#anyway. i love them . i care them . they are very gentle and good and ashe would kill for dimitri.
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heleizition · 1 year ago
im an itty bitty baby that caught a cold. pls tell me who dimiashe are. also im holding ur art so gently in my hands hgnnnnnn pretty pretty
oh noooooo get well soon !!!!!!!!! (i will get back to ur ask on my ocs also but im having a bad case of i have to think abt something else for a while bc im not happy with my ocs rn SEFJOFSEOJSEF)
dimiashe are dimitri & ashe from fire emblem three houses .
theres a timeskip in this game so this is dimitri before timeskip
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and this is dimitri after timeskip (wet and pathetic beast)
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this is ashe
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his design doesnt change much after timeskip except that he's more bulky...
dimitri is the crown prince & ashe is an ex thief who ended up in the monastry in the same class as dimitri (and other cool people yay).
i don't even know what to tell u about them bc i played the game forever ago and idk what is my memory of them in canon and what is made up in my little head but they're a sort of rarepair anyway so . (as far as i know and i havent rly checked the fandom in a while) (its also hard bc im much more picky when it comes to fic that i used to be rip) THERES LITTLE CONTENT . anyway bonus point bc ashe is a short king and dimitri is huge. :)
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littlemissmentallyunstable · 6 months ago
Hiii! could you maybe write a Grayson x reader fic with a reader who doesn’t feel she is lovable cos her parents were abusive and taught her that?
hi!! thanks for your request, I realise it’s taken me a while to get around to writing it, so very sorry about that. It was a little dark but I’ll gave it a go. pre-warning I’ve never written anything like this before, so if it’s inaccurate or insensitive, I’m very sorry.
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title: never good enough
pairing: grayson hawthorne x (first person) reader
synopsis: a make out session brings back some unwanted memories that you’re forced to face
warnings: really heated make-out session, suggestive themes (but nothing bad bad), lots of past trauma, swearing, panic attack, abusive parents
a/n: if any of the warnings trigger you, please do not read on, I don’t want to be responsible for someone else’s pain!! I’d feel so guilty!!
tag list: @tornqdowarnings @whatsamongus @wish-i-were-heather @inmyheaddd @never-enough-novels @heartwithsimplenotes @lxvebelle @xoxo-vee @emelia07 @f4iry-bell @zaraaaabear @thoughtdaughter3 @benny1989fredd @elysianwayy77 @maybxlle @sheisntyou @anintellectualintellectual
I like the way he tastes and the feel of his lips on mine. It’s not something I see myself getting bored of. It feels nice. But what feels nicer is the feeling of someone desiring you, someone wanting you, maybe even needing you. The feeling that someone chose you for a reason, because you matter to them. I like that feeling the best.
With each kiss I imagine that he actually feels something for me. It’s easier to play pretend. If you play pretend for long enough it can start to feel like reality. Growing up, I used to create things in my head all the time. Fictitious fantasies to fill in my empty voids of emotion. I suppose the habit had bled into my adult life.
He moans against my lips. The sound of pleasure indicating I’ve done something right, something he enjoys. My heart swells at this symbol of approval. Why do I thrive off of approval? I shake the feeling away in another deep kiss, burying it under a mound of other things I was ignoring. If I can’t see them they’re not there, if I turn my back, if I close my eyes.
These kisses are meaningless really, my brain knows it, actually it keeps attempting to remind me but I’ve gotten quite good at discarding things people say. They hurt my heart but not my head.
Grayson isn’t one to display how he feels for me publically. He’s mentioned before that he feels he doesn’t need to display how he feels to the world, he’s doesn’t care what the world thinks, he only cares what I think. It’s a beautifully designed excuse to tell me secretly that he doesn’t want to show affection in public because he doesn’t want me. I’m an embarrassment to love. I always have been.
But I don’t care. Our private moments together are bliss because I get to escape the truth and I like that. The truth is bitter like the cud, it’s harsh, it’s cruel, it’s painful. I’ve had too much of that already. So in the moments where I can I indulge so much I blind myself from it, I revel in the occasion. For the while.
His hands are firmly on my hips and I can feel the warmth of them through my clothes. They feel strong and supportive. They might be the only thing holding me together right now or it feels like it anyway. My hands are buried deep within his hair but I’m too caught up in the moment to think about it much. His kisses are quick and sweet, a little gentle. Sometimes he’d draw one or two out into longer, more passionate kisses. I didn’t care, as long as his lips were on mine, my memories would be forgotten. He begins to slide his hand up my body, tracing the curves of my bodice and up all the way until his cupping my face in his hands.
“I love you,” he pants, cheeks rosy and flushed, as we pull apart for breath, “more than you’ll ever know.”
Every time he says those words it ignites yet another fragment of my heart, that burns into ash in my chest. He’s killing me softly and I’m sure he’s enjoying it. He’s just telling me he loves me so I’ll stay with him, give him what he wants until he’s bored enough. That’s fine. I don’t mind. I know this, I’ve always known this. But getting to live in these moments, these moments laced in fierce passion and licked with flames of lust always made the harsh reality easier to swallow.
I don’t reply. Instead I kiss harder, more intensely. Maybe if I kiss with even more vigor, even more passion I can completely forget my pain. Maybe my mind will go blank and won’t be able to fill it in this time. I want the piercing sensation of white light to hit me and if it does I will let it burn me. Until my memories are incinerated and I no longer have to live with the weight of fear on my chest
He registers my sudden serge for more and begins to deliver. He matches my yearning for something deeper, something more. We’re caught up in heavy breathing, racing hearts and profuse sweating. Neither one of us cared. My hands find the hem of his shirt and I am tempted to tug down on the fabric but I don’t trust myself. My mind is too hypnotised by the sweet poison of his persuasive lips, I don’t know what I’m doing. I can’t make decisions like these. We’ve never gone further than kisses and I’m not sure if going further right now would make me feel better or worse. But who cares right?
No. I don’t let myself get that carried away. Not yet anyway. Even though I’ve previously been stripped of my dignity I will not be the one to do it to myself now. I take my hands away and slide them around the back of his neck.
We stop. Suddenly. And for a moment the standstill is uncomfortable. The absence of married lips is eerie almost. My mouth is tingling and I crave his taste already, it hasn’t been two seconds. It’s worse than drugs. I don’t want to stop kissing, every time we stop it opens a window for me to remember. A window I’ve been trying to avoid for far too long now.
He looks into my eyes and for a second I actually believe I’m wanted. Pools of gray, like a clear lake glistening in the moonlight. Pretty eyes, pretty face, pretty lips. But pretty doesn’t get you love. He smiles at me gently, a quiet kindness sparkles in his eyes. Sometimes I wonder how he is so perfect at forging this tenderness, how he claimed these masterful acting skills.
He trails his fingers gently down my face. It feels like he cares, the tentative manor misleading. Then suddenly I’m no longer in the apartment with Grayson. I’m back in my old house. No. I couldn’t be here. Not here. Anywhere but here. I don’t want to be back here. I escaped, I ran, I left, it was all over. I made sure it was over. I, I, I -
I’m back.
Sat on the living room sofa, that horrible itchy dull grey sofa, that appeared in my nightmares frequently. It even smells the same. The sour smell, that makes my stomach flip and my hands begin to shake. These four walls still haunt me. It looks as if they’re closing in, slowly, slowly. Like the room is getting smaller and I’m trapped. Claustrophobia seems to be my only companion.
My hands shake uncontrollably and no matter what I try and do to calm down, nothing works. I thought I was getting better, I thought I was coping well, I thought that it was going away. But this is proving otherwise.
I’m reliving a memory. A memory I’ve always wanted to forget. A memory scorched into my brain that tended to replay over and over like a relentless broken record that could never be smashed. I feel sick. I know what’s coming. No. I know who is coming.
His footsteps are an immediate giveaway and the faint smell of alcohol lingering in the air. I’m curled in a ball down, small, hiding like a helpless animal in a hole. If I curl up maybe it won’t happen. Maybe he won’t see me.
“What are you doing?”
A shiver runs down my spine. Every note in his voice is exactly how I remember it. The question echos around my head but I say nothing in reply. My words won’t form in my state of paralysis.
“Answer me girl!” my father barks. His voice venomous, dangerous.
“Nothing,” I reply quickly.
He grabs my arm, his fingers so tight around me that I’m sure that they’ll be bruises forming soon. He yanks me up as I attempt to cower backwards.
“Don’t take that tone with me you whore,” he spits in my face, the pungent wreaking of alcohol on his breath as he throws me to the floor.
I hit it with a thud. A dull aching thud. Just like the dull aching monotony of this scene that was just a part of every day life back then. I don’t move from the ground, I’ve learnt not to fight back. That only landed me in hospital last time. I lay there so still I hope he thinks I’m dead so he’ll leave me alone. He does not. He knows better. Unfortunately for me, he knows his daughter.
“You’re nothing but a piece of shit,” growls the voice that makes my blood curdle, “you hear that?”
I thought I’d left him far behind. I thought he was gone. I thought wrong. I am naive and I’m the idiot I have always been. I don’t reply again. There’s nothing to reply with. Of course I heard.
“I said, you HEAR that?” he screams it louder.
I don’t reply. Stupid mistake but he doesn’t give me time to undo it. He’s already standing over me. It had already begun.
He beats my body until my brittle bones long to snap. I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry. Those four words repeat over and over in my head. They might be the only thing keeping me conscious. No matter how much it hurts he cannot know he’s won. I refuse to hand him that victory of a silver platter, decorated in my jewels of agony.
And for a split second I wonder where my mother is and I don’t even know why. She would’ve do anything, she never did. She just stood there, emotionales, detached. Mothers are meant to protect and defend their children against anything in the world, it made me wonder why mine did not. It made me wonder if I were born to different people or maybe not born at all if things might be better off.
It’s not the time for thinking, I’m reminded. Another kick. I will not cry. A punch. I will not cry. My lip splits open. I will not cry. A twist of my left arm. I will not cry, I think my nose is broken. I will not cry.
“Stubborn little bitch won’t even shed a tear,” he snarls, bitterness so evident on his tongue I was surprised it hasn’t dissolved yet.
Yes I am stubborn. No I will not cry. Not for him. And then it happens. All over again. Beaten, bruised, battered, broken.
I can’t breathe. I’m in so much agony there’s no way I could even scream. So tears roll softly down my face as I’m curled up on the floor in defeat, desperation and humiliation. My body is nearly motionless, my limbs lay slack at my sides. I can’t help myself and no one is coming to save me. I let myself cry, broke the only promise I had to myself. I’m even betrayed my own brain for him.
I look up at him, tear streaked face. Is he happy now? Is he finally happy with me? Am I finally going to revive some sort of approval? Stupid questions to be wondering when I know exactly how this story ends.
As my eyes meet his, my father trails his fingers gently down my face. It still stings from the slap, the cells on my cheek screaming in agony. There’s the faint tinge of metallic blood in my mouth. My father trails his fingers gently down my face. Grayson trails his fingers gently down my face. My father trails his fingers gently- Grayson trails his fingers- My father trails- Grayson tr- my father Grayson my father Grayson my father Grayson my father.
I shiver and jerk away suddenly standing up. I try to back away as Grayson’s eyes fill with concern.
“What’s wrong,” he asks me, trying to reach out to me. I recoil at his attempt of a touch, like a frightened animal.
“I need to leave,” I barely get out, through my shallow breathing as I turn to find the door.
Where is the door? I couldn’t find the door. Breaths come in quicker and faster. Suffocating. I am suffocating. An invisible man has a plastic bag over my head and he is choking me slowly with it. I’m losing oxygen, I’m losing the things that keeps me alive.
Grayson is on his feet beside me, careful not to touch me, “did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s not you,” I pant, so breathless I wonder if I’m still breathing at all, “it’s all me.”
Dizziness rolls over me and I close my eyes. I feel my body sway slightly, my sense of balance robbed from me. A pair of strong hands catch my waist and pull me upright again. I try and focus my eyes but the room is spinning.
“Woah, hey,” it’s Grayson’s soft voice, “come here.”
That’s when I realise his hands are touching me. I try to pull away but can’t see where I’m going. I can’t see anything as black dots dance across my vision.
“No!” I yell, my ear beginning to ring.
“Hey, stop,” he says gently, ”sit down and take a breath.”
“No I can’t, I can’t, you don’t understand,” I hyperventilate, my chest in so much pain.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he murmurs rhythmically, extending his hand out towards me for me to take if I wanted.
I flinch away. His eyes are deep with realisation, he knows, he understands. I’ve given my secret away.
“Who hurt you?”
His voice is almost ragged, almost angry. His eyes are blazing, the soft grey hardens into cold steel. I open my mouth but no sound comes out. The words are unable to be spoken, they feel to forbidden. I don’t think I’d ever admitted my childhood out loud. I need air, fresh air. I can’t breathe. I need to breathe.
I feel like I’m drowning. Water blurring my vision, my heat pounding in my chest, my lungs screaming at me for the oxygen I cannot give them. My limbs frozen in a state of paralysis, heavy as lead, dragging me down. I can’t kick myself to the surface, I’m helplessly lost. All I can do I stare up and watch the last sight I’ll probably ever see. Sinking, sinking, sinking. I think I can feel my lungs fill up. They burn as if eager flames are licking the internal organ in pleasure. I can hear someone’s voice, it’s muffled, like there’s water in my ears. I can’t make out what they’re saying. I wonder if this person will haul my body from the water or they’ll give up on me like everyone else.
“It’s okay,” the voice is soft and sweet, it becomes clearer by the second, “don’t say anything, just focus on breathing for me, okay?”
Grayson Davenport Hawthorne. I take one look into his silvery grey eyes and in this second trust him with my everything. My heart is racing and I can hear my sharp intakes of breath. I manage a small nod as he helps me back down onto the bed, propping pillows up behind my back. I’m sweating, profusely and I feel revolting. The tremor in my hands is slowing slightly as he clasps them in his.
“I need you to breathe,” he tells me, making direct eye contact.
My chest is so constricted it physically hurts. The aching only grows the more I think about it but I can’t seem to stop. Hair is stuck to the back of my neck and the side of my face. I slick it back using my own sweat.
“I… can’t…” I manage to get out in breathless gasps.
“Yes you can,” he murmurs, “look at me, focus on me.”
I do.
“Yes you can,” he repeats, his voice strong, confident full of faith. Faith for me.
I close my eyes and attempt to slow my rapid breathing. I feel his fingers around my wrist, squeezing a little to check my pulse. He is warm against my cool skin. I reach for his hand with my other one and guide it slowly to my chest. I want to feel his hand on my heart. I want him as close as possible. His hand is on me with my hand pressed firmly against it. I open my eyes and stare at him, wondering if he could read my pleading eyes as well as I could read his compassionate ones. Mellow grey stares back at me in understanding. He keeps his hand on my heart.
“Don’t let go,” I whisper, “please.”
“I’m not letting go,” he murmurs back, “don’t worry, I’m here. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
In and out. In and out. In and out. I try to calm myself. It’s not like I’ve ever faced something like this before, I’d just never faced it in someone’s presence. The fear of him seeing me in this state of vulnerability, stripped of my many masks that tell the world I am okay when I’m not, that made it all worse.
But with some time, that could’ve been two minutes of two hours, my breathing slows, becomes more regulated. Things begin to calm down. I’m no longer sweating uncontrollably though my body is still wet. My shaking hands grow stiller by the second as I fiddle with the ring on my middle finger. Finally my heart rate begins to go down. I hear it less in my ears and feel it less in my chest. But it’s still there.
Grayson’s hand has still not left my heart, just like I asked. Gently I place my hand on his, and guide it back to his lap, letting him silently know he’d done his job. I take a hair tie and throw my hair up into an abomination on my head that I’m too tired to care about.
Grayson’s features have twisted into a way that almost makes him look worried. His eyes are larger than usual, his pupils dilated, swallowing up the comforting concrete grey. His eyes brows are pinched inwards slightly, only just and his lips are parted as if he wants to ask a question but can’t find the words. I want to pretend this look is real, I want to pretend he’ll still want me even after seeing me in my state, I want to pretend that this time it’s different. But I can’t afford to pretend anymore.
“Better?” he asks quietly, after a long period of silence.
“Better,” I rasp, my voice so hoarse it’s unfamiliar to me.
I rest my head back and close my eyes. Breathing in and out normally feels like a luxury now. I’m suddenly more grateful than I’ve even been for a steady flow of air to my lungs. Once I’m completely back to normal I make eye contact with Grayson. His face is difficult to read.
“What happened back there?” he asks me quietly, almost looking guilty for the question.
“What do you mean?” I reply, confused. Hadn’t he been there, hadn’t he seen?
“Why did you start to panic,” he clarifies, “what did I do to set it off?”
I want to shoot the conversation down there and then. Absolutely not. I am not ready to tell him anything, I don’t want him to know. I don’t want him to look at me different because of it.
“It doesn’t matter,” I say quickly, averting my eyes.
“Of course it does,” he presses further, “sweetheart I love you and-
Oh those three words. How the act as another knife to my chest every time. I love you is not meant for girls like me, I love you is meant for people who are worthy and special, I love you has never once been said to me with any true meaning behind it.
“Stop,” I snap, the word louder and harsher than I intended. It silently echoes through the empty space and takes a moment to sink in.
“What?” he asks after a few beats, confusion distorting his features.
“Just stop that,” I almost yell, as I go to get up, “stop doing that.”
“What am I doing?” he asks quickly.
“You’re lying to me,” I say, my voice wavering when I really didn’t want it to.
“Every time you say those stupid words and I can’t afford to believe them,” I exclaim, welling up with this sudden surge of emotion.
“Slow down sweetheart,” he says slowly, “what are you talking about?”
“I know you don’t love me,” I shout. I’m exhausted. Exhausted of living this lie and now I’m at my breaking point and I can’t afford to continue. There are too many lies, in my head, in my heart, in my life. This one I want to be rid of.
“I know it so you can stop pretending I matter, that I mean something to you,” I sob.
Great. Now I’m crying again. Again. Pouring out my weaknesses for him to see. I’ve never felt so unbelievably helpless.
“What are you talking about? Of course I love you,” he says it as of I’ve said something stupid or in gibberish.
Of course. Why of course? It isn’t obvious and I’m not an idiot. I’m stood here crying and he has the audacity to tell me this. I look him dead in the eye, my vision blurred a little due to the heaviness of my heart.
“No one can love me.” My voice is low and laced with the agony I’m so desperately trying to conceal.
“Who told you that?” he asks.
How did he know? How could he see through my mask so easily? Was it cracked, had it slipped or was it just all transparent now?
“I didn’t need to be told, it’s just how I am,” I spit back, hoping my bitterness might deter him.
“No,” Grayson replies, his voice so sharp it cut dangerously through the air like a knife.
“No, that’s not how you are,” he says, “because I love you.”
He digs a finger into his chest in attempts to prove his point, it looks hard enough to hurt but he doesn’t wince.
“Stop saying that!” I yell over him, “it makes it more painful, every time you say it, it’s like a stab in the heart and I can’t take it anymore.”
I expect him to get angry, to stand up and hurl insults at me. We’ve never argued before. But instead his face softens. “I’m not lying,” he tells me gently, his voice like caramel, “how could I lie?”
He’s not lying? Or at least that’s what he’s telling me. But the softness of his eyes look like he means it. No. I can’t let myself be so naive, I can’t believe everything I’m told, I’ve learnt that the hard way.
“Everyone who I’ve ever trusted has lied to me, why would that make you any different?” I ask bitterly.
“Because I do love you,” he tells me, “with all of my heart. You don’t understand what you do to me. I can’t stop thinking about you, even when you’re not around, you’re the main character of all my thoughts and dreams for that matter. Not a moment goes by without a thought involving you. You are the other half of my heart, you have it, you stole it from me the day we met. And I don’t even care because if I were to meet any thief I would choose you every time and I’m so glad you took it. I mean goddamit, you mean everything to me, everything. I would die for you without thinking twice, without even blinking,” he says, “I just wish you could see yourself how I do. And whoever made you feel this way never deserved a fraction of you. Your beauty, your kindness, your love. They truly didn’t.”
I don’t say anything for a long while. I’m too awestruck. He loves me. He really actually loves me unconditionally. He always did and I always pushed that notion away.
I’ve never said anything about my past out loud. It makes it less real, I can forget if I bury it. Except I can’t I’ve tried and tried desperately to do so but relentlessly as ever my brain has never let it go.
“My father,” I choked horsely, “my abused me physically from when I was young. I thought it was normal.”
Something twists in Grayson’s stomach, I can see it all over his face. He looks ill, all the colour has drained from his face and his eyes are sorrowful, mournful even.
“But the bruises, they were okay,” I murmur, “even the scars, I could deal with them. It was my mother who cut the deepest, without even laying a finger on me. Her words were…” I attempt to pull myself together, “…her words left scars no one will ever be able to understand.”
“I’m sorry.”
The words are so quiet I can barely hear him. He looks mortified.
“It’s not your fault,” is all I can reply with. There’s nothing else to say.
“No one should have to-“
“But they do,” I choke, my voice getting shaky again, “and you know what, I’m tired.”
I wish I didn’t feel this weak, this powerless. Tears start free flowing down my cheeks, uncontrollably. Salty droplets leave glistening trails on my cheeks like in some sort of abstract painting in an art museum.
“I’m tired of this pain,” I sob, “I just want it to go away, I just want to be normal.”
The pain wracks my body. Grayson takes me into his open arms and holds me to the warmth of his chest. I nuzzle into him, seeking comfort I’d never received from anyone else. I cling to him like a frightened child to their mother, my knuckles white. I’m almost scared to let go, incase that means I have to let go forever. I can hear his steady heartbeat against my ear. I sob louder, my body physically beginning to ache from the crying.
“Hey, shhhh,” he soothes, stroking a soft hand down my hair, “you’re going to get through this and I’m going to help you.”
“How?” I wail. I’m hysterical and I hate it, but it’s taken control of me now.
“We just are, I promise,” he says, so much passion, so much faith behind the words. I want to believe him but I’ve had too many promises broken.
“I thought I was getting better,” I laugh bitterly, the tears flowing thicker and faster and harder, “I thought that I was coping better with all of this and now this is just proof that I’m not.”
I get it all off of my chest, words I’ve longed to speak for so long, the ones that have been locked away and avoided. I can say them. Freely. The caged bird is remembering she has wings, remembering she could once fly.
“Listen to me,” Grayson says, his voice clear, defined, “what you’ve been through isn’t something you just get over overnight, it’s not something you can wash away.”
“Why can’t it be?” I ask, snivelling in an attempt to gulp back my tears that seemed to be endless.
“It doesn’t work that way love,” he says, his voice so soft it could melt butter but instead it melts my heart.
“But…” I trail off into more sobs. I can’t carry on. Words are not enough to describe what I’m feeling, they’re not deep enough, the they aren’t raw enough.
I sob uncontrollably feeling more humiliated by the second. Loud, ugly, horrible sobs. When things are buried you don’t realise that they’ll eventually resurface. My body jolts backwards and forwards each time I let out a cry.
He pulls me close to his chest and whispers sweet nothings to me to comfort me. He doesn’t say anything the whole time. Somehow he knows that’s what I need. He just holds me, lets me know he’s there with the melodic rise and fall of his comfortable chest. He’s so gentle, so soft, he makes me feel fragile and delicate like a sharp of glass. I cry until I’m so dehydrated that there are no tears left and I’m so exhausted that I want to pass out.
And even then he stays holding onto me, supporting my broken body. He holds me, holding all my dilapidated pieces together, keeping me from falling apart. He cradled my head in my arms and tentatively strokes my hair. I feel myself relax a little more, I feel myself shut my eyes. Suddenly I’m aware of a sensation in my chest. At first I think it’s the panic coming back to prey on me some more but the feeling is too calming. It’s spreading across the left side of my chest, tingling a little but in a ticklish manor. It’s almost a warmth.
Is this what love feels like?
I open my eyes and sit up. What am I roping him into? He doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve to be held back by someone like me. He could have anyone, any body in this whole world. I’m the last person he needs in his life.
“You don’t have to do this,” I say trying to pull myself free of his arms but his grip is tight, oddly reassuring. He’s not going to let me go, he’s not planning on leaving, he wants to say. To take care of me.
“Do what?” he asks, brushing some loose baby hairs out of my puffy face.
“The door is wide open, feel free to walk out on this,” I explain with an elaborate hand gesture, “you don’t have to deal with me.”
“The door is firmly bolted shut and no one will be walking out,” he tells me slowly, “you’re not a problem to be dealt with, you’re a person. A wonderful, beautiful, spectacular person, that I have the pleasure of loving.”
Tears well up in my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today, I’ve never cried so much in my life. The recurring lump in my throat makes another appearance. I don’t mean to get so emotional, but I do. I’m so used to being strong I suppose there’s only so much one person can take before they burst. I feel loved and wanted and needed and cared for, everything I’ve always wished for. Here is a man giving me all of that and more.
“And what if I don’t know how to be loved?” I whisper, fear clamouring up my throat.
“Then I’ll show you,” he whispers, pulling me closer to his chest.
“I’m going to get it wrong,” I panic, “I don’t know how to love.”
“Yes you do,” he soothes, “I know you do because I can feel it.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, I hurt people when I love them,” I tell him as he gently caresses my hair, running his fingers through it.
“You aren’t going to hurt me,” he says, “look at me sweetheart, I’m right here. And I’m not going anywhere. Ever. We’re going to get through this together, okay?”
I nod, my heart not feeling so heavy. I lean further into Grayson and let him kiss the top of my head. The small gesture meaning mountains more because I know he loves me. And for the first time in a long time I smile, a real true smile. And it feels nice.
a/n: again, I’ve never written anything like this before so idk if it did it right 😭😭 anyways so sorry for it taking so long, hope you enjoyed
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pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years ago
The Beginning. Chapter Two
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING!!! THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES AND VIOLENCE PLEASE LEAVE IF IT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. I DO NOT NEED THIS BOOK TO BE REPORTED . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.( Mentions of suicide, bullying, blood/torture ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️( This book is going to have more matured themes  compared to my others, from smut scenes to non-con, lactation, drugging, hypnosis, abuse of power and over obsessiveness.  
Servants ran around the huge room trying to make it look tidier than it already was while some divided themselves to attending to the petite man cuddle softly in the middle of the huge Emperor sized bed, bringing him hot freshly brewed tea, a very appetizing breakfast and small desserts by the side.
They cooed out small comments praising his beauty as they picked out simple yet elegant clothes for him to wear, all gushing as he buried his blushing face deeper into the soft duvets, his sweet scent making them fawn over him even more.
He was such a humble person despite being born in an influential noble house.
He was so kind and loving and gentle and never once yelled at them when they made a mistake. He was patient with all of them and always had a gentle sweet smile on his lips.
Lord M\N L/N was an angel.
The servants couldn't believe how anyone would call such a caring man with a warm welcoming aura a Devil.
He treated everyone around him like family and had even given out gifts to them, even though he had only known them for five months.
He really lived up to the image their former master had painted of him.
" He is a kind and loving person who always sees the good in others "
 Was what the elderly man had said.
And his words couldn't have been more true.
In his short stay in their territory, despite his ' sickly ' state he had helped the neighbouring villages very much by donating money to help them during the water shortage and even had food and warm clothing sent out make the cold winter far more bearable.
But the places that he helped the most were the orphanages.
As an omega it was expected to have a soft spot for pups. It was part of their natural instincts, but the way the h/c man had taken all the children living there as his own spoke volumes about his love for them. It was such a heart warning sight to see and made the common people of the northern territory cherish him even more
How the eastern part of the empire managed to soil the name of such a morally upright and genuinely nice person made them angry.
Of course those prim and proper trash didn't know how to cherish miracles in human skin.
" I.. isn't this too m..much ? Is a..all this n.. necessary? I..I told you all I can g..get ready o..on my own. I...I don't w.. want to be a b.. bother " the s/c man stammered out twiddling with his fingers softly as he buried his face in the  duvets surrounding him. An attempt to hide his burning cheeks
" Of course we have to do this. It's only natural. Your a noble. You are meant to let others take care of you. " A maid reassured as she took away the empty plates and M/N raised his head to stare at the woman.
Elena Fern. A woman with ash coloured hair and dark brown eyes. She had an air of authority surrounding her despite the faint saint of books that told everyone she was a beta.
As expected of someone of her position.
The head maid that had been assigned to him for his stay in the Duke's manor.
" Yeah. Elena is right. We don't mind at all. Your so kind to us so it's only natural to help you anyway we can " a young girl with curly ginger locks added, her brown eyes shining with adoration as she stared at the man.
Sarah Fern.
Both recessive omega women we're sisters from a fallen baron family and had been working in the manor for a since they were very young and that showed in how refined their house keeping skills were.
Elena being the eldest was more strict and uptight and followed the rules, while Sarah been the youngest was more prone to causing mischief, yet both women had become loyal to him in the past few months of his stay at the manor and attended to most of his needs.
The other servants in the room voiced out their agreements with the two women and M)N felt his cheeks flush at all their nice comments.
" B.. but still I can change my clothes and b..bathe on m..my own! M..my body is strong enough s.. so I won't need help with that " the h/c man argued back and Elena let out a sigh of defeat knowing she wouldn't be able to win the argument.
" Alright my lord, we'll leave you for now. But remember if you need anything just tell for us ".
And with that they all walked out leaving the h/c man on his own.
M/N let out a sigh as he walked into the hidden bathroom inside his already massive room, his shoulders relaxing as the steam from the hot water in the room calmed his nerves. With practiced moves he stripped off his silk nightwear and sunk his body into the large pool sized bathtub that had rose petals floating on the still water and the soft sweet scent of vanilla (  it had taken a while for him to get used to the scent again with gagging at it or getting angry), a small sound left his lips as he lowered himself into the water.
And he stayed in the silence, not moving an inch from where he sat lost in his own thoughts.
" There always a lively bunch aren't they" Demi's voice broke the silence and a soft hum was all  he received as an answer.
A lively bunch they were indeed.
He could remember the first time he arrived, with his carriage stained with blood and rotten fruits, his companions shaken to the bone with what they had 'experienced' ( he had changed their memories sure, but he didn't take away the morbid scenes. He needed them to know what the imperial family were capable of so next time they ever met they would have their guards up. )
A shaken knight, a pale servant, a sobbing woman and lastly a ' passed out ' omega who seemed to have fainted from the shock of an attempt on his life once again.
He was so sure that the pathetic sight of their group would make the people sneer and mock at them.
He was expecting the harsh whispers and taunts of the crowd, just like how the people had mocked him back at the capital he was expecting the same treatment from the people of the north as well. 
They had surely heard the rumors about how he had tormented their lovely saint and precious Emperor. They should have heard about how him surviving his assassination attempt caused the gods to be angry and curse their land, they should have heard about how the saint had detected dark månå flowing through his cursed veins and how he was cursing innocent civilians for the fun of it.
He had seen people getting high off his misery so he was expecting the same thing here. For everyone to turn their backs in him before they even met him.
Instead there were heavily guarded knights running over to check on them, panicked screams of the servants who saw the blood stained carriage rang in the air and the family members of the Duke present shouted out orders for their guests to be taken inside and checked for any wounds.
Everyone had been running around in a panic to make sure they were safe and they had been rushed into the mansion and had doctors check on them. 
It was all so strange.
They hadn't once stopped to mock them as they worried about their wellbeing, the h/c omega had thought maybe the way they had arrived had caused them to go in a state of shock and once they snapped out of it they would go back to keeping their distance from him and start to spread more rumors about as they watched his every move.
He could feel their piercing eyes on his form so he was sure it would only be a matter of time before they showed themselves. Before they bared their fangs at him and cursed him out for things he never did.
Except it never came.
Instead of gazes filled with disgust and contempt they stared at him with loving eyes, filled with adoration and happiness, instead of vile words thrown his way it was compliments about how radiant he looked every single day. Instead of being left alone to do things on his own they were always offering to do even the smallest things for him so that he wouldn't ' push his sick body anymore than he was suppose to '.
And they went on to continue to treat him like the for the first month he stayed, never once throwing any degrading insult his way. He didn't know what to do at first. Sure it made acting like a saint towards the people easier, because then whenever he donated money or offered to help anyway he could he wouldn't be faced with any backlash and nobody said anything to him that would upset him and make it harder for him to hide his emotions.
But he just couldn't shake how his stomach seemed to churn over any small compliment or kind gesture he received and it seemed he was the only one who was suddenly affected by the change of attitude towards him.
Aria hadn't once complained about how weird it felt to be suddenly praised for the smallest thing she did, infact she seemed to be eating the attention up, he couldn't blame her though. She was used to being the center of attention and compliments when she still ran her business, if she hadn't decided to take care of him she might have still had it by now........
 " Useless thoughts "  Demi spoke up interrupting their host's train of thoughts and M/N thanked them as he stared to get out of the bath wrapping himself in one of the many fluffy towels that had been laid out for him as he made his way back to his room.
Though they were now dedicated people to make sure the h/c man was always alright it hadn't stopped his cousin from stopping by every day to check on his wellbeing, only and only left when she was sure he was in perfect condition before she left him alone. 
Felix and Basil though still hadn't budge an inch.
Basil it was obvious, his infatuation for his master had grown to dangerous levels and he didn't want anyone else in his laugh, though he responded positively to others it was clear he was keeping up a wall and he didn't want anyone passing the limit he had set for them. If he wasn't rigorously training with the Duke's knights he was seeking attention from his h/c master and listening to the new teachings of a god/goddess he had just discovered.
Felix matter though. He was jealous.
Despite working diligently by the h/c omega's side for the past five months his master still hadn't said a single word to him. He was happily chatting with the maids and manservants yet he hadn't so much as said a greeting to the violet eyes butler. It was infuriating no doubt, M/N had seen the jealousy and rage bubbling in his eyes despite the calm facade the beta always had.
He needed the man to snap first, if he still wanted to be an obedient dog to the Vermillion family then he didn't deserve the s/c man's attention.
The former emperor was the only who seemed to be affected by how genuinely everyone was treating him, he had even sent out butterflies at one point to sneak around and report anything the people said about him. Despite not being in his presence anymore the people still sang his praises. When he had received the news he couldn't stop his cheeks from heating up and  he so desperately tried to deny how fast his heart was beating and he refused to acknowledge Demi as they teased him for getting so flustered.
After that discovery it took a while, but he started to slowly warm up to them as well, his actions becoming more genuine as he returned their smiles and laughter.
Running a hand through his neatly combed shiny h/c locks, the pretty man stared at his reflection liking how despite his clothes hugged his body it still have off an innocent and pure vibe. It's soft colours making his vibrant e/c hues stand out even more.
" Damn I'm beautiful " the omega said as he winked at his reflection letting out a small cat call as he turned around
" Your becoming too full of yourself " Demi spoke up making the h/c omega roll his eyes as he stopped his antics and  walked towards the the door, stopping a bit when he noticed a pair of black boots peeping from under his door.
" Says the person who has been singing their own praises since the blood ceremony " the omega retorted back softly scanning his surroundings briefly with månå before he deemed it was safe. Demi rolled their 'eyes' in return mocking the omegas voice as they repeated his words in a childish manner, done with their charade  the deity scoffed  " of course I'll sing my own praises since you won't do it for me " They said and M/N chose to ignore them as he stepped out of the room into the marble tiled hallway eyes widening a bit in ' surprise as he stared at the person waiting for him.
" L..lady Evelyn ? Ah! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you " the omega stuttered out in 'shock' as he quickly bowed his head to the woman who in return chuckled as she watched the petite man's cute antics.
" Aww come on M/N I told you not to be so formal and stiff around me, it hurts my heart that someone as cute as you always has their guard up around me " the woman teased smirking to herself as she noticed the small blush decorating the petite man's cheeks.
' of course I have to keep my guard up around you '
The h/c omega thought as he continued his shy demeanor his vibrant e/c eyes staring up to look into the woman's unique hues.
A very light silver colour that somehow looked almost pure white. Anyone who saw her or any other member of her family and didn't know their last name would have made the mistake of lumping her as one of the children belonging to the  pope's Ducal family, though they wouldn't be to far from their guess.
The woman standing in front of him was
    Evelyn Devon Vermillion
The oldest of the Duke's children and a person who shouldn't be underestimated.
Long platinum blonde hair that almost looked silver, was tied up in a donut bun, small strands escaping the bun and framing her face giving her a soft look. Despite the cold weathershe wore a tight black off shoulder gown that hugged her tall figure , a slit on the dress starting from her thigh exposed her long slender legs.
A diamond necklace rested on her collarbone the expensive jewelry reflecting the sun light that lit up the hallway, more diamond based jewelry decorated her form, from the dangling earrings to the bracelets on her wrists.
She wore white satin gloves and held a wyvern leather purse embed with diamonds, her already taller frame seemed to tower over him more thanks to the black needle high heels she  had on.
She looked like she was going to out to a party. Well with her position it wouldn't be a surprise.
" U...ummm are you going out ? " The h/c man asked getting the answer to his question as the woman's red painted lips pulled up into a small smirk.
" Yes, I've been invited to a small gala one of my friends is hosting. It isn't too important, but I wouldn't mind you coming along with me. You look perfect as always and I would absolutely love to introduce you to my friends " the recessive alpha cooed out in a teasing tone as she placed a stray lock of h/c behind the omega's ears her smirk widening at how he became fidgety because of her touch.
He was just so cute.
She would have taken him all for herself if she didn't have her eye on his cousin.
Shaking his head M/N turned his gaze away from the woman. " I.. I'm sorry, b..but I...i don't think I c..can. I don't like being the center of attention " the petite man mumbled out as he twiddle his fingers.
He wasn't about to expose himself to the northern nobility. He had purposely refused all invitation from noble families who had tried to form connections with him.
Apart from he didn't want to be mocked by the nobility here he wanted to peek their curiosity. He wanted the curiosity to eat them out from the inside before he dropped the shockwave on them.
Besides unlike the servants and common people who looked up to him, The woman had no reason to be kind towards him. She had absolutely nothing to gain from it yet she was still was been so nice to him.
Every single member of the family had been so nice to him as well, but the three members who had gone out of their way to make sure that he was always comfortable in his stay where Evelyn, her father The former Duke and her younger brother the current duke.
M/N was sure that if the man hadn't gone for his morning patrol he would have been the one disturbing him instead of his older sister.
Evelyn pursed her lips before she forced on a strained smile. She had been expecting him to refuse as usual but it didn't make it any less frustrating, she had been hoping to show off the h/c man at least once, having such a pretty man by her side would solidify her position as queen and would keep those pesky omegas away.  And it was such a heavy blow after being rejected by Aria as well.
" Ah. Not a problem hun. " The blonde woman said as she stood up to her full height patting the omega's head softly as she turned to walk away only for yells coming from outside to grab their attention as they both walked over to the open window looking outside.
A pure white carriage decorated in gold , white and silver was being escorted to the front of the manor, heavily guarded knights riding horse dressed in light armor rode close to the carriage, one of the knights held a flag bearing the seal of the imperial family. A silver dragon that had red and golden flames surrounding it's form.
The sight of the carriage drew two different reactions from the two people watching from afar. Evelyn let out a small growl at the sight of them while an unreadable expression was placed on the s/c man's face before a small smile spread on his plump lips.
Well wasn't this interesting~.
 Hi everyone look at who I brought back.
Our two feisty maids from the previous book. You didn't think I forgot about them now did you?
I Know Sarah has pink hair just imagine it's red.
 Now time to reveal some stuff.
 Evelyn is the princess who I briefly mentioned in my last book, guess which one. If you can guess it then you already know who the Duke is.
 The imperial family has two names.
​​​​​​ The one that the public generally call them by is Vermillion.
 While the second is a more intimate name that the members refer to themselves as which is Valyron. Leon uses the name in his letter to Alvar.
 It is the name of the white dragon the imperial family are descendents off.
That is all I can say for now.
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lifmera · 1 year ago
Thank you for doing a matchup trade with me <3 here's my matchup!
FANDOM: I would like a ADULT MALE MATCHUP for hazbin hotel, genshin impact and black butler please! I don't wanna be matched with angel dust or husk I have no problem but I don't see myself being romantic partners with them)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and I've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person, I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when | go out | bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapsticks) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, get a reallyyy overractive Brain, tend to get deep and philosophical when I'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
things I love about myself: when someone is going through anything or needs help with anything they will call me before anyone else, i have an ugly laugh so guaranteed if i laugh someone else will as well, how much i love animals if i see a stray around my house i will adopt it immediately, if i see a stranger crying in public my eyes will not leave them alone until i get the courage to walk up to them and ask whats wrong, i am very confrontational i will always stand up for whats right no matter how scary the situation may be, how greedy i am for money but when i love someone i will spend the world on them, how excited i get for little things like when someone buys me redbull, monster, cherry pepsi or chocolate pretzels/strawberries my day cant be ruined, how in touch i am with being grateful if someone helps me in anyway or does something in general to benefit me i will never forget it, dont take people for granted, ive been told anytime someone hangs out with me that being with me feels safe and peaceful, pay attention to the little things, how even though i dont care about plushies i have been given some and i make sure to kiss them all goodnight in case they are actually real and see what happens, if i know someone is having a hard mental health day i will clean for them/ get them icecream and be patient till they are ready to talk about it, without fail a quiet person will always be loud with me, i am the type of person who just wants people i love to be happy even if its not with me, i will always choose them i dont say i love you until i mean it i will celebrate the people i love, i am very observant if i see that someone wants something i will get it for them no matter what, i will make it my mission to compliment a stranger that looks like they are having a hard time so their day is a little better, how i say i love kids btw i will protect them with my life and im so gentle with them, I am not ashamed of what i love like anime for example even though when I was teased for it when I was little i never once hid that i loved it even if i dont like a song that someone shows me i will be hyper while listening to it so they dont feel small and embarrassed around me, how soft i become when someone holds my hand, I love psychical affection a lot so it's not a problem for me, i love how hardworking i am, whether its how much i love actually working or just getting out of bed knowing how hard my mind is fighting i love how i have gotten up everyday despite how challenging it is to, i am an emotional person but i will always cry for a sad scene in a movie, if i love someone, they'll be seen.
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld). eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars), miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), rei ayanami (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more :)
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi)/Filipino, I'm very skinny like I look mostly flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
hobbies: gaming, anthropology, pathology, theology, zoology, music, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG's, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/ basketball and swimming, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it, I can play 5 instruments which is the piano, cello, koto and bass/electric guitar, I know 6 languages and I'm learning more right now.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Abstract or Romance movies, Kdrama(pretty much any asian dramas), Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch, acts of service & words of affirmation(pretty much everything LOL) (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving)
Thank you so much! Have a good day!
Im so happy someone asked for black butler finally!!
I’ve decided to pair you with……. GRELLE, AJAX & LUCIFER!
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She would LOVE that you are extroverted.
She finally has someone to talk to who isn’t boring !!
She also loves that you are independent! It’s what attracted her to you!
It also allows her to be able to do her job without having to worry too much for you- but DONT get me wrong. She LOVES to take care of you.
She loves to listen to you, all day every day. Talk about your day to her. My girl always has an ear out. Honestly she probably has a sixth sense when it comes to you.
She definitely is nosy asf. She wants to get in EVERYONES BUSINESS !! You guys could probably spend a week on gossiping about the same person.
She honestly also has her own problems- and DEFINITELY forgets shit to bring or do. She will rely on you 24/7. She needs someone to rant to sometimes- being a grim reaper is so harrrd!
She definitely does not mind the anger issues. Sebastian was mean enough- if anything she definitely would like it if you yelled at her!!
She probably would laugh a little bit if you started to get philosophical with her- but thats also because she literally will have no clue on whats happening. - she’d beg you to explain it to her too.
If you have an ugly laugh- she does too. You both would be CACKLING 24/7.
She loves that you care for other people- and animals too! It would warm her heart so much. Although she’d be jealous!! She wants most of your attention.
She’d buy you anything or do anything to see you happy. She loves whenever you get happy!! She’d totally buy you shit like chocolate covered pretzels and watch you eat them with a HUGE grin on her face.
Not gonna lie though. She HATES kids. But she’ll try for you 🩷
She genuinely loves that you take care of other people- and kiss your plushies?? Thats so CUTE- HER NEXT???!!
If you told her you loved her? You would hear it maybe like 1600x times a day. She’s def super clingy.
If you went out of your way to try and make her happy- she would literally want to take a BITE put of you. How came she resist?? You are just too sweet :)
She will always be there next to you in the mornings, when you have a tough time getting up. She’s been there on her hard days. She doesn’t want the same thing to happen to you.
With all those hobbies?? She’d definitely make you help her learn stuff. Piano? Teach her !!! Guitar? Oh my god ?!! LANGUAGES?? Speak to her and even if you called her a donkey she’d be all over you.
She’d love to hear about your special interests or more about your hobbies. Like ?? Teach me to skateboard?!!!
She’d cosplay with you. She’d love to do it!!
She LOVES your sense of style. Its so different compared to what she’d normally see? Like pick me? Choose me ? Love me?
Whenever you choose a new style- she’s always in the back supporting you. She loves to show off to other people too. Like- thats MY man.
She literally loves any love language. SHE IS INLOVE WITH HER S/O AND WOULD DO ANYTHINNGGG FOR THEM!!
She definitely would want to bake with you tho. She cant bake for shit, but she tries.
She also will definitely LOVE your art. She needs pictures and photographs constantly. She’d probably hang them on the fridge or put them in her pockets to look at whenever shes working.
Now to Tartie
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My man….
Ajax was definitely drawn in at first by your sense of style. He would’ve been staring from across the street with a smirk on his face.
Until he see’s you again. He HAS to say something this time!
He definitely wants to listen to you talk !
You love kids?? God he already loves you? He has so many siblings! And honestly he probably wants a big ass family.
He started to become drawn in by your personality. He needs someone who can be independent while he’s constantly working with the fatui.
Let’s be honest. This man is a GOSSIP. He finna chat chat chat with you all day every day. He mever shuts up.
He loves to hear you laugh. It brings him so much joy Everytime.
Although he feels safe constantly- he knows he can trust his siblings around you,
He definitely would be more reserved when it comes to himself, he’d love that you are the dad friend.
He’s totally gonna forget shit to do- and he can’t always take care of his siblings!
He loves that you have a big heart. Not many people do anymore- it caused him to truly become attached.
He’s so happy that you aren’t ashamed to like what you like- neither is he! Be proud!!
He loves physical affection too- but unfortunately is never really around much for it. He’d always give you tons of kisses on the forehead in the morning before he leaves though.
He’d also try to make ip to you with a bitch ton of presents and gifts for you. Like “ I’m so sorry sweetheart- but i hope this puts a smile on your face :)”
But if he stays at home? He’s gonna want to rot in bed with you and cuddle!
Honestly. He’d probably also have a shit ton of plushies too. But he’d get jealous if you gave them all kisses and not him!!
He isn’t really emotional- but he’ll definitely try to comfort you! I think at first he’d suck- but he has so many siblings he knows what to do!!
Your hobbies?? Always keeps him doing something with you! Like talk to me in a different language?
He’d LOVE to challenge you to sports!! Although he’ll definitely become a tadd bitt too competitive . He just gets lost in it!
He definitely makes you do some pottery with him, and drinks or eats out of the stuff you guys make together.
Probably will fall off a skateboard 16 different times.
He LOVES watching movies with you. I think he’d genuinely enjoy K dramas. This man is DRAMATIC.
He would buy you so many things to make up for lost time together :((
Luci’s Turn!
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I mean come on… how could I not.
He was drawn into everything about you. Your style- your heart??
He saw the way you treated Charlie and he was like “that’s mine now.”
He would LOVE to listen to you talk while he’s making some ducks!!
I think you’d both have some rotting in bed moments though!!
Let’s be honest. He needs someone to take care of him. He won’t do it by himself. He’s too scared to even call his daughter.
He will definitely confide in you about EVERYTHING. He has nobody else that he trusts. (Other than charlie but….)
He loves to hear about anything! Gossip to him.. even though hes an old man he’d be like “she did WHATTTT?? NO WAYYY”
I think Lucifer would be pretty hard to get mad at honestly.
He also loves to hear your philosophy stuff! He’s always asking what you think about, and why. He want’s to hear the thought process behind it.
He LOVES that you are also so sweet to Charlie. It makes his heart swell.
Honestly he’s huge on physical touch. If he could he’d always have you touching him in some way. Whether it be cuddling in bed with your 1000 plushies, or having you sit on his laps while he makes a duck that looks like you!!
He LOVES your style. It makes him feel like he has something new to look forward to everyday. He also likes to guess which you’ll wear!
Personally i think Lucifer probably knows every language known to man- but he’d want you to talk to him in a different language! He’d definitely flirt with you!
Play music for this old man please!! He’d love to hear you strum the guitar while he’s doing something!
Or art!! He’d make paintings with you- although he sucks. He’d hang up pictures or drawings that you took, and frame them.
He loves that you aren’t afraid to do what you want! Or speak what you want! It allows him to feel free.
He thinks puppetry is SO COOL. Like honestly- teach me NOW. He’d probably get the strings knotted though.
He’d love to listen about your love for animals- he’d probably buy you one too. As long as it makes you happy.
He’d do anything to see a smile on your face. Buy chocolates, red bull, more plushies, strawberries? He is already on it.
Also wants you to kiss him to sleep.
He doesn’t go anywhere ever- so he’ll always be for you during your low times. He’ll help you through everything.
He’s super clingy too. He’d want you to give him quality time!
He’d beg you to watch movies or shows with you. He’d also get ADDICTED to them. Probably starts SOBBING during K-Dramas.
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ruexvn · 1 year ago
hey pookie i love your writing so much omg, like i love the way you write all the characters. could i request your personal eyeless jack headcannons if you haven’t done them already? like how do you see his personality and everything :O
! EJ Headcannons !
Gotcha! And muah 💋 I was on the fannon side for majority of my creepypasta phase before I left and came back liking the cannon versions more! Though I’m still learning about the fellow creeps once again, Soo here’s my thoughts on this grumpy beast
————————————————————————Very quiet and rarely speaks unless someone strikes a convo with him
He’s a very closed person and doesn’t want to get close to anyone again, much rather dwell on his own(traumatized)
Hates looking at himself because he wants to rip off his skin, can’t stand to always look at what he is now
Corny asf when trying to tell a joke, that or tells very dry jokes (loser)
His own barber because he hates when his hair gets too long
A huge bookworm still; always reading books of human anatomy, psychology books, etc
Sometimes captures his next victim and performs surgeries and stuff on them, basically just experimenting then eats them
I definitely see him having DID(dissociative identity disorder) because of the demon
When his personality is switched he’s like a rabid beast. His lingering humanity is erased in that moment and purely acts on instinct
He always manages to switch back before he’s completely consumed
The only ‘friend’ he lets around him is Jeff because he could care less is Jeff died, he’s a piece of shit after all
Jack definitely still tries to this day to find a way to go back to normal, even if it means he dies trying because he just wants to be free
Jealous ash when he sees people doing well to reach the profession he was studying for before everything went down
His human feelings are numb so when he thinks about his mom it’s just replaying memories without emotion
“Hm, I remember when mom did that for me.”
I definitely see this man to be a bit buff: he’s not carry bodies with a skinny body. The transformation did a big number on that
Not exactly bodybuilding like but you’ll definitely want to squeeze his bicep a bit(take a little bite)
Hes a bit over 6 ft. the most ill say is 6'5
Does not fall to slendermans influence but they both have a pact. Slenderman keeps him concealed from the world like the others and in return he heals whomever needs it
Good practice anyway but slenderman gives him the creeps
Let’s be fr he doesn’t have that stinky mask on all the time, it’s suffocating enough to even wear it because he needs his face to breathe
Only wears it when he ‘hunts’ and takes it off when he’s alone. Doesn’t let the other creeps see his face besides Jeff because he deadass snatched it off him
Did not go well for Jeff after, a miracle he’s still alive(Jack patched him up)
Has a nice cabin that he built deep into the woods with a clearing a bit beyond a forest, a small pond residing somewhere along (bee keeping age??)
Bro is literally a miracle. Knows how to rid of cold, flu, anything (where tf was u during Covid)
All in all he’s tied to nature because it’s quiet and that’s what he longs because that demon that screams in his head to feed it makes him want to maybe let him be consumed
Definitely depressed but lives with it, not suicidal at all surprisingly because he’s been alive for so long so very accustomed(hes tried and he really can’t die)
Hates being touched, there will be a hand through ur chest if u attempt, ask for permission before u become minced meat
A softy sometimes if you manage to be his friend, doesn’t show he kinda cares for u. Only shows it when u need to be patched up and he does it with the most gentle hands ever(does the opposite to Jeff)
I like to think him and Jeff have a rivalry but really it’s just Jeff pestering him and Jack sucks it up because maybe a different loud voice is comforting
This man deserves better
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dragon-queen21 · 9 months ago
i come once again bringing pokemon and one piece agere headcanons (sorry if this bothers you, i like making up random agere stuff it’s fun)
pokemon first: (going off of indigo league)
i wholeheartedly agree with the idea of ash and misty bickering while little. the idea of them regressing together and fighting like two toddlers is so funny and in character, and i can only imagine what kind of trouble they’d get into
Brock being the best caregiver because he grew up taking care of his little siblings—he’d be so understanding and would probably not even ask questions, he’s just like “well guess they’re kiddos now, I’ll treat them as such”
but also Brock as a regressor? i could see that. him cuddling with onix and it being very gentle despite being made of stone. also him and vulpix playing because it’s one of the cuddlier pokemon he has, just having a good time
i could see the main three stopping by parks, playgrounds and toystores because ash and misty immediately revert to baby brain when they see one
and i haven’t forgotten about team rocket—you’re so right about them being caregivers, and meowth would be a good playmate
They find ash regressed and are confused, he’d probably be all “ehhh give the kid a break, he’s got a lot on his shoulders” all nonchalant, and team rocket is ⁉️ why is he behaving like this? but gentle nonetheless
now a few one piece ones becaue i love silly pirates bro:
sanji would be a great caregiver to Nami in my opinion. he’s always spoiling her rotten, making her special candy or little sandwiches and sweet treats in the shapes of bunnies or whales or other cute things, never bashing her when she sucks her thumb or does something childish. to him he finds it so endearing she trusts him enough to be this vulnerable around him
never leaving her side while regressed; always taking the oppurtunity to take her hand and lead her around the ship or display his special cooking skills in the kitchen while she watches excitedly
on the flip side i think nami would also be a great caregiver to sanji. despite how much he annoys her when he’s big, i think she’d understand that when he’s little he’s quite literally just a kid, so she’d probably be a little more understanding
I’ve never seen any baby chopper headcanons before but i think it’d fit! him as a pet regressor also fits. i think maybe he’d be an age dreamer and robin could care for him, seeing how much she already adores him
I also raise you this: chopper being a caregiver to Zoro. he’s already a little bit easier on the reindeer than the other members of his crew, and choppers a certified doctor! who better to take care of their best mate then their caring doctor?
also CG franky. he’s so cool dude, i think he’d let you ride on his shoulders and do corny stuff to make you laugh.
ok sorry this got super long, just needed to share this THANKS!!’ have a great day dude ⚡️⚡️‼️
~This doesn’t bother me at all! In actuality this really brightened my day up :D
~As I am watching through Indigo right now I can say that Brock has seen stranger things than his two friends acting younger than they actually are. He would just shrug to himself and go along with it.
~Currently on episode 20 or something while re-watching(It takes me forever to watch shows I’m really bad at finding the time to just sit 😅) , the one where the haunter transforms as the ghost of a girl from hundreds of years ago. Anyways, while Brock is so distracted by her, Misty and Ash trying to drag him back just gave me the vibes of two fussy kids not getting enough attention.
~Adding on, regressor Brock not telling the two that he regresses and rather just stick it out on his own/ with his pokemon. Probably feels bad about being their caregiver while also being little too. When they do find out Ash would proclaim himself the best caregiver and probably start fighting with Misty over it.
~I don’t know why but my brain instantly went to angst. It would be really sad going to toy stores, knowing that you can’t take anything with you, they are always traveling after all so asides from maybe a stuffed animal that could fit in a bag or something small they couldn’t get anything. Or just- not having the money for things like paci’s a little gear and trying to save up but there is always that decision of comfort items, vs having a decent place to stay and food to eat (yes I know they stay a lit of times at poke centers I believe for free and stuff but shh we are ignoring that for a moment)
~I love team rocket so much. You have no idea.
~Been thinking about Ash somehow getting separated from his friends, (maybe pikachu as well) and stumbling into team rocket. And they can’t exact steal pikachu if pikachu isn’t there, and helping Ash look for him is just… beneficial to both groups, yup, that’s the only reason. James just picking the young trainer up onto his shoulders to carry him. Jessie complaining that “oh great, now I have two children to look after” and I don’t know just them-
~Nami being soft around Sanji is just the sweetest. Probably because Sanji is shy while small and any compliment given to her from the regressed cook is usually mumbled and said with a genuine small smile and him half hiding away. Like if she makes food for him, or he thinks the outfit she is wearing s pretty or something
~Regarding regressor Chopper, you had me at mama Robin :D
~If anyone on the crew I would headcanon as age dreamers, it would be him and Usopp tbh.
~Mkay but the first thing I could think of is Chopper doing his absolute best to be a good caregiver. Probably has a bunch of games and activities set up. Meanwhile Zoro being super grumpy and sleepy and just cuddles Chopper as though he’s a stuffed animal and refuses to let go by threat of tears.
This was 95% me rambling about pokemon and I thank you for giving me the excuse too :3
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synthwavecryptid · 1 month ago
hi! li's anon here (again). i'm glad my little drabble did make you feel a bit better! and that you don't have cancer!! and that you aren't precancerous either!!! that's such good news!! also the cody and rex lego???? god i am envious of you right now alkjfhsakdf i am trying to save up for a few figures from star wars but my expenses said no this month :(
anyways. HOW COULD YOU FORGET LIFELINE!!! (this is funny because i saw your post of what you wanted to draw and i was like, "no lifeline?? :((" and spent the day away from home sad thinking about lifeline and how i would ask u "please please please draw him too" once i was home and could send an ask -it doesn't work on my phone i don't understand why either- and then i came and u were like: I FORGOT LIFELINE and i was like "THEY FORGOT LIFELINE!!! WE'LL GET LIFELINE DRAWINGS!!!! :DDDDD" and now i am happy again lmao) LIFELINE AND BURNT BREAD DRAWINGS!!!!! I'M HAPPY!!!! also,,,, that one bacara x toast,,,, pls be toast blowing bacara pls pls pls pls pls pls
I'M GLAD YOU THINK THE CAPTAIN IS SWEET ON LI BECAUSE I ALSO THINK SO!!! tender interludes,,, yes please,,,,, captain x lifeline,,,, hmaksnfkasksdf
i adore lifeline so very much, and it was such a surprise for me, truth be told. i was scrolling through the clone trooper oc tag and saw ur burnt bread and was like "ooh, they're nice!" and then i got curious and snooped a little bit, and found lifeline, and now i can't be normal about him for even a second. lifeline my beloved, your sadness is infinite but so is your hope, so is your mercy. he deserves to be hold and loved and kissed in the forehead and and and ;;;;;;;;;
even if it's in snippets, i would love to see and read about them!! burnt bread have such a cute and spicy dynamic that makes me want to observe their courting habits and behaviour under a magnifying glass.... i like the idea of toast giving lifeline hugs. go toast fullfill my dream!! give that man a thousand hugs!!!! puppy-coded toast is best toast indeed. also, the image of ashe hovering over toast in the medbay and li holding the hypo with the sedative like "let me DO MY JOB OR GET OUT" but no threats, just Stare. i think ashe gets it. but also li showing ashe how to care for toast's injuries.... ;; ashe taking care of toast my beloved ;;
i'm also really curious about the missions and battles you want them to partake on, i'm looking forward to it! so very much!!
and as for the medics with the wing tattoos, i get u, i also go very weak for the trope! and for lifeline because oh my god. i think at this point we all know there's someone out there (me) obsessed with your oc lol. anyways. the captain tenderly kissing lifeline's wing tattoo, hands firm but gentle, softly calling out to li as he thrusts deeper, "come on, angel..." lifeline letting out moans, hands gripping the sheets..... ok i'm stopping but. just the thought of li being taken care of in every way is absurdly appealing. i need him wrapped in the softest blankets illegally acquired and cuddled against someone's chest and lovingly held. and also wrecked tenderly and for goddamn hours. and also for his patients to see a halo around him as he tries to save their lives. and also for him to experience not only death but the gift of life. like i need him at some point to assist with a birth in some backwater planer they're on a campaing on and just. hold a baby in his arms and be awed and torn apart at the thought of the medbay also leading to such miracle. ugh lifeline makes me so weak *sobs*.
EHEM stepping back from my lifeline-brain for a second to tell you that both the ask sketches (i asked for one! and i'm waiting impatiently for when you get more followers so i can ask for lifeline sketches. fear not i will refrain myself from bothering you too much but just know i shall be there when u open the oc asks) and the art of ashe in bed (hooo boy if i speak) are beautiful and i adore them very much. also ashe with loose hair... and u saying toast braids ashe's hair... UGH after sex braiding ritual is burnt bread aftercare core now i fear
alright i'm gonna stop yapping now (i feel like these are getting longer lol) but again, i'm glad that although you've got ten thousand things to be wary of, cancer isn't one of them! so happy for you! bye-bye!!
AAAAAAAAA THANK YOU I’M SO GLAD!!! I like to sit on these asks sometimes because it makes me smile to see them in the box, happy little eggs full of sunshine 🥰
god legos really are insane expensive but they’re so fun and satisfying, I wish your expenses a very pleasant cooperate
And YESSSS the Toast x Bacara piece will be Bacara getting sloppy toppy and rewiring Toast’s whole brain
Toast is SUCH a puppy, he’s always trying to brighten someone’s day or have fun, and that definitely extends to Lifeline to make sure he doesn’t isolate too much. Li bears it with grace because he knows Toast means well, and Toast gives the best hugs
I’ve gotta start brainstorming ideas for Li’s captain because now I’m attached to them fkdjgfggh, a loving captain and his pillow princess angel who deserves to be adored and doted on
Because the 212th is a battalion and battalions have four companies within them (and thus four captains), I’m thinking he’s a captain of a company parallel to Ghost. Li is a corporal medic in Ghost, so then this wouldn’t be fraternization with a CO (even though those lines get blurred ALL the time but it’s the principle of the matter for Li). Toast was part of that company until he got irreparably attached to Ashe (who’s a Lieutenant in Ghost), and thus got moved for cohesive and Ashe wrangling reasons LMAO
But ough speaking of burnt bread and missions, one of them is Umbara and y’all aren’t gonna like me for that one
And OUGH LIFELINE GETTING TO HOLD A BABY……. Cries loudly I need this for him sO badly
But aaaaa I’m so glad you’ve been liking the portraits! They’re so fun to do, and it’s great practice. Ashe looks so good with his hair down and I know it makes Toast lowkey insane with GOTTA TOUCH energy, so I love the braiding being an aspect of aftercare. Now I gotta draw Ashe riding the hell out of Toast 😌
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mcfallen-god · 11 months ago
My tavs, a (long) post
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Aesthetics and backstories above ✨
(yes too many, no you can't judge me, yes I play them all once in a while, no I haven't completed the game yet with any of them, yes I also have a game as Astarion, no you still can't judge me, yes I tell you shut the fuck up with most genuine and tender love)
Lothithil, high-elf, warlock, he/they, chaotic neutral
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Lothithil is an orphan (maybe his parents died in a silly accident or murdered or he is a refugee from somewhere for some reason, neither Lothithil nor I know nor really care).
He was found by an inn keeper around Baldur's Gate (Lothithil has very, very little memory of how and where the human found him, he just remembers living with him for some years)
The man who picked him up was a human and had the boy working at the inn through Lothithil's early years. The inn owner is not exactly a perfect good guy, he had never been violent and treated Lothithil bad, but he is a gambler and tended to have a lot of debts.
One day he gambled too big for his own good and he couldn't afford to repay the guys he was in debt to. So, naturally, these guys came and threatened to burn his inn if he didn’t pay. He begged them to spare the inn and offered Lothithil instead. And just like this, the boy went from hand to hand.
The boy felt a bit betrayed at first, but as he thought it out, he never got involved emotionally with the man, neither did the innkeeper. They were not family to begin with. He offered the kid a shelter, food and a place to sleep. After all Lothithil was but a stray dog to the human. So he never exactly felt mad at him, just thankful for the time he spent at the inn, but he never really held grudge (and being a long-live beings help to put things into perspective, he now just looks kind of fondly at his years at the inn).
With the group of thugs, Lothithil learnt to lie and to steal (the guys kinda liked him, the boy was resourceful, charming and fun).
After some years, those guys – who were mostly human or at least aged like humans – turned old. As they eventually aged and retired – just left Baldur’s Gate, got arrested or died anyway – Lothithil was teenish and parted way with them.
He then met a couple of human warlock, who offered him to come with them. He was more or less adopted by them and joined their family. They had very small ‘cult’ where all of them were warlocks and shared the same patron. Lothithil choose to become a warlock as well and to join the ‘cult’.
Though, they all remained humans, aging and eventually passing away. Their children took after them to carry their little cult on, but Lothithil decided to leave.
Now he is almost an adult in terms of high-elf age, and he has enough resources to get his own ass out of mess and all. He doesn’t have any specific goal in life, he just likes to hang in there, sometimes on the roads, sometimes in the city. He likes to meet people and learn about their stories, he likes to mingle with them and have some fun (*wink wonk*), but he remains relatively without ties.
He is not aromantic, but maybe demi-romantic. He is really at ease with sex and is opened to many things. He is pansexual, kind-of switch but he likes it when he has his p*ssy stuffed lol.
Ash/Lith (DU), half-high-elf, bard, they/them, neutral evil
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Ash (Lith) is my Dark Urge.
Their early life was happy and peaceful. Ash’s parents were two gentle, humble humans who found the baby by their little cottage’s door. Back then, Ash had another name, but they never ever used it again after the ‘event’...
It happened one night, the whole day Ash suffered a terrible fever and, through their sleep, they heard it. The dark urge calling.
Everything happened pretty quickly, and when Ash came back to his senses, they were standing in the middle of an inferno, the little cottage burning madly and the both corpse of their parents were ripped at their feet. Wet blood gleaming under the raging flames.
Ash felt disoriented, looking at their hands covered in blood and at the two dead bodies; they couldn’t *feel* anything. As a joist broke and crashed on Ash, half of their face and their left eye were burnt. It took them out of the torpor and they ran out of the blaze.
They stayed by the burning house, looking at flames until it died as well. From the ashes, they took their new name. The dark urge remained strong within them after that, and turned them rather insensitive and disconnected from their feelings, apathetic.
They are completely aromantic, and probably something like demi-sexual, as they are actually turned on by violence, murder, lies and generally by situation like: people witnessing the results of their crime without knowing it is Ash’s doing.
After the tadpole event, even if they wake up without any memories, they feel at ease with the killing urge and love the little itch it is to them.
Willow/Tathar, half-wood-elf, paladin, they/them, neutral good
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Willow (Tathar) lived their early life with their father, their human parent (he gave birth to Willow, as both mom and dad are actually trans characters).
Willow’s mother and father sincerely loved each other, but knowing he will age and eventually die way faster than her, they both agree they should parted. Though, dad hardly ever let go of his feelings for her, while she, being an elven kind, got easily detached. Yet, when mom left, she didn't know dad was pregnant (neither did dad). Dad never got angry with mom, and never really tried to find her either. He understood that elves have a different emotional attachment due to their long life expectancy. And dad knew to begin with, at the start of their relationship, that it would end this way, they enjoyed their love story, but it was just impossible for them to stay together forever, obviously.
Dad always was very sincere with Willow and explained how happy mom and him were and how they parted on an a common agreement. He  also explain how he will eventually die when Willow is still young.
The both of them lived a happy and quiet life, for many years, but as dad started to age way faster than Willow, he had to have a talk with his child about their future. Father encouraged Willow to go connect with their elvish culture. As they never grew up among wood elf, Willow have some (many) things they don't know about their own origins and traditions.
Willow hardly agreed at first, but they quickly understood their father just wanted his child to have ties with their mother’s side. They promised they will left and wandered the world to learn about their culture, but only after their father is gone. They stayed at dad's side as he aged and passed away. It was their father who made them pick a god to worship. With such a patron, father was sure Willow would be safe after he left this world.
Now, Willow wander and feel eager to learn about their other mother's side, they are not especially trying to find her, as she is basically a nobody to them, but at least to learn about wood elf’s habits and customs.
Willow is a bit silly, very kind hearted. Thy can't bear injustice and don’t mind to hit first talk after if the situation requires so. They have no issues to kill, but they rather only kills the bad guys. They are a very enthusiastic person in terms of relationship, but has a hard time to label and bounder the said relationship. A friend can be a lover or a sexual partner alike. It is not mean, it is not absence of caring, but they just genuinely don’t know the limits, but if you explain very clearly and straightforwardly you look for an exclusive relationship, they will understand, but I’m not sure they will stick with you on a one-to-one relationship. Thus, Willow is clearly pansexual and polyamory.
Perslay, human, bard, he/him, true neutral
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Perslay has the plainest backstory.
He is born from human parents, themselves part of a theatre company. He grew up in Baldur's Gate with them and the troupe. He started to be part of their show at a young age and he always meant to be a people entertainer. He never really went into an actual adventure ever, though he travelled with the troupe and can definitely fight for himself.
When his parents retired due to aging, and settled down in Baldur’s Gate for good, Perslay left and travelled with another company. Him and his parents are not in bad terms, he is just naturally independent and eager to perform on stage or in the street.
He only really was punched into adventure kind of travel because of the mind flayer’s abduction...
Perslay’s grumpiness and rather selfish temper makes him a bit hard-to-befriend person, but he is not completely heartless either. If you learn how to handle him, if you successfully pass through his attitude and become his friend, he will be your best ally and kill for you. But if you decide to betray him, you better be prepared man.
He is not exactly a warry person, he is more like: no matter who you are, what is your business, can you help with my problem? Come on, wanna try to stop me? Get lost.
He is very, very homosexually gay and loves big, strong men. Perslay is that one gay friend gossiping with his she friends about you. He never fell in love, but doesn’t mind trying; in the meanwhile he is a pretty sexually active guy.
Macyra, tiefling, sorcerer, she/her, lawful good
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Macyra is homeless and alone; as her homeplace had been attacked and destroyed by humans. It happened when she was young and doesn’t remember much of the original event that triggers the conflict, but she remembers her father taking her sister and herself and taking them out of the house. The little village was burning and everyone was running away.  They got separated at some point, her father letting go of her and she had been dragged away by the running crowd. She doesn’t know if they are dead or alive.
After the tragedy, Macyra roamed with a couple of other young Tieflings, in the wild. At some point, they met with an old woman, a sorcerer Drow living by herself in the wood. She saved them and raised them rightfully. The Drow taught them to hear and use their natural magic.
She also taught them to always remember their origins, but to not feel restricted by it; she warned them that humans would never fully accepted them, as their appearance is the stigma of their ancestors’ misbehaviour and it is not a reason to prove them right. One should be judged on their own actions and not on their kins or kinds actions.
These teachings never left Macyra as she grew up and left the Drow’s side to wander the world by herself.
In every time and place, she uses her natural magic to work for people and to try to make them see her – and her kind – as less threatening.
As she travels, she tries to find any information about her father or her sister, unable to give up on them.
Macyra is a quiet and rather serious woman. She enjoys books, calm time, and she hardly just knows how to ‘have fun’ but she is not against it. She is just kind of hard to herself, socially clumsy and always does things like taming her voice, her moves, her actions to be sure to not frighten  people around her. She is naturally tall and large, and her whole appearance can be a bit scary for those not used to the sight of a Tiefling, but she is a good girl.
She is an helpless romantic, even if she never allowed herself to indulge in the warmth of romance. Macyra is not ace, but she is a bit impressed by sex and, since she is naturally large, she knows she can easily frighten partners. She never thought about her romantic label and thinks she can probably be with anyone as long as she fell for them, so you can consider her as a pansexual. Also, she might be very romantic, she is not opposed to the idea of polyamory.
Jas, githyanki, barbarian, he/him, chaotic neutral
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Jas is just a… kind of himbo? Or more like he-bimbo?
Nothing goes in his mind really. Eating and using his strength is all he understands, and cares about.
Oh and he absolutely LOVES silver things (plate, forks, weapon and coins alike).
He will do whatever you ask him if you are persuasive enough, unless it is the opposite of what he wants.
About his young years, he has a rather classical life for a githyanki. Fight and fight and win fight and one day, ride a dragon kind of life.
After the mind flayer’s abduction, he sticks to Lae’zel. She is like him. She looks pretty. She is strong. She can fold him in half. She is githyanki with a brain.
She is not ugly and kid of scary like the long nose guys and the horned dudes.
He hardly grasps the concept of romantic attraction, but is really happy at anyone able to give him a good time, pegging him down, regardless of gender.
Veylin, half-drow, warlock, he/him, chaotic neutral
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Veilyn is an orphan Drow (half elf, half Drow actually, but that is fact unknown to himself) who was raised in the Underdark.
As an orphan, he ended up "employed" (basically a slave) at the house of a rich and powerful Drow's couple.
He was their "boy-who-do-everything"; cleaning, cooking, shopping, and other dirtier jobs: like cleaning after their ‘parties’ (if you know what I mean), or if the couple had an enemy, Veylin was sent to assassinate them over the night.
At some point, Veylin grew exhausted of this lifestyle; especially since he is not exactly well treated, being fed with left overs or little dishes, being physically punished when his work is not good enough – or when one of them is just upset –, assisting to all kinds of debauchery, and having absolutely no freedom.
One day, another slave decided to riot. They teamed up with other slaves and started to fight with those who were still loyal to the Drow’s couple. It all was a big mess.
People fighting, slaves running away, house burning, authority coming to try to settle the shit down. But, in the end, Veylin used that opportunity to run away.
By then, he is barely a young adult who knows nothing from the outside world, apart from its existence. He is barely able to read; but he knows how to speak basic, since the Drow couple had many kind of visitors and he had to learn how to serve the guests well. He has good assassin’s skills, he can cook.
Though, he never ever saw something as shiny as the sun ever, so when he finally, firstly reached the outside world, he was scared by sight of so many light and hid back for a while. As night came, he saw the light going down and wandered out. It was a shock for him, that the outside world can be sometime so full of light and sometimes so dark.
Veylin started to travel, mostly at night, because he is more at ease with the darkness. At some point, he met with another traveller, their encounter was a bit chaotic at first, as the other traveller was a green-skinned woman Tiefling with long, curved horns and dancing tail. Veylin never ever met a Tiefling before, and he felt a bit freaked out, but the Tiefling was kind and patient enough to help and explain. She explained about her kind and listened to Veylin’s story; she also warned him about how Drow were perceived in this world and he should learn to act accordingly. They parted ways at the next village, after she showed him the basics of life here.
After the abduction, Veylin’s main goal is to get rid of the tadpole at every cost.
He won his freedom and he craves to keep it. He will kill and fight his way out of anything without hesitation in the name of his own freedom. On his journey, he will learn how to make friend, open to others and – most importantly – entrust others, but it is not an easy thing for him.
Veylin is still young, unexperienced in terms of love, but experienced in terms of sex. He doesn’t mind the gender of his partners, but he definitely is a bottom.
Kiaran, drow, wizard, she/her, neutral good
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Kiaran is an old Drow lady who values knowledge and culture above anything. She lived part of her young years in the Underdark with her mother. One day, a man came in their life, a human wizard. He was kind and wise, he initially visited the Underdark for his researches, but fell in love with Kiaran’s mother and stayed with them. He was kind to the little girl and taught her the base of his knowledge. Kiaran liked him and his words a lot, they could spent all days together, reading books and learning magic, he said she was really talented!
It was a nice period. After some years, the human proposed the two Drow to come with him, back to the outside world. They agreed.
Kiaran was still young, but she clearly remember the amazement it was to her, to discover so many new things. They installed with him in his laboratory, on the edge of a village. More nice years passed peacefully; even though the villagers weren’t so happy to have ‘dark elves’ so close to their homes, the old wizard always managed to keep peace in the neighbourhood.
But the wizard was an old human and he eventually passed away when Kiaran was still young. As he was not there anymore to protect them from the villagers, then the tragedy occurred.
They came and threatened them, wanting to force them away. Kiaran’s mother refused, saying they have as much right to stay there as these humans. They disagreed, but left them be. For now.
The head of the village paid a mercenary to come and get rid of them. The man acted at night, locking all doors and windows from outside, and set fire to the laboratory while the two Drow were sleeping. They woke up and tried to get out, but all the exists were blocked. So, Kiran’s mother took her daughter and ran upstairs, and from one of these windows, she throw the girl out.
Kiaran survived, but had her face and body burnt, and had other injuries from the fall. Her mother died in the house, alongside with all the old wizard’s books, notes and knowledge.
After that day, Kiaran decided to never ever let anyone look down on her or treat her bad regarding her appearance or origins. She wanders the world to learn always more and more, she also take on herself to educate people the soft or hard way on her journey.
She is basically your local mommy; bisexual, and kinda dome-like, she doesn’t mind her partner’s preferred role, she can do it all.
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ladytanithia · 1 year ago
Writing WIP Wednesday (10/25)
From Chapter 28 of "Out of the Ashes." Argis is concerned about how Miranja has changed since coming home and she's trying to explain it.
@dirty-bosmer @gwilin-stay-winnin @mareenavee @skyrim-forever @thana-topsy @thechaosdragoness @thequeenofthewinter No obligation to produce something - just sharing!
“I guess it’s like when someone is gentle with me, if feels more like they really care about me. And with all the pain I’ve been through lately, the last place I want to feel pain is in someone’s arms, you know? I’m not the girl I was when I left my parents’ home. I’ve done a lot of things with a lot of people and my curiosity has mostly been satisfied. What’s left undone doesn’t really matter to me anymore. Now what’s important to me is to have that one special person, to know each other better than anyone else knows us, to be there for each other through good and bad, to be confident in each other’s love. No jealousy, no possessiveness, knowing our hearts belong to each other always. That was what Talvas and I started to have before…” She didn’t finish the sentence; she didn’t want to, but she didn’t have to. Argis knew. She smiled a little sadly to herself at the irony. Argis knew her better than most, but she just wasn’t attracted to him romantically, and he had Bralsa now, anyway.
"You’ll have it again, Little Bigpants, I know it. You’re a strong, talented, loving, gorgeous young woman, and you still have a lot of life ahead of you. Just keep being you.”
“That’s the hard part, Argis. I’m not sure who I am or what sort of person I really am anymore.” She rolled back her sleeve and showed him the scars and crusty scabs on her still-healing cuts. “Look at this. Every mark is a family I made grieve. Every mark is someone who was probably a good person who was just fighting for what they believed in. Every short mark is someone I killed without knowing a damned thing about them, other than they were trying to kill me. No better than bandits or thugs. But the big mark…” She went silent.
“Ulfric?” Argis asked quietly.
“I murdered a Jarl, Argis. It doesn’t matter that he asked for me to do it. It doesn’t matter that I did it just because I didn’t want Tullius to take pleasure in it. I never told even you, Argis, but I even slept with him once. I didn’t agree with him, but I didn’t hate him. He was still very sexy to me, with his looks and his …” She sought for the word, couldn’t grasp it, shook her head and settled for the next-best word. “His unapproachable charisma. Talvas was the only one who knew. I knew his name, I knew his body. I even kind of knew his heart a little. I can still feel and hear my sword going through his ribs and organs. I can still see the bloody bubbles between his lips, the light fading from his eyes as he stared at me and his flesh mottled. I made myself watch him die. I hated myself at that moment.” She squeezed her eyes closed and shuddered, and Argis could see the hairs stand up on her arm.
“Do you still hate yourself, sweetheart?”
Miranja’s heart was warmed just a little; Argis rarely used terms of endearment with her. “Sometimes. I wish there had been another way, but I know there wasn’t. Ulfric was stubborn and had narrow vision. At least he’ll get his praise in Sovngarde. And both my father and Tullius told me that bad things have to happen sometimes to make good things, better things, happen. I still believe that, but I still can’t help wishing I hadn’t gotten involved. If Aval hadn’t been wrongfully imprisoned… I guess I knew it had to happen eventually. My getting involved, I mean.”
Argis gently tugged her sleeve back in place and pulled her to his side again. “But you’ve made a better future for a lot of people, too. It’s a trade-off. Is it an even trade? Who knows? You did what you thought was best. That’s all any of us can do. It doesn’t make you a bad person.”
“I guess you’re right. But I know I’ll feel like human garbage the first time some grieving mother spits in my face.”
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kenz0id · 11 months ago
Just Another Day: All You Need to Know
WAZUP GUYZ!? I realized I never shared anything about the characters in most of my content publicly, so I decided to make a short guide on the basics of JAD for those who are interested!
"He who never rests, who loves being with his friends, explore the world until the end. Needless to say, they've seen things none can explain, but hey... it's just another day!"
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Just Another Day is a PG indie series, following a dude who loves to explore what the world has to offer while he still can, alongside his friends! Even if it means all that exploring often leads them to face danger, the thrill cures their boredom anyway.
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Oh, them? Those are the main three: Kyle, Mike, and Ash.
"We aren't all that perfect, but we're alwayz up for sum fun!"
They share a strong bond built on years of friendship. They are often loyal to each other, and if things ever go wrong, they'll always have each others backs... sort of. Their friendship is filled with adventures and shared interests, such as exploring and playing games together. They also like to vlog random stuff they do, just because they think it's funny or content worthy.
However, they can sometimes be too competitive or arrogant, leading to arguments and conflicts, especially when it comes to games or other activities where they want to outdo each other. But despite these flaws, their friendship endures, and they always find a way to reconcile and continue their adventures together.
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He embodies the curiosity and energy typically associated with pre-adolescence. He likes to spend time with his friends Mike and Ash, he's mostly curious or bored and likes to explore surroundings he isn't familiar with. He can also come off as competitive when it comes to fun games he wants to take part in.
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Kyle's bestest friend; his partner in crime. He has a funny and loud yet caring and gentle personality. He's a coward and a sweetie, he would never hurt a fly. but if you mess with his loved ones, he will end your life. He has a habit of eating. He's also pretty good at math, but he doesn't bring it up much.
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She's trendy, short-tempered, and a bit sassy. She finds humor in situations and can be honest and genuine. Ash is into fiction books, K-dramas, and has expertise in romantic relationship advice. While she can be violent and aggressive when provoked, she is generally a nice person.
But wait! there's another fella...
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it's Frank, the robot!
"They're so annoying, they never let me do cool trickz! but they do all the chorez for me, so whateva. It's cool, I guezz."
They share a unique bond, with Frank serving as both a friend and a caretaker to Kyle. Frank's overprotective nature can sometimes smother Kyle, making him feel restricted or controlled. So he often takes their assistance for granted, failing to appreciate the extent of their care and support.
Although Kyle mostly seems pretty annoyed by their presence, he doesn't realize how much he needs them around. Not even just because he could potentially be in danger in person, but also for the sake of his sanity whenever no one else is with him at home.
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They're a robot designed by Kyle's parents to watch over and serve Kyle while they're not present. They're a very nice and kind robot, only ever showing pure kindness and sympathy. They will do anything to make sure he's healthy and safe. They also try to be funny sometimes, but Kyle and his friends just think it's lame.
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Despite being the literal shield of the group, Kyle and the others often find Frank's attempts at humor annoying, and they occasionally tease Frank for being a robot, which can hurt their feelings despite their lack of emotions. Additionally, their literal-mindedness and occasional misunderstandings of human emotions can lead to friction with the group.
However, despite these challenges, Frank doesn't really mind the treatment. It's kinda their job to watch over them. As long as Kyle and the others are still alive and kickin', Frank's happy!
Anyways, that's all you need to know about Just Another Day (JAD) for now!
Though you might have noticed I didn't mention other characters that were also present in some of my content. that's because I only added the more important aspects of JAD; Those fellas were more so just background characters. I don't mind sharing about them though! I just didn't wanna bother adding them in this post is all.
Thx 4 Reading! Hope this helped. ^^ If you have any questions, just ask in the Q&A!
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5sosfanfictioncatalogue · 2 years ago
Pet Names Masterlist
AM (ao3) - Migs Michael/Luke E, 10k
Summary: 5 Seconds Of Summer consists of Michael Clifford, Ashton Hemmings and Calum Hood. Luke Hemmings is the youngest Hemmings brother.
Before I Let You Walk, You Gotta Show Me How You Crawl (ao3) - punchinginadream Luke/Ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: Luke is happiest on his knees, when he's got his mouth on Ashton.
dive my face between your thighs (until i cannot feel my lips) (ao3) - ashtonsbabygurl Michael/Calum T, 2k
Summary: Michael and Calum's vacation in Florida has a little more feelings and cum than they expected.
Fine Print - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) Luke/Ashton, past Luke/Calum M, 61k
Summary: If Michael says Ashton Irwin will be a good bodyguard then sure, Luke will put his money on Ashton being a good bodyguard. Besides, all Luke needs is a shadow. So what if he doesn’t like him?
Who ever cared about liking their shadow anyway?
or the one where Luke is a heartbroken solo artist who can't sleep and Ashton is his less-than-enthusiastic bodyguard
Found Out (ao3) - Latefan_5sos1d_wherewasi Luke/Everyone E, 4k
Summary: Luke was very horny but all he had in the hotel was lube while his roommate was with the rest of the band as they ventured in the city. So while Luke wants something other than his fingers up his ass he searches the room and finds something.
A very slutty night in general!
After this night theres definitely going to be a big step up from their current relationship, but it’s not that any of them were going to complain.
Good morning (ao3) - orphan_account Michael/Luke E, 1k
Summary: Michael wakes up from a lovely wet dream his boyfriend next to him.
I Don't Wanna Be a Monster Among Men (I Won't Break Your Heart Again) (ao3) - Anonymous OT4, Michael/Ashton M, 2k
Summary: Ashton’s hand moves to finger Michael’s fringe. “It’s okay, honey,” he interjects, whispering. “If you want, I can listen and not talk. No pressure, though.”
Michael contemplates but nods slowly. He takes another blow of his joint and observes Ashton lighting his own before speaking. “I’ve been doing a lot of research on it lately. I don’t know how to tell people because they,” He pauses to sigh again, “wouldn’t get it.”
(Or where Michael isn't really Michael but struggles with telling his partners.)
i love the way you talk about me (ao3) - orphan_account Calum/Ashton, OT4 N/R, 13k
Summary: “I want you to understand.” Ashton continues. His eyes and voice aren't gentle anymore. “You're here to service me. To service us. You are a fuck toy, and nothing more. You do as I say without complaint or hesitation. You know this, calum, and I expect you to behave. If I ask you to jump…” “I ask you how high.” Calum says. His eyes are cast down, his cheeks filled with color. He’s upset Ash, he doesn’t deserve to look at him. “Good. Finally did something right.” Ashton says.
or the one where Calum is a brat to his boyfriend, who decides that he's going to make Calum sorry via his other two bandmates.
or the one where I hit rock bottom and write Ashton, Michael, and Luke fucking Calum into oblivion.
In the Next Room (ao3) - valiantnerd (arareads) Luke/Ashton E, 28k
Summary: Ashton moves into an apartment with walls made of little more than cardboard and foreign playlists, develops a gigantic crush on Luke, and takes a hot second realizing what's right in front of him.
Knee Socks, Sweaters, & Kitten Boys (ao3) - KiribakuBabe Michael/Luke E, 5k
Summary: In all the whole of four years that Luke and Michael had been married, he'd never once let the other man know about his habit. That habit being that he loved wearing knitted knee socks around the house with nothing else on but Michael's sweater.
That is, until he got caught...
The one where Luke loves wearing stockings whenever Michael isn't home and then he gets caught wearing them..
Luke Hugged Him Back Just As Tightly And Heard Michael Whisper 'Friends'. (ao3) - destiel_lemmings Michael/Luke, Calum/Ashton E, 28k
Summary: Luke knew that this was going to be weird. He new roommate/ex-kitten were now even more indulged in Luke's mind. The only problem was that his roommate was not only attractive but he knew Luke like the back of his hand, and Luke had just met the boy.
Or this is a continuation of 'With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur.' And Michael knows all of Luke's quirks but Luke is just getting to know the cute boy that was once his kitten. This is the journey through their friendship and maybe even relationship?
Oh You Know That Tonight I’m Fucking You (You’re So Damn Pretty) (ao3) - Migs Luke/Ashton E, 6k
Summary: The one where Luke says “Daddy can you pass the salt?” and Ashton and Luke’s dad both reach for it.
Revisiting the past (ao3) - Latefan_5sos1d_wherewasi Luke/Calum E, 3k
Summary: Calum gets a little frisky after stumbling upon a fan fiction of himself and Luke, his roommate and past lover. When Luke catches his display history is revisited and not regretted
Silent (ao3) - Smol_lou_lou Luke/Ashton E, 2k
Summary: "Baby, you got to be silent." Or where Ashton and Luke fuck in a movie theatre.
spread your wings for me (ao3) - orphan_account Luke/Ashton N/R, 32k
Summary: He likes watching Luke cough on smoke from a joint, or cry when he gets his lip pierced, or whine when he rides Ashton filthily. He likes the bruises he leaves on Luke’s thighs, and he likes that Luke has to wear turtlenecks to hide his hickeys covering his neck.
He likes destroying Luke’s innocence one little piece at a time.
And this is just another piece that he’s taking for himself.
Or the one where Ashton likes to watch Luke pray, and Luke is more than happy to serve the bad boy of the school.
The Bruises On Your Thighs Like My Fingerprints (You're About To Bloom) (ao3) - Migs Luke/Calum E, 5k
Summary: Calum doesn't like it when other people touch his boyfriend's perfect arse. Because what if someone can touch it better than Calum? What if Luke leaves him for some better arse toucher? Calum can't let that happen. He can't let someone take away his future with Luke, their two dogs and a litter of puppies, just because they worshiped that ass better than he did.
OR Calum gets riled up when other people touch Luke's butt so he reminds Luke who can satisfy him best.
the One About the Pride Parade (ao3) - twinkylukey Luke/Ashton N/R, 3k
Summary: basically, ashton and luke meet at pride and fuck.
Touchy - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) OT4 T, 7k
Summary: Ashton has eye surgery and the boys take care of him.
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ptergwen · 3 years ago
heyy girl back again lol. a fluffy morning routine with tom?
rise and shine
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w/c: 651
warnings: floofy fluff
a/n: i decided to do this with dad!tom because i thought it would be cute and i loved :,) thank you for requesting and pls join my taglist friends
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you wake up to the feeling of tom’s lips on your skin, a grin instantly appearing on your features. your eyes open and close again in bliss as your husband peppers feather light kisses to your cheek.
“g’morning, love. rise and shine.”
tom takes your hand in his and kisses it. he’s standing by your side of the bed, smiling down at you tangled in the covers.
he’s already up, has been for a while, so he tended to the kids and let you sleep in. he always wakes up first. he’s a morning person, and you very much aren’t. if it weren’t for tom, you’d never leave the bed.
“five more minutes.”
“mm, i’ve heard that one before. c’mon. i’ve just made breakfast.”
tom gives your hand a gentle tug.
“just gimme five more minutes, tom. that’s all i ask. five minutes, and i’ll be down.”
“you’re no better than the girls.”
“i’m worse.”
you smile knowingly at tom. he pulls you up from the bed and brings you in for a kiss. you hum against his lips, arms looping around his torso.
“where are the little buggers, anyway? have you checked on them?”
“i have. got them ready, too. i couldn’t get soph to brush her teeth, though.”
“soph won’t brush her teeth, ash is on a bathing strike. our kids are impossible.”
“just like their mum.”
you flick tom for that remark. the two of you share another kiss, then you put on your slippers. tom holds open your robe for you next. he’s a huge help in the mornings, with you and the kids, but with you especially.
you two make your way into the kitchen, where sophia and ashley are waiting for you. you greet them both with kisses on their heads and take your usual seat at the table. tom comes around to the girls with a plate in each hand.
“for my princesses.”
he sets down their plates and then gets yours.
“and my queen.”
“thanks for taking care of breakfast, babe. it looks good.”
“doesn’t it? and you all doubt my culinary skills.”
“who’s a better cook? me, or dad?”
sophia and ashley answer in unison.
you wink at them and take a forkful of your food. tom dramatically claps a hand over his heart, making the girls giggle.
“traitors. what would you lot like to drink?”
“chocolate milk, please,” sophia says. “have we got any juice?” ashley asks.
“your wish is my command. y/n/n, coffee?”
tom makes everyone’s drinks and a tea for himself. he joins you three at the table. many laughs and narrowly avoided spills later, you all finish eating. you take the liberty of cleaning up, since tom did the cooking. the girls go out in the backyard to play fetch with tessa while you and tom head back to your room to get yourselves ready for the day.
you have an en suite bathroom with a double sink, so you and tom often get ready together. it’s something so simple, so domestic, but so special. it truly is the little things.
you both brush your teeth, then you do your skincare while tom styles his hair. he grumbles about how frizzy it is today. you watch him attempt to tame it with copious amounts of gel and giggle.
“oh no. that’s way too much, babe.“
“well, what do you reckon i do?”
you rake your fingers through tom’s hair at the roots to undo it. you take a bit of his gel and spread it evenly between both hands, scrunching his hair with your fingers so his curls are controlled, but still have volume. he looks at himself in the mirror when you’re done.
“you’re a godsend. thanks, love.”
you beam. tom pecks your lips, careful to avoid your face because your skincare is drying in.
“shall we go see what the girls are up to?”
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tags: @mystic-writings @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @lnmp89 @jenoslov @crvshnburnn @yourlocalomlette @belovasheart @hollandsgoodgirl @liltimmyst @hollandsangel @parkerctrl @eichenhouseproperty @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @varshhyy @ellebutnotwoods @tayyx @valluvsu @ronweasleysslut @peterficrecs @winchestersgirl222 @sunf1ower-vol6 @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @niktwazny303 @marvelgurl @thismessymasterpiece @alina02 @itsjanedeluca @lomlbuckyy @prancerrparkerr
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loversj0y · 3 years ago
i dont smoke
pairing: c!wilbur x reader (no use of y/n)
summary: reminiscing while smoking - the habit wilbur stopped and started.
tws: smoking, toxic partners, burning someone with a cigarette, fighting, abuse, cursing, mentions of war and insanity, mentions of bombings, blood, death. let me know if i forgot anything
author's note: hey, this is basically a pure angst song fic. this entire thing was inspired by the song i dont smoke by mitski. listening to the song is really important to understand the vibe i think. my favorite version of the song is the audiotree live version but you can also listen to the regular version. this takes place shortly after wilbur dies in l'manberg. this also becomes very tommy heavy at the end bc i love him. anyway, blame @lyssys for this actually being posted.
word count: 3.5k
“I thought you quit smoking.” 
The last five words Tommy had spoken to me flickered back into my brain as I took a slow inhale of my cigarette. The habit was a nasty one. I knew it was. But it brought me back. Back to him. 
“Careful- careful! You don’t want to burn yourself!” Wilbur laughed at me as I narrowly avoided burning my finger with the match. 
We were young still. Back before any concepts of war concerned either of us. When the most dangerous thing we could really do was have fun. 
I remember laughing back at him and blowing smoke in his face. 
“Oh, please, you know I'll be fine. I'm stronger than you seem to give me credit for.” (I wish I could still live in a time where that was a playful brag and not a war-starting taunt.)
When he’d looked back at me that day, I knew he’d ruin the world for me somehow. Our lips connected in the type of kiss that only at-risk young adults really know how to perfect, the scent of ash and smoke entangled with our lips and hair in the days before it meant an oncoming death. 
Still, here I sat. Against the rubble of a city we’d once built and loved together. The dust hasn't fully settled around L’Manburg yet, and I honestly wonder if it ever truly will. The rubble echoed with memories of Wilbur and I, and as I released the smoke in my lungs, I tasted him on me. Wilbur always tried to quit, and he always did, until he didn’t. Until –
“You really should take a break, you know,'' I grinned slightly as I walked over to where Wilbur had stationed himself – a tiny corner of L’Manberg we used to use for alone time, or to watch the sunset with Tommy. 
He looked up at me for barely a second before looking back at his maps and pages, “I will, I will. i’m finishing up now.”
I sat next to him, starting to stack the pages he wasn’t using, “Mm-hmm. sure you were, love.” I leaned my head on his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss to it, the only light illuminating us being the small lantern at his side. I closed my eyes for a moment, slowly taking a deep breath. 
“You smoked.” I said simply. 
He looked up at me, a deer caught in headlights. He stammered for a moment before just sighing out a soft “yeah.”
“What's up, love? You were doing so good,” I frowned lightly, holding him a bit closer. 
He pulled the pack of cigarettes from his pocket, sighing softly, “I know. It’s just- it’s the stress. Everyone is expecting me to have everything together and to lead them in this war, and I don’t even know what I’m doing here anymore, I'm scared I'm going to fail everyone. And I'm scared for everyone fighting for us because they have lives, and they could lose them over what could be a fruitless cause. And I’m scared for Tommy, he’s not great at fighting, and I'm scared they’re going to target him because of it. And I'm scared for you, because I love you too much to be able to lose you, but if they know how much I love you, they will target you. Are you sure you won’t let me ship you and Tommy off until after the war?” He let out a deep breath after his rant, and he looked almost deflated, as the relief lifted from his chest. 
I grabbed his hand gently, squeezing it three times, “I’m sure. I’m not letting you risk your life for our home alone. I love you too much to be able to lose you too. We take this risk together. As for everything else, I can watch over Tommy when the time comes. And everyone knows their lives are at stake. They believe in this cause, Wilbur. We all do,” I gently brushed some hair from his face, “and you don’t need to have all the answers. The people wouldn’t let you lead if they didn’t trust you, so as long as you are doing what you think is best, you’re not failing anyone.” I brought my hand up, lightly cupping his cheek. 
He set his papers down, fully leaning his face into my hand. 
“Thank you,” he whispered, softly kissing my palm. My only reply was a gentle kiss. We stayed there together, basking in moonlight with my arms wrapped around his waist as I held him. After a few moments, I spoke up softly, “you know, since we quit together, if you get a cheat cig, I think I get one too.” 
He laughed, looking down at me like I was joking. Until I grabbed the pack, standing quickly and running. Then, he tried to look mad, but the grin and playful glint in his eyes couldn’t be beat. He stood, running after me. Due to his height, he caught me quickly, arms wrapping around my waist as he lifted me. We were both laughing and out of breath, and he took the pack from my hands, tossing it somewhere behind him. He kept his arms around me, peppering kisses on my shoulders. 
He panted slightly for a moment, taking a deep breath and turning me to face him. He gently cupped my cheek, “you’re going to be the death of me, darling.” He leaned in, gently kissing me under the pale glow of the moon and the lanterns. 
If only we’d known how truthful he had actually been that day. That was my second favorite day throughout the war, other than the day we’d won. The war had been tough and draining and traumatizing, but despite all of that, I got Wilbur to laugh. His laugh was probably the thing I missed the most about him. His real laugh, though. Not the laugh he’d developed after all the trauma really began to affect him. The laugh from the day I knew I'd be his forever. 
“Come on! hurry!“ Wilbur yelled at me from in the water, “it’s almost midnight!” 
It was freezing, first of all. Both my feet stayed planted in the frigid water of the lake. L’Manburg was a newly formed area, a place where we felt free and happy. It was just the people we loved and felt free with. And, at midnight, it was my birthday. Hence Wilbur wanting to swim in the lake at midnight. I started to slowly move in deeper as Wilbur continued to yell at me to come in deeper. After I was about hip deep, I looked around to find Wilbur only for him to be… gone. I looked around in a bit of a panic before I felt myself being dragged down, gasping and inhaling way more lake water than a person should ever truly inhale. 
When I broke through to the surface, I waded with my feet as I coughed, trying to expel the water from my lungs. Wilbur came up behind me, gently rubbing my back and trying to ensure I was okay. I turned to him, splashing him once I was no longer drowning internally. 
“You ass!” 
He laughed, the kind of laugh that could make a person fall out of their seat. Wilbur had a laugh that could brighten a room. A laugh that made me feel like everything was going to be alright. He wrapped his arms around me, softly kissing me, apologizing once he pulled away. 
I just sighed, a soft smile on my face. I leaned my head onto his chest, holding onto him as we waded in the water. He rubbed my back softly, kissing the top of my head. 
“There's a reason I brought you all the way out here, you know.” 
I pulled away slightly, looking up at him, “Wilbur, are you about to kill me on my birthday so I have an even life?” 
He laughed, and I felt my heart warm at the sound, “no, no, though that would be fairly poetic. You’ll see what I mean soon.” 
I just nodded softly. I trusted him. With my everything. 
After a few minutes of holding each other close, I could hear a bell ring back by our home. Midnight. Wilbur pulled away from our hug to wrap an arm around my waist and stand next to me. 
“Happy birthday, love,” he spoke softly, and not a moment later, an explosion sounded, and the sky filled with any color you could think of. Bright purples, blues, yellows, greens, reds all filled the sky, and I gasped as the fireworks filled the sky. I held onto him as we watched the sky light up, and once it finally ended, I looked back up at Wilbur, “did you do this?”
He grinned softly, “I had some help.” I heard yells of “happy birthday” coming from the shoreline where Tommy and Tubbo both stood, waving wildly. I just laughed, looking back at Wilbur and placing a soft and meaningful kiss on his lips. 
“Thank you so much.”
“Hey, that’s not everything. I've got more at home,” he grinned at me, and I felt my heart flutter as he said home. He started swimming, and I swam after him, the only light surrounding us being the light drifting down from the moon in between the trees surrounding us. 
We made it back home quickly and separated only to get changed. I was dressed first, shockingly enough, so I went outside for a quick smoke. I leaned against the back wall of our house, a soft smile on my face as I stood in the cool night air. I felt so lucky. This was before the days of war were imminent. when we could still breathe the air at night without having to listen for the nearby crunching of leaves.
I heard Wilbur coming downstairs, and a moment later, the door opened. I knew he was with me once I felt his arms snake around my waist and the scent of smoke, old books, and a hint of musk. I leaned back into him as he kissed the side of my head and spoke softly. 
“You were meant for me, darling.” he reached a hand up, grabbing the cigarette from me to take a hit. He turned my face towards his, leaning in slowly before blowing the smoke into my mouth. I inhaled deeply, letting my eyes slip closed. He grinned softly, pecking me on the lips after.
We shared the last of the cigarette together, and only after did he pull away from me. He gently grabbed my hands, smiling softly and kissing my forehead. 
“I love you, dear. Happy birthday,” he whispered, gently slipping a ring onto my finger. I looked down and gasped softly. It was delicate and simple and absolutely beautiful. 
“What is this?”
“A promise,” he said, gently kissing my hand. “We've got our whole lives ahead of us. But I want to spend the rest of mine with you. And while I think things in the world are too tense for us to be able to be engaged, let alone married, I want to ensure that we have each other until the end of the line.” 
I leaned forward, kissing him softly before pressing our foreheads together, “as long as you promise to never leave me alone and wondering where you’ve run off to,” after he nodded with a grin, I spoke softly, “til the end of the line.”
I didn't see that he had a matching ring attached to a chain around his neck, nestled under his shirt. Or that it was always there. I only learned about it when the chain and ring were delivered at my feet by phil, the scent of blood and TNT still laced into it. 
Now both adorn my body. The ring around my neck and the ring around my finger, both engraved with initials and that same phrase. until the end of the line. I fiddled with the widower’s ring on my neck for a moment, pressing it into my collar to feel it imprinting onto a small circular scar there. He at least did make true to that promise. He was with me until the end of his line. I took another deep inhale. Every taste of the cigarette brought up memories of him. The end of his line. It was rough as we got towards the end. In hindsight, maybe I could've helped. Noticed the signs earlier. But with everything happening, the constant state of fight or flight, we did end up balancing each other out. Just in the worst ways. 
“Well, maybe, if you weren’t so fucking incompetent, Tommy, the plan would’ve actually worked!'' Wilbur's yell rang throughout the ravine in our makeshift home of Pogtopia. Wilbur had been acting strange, though we all had. The stress and fear in our bodies at all times, keeping us constantly on guard, constantly trying to figure out the next move. Like trying to fight a war with no army. However, seeing the look on Tommy's face as his big brother berated him? That was the final straw for me. 
I grabbed Wilbur by the arm, pulling him into the room we shared. I locked the door behind us, not that it would do much to conceal the sounds I knew were about to be unleashed. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Wil? Do you have some subconscious need to push away and hurt those that love you?!” I yelled. Maybe I shouldn’t have. But the anger in my chest softened the guilt. 
He muttered to himself under his breath – something he’d been doing more often recently – before looking up at me, “this doesn’t concern you. Tommy needs to improve. He just needs someone to be tough on him.” Wilbur went to walk away, and in my rage, I retaliated. 
I grabbed the collar of his sweater, pushing him against the wall. 
“Wilbur fucking Soot. You listen to me right now because I’m not going to say this again. Do you think I’m a fucking idiot? I know how much you’ve been hurting Tommy, and I don't know what sick delusion you’re living out right now, but listen close because if you don’t you will lose me. If you need to be mean, be mean to me. Not fucking Tommy. I can take it, I can put it inside of me and keep it there, I am stronger than you give me credit for. If you need to hurt something, you hurt me. If I see you even lay a fucking finger on Tommy, I will turn you in to Schlatt personally. You got that?” I was seething, and he looked barely affected. Instead of a reply, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I didn't move, waiting for my answer. After taking a long drag, he pressed the lit end of the cigarette to my collar bone. I flinched ever so slightly, but I refused to move. “I know that hurts you, darling, you don’t have to lie to me,” he laughed — something dark and menacing these days. 
“It feels fantastic. The burn is good as long as it means you’re keeping it on me, not Tommy.” 
He hummed softly, taking another hit from the cigarette and blowing it in my face. 
“Fine,” he acquiesced finally, and I released his collar. He straightened himself out, grabbing my arm. He leaned against my arm for a moment, and I held him up as the rage slowly left my body. We both took a few deep breaths, and I cleared my throat, sore from the yelling. He then grabbed my face, turning it towards him. He blew smoke into my mouth before kissing me roughly. Once he pulled away, he looked at me with a sick grin. 
“You’re lucky that I love you.”
Maybe if I had been kinder in those days, things would’ve been different. If I had been there to keep him from falling into full delusion. To keep him from bombing the city we’d built together to hopefully live our lives in, have a family one day. But as I sat in this little corner of the rubble, reminiscing, I couldn't find it in me to feel anything. Wilbur sucked out the life in me and snuffed me out, and yet I loved him. This corner of the city where we’d one day hoped to put an altar and have our wedding. This corner is where Tommy and I had our last conversation. We’d sat in this very spot many times. I couldn't remember when this spot had changed from our secret place to screw around into a war conference space, where Wilbur would hush orders to Tommy and I in weak attempts to preserve our lives. On my last day seeing Tommy, we’d sat here and watched the sunset. our wounds, both physical and mental, were still healing over only to scar deep. I remember what he’d asked me.
“Do you think he knew this would end in his death? Do you think – was it… intentional?” 
My mind flashed with memories of wilbur – the boy I’d fallen in love with, to the war leader I’d trust with my life, to the man who maybe if I’d helped,  things wouldn't be like this now, all the way to the man whose temper could light TNT a mile away. 
If there was one thing true about every version of Wilbur I'd known and loved, it’s that he calculated. Spreadsheets, lists, scribbled parchments, war plans, love letters, songs, schematics, blueprints – all of them, carefully thought through and calculated. Whether it was the cool and loveable asshole I'd first fallen for, or the inner ramblings of a man driven insane, he thought out everything in his own way. So I knew my answer. 
“Yes,” I blew out a slow line of smoke, “there isn’t a version of that plan wherein Wilbur stays alive.”
“I just don't get why. Why would he want to leave us behind?” Tommy ran a hand over his face. His face and nails both seemed to have a dusting of ash covering them. I absentmindedly wondered if my face carried it the same, or if it would ever truly wash away. 
“He wasn’t right towards the end. No matter what we did, it never made him any less sad. Maybe if I’d done something earlier, he’d still be here. But I don’t think anything we could have done would have changed his mind. He couldn’t hold on anymore. I wish I didn't understand, but I do. It's why I can't bring myself to hate him. Despite the fights, the pain, everything he plagued my brain with at night, I still love him. He was sick, and I wish I could've helped him get better, helped get the man I fell in love with back. At the end of the day, he would never be that same person again, but I will always love him.” 
Tommy took a heavy breath, “I want to hate him.” He didn't elaborate more on that. He didn’t have to. “How can you still say you loved him? He wasn’t a good person towards the end, he hurt you, he hurt me! We’re covered in bandages right now because of him!” J could tell Tommy was angry and frustrated. I understood. But the fire in my chest seemed more of a dull ember now. 
“I know he did. and I should be more angry. I wish I could go to his grave, pour his shit on it, and light it on fire. But I can’t. We hurt each other. I think that’s part of why I still love him. At the end of the day, I would have died to protect him. And he would die to protect us.”
“But he didn’t protect us, things- things are worse!” 
“He may have calculated this, but he does have his weaknesses.”
“What is that?”“Us. He can never suspect how we’ll react to his attempts to protect us. So he does what he thinks he deserves to protect us.”
I snuffed the rest of my cigarette among the rubble and ash, taking a moment to taste the lingering smoke in my mouth. I looked out on the lowering sunset, taking it upon myself to wrap an arm around Tommy's shoulders and pull him into a hug. 
“He may not have been good towards the end, but there was always good in him. And that alone comforts me. I hope it helps you too.” 
He just nodded softly, staring out at the sunset as he sighed out a soft question, “where will you go after this?”
I just shrugged, “gonna walk a long time and see where I end up. Probably build a small shack and try to live in peace if I can.” 
He nodded softly, “send me a letter once you do. I want to at least know where the one person who knows what this feels like lives.” 
I nodded quietly, and we sat there in silence until the sun went down fully. We said our goodbyes, but before I could leave, Tommy stopped and turned back to me, speaking softly and pensively,
“I thought you quit smoking.”
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thebaddestofbatches · 4 years ago
The Bad Batch Preferences pt. 1
Favorite Place: Just behind your ear and along your jaw. He prefers to wrap his arms around you from behind and these places are easier to reach. Plus they’re more sensitive and he likes to watch you squirm.
Makeouts: Definitely. And frequently. Whenever he gets back from a mission, you do something he finds hot, or just because he hasn’t kissed you in awhile.
First Kiss:
It was hot on Techitua. Dusty too. You lowered your shades on your nose, a polarized version of Tech’s goggles as Crosshair opened a case on the ground.
A makeshift shooting range was set up parallel to the Marauder, a metal piece with a target spray painted on it placed at a distance of 25 meters.
Hunter had told you that if you wanted to stay on board, you needed to know how to defend yourself and assigned you to Crosshair, without even asking if you had any prior experience.
“Alright. I don’t expect you to be top notch with this thing.” Crosshair said, his tone borderline patronizing as he removed a small blaster from the case. “Blasters take a lot of practice to use correctly and you’re only a doctor. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t hit anything.”
You raised an eyebrow at him and took the blaster from his hand. Barely looking at the target, you took aim and fired one, two, three, four, five shots.
Crosshair’s slack jaw and a quick glance told you they all hit the bullseye.
“You forget, soldier,” You said smugly. “I’m an army doctor. I can rip you apart and put you back together just as easily.”
Crosshair’s toothpick hit the dirt and then he was on you, smashing his lips to your hungrily.
Favorite place: Your hand. He likes to hold your hand and bring it up to his lips for absentminded kisses. When you cup his face, he turns his head and presses kisses to your palm.
Makeouts: Not too often. He’s shy after all his modifications and you definitely have to initiate them, but once he relaxes, then he’s into it.
First Kiss:
“Dang ferreck!” You swore as the control panel of the rescued radio shocked you for the fifth time that night.
You gave it a swift thump on the top in retaliation, gritting your teeth.
You needed this to work. It had to work. It’d been so long since you heard real music.
Another try at the wiring and another spark that singed your fingertips. You let out another string of curses and tossed your screwdriver onto the counter with a clank before thumping your forehead against the table repeatedly.
There was a gentle touch on your back that stopped your assault on your cranium. You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. You could feel the poke of Echo’s prosthetic through your tunic.
“You alright?” He asked.
“No,” You grumbled into the metal.
Echo sighed quietly and after some shifting behind you, you raised your head to see his human hand disconnect two crossed wires and reconnect them at new points. There was a fizz of static and then a gentle song began to float through the speakers.
You let out a whoop of joy and leaped to your feet, grabbing the clone by his collar to pull him down for a quick kiss.
“Thank you!” You squealed, snatching up your screwdriver again and leaving Echo standing there, stunned and pink.
Favorite place: Your neck. He likes to feel your pulse point and kiss the sunmarks and spots along your skin. It’s also one of the best places for him to get your scent.
Makeouts: Not as often as Crosshair, but frequent. He likes to be affectionate with you and when he gets time or feels stressed, being around you and close to you is his priority.
First Kiss:
You’d been separated from the Batch in a marketplace and were now wandering aimlessly.
As you passed an alleyway you heard a whistle and a man sidled up to you.
“Hey gorgeous,” He said. “Where you going?”
“Away from you,” You muttered, but he heard it anyway and snorted. “Feisty girl.”
A gag rose up in your throat and you increased your pace. Behind you the man called. “Hey I’m talking to you! Though I appreciate the view!”
A hand landed on your butt and you whirled, fist raised to deck the stranger for daring to touch you. Before you could though, someone stepped between you and punched him, hard.
You looked up to see Hunter, a deep scowl on his tattooed face as he glowered at your harasser.
“Don’t touch her,” He growled, drawing up to his full height.
The man spat and launched himself at Hunter, sending them both rolling to the ground.
There was some yelling and sounds of fists hitting bodies before Hunter scrambled to his feet breathing hard as your harasser lay on the ground, groaning.
Hunter turned to you with worried eyes and you punched him in the arm hard and then quickly pecked his lips. “You didn’t have to make a scene.”
“Sorry,” He said, not sounding sorry at all as he pulled you in for another kiss.
Favorite place: Your forehead and temples. He can get so busy with this or that and a quick peck to the forehead is his go-to for affection when he’s caught up in something.
Makeouts: Usually whenever he gets an idea he wants to try with you. He learned affection mainly from books so he’s picking up more and more as he goes. Usually you initiate the sessions. However, when he gains confidence later in the relationship, things get more serious as he experiments.
First Kiss:
“Tech?” You called from the porch of your hideout. Hunter had sent you to fetch the male for dinner and so far he was nowhere to be found.
“In here!” The clone called and you followed the sound into the shed to see Tech holding two vials above a pot.
“What’re you doing?” You asked leaning on the doorframe.
“I’m testing a theory. The substance excreted from the fire salamanders’ skin may have some properties that can boost our explosives.” He replied, carefully tipping the vial of white powder in, followed by the orange liquid.
“And you thought it was a good idea to test that in my shed?” You said, quirking a brow.
The technician had the decency to look a little abashed. “Well it isn’t in the house.”
He set the tubes aside and picked up a firestarter, holding it over the pot. “And a spark to trigger the reaction..”
Crack. Fwoomp! Boom!
The small windows shattered and you ducked as a blaze burst up from the pot and then died out just as quickly, sending up a cloud of ash and dust.
When the smoke receded, you heard Tech give a small cough and looked over to see his whole face covered in soot and the front of his normally gelled back hair spiked up.
You burst into giggles, picking up a small cloth from the worktable and approaching the clone to wipe his goggles clean.
He blinked at you from behind the lenses, like he was surprised to see you and you smiled. “That went well.”
Tech gave you a sheepish look. “I’m sorry about the windows. I’ll fix them tomorrow.”
You laughed again, waving him off. “It’s alright. I was prepared for damages when I brought you lot here.”
He gave you a grateful look and suddenly you couldn’t help yourself, darting forward and pecking his lips.
Tech immediately turned scarlet. “What was that for?”
You shrugged. “For being you.”
And then you passed him the cloth with a wink. “Hunter says dinner’s ready. You should probably clean up a bit before you come inside.”
Favorite place: Your cheeks and nose. He likes to pepper kisses all over your face. He’s so enraptured by you that he wants to keep you close at all times to make sure you’re real. Plus he’s a massive cuddlebug.
Makeouts: On occasion. But this boy is too much of a teddy bear for anything more than gentle loving touches. He’s slow and sweet and so very careful with you.
First Kiss:
The Batch was pinned down in an abandoned bunker as a gang faction gathered outside. Echo was doing his best to reboot the turrets while Tech worked on the doors, but unless it happened fast, you weren’t getting out of this unscathed.
You were peering out one of the broken windows with Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker picking off grunts where you could, but they had greater numbers and illegal firepower.
A shot from a bike mounted turret hit the wall above your lookout and the ceiling caved in, causing Wrecker tackle you, cradling you to him as he rolled away.
“You alright?” He asked, pushing off of you, his voice higher than normal.
“Yeah.” You said and Hunter swore as glass shattered behind you.
“Echo!! What’s the status on those defense systems?!”
“Same as you asked thirty seconds ago!” Echo snapped. “These circuits are rubbish! This place should have been scrapped for parts years ago!”
A light bulb went off in your brain and you immediately turned to Wrecker. “Give me a charge!”
“Trust me!”
He gave you a look you couldn’t read under the helmet, but dropped an explosive in your palm.
Immediately you started dismantling it. “I need a gravmag, some wires, and anything explosive we can spare. Oh and Echo’s arm.”
“What?” Said Echo.
You ignored him and started your hunt for parts as you snatched a screwdriver, a multipurpose laser tool, and pliers from Tech’s backpack, stripped a console, broke Crosshair’s gravmag off of his grappling hook, and took three more charges from Wrecker. You dismantled, screwed, and rewired before beckoning Echo over and having him weld it all together.
“(Y/N),” Wrecker asked as he fired off another shot. “What are you doing?”
You waved him off as you activated your new, shoddy weapon of mass destruction and bolted for the window, lobbing it as hard and far as you could.
“Hit the dirt!” You yelled and there was a large boom and the whole building rattled.
When the dust cleared, you beamed proudly at the clear landscape.
The gang that had been surrounding your hiding place was now lying unconscious having been thrown a good 50 meters in all directions at extreme speeds.
“What-“ Said Crosshair in his rare stunned tone. “What did you do?”
“Simply,” You said. “I reversed the polarity and made it into a big bang.”
Wrecker whooped and tossed his helmet aside, scooping you into a bear hug and peppering kisses all over your face. “THAT’S MY GIRL!”
You turned pink and he drew back from you enough to press a sweet kiss to your lips, which only served to fill your face with crimson.
There was an awkward cough from one of his brothers and Wrecker turned a similar shade of red, setting you back on the ground.
“Er-“ He said, patting your shoulder awkwardly. “Good job.”
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years ago
The Married Life
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Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Words: 1300+
Author's Note: Basic ass title, but I couldn’t figure out a title. Lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this cute little fic with a side of spice! xox
Calum presses his lips to your forehead before you feel him get up from your shared bed. You let out a little moan and adjust your sleeping position, reaching out to grab his pillow.
He chuckles quietly and pushes some hair out of your face, his brown eyes basking in how cute you look when sleeping. You cling the man's pillow to your chest, inhaling the scent that's infused into it.
"God, I love you," Calum whispers as he looks down at your hand, seeing the wedding ring on your finger. "Love you so much."
He quietly walks out of the room, shutting the door gently before walking towards the studio room. The brunette sits down on the very low couch and gets comfortable, grabbing a hold of his blue bass before playing a few chords to warm up.
The sound of Calum playing his bass wakes you from your slumber, the sun shining into the bedroom through your blinds. A deep breath comes from your nose as you push yourself up with your arms, looking around the room to see Duke sleeping at the end of the king-sized bed.
You lay back against the bed and run your fingers through your hair. You stretch your limbs before getting up from the bed. You glance towards the chair that sits in the corner, noticing Calum's shirt draping across it.
You throw it over your torso before walking out of the room, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you look into his studio room. A smile comes to your lips as Calum sits on the low couch Ashton gave him, his eyes trained on the strings of the instrument.
"Morning, love," you mumble tiredly and your husband picks his head up, a smile forming on his lips.
The brunette takes off his headphones before setting his bass down. "Good morning, baby," Calum grins as you walk into the room. He pats his lap and you quietly laugh, lowering yourself onto him.
Calum wraps his arms around your waist, holding you close as you rest your head on his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, nuzzling his nose into your hair. "You're up pretty early," you mumble into his chest, your hands fiddling with the shirt he's wearing.
Your husband hums while his hands trail up your back. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep," Calum whispers and you look up at him. "Did I wake you?"
You nod your head and shrug your shoulders, mumbling that it's okay. "Missed you anyway," you tell him before placing a kiss on his neck.
Calum chuckles and adjusts your legs so you're sitting more comfortably when he notices the shirt you're wearing. "Is that my shirt?"
"You mean our shirt?" You wink and Calum rolls his eyes playfully. A giggle leaves your lips as his hand squeezes your side.
"You're an idiot," he laughs and you grin up at the Maori man.
You push yourself up a bit before pressing a kiss to his cheek. "But you love me," you whisper against his skin and Calum shudders a bit underneath you.
He hums in response and Calum looks down at you, his hand sliding up your back. "Mm, that I do, my love," he mumbles before connecting his lips with yours.
You sit up slightly, running your fingers through his hair as you move your lips against his. Calum's hand moves to your leg and adjusts your position, having you straddle his lap.
Your hands move to his chest, slowly running them down his torso. "How would you feel about taking a vacation?" You ask him after pulling away, Calum's eyes meeting yours.
"I'd love to, baby. Where do you wanna go?" He mentions as his hands rest on your ass.
"Anywhere you want," you shrug your shoulders and Calum stifles a laugh. "What?!"
The brunette adjusts his position a bit before bringing you closer to his body. Your hands rest on the back of the couch, feeling his hard-on pressing against your core. "I'm giving you the option to go anywhere you want and you're leaving it up to me?" Calum questions with a raised eyebrow and you chuckle.
"You know me well, don't you?" You smirk while shifting your hips, a short groan leaving your husband's lips. He nods his head in answer and you bite your lip. "Then pick a place."
Calum presses his lips together, his hands moving back to your hips before grinding you against him. "Iceland?" He groans and a gasp leaves your lips, one of your hands gripping his shoulder.
"I would love to visit Iceland," you moan and rest your forehead against his. "Fuck, Cal."
A deep chuckle leaves his lips as he bucks his hips up into you. "You like this, baby?" Calum rasps out and you nod your head. "Fuck, you look so good."
You push yourself off of his lap, eyeing him as you walk back towards the bedroom. You can hear Calum struggle to get off the couch as he follows you, his hands gripping your hips.
A giggle leaves your lips as the two of you stumble into the bedroom. "Cal-"
"Let me love you, sweetness," he groans against your lips, your fingers tugging his curls gently. "I missed your body."
A moan escapes your throat as he pushes you back onto the bed. Your lips break from his for a few seconds before reconnecting, his tongue pushing into your mouth.
Calum runs his hands up your body, fingers dipping under his shirt you're wearing. "You look really good in my clothes, baby," he mumbles against your skin, dragging his lips down your jaw.
Your eyes flutter shut, your fingers gripping one of his biceps. "I love you," you breathe out and Calum pulls away from you, his eyes cast down to look at you.
"I love you, sweetheart. So fucking much."
Your head tilts back as your husband shifts his body so he's laying between your legs. His brown eyes meet yours as he spreads your thighs apart, his thumb gliding up your pantie-covered slit.
A short gasp leaves your lips and bucks your hips up, needing more from him. "Please, Cal," you beg and Calum smirks, his tongue darting across his lips.
"Sound so pretty when you beg," he mumbles and moves your panties to the side, blowing cool air on your heat. Your fingers grip the sheets as you breathe heavily while your husband dips his head between your thighs. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of you."
You wake up from your nap, noticing Calum's gone again and a chuckle leaves your lips. "This man," you shake your head and throw the covers off of your body before getting up.
Your husband's green Empathy hoodie sits on the edge of the bed and you grab it before throwing it over your head. You inhale Calum's scent, a hum leaving your lips at how good he smells.
You walk out of the bedroom, hearing the television playing in the living room. You run a hand through your hair, stepping into the living area to see Calum sitting at the kitchen island as he stares at the show that's playing.
"Hey, handsome," you call out and your husband glances towards you.
Calum groans as you walk towards him, his large hand resting on the back of your thighs. "Why must you do this to me?" He laughs before pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. A giggle leaves your lips and shrugs your shoulders in reply. "Why are you wearing my sweater?"
A scoff leaves your lips and you slap his chest. "Can I not wear it just because?!" You question with an eyebrow raised. Calum kicks his lips and nods his head. "Well, if you must know… because it smells like you."
A smile comes to the man's lips as he squeezes your thigh. "Man, you're fucking adorable," he mumbles and kisses the side of your head. "Do you wanna go out to dinner tonight?"
You run your fingers through his hair and hum, keeping your eyes on him. "I'd love that, baby. A little date night?"
Calum grins up at you, his fingers trailing up your thighs. "The best for my queen."
Taglist: @calpalirwin @sexgodashton @myloverboyash @valentine5sos @chloestemporaryfix @aladyofalbion @philthepegacorn @calumspupils @mialuvsyou @bvbygxrl @suchalonelysunflower @devilatmydoor @spicycal @marshmallowtraver @jessalyn-jpeg @maddz-world @everyscarisahealingplace @itsasadfishworld @talkfastromance4 @notinthesameguey @iwritesiriusly @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @likehuhdude @hoodhoran @lrhbabylon @the-ghost-of-ash @itjustkindahappenedreally @mystic-233 @major5sosstan @calmsweetcreature​ @joanniecandy​ @hopelessromantic727​ @secretsicanthideanymore @wiiildflowerrr​
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fatuilady · 4 years ago
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— 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 - 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠. (headcanons)
✦ word count : 2.6𝐤
✦ feat : 𝐆𝐍 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 , [𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭] 𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨, 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭, 𝐝𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜, 𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚, 𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐨𝐫, 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢
✦ context : 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ~
✦ cw : 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐲, 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 (kaeya lol)
✦ note : apologies this one took so long, work had been swamping me ;-; ! quite long, pretty wordy, almost oneshots, but i hope you all enjoy anyway :)
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𝖆𝖑𝖇𝖊𝖉𝖔 :
✦ This particular chalk prince is all too enthralled with delicacy. His very mantra is all about the fragility of life and creation, surely, you're no exception. He has a unique fascination with life and death, yet seemed to focus little on the precious moments between the cradle and the grave.
✦ Albedo is always gentle, shy and chaste when he embraces you.
✦ At first, he was unfamiliar with the sentiment as social contact had never been his forte, since he was in fact a wall of stone (or chalk?). He'd declined your open offer from his own inexperience, he failed to consider that it may portray him as cold, distant or unwelcoming.
✦ Soon enough, Albedo would begin to ponder how such a simple interaction could bring strong emotion to humankind, yet the more he dwelled upon it, the more he found his arms feeling empty. It was as if his hypothesis was proving itself wrong.
✦ Eventually, he'd come to terms with his growing curiosity, always one to initiate an experiment, he'd offer himself to return the affections - he was very glad he did.
✦ Albedo's coy nature would let him drape one arm around your shoulder, the other taking your hand. He'd wrap his soft hands around your own, placing his head beside your own. His hair would smell soft, newborn and clean, the scent of fresh cotton, baby powder and angel feathers beside your nose as he buried into you.
✦ The chalk prince unfortunately would struggle to find the time for such intimacy on the regular, but when he did find the chance to embrace you, he'd make them last as long as he could.
✦ Perhaps this still lingered from his limited understanding of social cues, but he'd hold onto you for many minutes, more than you could count on one hand. Taking you in his arms, he would touch you as if you were a blooming Cecelia, tenderly and lovingly. You'd return his care, cuddling him and wrapping both arms around his back.
✦ During his hugs, he'd also sometimes find himself tracing over your body with inquisitive hands. Albedo had never had the chance to properly appreciate your anatomy in such a manner before, but he quickly fell in love with your form.
✦ Albedo soon began to realise the adoration behind hugs; his adoration for you also began to grow. Slowly but surely, he actively began to seek out your displays of affection, whether to feel your warmth, play with the fabric of your clothes or caress your shape, he wasn't sure.
'Thank you... deeply, for sharing this moment, you... resemble a statue, I couldn't think of anyone better suited for such an embrace.'
✦ What he was sure of was that he had appreciated the beauty of life in the same way ever before than he did when he was swaddled in your arms.
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𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖙 :
✦ The young adventurer is notoriously unlucky, his clumsiness an infamous curse that seems to follow him wherever he goes. It's precisely the reason he's very hesitant to come too close to you, for fear his awful fortune will wipe off on you. No matter how careful he seems to be, there's always something the archons never seem to be on his side.
✦ Instead of his bad luck rubbing off on you, maybe your good luck would rub off on him, at least, that's what you believed.
✦ Bennett was more than surprised when you asked for a hug, your request catching him quite off guard. He'd think on it for a moment, face painted in light pink as he reached for an invisible itch on the back of his neck.
✦ As the leader of Benny's Adventure Team, he'd find it fitting to stand alongside you, carefully tossing one of his arms over your shoulder. He'd snatch you closer with a squeeze, the marigold colour bandana he wore knotted around his upper arm tickling your chin.
✦ The hug itself would be friendly, full of total and mutual trust as you too curled an arm around his front and back. You'd both sway, beaming as laughing as he flashed you an appreciative thumbs up, the sunkiss on his skin making the clumsy boy hold the same warmth as a summer beach.
'I think you're my favourite adventure buddy, I must have been lucky for once to meet someone like you, traveller!'
✦ Bennett would hope to keep moving through Mondstadt with his arm around you. The idea was short lived, to say the least.
✦ As ever, his curse would catch him at the worst moment, a measly loose stone in the plaza floor catching his foot. Bennett tumbled, and so, you tumbled as well.
✦ The active boy would try his best to manoeuvre himself to catch you before you scraped the ground. You'd end up likely crossed over his lap, a compromising position, but it was all in good fun. You loved Bennett's antics, he brought excitement to what could have easily been a mundane life.
✦ Caught up in giggles, Bennett kept his arms crossed over you as he drew his head around to press both yours and his cheeks together. The moment was another perfect instance for a scrapbook, even some of Mondstadt's more grouchier personas sparing a chuckle for you both.
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𝖉𝖎𝖑𝖚𝖈 :
✦ For a pyro wielder, Diluc Ragnvindr doesn't present himself warmly. Seemingly tired, uninterested and slightly callous, he concerns himself with practical matters when he is alone: economist by day, vigilante by night. Stuck in his ways, he'd see no purpose in day to day public displays of affection.
✦ This doesn't mean he dislikes contact in private, however.
✦ The common misconception would leave one to believe Diluc was a stone gargoyle, incapable and unwilling to act in any other way. Alone with you, he couldn't be further from it, in fact, in most cases, he's the one to initiate the contact, sometimes without even asking.
✦ When, and only when, perfect conditions are met does Diluc lets go of his tough exterior and ultimately boils down to a lovesick puppy. However, he much prefers to be alone alongside you, of course, in these endeavours.
✦ With nobody else in sight, he would be quick to start loving, his stature still ever strong as he discarded his gloves. The dark side of dawn much preferred to hold you with his bare hands to further lift your caring skinship.
✦ Diluc would wear a sincere smile, one of patience and relief as he drew closer to you. He'd wait for you to signal him with your own charming grin, and only then would he leap into the biggest, most tender bear hug one could conjure.
✦ Strong arms suffocated you as one hand rested on the back of your head, savouring the softness of your hair. The other would cross behind you and after a few compassionate minutes, he'd concentrate his strength to lift you up, up and further into his arms.
✦ If you would like to be put down, he'd place you gentle back onto the floor, releasing you slowly. The flaming hero would notice the mess he had made of your hair, tussling it back to it's usual shape with his fingers.
✦ Otherwise, you could wrap your legs around him, and whilst supporting you, he'd spin around and hold you tightly. Head against his chest, you'd twirl stray strands of his strawberry coloured ponytail in your fingers, relishing in the lingering scent of warm booze, sweet flowers and flecks of ash.
'I apologise for the wait, I'm glad you're still here, you know how dearly I treasure your touch.'
✦ He almost seemed a natural, more so than his love driven brother when it came to private intimacy, but truthfully, he still held small amounts of insecurity. His worry would be holding you too roughly, but the more you insisted you loved his hugs, the more the people of Mondstadt would notice him acting much more chipper during his day shifts at Angel's Share.
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𝖐𝖆𝖊𝖞𝖆 :
✦ Smooth talking, smooth moving, smooth loving, there's nothing about the Favonius Cavalry Captain that doesn't radiate utmost self confidence. He acts on his own accord, conducting how he pleases. Still one for manners, he'd clear the water with you far in advance before laying on the next level of his flirtatious affairs.
✦ Kaeya Alberich is incredibly touchy, his behaviour consistent in public, private, wherever he happens to be in the same space as you. His hugs are amatory; romanced laced in the most teasing way.
✦ You could be communing with citizens of Mondstadt, researching in the library, helping sweep away stray leaves at the cathedral on behalf of a desperate attendee. Kaeya makes a habit of catching a glimpse of you as he patrols the city, making a discreet beeline to catch up to you.
✦ Regardless of if you were courting or merely on mutual acquaintanced basis, he'd know exactly which places to stir up when he hugged you from behind.
✦ The frostbearing swordsman would care little about an outside audience, and would enjoy it in true deriding manner if you grew flustered at simply the thought of being intimate in public.
✦ Kaeya would snake his arms around your waist, hands smoothing over the angles or curves. Afterwards, he'd lean into the crook of your neck to place a gentle kiss on your skin.
'I simply couldn't wait another moment, you're heavenly~'
✦ His hair, much like is brothers, would flow over your shoulder like a rich waterfall, scented with rose oil, glistening jasmine and chai.
✦ In private, Kaeya would be even more adoring, favouring a gentler approach opposed to his more teasing public affections. He'd love for you to sit between his legs on the couch, back rested against his chest.
✦ A master of fine swordmanship, he'd be oh so gentle, his touches feather soft, sometimes even so gentle you wouldn't even notice they were there. Regardless, he loves more than life to make a fuss over you when you hug, he loves to play with your hair, he loves to spin circles into your skin with careful fingertips, he loves to whisper every word you'd like to hear all with the intent of making the moment stretch for as long as it could.
✦ Kaeya knew he was free to share his love with you at any moment, but that didn't keep him from making each hug count, after all, he simply just adores the way you fit perfectly into him.
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𝖗𝖆𝖟𝖔𝖗 :
✦ Razor is a curious soul, one of primal roots. Human intimacy is worlds apart from the care he shared with his Lupical, so he craves the best of both worlds. The wolf boy wants to learn, who better to verse him in human affection than you?
✦ When you'd ask him if he would like a hug, he was unsure what it was. He'd tilt his head to the side, clueless, but eager nonetheless. If he had a tail like his canine brother and sisters, it would surely be swaying side to side by now
✦ You'd find it adorable how he'd mimic your movements like a puppet, you raised an arm and he'd do the same.
✦ As you brought yourself closer to him, he'd hesitate slightly, his feral nature urging him to step away, but his human mind knew he trusted you, so he stayed in place and allowed you to cuddle him.
✦ When wolves displayed the same behaviour, it was one of threatening origin, normally the kickstarter of an incoming fight, but with you, he felt no threat at all. Admittedly, he seemed a little stiff when you engulfed him, not quite sure what to do with his limbs, he marvelled in place for a moment.
✦ Razor felt a flurrying heat collect in his face as he gasped, gradually relaxing his shoulders as he melted away into your embrace. He also might have felt his eyes sting a little with joyful tears, it was something new, surely, but the half wolf didn't mind it.
✦ He tried to sneak a glance at how you were holding him so he could do his best to replicate it. Hesitantly, he placed his arms around you in return, though they almost seemed to lag as he moved them. Once they were securely around you, Razor felt himself click into place and squeeze tightly.
✦ Gentle wind breezed over you, catching his distinct scent of earth, fresh rain and crushed berries. He seemed a little cold from the touch, but this was expected from somebody who spent his life outside in the roaming scape of Wolvendom.
✦ His hair, though mildly knotted in some places, truly did feel plush like a wolf's pelt, ideal to pat and stroke.
'You are...warm... Razor likes it, I will... stay, for a while'
✦ Razor had discovered two things: He now loved hugs possibly more than hunting, but what he loved most was your hugs specifically.
✦ He'd be more subtle, yet increasingly obvious in the future. Whenever the overgrown puppy of a boy would crave some attention, he'd shuffle close to you, raising his arms in the same way you did when you introduced the concept to you. Moreover, he'd be seeking you out a lot-
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𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎 :
✦ A carefree and free flowing spirit by design, Venti is true to his element when it comes to hugs. He's a very affectionate boy, but in a more innocent sense. Always full of mischievous laughter, he appreciates the silliness and fun behind the little things.
✦ The windborne bard would be very open about hugs and public affections, often asking both if he could receive and give. When accepting his proposal, you'd get to see him close his eyes in delight, cheering to himself in a childish manner.
✦ He'd be all about the performance, being a bard and all gives him this habit. Laughter, singing, general sounds of delight, whatever he can conjure, Venti would beam with happiness from even the smallest contact with you.
✦ Venti would run and spring into you through the long grass strewn across Starsnatch Cliff, gusts of anemo following his excited behaviour.
✦ What's most humouring is the rather short boy propping himself up on the tips of his toes in order to better the hug, draping both of his arms around your neck.
✦ The bard would love to look into your eyes, placing a cheeky kiss on the tip of your nose. Another common practice would be cupping your face with one hand, holding it in his palm with nothing but adoration.
✦ Another curious trick of his involves his elemental skill. Charging it, he'd hold onto you tightly, chirping as you'd both lock into each other.
'Ehe, hold on tightly, I don't want you to fall!'
✦ In one single burst, you'd be launched upwards by a powerful gust, high enough to see all of Mondstadt in the unexpectedly strong arms of your favourite Archon.
✦ Brushing stray hairs that came loose from your hairstyle during the departure, he was something freeing, a breath of fresh air as you drifted contentedly to the delicate grass below.
✦ Everything about the old young bard seemed peaceful as you'd stay warm, knitted together laying down amongst the dandelions.
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© 𝖋𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖉𝖞 .
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