#anyway. god. I love them so much. I'm so soft about them
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Took me some time to answer this, but I hope you know I'm kicking my feet, hehe. Love u, Mina! <3
I certainly wasn't expecting Wikipedia to be involved, but nonetheless, amazing.
lmaoo, let me have my moment of weakness...at least it wasn't CHATGPT ikyk;)
The "you can't see color until you meet your soulmate" has since like middle school been one of my favourite plots ever, so to read yeosang fanfic created by none other than ari had me kicking my feet in the air. I was so excited to read this when we first started planning the event and im still vibrating with excitement 🤭
maaan, stop, why haven't you told me when we were planning the event, WOMAN??? This is so sweet tho, thank you very much! You're jinja the sweetest, ack!
I really like this MC. She can both feel envy for those who have found their soulmate but also be happy for them. and, oh my god, how she wonders if the warmth of seeing her customers happy is the same as the one she'll get seeing her soulmate 😭
she wants to hate them couples, but deep down, she can't because she's just a hopeless romantic lol (like me?? idk)
The further into the fic I get, the more I fall in love with your writing again Ari. There's something so special about how you describe the MC finally being able to see the colors. Like it doesn't hit her all at once, but gradually, as if she's always known that blue is the shade of the sky and green is the rich color of grass outside. And it's amazing how everything clicks in place when she sees Yeosang's reaction. I also love that she takes the time to drink in everything after Yeosang leaves. She admires the flowers in their true form for the first time ever and I think that's really sweet 🥹
ahh, I had this scene envisioned even before writing it...like, i got this idea when we were randomly searching for the tropes and I was like OMG i want this trop because i could do this really cool scene with it-and to know it came off well...THANK UUU
She doesn't get it by looking at the different ribbons or flowers, when a wave of rainbow washes over her, no. She realises that she has met her soulmate by seeing him. And, in some way, I find that to be more romantic than if she'd put two and two together by seeing the true color of the ribbon for the first time.
it iiis so much mooore romantic, AAACK!!
I freaking love their date 😭😭 They are so cute and soft with each other, and just taking it slow until they gradually warm up and are more relaxed. AND MC GIVING HIM A FREAKING HUG, THAT WAS SO CUTE- UGh....🤧 I love how they are always somehow touching whether its hugging, holding hands or literally knees nudging together 🥹 They've been apart for too long that they can't help it oh my heart~~
im glad you liked their cute little dates because i was kicking my feet HARD lol. And yes, they've been apart for too long now and don't want to miss any more seconds. I'm glad they are endearing hehe
THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT EARLIER!!! They're just so comfortable with each other now, as if they've known each other for years 😭 A thing that's sorta important to me is the idea that you can sit in a silence with someone and not feel awkward about it. Like you can just bask in each other's presence and think, "this is nice" despite not exchanging words.
if the love that finds me isn't gentle, I DON'T WANT IT OKAY?? I love moments like this one so much UGH, i was unwell writing it LOL. I knew you'd be a sucker for them as well, hehe ^^
lmaoo, you always make me crack up when you say this...im pinning it, btw!
Ahem, anyways! This story is so sweet and cute and soft and- *inhales* I'm now in need of more Yeosang fanfics 😭 As I always say, you never cease to amaze me Ari and this fic, at least I feel like, made you explore the more softer side of your creativity. Considering we've read a plethora of different genres, but now we get to see more of your fluffy-side and I can say I'm in love with it. Matter of fact, I might even send you a request of more fluffy!Yeosang 👀🩷
AAA now stop it Mina, that infinitely too sweet, I cannot do this. You saying I'm exploring my softer side of creativity has my heart soaring through my chest for some reason, thank uuu so much. I've been really enjoying writing these stories, thank you for taking part in it and giving me a chance to do something fun on this site hehe. That being said, I'll be catching up with your Hwa story!
A world in your colours
𐀔 Cherry Blossom, March Event 𐀔
Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Daycare teacher!Kang Yeosang x Florist!reader
𐀔 Warning: none 𐀔 Word count: 6.2k 𐀔 Rating: sfw 𐀔 Genre: fluff, soulmates: you see all the colours for the first time when you meet your soulmate, strangers to lovers, fated together 𐀔 Summary: A world through the faint hues of your soulmate's eye colour isn't the most colourful life to live. Approaching twenty-five and still being unable to see all the colours the world has to offer has you worried that you'll never meet your soulmate. Doubts and questions riddle your mind day and night, but at least you have the one thing that makes you happy no matter what, your little flowers. You can't actually see their colours, but you can imagine their vibrancy. And then, one day when you're making a bouquet for a lovely man, your whole world gets covered in an overwhelming amount of colour, rendering you stunned.
A/N: Here it is, our lovely Yeosang's drabble. I love this guy and I love this little fluffy story, man, I was smiling so widely while writing these two, they are so endearing. Despite writing a florist!au...I cannot take care of my plants for the life of me, even though I really love them...especially pretty little flowers, but oh, well, I'll have to get better at taking care of them once I move out...I hope you enjoy this drabble and let me know what you thought of it, your feedback is much appreciated! Enjoy! ^^ divider @cromernet
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Taglist: @thecarnivaloflies @faeriehwa @mingiatz @kang-ulzzang @xylatox
@mintchocolatto @mintsugarr93 @solaris-amethyst @foxinnie8 @marvolos
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@justconniez @ateezswonderland @lemonkait00 @youcanstayalways @cristy-101
@my-atiny-kookie-rkive @wooyouz @cosmicrecs
Colour, as defined by everyone’s best friend, Wikipedia, is the visual perception based on the electromagnetic spectrum. Although colour is not a fundamental attribute of matter itself, the way we perceive it is intricately tied to how an object absorbs, reflects, and emits light, as well as the subtle play of interference within those light waves. That was another sentence you had long ago read on the internet, and it stuck with you. Your peers have always considered you a bit strange for your obsession with colours, but then again, in a world that was painted mostly grey with hues of brown, amber, and copper, you couldn’t help but obsess over it. It wasn’t by choice that you couldn’t see all colours…if it were up to you, you’d coat your whole life in nothing but a mess of bright and light pastels. You sighed at the reoccurring thought as you walked over to another plastic vase to grab a purple Lily to add to the bouquet. You double-checked the label before grabbing it, though; you didn’t need another embarrassing incident today.
The sole reason as to why you couldn’t see colours yet was because you hadn’t met your soulmate yet. In a way, it was something you were glad for because you’d know for sure who your soulmate was. You’ve read stories written by famous novelists who fantasized about a world where your soulmate's first words directed at you would be inked into your skin, and you wondered whether that felt as magical as the author made it seem. What if five different people said the same exact words to you that were on your wrist? What then? How would you decide which was your soulmate? You didn’t like thinking about that, though, content with the reality of your world. Sure, it was a bit depressing and quite literally grey, but it also brought a sense of excitement and anticipation with it. Whenever you allowed yourself to fantasize about the moment when you’d meet your soulmate, your cheeks would burn hot, and your heart would race. You’d close your eyes and try to imagine all the vibrant colours that suddenly coloured your surroundings.
You figured it would feel overwhelming at first, making you sentimental or sending you into a panicked sobbing. You thought it would blind you and make you feel nauseous as all the colours would be suddenly as vivid as an explosion in the distance that was now right under your nose. You thought you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself anymore, that you’d need a second to piece your thoughts back together, to make sense of the situation, to tell yourself that everything was okay. That’s how you imagined you’d react, but you were always a person full of surprises, even to yourself. Besides, diving too deep into this topic always leaves you with a sour aftertaste. You were twenty-five, and your world was still gloomy, devoid of the warmth and brightness everyone around you gushed about. It wasn’t unusual to be still single by twenty-five, but most people have found their soulmates back in high school. Your parents, for example, were even luckier than that and met in middle school; their worlds suddenly filled with all colours. You were jealous of them, but you also admired them profoundly.
Their love was deep and unlike anything you’d seen before. Their respect for each other went even deeper than their love, kindness and devotion, just a few sentiments that could be added to their plate when cherishing one another. You wished for a gentle love like theirs, for quiet moments where no words had to be uttered to be understood, for genuine kindness and laughter that filled the longing in your chest. You smiled at your customer as you tied her bouquet together, getting an excited grin back in return.
“Oh, this is gorgeous!” She exclaimed as you grabbed a little butterfly sticker, searching for the perfect leaf to press onto, “My little one will love this!”
You were happy that the mother was excited; seeing your clients excited and happy over the flowers you loved so much always filled your chest with warmth. You imagined being with your soulmate felt like that, too. You handed the bouquet over to the woman once you were done with it, accepting her card when she said she had no cash.
“I’ve never seen anyone combine these colours so beautifully before,” The woman mused to herself as her eyes took in the plethora of flowers, a mixture of white, yellow, pink and even a little bit of purple in there, “You’ve got an artistic eye for it.”
You felt proud at the praise as you handed the card back, grinning at the lady as you bowed your head in gratitude, “That’s a lovely compliment, thank you so much!”
You didn’t have the heart to tell the lady that you had no idea what the flowers looked like in colour, whether the pink bow you’d tied to keep the bouquet together matched with the flowers you had chosen. The lady left soon after as she was in a rush, and you sighed, looking around the flower shop. You could tell the walls were a lighter orange, the shades a dark brown and probably your soulmate’s exact eye colour since the colour was so rich in hue. You’ve always wondered if the other colours were just as beautiful as the ones you could lightly see from time to time—or more pronounced if they were the same colour as your soulmate’s eyes—and your conclusion had always been that, yes, no matter what nuance or hue, all of it was just as gorgeous.
You thought of colours as you thought of flowers, special and unique in their ways, distinguishable and rather easy to remember once you learned their properties. Flowers have been your escape since a young age when your preschool teacher tasked you with growing little beans, encouraging you to name them and speak to them daily. After that, you had asked your parents whether you could try and cultivate your little garden in your room, and once they’ve given you the go, you had never turned back. The flower shop that you were working at wasn’t yours just yet, but its owner—a lovely middle-aged woman—was considering passing it on to you once she had grown old and tired of her business. You’d gladly take over it as you had no big plans for your future. You were content living in the place you had been born, surrounded by friends and family. You realised you were luckier than most that you could live a comfortable and fulfilled life, and that’s why you always made sure to give back to your community, even if it was something little.
You were just about to walk over to the vase with sunflowers when the doorbell chimed, signalling a new customer. You plastered a small smile to your lips and straightened your back, welcoming the man who had decided to walk inside your store, “Hello, how may I help you?”
“Hi, uhm, it’s my mother’s birthday today.” The man spoke, surprising you with his deep voice. His features were soft and relaxed; it was an unexpected juxtaposition, “Her favourite flowers are Magnolias; do you have any of that?”
You nodded your head, walking over to the vase placed right by the entrance. They were fresh as they had come in just today, so they were gorgeous as they were in bloom, “Silk Magnolias are mostly used for bridal bouquets, but I can make you a simpler one if you want me to.”
“I’d love that, please.” The man said as you two looked at each other, and for some unexplainable reason, your heart skipped a beat. You averted your eyes shily and crouched down to grab three Magnolias, your long skirt brushing past your ankles.
“They go well with Gardenias; would you like me to add some of those too?” You stood back up, realising that since the bouquet would be all white, you could add a deep red coloured ribbon to it, or perhaps even a soft pink one. The challenge, however, would be to find the right nuances since your coworker messed up some of the colours after her shift. You’d be embarrassed to ask the man for a little guidance, and that would be also you assuming that he had found his soulmate already, which would be a bit rude as you didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. Due to you being unable to see all colours, everything inside the store was labelled with little post-it notes, bold letters stating the colour of the flowers. With that also came the shelf behind the front counter always being organised after a system that you had already memorised, no need to read the labels anymore. All ribbons and coloured foils were placed in their designated spot so that you’d know which one was which colour, but your coworker had mixed up the black and blue ones, resulting in you embarrassing yourself not even half an hour ago when a customer asked for blue ribbons and you had given them black ones. You quickly fixed your mistake, and the man wasn’t even upset, but your cheeks still burned with shame as now the man knew you still hadn’t met your destined partner.
“Uh, if you think it’ll be pretty, sure.” The man said, walking to the counter as you went behind it to organise the bouquet for him, “May I ask…what colour it’ll be?”
You froze for a second before you hummed, going over to the Gardenias to grab two of them, “White, if that’s alright.”
The man nodded eagerly, letting his green briefcase rest on the counter where it didn’t invade your space, “That’ll be perfect, my mother loves the colour white.”
You smiled as you glanced up at the man, and somehow it seemed as if the sunrays shining through the window were brighter, creating a white haze around him. He looked really pretty with his curly hair falling over his forehead, curling around his cheekbones, and you noted its copper hue with slight admiration. Afraid you were starting to stare, you lowered your eyes and started working on the man’s bouquet. You first made sure all the flowers were fresh and in perfect shape, undamaged by transport, and then cut into the ends a bit. Then you held the Magnolias together, arranging the Gardenias in between and adding a few dark green weeds for a better aesthetic. The handle of the tape was almost black, and you found yourself humming a melody as you taped the flowers together just until you’d tied the ribbon around it. You pulled the bouquet away from your face and felt the customer’s eyes on your face, almost insistent, but you kept working with a small smile on your face, catching a glance at your bright orange nails. You remembered your mother saying that colour might be a bit too bright, but since you couldn’t see it well as it was dulled to your eyes, you decided to still go for it. It was fun, after all.
You turned then and looked at the shelf behind you, tilting your head in wonder. There was the blue ribbon that had embarrassed you earlier, small white dots decorating the fabric, and you found it cute how the pastel colours blended nicely together. You glossed over the black and blue ribbons, they wouldn’t make the white pop right now. You needed something intense and eye-catching—like the burgundy fabric that would look gorgeous in contrast with the white flowers! You grinned triumphantly and grabbed it off the shelf, turning around to tie it tightly around the bouquet, making sure the flowers didn’t move while you worked on making the perfect bow, not too small nor too big. Your chest felt warm, and you were aware of your cheeks burning, but you couldn’t decide whether it had gotten warmer inside the shop or if it was the man’s eyes following your every move that made you feel shy. Nonetheless, you smiled brightly as you raised the bouquet and extended it towards the man. His eyes were slightly wide as they frantically searched your face, and you felt a little disheartened as you couldn’t decipher what his reaction meant. Was your bouquet really that gorgeous, or did he perhaps not like it and wasn’t sure how to voice his thoughts?
“Oh,” You muttered, eyebrows slightly raised as you glanced at the man’s burgundy red hair and then at the ribbon, “The ribbon matches your hair! What a coincidence…”
Your smile froze on your face, your heart stilling in your chest. The ribbon matches your hair, kept repeating in your head like a distant echo as your fingers slightly trembled, your eyes running all over the man in a panic. He was taller than you, a bit buff underneath his dark green suit, tailored to fit his body prettily. His necktie was a light orange, a lighter shade that still matched his beautifully dyed hair, his lips a cherry red much like the small heart-shaped discolouration on his left temple. Your breath stuttered in your chest as your hands fell to the counter, mindful of the bouquet in your hands still.
“I am.” The man sounded just as winded as you did, a huff of disbelief leaving his mouth, “Your socks are so bright, they match your nail colour.”
Your bottom lip trembled as you laughed, looking down at your socks that peeked out from underneath your skirt. They were bright, really bright actually, a neon colour worse than your nails. You had no idea you even owned them, and you wondered why your mother had never said anything about them.
“The bouquet will be 15€.” You said as you typed the amount into the cash register, and the man nodded, opening his dark green briefcase.
“Right, thank you so much.” The man said, fumbling with his wallet as he opened it, pressing the crumpled-up money on the counter. He reached out for the bouquet but hesitated slightly, and you averted your eyes as your fingers brushed together. You had a feeling it wasn’t by accident, given that the man’s cheeks also flushed pink, eyes abashed, “My mother will love it.”
“Happy birthday to your mother.” You found yourself saying as the man pressed his wallet into the small pocket of his suit jacket, briefcase in his firm grip. You didn’t want him to leave, not yet, but you couldn’t keep him here all day…it was his mother’s birthday, after all.
“I’ll come by tomorrow, same time as today. When does your shift end?” Your heart skipped a beat as the man stumbled into the open front door as he was walking backwards, his eyes not leaving you for one second. You chuckled and bit your bottom lip, playing with the money in your hands.
“I have the morning shift; I’ll be ready to go by the time you make it here.” The man’s lips pulled into a wide smile, lighting his whole face up. He looked gorgeous, and you felt breathless as you watched him wave at you and almost get stuck on the door handle, his cheeks flushing pink again as he finally left the store with haste. He glanced back inside through the huge window, and you told yourself to hold it together until you couldn’t see him anymore, and then came the squeals you could barely contain in front of him, your heart racing a mile. You had to take a seat and press your forehead against the cool counter, and even that didn’t help the warmth from spreading throughout your body as if winter was finally over and the first spring sun was here to warm you up from the inside out. That man was your soulmate. Your fingers trembled as you raised your head, blinking hard.
The world was so…different. Everything had colour, absolutely everything, and you didn’t know how to react to it all. The counter, which you thought was a light green or blue, was actually a cute beige colour, the stickers stuck to it a whirlwind of bright colours. You traced them before looking back up, eyes taking in all the beautiful flowers. You couldn’t believe that you could see the yellowness of the Sunflowers, a little taken back that they looked mustard coloured…or was that right? You hadn’t seen mustard yet, so you couldn’t tell; you’d have to test your theory out once you got home. The Lilies, the purple ones, left you in awe of their beauty, and you couldn’t help but walk over to the blue Orchids and trace their petals with a fond smile. You wondered who the man was as you looked out the window dreamily, your heart racing in your chest uncontrollably. He was a gorgeous person, and he also seemed kind; you couldn’t wish for tomorrow to come faster. You giggled to yourself and hurried back behind the counter, hands shaking as you dialled your boss in your excitement, too eager to tell her that you could see all the colour around you now.
Your hands trembled as you clocked out, locking eyes with your grinning co-worker. She was a bouncing ball of nerves, even more excited than you over the fact that your soulmate was supposed to show up any time now. You chewed on your bottom lip and smoothed down your kaki long skirt, your black blouse thin so you had to cover up due to the morning chill. Your warm and long coat was a bright orange, and on your way home yesterday, you had realised that orange was slowly becoming your favourite colour. Judging based on your wardrobe, littered in colours you had no idea even existed, you had concluded that even unknowingly, your world had always been infused with colours. Your mother cried, and your father jumped around in happiness when you told them about this new development, right while having dinner, accidentally slipping up by saying sunflowers were definitely not mustard coloured. You had wanted to tell them in a cosier setting, perhaps in a cuter way too, but what was done was done. Your mother then made you call your grandmother, who was groggy since she was getting ready for bed, but the soft smile on her lips told you that she was just as happy for you as your parents, co-worker, and boss.
“What was your first impression of him?” Your co-worker smiled brightly at you, fiddling with a ribbon she had difficulty tying around the thick bouquet.
“He’s just…he seems very sweet and caring.” You heard yourself saying, chewing on your bottom lip as your eyes were glued to the huge window. He was supposed to be here a few minutes ago, but then again, he hadn’t specified an exact time when he’d stop by, “His features are really delicate, but he looks manly still. I love his hair, though; it’s so rich in colour.”
“What colour is it?” Your co-worker followed up with her question quickly, too invested to pay any attention to the bouquet she was supposed to finish in five minutes.
“Burgundy, and he has a matching—” You gasped, eyes widening as the man was here. He wore a tailored suit again, a beaver brown—you’d stayed up until a very late hour last night, researching colours and hues, shades and tones, trying to memorise them all in your rush of excitement—and his tie was a darker orange. Your heart was racing furiously as it felt impossible to look away; your eyes met when the man arrived by the door. His eyes were wide, and his cheeks slightly flushed a light pink colour, and you took a deep breath before you turned to wave at your co-worker. She looked stunned, eyes frozen on the man before her grin spread wider, ushering you out the shop with a squeal. It was embarrassing, but you were more preoccupied with walking straight without having your knees give out as you watched the man open the door for you.
“Thank you.” You lowered your eyes as he hummed, stepping aside to make space for you, “Hi…uhm, it’s lovely seeing you again?”
You wanted to facepalm yourself for making it sound like a question, but the man didn’t seem bothered as he chuckled, ducking his head. His suit jacket was nicely folded over his arm, his white shirt clinging to his body. It had gotten significantly warmer by noon, but you were someone who easily got cold, so you didn’t take your coat off.
“Hi, it’s really nice seeing you, yeah.” Then, the man cleared his throat and looked up with more confidence on his face, “I didn’t introduce myself yesterday. I was honestly too stunned to function properly. My name is Kang Yeosang.”
You extended your hand to shake Yeosang’s hand, your soulmate, and blushed when your skin made contact with his. His palm was bigger than yours, and his skin was really soft, but his grip was confident and strong without hurting you. You told him your name, and his eyes sparkled under the bright sunlight, and you felt yourself unable to look away. Yeosang was gorgeous; seldom did you see a man like him. It felt slightly surreal that he was your soulmate, and you felt extremely lucky all of a sudden. You didn’t know him yet, but something told you he was an amazing person.
“Where would you like us to go?” Yeosang’s question reminded you of the fact that you were still standing outside the flower shop, quite blocking the entrance actually, and you flushed darker when you realised your co-worker was most likely watching the two of you.
“Maybe for a stroll in the park just there?” You pointed across the street, the gates of the lovely park in the heart of the city visible. Yeosang nodded enthusiastically and motioned in front of himself as a way to tell you to lead the way. As you took off, you found yourself walking as close by Yeosang’s side as you could without making it weird, and your heart hadn’t stopped racing ever since you saw him. There was something magnetic about the man, about your soulmate, and you felt like you couldn’t last another day without being in his presence. Matter of fact, you didn’t want to be since you’ve waited twenty-five years for this moment.
“Would you like some coffee? Or tea?” Yeosang asked as you two noticed the small coffee stand at the same time and you hummed, looking at Yeosang a little sheepishly.
“I don’t like coffee, but I really like tea.” Yeosang chuckled, something like endearment appearing on his face as he grabbed your elbow gently and veered you away from the oncoming crowd of teenagers.
“That’s funny. I don’t like tea but basically live off of coffee.” You chuckled too, your eyes meeting as Yeosang walked you two over to the coffee stand. There weren’t a lot of tea options, so you settled for wild berries, glad that the vendor had some homemade honey for you to mix with your tea instead of sugar. Yeosang asked for a simple black coffee with ice, a bit of milk and one spoonful of sugar, and you found yourself reciting his order in your mind until you could recall it easily.
With your drinks in your hands, you headed for the crosswalk, having to wait since it was red for the pedestrians. The street was bustling with many people at this hour, and not everyone was as self-aware as you—and it seemed like Yeosang, too—so they either didn’t look where they walked or purposefully pushed people around to get further to the front. You had to make space for a guy on his phone, not paying even a little bit of attention to those around himself as you, too, could hear the music coming from his headphones. You tried to make space for everyone, but before you could step behind Yeosang, you felt fingers sneaking between yours, a warm palm pressed against yours as you were gently guided into Yeosang’s side. His eyes were still sparkling, his cheeks were red—not as red as the discolouration on his temple—and you thought for a second you could hear his rapidly beating heart.
“Is this okay?” He asked almost too quietly for you to hear with the honking cars and loudly conversing people, but you did catch it, and you nodded eagerly, making sure to squeeze Yeosang’s hand for extra confirmation.
“Yes! More than okay, actually.” You sounded more confident than you felt, and Yeosang was suddenly smiling widely, his cheeks pulled up and making him look the softest. Before you could do something as crazy as lean up and nuzzle your nose against his, the light turned green, and you followed the crowd, crossing the street. The walk to the park’s entrance was quiet, your hands fitting perfectly into each other’s, and you revelled in the comfort of it all as Yeosang occasionally glanced at you. The park wasn’t as packed as the sidewalks, and you could freely roam around without bumping into anyone, and yet, your hands stayed intertwined.
“So,” You spoke up, taking a sip of your tea before you faced Yeosang while walking, “What do you do for work? I’m a florist, but you know that much about me already.”
Yeosang hummed, facing you with that adorable small smile on his lips, “I’m a daycare teacher. The school isn’t far from here. You actually saved me yesterday. I was running late for my mother’s birthday dinner, and I thought there weren’t any flower shops close by.”
You chuckled, veering Yeosang away from the flock of birds that didn’t look too friendly, “Did your mother like the bouquet?”
“Yes, she loved it, thank you.” Yeosang then stopped, tilting his head with furrowed eyebrows, “I told them…my parents…that I found my soulmate, and they, well, uhm, they want to meet you. I know it’s too soon, and I asked them to wait a little bit until we’ve gotten to know each other, but they are just too impatient and excited to finally meet you.”
You felt your heart swell and almost burst out of your chest as your smile grew into a wide grin. You didn’t even realise it, but you had taken a step closer to Yeosang, smiling up at him so widely that your cheeks ached. Yeosang looked stunned for a second before he returned your smile, biting his lower lip as he averted his gaze down to the ground, “I’d love that, but I want to do what makes you feel comfortable. If you think we should wait, then we will; if not…just let me know when it’s good for you and your parents.”
Yeosang nodded, his eyes finding yours, “You are so kind.”
“You are too, Yeosang.” You chuckled, and it was your time to look down. Yeosang seemed to feel proud over that compliment before he took off, guiding the two of you through the park.
“I don’t feel like we are rushing, but I think it’s more responsible if we go on a few dates first.” You felt like a high school girl, wanting to squeal over the fact that you’d be going on dates with Yeosang, “My parents are nice people, but they are…well, they had gotten a bit desperate about me finding my soulmate. Honestly, they thought you were dead.”
Well, that thought had never crossed your mind before, but it definitely didn’t sit well with you as you looked at Yeosang with a frown. His expression looked neutral, but he squeezed your hand, “I’m twenty-seven, so they think I’m too old to be single. My parents’ families were close friends, so they’ve always known they are soulmates. They had it easy, so it was weird seeing their son struggle to find his soulmate.”
“Did it hurt you? That you sought me out without success for so long?” You found yourself asking, curious to know how Yeosang felt. He seemed to think for a second, humming as he looked down at his cup of coffee.
“It was frustrating at first, mostly because my parents were also pressuring me.” He looked at you from the corner of his eyes, then shrugged, “Then I realised I wouldn’t find you faster if I made myself mull over it, so I just let it go. Since we are fated to be together, I realised I couldn’t trick fate and quicken the process.”
You hummed in agreement, realising you’ve had a similar mindset to Yeosang’s for the past one or two years, “I’m twenty-five and had lost hope at some point. My parents, similar to yours, met very early on, in middle school. I thought I’d also find my soulmate around that time, and when it didn’t happen, I thought it would come in high school…but then that didn’t happen either, and I felt disheartened, like something was wrong with me. And then I realised I can’t push something that isn’t meant to happen just yet.”
“I’m sorry I made you wait.” Yeosang’s answer was quick, his hand squeezing yours as your eyebrows furrowed.
“Don’t apologise, the wait was worth it in the end.” You giggled, averting your eyes shily.
“Yeah?” Yeosang sounded surprised, perhaps even a bit cocky, “You think so?”
“I think that you’re very handsome, Yeosang, and soft.” There was no reason to be embarrassed in front of your soulmate, certainly not when it came to complimenting him, “You have an aura of kindness and brightness around you; I think it’s everything I wanted in a partner.”
Yeosang was smiling widely again, nodding his head as he became shy once again, “You’re cute and vibrant; your smile makes my heart race. I’m thankful that you are my soulmate.”
You stopped walking, the sudden urge to hug Yeosang wasn’t something you could control, so you threw your arms around his torso and leaned into him, smiling to yourself as your head landed on his shoulder. Yeosang’s arms were quick to go around you, squeezing you into himself, and you realised he smelled like oranges and fresh grass, refreshing and calming. You loved the fresh smell of nature, and you loved Yeosang’s natural fragrance. You heard a chuckle, and suddenly something was plucked out of your hair, making your eyebrows furrow as you slightly pulled back, looking at Yeosang’s hand. A dry leaf was between his fingers, his expression amused.
“You’re like a garden fairy, do bees gravitate towards you during summer?” You laughed and shook your head, feeling a bit embarrassed as Yeosang pocketed the leaf instead of letting it fall to the ground. Your cheeks burned as you two let go of each other, fingers naturally intertwining as you headed for a bench, “Why did you choose to become a florist?”
You sat down on the bench, facing each other, and Yeosang’s knee brushed lightly against your thigh. You held your cup of tea in both hands, playing with it as you looked down in your lap, “Well, I just really love nature. I’ve always felt at ease around my little plants in my room, and then I realised I just really love flowers. They are so beautiful and tender, you have to nurture them and take care of them as if they were human. I feel like I have a connection to nature; it’s like I can be completely myself around all that beauty—and the colours! Oh, I love their colours, they are so gorgeous! I’m so glad you walked into the shop yesterday. I had no idea I was missing out on—so much!”
Yeosang watched with fascination on his face as you spoke, a little overexcited that he wanted to hear your hobbies and likes. It was only normal; you’d have to gradually get to know each other, yet it still felt surreal that the sky was an almost transparent blue, the clouds completely white, the barks of the trees various shades of brown, the grass so green, all the leaves, and all the colourful flowers. You loved seeing all the colour on people, too, how they expressed themselves by their outfits, all the colours inside buildings and outside. You’d have to buy some more colourful furniture for your room since it’s mostly beige and yellow. You wanted to cover your world in the colours of the rainbow, in every possible hue and shade.
“Yes, the world is so…intense now, vibrant. It’s impressive how I could live without it all.” Yeosang’s deep voice was soft and quiet as if he was speaking to himself, “I like being in nature, surrounded by wildlife, away from the noisy city. We could go on hikes and maybe even camping.”
You nodded eagerly, having fond memories of the hikes you had gone on with your friends and family, “I’d really love that, Yeosang. I’ve always wanted to go camping, but my parents don’t like bugs, so we never stayed out after nightfall.”
Both you and Yeosang laughed at that, and then you were eager to learn too about Yeosang, “I imagine you love children since you are a daycare teacher; how did you realise that?”
“It’s nothing too revolutionary,” Yeosang chuckled, finishing his cup of coffee, “I would babysit for our neighbours when I was a teenager, and then my cousin had a baby brother, and I’d spend a lot of time with them. As I was growing up, I realised I was fond of those little ones, so…it just happened, I guess.”
You nodded, understanding him, “Would you want children?”
The answer was obvious to that, but you still wanted to ask, “Definitely, if you’d also like to have children, of course.”
Your whole face flushed, and you coughed, a little taken off-guard by Yeosang’s direct answer. His eyebrows raised and his ears flushed, and suddenly he was stumbling over his words, “I mean—like, whoever is my partner, I care about that! You know, like, whatever my partner wants—whether it’s you or someone else, not that I’m thinking of anyone else—but I’m just…yeah, I think that was too soon, wasn’t it?”
He was adorable, you had to shield your mouth with your hand as you laughed quietly, shaking your head at Yeosang, “I mean, since we are soulmates, I don’t think any topic is too soon, Yeosang.”
“Yeah?” Yeosang asked, not quite looking at you yet, “Right, I mean, sure, that makes sense.”
Comfortable silence settled over the two of you, and you picked a stray string off Yeosang’s knee. He watched you quietly, taking in your serene expression, and your eyes met as you raised your head. You smiled at Yeosang without saying anything for a second, then chuckled, this whole situation feeling unreal. Just yesterday, your whole world was covered in grey and hues of brown, amber and copper—and now, your soulmate sat next to you on a bench, the world infused with so much colour you still weren’t used to it, and to top it off, your soulmate was kind and loving, good with children and soft-spoken despite his uncharacteristically deep voice. His face was gentle, his features almost as if they were sculpted by Greek Gods, his burgundy hair even curlier than yesterday as it was pinned back by a little pink bow, and it made you wonder if it was a child from the daycare that had placed it there. Yeosang’s expression looked a bit baffled as you continued to stare at him without saying a word, and not wanting to look weird, you spoke up, “I’m just admiring you because I cannot believe you are real.”
A surprised gasp left Yeosang’s lips at your words, and he didn’t shy away this time, leaning forward to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You grinned as he caressed your cheek, his palm warm and his skin soft, and for a second, you forgot there was anyone else in the world beside the two of you, “I’m as real as it can be, and I’m here to stay, by your side, for an eternity, Y/N.”
And your heart skipped another beat hearing his words, your body freezing when Yeosang suddenly started leaning towards you. You were ready, if he wanted to kiss you, then you wanted to feel his plush lips against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as it felt like your heart was in your throat, but instead of kissing your lips, you felt something warm press against your cheek, underneath your left eye, then your right eye, and it felt more intimate than any other kiss. You bit your bottom lip and opened your eyes, staring deeply into Yeosang’s rich brown ones, an almost red-like hue licking around his irises.
“Would you like to spend the rest of your day with me, Yeosang?”
“I don’t think I want to spend any time away from you from now on, Y/N.”
And you knew in your heart, in your whole being, that the future ahead of you two was bright, vibrant, gentle, and so, so colourful.
© HONGJOONGSPOETRY & BVIDZSOO 2025 - All rights reserved. Copying, editing, reposting or translating our work is not allowed.
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Isagi - childhood best friends, friends to lovers, mutual pining, athlete x mathlete
“You're an idiot,” you mutter, wiping the grime off his knee. “Going out on a rainy day just to play soccer? You're going to get sick along with these scrapes and mud.”
He grinned at you. “I think that's way better than staying inside all day and studying, of all things. There's a reason you're so unathletic.”
“And there's also a reason why you're failing all your classes.”
“Ouch. Thanks, love you too.”
Bachira - childhood best friends, “Am I weird?” “Yeah, but so what, everyone's weird”, mutual pining
“Why are you always helping me?”
You stopped wrapping the bandage around his arm for a moment, looking up at him. Tears filled his large amber eyes. “Because everyone's weird, and yet they're bullying you just because you express it differently. I think they're mean.”
“...you're very nice. I like you a lot.” he muttered, wiping his muddy hands on his pants.
Chigiri - tomboy x femboy, enemies to lovers, “I hate you (I'm so in love with you)”
“God, you're so damn annoying!”
“Well, same goes to you! Who cares if my hair is long? Your hair is so cropped and short that you look like a boy!”
“Well, your hair is so long that you look like a girl! What, you want a period or something?”
“Fuck no!”
Your classmates peeked from behind. “They're arguing over hair again…”
Kunigami - next door neighbors, “You Belong With Me”, best friends to lovers
“You're the best, you know.”
“Yeah, I know. You tell me that every day.”
“And I mean it every time.”
You burst out laughing. God, he was so serious about this, it was hilarious. “What? What's so funny?”
Reo - arranged marriage, mutual pining, childhood best friends
“And you--you went out in the freezing rain because you saw a rock that you thought was pretty?”
“You're never impressed whenever I buy you jewelry or expensive food, so maybe this would make you happy…?”
“Happy? Reo, this is so sweet! Thanks, I love you so much!” You exclaimed, pinching both of his cheeks. He huffed, narrowing his eyes.
“Girls are so weird.”
Nagi - hardworking smart x lazy smart, deskmates, eventual friends, slowburn
“I feel tired just looking at you. It must be such a hassle to study.” Nagi muttered, the clicking of his console reaching your ears.
“You're so lucky. You get 90's and 100's without even trying.” You muttered. He turned his head from the soft pillow of your bed.
“What? School is so easy.”
“You're so annoying.”
Barou - “I hate you (I'm so in love with you)”, opposite of his type, grumpy x sunshine
Barou looked close to fainting as he entered your room. “This…is your room?”
Clothes were everywhere, your bed was unmade, and your curtains were still closed. “Yeah. I'm too lazy to clean it, I hope you don't mind. Anyways, how do you want to do the proj--”
But he seemed more invested in picking up, cleaning, and folding your clothes rather than the project worth literally 50% of your grade.
“Uhhhh, Barou?”
Rin - childhood best friends, sunshine x grumpy, mutual pining (I've written wayyyyy to many Rin fics to write another one rn)
Karasu - ACADEMIC RIVALS. childhood best friends (they don't admit it), slowburn, mutual pining (Same with Rin)
Shidou - serious head of the student council (with childhood trauma) x person who brings the fun out of them (too lazy to write for him rn lmao)
Sae - childhood crush, (not so) secret admirer, next door neighbors, mutual pining (same with Rin)
Aiku - “Casual" (both are mutually in love), misunderstandings, slowburn (I don't respect him enough to write one for him right now)
Kaiser - CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS. mutual pining, slowburn (Same as rin)
Ness - childhood best friends, “am I weird?” “yeah, but so what, everyone's weird”, mutual pining (Too lazy to write)
#blue lock#blue lock x reader#bllk#bllk x reader#isagi#Isagi Yoichi#Bachira x reader#Isagi x reader#chigiri x reader#kunigami x reader#barou#barou x reader#reo x reader#mikage reo x reader#nagi x reader#nagi seishiro x reader#Rin x reader#Itoshi rin x reader#rin itoshi x reader#Itoshi sae x reader#sae x reader#karasu x reader#Kaiser x reader#michael Kaiser x reader
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#dnd#dungeons and dragons#fantasy art#half elf#character art#illustration#kisses#I can't think of a good caption for this I'M JUST.... LOOK AT THEM..... OOUGGHH 😭💕#I did the sketch for this over a YEAR ago and this is like the third time I've tried finishing it but kisses are so hard aauughhh#but it's OC kiss week AND valentine's day so of course!! I had to try again I HAD to#anyway. god. I love them so much. I'm so soft about them#look at my sweet girl she was so scared she thought she was gonna faint#look at fengling she deserves kisses and tenderness and all of the good things in the world forever!!#fengling#my OCs#juniper#tresluan#dungeons and doodles
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Slightly late to the party, but happy Timberniversery and also Tim-bi day!!!
#They will be soft and happy if I have anything to say about it#Since 2021 man#it feels like yesterday but also so long ago#God I love them so much they make me so happy#The words are not wording but they r so abdbabsnnnsjsj#I wasn't originally gonna do a background but I changed my mind right at the end hence why it's a bit messy but we'll ignore that#Anyway it's 3:50am where I am so I'm going to sleep avshabdn#Them <33333#Tim Drake#Red Robin#Bernard Dowd#Timber#Timbern#My art
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I woke up at 3am because of a nightmare (that I was too conscious during 0/10 experience), but I watched the Raffy birthday trailer. Got hit with EVERY emotion because he's so bloody lovely, and then realised he said LOVE. He said LOVE to MC... I haven't stopped thinking about it.
Also I really hope the whale in the card is the baby one 😭 because that'd be so goddamn cute... ugh!!! This year of birthday cards is gonna break me.
#I'm p sure it's the first time the boys have said the actual fucking word#and I'm going crazy for it#don't get me wrong the metaphor is cute#but the actual WORD#in reference to mc#no hand waving#no nothing#just 'love'#😭😭😭😭😭#IM FEELING FEELINGS#love and deepspace#WONDER BABBLES#I hope this means this is the year of actual love confessions#please I need it just once#(sorry Zayne I guess you'll have to stick to metaphor 🙈)#also I love that my best friend was the one who reminded me at 3am after I told them about my nightmare 'hey is Raffy's trailer out'#😭😭😭😭 YOU LISTENED ABOUT MY STUPID GAME#also YES IT IS OMG#anyway it's now 9:30am#and i still keep playing 'the one I love' over in my head#holy shit#if sylus gets a lovely soft sappy birthday card I'll never be the same#god I love all these boys so much#also i know technically sylus says 'there's no love purer than mine' but it wasn't as pointed at 'i love you' or 'the one i love' which is#a specific connotation#and means something very different
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and then no one said anything about the fact that if i watched ONE MORE episode tenax pulls a "i'm not angry i'm just disappointed i'm hurt" about scorpus signing with the white faction.
#do you see the vision here <- guy who has a watch rate of one episode per month#oh the implications of scorpus not being there for tenax in his time of need... the death of the child who is not but is symbolically their#is that a separate fic completely yes but it is ALSO in some ways a divorce fic. tenax like i needed you but scorpus also needing him#OH MY GOD THEY LITERALLY DO SAY FELIX WAS HIM and i can do SO much with the concept of a “stray”. oh please. please strays instead of rats#one knife to the ribs one fixed race one apartment board THAT'S A STORYLINE BABY RISE OR DIE THE ROMAN WAYYYYYY#i do see your calla/tenax storylines i do. i could be swayed but we are not here for that currently this is the same as the chariot racing#like i KNOW what i said about the gold faction representing everything that scares scorpus a dream he never thought they'd reach#and then to have it ripped away now he no longer even has the dream untarnished i do understand. which is why the “i'm disappointed”#kills me even MORE because it shows he gets it. like on some level he does understand why scorpus had to but it's his pride that's wounde#so to continue from what i WAS saying with:#sets the bar so low because how else would tenax love him (as if tenax would not do the same thing if he lost) and they have even MORE#questionable celebratory reward sex. yes i assigned scorpus a degradation/praise kink the world works in wondrous ways don't question it#scorpus/tenax#those about to die#tenax making sure to care for the kids is what's killing me too because i REALLY want to draw a parallel with scorpus making sure he takes#care of the prostitutes. yes he's a notorious hedonist yes he has a lot of sex but he always pays well doesn't he. over-well. he pays too#much and ends up in debt he pays enough to buy girls freedom. so that they only have to if they want to. it gets him a reputation sure AND#it gets whole houses of girls under his (and therefore tenax's) protection. you can't bruise her up; that's scorpus' favorite girl.#she can charge more for being favored. he can pay for massive parties where no one else is invited and if he falls asleep midway drunk#off his ass after a race the girls would never say. they still get paid. if tenax comes to watch and give instructions they'd never say.#if tenax tells them all to leave and it's just him and scorpus in the golden room and all the girls see before they shut the door#and latch it behind them is scorpus on his knees in the soft plush cushions with tenax offering him grapes one by one from his fingertips#like a favored concubine instead of the champion whose laurels are tilted on his head they won't say a word. not even when the noise#inside the room continues for long after the hour runs out the girls still stand watch until it's quiet and then crawl back in around where#scorpus is alone in the big wrecked bed with a smear of blood or wine on his mouth who could say. certainly they wouldn't.#no matter what they still get paid. whether they did the work to wreck him or not.#ANYWAY#they take care of the selves they couldn't protect is what i'm trying to say. for tenax it's the child he was/scorpus it's the body he sold#only he hasn't stopped having to sell it. & i guess as we're learning with the extortion tenax is still a child running from a burning hous
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ninadove 🎉💕
i wrote you a silly fluffy something featuring sentitwins and félix's relationship with horses. there is NO angst... unfathomable. such is the power of friendship.
silky brightsky lion's mane, my beloved.
concept from anarchist gang and made with this picrew though i added the color dye because i think in a world without parental rule, félix would want his horse to live up to her name.
#miraculous ladybug#🌃#🕊️#🦚#so my take on the horse debate is i think félix is terrified of them but loves his own end of story#okay not end of story i'm a rambly kind of guy#silky brightsky lion's mane cares for félix so much and he cares for her too and there's something so personal to me about loving something#you're scared of and choosing to continue cherishing and being with it anyway#honoring and giving yourself to a relationship you've found yourself with when you didn't initially want or conceive of it#amélie félix parallels up the wazoo!#and just the image of him sharing this special and strange relationship with adrien someone he loves and cherishes with no questions asked#félix! god! félix! i love you! i am cradling you in my hands#this stance brought to you by my desire for félix to be soft with horses combined with how funny it would be for him to be scared of them#and then combined again with my need to make meaning out of something that's supposed to be a bit because i am silly this way#hhjghnghngnghhggk félix... okay happy birthday nina i didn't forget what this was for#ml fanfic
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Arcane women accidentally confessing to you. | Sevika, Jinx, Caitlyn, Vi x Gn!Reader

This is very self-indulgent, so enjoy.<3
Content: pre-season 2 because I want to be happy rn, slight angst if you squint, fluff, accidental confessions, maybe ooc??, cursing, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not proofread))

She was resting at the last drop with you during some downtime in between missions. One hand lingered on your hip whilst her metallic one held onto her cigar, eyes focused on the pocker game she was playing with a couple of Silco's other henchmen. She always kept you close this way, a clear sign of who you belonged to despite never having said a word about it yet. It was a mutual understanding only you could have, and so she didn't think a confession was necessary.
Until today, it seemed.
You were secretly helping her cheat a little and eventually told her the winning move, which earned her a large sum of money. Letting out a smug laugh at everyone's angered and defeated glares, she gave you a lazy grin. "Thanks, sweetheart. This is why I love you." She hummed to you, smoke exhaling from her dark lips, before she froze ever so slightly. Well, it shouldn't be that much of a surprise to either of you, and yet she couldn't help but chuckle at your own stunned face.
Looking at the men around her, she threw some poker chips towards them, clearly asking for another round. She wasn't the type to get flustered or shy anyways, so her moving on like nothing happened was on brand.
The only acknowledgment you got, however, was the hand on your hip tightening.
She has a hard time hiding her feelings for you due to her rather energetic and extremely clingy nature. But there is still a clear distance between you two that she's too scared to cross. It was a deep fear of ruining everything she had with you in case her confession went wrong. She'd rather you consider her your best friend for life if it meant for you to stay at her side. She didn't want to lose more people after all. And yet, as fate has it, she eventually lost herself in a good and happy moment with you.
You were tinkering on some projects in her hideout whilst listening to music. Her head was leaning against your shoulder as her eyes traced your focused gaze. Jinx felt so content and at peace in that moment that she couldn't stop the words that spilled out of her mouth. "I love you." It took her a second to realise what happened, and her body was quick to flinch away from you. You kept her in place, however, with a free hand placed against her head. "Hey, it's okay. I love you too. I'm not leaving." You reassured her quickly with a smile, one that made her heart skip a beat.
She may not see herself as deserving of you, but she's glad to have you at her side anyway. Hopefully forever.
Caitlyn was good at hiding her emotions from you. In fact, she had refused to tell you in fear of breaking the professionalism you two had and, most importantly, your friendship that she cherished deeply. And so, she was very careful not to reveal a single thing... until her confidence betrayed her and caused her to slip up.
You two were reviewing a new case together, and whilst she wasn't paying attention, she accidentally slid you her diary over. It unfortunately looked too similar to her work notebook, something she only realised the moment you opened it and froze in surprise. She may have scribbled your name all over it. She may have childishly drawn hearts around your name. She may have made it awfully clear that she loved you. And it made her wonder if there was a god out there that hated her deeply.
"... My apologies. Please ignore that-" "-Haha, I'm so relieved that I'm not the only one who did this!" You let out a soft laugh before pulling out your notebook and showing her similar pages to her own, just with her name written all over them. Her face was flushed from how flustered and embarrassed she was, but alas, she too couldn't help and chuckle at how silly this all was. At least you felt the same.
It's not like she didn't want to confess her feelings to you. She just didn't know how! Her confession should sweep you right off your feet in her mind, and yet nothing she came up with seemed good enough. Vi hoped that her flirting would get the point across, but she lacked the confidence to go any further than compliments. She just didn't want you to think differently of her and therefore kept her distance for the most part regarding the subject. That is if she could keep it in for lobger than she already has. She always felt so strongly about others, after all.
So, during a little hang out session in a bar somewhere in Zaun, she attempted to find the courage to tell you how she felt. Whilst she went off to go and get you a drink first, however, a drunken man showed up at your side and started flirting you in a rather uncomfortable way. You tried making it clear that you weren't interested, but as he went to grab your arm, a hand slammed in between you two onto the bar table. "Hey, I think they told you no, asshole." "Who the hell are you?" The man barked back, yet Vi didn't back down and simply blocked you from his view with her body. "I'm their girlfriend, now fuck off." She hissed, and the man just rolled his eyes before walking off grumbling.
Silence filled the space in between you two until you chuckled softly. "Girlfriend, huh? I like the sound of that." You hummed, secretly trying to ease her embarrassed mind, that quickly recovered at your words with a sly grin. "You do?" You mirrored her smile with a nod. "Very much so. I'm glad we think alike."

#arcane#arcane x y/n#arcane x reader#arcane sevika#arcane sevika x reader#sevika#sevika x reader#arcane jinx#arcane jinx x reader#jinx#jinx x reader#arcane vi#arcane vi x reader#vi#vi x reader#arcane caitlyn#arcane caitlyn x reader#caitlyn#caitlyn x reader#arcane x you
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𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅ casually thinking about...
flashing mattheo during an argument
NSFW content ahead, +18
one second, he's shouting some unintelligible shit at you, and the next one, he's almost drooling at the sight of your pretty tits, naked just for him to see. he's falling silent in fucking milliseconds. but god, they're so bloody perfect... how could he not stare at them?
It's not fair, you know he loves them, and you use that knowledge against him. every. fucking. time.
he can't even remember what you were fighting about in the first place, not that he cares anymore, anyways. your full, round tits have him fucking mesmerised, the only thing in his mind at the moment being his feral need to bury his face in them and never come out again, not even for air.
"baby," he would growl, eyes not able to look away from your boobs.
you swear you can see a faint blush appear on his cheeks as you tell him, "i don't wanna fight anymore." you pout cutely at him while you're still tugging your top over your breasts, the piece of clothing it's so small that mattheo wonders how they were fitting inside it in the first place.
"me neither," he replies quietly, starting to walk towards you, not being able to stay away for a second more. "i'm sorry, a'ight?"
"it's okay... 'm sorry too," you also apologise, a little smile tugging at the corner of your plump lips as you watch him leaning forward to wrap his strong arms around you, lifting you up so your tits are right on his face.
and when he finally gets to bury his face in your glorious tits, he's not letting go. he's dragging you to his bed and dropping you in it without pulling an inch away. he lays on top of you, between your spread thighs, lips kissing your soft, pillowy flesh.
"fuck, i love these," he'd mumble against your chest, his hands squeezing your sides tightly. "so fucking perfect."
you chuckle softly at that, which makes your tits bounce slightly, and god, the sight makes him hard in seconds. he hums contently against the supple flesh of your boobs as he teasingly starts sucking and licking your tits everywhere but your nipples, alternating between the two as if he can't decide which one he wants to focus on.
his hands are roaming over your body, groping and caressing your curves as if he's re-learning them. he's squeezing your thighs, your ass, and occasionally, going up to your soft tummy, rough finger pads making goosebumps erupt in your skin.
you don't disturb him, letting him play with your boobs as he pleases while you run your slender fingers through his unruly curly hair. sometimes, you caress his face tenderly, watching with heavy lidded eyes while he worships your body. you find it cute, how much he loves your breasts. he's always wanting to touch them, lick them, kiss them... and it fucking turns you on so much, because you're so sensitive there.
you moan when finally settles on one nipple, sucking on it hard while his hand kneads the other breast. he'd push both boobs together, his mouth dropping the already hard peak he was sucking on to lick at the other. his hips are bucking against you the whole time, grinding his hard on against your drenched core.
he's definitely leaving marks, which you complain about, but he just looks up at you, pupils blown, and says, "they're mine, aren't they? i'll mark 'em if i want to."
after that, he slips his hand inside your shorts and panties, finding you completely soaked for him and that fact makes him groan as he returns to suck on your perky, reddened nipples. his fingers rub your swollen, little clit, making you whimper and squirm beneath him, but he uses his free hand to grab you and keep you still while he stuffs you full of his fingers, burying them knuckles deep. he's making you cum in minutes, orgasm so good that feels like fireworks exploding inside your tummy.
and then, once he's satisfied you, he rips both of your clothes off and makes you ride him. he'd be such a mess beneath you as he watches you jump on top of him, little whimpers escaping his lips against his will. the sight of your perfect tits bouncing right on his face while your tight little pussy squeezes his cock makes him cum so fucking fast that he's almost embarrassed... almost.
#♡ ;; theosbaby#ꪆৎ casually thinking about...#harry potter#slytherin#slytherin boys#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#mattheo riddle#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle smut#mattheo smut#mattheo x you#mattheoxreader#mattheo riddle scenarios#mattheo x y/n#mattheo x reader#slytherin smut#slytherin boys x reader#slytherin boys smut
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[REUPLOAD] skz + hands (and how they use them)
warnings: hand kink, sexual content (MDNI), fingering, oral (f receiving), squirting (hyunjin), putting that i mention jeongins church ring in here bc some people are religious n i aint tryna stir the pot
notes: a reupload from my previous blog !!

Chris : Man absolutely fingers you to the Gods. He's the type to know his hands drive you wild and he will absolutely use it to his advantage. That little 'Hall of Fame' move? Yeah - he's doing that shit to you under the dinner table when you join the boys for a night out. He's extremely good at using his hands to coax an orgasm out of you. (And you best bet he rubs over your clit with his thumb. Man is too experienced in fingering at this point. He knows all of your weak points.)
conclusion: uses his index and ring finger during sex + thumb for the clit <3 skilled enough to use one hand and make it amazing
Minho : He... *sigh.* I'm going to be that person and say that when he fingers you, you can feel the veins in his fingers. Not in a gross way - in a like, textured... ribbed-for-your-pleasure-dildo kind of way. His hands are soft - incredibly so - and because of how the blood pools in his hands any time he lowers them below his ribcage, you just feel it when he's kneeling over you and two fingers deep in your pussy. He'll use his free hand to touch and pinch at your clit though - he's a little too disoriented to use just one hand. But he loves the way his hand looks when he grabs at the plush of your thigh and the veins in his hand become more prominent the tighter he holds onto you, keeping you open for him.
conclusion: uses his middle and ring finger during sex, uses the opposite thumb for the clit <3 too eager to use one hand, gets messy and uses two
Changbin : He - Girl. He.. *sigh pt. 2* He's the type to not...? finger as much? But more, use his hands to spread your pussy open for him so he can shove his tongue as deep as possible into you. He's going to use his hands to hold your thighs apart (as if his broad ass shoulders dont push your thighs open enough) but he's going to do it specifically by putting his hands on the junction between your thighs and hips and splaying his fingers are far apart as he can. (also an ass grabber.)
conclusion: enjoys some good handfuls of ass while he eats you out
Hyunjin : Absolutely fingers you - but always does three instead of two because he's an overachiever. He's going to be fucking you with his fingers so hard that the fucking wet squelches that come from your pussy are NOTHING short of absolutely drop dead sinful. Y'both goin' to Hell for the way he destroys your pussy with his hand. Also, who cares about the clit. You're not even going to be worrying about that because you'll be too busy squirming and crying at the way he fucks you with his fingers.
conclusion: the type to fuck you with his hands so hard that you squirt. that's his end goal.
Jisung : Less of a finger-er, more of an eater. A grabber. Very grabby. He'll hoist your legs over his shoulders (mf is broad and nobody ever talks about it bc they're too focused on his waist) and slip his arms (which are again- big as FUCK) under your thighs so he can rest his hands on your abdomen. He likes feeling over your sides and tummy, maybe even reaching up to pinch your nipples and he's absolutely going to be just groping and kneading at your breasts when you start to squirm against his face.
conclusion: likes to grope and grab, knows you enjoy the feeling of his hands on your body.
Felix : Again, less of someone who fingers and moreso someone who eats. Man is hungry. Man needs that meal. Man - needs that meat. (LMAO SORRY) Anyway absolutely will grab at you while he eats you out. But unlike Ji where he's groping and grabbing and whatever - Felix will slap his hands on your thighs, arms wrapped under your legs, and then he'll lay there and eat - and knead at your skin while he does it. There is never a moment where his fingers aren't digging into the soft plush of your thighs and kneading the skin, pulling lightly on it and feeling how it bulges between his fingers. He's weak for it.
conclusion: thigh man 100%
Seungmin : The type to start by eating you out and letting you relax and think you're being taken care of but then slip his middle finger in and fuck you with it while he abuses you with his tongue. No warning, just a sudden intrusion that's definitely not unwelcome. Uses his free hand to pin your abdomen/hips down to the mattress so you can't move around too much. Also the type to absolutely bury his face in your pussy and try 'n get his tongue as deep into you as he possibly can. A messy eater.
conclusion: eats you out like you're his last meal but likes to keep you on your toes and wiggly. he thinks you're so cute.
Jeongin : We all know he's got pretty hands. (next to seungmo, imo.) So we know he's going to use his long fucking fingers to destroy your pussy. Definitely the type to use his middle and ring finger to fuck you, free hand splayed over your thigh to push it away from his head. You swear on God he's pushing at your cervix every time he goes knuckle deep and it makes you try to close your thighs but he refuses to let it happen and holds you open. Where Seungmin fucks you with his tongue and his fingers - Jeongin fucks you with his fingers and lets his mouth take care of your clit only. But his tongue is a topic for another time.
conclusion: certified clit sucker. has the longest fingers known to mankind and keeps his rosary ring ON while you fuck.
#skz imagine#skz x reader#stray kids x reader#skz smut#bangchan x reader#felix x reader#stray kids smut#changbin x reader#lee know x reader#Jeongin x reader#seungmin x reader#han x reader#Hyunjin x reader#hyunjin smut#bangchan smut#lee know smut#Changbin smut#han smut#Felix smut#seungmin smut#Jeongin smut
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summary; while your boyfriend is streaming, one specific girl keeps gifting, and you begin to feel jealous of all the attention she's receiving, so chris comes to show you some attention too...
warnings; smut, unprotected sex (wrap the willy), tit sucking, dirty talk, teasing, praising, leaving hickeys, spanking, i think that's it..?
a/n; i have more ideas for fics, but please feel free to leave suggestions/recommendations on what fics u want to see and ill provide like a fairy godmother (unless it's some crazy shit like a shit kink, get out).
It was currently 1am, and my boyfriend and I were cuddled up in his bed watching our favourite series. I loved nights where I was able to just lay in bed with Chris and relax, especially with the chaotic lives we both live.
However, this didn't last long.
"Yo, wanna stream late night fort duos?" Matt questions, walking into the room. Chris looks down at my face, which is currently resting on his chest.
"Would you mind if I streamed with Matt for a few hours, baby?" He asks. There's a look of hope in his eyes, and who am I to deny him having fun with his brother.
"Of course not, you don't have to ask me," I reply, giving a small smile. I love cuddling with Chris, but I don't mind letting him play fortnite with his brother. He'll probably hop off in a few hours and come back to bed anyway.
As he slowly stands up from his bed, he gives me a small thanks before moving to his desk. I watched him attentively as he placed his headphones on his fluffy hair and turned on his monitor, which illuminated a soft blue light onto his face.
I could watch him all day and night. He was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. The way his hair was slightly damp, from coming out the shower not long ago, and the way his facial hair looks without a few days of shaving. God, he was perfect.
"Hellooo people," he says, adjusting his mic. I didn't even realise that he had started the stream already.
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand so I could distract myself from all the screaming and shouting that was bound to happen.
It had been roughly an hour and a half since the stream first started, and Chris and Matt were still playing reload, and I was still scrolling on tiktok.
"HOLY SHIT, AVA WITH THE 100 BOMB!" Chris yells, making me turn my head to look at him. I loved how grateful Chris always is, whether people gift 1 or 100, Chris was always so thankful. I really did get lucky with him.
A few moments later Chris shrieks, "No fuckin' way, another 50 subs from Ava,". I turn to look at him again and he has the widest grin on his mouth.
"Everyone spam 'w Ava' in the chat," He says, focusing back in on his game.
I honestly don't know how some people are able to gift so much. I've seen the price of subs, and they are priceyyy. Yet, some people gift hundreds and hundreds.
"AVA WITH ANOTHER 50, HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE THE GOAT AVA," He yells again, shuffling in his chair.
What the fuck? This girl dropped a bag on subs in 5 minutes.
This continues for another half an hour, and to be honest, I'm getting sick of it. Don't get me wrong, I love that they're getting subs but it's the same fucking girl. Can she give it a rest? She's been spamming them with subs, and Chris is not letting it go unnoticed to anyone.
I look over to Chris, and he's smiling wider than ever. He must realise I'm staring at him, so he turns to look at me back.
As soon as we make eye contact, I shuffle on the bed and turn my back to him. From the corner of my eye, I can see his smile fade, and he turns back to his game.
I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I'm not upset about the subs. Is it jealousy? Am I feeling jealous of all the attention Chris is giving this random girl? I guess I am. It's hard not to when he left cuddling you to praise some random girl on the internet.
"Matt, I'm lowkey getting tired. After this round, I'm gonna hop off," Chris says, and through my peripheral vision, I can see him look at me.
He's lying. He's not tired at all, it's only 3am. He can sense something is wrong with me, and that's why he's hopping off the game.
But, as he said, he finished up the round and ended stream.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks, standing up from the chair and making his way over to me on the bed. I pretend not to hear him and shuffle slightly further away from him. He notices my actions and repeats his question.
"Why are you in a mood? Is it cause I streamed with Matt?" He continues to ask questions, but I continue to ignore him. I don't know why I'm doing this. Maybe I just want him to pay attention to me, too.
He realises the game I'm playing and decides to change the rules.
He leans down and begins to place soft kisses on my neck. I'm fighting to not close my eyes and keep looking at my screen, but the feeling is consuming me, and I let my eyes flutter close.
"Why are you ignoring me, baby? What can I do to hear your pretty voice, hm?" He says between kisses. Fuck, he knew exactly what he was doing.
He then grabs my phone out of my hand and throws it somewhere on the bed. He forcefully turns me to lay on my back and places himself between my legs, bringing his face up to mine.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or do you want to keep playing the silent game?" He challenges. I'm looking into his dark and tired eyes, enough to get lost in them.
"It's not fair," I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear.
"What's not fair, my love?" He asks, rewarding me with another kiss on my neck for answering him.
"All the attention you were showing that stupid girl," I say. My panties are already soaked by the few simple kisses that he had given me. If he continues like this, I'll have to wring out my thong.
A smirk subtly grows on his lips, and he dips his head back down to my neck for another reward. "Are you jealous, baby?" He whispers against my skin.
Fuck. He was driving me insane.
"Yeah, so what?" I ask, challenging him back. I then feel his lips attach to my neck. I gasp softly when he begins to lightly suck on my sweet spot.
"I'm so sorry baby, let me show you the attention you deserve," he says, moving back up to my face. His soft lips crash into mine, and his hands explore my body. My body feels like it's on fire, and I'm craving him more than ever.
"Chris, please," I beg. I'm begging him for something more, I need more.
"I know, baby," he coos. He then brings his hands to the hem of my shirt and lifts it over my head when he sees my nod of approval. He instantly wraps his warm mouth around my nipple and I shudder at the new sensation. He lifts his hand to my other nipple and begins to roll it between his fingertips.
By now, soft moans are escaping my mouth from the stimulation, but I'm still hungry for more. I buck my hips at him to indicate what I really want. He notices my desperate actions and separates himself from my chest.
He hooks his fingers over the band of my sweatpants and yanks them down, revealing my soaked thong.
"Fuck, look at you," He rasps, admiring the patch of wetness that seeped through my underwear. I whine at his comment, I need him so bad. He then peels his own clothes off, leaving himself in just his boxers.
As he pulls his last item of clothing off, his swollen cock sprung out. I sigh at the sight in front of me. I'll never get over this view.
"Be a good girl and get on your hands and knees," he says stroking his cock a few times and rubbing his pre-cum all over his head.
I swiftly move into the position he ordered, and I feel his hand on my lowerback, pushing me into a deeper arch. At this point, my ass is completely in the air, and I'm ready for him to use me.
I feel him pull my thong to the side, letting the cold air in the room hit my warm and wet pussy. With no hesitation, he slides his cock into me with ease, filling me up. We both moan at the contact.
He instantly starts ramming into me, showing no mercy whatsoever. My arms give out immediately, and my face is smushed into a pillow.
"Isn't this what you wanted? My attention," He grunts out from behind me, placing a firm slap on my right ass cheek. I let out a strangled moan, allowing myself to grip the bedsheets.
"Answer you attention whore," he repeats, placing another slap on my ass.
"Y-yes, fuck!" I yelp. He continues to ruthlessly fuck my pussy and I feel the heat in my lower stomach build. I was coming close to finishing. Between the dirty talk, the spanks, and of course the fucking, I wasn't going to last long at all.
"C-chris m'gonna...f-finish," I stutter out. My knuckles are turning white from how intensely I'm gripping the sheets.
"Yeah? Come on my cock like the good girl you are," he groans, placing another spank on my cheek. I bet that by now, my ass is glowing red.
His words push me over the edge, and I violently shake beneath him, allowing a flow of curse words to leave my mouth as he helps me ride out my high and bring himself to his own.
"Fuck. Your such a jealous whore and look how I have you, you think I'm fuckin' other girls like this? Hm?" He asks, pounding into me even harder. I'm starting to become oversensitive, but I know he's about to come any second.
I feel his hands grip my hips hard enough to leave bruises and his warm cum coats my insides. His movements begin to slow, and I let out a satisfied sigh. I feel him pull his limp cock out of my full pussy and he moves to lay beside me.
I crumble next to him and place my head on his chest. Our sweaty bodies are still for a moment as we attempt to catch our breath after the best cardio session ever.
"Jealousy cured?" He smiles, looking down at me.
"Definitely. I'm sorry for being a bitch earlier," I apoligise, giving a sincere smile. Before he can reply, his phone buzzes.
"Who the fuck is texting at almost 4am?" He questions, as he unlocks his phone. He opens his texts and sees a message from Matt:
'Tired my ass, u guys are disgusting'
He pans his phone over to me, and we both die from laughter. The rest of the night is spent cuddling and watching tv together, just the way I love it.
a/n; this is long as shitttt. anywhoo, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed another one of my 4am creations. love youu <33.
#★°.*sturnioloszn*.°★#christopher owen sturniolo#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#the sturniolo triplets#sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo smut
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okay hi sorry i need to talk about the lucanis romance for a moment and why i think it's absolutely perfect. spoilers below the cut ofc
so obviously there are a limited number of romance scenes. i really do believe in the case of lucanis' romance this lends itself to telling his story.
we learn through party banter with him and emmerich that his relationship with rook is his first. and that's not suprising really, he's an assassin. he faces death constantly and aside from the fact that he could die at any moment, being in a relationship gives his enemies a weak spot to exploit. love and the weakness required to accept and give it is a risk he cannot afford in his line of work.
then you add on the fact that he's been in the ossuary for a year. he was definitely sure he was never getting out of there. and then he does but he's possessed.
so here's rook. and they're flirting with him and being all enticing and he thinks they're great. but he doesn't deserve love and he certainly can't risk it. he's an abomination, he'll put them in danger. and what happens afterwards? when he goes back to taking contracts? it only takes pissing off the wrong person once for rook to be in danger. so he mostly just talks around it. tried not to think about it or aknowledge it.
and then spite breaks through for the second time. and there's rook. again. and they're soft and understanding and kind and they remind him that under everything else, all of the trauma and the fear, he's human. they make him feel so safe and he starts to let his walls down.
we can't know for sure why he pulls away in that moment, but i think it's because he reminds himself how dangerous it is for him and for rook. he wants them terribly but it's such an awful no good idea so he drags himself away.
but he still cares for them. he makes them dessert and he keeps them safe and eventually he has to admit to himself that they're not just friends anymore.
and then rook is taken into the fade by solas.
he never tells rook, you only find this out in a bellara romance, but rook is in the fade for weeks.
all that time, lucanis is there and he's just full of regret. because holy shit he's fallen in love with them and now they're gone and he should've just told them. he should've held them like he wanted. because now he can't and he never will again.
and then they're back.
and he comes into their room and his words are so simple.
"i never thought id see you again. i thought id lost you"
and obviously the rest of his dialogue can vary in this scene but all of it is SO weighted if you consider the fact that he really did think they were dead.
"i do. i know how to feel."
"it's one of the things i love about you"
"i'm not going anywhere."
he is in LOVE with them and he's tired of fighting it. he's tired of pretending he isn't. he's tired of denying himself of what he wants because he's scared. because ultimately he did lose them, despite how careful he'd been, and it hurt just the same.
"i know how to feel." because he DOES now.
so in the last battle, before you fight elgernan, he tells you again just how much he loves you. how he'll do anything he needs to to be back in your arms when it's over. because those weeks without you were torture and he never wants to do that again. he wasted all that time terrified to hurt you but you got hurt anyway. why keep pretending? why keep denying himself the person he wants more than anything in the world? he goes from 0-100 because this is so much more real now. there's so much to lose.
"i've assumed you knew my heart because it beats for you. it's been beating... when i wanted you. when i was afraid to want you... tell me this ends with me asleep in your arms and i will kill any god you ask."
this one sentence conveys EVERYTHING. all of his longing throughout the game. how long he has loved rook. he didn't say it because he was afraid. but he's not afraid anymore.
so much of lucanis' romance is about subtext. it's about the things he doesn't say rather than the things he does.
i think it's absolutely beautiful.
#dragon age the veilguard#dragon age veilgaurd spoilers#dragon age the veilgaurd spoilers#dragon age spoilers#datv spoilers#veilguard spoilers#lucanis romance#lucanis romance spoilers#datv lucanis#lucanis x rook#da4 lucanis#dragon age lucanis#lucanis dellamorte#lucanis spoilers
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What did daddy teach you?
Pairing: Step-dad!Joel Miller x Step-daughter!reader x Step-uncle!Tommy
Summary: Joel has decided you need to have practice with other men. Thankfully Tommy is more than happy to step up for the task.(this is part of a series but can be read alone)
Warnings: oh boy, step-incest, manipulation, straight-out lying, hence: dub-con, Perv!Joel, Perv!Tommy, predatory behavior, very very naive and innocent reader |Smut| oral sex (m receiving), face fuking, he forces you down for a bit too long, handjob, 1 slap, anal play, unprotected p in v sex (one right after the other), spanking, hair pulling, coming on face, creampie, degradation (slut, whore), praising, Tommy's mean and rough, and of course loads of daddy-kink.
This is a dark fic, so please for the love of god read the warnings and just scroll if you don't like what you see.
a/n: I should be institutionalized
Pt. 1 - Pt. 2 - Pt. 3
Mom had gone away on some kind of business trip for this weekend, and normally, that wouldn't have been a reason for you to be particularly happy, but now, with everything that happened in the past month it meant only one thing: Joel could teach you all about making love for two full days.
You were so incredibly excited it was kind of funny.
You had done all your homework already so that nothing could distract you or take time away from your lessons, and immediately once you came home you had changed into the special clothes you only wore for Joel-this time he'd bought you a little tiny dress, not the usual skirt.
It was the kind of white that was basically transparent, especially being you couldn't wear anything underneath it, and it wasn't like it covered much anyway... as always at least an inch of your ass wasn't covered by the fabric, and the top of it was very much more low cut than what you were used to,
But that's the way daddy liked it, and as he was always reminding you, it was healthier for your skin anyway,
Just as you were sitting down on the couch, the doorbell rang.
"Hi babygirl"
"Hi sugar" Tommy's smirk matched Joel's, the devil lurking behind those eyes- and your heart dropped at the sight.
What is he doing here?
Why is he here?
It was supposed to be just you and Joel- You didn't know he was gonna be here- you were- oh god-
you looked down at your clothes and immediately went to cover up, your arms doing a poor job of shielding your body from their ravenous gaze.
They were eating you with their eyes, and perhaps even enjoying seeing how panicked that made you.
"I-I'm sorry" you gulped, as they stepped inside and closed the door behind them "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be coming Uncle Tommy"
Tommy's grin only widened, his eyes making little to no effort to avoid falling to your cleavage.
"is that the way to greet your uncle now?" he tsked
Joel chuckled beside him, but you were so mortified you didn't even hear him
"I-I'm sorry I just- I- I should c-change"
It seems Joel was gonna let his brother do all the talking
"why's that?" he frowned, taking a slow step towards you "you look real damn good sweets... ain't there no need to change"
"b-but" your eyes shifted to Joel only to find him already watching you
But only daddy can see me dressed like this
But it's against the rules
"c'mere sugar" was all Joel said
You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel relieved to be walking away from Tommy and his gaze
"W-what's going on daddy?" you whispered, although Tommy could very well still hear,
You were only a few steps away from him, but his focus was entirely on something else as you offered him a sneak peek of your ass
"I-I thought you'd be teaching me another lesson today"
his hand found your back, pushing you flat against him, and your hands went to his chest.
"daddy" you tried to warn him, but he was already kissing you, his lips soft and rough at the same time against yours.
You heard a soft chuckle coming from your left, and you swore you squeaked in surprise.
What is he doing?
Tommy can see us!
"daddy I-" You stole a glance at his brother and found him palming the front of his jeans "he can see us"
Finally, Joel decided to explain, not wasting an opportunity to laugh softly at your naivety first.
"Uncle Tommy's here for you sweetheart"
You could only frown, looking up at him again
"He's here to help you out"
What does that even mean?
daddy's already helping you
"with what? Y-You-"
He smirked, as his thumb traced your lips
"You see baby" he murmured, "You know me well now, you're used to me, to how I do... things" he explained "but a woman needs to be prepared to make love with men even if she doesn't know how it'll be" he said " when I said men like women with experience, I meant experience with different men too, with different mouths and fingers and cocks, you understand?"
You didn't think you did, not fully, but you still nodded.
"now I'm not saying that what you and I do ain't important, because it's real important for you sugar" his eyes were so honest and kind you were starting to forget all about the shock from moments ago "You still have a lot to learn, and I'm happy to help, but today... today Uncle Tommy was kind enough to agree to help me help you out"
You swallowed thickly, focusing on his strong hands on you and your beating heart
If Joel trusts Uncle Tommy, then I trust him too, you thought
"B-but you're still gonna be here right?"
The way he stroked your cheek said everything you needed to know, but he still spoke it into kind, gentle words, as if you'd made him happy by expressing your need for him to be there.
"of course, I'll be right there the whole time baby girl" he promised, softly caressing your back as he raised his chin to point at his brother "How 'bout you show Uncle Tommy how grateful you are he's helpin' you out now?"
You looked up at Joel, your eyes wide with excitement and nervousness while your hands gripped the shirt covering his chest
"I won't bite" Tommy's amused remark startled you.
He was right beside you now, and you hadn't even noticed him moving.
Some of his curly hair had fallen to his forehead, and his hands were in the front pockets of his jeans, patiently waiting for you to accept the offer, although judging by the big bulge in his crotch, it was taking all his self-restraint
Which it definitely was.
He'd wanted to fuck you since Joel first introduced you that 4th of July of what must have been a year ago.
And when his brother had told him of what he'd managed to convince you to do this past month... he didn't think he'd ever been more jealous in his entire life.
Which is why he decided that a few other words of encouragement wouldn't have hurt.
"c'mon sweetheart" he invited "give your favorite uncle some sugar"
And it would have been a lie to say you didn't want to,
Tommy really was your favorite uncle, and it's not like you were blind... he was one hell of a good-looking man.
So glancing at Joel one last time, you turned toward his brother and took a step until you were right in front of him.
He looked even more beautiful up close.
You gingerly placed your hands on his chest, and he didn't even waste a quarter of a second that his mouth was already devouring yours and his hands were gripping your waist to get you flat against him.
Your eyes were still wide in surprise as he let out a low groan and infiltrated his tongue between your lips to taste all of you,
You let him, you let him explore you entirely before you finally recovered from the shock.
I mean you were used to this kind of hunger from Joel, but you expected Tommy to be a little... tamer.
Once you were back, you started reciprocating, whimpering into his mouth as you too, started to explore his.
"fuck, sugar" he groaned, grinning before he went back to kissing you, grabbing your ass as he did.
You squeaked, completely pliant in his hands as he grabbed at you and kissed you like you were his, like his brother wasn't right behind you, watching the whole scene.
And then you felt it- you felt Joel's hands replace his brother's on your waist, and then you felt his lips graze your neck, his soft breath fanning over your skin as his beard skimmed it, sending shivers all over you.
And then...
There was something so sinful about having two men, two brothers, kiss you at once,
but there was something spectacular about it too.
You moaned, like full-on moaned into Tommy's mouth, your knees buckling as your body turned to jelly.
Both men chuckled softly, their intoxicating mists all around you
"please" you whimpered as they pressed even closer to you, sandwiching you between their muscled bodies and the tents in their jeans.
"What was that?" Joel asked, kissing you right below your left ear as Tommy took care of the right side, making you squirm uncontrollably.
"Daddy-" you only whimpered
"I think she likes this" Tommy grinned, his smile one of a shark
"I think she does too" Joel agreed, both talking like you weren't there, "don't you, baby girl? Tell us how much you're enjoyin' this"
Tommy's hands had left your ass to find your tits now, while Joel's hands were busy stroking up and down your sides.
How could anyone ask for a girl's brain to work in this situation?
"I like it so much" you muttered, your voice a single thread of a whisper.
"yeah?" Tommy taunted "Where are you feeling how much you like it sugar?"
Heat rushed to your face, but Joel was quick to intervene at your pause.
"Don't be rude now sweetheart, answer Uncle Tommy's question" he said, continuing to leave hot kisses on your throat
"I feel it- Uhm- down... there" you whispered, your eyes falling to where your dress "covered" your heat.
"you mean, here in your lil' pussy?" Tommy spoke sultry as his hand found its way underneath your dress and cupped your cunt,
your bare, sopping cunt.
Tommy hissed as his digits connected with your slick folds
"mh-mh" you squeaked, both the men snickering again
"no panties, sugar?" Tommy growled, feeling himself harden with every passing second
"T-they're n-not allowed"
"'f course they aren't" he murmured, ghosting your mouth as he continued exploring your heat, thanking his brother in every language he knew inside his mind.
"poor baby" he cooed, faining pity "She's so wet"
"a-and tingly" you stuttered
"oh sugar" he cooed again "You want Uncle Tommy to take the tingles away?"
"y-yes- please"
but all of a sudden his hand was gone
"don't worry, I'm gonna take care of you later" he cooed, his wet fingers tracing your mouth "First you're gonna have to tell me a few things"
Before you had time to protest or question his words, Joel had already spoken
"let's get on the couch," he said, nodding behind him.
And in no time, the pair was sitting in front of you on the sofa, looking at you like both the front of their jeans weren't showing the perfect press of their hard-ons
"W-what do you want to know Uncle Tommy?"
The smile that split his face was almost feline.
He liked it when you called him that way too much.
"What did daddy teach you?" he asked without missing a beat.
"Oh" you whispered, feeling a wave of anxiety hit you
There was nothing wrong with what you did with daddy, you knew that- but it still felt so... personal.
"H-he's taught me a lot of things" you swallowed thickly, your fingers fiddling with the edge of your dress.
"like what sugar?"
Your gaze turned to Joel, who nodded, urging you to answer without having to breathe a word.
"I...uhm-" you bit your lip, trying to find the words while wondering where to even start "Daddy taught me h-how he can make me feel... good with his - uhm" you gulped, avoiding both the men's eyes "his f-fingers, a-and his mouth- and his... private part"
Tommy snorted like you'd just made a joke,
"His private part?" he mocked, his brows raising in defiance.
"I-" you stuttered looking at him
"we've talked about this sweetheart" Joel spoke now, giving you a pointed look
You had. He had spent a whole afternoon denying you the pleasure you were begging for until you were gonna spit out that word, and you certainly didn't want to go through that torture again.
"His c-cock"
It was such a crude word- you felt so out of place saying it.
Joel hummed in approval, while Tommy's smile spread.
"that's it?"
You gulped, shaking your head slowly.
"he-he's also preparing my other hole"
Tommy's growl was hungry.
"Daddy's trainin' your pretty asshole sweetie?"
"mh-mh" you could only nod
"that'll come real handy today" he grinned, only before you could voice your confusion, Joel had already spoken up
"Not today, she ain't ready"
Tommy'd disappointment lasted only so long
"take off your dress baby girl, show Tommy what he's gettin'"
"yes daddy" you nodded without hesitation, the command second nature at this point.
You got as far as starting to pull the top down when Tommy's voice interrupted
"slow sugar, I wanna enjoy it"
And so you did, you watched between them as you unhurriedly removed inch by inch of the dress from your body, only of course, they weren't looking back at you, their focus was on each piece of skin you uncovered, until your dress fell to the ground, and you were fully bare before them.
Tommy hadn't stopped touching the front of his jeans for one second.
"goddamn" he breathed, taking in every part of you "give me a lil' twirl, sweetie"
you did, and a little smile spread on your lips once you heard him let out a low whistle.
"bend over"
It was so weird having to obey someone else's commands other than Joel's, but you wanted to prove how good you were, so of course, you did: you placed your hands on the coffee table before you and lowered your torso until you could feel air hitting your core.
You couldn't see any of them, but you damn sure could feel their stare.
"look at that" Tommy purred "Such a pretty little pussy- so needy"
It was taking all of him not to stand up and taste you right now, and fuck but the urge only got stronger once Joel offered him an even better view.
"Spread your cheeks babygirl, let Uncle Tommy get a good look"
It took a bit of effort to support yourself without the help of your hands, but you were starting to feel desperate.
"fuck" Tommy growled "The pictures don't do her justice, man"
Your eyes widened at those words.
Joel had shown him the pictures!?
You stood up in a haze, turning around quickly.
"Y-you've seen the p-pictures? B-but-" your nerves were getting the better of your mouth "Daddy you said they were only for y-you-"
"I know what I said" Joel stopped you, his voice calm as ever "I only showed 'em to Tommy to show him your progress, to show him how good you've been this past few weeks" he explained, heat inevitably rising to your cheeks at the flattery "so that he could decide if he wanted to help you or not, get it babygirl?"
"O-oh- ok" you hummed, nodding shily.
Of course there was a reason.
"You looked real good in 'em baby" Tommy smiled "You should consider being a model"
You bit down a smile, embarrassed at his kindness
"Even the special kind" he smirked "I know I would pay good money to see all this" he said, gesturing roughly to your whole body.
Heat rushed to your cheek and neck as you bit your lip.
"Now" Tommy propped his elbows on his thighs "You've told me all about how daddy makes you feel good... but nothin' about how you make him feel good"
"O-Oh, I-" you stuttered, fiddling with your fingers behind your back
"My brother's taught you how to suck cock baby?"
"y-yes" you nodded "he did"
"good" he said, spreading his legs "whatcha waiting for then?"
"O-oh" you stuttered, giving Joel a quick look just to have him encourage you in the task, which is why you quickly moved to get down on your knees before your Uncle- well, step-uncle to be exact.
Your hands were the tiniest bit shaky as you started undoing his zipper, and when you looked up, saw Tommy's big hazel eyes looking down at you with such intensity and lust, you couldn't help but feel even more nervous,
Joel was right, you knew everything about him, about how he did all of this, but you didn't know absolutely anything about Tommy... about what you were going up against.
"she always this slow?" Tommy grumbled, looking over at his brother.
"'m doing my best, trust me, but she's a real slow learner" Joel sighed, joining his brother in his annoyance.
You were mumbling a soft "sorry", when with a grunt, Tommy had freed his cock.
You watched him wide-eyed, before panning over his dick- it was almost the same as Joel if it weren't that Joel's was a little girthier, and that he didn't have so much black curly hair at the base.
"what is it now, I need to feed it to ya too?"
He'd become so impatient... so mean and far from the kind man he was just five minutes ago.
"I'm sorry Uncle Tommy" you murmured, hurriedly starting to lick his tip, first the slit, then the whole head, until finally you took it in your mouth, gently massaging the start of his cock with your tongue.
Tommy only hummed, his hand going to the back of your head
"down" he ordered, so of course, you did.
You fed more of him into your mouth, tasting more and more of him, of his skin, the feel of his veins, of the subtle twitches he produced, until you were almost all the way, and an inevitable gag made its way out of your mouth.
But that was normal, it was very hard to get a cock all the way down your throat on the first try, daddy had taught you that, so you did what you knew worked, you started bobbing your head up and down... getting it all wet made it easier to go down your throat.
"faster, sugar"
You hollowed your cheeks, following orders and following the pace Tommy's hand forced on your head with his hand.
"that's it" he groaned "Now show me what daddy taught you, take it all down that pretty throat"
You wanted to tell him that you weren't quite ready yet, that his cock was a new one after all, but you had no time, he'd already forced you down, and you were already choking on his dick.
Tommy groaned, throwing his head back as his hips thrust up like there was any more space for him inside of you.
"Fuck" he breathed, looking down at you while talking to his brother "it's like she was made to suck cock"
"I know right?" Joel chuckled, admiring you too
"The trainin' really paid off"
"Don't I know it..." Joel grinned "Once a day- that's all it took"
"Once a day- fuck- lucky bastard"
And yes of course, in the meantime, you were coughing and choking and spitting on his cock, tears streaming down your face and staining your sight, so much you couldn't even make up what Tommy looked like anymore.
"you look so pretty like this baby" Tommy cooed, his hips still slowly rocking against you, worsening the situation almost as much as the hand that was keeping you down. "cryin' around your uncle's cock like a good girl" he groaned, talking to his brother again "don't she?"
"Looks almost as good as when she's cryin' around mine," Joel grinned as he freed his cock, taking your hand in his only to wrap it around it
"Can't forget about Daddy can ya?" Tommy chuckled, watching you absentmindedly starting to stroke him.
You were pretty sure you were about to faint at any moment now.
"Such an obedient girl" Tommy cooed, before abruptly releasing you "suck my balls now"
You were couching like a maniac, but he was already forcing your mouth close to his balls
"I-I've nev-"
"I didn't ask you to talk now, did I?"
You gulped, feeling the rest of some tears wet your cheeks as Joel guided your hand up and down his manhood
"What did I ask you to do?"
"t-to suck your balls"
"yeah?" he breathed "Then how come you ain't doing that yet?"
that's all the incentive you needed- you bent down and took one of his heavy balls into your mouth.
"Fuck- wasn't so hard, was it?" he groaned, feeling you lick and suck so very diligently.
He was saltier here, and it was kind of a weird feeling... daddy had never asked you to do this.
"That’s right look at me, baby," he groaned, "look at your uncle while you suck his balls- good girl"
Joel had stopped guiding you now, you were doing it all on your own.
"get back to my dick sugar, I wanna feel it down your throat again"
So you did, his hand going back to its previous position and keeping you down as you cried and gagged.
"'s good-fuck"
"babydoll-" joel's voice was stern.
You'd stopped stroking his cock, and you hand't even realized, you were too lost in the mess Tommy was making of you- so lost in fact you didn't even hear his reprimand.
Which is why the slap that Tommy gave your cheek took you even more by surprise, making you cry out.
"Daddy's cock ain't gonna stoke itself, honey"
You tried to blink the shield of tears covering your eyes, but it was all useless- you started stroking Joel again as Tommy taunted you.
"what, 's too hard to do two things at once for that lil' brain of yours?"
Joel laughed, his hips thrusting up to feel even better
"Shoulda seen her tryin' to do her homework with my cock in her pussy" Joel said, causing his brother to grin
"'s just what dick does to dumb lil' sluts" Tommy shook his head, admiring you still choking on his manhood "shuts their brain right off"
"Ain't that right..." Joel hummed knowingly.
They were talking like you weren't even there... although truth be told, you weren't actually able to comprehend most of it- your brain had turned into a fuzzy blob.
Tommy took decisions very quickly, you’d gathered that by now, but that didn’t mean you weren’t left dumbfounded all the same.
“As much as I like your mouth- it’s time i feel that pussy around my cock baby”
And just like that, he’d let you go- giving you a moment to slide his manhood out your mouth, and wipe the spit and tears off your face.
It was only a minute later, when you were done cleaning up, that you realized Joel’s cock was still in your hand.
“I-“ you breathed, shy underneath the men’s gazes “Do you want my mouth too daddy?”
He smiled proudly at you
“‘S alright- today’s about Uncle Tommy”
You nodded, slowly removing your hand and positioning it on your thighs, together with your right one.
You kneeled there, sitting on your heels, waiting for an order.
But you didn't need to wait long.
"You wanna fuck her here?"
Joel sounded as if he was talking about work
"Nah, wanna fuck her in her bed"
While Tommy sounded like he was talking about a hunt.
"you heard him doll" said Joel "lead the way"
It was such a strange feeling walking ahead of them, completely naked, completely wet, as you made your way to your room- and yet it was also thrilling.
Tommy was smirking as he looked around your room- it was exactly as he'd pictured it.
You were looking at him, at them, biting your lip nervously as Tommy rounded the space, while Joel decided to sit on the armchair in the corner next to the bed.
You were looking at Joel to try and grasp what you were supposed to be doing, what he wanted you to do, but he didn't let anything transpire.
Until finally, Tommy turned to you and walked right before you.
Your face was still damp when he grabbed it, squeezing your cheeks.
"You know what's gonna happen now sugar?"
"mh-mh" you nodded
He was gonna make love to you, you thought, but he was already wording it differently
"I'm gonna fuck you" he murmured, his mouth ghosting yours "and you're gonna be real good for me alright?"
"yeah?" he taunted, his grip tightening
"Y-yes Uncle Tommy"
he let out a satisfied grunt as he let you go, leaving you to stand before him as he stripped of his clothes.
You felt your mouth water at the sight of him naked before you, and the feeling between your legs got much much worse.
his cock was throbbing against his stomach, still glistening from your mouth.
"ya like what you see honey?" he teased you, enjoying the blatant need in your eyes.
"I- yes" you murmured shily.
"bet you do- just can't wait to get stuffed can ya?" He smirked, watching the embarrassment creep up your face "Ain't nothin' wrong with it, 's normal for a lil' slut like you"
You gulped, watching him wide-eyed.
Daddy had called you that before, but it always confused you.
"well yeah baby" he cooed, his hands on your hips "you just took care of two cock at the same time, and now you're gonna get fucked back to back by the same two cocks" he shrugged, his lips right before yours "if that ain't what a slut does, I dunno what is"
"'s alright" he promised, his hands on your ass now "All that matters now 's that you got your daddy and me to take care of all your slutty needs"
You could only nod before he took a step back
"Now get on the bed" he spoke "face down, ass up"
You frowned then,
That's really not what you were used to doing, you liked eye contact, you liked kisses... you didn't want to be "face down, ass up"
"But Uncle Tommy- I- what if- I- want to look at you?"
he still seemed sweet as he looked at you, as he cooed "Oh baby", but then he'd grabbed your hair, pulling your head down, making you look at him.
"I see daddy hasn't taught you how it works yet" he growled "You're a slut, sweetheart- all you're good for is spreadin' your legs and followin' orders"
"You're not in charge here. If I tell you to get on all fours, you get on all fours- if I tell you to shut up and take it, you shut up and take it"
His grasp was strong, and your eyes were starting to water again, but all you could do was look at him as he spat those words at you.
"we clear?"
You nodded as much as you could given the situation
"say it"
"I-I got it"
He tugged at your hair as he growled in your face
"who's in charge?"
"You are"
And just like that, he'd let you go.
"face down, ass up" he repeated, and this time, you scurried towards the bed and complied.
You didn't dare look back, but you could feel Joel's stare right on your core, and hear Tommy's steps towards you.
"Jesus Christ"
Tommy had passed two of his digits through your folds, finding them completely soaked
"she always this fuckin' wet?" he asked his brother behind him
"You got no idea" he smirked "She leaves a stain on my pants every day she's so needy"
You'd be embarrassed by Joel's words if it weren't for Tommy's fingers plunging into you
"oh!" you moaned, your hands grabbing the sheets.
He was scissoring and curling his fingers, watching you convulse beneath him, pushing your ass back for more.
Your brain was already starting to get fuzzier when he pulled them out, forcing a whine out of your mouth.
Tommy only chuckled before popping his fingers into his mouth.
"she's sweet alright"
"yeah she is" Joel breathed, wishing he could be eating you out right then, but he'd promised his brother...
You were breathing ruggedly, peeking behind you in time to see your uncle smirk before grabbing his cock and sliding it between your folds.
You bit your lip to stifle a moan
"you want my cock baby?" he teased you, his tip gliding over your clit "You want my cock inside this sweet lil pussy?"
"y-yes" you whimpered
"beg for it"
You didn't need to be told twice, your pussy was fluttering by how much you needed it.
"please" you cried "please Uncle Tommy I- I need it"
"what do you need?"
"Your cock- I need it inside of me please"
And just then when you thought the torture was finally over, when he fisted the hair at the back of your head and positioned his cock at your entrance... he'd played you once again.
"'s alright baby, I got you" he murmured, sliding into you "there- it's inside now"
And he was- but only his tip.
Tears were in your eyes again. You were so fucking desperate.
"n-no please" you begged "more"
"more?" he mocked "this ain't enough? You want my whole cock?"
You tried to move your ass back to get more of him, but one of his hands was keeping you in place.
"Please!" you begged, holding back tears "I-I- please- need it"
A snicker rumbled behind you, and the hold on your hair tightened.
"what are you?"
You knew what you had to say, and you didn't even hesitate a second.
"I'm a slut"
A soft hum of satisfaction
"a lil' louder baby, let daddy hear too"
"I'm a slut daddy, I-I'm a slut"
Even if you couldn't see him, you could hear the smile on his face as Joel cooed "I know baby, I know you are"
But then it all stopped mattering, everything stopped existing because Tommy had thrust his cock into you, and all you could do was hide your face in the sheets as strangled mewls spilled from your lips.
"fuck- 's tight" Tommy groaned as he bottomed out, his dick easily sliding into you because of all the slickness, but stretching you out nonetheless
"told ya" Joel chirped in, making his brother grin before he referred to you again
"this enough for you, this what you wanted baby?"
"yeah? 's good- now be a good slut and take everything I give you"
And that was all the warning he gave you, before he retracted his hips, and started fucking you like a man possessed.
The sound of his balls slapping against your skin, the squelch of your juices mixing with his, and your muffled cries together with his sick groans were the perfect picture of the most violent attempt at sex you'd ever seen.
He was splitting you open, and from this position, everything felt amplified ten times over, you could feel his cock even in your throat.
"oh my g-god" you were crying, actual tears and drool staining the sheets.
"I know baby, I know issa lot" he growled, one hand on your head and one on your hips "But this 's what you wanted- this is what a slut like you needs"
And then he was forcing your head even more down on the bed, somehow picking up the pace, and making you forget all about your name and what you were even thinking about.
"that's right, like that- take it" he grunted "Take it all in this tight fukin' pussy"
The slap on your ass came out of nowhere, and for some reason was followed by your moan, and your back arching, as if you were begging for more.
Your mind wasn't in control anymore, it was just your body, only your needs driving you.
Which is why when he did it again, and then again, and then again, until your ass was red and aching and your tears had formed a pool on the bed, your walls squeezed around him impossibly tight, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"Good little whore" he was grinning in the meantime "scream for your uncle baby- like that baby- now stay still-"
It didn't even come to mind to ask why, your brain was too murky, and his cock was still splitting you in half- the only thing you could do was gasp when his wet thumb probed at your asshole.
"Shhh" he shushed you, still forcing your head down "just take it"
And so you did, Daddy had trained you for this kind of stuff, so it wasn't that bad, it was just very unexpected
"she's fucking obedient when she wants huh?" he was talking to Joel again, who was palming his cock through his jeans.
"she's a real good girl when she's fucked out"
"yeah she is"
He was fingering your ass with his thumb as he fucked you, and your eyes were closed as you moaned like a madwoman into the thick air.
It felt so fucking good- it felt so fuckin-
"Oh god-"
he was going faster again, and his finger was deeper now in your ass and it felt so good now that it was... it was too much-
"T-tommy" you tried to speak, but your own moans interrupted you
"sush baby- or Imma have to tell daddy to put that mouth of yours to good use"
Fuck but that image made you tighten even more, and the chuckle leaving his lips meant he definitely noticed
"found yourself a real whore brother"
You were too overwhelmed by everything you were feeling, by your stomach squeezing as Tommy's cock hit that good spot inside you, by the foreign feeling of his thumb in your ass.
"d-daddy!" you cried, begging him for help.
Only Tommy had to come in and crush your hopes immediately.
"daddy ain't gonna help you sweetie" he cooed, your eyes on the back of your head "You just gotta take what I give you, and come on my cock like a good girl"
"can you do that f'me?" he spoke, "can you come around your favorite uncle's cock?"
And there was nothing you could do- it was inevitable
"yes" you whimpered
"I can feel it baby, c'mon " he urged, his thrust even deeper now "give it to me- give it to me like a good slut"
And just like that- your vision went white as a tsunami of sick, twisted pleasure coursed through your body, leaving you out of breath and barely awake as it died down, as you finally came back to earth to realize Tommy had been speaking you for some time.
"this pussy's beggin' me to come inside brother" Tommy was groaning, and you must have been out of it for a while because Joel was now next to his brother, standing on the side of the bed
"Tell daddy how much you want my come inside ya sweetie"
both men were looking at you with pure, glistening lust in their eyes
"I-inside" you finally whimpered
"not inside darlin'" Joel shook his head,
"b-but daddy- I- I wanna be full of him"
Tommy had a really hard time not coming right there after that.
"Yeah man, c'mon" Tommy grinned, his thumb now out of you and both his hands stroking your ass "you heard your babygirl- she wants it real bad"
Joel only needed to shoot him a glance to make him shut up
"Ass, face, or tits," he told him, and although Tommy rolled his eyes, he still chose
"y'know it's face"
Before you knew it you were kneeling on the floor and Tommy was jerking off right before you.
Your mouth was open, your tongue was out, but that didn't matter much... Uncle Tommy's aim wasn't very good.
He came with a loud groan, looking down at you and the masterpiece he was painting on your face the whole time.
"You look real fuckin' pretty like this" he grinned, his voice slightly out of breath as he grabbed your chin to inspect you better.
What he didn't expect was what you did next... Daddy had taught you manners after all.
He watched you as you started collecting his come with your index finger, and then he watched you pop it into your mouth, liking his spunk from it like it was the tastiest whipped cream.
You did it until your whole face was clean, and he couldn't stop fucking smirking.
"what do we say?" You heard Joel speak from beside you
"thank you, Uncle Tommy"
He couldn't help but reciprocate your smile "Anytime baby"
Joel didn't even wait a second before he was helping you up and onto the bed again.
You sat there as Tommy replaced his brother's spot on the armchair, while Joel took off his clothes-
Yes you were spent by all that Tommy had done to you, but you'd be lying if you said your hole didn't flutter around nothing every time you saw your step-dad naked.
"lay down babygirl"
You did, and not even a second later, Joel had pushed his cock inside of you, groaning lowly as he worked himself in to the hilt.
"daddy" you gasped, his dick stretching you out as always.
"I know darlin', I know" he cooed, remaining buried inside you as he pushed you up on the bed and then crawled on top of you "such good lil' girl, takin' it so well f'me sugar"
His words melted you as always, and then when he leaned down and crashed your lips in his... you became a doll at his mercy.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your arm around his neck, keeping him impossibly close.
He smiled as he leaned away
"'m not going anywhere babydoll" he smirked, his soft mouth on the shell of your ear "not until you come for me" he murmured, sending a shiver down your spine "not until I've filled this pussy all the way up"
You moaned at his words, and he smiled as he started moving, slowly picking up his pace, until he too, just like his brother, was slamming into you at a brutal pace.
You were crying out, desperately grabbing the hair at the nape of his neck, while he was kissing your neck, leaving hot, wet kisses wherever he could.
It was then your gaze somehow settled on Tommy, on your step-uncle, sitting in the corner before you, and on his insatiable eyes fixated on you.
He smirked when he caught you.
"daddy feels good baby?"
"y-yes" you moaned
"not better than me right?"
"shut up Tommy" Joel grumbled
You wanted to smile but Joel was pounding you so hard that a whine left your throat instead
"'s alright, daddy can take it, can't ya Joel?" Tommy chuckled "I can tell you miss me already baby" he cooed "miss my cock, my thumb in that pretty ass..."
Joel grunted as he picked up his pace, leaving you breathless and all but able to answer Tommy.
"Do you, doll?"
It was Joel murmuring now, a smirk on his lips as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head, as he bashed in the feeling of having taken all common sense out of you once again.
"n-no daddy" you promised "y-you feel- so-"
But you couldn't finish the sentence, another moan had interrupted you.
"what?" he taunted, both brothers grinning at your state.
"perfect" you mumbled, eyes closing and belly tightening "s-so perfect"
"that's right" Joel smirked proudly "eyes on me darlin'"
It took a lot of effort, but you managed.
"You gonna come babydoll?"
"yes" you cried "yes daddy- please"
"'s alright, come for me darlin'"
You didn't need to be told twice- you continued looking at him as pleasure took over your body, as fireworks went off and your legs trembled desperately.
You came calling for him, and once you came back to earth, his lips were on yours, drowning the whimpers his cock was still spilling from your mouth.
"You want daddy's come, sugar?"
"yes" you begged, biting your lip as his pace got more and more irregular "Please daddy- need it deep inside me"
"All of it?"
"all of it daddy- want it all- please" you cried "fill me up"
And so he did, your moans becoming one as he shot rope after rope of his come inside of you.
He kissed you again when he was done, still buried inside you to avoid it spilling out right away- but you were in another universe, your eyes were closed and your limbs powerless.
Joel smiled then, finally sliding out of you and standing up.
You wanted to curl yourself up in a sleeping position but his hands stopped you, forcing your legs open for him and his brother to admire his work.
Tommy could only groan a low "fuck" as he took his place beside Joel.
"ain't she pretty?"
"fuckin' beautiful" Tommy murmured, mesmerized by the sight before him.
There you were, laid before him, his step-niece, completely fucked out.
"we wore her out too much" Joel's brother shook his head, his fingers caressing your thighs "I was ready for round two"
Joel's lips stretched into a soft smirk
"give her ten minutes"
"she'll fall asleep in ten minutes"
Joel's smile only widened as he shook his head
"don't worry- she's good at takin' cock even in her sleep"
#joel miller#joel miller smut#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller fic#joel miller fanfic#joel miller fluff#joel miller x fem!reader#joel miller x female reader#stepdad joel#joel miller x f!reader#joel miller x y/n#joel miller x you#smut#pedro pascal#pedro pascal x reader#fluff#joel miller imagine#joel miller blurb#joel miller angst#fanfiction#the last of us#tlou#the last of us hbo#joel miller x innocent reader#tlou hbo#tommy miller x reader#tommy miller x y/n#tommy miller smut
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Cregan on a day going on a frenzy out of nowhere and full on fucking the brains out of his wife THE WHOLE DAYYYY, neglecting his duties while the other Lords call for him and he straight up threatens to kill anyone who dares interrupt him…on my knees rn🧎🏻♀️
Go off, your majesty👑🙇🏻♀️
so. my brain is doing a think. a nice, slutty think.
Let me just start by clarifying that Cregan, above all else, respects his position just as the majority of his ancestors have done before him. He's very serious about being the Warden of the North and he really does his best to...behave himself. Sometimes though, he doesn't.
alright thats enough thinking its time to fuk. i sincerely apologize for what im about to unleash. may the odds be ever in your favor i guess lol
ᴀʟᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ.
NSFW stuff under the cut. 18+ only. I'm not responsible for the content you choose to consume. ty. no SRSLY this one needs like twenty more nsfw warnings
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
"You can take it.” He murmurs into the quiet of their chambers, eyes trained down where he’d connected to his wife for the third—no, maybe fourth time since they’d risen that day. He’d lost count, much like she had. It felt pointless to keep track anyway. All that mattered was that it felt good. Filling her deep, slow, teeth dug into her calf over his shoulder just to ground himself and remember where he was. The Lord of Winterfell was cunt-drunk beyond belief.
Cregan woke that morning without the thought of his tasks for the day. No. None at all. His wife was sitting up in their marital bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, reaching over for her soft robe—Gods, he lost absolute control of himself, of his restraint. He saw the supple planes of her back, and that was all it took, really. He’d taken her on her stomach first, a satisfying, lazy fuck that he couldn’t hold himself from coming early. That didn’t mean he was done, by any means, just momentarily winded. His mouth worked just fine to bring her to peak.
Seeing his own seed dribble out of her pretty cunt was enough to make him hard all over again. He feasted on her for breakfast, smearing his come over her pearl and cleaning it off nice and clean. He loved the way she tasted when she released against his mouth—loved the way his own release tasted when mixed with her slick. Delving his tongue deep, hands gripping her fleshy backside as he was torn between lapping up his own seed from her or pushing it further in. Gods, it was obscene. That made him all the more feral to go again. Everything was so warm when he slipped himself back inside. Whatever possessed him that day was unknown to either of them.
It was frantic, breathy—short strokes that were brief but hard enough to make her eyes roll back. Cregan held himself up via the backboard, thankful more and more every day that he’d chosen the sturdiest design imaginable as he snapped his hips against her ass. His wife was a thorough mess, mewling inconsolably as the sensitivity from her last release was front and center. She came again as his cockhead hit that spot like a bullseye.
They took a respite, thankfully. Cregan had never felt himself so drained of seed before. But, back to where we were: "You can take it.” He murmurs into the quiet of their chambers, eyes trained down where he’d connected to his wife for the third—no, maybe fourth time since they’d risen that day. He’d lost count, much like she had. It felt pointless to keep track anyway. All that mattered was that it felt good. Filling her deep, slow, teeth dug into her calf over his shoulder just to ground himself and remember where he was. The Lord of Winterfell was cunt-drunk beyond belief.
This time, his thrusts were deliberate, keen, and languid. He was fucking her. Making love. Making heirs. Pushing his come as deep as it could go and satiating his urge to breed her until she was round with the litter of her Lord Wolf. She was on her back, by the edge of the bed, eyes locked on Cregan’s light eyes, her pupils equally as dilated as she watched him take his time with her. “You—have a meeting today.” Huh. He did.
“Don’t care.” He grunts, thumbs pushing into the back of her thighs. His brows were furrowed in concentration, only seeing the sweat gathering on her clavicle, the flush of her cheeks, the way her nails were digging into the sheets—the tunnel vision was going to make him bust. “You’re forgetting.” She moans, head tilting back. “Forgetting—mmmh! Forgetting your responsibility to your bannermen.” Cregan bit her calf harder at the mention of them. “I don’t care. I’ll slit the throat of any man who dares remove me from your perfect cunt, wife.” He rasps, now briefly recalling that he was supposed to attend first thing in the morning. Ah, well, too late now.
“You’d better fill me then, my Lord husband.” She giggles, delighted at the prospect of having him all to herself for the day. “If we’re going to spend the afternoon making pups, we’d better not disappoint them.” His eyes flick up at her face as he pauses his deep thrust, squeezing her thighs in his large hands. A rumble of a sultry laugh emits from his chest. “Your womb will take all that I give it, woman. I’ll make sure of that.”
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#dingdonganswers#house of the dragon#cregan stark#hotd#cregan stark fanfic#cregan stark imagine#cregan stark x female reader#cregan stark x reader#cregan x reader#cregan stark smut
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Lando calling reader his wife even though they’ve only been together for about a year
oh my god yes anon i love this idea!
tw: fem!reader, swears maybe, she's on the shorter side! lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 944
lando was the perfect boyfriend. he was everything you had ever wanted in a partner. you liked to think he was literally made for you. how can someone be so perfect for you and not be? it was not possible.
you loved pet names and he loved calling you them. you loved touching him in anyway you could and he loved touching you ten times more. you loved doing things for him to show him just how much and how deeply you cared for and loved him and he loved sitting back and letting you help him destress from a busy race weekend. when you needed space? he would just go away to race for the weekend and let you realise that you could barely function without him and his love.
you had been out shopping with some of your friends for one of their birthdays. it had been nice catching up with them but your separation issues from your boyfriend had ended up kicking in and you could not wait to get home. you were itching to just sit on his lap and have him explain the plot of some dumb film that he had put on while waiting for you to come home.
when you trod back into lando's place, slipping off your shoes and leaving them by the door, the first thing you hear is lando's infectious laugh booming from his streaming room. it makes you smile as soon as you hear it even though it makes you realise you probably will not be able to sit with him for at least another hour, at least. your hands are still holding onto your shopping bags as you pass by his room as quietly as you possibly can, so as not to disturb him and his friends. you dump the bags in your bedroom and plan to head back into the living room to watch some tv and relax.
lando hears you this time and calls out for you, the door is creaked open a touch as you prepare yourself to be seen by millions of lando's fans. as you enter the room you hear one of the guys lando was streaming with (you were almost positive it was ginge) ask lando something you could not make out. lando's response almost kills you off though, his fans too.
"nah, the wife is just back home from shopping so i'll be finishing this game then hopping off." if you were holding anything it would have just fallen and shattered to the ground. you hoped your expression was hidden from his camera. you clear your throat and lando spins around mid-game to greet you. he slides his gaming headphones down to rest on his neck and reaches back to mute the stream but not before he mutters out in the warmest voice he can muster, a "hiya, honey."
you smile down at him as he shuffles his chair closer to you then sticks hims arms out like a child, practically begging for a hug from you. your mind is still stuck on the wife thing but you fall into his arms willingly anyway.
you straddle him on the big gaming chair, the tops of your heads at the only things that can be seen on the camera. lando presses a few kisses into your hair as he holds you close.
"missed you while you were gone." lando speaks into your hair, it makes you laugh.
"i was gone for three hours."
"ugh, don't remind me! i almost died from bordem." lando groans, head falling back against the soft material of the chair. you just laugh into his neck, nose brushing his throat softly.
"drama queen." you roll your eyes.
lando looks down at you with the biggest heart eyes you have ever seen and you feel your heart melt into a massive puddle in your ribcage, you feel it drip down to settle into your stomach.
"so i'm your wife then, huh?" you ask with a smile and a teasing tone. you feel lando tense up a little but he relaxes as soon as he feels your smile against his skin. his hand comes to splay out across your back to keep you supported. then he is smiling as he explains himself.
"guess i'm just so used to called you my wife when i'm with my friends that i accidentally did it on stream. sorry honey, didn't mean to embarrass you." lando says, almost shyly. his eyes peer down at yours to see your reaction.
"you call me your wife to your friends?" you smile back at him, hand coming up to run through his messy curls. the other resting on the side of his neck.
lando grins a stupid big smile at you as your hand rakes through his hair. "well you're gonna be one of these days right? might as well get the practise in. don't wanna slip up and call my wife my girlfriend now do i?" he is cheeky in his words and tone but you let him off. even though his logic makes no sense. you know it makes sense to lando so you let that go too.
"okay, sure. whatever you say husband." you did not think lando's smile could get any bigger. you were so wrong. he laughs and holds you close. little did either of you know that lando had missed the mute button and around three thousand of lando’s fans, plus all his friends had heard you both. lando would find out once he went back on his phone the next day, spending the rest of the evening and then the night with his girlfriend (wife).
#lando norris x you#lando norris fluff#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine#lando x reader#lando norris#lando norris oneshot#ln4 x y/n#ln4 one shot#ln4 fluff#ln4 imagine#ln4 fic#ln4#f1 fluff#f1 x reader#f1 imagine#f1 fic#f1 fanfic#lcriedlastnight#lcriedlastnightrequests
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thinking about face sitting with chan, you would be having a bad day just overall be so stressed and he wanted to help you unwind after your long hard day but you didn’t want to hurt and he’d be like “you could never hurt me” and just give endless reassurance as he’s bringing your body down to his face
YEYSYEUSYESS I LOVE THIS IDEA as a girl with big thighs myself <3
cw: smut, cunnilingus, mentions of weight insecurity
Imagine you'd come home from a long, hard day at work, and all you wanted to do was get a meal in your systen and kick your feet back on the couch - but that sinking feeling returns to your belly as you take a look at your now swollen legs from all the running around you've been doing.
You hate the way your legs and your whole body look. All you can see are your hip dips and fat thighs. How could you let yourself go like this? You'd have to find a way to lose the fat, or else you'd he unlovable to everyone, you'd be unlovable to him. Besides, boys prefer skinny girls anyway, you thought.
You resisted your body's urge for some much needed nutrition and trudged your way to the couch to fall asleep and wait until Chan got home. Maybe you could magically lose 20 pounds in your slumber, if you were lucky.
You drifted off to sleep with the thoughts of your unworthiness lulling you into a depression, only to be woken shortly after by gentle kisses to your forehead.
"Well g'morning to you, sleepyhead." Chan whispered endearingly.
"Mmmm, sorry babe, long day." You muttered in your sleepy confusion.
For a brief second, it seemed as though your angst was gone-only to reappear immensely as you gazed at his loving face. He was so beautiful, so hardworking and kind, it's no wonder he had millions of adoring fans. You though? You felt like you were nothing compared to him, just a nobody in the presence of a man blessed by the goddess of beauty. Tears began to prickle in your eyes as your emotions flooded your system.
Chan took quick notice to this, scrambling to figure out what was wrong and how he could help out. He spent the next hour brushing his fingers through your hair and listening attentively to your thoughts of worthlessness, wishing he could take away the pain you felt and making his own tears threaten to spill.
"Here, baby, let me make you feel better." Chan whispered as he grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom. What you didn't expect was for him to lay flat on the bed and motion you with his fingers to come towards him.
"C'mere baby, come sit on your throne." He said as he motioned you to sit on his face.
"Oh, uh, but I-I don't wanna hurt you, I'm a little too-" Your words were cut off swiftly by Chan's palm cupping your mouth.
"No buts, you deserve it. Now sit." He retorted.
"You don't have to do this just to make me feel better, babe. I don't wanna hurt you...or suffocate you either." You remarked.
"Oh Y/N...you could never hurt me. What do you think I train with Changbin so much for? Besides, air is for pussies-I want it all.
Slightly more persuaded by his words, you slid your panties off and crept over to him, hovering over his face and giving him a view of your glistening cunt.
"Ffffuuuuck, look at that. Is this all for me?" Chan asked as he brought his digits to your folds, spreading them apart to give him the best view possible.
"God, Y/N, you don't know how fucking sexy you are. All of this gorgeous body and these soft ass thighs-I'm so lucky." He said as he took his free hand and began to knead at your plush thighs, soaking up every part of this moment.
"Are you sure you want me to do this? You can stop, anytime, promise." You replied nervously.
"Are you absolutely positive?"
"Yes, I'm absolutely positive."
"Ok, just make sure you tap whenever you need some-AANGH~" You cried out suddenly as he grasped your hips and shoved your body onto his face, instantly devouring your pussy like a starved man.
You couldn't help but buck your hips against the tip of his nose, especially when it hit your clit in just the right spot, making the most unholy moans escape your throat. The sounds of Chan's tongue skillfully slurping up your juices from every part of your sopping cunt was enough in itself to make you cum, even more so when he snaked his hands from under your thighs to grasp your ass desperately.
You lifted yourself off of him out of fear of hurting him, only to be met with the face of Chan, eyes furrowed and covered in your juices.
"Did I say get up? No, now get back down here and let me worship you."
Needless to say, you were gonna be in for a long night. Chan was gonna make sure you knew you were perfect, even if it meant eating you out all night long.
#kpop#kpop smut#stray kids#skz#skz smut#skz x reader#skz hard hours#kpop x reader#stray kids smut#bang chan hard hours#bang chan x reader#bang chan angst#bang chan smut#bangchan x y/n#bangchan x you#bangchan x reader#bangchan smut#bangchan#bang chan#skz x y/n#skz hard thoughts
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