#anyway- thanks for reading my mumble jumble! xoxo
elenadoeslife · 6 months
Nothing as humbling as putting on old clothes and have one of the buttons popping off 😂
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jenotional · 6 years
flowers in my throat; lee jeno
word count: 1.68k
pairing: lee jeno x reader 
genre: romance | boyfriend au → fluff | soft boyfriend au → angst | bad boy au 
guys this is it! prompt list can be found here. i was really inspired and motivated to write these days thanks to lee jeno who works harder on wrecking my heart and stomping all over it ! but i am not complaining. this piece is basically a roller coaster, from romance > fluff > angst, please hang tight! warnings will be mentioned below. enjoy reading! xoxo, soya
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➳ things you said at 1 am boyfriend!au | romance
“Do you ever think about what will happen to us?” He asks, almost too quietly.  
Through hooded eyes you could see how he’s curled slightly to fit beside you on your small bed, feel his hot breath against your ear, lids heavily pressed, the tip of his nose barely brushing over your arm as he sighs and his grasp around your waist loosens.
The night was so dead, pitched black with the moon which hung high above, the only light source pooling over the entire town, casting a white sheen of silver unto tall buildings and small houses’ rooftops. Moonlight seeps through the window seals and find its way to greet your silhouette laid beside a young man. A gleaming white shadow strokes the highs of his cheekbones, caresses his toned, relaxed muscles, as he snores faintly with dreams stirring him back and forth through time and reality.
Gently, you graze your hand through the midnight curls that is his. He groans, as if to say he liked it, and reaches out to grab your hand to make it stay there, lingering.
He waits for you to answer, holding in his breath as his grip tightens; he pulls your hand down to his cheek, lips, and ever so softly, pressed a kiss to your palm.
“I do,” you answer, finally.
It was far more complicated in your head – a mix of doubt and fear, but he is here right now. What more is there to be afraid of?
In your head another train of thousands and millions of answers muddle in your mind. There are the simple ones, where you could easily go, “Ah yes, I do.”—which was what you went for—but there were also the complicated ones, the ones you preferred to keep to yourself. It flows in and out, from whispers to ink on paper, but it never really goes out to him.  
“Well… What do you think about?”
He breathes through his nose, eyes still closed.
“Everything,” you murmur, sliding your hand up to his hair again, tangling it in between your knuckles.
In your head, you thought about it. The answer to his question was simple, but why was it so hard to say it? It was infinite. A train that keeps going with no destination, not until it clashes into another train. Maybe then it would have meaning.
“…I love you, __. You… You know that right?” He chuckles in his sleep, bringing his arms to his chest where he twines them underneath the sheets to keep them away from the cold.
He was snoring by the time you opened your mouth to say it back. Sucking on his left thumb gently as he gently kicks away the blankets unconsciously. You check your alarm and bend to pull the sheets to tuck him in just right, pressing your lips against his forehead, you whispered what you wish he hears in his dream whilst in slumber.
You hope the moon watches over him, the tides guides his way, the stars makes his wishes come true.
“I love you more.”
➳ things you said over the kitchen table soft boyfriend!au | fluff
There were eggs and bacon over the counter, served with a toasted piece of bread, spread with slight melted cream cheese.
He stands with his back facing towards you, his crinkled white tee shirt tucked underneath a blue apron with an embroiled daisy at the top corner front. He messes his free hand in his hair for some time, as his other stirs the contents frying in the pan with a wooden spatula, lips pressed together as he hums a random melody he has heard on the morning radio a few days ago, making up lyrics in his head as he’d mumble it out softly, careful not to be too loud.
“Good morning, love.” You greet him with a shy smile.
He turns with a surprised face, not expecting you to be up so early on a Thursday morning where you’ve already decided to skip work the previous evening. When you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulled him in to burry your nose in his neck—so you could wake up to this, in his sweater with tousled hair, beaded sweat on your neck, looking forward for a morning shower with him.
“Oh, wow.” He smiles brightly, noticing how small you looked in his hoodie. “Morning, sunshine.”
You walk towards him to sit on the stool as he turned off the stove and pours the remaining scrambled eggs onto his plate. “Just in time for breakfast,” he says, and you smiled.
Last night as you laid in bed with him, he told you about how he had planned to spend the day with you. “I want us to go to a farm. A friend recommended a place, and it’s not too far from home. There’s also a fresh market around the corner, and oh, there’s baby ducks too. I’d like to pet them,”
How can this boy be so sweet?
With his frame engulfed in your arms, he suddenly seem like a child you’d like to protect with your life. With his messy velvet jet black hair thrown back with his casual combing, bare skin against your own under the sheets with his toes brushing against your ankles – he speaks his language that once was so foreign, now a song you listen to every second and learnt the lyrics by heart, breath a hot puddle under your ear as he murmurs away his lovely quotes. A lullaby, a caramel sweet; his touch like honey, gaze like sunshine hitting the floorboards on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
“Would you come with me, love?” He whispers, eyes closed and fingers wrapped gently around your wrist.
“Of course, darling. I’d love to pet the baby ducks too.”
“How’d you sleep?”
“Well.” You grin, watching as he pulls out a seat for himself, hands grabbing onto the silver utensils already. “You?”
“Barely. I was too excited to pet the ducks,” he laughs, eyes disappearing into moon crescents.
Your heart melts a little.
“Eat up, love. Don’t wanna be late for the bus ride, do we?”
➳ things you said over the phone bad boy!au | angst  mentions of death
Rain pours all over, hitting the stoned cold ground constantly – drip, drip, splatter – as if this moment is on looped, never ending pouring of cold rain falls from the merciless sky.
Your coat is drenched. The moisture seeps through the cotton and stains the blouse you wear inside, sticking to your skin, the howling wind cursing you to freeze on your knees. But you had no choice but to stand under this small roof that apparently has a small hole in the middle. Leaking through the rain as it hits the floor, sprinkling everywhere, soaking your socks. You sighed, and force yourself to move slightly to your left, but the roof was so small you were barely being sheltered at all.
The funeral was over, tears were dried. Your mascara is a smudged mess under your eyes, and the rain just had to make it better.
A huge crowd bided goodbyes, gave their condolences, placed the dying flowers on the casket, and wiped away your tear. You didn’t know who they were. All were blurry faces, muted voices, lost in a room smelt of death.
“It’ll get better, I swear.” Your mother says, squeezing your shoulder as you wept in her arms. “You’re a strong woman, __. You can get through this.”
Isn’t that what they all say?
You feel a grumble in your stomach; you haven’t eaten a proper meal since last Tuesday. Looking up, you see the clouds. They were all jumbled up together into one angry pair of eyebrows, furrowed up and wrinkled at the forehead, gazing down at you – questioning, judging.
You shrugged inwardly, almost laughed out loud.
What do you have left? Nothing. The sky took everything away.
The streets weren’t busy. A bus stop was across the street, a man sits there staring at his lap with a child standing next to him, also staring. At what, you don’t know. But they looked so hopeless, lifeless even. You scoffed.
Suddenly, your phone starts buzzing in your pocket. It rung four times before you could reach for it from behind and receive the other end’s calling. You place the wet device over your ear, sighing.
The line buzzes, coughs, and you sighed again.
“__, can you hear me? It’s me, Jeno!” The boy shouts over the phone.
The line buzzes again, and you pull the phone away to check the caller ID. It was an unsaved number in your phone, he’s probably calling with a public cell.
You hesitated to hover the phone over your ear, you don’t know why. But you exhaled sharply, and did it anyways. “Where are you right now?”
“I’m at Dale’s Diners! Well, not really, but around the corner!”
You waited for him to say more.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you, something came up at home with my mom, y’know? But I called because I care about you and I need you to know that. What happened really suck, and I’m sorry but there was nothing you could’ve done to have prevented it. And you were right, I am a fool for doing what I did, but I don’t regret anything. So please,”
He was out of breath, panting as he held onto the payphone, staring into the rain with loose change in his damp palm.
“Please, __, come home so I can talk to you again.”
The line buzzes.
“Please don’t let us end like this.”
The line ends.
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thank you so much for reading! 
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