#anyways aha
mellosghosts · 9 days
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uh guys why would someone say that to a grown ass man i dont get it
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willshaper · 2 years
Controversial opinion but I actually don't hate jaswit
Maybe it's because it came coupled with the ace jasnah confirmation? Idk.
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azuneekun · 2 months
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did sebastian come out of a romance drama or something
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ashwii · 3 months
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Okay now that booping is sorta kinda outta the way for the day, it's Donnie's turn :DD continuing on with the idea of "S3 finale designs" -w-
S3 finale Leo!
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astrolavas · 6 months
have some permadeath hunter au sketches from 7 months ago, caused by accidentally getting way too invested and emotional while discussing "what if hunter hadn't woken up in ttt" scenarios with friends.
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in which, uh, hunter wakes up in the inbetween realm instead of back at the old gravesfield cemetery...
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krashlite · 6 months
Millie Warm the Kettle,,,
i thought too hard abt bigb's POV and how in both 3L and DL he's caught between two alliances- one with grian and one with ren
something something damned if he does, damned if he doesn't
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more misc scribbles!!!
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intotheelliwoods · 6 months
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Poptart to Poptart to Poptart to Poptart communication.
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sweet-shut-eye · 2 months
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Back to 665
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floweroflaurelin · 1 year
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🎶 The Crown…
Pix now wears the Crown… 🎶
The moment of recognition when that ancient and powerful thing deep in the catacombs… discovers the Crown.
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bluedeedeedoop · 1 month
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i have come to provide Barrissoka to replenish ourselves.
but yeah i sketched some stuff down and i thought it was cute so i colored it teehee
i gave barriss her hood back for like.. rebels era (before she got old ig?) cuz i miss it. i miss them. i’m gonna cry again
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buwheal · 19 days
Hey Spamton, how are Pipis created?
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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snow or stars?
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interoteme · 2 months
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other things i found that were never posted
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theminecraftbee · 4 days
had another life series thought in the car. can't figure out how to translate it into a fic idea that i actually like. anyway, there's something to be said for the fact i've LONG headcanoned traffic!joel as a coyote, and gem is given deer imagery. and they're both frequently portrayed as the bloodthirsty ones, as the dangerous ones, as the wild ones. not quite the outcasts, mind, but certainly not safe. and then about the fact that the coyote and the white-tailed deer--well, they're both "nuisance animals", aren't they? like, if you live in a city where they're common, they're normally seen as a pain in the ass. as wild things encroaching on human space that makes things a bit worse for the humans there. too numerous and too wild for the city. ...too used to the city, now, to ever leave, though. too used to people to ever be driven off. creatures of the woods, sure, but of the domestic sort of woods.
two bloodthirsty, dangerous people. not quite outcasts--you can't drive gem or joel off enough to make them outcasts, especially since they know how to run in a (herd/pack) group. but dangerous to have around for everyone involved.
nuisance animals.
(but isn't that all just in how other people see them, anyway? a coyote needs to eat, after all, and it's not the deer's fault there aren't that many predators left that can kill it. they aren't the ones that made them like this. they're just the best animals at adapting to it.)
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let! him! have! his! octopus! plush! >:[
(messy extra stuff----)
meanwhile,back at NRC:
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(+ here’s a WIP >:] )
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