxing a little bit was relieving.
"Left 'er with Cid, said she wanted to show her something she'd like—" faster than the speed of hyperspace, Hunter was out the Marauder in milliseconds and dashing his way deep into town, accidentally bumping you to the ground.
He didn't look back to apologise or even think twice about the harsh contact, by the time Wrecker helped you onto your feet, he was no longer visible.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your thigh from where you fell.
"Y'know... I have another weapon similar to that energy bow of yours," Cid mumbled. She walked over to her desk, the surface area filled with artifacts Omega had never seen before.
She wanted to inspect them all, pry, use, poke, do whatever she was able to do with the mysterious item. They didn't appear clean or regularly dusted but that was expected. 'Clean' wasn't usually the word for Cid's parlor.
Cid whipped out an old crate labelled 'FRAGILE' in bright red paint as well as being covered in crispy, aged blaster shots. Assuming the box was valuable and was definitely shot at, Omega's attention was directed from the target she was focusing on to the crate.
"Was that box stolen?" Omega piped up. She titled her head, curiously, making her way around the hologram table and towards Cid's desk.
As the crate made contact with the desk, multiple metal thumps could be heard from inside, a small wave of dust bouncing off the surface.
Cid scoffed, waving her hand about before opening the box, "Mmm, maybe, but no one's comin' after this, I'll tell you that," it was dusty. Really dusty. It must've been hidden away in the office for some time.
Unfortunately, Omega was too small to see what was in the box so she urged Cid to bring whatever the contents were inside, out. She received an eye roll from Cid, who complied anyway.
Having the embodiment of curiosity run about on two legs has its cons. It wasn't the most ideal around a snappy, sassy lizard.
Omega's eyes widened at the sight of a golden... stick?
"What's that supposed to be?"
"An electro-whip." Cid dusted off the thin layer of dust on the handle before presenting it. Omega let her fingers slide along the strange prongs on one end of the whip.
She was particularly interested in the design of the handle, her fingers descending from the prongs and onto the swirly, yellow designs.
As Cid lent Omega full control of the whip, she was already trying to find an on button, "How does it work?" she titled the handle on every angle, checking if there was anything to touch, press, hold, anything. She even dangerously stuck her eye through the prongs, looking down into a small contraption where the whole show of the whip emerged from.
"You might not wanna stick your eye there, Tiny," Omega immediately backing away as Cid chuckled. Cid gently took a hold of the handle and turning it around before giving it back to Omega, "Hold this handle and push this button, you'll hear a buzzing sound. And make yourself some room." she shooed Omega back.
She did as instructed, backing away from Cid's desk to give herself some room to charge up the whip. Looking around the handle, she found the button to hold down. Her thumb pressed against it, a tingly feeling and a buzzing noise slowly climbing up in decibels.
A golden stream of electricity emerged from the tip of the handle which startled Omega. She looked at the activated weapon in awe, fascinated at how it worked. Before she could wind up her arm to test the whip, Hunter came bursting through office door.
Startled again, Omega took her thumb off the button, the whip retracting, "Well, look who decided to show up." Cid chimed in, crossing her arms as Hunter stepped into the room.
His eyes immediately landing on whatever Omega was clutching in her hand. He noticed it right away, that same whip that he managed to overpower from the Zygerrian when they did their first rescue mission for Cid.
Hastily, he snatched it out of Omega's hand, careful not to hurt her in the process, "You shouldn't be toying with this," he walked over to the open crate on Cid's desk, placing the whip inside and closing the crate back up with a loud slam, buckling the crate tight.
He shot a brooding glare at Cid who defensively put her hands up.
Hunter placed a hand on Omega's shoulder, ushering her out the door. Omega waved to Cid before the sliding doors closed. The two exited the parlor entirely and was greeted with the sound of Ord Mantell.
The Marauder wasn't far from the parlor and neither was the Pantoran man that sold Mantell Mix. Omega giggled at the sight of Wrecker attempting to bargain the price.
As they passed Wrecker, Hunter gestured to him to just pay what the original price is considering they were going on a mission soon that pays well, "Maybe'll get cheaper next'ime..." he grumbled.
Omega gently shook her head, dismissing and forgiving Wrecker even though she didn't expect him to get anything when she came back from Cid's.
Wrecker happily ran ahead at the sight of a fixed Gonky and a disappointed Tech. You emerged from inside the Marauder, glad to see Omega well and Hunter calmed down.
After Wrecker had accidentally sat on Gonky's charging port, he'd ran off the buy something to compensate Tech for having to fix it.
You observed as Omega went along to hang out with Wrecker and Gonky. Tech, on the other hand, was glued to his holopad once again, "Echo and Crosshair are in need of my presence in town, excuse me." His put on his helmet and walked off, nodding dismissively to Hunter to let him know as well.
You stood upon the open door of the shuttle, waiting for Hunter to acknowledge you. Once he had taken his eyes of Omega, his eyes swept straight to you.
He expected a grin or an arms open hug but was met with a cold expression. Deep down he knew he did something wrong running off like that and ignoring you instantly. You exited the shuttle, walking towards him. He froze, terrified he might've made you angry.
He didn't know what to do in situations like this, having only seen scenarios similar when he would watch holofilms. Hunter was nervous, expecting it to end how it would've in the films: yell, shout, quiet down, angry break up.
"Look I really—"
"—You okay?"
He didn't expect that question from you. Hunter was taken aback, almost forgetting to answer your question, "Wha— oh, yes, I'm okay? I guess," you chuckled at his step up, bringing a grin to his face. He hoped this wasn't a cover up of you being twitchy with him.
You pecked his lips, pulling away to address the recent situation, "Omega can be curious—" you began.
"—And reckless." Hunter finished, sighing, but you quickly shushed him with your index finger.
"And that's what makes her, her. I know you want to prevent her from getting hurt or lost but she's still a kid." Hunter's eyes panned over to Wrecker and Omega playing catch — Gonky basically being piggy in the middle — proudly witnessing the first time on Saluecami with Shaeeah and Jek. They both were happy and giggly, occasionally missing the ball and accidentally throwing towards one another's face, "Remember what Suu told you?"
"Children will always find ways of getting into trouble," he quoted, taking his eyes off the duo and back to yours. They always seemed to glimmer every time he stared.
You pulled him into a hug, if wasn't as comfortable with his armour on but the embrace is what matters.
Hunter pulled away, his hands returning to your waist, "I really like you a lot..." he sighed.
He became flustered at the intense eye contact, "Well—maybe more, I uh, don't know...?"
"I love you too," you pecked him again, watching as he scratched the back of his neck, "You're allowed to say it, are you not ready?" you prepared to apologise.
"No, it's not that it's just... I'm not the type someone falls in love with." he nervously confessed. You enveloped him in a passionate kiss, offering comfort. A small smooch of a plop was heard as the both of you pulled away.
"Would you care to finish what we started?" you grinned, feeling how tense his hands became that rested behind your waist.
"Gladly," he growled.
This time, you were gonna get more than whimpers out of him.
Post-Notes: didya like it? i enjoyed the prompt s bunch!! tysm anonn ^^
wanna be a part of my taglist?
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@elsastoes @nekotaetae @jiabeewrites @lokigirlszendaya @imalovernotahater @backyard-bear
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sneaky-salty-bitch · 2 years
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The brilliant @flannelplanet made me this moodboard for the fic and I started sobbing. ITS LITERALLY SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😫
I AM SO SORRY BUT ITS FINALLY HERE!!!!! CHAPTER 9 BOYS!!!!!!! I hope it was worth the wait, though, can’t say it is or not 😂😂😂😂 anyway! ENJOYYYYYYYYYY
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arminocean · 4 years
hi! can i request valentine’s prompt 4 with saiko?
Hello lovely, so this is gonna be fun, anyway hope you enjoyyyyyyyyyy. Dink! 
Why do they keep giving you so many gifts #4
He absolutely hated it, you were suppose to be his not theirs what so hard to understand about that. Well you weren’t really his since he hasn’t won you over yet, but you will be his. All these poor guys kept giving you gifts. You put his gift next to all of theirs like it was just another object. (WHY DON’T YOU LIKE ME REEEEEEEE) Basically what his mind is going through. 
He thought he could win you over with money, but you don’t care about money you care about personality. You seemed to always avoid him and put his advances aside. Like what don't you like about him, joke aside he actually really did like you but why want you notice him. He is so noticeable to everyone except you. 
It isn’t any better that you keep getting all these nice gifts ehem- awful gifts. You deserve better. He suddenly got up from his seat going to you. (don’t be cocky act like these other roaches).
“Ehem hey y/n what are you doing with all these pessssssssss- guys,” he said smiling. You smiled at him, asking the guys in front of you for a minute. You grabbed Saiko arm dragging him out the classroom making him yelp.
“Okay cut the act why are you acting so nice to me all of a sudden” you asked. Saiko gasped offended and slightly hurt. 
“Hey I can be nice if I want and you said you like nice guys so that is what I am being you peasant,” he said only realizing a couple seconds later what he said. This was so embarrassing for him, he admitted to changing because he want to impress someone like you. He stiffen when he felt someone pet his hair. it was you,
“You realize if you asked me like a normal person I may of said yes, but this is a okay confession too,” you said sarcastically. You stared at Saiko who was smirking, now he gets to boast about you being his to those ants. You guys walked back to class his servants waiting for him, suddenly a guys handed you a huge box of chocolate, which Saiko quickly gabbed throwing it in the trash.
“Dude I was actually gonna eat that.”
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xxdearlybeloved · 5 years
Modern!John x Reader
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Summary: John drinks a bottle of champagne. Alone. This description told you nothing, just read it okay?
A/N: My birthday is coming up and I have so much anxiety and guess what I had to drink to try and calm down. Anyway here ya go. Warnings for language and angst and I did not edit this at all enjoyyyyyyyyyy
Of course all of the alcohol was in the kitchen.
It was the perfect end to a perfect day and all you wanted was a drink. To get a drink, you had to go in the kitchen. To do that, you had to go past John.
John, your boyfriend of a full year as of three days ago, whose smile had you smiling to yourself at work and whose hands made you shiver in the balmy summer heat, and who had forgotten that you were preparing the perfect celebratory dinner was on the couch. The very same couch you had to past to get to the kitchen.
You had been in that very same kitchen all day, drinking cheap champagne while you worked your stove to exhaustion between freshening up for John’s arrival. You made your favorite dishes, including the strawberry brownies that you thought would go perfectly with the cheap champagne you had bought because it was on sale at the store.
Everything was perfectly laid out, but you hoped the food wouldn’t get cold. You were sure that as soon as John saw you he would be starving, but not for the food. You were wearing the lingerie he bought you for your birthday (that you had joked was for his birthday) and even you couldn’t help taking second glances in the mirror.
After 15 minutes, you figured he was always late. After an hour, you were wondering how you could reheat the food. After two hours, you were just petrified that something had happened. His phone went straight to voicemail, so you called Tommy.
John’s face fell when he saw his brother’s look of concern and then panic as he answered briskly, his usual cool manner tossed aside for what John figured must be important news. Tommy flashed his eyes at John before putting the phone to his chest. “Are you supposed to be home right now?”
The entire way home, your home that you shared having moved in together after less than a year of dating, John had to fight to concentrate on his driving. His heart was racing and he couldn’t imagine how he had managed to fuck up so epically.
It had been a perfect day as far as business was concerned, and John had been so preoccupied with the day going well that he had completely forgotten that you were making him dinner. He had no real excuse besides a slip of the mind, and he didn’t even know how to make it up to you.
He ducked as he burst through the door, one of the plates shattering behind him as you prepared to throw another one like a frisbee towards his head. He caught you before the second one left your hand, forcing you to drop it as you cried into his chest.
Holding you, he looked around at the beautiful dinner you had made, and must have said he was sorry about a hundred times before you pulled away, your eyes downcast. “I don’t want to see you right now,” you whispered.
John tried to call your name and pull you back towards him but he wouldn’t have it. Instead, You went back to your room, only returning to give him a blanket and a pillow before slamming the door behind you. John looked around again, taking in the food and candles. The rose petals that covered the couch he was supposed to sleep on only made his heart heavier.
He put the blanket and pillow on the couch, trying to block out the sounds of you crying that he could hear through the door and the pillow your face was buried in. He swept up the plate and stared at the dark mark on the wall, wondering how he would fix all of it.
More hours passed and both of you stared at the ceiling. You figured that John was either gone or asleep, since you hadn’t heard him move. You figured a drink would help you close your eyes when you remembered it was in the kitchen.
After what felt like hours more of debating, you rose from the bed, tying on a robe and sliding your feet in your slippers as you made your way out of the room. The candles were still burning and in the dim light you say John, his head on the arm of the sofa and the empty bottle of champagne on the floor next to him.
You felt a twinge of guilt, knowing that he would be sore in the morning if he slept like that. You went to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and a glass. You gave yourself a generous pour before heading back to your room. When you glanced back at John, you saw his eyes were open and they were watching you.
He sat up a little, as if he was afraid that too much movement would scare you away. You didn’t move, not sure what you wanted him to say but knowing that you needed him to say something. Tentatively, he reached for you and like a child under a spell you went.
The candles made the light dance, his blue eyes going in and out of shadows. He took the whiskey, making space for you as you settled on top of him, your head on his chest as he gently rubbed your back. You both passed the whiskey back and forth until it was gone, along with your anger.
As you settled into the rising and falling of chest, you realized you felt at home. He was here now, his hand protectively on your back, his kisses sending warmth down your spine. You didn’t know how but John would make it up to you. He always did.
A/N: Please please please please please take literally 2 seconds to tell me if you liked it. Anon or reply or dm me it will make me smile so hard. 
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