#anyway. I’m doing some screen cap redraws with these guys so keep an eye out for that
fowlaroundtown · 2 years
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Screw you *unturtles your 2012 turtles*
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for the Avengers’ days off
Avengers x reader
warnings: stabbing mention lmao, guns
prompt: anonymous: “can we have a y/n just chilling with all the avengers?”
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over the years, it was hard to have a peaceful day off, but sometimes that was the priority
each avenger had a preference on what they liked to spend their free time on
but we all know that there’s never a true stress-free day when it comes to your team
most of you preferred sleeping in, but not cap or sam, it was 6:00am sharp for them
you had begged tony to soundproof this place, but noooo
“it’s just not practical, what if someone’s being stabbed? what if we cant hear them yelling for help?”
so you could hear the clattering of the kitchen and buried your face into your pillow
sooner or later you’d roll out of bed and find breakfast had been cooked for the whole team
“‘morning, y/n! we made eggs, toast, bacon, waffles, and cut up some fruit! here’s your plate and here’s some juice”
“oh, wow, smells great”
it could’ve been worse, at least there were no coffee grounds in the disposal so you didn’t have to hear tony complain
speaking of tony, he emerged from the hallway in his silk robe with bags under his eyes
“well, i dont know about you guys, but i slept great!”
“how many hours of sleep did you get, tony?”
“you know, like...two”
sooner or later, the rest of the avengers had been woken up and everyone gathered in the living room to watch the news and talk about their plans
“can we watch something other than the news? i’d honestly be down to watch spongebob, anyone else?” -rhodey
you were in charge of the remote
“hell yeah, i thought you’d never ask”
this full group of adults peacefully watching nickelodeon together until everyone was finished
now there was a pile of dishes in the sink and a very dirty kitchen but everyone just kind of forgot about it and went on to other things
so what relaxed the avengers?
well, most of them liked to train, but they had other hobbies too
like steve, he liked to draw (every once in a while he showed you his sketches and they’re honestly really good?? especially the redraw of a monkey in the ‘40s)
sometimes he even asked you to model poses for him
“just another minute, y/n, you’re doing great”
*you standing on one shaking leg in a kick position*
steve made u draw with him
“it’s therapeutic”
you left your art in his room and now it’s hung up on the fridge
and then there was tony, who was working on some new inventions that you were a bit worried about
you snuck past the lab, but FRIDAY told him that you were near
“y/n! come help me with this really quick!”
“damn, so close”
“can you try this on and shoot it at that target over there?”
“why cant you do this?”
“because your body is able to ‘take the heat’ or whatever that dumb catchphrase you have is”
luckily it worked, but “not good enough” and you ended up helping tony hold the thing in place while he worked
“so, how’s your day off going so far? do anything fun?”
“hung out with steve while he was working on some sketches”
“so i’m going to take that as a ‘no’”
tony relieving you of your duties so that you could roam the compound once more
hearing wanda play guitar!! you loved hearing her play!
“knock knock”
“come in”
you laid in her bed for a while and listened to her soothing voice, it made up for tony’s lab assistant thing
“do you know what’s for lunch?”
“i think today’s special is ‘serve yourself’”
you and wanda went off to the kitchen to make macaroni and cheese (because why not??? im about to make my own mac and cheese)
(also u made tony a pb&j bc u knew damn well he wasn’t coming out of that lab for a while) (u gave him lightly salted chips too bc he needs to cut down on his sodium)
“tony, eat lunch”
“aww, for me? you shouldn’t have”
yall think wanda watches shameless?? bc i kinda do and these are my headcanons so she watches shameless
“we’re more unstable than the gallaghers, they should make a show about us”
she almost choked on her mac and cheeseeee
“keeping up with the avengers”
“‘tony, what the fuck is up with your wifi, you have this big-ass compound and you can’t afford a wifi box out here?’”
“‘it’s not about affording, it’s about radiation’”
“‘you’re gonna die anyway! you understand that, right? die with a good snapchat going through!’”
nearly pissing yourself laughing
but vision asked wanda a favor and you wandered off to another part of the compound
ah, yes, the training room
clint, nat, sam, and rhodey were all in here; it was target practice day
“y/n, grab a gun and get over here!”
“a gun? let’s teach y/n some archery”
“nobody wants to learn archery, clint”
“what? you said you wanted to”
“yeah, but you never taught me”
“well, i can teach you right now”
“fine, let’s go!”
red-wing flew very close to your head
“watch out, y/n!” -sam
“dude, you’re gonna kill them” -rhodey
“seems like now is a bad time?”
everyone was just kind of bickering as per usual, you were just a teeny bit bored
but sam agreed to a round of hand-to-hand combat that really relaxed you
no, really, the best stress reliever is a peaceful fight between your roommates
you were kinda glad it wasn’t nat you were fighting because she’d probably put you on the mat twice a minute
soon, each of you worked up a sweat and you went to your private bathroom to take a shower
there was always hot water at the avengers compound, so that was a comforting thought
after you were out, you got dressed into some cozy pajamas and walked out to the kitchen, where wanda and vision were making dinner
a few avengers were already out on the couches, just watching the tv
you joined them and suggested that they should all watch a movie tonight
“what kind of movie?”
“i dont know? hot tub time machine?”
everyone agreed
and side eyed steve when sebastian stan popped up on screen
“guys, i really dont see the resemblance! cant we just watch the movie?”
“are you blind??”
“his 90 year old eyes deceive him”
it was a good dinner
“sam, you stink”
“i havent taken a shower yet”
what a loving family
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smoliboops · 4 years
the egos as different (new who) incarnations of the Doctor: revisted
(havent written an analysis type of thing in a while, miss sharing ideas with people in general aha :’D)
originally 2am thoughts/concepts that i might draw aka revisiting the concept of the egos as different regenerations of the doctor (debate and additions are welcome):
schneeplestein- nine
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(first regeneration after the time war and as such major guilt and lonliness from being the sole survivor who also had to be the one to end it. this paralleling to schneep’s 9 month disappearance and his possible guilt resulting from the events of say goodbye and moreso kill jse (as well as schneep probably doing risky things in the name of stopping anti). other things including, sass, calling humans “stupid apes”, rational, angry sometimes, but can appreciate the ancient human music that is tainted love, saving their friend/companion and telling them to live a good life as they head off to face their longtime enemy,the pain you see on his face when he gets compared to said enemy (”you would make a good puppet dalek), bananas being good source of potassium)
chase- ten
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(is kind of a mess but a cool mess, generally the most emotional/human of the incarnations, starts off as a cool, charismatic type of guy but slowly goes downward into a spiral of sadness and lonliness as everyone he loved leaves (ya see the connection im getting at?), loses the girl he loved and missing the chance to tell her he loved her, ”im fine” he says as he just lost his best friend and is now alone standing in the pouring rain, accidentally quoting the lion king and harry potter but also “no second chances im that kind of man,” loves little shops and making things that go ding and silly made up words like “wibbly wobbly timey wimey”, literally Human Nature/Family of Blood shows how much he wanted a human life with a wife and kids and the episode "the doctor's daughter" where he finally gets a kid and loses her, the hero who goes from saving the universe with all his friends around him to him dying alone not wanting to go, literally called “the man that regrets” in dotd, listen to love don't roam on YouTube)
jj- eleven
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(the doctor with the most confusing timeline, child-like wonder and the look of a young lad hiding the tired eyes of an old man who has seen and gone through so much, very protective of his fond family/people he loves, he literally snuck into a charlie chaplin film in s6′s immpossible astronaut, also stayed in Victorian london for a time which would be jj's aesthetic tbh, can be silly and clumsy and starry-eyed while also being capable of becoming the oncoming storm, “ Good men don't need rules, today is not the day to find out why i have so many.”, great with kids, like weird/unique hatwear, b o w t i e s, g o g g l e s, just wants to go home even if it’s the long way round, “every lonely monster needs a companion” (you can’t tell me jj probably would still feel like a monster cos of how closely related he is to anti), and also theres puppets in two episodes of his, despite the darkness and loneliness it just made him kind, the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams )
marvin- twelve
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(recognizing gender as a concept far beyond them obvs, he’s literally called a magician half the time lol, avoiding death by rocking out in the 1500s with an electric guitar on top of an army tank, “can you hurry up before i hit you with my shoe”, as a morally gray character that many theorize whether he’s good/bad, marvin relates well to twelve’s whole journey of questioning if he was a good man and willing to learn the extents of what that means, tried his best to not only do right but to try to help those who weren’t good people who he knew needed help, would fight robin hood irl with a spoon and have a sign saying “go away humans”, not totally great with social cues but he tries and that’s what counts, seemingly cold and harsh and grump but take time to know him and he’s actually warm deep down, "do you think i care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?", wiliing to "go to hell" for their friend, not only protective of the people he loves but is also willing to to things like repeatedly die over 8 billion years and almost cause the destruction of the universe for the sake of saving his friend, would sacrifice himself recklessly in the name of standing up for what he believed in)
jackieboy man-thirteen
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(total ray of sunshine who also recognizes the dangers of being close to them (i.e. dying, forgetting, getting trapped in another time or parallel world, getting converted and dying, etc) and as such keeps those they love at a distance, literally not talking about who they truly were for a whole series cos they didn't want to wrap their family up into their own troubles they faced, adorably socially awkward/anxious but still perseveres in the face of danger and certain doom, "darkness never sustains, even though sometimes it feels like it might," would build their own gadgets, g o g g l e s, would eat dirt and bone dust for analysis, would save the day by becoming best friends with a sentient universe in the form of a frog, always tries to have a flat team structure but in reality "this team structure...it isn't flat. It's mountainous, with me, in the stratosphere, alone, left to choose. Save jack the poet, save the universe. Sometimes, even i can't win.", P U N S)
Bonus content: anti as sacha Dawhan's master
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like *chefs kiss* (LITERALLY pretended to be the doctor's friend for years until revealing he actually killed him before she met him and took his place (that gif is him just throwing away that dude's minituraized dead body btw), the kneel scene, his s m i l e, maniacal g l e e as he destroys everything and kills people all to cover up the pain and sadness and anger he feels inside because of her *cough a piece of SPOILER being inside him and him not being able to stand it is definitely anti/jack vibes cough*, also imagine this small exchange but between jackieboy man and anti:
The doctor: "proud of yourself?"
The master: "Definitely."
The doctor: "all this death...Finally made you happy?"
The Master, smiling: "Ecstatic."
The doctor, closer to his face: "And has it calmed all the rage?"
The master, pausing and looking away: "...I don't think anything will ever do that."
Also pls watch that spyfall pt1 reveal scene (basically the whole ending tbh), again it's just *chef's kiss*
Ok that's enough blabbering from me. Still debating on drawing the egos as the doctor (ooh maybe a screen cap redraw would be fun if some people have suggestions for an ep to ref for each one (granted who knows if I'd have time to draw them all but I'm curious anyway lol)) ok time to head out *yeets*.
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