#anyways I’ll probably finish this in like. two weeks or something it’s gonna be a while
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wip of The Chain’s Cafe AU ditys. Thought it would be neat to share what my first drafts of my drawings can look like
#fever in progress#love tilting things to give an extra layer of chaos#also don’t know whether of not I should draw legend’s hair like how isa does or like how I do it. I do like the frazzled look tho#also I color picked for the background and foreground to make it easier to just plop down shapes and stuff#I also heavily use the liquify tool for the sketch just to get things to go where I want#I also rearranged a few things in the foreground to add a bit more depth because there is more focus there. I kept the placement of items#the same in the background because detail there isn’t as important. But I did give the oven and stove a top for slightly more depth#of and the cabinet has a bit more depth as well. I think that’s all the notes I have on this piece for now#ditys#the chains cafe#yeah I’ll tag it why not. I’ll even main tag this#linked universe#linked universe au#lu legend#anyways I’ll probably finish this in like. two weeks or something it’s gonna be a while
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Arm’s Length | Will Lenney

Read Part 1 here!
In which Will is all in.
Cal: Can we talk? I miss you.
“I didn’t realise that you and Cal were still talking.” Will’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“We’re not, really. Why? Has something happened?” Y/N looked to his phone. “Is he texting you?”.
“Darling, this is your phone.” Will handed it to her, the screen illuminating.
She looked at the message, confused but deciding to lay the phone face down.
“Are you gonna get back to him?” Will asked.
“Not right now. It’s probably a drunk text,” she rested her hand over the top of his. “Anyway… back to what I was saying.”
“Are you ever going to tell me what really happened between you two?” Will chose his tone carefully, not wanting to sound too accusatory.
The group were largely unaware of the small romance between Cal and Y/N. Bach had spotted them walking hand in hand through the tube station on a Wednesday evening, but put it down to nothing after finding Cal swiping through Tinder the following weekend. Will, however, had an inside source. Harry Lewis.
They had been filming a pub golf video for Chris’s channel when Harry had brought it up.
“Mate.. can you believe Y/N and Lux?” Harry lowered his voice.
“What do you mean?” Will hadn’t heard anything from Y/N.
“She hasn’t said anything?”. Harry cocked an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure they’re together. Like in a serious way. He was asking if he should introduce her to his family.”
“If it’s legit, she’ll tell me when she’s ready.” Will took a sip of his drink, avoiding meeting Harry’s eyes.
“Do you think she’s embarrassed of him? It seems like he wants everyone to know… but she hasn’t even told you? You basically live in her pocket.” Harry questioned Will, somewhat disbelieving his longtime friend.
“Nah, I don’t think she’d be embarrassed of ‘im. He’s a good lad. It’s probably just a lot to figure your shit out with a group as big as this.” Will had always known Y/N to be calm. Level headed. Always with a plan. She’s just probably not ready to tell people yet. She wouldn’t until she was sure he was the one.
Harry placed a hand on his shoulder. “Not gonna lie mate, I thought it would be you.”
Less than 3 weeks later, Y/N had thrown herself into work. Cal had stopped posting stories of two wine glasses and snippets of songs Y/N had just happened to like. But to their friends, nothing had ever happened. They had always interacted politely, and they moved forward normally. Hey Y/N, you look well. A quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. You too! Did you go to the football this weekend?
When Will had asked her about it, Y/N had just said, “nothing really happened between us… we’re just better off as mates.” He had his suspicions that there was something a little more sinister going on. Maybe one of them had been a little controlling. Or there was a third person in the picture. Cal immediately reinstating his Tinder profile reeked of unfaithful. “That’s a shame. You deserve someone good.” Like me, he felt like saying.
“If I’m being perfectly honest… Cal was starting to feel like he was the placeholder for you.” Y/N hesitated telling him the full truth. “I feel like such a dick. He figured out my feelings about you long before I did. I just kinda feel like I’ve dropped him in shit and then left.”
Will’s face softened. “Fuck. I always kinda assumed the worst.” He shifted in his seat, hand covering his mouth. “No wonder he hasn’t called me recently.”
“Oh come on, Will. It’s a two way street. You haven’t reached out to him either.” Y/N pursed her lips.
“I know… we have that dinner for Freezy’s birthday coming up. I’ll try and talk to him then,” Will reached out for her hand, intertwining their fingers. “Okay.. let’s make sure he’s okay and finish this conversation. We were starting to get somewhere.”
“Can’t we do that first? I have a lot I wanna say to you.” Y/N stared at him, trailing her eyes from his eyes to his lips.
“Don’t look at me like that… you’re making me feel bad. Just send a welfare text or something. I’m not gonna get pissy at him for messaging me girlfriend if the intention is just to be nice.” Will spoke quickly.
Y/N looked straight at him, a smirk beginning to grow. “Girlfriend?”
She typed a message back to Cal, Will’s hand taking up residence on her knee.
Y/N: Yeah, we can. Is everything okay?
Cal: Not really. I feel like our dynamic is kind of fucked at the moment. What do you think?
Cal: (I also have an insurance question but this is probably an inappropriate time to ask 🫣)
Y/N: I think it’s definitely a little stiff. But I expected that. How would you like to move forward? (Send me a meeting invite for tomorrow and we’ll chat through. I’m free after 2pm)
Cal: I miss my mate. I’d love for us to get a point again where we can have a pint and chat shit
Cal: Also schweeet. That time works perfectly
Y/N: Okay. Are you up for a liquid lunch tomorrow? Half productive business insurance, half gossip? 🤭
Cal: Count me in. Meet you at the usual?
Y/N: Sounds good. See you at 2!
Cal: Great 👍 good to have you back mate
Y/N: You too chief 🫡
“Are you happy with that, William? Do you feel better now?” She placed her phone on the table in front of her, giving her full attention to the man in front of her.
He laughed, taking her hands in his. “That was very nicely done. It just didn’t feel right moving forward until you and Lux were in a good spot.”
“Well. Now I’m gonna talk. You’re not going to interrupt me.” She spoke sternly, before flashing him a Cheshire Cat smile.
Will raised his hand to his mouth, making a zipping motion.
“You and me are meant to be. I am into you in the grossest way. Like I’d happily fold your socks. Pop your zits. Whatever you want. I’m all in, Will. If you don’t feel the same, that’s okay but I’m going to have to leave London out of embarrassment.” She sat vulnerably, searching the man’s eyes for any emotion. Suddenly, the room felt heavy and the exit was looking a little more appealing.
Will sat in silence, blank stare on his face. A few moments passed.
“Are you going to say anything?” Y/N exclaimed in frustration, her voice beginning to crack.
“Am I allowed to speak now? I didn’t want to interrupt.” He grinned at her, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder in reassurance. “I thought I made it pretty obvious with the whole girlfriend comment, but if you’d like to hear me say it…”.
She nodded, finally sinking back into her seat.
“I won’t pop your zits because you’d just about batter me for not having a pimple patch. But I will carry you home after nights out. Take you on hot dates to the Tesco reduced section. Brag about you to people on the street if you’ll let me.” He stopped to take a breath, captivating her gaze. “I’m all in. Even when you start to think I’m wrinkly and pruny.”
“I thought you were just good looking, but turns out you can sometimes string a romantic sentence together.” She looked at Will sincerely, placing her hands on each side of his face.
“I just speak in syllables. Makes me seem all wise.” He laughed, resting his hands on either side of her waist. He pulled her closer, his breath fanning on her face before their lips met.
The kiss was gentle at first. New. The two of them had known each other so well, but this was uncharted territory.
They pulled away, Y/N resting her hands on his chest. “Why didn’t we do this earlier?”
“Don’t ask me. I’ve been waiting around for you.” Will smiled at her, pulling her into his lap. He joined their lips together again, his hands subtly creeping underneath her knitted jumper.
Y/N ran her hands along his forearms, tracing all the way up to the back of his head and tangling her fingers through his hair. His breath hitched as she lightly pulled on a few strands. Will pulled her impossibly close, attempting to shuffle them into a horizontal position.
As Y/N went to adjust her knees on either side of his, almost in a straddle position, her knee couldn’t get a grip on the leather like material and she started to slide off the couch.
Will, unable to get a grip on her quick enough, decided to go down with the ship. They lay on the soft carpet, side by side.
“Are you alright, pet?” Will tried to hide his laughter as Y/N lay rubbing circles over her elbow.
“Fuck, I think I have carpet burn.” She whined, laughing out of embarrassment.
“D’ya want me to kiss it better?” Will turned to face Y/N, seeing her nod. He sat up, placing a kiss on her cheek. Watching the smile spread across her face, he moved to her forehead, other cheek, jaw, chin and eventually her lips.
She laughed as he pulled away. “Wow, I miraculously feel so much better.”
Before the moment could continue, there was a buzz on the intercom.
“That’d be dinner.” Will sat up, making his way to the door. While he greeted the delivery driver, Y/N made her way to the kitchen to collect the essentials - a bottle of red, two glasses, plates and two sets of chopsticks.
Will met her in the kitchen. “I forgot to tell you.. we’re having sushi”.
“I know. We always get sushi after you film.” She led him back toward the living room, setting up the coffee table to accommodate all of their food.
“I ordered some of the teriyaki chicken salad you like. That way you won’t have to worry about buying any lunch tomorrow at work.” Will grabbed the cushions off of the couch, setting them down so they could sit comfortably on the floor.
“You know me too well, Lenney.” She grinned at him, taking a seat and beginning to search through the Netflix suggestions.
He reached over, placing a gentle kiss on her temple. “Always have, sweetheart. You were only just an arms length away.”
Y/N to Ugly Stepsisters chat: I did it. I got the guy.
Author’s note:
All finished! Hopefully not too bad for my first fic out of retirement. If you can’t tell by the title, I have been very much listening to Sam Fender’s new album 🤭
Thanks for reading 🤍🤍
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Scent 🕯️
Tf2 mercs scents
A/n: I was gonna say something about Medic shaving but then I got flash banged by that one picture of him with the hairy chest.


He took the term “cologne king” and ran with it.
He puts on like 10 sprays of cologne every morning guys it’s bad
Tries to cover his sleep stank with cologne every morning but it’s very much there
He does use deodorant because he’s not THAT stinky (tho spy is the one who forces him to wear it)
“Scout, did you put on your axe this morning?”
“ughhhh I don’t wanna 😒”
Uses 2 in one because he’s lazy asf. He’ll only use the good stuff if it’s from spy.
He doesn’t rlly care for face care, he uses the same bar of soap he uses to wash his ass and it works fine surprisingly
His rooms smells kinda musky but it’s subtle,it mostly comes from his mattress that he’s been using since childhood (which he barely fits on)
Have you’ve ever been inside the car of a guy who works out frequently? Yeah
He smells musky asf, he does sweat a lot so it makes sense!
He has a subtle Cinnamon smell to him, no one knows if it’s from something he uses or if it’s natural
If you ever give him a hug god rest your soul cuz all your gonna be huffing in that day is his scent.
Def uses Dr squatch deodorant cuz he’s classy like that. Wont use cologne unless it’s a gift from someone
You’ll never catch this man being stinky, EVER.
He uses the good shit, Le Male Elixir, showers every night, and every now and then has a Smokey scent to him.
Scout begs and begs for his cologne but he’s a gatekeeping king so he won’t budge.
“Absolutely not.”
His shampoo has no scent + he doesn’t really care for buying the expensive stuff cuz his hair is always covered anyways.
His skincare is pretty good, uses face wash serum and moisturizer. No anti-aging stuff tho, he personally thinks aging is a privilege.

If you can smell these two photos, you’re smelling pyro
He just smells like a hospital, but when finishing a mission he smells like straight blood.
His hospital smell mostly comes from the latex gloves he has to wear, the blood smell is from surgery’s or brutally killing enemies. (Obv)
Definitely doesn’t mind getting blood on him, so if you complain about the smell to him he’ll shrug it off.
Cologne wise he’d use something minty, he’d only ever use it when going somewhere fancy. Other than that he sees no use for cologne.
He’s quite high maintenance, so he never stinks nor does he necessarily smell good. He just smells like.. medic.
You’ve ever took a whiff of milk to check if it’s expired? Yeah.
Sorry but he does not gaf, there’s a puke stain on his shirt from like a week ago + he uses pretty cheap cologne.
Def uses Irish spring cuz I said so, it fits him.
Would have a sleep stink but getting a sleep stink would come from a bed, lord knows he’ll make it to his bed before passing out drunk.
He doesn’t shave, he uses child safe scissors to cut his beard 😭 someone help him.
but it’s also like, hot?
He had that garage workshop scent, he’s also sweaty cuz of course he is. For god sakes he’s in his 50s and doing garage work he shouldn’t be doing that he should be sitting down and having a fucking glass of water.
No cologne for him, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, that being all the sweat he collects from making shit he probably shouldn’t be making !!
Showers at night cuz that’s when he gets all the sweat off, he takes those piping hot showers that would burn off a normal persons skin off.
He hangs around piss jars all day, I’ll let you do the rest.
No sleep, no cologne, just him. He just smells like rain and spoiled milk.
His camper van smell interesting to say the least, it’s not necessarily clean so it just smells like straight coffee, not the good kind.
He’s not that musty! He is quite hygienic.. in a way
He had a skincare routine, and spends half and hour in the shower cuz he ends up dozing off after a while <//3
He does NOT play about that skincare routine btw, if he sees a pimple he’s tracking down what he used to cause it.
Once he does he’ll use it as target practice lol
This guy smells like 1000 things at once.
If you took a whiff of him he’d smell like straight dirt at first, but then it somehow transfers to a wet dog kind of smell, with a hint of oil.
*need a cologne of that
If you offer him deodorant/cologne he’ll deny it. He says that the way he smells is how god intended
His helmet smells FOULL, if you take the tiniest sniff you’re gonna pass out.
#idk#lol#x reader#scout tf2#team fortress 2#tf2#tf2 x reader#scout x reader#medic x reader#demoman x reader#spy x reader#enginner x reader#soldier x reader#heavy x reader
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nobody knows (2)

-> part 1
word count: 3k
genre: established relationship (hard dom x slutty sub)
pairing: hoseok x reader and jungkook x reader
a few minutes pass as you entertain yourself on some random game on your phone before he messages again. daddy: if you even think of actually going out with a friend i’ll chop their dick off. me: who said it would be a man? daddy: have fun then baby don't stay out too late!
warnings: [please read if you are sensitive] hard dom hoseok!!, needy sub reader!!, hoseok is actually sweeter this time, cheating ig?, reader gets her period, explicit sexual content: idk how i forgot this last time but DADDY KINK, thumb sucking, blowjob, throat-fucking, pictures during sex, shy awkward virgin jungkook, sexting, cum on panties, suggestive language
a.n: i'd let this hoseok ruin my fucking life. this is so fun. can you tell he's my bias >.< tbh im making up all plot on spot i wanted to explore the actual relationship first before we see anything else of jk x reader. hoseok can be sweet... he needs to fuck the reader already!!! anyways thanks for being very patient with me. see you on the next one ^.^
—> m.list
—> find me on ao3 & twt
“baby.” hoseok’s lips are warm against your cheek, hot breath hitting the soft skin. “i’m off to work.”
your voice is groggy, hair a mess, but it doesn’t stop you from flinging out of bed in a pout. “already? you said we could do breakfast.”
“yeah, well plans changed. i really needa finish this song i’m working on. i’ll be back before dinner. no promises though.” hoseok doesn’t hesitate to say the words, he doesn’t look back as he fixes his collar and brushes fingers through his bed hair. an apology would be nice, but it never comes.
this is the third time this week hoseok misses breakfast, much less makes it to dinner. somehow always managing to create more work for himself and keep busy while you rot away in the dormitory. it wasn’t fair to you, though you can’t really say you didn’t sign up for this. you knew exactly what this lifestyle came with, fame and money only meant hoseok would never truly be yours as you are his and you had to simply respect that. as sad and lonely as you can be at times.
“but daddy—”
“not now angel, you’ll be good for me right?” and just like that you succumb to his strong, firm demeanor. he digs his thumb into the fat of your cheeks, flicking your bottom lip. hoseok licks his own, watching your mouth take his thumb. immediately he feels your warm tongue, sucking him in like a vice, mouth so pliant and fuckable.
he takes that as a ‘yes daddy’ the way you look up at him while you suck on his thumb like the sweet girl you are. eyes heavy and lustful.
well, if he isn’t gonna do breakfast with you as he promised, you’ll get yours right now. two can play the same game, but only one wins in the end. something tells you that you fall victim to the game anyways, it was never yours to win.
your hands find his waistband as you look up to him with hopeful eyes. he’ll probably be late if he plays this game, but it’s too much fun to resist. plus, which man on earth is known for rejecting a blowjob. certainly not this one.
hoseok tugs his pants down, allowing you to pull down his boxers as his cock springs to life. he takes his thumb out of your mouth and caresses your cheek carelessly, smearing your own spit all over it. the things he would do for that face, so pretty and willing. and all fucking his.
you get to work and on your knees immediately. grabbing his cock in your hands, you lick and suck the tip while hoseok throws his head back, feeling you slurp him down. he fails to resist the temptation to fuck your throat so with no warning he holds a tight grip of your hair and forces your head down. mouth hot and tight around him, wetting his cock so nicely.
eyes springing tears already, but alas he’s not gentle. he fucks your throat and you feel him grow larger in your mouth, drooling spit all over yourself. “fuck baby, you’re perfect.”
you moan airily, struggling to breathe as he thrusts harder, throat stretching for him and him only. just like you were made for it.
he groans, feeling that warm wet grip swallowing around him. “just like that, such a slut for it. don’t think you deserve my cum.”
you shake your head profusely, sad-eyes looking up at him while sharp eyes mirror your own. his lips tug at the end and he’s smirking watching you desperately beg for it.
he releases his grip, spit instantly drips from your mouth, covering yourself with your own juices. it’s a mess, but you both love it for different reasons. his dick stands tall and proud, swollen and wet around the tip.
he starts to fuck his own fist, thanks to you, he doesn’t even got to spit on it anymore. his dick is wet plenty. he watches your lustful eyes crave for it, practically foaming at the mouth for it. though you are still gasping for air, you wish he would just fuck it out of you again. you want him so so so bad.
your hands try to reach up at him, but he slaps them away, he isn’t rough and it doesn’t really hurt, but the warning is enough for you to drop them back down. your hands start to rub against your bare thighs, iching to release your own arousal.
“baby’s horny?” it’s like he’s teasing you, almost laughing in your face, his cock is so close to your face you can still taste it.
you instantly nod though with hopes that he’ll help you out.
“yeah? you need daddy’s cock inside you?” hoseok taps his cock against your cheek, pre-cum smearing onto it. it’s cruel the way he toys with his food, but what can he do when you react so beautifully to it. you’re just too easy.
“yes. plu-please.” you whine.
“yes what.” he barks.
“yes d-daddy. i want it so bad.”
you hear him hum pleased, as he continues to jack himself off, he’s getting close and you know it, because his eyes start to hood and he’s breathing heavier. all the more of a reason you wish he would just shove it in you, your pussy is dripping wet for it. if only he were to see himself, he would never stop fucking you!
“stand up.” he orders.
fucking finally.
with wobbly legs you stand and he rough pulls down your shorts. a hand still heavy on his cock, gripping the fuck out of it.
“let me see inside those pretty panties.”
hoseok wastes no time to nut his seed all over the inside of it, covering your bare cunt with his juices and dripping all over the fabric. you both look down as his cum decorates the inside of your panties so beautifully, both panting at the sight. “stay there.”
the taller tugs his pants back up and grabs his phone. he pulls you in for a sudden quick kiss before he takes a picture of the mess he made. “such a perfect sub.”
with another kiss, he puts his phone away and grabs your wrists, tugging your hands off your panties. your panties sit back so prettily and wet against your pussy now. they are sticky and it feels pretty gross against your skin, but you start to forget about it when you feel hoseok’s tongue down your throat.
he finally pulls away with one final kiss, pulling your shorts back on. “go back to bed baby.”
“but ‘m not tired.” you mumble, still horny as ever. cunt begging for cock. anything.
“don’t pout angel. it won’t get you anywhere. i’ll be back later. behave.” and with that, hoseok leaves to work (or so he says), leaving you wet and lonely.
to no surprise, hoseok in fact does not make it to dinner. to your surprise, he’s kind enough to leave you a sweet text message instead though.
daddy: [attached image] miss that perfect pussy. you’re so beautiful you know that?
me: you missed dinner
daddy: that’s no way to talk to me angel i said no promises
me: yeah well, i’ll just have dinner with a friend instead ig
daddy: who?
me: wouldn’t you love to know.
daddy: you know i’ll find out anyways? like you could hide anything from me
me: you’re an ass
daddy: you are what you eat
you don’t bother to reply nor entertain his not so funny jokes, but your phone buzzes again to absolutely no surprise. however the following message makes your heart fall straight out of your ass.
daddy: i’m sorry angel. i promise to be home for dinner tomorrow. is that better?
the pit of your stomach burns, really it’s the bare fucking minimum, but you can’t help the way it flips into butterflies. a smile forming on your face.
me: yes daddy
daddy: good girl the very best
a few minutes pass as you entertain yourself on some random game on your phone before he messages again.
daddy: if you even think of actually going out with a friend i’ll chop their dick off.
me: who said it would be a man?
daddy: have fun then baby don't stay out too late!
hoseok’s messages make you giggle so hard. sometimes you forget this is the person you are with, the one you share every little moment with, and the one that would absolutely kill you despite your entire past with him for thinking about someone else. someone younger, bit buffer, close to them. the person they’ve always known all their life. and here you are contemplating doing it all over again. it’s scary how thrilling it all feels. a pawn in your own game and you don’t even know it.
luckily for you and unfortunately for hoseok, there’s no dinner and especially no friend, but there is jungkook. he’s home again, earlier than everyone, as expected.
the younger follows the same routine he has as soon as he gets home. he immediately hops into a quick shower and doesn’t come out to eat till way later. busying himself with who knows what.
jungkook is a bit awkward, more nervous, and careful around you since the whole movie situation, the one where your tits were out by the end of it while he was driving holes into them with his eyes.
it makes you a bit frustrated. at this point, you're begging for attention and he hardly budges, but you also understand his fear.
“that was good noona, thanks.” jungkook picks up his plate, rushing to wash it off and lock himself back in his room.
you hardly ever make dinner like that, but you figured it would be a great way to pass time and an excuse to get off your ass and do something that doesn’t involve rotting away in bed, lonely and horny. and all very much alone. this way, you don’t have to be alone. this way, jungkook fills the empty spot and he doesn’t even know it.
jungkook is quick in the kitchen and you hate it. you obviously weren’t gonna let this happen, not under these circumstances, and not in this way. not after everything. “jungkookie, can you do me a favor?”
“s-sure.” his hands are wet from the sink as he places the plate down, eyes hesitant to look up.
“it’s just, i just got my period and my stomach hurts. a lot.” a hand caresses your tummy lightly, putting pressure where it hurts. thankful that your period arrived after this eventful/uneventful morning.
“oh… im sorry. can i help?” he asks to be nice, not denying you a damn thing.
“can you massage it?” you plead without shame.
“me-e?” he stutters, pointing at himself, flushing pink.
“mhm, who else silly!”
jungkook awkwardly laughs. “yeah okay. lay down noona, i’ll try to make things better.”
with that your back goes on the couch while you look up at him with sweet eyes. “thank you jungkookie, it feels much better when someone else is doing it.”
“yeah, of course.” he lamely replies.
very carefully, you slide your shirt up, revealing much more skin than intended (not really though). the mounds of your breasts sit so pretty like this and it leaves nothing to his imagination. your underboob peaks through and jungkook holds back a sharp gasp.
he refocuses on his mission, hands shaking as he brings them closer. “m gonna touch you now noona.”
though it wasn’t his intention, his suggestive usage of wording nearly makes you moan. you bite your lip to prevent it.
“please.” you whisper calmly, desperately.
jungkook nods and cold hands touch your tummy. they are a bit stiff at first because he doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but he starts getting a hang of it when he hears you lightly hum pleasantly.
he explores your skin, with every noise you make filtering his ear he finds what you enjoy and don’t. he rubs feather-like circles against your soft skin, thumbing over curves and your plushy stomach. you feel so warm in his hands and that makes him feel so good, too good. and the fact that he’s never ever done this before. jungkook thinks it's possible he can cum in his pants, just by doing this alone! he’s really, really lame.
“feels so good, jungkookie.”
“yeah…” he strains, hands heavier on your stomach, but they warm up feeling so nicely against your skin.
“can you- lower, can you go lower?”
his hands are barely above, around your belly button, avoiding anything further down, not sure if it is for his own sake or yours. he’s scared and it’s obvious by the lack of movement.
jungkook avoids your eyes as his hands freeze, hands weighing down on where he was last massaging. “wan— want me lower?”
“yes.” surely he knows what you mean. “please.”
“oh- okay.” the younger says nothing more.
jungkook resumes his movements, his hands going much further down your stomach, just right above your waistband. he thumbs your underwear, trying very hard to hold his breath whenever his fingertips come in contact with the thin yellow fabric whilst still rubbing patterns into your lower belly. he’s hoping you don’t hear how heavy and much faster his breathing has gotten. he’s struggling for air, face beet red. not sure if it’s out of embarrassment or his own humiliation driving him nuts.
he’s not sure what he’s doing anymore. or what has gotten into him. it’s like his dream is set right before his eyes and yet he knows he really shouldn’t be here and doing this. much less with someone like you, but for whatever reason he can’t stop.
“f-feels better?” jungkook asks, light-airy voice.
“much, much better.” you reply truthfully, your stomach buzzing warmly. your eyes take in every movement on his face. from his eyes to his nose, to the way his cheeks puff as he breathes. he’s beautiful. much more when you have him this close, and nothing is stopping you from what you do next.
jungkook’s breath hitches when he feels your soft lips on his cheek. eyes nearly bulging out his sockets because he doesn’t believe his reality. this just can’t be. no one has ever shown this much interest in him. especially not someone as untouchable as you.
it lasts no longer than ten seconds, but jungkook turns into jelly within that time. you aren’t sure why you do it, but it’s the only reasonable way you could possibly come up with to show your appreciation for all he’s done. for being sweet and patient. he’s too generous for his own good.
“thank you jungkookie, you’re so sweet.” he doesn’t even realize you’ve already pulled away and his hands are no longer feeling your heated flesh until he’s watching you walk away, hiding behind the door to your room. hoseok’s room. yours and hoseok’s room. he shouldn’t be feeling like this, but he can’t help the way his stomach twists in knots.
jungkook is left completely speechless, confused.
he shamefully walks back to his own room with no other word, skipping his night routine completely. fuck skincare, he can go a night without it. he’ll manage.
that night, hoseok arrives fairly early. well at least, earlier than usual. you’re still awake when you feel his hand on your hip, feeling his lips pecking the tip of your ear.
“you’re home?”
“yeah, got off a bit earlier than expected. did you eat?” he asks quietly, thoughtful enough to not disturb others. hoseok’s lips still softly kissing behind your ear, practically making you melt into the bed. if you could purr, you are more than sure you’d start purring right about now. hoseok has always been very hands-on, it’s what you adore about him. always making it known how much he wants and needs you.
“i did. have you?” you ask to be polite, though you most likely already know the answer. hoseok may be busy, but he never skips his meals. his discipline is insane. he’s busy, but not ever enough to starve himself. he cares about his mental and physical being just as much as everything else. and he plans on keeping it that way for as long as he lives.
“yeah. they brought take-out from that one place in downtown you like.”
that calls for your slightest attention, shifting your face from your pillow to face him, even in the dark your eyes find his. “zuki’s?”
“mhm.” hoseok steals a kiss like this, sharing a breath as he continues. “that very one.”
“lucky.” you pout, sadly with cramps still lingering around your pelvic area.
“yeah… i brought you some.” he says so nonchalantly.
the older laughs when he feels you shove yourself, full force onto him, hugging him with all your might. “really?!”
“yes, left it in the fridge for tomorrow.” hoseok pauses, fingers tangled in your blow dried hair and breathes in your sweet fresh scent. “unless you wanna eat a late night meal then be my guest.”
“well, i just got my period so...” you contemplate that damn meal, almost sorta justifying your not-so-healthy options.
“then let’s go. i’ll sit with you while you eat.” your boyfriend decides for you instead, tugging you up very gently without another word.
there’s was nothing more to say or decide, hoseok watched as you ate the meal very pleasantly, humming here and there, devouring it all in minutes. you were a very happy, happy girl. and hoseok was a happy man watching you eat so easily. he’d do it all over again if it meant he could see that perfect smile all the time.
and like that, you forget all about today and what made you upset. you are so stupid to think he could ever not love you and care for you. who else than him. even if you have heavily committed your mistakes, so has he, but he loves you, and nothing else matters.
but then again, in another room, jungkook is tearing himself up for it. even though, he’s not really at fault. is he? it sure feels like it is anyways.
at least, it felt that way after beating his cock raw and swollen. flashbacks from earlier crowding his virgin-mind. he’s so so fucked, it’s laughable. pathetic really.
jungkook tries so hard to ignore it and at first he succeeds, but then he hears a bubble of laughter coming from the room beside him and he knows he’s been beaten once again.
“i love you.”
“i love you too baby.”
that’s the last thing jungkook hears before he falls into a deep sleep, eventually succumbing to his exhaustion and overthinking mess. the crowding anxious thoughts die for the first time that night.
#hoseok x y/n#hoseok smut#jungkook x reader#jungkook x noona#bts fanfic#bts smut#bts x y/n#jungkook smut#hoseok fanfic#hoseok scenarios#hoseok fic
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how to lose a guy in 10 days- t. oikawa

day two
the air is crisp as the four of you walk to the nearby diner. you file into the booth, ordering your drinks from the smiling waitress. you all begin to discuss your writing while you wait for your food, koushi is going this afternoon to interview alumni about how campus has changed and tetsuro has a ton of sports articles to read through from the first years. the waitress drops off your orders, and the conversation starts back up. yui is writing an article on art pieces about love, and that eventually transitions to your writing.
“so, how was last night?” koushi asks, taking his final bite of food.
“it went well, i think he-” you are cut off by the door chiming as a group enters, and to your wild disappointment, it’s a few members of the volleyball team, most notably toru. you drop your head to the table as your friends all turn to look who made you have the reaction. you sit back up and sigh. unfortunately, he quickly notices you.
“y/n!” you hear toru call out. you watch him approach your table, his friends trailing a bit behind. “i was just about to text you, would you want to go to a movie tonight?” he asks.
“yeah, lets do it.” you say, giving him your sweetest smile.
“i don’t think we’ve met, im toru.” he says, shaking hands with koushi and yui. “well, we’ve met before. good to see you tetsuro.” he says, giving him a wave.
“yeah, good to see you too.” tetsuro mutters out between mouthfuls.
“ah! this is sawamura daichi and koutaro bokuto.” toru introduces his friends, and they wave at you all. you give them a smile, and wave back. “i’ll see you later then.” he says, ruffling your hair as he goes to sit with his friends.
“i want him.” yui says, slamming her hands on the table. you turn to her with a look of disgust. ”toru????” you ask.
“sawamura daichi. did you see him? he was so cute!” she says as you all stand up to leave.
“yui do you ever think that maybe a break from guys would be a good idea?” koushi asks desperately.
“no!” she says cheerfully, “y/n, you got to get me set up.”
“that’ll be the only good thing that comes out of this bet.” koushi sighs.
“yeah y/n, i feel like someones gonna get hurt from this, and i’d rather it’s oikawa than you, but still…” tetsuro trails off.
“it’ll be fine, i probably wont see him after this anyway.” you brush off their concerns, unlocking the apartment door.
“we’ll see about that.” yui sings.
you roll your eyes, opening your phone to a message from the man himself.
toru sighs. he was really hoping to go see the godfather, especially when mamma mia is showing all week, but you just had to go see it tonight. its okay, he’s willing to make this sacrifice to win this bet. sure, toru thinks you are a good person, but sometimes you can be annoying. that whole basketball game ordeal sure proved it, and now this. it’s okay, he only has to deal with it for 8 more days, that’s all. he’s snapped out of his thoughts as koutaro shovels some of torus pancakes onto his own plate.
“hey! what do you think you’re doing assface?” he shouts, smacking koutaros fork out of his hand.
“aw, you were too lost in thought to notice the first pancake i took so i thought it would be okay.” he whines.
“was not!”
“were too!”
“alright, just give him the pancakes back.” sawamura cuts in.
“he’s too distracted thinking about this bet.” koutaro says, chowing down.
“i still think its a bad idea.” sawamura pipes up, “theres just no way anything good comes out of this.”
“i’ll get you a date with her friend, hows that sound for something good?” toru says, finishing his drink.
sawamura doesn’t respond, he just simply rolls his eyes as he pays the check.
you are pulling on your shoes when tetsuro comes out.
“ready to go?” he asks.
“yeah, lets head out. i have sooooo much writing to do for this story.” you say, swinging open the door.
the walk goes quickly, and when you step in the paper room, its already pretty lively. you and tetsuro are the last of the team to arrive.
“Y/N!” yui cheers, she’s huddled in the corner next to asahi, the fashion editor. “i have great news.”
“what is it?” you ask, putting your bag down.
“i found the guy from the diner on instagram and requested to follow him!” she smiles.
“is that it?”
she frowns, “come on, that’s great progress!”
“i guess, but did he even follow you back?” koushi chimes in.
“well, no not yet!” she answers. ”optimism is key yui.” you say, before turning to your computer to type up a log of the day so far.
day two
✓met him at a diner (accidentally)
✓made plans for a movie
the big plans will probably happen at the movie tonight. you specifically requested mamma mia for 2 reasons
it’s not what he wanted to watch
it should be emptyish, but not too empty just perfect for talking too loud for a movie theater.
boom! it’ll be perfect. just 2 more hours of writing here, and you’ll be executing your plan.
those two hours were filled with coffee supplied by the years old coffee maker in the back corner, gossip about love lives, and answering your readers questions. you send a message to toru.

that means you’ll leave here at 7:15. being late is a great way to lose a guy as well, especially if you set the time. that means you’ll get there around 7:30 exactly, right on time for the movie, but late to meeting toru.
so thats exactly what you do. by the time you show up, toru is sitting on a bench in front of the theater. as you look at him with his head down, you feel sort of…bad? you shouldn’t let your actual feelings get in the way of this story, but he is a person, even if tetsuro has told you he isn’t a super great one. he looks up briefly, and his face lights up as he catches a glimpse of you. yeah you definitely feel bad.
“hi! you look lovely tonight!” he says, crossing over to you.
“thanks snookums!” you almost visibly gag as you say it. you can tell toru is caught off guard.
“oh- we should head in, the movies starting. i already bought you a ticket.” he says, grabbing your hand as he leads you to the theater.
you sit down as the music starts, and immediately begin talking loudly. you were right, the theater isn't completely full, but there are definitely some people there.
“this is my favorite movie ever.” you say. a lie.
“yeah me too.” toru responds in a whisper, also a lie.
someone behind you two shushes you.
“what are you thinking about?” you ask him, as he pays attention to the movie, still talking full volume.
“nothing, im just watching the movie.” he whispers.
another shush from the back.
“oh so i suppose your mind is a complete blank? who is she?” you ask.
he turns to you, still whispering, “who’s who?”
“the girl you’re thinking about!” you start to shout a bit now.
“be quiet!” someone says.
“i’m not thinking about a girl-” toru starts.
“you can’t watch mamma mia for an hour and not be thinking about a girl!” you say, turning away from him.
“do you really want to know what i’m thinking about?” he whispers in your ear.
“yes.” you say.
“i’m thinking about how beautiful you look right now, so let’s watch this movie.” he says, smiling at you.
a beat passes as he turns back to the screen.
“awwwwwwww, toruuuuu. you are so sweet!!!” you are practically shouting at this point.
“um, i'm going to have to ask you two to leave.” says the shy movie theater attendee.
“whyyyyyyyy??” you whine.
“uh, it’s too loud, i’m sorry.” ”hmph!” then toru is apologizing to everyone, and you two are out on the street in front of the theater.
“lets get home.” he says.
“i’m upset, that’s my favorite movie!” you pout.
“i’m sorry, we could watch it back at my place if you wanted?” he offers. perfectly setting up another chance.
“yes please snookums!” you cheer, before pouncing on his back. “carry me there!”

as you and toru enter his small apartment, you can’t help but start to realize just how tired you are. it doesn’t set in until you are sprawled out on his couch as he turns on the movie. it’s truly realized as you start to doze off on torus shoulder during dancing queen. you wake up the next morning in your own bed.

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#haikyuu#haikyuu x reader#hq#hq x reader#haikyuu smau#toru oikawa x reader#toru oikawa#oikawa toru#oikawa x reader#hq oikawa#oikawa tooru#toru x reader
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The sound of a body throwing itself onto one of the infirmary cots echoed through the mostly empty room, followed closely behind with a dramatic, but melodic sigh. “Can I say something mean?”
“Probably not in front of the baby.”
Will groaned, looking up from his pile of patient reports he had been sorting for the past… year. “I hardly think eleven still counts as being a baby.”
Lee, who had been refilling first aid kits for the past two hours, contemplated this for a moment. “Maybe, but that’s besides the point. I’m six years older than you. You’ll always be a baby.”
“I’m going to say something mean. Will, cover your ears.”
“I’m not covering my ears, Taylor. Unlike you, I’m working right now and I need my hands.”
“Oh,” Taylor dragged, a taunt evident in her voice, "someone's grumpy.”
“He’s mad I put him on infirmary duty during arts and crafts.”
“Will, you aren’t good at arts and crafts.” Lee slapped her arm. “And you like working in the infirmary, you are constantly taking my shifts. It’s why I love you.”
Lee slapped her arm again. “Taylor, what the heck.”
Taylor groaned, “Fuck. Just say fuck. I’m begging you.”
“That’s besides the point. I had it with Cecil. We were going to finish our board game.” Will turned to Lee, pointing an accusing finger at him, “You knew this.”
Lee let out a long-suffering sigh and Will almost felt bad for causing a fuss, but really, Lee brought this upon himself. “Taylor, stop pawning off your shifts to Will. Will, stop letting Taylor’s pawn off her shifts to you. Also: I’m sorry about arts and crafts. The last few days have been hectic and I needed your help. I’ll make sure to not schedule you over arts and crafts next week.”
“I’m going to be home next week! Mama is picking me up, remember?”
Lee had the decency to look ashamed when he said, “Heck. I forgot. I’m sorry, Will.”
Taylor got up from her self-designated cot and walked over to Will, ruffling his hair once she was close enough. “I’ll take over the rest of your shift, buddy. You go have fun.”
Will shook his head, “No, it’s okay. I’m already here. Arts and crafts is half-way done anyway. We wouldn’t be able to finish.”
“If you’re sure,” Taylor sighed as she pressed a kiss to his forehead and Will let out a cry of protest because he could feel the lipstick stain there. He tried rubbing it away with his fingers but by the look on Lee’s face and the snickers Taylor was making behind him, he only made it worse.
Lee graciously handed Will a wipe before glaring at their sister. “Taylor, what are you even doing here?”
“I think I made that pretty obvious when I threw myself onto a bed and stated I was gonna say something mean. I came to gossip.”
“You should be at archery right now.”
“Mike was being a piss-baby. He wouldn’t let Josh and I try to hit one another. What’s the point of being in advanced archery if you can’t shoot at your brother? Moving targets!”
“So you left?”
“Yep. I found Silena and she offered to do my nails before I came by.”
Lee pinched the bridge of his nose in a way that resembled an old man at the end of his rope. Will suppressed a giggle at his brother’s anguish as Lee said, “You can’t do that.”
“Do what? My nails?”
“Leave Michael like that.”
“Why? He’s not in charge of me.”
“But I am. And he’s my second in command, so yes he is.”
Taylor groaned, flopping back onto her cot. “One, he’s like three weeks older than me, unfair. And two, none of that is important right now. What is important is that our father was here and didn’t say hi to any of us. Who does that?”
“Our father, apparently.”
Taylor flipped Lee off, showing off her new manicure. It was baby pink, like her lipstick, with a little sun in the center. “He gives those kids a ride, none of them his, and has the audacity to leave before saying hi? Hell, Will over here has never met him. He has time to bring a group of kids to camp, but can’t spare a lousy minute to check in on us? And I can’t say this to Michael or he’ll claim I’m “on the other side”.” Taylor sighed, a faraway look in her eyes. Will had only seen this look on her face a few times before: every time Luke was mentioned. “I’m just tired of feeling abandoned and I’m sick of feeling like it’s bad to think that.”
Lee stepped towards her, a soft, “Tay–” passing through his lips, before she sat up and shook herself out of her stupor.
“Instead of saying hi, he just causes chaos and disappears! He brings Percy back, which is never a good sign. Thalia is driving the sun chariot, and crashes it! Oh, and he brought that new weird kid that keeps bombarding everyone with questions.”
Will saw through the change of topic, and Lee clearly had to as well, but he allowed it to happen. He slapped her on the arm for the third time, “He’s not weird. He’s, like, eight. The kid is just excited. You were excited about camp once upon a time.”
Taylor turned to Will, jerking her head at Lee, “I think he’s finally lost it. When have I ever been excited by anything ever?”
Will grinned, “Yesterday, you beat Madi at Josh’s song quiz and you danced around the cabin for ten minutes.”
Taylor gasped loud and dramatic, clutching at her chest as she fell back onto her cot, chestnut hair falling all over her face in her fall. “William! How dare you accuse me of such things!”
#will solace#lee fletcher#solangelo#wip wednesday#solangelo fic#solangelo fanfiction#pjo#pjo fandom#mine.doc#i swear nico is in this just... later#for now its just cabin seven sibling antics#this is a wip wednesday so please ignore any mistakes#i want to have this fic posted saturday but i'm historically not great at self-inflected deadlines#my “birthday” fic was posted five days after my birthday soooo#my goal is to post this at the airport before i get on a plane but we shall see#this fic is an interpretation of nico and will meeting. like. the meeting mentioned in tsats but its also a will coming out to his mom fic#but like. not all that serious. in fact its very silly#if you read my fic 'a little house on the edge of town' it mentions will coming out and this is the story that alludes to#look at me just yapping in tumblr tags#rip taylor you would have loved kayla#thats a joke taylor knew kayla before she 💀
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New Skin Boss
Jed was glad it was Friday. His Boss allowed Friday to be the day when staff could wear what they wanted. During the week Jed had to tone down his gear, just jeans, thick soled shoes and a sweatshirt and anyway he had to wear a warehouse coat over. However on a Friday he did not give a shit what the other two lads in the warehouse thought and he always put on his Skin gear. Christ if you are a skin you have to show that you are, so out came the bleached jeans, the Fred Perry T shirt, the yellow braces and the yellow laced 20 hole Ranger boots. Like all good skins he wore no underwear and you could see the outline of his cock down one leg made more obvious by the piss stains from not shaking his knob when finishing his piss. The other guys wore their jeans and some boring top always looking at him as if he was an alien.
‘Well fuck them’, Jed thought
The Boss , Brian, was young, early 30s and seemed fixated with golf spending most of his free time on the golf course with his boring suburban friends. Jed had to admit he was good looking but God knows if he was straight or not. Had to be Jed thought with all this bloody golf. He was 6ft. good build, gelled hair with perfect parting and one thing Jed always noted was that there was a nice bulge hidden in his chinos. The guy obviously wore boxer shorts so his cock could swing around a bit. This Friday as they were packing up to go, Brian looked at Jed and said.
‘You always wear your Skinhead gear on a Friday, Jed. I just can’t see why and always so tight on you.’
‘Once a Skin always a skin, Brian. You wouldn’t know.’
‘Too right there, Jed, however I do admire you for looking like that. It may not be for me but it actually does suit you.’
That night Jed met up with his pals at the local Skin club. Great always to be with fellow skins in their gear. Some wore rubber versions of skin stuff and a few of the bigger blokes would bring their slaves in with a thick collar and chain and make them kneel begging for a beer. This was his home and often he would hook up with another Skin for a night of raw sex but it was usually a one night stand. Christ he had probably had half the guys there. He was talking to Otto who was considered the leader of the Skins who frequented the club. Everyone called him Otto because he loved to go off for weekends to the Berlin Skin scene and besides you would not mess with him, he was at least 6’2” and built like a brick shit house, both arms heavily tattooed and a spiders web tat covering his head. Jed was telling the group abut Brian and his comments.
‘Mate it sounds as if you fancy yer boss. I fucking hope not as us Skins stick together.’
‘Shit, Otto, no way am I having sex with anyone other than a Skin.’
‘So what Jed if this boss was a skin, what would you do?’
‘Well IF he was, I fucking love to be his fuck bitch judging from that cock outline I see in his chinos. But that’s not gonna happen ain’t it.’
‘Stranger things have happened. If you are up for it me and two of me mates could help out a bit. Always want to make us Skin boys happy.’
‘You’re bloody joking’
‘Am I? What say we have a go next weekend but I will need all the weekend and you stay out of things till I call you. You will just need to let us in before you leave and then you bugger off till I call.’
‘Not sure I can believe all this but hey man you are such a boss I’m willing to give it a go.’
‘Great, I like the sound of this commission. Will make for a good weekend.’
The following week at 5pm the other guys had gone off and Jed did as he was told by putting something Otto had given him into a cup of tea for Brian.
‘Thought you might like a cuppa before I go off, Brian’
T’hat’s nice of you Jed. No doubt you are off for one of your boys night.’
‘You can say Skin instead of boys Brian.’
‘Maybe but that’s not my thing but if you insist yeah, Skin nights. Hope you enjoy. I’ll be another half hour and then I will lock up.’
‘Have a great weekend. I’m sure its gonna be special’
‘Who knows Jed?’
Jed whispered to himself ‘I know’
He then opened the door to let Otto in and his two sidekicks.
‘You put the liquid in the tea did you, Jed’
‘Of course just as you asked’
‘Christ what have you there? It looks like a bloody huge suitcase.’
‘A bit like that but don’t you worry. Bri’s not gonna know what has hit him but the result will be exactly as you are wanting.’
‘I’m not sure now,’ Jed replied
‘Look fuck off mate and leave this to the professionals. Go.’ And with that Otto pushed him out the door and quietly shut it behind him.
‘Right lads lets give Bri 20minutes. That should be enough.’
They then opened the office door and saw Brian slumped over his desk.
‘Look like it’s worked boys so lets get to action, open up the case. First, hand me the shaving cream and razor as well as the chains and ropes but before we do anything lets get this guys clothes off.’
All three skins quickly removed Brian’s clothes
‘Well’ Otto said, ‘Jed is right, the guys got a good sized cock, I reckon a good 8inches when stiff but well find that out soon enough. A real waste in a pair of chinos. Dom, put these clothes in a bin bag and shove in the bin outside.’
Otto tied Brian to the chair with the ropes and taking out a good thick leather collar buckled that around his neck and then chained it to the back of the chair so his head was fully upright and unable to move.
Otto then took his electric razor and started on Brian’s gelled hair, great pieces falling to the floor. Once most of it was off he sprayed on the shaving foam, mixing it in with a couple of thick heavy globs of spit for good measure. Taking the razor he worked his way around the scalp once and then another go to make sure the head was smooth and properly scalped.
‘Shit that looks better for a start. He has a good Skin shape of head. Fucking hate blokes with all that gel thinking they look bloody great. Better shut him up before he comes round but first let’s close the blinds and set up the video system for him.’
Brian started to come to and as he started to open his mouth, he felt a round rubber ball being forced into his mouth almost making him gag and then it was strapped round the back of his head. He could not move his hands were firmly tied behind the chair and his head was immobile. He was vaguely conscious of a thick leather strap around his neck keeping his head firmly in position.
As his eyes still had a fuzz, he could make out in the dark room three men standing in front of him. They all looked dressed the same and he could make out high boots and shaved heads but little else.
One was bigger than the other two and came forwards so his face was up against. The guy looked fearsome and he could make out the guy was a Skinhead as he was dressed similarly to the clothes Jed wore on a Friday. The guy was bulky with thick legs encased in his bleachers and on his head a large tattoo of a spider’s web. On one cheek was another tattoo of a swastika.
‘So Bri, I’ve just put a ball gag in yer mouth to shut you up for now. You might see you’re naked but don’t worry that will get sorted out. Us lads are going to leave you for a while but before going we have a little piece of equipment we think will help you.
Otto opened up the ball stretchers and fitted them around Brian’s hefty pair of balls. As he clicked them in Brian let out a howl of pain as he felt his balls firmly locked and being stretched. You’ve a good pair there, boi, but we want them to give you a lower voice like us and besides you soon grow to love them and never want them off.’
By now Dom had set up the machine with a screen directly in front of Brian so he could not miss what was to be shown.
‘Ready Bri?’
All Brian could do in his anguish was mumble
Otto started the machine. The first video showed a group of skins hanging around some with knuckle dusters and others with bats, a group of chavs started to walk by the with Skins shouting at them. Every word was Fuck this, fuck that, Oi oi. Then the Skins waded in hitting the chavs with the bats punching the lads with their knuckle dusters, showing their power and making the chavs submit and run off. More videos started up all with real aggro Skins, looking for trouble, and always with the volume set loud, Fuck Fuck, Oi Oi. These words kept thumping in Brian’s eardrums
‘Right Bri, good stuff for you to watch. Well leave you now.’
While Brian sat tied up rigid unable not to watch the violence, the aggro, the sheer force and manliness of the Skins, Otto and his mates went next door for a couple of hours for a few beers.
When they returned Brian was wriggling in his seat, trying to force himself free, a look of sheer anger on his face, his eyes bulging with fury. His arms straining to be free.
‘Now what’s going on here Bri. Lets get that ball gag out.’
As Otto forced Brian’s mouth open and took out the gag Brian let rip
‘Fuck, fuck fuck, Fucking Skins. Oi oi ‘which he kept repeating his voice now deeper and his accent different, a working class sound erupting form his body. ‘Fucking skins,’
‘That’s more like it Bri. What I was hoping to hear.’
‘So for now we will leave the gag off but change the videos.’
Ok Dom put the other ones on for our mate here
The machine started up again and the new images flashed on to the screen. Again groups of Skins but this time no fighting, no fists. Instead the Skins were licking their Mates rangers, all in either bleachers or camos, tight, showing off their package, their hands rubbing against their crotchs. Other images showed some young Skins being forced down on their knees and their heads rammed against the older Skins bulges, unzipping and taking out their erect cocks. Being told to get on with their blow job . the older guys grabbing the head of the younger ones and forcing them to take the full shaft down the back of their throat. In other images other guys unzipped their bleachers and took out their cocks slowing wanking for the camera, eyeing each other and some helping their mate out, hands firmly grasped around the dicks, then coming with reams of thick white spunk at the camera. Other shots showed Skins with a rear zip having it undone and the top Skin shoving two or three fingers up their butt, , or getting down to give them a face fuck letting their tongues explore their mate’s arse. Then pictures and a full fuck as the main guy grabbed the other’s waist and pulled him onto his rigid cock, all the time shouting Fuck. Another video showed a fist fuck with bottom getting down on his knees and sticking his arse up so his mate could slowly start with a. couple of fingers moving then around to open up the guys arse and adding a third and fourth finger as the bottom squirmed begging for the full fist. Then the hand started to disappear in the guys cheeks and finally the arm moved in and up to the hilt. His own cock was out and wanking as he fist fucked his mate, both shouting with Fuck me mate, take my fist you fucking Skin boi.
As these pictures appeared so Otto and his mates decided to leave.
‘Bri needs a good few hours seeing all this, and you two can come with me otherwise you’ll be wanking each other raw. Later OK’
Brian was left alone to force watch the videos
As the guys were downing their beers and smoking their fags they eventually heard a voice next door shouting
‘Fuck the shit out of the bastard.’
‘Go on fucking wank yerself’
‘Get that fucking cock down yer throat’
The words went on and on in Brian’s new voice
Otto opened a beer and added something to it saying
Time to move on to the next phase boys
They went in and looking at Brian staring at the screen, still shouting
‘Fucking hell, Otto’ Dom said. ‘He’s luving all this, look at that fucking dick of his.’
Brian was sitting shouting at the screen urging on the blow jobs, the wanking and the fucking and his cock was stiff showing a full 8’ of thick manhood with a decent head. It was as if Brian wanted to break free and grab his cock for a wank
‘Good boi.’ Otto smirked. ‘Glad you luvin this what we Skins do to each other. No one has sex like a Skin. So take a beer and calm down’
Brian slurped down the beer and had not even drained the bottle when he conked out.
‘Right lads get the kit out, time for a bit of art work. Otto took out the tattoo kit with all the needles and colours
‘Time this guy looked more like us eh?’
Dom said ‘what you going to do mate’
‘Well we have to make a start and he can always add himself later as he will do. So I’ve worked out a few ideas. There are a couple of obvious ones.’
Taking hold of Brian’s hand he started to etch out Skin on his left hand on each finger, all in black letters a good inch high.
‘Well he can’t hide that now and lets give him another for every bloke to see. Taking the black needle again he etched out a spiders web on Brian’s neck, not as big as his own on his head but one about 4inclhes in diameter and one that no shirt would hide.
‘Looking good. Lets do one more.’
He made a pair of Ranger boots on his right arm with yellow laces.
‘I like a bloke with yellow laces.’ Otto said. ‘Always the sexiest. Right lets clear this up and give him a quick rub with some disinfectant. The bruising will soon go and he can admire himself.’
‘Ok Chas now get the next bit of gear for our friend.’
Chas took out a full rubber hood with no eyelets and just a plastic tube coming out from the mouth. Otto took the hood and put it over Brian’s head zipping down the back to make sure it was a very tight fit. He then fitted a funnel to the end of the tube.
‘Perfect. Christ I’ve been dying for a piss after those beers and cant save it much longer so Bri here is in for a fucking long drink. So lets wake the boy up .’
With that Otto took his hand and gave Brian a resounding slap across the rubber bound mask. ‘Fucking love hitting a bloke in rubber. Take that you fucking shit heap, and take that again,’ whacking Brian 3 times to make sure he was awake.
As Brian came round Otto opened his bleachers fly and pulled out his large thick tool.
‘Shit man,’ Dom said ‘I always luv seeing that big dick of your. Never fails to get me going’ as he started to rub his crotch.
‘Later man but for now lets give Bri here a good drink’
Otto put his dick over the funnel and start to let a stream of hot piss down it. Brin suddenly felt this wave of acrid piss spilling into his mouth but was totally unable to stop swallowing it. At first he hated the taste and tried to block it out as it poured down his throat but something clicked in his mind. It didn’t taste that bad, in fact he loved the taste and the more Otto poured down the more enthusiastically Brian swallowed.
‘You now fucking luv that boi, don’t you. Take my piss, after all those beers there’s plenty for you, as wave after wave poured down.’
Both the guys watching started rubbing each others crotches, thick outlines in their bleachers showing.
‘Ye see Bri, yer getting me mates all worked up and you can expect some luvly creamy spunk coming yer way from them. So guys hold yerself for now. The guys still rubbed each other precum stains showing through. Brian drank every drop of Otto’s piss.
Otto removed the funnel and then the rubber mask showing `Brian’s skin head glistening with sweat.
‘That was fucking great.’ Brian said. ‘Make sure you get a few more beers and let me have it again.’
‘See boys, the change is working. Well done Bri youre on the right road. Now me, Dom and Chas are gonna stand in front you. I’m gonna remove your neck chains but not the collar, it suits you, and take off the ropes. Us skins like our Rangers nice and clean and with all that piss of mine in yer mouth you are gonna lick every one so now get down on yer knees. ‘
Otto grabbed Brian by his leather collar and forced him down on his knees
‘You got 6 rangers there boi that need a good lickin so get on with it.’
Otto kept his hand on the chain that was attached to the collar and pushed him to start with Chas’s. Brian knew what he had to do and do it right
Chas shouted ‘Get fuckin right down Boi and let me see that tongue shine up me boots.’ Brian let his pissed stained tongue lick deeply on the toe caps using his spit to shin up the spit oozing out his mouth
‘That’s it boi get all the way round.’ Brian was grovelling on the floor licking round the toe caps and the backs of the Rangers his chin buffing up and his hands firmly around the boots. He looked up at Chas to make sure he was doing a good job and saw that he was stroking his crotch and Brian could see the outline of a good sized dick stretching down the inside of his bleachers
‘You lick well boi, gets me going. Me cock now nice a hard., as he unzipped his fly and let his hand go deep inside his bleachers to pull out a long cock.
‘Now fucking lick mine’ Dom shouted. He already had his dick out and was stroking it dropping some spit on to his shaft.
‘Fucking lick and use your tongue and spit boi,’ Otto shouted putting one of his boots firmly on Brian’s head and forcing it down onto the boot. ‘When we say lick you fucking lick got it.’
Chas and Dom now had their hands on each other’s cock giving one another a good wank.
Otto said,’ I’m saving you for later Bri but come on lads let’s see you both spunk over Bri’s face you can see he’s gagging for it
Shit I’ve a load of good spunk ready for him’ Chas shouted
‘Me too’ Dom said ‘I love your hand rubbing me cock, Chas, keep it going. As for you Bri sit up and lets see your face. That’s it, stare at our pricks and get ready for our cum.’
Dom was now using his hand up and down the full length of Chas’s cock and Chas was working Dom’s head knowing he loved his head rubbed with spit.
Otto watched rubbing his own crotch, smirking at his lads getting off on each other.
‘We’re gonna cum together boi so be ready to swallow and what you don’t I’m gonna rub all over yer face’
Dom and Chas had worked one another up to shoot their load.
‘I’m ready now Chas’
‘Me too Dom, yer fucking great at wanking me off, Christ im coming’
‘Take aim’
Both guys let out a stream of cum onto Brian’s face, Brian trying to swallow as much as he could loving their spunk and started using his hands to wipe it into his mouth whilst Dom and Chas rubbed what was left all over Brian’s face
Christ that fels better Ive been dying to shoot ever since we started his on the guy.
Otto said don’t worry I think youll both be at it again soon.
Otto took a wet cloth and wiped Brian’s face removing all excess of spunk.
‘I think its time to get some clothes on you boi, it the only clothes you’ll be wearing from now on, you never want to wear anything else. Once a Skin always a Skin. I’ve your new uniform.
Otto opened the suitcase and brought out the clothes for Brian. A Fred Perry black T shirt with yellow piping, a pair of camos with yellow braces, yellow long socks and 20hole ranger boots.
‘Ok Chas help the guy on with his gear. He needs to know how to do the laces of his boots.’ As Brian put on his clothes he started to feel even more different and wondered what clothing he had ever worn before this weekend. He seemed to know this was right for him and he felt it suited his body, showing off his chest and firm arse. The putting on of the boots was like a sexual surge, feeling them tight around his legs, knowing he could kick the shit out of someone wearing them with their steel caps. The pressure around his legs gave a pressure to his cock as it grew in length down his leg.
,Right Bri time to see the new you. This is what it’s all been about and hope you like what you see.’
Dom brought a mirror in and Otto pushed Brian in front
‘Well boi you look fucking horny,’ Otto said rubbing his dick
Brian was amazed. He now looked just like the others there and his spider Tat looking like a real Skin, but then he is a real Skin. He clenched his fists and could see the Skin tat on his knuckles. By clenching his fists he looked ready for a fight, tough, real aggro and so fucking manly, such a fucking turn on. His cock was rigid.
‘Right Bri time to finish off the transformation and I get the pleasure. Get over here.’
As Brian moved over towards him Otto unzipped his flies and put his hand deep down inside to pull out his thick veined 9inc rampant cock. This ain’t been washed in days boi so all the better for fucking you now bend down over your desk.’
Brian saw Ottos cock and for a moment winced at the thought but seeing this rough man standing in his Skin gear with his massive cock out at the ready, Brian knew he wanted to be fucked by this monster.
Brian did as he was told and Otto unzipped the rear of his camos.
‘I make sure all my bois have a rear zip as I love to fuck them in full gear. Dom you can call Jed now and get him down to see his Boss.. That’s some arse you got there, Bri, just as I like good firm cheeks and a deep cleft at your hole.’
Otto spat two large globs of spit onto his rancid prick.
‘Makes it a bit easier for you first time.’
As he put his arms around Brian’s waist he moved his cock into the crack.
Dom and Chas were both watching rubbing their cocks knowing how well Otto fucked.
‘Well Dom no point in the two of you just watching and feeling horny so Chas get over to the desk next to Bri and let Dom fuck you at the same time. I know you love his cock.’
‘I fucking do’ Chas said as he leant over next to Brian and unzipped his rear fly Cum on Dom give it to me.’
‘Watching Otto fuck the hell out of Bri will make you even more horny.’
Otto took his hands and spread open Brian’s cheeks to let his cock find the hole.
Nice little hairy arse you got there boi and I can see a good slit you have for my big dick.’ With his hands keeping the arse wide open he let his head meet Brains hole and spat another glob to push the head in.
‘Fucking hell Otto what a cock you have, you’ll bloody well split me.’
‘Don’t worry boy once I get the head past, my shaft will glide up your arse right to the hilt. Just look at Chas and how he takes Dom’s cock.’
Chas was starting to move his body back to allow Dom into his arse. Dom had taken Chas by the shoulders and was pushing him against his balls.
‘I want to feel that arse of yours right up tight against my balls. Make em swing Chas.’
Chas rammed his body back as much as he could until he felt Dom’s pubes rubbing against him.
Meanwhile Otto had started pushing in the full length of his cock. That’s it boi take the full load as I’m gonna blast you.’
‘Shit this is fucking great, I’ll never want anything but dick again.’
By now both Dom and Otto were fully up as Chas turned next to Bri and taking hold of his head kissed him plunging his tongue down Brian throat.
‘That’s it bois enjoy one another while we enjoy you.’
‘Come on Dom lets give our lads everything we got and cum together’
The two men fucking started pummeling, grasping their prey and pushing their dicks in an out with increasing force and rapidity. Brian and Chas were giving each other deep throat groaning as they could feel the dicks up their arses ready to explode in side them
‘Christ Bri this is your moment there’s no going back now once I cum inside you. Dom get your jism ready as I’m about to cum’
‘Me too mate’
And with that both Skins erupted their spunk deep inside Chas and Brian.
The door opened and Jed stood there transfixed at the scene.
‘Fucking hell it’s a bloody orgy. What have you been doing.’
Otto slipped his cock out of Brian’s arse giving his cheeks a hard slap.
‘Well done Bri, you know how to use that bum of yours. Now see who’s here. It’s your mate Jed who asked us for help to change you.
Otto zipped up Brian’s rear and let him stand up to face Jed
‘Christ you looking fucking amazing’ Jed said staring at his boss. ‘I could never have imagined. I don’t know what to say Otto.’
‘I think you are about to find out.’
Brian walked over to Jed and before Jed knew what had happened Brian had him in a stranglehold making Jed unable to move.
‘So it was you, you fucking little shit who caused all this. You’re the one you has put me through all this, you fucking little wanker. I should have known. It’s you who have made me a skin’, he sneered into Jed’s face spitting at him and using his spare arm to rub it in. ‘Fucking great life you’ve given me You made me a Skin just like you and Otto here. You’ve changed my life for ever.’
Jed did not know what to say ‘I didn’t know it was going to end this way Brian,’
‘Well it fucking has and let me tell you, its bloody brill. What a fucking great life you’ve given me. Who wants to be anything but a skin but I’ll tell you now having just been fucked good and hard by Otto, my cock needs to get rid of plenty of spunk and its your arse that’s gonna take it all.’
Brian threw Jed at the table and as he undid Jed’s jeans he could feel Jed with a full erect cock.
‘So you like seeing me like this do you. Well all these times I’ve seen you checking out my package you’re now gonna get it as I am so horny after Otto.’
Brian undid his zip by now his camos showing a large stain of precum.
‘Christ I’m ready for you and that arse Jed.’
With one arm firmly on Jed’s back he took hold of his cock and pressed against Jed’s crack which was already moist and waiting. He knew he was going to be fucked and he so wanted Brian inside him.
Brian decided this was no slow fuck he wanted Jed to feel every inch as he rammed the 8 inch prick all the way up so Jed could feel he could go no further. His movements were rapid but Jed wanted it all and was pushing his arse back and forwards to help the sensation and while being fucked he had his hand over his own shaft wanking for all he was worth.
‘Christ Brian fuck me, let me have all your cream as I’m about to spunk all over your desk. Go on faster and faster I want you. Christ I’m ready to explode’
‘You little horny skin you Christ I m ready to give you all my spunk’
‘Me to, shoot mate’
And with that both men groaned deeply and came at the same time a great spray of cum shooting across the desk from Jed and Brian at last cumming as he had so wanted to do during the weekend. He was a Skin and he loved fucking.
‘So guys, looks as if I’ve had another success. I can pack up.’ Otto said
Brian replied, ‘thanks Otto. Jed you’re coming home with me tonight I’ve not finished with you yet. I think you and I have something together and a good night of fucking will see what happens. I may have another job for you Otto.
On Monday morning Brian and Jed were waiting in full Skin gear for their warehouse staff to arrive. The two guys walked in and saw Brian, no longer in his chinos and light blue shirt, but looking a full skinhead in his bleachers, Rangers and Fred Perry, totally shaved and the spider tattoo showing. He had an arm around Jed and as the blokes took in the scene so he tongued Jed.
‘Well lads as you can see there have been a few changes. You see me as I want to be and I’ve promoted Jed to be my personal assistant. I’ve decided to take the company in a new direction and in order to make the changes I’ve brought in some help, so meet Otto, Dom and Chas.’
The 3 Skins came in and stood behind the employees.
‘You won’t be going home for a couple of days as Otto will be working on you. We are all going to be one fucking great Skin team.’
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Jungwon Drabble
Genre: fluff + suggestive
Warnings: fem!reader, idol!Jungwon + idol!reader, older!reader only by a year, dom!Jungwon (sexual and nonsexual), 16+ it’s slightly suggestive but i’m still gonna say mdni, use of the word Noona, fwb to lovers, Jungwon is obsessed with reader
Author’s Note: Did I write an imagine for a member that’s not my bias while I have written absolutely nothing for the 2 ENHYPEN biases I do have? Yes, yes I did.
“Cmon,” he coaxed while kissing your forehead. Jungwon was supporting himself up on his left elbow as he laid above you. “It’ll be fun! I went last week with Sunoo Hyung and we had a blast.”
“Just go with Sunoo again. Why do you wanna go with me so badly anyway,” you groaned, pulling the blanket up to cover your bare chest.
Jungwon shrugged as he removed strands of hair that were sticking to the slight sweat on your face. “You like dancing. And I know you like clubbing with your friends so why not club with me?”
You hummed, realizing you’ve never actually been clubbing with Jungwon before. “Yeah, I guess you and the guys are the only friends I haven’t been clubbing with…”
Jungwon chuckled and smirked, intertwining his free hand with yours. “Noona, after what you and I have been doing the last couple weeks, you can’t still possibly consider me a friend.”
“Jungwon not now..” you mumbled as you got comfy on the mattress, much to Jungwon’s dismay. Anytime he even slightly brought up the topic of wanting to further your relationship, you brushed it off.
Jungwon didn’t want to be friends with benefits with you initially. In fact, he actually has a massive crush on you and expressed this one day when you two were watching a movie together alone. However you told him you weren’t interested in dating someone younger even if it was by a year and he respected that. When you suggested a different type of relationship, he rejected it out of respect for you. But that quickly changed one night when he was walking you home and something in him (probably the fact that Heeseung was low key flirting with you) had him pushing you up against the nearest wall and making out with you harshly. The last 3 months after that have just been consisting of you two messing around whenever you’re free, and Jungwon’s feelings for you rapidly increasing.
“Hey.. don’t fall asleep on me yet,” Jungwon cooed. He cupped your cheek and caressed it, staring at you fondly.
You whined sleepily as your eyes fluttered open for a second, looking up at him with doe eyes. “Stay tonight Wonnie..”
Jungwon would stay forever if you told him to. He pecked your lips softly and repositioned you two so he could lay down next to you and wrap his arms around you, your bare back to his chest. “So what do you say Noona? Spend your Friday night clubbing with me?” A hum from you had Jungwon smiling contently as he drifted off to sleep with you.
Friday night rolled around and you got ready in your apartment, Jungwon offering to pick you up. Once you got his text letting you know he’s two minutes away, you started doing finishing touches like fixing your makeup and grabbing your shoes for the night. As you were choosing the shoes, the padlock to your front door made a noise signaling it was unlocked. You heard footsteps shuffling around downstairs before heading to your bedroom. The owner of the loud footsteps leaned against your door frame and smirked. “You look great Noona.”
You glanced at him and went back to fixing your mascara. “You look good too Jungwon-ah. Is anyone else going clubbing with us?”
Jungwon moved to sit on the edge of your bed, watching you doll yourself up. He knew you most likely weren’t doing it for him and only to boost your confidence, but he could quietly pretend it was all for him like he quietly pretended you were only his. “Jake Hyung and Heeseung Hyung are coming too, but they were dropped off by manager Hyung already.”
“You should’ve gone with them, I could’ve had my manager drop me off.”
“I’ll take any extra time I can get with you.” You didn’t answer since you were reapplying lipstick. “Are you done almost?”
You nodded and turned to face him. “Grab my things Jungwon-ah?”
Immediately he got up and started shoving your necessary going-out items into his pockets; your phone, mask, ID/card, and lip gloss. This was a normal between you two whenever you were going out, alone or with others. He did it as an act of love towards you because he knows how annoying bags are to carry. “Done!”
“Alright, let’s go then.”
- - - - - - - - - -
You danced some with the three boys, sat and chilled for a bit, and then danced some more; this time with Jungwon only. The song selections were pretty good and you two were honestly having a really good time. That was until more sensual songs started coming on and you were tired from all of the jumping, opting to whine your waist and dance with your hips to save some energy. Although Jungwon was keeping a good physical distance the whole night, this new side definitely had his mind hazy and he knew it wasn’t just the alcohol in his system. He know had you facing him and had a hand resting on your waist as you both swayed your hips together in sync, leaving some space between you too.
You noticed Jungwon looking around and not focusing on you and decided to tease him about it. “What’s wrong Jungwon-ah? Bored of me already? Looking for a new girl?””
Right away he shifted his eyes to you and gave you a look, as if almost silently asking if you’re being serious right now. “Never. You’re the only one I could even imagine giving my attention too.”
You ignored how your heart fluttered. “Then? You’re so distracted you won’t even look at me,” you pouted.
Jungwon sheepishly smiled. “Don’t think too much of it. I noticed some girls who seem to be fans, judging by the way they’re trying to discreetly video tape us.” You hummed, not really bothered by this and grabbed his other hand that was by his side to place it on the other side of your waist. This action made Jungwon cock an eyebrow at you. “You do realize we’re probably gonna have a dating scandal tomorrow morning right?”
“It’s part of the job right?” you shrugged.
“You’re surprisingly chill about this. I remember I used to have to force you to go for even lunch with me.”
“I don’t care enough. Let them write what they want. We can just deny.”
“From my peripheral vision I can see us being recorded dancing Noona. My hands are on your waist and our faces are not covered. How do you plan on denying this one?”
“Well we’ll say the truth; we’re just close friends. We wouldn’t be lying, not like we’re dating anyway.”
Jungwon groaned.”Noona~, c’mon don’t talk like that.. we’re not just friends.”
“I mean we’re not gonna tell fans that we’re messing around are we?”
“So why don’t we just confirm our relationship?”
“You wanna lie?”
Instead of responding, Jungwon pulled you right into him, hips touching and swaying as Jungwon touched his forehead to yours. “I’m saying let’s date.”
“Jungwon I already told you–”
He moved his gaze from your lips to your eyes, making you freeze. Holy fuck. “And I told you, even before all of this, that I don’t want to just fuck you. I wanna take you on dates, I wanna kiss you and hold you whenever I want, I wanna take you to meet my parents, I want to do all the things couples do, I wanna love you Noona, just give me a chance.”
You moved your face slightly away from him to tilt your head and gaze at him, as if challenging him. “And what if I do give you a chance? How can I guarantee you’ll be the type of man I want?”
“I’ll be whatever type of man you want me to be.” He pulled her even closer (if it was possible) bringing his lips right to her ear. “I’m not a child, I’m only a year younger than you. I’ll even stop calling you Noona if that’s what you want for fuck’s sake,” he whined. “What do you say, hmm? Let me be your man.”
Finally giving into the burning feelings you’ve had for him for God knows how long, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Jungwon was shocked, but happy and kissed you back passionately. After a couple seconds you both pulled away gasping for air and Jungwon connected your foreheads again. He pecked your lips one more time and then your cheek. “Thank you for giving me a chance Y/N-ah. I promise you’ll never regret it.”
“Uhh we might tomorrow morning,” you chuckled, referring to the fans. “Media’s gonna have a field day tomorrow with all of these pictures and videos.”
“Hmm, whatever. I’ll deal with everything.”
It was your turn to look at him funny. “Weren’t you the one warning me about that a few minutes ago?”
“A few minutes ago I was single. Having you by my side, I can do anything.”
#enhypen#enhypen jungwon#yang jungwon#jungwon#enhypen imagines#jungwon imagines#jungwon aka the one younger guy i shamelessly simp for#seriously he's not even my bias
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m a r s i got this request nd im gonna write it but i also wanna see how u do with it, ive always really liked ur writing :< u dont have to im js curiousss
"luigi x male reader, pov luigi is your senior year [___] professor (pick a class, make one up even) and theres only like a 1-3 year age gap between you and him, and your friend is picking on you bcs she dont think he gonna go to [insert upcoming dance] with you so you ask him in front of the whole class just to prove her wrong"
Holy shit, im so sorry this is a couple months late. I haven't really looked at my inbox (no one has given me any asks since the dawn of my account) but I love this, thank you for giving me more writing fuel <33
| Roses | Luigi Mangione X Male!Reader |

{Y/N finds himself falling for his handsome professor, Luigi Mangione, but his bff doubts he'd go to the spring formal with him because he's a teacher. And now Y/N is going to prove her wrong, in front of the whole class.}
{Tags; Fluff, College AU, Professor/Student, Very lighthearted fluff.}
{A/N; Thank you anon for the prompt, I hope you like it! <3}
{F/N = Friends Name}
Photography class was pretty easy, but Y/N’s only source of inspiration was the professor himself, Luigi Mangione.
And it was hard to explain his muses for certain pictures when they all lead back to the man asking the questions; he had to know by now from every time Y/N stammered and looked through his notes, about how nervous and bashful the professor made him. but maybe he mistook it as just anxiety? that's what Y/N’s bff was saying anyway. “Listen, as much as i want you to get a boyfriend; do you actually think professor Mangione would go to the spring formal with you?” She punched Y/N’s shoulder while he was trying to decide what to eat for lunch. “Geez, do you always have to bring me down with you?” He said lightheartedly and gave her a shoulder punch back. “Well think about it, He’s a professor, you’re a student; if you two are seen having a few steamy affairs then he’ll get fired.” “Ew, come on, I’m not going to make-out with him on the spot… I just want to get to know him more.” F/N gave him a smug look as they sat at a table with their food. They ate in silence until F/N put her fork down “How about this, I’ll set you up with a different guy; someone who's actually a student.” “You can’t actually not believe in me this much, right?” F/N stammered a response “I- I believe that there’s plenty of fish in the sea for you.”
Y/N groaned and stood up from his chair.
“Fine! You know what? I'm gonna prove you wrong. I’ll ask him in front of the whole class then, and if he dumps my sorry-romanticizing-ass, then you have something to tease about til the end of time.”
Y/N left the cafeteria, letting what he just said he’d do sink in.

Photography class didn’t bring Y/N quite as much joy as any other day; on other days he wasn’t going to say anything other than ask questions, or for a presentation. So he waited until some of his classmates were getting their things before he made his way towards Mr. Mangione’s desk, “Um, Professor Mangione?”. His eyes met Y/N, and they were so beautifully daunting that they made Y/N doubt if he was even worthy of speaking to him. But F/N would probably ask Mr. Mangione for him if he chickened out now. Especially now that he had eyes on him. “So uh; Spring formal is next week and I was wondering if you…” Y/N grimaced, and by the raise of the professor’s eyebrows; Y/N didn’t need to finish his question. “Y/N” Mr. Mangione started, “I’m sorry, but I don't think that’d be appropriate. I’m sure there are students that would love to go with you.” Y/N was always glamoured by how professional he sounded, but his hopes of hearing his casual tone were gone. Y/N’s shoulders slumped slightly and he tried not to sound too bummed out, even though acting like he wasn’t only made his feelings more obvious. “I’ll see your photographs tomorrow, Y/N.” “Okay, have a good day, professor.” Y/N said over his shoulder. “You as well.” the professor said back.
Y/N caught up with F/N and she had an awkward smile on her face, Y/N sighed “How much did you hear?” “Everything…” She responded. Y/N ran a hand through his hair as they walked on the campus’ grassy grounds “At least I ripped the bandaid off quickly…Right?” F/N put a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry I was making fun of you, I’ll do whatever I can to still make the spring formal fun for you.” F/N reaffirmed as she put a hand on his shoulder. Y/N smiled slightly, “you’re right, we can still have fun.”. The two of them liked walking around campus after classes; talking about their day and whatnot, before they had to study. Y/N parted ways with F/N and began to make his way towards the dorms, when on his way he saw some roses. But it wasn’t the roses themselves that made him stop; it was their color. They were the same cranberry-maroon of Mr. Mangione’s sweater he was wearing today. Y/N took out his polaroid camera and snapped a picture; took a moment to memorize the folds and waves of each roses petals, feeling their softness as well, and put the small polaroid inside his bag as he started to walk to the dorms again.
The next week went by like that flash from his polaroid camera, and now it was the evening of the spring formal.

“How do I look, Y/N?… Y/N!” F/N hollered at Y/N when she got her dress/suit on. Y/N snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his friend's voice “Great! you look amazing.” inside he was thinking about how awkward it’s always going to be every time he sees his professor; it has been for the past week. “Thanks, you look great as well. Even if you don’t have a date for the formal, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a cute guy to dance~” She said as she delicately applied her mascara on her eyelashes, “I think they’d be stupid to not dance with you.”. Y/N chuckled and smoothed out his pinstriped pants in the mirror; that also matched his suit coat and tie. As Y/N brushed out his hair and styled it in different ways, F/N held her hand out to him. Two tiny rose studs laid in her palm “These go well with your outfit. I can wear a different pair.” Y/N looked between F/N and the studs. “Oh, thanks.” He accepted them and put them on, and it was safe to say she was right; she always was. First it was the rose bush last week he saw, and now these rose earrings. He took them both as good signs.
At the door Y/N and F/N show their student IDs before they enter the gymnasium, greeted by loud music and even louder classmates and students. The two danced to a few songs, got drinks, and danced some more. Y/N couldn’t seem to get anyone to dance with him though, was it the earrings? He didn't want to think about it too much. He should just be having fun with F/N. The last slow song of the night played and F/N was able to get someone to dance with her, so Y/N decided to just go outside of the building. A chilly spring breeze blew past him and he shuddered a little, but the slightly cold weather would be better than the oven that was summer. So he tried to enjoy it, it was just that seeing some of his classmates going home with their dates,with their jackets over their shoulders; it made him feel a bitter melancholy. So he sent a text to F/N about where he’d be, and walked out to the football field to mope on the bleachers. He took out his phone again and looked at his phone case, where he put the polaroid of the roses in. All he could think about was his professor, every color he wore, everything he said, Y/N saw and heard him in everything. It was as if he was made of roses, and all Y/N wanted to feel how soft he was and memorize the folds and contours of his face.
“Nice picture, I haven’t seen roses like those in a while” Luigi said as he looked at the polaroid over Y/N’s shoulder, he flinched a tad at the sudden pierce of silence. “Professor Mangione- I uh, I saw them on campus.” Y/N shifted to make room for him, Luigi’s lips lifted up in a small smile. “You don’t have to be so formal with me, Just call me Luigi.” Luigi remarked, as Y/N put his hands in his pockets. The professor took in how Y/N’s hairs stood up in the breeze. He didn’t ask before he took his coat off and put it on Y/N; he tried to keep his touch on him brief. Y/N looked at Luigi with surprise “Pro- Luigi?, I’m fine, you don’t need to give me your-” “Nonsense, you looked cold… On top of looking lonely.” His considerate tone nearly took all the wind out of Y/N, and his face grew pink and bashful. Y/N didn’t get why Luigi seemed to be so caring now, after how professionally he rejected him, but he liked it nonetheless even if it confused him.
Luigi broke the tension by scooting closer to Y/N and placing his hand on his knee, “What you asked me last week, about the spring formal, i wanted to accept… But you do understand the consequences of what’ll happen if we’re together. I don’t want to jeopardize your future, especially with eyes like yours”. Y/N gulped down the echoes of his beating heart “I know, really I do. And I wouldn’t want to lose my inspiration.” He said, which made Luigi curious as to how he could be; Y/N explained further “I only took that picture of the roses because they reminded me of you. If something doesn’t connect with me, then I don’t waste film on it.” Y/N said, and he found that maintaining eye-contact with Luigi proved to be difficult when the rest of him was already attracting his attention. A smile returned on Luigi’s face as he brushed some of Y/N’s hair behind his ear, the sudden contact made Y/N’s chest feel as light as sun rays “I’m glad we have that in common. I just hope I’m not a waste of film to you…”. Luigi’s fingers traced down Y/N’s jaw, then his neck before they glided down to his waist, causing Y/N to lean closer to him. He welcomed the blackness of his eyelids as Luigi kissed him, focusing on the softness of Luigi’s lips. After all those months of daydreaming about how Professor Mangione’s lips would feel like; He concurred with all the other hopeless romantics, that they felt just like roses.
#fluff#gay#luigi mangione#luigi mangione x m!reader#luigi mangione fanfiction#luigi mangianoe x reader#No beta we die like brian thompson#fanfic#one shot#college au#student x professor#free luigi#innocent until proven guilty#luigi is a hero#luigi is innocent
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Those Phone Calls, Pt. 2
Read part 1 here
Second Call
It’s been three weeks. Several times a day, several days each of those weeks, Mike tried to call to no avail. Thankfully he gets through
Joyce: Hey, hello, who is this?
Mike: Hi Mrs. Byers, it’s Mike. Is Will there?
Joyce: Mike! Oh, sweetie, how’re you doing?
Mike: I’m good, I’m good. Uh–
Joyce: You know, Will keeps saying you two are gonna play DnD over the phone? I dunno how that’s gonna work, but you boys always make things happen!
Mike: Oh, he mentioned that? That’s so crazy. Um, listen if he’s not around that’s cool, I can call again later
Joyce: Michael, you called at the right time, actually. I just finished my shift so you two can play telephone the rest of the evening if you want. I’ll get him right now.
Mike: Uhh, thanks, Mrs. Byers.
Will grabs the phone from his mother
Mike: Will?
Will: Hey Mike!
Mike: Hey! How’s, uh, stuff? California stuff?
Will: It’s fine, I guess. It’s so sunny here. I feel like I’m getting a tan? But I’m also burning a lot so I’ve been wearing more layers, but then I get hot so I’m kinda just shit outta luck.
Mike: Damn, maybe I shouldn’t visit
Will: Why would you say that?
Mike: I’m kidding! You remember what I look like, I’m paler than a ghost. I’d probably incinerate the second I step off the plane.
Will: Not if I cast protection
Mike: Hey, so long as you roll well I should make it, right?
They smile within the silence
Will: How’s Hawkins? Any news, gossip?
Mike: No, nothing interesting for once. Lucas and Max are kind of a thing again, but then they kind of aren’t. It’s weird
Will: I bet. I mean, with everything that happened at the Mall, and Billy…
Mike: Yeah. It’s unconscionable. I feel like Max is taking on too much responsibility for it, you know? But it’s not her fault an interdimensional shadow monster murdered her brother. But, because of that too, I feel like Lucas doesn’t really know how to help her. Doesn’t really know what to say
Will: I feel like I wouldn’t know, either. Sometimes we blame ourselves for things even when they aren’t our fault. We say things we don’t mean, we wish we’d done more…I wanna tell her, like ‘it’s not like you could have stopped the Mind Flayer, Max!’ But, maybe she wishes she had tried anyway
Mike: Wishes she coulda done something about it. Said the right thing, got Billy to break free.
Will: Just like how you guys helped me.
Mike’s breath catches
Mike: I don’t know if it would have worked for Billy, though. He wasn’t like you. I don’t know really anything about his life, but I bet people who should have been there for him, weren’t. And then he became the asshole he was.
Will: Maybe, but there still could have been a chance, I think. Maybe part of Max thinks we gave up on him. Imagine if you guys gave up on me…
Mike: Don’t ever say that, Will. I would never have let that happen
Will: I–I know.
They grow quiet again
Will: You there, Mike?
Mike: Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking
Will: Yeah, me too
Mike: What are you thinking about?
Will sounds like he’s sniffling
Will: It’s hard to remember everything that happened back then, when the Mind Flayer…had me. I try not to ever think about it, really
Mike: Then don’t, not if it hurts too much
Will: No, it’s okay. I feel like right now I kind of can, again. I feel okay.
Mike: Promise?
Will: Yeah, I promise…I remember how it felt, mostly. It was like the worst part of the now-memories, but instead of looking at the slides I was the paper around them. The frame, but not the picture. But…
Mike: Take it easy Will
Will: I’m okay. I wanna talk about it.
Mike: Okay
Will: I still remember how it all felt. This light around me, this warmth I felt in my chest even though the Mind Flayer wanted everything to be so cold. And I remembered us
Mike: Yeah?
Will: Yeah. It’s silly, but, that little bit of me inside remembered the day we first met. I was on the swings by myself. I tried playing with every other kid in kindergarten but they didn’t want to be around me. I was all by myself, until you showed up, and you asked me to be your friend. I remember, you had such a funny haircut that day. I think you’re mom tried cutting you’re hair but knowing you, you probably squirmed too much! I said yes, though. I dunno why I remembered it, but…I’m glad I did.
Mike has gone quiet, and Will hears quick breaths and sniffling
Will: Mike? Are you okay?
Mike: Y-yeah, yeah, sorry. Um, I gotta go Will. I’m sorry.
Will: Oh, okay. Bye, Mike
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A New Slivaze Two-Parter!:
Blaze-Con and Seal
“Silver?...” Gold attempted to get the grey fluffy hedgehog’s attention. She did not succeed. The future psychic had a clear case of the zoomies as evident by him flying and zipping from side to side. Collecting random bits and bobs into a handbag of his. Every calendar in his room was marked for today, there were like seven alarm clocks on his night stand, and... a planner, which was about to burst open full of sticky notes and bookmarks.
Gold noticed all this as she scanned his room, and it made her quirk her brow, “Since when does Silver have a planner? He's like the most disorganised, forgetful person I know. You know what's up with him?” Gold looked down to Marine at her side who was armoured up in her floaties, inflatable donut, two pool noodles, a pair of flippers, in a snorkel swimming goggles combo. If you haven't figured it out from the context clues, they were ready for the pool. The royal castle pool, Blaze didn’t want or ask for it, but she thought Marine would like it, and she was right. Gold had her swimming suit on as well.
“I dunno.” The girl shrugged, “Is he acting any weirder than usual?”
“Aren't you scared of drowning in all that... equipment?” Gold swirled her pointing finger in Marine’s direction. “Wasn't Blaze being a little overprotective with this?”
“No, she's just concerned, because she has the biggest heart.” Silver defended his partner before Marine could even reply.
“Yeah, I was gonna say something like that.” Marine chimed in, “Look, the water calls to me. Are we going to the pool or not?!” Marmar wriggled her arms around.
“Oh, nice of you to finally notice us. You going to the pool with us? Or are you doing whatever you're doing here?”
Silver finished his packing and zipped up his bag with a big smile on his face, “Sorry, can't today. Got plans. You two have fun though.” He was genuine.
Gold tilted her head to the side with a quizzical look on her face, “Wait? What's today? What's gotten you so excited?” The tenrec couldn't help but smile at the cheerful hedgehog. She always enjoyed seeing him happy.
“... What?... What's Blaze-Con?” Gold gave Marine another confused look. Marine once again shrugged.
“Well, I'm glad you asked.” He answered smilingly. He had stars and sparkles in his eyes. His hands lit up covered in greenish-cyan energy, the bag unzipped, and a bunch of... merchandise flew out and onto Silver’s person. A purple T-shirt, flat cap, boots, mug, foam pointing finger, and small triangle flag; All saying the same thing: ‘#1 Blaze Fan’. “Blaze-Con is a convention for Blaze The Cat fans to meet up and talk about shared interests, that of course being; the admiration for Blaze The Cat. A convention and club of which I am the founder, organiser, in #1 VIP member of.” He proudly proclaimed with his chest.
Gold was once again speechless, “Well, I heard enough, let's go.”
“No, I'm interested in the premise now.” Marine smirkingly remarked, “Does Blaze know about this?”
He avoided eye contact, tapping his fingers together, “Only certain details.”
“Now, if you'll excuse me, I’ll have to get going, and make sure everything is in place at the venue.” His face flipped into a frown suddenly, “Last year we had to share our venue with the Sonic con last-minute. It was a nightmare, seeing his face plastered everywhere. Worst torture I've ever been subjected to, didn't speak to Amy for weeks because of that...” And he was from a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Then suddenly a smile and joy returned to his face, “Anyway, see you guys tomorrow. I'll probably try a dip in the pool then.”
He levitated up and zipped past them, but backtracked to Gold and gave her a hug, “Oh, and relax, it's your day off, you deserve this. Try to have some fun, Goldie.” Gold was taken aback. And her friend was off. They were left in the doorway.
“Pool?” Marine asked.
“Pool.” Gold replied.
The sun was out, a nice cool breeze in the air, and the pool was just a few steps away. All things considered it was a perfect day, or rather it would be for most people. But Princess Blaze of Sol was not most people. There she was sunbathing on the pool chair, grumbling as she shifted and wriggled from side to side trying to get comfortable. The pair of shades she wore hilariously covered up the grimaced, scrunched up face. Her claws gript tightly at the sides of the lawn chair. The Princess grunted and hummed, annoyed.
“Blaze?” The monarch turned her head, remembering she wasn't alone, to see Amy looking back at her with a confused look, “What are you doing? Are you okay?” She asked concerned.
Blaze cleared her throat and re-composed herself, “Yeah, yes, I'm alright. I'm good. Enjoying the uh- nice day. Simply trying to re ugh rel-augh ruh-” She sounded like she was about to throw up.
“...Relax?” Amy finished the sentence for her, still a little worried, more so even. “Blaze? Can you not... say ‘relax’?”
“HA! Yes, yes! That! That's right, that's what I was- that's the word, I was looking for, re-- that one.” Blaze laughed to herself, snapping her fingers in the air.
“Blaze, no offence, but you sound deranged. Blaze, have you ever tried relaxing before?”
“Uhmm, yes, of course, I remember once when I was six, my mother allowed me to keep my favourite Maple leaf collection, that I kept in my bedtime storybook!”
“Ohhh, cool.” Amy nodded with a forced smile on her face, “That... so sad, Blazey. I'm sorry. You know, I have a strong mother too.”
Blaze gave a long, tired sigh, “Yeah.”
“Cannonball!!” The small orange raccoon screamed as she sprinted past between them as fast as her little legs could carry her. She reached the edge of the swimming pool, and jumped! And splashed into the water, leaving an upsidedown donut float on the surface. Amy raised their drinks tray up which saved it from the impact waves Marine had made. Blaze remained unflinching, and unfazed as the water evaporated the moment it made contact with her body.
“Mari! Just be careful!” Blaze exclaimed in concern. Marine safely emerged from the water spitting out water like a fountain and cackled at her mentor, stuck her tongue out and mouth farted at her. The purple feline huffed and rolled her eyes, “Why do I even waste my breath?”
“She'll be okay, let the girl have fun,” Gold walked out behind Marine, covering her face; guarding it from the sun, “Eh, not used to clear skies.” She whispered that part to herself, “She's literally a sailor. She's fought robots, pirates, and suffers Silver every day. She'll be okay.” Gold remarked.
“Yeah, BB, you worry too much. Allow yourself to loosen up your shoulders a little, you don't have to carry the world on them all the time.” Amy reassured them.
“I know, I know. I just... sometimes struggle to shut my brain off. And for good reason; there’s a stack of papers waiting for me in my office. Not to mention I need to seal a peace treaty between two rival Queendoms, and sanction a new trade deal with a neighbouring antimatter dimension. And then there's Silver's birthday-”
“Silver's birthdays isn’t for another four months, girl. That other stuff is- yeah that does sound serious, but- You're still overthinking things, B.”
“You’re right. You’re right.” Blaze took a breath in and out. She closed her eyes and attempted to clear her mind as she often did when seeking to control her powers. She opened them once more to the site of the little raccoon she loved so much climbing out of the pool and then running back in and leaping into the water. She watched her do that over and over again, just laughing and cackling to herself, she was having the time of her life. Blaze was smiling before she knew it, ear to ear. Fully satisfied with helping form a core memory for her little girl.
“That's more like it!” Amy remarked merrily.
“Speaking of Silver, where is he? He said he had plans today.” Blaze questioned.
Gold scratched the back of her neck, “Oh, yeah, he's off to... Blaze-Con.”
She gave a smiley sigh, “Oh, he's still doing that, huh? Goddess, she's so silly and naive... And cute.” Amy gave her a knowing smirk, “Alright, alright, enough of you.” Blaze pushed her away.
“Go to your little girl. Take a dip. Enjoy today.” Amy gave her a friendly nudge. Blaze got up, and did as recommended, she sat down at the pool edge, solidifying a core memory for herself as well.
“Blaze! Blaze! Look! I'm a seal! Arg! Arg! Arg!”
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Eldritch Echo - Part 7
I return. There are explanations here! The kind that answer the what and not the why, but explanations nonetheless. Someone also asks if they can eat the Chancellor, but I promise he doesn't actually want to eat him. That much corruption definitely tastes nasty. Also @mezmatch I'm not sure if I've been tagging correctly but hope this is visible.
In Coruscant, CMO Blood ignores the way the wall across from him peels away from the emerging face with stone eyes and needle-long fangs. He’s stitching a gash in the leg of one of his Corries and isn’t about to pause to look at a dramatic ARC.
“I’ve finished with the Guard. The slicers developed something, but they were debating how to send it out last night. I don’t know if they’ve decided yet. And you?”
“I’ve got the files. Three copies with me, three with the medics you directed me to on Kamino. You sure we can’t-”
“I didn’t know you wanted to be a cannibal so badly.”
“I don’t, I’m just saying that if we ate him we’d be extra sure he wouldn’t survive.”
“A beheading is just as effective and less gross.” Blood replied, leaving the unconscious vod so he could wash his hands. “Give me one of those copies and then keep yourself busy for the next two hours. The meeting is in two and a half, and we need you to play your part in this plan.”
ARC Trooper Fives grins, eager and angry. “Don’t worry Blood. I’ll be there.”
In the Marauder, Wrecker approaches Echo, who’s been reading for the past hour. “We’re gonna talk about what we know about your thing. I thought you’d want to know, and since you’d probably listen in anyway I should just invite you?”
“Thanks Wrecker.” Echo replies. He’d been listening to their conversations as much to know if they wanted to kick him out as to see how their investigation was going. As a twin he’s used to looking strange from time to time, but there’s strange and there’s forcibly and painfully altered before being used to kill vod. He’s growing comfortable with his new limbs and his new team, but he hasn’t fully reached comfortable yet. And he thinks it’s mutual, maybe especially now that he’s been messing with them.
But hiding it isn’t a long-term solution, not on a ship this small. The Bad Batch says they like weird. If they’re honest about that, his tendency to occasionally grow claws and turn blue shouldn’t be a problem.
He catches Hunter’s eye when he follows Wrecker in and the Sergent shrugs. Crosshair gives Echo his usual scowl, which he uses for everything from inconvenient terrain to burned coffee, so that’s probably not too bad. “Any chance you’ll just give us an answer?”
“It’s payback.” Echo grins, needle-sharp for all of a second. “For those two times you forgot I hadn’t memorized your plans yet. And the smell of the ship. It’s also entertaining.”
“Your plans are the same kind of crazy don’t deny it.” Hunter sighs. “Can you at least agree not to lie if we ask?”
“I never lied. Not for these questions.” And it’s true. Crosshair may have gotten nowhere with his questions, but every answer Echo had given had been either blatantly ridiculous or true but vague. He’d gotten a lot of entertainment out of it this week.
“We should start by reviewing what we know.” Tech states. “Echo has some form of deviancy from the Prime that expresses itself in multiple ways. They mostly appear to be physical but has also included using his shadow to eavesdrop and talk to us when he was in another room.” He paused, then glanced up. “Incidentally, could you use that to scout ahead?”
Echo made a so-so gesture. “Depends on the terrain. I wouldn’t recommend it over someone scouting ahead in person, but it’s helped before. And I’m not separate from my shadow, I can’t pay attention to what’s in front of me and what’s in front of my shadow at the same time.”
“That is good to know.” Tech replied. “We have seen multiple examples of your shape changing in small ways, not enough to indicate your limits, though from your comment about your prosthetics I believe you either cannot alter them or are still learning how to. Is that correct?”
“Could you elaborate?”
Echo tilts his head back, frowning. He’s tried to put words to this before, he likes words, and he’s trying to remember what he’d thought then. “The changing is a bit like a reflex. You can stop it – we all did our best too while we were on Kamino – but it’s also partly automatic. My body’s still adjusting to the prosthetics so they don’t change as much on their own, and I’m still adjusting mentally, so it takes a little more effort to do something like this.”
He raised his right arm. The scomp end split apart into something like a flower, Torrent blue with red stripes.
“There are more of you then.” Hunter states.
Echo smiled, bittersweet. The sweet glowed under his irises, the bitter ached in his throat and bruised his skin as if it was trying to do more than metaphorically suffocate him. “It’s never a good idea to assume you’re entirely alone in the universe. The first pair were decommissioned within their first year. The Kaminoans like uniformity, and from what Ninety-Nine told me that first pair was way off the mark. He said it was as if all of us that came later got the message somehow, our differences were quieter as tubies. But we’ve never adhered to uniformity well.”
Echo, who found comfort in the kind of quiet minute detail-work that was essential but considered boring, who had been threatened a time too many with decommissioning, and who was often overshadowed by his louder twin, had been an exception to that norm. Not anymore.
“And who’s we?” Crosshair asked.
As fun as this game has been, he might as well wrap it up. “We’re twins Crosshair. Myself and Fives, Cobalt and Cerulean, you know that absurdly cheerful medic in the 212th? He’s another.”
“But what is a twin when we’re all clones?”
Echo shrugged. “We just are. You know how you know how to reassemble a blaster, effortlessly and thoughtlessly? It’s like that but without the endless drills. Or the way most batches pick oldest and youngest by vibes. Each twin in a set was decanted on the same day, and when we find each other, we know. Fives I, I don’t remember meeting him and if he says he does he’s lying but, we’ve always known. Someone suggested there was Force stuff involved and it’s as good an explanation as any, but I don’t think any of us knows the why of it.”
Tech and Crosshair shared a glance before Tech said, almost hesitantly, “I read the report of ARC trooper Fives’ death. But you always talk about him in the present.”
Echo’s next breath shudders. “I, I would know. He’s the other half of my soul and I would know if he was truly gone. There was this shiny in Torrent a bit before the Citadel called Dogma. He’d lost his twin a few months before being sent out and I think the only thing keeping him going was his remaining batcher and his extreme loyalty to the Republic. He told him that he felt his twin die from all the way across Tipoca City. So I’d know.”
The squad glances at each other uncertainly and anything they might have said interrupted by a beeping from the console. Tech hurried to the pilot’s seat and Hunter sighed. “Mission time boys.”
Echo shoved up from the seat. Time to get to work.
#echo's gonna go feral soon i think#normally I'd advise against biting droids but if you can make your mouth like a hyena's it could work#arc trooper echo#arc trooper fives#bad batch echo#tbb#clone wars#eldritch echo#eldritch clone troopers#the bad batch
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The Eclipses Show
Pairing: None
Word Count: 1,348 Words
Summary: Solar discovers issues with the two new arrivals to his universe even after fixes.
Warnings: Death (mentioned), Fear Of Death, Injury, Cursing, let me know if I should add anything else.
Chapter 4: Feels Like We Had Matching Wounds
“Solar?” Umbra asked.
It had been a couple hours since they had first had the explanation from Phase on what had happened since Umbra went offline. The majority they were doing was cleaning out a party room for the three of them to sleep and charge in.
Phase was setting up his twin bed with black sheets and white designs on them of clouds. Solars was set up already by now and Solar was laying on his orange and brown themed bed. Umbra’s grey and purple bed was just finished up and Umbra was sitting on it uncomfortably.
“Yeah?” He asked back.
“I don’t…really know what I’m doing. I mean, I lost so much. I lost about a third of the time I’ve been active. What if I fall asleep charging tonight and I can’t wake back up again?” Umbra asked.
Solar sighed at this. Umbra was right, they had next to no idea if his AI would just simply shut off while he was sleeping and charging tonight. They had no idea if Phase would either. Solar didn’t even know if their charging cables were undamaged and were able to charge them yet because the charging cords they had were in the most vulnerable spots in their heads.
“Well, I guess you can bunk with me or Phase probably until that fear eases.” Solar told him.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” Phase agreed. “I’m kinda worried about it too, honestly.”
“Both of you, come sit.” Solar demanded them, patting his bed. Both Phase and Umbra crawled onto Solar’s bed instantly and let him do whatever he was planning.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” Solar assured them as he moved Umbra so Umbra’s back was facing him. Solar gently held wires out of the way and carefully freed Umbra’s charging cable.
Upon freeing the cable, Solar could see that something had clearly eaten through the charging wire and it wasn’t a safe wire anymore. But the wire wasn’t changable because of the machinery it was connected to. There was also significant damage both blunt force, gnawing, claw marks, and water damage to Umbra’s circuit board.
“Jesus fuck, Umbra. What got to you?” Solar asked.
“I don’t know. Is something damaged?” Umbra asked, trying not to move.
“A lot is damaged. You basically need a whole new circuit board.” Solar told him.
“But those aren’t replaceable.” Umbra tried not to move despite the fact that he was shaking.
“Alright, I was gonna do it for you both eventually anyway but now seems like a good time. I have the old bodies from two animatronics Fazbear never implemented here. I can move your AI to the new body and you won’t have any issues.” Solar assured him.
“You can?” Umbra asked.
“I can. Come on. Both of you. Because you’re not gonna make it a week if your charging cable is like this.” Solar told him, hooking his arms under Umbra’s arms and standing him up when Solar stood.
Solar led the two to Parts & Service, holding onto them as he went to assure himself they were still there, that they were real. This entire situation had felt unreal, honestly. But it was kinda of…nice to have people around who somewhat understood him.
“Alright, you go on the transfer table and I’ll get the body.” Solar told him, grabbing the Sky model. He placed it on the other transfer table, plugging the body into the transfer table.
“Okay. I’m gonna transfer your data and memory to the new body. It’s gonna feel spacey for a minute but you should wake up almost instantly.” Solar assured him.
“Okay. I’m trusting you.” Umbra told him as Solar carefully plugged Umbra into the table for the transfer.
“I’ll see you in a minute, Umbra.” Solar told him, pressing the button.
“Anyone want anything while I’m ouuuuuuuuu-“ Umbra asked as his eyelights faded until they went dark. It took a minute but the eyes in the Sky model opened up glowing and Umbra gave a groan, moving his head in his new body.
“Uh… hi again.” Umbra chuckled.
“Good morning.” Solar rolled his eyes.
“You made it!” Phase tackled Umbra with a hug.
“You’re next, Phase.” Solar reminded him.
“Awww, you love me giving me a new body too.” Phase teased. Solar couldn’t respond to that, what could he say even? ‘You’re a better brother than the one I have, I’m already attached’? He couldn’t admit that.
“Get on the table, Phasey.” Umbra told him. Solar smiled softly, hooking his arms under Umbra’s old body and lifting it off the table, placing it in a stasis tube for unused animatronics. When he came back, Umbra was helping plug Phase into the transfer table.
“You two are already two steps ahead, ain’t ya?” Solar asked.
“Yep. Seven, actually. I have the button up, we just need the new body.” Umbra told him.
“Oh god, there’s three smart ones now.” Solar sighed, picking up the Star model and placing it on the table with a sheet over its body, since Phase was wearing the Star model’s outfit currently. Solar plugged it in and looked to Phase, who Umbra poked on the nose.
“See you on the other side.” Phase teased Umbra as Solar pressed the transfer button. Phase woke up in the Star model’s body and gave a sigh as his eyes flickered their eyelights.
“Oh my god, the pain is gone.” Phase sighed out as he disconnected the transfer wire and sat up holding the blanket up over his chest. “Can you um…” Phase asked.
“Oh yeah, right.” Solar covered his eyes with his hand and turned around and Umbra shut off his optics given Phase would need help moving his old body to undress it.
“It’s safe now, Solar!” Phase told him a few minutes later. Solar turned back and Umbra was turning back on his optics. Phase’s old body was covered with the blanket now and Phase was fully dressed.
Umbra’s new model was a sun type with purples and grey integrated to it, two sets of four point rays with one bigger and one smaller. It looked like a dusky night sky. The pants were purple with grey diamonds on them in a polka dot pattern and his shirt had the same, his ruffles purple with grey stripes.
Phase’s new model was a sun type as well but monochromatic black and white. He had a double set of five point rays with one set smaller than the other. He was modeled after the constellations, all of them appearing in white on his black shirt and pants as its pattern. His black ruffles had white stripes on them.
Solar thought the models fit them quite well, actually. Sun types but their own ways of being a sun. The stars they had both desperately wanted at one point. A bit poetic if Solar thought about it.
“Alright, it’s past midnight now. We should charge to open tomorrow.” Solar told them as he put Phase’s old body into the stasis tube with the blanket around it. Both Umbra and Phase cheered and both bolted back toward the daycare together.
Solar rolled his eyes and followed them, finding them both in Solar’s bed giggling like kids as they plugged in to charge. They turned on the TV to Netflix and were looking around on it. Solar smiled and plugged himself in to lay with them, ending up with one on each shoulder as they’d picked The Addams Family.
Before long, Umbra and Phase were asleep and Solar sat up watching the two sleep. It felt good, actually. It felt right to have them here. It felt like they were more of brothers than Crescent and Corona were, they were nicer to have around than Crescent at the very least and there was no guilt of killing one of them like Corona.
Solar fell asleep holding Umbra and Phase to his shoulders, Phase snoring and drooling. Umbra was giving little noises in his sleep, Solar quietly sleeping and sleeping deeply for the first time in a while.
#sun and moon show#sams#five nights at freddy's#fnaf#the eclipses show au#fnaf solar#fnaf good eclipse#fnaf umbra#fnaf eclipse#fnaf phase#fnaf backup eclipse#snoweywrites#tw death mention#tw injury mention#tw cursing
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Why is hell breaking loose tomorrow?
Oh it’s for me personally, not like fandom wise or anything lololol
See, just over a week ago my dad fell down the stairs and dislocated his knee which then meant he has been in a brace for over a week and needs surgery. All of this meant he couldn’t take the trip across the country with my mom for my niece’s birthday and baptism that he was meant to leave for 36 hours after his fall, so my daughter took the ticket to see her cousins. That said, it’s left me as the caretaker for my dad and I’ve needed to get him to all his appointments and help him prep for surgery and get everything taken care of for his post surgery care as well all while dealing with my youngest two children and all that life already usually throws at us for the past ten days.
But that’s the calm before the storm, see. Cause tomorrow is the surgery. It’s outpatient, which means all post-op care is up to us and my mom is still across the country. So I’m the one who has to get him to the hospital, be there during surgery, etc etc etc as well as his immediate post op care once we are home. Thankfully my husband got the day off so he could be with the boys while I’m at the hospital and busy with all of that.
However. A lot a lot a lot of appointments and other regularly scheduled life things that are required for my kids’ various needs had been put on hold since I had anticipated not having the additional assistance with child care while my parents were out of town, so things have been fairly chill on that end the last week and a half, but see my mom and daughter fly home tomorrow and that means alllllllll those appointments that had been building up plus the additional before school starts appointments and sessions and sports practices and shopping for school supplies and everything will all be kicking off basically now too AND!!! What time does the flight arrive thus requiring me at the airport? 1:10 am. So after a day at the hospital and caring for my dad, I’ll be picking up my mom and daughter in the middle of the night from the airport.
If that was all I would chalk it up to a crazy 24 hours, but I’m not even gonna break down the way we have at least four conflicting schedule issues on Thursday and Friday alone with appointments and therapies that cannot be rescheduled due to time constraints and other issues, and my mom will probably be jet lagged and exhausted and of no help plus my husband will be back at work and my dad will still be recovering and needing care post op…….
Oh and wordplay sign ups open tomorrow morning. And the one day a week I’ve worked VERY. VERY. VERY HARD to get for myself so I gave some sense of sanity and doing something for myself was supposed to be tomorrow night and that… is no longer happening. And I need to get to the grocery store and finish laundry so the travelers can use the wash for all of their clothes when they return and the house is a disaster and I haven’t meal planned past today and the garden is practically overgrown with weeds and….
So yeah. All hell breaks loose for me tomorrow. As far as I know for everyone else it’ll be just another Wednesday. 😂
Anyway. If yall would like to send us prayers and good vibes tomorrow so my dad’s surgery goes as well as possible, I sure would appreciate it. And sorry for kinda ranting at you in response when you likely did not need to know any of this 😂😂😂
#for real though the man is 75 and not bouncing back how he used to ya know#I’m not worried about the surgery so much as I am about his recovery and how his body’s gonna handle the anesthesia etc#anyway#it’s fine#he’ll be fine and so will I lol#asks#anonymous
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What if I just totally dropped off the face of the Earth for a week?
Like it’d be cool I swear. I swear maynee 😓
Anyways enjoy this snippet of a fic im working on (while I try not to ignore all my other fics)
Fic Name- Freely Tomorrow (I’ll probably change it tbh) PONYBOY POV!
Mom wouldn’t have been mom if she wasn’t so punctual. Mom always knew how much groceries were gonna be. She always knew when Darry took some money to take out a broad. There wasn’t a pattern or anything, she just knew.
Me and Soda used to ask her for money to go together somewhere and she’d have enough somehow. She would always know everything. From when Soda faked sick to when she died. She knew who was going to take me. She knew dad would die with her.
She just always knew and always had a plan.
Darry used to tell me that mom and dad fought all the time before I was born. That my mom used to not be punctual and always forget things. Then after I was born, she did a full 180. It made me happy; I was like their miracle baby.
Darry was the only one that looked like dad. Soda looked identical to mom. But Soda shared some traits with dad, mostly his personality. It didn’t bother me that I looked like Soda but didn’t act like mom or dad.
Once Two-Bit joked about me being from another dad and mom and dad shut that down. I had never seen them so angry like that before. They reassured me that everything was fine. I didn’t remember much, because it happened when I was 5.
Now, I’m faced with that problem again.
“Our parents had a will?” Darry asked the police. They just nodded at his question. Just a few minutes ago we were told our parents were in a fatal car accident. Just a minute ago we identified their bodies.
Just a second ago I was in custody of Darry.
I could tell that Darry was trying to be strong. He looked at the police officer with certainty in his eyes. It was like he had grown up in the time that it took to identify our parents bodies. Still, there was some uncertainty as he looked at the cop who held papers in his hand.
Soda was crying with me, although for our parents. He wasn’t listening to the fact that I could be taken away. Darry didn’t cry, he held his head up high and started the process of getting custody.
“We will have a court date soon. I warn you son, it’s hard to fight against a hand written will,” the police explained to Darry. I didn’t understand then what that meant. Darry didn’t seem to understand either…
“Cmon Pony, Soda, let’s go home,” Darry said to me and Soda. Soda was reluctant to get up, tears were still falling from his eyes. We still needed to call the gang to tell them what happened. Although, Darry seemed to have already done that.
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Steve said as he stood next to Soda. It was obvious he was there for Soda only. He didn’t even bother to give me a glance. I didn’t mind that much though, Darry’s conversation with the police hung heavy on my mind.
After a bit of Steve coaxing Sodapop to go home, we made it home. I felt numb, unable to do much but cry as I went to my room. I lay in my bed, looking at the window I had.
The moon was high in the sky. Just today I went and watched the sunset. Just today-
“Pony?” Someone’s voice called from the door. I was unable to move, paralyzed by the thoughts that ran in my mind. I wanted to cry again.
I just wanted to cry and have mom hold me. It was pitiful to think about. Still, the person was in the doorway, shining some light into my dark room. I hadn’t noticed the voice and waited for a second. Again they spoke and I knew who it was.
“I’m real sorry ‘bout your parents,” Johnny said. His voice was real soft, almost coaxing me to cry again. I wanted to cry but something in me didn’t want to anymore. Instead, I got up and faced Johnny.
Johnny looked like he had just finished crying. I understood why, my parents were just like parents to him. They treated him way better than his actual parents could’ve. In some weird way; it felt like we both just lost our parents.
Johnny came over to me and sat down near my legs. Something in me wanted to talk and to cry, but not both. There was a second of silence as I fought with myself to cry or not to. Instead of making a choice, Johnny chose for me.
“Will you be alright?” He looked at me. I wanted to lie, to say I’ll be fine. Yet, I just shook my head and laid back down. Johnny hugged me over the sheets.
“It’s okay to cry,” he whispered into my ear. It was like he held the ticket to my emotions. I cried heavily, heaping sobs overtaking my body. He held onto me tightly, sitting me up so he could rock me gently.
There he was- a 15 year old coaxing a 13 year old. The night was cold and he offered me warmth. I wished the warmth could’ve lasted forever.
I felt the huge blobs of tears fall down my face. It was like my grief was falling out of me, but still sticking to me. Johnny was sniffling too. However, I could tell he was trying not to cry either.
We stayed there for a long time. Just us crying and trying to hold each other. I could hear Sodapop crying too. If I tried, I could’ve probably heard Darry sighing and sniffing. Yet, I couldn’t help but revel in the warmth Johnny gave me.
In the morning I was shocked to see Johnny still with me. It was obvious that we had both cried ourselves to sleep. For a bit I just laid there, numb. When Johnny stirred was when I decided to get up.
We walked to the living room. Everyone was in there, mostly sleeping though. Darry sat at the dining table, running his hands through his hair. He was stressed.
I walked up to him and saw the papers he had on the table. It was a will, my name was etched on it in big letters. Before I could fully read it, Darry put it away.
“Go wake up Soda,” Darry said before I could do anything else. I just nodded, nothing in me could make me give a snarky response. Soda was in his bed with Steve, somehow, Soda was still crying.
For a second I just looked at them. Sodapop and Steve looked so young. I mean- I think everyone looks younger when they’re sleeping though. For Steve though, he just looked a lot less angry.
I looked to Sodapop. His body trembled a bit, and tears continued falling from his eyes. Both of their eyes were puffy, they probably cried themselves to sleep too. Before I could think more of it, I decided to wake Sodapop up.
“Soda, wake up,” I said as gently as I could, walking to Sodapops side and shaking his knee. He stirred a bit before looking at me.
“Hey Pony…” his voice trailed off. It was obvious he was seeing through me, not at me. It took a bit but he got up and followed me to Darry.
Johnny had stayed in the living room, set on waking Dally up. When me and Sodapop walked in, he abandoned that to go to me.
“Hey Johnny,” Soda greeted and Johnny nodded. Darry looked at us and ran his fingers through his hair.
The day dragged on. For me, I cried the entire day. Soda cried too, except he cried with Steve. It was obvious that Darry was holding back his tears, he held a firm face as he sorted through papers. I cried with Johnny and alone.
Somehow, Darry got everything ready for the funeral. Then, he was set in getting custody. He was granted temporary custody of me and Soda as the court date was set up. I could see the fire in his eyes as he wanted the custody to be permanent.
On the day of court I saw some people I didn’t know. They looked at me and the gang closely. It was like they were sizing them all up. Darry held me close, Soda following his lead. The judge asked some questions and soon the topic of a will was brought up.
“Darrel Curtis and his wife Lilith Curtis had a will. In the first section of the will, it is stated that Ponyboy Curtis will be handed to his godparents. Will his godparents step up to the stand?” The judge said.
I felt my mouth go dry and I looked at Darry and Soda. Soda was panicking, this was also new information to him. Darry however, held a firm face and continued to look at the person coming to the stand.
There was a lady, her hair was long. She had the same colored hair as me and the same eyes. Something in me panicked as I looked at her. We made eye contact and she smiled.
“Angelina Thomason, you are the godparent of Ponyboy Curtis right?” The judge asked. Angelina nodded, looking only at the judge.
“Have you discussed this with Lilith and Darrel Curtis?” The judge continued.
“Only with Lilith, if you see the will, Ponyboy is only related to me,” Angelina’s voice was soft but firm. For some reason, that scared me.
“When was the last time this was discussed between you and Lilith Curtis?”
“Just a month ago. She had given me her will and asked me to sign for Ponyboy Curtis.”
The judge nodded and I looked at Darry again. This time, Darry’s face looked like Sodas- scared. I looked back at the judge and the jury. Some people were talking before they quieted down from the judge.
“Our final verdicts are Sodapop Curtis will stay in custody of Darrel Curtis Jr,” the judge started. I heard some cheering from the crowd, most likely Two-Bits. After the court was called again it was time for me.
“Ponyboy Curtis will be placed in custody of Angelina Thomason. These are effective immediately,” the judge said. The court went quiet and I felt my blood go cold.
As the court was dismissed all I could do was look at Darry. Darry’s face looked sad, like he wanted to cry. Sodapop was crying as the gang met up with us outside.
“What’s- what’s gonna happen with me?” I asked. No one could answer me, they just all looked at Darry.
“You’ll come with me, that’s all,” someone said from behind me. I jumped and looked at Angelina. Up close I could see her eyes more clearly. They were grayer than green and that made me a bit jealous.
“You!” Sodapop yelled as he pointed at Angelina, “you’re taking our brother away from us!”
Angelina’s face was perplexed before going back to a calm look. Then she looked at me.
“Y’all don’t know, do you?”
I just looked at her. Know what? Why she was taking me away from my brothers? I shook my head and she just looked away.
“It isn’t my place to tell you. You have to pack though, tomorrow we will go to Kansas-“
“To hell with that! You’re not taking him,” Sodapop yelled at her again. He pushed her and instantly was held back by Steve. I knew Steve was angry at Angelina too though. It seemed like the entire gang was ready to kill her.
“Look- it ain’t my choice. Lilith didn’t know she was gonna die and she just chose me. We can stay in Tulsa but I know what goes on here. Darrel, you can choose for Ponyboy to have a good life in Kansas, or stay here and become like y’all,” Angelina was starting to lose her cool. I couldn’t help but flinch at her voice. I didn’t want to leave but I didn’t have a choice.
I looked at Darry and his face was unreadable. Dallas however reacted for him.
“Like y’all? The fuck is that supposed to mean. You’re taking him away from family and you have the balls to make us seem bad?” Dallas sounded close to tears as he started to walk towards Angela. He held a glare in his eyes as a small crowd started to form from the commotion.
I looked from Dallas to Angela. The question was still unanswered and I feared for the answer.
Kansas? Away from the gang?
I had just lost my parents. Why would I want to lose the rest of my family? It was too soon for anything like this to happen. Before anything else could happen, Angela spoke up.
“I’ll be at your house tomorrow Darrel. I ask that you have an answer by then,” with that, Angelina walked away into a car. I just stood there and before long I was taken back home.
We all just stayed in the living room. No one looked at me. Something in me wanted to cry again, it felt just like when mom and dad died.
“So did y’all know her?” Two-Bit finally asked, breaking the silence. I shook my head and Sodapop did too. We looked over at Darry and he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I met her once, when I was Ponyboys age. Shes only two years older than me,” Darry looked at me.
“I didn’t think she was going to take you. She knows we’re family,” his voice started breaking as he got angrier, “Why did mom have to put her to take you? Why just you?”
The questions hung heavy in the air. I just looked down, tears welling in my eyes again.
“Am I staying here or going to-“
“Kansas,” Darry interrupted me. I looked at him in shock. Everyone else in the gang looked at him in shock and he just looked at me. Something in me was scared, almost wanting to run away.
Still, Darry’s face was certain. That made me sad and angry. Did he want me gone? Did he think I was a burden now? Before I could do anything, there was a hand on my back.
“Guess you have to pack,” it was Dally. I just looked at him and thought about the same questions I was thinking with Darry. Still I nodded and got up, albeit numbly. I couldn’t look at anyone as I walked into my room with a suitcase. Dallas helped me, as did everyone else but my brothers.
I knew why they didn’t. They were arguing in the living room, something they didn’t want me to hear. At that moment I didn’t want to hear it, I didn’t want to remember that there was a reason why it was only me leaving. When I was finished packing, I went to sleep.
Everyone else didn’t make fun of me for crying. I could see the anger in Darry’s eyes, the fear in Sodas, the uneasiness in Johnnys, some anger in Dallas’s and Steve’s, but sadness in Two-Bits. They all stayed over to get ready to say goodbye to me in the morning. I didn’t want to leave.
I don’t want to leave.
#might do it tbh#:3#i don’t even know#mayneeee#the outsiders#ao3 writer#fanfic#write#se hinton#unfinished#ponyboy curtis
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flowers and ink (part 4)
Eddie Munson x Steve Harrington
Summary: Eddie and Steve are officially gonna go out. But where?? Thankfully, their friends are invested and ready to help.
(part 1, part 2, part 3, link to Ao3)
Word Count: 2K (bit of a short update, but next one will be longer!)
Warnings: Tattoo artist/Florist pairing, modern day au, Eddie is a SIMP, oh hi Gareth!, codependent Stobin, hot messery, just a bunch of cute shit throughout tbh
A/N: I'm back! Shout out to @gregre369 for 1) being a top fan and 2) suggesting this date idea. You are an MVP, dear reader <3
“Okay,” Eddie said with a firm nod. “So, now we just have to decide where to go, right?”
They heard a heavy sigh from the phone on the table, followed by the noise that iPhones make when a call is disconnected.
“Damn,” Steve chuckled as he put his phone back in his pocket. “I was hoping we could use her as a lifeline or something.”
“That’s probably why she hung up,” Eddie retorted. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone sigh that loudly before in such a genuine way. Like, she’s really done with us.”
“Yeah, I hear her sigh like that about once a week,” Steve responded. “You get used to it.”
Eddie hoped that he’d be around these two long enough to get used to it, but maybe he was ahead of himself. They still had to plan a date.
“Probably my fault,” Eddie said, shrugging. “For assuming you two were together.”
“Oh, that?” Steve asked, unfazed. “No, that happens all the time. It’s my fault for constantly forgetting that we look like a couple.”
“You really do,” Eddie replied with a smirk. “But it’s all cleared up now, right?”
“Right,” Steve agreed. He brought his hand back up to run through his hair. “And now we’re alone, so we just have to -”
“Hey, wait!” Eddie interrupted. He ran to the counter and grabbed Steve’s wrist, then pulled it down and turned it so the palm was facing up. There were splatters of ink smudged all over his hand. “Don’t want you to get this in your hair.”
“Oh, shit,” Steve said once he saw it. “Must have been from my little project this morning.”
“Oh, yeah?” Eddie asked, coyly. “What were you working on?” Steve took his free hand and reached over the counter to grab the rose from Eddie, but Eddie pulled his hand away. “No way, you’re not getting this thing back.”
“You like it that much, huh?” Steve teased. He leaned back to standing again, then flipped his hair with a quick jerk of his neck, revealing more ink behind his ear.
“Dude, you -” Eddie almost laughed, but wasn’t sure if they’d reached that point in their relationship yet. “You got some more right here.”
Eddie took his index finger and traced it where the spots were, then presented the blackened pad of his finger in front of Steve’s face.
“Aw, shit,” Steve groaned, half annoyed and half amused. “Now you’re inked, too.”
“I think I’ll survive,” Eddie responded. He rolled his sleeves up to reveal his arms almost entirely covered in tattoos. “Not the first time, won’t be the last.” Steve followed the designs up Eddie’s skin, entranced, then nodded.
“Okay,” Steve said, holding his hand up and away from everything around him to avoid spreading the black ink any more than he already had. “I’m gonna go to the sink in the back and take care of this, but I’ll text you in a bit and we can set something up, okay?”
“Sounds good,” Eddie agreed. He had to get going anyway, because he had an appointment coming up. Although, he was pretty sure it was some kind of prank call because the name was clearly fake. Dick Johnson. Yeah, okay.
He walked back to Ink About It, still clutching the rose, but doing so delicately so as not to ruin it and/or get more ink on himself.
Eddie was bluffing before. Sure, he was used to being around ink and getting tattooed, but he always wore gloves. It was a hassle to get the stuff off his skin generally, he just couldn’t help but tease Steve about it. Now, he looked like he just came from the police station and ran away before they could finish fingerprinting him.
He could make that comparison because he may or may not have had experience being fingerprinted.
He opened the door and saw Dick Johnson in the flesh - waiting eagerly with a grin.
“Munson!” he said, jumping up.
“Gareth!” Eddie greeted back, surprised. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“What do you think?” Gareth replied, walking over to Eddie to give him the kind of half-assed bro-hug that guys do. Eddie instinctively hid the rose behind his back as they embraced, then realized how stupid that was.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m trying to hide this,” Eddie said, holding the rose up.
“Yeah, why were you?” Gareth teased.
“I dunno. It’s new.”
“Oh shiiiiiiit,” Gareth said, smiling. “Is Heart-Eyes Munson back?”
That was a joke from high school. Heart-Eyes Munson. Eddie didn’t tend to fall for people, but when he did, he fell hard.
“He works at the flower shop across the street,” he explained.
“Well, that’s fucking cute,” Gareth noted.
“Tell me about it,” Eddie said, rolling his eyes. He couldn’t believe how much he liked Steve already. “Well, Dick Johnson, I’m going to put this with the others and then we can get started.”
“Others?” Gareth asked, extremely amused. “This man has sent you others?”
“Shut up,” Eddie replied, biting his lip to keep from smirking.
Steve underestimated how hard it was to get ink off of his skin. Seriously, he scrubbed his hand and neck raw and he could still see the dark splotches.
Still worth it though, because he’d turned Eddie into a flower guy. Not only that, but their crushes on each other were officially out in the open, and a date was in their near future.
Steve loved the dating part. Once he knew someone was interested, the rest was easy. He just had to figure out where he’d take Eddie first. He usually went for coffee, but he felt like they were past coffee. Maybe a drink at his favorite bar. Or, they could go to the park. Was that too gay?
Maybe. But also, they were gay. So it was on brand.
Steve dried off his hands and neck (which were now bright red and therefore no less ridiculous-looking) and headed back out to the front counter to resume working on the pruning he’d been doing before Eddie came in.
There was ink on the shears. God dammit. Back to the sink.
This time, he brought his phone and dialed Robin so he could talk to her, because this job was a whole lot better with her around, even just on the phone.
“You’re both idiots,” she answered.
“We know,” Steve replied. “It gets worse.”
“How? What did you do this time?”
“I got ink everywhere,” Steve admitted.
“Jesus Christ,” Robin groaned. “Do I have to come in on my day off and fix it?”
“No, I can fix it. But you should come in on your day off to keep me company.” Robin chuckled in response.
“You know what the worst part is?” she asked. “I already picked up my keys.”
“So, what are you in town for?” Eddie asked as he set up for Gareth’s tattoo.
“We’re playing at this bar downtown tonight. I was actually gonna ask if you were free to come see us?”
“Hell yeah!” Eddie replied with enthusiasm. “Even if I wasn’t free, I’d make time. I’m glad to hear you guys are still playing.”
“Yeah, we stumbled a bit after losing our star guitarist,” Gareth teased pointedly, “- but we got back on our feet eventually.”
“Sorry about that,” Eddie muttered. He’d left the band after graduation so he could skip town and get a fresh start. Abandoning Gareth and the others was the only thing that gave him any hesitation. He missed it, obviously, but he liked his new life. It was stable.
“Water under the bridge, my guy,” Gareth responded casually. Eddie knew there were no hard feelings, but he did regret losing touch with his old buddies from high school. “Anyway, you should bring Flower Boy tonight.”
“His name is Steve.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna call him Flower Boy,” Gareth smirked. Eddie put the needle to the skin, and felt Gareth twitch just a little. “I’d love to meet the man who turned my dear old friend into a total sap.”
“I’m not a sap, okay?” Eddie insisted. His focus remained on the sword he was outlining on Gareth’s forearm. “Fuck you, I’m tough as shit.” Gareth chuckled.
“Right, my bad. Anyway, are you gonna bring him?”
“I dunno, I’d have to see if he’s free,” Eddie said with a shrug. “We also haven’t technically gone out yet.”
“Dude, seriously?” Gareth asked playfully. “Shit, now I really want to meet this guy.”
“Yeah, seriously,” Eddie chuckled. He knew how ridiculous this whole thing was. “I think he’s gonna plan something and then text me, I dunno.”
“Or,” Gareth suggested. “You could beat him to the punch and invite him to a kickass show at a bar.”
It wasn’t a bad idea, actually. They could drink, listen to music, and if the whole thing turned out to be a bad match then Eddie still got to see his old friends.
“Okay, fine. I’ll text him as soon as I’m done with this,” Eddie said.
“Cool,” Gareth replied. “Hey, you really wanna impress this guy?”
“Hmm,” he said with a mischievous smile. “Then I think I have an idea.”
“Ummmmm you coulddddd….” Robin said as she sat on the counter. “Take him to that one-woman show that’s playing downtown.”
They’d been shooting date ideas back and forth for like an hour. They ran out of normal ideas after ten minutes, and since then it had gotten unhinged.
“God Robin, if you want to know about that show so bad just go to it yourself,” Steve replied.
“No, because what if I hate it?” she asked. “Who puts all that work into a show and then refuses to advertise what it’s about?”
“I think she’s banking on people going just to find out,” Steve answered.
“Well, yeah,” Robin agreed. “But I’m not about to spend money to watch something cringy or boring or - god - what could one person have to talk about for that long?”
“You once talked to me for three hours about why the movie Pitch Perfect should have been gayer,” Steve reminded her.
“Yeah, because Beca and Chloe were obviously in love,” Robin responded plainly. “And, for the record, two of those hours we were watching the movie.”
“Fair enough,” Steve replied with a smile. He remembered that night fondly, actually. He’d seen the movie before so it’s not like he was missing anything. Plus, wine was involved.
“So, it’s a no on the one-woman show?” Robin teased.
“No chance in hell,” Steve confirmed. His phone buzzed in his pocket, so he took it out and was happy to see a text from Eddie. He read it, intrigued. “Or, we could go see a band play at a bar downtown.”
“Did he text you just now?” Robin asked, jumping off the counter. “Oh my god!”
“Calm down or I’ll start freaking out, too!” Steve said as he opened the message and started responding. He and Robin had this thing where their emotions tended to mirror each other. When one got excited about something, so did the other. Some might call it codependency, but they’d had no issue with it so far.
“Okay, so getting a drink with the guy sounds decent enough. Casual, fun, low-stress,” Robin reasoned. “You gonna go for it?”
“Yeah, I guess so. It’s tonight,” Steve said, typing a response.
“Aw, well I’ll miss our movie night, but it’s not like we won’t see each other,” she joked. “Besides, this is important.”
“I already asked if you could come and he said yes,” Steve explained.
“Oh, thank GOD,” Robin cheered. “Because you know I gotta see this.” She peered over to look at the text exchange between Steve and Eddie and then burst out laughing.
“What?” Steve asked. She waited until her laughter died down to respond.
“He asks you out, and the first thing you do is make sure you can bring my gay ass,” she explained. “You are such a doofus, but god I love you so much.”
He finished out his shift and then they went home to get ready together for Steve’s first date with Eddie.
Maybe in most situations it would have been weird, but at this point Eddie was well aware that he was getting into a package deal.
Here goes nothing.
(part 5)
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