#anyway.... i hope i got it right KKKKK
kaiminhoe · 8 months
Sex with the god himself. Exo Kai AKA Kim Jongin x female reader.
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This content is rated 🔞 and contains strong language, no parental guidance is advised if you are below 18 years do not read, you are putting yourself at high risk of messing up your future.
@pinktaeyeon @tenelkadjowrites @byunbaekhyunie
Well, well, well. I'm Kai & Taemin's little hoe☺️It's my first time posting and I'm new to the app, I hope I don't mess around a lot kkkkk😁.anyways Welcome, thanks for choosing to read my content, you won't regret it❤️. Before I start I want to send a big shout out to my baby Lee Taemin, congratulations for your new album #GUILTY babe. I love you, we love you a lot 🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🙌
About content
Mentions of sex, strong words, unsafe sex, a lot of kissing, private body parts and mentions of other idols.
You was in class and chatting right under the desk so that your lecturer won't notice. Kai told you he had a day off because he was not feeling well he thought he caught cold. When the mathematics period was over you pretended to have period cramps and you was granted a permission to go home.
You're in the taxi cab and you keep thinking about your man, you are very worried about him because you love him so much. You both like that, with every small issue you feel as if the world is ending, you worry too much about each other. Even though you've been dating for 3 months but it feels like you've known each other for long. You took your phone to check up on him but he was offline. You was very sad and panicking. The tax finally arrived and dropped you off at Kai's gate and you get off.
You're inside Kai's house, the lounge is the first area to arrive on, as you walk on the corridor from the door you can see his shoes, his Jordan's, boots and sneakers all nicely paired in a logical way. You smiled at yourself, noticing the all-star Takkies he was wearing the second day he met you, running after you and held your hand not letting you go till the rain made you wet only because he wanted your number. You moved at the back of the couch and in the right corner it's his bedroom. You didn't bother by knocking you opened the door and entered.
Your cute baby was sitting on the bed and buttoning the sleeves of his white and blue stripped shirt. He was looking haggard, he looked at you surprised and cleared his throat. "woa! y/n, what a surprise!" you quickly went to him. Put your bag against the wall. You sat on bed and touched his forehead. "babe, how are you feeling?, did you see the doctor?“. He smiled and hold your hand." don't touch me, you will catch flue ". " come on babe, you look seriously ill, let's go and see the doctor ". You plead. He shook his head. " shhhh!, you supposed to be at school, what are you doing here this time? “. He asked. " you texted me you're not okay, I needed to see you". You said. He looked at you for a second and you can tell he's furious, but he asked politely " you skipped the class?, what in the world did you say was the reason?" you didn't reply. He then went sharp " Y/N!!". " okay, I said I was sick" you said. "they didn't call your parent?, how would they even let you out?". "I made ways okay, I told them I got period cramps, it's not a big deal. Besides I felt like you needed someone to take care of you since you're not feeling well. I'm sorry if you're not happy with me being here, I....". "shhh!," he holds both of your hands and rubs his thumbs on them, he looks directly into your eyes. "baby I'm okay really, you didn't have to do that. It's very risky you know". Now your eyes are almost watery because you want to cry and Kai is noticing it so he gave you a hug. " nah babe stop" he giggled, pulling your cheeks and tickling you. "kai stop" you said but Kai didn't. He pulls two of your ponytails and pretends to tie them together but you grabbed the pillow and smack his face. He giggled and tried to take the pillow from you but you smacked him again. He decided to take his own and smack you back. You were finally enjoying and giggling together. He smacked you hard and you lay on your back in agony but it was not very hurt, Kai would never hurt you. He hovered on you and looked into your eyes. "you are so beautiful my love". You smiled.
You looked at each other for a while and you hold the back of his neck and raise your head to meet his lips but he leaned back and shook his head. " you wanna get sick?" he asked and get a small cough. " come on babe, I want to". You replied He smiled and get close to you, your lips meet his and you had a long kiss. It's been a long time since you guys kissed, you haven't seen him for a week already therefore you missed him a lot. He started to hold you very close to him and kissed you passionately. You hold onto his shoulders and run your hands down his back. He goes down to kiss your neck. He loosened your tie and kissed your neck. He pulls off and lays by your side trying to hold himself. You shifted to keep yourself attached to him. You wrapped your arm around his small waist, he smiled and closed his eyes. "I think it's cold". You said as you pull the comforter and cover yourselves up. By accident your finger reached his bottoms and you felt that he was hard but you immediately removed your hand from your thighs. You smiled at yourself and turned his face to look at you. He opened his eyes.
"please kiss me Kai". You said politely. "mmh?" he asked. "kiss me". You said. He did as you wish, you lay on top of him and stroke his hair while kissing him. You unbuttoned his shirt and he squeezed your butt, your mini skirt is almost upwards revealing your white panties. Kai turn you over so that you he's over you. You reached for his trousers touching him down there. He holds your hand to stop you. "no baby, you are still young". He said. "babe I'm all yours please have your way, I am ready now". "not now babe, I don't mind waiting for you till you're ready". He said. "I am ready now Kai, you're the one I want. I only want you to see my nakedness, you're worth it".
Kai blushed and he got nervous so he lay his head on your shoulder, with his face buried on your chest. You can feel his warm lips touching your Tees and you can tell he was smiling. You played with his hair and giggled. He looks back at you, "are you sure you're ready?" he asked. While caressing your revealed figure. "more than ready" you said cheerfully. He removed your Tees and you helped him remove your skirt. He watched you laying down for few seconds and bites his lower lip. Your heart was beating out of control over excitement. You placed your hand on your mouth because you was shy he'll notice how excited you were about the whole sex thing. He removed his jammies and remained with the underwear. You looked at him as he stood up to get a white towel. Seeing his sexy body, the way his walk just got sexier than it used to be, his glowing tan skin is something else you just wanna bite him you don't care about the first time problems anymore, you just can't wait for him to fuck you already. He gets back to bed and his black Balenciaga underwear exposing the size of his dick is making you sweat on its own.
He puts the towel underneath you and get back to kissing you again. This time he's kissing you fast and squeezing both of your boobs, you whining because he does this so great and his lips are soft and nice. He gives you two bites on your chest and removed your bra. He kissed the nipple of your right boob while his free hand runs up and down your naked body. He removed your panties and placed kisses on your waist, down to your inner thighs,this was giving you chills all over your body. He separated your thighs and kissed you in between, he looked at you and raised his eyebrow, you got the message and nodded in response. He gave you kisses on your pussy. He slowly moved his finger to your cunt while licking your clit. You stroked his hair backwards trying to keep yourself focused but you keep getting numb and numb, what he's doing to you feels so good, it blows your mind away.
He runs his tongue on your cunt and slowly pushing his finger to your entrance. You slowly become cautious because it was a bit uncomfortable. Kai keeps licking your pussy and he pushed his finger further. You was tight as fuck and his finger was painful but you tolerated because it was good. When his finger was finally deep inside you, you started moaning louder, Kai kissed your lips and you moaned on the kiss. You didn't like the taste of his lips now that he just finished kissing your pussy, he put the second finger and you lay your head on his shoulder so you cannot moan louder. He removed his finger from your wetness and kissed your neck, eats your ear, he looks at you and gave you a smirk. You smiled at how cute he looked. "you're so beautiful my baby" he said. "you beautiful too oppa". You both giggle, you're focusing on his cute face as his rubbs his dick on your pussy, this felt amazing you didn't want him to stop. You closed your eyes and hissed. "mmmmh, mmmmh, yes babe, awwwh! Kai" you whined "mmh? You love how it feels baby?" he asked. "mmh, don't stop baby, I love it, it feels so good kai mmh!" as you still enjoying it Kai pushed his dick to your entrance and you screamed in agony. That is extremely painful. You immediately opened your eyes to see, you almost adjacent his dick but he puts you back in position. " babe, I didn't even put it yet " he complained. You closed your mouth and laid back. "please be careful" you plead. "I promise" he said and kissed your lips, he pushed his dick again, you screamed a lot and tears started falling down your soft cheeks. Kai holds your things to keep you from moving. "babe, come on only the tip is in, look". He said "baby it's hurts" you said. "I'm sorry my angel, I will be very gentle this time okay?". He said, you nodded and he pushed it in, you cried but he continued pushing. You felt as if your pussy was tearing, as if someone put chillies in it, you screaming, kai groaning, you're both sweating from all the tension happening. With just a few thrusts Kai reached his climax and accidentally cum inside of you finishing the rest of his cum on the towel. He laid beside you facing the ceiling to catch his breath. In few minutes He cleaned himself up and cleaned you too, he saw that you was bleeding and felt very bad.
Someone started singing Justin Bieber's despacito in the launge all the way to the kitchen. "ohh, that's Taemin, thank goodness he came I will send him to the shop, he must buy us pads". You are just quite and thinking, kai held your chin to face his direction. "now you don't love me anymore?" he asked with a worried face, you smiled at him and gave him a small kiss, "more than before, I don't need pads. I should be leaving now" you said. He blushed. "let me run you a bath". He said and grabbed your skirt and wear it, you both laughed. He exit to the bathroom. Meanwhile Taemin opened the door, without minding he entered with a bowl of food on his hand, he's already chewing some. "Jongin-ah!" he called, he opened his eyes widely when he saw you instead, luckily you already wrapped yourself with a towel. He looked at your clothes down the floor and smiled at you cutely and said. "I'm.. I'm sorry I entered at the wrong time, is Kai around?". You nodded. Kai entered. "Taemin-ah, what are you doing in my room?" posing a fist to him, Taemin laughed. "come on, don't blame me. I'm used to entering anyhow because no one is visiting you". They laughed. "I'll be at the kitchen" he said "not kitchen, lounge" said Kai, they laughed. Kai picks you up to the bathroom and puts you in the bath cube. When you thought he will exit, your Kai started bathing you. You couldn't help but smiled at him. He gave you a little kiss, "will you marry me?". He asked. You chuckled, " I do". He pulled your ears you both giggled.
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poltergeist-coffee · 6 months
I'm not okay
She is just a baby:(
On the bright side, fit and pac are dating yay
Uh... I'm not thinking about that post about pac having two hands or something, nope, it's not like eoiles have ttwo hand too, one for fighting other to hold pac's hand...
Polyqsmp for the win, y'know?
Also, Ramon and Pac's relationship is the cutest thing ever, they are father and son your honor 🥺
I love them
At least a couple is okay because guapoduo, on the other hand... meus pais meus pais where are them?
Slimeriana too...
I really want Mariana to log on, but specifically when Richas is awake because it would be funny
Roier traumatized him kkkkkkkk
Oh, and I friend of mine really likes goodomensduo(Scott + Febatista), the thing is that they had very little interactions... The poor guy is suffering with lack of content
The problem of liking not popular dynamics/ships is that you have to make the content yourself
We suffer
Apparently, Cellbit, Slime and Baguera's thing is running their voices on karaoke every time they meet up
They are having fun:D
I don't have that confidence kkkkk(I don't know if I wait or fear the day my friends decide to do a karaoke while I'm with them because they are liking the idea recently)
I was remembering your royal(? Or was medieval, I struggle with names) au the other day and I don't remember if you talked about Baguera's kingdom, or Phil(who is on the wall, the sigh must be nice), does she still a duck?(and the other winged people too?) Or they are just humans?
And I'm fearing that the owl Cellbit hc will catch me, I AM ALREADY A INDECISIVE PERSON I DON'T NEED MORE IDEAS TO FREAK OUT
But I saw some fanarts and... owlboy... I love owls...
Anyway, I hope you had a great day and week:D
Good day/night!
- 🍽
empanada dying was probably an accident too :((( (based on tubbo's analysis on stream) it's so sad :(( she's the first egg to lose a death ever since the new eggs arrived + everyone got their two lives back.... i really thought richas would be the first one to lose a life again ngl just because of how he is
DSVAKLSMDLA PLLATE ANON YOU'RE MY HEROOOOO XDD you're right. etoiles has two hands, one for pac and the other is to fight the eye workers from purgaotry <33 pac has two hands, one for fit and one for etoiles and mike is helping fix his prosthetic leg <33 romance <33 at it's finest
i loved that ramon called pac his dad and mike didn't realize janvkjasdjk he completely forgot that fit and pac dating now meant that ramon is pac's son XDD the favela family grows bigger every day...
i would love for mariana to log on when roier and richas are both on because i want to see roier make a big deal out of it and richas runs for his life XDD i want richas to spread his fear to the new eggs too like imagine how funny that would be asdvkjaska poor pepito,,, being told one of pepito's dad is an egg eating monster
EVERY DUO AND FRIEND GROUP FROM PURGATORY IS SUFFERING!! THEY LIVE OFF OF SO LITTLE CONTENT TT at least they can make up whatever lore they want with the purgaotry cubitos... im shaking your friends hand for liking a rarepair TT we make the content all ourselves... life is so hard for us
ive never done kareoke before but it looks like fun to do with friends :oo i can't sing so i would be so bad at it kjnsdavjkask
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YAAA THE ROYALTY AU (which is also a little medieval, it's like both so it's okay adsjkvnask)
baghera is the queen of her own kingdom!! everyone is human in this au but they have magic they specialize in and can create items to give them things that are sort of like wings!!
philza is a special case tho because his wife is the goddess of death so maybe she blesses his cape to act like wings or something... since baghera is a queen im sure she has the resources to find someone to make her a cape or item that works like wings because i feel like something like that would be super hard to make.
jaiden is a witch in this au and she doesn't live in any kingdom!! she lives sort of by herself surrounded by a rose garden and she uses a lot of nature magic which is focused on birds!! because of this and how long she's been studying it she's able to enchant herself a cloack that allows her to glide short distances :DD more similar to the paraglider in mineraft then an elytra. the feathers she used for her cloack were all shedded feathers she gets from her bird friends :]]
-- -- --
IVE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF OWL CELLBIT HCS BUT THAT'S SO COOL,,,,,, he would be so unnerving, imagine he can turn his head all around 360 like an actual owl advknaskja poor roier if he ever sees that,,,, he would scream so loud
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gangsteri-aine · 6 months
no please i love that it got a little long. ive been dying to talk about this with someone LOL sorry this will be very long also, i hope im not bothering you
im not sure what you mean by 'ramons admin names go qnpc03 > binary > qsmp13' ? thats not the case. the qnpc03 account is still binary, thats an easy check on namemc, just like all the other eggs accounts (02, 04, 05, 07, etc)
i agree that this admin is really good at playing ramon(if its not the og which is what i believe)! its definitely his essence, but its just little things combined with timing and the account. ramon came back and was normal and acting like himself (you could see it was the 03 account's binary numbers) was gone a whole week along w leo and dapper and when he comes back, its a new account fit had to add to his rooms allowlist (qsmp13), that wakes up basically every day and stays all day on, and acts like ramon but..a little off. something that was always characteristic about ramon was not only that he types slow, but that he spells english words wrong a lot, and misuses them sometimes. he types slow most likely because hes not as confident in his english and i have seen literally None of this recently. also emoticons. where are the ;-; and :v. thats my boy. wheres my boy.
im not gonna get into how quickly he clung to sunny and built her a statue and stayed with her all day everyday bc that Could be in character it just felt a liittle. weird to me . also its not really difficult to find another admin that knows abt create ! i would assume that was one of the main criteria to find a substitute xD
and yeah youre right about all admins having accounts but None of the eggs have switched accounts. its still qnpc0X but renamed to binary, theyre all on their og accounts and so was ramon a couple weeks ago
Hi, don't worry, you aren't bothering me at all!
Okay, so, I can see that was a little unclear what I meant about the account names. Basically, I just thought the accounts just fully changed and weren't renamed. I hadn't checked namemc for that. Actually, I don't think I have ever even loaded up that website lmao
(And for the other ask: we were totally talking about different clips kkkkk. I hadn't seen the clip you were talking about so my brain just assumed we were talking about the last time Ramón and Richas were together.)
So with that information it sounds like the admin has changed. And in that case I think the admin is doing awesome job.
Anyways, it sounds like this was an L for me and W for you lmao
Either way Ramón is a perfect baby boy and we love him all the same
Thanks for the asks, this was fun
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vulpixenthusiast · 10 months
Ok so this is me ranting abt lanfears character as a whole , not the show. If you’re bored or have nothing to do kkkkk this is long af and very messy, incoherent jumble of thoughts. I just needed to post this into the void to vent.
More after the cut
Ok so thing is: I never loved lews therin crazed obsessed lanfear. Never. Every time she’d say he’s been mine he will be mine forever and hated on illyena( yuc) I went yeah yuc. That was just such a boring stereotype, especially for a dark haired woman villain x innocent virgin boy. HOWEVER, I did love powerful, yet power hungry, proud and arrogant and MISCHIEVOUS ( loving to play pretend ) lanfear. ( crazy too, but for power, as seen in “we could defeat the dark one AND the creator.”) Then, of course, was the other “””endearing””” thing that Lews to her was like. The only one ever. Ever. In her own words to Mat: “there is ONE man who could walk beside me, ..” which is why the line “her new lover she seeks who shall serve her and die” never made any sense to me. Ofc, later on we get her and Perrin storyline( which hammers on the succubus metaphor, which I LOATHE, especially combined with power hungry) and then yeah the prophecy kinda makes sense. But then she’s not lanfear anymr she’s cyndane. Anyway.
I loved her more so because of all the POTENTIAL I saw her as a character, as a villain and antagonist and then possibly an “ally””” at the end( many air quotes kkkk ).
I LOVEDD when we got to the Aiel backstory and discovered she was Mierin eronaile, the researcher in charge of the team who opened the bore, aka, a literal hole in reality, allowing the dark one to touch the world. Like. What a pandora reference right??? You’d think a character like that would have more importance and development in a series so big right? She doesn’t really. She just stays 1 dimensional forever. And as soon as I knew that, after book 5, I quit wot. Also because moraine went with her, the deaths I found out about, siuan and Garett Bryne etc I digress.
My main beef was the complete waste of a good villain or antagonist like her.
So yeah. I loved her not for her main characteristic in the books( crazed ex gf) but for all the depht I WISHED she had. which tbh, it’s 90% on me, BUT the other 10’s are Robert Jordan’s bc he did set it up with things in the books I don’t have half a mind to remember right now, but one was her backstory.
So I am disappointed and sad with eps 4 ending because it did solidified that she will still be defined by her obsession and possessiveness with and of lews therin. Following up very likely with her hatred of Illyena. And yeah that is her character. And it is my own fault that I expected that to be changed. And still hope they tone it down after FOH.
All of that to say that apparently I’ve never been a real lanfear Stan kdkdkdkdkd I’ve just been a mierin Stan and power hungry lanfear fan. Not crazy gf, 85% of her personality, fan. And that’s on me KKKKK
I mean, if at least rbj gave her a backstory with lews, showed HER side of the story, then maybe yeah I could get a bit behind the over jealous ex stereotype. But all the books ever told us was: she never loved LTT, she loved his status, she loved his power, etc. well okay, then, show us. SHOW US HER perspective. Let us see WHY, HOW, she loved those things. Let us see if she didn’t in fact love him a little bit. Like.
What a shallow character would she be if she did only love those things bc,,, they were those things. She’d be just a shallow woman. And you could argue that that was in fact Robert Jordan’s intention. To show that yeah, here was this villain, superpowefull and beautiful, and yet, she was just an awful shallow human being in a human way. And maybe I read it wrong you know, maybe bc I didn’t want to view it like that, I didn’t. But like how Robert Jordan had her say lines and then cut her middle sentence. Intriguing. More mysteries. She was the one to free the dark one. Oooh VERY interesting. Crucial even( turns out not). She was the only forsaken to choose her name( oh wow! That’s more intriguing!). She had a meaningful relationship with the main protagonist! Wow! Wonder how that’ll affect the story and his journey! ( not much really, that’s just given to Ishmael/ Moridin).
What I’m saying is that Robert apparently wrote all those things to make her interesting and important to the narrative , hell to the whole reason the apocalipse was happening again, he did all of that, he was building this character like that, to just what. Go 180 degrees back and tell us : actually nevermind, she’s just some shallow woman, who opened the bore on accident and none of the events I just presented matter. At her core, she’s just a hollow woman, chasing power for power. Fuck you Robert Jordan why would you make me invested to do that?
Could’ve been a great critique, except that we are in a fictional book and I LOVE MY EVIL WOMEN, and ya know what. I want COMPLEX characters. You gave Ishmael complex reasons. You gave semirhage and graendal intriguing reasons. You already gave the men and the other women petty reasons. Why would you give the worst to the woman who is at the core of all this that’s happening? Bc of that? I don’t get it and it’s why it gets me so pissed.
This was a long ass rant and probably incoherent but I needed to sort my feelings out because I am a mess.
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gabisart · 3 years
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𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊, 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖘 ⛓️
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missskzbiased · 4 years
Getting a Roommate (5)
Really! I can’t believe I finished this chapter. OH MY GOD! It took me so long to review it. I’m tired. Anyway!
I realized I was writing “Amused” when I meant “Amazed” before UHSAHUSAUHSHAUHUSA I honestly thought it had the same meaning. I guess everyone just seemed to be having fun every chapter SUHAHUSAUHSAUUHSA Anyway, I will pay attention from now on kkkkk
I’ll be going to my sister today and will be back just after tomorrow, then I will have classes and some stuff to do so the next one will probably be written on next weekend >.<
Genre:  Fluff, Romance; Sugestive; College Au; Roommate Au; Love Triangle
Pairing: Minho X Reader X Chan
Word Count: ~8,8K
Female Lead
Warnings: Language, Sugestive stuff (?)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Final)
   Right now you wished the ground would swallow you.
   You were sitting on your bed, feeling way better than you felt in the morning, Felix sitting beside you, cackling up, and Minho sitting on your chair, telling you all about the night before. You sighed embarrassed, wishing you stayed home yesterday.
   “Felix, I hate you” You stated, whining and He just snorted.
   “That’s not my fault if you think He’s hot and had to be drunk to yell it at him” You groaned and hit him with your pillow. Why the hell did you drink so much?! You should have known that you would humiliate yourself, especially if your best friend was giving you hints he would try to get you and Chan together.
   “You almost told him you wanted to ride him” Minho reminded you “I think calling him hot would be the least of your problems” He stated and grinned as you groaned again, hiding your face behind the pillow.
   “Oh my god! He must think I’m so irresponsible! That’s it, I’m going to die as a virgin” You promised and Minho eyed you surprised.
   “Are you a virgin?” He asked amazed, not expecting it at all.
   “No, but if I keep living like this I think I will go back there” You whined, “I didn’t even want to bang him!” You fumed “It’s all your fault, Lix! I wasn’t thinking about it but now I am and I will not get it!”
   “Hey, I don’t think so” Minho pondered “If you ask me, I would say He seemed really into you” He assured, and you looked at him filled with hope.
   “Really? Are you sure you’re not just hyping me?” You frowned and He promptly shook his head denying it.
   “I mean it! He cupped your cheek and called you his babygirl as if you were the most precious thing in the world” Oh! Should you have hope? You weren’t hoping to be his girlfriend or anything like that, you just wanted to get laid. Maybe someone to cuddle up and watch TV, but you had Felix to do it if you needed… So, yeah banging was enough. It shouldn’t be hard, right? You were nice, sweet, and kind, you thought you could be hot if you tried a little bit, even if Minho didn’t acknowledge it.
   “I told her a million times! He likes you” Felix rolled his eyes “If you text him right now and tell him you need him here, He would be here in a blink”
   “How can He like me if we don’t even know each other? He is fond of me” You corrected and Felix groaned.
  “Same thing! He’s fond of you and He calls you his babygirl and gets flustered when you call him daddy even though you’re just joking” Felix eyed you at that, showing He didn’t buy it at all “So you can just tell him you want him and you will get a fuck buddy” Felix made it sound really simple, but you weren’t so sure about it. He did say you were pretty and He would like to fuck you before, even though the guys didn’t know about it, but he also said it wouldn’t work out since you weren’t into his kinky. Or were you? You never really tried it…
   “Even if this is true… I just don’t know” You said weakly and Felix sensed your shift of mood.
   “Hey, it’s ok” He assured you “You don’t need to get laid to be happy! You know that I’m just teasing you when I say you need to get laid, right? You should not feel forced to do something you don’t want to do” He seemed concerned and you smiled at him reassuring.
   “I think I will let things flow” You stated “Maybe I will get really horny and want to ride him out of nowhere” You laughed.
   “Just don’t do it on the couch” Minho joked and you cackled up.
   “Now that I have my bed we all can bang on the couch as much as you guys want” You scoffed and Minho grinned.
   “Oh? Are you inviting us to bang on the couch, kitty?” He asked mockingly and you blushed, throwing your pillow at his face.
   “No! I don’t want to bang you guys!” You snorted “And kitty? Really?” You scoffed.
   “Hey! I like kitties! They’re cute and fluffy, fuck off” He pouted and you chuckled, getting up from the bed and announcing you would bring them something to eat since you were starving. You closed the door and went to the kitchen.
   “Shouldn’t you try to stop her?” Felix asked suddenly and Minho eyed him like he was crazy.
   “Stop her from bringing us food?” He asked confused.
   “Stop her from hooking up with Chan” Felix clarified and Minho scoffed, clearly confused.
   “What? Why would I do this?” He asked speechlessly and Felix rolled his eyes at him.
   “Are you kidding me?” Felix inquired, his eyebrow shot up “You were really interested in her body yesterday if you don’t recall it… And I may not remember everything I and Y/N did, but I do remember you calling her cute, but I don’t recall you telling her this today” Felix was smugly grinning at Minho, who seemed uncomfortable under his gaze. He cleared his throat and averted his eyes “Also you weren’t really subtle right now, hm? You call her kitty then say you like cute and fluff things as kitties?”
   “I didn’t mean it like this” He spoke firmly “Y/N is my friend, just like She’s yours. You called her hot and you don’t want to fuck her, right? I call her cute because I do think she’s cute but that doesn’t mean I want to fuck her either” He reasoned and Felix narrowed his eyes.
   “Ok, you made your point” He agreed, letting him go. While the boys were talking about you, you were mindlessly searching for something on the fridge, not seeming to find anything you wanted to eat. You hear steps next to you and you looked up to see who was there.
   “Feeling better yet?” Hyunjin asked you as He went to the cupboard to search for some snacks. You eyed him, unsure if you should be friendly yet. He didn’t apologize and was just ignoring all of your argument, although He teased you about the couch when he had the chance “You looked like shit this morning”.
   “Don’t you own me an apology?” You decided to challenge him, crossing your arms in front of your chest and He chuckled.
   “I don’t apologize for things that I would do again” He shrugged “I’m sorry that you felt like shit, though, It wasn’t really my intention” he admitted. It was better than you expected, but you wanted more. You wanted a real apology.
   “You should apologize, though” You stated “You have been treating me like an annoying brat and you were pretty rude yesterday. You were being an asshole since day one! And I did nothing to deserve it. I don’t have to put up with you and I deserve a sincere apology” You ranted, feeling pissed that He didn’t even think about being nice. He scoffed and looked at you like you were a baby, which didn’t help your pissed self.
   “Make me” He grimaced at you. What a son of a bitch. You smiled at him, a sickly sweet smile that showed you wouldn’t buy his shit anymore. You closed the fridge, walked to him, and took his snacks from his hand, going back to your room “Oh, god! My snacks! I so will have to apologize to her now” he shouted sarcastically and you heard him searching through the snacks all over again.
   “You know what?” You said as you entered your room, closing the door with a frown “Who needs to literally fuck someone when you can just fuck someone’s life?” You scoffed. The boys looked at you as if you were crazy and you angrily gave them the snacks.
   “Care to enlighten us?” Felix asked.
   “I’m going mess Hyunjin’s mind” You stated “He doesn’t want to be a good roommate? Fine! I will piss him off so much He will regret not being a human being, to begin with”
   “And how do you plan to make Hyunjin apologize?” Minho asked, disbelief in his voice.
   “I won’t tell you! You’re his friend” You scoffed “Do you think I’m dumb?”
   “Hey, He’s Felix’s friend too” Minho accused “We’ve shared the same classes for a while now!”
    “But Felix is my best friend and wouldn’t betray me!” You reasoned and He gasped.
   “Wow! That’s how low you think of me? Good to know! And here I was being nice to you and watching Tangled!” He jokingly argued and you laughed.
   “You liked to watch it!” You accused and extended your hand so He would throw your pillow back to you, but he just hugged it “Come on! Give it back” You whined and Minho ignored you, eating his chocolate. Felix snorted, amused by your childish behavior “Come on! Gimme” you pouted.
   “Ask your best friend” He muttered moodily and you let out a chuckle.
   “Oh my, are you sad because I won’t tell you my plans?” You asked giddily “Wants kitty to give you a hug?” You said sneering and He scoffed.
   “Oh? Are we  doing the kitty thing?” He asked amused “A good kitty would tell me their plans” He sang and you laughed at that.
   “Give up, I won’t tell you” You told him teasingly and He shrugged.
   “It doesn’t hurt to try” He snorted and threw you the pillow. He got up from his seat and eyed you funnily “I will let you guys here discuss your sweet revenge” and He walked out of the room.  You turned to Felix and started to explain what you had in your mind. You couldn’t wait to piss off Hyunjin like He was pissing you.
   Step 1: Claim what is yours
   Hyunjin kissed his date like He needed that to live. He stumbled around the dark living room, trying to support himself and the girl as they made their way to his room occasionally throwing some clothes on the floor as they got closer to his door. He opened it, groaning as the girl kissed his jaw and sucked his earlobe. He threw her on his bed and looked confused for a split of a second.
   “What the fuc-“ He was going to say, but the girl beat him to it.
   “Is it for me?!” She asked with shining eyes, picking up the pretty underwear that was laying on his bed. Some white lacy underwear that he never saw in his life. He wiped off the confused expression from his face and smiled.
   “Don’t you wanna wear it for me, bunny?” He asked and the girl beamed at him, her eyes lustful.
   Just as you planned.
   “Jinnie! Have you seen my lac-“ You started to ask in a sweet tone and stopped on your tracks when you saw another girl on his bed. You knew too damn well He would bring a girl home and He knew you knew it since He warned both you and Minho in the afternoon. He expected you to say sorry and walk away, but you stood there chocked, your eyes tearing up “Oh my god! Are you cheating on me?!” You asked with a hurt expression.
   Hyunjin’s mouth fell agape and you had to gather all your strength not to laugh.
   “I can’t believe it!” You yelled, slamming his door and going to your room, expecting the girl to think you were gone. You heard her slamming his door open and when He tried to claim that you weren’t his girlfriend you heard her slap him. Oh my god! It was even better then you pictured!
   “You are an asshole!” She yelled at him “I pity your girlfriend! I hope she breaks up with you and you die alone, bastard!” And with that being said, she slammed the front door and everything fell in silence.
   “Y/N!” Hyunjin yelled at you and you opened your door.
   “What?” You asked slyly, grinning.
   “Care to explain yourself?!” He asked pissed and you scoffed.
   “I don’t explain things that I would do again… But I’m sorry you feel like shit right now” You grimaced his way and He scoffed.
   “Is that it? Oh my god! You’re so… Argh!” He groaned.
   “Now can you give me back my underwear? I have a date with Chan tonight and I was looking for it” You asked sweetly and He looked at you blankly.
   “You’re saying you didn’t plan this?” He asked suspiciously.
   “What?! Do I look unoccupied like that to you?” You rolled your eyes “Today was Minho’s turn to do the laundry, He must have thought it was from some of your hook ups” You reasoned and He nodded, tired.
   “I can’t believe you made that scene” He complained, picking up your underwear and pushing it in your hands.
   “It was just the perfect opportunity to piss you off” You shrugged.
   You felt really proud when He stepped out of your room and you felt the smile crepting on your face. For now, Hyunjin didn’t have a clue you were going to ruin his life. You put away your underwear and dressed up slightly just to not raise his suspicions for now. You waved him goodbye when you passed by him on the couch, and made your way to the place you agreed with Minho.
   When He saw you coming dressed up on a Wednesday He knew you were up to something.
   “Why the hell did you dress up to eat a hot dog on a Wednesday?” He asked amused, calling his friend over so He could order your food.
   “I have a favor to ask” You confessed and He shot his brow up eyeing you curiously “If Hyunjin asks if you let some lacy underwear on his bed could you say yes?” Minho choked at that.
   “What?!” He asked when He stopped coughing “What the hell?”
   “You see… I let my underwear on his bed” You explained and Minho narrowed his eyes.
   “Does it have something to do with your plan?” He asked and you grinned sheepishly “Oh! So I can’t know about your plan but I have to help you?” He scoffed.
   “Pretty please?!” You begged with puppy eyes and He eyed you “I will pay for the food” You sighed and He smiled.
   “Just what I wanted to hear!” He snorted. Later, when you paid for the food He smiled at you and said “I would have done it even if you didn’t pay for the food” and you whined at him. You decided to wait to go home since it would look suspicious if both of you came together “Just go there, I will wait in the car. You can say you’re back earlier because He ditched you or something like this” Minho suggested and you nodded.
   “Full of good ideas, aren’t we?” You smirk and He chuckled.
 Step 2: Surprise him
   You heard the door unlocking and you settled yourself on the bed.
   You were wearing one of his T-shirts that looked like a short dress on you and his boxers, reading a book like you were really relaxed and happy there. When you heard the door begin to be opened, you started to say.
   “Oh, Babe! I got to finish my work earlier so I came here to make you a surpri—“ Your sentence was cut off strategically and you saw an almost naked girl and a pissed Hyunjin. You never have seen him so pissed off before and you cheered inside.
   “What the fuck are you doing here?” He hissed and you gasped.
   “Babe?!” The girl scoffed humorlessly “You have a girlfriend?” She pushed him away.
   “She’s not my girlfriend” He voiced angrily “Stop the shit, Y/N, get the fuck out!” He ranted.
   “But… You said you loved me” You said tearing up and He scoffed.
   “She’s making this up! She’s upset with me” He rolled his eyes and turned to the girl “It’s some kind of sick revenge, don’t believe her” He pleaded and the girl looked at you with fire in her eyes.
   Oops. It’s not going the way you pictured it.
   She came over you and you raised your hands to defend yourself from the hit you were expecting but she grabbed your hands and pulled you from the bed. She took some sweatpants she found standing close and pushed it in your arms.
   “Come, sweety, He doesn’t deserve you!” She said, pulling you as she stopped to take her clothes from the ground and you rushedly put the pants on.
   “You’re a bitch, Y/N!” Hyunjin hissed at you and the girl eyed him enraged.
   “You’re an asshole!” She yelled back at him.
   You were feeling kind of guilty since the girl was being so nice to you but you followed her anyway and she stopped on her tracks once you were away from your place.
   “Where are you going now? I’m dragging you with me but I don’t even know where you going” She said worried and you smiled at her.
   “I’m sorry, He’s… He’s not actually my boyfriend… I…” You rumbled, trying to tell her the truth but she stopped you, resting her palm on your shoulder.
   “It doesn’t matter, He shouldn’t treat you like this,” She said and you nodded. She was right. He really shouldn’t “Anyway, If you don’t have anywhere to go you can come with me” She smiled at you and you shook your head.
   “I think I’m going home” You said and she nodded, parting ways with you.
   You were starting to doubt your little plan of revenge. While you walked back to your apartment you could only imagine how pissed off Hyunjin was, which was okay by you since He really pissed you off before, but was it fair to the girls? You didn’t think so. Maybe they really liked him… Maybe He liked them. Who knows?
   Was it really worth it?
   Hyunjin was an asshole but you didn’t need to be like him, right?
Step 3: Meet his Friends    
   When you were almost home Minho called you.
   “What did you do this time? Hyunjin wants to kill you” He said on the phone and you sighed.
   “I was laying on his bed and I may have sounded like we were dating and He was cheating on me” You answered embarrassed.
   “You may have sounded like this?” He scoffed on the line “I’m quite sure He will retaliate you… You screwed, kitty” He pitied you.
   “I think I will apologize to him… I shouldn’t be like this, right?” You said, unsure.
   “I mean… I get that you’re upset. You should be. Hyunjin isn’t really the type to listen to people so… You could just let it go if you want to give him the other face” He reasoned.
   “I’m just being childish like him” You sighed “You’re right. I’m better than this… Gotta go, Minho, I’m getting home. Let’s face the beast” You said and then hang up.
   When you got home you didn’t expect to see a bruised Hyunjin on the couch. You rushed to him and looked at his knees, slightly bruised. He didn’t even look at you and you could tell He was pissed. What the hell? Did he knee the walls?
   “Are you okay?” You asked worried “What happened?” You touched his bruise and He pushed away your hands.
   “Just go to your room” He scoffed and you pressed your lips together, unsurely.
   “I’m sorry… I know I’m being childish” You sighed “I just thought that maybe if I pissed you off as you did to me you would say sorry”
   “Nice to know” He shrugged and you decided to leave him like this. Maybe when He was calmer you could apologize properly. You walked to your room and tried to open your door. It didn’t open. You forced it once, then twice, and then frowned.
   “Hyunjin do you know what happened to my door? It’s not opening” You said.
   “I locked it” He answered.
   He what now?!
   “You locked it?” You asked just to be sure you weren’t going crazy and He hummed. He fucking hummed “What the hell, man?! I didn’t even know we had a key for our doors” You complained, going back to the living room.
   “We don’t” He grinned at you “I locked it from inside. Good luck climbing the window” He smirked.
   You couldn’t believe it.
   “Is that why your knees are bruised?” You asked.
   “What did you think? That I fell in the kitchen?” He scoffed “It seems like someone will have to sleep on the butt couch today” He mocked and you felt your blood rushing to your face.
   Was it really that bad to be childish with this son of a bitch? You didn’t think so anymore.
   “Great! Just great! And I was even thinking about being nice to you!” You groaned “You’re just so… So… Urgh!” You wanted to kick his face right now, just jump and kick him right on that damn pretty face and tear off his chances with the girls. A broke nose would suit him well. You didn’t though. You couldn’t just fight your roommate out of nowhere and break his nose like this and be in jail while He laughed at you.
   You heard the door unlock and you looked at Minho, coming in the place oblivious to your murderer's intentions.
   “He locked me out of my room,” You said angrily and Minho looked at you confused.
   “Good night to you too” He snorted “What did you just say?” He asked, sure He just heard you wrong.
   “This son of a bitch locked my room from inside! And then He climbed out of it just to piss me off!” You yelled, fed up “Oh my god! Minho, please, climb there and unlock it for me, please” You whined, feeling like you were about to cry. You were so mad!
   “Sorry, kitty, I’m afraid of heights, that’s no way in hell I would climb it for you” He apologized and you sighed. Fair enough.
   You picked your phone up and called Felix.
   “Felix?” You asked when He seemed to pick up your call “Hyunjin is a son of a bitch and locked my door. I need someone to help me unlock it, but Minho is afraid of heights and I can’t climb a damn stair, imagine a building” You fought an urge to yell and hit Hyunjin again as you heard Felix gasping.
   “He did what?!” You could hear someone else on the line hissing at him. That’s exactly how you felt too “I’m with Chan right now, We’re going there to help you” Felix said and you felt relief wash over you.
   “Thank god! Thank you so much, Lix!” You thanked him eagerly but He had already hung up.
   They didn’t really take long to arrive and you looked at them gratefully as you opened the door.
   “I’m so sorry for this” You apologized but both of them ignored you, walking straight to Hyunjin.
   “Are you out of your mind?” Chan asked, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt “You’re gonna unlock that damn door, you ass” He hissed and Hyunjin scoffed.
   “Or what?” He smirked.
    “I’m gonna throw him out of the window” Chan threatened, looking at you and Minho and you felt your blood cold.
   “Oh god! Please don’t!” You pleaded, horrified.
   “Guys, what are you going to do? Beat him up? You’re going to jail” Minho reasoned, far calmer than you.
   “Do you need anything from your room for tomorrow's classes?” Chan asked you, serious. You nodded and He sighed “Is it really important? Like you can’t do anything without it?” He asked again and you shook your head.
   “No, not that important. Why?” You frowned.
   “Great, You’re going to sleep at my place tonight” He stated “Tomorrow I will send someone to change this damn lock and you will have the keys” He promised you and you felt your chest warmer.
  That was really… Smart, actually.
   “I can go to Felix’s” You eyed him unsurely and Felix grimaced at you.
   “I’m actually going to my friend’s house so we can finish an assignment” He apologized and you shook your head.
   “No, of course! That’s okay, Lix” You rushed to say.
   “Great, it’s all settled then” Chan nodded, satisfied with the resolution “Try to be less of an asshole, dude” He said looking at Hyunjin “You’re lucky I don’t have any proof you did this or else we would be at the Police station right now”
   He grabbed your hand and you followed him, Felix right behind you.
   You would be lying if you said your heart wasn’t racing right now.
   You felt small on Chan’s place, looking around shyly.
   He locked his door and turned to you.
   “Do you want to take a bath?” He asked “I can lend you some clothes”
   “It would be great” You agreed “I’m on boxers, So I can just use it… I would like a shirt though” He nodded and went to his room, picking up a random shirt and handing it to you.
   “I will sleep on the couch, you can just take the bed when you’re finished” He told you and you frowned.
   “No! I’m sleeping on the couch. You have done more than enough for me today” You assured and He scoffed.
   “There’s no way I’m letting you sleep on the couch” He stated and you averted your eyes from him, blushing.
   “You can sleep with me…” You muttered and He grinned.
   “Oh, Babygirl wants to sleep with her hot Daddy?” He teased you and you blushed furiously.
   “You remember it” You whined.
   “I wasn’t the one who was drunk” He laughed and nudged you “I’m just kidding. I know you think you’re being a burden, but you’re not. I can sleep on the couch, really” He looked you in your eyes and you gulped. Was he always that gorgeous? He wasn’t wearing any makeup and his hair was messy and curled, his clothes were pretty normal too but He seemed… Dazzling.
   Maybe you were soft today, He did help you out…
   “Y/N?” He called you, worried about your silence.
   “We should sleep on your bed” You stated and rushed to the bathroom. You locked the door and leaned on that. What were you doing? He totally knows you want to sleep with him right now. Oh my god. You could only think He must be judging you right now. He was only helping you out as a friend and you just stated you would sleep with him. Well, not really sleep with him, but with him. Anyway. You couldn’t calm down right now.
   How long has it been since you had sex? Gosh… That was so long ago…
   Who said you were going to have sex?! You’re a horny little bitch, for lord sakes! You sleep with Felix every now and then! It’s completely normal to sleep on your friend’s bed with him…
  Who were you kidding? Felix was your best friend and Chan was someone you almost said you wanted to ride.
   When you got out of the shower, you felt sick. Were you worrying too much? He would probably be asleep when you got there… Yeah! He was totally asleep and you were overthinking everything. You sighed relieved. You were anxious, that’s all. You put your boxers and his shirt, folded your clothes, and walked to his room.
  Holy shit!
  He wasn’t asleep.
  He was shirtless.
   He was peacefully humming some song while He scrolled through his phone. Shirtless. On his bed. He was indeed wearing sweatpants, but it didn’t change the fact that he was shirtless and He was hot. And you were feeling hot. You horny bitch.
   “H-Hi” You stuttered out of nowhere.
   Way to go, Y/N! Smooth and sexy as hell.
   “Hi!” He smiled at you, an innocent and pure smile. You felt dirty to be thinking He was hot right now “Are you okay with me like this? Normally I would sleep on my underwear, but I figured it would be awkward”
   Awkward? It would be great if someone cared to ask you.
   You, of course, didn’t say that.
   “Yeah, totally fine” You chuckled “Can I turn off the lights?” You asked and He nodded. So you did it while He put his phone on the bed table and you climbed on his bed, laying down and looking to the ceiling even though you couldn’t see anything.
   He was warm, you could feel the warmth pouring from him even though He had the A/C on, the room quite cold on your freshly bathed self. You shivered imagining his warm body suddenly pressed on yours, his lips hovering over yours.
   “Are you cold?” He asked and you got startled “Hey! Calm down” He chuckled “I don’t bite, Babygirl” You swallowed in thick. You wish He did.
   “I was almost asleep” You lied “Sorry” You chuckled.
   “Sorry, I just saw you were shivering and I thought you were cold. Do you want me to bring you a blanket?” He offered and you shook your head.
   “No, you’re hot enough” You said.
   Oh my god! What did you just say?!
   “Hm… Are you hitting on me?” He asked unsurely and you sighed relieved. You still had a chance to be normal.
   “No, it’s just that you’re really warm, I can feel it from here” You chuckled and He snorted.
   “Yeah, I know” He agreed “You can cuddle me if you want to get warm” He muttered and you blushed.
   Cuddle was okay, right?
   Friends could cuddle.
   You cuddled Felix all the time! It wasn’t weird or anything. Cuddling is totally fine. Like totally fine. Your cat back home cuddled you. Fine. It didn’t mean anything. If your cat could do it, you could do it too! With this dumb thought, you turned around and rested your head on his arm, throwing your arm and your leg over him. See? Fine. You heard his heart beating really fast and loud. Was it always like this or were He nervous? Well… Judging by his temperature his heart was probably really fast. It couldn’t mean anything.
   Anything like He wanted to pin you down on that damn bed and fuck you senseless.
   You swallowed again.
   He turned to you, bringing you closer and hugging you, like a koala. You felt your body warming. Not a sex drive warming, but a cute warm. You smiled and nuzzled him, getting comfortable and feeling sleepiness take over you.
   You slept really well that night.
   You woke up with his alarm and you yawned, tired. You opened your eyes to see a grumpy Chan looking mad with his alarm. He groaned and tried to reach for his phone and you felt his body over yours while He was stretching to reach his bed table. You could get used to that. He turned off his alarm and his body was back to your side instead of hovering in your face.
   “Morning, Babygirl” He greeted you dizzily and you grinned at him.
   “Morning, Chan” You said, looking at his eyes.
   He stood there, looking at you with his cute wrinkled face and you smiled at him. He swallowed down slowly and you could see his Adam’s apple going up and down.
   “You’re too cute for your own good” He sighed, letting your body go and getting up. He looked at you on his bed and wished He could kiss you right now “I liked it” He stated blushing.
   “What?” You asked confused.
   “You calling me by my name instead of mocking me with Daddy or Dom boy” He said and looked away.
   “Chan” You called him again and He eyed you “You’re too cute for your own good” You grinned and got up from his bed. He just stood there, his heart racing as you made your way to the kitchen. Fixing him breakfast should be a good way to thank him, right?
   You walked through the Dance Department feeling good with yourself.
   You noticed that the random shirt you stole from Hyunjin was actually a shirt with his name on it and you felt great walking down the hallways with that. You noticed some looks on your back and some whispers, but you didn’t mind them. Let people talk. You finally found Felix and waved at him, happily.
   “Lix!” You greeted him and He grinned at you.
   “What are you doing here?” He asked curiously and you gave him a sly smile. His friends looked you up and down and you shifted uncomfortably under their gazes.
   “I came to see Hyunjin, where is he?” You announced louder then you needed. Before Felix could answer you though both their friends gasped.
   “Is it true?! Are you his girlfriend?” They asked amazed and you grinned.
   “Is that how he called me?” You faked embarrassment and they gasped louder.
   “Oh my god! Hyunjin is taken” They laughed and you smirked. You hoped they would be loud enough about it later because all you needed right now was to people spread rumors about a dating Hyunjin.
   “I didn’t see him today” Felix answered your previous question, confused “Was He not at home?” You widened your eyes to him. Is Felix dumb or something? You were on Chan’s last night, for lord sake! How would you know?
   “Wait! You live together?!” The boy asked in chock and you bit your lip. That’s not exactly what you were planning but it may help, right? You nodded his way and He nudged his friend, looking excited. You waved Felix goodbye and went away, feeling the gossipy spread around you. You wanted to see how many girls He would get now. Suck on that.
Step 4: Talk through things
   When you got home later you didn’t expect to see a beaten up Hyunjin on the couch.
   His right eye was purple and swollen and his left cheek was red and looked a little bit swollen too. You arched your brow, confused. He grimaced at you and He twitched, his bruised lips probably hurting from stretching the wound. You ignored him, going to your room which was still locked. You frowned. Didn’t Chan send someone to fix it? You went to Minho’s room and knocked on his door.
   “Go away, Hyunjin” You heard him saying, sounding mad.
   “It’s me” You answered and He quickly opened the door. Minho had a small bruise on his lip and his cheek seemed swollen, but He was way better then Hyunjin for the most part, “What happened?” You asked, your hand making way to his cheek. He hissed in pain.
   “Nothing” He shrugged it off and you scoffed “Here, your keys” He gave you the small object, making mention of closing the door. You frowned and stopped him.
   “Did you fight Hyunjin?” You asked concerned and He averted his eyes, trying to force the door shut again, but you were holding it “Are you okay?”
   “I’m fine” He stated and tried to close the door again.
   “Did you clean up your wounds?” You asked, ignoring his attempt to go away.
   “Yes, mom” He snorted and you grinned.
   “Why?” You muttered and He sighed.
   “I guess I just got pissed because He’s been a dick to you” He admitted “Yesterday I got really pissed off at him and may or may not have punched him”
   “I’m quite sure you did it” You snorted and He grinned at you, tired “You didn’t need to do it… He’s your friend”
   “I couldn’t just stand there… It’s already bad enough that I didn’t think about changing your lock and would just do nothing at all because I was afraid of heights” He sighed, He seemed embarrassed and you frowned “How was it at Chan’s? Did you let out your horny self?” He chuckled and you laughed.
   “I wish” You answered jokingly “BUT!” You smiled at him smugly “I may or may not have a date next week…”
   “Oh?” He sounded surprised “Where are you going?”
   “We’re going to watch a movie and cuddle on his couch” You snorted “Not really your kind of date, hm?” You joked and Minho laughed.
   “Are you going to make him watch Tangled?” He scoffed and you slapped his shoulder.
   “Stop it! I let him choose it” You confessed “Hoping He will choose some horror, actually” You laughed and Minho snorted.
   “Eager, aren’t we?” He mocked you “Listen, Kitty, I’m going to lay down for a bit. Even though Hyunjin deserves to be beaten up and all that shit I’m not the fighter type so I’m feeling tired as hell” He looked like shit, but you didn’t tell him this.
   “It’s okay” You assured “If you need anything call me” He nodded at that and closed his door.
   You felt great having your own keys for your room, it made you feel safe from Hyunjin’s assholeness. You were expecting him to just start to bang on your bed if He started to get really pissed off, so it was reassuring to know He couldn’t do it now.
   You had to thank Chan again.
   Speaking of which, you were really excited about tonight. Your movie date was finally around the corner and you felt happy to think about it. Felix was teasing you with is about a week for now and you could only groan to your friend from time to time, tired of his cheering self. “I told you He liked you” He always made sure to remind you and you could only laugh by yourself thinking about it.
   “What is it?” Minho asked, scoffing, eyeing you amused.
   “Thinking about Felix” You answered, laughing.
   “Chan will be thrilled to hear it!” He joked and you slapped his shoulder.
   “He knows We’re just friends” You rolled your eyes “Are you jealous because I like Felix more than I like you?” You joked and He laughed out loud.
   “So that’s how you treat your ally? I should go away now” He sang, threatening to stand up and walk away, but you grabbed his arm laughing.
   “No! I need your phone” You whined and He smiled at you.
   So your plan was quite simple this time. Minho told you Hyunjin was with a girl right now and all you would do is call him. Simple. Harmless. He knew you were trying to ruin him by now, so you needed to think harder: How would He pick up this damn call? Then it hit you. Minho. You were pleasantly surprised by his support since the lock event. You didn’t expect his fight with Hyunjin and even though both of them were alright right now, the bruises are gone and their friendship firm, He was still by your side.
   You dialed Hyujin’s number and waited for a bit.
   Hyunjin was driving Minho’s car, taking the girl to her place because He didn’t want to risk you blowing his plans again. He had a smug smirk and eyed the girl that was sending him a dirty look, ready to simply unbutton his pants right there.
   “You’re so thirsty for me” He purred and the girl giggled, her hands hovering over his bulge. His phone rang and He sighed. Why now of all times?
   “Hmm, Who is Roommate?” She asked curiously and answered it without giving a damn. Hyunjin grimaced, unhappy.
   “Hey, babe?” A girl’s voice sounded through his phone and He frowned. What the hell? “Are you coming home already? I’m making us dinner… And, hm… Did you get the pregnancy test?” Holy shit! It was Y/N. Hyunjin tried to pick his phone from his date, but the girl shot him a horrified look and pushed him.
   “You really have a girlfriend?!” She yelled and you and Minho suppressed a laugh “Oh my god! I’m so dumb! I heard the rumors but I thought… You’re an ass! Stop that car, now!” She ranted and Hyunjin groaned.
   “She’s not my girlfriend! I can explain” He pleaded and the girl scoffed.
   “Stop this damn car right now!” She demanded and Hyunjin pulled over, tired. She stormed away and you cackled up.
   “Nice try, dude” You teased him “But wherever you go, I’ll be there”
   “I hate you” He sighed “Do you know how long it has been since I got laid? I just hate you” He sounded tired and you smiled proudly.
   “Well, you have been doing some hateful stuff too If you need a reminder” You stated and He nodded, although you couldn’t see it.
   “Okay, We need to talk about it” He stated and you arched your brows.
   Talk like a real talk? That was a nice surprise.
   “I agree, but tonight I’m going to Chan’s. We can talk about it tomorrow” And He hummed from the other side, hanging up. You looked at Minho, happy “Oh my god! I think He’s gonna apologize to me!” You uttered and He high fived you.
   “It was about time” He cheered and you beamed.
   “I can’t believe it! Finally”
   You couldn’t feel any better right now.
 Step 5: Make Him want you
   Chan opened his door with a bright smile, looking adorable and you smiled back.
   “Hey” You said, getting inside and looking at his mattress in the middle of the living room. You eyed him like He was crazy “Why is your bed on the floor?” You asked amused and He snorted.
   “Well, what can be better than watching a good movie cuddling up on the bed? Since I don’t have a TV in my room I figured I could just bring my bed here” He smirked and you giggled.
   “You’re really serious about our cuddling session, aren’t you?” You mocked him and He nudged you.
   “Felix told me you loved to cuddle up and watch stuff on TV with him so… Well, I guess I wanted to outrun him on this” He laughed and you cackled up “I mean… We’re on a date, right? I should get you comfortable and all that” He averted his eyes, shyly.
   Oh my god! He was so cute! Why were you so worried about it last week? You wanted to hug him and never let go, but you made your way to the mattress and sat down, looking at him.
   “So? What will we watch?” You asked curiously and He sat next to you, bringing popcorn, chocolate, and soda and giving it to you. You took a piece of the chocolate and hoped He would say something really creepy so you could have an excuse to touch him more often.
   You laughed at yourself.
   “I thought we could watch some rom-com or animation” He told you and you frowned “Or… Not. Yeah, We can totally watch something else” He said unsurely as He saw your face.
   “No! No! I do like those but…” You snorted “I was expecting you to say some horror movie or… You know? Don’t you like those?” You asked confused and He laughed at you.
   “So you thought I was playing low! I see…” He hummed knowingly “I asked Felix what you like to watch and He said you loved this kind of thing… And to tell you the truth I love a good animation too, so…” He eyed you cutely and you grinned.
   “It sounds like you interviewed Felix” You teased him and He blushed hard.
   “I… I wanted to give you a good time” He admitted embarrassed and you didn’t fight the urge to hug him this time.
   “Thank you, I appreciate it” You assured him “Let’s watch some good stuff then! How do you feel about ‘How to train your dragon’?” And He beamed, hugging you back and muttering on your hair.
   “I feel like I just found my perfect movie buddy” He answered and you smiled into his chest.  
   Minho scoffed when Hyunjin’s friend told him how he was lucky to have such a hot girlfriend.
   “She’s not my girlfriend!” He whined and Felix laughed.
   “But she’s hot!” Felix agreed and Minho frowned at him.
   “I thought she was just your friend” He said, confused and Felix looked at him feeling lost.
   “She is” He agreed.
   “Are you calling your just friend hot?” He asked to make his point and Hyunjin laughed.
   “That’s because He’s not blind” He reasoned and Minho shot him a surprised look.
   “You think she’s hot?!” Minho uttered, “But you said you hated her!”
   “Well, She’s annoying me as fuck! But She can annoy me and be hot, I don’t understand your point” Hyunjin scoffed “Don’t you think she’s hot?”
   “No! I don’t” He frowned “She’s my friend”
   “She’s my friend too, mate” Felix stated “If you don’t want to fuck or date them they can be just your friend and you still can think they’re hot… I tell her she’s hot all the time and she tells me the same all the time… It’s what friends do”
   “I never told a girl friend that she was hot” He shrugged and Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
   “Do you think I’m hot?” Hyunjin asked.
   “Of course, If you weren’t we wouldn’t have so many dates” He reasoned.
   “Do you want to fuck me?” Hyunjin asked.
   “What? No!” Minho laughed and Hyunjin laughed along.
   “Exactly. We’re friends and you think I’m hot. Move on” He mocked him.
   “But that’s different” Minho shook his head “I wouldn’t like to fuck you” He stated. Felix snapped his head up, looking at Minho surprised. Minho arched his brows, startled and Hyunjin smirked.
   “Did you just say you would like to fuck my best friend?” Felix asked amused and Minho shook his head eagerly.
   “No! That’s not what I meant!” But Felix and Hyunjin were already on it.
   “You don’t say that she’s hot because if you admit it you will acknowledge you want to fuck her? Is that what I just heard?” Hyunjin mocked him and Felix cackled up.
   “That’s exactly what I heard too” He smirked “So… You’re into Y/N… I would do something about it if I were you because as far as I know, Chan is way ahead of you right now”
   “I don’t need to do something about it, because that’s only on your head, guys” Minho rolled his eyes “She’s just a friend”
   “Just a friend” Hyunjin agreed “That you think that it’s not hot at all”
   “Even though I know damn well you checked her out” Felix sang and Hyunjin scoffed. Minho tried to ignore them, pretending to look at some craft stands on the way and stopping on his track when a key chain got his attention.
    A cute kitty key chain.
   He smiled at it and approached the stand.
   “How much for this key chain?” He asked and the boys followed him. He gave the seller the money and looked at it fondly.
   “Did you need a key chain? I have tons home” Hyunjin frowned and Minho shrugged him off.
   “It’s a gift” He said nonchalantly and Felix grinned like a Cheshire cat.
   “A kitty for your kitty?” He hummed and Minho blushed.
   “She just got the key door so… Well…” He rambled and the boys laughed at him.
   “Dude, just accept you have a crush, it’s not that hard” Hyunjin mocked him and Minho sighed.
   “You know what? I’m done. I’m going home, good luck on getting there later, buddy” He said while going away. He didn’t need to hear the guys mocking him about something that wasn’t even true! He didn’t have a crush on you. Would someone that has a crush on you support your date? Sprawl on the couch with you mindlessly? Constantly bring other girls to fuck under your roof?
   He didn’t think so.
   When He finally got home, He closed the door, walked picked up the key chain He wanted to gift you, and walked to the corridor just to drop his gift on the floor. Standing there in the middle of the corridor, eagerly drying your hair with a towel was none other than you. On a towel.
   “Oh! You got home earlier” You said, looking calmly at him.
   Would someone that has a crush on you be calmly looking at you standing there on a towel? Yes, they would.
   He didn’t though.
   Minho felt his blood rush south and then up. He didn’t know If He should hide his bulge or try to hide his blush. He did neither. He stood there, frozen in place looking at your wet body. One particular water drop decided to mock him, slowly sliding through your collarbone and going to your cleavage and He gulped, uncomfortable.
   “Hey, are you okay?’ You asked concerned, approaching him and He stuttered.
   He stuttered like a fucking virgin, for god sakes!
   “Don’t come near me!” He shot and you frowned.
   “What the hell, man?” You uttered, confused and He took some steps back, thinking about what he should do right now. Should He just leave? Should He explain that he found you hot?
   Oh my god! He finds you hot. He sighed in defeat. He just thought you were hot.
   “What’s this?” You asked and He eyed you leaning down to pick up the key chain. Right in front of him. He closed his eyes and groaned. What kind of unholy thought was coming to his head right now? You found it weird, but shrugged it, leaning anyway to take the object and your eyes shone when you saw what it was “Is it for me?!” You happily asked, getting up, and He opened his eyes to look straight into yours.
   “Y/N…” He said cautiously and you eyed him weirdly “Please go dress yourself” He pleaded and something clicked in your head. Was that why He was being weird?
   “Oh!” You let out when you noticed that his pants didn’t look as flat as they should and He shot his hands down, averting his eyes clearly ashamed “That’s ok! It’s totally normal!” You assured him and He groaned feeling humiliated.
   “I’m gonna take a bath” He said, storming to the bathroom and locking the door.
   “It’s just a physiological response!” You shot through the door and He groaned again.
   “Go away!” He pleaded.
   “I’m okay with it, no hard feelings!” You continued and Minho turned on the water. You sighed “Come see me when you’re done”
   Minho rested his head against the cold wall and felt the water hit his back while his mind went back for your standing self. You were gorgeous! Hot couldn’t even begin to describe it to him. What the hell was He thinking when He thought you were cute? He felt so ashamed right now. He wanted to get off thinking about you but He refused to do it.
   “Come on, Minho, think about anything else….” He instructed himself “Anything… Anything else… Not her dripping hair… Not her innocent eyes… Not her smugness… Not her legs… Not her lips… Especially not her lips!” He swallowed thick, remembering how your lips formed a beautiful “o” shape when you saw him coming in.
   He couldn’t believe it.
   He would have believed if someone told him he would want to hug and cuddle you, watch movies with you poking each other with your feet, laying down speaking unimportant things all evening, or even if someone told him He would like to kiss you someday.
   He could believe it.
   But he never would have believed it if anyone told him He would run into you someday and just wish to take off your clothes (or your towel), pin you down against the wall and fuck you senseless without a care in the world.
   Then again, Here He was.
Let’s try to tag @slut-for-fandoms Hope it worked!
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soo-sex · 5 years
190311 Soohyun Fancafe Chat (Part 6)
[English translation by junhaera_]
Soohyun: Junnie is so cool - on his japan solo - he grew up a lot since Dont Flirt Jun: ha..... SH: kkkkk KM: he's originally big (she talking about his height hahaha) SH: during Dont Flirt, he copies/follows me - i'll show it to you later on Jun: ha kkkkk SH: i saw Jun yesterday
KM: if oppa teases Junyoungie with Don't Flirt, can he tease you with I Like You? kk  Jun: kkkk  Soohyun : ya what the  Jun: ha  KM: I Like You  Jun: .............  SH: why are you talking about it *keyboard smash*  KM: Not Young  SH: *keyboard smash again*
KM: have you seen Not Young MV?  Jun: do you wanna try I Like You hair one more time?!?!?!  Soohyun: Junnie, lie down  Jun: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  KM: im out of battery, i have to go  SH: ttinttu bye  - do well on you work
Soohyun: me too  - i have to go now  KM: lies  SH: im sleepy  Jun: kkkkkk  SH: our bedtime is at 10PM  Jun: our hyung is sleepy  - ……  - hyung, u should go to bed soon  SH: kkkkk  Jun: hihihi  SH: Jun-ah, u have practice tmr so  - go to sleep soon  KM: let's stay up  Jun: it's bad for health
Jun: haha  - yes hyung haha  SH: my attention will be to Kissmes alone  - because of you, my love is dispersed  Jun: alright, everyone bye~  - our hyung I love you haha  SH: Junnie bye~  KM: he'll go play battleground & threw us away  SH: he's not  KM: play BG well  SH: dont play BG Junnie
Soohyun: he have to practice tmr so he have to go  - okay, Kissmes say goodbye  - kkkkkkk  KM: Bye Jun  SH: Junnie oppa bye  - I Love you  - Junnie oppa, give me a kiss  - ah my eyes are hurting kkkkk  - my eyes are getting blurry kkkkk
KM: for the last time, once again a happy bday!! i love u  SH: thank u Manami  Jun: our hyung kiss -kiss_  *Jun left the chat room*  SH: anyway  - these days  - i've been sending gifts through Kakaotalk  KM: cake?  SH: something like that  - the world has improved  KM: u didnt know??
KM: oppa is like a grandpa  - actually  - there is a kid who calls me Grandpa in the camp  - kkkkk  KM: no, what  - grandpa  SH: on my IG  - i uploaded a pic with the guys  - one of them  KM: at the snack bar?  - u're not a grandpa ㅠㅠ  - i mean why you making our oppa a grandpa  - o! ppa!
guess who among these kids is calling Soohyun a grandpa
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KM: not a grandpa, aint it more like an uncle  SH: not an uncle too  - it's hyung  KM: forever oppaㅠㅠㅠ  SH: since Jun left  - i knew that 10 ppl will leave  - they're so mean  KM: you didn't list them down, do you?  SH: im quite pissed to such  KM: scary  SH: I wrote it down
SH: later on, i will scold them  KM: you have us kkk i guess where not enough  SH: with my lips^^  - hihi  - ill never do it  - really  - i cant do that  - the idol's language  - it's been a while
KM: no oppa, do whatever you want to do  SH: i tried  - but the response was not good  KM: ah  SH: I'm not an idol  KM: you were an idol, come on  SH: im not playing with you  - i'm not an idol  - i'm an artist  KM: do whatever you want ㅠㅠ sorry..
Soo: ah right  - KissMe  - what do idols do these days  - what was that  KM: working  - singing  - promoting in KR?  SH: the heart by hands  - the circle one then  - when u open ur mouth  - heart forms  KM: biting heart (kkaemul heart)  SH: wow an innovation  - i have to try it too  - later on
KM: oh.. there's such thing? kkk  - ill buy you rabbit hat too  - you know rabbit hat right?  SH: rabbit hat  - that one with flopping ears  GF: i sent u a gift, where u able to receive it?  SH: oh i got it~ but i haven't seen (what it is)  - thank u ㅠㅠ you dont have to send me gifts
SH: send letters from time to time  GF: please let us know how many people there are on the camp  SH: us?  GF: yup  HY: we dont know it  SH: probably 60 people in all  GF: ??? really ???
SH: on our troop only  HY: how many of you in the barracks (she used the term 내무반 naemuban)  SH: naemuban kkkkkk  - it's been a long time ago since it's called naemuban  - it's called saenghwalgwan (barracks room was changed from 내무반 to 생활관)
SH: 10 ppl per barracks room  - each one has its own bed  - no, im close to all troop personnels  KM: what is ssajibang  SH: ssajibang is  - cyber knowledge info room  - no dont send gifts  - u dont have to send gifts  - letters, just letters  GF:anyway, hope u use it well the one i sent
KM: me too, i have to go as i have work tmr  SH: what is this  - now, if 5 ppl leaves  - i'll go too  - im sleepy ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  KM: i wont go then  - no, you cant leave  SH: kkkkkk  KM: it's only been an hour since i got in here, no it cant be ㅜㅜ
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kpopmoonz · 6 years
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Movies, Kisses, and Lipstick Stains 
Summary: You were invited over to visit Seventeen’s dorm for movie night and catch up with the members who you haven’t seen for quite some time due to theirs and your busy schedule. Which is also why your boyfriend Vernon has been nothing but clingy and handsy with you the moment you arrived. disclaimer: gif not mine full © to owner. 
 Word count:1126 
 A/n: Hello! I enjoyed writing this so i really hope you guys like it! However, the title may seem suggestive, but i just wanna say that this (to my dismay) ain’t smut... i hope you guys still enjoy though... that’s all!! Till next time :)). 
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 Imagine though... 
 “Y/n, you alright with watching this?” S.Coups asked raising the cd case for you to check also mentioning that you were their guest so you got to chose.  You nodded a “yes” half heartedly as you tried your best not to melt under Vernon who was planting soft chaste kisses on the back of you neck. 
 “Yah! Stop it.” You scolded him in a whisper as the movie started to play. “It the others see!” You added earning a soft chuckle from the boy behind you. 
 “And so what if they see? The hyungs know we’re together anyways.” Vernon replied, whispering into your ear causing shivers to run down your whole body. 
“Yah!” You exclaimed, hitting his thigh and catching the attention of some of the members. You silently apologized to them, before turning around to glare at your boyfriend who just flashes you a wide grin before kissing your cheek. 
 “I just miss you, that’s all.” He whispered before you turned your attention to the movie that has been playing for 5 minutes now. “I’ll behave…” he mumbled before leaning his head to rest on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
 Half way though the movie you’ve started getting uncomfortable and decided to head for the kitchen for a drink after seeing a number of other members have been coming in and out of the living room as well.
“I’ll get a drink.” You whispered up to Vernon who released you when you tapped his arms that rested on your belly. He follows you with his eyes as you made your way to the well lit kitchen before turning back to the seemingly interesting motion picture everyone was drawn to. 
After awhile he noticed how you were taking too long and thought you actually got lost despite the kitchen just being across the hall from the living room. “Y/n?” He called, his voice above whisper as he knew he was out of earshot of the members. 
There at the corner of the room, he found you leaning against the counter, with your phone in hand and a glass of water in the other. “Bored are we?” Vernon smirked walking towards you. 
 You jumped at the sound of his voice, but instead of blushing, “why? Would you be offended if i said i was?” You replied, tilting your head and raising your eyebrow suggestively. 
 By this time, Vernon was right in front of you, smiling but you noticed how his eyes were darker than usual. “Mmm, actually i think i’m glad you’re bored.” He whispered, His voice was now all deep and husky, “cause it means it’s my turn to entertain you” With that, he closes the little gap between the two of you. 
In a desperate yet hot kiss you felt your knees buckle and your legs turn into jelly, but before you could fall, Vernon’s hands flew to your waist preventing you from disconnecting you lips. You mind started to get foggy as you both got deeper into the kiss, but when you felt Vernon’s tongue enter your mouth you pushed him off in panic. Confused Vernon frowned down at you, and with red cheeks you pointed at the members who were staring at the telly. 
 An “o” formed Vernon’s lips before getting an idea. He placed a finger on his lips signing you to be quiet before he pulled you out of the kitchen and into his shared room with a few other members. As the door closed the two of you returned to your earlier activity and a little more. 
 Outside the heated bedroom the members collectively let go of their breaths. The movie was long forgotten when they heard the door click. Upon realizing the whole group felt the same heat from both you and Vernon, they started a group discussion. 
Minutes later, the group’s discussion still hasn’t died down until the ‘95 line plus Woozi and Wonwoo all stood up to get out of the room, “Of you guys don’t quiet down someone will hear.” Jeonghan remarked as he sleepily followed S.Coups to the kitchen.  Seconds after, you were standing at the entrance of the living room with your hands in your hair. 
“What”re you guys up to?” You questioned, as you found majority of the boys huddled in the middle of the room while the movie was paused behind them. Looking at the members, they seemed to have frozen as they stared back at you with gaped mouths. “Oh, we decided to take a break.” S.Coups finally spoke from in the kitchen behind you. “Oh.” You mumbled finally getting your hair into the most decent ponytail you could at the time.
‘I hope i look decent enough’ you thought as you shrugged and moved to get a drink from the fridge. Not too soon after, you’ve had a glass of juice and the door you came out of opened again, Vernon came out of the room looking way more decent than the last you left him and as he passed you on his way to the living room he sent you a wink. You blushed and stared down at your glass feeling the butterflies tickle your stomach, but all that was replaced with panic when you realized the usual lipstick stain you left on cups and glasses weren’t on the rim of your glass right now. 
 Alarms rung in your brain as you quickly dropped the glass on the counter, the thud it made caught Jeonghan and s.coup’s attention, but before they could ask you about it you were out of the kitchen and into the living room. 
 “Shit, too late” you cursed seeing your boy was already pinned by his two pesky hyungs, Hoshi and Jun. “Kkkkk, so Vernon-ie~ you and y/n have been busy huh?” Hoshi asked him a smirk on his lips.
 “Huh? What?” Vernon replied, trying so hard not to smile as he knew it could blow his cover. 
“Oh i’m sure you know what we mean.” Jun chuckled gesturing for the younger to wipe the corner of his lips, which he did, bringing his fingers to his view, he found they were stained with you lipstick. It was only then when he realized he’s been caught. You were both still embarrassed, Despite the fact the members knew you and Vernon were an item,    and wished the earth would just swallow you up in that situation. 
 “Alright you two that’s enough.” S.Coups called having Joshua and Wonwoo drag the two performance members away from the young boy. Vernon saw this as chance and went to check his face in the mirror. Seeing his lips that was messily stained by your lipstick all he thought of was ‘whoops.’ 
 On the way back to your house, it was the first time you spent the walk in silence “sorry for troubling you earlier” you finally spoke as your house started getting in view. You heard Vernon chuckle beside you and then he took your hand in his. “It’s alright” he tells you bringing the back of your hand to his lips, “at least now they know you’re not the angel the see you as” he teased after lightly kissing your skin. You were once again red, not just from his sweet gesture but also from the embarrassment coming back to you. “Yah! It’s your fault! You should’ve cleaned up better!” You frowned, pulling your hand out of his. He chuckled again before turning you around to face him and planting a sweet yet quick kiss on your lips before jogging back to their dorm. 
disclaimer: gif not mine full © to owner. || Masterlist || Ask me anything ||
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missskzbiased · 4 years
Getting a Roommate (4)
Soooo... I rolled my dices and Dice God choose Minho and Chan for this Love Triangle (I’m quite happy with the results actually), so I’m gonna start to focus on them more. 
This chapter has a lot of Felix because I like their friendship kkkkk Sorry
I’m not sure if She will end up with Minho or Chan, since I planned for Minho being her good friend at first. I’m getting fond of him now though So Who Knows?
Genre:  Fluff, Romance; Sugestive; College Au; Roommate Au; Love Triangle
Pairing: Minho X Reader X Chan
Word Count: ~5,1K
Female Lead
Warnings: Language, Sugestive stuff (?)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Final)
       Changbin opened the door for you and shot you a confused look.
   “Felix is not here,” He told you and you looked at him pleading “Wanna come in anyway?” He said unsurely and you thanked him, getting inside. You stood there, in the middle of the living room, looking around, not knowing what to do now that you got there. What were you thinking? What if Felix couldn’t take you in? You should have texted him or something.
   “Thank you” You muttered and Changbin eyed you, sighing.
   “Did something happen?” He asked, sitting on the couch and patting it, so you would do the same. You were not sure what to say. Should you say you saw your roommate banging on your couch? Would He think you were just making a scene out of nothing? You decided to sit across him and eye him in silence “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it” He reassured you.
   “I… Well, it’s nothing really” You began to say, feeling embarrassed “I ran into my roommate having sex on the couch… Where I’m sleeping… And, well… Yeah” Changbin looked surprised at you and then disgusted.
   “It’s not nothing!” He uttered “That’s disrespectful! What an asshole…” He scoffed humorlessly. You looked at him gratefully, feeling a little bit less embarrassed and sighed, tired.
   “He didn’t even apologize” You pouted “He thinks He has the right to do it because He’s the one who cleans up… Minho said He cleans up really well so I shouldn’t feel bad about it… I guess I’m making a tempest in a teapot”
   “No, you’re not!” He assured you, resting his hand on your shoulder “You have all the right to feel uncomfortable with it, you live there too! If you’re sleeping on the couch He could just go to his room. He’s the wrong one here” You faintly smiled at him, feeling way better.
   “Thank you, I guess I needed to hear it” You confessed, “I felt wronged and He just ignored it!”
   “He sounds like a douchebag” Changbin stated, “What are you going to do about it?” He asked curiously.
   “I was thinking… Well, You can totally say no! And I haven’t talked to Felix yet, but I was thinking about asking him to let me sleep with him until I get my bed” You admitted, “I could even sleep on the couch or the floor, I don’t mind at all!”
   “Don’t be stupid, you can sleep on his bed!” He snorted “If He doesn’t want it you can keep mine, I’m alright with that too” You flashed him a smile and nudged him.
   “You’re nicer than I thought!” You grinned and He scoffed.
   “Thanks?” He asked giggling “So? What do you want to do now? I heard you’re going to our perform today”
   “Maybe I should study a little bit? I don’t know… Or I could come up with some kind of revenge!” You realized, excited.
   “I’m all ears” He laughed, getting more comfortable on the couch and resting his head on his hand, his elbow on the couch “What do you have in mind? You should lock him outside… Maybe glue his keys somewhere or put paint on his shampoo? I’m not good at this” He wondered and you felt your brain working harder, almost paining.
   “I should fuck on his bed,” You said suddenly and Changbin choked, coughing up so much you had to bring him water, worried He would just die there “Calm down, drink it!”
   “I don’t think it will be effective,” He said after He recomposed himself “You don’t feel good about him doing it on your couch but I’m quite sure He will get off to you if you just fuck someone on his bed” He advised, blushing.
   “Oh… I didn’t think about that…” You blushed, realizing your idea was indeed really dumb “So maybe… I could get on his way though… Hm, you gave me a good idea, Changbin! He will be so mad” You laughed evilly and grinned, thinking through your plan. Changbin eyed you concerned and let out a chuckle, deciding you were feeling good enough now and He could let you enjoy your mind by yourself.
   “Call me if you need anything,” He said before going to his room.
   “Hey, Changbin!” You called him, stretching your head so you could see him behind the couch “Thank you” You muttered under your breath and He smiled at you.
   “Anytime, Y/N” He shrugged.
   You laid there on the couch, watching Brooklyn 99 on Netflix so you could feel better till the evening when you would be partying as hell and forgetting all about your roommates. Han got home before Felix and shot you a surprised look, but didn’t say anything as he sprawled on the couch with you once He saw what you were watching. When Felix finally got home He watched as you and Han laughed about something on the screen, nudging each other happily and He chuckled before locking the door.
   “Y/N, are you trying to get my roommates to pick you over me?” He asked playfully and you looked at him smiling.
   “What can I do if I’m cooler than you?” You asked with a smug grin and He scoffed.
   “Why are you here though? You didn’t even text me, I would have come earlier if I knew you were here” He said, eyeing you suspiciously. You almost could hear him asking if you were into his roommates anytime soon, but was interrupted by the door opening again and a… Stunning Chan smiling to you guys. He was ready for the night, you noticed, his dark hair was pulled back in a messy hairstyle with some wild hair locks on his forehead and his eyes were shaded, highlighting them, and even though He looked cool, his smile showed his dimples and made him seem kinda goofy and cute. Before you could say anything He spoke, sounding excited.
   “Who’s hyped for tonight?!” He asked and Felix turned back to look at him.
   “You, clearly” He laughed and Chan laughed along, closing the door and laying his eyes on you.
   You felt small under his gaze, regretting your poor choice of outfit. You strongly believed college claimed comfy clothes since you would be humiliated anyway by the tiring classes and all the assignments you must do, you figured that being comfy was the only thing that could get you through this hell. Although now, with Chan looking at you sprawled on the couch with messy hair and no makeup, you wondered if you should change this from now on. Nah! You knew you wouldn’t.
   “Hey, babygirl” He greeted you with a smirk and Felix shot you a mischievous look, grinning like a cat “Are you going to come tonight?” He asked and you could see He was pretending to be cool and uninterested but the way He eyed you seconds later made you chuckle.
   “Would I miss a 3RACHA’s perform?” He giggled at your words and you saw with the corner of your eyes Felix freaking out silently at you, his back turned to Chan. Han scoffed beside you and you looked at him. He was looking at Felix, amused by your best friend to get nowhere near to subtle.
   “Hey, aren’t you going to get ready, man?” Chan asked Han and the boy whined, getting up and muttering a ‘yeah, dad’ to Chan, who laughed and sat on the couch. Felix came right after him, pushing you away from the corner and obliging you to be next to Chan. You narrowed your eyes at him and He grinned, proud at himself “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you guys a ride… We have to get there pretty early and you would be so bored to just stand there waiting for everything to start” He apologized to you both and Felix shrugged it off.
   “We already have a ride” You said, just to enroll in a conversation and Chan nodded “We will be getting ready after you leave… I will sleep here tonight” You didn’t know why you were talking useless stuff, maybe you were hoping Felix would use it as a fuel for real conversation, but Chan didn’t seem to mind your rambling.
   “Oh? Do you want me to give you a ride home later?” He promptly offered “I mean, is the ride a problem? Because if it is, I can totally give you a ride after”
   “She’s going to sleep here because she misses me so much” Felix answered mockingly and you laughed at him “But thanks for caring so much about her, mate” Felix grinned knowingly and you rolled your eyes. Would He ever stop embarrassing you someday? You doubt it.
   “Of course!” Chan scoffed “I care about my friends” He shrugged it off and you eyed Felix smugly. Felix snorted and eyed you back, mouthing something you couldn’t understand.
   “We’re ready” Changbin announced, making you look at them. They were cooler than you thought it would be possible. Changbin looked dark and charismatic and Han looked cool and chilled out, both of them had their hair messy and a smug grin that made you snort.
   “You guys look great!” You hyped them and Han grinned at you.
   “Please, don’t fall for me” He asked, hiding his face mockingly like He was some kind of superstar making you scoff.
   “I can’t fall for you if you’re already so close to the ground” You mocked him and He made an exaggerated gasp as if He was really offended. Chan stood up and helped them get their stuff, waving you goodbye and letting you and Felix all by yourselves.
   “He’s so into you!” He uttered and you nudged him “I care for my friends… Ha! As if! He never offered me a ride home!” He was happier than you, getting ready to ship you as much as He wanted “And I heard the babygirl! Hm? Babygirl? Really?” He nudged you this time and you laughed.
   “We’re just kidding! Last week I joked around and called him Daddy and He called me babygirl, it’s not something to hype about” You assured and Felix’s grin got larger, but then He got serious and you shook your head, encouraging him to speak his mind.
   “Why were you here anyway? You usually let me know when you’re coming to see me” He asked worried and You sighed, remembering your earlier fight with your roommates.
   “I caught my roommate having sex on the couch” You stated and his mouth agaped, chocked “Right where I lay my face if you wanna know” You told him all the story and Felix frowned.
   “What a bastard!” He uttered “But it’s good we’re getting out tonight! At least you can drown your sorrows on alcohol with me today” He reasoned and you couldn’t agree more.
   “It will be perfect because I will drink until you guys have to drag me out from there! And I will sleep on your bed and wake up tomorrow like the queen I deserve to be” You announced, proudly. You expected tonight to be really good to your humor because you couldn’t handle any other issues for today. You and Felix took turns to get ready, you started taking your bath and He followed right after while you were dressing up and doing your makeup. You went to the living room to wait for him to get dressed and decided to check yourself out in the mirror.
   You were hot! You acknowledged that. You were feeling good and comfortable and you smiled to yourself, your makeup was just enough to highlight your eyes and your mouth, giving you a sexy look and you liked it. You were feeling powerful. Your train of thoughts was interrupted by an excited Felix beaming at you.
   “Oh my god! You’re gorgeous!” He uttered with eyes shining “Turn around for me! I have to picture it in my head! The day Y/N got everyone breathless!” You cackled at that. Felix was so encouraging you just wanted to hug him and then push his head away, but before you could do it He turned around and grinned at you “So? What do you think?” He asked and you whistled at him.
   “You said I am breathtaking, but something must be wrong because you’re taking all my breath away right now, boy!” You cheered him “They better have an A/C there because you’re hot!” Felix busted on giggles, getting closer to you and pushing your shoulder lightly.
   “Stop it!” He said shyly and you scoffed at his bashful self, He looked at his phone and grinned “Let’s go! He’s almost here” You picked up your purse and followed him. When you got out of the building, you saw a familiar car waiting there. Minho’s car. You scoffed. How the hell did he figure out where you were? You opened your mouth to voice your thoughts to Felix, but He waved to the car.
   Minho’s car.
   He waved to Minho’s car.
   “Oh my god! Felix, Minho is my roommate!” You whispered to him and Felix snapped his head at you, surprised.
   “What? Couch boy?” He asked getting mad.
   “No! The other one” You rushed to say, almost seeing Felix kicking Minho by mistake.
   “Oh!” Minho let out when He saw you approaching “Y/N… Hm. Hi?” He smiled unsurely and you eyed Felix for help. That’s no need to say the ride was completely awkward. Felix sat in the front seat and you sat behind him in the car, watching Minho drive like He had no rush in the world. He looked at you a few times through the mirror and you averted your eyes.
   It wasn’t like Minho did something bad… Actually, He just let you sleep on the couch, He wasn’t banging someone there as far as you know. Maybe you were a bit hard on him? While you wondered about talking normally to him, He decided to break the ice, “Hm… Your bed arrived today” He said and He sounded like a lost puppy “I figured you wouldn’t want me to call you for now so I didn’t… But if you want to come back home you can…” He eyed you through the mirror and you smiled faintly at him. He was thoughtful enough, right? “I already put it in your room… I even made your bed…” His voice was getting lower and He decided to shut up, feeling embarrassed. You saw Felix’s shoulder trembling, probably holding a laugh, and you decided to take pity on Minho, smiling at him and laying your head on your palm before saying.
   “Oh, yeah? What a good boy” You joked and He seemed to brighten up.
   “So you’re coming home with me?” He asked hopefully and you snorted.
   “No, tonight I’m gonna sleep with Felix” You answered “Also, I don’t wanna see Hyunjin yet” You frowned, thinking about how to handle your other roommate since He was an asshole.
   “We talked it through and I’m so sorry I wasn’t on your side earlier… You were totally right to be mad and even if the couch gets really clean He should have done it on his bed since you were sleeping on the couch” He spoke fast, afraid to say something wrong and blow everything up. You nodded content at him and Felix sighed in relief.
   “Thank god! I was afraid that you guys would be like this all night” He confessed. You laughed at that and looked at Minho. You didn’t notice it before, because you weren’t really looking at him but He was looking good tonight and now that He relaxed He gave out a smug and sexy aura that made you snort, He was so ready to get laid tonight “Now I can talk to you normally, Y/N” Felix continued, “How are we going to get you laid?” He asked genuinely, stretching his neck to look at you.
   “Let me go, Felix” You rolled your eyes “I don’t want to fuck Chan” You said and Felix grinned like He just found a pot of gold.
   “I never said his name” Felix stated and you blushed “So you want to get in his pants! I knew it!” He laughed “I know you so well…”
   “Are we talking about Daddy?” Minho asked amused and then scoffed “She totally wants to get in his pants” He agreed and you sank in your seat.
   “You know about the Daddy thing?” Felix asked surprised, looking at you again.
   “He heard me calling him Daddy” You explained shortly and Felix gaped.
   “You called him Daddy in front of your roommates? Oh my god, He must have been so turned on! I can’t believe I wasn’t there to tease you!” He whined.
   “Worst” Minho snorted “She yelled it in the middle of the street!” And Felix cackled.
   “I can’t believe it! You horny bitch” He laughed and you kicked his seat from behind.
   “I’m not a horny bitch!” You whined, “We were just joking around!”
   “If He asks if you want a ride home I will say you want to ride him” Felix decided and Minho chuckled amused.
   “Don’t you dare!” You threatened him “Oh my god, Felix, if you get close to saying anything remotely like this I will never speak to you again!
   “Cool down, babygirl, I would never embarrass you like this” He assured you mockingly and you scoffed.
  “Yeah, right” You crossed your arms on your chest “You embarrass me all the time, you ass”
   When you got to the bar they were performing you felt excited. You got out of the car and clasped your hands together, looking eager. Felix chuckled and nudged you, happy you were so hyped. As for Minho, He eyed you surprised. You were looking really good, He noticed and He forcefully pushed away that thought. Was He supposed to look at his friend’s legs? He didn’t think so. He averted his eyes from your body and his eyes met Felix’s, who was smugly grinning at him.
   “Y/N is looking so hot today, right?” He said knowingly and Minho cleared his throat.
   “I wouldn’t say hot… But you look really pretty” He assured. You pouted at that.
   “Hey! I’m hot enough” You whined and Felix side-hugged you.
   “You’re more than hot, you’re on fire, don’t listen to him!” He eyed Minho disappointed “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, We should ask Chan! He will agree with me”
   You had already drunk more than enough by the time 3RACHA finished to set up their stuff. You didn’t have a chance to talk to them because They were really busy moving around and getting everything done, They didn’t even see you guys on the crowd yet. The music on the background was some dancing pop stuff and you watched as people danced like there was no tomorrow.
   “Don’t you think that’s enough?” Minho asked you as you drank one more shot.
   Honestly? You weren’t even hearing him. Felix laid on you, chuckling, and hugged you drunkenly, lazily shaking you side to side trying to dance to the music, but way out of tempo. Minho scoffed as both of you tried to move around, drunk enough to look like toddlers learning to walk. He tapped your back and offered you his seat, but you denied it, leaning on Felix.
   “Wanna dance?” You yelled to him and Felix shot his head up like you had said the smartest thing He ever heard.
   “Minho, Let’s dance” Felix yelled at him and Minho raised his palm, silently denying “Your loss!” He grabbed your hand and tried to guide you through the crowd but both of ou just stumbled around, trying to get a good spot to dance. Minho eyed you guys, laughing at your sloppy dancing moves and your giggling self. He couldn’t hear what Felix whispered in your ear, but it must have been a bad idea because your eyes litten up in determination. The music suddenly stopped and Chan started to hit the microphone lightly to check it.
   “Hello? Hello?” He tested it and He seemed to be satisfied with it.
   When everyone felt silent, expecting what He was going to say next, you shouted, your curled tongue making difficult to understand what you had said, but the crowd being silent enough to everyone, including Chan, hear you.
   “You’re so hot, Daddy!” You yelled and Minho busted out laughing. Felix beamed, shaking you proudly as you chuckled drunkenly. Minho could only imagine how much you would regret it tomorrow, but for now, you seemed okay with it.
   “Thanks, babygirl! You too” Chan said shyly and the crowd cheered for you. Changbin and Han gagged nudging each other and Chan scoffed, getting back to their perform. He introduced the group and talked a little bit about the song they were going to play, but you couldn’t really understand it as your mind was far gone already. Felix guided you back to Minho and He nudged his friend, getting a chuckle as a response.
   “She did it!” Felix cheered and Minho scoffed, agreeing “Y/N you’re so going to get laid!” He high fived you and you leaned on Minho, tired.
   “Did you see me?” You asked smiling and Minho grinned at you, patting your head.
   “You did really well” He assured and you smiled in a goofy way, resting your head on his arm since He was sitting and you couldn’t reach his shoulder as you were standing next to him. Felix whined something you couldn’t hear and poked your arm so you could pay attention to him.
   “I’m going to the bathroom” He notified you and you nodded.
   “Do you wanna sit down?” Minho asked you.
   You raised your chin and rested it on his arm, looking into his eyes wondering something. Minho patiently looked back at you, waiting for you to say something, but you seemed to have forgotten his question as you started to giggle with no apparent reason.
   “He called me hot” You stated, giggling and Minho scoffed.
   “Yes, he did” He agreed, rubbing your back gently.
   “Hm….” You contentedly hummed, grabbing his shirt and trying to pull him closer. He got up from his seat and held you closer, letting you rest your head on his chest “You’re so warm…” You mumbled against his chest and He chuckled at you, finding your drunken self quite funny. You were too cute, mumbling stuff and giggling around, not focusing on what He was telling you and Minho found himself grinning against your hair, resting his cheek on the top of your head.
   “You’re so gonna regret it tomorrow” He snorted and you laughed along, not really understanding what He was saying but glad to be there. He patted your hair and you hugged him tighter “What’s up?” He asked, eyeing you, but you just nuzzled your head against his chest like a cat. He bit his lip to suppress a laugher.
   “Do you think I’m hot?” You asked, raising your head and looking him straight in the eye.
   “I think you’re cute” He answered and you pouted.
   “So I’m not hot” You whined and your whine turned into a sob and then you were sobbing sadly on his shoulder. Minho got startled at that. What the fuck was happening?! When you tried to raise her head so you could look her in the eyes, Felix got back and frowned.
   “I leave her with you for a minute and you make her cry?!” He fumed, taking you away from his arms. You hugged Felix and rested your head in the crook of his neck.
   “He called me ugly” You said sadly and Minho arched his eyebrows, surprised.
   “No, I did not! I said you were cute!” He defended himself and you pouted looking back at him. Felix didn’t seem to be understanding anything anymore, so He just shrugged it off and hold you tight, looking at 3RACHA performing. Minho sighed in relief. What if a drunk Felix just decided to fight him out of nowhere? He eyed you shaking and He got worried. Were you crying because you thought He found you ugly? You suddenly busted out giggling.
   “You said I’m cute!” You teased him and He snorted at you. He should go out with you more often if it meant seeing you drunkenly say random stuff.
   “Yes, you are” He agreed and you grinned at him happily.
   You wished you could pay attention to the songs They were singing since the crowd seemed really into it but you noticed that you couldn’t understand anything anymore, so you just stood there hugging Felix wishing you could just fall asleep. You couldn’t point out what time it was but 3RACHA made their first pause and the boys got next to you.
   “Oh my god, She’s wasted!” Changbin looked at the boys, concerned “Shouldn’t we bring her home or something?” Felix scoffed at that and raised his hand.
   “She’s right here, guys, I found her” He announced and rested his head against yours, giggling.
   “Oh my god, He’s wasted too” Changbin slapped his own face “How much did they drink?” He asked Minho and Minho shrugged.
   “More then I can count” He admitted, “I told them to stop, but they kept drinking”
   “It’s better if you take them home, dude” Han said to Minho and Minho agreed.
   “No! I wanna stay” You yelled and They got startled.
   “Babygirl, you need to go home” Chan told you calmly, cupping your cheek.
   “You said you would give me a ride!” You accused him, letting Felix go and standing in front of Chan, pouting “But I think I wanna ride y—“ Before you could complete your sentence, Minho cupped your mouth and pulled you against him.
   “She thinks she wanna ride home!” Minho yelled suspiciously, widening his eyes and pressing your head against his chest so He could shut your mouth “That’s awesome then! I will get them home safely”
   Changbin helped Felix on his way to the car and Minho helped you, feeling relief wash over him. You would feel so embarrassed tomorrow if you knew you almost told Chan you wanted to ride him. Minho let out a chuckle and Changbin eyed him suspiciously.
   “Did you drink?” He asked just to be sure.
   “No, I just remembered her shouting and saying He was hot” He lied and Changbin chuckled at that.
   “She will cry if she remembers this” He stated and Minho agreed, laughing.
   “I will make sure she will remember it” Minho scoffed and laid you and Felix down on the back seat, helping both of you with the seatbelt. He drives you to Felix’s place and helped you out to get to his door. He asked Felix about his keys, but the boy didn’t respond so He started searching for it by himself.
   Minho couldn’t believe his luck.
   “Felix where the hell is your keys?!” He whined, trying to support both of you while searching for his keys on his pockets.
   “It’s in my pocket” He muttered, almost sleeping on the door and Minho rolled his eyes.
   “It’s not in your pocket, think about it!” He urged, wanting nothing more than going home.
   “Oh! Y/N’s purse” He said suddenly and you snapped your head up.
   “What purse?” You asked and Minho sighed. You were literally holding your purse. He took it from your hands and searched for the keys, but He couldn’t find it. Great. Just great.
   “Let’s go home” He whined, trying to guide both of you back to the elevator.
   Minho sighed in relief when He dropped both you and Felix on your new bed, feeling his shoulders hurting from supporting you both. He eyed you guys and wondered how he could let you comfortable.
   “Guys, lay down on the bed” He asked, hoping you were capable of doing this at least, but none of you moved “You will wake up with a backache” He warned you, and still no response. He groaned. Why the hell did He agree to be the sober one tonight?
   He tried to pull your legs so all your body would lay on bed instead of just your back and it kinda worked out. He tried the same thing with Felix and felt satisfied with his results, it was a messy scene, but at least you would wake up without a broken bone. He watched you pull Felix closer and rest your head on his chest and soon He cuddled you, snoring.
   “Good night” He said before closing your door and getting to his room to get a deserved rest.
   Felix woke up in a strange place.
   When he opened his eyes He could only see a ceiling that wasn’t his and some posters and photos hanging around, without really seeing their contents but realizing He wasn’t at his room right now. Oh shit, I got laid? He thought lost, eyeing around. He finally realized someone was hugging him and He stared down to see the girl He spent the night with even though He couldn’t remember a thing.
   “Holy shit!” He yelled, rolling to the side and falling from the bed when He noticed it was you. You got startled and shot your eyes open, looking around in alert, trying to figure out where you were and what was happening “Oh my god, my head!” He cried out, reaching for his head and sitting on the ground, confused “Y/N I think we had sex!” He told you alarmed and you eyed him feeling lost.
   “Shut up, my head is hurting” You whined, grabbing your head “How the fuck would we have sex if we’re on clothes, you moron? Are you out of your mind?” You asked, noticing you both were fully dressed.
   Felix seemed to notice it as well and he sighed in relief, putting his hand on his chest.
   “Thank god” He said as he laid down on your floor “Where are we?” He asked.
   “We’re in my room” You said confused “Shouldn’t we be at your house? How the hell did we get here?”
   You both got up and got out of your room, cringing at the bright light on the corridor. You whined and closed your eyes, hoping you could get to the kitchen without stumbling.
   “Hey, hey” Minho said concerned when He saw both of you groping the walls to guide yourselves. He helped you both to the couch and brought you a glass of water and some pills that you took gratefully “There, there” He hummed, rubbing your back.
   “Oh? You’re sitting where I rub my ass?” Hyunjin’s voice made way to your brain and you whined, too tired to fight with him.
   “Shut up” You asked, resting your head back and Felix did the same.
   “They’re wasted” Hyunjin scoffed looking at Minho.
   “Let them rest a little bit, They will need it” He assured, snorting.
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missskzbiased · 4 years
She just cannot see Luka right? She has to be all over Adrien smh.
OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVED AEON! She is cool, the moms are cool, everything about them is cool. Sick powers, sick visuals, all! I was almost tearing up when a bitch (not gonna say names here cause still I love her) killed her but thank god she came back :')
Okay I knoow I said once they should let the villian to win but it was not pleasing to see first that happening then they were like sike no never. Let them win ffs!!
I think they got to use the eagle power though but it has been a while since I watched it so not sure. But I remember the transformation of that so check that out if you like!
Istg the door-guy saved the day. He was kind of like doctor strange in a way? I got the whole Avengers vibes from this episode idk if it's just me.
Aah the scene is when Marinette was looking after Adrien and she cried when he left and and another one was the scene where they hugged in front of the moon. That was cute :')
And I just checked ladylion and gosh she is pretty. I love how they're going for diversity. That's really cool!! And I saw a spoiler saying Hawk Moth will get to Marinette??? I really hope that's true cause imagine 👀 -🐞
YEAH, LUKA IS RIGHT THERE! I swear to god... I’m kinda sad because she had been getting better around Adrien but in this special, it seems like she was back to square one.
Not in the way “Oh she was getting over Adrien and could be w/ Luka”
In the way “Oh she could actually act normal around Adrien, even if she was a bit down”
They changed it so much that for a moment I thought they just ignored the season finale. I was like “Aren’t they dating?” [Adrien and Kagami] but then she gave him a kiss and I was like ‘So wtf?”
AEON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lord, She’s SO COOL. I wish we could see her more. What makes me wonder. She was okay because she was a robot, so Lucky Charm fixed her. If she was human, would she go back to normal? I don’t recall in Chat Blanc if it happened... I will check it later
The villain could win if Aeon was safe SUHAHUSAUHSHUAUHSH
Oh, now that you said it! Yeah, kind of! But he needs doors lol. AND YES. I was thinking this the WHOLE time. It was REALLY Avenger-ish. Disney bought Marvel and Ladybug is from Disney (in some countries? Because here it’s not from Disney. But I know out there it is. I don’t know if in ALL the countries except mine lol), so maybe it was like a funny thing for them or something.
OH! IT WAS SAD! Marinette was all devasted there. Though I got like “Please don’t lay in the middle of the street, You’re gonna die” KKKKK The dancing scene? I swear to god. ADRIEN NEEDS TO GET HIS HEAD OUT OF HIS BUTT. HOW CAN’T HE REALIZE HER AND HIS FEELINGS?! I liked the scene in the airplane too. That they hug before the attack.
Actually, I meant to say it earlier but forgot. I liked the animation (I mean the drawing/animation itself) a lot. I don’t know which studio did this but I think the hair and the eyes were really pretty. Also the fabrics. I know it’s a random thing to point out LOL But I thought it was pretty good.
Didn’t hear of this! But dude! I’M IN. I mean, she got a lot under her wing now. All the miraculous and the mission to keep them safe, keep Paris safe, Defeat Hawk Moth... That’s a lot for a kid. I wouldn’t be surprised if she couldn’t control herself. They almost akumatized her once (She’d be Princess Justice. What I think is horrible. THEY HAD MISS FORTUNE/MISFORTUNE RIGHT THERE! But anyway)
I do hope for them to akumatize them. ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY CAN HAVE A LOT OF MIRACULOUS NOW. They just need to put someone else there. It should exist a “purify” miraculous or something. They could also bring Marinette back from the past. Bunnyx can do whatever she wants lol
And yep! I like it too about the show. I think it’s pretty important. I imagine Lady Lion will have the power to control others? Since she’s a Queen. But I don’t know. I’ll wait for it kkk
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