#anyway. just know theyre meowing up in the skies
whilomm · 8 months
hey does tumblr know about the controversy surrounding the trend of aircraft pilots meowing.
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icharchivist · 1 year
honestly this just shows again that wmtsb is SO GOOD, because i feel bad for everyone involved. sandy and belial and you even made a case for lucilius. theyre all such poor meow-meows. not to mention lucifer. and beelzebub is also here, ig, being gay and homophobic about it, hope he manages to sort that out for himself
wmtsb is truly peak event, i do really feel bad for everyone. And well i can understand the "anyway my life catastrophically suck and i'm going to put the world through an apocalypse to cope" that most of them have going on (Lucifer is the only one basically just begging them 'please just all go to therapy" in the meantime).
they're people who were created by the whims of fate, abandoned to their own device, and tried to cope with what it meant to have a purpose (or lack of), to exist for a reason.
I do also feel bad for Bubs but in his case i do think wmtsb didn't really do a good job fleshing him out until later in his raid quest. Because in a sense he's in a similar situation than Lucilius, he's also a clone, I think it's also implied he has Shalem's memories but he probably doesn't remember them as clearly as Lucilius does. So it explains why Bubs was the only astral to support Lucilius's actions, because while he didn't grasp it as much as Lucilius did, he felt the same groundwork as Lucilius did.
It's interesting in that sense that therefore Lucilius and Beelzebub has two drastically different God Complex. Lucilius wants to take down the God that made his life a joke and destroy the world He had created, and to redo it all mostly out of spite toward God. Beelzebub meanwhile genuinely believes he is owned to rule over all of the skies. Destruction is a means to an end. for Lucilius, Destruction is The End.
And i think it's even more interesting considering on one hand one is the clone of Sahar, the one who's desperately trying to follow what God wanted and who is set to destroy the Otherworld for his God after all, while the other is the clone of Shalem, who rebelled and questioned God's intentions so much so she got locked away.
(and also probably, is the reason why Lucilius has stronger memories than Bubs. Sahar lived longer than Shalem because Shalem got locked away, meaning Lucilius had more of the scope of Sahar's despair to take from compared to Bubs).
And it's ironical because Lucilius and Beelzebub both are rebelling to prove their Free Will, but in a sense they still copy their originals without even realizing it. Lucilius's destruction to get the eye of the Omnipotent on him, Beelzebub's rebellion as to challenge the God for his own gain, reflects Sahar and Shalem's storyarcs as well.
So the thing is that i feel like Bubs doesn't have a place anywhere. He's not as lost as Lucilius, his original isn't even here anymore (and wouldn't return until after Bubs had been locked away by Cags), he doesn't belong with the Astrals but he doesn't belong with Lucilius either. He relates to Lucilius, but their differences is creating a major divide between them.
And it's even further illustrated by Beelzebub becoming half Primal, and the time he had spent in the Otherworld.
First, the Primal thing, wheree Beelzebub was completely torn to shred by Otherworldly beings after a mission Lucilius sent him on, only to come back to see Lucilius make experiment on him out of pure scientific curiosity, to "save him", making him half primal, which as we know, ended up being Bubs's downfall as Cags could therefore lock him away. Beelzebub didn't ask for any of this, Lucilius didn't save him out of compassion, and the process was described as a torture, and there is this foreign body on Bubs that he has to cope to deal with.
He can't help but love Lucilius as well, he's the only person who understands him, but he has to curse Lucilius for even being in that state. and i think it's why even more Bubs is dedicated in becoming the King of the skies, to not be belittled by Lucilius having made him "lesser".
Meanwhile the Otherworld thing also is pretty horrifying like. Those beings torn him to shred, those beings are the only thing that could kill a primal which he half became, and he was locked in the Otherworld for thousands of years having to fight them to survive. This, also, is pretty horrible to imagine.
and once again an interesting way to compare them to Sahar and Shalem. Because while otherwise they copy their originals, after the failed Civil War, Lucilius ended up in limbo, the same way Shalem has been unconscious for thousands of years, while Bubs was doomed into fighting the Otherworld, like Sahar was doing for thousands of years. I think it's such a neat detail.
In a sense, everyone in wmtsb is doomed by the narrative, doomed by fate, and it extends to Beelzebub still. The problem with Beelzebub is that instead of exploring it into wmtsb itself they locked his story in HL raid quests super late in the story that most people have a hard time unlocking and that's awful.
I feel like Bubs might have less of an emotional plotline in general, but it still ties him back to the thematic of the wmtsb gang in a way that's bonechilling. They're all fucked, they're all tragic, and all of this wouldn't have been happening if Lucilius and Beelzebub hadn't been suffering from being clones to start with.
But yeah adding to that layer too, Bubs is also part of the "doomed by his crush on the Luci-gang" thematic that affects literally everyone in this saga. Luci brainrot disease make you act unwise (apocalypse)
I still feel bad for Bubs because of that though.. though disclaimer i didn't read his quest fully, i only saw bits of some scenes on Twitter so maybe there's even more to help out on his reading there. But, he's still fucked, and wmtsb is still a masterpieces.
(but that said i still agree with the gay and homophobic, rip Bubs you did your best)
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