#anyways cross your fingers for me on friday morning when i sit down for another quarter-day session of writing
love-fireflysong · 2 years
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Welp, and as promised here's me once again restarting up WIP Wednesdays! I think we can all agree to just forget the fact that my last update for one of these was back in *checks archive* NOVEMBER????? Oh, uh shit. Huh. Damn that creativity slump was really kicking my ass there for a bit oops. Did not realize that it had been an entire four months since I last shared anything lol.
So, from the bottom of my heart: my bad. So please find it in your hearts to forgive me asjdhjakshdas.
Thankfully at least, I think I'm starting to find a nice after work/morning routine that should hopefully keep that creativity up again. Four mornings are spent cross-stitching for a couple of hours with a little bit of pc gaming afterwards, one (which is smack dab in the middle of those four days) is like 4-6 hours hanging out in a starbucks/library and ONLY writing, and the other two mornings are my days off of work where I just game for like 12 hours straight lmao. Routines are good for the heart and soul me thinks.
Plus, the slightly warmer weather and more sun is making me feel WAY better about life and picking my ass up out of that seasonal depression so that also helps a shit ton not gonna lie lol.
Enough taking about me trying to get some semblance of a life back together, here's the shit that (almost) everyone's actually here for: a teensy little sneak peak from my new outlast au piece!
The only reason that Ashley refused to give in to the pain though, was because she knew that no matter what pain she was currently feeling, Chris was feeling it magnitudes worse. That he could feel far more than the metal slicing into muscle, that he could feel the stickiness of the blood that coated Josh's back, the fabric of the more than likely entirely soaked jumpsuit digging into the cuts and making them only sting more. That he could feel each and every one of the small pieces of rubble that still continued to dig into the bloody palms of Josh's hands, left nearly shredded from his frantic attempts to chip at the thick wall of his padded prison cell in order to make a gap just barely wide enough for him to squeeze through. All as he dealt with not only the insistent, burning itch in Ashley's left arm from where the word carved there was still healing—plus whatever other aches and pains she had gained in the last couple of hours since her long-awaited release—but his own long, angry, and still weakly bleeding gash on his right arm. A parting gift from one Rick Traegar during his own desperate escape from the confines of the Male Ward. A ward that he had only barely managed to escape with his life in that first hour.
And now for the bit for the people who don't give a shit about my writing: cross-stitch update! Obviously not a huge amount of progress since my last pic, since I've only sewn once since then. But that skiploom is certainly coming along okay and should hopefully be finished tomorrow morning if everything goes smoothly!
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missjoemarch · 1 year
━━━━━ monday mood.
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Hello~! Today I thought of starting a journal <3 because I was bored ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Honestly, idk wat to write abt (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) but I hav so many notebooks around. Mama gives me one every Christmas even tho I don't ask for one 💀
AnYwayS it's late alr (it's literally 2am) I hav class tomorrow. Crossing my fingers I don't wake up late–
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... I jinxed myself (⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠), Emma thinks grimly while looking around the room for an empty chair. To be fair, I usually wake up late so did I really jinx myself? 
She visibly brightens when a hand shoots up to wave at her frantically, and rushes to the empty seat beside her best best friend.
"Machan!" "Kocchan!" The girls beam at seeing each other.
"Why are you late?" Kumiko asks the other unpacking her books.
Emma shrugs, "I found some notebooks yesterday while I was cleaning. I was thinking maybe I should start journaling again... Hehe I got distracted and slept late."
Her friend looks unimpressed by this. "Knowing you, you probably didn't even write much OR finish cleaning..." Kumiko crosses her arms to stare Emma down like their homeroom teacher would if he found out she entered class late. "Emerson Brown, you stayed up reading mangas again didn't you?"
Emma smiles sheepishly, guilty as charged. She didn't expect less from her best friend. That girl knows her from her OTP to the many shōjo mangas hidden all around her dorm, especially between and behind the folded clothes in her closet.
"Hahh... Maybe I should tell Haida-kun he can sit next to me next time so you'll be pressured to come to class earlier." Kumiko looks away, sighing.
Emma gasps, "You wouldn't! You said you love me 😞-"
"You're right I won't lol. My heart belongs to Gallahan only 😩-" They talk at the same time.
"I-I mean- Why would I do that to my bfff? I love you 🥺 🫶"
Emma looks down, a shadow casting over her features, "No. I get it..." She looks up with stars in her eyes. "Gallahan is the best!"
"I know right!!!" The two fangirls giggle over their best boi from the most recent manhwa they were reading.
The door opens and everyone stands up to greet their teacher, "Good morning, Sensei!"
As they sit back down, Emma grins mischievously. "Hehe~ I know another reason why you don't let Haida-kun sit next to you: You can't fangirl over our sensei with anyone else!" Emma nudges a flustered Kumiko playfully.
"H-hey! You're so loud!" She nudges her back harder, making Emma laugh.
• • •
"I can't believe it's only Monday and we have what? 4 presentations due on Friday already?? ... Can you believe it?" Kumiko rants while they wait for their takoyaki.
Emma lets out a long sigh. "Is the takoyaki done? (⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠)" 
Kumiko shoots her now zombie-looking friend a sympathetic look.
"Here are your orders, miss."
She hurriedly thanks the seller for the takoyaki and hands Emma her bowl. She watches her friend's face color with life at the smell of food, and exhales in relief at seeing her friend back to normal. 
Emma immediately eats one, whole. While eating her own share, Kumiko watches as sparkles and flowers appear around a happy Emma. She always has this aura whenever she eats food. Seeing her enjoy eating just makes you wanna enjoy food as much as she does. 
"Ohh I have an idea!"
"Yeah? Tell me." Kumiko's reply is muffled by the food in her mouth.
Emma smiles even wider, "Café study date! You and me."
"OM to the G. Yes!" The two continue to make plans while walking to the main yard.
"We can take turns with the bill."
Emma hums in agreement. "Yeah sure! Do you wanna go to the cat café we went to last Christmas?"
"I don't think we can handle those cute distractions... Oh!! Maybe we can go to the café near my house!"
"Kocchan, what did you just say about distractions?"
"Just because the waiter is cute doesn't mean I'll get distracted 😌"
"kocCHANN 💀"
"Okok fineee." Kumiko stops at the sight of the main gate. "We're here. Let's just continue later."
Emma nods, "Kk! I'll walk you there. I need to throw this too."
"You're done already?"
"And you're not?"
Kumiko pauses and blinks at her friend. She laughs and the two hug. "Bye, Machan! See you tomorrow!" "See you, Kocchan! Get home safe."
Emma continues to wave until Kumiko turned the corner and disappeared from her view.
She turns around and heads to the dormitories. As she enters the third dormitory building, her phone rings. 
𝘖𝘮𝘢𝘦 𝘸𝘢 𝘮𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘶. (っ◔◡◔)っ 𝒰𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓊𝒾𝓉𝒶 𝓀💍𝓃🌸 ♥𝒹𝑒𝓀❁ 𝓉🌞𝓃𝓉💗𝓃 𝓉𝒶𝓉𝒶𝒾𝓉𝒶 𝓃💗 𝓌𝒶 🎀 🍓⋆
She gets excited when she sees the caller's name. Ma!
"Hi Ma!" Emma greets. "How are you?"
"I'm not your mA."
She pauses for a second then brightens at the familiar voice. "Lia-neesan!!"
"Hey Machan. How's your day?"
"Meh. The usual hell 😮‍💨 We have 4 presentations due on Friday already! And guess what?"
"Hm?" Her sister hums.
"I'm groupmates with annoying freeloaders ://"
"Bruh. Again?"
"I know right!"
"Good luck."
Emma laughs at her sister's tone. "Anyway, why are you calling from Ma's phone? Where is she? Can I talk to her?"
There is a pause from the other side. Worried that the signal became shit, Emma calls her sister. "Neesan? Can you hear me?"
On the other side of the call, Dahlia bites her lip. Hearing her sister call her makes her sigh. "Mama... She wanted to call you but Nico and Mikey drew on Drea's face so she had to go check that out. That's why I called instead to ask how you're doing... but she did want to call you! It's just..."
Emma doesn't hear anything after her sister told her about Ma checking on what happened to Andrea. What was I expecting?
Mama and Papa are always too busy for me. Always too busy with work and taking care of the four monsters I call my younger siblings, that they don't have time for me anymore. 
Sometimes I feel like they don't even remember I exist.
I bet Lia-neesan was the one who reminded Ma to call me because she knows that I'm lonely here.
If it wasn't for her or Kocchan, I don't know if anyone would even remember me. In a lot of people's lives, I'm just some background character. Even my classmates or teachers don't notice me that much. I'm not that "special" or "important." Not even to my family... 
"... Machan..." Dahlia's gentle tone snaps Emma from her self-deprecating trance.
"Yeah? I'm here." Emma tries to smile, forgetting her sister can't see her. She starts to rummage through her bag for the dorm keys. A distraction.
"Wednesday is my day off. Movie night?"
Emma sighs, "Lia-neesan... I have class on Thursday..."
"So? We can do it earlier and finish around 10. Or are you turning down the traditional cheese ramen I make for our movie nights?"
"Wait! I didn't say you couldn't come-"
"Too bad~ I have been perfecting my recipe in my free time. Oh well, maybe you can just eat Dahlia's Grand Ultimate Cheese Ramen of Yum some other time~ like maybe next week because I'll be busy with work~ or maybe even next, nEXt week~!" Emma could hear her sister smirking as she spoke.
Sighing, she gives in. "Okayyy fine. Only until 10!"
"Mhm. But I bet you'll be the one to ask to watch another movie." Dahlia chuckles and Emma couldn't help smiling at her sister's efforts to cheer her up.
"Thank you..."
"Anytime Machann~"
"Dahlia!" Emma freezes at the faint sound of her mom's voice. 
"Ma, I'm talking to-"
Dahlia exhales at their mom's persistence. "Ma's calling me. Probably to help sort the quarrel out. Bye! See you on Wednesday."
The happiness Emma felt left as quickly as it came. "Ah... Bye."
She opens the door, only to be greeted by a dark, messy dorm. Kocchan was right when she said she didn't finish cleaning. Emma meant to, but she got distracted with the journal, which was still open and in the middle of a scatter of bujo materials, then the mangas she uncovered from their hiding places.
She drops her bag and flops on the Totoro bean bag, sighing.
Spotting the open notebook makes Emma wonder if she'd be able to write something... worth writing about. An adventure of a lifetime or even just a simple but nice memory with her family or friends (if ever she makes any more, which she probably won't). Other than Dahlia, it's been a while since she really bonded with the rest of her family.
She couldn't go home last weekend because she had to finish researching for a paper. Actually, she hasn't come home for the weekend for a while, but it seems like no one noticed anyway. 
Even during most of the breaks, she wouldn't come home—not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. Just last sem break, there was a problem so she had to stay with Kumiko and her family. They made her feel at home and she very much enjoyed her stay there... but she also wished she could enjoy being with her own family again too.
She curls into a fetal position and hugs her legs tightly. Even with all the stuffed toys, mangas and other room decors, her dorm still feels empty.
A squeak interrupts her thoughts, erasing that numbing feeling of loneliness crawling all over her again. Emma turns to see her dorm mate peering at her intently from behind the cage bars. She smiles at her furry friend, "At least I have you, Ham-Sam."
Ham-Sammy continues to stare into her soul, reminding her of her promise to him this morning. She was in a rush, having no time to even heat food, so she just stuffed cold bread in her mouth and placed some on his food bowl too.
Emma pouts, Damn, I can't even be sentimental with the only living creature who lives with me ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ 
Sticking her tongue out at her hamster, she grabs her bag and digs through the contents for the container she brought from the cafeteria. It's filled with greens, and Hammy's favorite: celery!
Taking one from the container, she waves it in front of him. She giggles as she observes Ham-Sammy go crazy at the sight of food.
He seems to squeak indignantly at her teasing and she snorts, unable to keep her laughter in. "Okay, okay! Here you go~"
Emma lifts the latch and opens the door. As she reaches to place the celery in his bowl, the little thing jumps on her hand and practically flies out.
"H-hey! Ham!!" She drops the celery and immediately chases after that sneaky rat.
"Come back here!"
"Hey! Don't you wanna eat?? I have celery!!" 
"Ham-Sam you little-"
No matter what she says, the critter doesn't listen, enjoying his freedom (and giving his owner a hard time).
After scrambling here and there, Ham-Sammy finds the celery Emma dropped and stops to eat it.
Seizing the opportunity to catch him, Emma starts to tiptoe nearer. She opens her arms, forming an "o" to trap him. She starts to kneel slowly... then swoop! He squeaks in surprise as she catches him. "HA!"
A black hole suddenly appears right underneath her and she falls, screaming all the way down.
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honeypiehotchner · 2 years
another man’s jeans (Hotch x Fem!Reader) -- one shot
Ever since Ashe dropped “Another Man’s Jeans” I have had this idea in mind so BELIEVE ME I am so glad to finally have this out of my brain and in front of y’all. Please scream with me it’s so hot I can’t do this
Friendly reminder that if you’re not 18 or older to not interact with this post please and thank you :)
Summary: You and Aaron used to date years ago, back when you both were too immature to know what you wanted -- but you knew you wanted each other. Now he’s working a case in the city where you live, and you want to have a little bit of fun ;))
Warnings: jealous!Hotch (I KNOW), smut ;) grinding, oral sex (f receiving), brief handjob, slight size kink, unprotected sex (use a condom irl for the love of GOD), dub-con (VERY slight, I think, but there are some moments where I can see it being questionable; just remember reader & Aaron used to be together, so this isn’t their first rodeo with each other, if you know what I mean)
Hotch Masterlist
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Once upon a time, you were mine And it made sense, it don’t make sense anymore At times I think about when it did
If someone had told you this morning that Aaron Hotchner would be walking through the front door of your office, then you would’ve kissed them on the mouth.
Five years have passed since you kissed Aaron, but not a single day has gone by that you haven’t thought about him.
You do a brief celebratory spin in your chair before hopping to your feet, and plastering on your grin.
He’s not alone, unfortunately. There’s an older guy with him in an expensive suit with a gold signet ring on his pinky.
“Who let you out of the Mafia?” I joke, looking at Aaron’s friend.
He smiles slightly, but Aaron doesn’t.
“Y/N,” Aaron says, in that same tone you remember from five years ago. When you’d say something you shouldn’t have and he would warn you to stop.
“Aaron,” you reply, in the same tone you always did. Knowing you were annoying him, but loving it.
“The famous Y/N,” Aaron’s friend says. “I’m David Rossi.” He sticks out his hand for you to shake.
“Dave, I do know you,” you shake his hand. “Heard many stories. Good ones, I promise.”
Turning to look at Aaron, you smile. “How are you?”
“Fine,” he says. “We need to speak with your boss.”
You snort. “Funny.”
“I wasn’t joking.”
“Aaron,” you almost roll your eyes. “I am my boss. What do you need?”
Rossi is smirking, looking between the two of you. He had heard many stories about you. From ones that left Aaron with heart eyes to others that left him angrily sipping his whiskey. You were a whirlwind that never left Aaron’s mind. You still haunt him today.
“We’re looking for Avery Dillard,” Rossi says, since Aaron can’t stop staring at you.
“Avery…” you think for a second. “I haven’t seen her today, but I’ll take you to her desk. Come on, this way.”
You wave for them to follow you, listening for their footsteps as you walk down the hallway through the rows of cubicles to Avery’s.
“She usually takes Fridays off, so I didn’t expect to see her today anyway,” you explain. As you lean against the edge of the cubicle walls, you cross your arms. “Can I ask what this is about?”
Aaron and Dave share a look.
“Is there somewhere we can speak privately?” Aaron asks.
A thrill runs through you, even though you know it’s inappropriate. He’s clearly here to work, but God, he looks good.
“Sure, there’s a conference room just over here.”
Dave stays behind at Avery’s desk, but Aaron follows you to the conference room. Unlocking the door, you step inside and flick the light switch. Aaron shuts the door behind himself.
“Have a seat,” he says, gesturing to the table.
Raising an eyebrow, you sit down, knowing immediately that this is a type of serious you’ve never seen from him before. He sits down in the chair next to you, linking his fingers together and resting his hands on the table.
“What’s going on?” you ask again, beginning to feel slightly panicky, which is far from normal for you. Especially not around Aaron.
“Avery was reported missing this morning,” Aaron says gently. “We’re currently investigating a series of kidnappings of young women that have ended in murders. We believe Avery might be connected.”
“Connected? As in…?”
“We don’t know if she’s dead,” he says quickly. “We always assume they are alive unless told otherwise.”
“Okay, but,” you pause, wringing your hands. “You just said the others end in murders.”
“Unfortunately, yes, that is the pattern.”
“Aaron,” you breathe. “This can’t be real.”
“How long has Avery worked with you?”
“Just a few weeks,” you rub your forehead. “Maybe a month, I’d have to check the records to be sure, but not long. She just graduated college, needed a job for the summer. I needed some extra help, and I know how hard it is finding a job for just a summer, so. I told her she was welcome here, and she’s been here since.”
“Did she ever talk about a boyfriend, a girlfriend? Anyone?”
“No, she’s… Oh, not a prude, but you know? She doesn’t hook up with anyone and she’s a very serious dater, which is not what is around here. It’s a lot of one night stands here.”
Aaron’s eyes narrow slightly. “Alright.”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t give me that look.”
“What look?”
“You know the look,” you mutter. “Don’t act jealous. We’re talking about a girl who might be dead. I’m not trying to seduce you — right now.”
He gives you his other look, the annoyed one, but that only fuels you. He should know better.
“You still single?” you ask, resting your chin in your palm.
“When was the last time you saw Avery?” he redirects the conversation immediately.
“So yes,” you nod. “I saw her on Wednesday. She took yesterday off for a doctor’s appointment.”
“The whole day?”
“I don’t judge,” you shrug. “Not my business.”
“Alright,” he says. “I think that’s all for now. I should get back to see what Dave found.”
“Come on,” you smirk, standing to your feet with him. “Are we seriously just gonna pretend like nothing ever happened?”
He opens the door and waves for you to leave.
“Alright,” you shrug. “I see how it is.”
~ ~ ~
I don’t need a bouquet, keep the flowers Let’s go dancing There was a time, not so long ago You couldn’t keep your hands off me
Friday night for you normally means going to a bar, but a Friday night after seeing Aaron for the first time in five years definitely means going to a bar.
Dressed in your favorite outfit to make you feel and look as hot as humanly possible, you head to your regular spot. You texted some friends to see if they want to meet up, but a lot are busy, so you don’t expect much.
Picking a stool at the bar, you settle in and order your first drink.
Within minutes, your night is made.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you chuckle to yourself, spotting Aaron as he walks into the bar with Dave and a few others.
Sipping your drink with a smile, you wait for him or Dave to notice you.
Aaron notices you first, but Dave speaks to you first.
“This must be a popular place, huh?” Dave says, nudging your shoulder as he slides up next to you.
“Hey you,” you grin. “It’s the best bar around. You made a good choice.”
“Actually, it was Aaron’s idea to come here.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Ah, I see.” Aaron knows you too well. You had forgotten that.
“Want me to go get him?” Dave asks after ordering his drink.
“Nope,” you smirk. “I’ll get him.”
He laughs. “I don’t doubt that. You’re welcome to join us if you’d like.”
“Just might take you up on that offer,” you smirk. “Let me grab another drink.”
“Let me,” Dave says, waving the bartender down.
You’re never one to turn down a free drink, so you let him get your second one.
“We just closed the case,” he says, watching the bartender prepare your drink. “Avery is home safe and sound, completely unharmed.”
You exhale deeply. “Thank god. Thank you for finding her.”
“It’s what we do,” Dave smiles, squeezing your shoulder. “I’m just glad we got there in time.”
You sense he’s done talking about the case, so you don’t ask any other questions. The bartender hands your drink to you, and you follow Dave back to the table.
Instantly, a man with tattoos circling his arms locks eyes with you, offering a grin that you return.
“This is Y/N,” Dave says.
You smile at everyone, leaving your eyes on Aaron’s just a little longer than necessary. By the time you look away, he’s still looking at you.
After getting through introductions, Emily leaves with JJ to get drinks from the bar. This left you with Aaron, Dave, and Derek, who wasted no time in moving closer to you. And you, naturally, wasted no time in leaning closer to him.
Across from you, Aaron’s jaw clenches.
“Morgan, don’t you want a drink?” Dave asks.
“I could use a beer,” Morgan nods. “What’d you get, sweetheart?”
“Dave just bought this one for me,” you smile, lifting your glass. “I’ll hit you up later for the next round, yeah?”
Morgan rubs your arm before sauntering away. Emily and JJ return with cocktails. Aaron’s gaze burns holes through your temple. Dave tells wild stories about his experiences with the Mafia.
The night continues just as it began. Emily and JJ accepted Morgan’s move and even shared looks with you when he would stand a little too close. At one point, his arm snaked around your waist, and that was when Aaron abruptly left the table.
You lean into him a little more. You can’t help it. He’s attractive, smells nice, has a killer smile. And charming, my God.
But, as much as you love those things, he isn’t Aaron. And Aaron is who you’ve been trying to get.
You manage to slip away from Morgan to go to the bathroom, or at least that was your excuse. Truthfully, you wanted to look for Aaron. But you didn’t have to. He was there by the bathrooms, waiting for you.
Walking right up to him, you tilt your head. “You there?”
He barely moves, but he looks at you. “What do you want?”
You laugh nervously. “What are you talking about?”
“I know what you’re doing,” he says.
“Is it working?”
You narrow your eyes. “I think it might be.”
He takes a deep breath, which is exactly how you know it is working.
“It’s not a good idea,” he says.
“I didn’t say it was.”
“We’re going back to Virginia tomorrow.”
“I’m aware.”
“Aaron,” you take a step closer to him. “Come on.” Give in already.
Come on, make a move If you know what I mean
“We don’t work together,” he says.
“I know,” you reply. “I’m not saying let’s get back together. I’m just saying, let’s have a little bit of fun while you’re here.”
He nods his head back in the direction of the table. “You’re not spending the night with Morgan?”
You glance over your shoulder and shrug. “He’s cute, but he’s not you. I think he knows that.”
Aaron hesitates, shakes his head, then says, “Let me think about it.”
You know what that means, so you roll your eyes. “While you’re doing that, I’ll be dancing.”
Or I can be the girl in another man’s jeans
Spinning around, you head back to the table, looping your arms through Emily and JJ’s. They gladly let you tug them onto the dance floor, which Morgan already occupies. It didn’t take long for him to spot you three and come over, joining the circle.
The two of you dance a little too close, but you don’t mind. He had to have seen you talking to Aaron, and you know he isn’t dumb. You’re either going back to the hotel with Aaron, or with no one.
~ ~ ~
Rossi has a whiskey double waiting for Hotch by the time he comes back to the table.
“Thanks,” Aaron says, picking up the glass.
“No problem,” Dave smirks. “What did Y/N want?”
Aaron doesn’t budge, his eyes glued to you on the dance floor, your body just too close to Morgan’s for Aaron’s liking. But he can’t be jealous. You’re not his anymore. You haven’t been for years.
Aaron tears his eyes away from you to look at Rossi, and his friend recognizes the look. It’s the same look Aaron had in his eyes when he broke up with you. Like every atom in his body is at war with each other, holding him back from running after you.
“You better ask her before Derek does,” Dave says. “And before she says yes.”
Aaron looks up and over to the dance floor where Derek has his hands on your waist. That’s it.
Leaving his drink on the table, barely half finished, Aaron marches onto the dance floor and grabs you.
“We’re leaving” is all you hear before you feel yourself being pulled away from Morgan. You recognize the feel of Aaron’s hands, though, so you willingly let him drag you away.
As you look over your shoulder, Emily and JJ are waving with grins, and Morgan winks. The plan worked perfectly.
~ ~ ~
Is it me, or is it hot? What you want, is what I got
The hotel is a short, two-minute walk from the bar, which is perfect for all purposes. Including the current situation.
You were walking “too slow” according to Aaron, so he promptly picked you up bridal-style when you got outside the bar.
Now, inside the elevator at the hotel, he sets you down, but only so he can back you into the wall.
“You drive me insane,” he says, pressing his body against yours, letting you feel him — all of him. With his mouth on your neck, it takes all of your energy to not let your knees buckle right there.
“That was the plan,” you reply, breathless, head spinning from him.
His arms snake around your waist. His fingers are cool against your skin as they wander underneath your shirt. Then, the elevator settles, and he picks you up again, this time throwing you over his shoulder.
“Aaron!” you hiss, worried someone might be in the hall. Thankfully, though, it’s empty, and his room is just around the corner.
He swipes his keycard and kicks the door open, tossing the card and his wallet on the table as the door closes behind him. He flicks the deadbolt into place at the top of the door, ensuring no unwanted disturbances.
Finally, he sets you down on the bed — well, more like, he drops you, and then climbs on top of you.
It’s all so easy. The rhythm the two of you had is so easy to fall back into.
Your hands cup his cheeks to pull his lips to yours while his hands find their place underneath your shirt, pressed against your waist, squeezing, pulling you into him. You spread your legs and wrap them around him, pulling his body down onto yours.
“Fuck,” he groans into your mouth, his hips involuntarily grinding against your lower half. “Fuck.”
You begin to make your move, wanting your tongue in his mouth and his in yours, but he has other ideas, dipping his head to your neck — to your weakest spots.
It doesn’t take long for him to reduce you to a whimpering mess between the biting and sucking at your neck, grinding against you, and holding you still with one hand at the base of your skull.
The feeling of him is so overwhelming, you feel yourself cumming before you even realize what’s happening.
Aaron goes quiet, gentle kisses on your neck. “You just came, didn’t you?” he asks, and you feel him smile against your skin.
Sheepishly, you reply, “Yeah. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he says seriously, pulling back to look into your eyes. “I want at least three more out of you.”
Your eyes widen. “Aaron—”
He covers your mouth with his, quieting your protests, knowing that this is exactly what you want.
You’ve never known anyone to distract you as best as Aaron does. Before you know it, your shirt is over your head and your pants are on the floor.
“No bra or underwear?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
“It’s laundry day,” you smirk. “Whoops.”
His look turns into a grumpy glare, and you nearly laugh as he’s kicking his pants off and tossing his t-shirt away. “What?”
“You wanted to steal my panties, didn’t you?”
“Be quiet,” he grumbles, laying his body over you once again. “But yes. Obviously.”
“I’ll mail you some,” you say, and you feel him twitch.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
You grin. “I know.”
He feels your hands on the waistband of his boxers, and he drops his head onto your shoulder, letting you take him out. You know his body almost as well as yours, the right way to hold him, to stroke him. Before long, he’s pulling your hand away, leaving himself right on the edge.
He kisses your lips once, then leaves a trail of pecks all down your body, ending right where you want him.
Your fingers thread through his hair as he kisses your inner thighs, nipping lightly at the skin. On their own, your hips buck, wanting him closer, and he obliges, ready to send you on your way to your second climax of the night.
He holds your hips down as he ravages you, knowing the little touches that send you reeling. You cum embarrassingly fast for the second time tonight, your chest heaving as he doesn’t stop. He eases every last bit of orgasm from you before calming down, kissing all around your legs and hips and stomach.
You claw at his shoulders, wanting him closer and on top of you again. He crawls back up the bed, pausing to kiss you deeply, claiming your mouth with his tongue.
You can tell he’s multitasking, though, preoccupied with rummaging through something on the nightstand. He breaks from kissing you to look up, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
“What are you looking for?”
“A condom,” he says. “I don’t— Fuck, I don’t have one.”
“For God’s sake,” you mutter, “just fuck me already.”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have my hand on your dick right now if I wasn’t sure.”
“Alright, alright.”
He swats your hand away, not because he doesn’t want you to guide him in (because he loves that) but because if you do, he might not last.
He takes his time, remembering the size difference and how long it has been. The last thing he ever wants to do is hurt you.
But you’re not having any of it.
Lifting your hips, Aaron slides home instantly, and cusses when he does. Your eyes close from the blissful feeling of being so full, a feeling you’ve missed much more than you thought.
“Don’t forget you have two left,” he says, breathing hard in between each word.
“If you can last,” you tease, knowing the exact reaction it’ll get out of him — because it’s the one you want.
“Oh, I’ll last,” he says, lifting himself up. “You might be sore tomorrow.”
You grin. “That a promise?”
“It is now.”
And he keeps it.
There’s something about the way Aaron fucks you. You’ve never been able to place it, other than the fact that there is no one like him. You don’t know what it is, or what it could be, but you will never get enough of him.
He fucks without mercy, especially when you egg him on. He knows your weaknesses, the way you love when his whole weight is on top of you, pressing him impossibly deep. You don’t know when you cum for the third time, but it must be around the time when his hips start stuttering.
He regains his composure enough to slip out of you and roll you onto your side, thrusting back into you with ease. Your cries echo off the walls as he holds you against him, tonguing your ear, sucking a hickey where no one can see.
At this angle he reaches all the spots you can’t. All the spots that haven’t been touched since he left. All the spots that have been aching for him for so long.
When you cum for the fourth time, it immediately sends him over the edge, thrusting as deep as he can into you. You thrash in his arms from the overstimulation and he holds you, shushing your cries as his hips thrust gently.
On his final thrust, you ask him to stay inside. His arms tighten around your waist, holding you against him, like he’s wanted to for the past five years.
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Temporary - Oscar Diaz imagine Part 6
"De nada princesa." He winked before stepping out into the yard, a chorus of 'spooky!' coming from the Santos as he closed the door behind him.
A cough from beside me brought me back to earth, turning to see three sets of eyes on me, Ruby and Jamal looking as though I'd killed somebody right then and there and Cesar with a knowing smirk on his face.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"What did you do?" Jamal asked, still stood staring at me with wide eyes.
"I have never, ever, seen an actual smile on that guys face." Ruby muttered, watching the front door as though Oscar would magically walk through it any second.
"He's got a point." Cesar added making my eyes move to him. "He's my brother and I've never heard him call anyone 'princesa' before, let alone offer to let a girl stay over with no repayment, if you get what I mean." He smirked as he looked at me, his eyes holding a knowing glint.
"Maybe I just have that effect on people." I shrugged with a slight laugh. "Anyway, what's this about a school dance?" I asked in attempt to change the subject.
"It's on Friday and we're gunna get freaky with it." Jamal sung as he moved his hips in what I think was supposed to be a 'sexy' way.
"Okay, that's gross." I stated pointing at the younger boy as he slowly stopped dancing, crossing his arms before flopping down on the couch besides me.
"What is with you people and throwing water on my flame?" He groaned to himself.
"Jamal, baby, you need to have a flame for someone to put it out." I spoke with false sympathy, laughing as he rolled his eyes and mimicked me.
"How were the school dances in Cali?" Ruby asked leaning against the kitchen counter as he watched me.
"Uh, I didn't actually go to any." I shrugged thinking back to how me and Jess would just take a couple bites down to the beach and drink the night away.
"You didn't go? Like, to any?" Cesar asked with a surprised look on his face.
"Not that I remember no, I used to just go down to the beach and get drunk." I shrugged with a small smile.
"You should come." He continued making me look up to him in slight confusion. "To our dance." He clarified with a smirk.
"Oh, well in case you haven't realised I finished school a couple years ago, and I didn't even go to yours." I smiled at his offer.
"So? We can bring dates from other schools, or not from school at all, this is freeridge, it's a pretty relaxed deal." He shrugged, the smirk still on his face.
"I'm not sure that's going to a school dance with a fourteen year old is such a great idea." I muttered unsurely.
"You're overthinking things here Lia." Jamal said loudly as he pushed himself up and stood next to Cesar and Ruby. "God, you're definitely related." He spoke to himself as he looked up to the ceiling.
"Hey!" Me and Ruby yelled at the same time making Jamal raise his eyebrows in an 'I told you so' style. "But he's right." Ruby shrugged. "It's nothing serious just a dance, besides, I thought you'd be up for some fun after whatever just happened." He continued.
"Ruby's right." Cesar nodded, all three boys stood watching me and waiting for an answer.
"Fine." I sighed in defeat. "You're on." I smiled.
"Thank you again." I smiled as Oscar grabbed what he needed from his room before spending the night on the couch.
"Ain't nothin'." He shrugged as he headed towards the door, fresh shirt and shorts in hand.
"I'm going to the school dance with your brother." I blurted out stopping him with his hand on the doorknob. "Oh my god that sounded so much stranger out loud." I groaned as I flopped back onto his bed staring at the ceiling.
"Why?" He snorted as he turned round, dumping his stuff on a set of drawers before he stood at the side of the bed looking down at me in a mix of confusion and amusement.
"They was talking about the dance and I mentioned I'd never been to one, then Cesar offered to take me." I shrugged before sitting up and looking up at him. "It's not that strange right?"
"You're 19 and going to a school dance with my brother." He said matter-of-factly as he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.
"I know it's so weird." I half groaned, half laughed as I thought about what I had agreed to. "You know you don't have to sleep out there right? I'm more than happy to, this is your bed after all." I mentioned, running my fingers through my tangled hair.
"A princesa should sleep on a bed, not a couch." He gave me a small smile and a shrug.
"And what about a caballero?" I asked making him look at me in confusion. "Well, you were my night in shinning armour." I teased with a smirk, and I'm sure, I saw a hint of pink lining his cheeks before he cleared his throat and it was gone. "Oscar Diaz get your culo into the bed before I tell all your little home boys that you cried at Marley and me." I smirked knowing that seeing Spooky Diaz crying earlier was going to come in handy, not that he'd admit he was.
"A) I wasn't crying, and b) even if I was you wouldn't dare." He muttered narrowing his eyes at me although the small smirk on his face let me know that he wasn't quite 100% serious.
"Try me." I smirked.
I let out a laugh as he sighed loudly throwing his head back before huffing his way over to the opposite side of the bed, pulling his top over his head before throwing himself down dramatically.
"You're such a drama queen, you know that?" I laughed as I lifted the cover and settled down on the pillow.
"Let's remember who's bed this is yeah." He muttered, both of us laid on our backs and watching the plain white roof.
"Was you close to them? Your parents I mean." I whispered remembering Ruby saying that the Diaz brothers had been alone for the majority of Cesar's childhood.
"My mum died when I was younger, couple years after Cesar was born, I don't remember much about her other than she was a jumped up crackhead." He muttered, my eyes widening slightly at how blunt and open he was being about it. "Me and my dad were kinda close when it came to gang business, I guess, but other than that I barely knew the man personally." I felt him shrug from his place besides me. "What about you?" He asked making me scoff quietly.
"Well, I don't know if you've noticed or not but me and my mum don't exactly have the greatest relationship. She's constantly on my ass trying to put me down, she tried her hardest to make me into the housewife that she's always been, and that's just not me." I shrugged laughing slightly. "But my dad." I trailled of with a sigh, a small smile on my face. "He's the greatest man I've ever met, I mean sure, he's had some troubles in the past but he's always put me and mum above it all. Even when it costs him more than he has, he always finds a way to make sure we're alright." I smiled at the thought of the hero that was my dad.
"He sounds like a good man." Oscar whispered making me turn to face him only to realise that he was already watching me.
"He is." I whispered with a small smile, my eyes captured by his as the familiar butterflies from earlier suddenly reappeared, his eyes moving between my own and my lips.
Not risking another interruption he quickly leant forwards and captured my lips with his own, moving our lips against each other's slowly, the cliché of butterflies and fireworks never really making much sense to me until this moment, when I felt it all.
I kept my eyes closed as we slowly pulled away, his forehead resting against mine as he released my bottom lip with a slight pop. Taking a deep breath I opened my mouth to speak before I was interrupted by a quick kiss on my lips before he pulled back completely.
"Sorry, I uh, I shouldn't have done that." He said quietly, looking into my eyes briefly before reaching over and playing with the small 'D' pendant that hung around my neck. "I know you got a boyfriend." He muttered scowling, dropping the necklace as though it had burned him.
"It's alright Oscar." I smiled slightly, bringing my hands up to the sides of his face my thumb rubbing his jawline gently. "I'm done with him, enough is enough, right." I shrugged making him chuckle slightly.
"It's okay." I smiled bringing my hands to the sides of his face, my thumb rubbing over his jawline gently. "I'm not with him anymore." I shrugged making him chuckle slightly.
"Good." He smirked, placing his hands on he sides of my face forcing me to let go of his and hold onto his wrists instead. Giving me one more smirk he leaned in placing his lips against mine as his hands disappeared from my face, reaching behind my neck as I felt the weight of the necklace disappear.
Pulling away I couldn't help but laugh as Oscar threw the necklace towards the drawers opposite his bed, the small chain sliding across the surface before dropping down the back. Letting out a chuckle of his own he laid himself down pulling me towards him do that my head was resting on his chest, his arm wrapping around me waist from behind while his other was folded under his head.
"Night Lia." He mumbled, placing a small kiss on my forehead.
"Goodnight Oscar." I whispered into the otherwise silent room, placing a brief kiss to his bare chest before drifting off into the darkness.
"Aye Spooky! Where you at?" Accompanied by a know at the door make me jump the next morning as I was getting myself a glass of water in Oscars kitchen the next morning.
Since I'd always been an early bird, as my mother would put it, it was no surprise that I had woken up before Oscar and Cesar, my head resting on Oscars chest with his arms wrapped around me tightly.
"Spooky man, open up!" A different voice called from outside again accompanied by a know that was more like banging.
Sighing to myself I debated whether to go and wake Oscar or to just answer the door myself, yet another knock on the door answering my question for me.
"Can I help you?" I asked as I opened the door to be met with the same Santo that had stepped up to Diego yesterday along with another one that I recognised from the Monse and Cesar fight, the one who tried to step up to me, bitch.
"Where's Spooky?" The bitch asked as he looked me up and down with smirk, only then did I remember that I was in the same clothes I'd slept in, a pair of Oscar's boxers and my tank top, luckily I had remembered to put my bra back on when I'd gotten up this morning.
"How 'bout you show me a little respect before I slam this door in your culo feo." I smiled sarcastically crossing my arms over my chest before the other guy got my attention.
"Hey, uh, Lia right?" He asked with furrowed brows like he was trying to remember. "I was there when your boy came for you." He smiled slightly.
"Right." I nodded. "Thank you for that." I smiled sincerely, genuinely thankful that he had stepped in.
"I'm sad eyes by the way." He smiled as he stuck his hand out for me to shake. "And that's Johnny." He nodded over to his companion.
"Lia." I smiled putting my hand in his and shaking it lightly. "But you already knew that." I laughed.
"Is spooky here or what?" Johnny huffed against the door frame, once again letting his eyes roam my half naked body.
"Spooky's gunna kick the shit outta you if you don't stop looking at her like that." Cesar's voice made me jump as he came to the door with a glass of juice in one hand. "Here." He smiled as he handed me the juice while taking the water from my other hand.
"Oh, thank you C." I smiled as I took a sip. "Oh shit yeah, you guys wanna come in?" I asked quickly remembering the two Santos stood waiting in the doorway.
"Thanks." Sad eyes laughed as he made his way in, fist bumping Cesar on his way.
"Apologise." I said, putting my arm across the doorway before Johnny could walk in, looking up at him with a smirk as he glared down at me. "Apologise for acting like a jackass or you can wait for Spooky out in the yard." I shrugged as he looked at me in disbelief. "Oh, and it rained last night so the couch is slightly damp." I shrugged again as I went to close the door before his hand stopped me.
"Alright, I'm sorry." He smiled sarcastically as he tried to take a step inside.
"You're sorry for what exactly?" I smirked as I stepped in his way again, getting a kick of amusement at the scowl on his face. "Well, I'm waiting." I sighed tapping my invisible watch on my wrist.
"I'm sorry for being a jackass." He groaned rolling his eyes. "Happy?" He sighed as he looked down at the smirk on my face.
"Very." I smiled as I moved out of his way to let him in, closing the door behind him.
"Aye spooky! Where you been man? Damn hyna trying to make me wait inside." Johnny cheered as Oscar appeared from the hallway in nothing but the pair of shorts that he'd slept in last night.
Sure, Oscar Diaz wasn't exactly rocking an eight pack and abs of steal, but my god was he something to look at first thing in the morning. I couldn't help but blush as his eyes landed on me, scanning me up and down quickly before he looked back to Johnny, giving him an uninterested look before shaking his head and heading into the kitchen.
"Lia." He called looking over his shoulder at me. "Come here a second." He added, motioning for me to go over to him.
"What's up?" I asked standing next to him as he opened the fridge only to from when it came up empty.
"I was gunna ask if you wanted anything but I gotta go to the store." He groaned rubbing a hand over his tanned head.
"I can take a walk to that cafe down the street, mama coco's is it?" I asked recalling seeing the small cafe a few times since I'd been back in town.
"Nah." He muttered shaking his head, closing the fridge and heading back into the living room. "Johnny, go down to mamma coco's and grab me a coffee and one of those roll things I like." He told him before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a twenty and throwing it onto the Santos lap.
"Do you normally sleep with cash on you?" I asked amused knowing that he had slept in those very shorts. "My bad." I giggled as he turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised and an amused smirk playing on his lips.
"Nah, the girl just offered man." Johnny shrugged as he picked up the cash and held it out for me to take.
"I don't care." Oscar muttered as he pushed his outstretched hand away. "What do you want?" He asked looking over his shoulder at me.
"I'll have a tea with two sugars please." I smiled at him. "Oh! And a blueberry muffin!" I added excitedly, smirking when Johnny rolled his eyes.
I laughed as Johnny stood up with a huff before making his way out of the house, with one last laugh I made my way back to Oscars room to put on my clothes from yesterday since the rest of my stuff was back at Ruby's.
"Weren't you wearing that yesterday?" Monse's voice made me jump as I made my way back into the living room that was now occupied by Oscar, Sad eyes and the core 4, plus Olivia. The core 4 was dotted around the room, Sad eyes was laid back on the recliner in the corner while Oscar and Olivia was on the couch, their thighs brushing slightly, a wave of jealousy washing over me before I shook it off, he wasn't mine, I had no right to be jealous over silly little things like that.
"Uh yeah, I haven't been back to Ruby's because, well, ya know." I shrugged slightyl before turning to the blonde girl. "You must be Olivia." I smiled over at the young girl, I'd never met her before, or even heard of her before mum and Geny told me about he staying.
"That's me." She smiled. "You're Lia right?" She said, crossing one leg over the other subconsciously pushing hers and Oscars legs closer together.
"And my date to the dance on Friday." Cesar grinned as he came over to where I was stood and out his arm over my shoulders.
"Strictly friends only, got it." I raised my eyebrows as I looked to him, making him chuckle and nod in agreement.
"Since when are you taking her?" Monse asked confused, ignoring the looks that the rest of the crew was giving her instead opting to keep her attention on me and Cesar.
"Since last night when she told me that she'd never been to her own school dances." He shrugged casually, to him it was no big deal but I could see I'm Monse's eyes that she was hurting.
"You know I don't have to go, not if you two were planning on going together." I said quickly, not looking to be in the middle of a teenage love triangle or whatever this shit was.
"Nah, we're just friends, right monse?" Cesar shrugged as he pulled me close to his side, Monse not missing the gesture.
"Right." She mumbled looking at the ground just as Johnny stormed in and threw a paper bag down onto the ktichen counter before putting the drinks down considerably gentler.
"Oh food!" I grinned as I pulled away from Cesar's hold, jumping up on the counter and opening up the bag, immediately pulling out my blueberry muffin and digging in, sending a muffin filled smile in Johnny's direction. "Gracias." I smirked as he shook his head and leant against the wall.
"Aye where's mine foo'?" Oscar piped up, leaning forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees as he watched me finish my muffin, throwing the wrapper to the side before taking a sip of my tea.
"I'm the bag." I shrugged with a smirk, watching as his eyes lit up with amusement while Ruby and Jamal watched with horror on their faces.
"Is that right?" He asked smirking at me with an eyebrow raised.
"That's right." I nodded as I blew into the lid of my tea before taking another sip.
"You not gunna bring it here?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly like a confused puppy.
"I'm sorry, remind me how much you're paying me to be your waitress again?" I asked sarcastically, laughing as Ruby and Jamal's eyes widened that little bit more.
"I'll get it for you Mr Spooky Sir." Jamal said quickly getting up from his seat and rushing towards the bag only for me to grab the bad and hold it behind my back.
"Nu-Uh." I muttered shaking my head with a chuckle. "I'm gunna need the owner of the bag to come and collect it thank you." I smirked looking from Jamal to Oscar who was watching me with an amused smile on his face before he pushed himself to his feet and walked over.
"I'm right here." He smirked making Jamal jump as he appeared behind him. "Can I get my food now?" He asked as Jamal scurried back to his spot making me laugh.
"Of course." I grinned handing the bag over. "What do I get for keeping it safe for you?" I asked quietly, knowing that the other people in the room were watching the interaction.
"I could think of something." He muttered, a smirk on his face as he stepped closer.
"Oh yeah?" I smirked back as he took another step so that we were basically chest to chest only having to look up at him slightly from where I was sitting on the counter.
"Yeah." He mumbled before taking my head in his hands and bringing his lips down on mine in a slow but butterfly filled kiss.
The joint "Oh my god." From Ruby and Jamal making us pull apart slowly with small smiles on both our faces.
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Summary: As a storm draws near to the Virginia coast, you and Spencer share an intimate moment. Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader Word count: 3.3k Category: Fluff Rating: T Warnings: None
read it on ao3 | series masterlist
[previous chapter]
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“Tell me more about your home life,” you spoke out of the blue as Spencer lounged to your left. He lifted his head up off his crossed arms, stared up at you from the face-down position he had taken up.
“What do you want to know? We’ve discussed our cultural differences quite a bit already…”
“I want to hear about your family.” Spencer thinned his lips. You looked down. “I mean, you’ve mentioned your mom a few times, but…I’m sorry. Is this too personal? I just feel like I know so much about you, but I don’t even know anything about your family—"
“Diana.” Spencer’s stare bored into yours, soft and unyielding. “My mom’s name was Diana.”
You brought your cheek to rest against your hand. “What was she like?” Spencer smiled, bittersweet.
“She was a great mom when she could be. She had her issues. Nothing much we could do. But when she was there, when she was fully lucid, she was so wise. I could always go to her for advice. Somehow, she always knew just the right thing to say.”
“You miss her,” you noted. A statement, not a question. Spencer nodded.
“She would’ve liked you,” he said, biting his lip. You took a breath.
“Really,” he reaffirmed. The early morning sun felt especially hot all of a sudden. “Plus, even with all her reminders to not go above the surface, she would’ve loved answering all your questions. Her lectures about aquatic history are sort of legendary.”
“She sounds amazing,” you said.
“Is it weird…” Spencer paused. Sighed. “Is it weird that I wish you would’ve gotten to meet her? In another life perhaps? I know that’s highly impossible. In fact, even just the concept of another life stems from—”
“Hmm?” He looked up at you, brown eyes inquisitive. A little shy, but unguarded. He trusted you. Completely. It was a startling realization.
“It’s not weird at all,” you reassured him. He smiled, and you returned the gesture twofold.
“This just in: Local weather reports of a tropical storm heading straight for the coasts of Virginia Friday evening. Right now, it remains a tropical storm, but it does have the potential to become a hurricane. We are ABC7 News will keep you updated with the latest on this story as it progresses—”
“Damn, I was really hoping to go to the beach next weekend,” Tara grumbled as she flicked the channel off, balancing her bowl of cereal as she found just the right angle for the TV remote to work. You curled your fingers against the edge of the couch cushion, trying to ease your nerves. When you had woken up that morning, you could feel it. A shift in the air. Something to come. It was all you could do not to think about what Spencer would be doing, out at sea, unable to escape the storm. You steeled yourself in the present, focused on Tara’s dilemma instead.
“We literally live on the beach. You could go outside right now, and you’d basically be in the water. For what we pay to live here, you should really be taking advantage of it, anyways.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same,” Tara sighed, stabbing her cereal with her spoon. “I want to make an event out of it, you know? Embrace the big hat-thriller novel-sitting on the beach life.” You chuckled at her theatrics.
“Yeah. You could still do that,” you pointed out.
“It’s not as fun by myself.” Tara pouted. You placed a hand on her shoulder.
“You could always take me with you!” Tara shrugged off your hand and playfully glared at you. You backed off. “Alright, alright. We don’t need to see that much of each other. I get it.” You leaned back, resting your forearm against the edge of the sofa.
“Okay, but seriously,” she started around a mouthful of cocoa puffs (her guilty pleasure cereal), “we need to get prepped for this storm. Do you want to put all the outdoor furniture in the shed this week or shall I? One of us needs to do it, and the other can go to the store to stock up on food and stuff.”
“I’ll do it,” you grumbled. “You’re so strong and capable; only you could brave the grocery store madhouse that’s about to happen.” You grinned at Tara, clearly buttering her up for what would be the worse option.
She chuckled. “Thanks for phrasing that like it’ll be far more exciting than it actually is. That’s fine, though. I am better at hurricane prep than you, anyway.”
“I’d be upset at that comment but unfortunately it’s true,” you relented. Tara let out a triumphant Ha! She picked up the remote, dangled it in front of you.
“Your turn to pick something to watch. And if there is a single mermaid in it…” She shook her head, dramatically shuddered.
“I get it!” You yanked the remote out of her hand before nudging your shoulder against hers. She repeated the gesture. A nonverbal confirmation that everything was okay. You flicked on Netflix, mindlessly scrolling through the offerings. Not paying nearly as much attention as you should.
“He’s going to be fine, you know,” Tara spoke a few minutes into your unyielding scrolling. You turned to her.
“Spencer?” You questioned. She nodded. It did little to calm the angry, stormy sea raging behind in your chest. The bitter taste of drowning. “How do you know?”
Tara shrugged, circling her spoon around her quickly emptying breakfast. “I just do. Intuition, I guess.” You paused, considering.
“Wow, the woman of science is suddenly taking things on faith?” You replied, half-teasing, half-serious. Tara thinned her lips, a far-off look in her eyes. She took a swig of the chocolate-tinted milk at the bottom of her bowl.
“Maybe I’m a bit more open to things these days,” she replied before pushing herself off the couch and heading toward the kitchen. You settled back into your side of the couch, absorbing her words.
Ever since you and Spencer grew close, you’d had to come to terms with a lot of different things. Like the fact that mermaids existed. Cute mermaids with cow-brown eyes and a laugh like the song of the sea. But that rational part of you, the one Tara had always encouraged, had kept him at arm’s length. No sense diving headfirst into a capital-R Relationship with someone who would always be a fish out of water. A literal fish out of water. Even though you spent just as much time fantasizing about what could be.
Although, you never thought you’d see the day Tara started accepting anecdotal evidence as fact. The most seeing is believing person you have ever met was now supporting you in all your weird mermaid endeavors. She’d come a long way from the woman who tried to nicely—not in a condescending way, she’d argued—convince you that mermaids weren’t real. That maybe you were just seeing things. But now? You knew without a doubt that Spencer wasn’t a trick of the light or a figment of your imagination. He was real. As real as the ocean itself. As real as the morning sunlight felt on your skin every Sunday. And maybe Tara had it right. Maybe it was good to trust your intuition. After all, that is what led you to the rocks at the edge of the beach in the first place. And without that, none of this would be happening at all.
And that would be a damn shame.
“Why did you come all the way out here in the first place?” Spencer had asked you the following morning, curiosity in his gaze. He had laid across the rocks, tail shimmering in the early sunrise glow. Iridescent and mesmerizing. It took you a minute to form words after he emerged from the water. Something in the air felt different today. Maybe it was the storm. Maybe it was the realization of just how invested you are in this relationship—whatever kind of relationship it is.
“What, to Virginia or—”
“Here,” Spencer clarified, tail flopping against the solid rock with a thwap. The sound punctuated his question. You paused, collecting your thoughts.
“I guess…I feel most myself here,” you answered, “if that makes any sense. I just felt drawn to this part of the beach.” Spencer hummed, licking his lips before speaking.
“For whatever we lose—like a you or a me—”
“…It’s always ourselves we find in the sea,” you finished, surprised.
“E.E. Cummings,” Spencer added. Some warm breeze wrapped around the two of you, the sea salt scent thick and familiar. Your heart raced at the cloying sensation.
“Of course, you know E.E. Cummings. What don’t you know?” You teased half-heartedly. A particularly large wave crested and fell in the distance, the sound fading into the background as you watched Spencer. The slight twitch of his lips, softening of his gaze. He sighed, flicked his tail once. You watched droplets cascade out around the fin, glistening in the sunlight. Indescribable.
“There’s lot of things I don’t know, Y/N,” he spoke, pulling you out of your thoughts. His head turned down; his voice softened. “I find myself more troubled by it every week.” You looked at him in his sincerity. Really looked at him. Every perfect blue-green scale and curly piece of hair. Nervous hands and slender build. You could hardly believe that he was here with you sometimes. You cleared your throat.
“Yeah,” you replied, almost a whisper. You glanced down at your bare legs next to Spencer’s shimmering tail. The tang of saltwater crept into your mouth, not unpleasantly. “Me, too.”
Things had progressed so far over the last several months. You could look back on first meeting Spencer with a sense of nostalgia. That foreign shyness between the two of you bleeding into your interactions, lessening over time as each Sunday visit brought you closer. More familiar. Because what you had now was that—familiar. So familiar, you’d know him anywhere. You’d know him like the back of your hand. Like the sounds of the sea.
And yet, there was so much unspoken. So many things you couldn’t—and wouldn’t—know. Like if Spencer could feel the surface breeze whenever he thought of you.
“I’m going to assume you finished the last book I left on the rocks for you?” You asked, changing the subject.
“Of course! Romeo and Juliet. Star-crossed lovers. It was well-written, I’ll give it that.” He reached out to his opposite side, pulled out his water-logged copy.
“That’s going to fall apart,” you giggled.
“It just might,” he agreed. Spencer handed it to you, a wet thumpsounding out as he dropped it into your hands. You carefully pulled the pages apart, turning them gently so as not to disturb the fragile bindings of the book. Unfamiliar scrawled writing surrounded the text.
“You made your own annotations?” You questioned, surprised.
“Well, I loved seeing all your thoughts on paper and getting a closer look at what exactly you were thinking at certain parts. I figured it was only fair you get to experience the same,” Spencer explained. And there it was again. The riptide beneath your ribs.
“Is writing a big part of mermaid culture?” You asked.
“Oh, not at all,” he laughed. “That’s why my handwriting is terrible.” You joined in with him, unable to shake the feeling that something monumental was happening. Like Spencer was opening up to you in a way he never had before. In a way you always secretly hoped he would. It turned out that Romeo and Juliet was certainly the correct choice of book to share with him, if a little on the nose. At least it wasn’t The Little Mermaid.
“Thank you for sharing this with me,” you said, in awe of all the notes marching along the pages.
“It’s just some thoughts I had, some comments. Circling the quotes I liked.”
“Like this one?” You pointed to one passage that had been circled a few times. He grinned, shifted closer to you to read over your shoulder. You felt the chill of the sea water dripping just past your shoulders. Goosebumps ran down your spine.
“’My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.’”
Spencer recited the words as if he’d said them a thousand times before. You couldn’t shake the sudden feeling that everything that’s happened over the last several months has led to this exact moment. Your chest constricted, your senses in a state of overwhelm. The riptide had turned into a tsunami, no turning back now. As he made eye contact with you, you felt the goosebumps spread down your arms. The two of you diving headfirst into this new dynamic, no safety net. His eyes searched your face. You held your breath.
“I can see why you circled that one,” you breathed. Spencer’s gaze softened, shifted, before he suddenly cleared his throat and looked away. The tsunami quieted.
“While not technically true, as the sea does in fact have ends—I’ve seen them myself—I do appreciate the sentiment. Love as deep as the sea. It’s something that’s always sought after, a theme in so many of the novels I’ve read. I only hope I could experience a fraction of it.”
You paused, studied him, a softness in your gaze. “You will,” you affirmed. Not a shred of doubt in your voice. Spencer stared at you, quizzically. He glanced down at your lips, and you swallowed a lump in your throat.
“How do you know?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“Intuition,” you replied. Smiling. Maybe taking things on faith wasn’t such a bad thing these days.
Spencer smiled back just as wide, and the sun shone just a little brighter.
“Do you ever feel weird about this? Us? Seeing each other every week?” He asked. The surf crested against the rocks just beneath your feet. You watched as the tide pulled it back out, revealing the mussels hanging on below. 
“I mean, if you’d asked me several months ago, I never would’ve thought I’d end up here. But now…” You shrugged. “I don’t know. Everything feels so easy with you. Intuitive.”
“I feel the same way,” Spencer replied. The tide uncovered the sands once more. “Everyone always asks me where I go off to each week. I think they’d lose their minds if I told them.” He chuckled.
“Does anyone else know about me?” You asked. Spencer shook his head.
“I love them all, back home, but they wouldn’t understand. They’re afraid of even coming up for air. Which, I get it. There’s a huge stigma around humans. Stems from centuries ago when sailing was far more prevalent as a means of transport. But” He nudged your shoulder with his own. Static crackled in the air. “They’re not that bad.”
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you replied, cheeky. It could have just been the rising sun painting everything a rosy hue, but you swore you could see a hint of redness in Spencer’s cheeks.
A wave crested against the edge of the rock, saltwater spray misting your face. You waited, patient, before scooting closer to him. Testing the waters.
Sunlight danced off his scales, giving way to breathtaking rainbows of color. Just based on the intensity of the sun, you knew you’d have to get going soon, but you couldn’t seem to tear your eyes away.
“You can touch them, you know.” You snapped your head up at that. He wasn’t looking at you as he spoke, like he was embarrassed to even be talking about the concept.
“I thought you didn’t like to be touched,” you softly countered. Spencer had made it very well known when the two of you had initially met that he was not big on human touch. Over the months, you’ve had some accidental touches here and there, even a few purposeful ones, but never of his tail. The tail was always off limits. You’d assumed it was a combination of a mermaid thing and some kind of quirk that was so uniquely Spencer.
“I don’t like to be touched by strange humans. I trust you.” He looked up into your eyes and you suddenly saw the sincerity in his gaze. He offered a soft smile that made your stomach flip. This wasn’t something to be taken lightly, but the fact that he trusted you meant everything.
You gave him a silent smile in return, let him read your face to see how much he meant to you, before you slowly reached out your hand. He gave you a small nod as if to say it’s okay, you can touch.
Gingerly, you let your fingers brush along the scales. Spencer let out a small gasp at the contact, nearly inaudible. You traced the edges with your hand, smoothing out until your whole palm was on the cool surface. It was still a little damp, with some kind of viscous sheen over the top of it. You didn’t mind, though. You never minded when it came to Spencer.
You felt his tail almost lean into the touch, as if he was trying to hold back from it but something primal within him just couldn’t resist. The moment was strangely intimate – him allowing you a closeness that so few ever get to experience. The ocean waves returned to your chest in full force.
Spencer watched you as you traced along the scales, every groove and dip being explored. You admired his patience as you quenched your curiosity. It was about so much more than that to you, though. And you couldn’t help but think he felt the same.
Seconds turned to minutes until the two of you had relaxed into what had become a natural, comforting position. Your hand brushing up and down his tail in a rhythmic motion. Soothing you both in the face of what was to come.
“There’s a storm coming,” you mentioned, trying not to let the anxiety creep into your voice. Spencer hummed in acknowledgement.
“I know. I can feel it. The anticipation. The water changes when things like this are about to happen.” You retracted your hand, the resulting emptiness of it feeling distractingly cold. You couldn’t read Spencer’s expression.
“Yeah, we can feel it in the air up here, too,” you replied. He scooted forward and swished his tail in the water, the movement rippling out. If a butterfly flutters its wings, you thought. “I’m probably going to have to head out soon,” Spencer added. “To avoid the storm.”
You nodded; throat suddenly dry. “That makes sense. I want you to be safe.” It was true. Tara could attest to the obvious anxiety the storm had been causing you. You needed him to be safe.
“We haven’t missed a Sunday yet,” he said, licking his lips. “I’ll probably be gone for a few days. I might not make it back in time.” You nodded. You didn’t mention that the thought of not seeing him, not having your weekly Sunday routine, made your insides turn to sullen mush. Like the wet sand squishing beneath your feet.
“We’ll be okay,” you affirmed, putting on a smile. Spencer returned it. You got the feeling that you weren’t just talking about a Sunday, but rather something far bigger than either of you could fathom.
You spent the rest of your time together engaged in pleasant conversation, but neither one of you could deny the feeling that something pivotal was happening. And you weren’t sure whether it would have a happy ending.
When you realized you had to leave, you and Spencer didn’t say goodbye. You simply parted ways, knowing what was to come. Something more ominous than any storm. Than any hurricane. So, you didn’t say goodbye. Because this wasn’t goodbye.
And because some things were better left unspoken.
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[next chapter]
A/N: Thank you all for sticking with this story that Im so excited to be telling! Consider reblogging or dropping a comment if you enjoyed :) It’s a writer’s fuel
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5-seconds-of-bucky · 3 years
The Dock
A/N: So I’m writing for Bucky now...☺️ I wrote this for @wkemeup’s 9k writing challenge but also not? I’ve had the idea in my head for a while now so I thought I’d participate! I included the prompt, but it’s not so much the plot of the story so much as just part of it. Anyways, happy reading!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Avenger!Reader
Summary: After a long time of mutual pinning, a night on the dock helps you and Bucky finally confess your feelings for each other
Word count: 4.5k+
Warnings: Swearing, reader gets catcalled, violence, excessive usage of the middle finger
Prompt: Character A is the target of harassment on the street. Shamed, they pretend it doesn’t bother them. Until it happens in the presence of Character B, who reigns hell on whoever dared to upset [A]
You awoke to your head bobbing on the car window and the sound of crunching gravel as the car pulled into the driveway of Tony’s lake house. Your neck ached from leaning over in a strange position for so long and you groaned as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.
Bucky grinned from the seat beside you. “Sleep well?” he asked, nudging your calf with his foot. “You got a little drool there.”
“Oh, shut up.” You stuck your middle finger up in his direction. “I slept very well, actually. Thank you for asking.”
“I can tell.” You lifted up your other hand to flip him off again, causing him to chuckle. “Ooh, two middle fingers. I’m really scared now.”
The two of you were too busy teasing each other to realize that the car had stopped and Sam and Natasha had already gotten out of it. A knock on the window your head was resting on made you turn around, seeing Sam’s face a little too close for your liking.
“Are you two gonna stop flirting and help us with the bags or should I let you bake in the car?” he asked. With a roll of your eyes, you opened the car door, making sure to bump Sam in the process. Bucky felt heat rise to his cheeks, glad that you weren’t looking over towards him to see it. “I’m taking this silence to mean that you do want to roast in the car.”
“Sam, would you shut up?” you laughed, casually sticking a middle finger up behind your back as you walked past him to the trunk.
“You and these middle fingers today,” Sam muttered.
“I have another one if you’d like to see it.” You grabbed your backpack and slung it over your shoulder.
“I’m good.” He picked up his bag from the ground before heading towards the house, which the rest of the team was already situated in. You went to grab your suitcase but Bucky swatted your hand away, grabbing it himself and closing the trunk.
“I got it,” he insisted like the true gentleman he was. As much as you wanted to argue, you knew it wouldn’t get you anywhere.
“Why thank you, good sir.” You bumped his shoulder with your own and walked ahead, jumping up the three steps to the porch and opening the door.
“All in a day’s work.” He lifted the suitcases up the steps with ease and slipped past you to get inside. The feeling of air conditioning inside the cabin was a major relief from the heat outside.
“Glad to see the lovebirds finally showed up,” Tony said once you and Bucky were completely inside the cabin.
“You better watch out, Tony. Y/N’s got middle fingers for days over there.”
“Shut up, Sam!”
A chorus of laughter rang out throughout the cabin and you made sure to shoulder check Sam as you passed him to get to the kitchen.  
“Okay, I have the perfect plan to get you and Barnes together this weekend,’ Natasha said as she pulled out clothes from her suitcase. You two were sharing a room for the week and you weren’t sure if it was a good thing or not. You loved Nat to death but lately she had been trying especially hard to get you to make a move on Bucky and it was only slightly annoying.
“The perfect plan, huh? Even more perfect than the last perfect plan?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I forgot to account for the fact you both have a tendency to wake up at ungodly hours in the morning last time. I promise it’s foolproof this time.”
“Well then, let’s hear it.”
“Alright. Before you got in here--you know, when you were busy flirting with Bucky.” She winked, to which you rolled your eyes. “Well Tony was talking about taking the boat out and going tubing. So what we have to do is get you and Bucky to go on the tube together. Tony’s a crazy driver so you’ll get thrown off pretty fast. Bucky will get so worried he’ll just have to confess his love to you.”
“Two issues.” You pointed a finger at her. “One, how am I going to get Bucky on a tube? It will be hard enough to get him on the boat alone. Two,” You held up another finger. “why would he confess his love at that very moment? That’s insane.”
“One,” She grabbed one of your fingers and put it down. “he’s whipped for you. I guarantee that if you ask, he’ll do it without a second thought.”
“Sure he would,” you scoffed.
“Uh, I know he would.” She gave you a knowing smirk. “Two, he gets worried about you all the time and I’ve seen him get close to confessing every time. We just gotta push him over the edge.”
“Bucky getting protective is just him being my best friend. He used to be just like that with Steve too.” You put your arm down, shuffling over to your own bed to take some clothes out of the blue suitcase on top of it.
“No, it’s definitely more than best friend love.” She moved to sit down on your bed.
“Either way, it usually ends in some kind of fight and I’d like to avoid that this weekend.”
“Who’s he gonna fight? Tony?”
“I mean, you never know.” It wouldn’t be the first time.  
“I can’t wait to get back and shove these things in my mouth,” you said with a grin as you exited the bakery behind Bucky, a bag of donut holes in your hand.
“Gee, really? It’s almost like you haven’t been talking about it for the past three days,” Bucky chuckled, reaching for the bag.
You pulled the bag away from him with a fake scoff. “Oh, I don’t think so, mister. We have to wait until we get back. The anticipation makes them taste better.”
“You’re insufferable.” He elbowed your side and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Damn, you looking fine over there, mama!”
You took in a sharp breath. It wasn’t all that uncommon for you to get cat called while out and about. You were in New York City, for fucks sake. That didn’t mean that it made you feel any less uncomfortable, though.  
As much as it stung, you didn’t want to start anything. You stared straight ahead and prayed Bucky didn’t hear it. Much to your dismay though, he stiffened next to you, subtly glancing back to see who was talking to you in such a vulgar way. Damn that supersoldier enhanced hearing.
“Hey, sweetcheeks!” You felt a tug on your shoulder. “Didn’t you hear me?”
You huffed, shaking the harsh grip off your shoulder and picking up the pace. You expected Bucky to keep going with you so you continued walking, frowning when you noticed he wasn’t beside you anymore.
“Listen here, you little shit,” Bucky seethed, stepping in front of the man and blocking you from his sight. “She obviously doesn’t want to talk to you. Leave her, and every other woman you ever lay your beady little eyes on, alone.”
“And what’re you gonna do about it?” the man smirked. “She need her boyfriend to defend her?”
Bucky stepped closer, crossing his arms and giving the famous ‘Bucky stare.’ “Doesn’t matter who I am. You better back the fuck away before I make you life hell.”
A few onlookers started lingering around, some with their phones out and recording the scene, almost as if they wanted to see a fight break out between the two men. ‘Winter Soldier vs Everyday Pedestrian  was sure to be trending somewhere soon enough.
“Buck,” you said quietly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and ignoring the obvious stares you were receiving, most notably from the man whose face Bucky was ready to punch in. “Let’s just go.”
You could see the gears turning in his head, trying to decide if he should let it go or punch the living daylights out of the guy. He let out a soft sigh after a moment, relaxing into your grip. With one last look at the man, he turned around and placed his hand on the small of your back, gently pushing you forward.
“Aye, it’s all good. I’m sure I’ll see that tight ass ‘round here soon anyways.”
That was the last straw for Bucky. He growled with a ferocity you hadn’t heard before and whipped around, not even hesitating to use his metal arm to punch the guy. The crowd gasped, more bringing their phones out to capture what was sure to be a great fight.
“What the fuck was-” Bucky grabbed him by his collar, pushing him up again the exposed brick of a restaurant.
“There’s plenty more where that came from and, judging by the way you’re looking at me, I bet you don’t want to see it. So do the rest of humanity a favor and fuck off.” He let go of the man’s collar and stepped back, unclenching his fist and pivoting back towards you. “Come on, doll.”
You shook the shock off your face and fell into step next to him. His arm warped around you, pulling you into his side. You could feel the fumes radiating off of him as you walked back to the tower, choosing to stay quiet as you let him cool off.
You paused once you reached the entrance of the tower. Tony probably already knew about what happened and he sure wasn’t going to be happy about it. Bucky’s media presence hadn’t necessarily been bad lately, but it wasn’t perfect either. The public was still wary. To many, the Bucky Barnes and the Winter Soldier were still the same person.  
Things definitely felt off when you entered. You got the side eye from a few people in the elevator and you weren’t sure if it was because of the fight fiasco or because of how tightly Bucky was holding you to his side.
“Want to eat these in my room?” you asked once you stepped off the elevator.
“Sounds good.” His voice was distant as his eyes searched the room.
“Mr. Barnes,” FRIDAY’s voice startled the two of you, making you drop the donut holes. “Mr. Stark has requested to see you in his office.”
Bucky sighed. “I’ll be there in a few.” He picked up the bag and handed it back to you. “Apparently, I have business to attend to.”
You simply nodded. He went in the other direction towards Tony’s office pausing at the door before knocking. You sent him a thumbs up before he went in, but he didn’t look back at you to see it. You retreated to your room, placing your wallet on the dresser and popping a donut hole in your mouth.
“Maybe I should get a plate,” you wondered aloud. You needed to grab your water bottle anyways. Might as well make the trip. You put the donut holes on your bed and started making your way to the kitchen.
“She’s perfectly capable of handling herself, you know.” You couldn’t help but stop as you heard Tony’s voice through the door of his office.
“But she shouldn’t have to.” Bucky sounded stressed and you could only imagine the hell Tony was reigning on him. “Her ignoring him wasn’t going to do anything. I didn’t want to beat the guy up but he was harassing her and it needed to stop.”
“And this doesn’t have anything to do with any particular feelings you have for her, right?” The sarcasm was heavy in his voice.
“I don’t want to hear it, Barnes. You know how the public sees you. I don’t know how we’re going to fix this.”
“That guy harassed her! I couldn’t stand there and just let it happen!” God, you wanted to give him a hug so bad right now.
“I don’t care what it was, Bucky. Having heart eyes for Y/N doesn’t mean-” You took that as your cue to leave. You grabbed a plate and two water bottles from the kitchen and made sure to take the long way around to your room in order to avoid whatever was going on between the two of them.
Bucky showed up a half hour later, plopping down next to you on your bed with a little more space than usual.
“I’m just saying, it could work.” Nat got off your bed. “The cookout’s starting soon. Put on something cute.” She was gone before you could respond, leaving you to look for an outfit that would, as Nat liked to say, “knock Bucky off his ass.”
“Ooh, Y/N, looking to impress someone?” Sam called out as you walked out into the backyard. It seemed that most everyone else was already out there, helping make dinner or sitting on the dock.
You stuck up your middle finger in reply, knowing exactly what he was trying to do.
“Oh stop it, Sam,” Wanda said as she walked towards you. “You look amazing!”
“Aww, thank you! You look absolutely stunning yourself.” Wanda reached out her hand and nodded towards the dock, urging you to come with her and join the group. You grabbed it and let her drag you down there, giving a small wave to Bucky as you passed him near the grill.
Bucky waved back, a grin spanning the expanse of his face at the sight of you. He kept his gaze on you as you made your way down to the dock, not even realizing just how intently he was staring.
“Someone’s staring at you,” Nat said with a suggestive smirk once you were close enough to the dock.
“He has a starting problem. We all know that,” you argued, sitting down across from her.
“I don’t know. He looks like he wants nothing more than to-”
“Nat, I love you, but please shut up.” She raised her hands up in the defense and Wanda giggled.
“I’m just saying.”
“You okay over there?” Steve shifted his focus from the burgers to his 100-year-old friend for a second, of course noticing the sudden silence that ensued the second you entered Bucky’s line of vision. “Buck?”
“Huh?” Bucky’s head turned sharply in Steve’s direction.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m okay.” A shy smile.
“Are you going to ask her out soon?” He flipped some burgers over and pulled the lid of the grill closed.
“I’m getting to it, yeesh,” Bucky chuckled.
“That’s what you’ve been saying since forever.”
“And it’s what I’ll keep saying every time you pester me about it.”
“Well if you don’t make a move soon, maybe I’ll swoop in-”
“Nope! You will not do that.” He nudged Steve in the shoulder and started making his way to the dock. “You absolutely will not do that.”
Soon. He was going to do it soon.
“Who’s next?” Tony called from the driver’s seat of the boat. You handed Sam a towel as he got back on the boat, drenched from flying off the tube a second earlier.
“You should go with Bucky.” Wanda nudged you with a teasing smile. You glanced over to the man in question, seeing him sitting next to Steve. He wore a t-shirt and swim shorts with a pair of sunglasses perched on his nose, and he looked damn good.
“I’ll go,” you announced, standing up and taking your t-shirt off, leaving you in your favorite swimsuit and a pair of shorts. You handed Wanda the shirt so it wouldn’t get wet. “Anyone wanna go with me?” Wanda jabbed your leg and gave you a playful glare.
“Go with her,” Steve muttered to Bucky, bumping his shoulder with his own.
“I don’t know, Steve.” Bucky sighed. Steve rolled his eyes, knowing that his best friend just needed a little push. 
“Bucky will go with you,” Steve said a bit louder than necessary. Bucky groaned quietly at his friend, taking off his sunglasses and putting them in his seat. He made sure to give Steve a certain look before making his way towards the back of the boat. You both grabbed your life jackets and started securing them as Sam moved out of your way.
“Cyborg!” Tony called out. “You going to take your shirt off?”
You felt Nat snort as she helped you off of the back of the boat and onto the tube. “Yeah, Bucky. Why don’t you show off your muscles for your girlfriend here.”
“Nat!” You paused for a second to look back at her with fake betrayal.
“Yeah, I don’t think so.” He snapped the last clasp on the life vest and checked to make sure you were all the way on the tube so he could start getting on.
“Oh, come on, Buckaroo!” Sam laughed. He started a chant of “take it off” with the rest of the team (even you, though you’d never admit it).
“Fine,” Bucky grumbled, hastily taking off the life jacket and shirt. He threw the shirt to the middle of the boat and resecured the lifevest, ignoring Nat’s hand offered out for help as he climbed on the tube. His famous Bucky glare melted off his face the second he saw your bright smile and he found himself smiling too.
“I don’t know how well this is going to go but it’s gonna be fun,” you said as he grabbed onto the handles.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Tony’s a crazy driver and we’ve never been able to get you on a tube before. I’m betting you’ll fly off in the first three minutes.”
The tube jerked forwards before Bucky could say anything else. You started picking up speed quickly and soon enough, Bucky was holding the handles with a death grip. You ended up being right and about two minutes in, you hit a wave that threw him off.
“Are you okay?” you asked in between laughs as he struggled to get back on.
“Yeah,” he muttered, a hint of annoyance on his face. You threw a thumbs up to Tony, who nodded and started moving again. “It’s like he’s trying to throw us off.”
“Well half the fun is falling off.”
“You people have strange ways of entertaining yourselves on Sunday afternoons.”
“What would you suggest we rather do then?”
“I don’t know. Something that doesn’t involve giving myself whiplash for ‘fun.’”
“You’re such an old man.” You let go of a handle to smack his arm. Of course, at that exact moment, you hit a wave strong enough to throw both of you off. You shrieked as you flew off of the tube before smacking the water. Whether it was the lack of paying attention or a scheme by Nat and Steve, the boat kept going, leaving the two of you floating in the middle of the lake by yourselves.
“Where are they going?” You furrowed your eyebrows, though a grin was still evident on your face.
“Are you okay?” Bucky ignored your question as he swam over to you, worriedly grabbing your face and checking for injury.
“Buck, I’m fine,” you said, though you didn’t do anything to stop his injury check. He sighed and looked towards the direction the boat went. It seemed that they were already long gone.
“That shriek had me worried there for a second, doll.” His hands dropped from your cheeks and you found yourself missing his touch.
“No need to worry. I’m all good over here.”
A lull of conversation fell over the two of you as you treaded water. You slowly moved closer, noses almost touching when Bucky glanced down to your lips. You nodded. I want this too.
His lips brushed over yours: eyes closed and hands dipping under the water to grab your waist.
“There you are!” you heard Sam’s voice shout. You quickly separated, looking awkwardly down at the water as you tried to focus on anything but each other. “Thought we lost you. Didn’t interrupt anything, I hope.” He smirked at Bucky.
This time, it was Bucky flipping him off.
You tried to be quiet as possible as you tiptoed through the hallway, hoping that you wouldn’t step on any particularly squeaky floorboards in the dark. You started opening drawers once you made it to the kitchen in search of a flashlight. Did Tony even own basic technology like that?
“What are you doing, doll?” A soft voice broke you from your thoughts. A pair of blue eyes stared back at you.
“Did I wake you up?”
“No.” He shook his head.
“Oh, okay.”
“You look like a deer in headlights.” His lips turned into an almost smile. “Are you running away?”
“Just down to the dock. Need to clear my mind.” Nightmares.
He nodded. An unspoken understanding. Maybe that’s what made you such great friends.
“Mind if I join?”
“Sure.” You finally found a flashlight and grabbed it, sliding the drawer shut with your hip. You slid the glass door to the porch open, leaving Bucky to follow you out.  
Warmth surrounded you as you made your way to the dock. The humidity was atrocious during the day but at night, it was somehow comforting. The buzzing of bugs in the surrounding woods brought you a level of peace that the hum of air conditioning inside couldn’t. You sat down at the edge of the dock, dipping your toes in the cool lakewater.
Bucky sat down next to you a moment later. Your silence contrasted with that of the busy summer night, but it was comfortable. Nothing needed to be said; the presence of each other was more than enough.
“You know,” he started, his gaze not leaving the shoreline across the way. “I’m here if you ever want to talk about it.”
You glanced over to him for a second, taking subtle notice of his features when his guard was down. The dark circles under his eyes mirrored yours, yet he looked relaxed.
“And what if I don’t?” The slight stain of your voice didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“I’m not going anywhere.” His head turned to meet you eyes. The soft upturn of your lips and content sigh told him that was the right answer. Your hand inched closer to his, your pinkies brushing on the splintered wood of the dock.
“How do you always know what to say?” Your gaze followed his across the lake, catching sight of a few deer grazing on the grass at the edge of the woods.
“I guess being alive for 106 years has to give me some kind of wisdom, right?”
You snorted, breaking the quiet atmosphere the two of you had created for the first time that night.
“I dunno. You’re still kind of a dumbass.”
“And you're still kind of a smartass, so where does that get us?” A grin spread across his face and there was no sight you loved more.
“God, I love seeing you smile.” A blush coated his cheeks at your words and he prayed you couldn’t see it in the dark of the night.
Your hands inched closer for a second time that night. A metal hand reached across to grab yours, his other arm going around your waist to pull you closer. Your head rested beneath his chin as he rubbed circles into your side.
“Thank you,” you mumbled after a few minutes of quiet.
“For what?”
“Your face.”
His chest rumbled with laughter and he squeezed you just the slightest bit tighter. “Glad I could be of service, doll.”
“Seriously, though . . .Thank you for being around. I know we joke around a lot but it really means a lot that you’re willing to sit out here with me.”
“I mean, technically, it was more of me inviting myself than putting myself through the torture of sitting here with you.”
You pulled away from his chest, shifting yourself so you could look at him better. “For real, Buck.” You put your hands on his cheeks. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Just do it, Bucky. Now’s the time.
He let out a breath as he smiled, looking anywhere but in your eyes as he contemplated what to do next. The hand not holding your waist came to brush back a piece of hair that had fallen in your face.
“Can I kiss you?”
You looked shocked for a moment, leaving him to wonder if he’d been reading it wrong all along. “Shit, Y/N, I’m so sorry! I thought that-”
You cut him off, pressing your lips against his. Your hands moved to wrap around his neck as his grabbed your hips. It was everything you needed and yet it still wasn’t enough.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this to happen,” you breathed once you pulled away. This grin on your face mirrored his as he pressed his forehead against yours, wanting to keep you as close as possible.
“Actually . . . I think I might.” He dipped back in for another kiss, this one a bit softer than the first, but just as passionate.
A sudden breeze swept through the night and you shivered. It would have been a relief from the heat if you weren’t already having chills due to the man in front of you.
“Let’s get you back inside, doll.”
You were reluctant to let go of him. The moment you’d been waiting for for so long finally happened and you felt yourself scared to be too far from him.
You shifted your weight back so he could get up, not realizing just how close to the edge of the dock you were. Bucky let go of your hips before you could warm him and you felt yourself falling backwards in slow motion. A small yelp left your lips and Bucky’s attempt to save you was futile as your hands slipped through his.
“Cold, cold, cold!” you chanted once you surfaced, barely hearing yourself over how loud Bucky was laughing.
“Are you okay?” he choked out in between his laughter, kneeling at the edge of the dock and holding his hand out towards you. You grabbed his hand with a glare.
“I have half a mind to yank you in here with me.” His eyes widened at your words.
“Don’t you dare!” You tugged his arm lightly, just enough to get his face closer to yours.
“I guess I can spare you. Just this one time.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before pulling yourself up onto the dock. “But I think I deserve a hug for my troubles.”
“Can’t deny my girlfriend that, now can I?” He pulled you into a hug, cradling your head on his chest and pressing his lips to your hairline.
“I’m your girlfriend, huh? Damn, we’re moving fast! Do you have the wedding planned already?”
“Oh please. I think we all know we’ve basically been dating for a while now.”
“Perhaps.” The two of you stayed in that position for a moment longer before another breeze came.  “Should we go in now that we’re both wet and cold?”
“That sounds like a fantastic idea, doll.” Keeping an arm around each other, you slowly made your way back to the cabin, already making plans for a proper date once the trip was over.
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
unexpectedly becoming a sugar baby
pairing: ceo!sunwoo x fem!reader
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: reader is desperate for money so she has sex with her boss
warnings: lots of oral and fingering, use of vibrator in public , office sex, sex for money
a/n: wrote this yesterday instead of studying for my final. the exam went well tho :) also please send in requests!!!
masterlist + requests
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to say you were desperate would be an understatement. today you had received an eviction notice that stated that you had exactly 30 days to either pay back all the money you owed your landlord or leave your apartment.
due to your mother's illness you had to pay for all her medical bills. your father hadn't been in the picture for a long time so you alone were responsible for your mother's health. you couldn't just let her die. but because of all these costs you hadn't been able to pay your rent and now you were on the verge of homelessness.
never in a lifetime did you imagine that you would be begging someone for help. you felt so helpless that you honestly didn't really care how you got the money.
you decided to ask your boss for a raise and were prepared to work your ass off in order to get it.
mr. kim's office was on the fourth floor of the company, one you barely had ever been to. normal employees were usually only to be found on the lower floors so taking the elevator up felt wrong.
you were determined, however, to not let your pride get in the way. the money was more important than how you felt.
you knocked on the door twice. as if to make you feel even more nervous, it seemed like mr. kim waited extra long to respond.
when you entered he was sitting behind his desk. he didn't even look up at you so you just stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do.
'why don't you just sit?' he finally asked annoyed and closed his laptop.
you quickly took a seat and tried to put up a professional front.
'what can I do for you, um…' 'y/n,' you helped him out. 'right, y/n. what can I do for you?' he asked.
'I would like to ask for a raise, sir. you see, I am usually the first employee to enter the building and also most of the time the last one to leave. I do my work reliably and deliver solid results. my coworkers are pleased with me and we also get along well. I think I contribute a lot to this company and wanted to ask whether it would be possible to raise my pay.' you really tried to not make it seem like you had simply memorized all of this and forced yourself to speak slowly but firmly while looking him in the eyes.
mr. kim didn't respond at first but opened his laptop.
'to my understanding you have been working here for a very long time already. your pay is already the highest it can get. there is no way for me to raise it because there is no room for improvement.' he sighed and waited for your reaction.
you started sweating. this wasn't going as planned. you hadn't known that you were already receiving the highest pay. you were barely able to afford food with your current money.
'please, sir. I will do anything you ask of me. I don't care how many extra hours I'd have to work. I can do it. I promise. please give me a chance,' you begged him.
he was intrigued by you. why were you so desperate for the money?
'first, why don't you tell me why you are so keen on a raise?'
was your boss even allowed to ask you such personal questions? you answered anyway.
'my mother has cancer. I am the only person paying for her medical expenses and the treatments are all very expensive. I am about to get evicted because I cannot pay my rent.'
he seemed to be deep in thought. his gaze on you was intense.
your heart skipped a beat when he placed his hand on yours.
'y/n, I'm extremely sorry that you have to deal with all of this. I wouldn't want anyone to have to experience the same thing. believe me when I tell you that I want to help you. you know what? come back tomorrow. I have an idea how I might be able to help but I need to think about it further. would that be alright for you?'
it felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders. you didn't care about what you had to do. you stood up, bowed deeply and thanked him over and over.
he let out a deep chuckle. you were cute.
the next day you came back again in the afternoon. this time he answered the door quicker and his attention was focused on you from the start. the energy felt much different than the day before. he seemed excited and was smiling at you. this had to mean good news, right? he shook your hand and pressed firmly while looking you deep in the eyes.
'y/n, I came up with an idea to help you. but it is less conventional and it depends on how much you are willing to do.'
'mr. kim, I will do anything,' you assured him. the smirk he flashed you threw you off guard.
'okay then. first, I'd prefer it if you called me sunwoo as we'll be seeing more of each other if you were to agree.'
this lowkey felt like crossing some boundaries but you wanted to please him.
you nodded eagerly. 'okay, sunwoo it is.'
'so my idea is that there are certain things you can do to earn money. I will pay for everything with my own savings and you will receive it in cash. we will start off easy and over time I'll add new tasks. of course, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to do them or not. that is completely up to you.'
the look of confusion on your face must have told him you didn't fully understand.
'it's hard to explain. I'd rather you figure it out by trying it. since today is friday, the task I'll give you is for monday. I would like to choose an outfit for you. I'll send it to your apartment and you have to wear exactly what is inside the box. if you were to do this I'd give you $20 cash.'
that was a weird request. why would he want to decide what you were wearing? did he not like your outfit? did you look disgusting?
'let me get this straight. you pick an outfit for me and if I decide to wear it I get money?' you ask him to see if you had understood correctly.
'exactly. that doesn't seem so bad, right?' you shook your head. it was whatever.
'that's great. you'll receive your outfit and I can't wait to see you in it on monday.' you didn't know if you were imagining it but it seemed like he was eyeing your body. h god, he definitely didn't like what you were wearing.
$20 wasn't much but still more than nothing. and apparently the other tasks would be worth more. guess you had to start somewhere. with the money you could at least afford something to eat.
you say goodbye and continued with work until it was time to leave.
you waited anxiously all weekend for the clothes. sunday you decided to go for a walk and when you opened your door you almost tripped over a package.
on monday morning you tried on the outfit sunwoo had picked out for you.
the white blouse was a bit see through and a bit too tight around the boob area but looked neat otherwise. the black skirt hugged your curves perfectly and made you look quite sexy in your opinion. he even picked out a bra, underwear, stockings and high heels for you. the note he had left clearly stated to wear exactly and only what was in the box. so you did.
you usually wore something more simple and loose but you didn't feel too uncomfortable in this look.
when you entered his office his eyes lit up.
'I'm glad you wore this. it looks very good on you.'
you were sure you blushed a bit at his words. you weren't really used to receiving compliments from men.
'I like it too,' you admit. sunwoo smiled contentedly.
'so would you like to do the same tomorrow? I'll send you another outfit,' he asked you.
this one wasn't bad at all so you agreed. he handed you $20. when you stood up and walked out the door he couldn't stop admiring the way your butt looked in the skirt. tomorrow was going to be even better.
the blouse was almost the same one. however, this time the skirt was a lot shorter. it ended at the middle of your thighs. but that wasn't even the weirdest thing. this time he had forgotten to send you panties.
you felt very unsure what to do. the note clearly stated to only wear what was in the box.
you sighed and pulled down the skirt as much as you could. this would have to do. as long as you were just sitting, everything would be fine.
you went about your day and some time in the afternoon you were called into sunwoo's office.
you were wondering whether or not to tell him about the missing underwear but decided to keep your mouth closed. panties didn't seem to be a topic to talk about with your boss.
'today, I want to offer you an additional task. you will receive your $20 dollars for sure and you can make another 30 by cleaning my office. what do you think?' he proposed to you.
that would be $50 in total. you needed all the money you could get.
'of course. just tell me what to clean and I will be happy to help.'
everything was going according to sunwoo's plan. he was excited and told you you could start by dusting the shelves.
your eagerness was cute and he watched you out of the corner of his eyes.
some of the shelves were higher up so you had to stretch to be able to reach them. when you did your skirt rolled up higher and he was able to see the just the outline of your butt cheeks. he unconsciously licked his lips.
for the rest of the week you continued these two tasks. but you noticed that the underwear kept on missing and the skirts also progressively became shorter.
this was a struggle when you were cleaning and organizing his office. you were aware of your skirt rolling up and you were hoping that sunwoo wouldn't notice.
of course he did. that had been his intention all along. when you bent down he could sometimes get a glance at your pretty pussy. he couldn't help but get hard at the sight of this and palmed his bulge through his pants.
in one week you had received $220. you would have been more happy if you hadn't gotten another bill from the hospital asking you for another $1200. the health care system was simply fucked up. whatever the next tasks were, you had to do them.
on monday you were cleaning his office again. you wanted to pick up some files but you struggled reaching them from the highest shelf. you felt your skirt roll up again.
'wait. I'll help you,' sunwoo announced and walked over.
you gasped as you felt something hard poke your thigh as he stood behind you to reach for the files. when he took a step back you saw the clear outlines of his hardened cock.
unable to hide your surprise, sunwoo laughed.
'this is all your doing.' so he did notice your skirt roll up. wait. had he given you these clothes with this in mind?
'do you want to touch it?' he asked.
you just blinked at him. what? were you perhaps still dreaming? it was possible that you were having a wet dream about your boss. sunwoo was very handsome and you had to be blind not to notice.
'if you help me get rid of it, I'll promise you $100.' he knew you were thinking hard. you couldn't keep your eyes off his bulge, clearly not sure what to think of this.
this was against all the work protocols but you would kid yourself if you said that you didn't want to. not only was he very attractive but you'd do a lot for a mere $100.
you reached for his belt. sunwoo smirked; he had won.
you pulled his pants down and were immediately greeted with his veiny cock.
'you aren't the only one not wearing any underwear, my dear y/n.'
so that had been intentional. interesting. you realized you must have been very naive to have believed that he had simply forgotten to put panties in the boxes.
you started by rubbing the tip softly with your thumb. it was pretty and pink and already leakined pre-cum.
you felt strangely good about having this kind of effect on someone. with a few pumps his dick was completely hard.
sunwoo propped his hands on the desk behind him and leaned back in bliss.
deep moans were escaping his beautifully luscious lips while you were pleasuring him with your hands.
you decided to put your left hand you use as well by massaging his balls.
'fuck! when did you learn to do this so well?' sunwoo groaned.
during high school you had had a lot of sex. it made you feel good and you enjoyed it. now your experience turned out to be lifesaving to you. well, he'd probably pay you even if you weren't as mind blowing.
'hmm, practice,' you simply state.
'if this is already so good I wonder what your mouth can do, baby girl.' being called that aroused you way more than expected. this was so exciting.
'I'll give you another $100 if you suck me off.'
before sunwoo knew it you had already wrapped your lips around his cock. you skillfully bobbed your head up and down. when you looked up at him with big eyes he swore he was about to explode.
with most of the dick in your mouth your other hand was continuing to knead his balls.
he was coming close quickly and grabbed your hair so you would stay still.
he proceeded to fuck your mouth harshly. you felt spit running down the sides of your lips and tears escaping your eyes as he buried his cock deep in your mouth. you tried to relax in order to deep-throat him properly.
he came hard and emptied his load in your mouth. to prove a point, you swallowed it and then opened up to show him.
panting hard he said: 'fuck you're just amazing!'
you looked absolutely delicious with your face full of cum. he had a good feeling you were the right person to do this with.
you licked off some of the white liquid from your lips and smirked at him.
this was definitely not what you had expected what you would be doing but you weren't one to complain.
sunwoo quickly disappeared to search for some paper towels to clean your face. his employees couldn't see you like this.
after your face was clean again he handed you $250. 'you deserve it.' 'thanks.'
he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and leaned closer. 'maybe we can do more tomorrow.' ooh, sounds exciting.
'then I'll look forward to seeing you.' with a wink you left.
you wondered how much money you would get for some sexy time with your boss.
the next morning, you couldn't fully button up the blouse he had sent you. the top buttons had to be left open and a lot of cleavage was visible. this horndog!
this time you actually received some underwear but only for a special reason. you found a pink mini vibrator in the box as well.
so you were walking around with a vibrating stick up your pussy. you didn't want to come in front of your co-workers so you turned it off whenever you got too close and waited to calm down.
'did you have fun today?' was the first thing sunwoo said to you.
you laughed ironically. 'I had so much fun pretending I wasn't being masturbating in front of everyone…'
he made you turn around and lifted up your skirt. the outline of the vibrator was visible and he could see your panties shaking.
with one quick move he pulled your underwear down and took the vibrator to turn it off. it came out with a wet plop and juices were running down your thighs.
sunwoo surprised you by sucking on the wet vibrator.
'sit on the desk,' he commanded you.
you did as you were told and sunwoo spread your legs wide apart.
he inserted his index and middle finger which slipped in with ease. your pussy made wet noises as he pushed them in and out of you.
finally having privacy you allowed yourself to make sounds. he made intense eye contact while fingering you, loving the way your face was scrunched up in pleasure.
you wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing him. his tongue easily won the fight over dominance and started exploring your mouth.
you two were basically just sucking each others faces off until he broke off the kiss and lowered his body. he attached his mouth to your clit and started sucking. you pulled at his hair in pleasure and had a hard time controlling your breathing. damn, he was skilled at this as well.
when he felt you clenching around his fingers he withdrew them and you let out a disappointed noise of protest.
'don't worry. you'll have more soon.', he laughed at you. he quickly took off his pants and pulled you off the desk. he turned you around so your ass was facing him.
he started rubbing his thick cock between your ass cheeks and coated it in your juices. every time he got into contact with your tense pussy a shudder overcame your body.
he lifted your leg and placed your foot on the table. the angle from when he thrusted into you from behind was just perfect.
sunwoo attached his lips onto your neck and started leaving hickeys there. at the same time he was kneading your breast through your shirt.
he had barely ever felt such a perfect pussy around his cock. the way you took him in seemed too good to be true.
while his dick was still inside you, he lifted you up and placed you on all fours on the floor.
he grabbed your hips so tightly that he left red marks on them. at this point, he was just uncontrollably slamming into you while you were losing your mind. you were screaming his name loudly, glad that you knew no one could hear you.
as you could feel both of you getting close, he pulled your upper body up to his chest and wrapped one hand around your neck.
the pressure he applied was just enough for you to see stars but not enough for it to be unpleasant.
the lack of oxygen stimulated your senses even more and while repeatedly screaming out sunwoo's name you finally came hard on his dick.
with a few more thrusts, sunwoo's hips started stuttering as well and he shot his load into you. while riding out your highs he was just fucking his cum right back into you.
when he finally pulled out, a pool of his semen started dripping out of you. you suddenly felt so empty. his thick cock had filled you up so good that you were already missing it.
while you were still catching your breath on the floor, sunwoo had gone to get paper towels.
when he came back, however, he seemed hectic.
'I'm so sorry. there has been an emergency and I need to leave right now. I'll leave these here as well as the money.' he placed everything on the desk and walked back to the door.
he turned around one last time. 'I hope we can do this again.' he smiled at you.
you later saw that he had left you $750.
kind of becoming a sugar baby had never been your plan but you didn't mind it. if only the circumstances had been better.
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
Couldn’t Wait || A. Hotchner x Fem Reader
summary: reader has a hard time waiting for Aaron to get home from a case
pairing: soft!hotch x reader
warnings: oral, m receiving, penetrative sex, praise kink, degradation kink if you squint, cursing
wordcount: 1.6k
Aaron was completing paperwork on the otherwise silent jet when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He smiled when he saw your name and picture on the screen.
“Hi sweetheart,” he whispered, and you felt butterflies flutter in your stomach, even after two years of being together. 
“I miss you,” you whined by way of greeting. 
“I miss you too. I’ll be home in about an hour.” He tells you.
“Why are you whispering?” You asked. 
“Everyone else on the jet is asleep. Come to think of it, why are you awake?” He asked, a barely-perceptible air of concern floating around his question. 
“The bed’s cold,” you said noncommittally, and though he couldn’t see it, you shrugged. “So, you’re the only one awake?” You confirmed. 
“Uh, yeah,” Aaron said, distracted as he tried to quickly wrap up the paperwork so he could come home to you. 
You smiled to yourself. “Hmm, then I think you should check out the picture I just sent you.” 
“Baby--” he started, and the gravel in his tone shot right through you. But you were on a mission, and you couldn’t be distracted.
“It’ll be worth your while,” you promised. “Go ahead, stay on the line with me. I’ll wait.” 
Rolling his eyes, he did as he was told, and opened up the text from you, revealing a picture of you in a lacy lilac corset with matching panties and garters. He cleared his throat audibly and you let out a little giggle. “Is that, um. Are you--”
“Yes, I’m wearing it now.” You answer the question he couldn’t ask, saving him from his stammering. Aaron closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath. “Hurry home,” you told him in a sing-song voice. 
“I’ll see you soon. I love you,” he told you, as he always did.
“Love you.” 
Aaron was on his feet as soon as the wheels of the jet touched down. If anyone else on the team was making remarks about his hasty departure, he wasn’t sticking around to hear them. He didn’t have any way to defend himself, anyway. 
The door is unlocked when he arrives. “Honey, you know I don’t like it when--” He calls into the house, not realizing you are right behind the door. You stop him in his tracks as soon as he crosses the threshold, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and kissing him soundly. He drops his go bag and swings the door shut behind him in an instant, raising his recently-freed hands to the small of your back and the back of your head, deepening the kiss. 
“Couldn’t wait another second for you,” you whispered against his skin as you moved your mouth from his lips down towards his jaw and his neck, deftly undoing the knot of his tie and making quick work of the buttons of his shirt to expose more skin. 
“How’d I get this lucky?” He asked breathlessly, pulling back to gesture at your lingerie before leaning in to nip at your neck. Your hands scrambled for purchase against his back, the fabric of his shirt soft and surely wrinkling under your fingers.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” you confessed with a sigh as you tilted your head to give Aaron more access to the sensitive skin at the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“Good,” he whispers against your skin. “I want you to forget everything and everyone else but me.”  he smirked, his voice dropping on the last word as reached around to give your ass a quick tap. You moaned into his ear and he groaned in response. “You weren’t joking, huh? You really have been waiting all day. What a good girl.”  He asked as he took your ass in his hands, palming at your rear. “Are you wet for me already?” He asked, ghosting his finger over your panties. 
“God, Aaron, yes.” you moaned out. “All day. I wasn’t joking,” you affirmed. “Please,” you begged, looking up at him innocently and batting your eyelashes. You pushed his unbuttoned shirt off of his shoulders and he crouched, bringing his strong hands down to your thighs. You jumped up, wrapping your legs around his waist so he could carry you to the bedroom. You could feel him, already hard against you, and you took advantage of your angle to run your hands through his hair and to leave marks all over the base of his throat. 
He placed you gently against the bed, your hair fanning out around you. He stood over you, taking you in as you laid there, chest rising and falling heavily, eyes lidded with desire and a blush in your cheeks.
“You are so fucking sexy,” he tells you, pulling his undershirt over his head before climbing over you on the bed and leaning in to kiss and suck over the exposed skin of your chest. You brought your hands back to his hair, tugging and pulling in all the ways you knew he liked. He groaned, and you felt it radiate through you. Aaron moved his focus down, hooking two fingers into the sides of your panties and pulling them down, replacing them with open mouthed kisses to your inner thighs. 
“Aaron, wait.” you gasped out. 
“I think you’ve waited long enough, sweetheart. Don’t you?” He asked, still sitting poised at your entrance. He looked up at you tenderly and you could have come completely undone right then and there. 
“I want to take care of you first,” you told him. “Stand up,” you commanded, climbing off the bed and slinking to the floor in front of him. The corset wasn’t the most comfortable of your sexy outfits, but when he raked his eyes over your chest, you were glad you kept it on.
“You look so pretty on your knees for me,” he says with a reverence that almost knocks you over. “So fucking sexy,” he adds in a low growl, and you blush as you look down towards the ground, smiling. You reached for his belt, ridding him of the piece of leather before taking care of his slacks and boxers. You put one hand at the base of him and looked up. 
“Aaron,” you whispered.
“Yeah,” he hissed out. 
“Don’t be gentle.” you told him before taking him into your throat. He groaned, throwing his head back in pleasure. 
“So naughty,” he said with a wicked smile. “Such a dirty girl,” he moaned out as you bobbed up and down on his cock. He thrusted his hips as he took your hair in his hands, forcing himself further down your throat. “Such a good girl, you’re doing so good. Take it all.” 
You continued, motivated by his praise, until he found his release in your mouth. You swallowed before standing up and tilting your chin toward him for a kiss, which he granted, bringing a tender hand up to cradle your face. 
“That was one hell of a welcome home,” he murmured to you.
“There’s more where that came from,” you remind him, although you know he hasn’t forgotten. He’s never once left you unsatisfied. You climb back into bed, reaching behind you to release the clasp of the corset. You toss it off to the side of the room and collapse back into the mattress, letting out a deep breath.
“All this time you couldn’t breathe in that thing?” Aaron scolded you gently, shaking his head even as his fond smile betrayed him. 
“Can we do the lecture on safe seduction practices later? I need you to fuck me,” you whined, looking up at him. That was all it took. His eyes darkened and he slipped into you in an instant, dropping his head to your shoulder and leaving delicate kisses there as he thrusted in and out of you. 
“Shit, Aaron.” You moaned out, not sure if you could say anything more coherent. 
“You feel so good, baby. You make me feel so good,” he said, nipping at your neck before snaking a hand in between the two of you so he could rub at your clit. 
“Fuck. Aaron, if you keep doing that--” you started to warn, but he cut you off. 
“I know, baby. Go ahead, you’ve earned it.” He kissed your forehead as you spasmed around him, riding you through your high. Once your breathing evened out, he rolled over. 
“So, is now a good time for the lecture on safe seduction practices, or--”
“I didn’t hear you complaining when it was on.” You teased him.
“No, and you won’t. But I like you better when you can breathe, and you didn’t have to go to all that trouble just for me.” 
“Trust me, hearing boss man SSA Hotchner tripping over his words because of one little picture was reward enough.” 
“For the record, I also like you better when you leave the door locked. Especially when I’m not home.” He continued with his lecture. 
You let out a little chuckle and rolled your eyes. “I heard you coming, worry wart. I promise you the door has been locked for all of the past three days except for when I was passing through it and when I heard you coming down the hall.” 
“Three days?”
“Well, you left on Tuesday, and it’s… technically Friday morning, now.”
“Felt longer. Missed you,” he said, reaching out to take your hand in his, kissing your knuckles. 
“Well, you have three nights of cuddling to make up for, and I intend to cash in.” 
tagging: @bauhousewife @just-a-fangirl-xd @angelic-kisses13 @sleepyreaderreads @ssamorganhotchner @wolviesbbeslrblg @xyzhoneybee
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luvnami · 3 years
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𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 (here) | 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 | 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 | 𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 - This is my entry for @jjkmag​ Summer Collab! It’s my first long fic in a while but I had a lot of fun writing this (that isn’t to say I think it’s very good. I hope the plot/finality was pulled off decently ok lol). I hope you enjoy it! I chose the prompt 'coming of age', though there are definitely scenes where the other prompts were present as well. Reblogs, comments, shares and likes are really appreciated!!
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 - @getousuguruwife​ @amjustagirl​ @aliteama​
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 - Amnesia, Memory loss, Blood, Mild gore, Death, Blood loss, Bullying, Mild Racism (only in the first part), Corpses, Food, Manga spoilers, Pre-canon and canon compliant to a certain extent, Nightmares
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 - Nanami Kento's life has been... Good, bad, and everything in between. He (and many others) thinks he's mature, independent, the definition of what a proper adult should be like. But really, the only way he's made it this far is because you've been holding his hand the entire time.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 6.4k
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The first memory Nanami has of you sits in a blurry haze at the back of his mind.
You’re probably four or five years old at best, squatting by a puddle in the empty kindergarten playground. Nanami wonders what made him waddle over to you that warm afternoon.
His shoes, scribbled with ugly caricatures in marker, carry him to the other side of the puddle. A shadow cast by a plastic slide slices your features neatly in half like a Greek theatre mask. Nanami doesn’t speak a word to you as he stares at your chubby fingers that push a fallen leaf around in the water as the surface ripples silently.
You look up at Nanami. He’s an odd child, excluded by the other kindergarteners because of how quiet and strange he is. Nanami’s blond hair is abnormal to the immature local Japanese children. They knee the back of his legs while calling him names like ‘banana-gaijin!’ and making fun of his fancy leather shoes.
“Do you wanna play with me?”
Nanami wonders if the words you speak to him are from your heart or something constructed from a plan to bully him again.
“My mama taught me how to make boats with leaves. See?” You point to the puddle. “We can race them.”
Nanami carefully selects a leaf off of the playground’s floor. It’s still green, freshly fallen from its branch. You grin toothily, your eyes sparkling.
“That’s a perfect leaf!” you declare.
Nanami thinks he wants to play with you forever.
He follows you around in school like a lost puppy after that, clutching his hands nervously when you stand up to the children who bully him. Nanami wonders if you’ll ever turn your back on him. He arrives earlier than you every morning and hurriedly scrubs at your table with his handkerchief to get rid of nasty words and obscene drawings, heart thumping against his cotton polo. When his mother asks him why his new handkerchief is so dirty, he remains silent and grips the hem of his shirt tightly.
Children are children; Nanami learns. Afraid of abnormalities, they defend their right to innocence and ego with harsh words and various schemes. He learns to ignore the whispers behind his back. What he can’t disregard, though, is when they lash out at you.
They jeer when you trip during P.E. classes and bump into you on purpose when you carry your lunch tray. You pretend that it doesn’t hurt when Nanami holds your hand gently and leads you to the nurse’s office with scraped knees, hiccuping and swiping at your eyes roughly.
He wonders why you don’t take the easy way out and just stop being friends with him. What’s wrong with you? You hold him tightly, a bundle of thorns, in your soft hands and pretend that you’re not bleeding.
“Ken-chan?” you sniffle.
He turns.
“You’re my best friend, right?”
Nanami gulps. He doesn’t question why you cry on graduation day, bidding your final farewell to him with vague promises of meeting in the same elementary school. Something in his chest doesn’t sit right; the kind of feeling when his mother threw out his old stuffed toys after she deemed him too old for them anymore.
He watches you grow smaller and smaller in the rear window of his family car till you’re the size of an ant, his knees digging into the leather seats.
“Sit down, Kento,” his father chides.
Nanami ignores him. He watches you wave your hand in the air as the car turns around the corner and lurches into the seat.
☆*: .。.
Nanami’s genuinely surprised when he finds out that his assigned seat is right next to you on the first day of elementary school. You’re no different, mouth wide open in an ‘o’ as you stare at him.“Ken-chan!”
You almost yell, and Nanami shushes you as his face heats up. He finds out that your mothers had conspired to put the both of you into the same school. He can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing just yet, but peace settles into his chest the same way the wings of a bird return to its sides after flight when you giggle at his flustered expression.
Through nine years of elementary and junior high school together, Nanami learns that you always arrange the tips of your pencils to face the right side of your pencil box, and you keep the torn bits of movie tickets shoved into your bedside drawer. You find that Nanami has a knack for dry humour — he’s blunt at every moment possible (which caused much distress after he talked back to a teacher that one time) and can usually be bribed for any favour as long as you pay him in food.
What the both of you find oddly shocking, though, is that no one else can see the creatures that swim through walls and perch in dark corners of the school.
They make you sweat whenever they get too close, bulbous eyes and strange bodies twisting in ways that shouldn’t be physically possible. Sometimes they make noises, whispering or coaxing or shrieking or crying in broken sentences.
Nanami learns to treat them as background noise. You, on the other hand, find that a little more complicated. Sometimes you latch onto him when one brushes against your arm, squeaking and swatting at them in an attempt to chase them away.
“They’re so gross!” you’d whine, pressing yourself even closer to Nanami. “Did you see that one in the gym yesterday? It had tentacles!”
In cases like this, the blond clears his throat and ignores you, averting his gaze. He doesn’t admit to anyone, not even himself, that the warmth of your skin through your uniform makes his heart skip a beat. You’ve grown so close to him that you even know that Nanami sleeps with Doraemon pajamas (absolutely, abhorrently embarrassing. He made his mother throw them out the night after you came over for a sleepover). It was inevitable for him to develop feelings.
Nanami shoves his feelings below a lid and sits on top of it, keeping them under lock and key. He’s sure this is just something to do with puppy love or ‘infatuations’ that are underlined in the puberty print-outs the school distributed, alongside scientific diagrams of genitals that the boys in his class giggle at.
Being friends is enough. Or so he thinks, anyway.
☆*: .。.
It’s a Friday evening when the sky is dark, and street lights flicker in the distance. Nanami munches away on melon bread from a convenience store while you sip on a carton of juice. Your clubs had ended late today, so the sun was down by the time you left school.
“How’s the bread?” you ask, slurping up the last drops of your drink.
Nanami chews and swallows while you dab at your mouth with a yellow cotton handkerchief.
“It’s okay. Not as good as a bakery’s, though. Kinda stale.”
He crumples the plastic packaging in his hand and sticks it into his pocket, planning to dispose of it later. The both of you round the corner to the bus stop, and your feet fall still. A large curse sits in the middle of the road.
Numerous cars are crumpled like drink cans, smoke, and gasoline leaking onto the streets. There’s blood. Too much blood, in fact, that they seem like puddles of rain on the dark tarmac. Your juice box drops from your hand.
The curse turns to you, its teeth split vertically down the centre of what constitutes a face. Multiple eyes run down the length of its engorged body where various hands and feet stick out at random parts.
“Blood… Blood…” it moans in a cryptic voice.
Nanami stands with his feet frozen to the ground, eyes wide in horror. His knuckles turn white as he grips his school bag. Run, run, run! He screams internally, but his limbs don’t listen to him. The curse slides over the road towards him, slipping through the blood easily.
“Give me… Your blood…”
A part of the curse’s body bubbles up into a large hand. It swings itself back before throwing its newly created appendage towards Nanami. RUN RUN RUN! His legs don’t move. He squeezes his eyes shut, awaiting the impact. Except that it doesn’t hit him. Nothing hurts, except the shrill scream that pierces his ears. Nanami’s eyes snap open in horror. 
“Kento!” you yell, dangling upside down as the curse pulls you towards its mouth.
Your school bag lays on the ground below, books scattered as their pages turn red.  
Nanami drops everything as he scrambles towards you, tripping over his own two feet and landing face-first in the blood. His hands and knees sting. He shoves himself and gets up with his teeth clenched. You kick your feet in the air in a poor attempt to escape the curse’s grip but to no avail. Another groan is squeezed out of you as the curse opens its mouth, the foul stench of rotting bodies engulfing you.
“Run, Kento!” you plead.
How can he turn his back on you? Sweat drips down his forehead as Nanami pulls his hand back. The adrenaline that rushes through his blood clears in a split-second moment of raw emotion; anger, disappointment, confusion, sadness. A tingling sort of energy floods his body, and Nanami takes a sharp breath of air. He sees something like a ruler — a line divided equally with ten markings, the seventh one crossed out. His fist connects with it.
The curse lets out a weak moan of pain, shaking you around as it recoils from Nanami’s hit. It’s not much, just a surface injury at most. Nanami’s limbs tremble with exertion. One more time, again and again, until you’re safe-
A thick, gross liquid engulfs Nanami as the curse explodes in front of his very eyes. He coughs, running a slimy hand over his face. It smells like death.
“Woah! You put too much into that again, Satoru.” 
“Shut up!”
Nanami looks up as he hears footsteps move towards him, the quiet splashing of blood beneath shoes.
“Ugh, this place is so gross.”
“You okay there, kiddo?”
Nanami looks up to find a male with his hair pulled back into a bun staring at him. Behind him is a white-haired teenager with sunglasses (strange, hasn’t the sun already gone down?) and an imposing-looking man.
Where are you?
Nanami glances around frantically amidst the dead bodies that lie on the ground. Not you, not you, not- A tiny sliver of hope slips into his heart when he spots your uniform, and he stumbles over.
“Woah! Slow down!”
He calls out your name, slipping and collapsing onto his knees. Your eyes are closed, and a wound on your head oozes blood. A young girl with short hair reaches out to touch you, but Nanami pulls you into his chest, his eyes wide.
“Don’t,” he whispers.
His head spins. Are these good people? How did they just destroy that big monster? He hadn’t even seen them coming. Were they going to hurt you?
“Calm down, man! We’re good guys.”
“No one’s going to trust you when you say that, Satoru.”
The girl stares at Nanami.
“I’ll take care of your injuries. Can you let me see them, please?”
He relaxes. His grip on you loosens, and the girl feels for your pulse, nodding in affirmation.
Nanami breathes a sigh of relief. At this realisation, his body begins to tremble like a leaf in the wind. He digs his nails into his palms but still they quiver. His heart pounds in his chest and he struggles to take a deep breath, exhaustion overtaking him.
“Hey, you okay?”
His eyes fall shut. 
☆*: .。.
Nanami finds out over a hot cup of tea that those monsters are called curses, and not everyone can see them.
“Lucky you!” Gojo chimes in.
Lucky? His face wrinkles in despair and Getou laughs so loud at his reaction that he has to step out of the room.
Nanami had sustained minor injuries — nothing beyond a few scrapes and some trauma. You were fine for the most part. After hitting your head on the ground, you remained unconscious for a few more days after Nanami had woken up. You were covered in a few bruises, but otherwise alright. 
Nanami was infinitely thankful for that
Yaga tells him that he has enough aptitude to become a full-fledged sorcerer. The school he teaches at is called Jujutsu High and is located on the outskirts of Tokyo. Since he’s in his final year of junior high, why not give it a thought if he wants to join them? Nanami holds Yaga’s name card numbly.
He looks up at Yaga, only one objective clear in his mind. He doesn’t want to see you hurt any longer.
“Will you teach me how to exorcise curses?” he asks.
Gojo laughs outrightly and Geto snorts. Yaga gives him a confident smile, clapping Nanami on the shoulder (he doesn’t quite like that, but he overlooks it for now).
“You can count on that.”
☆*: .。.
Nanami’s a little apprehensive about entering Jujutsu High, especially when you decide to enrol as well. Given the ability to see curses, you were adamant about learning to help others with this ability you were gifted with. He relented and sulked for the rest of the day until you gave him a cup of pudding.
The first day Nanami and you enter Jujutsu Tech, you meet a wide-eyed boy named Haibara Yu. He’s overly optimistic and passionate — precisely the kind of person that Nanami tires of interacting with. In fact, the very first thing Haibara says upon meeting the both of you irritates him.
“Woah! Blondie, are you from an emo band or something? Your hair really matches the vibe!” Haibara had gasped.
You struggled to suppress your giggles, biting on your lower lip as you turned to the side. Nanami, on the other hand, didn’t find it quite as funny.
“No, I’m not. Nice to meet you too,” he replied monotonously.
It takes all of the following month for Nanami to get used to Haibara’s eccentricities. He always does his best during training, mingles enthusiastically with the upperclassmen and chows down on at least two bowls of rice during break time. The most annoying part about him is how Haibara seems to get along so well with you.
You laugh too loudly for Nanami’s liking at his jokes, squeeze in between Haibara and him (brushing shoulders with the both of them! Seriously!) when they’re standing together just to listen in on Haibara’s monologuing, and sometimes even end up sparring with him instead of Nanami.
The blond curses that there is an odd number of first years and peers in the mirror after his shower as he wonders what he would look like with a black bowl cut. He even tries to finish more than one serving of ginger pork on one particular day and gets sent to the school nurse for a tummy ache.
Though, the three of you have chemistry that works out when fighting curses. Nanami is the primary damage dealer of the group, while you learn how to provide support with Haibara and create openings for Nanami to attack. So on your first ‘real group mission’ assigned to you by Yaga, you can’t help but set off with overflowing excitement.
It isn’t often that you have the opportunity to step outside of Jujutsu High on your own without supervision. Even on weekends, you’re usually expected to train or study. The sun shines warmly down upon the streets of Asakusa, and tourists and locals alike swarm the city area.
“Hey! We should totally give Sensou-ji Temple a visit later!” Haibara suggests, pumping his fist in the air.
“We’re not here to sightsee,” Nanami sighs.
“That’s what you said the last time we went to Okinawa, and guess what, Nanamin! We didn’t even get to try their sushi!”
“Yeah, and you forgot to bring back souvenirs for me, Ken-chan,” you chime in.
“I told you to stop adding -chan to my name.” 
“Why not? Doesn’t it sound cute?” 
Haibara nods furiously. Nanami ignores the both of you with a sigh. He slings a bag containing his sword over his shoulder once more as the crowd barely makes space for you to move through.
“We can’t take too long,” he relents.
The cheers and high-fives that you and Haibara give each other make a vein bulge on Nanami’s temple. He tries not to read too much into the way you immediately begin discussing what places to visit and eat at with Haibara — didn’t you care for his opinion? He shakes his head and increases his pace, leaving the both of you behind.
Nanami ignores the cries of ‘Ken-chan!’ and ‘Nanamin!’ that ring out through the crowd. Whatever. If you want to be with Haibara, then Nanami will gladly get out of the way for you. He drags his feet on the pavement and settles for a cup of iced tea in a nearby cafe gloomily.
What Nanami is doing is… childish. He knows, at the very least, that he should be happy the both of you have met a nice new friend. But he can’t help the jealousy that rises in his chest like smoke in a chimney when he sees you cling onto Haibara the same way you used to do to him.
Was Haibara nicer, more good-looking, stronger, funnier, gentler, better than every single trait in Nanami combined? You no longer ask Nanami how he slept the previous night, instead running over to Haibara and greeting him cheerily. Forget about how you used to come over to Nanami’s house to study after school — you and Haibara disappear to who knows where after training everyday.
He bites down on his straw. The bitter taste of a lemon seed fills his mouth and Nanami spits it out onto a napkin with more force than necessary. He takes a deep breath. He should make things clear to you, then, and let you know how he feels about you. To him, it sounds a little like love.
Nanami’s face flushes with embarrassment. Love is… Love isn’t this. It definitely isn’t getting jealous over your relationships with other people, nor is it forcing you to accept his feelings out of spite. He finishes the last bit of his iced tea, the straw making a gurgling noise as it fails to suck up any more liquid. He leaves his money by the counter and walks back outside, returning his heart back to its safe, clicking the lock shut once more. His shoulders sag as he lets out a pent-up sigh.
Nanami squints at his phone. The golden sunlight makes it difficult to read his messages, but he manages to pick out four missed calls from you and a hundred text messages from Haibara. His blood runs cold when he scrolls to the last text that he received.
Haibara Yu, 4.25p.m.:  curse help 6 cho
It’s currently 4.35p.m. 6-chome is a 15 minutes walk away, five minutes if he sprints fast enough. Nanami hopes that you’re okay, that Haibara has enough sense to call for other back-up or avoid the curse.
Nanami’s feet pound under him as he shoves his way through the crowds, earning distasteful looks and swears. He doesn’t care. Not when you and Haibara are facing a possible grade 2 curse alone, and not when it’s because of Nanami’s irresponsibility and useless emotions that had caused the three of you to be separated.
His breath comes quick and hard and his thighs burn, screaming for relief. He makes a sharp turn and almost crashes into a bicycle.
“Watch where you’re going!” an angry housewife yells, but her words fall on deaf ears.
Just a little more, he begs.
Nanami hears the fighting before he sees it. The sound of metal meeting metal and the roar of the curse sound uncharacteristically comforting to him as he draws his sword, racing to bear a fighting stance.
But he’s too late.
“Yu!” you cry out as Haibara crumples onto the ground.
His eyes meet Nanami’s. His uniform is tattered, face bearing wounds and his right arm is bent at an unnatural shape, almost like a knotted tree branch. You seem relatively unhurt, although your breathing is laboured.
“Kento,” Haibara wheezes.
Nanami’s feet don’t move. His chest heaves, perspiration pouring down his face and drenching his uniform. The grip on his sword slips ever so slightly. The curse stands at the end of a ruined district. You aren’t trained to fight in such close quarters, or reduce the number of casualties to a bare minimum. 
And Nanami hadn’t been here to provide damage to exorcise it.
“Who are you? Another small fry?” the curse scoffs.
It takes the body of a geisha, dressed in luxurious robes that whip about in the air. Consciousness? This isn’t a grade 2 by any means — it’s a special grade curse. The will to fight slips out of Nanami like water from a cup, trickling from the top of his head to the tips of his toes.
“Haibara!” Nanami shouts.
The male gives Nanami one last smile from where he is.
“You’ve got it from here,” he whispers, lips barely moving.
The geisha stretches out its hand, a portion of its obi moving along with it. You and Nanami watch in horror as Haibara’s head is neatly decapitated from his body. His blood drips off of the ends of the robes as the curse cackles, his head rolling to a stop as his half-closed eyes stare up at Nanami like a dead fish’s.
“You think you can beat me? Look at your little friend!”
Fury rushes into Nanami like a wave meeting the shore.
“You’ll die here by my hands!” the curse roars.
You take a step back as the geisha prepares to launch another attack, silk sashes drawn back into the sky before they plunge back at you two in an aerial attack. Nanami leaps through the attacks as his body moves faster than he can process it.
You, on the other hand, create a shield out of cursed energy to try and deflect the attacks. At the very least, Haibara deserves a proper burial. There isn’t time for mourning now, and you have to wipe away the tears that pool in your eyes. You try to ignore the way his head rolls closer to your foot and bumps against it gently.
Nanami lets out a yell of anger. His cursed energy swells as he cuts his way through the sashes, movement based on momentum than anything else at this point. His mind is clouded with regret and frustration. Nanami channels his anger into his sword, the ten destined lines appearing before his eyes once more.
The curse lets out a cry of pain as it stumbles back, sashes redrawn as it tries to gauge its wounds. Blood gushes from a slash on its side and Nanami darts forward again — again, again, again, until its dead. His legs, however, are weaker than what he thinks they can bear. Nanami stumbles in his step.
“Ken!” you shout.
The curse grins. It takes little to no time to regenerate, skin overlapping raw flesh as it gets back onto its feet.
“You’re weak,” it taunts. “First your friend, now you. I’ll be sure to savour the last one as well!”
Nanami struggles to get back onto his feet. He gasps, heart ripping a hole through his chest. He’s so exhausted; so worn out, that his arms refuse to raise his sword above chest height. He curses.
You run over to Nanami, grabbing his uniform and dragging him back. The curse starts to chant ominously. Its face turns dark, taking steps that sway its body with thick, lacquered geta. You shove Nanami back as you’re engulfed by its domain, swallowed up by darkness and spit into a tatami room. He barely has time to call your name before you disappear.
Nanami stumbles back onto his feet, but sinks down onto his knees again. His shoulders quake as he tries to suck in breaths of air, but his throat is too dry. He coughs and adjusts his grip on his sword. Shit, shit, shit. All of his partners tossed themselves at death as if it was an idle thing just to protect him. What was Nanami doing? He would never become a sorcerer like this, never be able to protect you.
He grits his teeth. He’ll never be enough.
Nanami picks up his sword, wrapping his fingers around its hilt one more time. He dashes towards the domain, tasting iron as he hacks and slashes at it. Again, again, and again. His hands turn numb and his cursed energy flickers like a candle’s flame, but there’s one thing Nanami’s insistent on — getting you out of there.
The domain finally collapses as Nanami finally steadies himself on his feet. You roll to the ground, breath shallow. Your uniform is sliced up in different areas and a pool of blood begins to spread where your head meets the floor.
“Ken…?” you whisper.
Nanami smells it — the scent of death. Why did he ever choose to become a sorcerer over an ordinary high school life? He wouldn’t have dragged you into this mess, caused you to be hurt time and time again. Nanami calls out your name tentatively. You don’t respond.
The curse roars with laughter as your eyes fall shut, “Don’t you see how I’m so strong? You’re nothing compared to me-”
Nanami sees red. He launches himself forward, brandishing his sword even if it’s for the last time.
He doesn’t remember what happens afterwards.
Nanami sinks into a pool of blood, head spinning with exertion. Your body lays to his left, Haibara’s head to his right. He collapses to the ground.
☆*: .。.
When he comes to, Nanami’s eyes struggle to adjust to the white light that floods the room. It smells vaguely like antiseptic. He slowly sits up, body aching with exhaustion with telltale bandages wrapped around most of his exposed limbs.
A drawn curtain separates his bed from the rest of the room, which he assumes to be Jujutsu Tech’s sickbay. He runs a hand over his face and lies back down, letting sleep take him by the hand and lead him a step further from reality.
Nanami wakes up a second time when Shouko returns to the room. He stares at her, blinking once, then twice.
“Nanami?” she asks softly. “Can you hear me?”
He tries to reply, but his throat is parched. He ends up coughing, wrinkling his face as pain spreads through his ribs. Shouko rushes to get him a glass of water and calls the rest (namely Yaga and Gojo) over. Nanami nurses the glass as Yaga takes a seat by his bed.
There are no questions, only condolences and murmured explanations of what had happened. The only thing Nanami picks up is that you’re alive. That’s more than enough for him to relax, nodding dumbly along to Yaga’s words.
The curse had been on the brink of death when Nanami collapsed. However, he had put up enough of a fight for nearby sorcerers to come to his aid and finish it off. There was no doubt about it — it was a special grade curse. Yaga apologises for the miscommunication and loss of Haibara’s life. Nanami doesn’t reply.
No amount of apologies could turn back time and bring Haibara back.
It takes him a few more days before Nanami’s able to hobble around the school, aided by crutches. Gojo pokes fun at how he seems like a grandpa but even his jokes don’t bear the mean edge they usually do. Getou leaves a can of vending machine coffee by his bedside table and Shouko brings him some wildflowers. Nanami leaves the plush cat Yaga had made for him untouched.
Nanami struggles against the nightmares that plague him. In one Haibara cradles his decapitated head in his own arms, asking Nanami why he hadn’t saved his life; in another you die, guts spilling onto the streets with your eyes bulging from your skull. Nanami wakes up in cold sweat. He calms his breathing alone and doesn’t sleep a single wink.
It’s a rainy day when Shouko lets him enter the morgue. Haibara’s body is laid in a shroud of white, his head positioned to appear attached. Had he ever been so pale? Nanami’s fingers grip his crutches, gritting his teeth.
How long his eyelashes had been! A small scar runs down his left temple (“After my sister shoved me in the playground!” Haibara had chirped), and his bangs remain as perfectly cut as they had been when he died. Nanami half expects him to sit up, to grin and laugh at his twisted face.
“Why’re you so stiff, Nanami? It’s just a joke!” 
A chasm opens up in Nanami’s stomach. His crutches clatter to the floor as he races out of the morgue, stumbling when pain shoots up his right leg. He retches dryly and tears pool in his eyes. Shouko silently covers Haibara and closes the door, Nanami’s tears falling alongside the pouring rain.
That night in his dreams, Haibara slices Nanami’s head off. He wakes up with his heart racing and tears slipping down his cheeks.
Nanami visits you the next day. He had been reluctant to do so — what if you blamed him for everything, for Haibara’s death and your injuries? He wouldn’t be able to bear it, to be hated by you. His hand hovers over your dorm doorknob, hesitating. Nanami takes a deep breath as he swallows his anxiety and opens the door.
It’s as if nothing had ever happened.
You sit on your bed, neatly tucked under the covers with a book sitting on your lap. Warm sunshine pours through the open windows and the penguin plush Nanami had won for you at a festival still sits by your desk. You look up when he walks in.
Nanami calls out your name. You stare at him.
“Sorry, but… Who are you?” you ask quietly, a sense of confusion lacing your words.
He stops by the door and Nanami’s heart sinks to his feet.
“I’m Kento. Nanami Kento,” he repeats, words tasting like ash in his mouth.
Checkered curtains flutter in the wind and the pages of your book butterfly open to an unread chapter. You keep your eyes focused on Nanami, eyebrows slightly furrowed in confusion.
“I don’t know anyone by that name,” you reply.
☆*: .。.
A toxic mix of trauma and a severe head injury had caused your amnesia. Nanami lays in bed at night, staring up at the ceiling. If only he hadn’t let his emotions overtake him, if only he had been there a minute earlier, if only if only if only. Regret dulls his sense of taste and emotions. He no longer takes joy in eating anything (even those croissants Getou had bought while out on a mission), nor does he even crack a smile at Gojo’s antics.
Nanami returns to training once he is physically well again. He becomes the only first-year to attend Yaga’s classes, sparring practice conducted with the second years. He goes out on missions alone and learns to provide both defense and offense for himself. Nanami trains, he exercises curses, he returns to school. He repeats this same cycle mindlessly over and over again. 
Time heals, they say. Nanami wonders how much time it must take for him to let go of everything.
Nanami learns to hide his disappointment. His face becomes a strong facade for whatever his weak heart truly feels. The quiet sigh he lets out when no one’s around, the stretching of his neck after yet another fruitless day of training — Nanami decides that he’ll leave the world of sorcery once he’s graduated.
Seasons change and Nanami becomes a second year, then a third year. Getou falls away. The seniors graduate and new freshmen enter the school. Nanami keeps these things in the back of his mind as he raises his sword for a countless time, striking the training doll with ease.
You work with Shouko in the infirmary, occasionally helping out with office work. The school had deemed it better to keep you under their care than to release you outside. Like a rehabilitated animal, Nanami thinks.
You still remember no memories of him. Nanami brings you sweets and souvenirs from his missions, letting you trace your fingers over the fancy packaging with a sparkle in your eye. At this, Nanami swallows back his confession of love once more. He can’t bear to burden you with his feelings.
You form new impressions of him. Nanami turns into the stone-faced and adorable boy who treats you like fine China, always sticking his hands out awkwardly when he tries to give you something. The tips of his ears burn red when he lies — especially when you ask him, “Nanami, did you buy this for me?” and he shakes his head furiously.
You think he’s kind. He comforts you when you cry over lost memories, unable to remember the faces in photographs that had once been so familiar. The first thing Nanami does after returning from a mission is to rush to you. Were you okay? Did you have your meals? One time, he came over without getting his injuries checked and collapsed by your feet. You scolded him after that, tenderly dressing his wounds.
“Nanami!” you said crossly, a pout on your face.
He tries to forget how he had asked you to stop calling him ‘Ken-chan’. He ducks his head, hissing when you douse his skin in antiseptic.
Some things don’t change, though. You still keep your pencil box immaculately neat — the tips of your stationery always pointing to the right side. Though you don’t have any more movie ticket stubs, you carefully clip the pictures of your childhood Nanami had given to you together and keep them under your pillow. 
One day, you munch on a yummy biscuit Nanami brought back for you. He sits on the floor and polishes his sword, peering at it from every angle to make sure it’s evenly oiled.
He hums.
“Has anyone ever told you that you look like you’re from an emo boy band? Your hair matches it.” 
Your shy laugh rings out in the room as bile rises in Nanami’s throat. He sheathes his sword and lays it on the ground.  
“Yes, they have.”
He struggles to smile, his gut twisting.
☆*: .。.
On graduation day, no one else but Nanami receives his certificate with a flower corsage pinned to his chest. The room is empty save for him and Yaga, the chirping of spring birds breaking the silence.
“I’m glad to have been able to teach you, Nanami,” Yaga broods. “You’ve grown a lot.”
Nanami does not reply. He bows deeply and strides out of the main building. All of a sudden, the traditional architecture and nature that surround Jujutsu High seems stifling. His skin crawls with the urge to leave as soon as possible. 
He jumps. Turning around, he finds you grinning happily with a bouquet of flowers in hand.
“Congratulations on your graduation!” you chirp.
Nanami accepts the flowers awkwardly and rests them in the crook of his elbow, his other hand clutching his certificate. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves of nearby trees and a wave of sakura petals descend from their branches like rain.
“Nanamin,” your voice grows softer. “Are you leaving forever?”
He swallows, then nods wordlessly.
“Will I ever see you again?”
“I wanna be with you forever, Ken-chan!” you wailed.
“Forever’s a long time,” Nanami replied.  
He handed you his yellow cotton handkerchief, face wrinkling when you honked your nose into it. Gross. His neck hurt from sticking it out of the car window. He can hear his father tapping a finger onto the wheel impatiently, his mother silent as she stares out the front.
Your bottom lip quivered and Nanami let out a sigh.
“Fine, fine. I’ll be with you, okay?”
“Really, Ken-chan? Forever?”
“Yeah, really. Forever.”
You grinned in the waning sunlight as your mother tugged you away.
“I’ll never forget you, Ken-chan!” you shouted.
The car window rolled up and he watched you disappear into the horizon, turning as tiny as an ant.  
Nanami swallows his heart into the pit of his stomach.
“That’s not a definitive answer, Nanamin.”
“What do you want me to tell you, then?”
There’s a slight tremble in his voice. The plastic wrapping of the flowers crinkle under his grip and waves of emotions rush over him; the biggest out of all of them regret. He struggles to breathe underwater, keeping his eyes squeezed shut and nose plugged up. A sakura petal lands on his shoulder. He doesn’t bother brushing it away. 
“Say,” you whisper, taking a step to close the distance between Nanami and you.
He gulps as you place a hand upon his chest. He can feel the heat of your skin through his uniform and Nanami’s too dumbstruck to respond.
“Why don’t you give me your second button?”
Your eyes meet his. A smile toys with the corners of his lips and suddenly Nanami blurts out a nervous “Okay.”. His mind flickers back to Haibara momentarily; how you had appeared to like him so much back then. But he chooses to shove those memories into the back of his mind once more as you produce a small pair of scissors and snip the thread.
“You always take care of me, Nanamin. It was natural of me to fall in love with you,” you breathe, cradling the swirl patterned button in your hands.
A gust of cool air slips into his unbuttoned shirt and Nanami’s breath hitches.  
“Do you like me too?”
Your question is innocent. With the way you peer up at him, there’s no way that Nanami can lie. Your glittery eyes were the same ones he had fallen in love with all those years ago. He wonders if he still loves you in the same way as he did then; as faultless and innocent it had been. His heart sits on the tip of his tongue.
“Yeah, I do.”
Your eyes crinkle at the edges as you smile, an evident sigh of relief escaping your lips. You slip the button into your pocket before tugging Nanami even closer towards you. He yelps as your chest presses against his and the tips of his ears turn red.
You plant your lips by the side of his.
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twiceinadream · 4 years
“Yeogi, yeogi, yeogi.”
Requested: Yup
Request: Momo is unable to escape her dorm on Valentine's Day so instead, y/n sneaks into the dorm
a/u: Hey, everyone! I didn’t realize it was already Friday I’ve been so busy this week, so sorry if this seems a little weird I wrote this over a month ago and just finished it today. I hope you still enjoy this Valentine’s prompt. I love you guys!
Category: NSFW and Fluff
Word Count: 2.7k
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Momo sat in front of JYP with a scowl prominent on her face as he shook his head, “I’m sorry Momo-ssi, but I can’t have you going out and about with Y/N-ssi on Valentine’s.” The man pinched the bridge of his nose, “It’s just too easy for you and Y/N to be recognized and I don’t want the media swarming the two of you.” Jinyoung trailed off at the end, clearing his throat before frowning, “I’m sorry Momo, I really am.”
The Japanese girl ran a hand through her hair as she tried to play off her sadness, “It’s fine, I understand.” Her voice was sullen as she exited his office and left the building. Resisting the urge to cry in the van till she returned back to their dorm, just wanting to cuddle with Boo and Dobby before she told you she would have to cancel the plans you had made. Mentally preparing herself for the disappointment she would hear on the other end of the line when she broke the news to you, sometimes she hated being an idol.
It didn’t take long to get from the company back to Twice’s dorm as Momo stared at your contact, resisting the urge to call you until she got inside as she thanked the driver and headed up. Her head hit the wall of the elevator as she rode it to their floor, her heart sinking into her stomach as she entered the shared dorm to find Sana, Nayeon, and Tzuyu sitting in the living room. Expectant looks on their faces as Nayeon raised an eyebrow at her, noticing how Momo’s shoulders were slumped forward and she looked like someone had just told her she’d have to give up jokbal.
The eldest bit her lip as she made eye contact with the third oldest, “How’d it go?” The question was stupid, Nayeon knew that, but decided to ask anyway. And with the way Momo just stared at her for a second before leaving down the hall, she got all the answers she needed, “I guess that’s a, ‘No’.”
Tzuyu deadpanned the sole Korean, “You don’t say Unnie.”
The sound of bickering followed Momo down the hall as she opened the door to her, Sana, and Nayeon’s shared room. Boo and Dobby lounging on the bed as they got up the instant the door opened, happy yips coming from both of them as they saw their owner enter the room. Their tails wagging as Momo laid on the bed, a soft smile gracing her lips as they cuddled into her sides. A frown taking over her smile as she smiled heavily, cuddling the two dogs as she felt tears sping into the corner of her eyes.
The Japanese girl burried her head in their fur as she let a soft sob from her lips, ‘Why couldn’t she just see you like every other couple on Valentine’s?’ She continued to cry till she eventually fell asleep, sad looks on Sana and Nayeon’s face as they listened on the other side of the door. They hated seeing any of their members sad, Momo especially since she wasn’t really asking for much.
That was when Tzuyu came up behind them, “I have an idea.” The maknae said, scaring the two older girls as she made them jump.
Sana held her hand to her chest as she spun around to face the Taiwanese girl, “Jeez! And what would that be?”
Tzuyu smiled, her dimple showing, “I need to make a few calls and you’ll see.”
-The Next Morning-
The sound of loud voices in the kitchen is what roused Momo when she realized she fallen asleep crying, her eyes her puffy and dry as she dragged herself out of bed. Her head felt like it was pounding when she noticed that Boo and Dobby were gone but the door to the bedroom was open. But by the sound in the kitchen she figured that one of girls had taken them out of the room.
The Japaneee girl didn’t even bother to fix herself as she headed towards the kitchen, just wanting to get a strong cup of coffee before she had to call you. She felt sick to her stomach at the thought of letting you down so early in the morning, but continued her trek down the hall when she spotted most of her members already dressed in the kitchen, “Are we going somewhere?”
At the sound of Momo’s voice the five other girls stopped what they were doing, staring at the main dancer. Before the front door suddenly opened: Sana, Nayeon, Tzuyu, and a hooded figure stumbled in, barely registering that the Japanese girl was there when the three turned the hooded figure around so that they were facing the door. A bright smile on Sana’s face as she looked at her best friend, “Momoring, you’re up! We have a surprise.”
The glee in the younger’s voice made her raise an eyebrow, “Do I need to change?” They stifled a laugh as Nayeon turned the hooded figure back around, and time seemed to slow in Momo’s eyes as the figure slowly lifted the hood to reveal, “Y/N?”
You smiled brightly at your girlfriend’s reaction, shooting her a wink, “The one and only.”
“How did you…?” Your girlfriend’s voice trailed off as she resisted the urge to cry, her body flooding with so many emotions when Boo and Dobby circled around her ankles.
You crossed the distance between the two of you as you wrapped her in a hug, “I got a call from Tzu last night saying that the company wouldn’t let you go out today. So Yoda, the snake, and a bunny snuck me in so I could be with you.”
Momo’s jaw dropped as she looked at her members who were putting on their shoes, “Wait, where are you guys going?”
Jihyo smiled as she motioned to the cabinets and fridge, “We put a little something together for the two of you, enjoy your day together and we’re all staying at Jeong’s sister’s place tonight, so use your time wisely.” The leader winked, making you and Momo blush a deep shade of red.
“Th...thank you.” The dancer said earnestly, going over to hug each of the members as they left.
“Of course Momo Unnie.” Tzuyu smiled, pushing her back towards you, “Now go have fun.” And with that: you, Momo, and the dogs were left alone.
It was had gotten late into the evening, with a day filled with rom-com marathons and snacks when you both started craving real food. Momo was leaning against you when she felt your stomach rumble, the sound making her laugh, “Aww, is my poor baby hungry?”
But before she could get another word in, her stomach began making the same noise as you stuck out your tongue, “I guess that makes two of us.”
Momo pouted as you both got off the couch, stumbling your way into the kitchen as you pulled open the fridge. Finding a few miscellaneous items, some chocolate covered strawberries (which you made a mental note of) before you saw a jar of half finished pasta sauce, you held it up to your girlfriend, “Spaghetti?”
The Japanese girl turned to look at you as she was rummaging through the cupboards, pulling out a box of pasta, “Perfect! And I think we might have meatballs in there.” You opened up one of the drawers to find the package she was talking about, only to find fuzz covered meat.
“Momoring, these are spoiled.” You cringed as you quickly threw it away, not wanting to look at it anymore, “Guess we’re back to just pasta and sauce.”
Your girlfriend shrugged, “At least we still have some food.” You nodded as you began taking out a few pots.
“True, and we haven’t burned anything yet.
-A Few Moments Later-
“Omg, Y/N! The pasta is burning!” The sound of the smoke detector going off didn’t help the fact you were now frantically running to the pot of burning water as you threw it in the sink.
“How did we burn water!?” You looked at your girlfriend in shock as a beat of silence passed between you two. You both held each other’s state for a second longer before you both burst out laughing, “I probably jinxed us earlier.”
Momo giggled as she went to hug you, knocking her fist against the wooden chopping board, “We forgot to ‘knock on wood’ Y/N-Chan.”
You nodded, “Without a doubt, but what are we gonna do now?” But before Momo could answer the sound of a knock sounded throughout the dorm, you cocked an eyebrow as you went to open the door. Not wanting the delivery person to know this was Twice’s dorm, “Can I help you?”
The man on the other side held up two plastic bags, “Food delivery for L/N Y/N.”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion, “That’s me.” He nodded as he handed you the bag.
“There you go, have a nice night.” You thanked him before closing the door, walking back to a sheepish looking Momo.
You looked between her and the bags when it suddenly clicked, “You knew the food was going to burn!”
The Japanese girl pursed her lips to prevent from laughing as she held her hands up in defense, “No, I just...um. Wanted to be prepared?”
You shook your head in disbelief as you placed the food in front of her, letting out an offended gasp, “Even my own girlfriend doesn’t trust my cooking skills.”
She deadpanned, “Y/N, you burned water.”
“Did not! The pasta caught fire!” You crossed your arms like a child as Momo began laughing, her eyes crinkling as you couldn’t help but smile too, “But, good call.”
You let out a content sigh as you finally bagged up the last of your guy’s dinner before you found a note left on the table, ‘Come and get your dessert -Momoring <3.
You quirked an eyebrow as you noticed the door to Momo’s room was cracked open and a small stream of light was peeking out into the hallway. A smile broke out onto your lips as you made your way to the partially opened door, hastily making your way in as the sight before you made your breath catch in your throat.
Your girlfriend was clad in an ensemble that left little to the imagination as she sat with her knees parted at against the headboard. You swallowed hard as you looked her up and down, your cheeks felt hot under her gaze, “Is this for me?”
Momo had a coy smirk on her face as she made a come hither motion with her finger, “Happy Valentine’s Y/N-ah, come and open your present.”
You wasted no time shoving off your pants as your shirt quickly followed, making a pile on the floor as you ounces onto the bed. Connecting your lips in a heated kiss as you ran a hand over your girlfriend’s exposed abs, loving the way the muscle tensed under your touch as you moved to cup her breast. A breath moan falling from her lips as you pulled away, nipping and sucking at her neck as you left marks deep enough to show.
Your hand snaked behind her back as you quickly unclasped her bra and let the garment fall to the floor, enjoying the newly exposed skin as you took a stiffened nipple between your index and thumb before pinching it slightly. A gasp catching in the Japanese woman’s throat as you took the other into your mouth, swirling the stiffened peak with your tongue before releasing back into the chilly air of the room. Repeating the process with the other as you inched down a little further till you were eye level with her crotch, “May I?”
Momo nodded her head earnestly as you took the elastic of her panties between your fingers, pulling the fabric down slightly so that her hip was exposed. You kissed along the skin that made your girlfriend’s grip on your shoulder tighten as you teased her further, a desperate whine sounding from above as you finally let up, “Needy.”
The dancer pouted as you pulled her underwear off completely, a few strands of wetness still clinging to the material as her opening pulsed with need. Her pussy was pink and puffy with arousal her clit peeking ever so slightly from its hood as you placed a kiss and lick to the junction where her leg and sex met. A surprised moan falling from her lips as you blew a steady stream of air onto her heated core, “Y/N, please.”
You rolled your eyes at your girlfriend’s impatience before leaving one last kiss to her inner thigh and diving straight in. Her body tensed as your tongue made its way into her opening, her juices hitting your lips as you ate her out. She tasted-ironically-a bit like peaches as you continued to lap up the essence that leaked out of her, you lifted two fingers to Momo’s mouth indicating for her to suck them as you worked on her lower half. Her tongue coating your digits in saliva before you pulled them away and repositioned them at her aching core. You teased her entrance with your middle finger before sinking in to the molten heat that was Hirai Momo’s sex, a releaved moan slipping from her lips when you added in another finger. Thrusting slowly as you felt for the rough patch of flesh against her frontal wall, resting it with an experimental tap to warm her before copying the come hither motion she had made before as your fingers lightly stroked her g-spot. A loud whine came out of the dancer as she fisted the bedsheets.
Satisfied with your fingers you used your free hand to lift the hood hiding your girlfriend’s swollen clit. The bud had a slight red hue from the neglect but it wouldn’t be like that for long as you left a lingering kiss against her clit, sliding your tongue along wet folds. Momo groaned happily as her hips canted against you, chasing your pliant mouth. With a throaty moan, she let go of the sheets to fondle her breasts, tweaking her nipples gently.
Momo groaned in delight, grinding against your face as you slowly fucked her with your fingers. Your chin was slick with her wetness and as she moaned, your hands drifting along her sides and belly.
You alternated between gentle suckles and broad strokes over her clit as she continued fondling her plump breasts, humming softly against her center as her walls clenched around your thrusting digits. She squealed in delight, grinding against your face, “Oh, yes...”
You couldn’t hold back your moan at the sound, you placed open-mouthed kisses along her slick folds. Before closing your lips around the fat swell of her clit, giving her a second to breath before sucking. Hard.
Momo let out a shriek as her hips jerked off your face, her orgasm gushing out of her in a sudden burst. Covering the lower half of your face with her release as her body shuddered with every wave of pleasure. A series of clipped pants was the only thing you heard before Momo finally came down from her high, carefully taking your fingers out of her as you moved to spoon her.
You smiled as your girlfriend’s bangs stuck to her sweaty forehead, a blissful smile on her face as you leaned down to kiss her, “How was it?”
“Amazing.” Her tone sounded breathless as she nuzzled into you, “What’s the damage?”
You smirked as you looked down at the dark bruises you left on her neck, using your index finger to point at them, “Let’s see, yeogi, yeogi, yeogi.” Momo scowled as you placed a kiss on her swollen lips, “Nea maeum.”
Your girlfriend looked at you for a second before pushing you off the bed, “No! You did not just use Chae’s song to describe my hickies!”
You laughed as you got up from the floor, “Well isn’t that what it’s about anyways?”
Momo rolled her eyes as she threw a pillow at you, “You’re sleeping on the couch.” You stuck your tongue out as you crawled back onto the bed.
“Admit it, you thought that was clever.” The dancer huffed as she turned away from you.
“Shut up.”
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bts-reveries · 3 years
expect the unexpected | 21
(text after the pictures!)
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“Get ready for bed,” Jin says, pushing Soojin on the forehead with his pointer finger. He was sitting on the couch, leaning back as he finally relaxed. You know, now that you’re home and all. 
“But it’s earlyyyy,” Soojin says, leaning on the couch. “I want to watch with you.” She jumps onto the couch, cuddling into Jin’s side. 
“No, no,” Jin says, pushing her away. “It’s time for you to go to bed. Daddy has some work to do after you sleep.”
“But you’re watching TV,” Soojin says, pointing to the screen in front of them. Avengers: End Game was playing. Jin sighs, getting up and picking her up from the couch. 
“Bedtime~” Jin says, walking to her room. 
“You used to let me stay with you to watch,” she pouts. “Now all you say is no.” Jin sighs yet again. I guess this is what he gets for always giving her what she wants huh?
“I know, but daddy has stuff to do tonight. We can watch tomorrow okay?” he says. “Look, mommy’s reading Haneul and Minseok a story.” He says as he was about to pass Haneul’s room.
“Hi,” you say, smiling up at your husband and daughter. “Wanna join us?”
“Why are we sleeping early tonight,” Soojin says with a big frown. “It’s Saturday!” 
“Because it’s been a long week for all of us,” you say. “Now come sit here and join us for a bedtime story.” Jin drops Soojin on the bed next to Haneul, making them bounce. 
“I want a story with the wolves.” Soojin says, she taps on her chin, “I forgot the name.”
“Mommy is talking about Cinderella,” Minseok tells her. “Haneul picked tonight.”
“Isn’t there a wolf in Cinderella?” Jin says, sitting down behind his kids. 
“No,” you and Minseok say at the same time. 
“I’m sure there is,” he says, winking at you. Just go along with it. 
“No a different one,” Soojin whines, turning to Jin then to you.
“Twilight?” Jin asks. You give Jin a look. “They haven’t heard of that one yet huh?” 
“No and--”
“Well this girl went to a new school and falls in love with a vampire, but she finds out one of her friend is a wolf--” 
“How does she not know he’s a wolf,” Minseok asks, interrupting his dad.
“He looks like a normal person, but he turns into a wolf.”
“Oh,” Minseok says, very intrigued with the story. Soojin seemed to be interested too. Haneul was listening, his eyebrows furrowed and mouth hanging open.
“Okay anyways, the girl’s name is Bella and she falls in love with Edward, who is a vampire. She doesn’t know this until later on and she was even begging him to make her a vampire because she was so in lo--”
“Jin we should change the story,” you interrupt. “The wolf fairytale you were asking about was Little Red Ridinghood right? Or Three Little Pigs?” You ask, looking at Soojin.
“I want to keep listening to daddy’s story,” she says, turning to Jin. You glare at your husband.
“Change it,” you mouth at him. Twilight wasn’t age appropriate for them. 
“Okay well,” Jin says, catching what you were getting at. “Bella and Edward dated all throughout High School like mommy and daddy and then they fought bad guys together with super powers. At the end, they have a baby and live together forever and ever. Because they’re vampires and they don’t die, you know?” Technically he didn’t lie, he just skipped the parts where Jacob (the wolf friend) hates Edward and is in love with Bella and tries to keep them apart, and also like Bella dying because of the baby that was killing her from the inside out. Edward having to bite her everywhere in an attempt to save her. And Jacob falling in love with the baby? “Also vampires glow in the sun like they’re bedazzled with white rhinestones,” Jin adds. 
“I want to be sparkly like that,” Soojin giggles. 
“Maybe next time,” Jin says. He ruffled her hair, making her laugh. 
“Okay, I think it’s time for bed right?” you say, bringing the attention back to bed. 
“I want to finish Cinderella,” Haneul tells you. “You didn’t finish..” It was true, Soojin did kind of interrupt you in the middle of your story.
“Okay where were we?” 
“Cinderella met the prince,” Minseok says. 
“Oh yeah! So Cinderella and the prince, Prince Charming--”
“They danced together all night and then Cinderella was like ‘Oops, bedtime. I have to get ready for bed’,” Jin says. He even did Cinderella’s voice. “And the prince said ‘Okay! Good night, I’ll text you in the morning’ but then when Cinderella ran off, the prince realized he didn’t give her his phone number so he said ‘WAIT!’ but it was too late. Cinderella got home and she decided to eat an apple before bed and she ended up feeling sick. This is why uncle JK always says, ‘night apple is poison apple.’ This made her fall asleep for days. Until one day, the prince found a tower in the middle of the woods and so he rode his magic carpet up that tower. He walked inside and found Cinderella. The prince thought she looked so pretty that he placed a kiss on her lips and she woke up and they lived happily ever after, the end.”
You stared at Jin with furrowed brows, and so did Minseok and Haneul. Soojin scratched her head. You’ve told them the story before and they also have watched the movie. They knew how it went.
“Did you just mix up Cinderella with Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, and Rapunzel?” 
“It’s a story to teach kids that you should already be at home way before bed time and also eating apples late at night is bad for your stomach,” Jin argued.
“Sure,” Soojin says, a yawn escaping her mouth a little afterwards. 
“Aha! You are sleepy!” Jin laughs, pointing at his daughter. She glares up at him. “Come on, bed time,” Jin says, picking her up. “Say night night to mommy and your brothers.” He carries her in front of Haneul to give him a kiss, and Minseok too. Then towards you.
“Good night my princess,” you say, giving her a kiss. 
“I’m just going to take a quick shower,” you say. 
Now that all the kids were tucked in bed, Jin was going to do some paperwork in his office.
“I’ll be in my office,” Jin says, grabbing his laptop from his bed as you were going into the bathroom. 
“Okay, don’t stay up too late. I miss sleeping in bed with you,” you say. Jin laughs.
“We did that last night?”
“With Haneul in between us,” you scoff. 
“Well okay, I won’t stay in too long.”
“Okay, good.” You went ahead and went into the bathroom, ready to take a shower. 
Jin went ahead and stepped out of the room, about to head to his office when your phone rang from the living room. 
His eyes widened at the loud ring, afraid it was going to wake up the kids. 
He immediately ran to the couch, searching for your phone and he found it right under Haneul’s blanket. 
Dr. Cha Eun-Seok
It was your doctor, Jin and you have had the same doctor since Minseok was born. Safe to say he’s basically a family friend now.
Jin answers the call.
“Hello Mrs. Kim, I know it’s late, but I’m just calling again for your second appointment next Friday,” he says. Jin furrows his brows, tilting his head to the side. 
“This is Jin actually--”
“Oh! Jin-ssi,” Dr. Cha laughs. “I thought I called your wife--”
“You did, she’s in the shower right now and her phone was ringing so I went to answer it. Uh, what were you calling about? Second appointment for what?”
“Ah I see. I’m just calling about her second appointment. We were talking about it when she came by yesterday morning. We thought it would be a good idea to bring all the kids to the ultrasound. You know how it works,” he laughs. “She’s about one month along right now, we can have her first ultrasound next Friday and try to hear the heartbeat of the baby. I’m sure Haneul will be amazed eh?”
Jin was confused. 
You’re pregnant? 
“Yeah,” Jin says, trying to laugh along. “I’m sure he will. I’ll remind her, thank you Dr. Cha.”
“Yeah yeah, no worries. I’ll see you then.”
“Okay,” Jin says, hanging up the phone. 
Jin looks down at your phone, looking at your wallpaper. A picture of you two and the kids. He doesn’t move from where he’s standing.
“Hey,” you say, walking down the hallway as you were about to look for your phone that you left in the living room. “You’re not in your office?” You say, seeing Jin standing there. His back was facing you. 
“You got a phone call,” he says lowly, turning around and handing you your phone.
“From who?” You say, smiling up at him. You were confused. His eyebrows were furrowed and he had a serious expression on his face.
“Dr. Cha.”
Your eyes widened slightly.
“D-did you answer it?” You say, not seeing any missed calls on your lock screen.
“Yeah and he said something funny,” Jin says, forcing out a laugh.
“Like what…?” You look up at him with worry in your eyes.
“You're pregnant?” He says, leaning down to your face. “And you didn’t tell me?”
“I was going to, I--”
“How long did you know?”
“Not too long, I just found out a few days ago.” Jin scoffs, looking away from you.
“Jin, I was going to tell you.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“You were complaining about the kids all week, and saying let’s just stick to three kids,” you say, mocking his voice. “Jin you said maybe to a GOLDFISH. What would you say if I said we were having another kid?”
“BECAUSE IT’S NOT IN THE PLAN YN. We always said THREE. And you know how hard it is with just them three?” Jin says, moving his arm to the side and motioning towards the kids room. “What the hell happened?” He yells. 
“Aren’t you the one who said “no matter how hard you plan, the future is uncertain”?” You say. Jin has given advice to his friends countless times before, and you remember most of them. This one being his advice to Bora when she was confused with Taehyung and her ex. “Well we always planned for a big family, three was ideal. But what if four is what completes our family?” You yell back at him.
Jin laughs, crossing his arms across his chest, looking away from your face. You were so close to crying. 
“It’s too soon, Haneul’s only three. How did this even happen?”
“And Minseok was two when we had Soojin. And Soojin was around two with Haneul as well. What’s the difference?”
“The difference is, it’s not as easy as it once was Yn. How could you let this happen?”
You scoff. What does he mean by that?
“How could I let this happen? Jin what the heck did we do during our anniversary trip?! WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN?”
“YOU’RE ON THE PILL! THEY’RE LIKE 99% EFFECTIVE!” He laughs. “What did you do? Forget to take it? Were you that stupid?” Your mouth drops open when he says that last bit. You let out an annoyed scoff. You can’t believe him.
“I guess I am,” you say. “The day we left, I ran out.” You shake your head. “I was supposed to buy more but so many things happened that day and I couldn’t remember the one thing I was supposed to do. So I guess, yeah. I am stupid.”
“How could you forget that? You take it everyday, wouldn’t you remember--”
“Oh like how you forgot to pick up the kids from school? Yeah, I know you don’t pick them up everyday but you had ONE job Jin. The first day I leave and the house falls apart--”
“JIN YOU ACT LIKE THIS IS A ONE PERSON JOB?” Your eyes were already watering and a few tears have dropped. “I don’t care if you want this kid or not--”
“Oh my gosh,” He rolls his eyes at you. “I DIDN’T SAY--”
“Ah--” You gasp out, holding onto your stomach. Your face contorted in pain as you stumbled back. You felt a shoot of pain on your lower belly.
Jin’s face suddenly softens when he sees you in pain, all anger suddenly leaves his body. He reaches out to you to help but you move from his hand.
“I’m going to go to bed,” you mumble, walking to your room.
Jin stays there, standing in the living room, watching you go while holding onto your stomach. You slam the door behind you, locking it while you’re at it. You didn’t want Jin following you, you just wanted to be alone.
Jin turns his head to the side to see Minseok standing by the kitchen counter. 
“Minseok what are you doing up?” He asks in a quiet voice, motioning for him to come to him. 
“You and mommy were being loud,” he says. “I woke up when you started screaming and I came out and you and mommy were just yelling at each other.” He walks up to his dad and Jin sits on the couch, pulling him close. 
“I’m sorry, do you want me to tuck you in again?” Jin asks, softly smiling up at Minseok and caressing his head.
“It’s okay, but why were you and mommy fighting? You never did that before,” he says, looking back at your closed door. 
“It’s between mommy and I,” Jin says, looking at your door as well. “It’s not the first time we fought. We just don’t do it often so you don’t see. Not everyone is perfect.”
“Not even you and mommy?” Minseok asks. Jin shakes his head. His eyes were getting watery as well. 
“Go to bed, daddy’s going to do some work in his office.” 
“Okay,” Minseok says, walking back to his room. He stops midway, turning to Jin. “Can you sleep with me tonight?” Minseok probably heard you lock the door, knowing Jin might be sleeping on the couch. Jin nods.
“Okay, I’ll go in after. Go ahead and go to bed.”
Jin grabs his laptop that was on the couch and heads to his office. He turns on the light, sighing. 
He didn’t plan the next few days that you were back to end up like this. Everything was supposed to be smooth sailing now that you’re back. But like what you said, like what he said before. No matter how hard you plan, the future is uncertain. And he ruined it all tonight. 
Jin walks to his desk placing his laptop on top. But something else was there.
A small canvas with a painting of two people. One was way bigger than the other. The bigger one was hugging the smaller one. And on top written in huge characters said,‘I love my daddy’. Signed by Haneul. 
This was when Jin lost it, a stream of tears slid down his cheek as he held tightly onto the canvas done by his youngest son. 
Everyone sees you and Jin as the perfect couple. Everything is easy with you two. You have the perfect kids, the perfect life, and the perfect relationship.
But what if I tell you that you don’t? For moments like this. Fighting over something that was supposed to be great. Something other’s dreamed they had. What if I told you that raising three kids is hard? Even for you and Jin. You two are the oldest out of all of your friends, you two are whom they go to for advice. For relationship advice, and for kid advice. You two were the “pros” according to them. Nothing you can’t handle.
But to you and Jin, you don’t see it that way. You two had your share of problems just like everyone else. There are things your friends don’t know about you two.
For Jin, he’s insecure about being a father. He has three kids right now, out of all his friends, he was the first to have a kid. Out of all his friends, he’s the only one with more than one kid. You’d think he’d know everything by now right?
Well he doesn’t and he’s still learning and from the past few days alone, he realizes he might not have what it takes, but he’s good enough he thinks. 
To everyone’s eyes he’s perfect, even to his kids. 
Long story short, he’s scared. 
But of what? 
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
expect the unexpected
♡ part twenty-one: the perfect couple ♡ 
pairings: ceo, dad!jin x interior designer, mom!reader
a/n: the way it was cute at first 😐 okay i hope this is angsty enough also LOL i mentioned that the doctor (who is the doctor in dodosolsollalasol) is a family friend bc doctors don’t call that late in the evening, or call? at all? idk i don’t go to the doctors unless im dying
EDIT: hi sorry, i don’t usually use the read more feature because idk it always messes up something and it took out a chunk of dialogue after the cut off haha😀 i edited it now tho so it should be good
taglist: @silentlyimpractical @jillianmarie @waddlebby @cecedrake2217 @ddofa @samros95 @sope-and-shine @joonjoonsmiles @codeinebelle @aianloveseven @Chamchamcham @princessjazzyjazz @notvantaes @casspirit0705 @ramyagovindraj @brinnalaine @ephyra1230 @betysotelo18 @thoughtfultaledreamer @salty-for-suga @cosmicdaylight @dreamcatcherjiah @kookoo-kachoo @justinetingball  @josierosie @jayhope88 @butterflylion @hobiismyhopeu @momma-said-that-it-was-oke @ygbubs @catspancake  @somewhereofftheglobe @strawberryforever25 @rjsmochii @prdshobi @beeeb05 @eatjeanjin @taekookcaneatme @Cheeely14 @kookietsukkie @anpanman-sonyeondan @glitteringcoffeefreak @chocobetterknot @alpaca1612 @ohmy-fandoms @liljooniecutie @Jikachoo @preciouschimine @fan-ati--c @Joondala @httpmuffin @dammit-jjk @jikooksgirl19
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raindownforme · 3 years
Theater Kid
Ted Nivison x reader [she/her used]
It wasn’t odd for me to be left alone in the big open space. Most nights I was there into the late hours when my teachers were too tired to remember I was there. But tonight they’d actually forgotten, so I busied myself by sweeping the giant black stage. The push broom had been left near the side lighting panel, so I chose a few flood lights to turn on to better see the flooring. The lightbulbs hummed to life above me and I went back to take center stage as a starting point. I turned to look towards the house but, as I stared out into the seats, I saw someone standing who hadn’t been there before.
“You turned the fucking floods on.” His voice echoed across the near empty space and I shushed him as quickly as possible. Fucking actors always having to be the loudest.
“Jesus Christ Theodore shut up. Haven’t you ever done this before?”
“No. I don’t stay after school cleaning like a weirdo.”
“Well you’re here. And I’m not a weirdo! It’s a shared space. If anything you should appreciate me.”
I watched as he awkwardly picked up his backpack and walked down the aisles towards me. He stood at the foot of the stage, staring up at me, which wasn’t that much of an angle for him. He was an abnormally tall person, especially for a highschool student. Of course it only added to the strange charismatic spell he held over almost everyone else in our shared department, and I hated it. I hated the way he never talked to me but talked to everyone else. I hated the way he would sit on the desks and the tables in the classroom and the makeup room and on the edge of the stage and when he caught me looking he would give me this wide, crooked smile. I hated how loud his stupid improv club was that he got to lead was because he was the only student good at it. I hated how I spent every day inside the workshop and the prop hallway and the sound booth and the set alley and the lighting booth and he never payed a bit of attention to it. It was everyone else but me. And even knowing how close I’d gotten to being the stage manager, I knew I’d always be one peg under him.
“Did you hear me?”
I blinked myself out of my angry thoughts, trying to catch up with the real world. “I’m sorry?”
“I said you don’t have to call me Theodore. Ted is fine.”
“Oh.” I rolled my shoulders back unsure of what was the appropriate next step. “Well my name is-“
“y/n I know.” He cut me off. I stared at him in confusion, simply having assumed he didn’t know who I was. “We have like five classes together. We’ve done every production together since freshman year. You’re the one in charge when I come to set days. I sit across from you in the makeup room during lunch. And I know you do all your homework at the director’s desk.”
I stared at my feet as I felt my face flush. It felt like I couldn’t make words. It didn’t make sense that this guy I thought was a prick for the last three years knew me? But I knew that I liked him knowing me. And that was the worst part; I’d been fine with thinking he didn’t know me and didn’t want to because it gave me a name to whatever this feeling was. And now I don’t know. I looked back towards him, trying to think of anything to say. “You don’t care about tech.”
“I- what?” I couldn’t tell if he was angry or confused, and I wasn’t sure which was worse. Staring at him again I noticed the strange tint to his face, which seemed to be turning pinker by the second. I could see my reflection in his glasses and I realized how awkward of an angle we were at.
I bent down on my knees to meet his eye level. “You don’t care about tech. You’re the guy who’s a lead character and comes to rehearsal just to fuck around when you’re not needed act all high and mighty when really you never do anything.”
He narrowed his eyes, as if thinking, and then slapped his bag down on the stage near my feet. “Give me a fucking broom.”
We spent the next while peacefully sweeping up the stage. At some point I switched to the nail detector (which was really a long stick with a magnet on the end) and began going around the edges and crevices to try and find anything. We crossed paths a couple times, shoulders brushing together or brooms clinking.
Eventually I had passed him just enough that he stopped me in my tracks. He grasped my forearm gently, but I stared at his hand. I didn’t seem to want him to let go. “Here.” He took an AirPod out of his ear and handed it to me.
“Ooooh fancy actor boy has AirPods.”
“Literally shut up and appreciate me.” I smiled as I walked towards the trash can. I didn’t know what was playing, but it seemed like some indie bullshit I probably would have admitted to liking if it wasn’t coming from Th- Ted.
I sighed as I leaned the broom against the wall. “I think we’re done here. I can put away the broom in the morning if you don’t know where it goes.”
“I got it.” I watched as he took the trash can under one arm and the broom to the designated little outcropping in the workshop.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you in here.”
“Eh.” He shrugged and stood up straight to look down at me better. “Freshman year someone smacked me straight across the face with a roller. Worst acne I’ve ever had.”
“Oh. Ouch. Still on the handle?”
“Wet or dry?”
“Wet. With paint. Fresh paint.”
“Ooh. What color?”
“Forest green.”
“Euch. Nasty.” I chuckled as I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. It wasn’t uncommon for this part of the school to be the coldest, especially surrounded by walls of exclusively concrete and a single garage door, and the seasons still changing as we neared the end of winter. I felt a shiver run through my spine, and Ted looked at me funny.
“Is it cold in here?”
“For some of us.”
“Here.” Ted shrugged off the heavy bomber jacket he had been wearing and draped it over my shoulders. It was warm on the inside, much warmer than I’d been expecting. It almost fit, but I guess his torso and arms were just slightly larger than mine. I looked back to him to say thank you but instead he was staring at me with this dumb look. He was smiling and his head was tilted slightly, and his face was pink again, but darker this time. I felt my face heat up as we stared at each other.
“We should leave.”
He seemed to snap back to reality. “Right. Yeah no right god it’s- what time?” He flicked his wrist out to move his sleeve in order to see his watch. Of course the pretentious bitch wore a stupid watch. “It’s like 6. I guess it’s eating time.”
I nodded and walked back out towards stage left, Turing off all the lights except for our single ghost light that had to sit center stage. It cast a hazy shadow over everything. I watched Ted walk towards center where the lightbulb stood. He started to reach for his bag but I heard the song change in the AirPod. He made eye contact with me as a slow waltzy song moved through my ear. He extended a hand to me and I tentatively reached for it. His hands felt good in mine. They were soft but worn, I and I could clearly feel the lines that ran through his palms and his fingers.
He took one of my hands in his and his other hand placed itself gently on my waist. “Have you ever waltzed before?” His voice was low and raspy, trying to be as quiet as possible.
I whispered back, “no.” He began to shuffle us around, pulling me left and right and pushing away and pulling me. I felt surrounded by the way he smelled and the way he held me gingerly, like a glass figurine. I stared down at my feet as to not step on him, but he took the hand that was holding mine to gently lift my chin up.
“It’ll be easier if you look up at me. I know you can hear the rhythm.” He began to hum the song as we continued to move. The song began a flourish ending as he threw me out in a twirl, then pulling me back in to his arms. I felt him dip me to the ground as the ending came. I let my self dangle, my head up side down, staring at the ground, then gently lifted my face back upwards. Ted was mere centimeters away from me. I could feel his breathing on my neck.
“Ted. I should-“
“Yeah. No no I know. Yeah.” He lifted me up slowly until I was sure I was flat on the floor. I grabbed my backpack, holding the straps.
“Do you want your jacket-?”
“Keep it. I can get it back tomorrow.”
“Today’s Friday.”
“Right. Monday then.”
I nodded and walked towards the door. I could hear his heavier footsteps behind me, gaining quick due to his longer legs. The door clicked shut behind us, and the cool February air rushed through my skin and hair. I watched Ted take a keychain out from the pocket of his back pack. He looked at me and frowned.
“Did you drive or do you have a ride?”
“Oh yeah. No they’ll uh. They’ll be here in a bit.” I dropped my bag and sat on the curb with it on my lap to try and stay warm. Ted’s jacket was lovely but not lovely enough.
I heard Ted drop his bag and watched as he took a seat next to me. He looked over at me. “What? I’m not gonna leave a pretty girl out alone at 7 at night in the winter. Besides my parents probably think I’m at the game anyways.”
Now that he mentioned it, I could hear the sound of cheering and drum line off in the distance.
Did he call me pretty?
We both waited on the curb for probably another 10 minutes before he started talking again. “There’s no one coming is there?”
“I never see you leave because you always leave last. After anyone who could possible give you a ride has left. You’re one of those kids.”
“I’m sorry one of those kids?”
“No I didn’t-“ he exhaled and closed his eyes. “You don’t have anyone waiting for you. So you just walk.” We were both quiet for a moment, taking in the cold as it burned your skin. Ted stood up and extended a hand to me. “Get in the car.”
“Im sorry what?”
“Get in my fucking car. I’m not going to leave you to get kidnapped on the way home so you’re coming with me to get food.”
“See now this feels like kidnapping.”
“Oh my GOD get in the car.”
I reluctantly climbed into the passenger seat of his car, looking at the very minimal personalization that had been done: a couple stickers on the back window and a glasses case in the center cup holder. I watched as he reversed out of the parking spot, extending his arm against my seat to better turn around. I did my best not to stare, but I wasn’t sure what else to look at. He stopped before going into drive, asking if I didn’t mind McDonald’s even if there was a long line.
“Sure. It’s not like there’s someone waiting on me.”
He frowned at my response, but nonetheless kept on driving. “Well, there’s also a Dairy Queen, Sherri’s, maybe a Taco Bell-“
He glanced over at me with a confused look. “Really??”
“Come on, you know sitting in a dirty trashy restaurant at night is the total teenage coming of age moment.”
“Yeah but a Sherri’s? The food isn’t even good enough to justify.”
“You only say that because you haven’t tried those loaded hash browns.” I jokingly placed a hand on his shoulder, but I felt him tense at the contact. I retracted my hand and he sighed, moving to turn on his right blinker.
Ted swiveled his head to check for passing cars, but he grinned at me as we made less than a second of eye contact. I turned my head away towards the window next to me, trying to swallow whatever heat was rising towards my cheeks. I watched us pass cars and headlights as we approached the poorly lit parking lot. I jolted as ted’s plastic bumper lightly scraped the ground. He mumbled something under his breath as he pulled into a spot.
“I hate this stupid lot. Always scratch something coming in.” He unbuckled his seat belt and got out quicker than I expected. I went to unbuckle and get out but as I reached for the door handle, Ted opened it for me from the outside.
“Oh.” I stared at him for a second and he grinned at me.
“I know. Such a gentleman. Now get out of the car before I break your heart.” He winked at me, obviously joking, but I still felt my heart drop out of my chest.
“HA.” I pushed him away from me gently, but my fingers burnt at the touch.
I heard Ted shut the door behind me as I walked into the restaurant. There was really no one inside other than a group of kids tucked away in a booth in a far corner. I watched as the hostess approached me, saying I could sit in any table I wanted. I heard Ted walk in behind me and I turned to look at him, but he was staring at the group of kids in the corner.
He sighed and closed his eyes. “Oh shit-“
“HEY. TED!” One of the kids started yelling at him from the booth. The other boys laughed at him as the maybe two or three other girls giggled. I looked between Ted and the boy, who seemed incredibly belligerent or under some sort of influence. He waved his arms in a wide span over his head, as if telling Ted where he was. “NIVISON! COME SIT OVER HERE! COME ON FUCK THE LOSER! GET OVER HERE.”
Ted looked at me, making a prolonged eye contact, then back to the kid. “No thanks! I’ll see you later.”
He linked arms with me and rushed over to the other side of the restaurant, tucking us into a small booth by the window. He said almost nothing, staring just out at the bushes. A waiter came by, dropping off two thick plastic menus.
“Anything to drink?”
Ted mumbled, but I was sure the waiter wasn’t able to hear. “Water for him please. And how much is a vanilla milkshake?”
“$2.50 for a small.”
“A small vanilla milkshake then. Please.” I smiled gently at him, and the waiter seemed to straighten himself a bit, more self assured than he had been two minutes ago.
“Of course. Right away.”
The waiter walked away and Ted stayed quiet. I slid my hand across the table towards him. “Theodore-“
“I’m not friends with Jake. I mean I was when we were younger.” He was looking me now. Well not exactly me, but my extended hand at least. “He joined the football team and some other sorts and we just stopped hanging out because of time. And he does still wear the lettermen’s jacket but....” he dropped his voice and leaned in, I copied and leaned closer to him. “He got cut from the team because he would show up drunk so now he goes to games just to drink under the bleachers and pick up cheerleaders from the other schools. He tells anyone who asks that he got a brain injury and can’t legally practice but still goes for support.”
“Oh my god.” I blinked, my voice still at a whisper. “That’s terrible.”
Ted nodded eyes wide. He looked over my shoulder, tapped my hand, and then sat up. I sat up too, assuming it was the waiter, but stared at how close his hand was to mine.
“Okayyyyy one ice water and one vanilla milkshake.” I moved my line of vision towards the drink set in front of me. It had the standard glass cup and whipped cream topping, but on top were red and pink heart-shaped sprinkles. I stared at it, and Ted must of noticed it as he took my hand firmly in his, lacing our fingers together on top of the table. The waiter stared at it.
“Hey I think we’re ready to order if you don’t mind.” Ted’s voice was louder than I expected as it took command of our whole corner of the restaurant.
“Uh yeah. What can I get you two?”
“You said you wanted the loaded hash browns, right babe?” He turned to me smiling, but I had no idea what he was thinking.
“Y-Yeah. Those are the ones.”
He gave me a giant goofy smile, and turned back to the waiter. “We’ll have two orders of that please. And an extra straw for this milkshake if you don’t mind?”
“Uh yeah. Coming right up.”
The waiter walked away and Ted sighed, relaxing his grip on my hand but not quite releasing it. “Fucking creep.”
He looked back at me, confused. “You didn’t notice he was flirting with you? He put heart shaped sprinkles on your milkshakes.”
“I guess he’s not that good at it then.”
We sat in silence as I drank the thick vanilla shake. Ted cleared his throat and looked towards me. Our hands were still together.
“Well what can we talk about together?”
“I don’t know, theater kid shit?”
“Alright.” He though for a second. “Fine. Movie musicals.”
“Oh. Oh my god I hate the greatest showman.”
“No you don’t!”
“Yes I do! PT Barnum had no excuse to be an asshole and the whole thing is just him being an asshole to his family who somehow accepts him again.”
“I think if you have a shitty life you could have the right to be an asshole, and he wasn’t that bad! He loved his wife, and the music is good!”
“Okay some, some of the songs are good, and the whole kiss with the red head was totally not his fault. But just cause you have a shit home life doesn’t mean you can be an ass. I would think it would make you want to be nicer so other people don’t experience the same treatment, you know?”
Ted pauses, seeming to consider, then nods and moves to take a drink from his water.
We spent the next while talking about random topics: stories, tv shows, movies, books, anything. At some point the waiter came back and set the food down without a word. Ted released his hand from mine to grab his fork, and I stared at the place his fingers had been. My hand felt cold and unfamiliar as I set it closer to my plate. I ate slowly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable, but Ted ate quicker than I thought he could.
“You were right these are delicious.”
“I told you, only good thing they have.”
I was probably close to finishing when the waiter came and slapped the receipt on the table. “We close in ten.”
As he walked away Ted chuckled. “It’s Sherri’s. They’re open 24 hours?”
I shook my head, smiling, as I dug around for some cash. I grimaced at the amount I had, realizing I would have barely two dollars left. I looked up, prepared to go broke, but Ted had already gotten up with cash in hand.
I reached out and grabbed on to his t-shirt as he walked towards the register. “Theodore, wait-“
“If I get to be your fake boyfriend I can pay for our fake date.” He smiled and continued walking. I rustled through all the small bills and coins I had. I was still holding them in my hands when he came back and sat down across from me.
“Y/N, i told you-“
“But, tip-“
“I got it. Finish your food.”
We sat in silence for a little longer, and as soon as I was done he stood up, shouldering the backpack I’d brought in with me. He stood next to me, holding out his arm towards me. I giggled as we linked arms and walked to the door. I made eye contact with the creepy waiter and watched as Ted flipped the guy off.
The air was cold as we exited the building. I probably would have shivered again if not for Ted’s jacket still around me. I used my free hand to pull it closed in front of me. We were silent getting into his car, but as he turned his key over to start the engine he looked to me and smiled.
“Thank you for an amazing fake first date.”
I laughed and felt a small heat rise to my cheeks. “You make an excellent fake boyfriend.”
He turned up the music as we pulled out of the parking lot. I could hear him scrape his bumper again, but he didn’t say anything about it this time. “So, how do I take you home?”
“Oh. You don’t have to! I can just take the bus-“
“y/n. It’s late and it’s dark and it’s cold. Please let me take you home.” We were stopped at a red light, and we paused, staring just at each other. Ted’s face was bright red, and I’m sure mine was too. But even when the light turned green, his face was still red, and I’m sure mine still was.
A car behind us held a sustained honk, and Ted jolted out of his stupor and peeled out across the intersection. Of course Ted wasn’t a bad driver. He was a highschool driver, so he drove to look cool half the time. Meaning right now he was driving with one hand at the top of the wheel and the other arm rested against on top of the center console. I made the judgement call to reach over and take his free hand in mine. I did so loosely, allowing him to let go if he wanted to, but if anything he laced his fingers with mine tighter. I looked down at our hands, smiling, then back towards Ted’s face. He was smiling widely, but when he saw me looking he made a stupid attempt of trying to play it off and act like he wasn’t smiling, but I started laughing so he eventually fell into laughter with me. We didn’t talk much on the way to my house other than me giving directions every now and then. He didn’t let go of my hand the whole time, except when he had to put the car in park.
I stared out his window towards the front of my dark building. I knew no one was home, and it was probably pretty cold inside since I usually forget to turn on the heater before leaving for school.
“I guess this is me.” He watched me throw my bag over my shoulder as I stepped out of the car. “Thank you Theodore. For everything.”
“You can call me Ted.”
I smiled at him. “Right. Thank you. Ted.”
I shut his car door and walked up my sidewalk, but I turned when I heard another car door shutting behind me.
“y/n, wait.” Ted was walking towards me, hands shoved in his pockets as the giant man toward over me. “I, uh, I really enjoyed being your fake boyfriend tonight.”
“I enjoyed it too-“
“And I enjoyed sweeping the stage with you. And holding your hand. And dancing with you. And driving you home. And arguing over food. And laughing. And sharing music. And pretty much everything. And I don’t want it to be because I’m your fake boyfriend you happened to be on a fake date with because we happened to be in the same place at the same time.” He sucked in a breath as he took my hand gently. He stared at our fingers and palms pressed together. “I want to do all that stuff because I’m your real boyfriend. I want to dance with you and take you on dates to shitty diners and act all jealous because it’s real.”
I could feel my face burning. “You were jealous?”
He laughed a little bit. “Oh my God, yes, I was jealous, he was flirting!!” I laughed, gripping his hand a little harder, then pulling it downwards. “Ouch! What the-“
I placed a kiss on his cheek, and I watched him short circuit as his whole face turned red. “Theodore, I would like to let you know, I am free tomorrow night for a date if that’s what your asking.”
“OH. Okay! Yeah is 7 okay?”
“7 is perfect.”
“Yes! Yes yes!” He pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head. “Oh my god! Okay. Tomorrow, 7!”
I laughed, still trapped in his arms. “I expect dancing.”
“Oh absolutely.” He pushed me back a bit, smiling as he stared at me. “I have to go home. I have to get ready!”
“For a date in 24 hours?”
“Yes! I have plans to make!” He kissed me on the forehead again and ran back to the car. Hand on the handle, he looked back at me, smiling. “I can’t wait.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
fine line - p.p
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pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: there’s a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it on a regular basis
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
When your dad told you he had recruited a boy your age to the Avengers, you felt a little flame of jealousy bubble inside you. Without any superpowers of your own, you were often left out of the heroic and dangerous missions the Avengers went on. Your dad did his best to include you by letting you help out in the lab and tag along on lowkey missions, but that all changed when Peter started coming around.
A lot of things changed when Peter started coming around.
The way he seemed to replace you, and so effortlessly at that, boiled into a deep resentment for the young hero. He was always there, occupying the spaces you once did, and you resented it. You resented him.
Just not as much as you resented the way he made your heart flutter when he looked at you.
“What are you guys doing?” You asked as you walked into the lab to see your dad. Peter was by his side, as he always was, making you roll your eyes. Peter smiled brightly at you as you sat down, and you gave him a tight lipped smile back.
“Hey, Princess.” Your dad greeted. “We’re adding back up back up jets in the butt of Rhodey’s suit in case the back up jets in his legs fail.”
“I call them the weapons of ass destruction.” Peter said gleefully as he held up the jets.
“Yeah, hilarious.” You said sarcastically and turned to your dad. “Um, daddy, I thought we were gonna do that.”
“Sorry sugar plum. I needed to get this done before the trip later and sticky fingers said I shouldn’t wake you.” Tony apologized to you and a familiar feeling of anger filled your tummy. This wasn’t the first time you’d found Peter doing something with your dad that you were originally supposed to do. It seemed like every plan you made, Peter weaseled his way in and took your place. You looked at Peter with narrowed eyes, to which he responded with a sympathetic smile.
“Did he now?” You said, just a little bitterly.
“Maybe you can help us next time. Did you sleep well?” Peter asked politely, and you just rolled your eyes.
“Did I sleep well? What are you, my Fitbit?” You snorted and looked away from him. Peter’s heart sank at yet another rejection from you, but he kept his mouth shut and continued working. Your eyes shifted back to him once he went back to his work, feeling a pang of guilt for being short with him.
“What trip are we going on later?” You directed your question only to your father, acting like Peter wasn’t there.
“Cap got a hit on where Bucky might be. We’re heading to Canada to check it out.” Your dad explained as he twisted a screwdriver.
“Okay. I’ll pack my stuff.” You got out of your chair and went to leave before you heard your dad sigh.
“Sorry Princess, but this is just gonna be an avengers thing.” He said with apologetic eyes. “We only have room in the jet for four and I promised Peter-“
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, not wanting to hear about Peter again. “I’ll just hang out with mom.”
“It’s really cold in Canada anyway. It’ll probably be a bad trip.” Peter offered to make you feel better.
“Yeah, thanks weather boy.” You teased and looked at your dad again. “Can we hang out tomorrow then?”
“Of course. Mall and a smoothie?” He asked, making you smile as he suggested your signature thing to do together.
“Mall and a smoothie.” You nodded, happy that he was finally making time for you. You rested your chin in your hands and watched them work, feeling slightly better now that you made plans with your dad that Peter couldn’t infiltrate.
You tripped over a cardboard box the next day, stumbling right into Peters arms as he caught you. You looked down and saw a bunch of boxes outside your old playroom, boxes with Peters handwriting on them.
“What is all this? You’re blocking the hallway.” You snipped at Peter as you stepped out of his arms.
“Sorry, Y/n. I’m almost done.” Peter apologized as he picked up another box. “Hey, I like your shirt.”
“Almost done with what?” You ignored his compliment, despite it making your face flush.
“Moving in. Mr. Stark gave me this room so I wouldn’t have to commute here everyday.” Peter explained. Your eyes widened up upon hearing this, not believing your dad would let Peter move in without asking you.
“You’re moving in?” You nearly yelled, making Peter clutch his box in fear that he did something wrong.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded. “Maybe we can hang out more now that-“
“Sorry, I’ll be right back.” You cut him off and rushed to the kitchen, finding your dad rummaging through the refrigerator.
“What are you doing?” You demanded.
“Making a smoothie. Want one?” He offered as he shut the refrigerator with his butt.
“No thank you.” You shook your head. “And I’m talking about Peter. Why did he tell me he’s moving in?”
“Oh, cause he is. Now, do I want straw-bana or kale-berry?” Your dad pondered as he tapped his chin.
“Why does he have to live here? He has a house.” You reminded him.
“He has an apartment smaller than the first dollhouse I bought you. Princess, he was basically living in a cardboard box and sleeping under newspapers.”
“This isn’t an dog pound, daddy. We can’t just take in strays.” You whined, wishing he could take your side for once.
“He’s not a stray. He’s my son.” Tony quipped as he booped your nose and crossed the kitchen. Your heart sank to your stomach at his words and you felt your face fall.
“No he…no he isn’t.” You sputtered in a weak voice.
“Cheer up, sour patch. Think of it this way, now you have a brother.” Tony shrugged and dropped some blueberries in the blender.
“I don’t want a brother. Our family is fine the way it is.” You insisted, feeling the jealousy come back in a wave when your dad called Peter his son.
“He’s a good kid, Princess.” Tony said in a tone that told you the conversation was over. “Give him a chance. He’ll surprise you. Hell, he surprised me.”
Before you could respond, Peter entered the kitchen with a happy smile.
“Hey Mr. Stark. Hi Y/n.” He waved at you and put some bowls in the cabinet.
“Yeah, hi Parker.” You said dismissively, wanting him to leave so you could finish talking to your dad.
“You ready?” Tony asked Peter as he poured the smoothie into two cups, handing one to Peter.
“Yep. I’ll see you in the theater.” Peter nodded as he clicked his glass against your dads.
“What are you guys doing?” You wondered, watching them interact with disgust.
“He’s got me hooked on this show about teenagers in a glee club. The writing is horrible, I love it.” Tony beamed as he took a sip form his cup.
“I thought we were gonna hang out today. You know, mall and a smoothie?” You reminded him, feeling a bubble of hurt that he didn’t remember.
“Oh, sorry buttercup.” Tony realized he forgot. “I promised Pete the treat I’d watch the show with him. Tomorrow?”
“Yeah, sure.” You nodded sadly as your dad cupped your chin and left the room.
“You could watch with us if you’d like. They sing a lot of the songs you like.” Peter extended an invitation to you when he saw your disappointment.
“Thanks for the sales pitch, but I’m good.” You mumbled at him and left the kitchen, missing the solemn look on Peters face as you went.
“She doesn’t like me.” Peter sighed, shaking his head as he looked down at his smoothie.
“No, she does not.” Tony laughed, cutting it short when Peter looked at him in dispare. “Oh, not funny. Don’t sweat it, kid. It took me a long time to like you too. She’ll come around.”
“Okay, good.” Peter nodded, content with the answer. “Wait, what?”
“FRIDAY, what’s my assignment?” You asked the screen outside the lab as you reported for your job the following day.
“Good morning, Y/n.” FRIDAY greeted. “Mr. Stark asks that you repair bullet holes in one of the suits.”
“Cool. Let me in.”
“Access granted.” FRIDAY chirped as the doors opened. You only got a few paces into the lab when you saw Peter sitting at a table, sighing in annoyance at the sight of him.
“Hello.” He said weakly, knowing you wouldn’t thrilled to see him.
“What are you doing in here?” You eyed him skeptically as you got some tools off a shelf.
“Not much at the moment.” Peter shrugged, trying to make a light hearted joke.
“Well you can’t stay. I have an assignment.” You told him, a little proudly at that. You were finally given a task after being idle for months.
“Actually, I have to stay.” Peter said, looking a little weary of you as you neared him.
“I am your assignment.” He grimaced, anticipating your reaction to be bad.
“You have bullet holes?” You folded your arms and eyed his body.
“Canadians aren’t as friendly as I thought.” Peter chuckled.
“Fine.” You rolled your eyes. “Where’s the suit?”
“Right here.” Peter pulled it out of his backpack. “Theres three of them. The holes are in the front. And the back. They sorta went through.”
“Went through?” Your eyes widened as you worried for him. “As in went through your body?”
“Canadians really aren’t as friendly as I thought.”
“You said that already.” You stated as you laid his suit out on the table.
“Sometimes jokes are funnier when you say them twice.” Peter explained, coming to stand by your side.
“I don’t need you to explain humor to me.” You grumbled as you began working on the holes.
“Feels like I do.” Peter muttered, adverting his eyes from you.
“Excuse me?” You snapped your head up to glare at him.
“Nothing.” He gave you an obviously fake smile. “Nothing at all.”
Doing your best to ignore him, you got back to your work. He was close enough that you could feel his breath in your neck, your elbows touching every-time you pulled on the thread.
“Is there a reason you’re hovering?” You said suddenly, losing your ability to focus with him that near.
“I just want to make sure you’re doing it correctly.” He shrugged, leaning down to check your work. Your jaw dropped a little, feeling offended that he didn’t have faith in your to do it correctly.
“So what, you think I can’t patch a bullet hole on my own?” You laughed shortly as you raised as eyebrow at him.
“Well I know the suit better than you do.” He said simply, taking pleasure in getting a rise out of you.
“I helped design it, Parker.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “I know it just as well.”
“Then you won’t mind me making sure of that.” Peter shot back, running his finger over the newly patched hole.
“Whatever.” You scoffed and went back to work. “Just because you’re my dads lab rat doesn’t mean you’re mine.”
“I didn’t say I was.” Peter leaned again, watching your work closely.
“And yet.” You looked up with a sarcastic smirk, your nose nearly touching his from how close he was. “Hovering.”
“Sorry.” Peter mumbled and took a step back.
“You said there were three holes. I only see two.” You realized as you held the suit up.
“That’s weird. I definitely got shot three times.” Peter tilted his head as he stared at it.
“Did you find three bullets?” You asked him, a rare moment of civility.
“No. Just two. Oh…” He trailed off when he realized where the third bullet was.
“Yeah. Oh.” You mocked him. “Take your shirt off.”
“What?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows at your request as you went to a different shelf in the lab.
“You can’t leave the bullet in there, you’ll get an infection.” You reminded him as you set medical supplies on the table. “Take your shirt off.”
Peter hesitantly pulled his shirt over his head once you turned around to disinfect the table. You turned around, needle in hand, and turned a deep red at the sight of him.
“Good.” You swallowed thickly. “Just leave it on the counter.”
“Are you trained to do this?” Peter worried as he folded his t shirt. You did your best to hold eye contact, but your eyes slipped every now and then.
“I’ve read about how to do it.” You said quietly, not trusting your voice to be steady.
“Have you ever done it before?” Peter wondered as he stared at the large needle.
“I’ve read about how to do it.” You repeated to avoid the question.
“See? You said the joke twice. That makes it funny.” He smiled smugly at you and you made a face.
“Shut up and get on the table.” You groaned and he complied, laying on his side to let you work. You rounded the table to work on his back where the exit wound was located.
“Oh good.” You commented as you rested a hand on his bare rib cage. “It’s right at the surface.”
“Okay. Try not to kill me while you’re back there.” Peter looked at you over his shoulder so you stuck your tongue out at him.
“I won’t.” You grumbled, hesitating a little as your stared at his wound. “Um, this is gonna hurt.”
You felt a moment of sympathy for him, knowing he was in for a lot of pain. His skin was hot, even under your surgical glove you could feel it. In a brief lack of judgment, you squeezed his arm to comfort him.
“I’m Spiderman. Nothing hurts - SON OF A BITCH.” Peter screamed as you pressed a hydrogen peroxide soaked gauze pad to his wound. You quickly took out the tweezer and fished out the bullet, all while Peter hissed in pain.
“Sorry sorry sorry.” You stammered and threw the bullet into a dish. “It’s out.”
“Oh my God. I feel like a pencil sharpener.” Peter whined as he rubbed his back near the area.
“Sit up. I’ll patch you up.” You said in a kinder tone then he was used to hearing.
“You don’t have to.” Peter looked at you as he sat up straight.
“Yes I do. You’re my assignment.” You shrugged, trying to portray that you couldn’t care less when in reality, you did. As much as he got under your skin, you didn’t want to see him hurt.
You poured more hydrogen peroxide on a gauze pad as you cleaned his wound, feeling his body retract at first contact.
“That’s cold.” He winced, twisting his body around to avoid the pad.
“It’s also gonna save your life.” You grumbled. “Hold still.”
“Ow.” Peter jolted when you applied numbing cream to the wounds. “Cold again.”
“Can you stop whining?” You yourself whines as you blew on his cuts.
“Can you be a little more gentle?” He retorted. “Just try to be nice to me for five minutes. It can’t be that hard.”
“I am nice to you.” You hissed as you started your sutures. “I sewed up your dumb suit and I’m cleaning your stupid cuts so you don’t get an infection in your dumb ass body. I am nice.”
“Said the joke twice.” Peter quipped, grinning at you over his shoulder to rub it in.
“Shut up.” You sneered. “Stop fidgeting.”
“You think I’m funny.” He said in a sing song voice. “That’s fine. I get it all the time.”
“Oh my God. Could you be anymore irritating?” You groaned as you put the last bandaid on his back. You walked around the table to patch the front, looking up at him shyly as his bare chest rose and fell.
“Easily.” He snickered. “Wanna see?”
“I’ve seen plenty, trust me.” You rolled your eyes, meaning more than one thing with your words. Peter smirked a little, able to heart your rapid heartbeat with his advanced hearing. You rested a hand in his shoulder as you cleaned his chest, the wounds in the front stinging less as they already began to heal. Peter watched you intently as you worked, admiring the way you bit your lip when you concentrated.
“You know, if you stopped acting like I was the devils spawn for a minute, you might actually like me. We’d get along.” He laughed softly, making you look up at him. Your eyes locked and for a moment, he saw kindness in them. It quickly retreated as your face hardened, looking down to avoid his gaze.”
“Thanks for the life advice but I think I’ll pass.” You replied sarcastically as you opened a bandage.
“Is there a reason you don’t like me?” Peter honestly wondered. “Is it something I did?”
“No.” You grumbled, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. “Be quiet, I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Oh, I get it.” Peter nodded like he knew something you didn’t.
“You get what?” You took the bait, looked up at him in angry confusion.
“You like me.” Peter smirked, making your whole body ignite. Your face twisted in shock, followed by anger as you stumbled over the right words to say.
“What?” You sputtered. “What could possibly lead you to believe I like you?”
“That’s the most obvious answer.” Peter pretended to yawn, making you even angrier. “You’re mean to me because I you like me. Classic playground logic. It’s cute if you think about it.”
“I do not!” You stamped your foot, feeling frustrated that you couldn’t come up with a better argument. He had caught you red handed and you didn’t see a way out.
“Okay.” Peter’s voice was dripping with false innocence. “I believe you.”
“Listen Parker.” You growled, leaning your hands on either side him and gripping the table. “Let me make this clear, I do not, nor will I ever, like you. I don’t even tolerate you.” You shook your head slowly while holding his gaze. “I don’t want you here, okay? My life was a whole lot better before you came around and ruined it. If it were up to me, you’d be thrown out on your ass before lunch. I do not like you.”
“And yet,” Peter leaned forward, tilting his head a little, “your heartbeat says something entirely different. You know what they say, there’s a fine line between love and hate.”
“You’re all done.” You ripped off your gloves with a loud snap. “Put your shirt back on.”
Peter smirked as he tugged his shirt over his head, loving the angry flush he left on your face. You gave him one last glare before storming out of the lab, your footsteps echoing loudly as you went.
“See you later!” Peter called cheerfully, laughing when you let out an angry huff.
 To be continued…
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bubble-tea-bunny · 4 years
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i could make you care
[saiki kusuo x reader]
author’s note: i tried to incorporate as many characters into this as possible to make it feel like an actual episode and i got overwhelmed so fast lol i haven’t written this many characters in a story in a long time. in any case hope i did them justice and that you enjoy :’)
word count: 3,029
Today’s morning is bright, and Saiki’s walk is quiet. Typically this would be no cause for concern. A quiet walk to school is few and far between, difficult to come by given the company he keeps. (He’d much prefer a calmer bunch, if he were granted the chance to choose, but that is neither here nor there.) Don’t misunderstand: he’d bask in this brief peace, guaranteed to be broken the moment he passes through the gates of PK Academy, if the reason for this uncharacteristic period of silence comes about because of the absence of one particular person—someone who, if one could hardly believe it, Saiki actually prefers to have around more often than not.
He walks past the street which leads to your home, his pace never slowing because he expects you’ll join him, as you do every morning. You’ll wait for him on the corner and smile widely like you haven’t seen him in weeks then skip towards him, falling in step easily. He’ll remain nonplussed as you hug his arm, give it a brief squeeze as you greet him—Good morning, Kusuo!—and then promptly let go because you understand he likes his space but you just can’t help but indulge a little bit.
However, none of the aforementioned events play out this Friday. You’re not on the street corner, not there to smile and fall in step with him. There’s no arm hugging or a bubbly greeting Saiki pretends he isn’t affected by. But the truth is that he is, the routine coming somewhat as a comfort, even at the price of sacrificing some of his beloved personal space. So when you’re nowhere to be found his brows furrow and he wonders where you are.
His steps slow until he comes to a complete stop. He wants to check up on you, sooner rather than later. There isn’t much time to delay if he wants to make it to school before the first bell, but this won’t take long. He crosses his eyes, activating his clairvoyance, and he centers in on you immediately. You’re still at home. You’re at home, and you’re sick.
A box of tissues rests on your nightstand and you’ve pulled your small trash can right next to it from where it usually stands by your door. You toss used tissues into it before nestling beneath your blankets, pulling it up to just below your chin and hugging it close in order to retain heat. Your breath evens out quickly and he can tell you’re asleep. Your body must be exhausted dealing with your cold, and he’s confident this is the way you will be the rest of the day—drifting in and out of sleep, dealing with the sniffles and congestion.
He blinks and loses sight of you and now he’s staring once more down the road. Readjusting his bag on his shoulder with a sigh, he resumes walking and thinks about his plans for the day. As it was the last day of the school week, he’d planned to go to Cafe Mami for coffee jelly to celebrate. But now that he’s learned you’re sick in bed, he’d have to make adjustments. Momentarily he debates if that’s really necessary. You probably wouldn’t want visitors in the state you’re in, and knowing you, you’d tell him to go to the cafe without you to enjoy himself anyway. The thought is tempting, truly, yet he can’t shake the urge to check on you.
It feels less like an obligation and more like a simple desire of his own to make sure you’re okay. Saiki shakes his head, more amused than frustrated. There’s no one else for whom he would so willingly do this, or much else, for, and he doesn’t think he’d ever tell you because you’ll tease him the way you are wont to do whenever his facade cracks and he’ll let you have your fun because when you ask if you’re really so different as to make him act this way, the answer is, well, yes. You are.
He imagines this scenario and the corner of his lips lifts in a small smile. Good grief. You could be quite the handful.
“Hey, Saiki!”
Nendo’s voice is entirely too loud for the morning and Saiki heaves another sigh, one that sounds as though it belongs at the end of the day and not the beginning. Nendo is joined close behind by Kaidou and Kuboyasu, and they easily fill the silence with discussions about going to get ramen after class and the latest movements of the Dark Reunion. Saiki really only picks up words here and there that allude to the topic of conversation but it doesn’t require his full attention. It’s the same song and dance every morning.
The commotion once he arrives at school is much the same. During lectures he is afforded the temporary reprieve from having his ears talked off, since the only one speaking is the teacher, but at breaks, the noise resumes, and though he always stays sitting at his desk, in hopes the others will get the hint that he’s uninterested in chatting, they inevitably crowd themselves around it, until he is right in the middle.
Hairo has outlined a new workout regimen and in his louder than normal volume of speaking he shares it. He’s going to start it today, and if anyone wants to join, they’re more than welcome. It doesn’t look like anyone wants to take the offer, which is expected. Hairo’s exercise routines were… a little extreme.
In any case, Hairo is nonplussed by the lack of enthusiasm from everyone else and remarks he can’t wait for the end of the school day.
“I think I’ve been losing muscle tone,” he laments, and he complements this statement with a casual flex of his arm, more so to point out the specific areas he thinks are getting soft rather than to show off, but even if he isn’t trying, his biceps are bulging and if his sleeves hadn’t been rolled up, they would have torn.
Saiki’s brow raises. Yeah… I don’t think that’s an issue for you, Hairo.
“I’ve just finished installing an indoor gym at my home, you know.”
Everyone turns to find Saiko has entered into the circle, a smug smirk on his face. When had he gotten here? Really it’s only Hairo who has any sort of reaction to this, eyes practically sparkling imagining the machines and equipment (or maybe that’s just the glare from the fluorescent classroom lights). All the same, Saiko relishes the attention, boasting of the privacy and space and how really, it’s so much easier to be productive if there’s no one else there but Saiki can only wonder if Saiko even works out at all. He doesn’t remember that being mentioned, and Saiki is nothing if not detail oriented.
Saiki doesn’t have long to ponder over this (not that it would’ve continued much longer because he doesn’t actually care about whether Saiko exercises or just set up a gym in his house to brag) before Nendo asks where you are.
Had he just noticed? You always join them on their walk in the morning. But Saiki can’t say he’s surprised it took this long. What he is surprised about is that Nendo had noticed in the first place.
“Oh that’s right,” Kuboyasu adds. “I thought she just went ahead of us today.”
Yumehara informs them of your whereabouts before Saiki does. “She texted me this morning she wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home.” Her phone dings with a new message and she glances at it, then looks back up. “But she says she’s a little more awake now!”
“It’s the Dark Reunion.” Kaidou’s sudden interjection draws everyone’s attention. He clenches his right fist, staring at the bandages wrapped around it. “They’re trying to get to me by going after my friends!”
Saiki remains expressionless but if he didn’t have such good control he would’ve rolled his eyes. Or maybe she just has a cold.
Upon Kaidou’s claim that a secret society is responsible for your illness, Saiki picks up Yumehara’s thoughts: I wish I was the one Kaidou was so worried about! Maybe if I got sick he’d worry about me too! Getting sick to grab Kaidou’s attention? That’s… going overboard, but Saiki can’t find it in him to be shocked, considering from whose mind this speculation has sprung.
“Poor [Name],” Teruhashi says, kind as always. She sets an index finger on her chin, gaze momentarily aimed upwards as she thinks. “I was about to suggest we all go to the cafe after school today and I wish she could join.”
This gives Saiki pause. Wait. The cafe?
“That sounds like a great idea!” Yumehara declares. Again Saiki hears her thoughts: If we go, I need to do my best sit next to Kaidou!
Whether a visit to Cafe Mami comes across as a good idea because it’s a fun way to celebrate the end of the school week or simply because Teruhashi suggested it, Saiki doesn’t know, but one by one the murmurs of assent resound through the group and he barely contains a relieved huff. He’d already changed his own plans from visiting the cafe to seeing you instead, and it’s a good thing too since it’s apparent his alone time would’ve been ruined. Now he has an excuse not to stick around.
Once the final bell rings, they begin their walk into town towards the cafe. The sidewalk feels crowded with all of them on it, and they have to split into pairs to keep the opposite side of the sidewalk free for people going the other way. Among comments from everyone else about how hungry they are, Saiki makes known his intention to just pick up food before leaving. There’s somewhere he needs to be.
“You’re going to go make sure [Name] is doing okay!” Teruhashi exclaims. It’s a statement, not a question. “That’s sweet of you.”
Saiki shrugs. “Sweet” is not the first word he would associate with his actions. It just seems like common sense to check on you. You’d looked miserable this morning, but he takes your message to Yumehara earlier as a good sign that you’re improving, slowly and surely. Still, he’d be more comfortable seeing you himself. He hadn’t gotten any other chances today to use his clairvoyance, but at least it wouldn’t be long now until he’d be heading to your house.
Chisato is working today and she seats everyone. Saiki goes directly to the counter to place his order—coffee jelly for him and strawberry mochi for you—and he stands off to the side while waiting for the treats to be packed. The others are sitting on the far side of the cafe (in his peripherals he sees Yumehara has taken a seat right next to Kaidou) but he can hear them clear as day discussing what food they should order. Yes, he’s certainly glad he won’t be sticking around. Spending Friday in the midst of that noise is far from ideal.
Holding the bag of coffee jelly and mochi in one hand, Saiki uses the other to push open the door, the bell jingling gently, and someone, Nendo it sounds like, raises their voice to shout across the room: Seeya later, Saiki! Then the door closes behind him, and all he can hear is the footsteps of other pedestrians and the low whoosh of cars.
He exhales slowly. Peace at last. He proceeds in the direction of your home, and when he thinks to himself that any longer and his ears might’ve begun to bleed, he’s only half joking.
In the neighborhood it’s much quieter, the only person he passes being someone walking their dog, and only a couple of cars drive past. He knocks on the door and he assumes you’re in your room and so it will take some time for you to open it, but you’re there faster than he expects. You open it just wide enough to stand in the gap, and immediately he notices the fatigue in your eyes. When you realize it’s him, they light up, and the fatigue fails to take away from the brightness of your smile as you open the door wider.
Inside, he sees you’ve moved downstairs to the living room. That’s why you’d answered the door so quickly. There’s a pile of blankets on the couch and a tissue box on the coffee table. The television is on and playing an animation. He doesn’t recognize it, but it must be one of the new ones you mentioned wanting to watch. However, you’re not interested in it now that he's here and you grab the remote to turn down the volume.
“I thought you were going to the cafe today,” you state, head tilting.
Saiki shakes his head. Change of plans. Instead I brought the cafe to us. He holds up the bag of food and doesn’t have to tell you what’s in it. You squeal in delight that he’s come bearing treats, but the sound is a little raspy and awkward due to your sore throat. It’s still easier on Saiki’s ears than the earlier commotion he’d been surrounded with and, if he’s honest, it’s cute.
You plop down on the couch and wait as he joins you. He unties the bag and opens the box, first taking out the packaged pink mochi and handing it to you. Then he grabs his coffee jelly and the plastic spoon it came with before settling back against the cushions.
You sit cross-legged facing him and bite into your soft and squishy treat, humming delightedly. “Thanks, Kusuo.”  
Saiki chews a mouthful of coffee jelly and glances at you.
You grin and hold up the mochi. “For the snack and for coming to see me.”
He shrugs because it’s no big deal. Or, well, he tries to play it off like it’s no big deal. But you know him better than that, better than most others do, and don’t brush it off so quickly. You breathe out dramatically and set a hand on your chest.
“What must I have done for Kusuo Saiki to give up his quiet time for me?” Then you giggle, and  it’s punctuated at the end by a sniffle.
He tells you there would’ve been no quiet time at the cafe since the others had also decided to go, and that you’re much better company. Even when I’m sneezy? you ask him, and he chuckles. Yes, even when you’re sneezy.
His remark about coming to see you because he’d prefer to be here and not at the cafe with the rest of your friends is merely part of the truth. The rest of it is that he did genuinely want to check on you to make sure you were okay. Though to give this a voice felt like too much for someone typically so reserved in his feelings, but you understand perfectly fine as you smile softly. You’re appreciative of his actions, and it would seem Teruhashi had been right about them, for you murmur that he reminds you of the mochi you’re eating: You’re so sweet!
Grabbing your mug from the coffee table, you frown when you see it’s empty. “I ran out of tea.”
Saiki sets the spoon and now empty container back in the box then holds his hand out. You blink, momentarily confused, but when it registers what he’s doing, you give him the mug. As he stands to make his way into the kitchen, you call after him.
“Thank you!”  
Having been to your house a number of times already, he knows where everything is and starts brewing a fresh cup of tea. You’ve turned the volume up on the television again, but you have to rewind to return of the spot you were at before he’d arrived. Once he comes back with a filled mug, instead of allowing it to continue to play, you pause your show.
You’d snuggled beneath the blankets and have to finagle your arms out of the multiple layers to take the mug from him. You say thanks again and blow gently at the tendrils of steam floating from it. The ceramic is warm in the palms of your hands and you sigh contentedly.
“Sorry I’m a little high maintenance today,” you apologize suddenly. “I’d make the tea myself but I just have such little energy…”
Saiki wishes you wouldn’t apologize because there’s nothing to be sorry for. So he tells you as much. Don’t apologize. Besides, he’d offered to make that tea, and if you wanted soup, he’d offer to make that too. He does understand where you come from, however. You tend to be more independent, opting to do things yourself, and you also know his propensity for being alone and needing space. As such, you’re careful not to be overbearing, and the idea of Saiki doing even little tasks like brewing you tea bothers you.
It’s endearing, the level of care you take to make sure he’s comfortable too, but when he says you’re far from high maintenance, he means it. You immediately understand what he’s implying and laugh before scooting closer and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Okay, point made,” you concede. With a small smile, Saiki grabs the remote you’d tossed down on the couch and presses play.
He would struggle to call you high maintenance on any day considering who your friends are.  They’re loud and all over the place, practically bouncing off the walls. Life could hardly be tranquil when around them and their antics. It’s the total opposite of Saiki, who values calm and silence. If they were high maintenance, he was low maintenance. That’s the way he prefers to be, existing in relative quiet and as close to mediocrity as he can muster. But he can't say he’s opposed to the occasional interruption to the otherwise mundane, especially where it concerns you. You’re not to be found on one side or the other, but right in the middle, and to Saiki, you are just right.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Satan x MC - Public.
Pairing: Satan x MC (F).
Fandom: Obey Me.
Prompt:  Asphyxiation || Orgasm Denial || Public
Warning: Warning: Public sex, mutual pining, vaginal sex, hand-job, fingering, talks of masterbation, angry Satan.
Day 2 of Kinktober event/prompt list.
Amazing thank you to @crystal13unny for being my beta 💛
Mid-terms were looming and overstressed didn’t come close to explaining how everyone felt. Whilst life was normally chaotic amongst demons, this way beyond words due to how dysfunctional life had become. Mammon had been “retail therapy” shopping so much that goldie broke, Asmo repainted his nails at least four times a day, while Leviathan's beloved console was becoming dusty with neglect. All because Lucifer was bringing forth tenfold his normal strictness to ensure revisions happened, causing tension to run through the household.
Beel was stress eating, which meant consuming triple what he normally ate, hardly leaving anything in the fridge. To say Lucifer lost his shit would be an understatement. He was livid causing sparks of arguments to fly across the house of Lamentation. Of course as soon he started, Satan retaliated as he always did. 
“Will you be considerate for just once and not eat us out of food!” Slamming the fridge shut, his red eyes pulsing with anger, “Shouldn’t you be studying rather than indulging in your gluttonous ‘habits’,”. It was asked as a question but meant clearly as a statement.
“Lay off him Lucifer! You know how he gets around exams,” The blonde rolling his eyes at Lucifer's comment, the others around him on the table all going silent, eyes falling upon him before darting back to Lucifer for his response. 
“Don’t you start getting involved Satan, keep your nose out where it doesn’t belong,”.
“Doesn’t belong? You're openly yelling at Beel for something he can’t help, just back off Lucifer, I am sick of you breathing down everyone’s necks!” the sound of Satan's fist slamming down on the oak table range clearly through the air. The tension was thick in the room, one wrong move and it would set alight, causing a blaze to rupture in the household. All it took was a tutt and snide remark from Lucifer before Satan dashed across the room and pinned him against the kitchen counter, fists balled up in a firm grasp with the material of the eldest shirt.
“Another word Lucifer and I swear,” Satan hissed, his normal soft demeanour now lost in a sea of wrath. Green eyes normally the colour of soft apple candy now shone dark with tinges of yellow, the iced-cold anger behind them enough to make any human freeze and shiver with fear. Lucifer was no human and went unfazed at the younger's outburst, simply pushing him off him with a, “If you cared this much as your midterms rather than your dopey siblings you could actually pass them with a decent grade,”.  
It took the strength of Leviathan and Mammon, quickly running from the table to grip Satan to stop him from swinging at Lucifer. A simple tut, a wave of his hand and a “childish,” was all he left them with before exiting. 
“I’ll kill him, I’ll actually fucking kill him,” Satan screamed, chest heaving up and down as the others tried to calm him down. 
“Who we killing?” A young girl came strolling into the kitchen, yawning as she did, stretching her arms above her head causing her shirt to slide up and expose her stomach slightly. 
“Morning cutie!” Asmo rushed to her side, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her with him back to the table. 
“Lucifer,” Belphine huffed, head resting upon the table with his eyes shut. 
“Oh I’m in,” Reaching for for a slice of toast only to out it back when she saw a scorpion tale sticking out of the crust, demon food was just not her thing, “He’s been on my case for the last few weeks, I’ve hardly had any time to myself because of his schedule he’s made for me,” her eyes fell to Satan who was still heaving in the corner, before swapping a confused expression with Levi. Levi touched the tip of his nose twice, a signal between the pair to indicate an argument had/or was about to break out. 
“You okay there?” She asked, standing up and walking a few paces forward to lean against the counter, meeting Satan’s eyes.
“Yeah just old bossy arse ruining everything as usual,” He murmured, breath finally calm. 
“Don’t let him wind you up, you know he gets a kick out of seeing you so angry,” She lent over and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. A shared look amongst the other brothers and just as Mammon was about to protest the gesture, Levithan stamped on his foot to keep him quiet. 
There was something between the two, they were the best of friends, anyone and everyone could see that. It was also apparent the sexual tension that lingered between the two, slowly building up, waiting to overspill. While they loved each other as friends, certain feelings now occurred between them. He found himself rather embarrassed at fisting his cock to the thought of her nearly every night, whilst she let his name slip between her lips when her vibrator brought her to orgasm. Neither knowing or revealing how they felt for the sake of their friendship. As if too blind to recognise their feelings for each other. 
“So what was he going off about this morning?” She asked the room, going into the fridge and opening a cartoon of juice.
“Beel’s eating,” Levithan answered, watching as Beel was still moping in the corner of the room, kicking fallen debris on the floor with a huff. 
“Oh Beelze! Are you stressing eating again?” She asked, feeling sympathy for him, she did for all of them. Whilst they were demons, they had no control over their powers, each of them having their own individual quirks tied to their demonic power. 
“Yeah-” sulked from the red-head in the corner, scuffing his shoes along the floor. 
“Oh honey I’m sorry,” She took a sip out of the juice she’d poured into a clean cup, “I mean he cancelled my date for me for the other day, deemed it as not suitable time for doing my studying,”. 
The word ‘date’ made Satan’s ears prick up, he repeated the word out loud causing everyone to turn to him. 
“Hmm, with one of them cutie players from Beel’s team I do believe,” Asmo chimed in, causing a blush to grace the girls cheeks, “Muscular, tall, handsome, a little dim-witted but still!”. 
A string of curses falls from Satan’s mouth, pushing his brothers off of him, a ‘this day keeps getting fucking better’ is all he says before storming out of the room. The slam of the door is enough to signal his departure.
“What's wrong with him?” She questioned, watching how the brothers all turned to each other before her slowly.
“Isn’t it obvious? He l-” Mammon rolls his eyes with a tut but if cut off by Asmo jumping in, “He’s just stressed sweetie, he’s probably gone up to the library so why don’t you go check on him for us,”. Asmo doesn’t take a second for her response, taking the cup out of her hand and putting it down, practically shoving her out of the room. “But Asmo I!” But her protests are cut short as he shuts the door behind her. 
“You!” He hisses to Mammon who blinks in confusion.
“The fuck did I do? I can’t help that Satan is too much of a pussy to admit his feelings, The Great Mammon would never chicken out like that,”. 
“Shut up Mammon, you big idiot, let Satan tell her himself,” Levi added, the group of remaining brothers now sitting around the table. 
“You think she likes him back?” Beel asked, causing a snort from Asmo.
“Please! Have you seen the way she stares at him? I also know about her little nightly activities,” He sings in a sickly song, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Asmo the fuck that’s gross. I didn’t need to know they were fucking, no wonder he was upset she had a date,” Belphegor sighed, throwing a book at him.
“Oh sweetie no, they’ve not done it yet, but the way she says his name at night she definitely wants too,”.
“How do you even know that?”.
“I’m the avatar of lust sweetie,” Asmo rolls his eyes and flicks his wrist with annoyance at even having to state it, “Plus her room is next to mine and the other night there was definitely a ‘Satan’ slipped between them plump lips after a good ten-minutes of buzzing,”.
“Stupid human, should be thinking of me instead of him,” Mammon pouted, crossing his arms infront him as he sulked like a child.
“Lets just hope the pair admit how they feel,” Levi stated, each of the brothers secretly praying for their brother.
Asmo’s hunch was right, the young girl found Satan angrily moping on the first floor of the library within the house. He had his back against the wooden bookcase sat on the floor, book in lap but little attention being paid to it.
“Hey,” She smiled, taking a few steps forward waiting for his response. He grunted, trying to bury himself in the book without looking up at her. 
“Can I sit?”.
“Free place isn’t it,” he responded, flicking the page as she sat beside him, outstretched legs touching.
They sat in for a few moments in silence, Satan still pretending to be studying in his book until he finally broke it.
“So your date,” Finally closing the book and turning to her, “You never said anything,”.
“I,” Her face was blushing slightly, “I wasn’t really into him but I just, I felt too nice to say no,”. Her confession made them both laugh, finally breaking the tension between them. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I didn’t know how you would react,”.
“Me? What does it matter what I think?”.
“Your my best friend, your opinion matters the most,” She whispers, reaching between them and finding his hand, their fingers intertwining like they so often did especially when they sat in bed watching movies on a Friday night. 
It took a few minutes again before Satan spoke up, “I’m glad you didn’t go,”. 
“Oh?” He squeezed her hand, “I didn’t want to go anyway, I think he only asked because he overheard Beel teasing me about my lack of sex life,” she snorted a little with laughter, “I haven’t had sex since living in the human world. Do you know how long ago that was?” Her following words sending the demons cheeks a light pink, “I mean girls have needs too but I think Lucifer kind of got a whiff of why he wanted to take me out and well…”.
He knew exactly how many months to the exact day since she’d entered the Lamentation household, the shining ball of light that was herself weaving her way into all of their lives. How long it had been to even the touch of another person because the minute she walked into his life it lit a carnal desire which only she could quench. 
“I mean it’s been the same for me,” He laughs.
“Yeah, why is that? I always see the girls throwing themselves at you, you don’t seem that phased though?” She asked.
“I have my eye on someone else,” He rubbed his thumb over hers in a soft manner, “Someone important,”.
They shared a glance, the avatar of wrath melting into her eyes as if trying to convey the words he couldn't say out loud. Hers mirroring as she softly whispered his name.
“Satan I-...,” She started a waver in her voice, the feeling mutual for Satan to her. Both of them leaning until they were an eye-lash apart, her eyes slowly closing as Satan swallowed with an anxious breath.
It was unsure who started it but they kissed with a passion, tongues meeting in a sloppy exchange as he pulled her into his lap to straddle him. Both of them indulged in a feeling that this was right, that it was meant to be. Her hands fisted into his hair, both of them groaning as he held her waist whilst she subtly began to grind on him. 
“Is this okay?” He groaned against her lips as he unbuttoned her shirt slowly, just enough to cup her breast beneath it, thumbs tugging down the material of her bra to let her perky breasts stand free. His fingers rolling her nipples in his hands causing her to grind harder against him, heat pooling inside her stomach as her panties grew wetter by the second. 
“Yes, fuck Satan, yes don’t stop,” She replied, inhailing sharply as he pressed kisses to her neck, a trail leading down until his mouth latched over her breast.
Neither of them wanted to stop, losing themselves in the embrace of one another. When his hand skirted up her thigh beneath her skirt to rub against the wet patch of her panties she moaned his name, causing him to still for a second before continuing, the breathless way she called it made his cock stand solid. A moan he’d imagined thousands of times in his head, but none of it compared to the real thing. 
She popped the buttons on his jeans, palming his erection beneath the fabric before tugging them down just enough with his boxers for his cock to spring free. Her eyes widened as she marvelled at it, delicately taking it in the palm of her hand, his leaking head oozing wetness onto her skin.
“L-Like that,” Satan encouraged her after a few strokes, his mind fogging over at her movements. He let out a low groan against her neck, almost forgetting his brothers were only a few doors down from them and that they risked any one of the walking in.
“Your so wet,” His hand snaking beneath her panties to rub his index finger against her wet folds, her hips bucking into his touch. 
“Only for you Satan,” She whimpered, back arching as he pushed a finger inside her tight, wet heat. A noise like no-other left his lips as her walls gripped around his digit, pushing out to thrust back in until the grip around him loosened and he sped up his movements.
“Satan, I- more please,” Mouth formed in a delicate ‘o’ as two of his fingers worked inside her, knuckle deep and dripping with arousal. Her hand tightly around his cock, jerking it slowly as they both moaned into others mouths. Both eyes brimmed with lust, neither of them wanting to part from one and other for even a second.
“I can’t, I haven’t got a condom,” He swallowed, he may have one in his room but the thought of stopping now to search for one was too much. Even if she came around his fingers whilst he came on her hand, it would at least be enough to satisfy the need until they could be protected.
“I’m on,” Pressing her lips to his, pulling his hand away from her as she lined herself over his cock, “Birth control”. 
“Are you sure- fuck,” He groaned so loud the bookcase behind him trembled, the warmth of her tight walls stretching over him send his head flying backwards. It was unknown who said it, but a breathless ‘fuck’ was whispered as she lowered slowly over him. Satan pressing gentle kisses to her lips as she rose up before lowering back down, inching him further into her with each movement. She took a few moments to roll her hips slowly, Satan’s hands cupping her ass to help her down until he was fully hilted inside her. 
“Your perfect, so perfect,” Satan repeated over and over in a loving tone as her forehead pressed against his, slowly grinding movements of her hips in tightly circles.
Small rolls of her hips as his hands delicately ran from the curve of her ass to the smooth of her waist beneath her skirt, the sheer wetness dripping from her coaxing over his balls. The pit of her stomach dropped, mouth opening as her eyes expanded, the head of his cock rolling perfectly against her g-spot with each movement causing her to rock directly against that spot. His lips moved from hers, to her neck, moving down slightly to capture a nipple in his mouth as she moaned louder. He had to bite back the chuckle inside him to think for sure his brothers would hear them, but in this moment all he could focus on was the tight-heat eloping over his cock in gyrating movements. That he was claiming her, that she was his human. Heat pulsed throughout her body, feeling no shame at the sudden happening of her orgasm building. 
“I'm gonna cum, Satan, I’m gonna-” Fingernails digging into the soft green of his sweater, lips parted with her head tossed back, cheeks dusted a heavy pink as the tension in her stomach rose higher and higher. Satan’s hands working her hips, letting her move at her own leisure as she brought herself to the edge of climax, ready to be pushed off it. His vision was lost in her beauty, admiring each and every thing about her, how she was physically and mentally taking the air out of his lungs as her walls tightened over him. She came crying out his name, unable to hold back, an orgasm with the intensity like none before she had experienced. Drool pooled out the corner of her mouth, hands grasped onto him to keep her grounded as her vision flooded white, Satan’s hands pulling her down to be fully impaled by him as her walls flexed over his cock. Her sweating forehead pressed against his, rapid breaths falling from her mouth as she came down from her high, Satan groaning as her walls slowly stopped withering around him.
“Satan I lo-,” And just as she opened her eyes, they heard it from outside, Asmo screaming out.
“Lucifer don’t-!”. 
“I’m sorry,” Satan whispered, cupping her face as he pushed her off of him. The whimper she made broke his heart but he threw her behind the bookshelf, hissing at the loss of her warmth over him and the tightness of his jeans over his still solid cock as he tucked himself back in just in time for the door to burst open.
“Where is she!” Lucifer raging across the room in demon form, black onyx horns pulsing and Satan swore he could see steam coming out of his nose. “The fuck is she Satan!”.
“I don’t know what you mean, I’m simply revising as you told me too,” Satan peers up from the book he had tugged into his lap, although his sweating face, ruffled hair and panting breath was enough to signal otherwise. The heavy smell of sex dominating the aroma of the dusty library.
“Don’t play coy. I heard you down the corridor! You vile creature, tainting her like that, you should be ashamed Sata-” Lucifer barks but is stopped. Satan growled, anger controlling him as his demon form takes over, standing and pinning Lucifer against the wall as if he was merely as light as a book.
“I might not be good enough for her,” He hisses, tinged eyes pulsing with anger, “But I fucking love her, you have no right Lucifer, no right. Just because you can’t have her doesn’t mean you can control her,”. He gives a dark chuckle, smirking to see Lucifer's face fluster, “Yeah that’s what I thought, that's why you want us all to study, so you can keep her all to yourself but guess what Lucifer,”. Satan peered into his eyes before moving his hold to choke Lucifer, leaning to the side of him as he whispered in his ear, “It was my cock she was just coming over,” The whimper from Lucifer made Satan smug with pride, “So I suggest you leave, unless you want to watch me fuck her... Oh how glorious that would be seeing you wishing, no, lusting to be me as I drive my cock into her tight walls, for only me to ever do so. She’s my human Lucifer, mine,”. He lets out a cheshire grin before releasing his hold on Lucifer, watching him choke a few breaths before turning on his heels and leaving, his pride purely kicked to the curb. 
“Are you okay?” Satan turned back around, running to the bookcase where he had pushed the girl off, watching her nod from behind where she was hiding. “I’m so sorry you had to see that,” He whispered, cradling her in his arms, the moments of darkness passing as fast as it came, she bringing out the best and light out from inside him. 
“It’s okay, really I’m just glad he came in then and not when- you know, I guess we were a little loud,” She smiled with a light blush, her askew clothes now fixed, “Did you mean what you said… about Lucifer liking me…?”. 
“You can’t tell? That’s why he’s kept us all ‘studying’ to keep us away from you,” Satan tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear.
“I didn’t realise, I mean- I didn’t realise you liked me either so,” A nervous laughter followed.
“All my brothers like you,” Cupping her face in his palm and stroking her lip with his thumb, “But I-... I love you,”. 
“I love you too Satan,” She whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss her. The kiss quickly deepend, the couple picking up their previous rhythm before being interrupted before she pulled away. Satan frightened he had scared her with his actions to Lucifer.
“Do you-” Twirling her index finger along his chest, hiding her face in a bashful manner, “Do you think that… we could finish this in your room?”.
“Of course, we don’t have to continue if you're uncomfortable,” Pressing a kiss to her forehead, a softer side of Satan that only she would ever get to see.
“No no!” She quickly added, “It’s just- Lucifer's room is next door and I- well, you know, I feel we owe him a little revenge for the past few weeks… and as well,”. Her hand moved down to cup his still hard cock through his jeans, “You didn’t get to finish,”.
“You are perfect, you know that?” Satan laughed, cupping her face again and kissing her nose.
“Um as well,”.
“Do you think the whole wall pinning and choking… we could-maybe-try it?” Her face burning red as Satan felt his cock twitch, the horns on the side of his that had subsided as his anger calmed now re-appeared but this time for lust, not anger. 
“Fuck me you’re so fucking perfect,” He mumbled once more, picking her up in his arms with her legs around his waist as he kissed her deeply, carrying her from the library to his room. 
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Kinktober masterlist here.
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hansolmates · 4 years
hoshi; vowels and veracity (m)
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summary: after a blind date that makes you feel like a giddy teenager all over again, you’re forced to grow up and take a chance when you realize that special someone is your daughter’s kindergarten teacher. pairing: teacher!soonyoung x single mother!reader genre/warnings: fluffity fluff nuggets, humor, a lil bit of angst when yn panics, *steve rogers voice* language! alcohol, unprotected sex (wrap the pickle before u tickle), face sitting w/c: 5.2k a/n: i really have nothing to say about this but i’ve been thinking about going back to school all week so this manifested. enjoy a lil sexy but sweet hosh💕 
“Y-you,” another giggle and the press of wet lips to the sensitive spot of your neck, “stop, Soonyoung! I’m ticklish there!” 
You feel a pout imprint itself in the sweet spot between your ear and your jaw, and you sigh at the rumble of his lips against your skin, “But you taste so sweet, baby,” he croons, and you’re practically melting between the door with how much Soonyoung has pressed himself against you, all of himself. 
“What if I don’t wanna stop, pretty girl?” he husks against your soft skin, whispering things in your ear that aren’t for the faint of heart. In your haste to keep a firm grip, one hand goes to his clothes and the other nips at the undercut of his midnight black hair, “what if I just open the door right now and we slip right in, and then I slip right in you?” 
Your breath hitches and suddenly your core feels like a timebomb, ready to combust. 
Go on a date, Joshua says. He’s a sweet guy, Joshua says. He’s a friend of Joshua’s, so you know going into this blind date that at the very least, he wasn’t a serial killer. But what Joshua failed to tell you going into this was how much Kwon Soonyoung packed and how much of a temptor in disguise he is. 
“I really would love to invite you in,” it looks like it pains Soonyoung to admit this, as he presses his forehead to yours and the edge of his fingers dig into your crushed emerald velvet number, “but tomorrow’s the first day of work and I am not emotionally prepared. But, I do want to see you again. I had a great time.” 
The previous mood melting into the night sky, you reluctantly let go of the lapels of his tweed blazer. Unable to suppress your crestfallen smile you nod, “That’s fine,” you reply, inching away from him to send him a pointed look, “I wouldn’t have gone inside anyway. I don’t put out on the first date,” you cross your arms in an attempt to feign nonchalance.  
Which isn’t a lie, although if Soonyoung had asked you two minutes ago to come inside for a cup of tea, you wouldn’t have argued. He is just that tempting. Said date raises an eyebrow in response, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear at the defiance in your eyes. “Oh?” he echoes, “then what date do you put out?” 
“Date seven.” 
“Lucky seven,” he grins, “so if we go on a date every day this week by Friday we should be good to go. How do you feel about steak?” 
You slap his shoulder in his response, and the giggle that erupts from his lips in response has you feeling dizzy and giddy with excitement. Soonyoung has you feeling like a college freshman all over again, floating like Cloud 9 and drunk in anticipation. You peck one, two more kisses on his lips. He tastes like the peach champagne you shared and his own scent as he pulls you in for a much longer, much hotter kiss. 
“Good luck on your first day,” you mumble against his lips, vaguely remembering that he’s a teacher in a school nearby. 
“Mm, text me when you get home,” and with a final kiss to your forehead he unlocks his door, leaving you warm and full of heart-eyes on his front porch. 
The walk home, more like float home, has you feeling all parts exhausted and hopeful for the days to come. For the first time in a long time you feel young and unbridled, thrumming with excitement. Now you’re just playing with your phone, waiting to exchange goodnight texts. 
“Nari’s asleep,” when you walk into your shared apartment, you spot a sleepy Seungkwan on his laptop and sprawled across your couch. “How was it?” 
“It was reealllly nice,” you’re still a little wine tipsy, drunk on the taste of Merlot and a certain someone’s kisses, “he was really sweet, and surprisingly sexy.” 
“Did you get dicked down?” Seungkwan asks only the most important questions. 
You scoff, flopping down on the couch next to him, “As if, we have work in the morning.” 
“Speaking of work, are you sure you’re not able to drop off Nari to school tomorrow? It’s her first day of kindergarten.” 
“I can’t,” saying it feels absolutely awful, but a single mother has to work extra hard to keep her and her daughter happy. 
“It’s fine,” Seungkwan easily waves you off and runs a hand through his fluffy auburn hair, “her favorite Uncle is there, anyway.” 
“Hey,” you lightly punch his arm, “I’ve already talked Nari through it. I’m cooking a big breakfast tomorrow—chocolate chip pancakes, duh, and taking a million pictures before we have to part ways. I packed a little Kit-Kat for her lunch with a sweet note. When I come back in time for dinner I promised her pizza from her favorite parlor and she can tell me everything about her day.” 
“So, you’re bribing her with food.” 
“Sue me, it’s every parent’s weak spot.” 
Seungkwan stretches his arms, cradling you between his chest. You sigh into his clean linen scent, feeling sleepy. “Yeah, I’ve bribed her with my Switch once or twice,” he admits softly, eyes also drooping, “but you’re a great mother regardless. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything tomorrow.” 
“Thanks, Kwannie,” you sigh, feeling more at ease. 
Nari is the light of you and Seungkwan’s life. Five years ago, you promised yourself that if you were more than financially stable and still sick with baby fever, you would adopt. You didn’t want to find a romantic partner for the sole purpose of having a child, you could easily do that on your own. And that you did, you researched and visited foster homes off in the countryside. 
In a little town off the coast of the shore was where you met Nari, only six months old and full with cherub cheeks and eyes that sparkled like the moon and stars. You fell in love with her instantly. Fast forward five years later and she’s the reason you wake up every morning and work hard every day. Seungkwan being your best friend, also wanted rights as the godfather and therefore is also part of your perfect family picture. 
You and Seungkwan sleep warmly tonight, both excited to share yet another year of Nari’s milestones. 
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“And then Mr. Kwon said I was an ‘ace’ with my vowels!” Nari has a string of cheese hanging from her chin, and you don’t bat an eye as you reach to pat it away with a napkin. 
“I wouldn’t expect any less, baby,” you coo, carding a hand through her hair so her bangs don’t get caught in her meal, “remember when mommy and Uncle Kwannie taught you the vowels this summer? We sang that song.” 
“Yes! I sang the same song and showed everyone how ‘ta do it,” your heart is swelling with pride, and you fight the urge to tear up because Seungkwan’s already showing signs of waterworks from his side of the table, “I read a book Mr. Kwon gave me today and he said he’s so impressed I read at a Level B.” 
You quirk your brows at the new jargon. You certainly don’t know what it means to be a Level B, but it makes Nari happy and that’s all that matters. Wiping the orange grease off her lips, you muse that you must get in contact with her teacher one of these days.
“What’s a Level B?” Seungkwan similarly looks stumped at the new vocabulary. 
“I don’t know!” Nari shrugs, but nevertheless her teacher’s attention has her glowing. 
You giggle, “I’m so happy for you, baby.” 
“I’m excited to go back tomorrow, I made a new friend! His name is Jeonghan and he helped me with my numbers today. He called my bows cute.” 
“Cute?” Seungkwan perks up from his stupor, “of course you’re cute, Nari. So cute that you’re too good for this Jeonghwan boy.” 
“Jeonghan, Uncle Kwannie,” she pouts when Seungkwan scoffs, in favor of shoving half a slice in his mouth. She turns to you, tugging on your blazer, “Mama, can I go watch TV now? I finished my homework and I wanna see the new Ladybug and Cat Noir!” 
“Of course,” you pull away her plate, gesturing for her to go to the living room. 
“Thank you mama,” and she’s bouncing off her seat, pushing her chair in and off to watch Miraculous Ladybug. 
You sigh, “They grow up so fast.” 
Seungkwan’s eyes widen at your age-old phrase, the words reminding him oddly of his parents when they used to talk down to him. “And here we are, aging twice as fast,” Seungkwan bemoans, already starting to feel the greasy food settle in his stomach. “We used to eat a whole pie! We could eat absolute garbage back in college and here I am weak at two slices—oh my god, am I having a ‘back in my day’ moment? We need to go out. I need to go out. I’ve been practicing consonants and vowels all day. I need a boyfriend,” he playfully narrows his eyes at you, “I need a boyfriend like yours, sweet and sexy.” 
“Sorry,” you stick out your tongue, “but he’s mine.” 
Perfect timing, Soonyoung’s name pops up on your phone. You two have been texting sporadically throughout the day, making plans for your next date. The two of you are going to watch a drive-in movie, a situation that screams teenage-back-of-the-truck-sex but the movie is a much anticipated favorite of yours and you genuinely want to watch it. 
Soonyoung is full of humor and laughs, getting you to smile and relax at the right times during work and always manages to keep you on your toes whenever he says something flirtatious. 
“Are you gonna introduce him to Nari?” 
You stop typing, and look up towards your beautiful little girl in the living room. Her hair is out of her pigtails, drooping tiredly like she is. Her cheek is pressed against her favorite plush cat, fighting for consciousness because she’s waiting for Marinette to save the day. Your heart swells with affection. 
“Dunno,” you shrug, trying not to think too hard about it, “we’re not that serious right now.” 
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You’re absolutely winded. You finished work early today, due to the fact that came in early so you could clock out and pick Nari up from school. Despite the fact that Nari says it’s okay for you not to pick her up, you can’t allow it and you want to be the one who she runs into when she comes out the door. 
“Who do you think she’s gonna hug first?” Seungkwan’s elbowing you, baiting you. “Because this morning she gave me a hug and three kisses before I dropped her off.” 
“Three?” you seethe in annoyance, “three kisses is our thing! Two on the cheek and one on the forehead!” 
The two of you slowly steep together, waiting for the colorful blue door to the kindergarten area to file out. The heel of your shoes are digging into the grass, probably making a needle-like  indentation in the dirt as you struggle not to seep into the lawn. You feel like you’re going to flop on your heels, wishing you could go run back into the car and find your flip-flops from last month’s beach trip. But before you could debate on the run the bell rings, and you’re on livewire when you see the students start to file out. 
Your smile grows ten-fold when you see Nari’s jaw drop in surprise, seeing you waiting for her. She fists whatever is in her hands in surprise, breaking into the cutest smile as she screams, “mama!” 
And you’re ready to hold your arms out and throw her around in circles, until you see who follows right behind her. 
Kwon Soonyoung is Nari’s kindergarten teacher. Kwon Soonyoung with his hair down and untextured, wearing a mint polo and looking nothing like the date you had the other night. He looks absolutely soft and so, you are weak. 
Kwon Soonyoung, the sexy deviant who sends you questionable texts and sends you funny puppy videos, is staring right at you and utterly confused when Nari rams straight into your hip. 
Momentarily distracted, you pepper your pretty daughter in kisses (all three of them, two cheeks and one forehead) and tell her how much you’ve missed her. Clearly she doesn’t miss you as much, as she’s waving around a picture she drew during playtime, one of her and Jeonghan in the sandbox. 
“Really, Nari,” Seungkwan mutters under his breath, shamelessly vocalizing his opinion on a five-year old, “can’t you choose a different friend?” 
“Seungkwan!” you chide, but he pointedly annoys you when Nari finally enters Seungkwan’s embrace. He takes extra time to cuddle her, obviously jealous that another boy has taken refuge in your little Nari’s heart. 
The moment is so sweet and simple you have no choice but to revel in it and take out your phone to snap a photo. 
“Mama!” she pops her head off of Seungkwan’s shoulder, “come meet Mr. Kwon!”
And she’s tugging your hand, only you’re much stronger and you stay firmly planted on the grass. Heck, you even sacrifice your shoes by digging your heels in for extra measure.Your eyes widen in panic, but Nari doesn’t notice because she’s paving a path of dirt with her lime green light-up sneakers, trying to get you to move. You nearly forgot your latest tryst is your daughter’s teacher, and you never told him you have a kid. 
But within seconds, there’s an audible slam and the three of you are shattered from your bubble. Turning to the noise the heavy navy door is now locked shut, all the students dismissed for the day. The crowd is gone. Soonyoung is gone. 
Seungkwan’s eyes dart between the closed door and you, the pieces clicking. His mouth forms a little ‘o’ and he nods in understanding. “He thinks I’m your baby daddy.” 
The two of you point out each other like the Spiderman meme. “He thinks you’re my baby daddy,” you echo, horror marrying your face. 
“Mama? What’s a baby daddy?” 
“Shh, Nari—” he picks up Nari in one swoop, mouthing a go to you as he leads her to the car. 
All alone on the grass, you panic as you watch your family grow smaller and smaller as they enter the parking lot. Soonyoung’s just behind that door, right? Looking left and right to assure no one is going to think you’re being that parent and harassing the teacher within the first week of school, you bound up the steps to knock on the door. Your knocks clang heavily, echoing against the building. 
Ten seconds pass. Nothing. 
You deflate, pulling out your phone to shoot Soonyoung a quick text. 
You: hey, can you come out for a bit so i can explain? Please
A minute passes. He leaves you on read. Defeated, you slump against the door. This day is really a whirlwind on your mental state. All you wanted today was some extra time off work, Nari’s three kisses, and maybe a goodnight text from Soonyoung if you were lucky. 
The door suddenly flips open, and you’re braced against someone’s hands. 
“Whoa, you okay?”
Your face crumples in relief when it’s Soonyoung that’s come out to respond to you. He’s bracing your weight by holding your arms between his hands, although keeping a respectable distance between the upper half of your bodies. It makes you a little upset, but you understand. Once you’re stable, he lets you go and leans away from you.
“Why are you waiting out here?” he asks pointedly, looking at you up and down. You seem terribly overdressed in your coral pinstripe suit, mismatching with Soonyoung’s apple sauce stains. 
“Why do you think I’m waiting out here?”
“And if I close the door again?” he retorts suddenly. 
“Then I’ll follow you home.” 
A beat passes, whatever expression he conveys on his face is practiced and primed. You have a terrible time trying to decipher his blankness. Working with kids probably does that to an adult. “Come in,” he says neutrally, and you wordlessly follow him into his classroom. 
The room is decorated beautifully, with rainbows and glitter. It’s also surprisingly organized, all the crayons in place and the play area free of stray toys. Your eyes instantly search for Nari’s desk, and a small smile fits on your face as you trace her handmade name tag. 
“Normally, I don’t let parents in my room until it’s Back to School Night,” Soonyoung says, leaning against his desk. It makes you terribly nervous, knowing the ball is in your court and he’s waiting for you to make a move. His carefree, easy going nature is nowhere to be found, and all you see is walls and a mean poker face. He pulls up the sleeves of his polo, exposing pale, strong arms. Your mouth waters a little (you can’t help it!) and you immediately reach for a bottle of water in your purse. “So, what is it you have to say?” 
“Seungkwan’s not my baby daddy,” you blurt, and you immediately blanch when Soonyoung’s eyes widen. “Wow uh. I didn’t mean to say it like that.” 
“But you did say it like that,” Soonyoung replies slowly, “no child just doesn’t give three kisses to someone who isn’t their father.” 
“I only called him my baby daddy because he said it first,” you grumble, almost childishly, “and Nari’s a baby, of course she’s going to give three kisses to anyone that feeds her and coddles her.” 
“It sounds like an excuse.” 
“It sounds like I’m freaking out because you keep talking back and forth like this!” you cry, slapping your hands against your thigh. You don’t have to look in a mirror to know that you’re quickly getting annoyed, your face morphing into a shade of embarrassment. You can’t tell if this is amusing him or this is a real interrogation. “Let me explain, Soonyoung!” 
He says your name slowly, deliberately. And then, “do you want to take a break in the Calm Down Corner?” 
“The—the what?” Soonyoung’s eyes flicker to a corner at the far end of the room. The radiator is decorated in a sky blue wallpaper, and there’s a yoga mat on the floor. There are chairs next to a desk filled with coloring pages, decorated with fairy lights. Filling three of the chairs are various stuffed animals, a tiger, a cat, and a panda, all dressed as doctors. It’s a child’s therapy corner. “You gotta be kidding me.” 
He raises a brow, and—is that a smile on his lips? “Then explain, why are you here?” 
“Because I think I really like you,” you confess, frustration melting away to reveal the uneasy upturn on your lips. You lied when Seungkwan asked if you would ever consider introducing Soonyoung to Nari. In a different world, you would’ve loved to take the time to take Nari to the museum and introduce Soonyoung there. They’d definitely bond over their love for tigers. “Seungkwan is my best friend, and helps me take care of Nari. I adopted her five years ago.” 
Something softens in Soonyoung’s eyes, and the air feels much more relaxed. But his dark brows remain knit together, and he looks at you with confused eyes. “Then if you like me so much, why didn’t you tell me you had a daughter?”
“Because kids can be deal breakers,” you admit, and the colorful classroom feels smaller as you hug yourself. “I just, wanted you to like me first.” 
It’s the primary reason why it’s taken you so long to date. Sure, there’d be a fling here and there, but nothing that feels as tangible as Soonyoung is. You’re not old enough to find a partner that wouldn’t blink at the sign of children, yet you’re still at that weird age threshold where a partner could immediately run for the hills at the mention of one. Nothing will top Nari, she’s number one in your heart, but the small selfish part wanted you to put the focus on yourself for just one night. 
“You don’t have to hide, I want every part of your life no matter how long we have,” he assures you gently, firmly without an ounce of regret. Soonyoung opens his arms, and you cry in relief when you get to collapse in the scent of his cologne. You tuck your head in the crook of his neck, slightly sweaty from whatever activities he needs to do with the kids, but you don’t mind. His voice is quiet, melting in your ears, “and I really like you too. I really like Nari as well, she’s a great kid.” 
“She is, isn’t she?” 
You two pull away, and he swipes a thumb under your eyes in case some tears manage to escape. “So, Friday? Movie?” 
“It’s a date.” 
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“Where’s Nari?” the question is huffed against your breath as you’re pressed between your freshly washed bedspread and Soonyoung’s body. He takes care in making sure the zipper of your delicate dress doesn’t get caught in the rush, easily slipping your dress off and throwing it on your desk chair. 
“At Seungkwan’s, why?” 
His cheshire cat eyes glow under the moonlight, positively devious. “It’s date seven,” he announces sweetly. His gaze betrays his saccarine reply, a look that only tells you that Soonyoung plans to fuck you five ways to Sunday, and you’ll gladly let him. 
You sit up on your elbows, enjoying the show as Soonyoung quickly sheds his clothing. It’s ungraceful, exciting. Tonight was a simple carnival date, easily making you feel like a giddy college student all over again. Soonyoung won you five Pokemon keychains today, you could put a whole party on your hand. 
“It’s actually date six,” you tease, tilting your head as his pants finally come off, revealing black boxer briefs that snug deliciously around the waist. 
“Oh, okay,” he looks at you like you’ve spoken God’s word, reaching to pick up his shirt, “so you don’t want my dick fucking you raw tonight? Okay, I see how it is,” he pretends to put on his clothing, jabbing a thumb out the door. 
You have the audacity to giggle, pulling him over by the waistband, “Come here so I can make an exception.”
You don’t know what it is that makes you want you want to give everything to this man. Heck, five years ago you didn’t even want a man as an excuse to have kids. But as he nudges you in all the right places and places you on top of him, you know this man will treat you like an absolute treasure. Every kiss is laced with smiles and sweetness, filled with vigor and vivacity that fills you up and leaves you afloat. 
He takes care of you first, unwilling to let you budge as he places your core over his face. He makes quick, but effective use of his tongue and fingers, making sure you’re nice and sensitive for his future plans. You’re practically throbbing with pleasure, vibrating from every cell of your body. Within minutes he’s glistening in your arousal, and he pulls you down so you’re lined up with his crotch. It’s involuntary when you pulse against his member, your body shamefully alerting you that it’s desperate with need, and the remedy is right under you. 
Soonyoung looks more satisfied than you, eager to please you. Without warning, he stuffs two fingers in your mouth, “You pretty, pretty girl,” you are keen at the attention, your body is glowing a radiant rose. 
Your tongue rolls against his fingers, sticky and tasting of your arousal. Tilting your hips up you let Soonyoung pull his member out, lining it against your entrance. Feeling the soft tip brush against your delicate folds, you moan against his mouth. With a little ‘pop’ he releases you, lips shiny and parted. 
“I hope you don’t think I’m some kind of hit-it-n’quit-it kind of guy,” he noses the sensitive spot of your jawline, which distracts you momentarily when the plush tip nudges your folds, coaxing you to unite. “Because after tonight, I’m definitely keeping you. Forever.” 
The reply that dances on your tongue is overtaken by your whines when Soonyoung slips in fully, forcing your body to clench tightly against his. You take him, all of him. You feel wet and sticky and hot and swollen with affection as Soonyoung praises you for taking him so well. His pace is firm and passionate, short nails digging deliciously into your hips for leverage as he makes sure to fill you to the brim. 
He’s right, tonight is far from being a means to an end. You feel like you can have nights like this the rest of your life. And when the both of you finish and you’re pulling the covers over one another, you finally manage to grasp the reply that was nearly forgotten. 
Pressing a kiss to his jaw you whisper, “I’m keeping you, too.” 
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“So, how long can we keep this a secret for?”
“Ideally? Ten months. Realistically, I’d say Christmas.” 
“Why Christmas?” 
“Because I know you’re going to be dying to get Nari a Christmas present.” 
Soonyoung props his elbow on the pillow, looking at you petulantly. “I could say it’s a good behavior reward. She’s been racking up those gold stars during morning meetings, babe. She’s not even trying.” 
“That’s my girl,” you coo, rolling over to lean your head on his chest. Light has long flooded into your apartment, seeping through your curtains and reflecting on your white duvet. Soonyoung looks absolutely fluffy and well rested, and you can’t help but reach to pat down the ebony bird’s nest atop his head. 
The two of you lay like that for a little bit, playing with each other’s cold feet under the covers and relishing under the touch of bare skin to bare skin. You remind yourself that you need to take Joshua out to dinner one of these days, as he managed the inevitable and set you up with  an amazing partner. 
“Breakfast?” Soonyoung pops the question easily, “let’s get steak.”
“Steak isn’t eaten for breakfast.” 
“Then can I eat you for breakfast?” 
You snort, hiding under the covers while Soonyoung attempts to tickle you. The whole act in itself feels wholly innocent despite the fact that you’re both naked and smell like sweat and sex. Just as you feel Soonyoung’s head dip under the covers to meet you at your chest, the door swings open. 
The previously warm room feels like wickedly sharp ice, freezing you to your spot as you clutch the covers closer to your chest. “Baby!” you cry exasperatedly, flinching when she throws all her weight on you. She’s still in her ladybug pajamas from last night, hair falling out of her braid. 
She lifts her head from your breast to give you an adorable one-toothed grin. You try your best to maintain eye-contact, but Nari has impeccable vision. Her grin evolves into a full-on beam when she finds your bed partner.
“Mr. Kwon!” she’s squealing, clamoring over your lap. You do a double-take when you see Soonyoung sitting next to you, wearing a t-shirt. Where on earth did he get that?
Soonyoung’s eyes reduce to crescents at his (secretly) favorite student. “Good morning, Nari-ah. Had a fun time at your Uncle’s house?” 
“Nari,” you force your daughter down to stand on the hardwood, giving her a stern look, “give Mr. Kwon some space, it’s really early and it’s the weekend.” 
Knitting her brows together, she looks between the two of you, “But you two don’t have any space.” 
You wince at her perception, and nudge yourself away so you’re pressed against your nightstand. The oakwood corner digs painfully into your back. 
“We were haviång a very special parent meeting,” you fight the urge to cry when Soonyoung turns on his teacher's voice, sending your daughter a very convincing smile. You watch as your daughter’s eyes go wide, probably feeling very special that her teacher came all the way to her house to have a meeting. “You’ve been doing so well during the read-alouds that I had to tell your mama in person!” 
“I told you mama!” Nari juts out her chest, and you lean over to kiss the crown of her head. “But Mr. Kwon, why are you having it in mama’s room?” 
“Her room is the warmest!” he says like it’s the most obvious thing, his and Nari’s eyes widening simultaneously as he gestures to the open window. “The sun travels directly into your bedroom in the morning, and those rays send heat—”
“Mr. Kwon,” your voice is as steady as it can be, and  you frown when Soonyoung wiggles his brows. You already know he’s thinking of three separate ways you can use the term Mr. Kwon in private, but you’re not having any of that, “shouldn’t we uh, wrap up this… meeting?” 
“I wanna stay,” Nari glowers, obviously nosy as to what you two are talking about.
“I know baby. We just gotta finish up the meeting, okay? Can you—” you cut  yourself off when Seungkwan finally decides to make his appearance, eyes wide at commotion he’s created. He’s in matching pajamas, ridiculously red as he bends down to scoop up Nari. Absolutely sweating and as red as his clothes, his eyes dart between the two of you. You could care less that Seungkwan’s eyes have bags under their bags, and was probably too tired to catch her when she ran inside the house. No, Seungkwan doesn’t deserve the title of godfather anymore. 
“Nari! You can’t interrupt teacher meetings,” Seungkwan pretends to scold, and Nari turns her head so she can hide in her Uncle’s shoulder. 
Knowing that Nari can’t see a thing, you mouth a very explicit I will kill you to your best friend, and he immediately mouths an apology to the both of you as he ushers himself out the door. You wait ten seconds for your daughter to be out of ear shot, before dropping the blanket from your neck and throwing yourself against the pillows. 
But Soonyoung’s chuckling, pressing a litany of kisses all over your bare body in an attempt to comfort you. Instead of reveling in his lazy morning touch, you want to disappear between the sheets, never to be seen. What will the PTO moms say when they find out? How will you stop Nari from telling Jeonghan, and therefore Jeonghan telling the entire kindergarten population? Why isn’t Soonyoung freaking out about this? Instead, he favors to taste your body, in between kisses muttering something about it being kismet that Nari so happened to see right as you were discussing the secrecy of your relationship. Ten years from now, your daughter will be horrified when she realizes that no, teachers don’t normally give housecalls in your mother’s bed.
Your boyfriend pinches your thigh, regarding you with mirth in his eyes. 
“So, that means I can buy her a Christmas present now, right?” 
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