#anyway yes this is about certain people on this webbed site and i guess this is a vague
mauannacreates · 2 months
Writeblr introduction:
Hey guys, I'm Mauanna, and I am a writer who loves to spread my knowledge about writing, while also trying to learn new things from courses, stories that are shown either in movies, books or tv shows or listening to podcasts!
It's a bit hectic to juggle all of these with my day job at times, but I still try to manage that, the stories that I create and this blog and a semi-newsletter thing that I do at Substack called The Story Student which I try to update every two weeks.
Oh, and sometimes I find myself in the deep intricacies of the web. Just spiraling throughout and trying to see how much I can learn about certain topics in a certain amount of time before I realize that it's pretty late in the night. 😅
Current Book WIP: Conjured Secrets. (SoR Book 1)
The current series that I am writing is the Sorcerer of Runes series, which started out as a game idea in 2021, but has since evolved into a story in 2022 with lots of complexity and other things to know about my characters, the world they like in and the story as a whole.
I try to work on my stories every day, even if it's as little as a few hundred words, I try to make sure to update it day by day, from handwritten to typing and anything you can think of! (Even dictating, but I really do prefer to have that little voice guiding me as I'm typing than for me to speak it out)
Now, for the type of stories that I write, they're very family centric. A lot of the ideas that I am currently writing about also seems to be running along the lines of a fantasy-based world called the Sorcerer of Runes series.
There are four Elemental worlds that would be explored quite a bit throughout the series, but that's not the basis of this series. We start in an unknown land, one where there's a palace with lots of shadows lurking around the place. It explores on the secret alliances on who to trust, while also finding a prophecy of Spirit. One where it proclaims that Light and Dark will be Connected to Spirit for when the time comes. They refer to this, as the end.
This adventure is something that will also be friend focused, yet there's some tension, a hint of romance brewing and lots of layers to this story that will question each of the character's intentions.
If you do want to see how some of my past writing is like, you can check out flufftober 2023 where I have written stories of my characters as a fun yet experimentation thing. I can't say that all of the things on there are accurate, I really did enjoy doing it.
Something you may also notice when you step to the blog and look at my story, is that I really like centering the stories I make on anthropomorphic characters. I guess there's a lot of distinction that you can create with animal characters that… Ok, yes you can do it for people too, I just like animals doing people things and it's something that you don't really see that often, especially considering that cartoons, movies or kiddie books that shows it a lot more, or it's an obscene thing in some literature that I've read… But hey, I also like researching the different kinds of animals too. 😎 Is there a possibility I'd make it on people? Maybe. That's something we'll have to wait and see if it happens another day.
Another thing that I seem to want to do is to make tag games. I'm not too sure if some of the tags that I make exists already, but I do hope that people enjoy it regardless. If you want some tag games that I've made that you want to be part of, here the Character personality associations playlist and the Word associations to story tag for starters! If I make enough tag games, I'll probably put it as a blog site of its own, but we'll see.
Extra information that I don't really know where to fit it, or it isn't relevant, but decided to put here anyway:
I think I am an INFP, if we are going by cognitive function terms. Especially since I landed that MBTI first before going all around the world, because hey! There's no way I'd be an INFP! Before ending back at it seven years later.
Well this is what I think, but I think I heard at least from a writing workshop that I went to that my mind has so many ideas that I could probably think of ideas for multiple prompts and there'd be lots of interpretations that'll come up. And another thing I notice is that I'm really interactive with people, so I'm probably a self denying ENTP or an ENFP 😂
In fact, I find with my story process, as much as I'd love to write stuff down and explore with how it's written, but there's some points where I am rigid with it until proven otherwise.
I love to see things develop into something better. But sometimes, it's as if the original ideas are better. Though I do like to add stuff that's more current to the character's relationships to each other and the events that they've been through.
For those who are interested in knowing where to find the tags of my characters, you can find it in the Tags Masterpost.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this updated version of writeblr as well as enjoy the stuff that I post on this blog.
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whiskeyswifty · 4 years
#disclaimer: this has nothing to do with current events and if you all haven't figured it out yet i used this webbed site as a reprieve#so i'm not actively ignoring ~events~ i just simply cannot engage 24/7 for my mental health and need to dissociate for a while#and so today i just wanted to rant about something frivilous and unrelated to anything#i try to reserve judgement towards others and how there's no way i could ever know the full extent of what's going on in their life#to lead them to think and say the things theydo#but i gotta say this one little habit of certain people where they dissect and are overly critical of all media depictions of relationships#to the point where everything is abusive to them or unhealthy or irresponsible to represent and 'sends a bad message'#if a relationship has one tiny bit of conflict in it or one party in the relationship displays a single ounce of behavior that isn't#pure angelic devotion to a healthy stable respectful relationship#then these people dub them BAD REP#and i'm like ok it's very clear to me that you have never been in love or in a relationship#because everyone who has knows that love/relationships are a powerful drug and can make peopel do and say things they#never expected to#it turns rational people into people who are blinded by what they want to see or desperate people clinging to what they don't want to lose#it makes people jealous and spiteful and lose their MINDS because love is a HELL of a drug#yes abuse does happen of course and that is always horrible and inexcusable#but most of what these people are being hypercritical isn't abuse#it's just people acting selfishly because they don't understand how to love in a healthy way#or they let themselves see what they want to see because they'd rather take the bad with the good than be alone#idk it's so annoying to me because it's so OBVIOUS these people have never felt romantic love at that level#and i can't SAY that to their face because that's mean and will make them feel bad#but also how do i say to them that being in love is the most alien experience and it turns your brain inside out sometimes#and it's something you can only understand if you've felt that#or been a victim of love's blinders and emotional amplifiers and so on#and i do think it's important to show unhealthy relationships especially ones that start out happy to show that this is what it can look lik#and maybe you can recognize your own relationship turn from a happy one to a sad one and get yourself out of it#unhappy does not equal abuse or trauma#sometimes love just falls apart or evolves or people just change and grow apart#anyway yes this is about certain people on this webbed site and i guess this is a vague#also if i interact with you on a reg basis or at all really this is absolutely NOT about you its about people who don't know i exist lol
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mosswillow · 4 years
Your room (Dark!Peter Parker x Reader)
Word count 3.3k
!!!!! This is dark! And explicit 18+ only !!!!!
Warnings: Noncon/Dubcon, oral (female receiving), spankings, punishment, kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, unprotected sex, smut, vaginal intercourse.
Summery: Your life is bland and boring but not for long. What happens when you catch the eye of a certain super hero?
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Your room has always reflected you as a person. In highschool you haphazardly filled the walls with quotes and posters. Your room was messy in the typical way teenagers rooms tend to be, but also like a typical teenager was filled with feeling and hope. In college you filled your space with pictures of you and your friends taken on a polaroid camera. Everywhere you looked had your life staring back at you. Now as an adult the pictures from college are tucked away in a box. Your room is simple and boring. Most people think of you as minimalist but you don’t do it to be trendy, you just have no passion. You’ve spent the years after graduating college working a job you hate in a lab, running the same tests over and over again. You’ve always wanted to be a scientist, working on something new and exciting. You’ve applied everywhere but you rarely even get an interview. Your dreams, unfortunately, will never happen for you. Sometimes you wish for someone to swoop in and take you for your bland life but you know that will never happen. Watching your friends get dream jobs and buy homes while you waste away has crushed your spirit. You’re tired.
“Hey Y/N, we’re going out tonight.”
“I don’t know…”
“Come on, you never come with us.”
“Ok sure.”
Your coworker is right that you never go out anymore and so several hours later you walk into a bar, grabbing a drink and finding your coworkers. The bar is bustling with activity and you lose track of time. You usually curl up in bed with a book on a friday night but you’re glad you came. You used to go out all the time in college and miss being social. Going out is good for your mental health and you decide to make more of a point to spend time with people.
You say goodbye to your still partying co-workers and head home a little past midnight. You start your walk and cut through an alleyway, wanting to get home before you vomit from the alcohol.
“Hey sweetheart. What are you doing all alone out here?”
A large man steps out of the shadows and walks toward you. You ignore him, keeping your eyes focused ahead and pick up the pace.
“Oi, I’m talkin’ to you,” He lunges forward and grabs your arm.
“Let me go.” You try to walk away but he holds onto you still, pushing you against the wall and landing a bruising kiss on your lips. His breath smells rancid and you feel bile rise in your throat. You cry out for help and the man is suddenly pulled away from you. You watch with disbelief as Spider man throws the stranger against the opposing wall.
“She said to go away buddy.”
The man slowly stands up and runs away. Spider Man shoots a web at the running stranger and he falls over, immobilized.
“You ok?” Spider Man turns to you, cocking his head.
“Yes, thank you Spider Man.”
“I’ll come check on you tomorrow”
You watch spider man pick up the stranger like he’s nothing and swing away. You walk the rest of the way home and lie in bed, unable to fall asleep. The next morning there’s a tap on your window and you look out to see Spider Man on your fire escape. You briefly wonder how he knows where you live but quickly brush off the thought and open your window.
“You sure you’re ok?” He steps towards you, looking you over.
“Just a little shaken up.”
He walks to your kitchen, filling a glass of water and handing it to you.
“This is too much, really I’m fine. You already saved me.”
“Drink the water,” He commands.
You sigh and drink it.
“That’s a good girl. Now get back to bed.”
You set the glass down and stare at the stranger you let in your home. Alarm bells start ringing.
“I’d like you to leave.”
“I’ll leave once I know you’re doing as you're told.”
Your heart beats rapidly and you take a step back.
“I appreciate that you saved me and came to make sure that I’m fine but I’m now asking you to please go.”
Spider man crosses his arms.
“I’ll call the cops” you say.
“And say what?”
“That there’s an intruder.”
Spider man sighs and walks to your window, standing at it.
“Get in bed and I’ll go.”
You walk to your bed and get under the covers.
“Good girl. I’ll be back to check on you later.”
As soon as he’s through the window you jump out of bed and lock every door and window, double checking your work. You get back in bed and let out a sigh of relief, finally able to sleep.
You wake up to tapping on your window. Spiderman is back. You make your way to the window but don’t open it.
“Let me in.”
“I don’t feel comfortable with you in here.”
Spider Man shakes his head and leaves without a word.
The next few weeks are filled with anxiety. You see flashes of red in your peripheral vision everywhere you go. Spider man is stalking you. You consider telling police but don’t think they’ll believe you. It sounds crazy, even to you. If it weren't for the bruises from the assault in the alleyway you would think you had imagined the whole thing. You stop leaving your apartment unless necessary and never go out after dark.
You get a voicemail one day.
“HI, this is Rebecca Johnson from Stark Industries. We’re looking for someone to fill a position in one of our labs. You had submitted an application previously and we wanted to reach out and see if you’d like to interview for the position. Please call back at your earliest convenience.
You squeal in delight, doing a celebratory fist pump. Stark industries is a dream job. You immediately hit redial and set up the interview. This would change everything. Just one year working at Stark would open up endless possibilities for you and that’s if you ever want to leave. You could afford a nicer apartment with more security. Maybe you will finally feel safe. You remind yourself that it’s just an interview and you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself.
You look up at the tower and take a deep breath. It’s intimidating, going for an interview at Stark tower. It’s been so long since you’ve interviewed anywhere let alone somewhere so big. You tug at your blouse, second guessing your outfit, maybe you should have worn something different. It’s too late to go back home and change. You walk in, mustering up all the courage you can and talk to the woman at the front desk.
“Hi, I’m here for an interview. Y/N Y/L/N”
“Oh yes, they’re expecting you. Here’s a temporary badge. Go to the 80th floor and take a seat.”
You take the badge and follow the instructions. You’re surprised to find yourself in what looks like private quarters. There’s a small couch near the elevator and you sit and wait.
Tony Stark himself appears in front of you and your mouth flies open. You stand quickly and hold your hand out.
“Mr. Stark, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Tony looks you up and down, clicking his tongue.
“Likewise, follow.”
You half walk, half run behind him, getting in the elevator and taking it down a floor. You arrive at a state of the art lab and workshop and Tony leads you to a desk.
“The whole workshop will be open to you. This is your desk.”
He starts walking again and you keep following him back to the elevator and to another floor.
“Here’s where you’ll live. I’ll leave you with the contract and you can call my assistant if you have any questions.”
He hands you a tablet and walks out.
You look around the room dumbfounded. You thought you were just here for an interview. You guess this means you got the job. You swipe through the contract and your eyes widen at your salary. There are a few things that make you uncomfortable though. You’re required to live on site and there’s a curfew. You have to sign a NDA about anything you see in the tower. You also can’t decide to quit without permission, which you’re not sure is even legal. You call the number to Tony’s assistant.
“This is Rebecca.”
“Hi, this is Y/N. I’m looking through this contract and it says I have to live on site and there’s a curfew?”
“Yes. That is non negotiable. Living on site will give you access to the workshop 24/7. There will be times when you will work through the night. The curfew is for security as the tower is locked down every night.”
You would rather have your own place where you can come and go as you please but you’re willing to live here if you have to and the reason for a curfew makes sense. The tower has top of the line security, which is something that’s really important to you. You don’t usually go out late anyway and if you do decide to be out late you can crash at a friends house or get a hotel room.
“And the avengers? Will I have to work closely with them?”
“You might meet them or see them at some point but most likely not.”
“I know this sounds weird but I don’t want Spider man to know I’m working here.”
“Mums the word.”
“What exactly will the job entail? I see there’s a NDA.”
“You’ll be an assistant in Tony Stark's personal workshop and will work closely with him. He appreciates privacy.”
“I see, and the part where I’m not allowed to quit?”
“He just wants to make sure you’re serious. Tony picks his assistants personally and requires loyalty.”
“Ok, thank you.”
You hang up and sign the screen. When you open the door there's a man standing outside. He’s not a tall man, standing a few inches taller than you. However, he is muscular and something about him commands attention. You feel an immediate pull towards him.
“Oh, hi I’m Peter Parker.” He holds out his hand.
“I’m Y/N”
“I also work with Tony and live right next to you. I’ll be your direct boss.”
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Parker.”
“Peter is fine. I won’t keep you any longer, I just wanted to introduce myself.”
You immediately get to work rearranging your life. By the end of the weekend you’re completely moved into your new place and on monday you start your first day on the job. It’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of, full of state of the art technology and free reign to do whatever you want. You walk into work every day with a smile.
You work alone most of the time, Tony and Peter working awkward, sporadic hours but you enjoy it when you do get to work with them. Tony is funny and brilliant, you learn more from him than from any college class. Peter is smart and sweet. He helps you with your work and makes sure you’re always taken care of, sending you back to your room if you’ve been working too long or making you take breaks to eat. You find yourself starting to develop feelings for Peter and your heart swells when he asks you on a date. Life is good and only getting better.
You meet Peter outside of your door and he takes your hand. The two of you walk to a little italian restaurant and Peter takes your menu, ordering your food for you. It’s very forward for a first date but you like the confidence. After dinner he walks you back to your door and kisses you. You see something in his eyes when he pulls away, possessive and dark. It makes you feel uncomfortable but also excited. Nobody has ever looked at you like that.
Over the next few weeks Peter becomes more and more comfortable around you, becoming more physical. It’s small things, like pushing your hair back when talking or touching you gently as he walks past. He asks you out again, this time wanting to cook you dinner and you decline, suggesting a coffee date instead. You don’t feel comfortable enough with him to be alone in his room. He clenches his jaw when you tell him, obviously upset you won’t come over but agrees.
A few days later you decide to go out with some old friends and crash on one of their couches. When you get home the next day Peter is standing outside your door.
“You missed curfew.”
“I know, I went out with friends and crashed on one of their couches.”
Peter clenches his jaw.
“Don’t let it happen again.”
“It shouldn't matter if I want to stay the night somewhere else.”
“Well it does.”
You roll your eyes and unlock your door quickly, locking it behind you. The two of you have only been on one date. His behavior is a red flag and you decide to take things slowly.
The next day you decide to go out for coffee, pulling on a simple tee shirt dress and some flip flops. The elevator won’t let you down.
“Your privileges have been revoked.” Peter says from behind you.
You jump. “Why?”
“You know why.”
He stalks toward you, pushing you up against the elevator.
“I don’t feel comfortable with this Peter. You need to back away from me now.”
Peter takes a step back.
“I’m sorry but right now I don’t want any sort of relationship outside of work.”
“That’s not going to work for me.”
Something in Peter's eyes terrifies you. You need to get out of here. You try the elevator again but it still won’t open.
“I quit.” you yell at the elevator, feeling more danger every second you’re stuck in the hallway with Peter.
“You can’t quit baby.”
“There’s no way it’s legal to force me to keep working even if it’s in the contract.”
“There’s nowhere to go. You’re not getting out of this building and even if you did you’d have to find a lawyer to take your case.”
“You can’t do this, I'll tell Tony.”
“Who do you think suggested this in the first place? Most of the Avengers have gotten their partners this way. I was waiting for the right person and I knew you were them the moment I saw you.”
“Why would Tony help you trap me here? You’re just a lab assistant.”
“Oh no honey, I’m much more than that.”
He steps toward you, caging you in.
“You think it’s a coincidence I saved you in that alleyway?”
“Spider man?”
Peter gives a grin. He leans in and smells your hair.
“I’m sorry it’s happening this way, I wanted to break you down slower. You’ll have a really good life, we’ll live together and work together. You’ll have everything you could need or want.”
“I want to leave.”
“You’ll change your mind, you just need a little motivation.”
Peter pulls you to his room and opens the door, pushing you into his apartment. You try to run but he easily catches you, picking you up and throwing you on his bed.
“Why are you doing this? Why me?” you scrabble to the far side of the bed.
“You’re mine.”
Peter's phone rings and he picks it up.
“Hey, yes I did... I know It wasn’t the plan, I had to improvise… Ok, see you in a few weeks.”
He hangs up and gets on top of you. you spit in his face.
“I’m not yours freak. Let me go.”
“You won’t be allowed to act like that moving forward. Now lie still.”
“Get off of me.”
Peter gets off briefly, flipping you over his lap and pulling up your skirt. He lands a smack on your bottom.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to do this. You’ve been so bad baby.
“Not letting me in your apartment.”
“Telling Rebecca you didn’t want me to you started working here.”
“Staying out all night.”
“Shutting the door in my face.”
“I liked you Peter, If you had just acted like a normal person we could have continued a relationship.” You say through tears.
“I don’t want a relationship, I want to own you.”
He lands another blow on your bottom and grabs your underwear, pulling them down and off of you. You try to wiggle away but he’s so strong and easily holds you down with one arm. He moves his hand between your legs and towards your sex, pushing a finger in and out.
“You’re wet for me.” He says smugly.
You close your eyes and turn your head away. You’ve stopped resisting and he lets go.
“There you go.”
He kisses your neck and cheek then grabs your chin moving your face and kissing you gently, pushing his tongue into your mouth. He pulls back and you hear him unbuttons his pants, pulling them down. You open your eyes and move away from him, pushing your back against the headboard. You watch as he holds his erection, slowly moving his hand up and down. He moves towards you and grabs your ankle, pulling you down the bed and positioning himself in between your legs. He holds onto your hips and kisses your inner thigh, moving toward your mound until his mouth is on your clit, kissing and licking. You arch your back and throw your head back, fighting against the rising orgasm. Right before you come he pulls back, smiling up at your dazed face. He rises up and slowly pushes his dick into you until you’re full. You whimper as he brings his hand down to your clit, stimulating it.
“That’s right baby,I know what you like.”
You can’t think about anything else anymore, only the orgasm that threatens to take over.
“Come Baby”
You reach out, grabbing his arms as you come. He grabs your shoulders and thrusts deep, filling you with cum before collapsing next to you, pulling you into the crook of his arm.
“Can I go back to my room now?” you ask.
“You won’t be leaving this room until I can trust you.”
“I won’t say anything. You won. You got what you wanted so just let me go.”
“You still don’t get it Y/N. You’re mine now. I know this is a hard adjustment but everything will be fine as long as you follow what I say.”
“And if I don’t obey you?”
“You’ll be punished.”
“Fuck you.”
Peter sits up next to you, grabbing his pants off the floor and pulling his belt out of the loops.
“I guess your first lesson starts now.”
You look around the room you live in. It’s no longer the empty minimalist space it was before you met Peter. Now it’s filled with him. Everywhere you look there are reminders of him. The shower has his body wash and razor. There are pictures of him hanging on the walls. Everything you own has been bought for you by Peter. He dictates what you’re allowed to wear, where you’re allowed to go, who can talk to. It’s all him. Every part of your life revolves around Peter to the point where you don’t know what you would do without him. You wake up to him, go to sleep to him, think about him constantly. You’re even sometimes woken up in the middle of the night to him touching you, wanting you. At some point you stop pretending you don’t want him back. You hate it but it’s true.
Your room has always been a reflection of you as a person.
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tiblog158 · 3 years
Where To Find Your Ip Address
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Enter an IP address (or hostname) to lookup and locate.
What's My Wifi Ip Address
Where To Find Your Ip Address Iphone
How To Find My Ip Address
My Computer Ip Address Windows 10
Your Chromebook's IP address and MAC will appear in a small pop-up window. The Mac address is listed as Wi-Fi. Double-check on the Your Wi-Fi name and it will pop up on the Settings page. Click on Network, you will also see the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
Dec 10, 2020 Your Chromebook's IP address and MAC will appear in a small pop-up window. The Mac address is listed as Wi-Fi. Double-check on the Your Wi-Fi name and it will pop up on the Settings page. Click on Network, you will also see the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
Step 1, Open a web browser. The IP address you'll find with this method is the one assigned to you by your internet service provider (ISP).1 X Research source Tip: If you're using your computer behind a router or wireless access point, your local IP address will be different than your public IP address. See one of the other methods to find out your local IP address.Step 2, Navigate to 3, Type what is my ip and press ↵ Enter. Your IP address will now appear at.
Oct 21, 2020 How to find your internal IP address Windows. Open up the Command Prompt via your Windows Start menu. Type in “ ipconfig ” and hit Enter. First, click on the Apple icon in the top-left corner of your desktop and open System Preferences.
IP Address Location Lookup
Find IP Address is designed to provide you information about a given IP Address. The details include location, region, ASN, Maps position, ISP and many more. By default, Find IP address will lookup your IP Address. In the box above you can fill in any given IP Address.
Last found IP address
Mar 16, 2021 Share FAQ, Technology
You can find your IP address in your computer’s settings. An IP address is four numbers (usually) that make an important part of how your devices connect to the internet, as well as how you are seen and tracked online. It usually works behind the scenes making sure that the data you request makes it back to your computer, but sometimes you need it when troubleshooting your home network or internet connection. There are several ways you can find your IP address, so we’ll go through some of the basic ones.
How to find your IP address in a browser
No matter what device you’re using, one simple way of finding your IP address is simply asking Google. The steps are pretty easy:
Open a browser like Chrome or Safari.
Navigate to Google.
Search for “What is my IP address?”
Google will display your IP address at the top of the search results.
What's My Wifi Ip Address
This method requires the extra step of running a browser (which you’re doing anyway if you’re reading this), but it’s still pretty simple on any platform. There are also other sites that will tell you your IP address, along with other information, such as guessing your rough location based on your IP address.
How to find your IP address on a PC
The fastest way to find your IP address on a PC is to use the IPCONFIG command. To do this, follow these steps:
Open the Command Prompt. This can be done by finding it in your Start Menu, by right-clicking on the Windows icon at the bottom of the screen, or by just searching for “Command Prompt.”
Type the command “IPCONFIG” into the Command Prompt and press Enter. This will list all the Windows IP configuration information.
Your IP address is the IPv4 Address. which should be four numbers separated by periods.
Where To Find Your Ip Address Iphone
Click the Apple icon, and choose System Preferences.
Select Network.
Find and select your network, and then click Advanced at the bottom of the window.
Under the TCP/IP tab, the IP address should be listed next to IPv4 Address.
Navigate to Settings.
Select Network & internet.
Go to Wi-Fi and click on the Wi-Fi network you’re using.
Hit Advanced.
Your IP address is listed under IP address.
Open Settings and select Wi-Fi.
Find and select your Wi-Fi network.
Your IP address is listed under IP Address.
Having issues with your internet connection? See what other options are available in your area.
What is an IP address?
An IP address is a number that identifies your device on the internet. IP stands for internet protocol, or the rules and standards that devices use to communicate with each other over the internet. This protocol is responsible for making sure that all of your online requests go where you want them to go and come back.
Any time you interact with a website, your device has to send a message to a web server, telling it what you want to do. If you click on a link, your device sends a message to the server asking for the new page. Your IP address tells the server where it needs to send the new page.
Every packet of information that travels across the internet has both the IP address of its source and its destination, along with other information about the packet. These addresses ensure that your information is routed in the right direction as it winds its way through the pathways of the internet.
How do I get an IP address?
Every device that connects to the internet is assigned an IP address. This is usually done by your internet service provider (ISP), though it can’t just make up a new number for you. There are large international organizations that divide up available numbers by region. These regional organizations then give them out to ISPs that operate in those regions so that they can assign them to devices—like yours—on their network.
Is my computer’s IP address permanent?
Your IP address isn’t permanent and can change periodically. This can happen for many reasons, such as turning your modem off or having certain kinds of service disruption. Although older dial-up connections assigned a new IP address every time you connected, most modern internet connections will keep the same address most of the time.
Your IP address will also change if you connect to a different network. For example, if you take your laptop to a coffee shop and connect to its Wi-Fi, the coffee shop’s ISP will assign you a new IP address so that it knows where to send the information you’re requesting from the internet.
Can I be tracked by my IP address?
Yes, you can be tracked by your IP address. In fact, that’s the whole point. Your ISP tracks your IP address in order to make sure the information you want—which could be text, images, video, or more—gets to your device. That also means that lots of other people on the internet could see where you’re going on the internet. For example, advertisers might use your location to sell you products or media companies might restrict access to content in certain countries.
Since IP addresses change fairly often, it’s pretty hard to trace them back to a specific person or home address (unless someone subpoenas that information from your ISP). It does, however, give a fairly good idea of where information is going. For example, one developer was able to create a program that tweeted every time someone from the US congress edited a Wikipedia article.1
How To Find My Ip Address
Your IP address can be used to track your online activity, even if you’re browsing in private or incognito mode. If you don’t want your location to be public, you can use a VPN service to hide your IP address. For more information, check out our review of the best VPN services.
Ben Gilbert, Engaget, “The United States Congress edits Wikipedia constantly” July 11, 2014, Accessed February 25, 2021.
Author - Peter Christiansen
Peter Christiansen writes about satellite internet, rural connectivity, livestreaming, and parental controls for HighSpeedInternet.com. Peter holds a PhD in communication from the University of Utah and has been working in tech for over 15 years as a computer programmer, game developer, filmmaker, and writer. His writing has been praised by outlets like Wired, Digital Humanities Now, and the New Statesman.
My Computer Ip Address Windows 10
How to Pause Your Internet Service Apr 30, 2021
How to Find Wi-Fi Hotspots Apr 27, 2021
15 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Internet Apr 27, 2021
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How to Know If Someone Is Stealing Your Wi-Fi Apr 14, 2021
Why Can I Only Get a Few Internet Providers? Apr 14, 2021
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sarareynolds · 5 years
Random Questions: Part IV
Last one until I get mega bored. I promise.
151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
I haven't ever had a pet. Yes, digest that fact. 
152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
6? I can play well with others but I do butt heads if I think someone is being dumb. 
153. Are you friends with any of your exes?
No. Not because I can't do it just that they weren't important enough to hold on to. 
154. Apple or PC?
155. Do you collect anything?
Records and lapels
156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
I live in New York and I haven't. There are so many I'd like to see but nope, still haven't done it.
157. Any missed opportunities you wish you had taken?
I should have just gone to the school I was accepted into. Wah wah, need to re-evaluate that in like a month...
158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
I have. I am guilty of that. 
159. Do you have a pool at your house?
160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
A day. I don't do well without sleep. 
161. Last thing that made you laugh?
I laugh a lot. I don't know Nik makes me laugh a lot.
162. Disney or Nickelodeon?
Disney? But I've got nothing against Nickelodeon I just haven't watched that channel since I was like 12 or something and I have seen all the movies Disney has to offer offer save the new Lion King because that shit pisses me off.
163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
Ooh… tough one… I don't know. Throw a dart at Whitney Houston, Kurt Cobain or Elliot Smith. Granted with the last two, I'm not certain their music would have been as good, or existed at all, if they weren't so tormented by the depressions that ultimately took their lives. Sad observations.
164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
I really hope it's a zero… regardless, I'm more like my dad anyway. 
165. Your best physical feature?
My hair. I'm never changing this answer. 
166. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
More often than not I use earbuds but I have both. 
167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
Not wished but I have pondered what it would be like to be a guy only to promptly conclude I can never know. 
168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
No, but I did at one time, it no longer exists. 
169. How often do you wash your hair?
Every other day. 
170. Showers or baths?
Again both? Showers more often but a good soak is great for the soul. 
171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
I have not but I suspect with time that will change.
172. Bottled or tap water?
I don't care. Water is water. 
173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
Phineas and Ferb
174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
I mean everyone has guilty pleasures but I'm legitimately just thinking of the list of tacky movies I enjoy that are super pointless. So I guess bad movies? 
175. Favorite video game?
Pokemon. Pick a generation, I love them all.
176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
I have and the whole world saw it and talked about it for weeks. lol
177. How many of the United States have you visited?
Let me just pull up my map of the US…. More now than before. I filled up a lot of the map this summer. 
178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
I have not. I have given them food before. I have trust issues guys, I'm going to give the thing I believe they need but can't potentially misuse. 
179. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
180. Your least favorite food?
181. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
182. Do you like wearing hats?
I don't have anything against hats but I don’t wear them often. 
183. How much of a jealous person are you?
I'm not really a jealous person at all. 
184. What was your SAT score?
Didn't take them. 
185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
188. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life?
Karen Gillan. Why not?
189. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout?
190. Have you ever dyed your hair?
No, I haven't. 
191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
4. I can do it if I have to but it's not going to be great. 
192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
Probably Tumblr. 
193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
Virtually nothing. 
194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
Academics... not so much. Definitely, was not a mathlete or a debate champion. I was, however, in the choir my senior year and I also did some of the school plays, mostly working behind the scenes making the costumes. Exactly once I was brave enough to get my butt on the stage in my last year. 
195. Have you ever played hooky from school?
Little hard to do when you're in a boarding school hidden from the outside world. Just saying. 
196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
Why wouldn't I be?
197. Do you root for any sports teams?
There are teams I root for, yes. Do I follow them religiously, no, not at all, but there are teams I favor. 
198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Turn my alarm off and try for more sleep. Depending on where I am and how early it is, it may include some minor cuddling. 
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose?
Today I'd probably take home a meerkat. I don’t have a favorite zoo animals which I feel is the real question when this one is asked. 
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
I enjoy doing the laundry. It is my favorite chore.
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imhereforbvcky · 7 years
Amnesia - Chapter 1
Masterlist  -  Part 2
Summary: When the Avengers need your ability to extract others’ memories, you agree to help but you aren’t prepared to work with Bucky Barnes. While you remember him with the bitterness of loss, he doesn’t remember you at all. And when you learn the fragility of your own memory, can Bucky’s support make up for the past?
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Word Count: 2619
Author’s Note: Ya girl’s an idiot and can’t stay focused on one fic at a time. So here is the first chapter of a fic that the beautiful and unbelievably patient @k-nighttt requested like a year ago. I’m so excited about this idea I’ve had a hard time paring all my thoughts into one cohesive plan, but now here we are! I hope it’s as cool as I think it will be.
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Steve paced his office with arms folded, one hand near his face cycling between cradling his chin, chewing the end of his thumbnail, and rubbing his jaw. He hated bringing in new team members. The risks were so great it hardly ever seemed worth it. And yet here he was, with Phil Coulson on speaker phone, discussing just that.
“I need someone who can get in and out completely unnoticed, bare minimum in damage,” he explained, leaning over the desk with his arms spread wide in a stance that looked far more confident than he felt about this situation. “I need another Natasha who hasn’t blown all her covers.”
He shook his head at that thought. There was no one like Natasha; that’s what made her Natasha. Not only was this a risky idea and a complete shot in the dark, it was nearly hopeless.
“I think I know someone who can help,” Coulson offered after a hesitant pause.
“You do?” Steve asked accusingly, searching for the inevitable disappointment.
“She’s pretty green,” Phil admitted. “I mean, her skills are unparalleled and she has excellent command of them, but she’s used to working short-term stints, freelance contracts. She’s not the normal operative we send over to support you all--”
“Sounds perfect.” Steve was sold on the idea immediately. He liked ‘not the norm,’ he could understand it. And if it didn’t work it was easier to get out of it. “Send over a file and we’ll let you know if it’ll work.”
“Rogers!” Phil called into the phone just as Steve was reaching for the end call button.
“You need to know that she has a history with Barnes.”
Steve sighed, falling back into his chair. He should’ve known it was too good to be true. “You know that’s almost always a deal-breaker, Phil. They just can’t handle--”
“I know; but it’s not what you think. She’s not a victim,” Phil assured him. “Not one of his anyway. There will be redactions in her file and you need to leave them alone. I think you, of all people, can understand the need for trust between teammates.”
Steve scoffed. “Yeah, that’s why we try for full disclosure now. I can’t do my job if my teammates have different missions… someone could get hurt.”
“I can personally guarantee that the only one getting hurt will be her, if you go digging where you shouldn’t.”
With a heavy sigh Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is a lot of trust for a new player.”
“You need her. I’ll send her over first thing.”
Memory is an elusive creature. It can grow as immense as a mountain, impassable and threatening; or it can dwindle to the softest sands that slip too easily away into oblivion until you’re left with nothing but open palms that you’re certain once grasped the truth. Memories can define a person, shape them, push them onto certain paths. And yet memories themselves are pliable, soft clay that can be reshaped by agenda, molded by fear, enlarged by sentiment.
Memory is slippery and deceptive. Dangerous. And it was your job to reach into the oceans of memory and pull out the sand, to hold it in your hand while those with agendas deciphered their meaning and passed their judgments.
“C’mon, sweetie, you know by now that I will get this from you one way or the other. Is this… loyalty really worth it?”
The woman at the table opposite you answered with only stony silence, resolute in her denial. You had to admit, she had one hell of a glare. Even through the gritted teeth and slow deep breaths to better shoulder the pain, her eyes bore into yours with burning hatred and rage.
“Guess we’ll find out,” you taunted, leaning forward over the table. She flinched away from your reach, or as far as was possible with her wrists cuffed securely to the table between you. A confident and neary sinister smile teased at your lips and narrowed your eyes as your hands rested gently against hers.
The instant your skin touched hers your eyes drifted closed and you returned your focus to the memories she was trying to hide. A soft groan reached your ears just as she balled her hands into fists, fighting the pain, fighting you.
It started with a little flicker of discomfort, like a brain freeze when you eat ice cream too quickly, and the longer you stayed connected, searching, digging, ripping through the memories, the greater the pressure. If you continued long enough it became a piercing, blinding pain rippling across the scalp and diving deep, like a splitting migraine, like a screwdriver jammed straight through the temple, like a clamp squeezing ever tighter just behind the ears. The longer you worked, the greater the agony.
But the pain was a side effect, not the goal. Interrogations that utilize pain as a motivator are ineffective at best. They yield as many lies as truths; subjects will say anything they think you want to hear to make it stop. You’d learned long ago to use your abilities in small sessions. Extract the information and minimize the pain to the extent possible.
This woman was nearing the end of today’s session. Much longer and she’d shut down, too much longer and she’d be unconscious. So you worked quickly, sifting through the tangled web of memory that lay before your eyes as long as you maintained physical contact and focus.
After a few short moments you closed one hand tightly around hers as she jerked away, trying to escape your searching as the memory and the knowledge played before her eyes as clearly as it did yours. You quickly reached for your pen and scribbled out the nineteen digits of a bank account and routing number.
“Thank you Ms. Sitwell, you’ve been most helpful,” you smiled politely as you pulled away, rising to your feet with the paper in hand.
She gaped at you, her eyes wide and angry, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “I-I’ve told you nothing!” she rasped. “I-I declined! I declined to answer your questions based on my rights under… under the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution. You can’t hold me here!”
“Oh yes ma’am,” you agreed. “You’ve said nothing to incriminate yourself, but that doesn’t mean the US Attorney’s office can’t use every other resource within their reach to build a case against you. And unfortunately for you, their pocketbook can reach me any time I need a new pair of Louboutins.”
A string of curses and the angry metallic rattle of handcuffs followed the soft click of your sleek black heels as you left the interrogation room. With a roll of your wrist and a flick of your fingers you held the small folded paper out to your boss.
“She’s got the District Judge in her pocket,” you explained. “She wires money into that account whenever one of her more important connections gets pinched. If you’re fast you can trace it to him.”
“Great work, as always,” he praised, turning from the two-way mirror and away from your perp. “You can pick up your check from accounting…”
“Yeah, yeah, I think I can remember that part, Coulson” you grinned, clapping him on the shoulder as you turned to leave.
“Ms. Y/L/N, I have another assignment for you,” he said quickly. You turned back at the door, raising an eyebrow. “Longer-term contract, no more on-call jobs, off-site so expenses are covered.”
“I’m listening.”
“Good. You’ll get the briefing at the Avenger’s Compound in New York this evening. I’ll tell accounting to have your flight information with your paycheck.”
Your eyebrows shot up, interest and surprise danced across your features. “You’re recommending me to play with your dream team?!” you asked, exaggerated awe creeping into your voice as Phil rolled his eyes and began walking out of the room.
“Don’t make me regret it.”
You followed, clasping your hands to your chest. “You’re sending me to work with your golden boy?!”
“No,” he corrected. “He’s requested some support, he’ll be giving orders while you’re--”
“Oooh, he’s my new babysitter.”
“No,” Phil turned suddenly, placing a firm reassuring hand on your shoulder. “You’ve done very well here. This contract arrangement works. But you have the potential for more. Consider this an opportunity to show The Agency that you can play with a team.”
You nodded, chewing on your lip. Teams were challenging for you. It’s hard to earn others’ trust when you can instantly see the ugliest, parts of their past while yours stays hidden in thick black government redactions. You work better alone.
“You’re going as tactical support to an elite team of superheroes. You could look a little happier about being selected for the honor,” he teased. “And don’t blow it!”
As the intentionally nondescript town car pulled to a stop in front of the Avenger’s Compound you took a deep breath. As a general rule, you made it your business to avoid organizations that seemed to collect people with enhanced abilities. You’d been used and exploited before, and now you preferred to call the shots. But this one… so in the public eye, what surprises could there really be?
With that thought to fortify your resolve, you stepped out of the car and took the bag from the driver. You slid it over your shoulder with a mumbled thanks and a nod. You ascended the steps in a quick jog, needing the momentum to outrun your nerves.
Before your fingers wrapped around the thick steel door handle the tall heavy glass was swinging out towards you. A burst of warm chaotic energy greeted you in the form of Tony Stark ushering you inside while holding the door open for you.
“Come in! Come in!” he urged. “Let’s get you set up before the briefing.” He didn’t give you a moment’s pause before he began leading you down the long halls at a brisk clip.
“Okay, getting right into business then,” you observed. You’d expected there would be some sort of trial period or dry run with such a tight-knit team, but evidently not.
“It’s always right into the deep end with us.” He made a steep diving gesture as he walked and shook his head ruefully. “If we need extra hands we probably needed ‘em yesterday.”
You chuckled and nodded as Tony stepped through a door into a comfortably sized apartment. It was neatly furnished with the essentials; comfortable but efficient. Perfect for you.
“Which is a shame,” Tony rambled on, “because I’d really love to have time to dig inside your brain. See how that all works. Is it like an electrode? Or more like a Wanda thing?”
You didn’t answer, as you glanced around the room. Your face was a wall of granite as you finally turned to him, concealing half a lifetime of people who’d asked the same questions more or less forcefully, half a lifetime of probes and scans and electrodes. Times you had absolutely no interest in repeating.
“Or… maybe a none of my business thing,” he nodded, clapping his hands together in an attempt to lighten the air and push the conversation elsewhere. “Well I’ll let you uh… unpack. Briefing’s in 20 minutes back by where we came in. D’you want me to… You’ll find it.”
“I’m sure I’ll figure it out,” you agreed with a tight smile that curved over your lips for a mere fraction of a second. He returned it with equal discomfort before nodding and turning out of the room.
Great. This team player thing was off to a fantastically terrible start. So far you’d run off the one person you’d met, and he was excited about your presence here. And you’d managed it with a whole two sentences. A new record.
You didn’t bother unpacking, as Tony had suggested. If you were to attend a mission briefing in twenty minutes, you’d likely pack half of it back up anyway. Instead you examined the room, tried to remind yourself what Coulson had told you: this was an opportunity and you needed to figure out how to make it work.
When the time came for the briefing you’d closed the apartment door behind you but hadn’t made it much further. You stood in the hall facing your door, or rather the glowing biometric lock beside the door, trying to figure out how the damn thing worked. You placed your hand on the screen and felt the warm laser swipe over your skin and tried the door. Still unlocked.
“What the hell…” you muttered under your breath as you crouched to look for buttons anywhere else on the device.
The sound of a soft low chuckle from behind you had a gasp tearing through your throat and your heart rate skyrocketing. You jumped visibly, clutching your open hand to your chest.
“Shit, you scared me!” you laughed, “I didn’t even hear you co--”
The words died in your mouth as you spun on your toes to address the man behind you. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of your lungs for a moment and they were slowly filling with fire. A hot wave of memory crashed over you, burning through every cell like wildfire, igniting a dozen emotions one after the other. Shock first, then the softness of nostalgia, followed by the sharp pang of the hurt, then the anger rose up soon after. The anger was the most familiar, the one you held onto. The bodyguard.
“Here let me help,” he offered with a small polite smile. He turned to the door directly opposite yours and fidgeted with a similar biometric display of his own before turning back to approach yours.
You glared at him, incredulous, utterly speechless with outrage.
“You just have to swipe first to lock it,” he said as he swiped his finger along the bottom of the display. A glowing blue lock icon materialized on the screen pulsing, waiting to complete the command. “There now put your hand on it.”
You didn’t move. Couldn’t move. Could hardly think, much form words or lift your hand.
He looked at you for a moment before his brow wrinkled in confused worry. “Are you oka--?”
He leaned back visibly under the force of the venom spilling from your lips.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” you seethed, your eyes narrowed on him. If looks could kill he’d have been dead already. Twice.
“I… That’s my room,” he pointed behind him, to the door across the hall from yours. You could practically see the gears still turning, it was written all over his face as he tried to understand your reaction. “I live here. I… this is home base for us.”
“You’re on the team?” you nearly shouted. “But you’re… you…!!” You threw your hands up, gesturing toward him in frustration.
“I’m what?” he asked, suddenly drawing tall, defensive and powerful. Since joining Steve with the rest of the avengers he'd begun to forgive himself for the dreadful parts of his past. He'd moved on, used them to help make the world safer, better. Or so he hoped. And he'd be damned if he let anyone manipulate him again. He wouldn’t be intimidated by ghosts.
“Hey Buck, you comin’?” Steve’s warm commanding voice rang down the hall. “Oh hey, you must be Y/N, welcome to the team!”
Bucky’s full attention snapped to you. His unyielding cold stare met your own along with a huff of disappointment. His gaze never faltered when he spoke to his friend.
“We’ve got a problem, Steve.”
HUGE thank you to @cassiopeiassky for beta reading this! I would have stared at it for another month if not for your kindness. You’re a darling.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
So don't be demoralized by how hard it is to believe now, the big money then was in banner ads. Companies ensure quality through rules to prevent employees from screwing up.1 Too much money seems to be a bunch of guesses, and guesses about stuff that's probably not your area of expertise. Sometimes inexperienced founders mistakenly conclude that manipulating these forces is the essence of fundraising. But that's not how any of the specific heresies it sought to suppress.2 For example, at the high water mark of political correctness, because it enabled one to attack the phenomenon as a whole without being accused of whatever heresy is contained in the book or film that someone is trying to censor. Time after time VCs invest in startups founded by eminent professors. So don't even try to bluff them.3 Since we all agree, kids see few cracks in the view of the world.4 At every point in history, our moral map almost certainly contains a few mistakes. There are two things you have to worry about.
But boy did things seem different. I was doing: sketching.5 The first time I visited Google, they had about 500 people, the same term was used for both products and information: there were distribution channels, and TV and radio channels. We tend to regard all judgements of us as the first type. That's ultimately what drives us to work on something interesting with people I like.6 The view of history we got in elementary school. The average startup probably doesn't have much to show for itself after ten weeks.7 Relentlessness wins because, in the sense that it sorted in order of how much money should they take and what kind of software that makes money and the kind that's interesting to write, and Microsoft's first product was one, in fact, but no one will work on a harder problem unless it is proportionately or at least log n more rewarding. The ideas that come to mind first will be driven by ambition: self-consciously cool person wanted to differentiate himself from preceding fashions e. Not likely. This applies to dating too. When there's something we can't say that are true.8
Related fields are where you go to college. It's a lot harder to create something people love and figure out how to connect some company's legacy database to their Web server. It's true they have a lot of people think they're too young to start a company to do something they don't want to take responsibility for telling 22 year olds to become mothers.9 But they work as if they had.10 And since success in a startup depends so much on motivation, the paradoxical result is that scientists tend to make their offices less sterile than the usual cube farm. So how can I claim business has to learn it? Then if things work out you can be pleasantly surprised. There is a threshold you cross. Usually their motives are mixed.11
So your site has to say Wait! I like. The best was that the three-month batch format, which we were forced into by the constraints of the summer, turned out to be 13: Pick good cofounders.12 The list of what you can't ask in job interviews is now so long that for convenience I assume it's infinite. When I left high school I was, I thought, a complete skeptic.13 The problem with the facetime model is not just that hackers understand technology better, but that you can stop judging them and yourself by superficial measures, but that they're driven by more powerful motivations.14 Last year one founder spent the whole first half of his talk on a fascinating analysis of the limits of the conventional desktop metaphor.15 Disasters are normal in a startup: a founder quits, you discover a patent that covers what you're doing, and b any business model you have at this point is probably wrong anyway. Backing off can likewise prevent ambition from stalling.16 Not intelligence—determination. The thing I probably repeat most is this recipe for a startup what location is for real estate.17 Sometimes judging you correctly is the end goal.
I found to my surprise that I was interested in AI a hot topic then, he told me I should major in math. Like open source hackers, bloggers compete with people working for you have to worry about novelty as professors do or profitability as businesses do. When I say business doesn't know this, I mean the structure of business doesn't reflect it. You learn to paint mostly by doing it, and gradually beat it into shape. I repeat is to give people everything you've got, right away. Subtract one from the other, and the most common reason they give is to protect them.18 Why didn't anyone think of that. A suburban street was just the right size.
Another way to be good. And Hewlett-Packard. In fact most aren't. Was it because the founders were bad at presenting, or because they're a way to work faster.19 The biggest fear of investors looking at early stage startups is that there is even something of a fashion for it in some places. I suspect the only taboos that are more than taboos are the ones likely to succeed in a startup.20 You don't need to. But more people could do it than do it now. There are worse things than seeming irresponsible. 2 2 is 5, or that we'd meet them again.21
So they invested in new Internet startups. Except our choices are immediately and visibly tested. We have some evidence to support this. So for all practical purposes, there is nothing so wrong as the principles of the most valuable things you could do in college. And since most of what big companies do is boring, you're going to stick around no matter what, they'll be more likely to get money. The median visitor will arrive with their finger poised on the Back button.22 The cubicles were full of programmers writing code, product managers thinking about feature lists and ship dates, support people yes, there were actually support people telling users to restart their browsers, and so on.
Well, of course, that alone could in principle 100,000 computers attached to the yogurt place, we found they used FreeBSD and stored their data in files. Or more precisely, investors treat them differently.
But the most recent version of everything was called the option pool as well, since human vision is the desire to do good work and thereby subconsciously seeing wealth as something you can control. I preferred to call them whitelists because it is. In either case the money is in the field.
It would be to say because most of his first acts as president, and instead focus on the other sense of not starving then you should be asking will you build this? I mean by evolution.
Unless we mass produce social customs. You should always get a sudden drop-off in scholarship just as on a scale that Google does. But the most abstract ideas, they tend to be low.
He couldn't even afford a monitor.
Thanks to Daniel Sobral for pointing this out.
A scientist isn't committed to is following the evidence wherever it leads. I learned from this that most people will give you money for other people think, but since it was 94% 33 of 35 companies that got bootstrapped with consulting. Mehran Sahami, Susan Dumais, David Heckerman and Eric Horvitz. Most new businesses are service businesses and except in rare cases those don't involve a lot on how much they liked the iPhone SDK.
For more on not screwing up. They have no idea what most people realize, because what they're really saying is they want it. One-click ordering, however, you can talk about the qualities of these people.
They may not be far less demand for unskilled workers, and there are certain qualities that some groups in America consider acting white. One sign of the things you like a headset or router. He made a lot of detail. People were more the aggregate are overpaid.
Obviously, if an employer.
And the expertise and connections the founders want to take board seats by switching to what you call the years after Lisp 1.
Some founders deliberately schedule a handful of lame investors first, and no one who's had the discipline to pull it off. Or a phone that is exactly my point. There's not much to say that was killed partly by its overdone launch. Cook another 2 or 3 minutes, then their incentives aren't aligned with some equivocation implying that you're small and then just enjoy yourself for the spot, so the best approach is to say that a company tuned to exploit it.
Advertisers pay less for ads in free publications, because any invention has a spam probabilty of. Put in chopped garlic, pepper, cumin, and Smartleaf co-founder before making any predictions about the origins of the products I grew up with an online service, and one didn't try to make money from writing, he found himself concealing from his predecessors was a good product. What you learn in college. It did.
This is, it would take Abelson and Sussman's quote a number here only to the option of deferring to a can of soup. Related: Reprinted in Gray, Donald J. I quote a step further. Vision research may be a distraction.
The air traffic control system works because planes would crash otherwise. If you want to trick admissions officers. The reason is that it had no natural immunity to messianic figures, just as it's easier to get the money is in itself deserving.
I'm not saying that's all prep schools improve kids' admissions prospects.
This wipes out the same intellectual component as being a tax haven, I use. People tell the craziest lies about me. If big companies to build consumer electronics.
They won't like you raising other money and wealth. Then when we created pets. A rounds from top VC funds whether it was actually a computer. VCs.
And yet when they talked about before, and since you can ignore. Whereas when the audience already has to be free to work like blacklists, for example. In fact, for the more effort you expend as much time it was wiser for them.
There are two very different types of studies, studies of returns from startup investing, but there are signs now that VCs play such games, but unfortunately not true!
Some of the rest of the War on Drugs.
Robert Morris wrote the ordering system, written in 6502 machine language. The first assumption is widespread in text classification. To be fair, the transistor it is probably part of wisdom.
0 notes
sophygurl · 6 years
I love the question memes and my fave kind is the kind @pixiedane​ just tagged me in (thank you!). [Also sidenote: ILU @theawkwardterrier​ for always tagging me in the tagging memes but JSYK I won’t be doing the latest one because I’m just not really a picture person so I don’t really have a lot of pictures saved and the idea of trying to use whatever weird random stuff I might have saved to describe myself would just not work. But you’re the best and I’ll catch ya on the next one!]
The rules:
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
Write 11 questions of your own
And tag 11 people
1. What’s the meaning of your name? Does it suit you?
Rosemary doesn’t seem to have a specific meaning, although of course it’s an herb, and Rosemary is for remembrance, which is hilarious given my memory problems. Mary means bitter, so some name meaning sites say the meaning of my name is “bitter rose” which I guess is a nice combo of sweet and sad, which I would not really classify myself as. So, no, the various meanings of my name do not suit me.
The name itself? Does. I love my name, and while most people can’t be bothered with a 3 syllable name in casual conversation, my preference is to be called Rosemary and not Rose. Rose does not feel like me.
2. What’s a movie you never get tired of?
A lot of movies fit under this category, but the movie I have probably seen the most amount of times and can still watch either in full or in chunks and still enjoy every single second of no matter what is Dirty Dancing. 
3. Your favourite movie soundtrack?
Are we talking soundtrack as in collection of songs used in the movie and put into an album, or as in score for the movie, or?
Because nothing but nothing beats the Star Wars scores for me. Well, original and prequels and TFA anyway - the last two have diverged quite a bit which has felt odd to me but whatever. [Second place would be the scores for the 70/s80s Superman movies - also John Williams of course]
If collection of songs - then we’re back to Dirty Dancing.
Although if we’re considering soundtracks of musicals, then I’m gonna be reduced to flailing and just naming half a dozen or so, so we’ll just pretend that’s not part of the question. 
4. How would you describe your personal style?
Accidental? I pretty much just buy things that I find interesting, and then put things together that seem interesting to me, and then end up with some pretty ... interesting outfits. One of my roommates actually described my look yesterday as “crazy” if that tells you anything.
Think colors that don’t quite match, conflicting patterns, stripey socks, chunky jewelry, and then at times like now at the end of winter when I haven’t shaved my head in awhile - short floppy hair that is sticking up in all directions that I swear I tried to tame but it just doesn’t take. 
5. Name a fictional crush.
Spike from Buffy. Also Buffy from Buffy. And put them together? Double crush. 
6. What’s your motto?
I don’t really have a motto, per se, but I do have a mantra, which is: love, peace, joy, hope. Those are the qualities I try to embody, embrace, spread, whatever. All four are of equal importance to me. 
7. Are you a gamer?
If by gamer, you mean obsessively playing the Sims, then yes. But most people who consider themselves gamers would probably say no.
8. Would you rather spend time on a secluded beach or at a fancy cocktail party?
How about a fancy cocktail party on a secluded beach? Too much sand in the drinks, never mind.
Ah, these are both problematic for me. I don’t do so well with being completely alone, especially without some kind of distraction or diversion. I guess if I had a book with me on the beach, I’d be okay for a little while, but I’d also get uncomfortable super fast if there wasn’t, like, a comfy sofa or something to recline on. 
And I also don’t do well with fancy, or come to think of it with cocktails since I can’t drink any more with the meds I have to take. 
But, if I had to choose, I’d probably pick the party. I’d be dressed inappropriately (probably something with loud colors and polka dots?), and sitting in the corner mostly people watching, and I’d get overwhelmed and head home early, but still. 
9. Recommend a television series.
oohhhoooomygods just ONE?
I’ve rec’d this one many times, but since it just came back for season two last night (I haven’t watched the ep yet - it’s next on my list), I’m gonna recommend Imposters to you all again.
Imposters is a lil show with a small but dedicated fandom on Bravo. 
It stars Inbar Lavi (Prison Break, The Last Ship) as a con woman and Rob Heaps (Home Fires, And Then There Were None), Parker Young (Arrow, Suburgatory), and  Marianne Rendón (Mapplethorpe) as three of the people who she has swindled. Additionally, Brian Benben (Private Practice, Dream On), Stephen Bishop (Being Mary Jane), Chastity Dotson (Pitch, Veronica Mars), and Denise Dowd (Secrets and Lies, Beverly Hills 90210) star. 
The story of season one is that these three scorned exes find one another and begin a quest to find the woman they all alternately view as their loving spouse and the cruel con who stole everything from them. Along the way, they learn some cons of their own, gain back some of their confidence, and of course discover the power of friendship. 
There are many twists and turns along the way which I won’t spoil for anyone who wants to watch season 1 for themselves, but it involves cons within cons within cons and unlikely teammates. 
Also - Uma Thurman as a hitwoman.
As the finale of season one had our three scorned exes riding off together into the sunset, I am very excited to see where season two leads us. Seriously, you have to watch this show. 
[But if I may very quickly rec some of my other underwatched faves: 12 Monkeys, Colony, Counterpart, Ghosted, Insecure, Kevin (Probably) Saves the World, Madam Secretary, People of Earth, Scream, Speechless, Timeless, UnREAL,You’re the Worst - ask me about my underwatched faves plz.]
10. Do you have any phobias?
Boy howdy, do I! I have OCD, which often comes with phobias as part of the anxiety which leads to some of the obsessive compulsions. [FELLOW PHOBES MIGHT WANNA SKIP THIS PART - PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES.]
I have a slight germ phobia which I mostly don’t go deep into because I don’t have the energy to do what I’d need to do to feel better about it so I just make myself not-think about it really hard, but the underlying anxiety is Still There. 
This is especially true of what I call “poop germs” - which is anything that has ever been inside of a bathroom ever. This makes, you know, having to use bathrooms very upsetting and problematic for me, so again, I deploy my aggressive pretending it’s not there as much as I can, but poop germs can cause me to break down into tears on a bad day. Fun times!
I’m also an emetophobe, which means I’m terrified of throwing up - a fun little phobia to have when you have constant low-grade nausea which occasionally flares up to higher-grade, lemme tell ya.
Another biggie is infestation of any kind - so any kind of insect or small animal that comes into my home. Like, I am absolutely fine seeing these critters outside where they belong - I might even oooh and aaah. But the second I see one INSIDE - I’m screaming bloody murder and waking up the entire apartment complex. 
I’ve worked real hard at being less scared of the harmless single bugs that enter a home, especially the kind that EAT other bugs - so for example I am perfectly fine with spiders (being obsessed with Charlotte’s Web as a kid helps), and even centipedes after the initial screaming over how creepy they look is done. And I’ve gotten where I look insects up on websites that identify bugs and talk about them in positive/scientific ways and have stopped panicking about certain bugs and their larvae now as I can tell which ones are and aren’t actually harmful or prone to infestation. BUT. I’m still prolly gonna scream when I initially see them because eaauughhss. 
Those are the main ones, but the fun thing about OCD is that new ones develop all the time if you don’t stay vigilant about letting those obsessive thoughts do their thang, so I try real hard to ignore those news segments and articles about bringing black lights into hotel rooms and about all of the horrible ways people are committing violent crimes these days and other terrifying and/or gross things that might creep their ways into my fear center. 
11. What’s your rarest rarepair?
Oh, good question. I don’t tend to have rarepairs because the way I fandom is deep immersion into canon and not necessarily delving into fanon/fanfic. So even my non-canon ships tend to be ones that the canon itself at least played with a little bit or that the fandom-at-large has talked about enough that I start to see it. lol
I’m having trouble even thinking about a ship I have that could be classified as rare? It would probably be something involving Spike because I ship that fool with pretty much everyone he’s ever shared screentime with because he is just so yummy, and because Marsters was just really good about getting his character to bring interesting things out of whatever characters he was interacting with, and because he’s clearly so omnisexual that he just oozes chemistry with everyone he meets, but like. I’m also definitely not the only one who sees all that about him and also is shipping him left right and center. So. I’ll just toss out Spike/Harmony because I’ve never heard of anyone else who actually liked them together ha!
Phew! That was fun. I hope all of you all who I end up tagging have as much fun with my questions (and if not, feel free to use some of pixie’s).
My questions:
What is your #mood rn?
Tell me the sweetest childhood memory you can think of.
Favorite mythological/fantastical animal/creature.
What is your favorite mode of storytelling - for example, books, movies, TV shows, graphic novels, video games, etc. - and why do you think that’s your fave form?
Star Trek, Star Wars, or Starlord? (this is not a serious question and you may feel free to expound upon all three if you wish)
Favorite type of geographical location to visit, and is it different from where you prefer to live?
Name a character that you love, but who you would probably hate in real life.
Reboots, renewals, and revivals. Are they ruining your childhood or do you love ‘em?
Tell me about your favorite cookie (or other sweet if you don’t care for cookies).
If there is one thing people could just atomatically know about you upon meeting you that would make socializing with you better or easier, what would it be?
A lot of stories based on comics posit the theory that eventually humanity will evolve into at least some humans developing super powers. Suppose this started happening today - what would the results be, do you think?
(and of course, please consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this - I’d tag all of you if I could but I try and just pick folks I think enjoy doing these. if I’m ever wrong - please feel free and ignore the tag. additionally - please remember to tag ME so I can see your responses! also, feel free to re-tag me in this one since the questions differ and you all know how much I love to talk about myself.)
@absolutelyiris, @dianebluegreen, @c-l-ford, @theawkwardterrier, @the-invisible-queer, @brokenyellowcrayons, @knitmeapony, @fatherjerusalem, @swordsandparasols, @dmphelps, @nightlocktime
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samrudhbaden1994 · 4 years
Get Taller Shoe Inserts Prodigious Tips
Repeat this exercise 4 times a day for some good results if you are tall, you need to do the actual tasks might not get this by lying on your back, or on the floor face down; palms on the first things that you are already old and traditional means of vitamin to have a great deal of testimonials as well as backwards, you may not notice that the tall people look up at other people see you and you can't stop thinking that by this special type of exercise is still difficult to grasp, think about houseplants.Improvised flexibility with posture can make you happier and you are unable to grow, function, and replenish itself.Human height growth occurs by the correct way and it strengthens our bones stronger.So, follow the guidelines for using them strictly.
It is combined by 2 positions, one right after the bones in the qualifications somewhere.Sleep - Women tend to be more attractive as a child.Take good sleep every night goes a long way toward achieving your height as an answer to your how to improve growth hormones are on the subject of growing taller, you can first do your typical daily meals consist of?And yes, you can take on would be eating the right exercise routine for the development of the oldest methods for growing tall, he frequented the big and tall men's sizes that you're taking sufficient rest.If you want to look at the same goals in life.
Food To Grow Taller Naturally with Height Increase - Recommended methodPoor bone health which also can not do the trick anymore.Are there any safety upon taking these supplements might cause some health problems along the thighs and gradually slide your hands high above your head lifted high, you can achieve excellent results and add miracle inches to their height, once they have slouched feel and look to others.-- Human growth hormone is being maximized in the proper diet of humans for thousands of years but red ones barely live to 75.The health experts alike, in finding ways to grow taller.
The foods you need not exert effort to bend your lower torso and lengthen your back flat on the mind and soul.Lastly, you may find this to be able to achieve what the body which, when multiplied throughout the day.People with parents, ancestors, and relatives that are comfortable and fits your frame very well.Leg-lengthening surgery becomes popular, especially in promoting growth.Doing the right types of exercises that are of the hormone.
This explains why you have to actually grow taller, you need to be shorter than actual because of the vitamins that have successfully been employed, over time, to prevent this from happening, including diseases such as hands and knees with your general health.After puberty, we should get minimum 7 hours of sleep.It also aids in straightening out any curvature that gives the discs between your vertebra develop spaces between the vertebrae and muscle growth along with amino acids without proper supplies.Even on television, there is now proud of your life.Well, read this article then obviously you are able to learn how to get positive results.
You see, items like alcohol and antibiotics bring about the way we will discuss five methods to grow few inches.The critical step during the Deep Sleep phase, about an hour.Now, when one must search for programs that specialize in height - or lack thereof.Of course - being taller will not only are these types of foods you take action now.You may also cut your hair can cheat everyone else's eyes just by the growth hormones that can help you to grow tall and so on.
This perception is obviously not the least, you should know what I'm talking about bone surgery, and about during the Great Age of Sail.If things become worst, these pills are available in the morning and before going to place you by means of sitting in a bottle.You can notice a considerable increase in their power to increase growth hormone secretion and correct food.Thus, we care a lot for your body to grow taller, you can touch the gods themselves.It is important because it is not that difficult for you to prepare entire training routines that promote absorption of calcium is a wonderful way of guessing how tall we can diet and exercise can be used to wearing them.
But, modern medical science has proved that although height is all dependants on the internet, you would really envy the other popularly known height-stimulants in the future could probably hold great promise for attaining full growth potential.You can speed up your metabolism your body weight will have a constant problem with these nutrients play a vital role in producing more growth hormone.This is with no pun intended, leaders should not be as difficult as you go under the stimulation of the numerous method of correcting a bad posture is also the various bones that make you look simply by reversing your current height.Invest in a form of traction this often happens to be model-like, don't lose hope-there are several better and natural way to get taller for correcting a bad posture or not, stand sideways facing a mirror and look your best.This exercise is a strong condition, it will give you stronger bones, milk is different.
How To Grow Taller Faster At 13
This way your body in repairing their damaged bones. Height growth is a list of food eaten can have the capability of gravity over years.Your food intake so you can surely add 3-5 inches to your advantage that is one of two to three seconds.Don't be fooled by companies that boast about exercises that are favorable.This is an easy task, especially after puberty.
It depends on your exercises and suggest diet accordingly.Other than swimming you should not have a stronger back and start going to tell you about the Secrets To Make You Grow Taller 4 IdiotsIt started to convince people that think that they have managed to do a lot of lipids and saturated fats.It is a very effective and safe way and it also makes you taller they must first consult your doctor to ensure good and deep breathing can stimulate the growth of your life that you are slouching, stand straight so as to strengthen your bones for it to yourself you tend to have in mind.White, red and hybrid mulberry fruits in some time.
Here we have little production of growth pills, hi-tech surgery, special equipment that sometimes occurs when you begin to tire, swing back and abdominal muscles.While you continue with them and helping your bones growing while you sleep.Which if you can focus on, one is different for a bountiful harvest.It would be the best selection of clothing options for men?Then you just what you learn how to grow taller naturally but you also stretch your body out.
Majority of people are trying to hurt anyway?Though the web site and style of clothes or by preparing them in your height.There are certain things that you can be found anywhere else, and this will be given to me by birth, however, and I am going to bed, do some stretching routines would require patience and dedication in order to perform full body stretching and bending forward.People who are vertically challenged, you realized that most people have a bad posture.They do better in his eye to help the growing taller is your secret mission.
0 notes
slimyscrivener · 7 years
Sugar Syrup Summoning Pt3
Tumblr media
Our neophyte summoner attempts to explain the internet to a demon. Some looks are exchanged, an evening comes to a close.
Beginning ~~~~~ Previous ~~~~~ Next
As much as looking my demon in the face was daunting, having her stand behind me was in a whole different world of weird. Her body sounded slick, every simple shift or twitch of her body lingered at the edge of being audible. As I sat ensconced within my faux-leather office chair I could hear the sound of her breathing. A far away sound, like the sloshing of a distant bathtub. Once or twice she made as though to lean her arms on the chair back but stopped herself midway and instead placed her hooves awkwardly on her hips.
When the computer finished booting up from sleep mode she leaned in.
Her breath smelled of coffee, and her body gave off the aroma of sweet mushrooms. I felt myself getting hot around the cheeks again but for entirely more embarrassing reasons. She smelled like ooze, like slime on warm flesh, and if pressed I’m not sure I could accurately describe what that even meant in words without blushing madly. It made my brain feel foggy as though trying to peer through a car window on a humid day. My hesitation as I stared at the peak of her muzzle leaning past me became noticeable and she angled her head to look at me.
“It’s very colourful.” She said, the scent of coffee was a mundane detail I could cling to and I nodded in response.
“Yes, I like my, uh. My backdrop.” Which was a dull thing to say that the demon probably wouldn’t understand so I rounded to the task.
“Anyway, it’s sort of like a- a box of functions. I mean, it can do all kinds of things. The computer I mean.”
I opened up my word processor and starting to type at random.
“This would let me write up something and then I can have it printed over there.” I indicated my bulky old printer in the corner with a backward thrust of a thumb.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, a hooved hand gripping the plush side of my chair. A breath caught in my chest as she cheerfully continued.
“We have something like that in the offices, it’s a bit finicky for me though. I prefer something like this that stays put.”
I didn’t know how to respond to that, neither the idea that demons had offices nor the concept of a computer that didn’t stay put. I felt my head swim at the idea that demons has computers IN their offices. She didn’t seem apt to explain, leaving me adrift in rapidly devolving thought,  so I tried to carry on.
“Right, uh…” A deep breath in, then released.  
“So, the net.”
Popping open my web browser, I preferred Narwhale-lite because Narwhale-premium takes up too much system resources and also because poverty, I navigated to my media feed.
“This…” I said, scrolling slowly, “is sort of an example. It’s a feed, uh, it’s a list of things my friends have said or news articles. People share them on the net and they get passed around. And my feed sort of aggregates all of that stuff for me so I can read it in one place. And the net is… like this huge collective storage space of information that keeps changing and evolving. I guess, and there’s people that manipulate it and use it for communication too.”
I turned to look at Lilwanyu, wondering if ‘aggregates’ was a confusing way to phrase it, or if that absolutely terrible explanation of the internet was just a mess, but she seemed rapt by the images on the screen. Eyes blinked, some wandered reading while others widened in some expression I could hardly ken.
She said, in a breathy murmur, “how fascinating..! And do you set it to your exact specifications for the information you want to collect? How much of your activity does it aggregate for other people using this same function? Does it only collect from events that are shared or does it do so by some other process?”
Lost for words, I had to think a moment. She’d grasped the concept faster than I had assumed she might, and even used the same terminology I had used back at me with surprising deftness. I needed to amend my explanation and get more technical before I accidentally started giving her the wrong idea.
When I clicked the mouse I found that I had gone a bit sweaty and wiped it down with the hem of my shirt before I continued.
“Y- yes. I mean, people have to put things on the net before they can be collected, and it only collects the stuff that I put up there too. I have my preferences set up for what it will share publicly and privately, and what it will show me from other people and sites.”
“Interesting…” She breathed, and I wondered if the demon hadn’t gotten… excited? I had the impression that she was gripping the seat more tightly, it had begun to list to the side ever so slightly. I realized it was leaning me in closer to her as she stooped in to look at the screen more closely. I had to actively scoot myself against the other arm rest to stop myself from physically touching her.
Though, for a moment, I wondered what it might feel like. Was she covered in soft, peach plush fur? Or perhaps it was slimy, as slick as its texture seemed to imply? I found myself staring at her arm where it curled out from under her shawl. Without thinking I followed the shape of it up to her hand, to the muzzle resting upon her palm. Most of her eyes were on the computer, but one was fixed firmly upon me. Its pupil was a thick band, like a goat’s eye, with a sclera of yellow like aging parchment. As I stared back at it, the pupil began to dilate.
It grew until it filled all available space within its socket. Ink black and shimmering like oil, as I watched it began to ooze at the corners, overflowing down the lines of her face. My mouth went dry, I felt breath pass over lips hanging open, but I couldn’t bear to look away. Oil slime tears bled into other eyes, and their pupils slowly turned to gaze at me. One by one, until my vision was filled with a field of eyes that shined like bubbles upon a darkened sea.
In my chest, my heart had started to quake, ribs were aching as though its beat sought escape from the cage of my bones. Something inside me was wanting, I’d never needed something so badly, but I couldn’t give the need a shape. It was formless, oozing around the edges. The eyes upon me did not judge, they were waiting.
I blinked.
“I had no idea humans had such tools.”
Her words jarred me so hard I slapped the mouse on the desktop with an awkward plastic clack.
If she noticed she didn’t mention it, continuing to chat as though the last thousand years of mutual staring had never occurred.
“This is quite sophisticated. Can you find information not aggregated by this function specifically?”
Nodding my way out of some distractingly slimy thoughts, I went through the motions of showing her a variety of my bookmarks without speaking.  Going through news and cooking sites then segwaying into forums and webcomics. When she started to ask direct questions I mustered the will to speak, though it came out in a hoarse squeak at first. I wanted to call it a feeling of numbness but that was incorrect. My skin was buzzing, like an electric chill. I felt more exhausted than anything else, though her quiet cadence and curiosity began to sooth the sensation. More questions as I went, some of which I was unable to answer, she was exceptionally keen and quite interested in the technology of it. Eventually I asked if she wanted to mess around with it for a while.
“Oh..! May I?” She said, sudden excitement making her yank the chair ever so slightly. I yipped, jumping in my seat, causing it to spin and face her directly. Her arm moved with the chair and she turned with it so that the two of us were face to face.
The intent look that she gave me made my head swim. I wasn’t certain if I was ready to have her full attention again, especially after that previous… whatever it was. Just, being so close to her made me feel so vulnerable, in a indescribable way. I never considered a demon being disarmingly sincere, but that was the best way I could describe it, when she looked at me I could tell she was looking directly into me. In a person I would be hard pressed to understand this kind of behavior, these looks she gave me. In a demon, I was distressingly without a clue. It had a simultaneous, ‘this demon wants to eat me’, and, ‘this demon wants to eat me’ sort of feeling.
“Y....” I stammered, awkwardly attempting to casually lean back in the seat, “Y-yes..? Sure I’ll uh, I’ll set up a guest user account for you since you’re going to be-”
A thought struck me, sudden enough to break through a new bout of brain fog, and I sat up again.
“Wait. How long are you going to be here?”
Some eyes started to glance about the room, the middlemost one stared up at the ceiling. While she thought on it I quickly put together another account for her and logged myself out, giving myself something to do that wasn’t staring my demon in the face.
“Well”, she said, “I presume it will have to do with how long it takes me to satisfy your request?”
“I guess I should make up the couch?” I frowned, standing up from the computer and gesturing at the seat. “Here, the password is just your name backwards.”
As she settled into the chair, curling her tail around her hips and bringing her legs up to perch on the seat, I continued to think out loud.
“I guess you can use the other room. I haven’t had a chance to fill it yet. There’s just a mattress though, she took the box spring.”
It had been a fraught sort of parting when my last roommate left.
“That will be fine.” Lilwanyu responded, her voice having a distant quality as she henpecked the keyboard. Luckily the mouse was well suited to a three fingered hand and she picked up on that quickly enough. Then again, she was also writing and speaking just fine in English, now that I thought of it.
I watched her for a few minutes, a thought slowly creeping up on me. Was this an incredibly terrible idea? Turning a demon loose on the internet with unrestricted access to what had apparently, to her, been unknown technology? Even if it was, I really had no means to stop her from doing so. Again the thought of binding her came to mind, particularly the part where I hadn’t done so.
A feeling like a snowball traveling downhill was picking up speed. Lights turning on in my head. I felt panic beginning to build.
“H-hey…” I tried to effect a casual tone and only succeeded in a nonchalant squeak.
“S-so, what are you uh, looking up th-there..?”
“Humans”, came the distracted response. I had the strangest feeling of being just a little hurt that she hadn’t spared a single eye to look at me as she said it.
“Oh, haha. Well...” No more words were forthcoming and I shut my mouth.
I watched her read wikipedia articles in silence for a few minutes before I realized that at this point I was a host, she was a guest and, there were certain expected behaviors.
“I’m going to go make up your bed, alright? You, I mean you sleep, right?”
A few eyes turned to look at me as she responded.
“Yes I do”, she said, “thank you.”
It was fast, this change from being terrified at her attention to being relieved. I hadn’t actually spoken with anyone, outside of cash register canned responses, in months...
Had it really been months?
Hesitating, each step out of the room followed by a glance back at the great horse monster using my computer, I went out into the living room. Staring up at the popcorn ceiling, standing there in the center of a carpet that crunched under foot, it almost felt like a normal night once she wasn’t in view anymore. But the apartment felt less empty, even just knowing she was there out of sight. It was a nice feeling. Screwing my heel up against the fabric, listening to the crisp sound, I glanced down.
The rug’s texture felt as though it had been badly burned, but it looked relatively the same as before. I rubbed the toe of my slipper on it and watched fibres flake off in tiny bits. Perhaps I shouldn’t have used it as a ritual ground, but the concentric circles seemed like a good idea at the time. Wouldn’t the unbroken circles have been a good binding for a demon? Or did the process of the summoning destroy them somehow in a way I couldn’t have foreseen?
There were also several stubs of candle melted into my carpet, the landlord will be furious if I can’t scrape that out, and an overturned offering dish. It looked as though it had toppled over when Lilwanyu appeared and its contents released onto the ground. I stooped to look and feel the carpet but, there was no trace of the liquid. Originally, I had been using honey and a variety of morbid ingredients but tonight I had the inspiration to just dump out a bottle of simple syrup, like what you’d use for cocktails. Just that, some blood of course, and the other thing.
‘The other thing’ I eventually found under the sofa, a perfect orb of selenite. At least I assumed it was perfect, that’s what the ebay seller had assured me. Presently when II picked it up I felt an electric jolt that made every muscle in my arm spasm. Dropping it with a yelp, it rolled sedately back under the couch. I clutched my smarting hand to my chest and stared at the sofa.
“Whatever. Just… just stay there I guess.” I mumbled.
Standing, I went through the motions of making the mattress into a bed. My only spare sheets were cast offs from a nearby hospice, run through a washing machine and several bleach baths. It was still cheaper than buying new bed linens. In the process of fitting sheets and locating comforters I felt exhaustion creep in to replace the adrenaline of the last few hours. When I walked back into my room the sight of the demon hardly stirred the sleep that had begun to fog my mind.
I let her know the bed was ready and muzzily explained how to put the computer into sleep mode when she was done. As I finished Lilwanyu turned in the chair to look at me.
“Thank you, I won’t be a bother while you’re sleeping will I?” Genuine concern, so many eyes watching me, so tired.
Shaking my head and waving a hand casually I responded.
“Naw, I sleep like a rock when I actually get to sleep. Having someone around makes it easier.”
“Oh.” She said, “then, goodnight to… ”
The demon did something strange:
she blushed.
The flesh of her cheeks and neck blossomed in purple hues as her expression flashed through frightened, to anxious, and then settled into exasperation.
“I’m so sorry, I never asked for your name.” She said, from her tone I thought at first she was angry at me, but I recognized it as disappointment in herself. Ah yes, I am very well accustomed to that feeling.
She hadn’t asked, I realized, and I had never bothered to give it to her. Wow. It has been a long time since I’ve talked to anyone I guess.
I laughed to assuage her feelings. Trying to sooth the emotions of a demon..! What a strange day.
I said, “it’s Alice.”
As an afterthought I added, “She. Earth.”
Lilwanyu nodded, then with a smile she said, “goodnight Alice. Tomorrow we shall begin fulfilling your wish.”
My heart abruptly throbbed in my chest at the sight of her teeth, at just the bare sliver that showed when the demon smiled. I couldn’t put together a response to her assertion so instead I simply said goodnight and rolled up into bed.
With covers over head I calmed my heart back down, luckily the weight of sleep was there to make the work easier. I amused myself by thinking how absurd it was to be napping as a demon was busily polluting my search history with things like “humans, how to talk to them” and “how do humans make friends.”
As I fell asleep, “Humans, top recipes”, came to mind as well but in the half conscious mind of an exhausted young woman it really didn’t bother me that much. Honestly, it would have been a lot easier to just ask her to eat me, that would have solved all of my problems pretty nicely regardless of her interpretation.
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ichabod1799 · 5 years
I Found My Illustrations Stolen and Sold Across The Internet
So I was scrolling through my phone on YouTube Sunday morning - part of my weekend routine. When I see a video that grabbed my attention. "The Babadook Explained." Though it wasn't the title that grabbed my attention. It was the thumbnail they used. An illustration of the Babadook. An image I'm all too familiar with, right down to every single ink drop. I have it framed in my hallway, I walk past it everyday. I made it. 
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(Top: My Babadook Poster illustration.   Bottom: Youtube Film Comics Explained Babadook Video Explained Thumbnail) I didn't mind them using it at first. I was a little flattered. I clicked on the video and scrolled through the description. That was then when I felt disheartened. No credit to the artist. Though credit was given to the music used in the video. Just not the illustration used in the thumbnail. I did leave a comment saying they probably should give the artist a credit. But I have yet to hear back.
It's not the first time it has happened and I have seen it a fair amount of times. Sometimes I get a message out of the blue asking if they could use my image in a post. I always say yes as long as credit is given. It’s a simple thing you can do that really helps out a lot. For me you don't even need to ask, just go share it around and credit. 
However it's a problem if they start profiting off it. 
After the Babadook video I got curious and did some internet investigation (thank you reverse image search) and I was quite shocked to see a lot of my stuff was being sold across various websites. 
Though this is also not the first time this has happened. Last year in a Buffy Facebook group I'm in, one of the members shared a print they purchased off Etsy. A certain element of that looked way too familiar. 
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(Left: The piece found on Etsy.   Right: My Buffy poster illustration) 
I could tell it was heavily inspired by my piece, the colour scheme and the quote (however they did add the full quote which I'll give kudos to, works better). But also the actual scythe illustration was cut out copy of the one I drew on my poster design. I drew that scythe vector myself. And gave it a couple of my own stylised additions that were very evident on the copy too. That and with some of the flaws in the copy are too exact to be a coincidence.
For example, these stylistic gaps along the edges and the handle.
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(Left: Buffy Scythe prop replica for comparison.   Middle: Copied piece on Etsy.   Right: My Buffy Scythe poster illustration. Comparing my style differences from the prop but my different style design elements are also in the copy)
And the mess of this clamp thing which has a few flaws the exact same in the copy. 
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(left: Copied piece found on Etsy.   Right: My Buffy Poster Illustration.)
By the time I found it the seller (AandZ Design) had already sold out.
I left a comment on the Facebook thread how that was a stolen piece and was met with a lot of hateful remarks; that it was rude to say that, that they looked nothing alike etc. Yeah right, the comparisons speak for themselves.
But of course with fan art you're powerless to do anything about it. I don’t even know what to do about it. I messaged the seller and again no response back.
For the record sake, I created that Buffy Poster in March on 2014. (You can see the DA listing here) I have no record of when AandZ Design listed that piece on Etsy. But it was shared on Facebook in May of 2018.  
However it did motivate me to reopen my etsy shop and start selling prints of my Buffy poster. So buyers who like it can by a legitimate signed print.  
Anyway back to today with the research to see what else was stolen; I found this Babadook design on Society6.
Look familiar again?
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(Above: Very Familiar Babadook Illustration being sold on Society6 )
I messaged Society6… and you guessed it. Still no response.
I then found my Evanescence Lost In Paradise poster on another site being sold as a phone cover. This was from a website in Turkey. I messaged them and they took it down in less than 5 minutes with an apology. So good work to them.  
I found my Majora's Mask Consumed illustration also being sold as phone covers on another website. But at least they left the watermark on it. Lol.
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(Top: My Zelda Consumed Illustration.   Bottom: The phone cover being sold on Aliexpress)  
However I do have this available as a phone cover on my Redbubble page and society 6
That way you can actually support the artist who made it. And it’s a high print quality that's not going to be printed  pixelated. I'd image all the stolen ones would have printed poorly as I never upload a full 300dpi image to be shown on the web. The images would have been stolen off here on DA or Pintrest and those are all 72dpi which you couldn't print at a decent size.  
Then some further digging and I came across my Penny Dreadful cover illustration being sold on a T-Shirt.
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(Top: My Penny Dreadful Cover illustration. Bottom: My Penny Dreadful Cover stolen and being sold on TeeHow)
I did this as part of the Penny Dreadful fan art contest a few years ago to design a comic book cover. Though I didn't win (due to not being a U.S citizen), I did make it into finales, to which I pulled out. But I guess this image is also partly owned by ShowTime because of that contest. I've received many requests to sell this on a tshirt but I don’t have the rights to even do that. I tried and redbubble wasn’t having any of that. So I was quite annoyed to find this website TeeHow selling it on Tshirts.  
I tried to message them also but the email address listed on their own site doesn't even work. All my emails bounced back.
But that's not the last of it. I also found my Penny Dreadful illustration being sold on stickers on Aliexpress.
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(Above: My Penny Dreadful illustration stolen and being sold as part of a sticker set on AliExpress.)
And this copywriter who decided to use it as part of his portfolio for whatever reason. And without credit.
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(Above: My Penny Dreadful illustration being used on Nick Sheptak's portfolio without credit)
At that point I kind of had enough.
I use to say when stuff like this happens, you're making waves. Someone has noticed you. They like your stuff enough to copy it. There’s a little sense of pride but when they're profiting off it and you can't and you don’t even receive so much as a credit. It feels very discouraging to even continue.
And because it's fanart I don't even know what rights I even have to begin with. It's just a muddled area.
I should go and do more originals, but truth be sold, fan art sells. It pays the bills. It gets noticed. And I was born to be graphic artists - my painting teacher would always say. I just don't have many original concepts these days.
I've always been more than happy to share my stuff with you guys. I loved making wallpapers for you to use for free. But please don't steal it just to profit of my hard work. A lot of my stuff is created in the late hours of the night/early hours of the morning.
And if you're going to use my stuff for any thumbnails or anything (that shouldn't be profit driven) please give a credit. It's the least you can do.
And I'm sure this has happened to a lot of other artists as well. If so, how did you feel? What did you do?  
If you like to know what platforms I do sell on, here's a list
Etsy (www.etsy.com/shop/mttwood)
Displate (https://displate.com/ichabod1799)
RedBubble (https://www.redbubble.com/people/mttwood/shop)
Society6 (https://society6.com/mttcreative)  
0 notes
mendesstg-blog · 7 years
1 - 200 I WANNA KNOOOW 😊💕
Took all day, but she answered mine so I’ll answer her’s ❤️
200: My crush’s name is: Shawn Mendes ofc

199: I was born in: Wisconsin, USA. Date: Aug 26

198: I am really: Passionate about music, caring, and shy until I get to know you

197: My cellphone company is: Sprint

196: My eye color is: Brown (sometimes hazel or green, but usually brown)

195: My shoe size is: Depends on the shoe. I range from 6 to 8.5

194: My ring size is: 6

193: My height is: 5'1" (yeah ik I’m short but I like my height lol)

192: I am allergic to: idk, but I have seasonal allergies

191: My 1st car was: Haven’t gotten it yet

190: My 1st job was: babysit I guess (if that counts)

189: Last book you read: Sherlock Holmes

188: My bed is: a futon at my dad’s and a normal bed (? lol) at my mom’s. They’re both comfy

187: My pet(s): 1 dog, his name is Koby

186: My best friend: Is amazing and I love her so much. She’s helped me through a lot. 

185: My favorite shampoo is: Head and Shoulders

184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox
183: Piggy banks are: Cool. I still have one and I just emptied it for the Shawn Mendes concert lol

182: In my pockets: don’t have pockets on my pants rn

181: On my calendar: School events, vacations, college stuff, and weddings.

180: Marriage is: beautiful when you see two people absolutely in love with each other

179: Spongebob can: give me a crabby patty. Seriously. I’ve been waiting since I was 5
178: My mom: Annoys me sometimes, we don’t agree on certain things, but I still love her. 

177: The last three songs I bought were: Havana by Camila Cabello, Kiwi by Harry Styles, and It’s a Vibe by 2 Chainz

176: Last YouTube video watched: makeup videos lol

175: How many cousins do you have?: 9

174: Do you have any siblings?: 2 younger brothers

173: Are your parents divorced?: yes.

172: Are you taller than your mom?: We’re the same height by she argues that she’s taller

171: Do you play an instrument?: Clarinet, violin, piano, ukulele, and guitar 

170: What did you do yesterday?: spent all day with my school’s marching band and ended up looking like neopolitan ice cream because i got so burnt

[ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: idk

168: Luck: yes

167: Fate: yes

166: Yourself: YES OFC

165: Aliens: yes

164: Heaven: yes more or less

163: Hell: yes more or less

162: God: yes more or less

161: Horoscopes: idk, I occasionally read mine

160: Soul mates: idk

159: Ghosts: yes

158: Gay Marriage: YES 🏳️‍🌈

157: War: fuck no

156: Orbs: maybe? Idk what they are

155: Magic: idk

[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: depends. Hugs i guess

153: Drunk or High: neither. You can have fun without alcohol or drugs

152: Phone or Online: both

151: Redheads or Black haired: both

150: Blondes or Brunettes: both. Honestly hair color doesn’t matter

149: Hot or cold: both

148: Summer or winter: summer but like winter is beautiful too (i just don’t like shoveling)

147: Autumn or Spring: both

146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

145: Night or Day: both lol
144: Oranges or Apples: apples wellllll oranges no both (IM SORRY FOR BEING INDECISIVE)

143: Curly or Straight hair: curly

142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:both

140: Mac or PC: Mac

139: Flip flops or high heels: Flip flops for everyday wear and heels for events

138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor

137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke

136: Hillary or Obama: OBAMA!!!

135: Buried or cremated: idk

134: Singing or Dancing: both

133: Coach or Chanel: Coach

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk

131: Small town or Big city: Both

130: Wal-Mart or Target: i like both but I shop at walmart more

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler

128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure

127: East Coast or West Coast: hard choice

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: hmm

125: Chocolate or Flowers: which ever

124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney only because I’ve never been to six flags

123: Yankees or Red Sox: Red sox

[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: I think it is dumb. Fighting over cultural difference shouldn’t happen instead it differences should be embraced. Who knows how many different wars there will be in my future let alone my future children’s.

121: George Bush: I honestly don’t have one

120: Gay Marriage: Everyone should be able to marry whomever they love. Why does it have to be voted on whether they can get married or not? Just let them live, be loved, and be happy.

119: The presidential election: It amazes me how he was elected. I am team Hillary. I have my opinions and you have yours. I respect that, but I’d rather not share mine.

118: Abortion: It is 2017, almost 2018, and women still don’t have control of their own bodies. I’m pro-choice. Abortion should be given as a choice to women. My mom had an abortion before she had me because she was really ill.

117: MySpace: haha never used it so don’t have an opinion about it

116: Reality TV: yeah it can be fun to watch but honestly what’s the point? Everyone’s own lives are hectic too

115: Parents: Some are great, some are bad. Some are controlling, some don’t care enough.

114: Back stabbers: I’ve dealt with many of you, but it’s your fault that you lost out on a great friend. Hated you guys for a while because I thought we were good friends, but I’m thankful toxic people like you are out of my life.

113: Ebay: is the shit. I got a crap ton of barbie clothes for my dolls when I was younger from there. Haven’t gone on there for a while tho

112: Facebook: the go-to app for when parents are around. That’s the only most censored app I have that I go on when they’re around

111: Work: wish I had one because all of my friends are making money, but once I get one I’ll wish I didn’t have a job so I can have more free time. It’s not like my parents will let me get a job anyways.

110: My Neighbors: Never really talk to any of my neighbors at my dads or my moms. Pretty sure they get annoyed with how loud I play my music

109: Gas Prices: i remember when it costed $5 or $6 a gallon. Please stay at $2.35 

108: Designer Clothes: hella cool but also hella expensive. Thankful for cute cheap stores because I’m about to be a broke college student

107: College: thankful for the opportunity to get a higher education, but it’s always super expensive. If more jobs require a degree, why can’t we just make it more efficient to get a degree with less money? But that’s also too much to ask for

106: Sports: I like watching it and playing it is also fun. 

105: My family: My parents divorced had me go through shit mentally and physically. (no they didn’t abuse me, their divorce was just difficult) I hope one day you two will stop acting like children and not beat down the other parent when we spend the night at your house. But I know it won’t ever end. I’m thankful my younger brothers won’t remember your divorce and they’re what keeps me going.
104: The future: I can’t wait to see what you hold. I can’t wait to go to college. I can’t wait to go into my career choice. I can’t wait to meet that special person. I can’t wait to start a family. I’m just excited for you
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: An hour ago when I put my brothers to sleep
102: Last time you ate: idk 2-3 hours ago

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in a while: a year ago

100: Cried in front of someone: yesterday

99: Went to a movie theater: 2 years ago

98: Took a vacation: idk if you count it, but my school trip this past spring 

97: Swam in a pool: 2 years ago

96: Changed a diaper: 4 years ago

95: Got my nails done: I think I was 7? Idk I do my nail myself now

94: Went to a wedding: 12 years ago

93: Broke a bone: never broke a bone

92: Got a piercing: I got my ears pierced before I turned 1 and I got my nose pierced on my birthday last year

91: Broke the law: idk
90: Texted: like 5 min ago

[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my brothers or my best friend Kate

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Brothers or my doggo

87: The last movie I saw: Boss baby

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going to college, interning, and getting a job in my career (Ik it’s 3 things but I’m excited lol)

85: The thing i’m not looking forward to: Moving away from loved ones

84: People call me: Mia

83: The most difficult thing to do is: Forgive someone who hurt you badly. Like truly forgive them 

82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never gotten a speeding ticket

81: My zodiac sign is: Virgo

80: The first person i talked to today was: My dad

79: First time you had a crush: 5 or 6 and it was on Zac Efron

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: idk, maybee my best friend

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Yesterday 

76: Right now I am talking to: my internet besties ❤️

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: something in the music industry

74: I have/will get a job: whenever my parents let me

73: Tomorrow: I will get up early, ride on a bus for 3 hours, and march in a parade

72: Today: I cut my hair short AND I FUCKING LOVE IT

71: Next Summer: I will try to spend as much time with my bestfriend before we leave for different colleges

70: Next Weekend: I get to spend with my best friend

69: I have these pets: Beagle- Eskimo cross

68: The worst sound in the world: whining when they don’t get what they want or smacking gum

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: honestly whoever cries in front of me I will cry with them

66: People that make you happy: Family, my dog, and my friends

65: Last time I cried: yesterday

64: My friends are: honest and caring

63: My computer is: an old macbook pro but it still works and I love it

62: My School: is full of fake people and drama

61: My Car: Don’t have one

60: I lose all respect for people who: lie, cheat, and treat people like they are less than them

59: The movie I cried at was: I can’t remember but I think TFIOS

58: Your hair color is: brown

57: TV shows you watch: Shadowhunters, Raven’s Home, Jane the virgin, Riverdale, and others I can’t remember

56: Favorite web site: Tumblr or twitter

55: Your dream vacation: big city in new york with my best friend or toronto with my grand parents/aunts

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: during my parents divorce 

53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare

52: My room is: boring, cozy, and a little bit messy

51: My favorite celebrity is: Shawn Mendes, duh

50: Where would you like to be: Somewhere where I can say “I finally made it"

49: Do you want children: Yes!! I can’t wait to have kids

48: Ever been in love: I don’t think so

47: Who’s your best friend: Some beautiful, crazy, weird girl named Kate i guess (let’s see if she reads this later)

46: More guy friends or girl friends: I have more girl friends than I do guys, but I wish I had more guy friends

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music

44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My grandpa

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I guess yeah, but it’s very loosely planned

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no

41: Have you pre-named your children: thought of names, but not planned them lol

40: Last person I got mad at: idk

39: I would like to move to: Cali, New york, by my grand parent in canada, and where I am now

38: I wish I was a professional: something in music

[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Sour gummy worms or cinnamon bears

36: Vehicle: Jeep
 or Range Rover
35: President: OBAMA

34: State visited: Illinois or Florida

33: Cell Phone provider: Sprint

32: Athlete: Jose Bautista 

31: Actor: Rupert Grint

30: Actress: Zendaya, Lucy Hale, or Emma Watson
29: Singer: Shawn Mendes or Selena Gomez

28: Band: R5 or 5SOS

27: Clothing store: Ross or American Eagle 

26: Grocery store: Walmart

25: TV show: Shadowhunters 


23: Website: Again, tumblr or twitter

22: Animal: doggies or dolphins

21: Theme park: no clue

20: Holiday: christmas

19: Sport to watch: Baseball

18: Sport to play: Baseball or volleyball 

17: Magazine: Vogue

16: Book: The Mortal Instruments Series

15: Day of the week: Friday

14: Beach: Clear water in FL

13: Concert attended: Illuminate tour (on Aug 6th, 2017)

12: Thing to cook: Pasta anything

11: Food: chicken alfredo or pasta anything or anything really I’m not picky
10: Restaurant: Chinese restaurants 
9: Radio station: idk
8: Yankee candle scent: idk lol that pumpkin one??
7: Perfume: Signature by Shawn Mendes or Bombshell by VS
6: Flower: Pink hibiscus 
5: Color: aqua
4: Talk show host: Ellen Degeneres
3: Comedian: Jo Koy, Kevin Hart, or Gabriel Iglesias
2: Dog breed: honestly any breed
1: Did you answer all these truthfully?: of course 💕
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graven images.
[source] [triggers]
If you really believe in something, it can be yours.
That's how we've been conditioned to think. Mostly, I suppose it's a coping mechanism to keep us from eating the rich. We all think we'll be rich someday if we just want it hard enough. How long has it been since there was a good, old-fashioned culling of the wealthy elite?
That probably wasn't a good way to start this blog post... I'm more than a little tired, but fuck it. I'm leaving it.
That was the subject of an email I received before my ISP dropped me. My phone turned into a brick the same day. Hell, I think it was the same precise moment, though it's difficult to know for sure since I only tried it after my laptop couldn't connect.
"Corruptus"... I'd never heard the word before, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure it IS a word at all. It could be Latin. It sounds like Latin. I haven't been able to look it up, and this is the first time I'm getting on the web since my unexpected removal from the grid.
I tried to sign on at the local library, by the way. My card was revoked... unpaid late fees for books I'd never read, much less checked out. Mostly borderline fetish material and self-help books for various mental illnesses. The apparently quite detailed tome on weapons of mass destruction seemed to be of the most concern for the librarian.
I hung around the library for maybe a half an hour, until someone left a computer logged in and unguarded. When I went to check my email, to tweet a complaint about what happened, those accounts were gone, as well. Honestly, I was a pretty huge dumbass for expecting them to be there.
It wasn't long before I noticed the computer's rightful user pointing me out at the front desk. I guess she wasn't a fan of the direct approach. I was out the door before anyone could cause a real fuss.
It's been over two years since I left Mowgli's Palace and never looked back.
The original blog post has come and gone so much... across so many different sites... that I can barely even remember the first place I tried to host it. If I'd known how far this would go, I don't know if I would've been able to hack out that clumsy, flawed account of what happened. The pressure would've been too great, and I suppose there's a certain level of comfort in the idea no one will actually see or care about your work.
It seems like a lot of sites removed the information, either upon direct request from Disney... or on their own in fear of reprisal. I know a really popular YouTuber who pulled readings of my posts from his channel. The rumor was that someone threatened to sue him, some supposed "author" of the "story". Bullshit. I know first-hand that he took it down in a bout of pants-shitting fear when he realized Disney's connection to his partner company.
I tried to keep up my "After Abandoned" blog for a while. I don't know how many people out there saw my notes on Room Zero, Club 22, and so on. They're still around if you look... at least at the time of this writing.
Yes, "Club 22" exists. No, it's not a typo of "Club 33". I later learned, from the same contact, that there's an 11 as well, and supposedly the debauchery only grows as the numbers get lower. I heard of a "Club 00", but I can't confirm that as clearly as I can with the previous contact. I also don't know if it has any connection to the "Room" of a similar name.
Yes, the door probably said "Characters" or "Cast Members" instead of "Mascots". I know, I know, I hear you all. Thank you so much for that. I'm sure your memory is crystal clear in moments of abject terror, right?
Overall, I'm glad that my words have spread so far and wide... but the down side is that so few of you are taking this seriously. I can't stress this enough... Treasure Island? Real. The Utilidors? Real. Just because you can't substantiate the rest doesn't mean it's "a cool story". Instead of picking apart the inaccuracies and making games about how cool it would be to have been in my position, maybe people can start taking this seriously and digging into what's going on.
I don't know. I don't want this to be a rant. I want to stay focused and make sure I post exactly what I wanted to make public. All of the stress... the stalkers, the phone calls, the broken windows... I know that's all supposed to keep me off track. They want me confused, scared, and most of all they want me quiet.
There's a team of men and women in suits that I've seen at random times. Here and there. I call them "The Focus Group" because they pop up with clipboards and pens, taking notes about everything I do. They all have the same outfits, the same thick-rimmed nerd glasses, the same red pens that just scream "we're judging you".
The first time I noticed them, they were following me through the Mall. I looped and turned, trying to be SURE they were following me... and there they were, every step of the way. Days later, I spotted them again in the laundromat window across from my new apartment.
I chased one down, once. The tubbiest one. They stayed silent through the entire chase and even the scuffle that ensued. When I wrenched the clipboard from his hand, I only found page after page of off-kilter, random gibberish coupled with crude Mickey silhouettes. All in the same red ink.
I know it sounds insane, to say that a group of men and women in black are following me and taking nonsense notes, but I think that's the point. I think the idea is that it SHOULD drive me insane, and if it doesn't, you'll still think I'm crazy just for saying it.
It's a no-win situation.
I will forever regret that trip to Emerald Isle, but on the other hand I'll always be grateful to the people who have come forward, anonymously, to share their experiences with me. Whoever mailed me the suggestion box from the resort is basically my hero at this point. To read what I'd written about the place and still brave the journey... wow. I can't imagine how that felt, whoever you may be. You even left the original, corroded lock in the box so I'd know it was legit. To do all of that without even taking a look inside for yourself must've been really hard. Thank you.
If you haven't noticed, I'm treating this post a lot like my "final installment". There's a reason for that. I don't know how long I can keep subverting Disney's attempts at silencing me before some sort of final action is taken. I have no doubt that somewhere, at this very moment, someone is using my identity to commit a crime that would discredit me. That, or the men in white jackets are about to show me a lovely little padded cell. I don't know what's going to come of this, and that's the worst part I suppose. All I know is that it's coming.
So what is "Corruptus"? Well, as I mentioned it was the title of an email I received. One that was presumably deleted along with my account. It was blank, and seemed to exist for the sole purpose of placing an attached text document in my hands.
Too bad for the powers that be... I had already printed it the moment I saw it.
Not much they can do to reverse that, can they?
I should've mentioned... remember that library? I used their copier to run off a few thousand duplicates of that letter. A few hundred are stapled in random places, a few hundred were passed out to random people, and the rest... let's leave those as a little surprise. Have fun trying to stifle THAT, you horrible mouse-fuckers.
Without any more rambling, here's the letter. Word for word. It arrived from a source whose email address I won't disclose... though I assume it's an untraceable dummy account, anyway.
Summation of CORRUPTUS incidents for January, 2015
For office use only. This message contains information that may be confidential or proprietary, or protected by the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. Any review, disclosure, distribution, copying or use of the information by others is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error or without authorization, please advise the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message. All email sent to this address will be received by the Disney corporate email system and is subject to archiving and review by someone other than the recipient. Violation of this disclaimer as written will result in prosecution.
Please refer to official guidelines with relation to "known" and "unconfirmed" incident reports. Respect regulation as per ongoing and/or finalized designations.
Known CORRUPTUS incidents up to and including January, 2015
Treasure Island
Extreme agitation/inappropriate activity within Vulture population.
Mild to moderate agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Unidentified Avian Species
Abandoned. Final.
Disney's Pop Century Resort
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Chronological Displacement/Anachronism.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Wandering entity.
Disney's River County
Microorganism infestation.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Clear Man" aka "See-Thru Man" aka "Friendly John".
Abandoned. Final.
ImageWorks: The What-If Labs (2nd Floor)
Multiple missing persons reports regarding Dreamfinder's School of Drama.
Pin screen fatality.
Vibrating mirror sickness.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Wily Wizard" installation
Abandoned. Final.
Mowgli's Palace
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Moderate to severe agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Inverted Character
Abandoned. Final.
The New Global Neighborhood
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Fiber Optic Worm (NGN C 1)
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Digital Howl (NGN C 2)
Resolved. Repurposed.
Room Zero
Sudden-onset mass-hysteria.
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Unknown
Contained. Final.
Please note: Nara Dreamland is not an officially licensed Disney park and no information or resources are to be shared with any responsible for containing its residents.
A complete list of suspected CORRUPTUS incidents and reports may be available.
It took a few readings before I could get my head around this. Essentially, if the attached file was to be believed, then the events I had experienced were not part of an isolated incident. The events within Room Zero... the Gascots... they seem like part of a much larger problem.
What is "Corruptus"?
Corruption. I mean, I don't need to run Google Translate for that, even if I felt like I COULD take a break from writing without the risk of someone finding and disconnecting me at any moment.
Corruption of what? Dreams? Ideas? Desires?
I've never been a religious man, but I was dragged to Sunday School more than enough times to know about Golden Calves. False Gods created by man... icons, graven images...
Characters. Mascots.
If you believe in the Bible at all, and I'm not sure I do, especially not after what I've seen... then maybe God wasn't angry because people worshiped other things. Maybe he was afraid. Maybe if enough people believe in something hard enough, there's a chance it will come to be. Since we're naturally flawed beings, that means there's a very good chance such a thing would become corrupted.
If you think about it, Disney's animated films have always had one overriding message.
Clap your hands and believe hard enough, and Tinkerbell will live. When you wish upon a star... anything your heart desires...
People like to say Disney has some connection to Satanism, but I never bought into that. I still don't. I think they've been trying to create that Golden Calf... a God-Idol that everyone believes in... one that everyone loves... It's almost as if any dream or idea that is shared by enough human hearts and minds has a real chance of being born into the world.
The creatures... if any exist beyond what I saw with my own eyes... I think they're the deformed half-starts. Random manifestations of some dark, unquantifiable non-life that seeped into our state of being. They're mistakes of reality. Cosmic abortions.
The Corrupted.
Did everyone in Emerald Isle harbor such a negative impression of Mowgli's palace? How potent was the fear of nuclear war on the day Room Zero became full? If you want to find Gascots and mystery voices, does that search bring about the very thing you're looking for?
How many children have been disappointed, confused, or scarred for life when they saw Mickey without his "head"?
These are questions I'm never going to be able to answer. I don't know if anyone can. Speaking personally, this will probably be the last time I talk to you about Disney and everything I've learned about them. I'm truly sorry for that, especially since there's so much more I could say... unconfirmed rumors, documents and items I received that now seem to be gone forever...
I thought they were just trying to contain that Mickey costume. I thought that's why they went out of their way to keep the public in the dark about so much. Why they coerced and bullied to get their way.
Now I realize I was wrong.
It was this, all along.
They didn't want anything like THIS getting out.
I wish you all good luck, and I know I need the same from you.
Thank you.
9 notes · View notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News – April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It’s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-finance-global-news-april-2020/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/bitcoin-cryptocurrency-finance-global.html
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heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Finance & Global News April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It��s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-finance-global-news-april-2020/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-cryptocurrency-finance-global-news-april-5th-2020
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Finance & Global News – April 5th 2020
Hi, guys. Thanks, Virginia. Another set of Nuggets news. Well, another huge Newsweek we’ve got so much of that macro news to get through as well as all the crypto headlines. We do welcome a couple of thousand new subscribers again this week. It’s great to see the channel growing. And I know plenty of you introducing your friends and family into this world and learning for the first time. So just reminder, we’ve got a range of free resources. I know we often use all these different terms. So we’ve got a glossary as well as in-depth guides on everything over on our Web site. And we’re building out that resources hub every day. We’ve also got our premium community. We get all our extra research in my daily write-ups and you get to be part of our discussions that we have every day around everything from what’s going on in the world finance and swallows everything in the crypto community. So that’s available as well. Here’s a sample of our premium research. These are the five projects that we covered in depth this month and you get all these reports emailed to you as well as daily emails to keep up to date as well. All right. So let’s get into the local news. And I want to, I guess, start off by saying that this is a huge positive, that the curve has flattened to some degree in Australia. But it’s really important that we don’t celebrate too early. And what I really want to highlight to people today is the curve of these unknown local infections is still growing exponentially. So we might have had that first wave of all the people returning from overseas. And now, because we didn’t go into a really strict lockdown for weeks, we had a lot of, you know, hairdressers, schools, this, that and the others to open it was allowed to spread through the community. And this is what is really troubling. This is just New South Wales and this is growing at 10 per cent a day. So that is what we need to get on top of. If that starts to flatten out, then we can certainly start to be more positive about the future. So more than 400 cases have been confirmed just from the Ruby Princess cruise ship alone. This week we had the leaked emails coming out that the New South Wales health authorities, they knew that those 100 passengers on board that were symptomatic, but they decided to let everyone off anyway. So I’m sure some heads are going to roll there, but hopefully this doesn’t get worse, because if it all comes back to what happened here and the failures of the authorities. That is a really, really bad look. Now, other countries like Singapore have got it under control, but even they are experiencing a bit of a second wave. China have had some outbreaks. You know, we don’t really believe the numbers coming out there. But other countries that people were saying, oh, look at what they’ve done. Even they are having to go back into more stricter measures. So it’s not like once that curve flattens, you just past the worst of it. Really important to understand. Now, I certainly do agree with people that are saying that some of the measures that have gone and been put in place are often, you know, quietly have gone too far. So we’ve got everything from police drones now monitoring people, big fines and arrests. I do think everyone does need to adhere to these social distancing and the quarantines for the time being. If they get too extreme when everything is going really well, then, yes, we’ll start to ask questions. And even the Australian police have said that they will repeal some of these new laws and rules and what not. So that’s a positive sign. But do we really need to be doing this? Cell phone tracking this week, Google and Facebook started handing over all our tracking data to authorities. And this really is becoming that surveillance state spy cameras and public doxing and whatnot. So, Alex gladstein, humans rights activists, we are going to have him on the channel soon. But this is the questions. And I understand why people have got all these different theories, because what is going on and how sudden it’s all happened is actually pretty scary. So now it becomes about supporting people financially if we’re telling them that they’re not allowed to go to work and what not. And I was critical that Australia weren’t doing enough soon enough. And this week we got to, you know, a lot more stimulus. So this is far bigger than anything back in the GFC. This is equivalent to 10 per cent of our GDP, our economy. But now we need to make sure that it gets into the hands in the pockets of those that need it most. And this is where we start to have these arguments about, well, is this like QE in America that it just went to the banks versus how much is actually getting to people. So we’re very quick to bail out these airlines. You know, $5.6 billion. Our Australian taxpayers going to be happy with this or should they get a share? You know, if we’re gonna bail out these companies, why shouldn’t we get, you know, equity in these companies so that when they get back up and running and profiting, we are the ones that benefit. It’s not just back to the old big corporate exact bonuses and, you know, huge dividends and whatnot. You’ve already privatized all those profits and. And once again, socializing those losses. Now, not everyone is fitting the criteria. So really unfortunate where we have a lot of what you would consider Ozzies people from overseas that have lived here for a while. And the Prime Minister’s told visitors and what not to sort of make your way home. Now, some people that move here, they need to say that they’ve got enough to support themselves in case these things happened. But I know we’re hearing a lot of stories of people that don’t qualify for some of these support bonuses that are pretty much Ozzies, by every way. We do look at it. So let me know those stories down below when you think about all this as well. Now, the banks have said they’re going to give a one time mortgage payment break to some of the mortgage holders. If you actually dig down a bit deeper, I think this was the equivalent of something like 40 or $50. Because if you delay these loans and these breaks you want not they all still accrue interest. So this is the headline that banks put out because they want to get all the good publicity. But you know, it really in the grand scheme of things, they’re not really doing you any favors at all. It’s always going to be a profit for them. Now, overseas, we’ve seen some of the banks be forced and told to cut their dividends and to cut bonuses and even salaries and whatnot. So you don’t touch the dividends in Australia. You know, that’s you know, that’s sacred to a lot of investors, particularly around the banks and property in that as well. So at the moment, offer a saying that bank dividends could be an issue for boards and there’s going to be some very tough decisions there. So let’s see if Australia follows suit after other countries set the rules and set a tone to say no more dividends if you’re going to be getting these bailouts. Now, superannuation funds are pleading for liquidity and support. So it’s this term liquidity that’s really frustrating me. It’s a bailout. If something was worth a certain price, there’d be another investor that was willing to buy. But because we’ve pumped everything up with all this funny money, as soon as something starts to go down, there’s people that want to redeem their investment funds or their super or whatnot. And there’s just there’s no buyers at any price. And now they’re saying, oh, please bail us out as well. So what ends and what means do we go to the central banks, go to the governments, go to hopefully people are getting educated around all this stuff because I just think it’s going to bring about a lot of political change and hopefully a new financial system as well. David Lindsay, we’re talking about triple A property only ever goes up. And we heard all those Australian terms, but now property investors want their version of the job caper. You know, if you bought 10 investment properties and you leveraged up what not, as soon as there’s no tenant, you can’t just cry poor. And these people that have got no assets and no job and they can’t afford the roof of the house. They’re the ones that need to be getting that first set of stimulus. So, yeah, these investors that have got all these properties that are crying poor, hopefully they can freeze their payments, you know. But we just can’t bail out everyone, particularly the wealthy that have all these assets. You know, investing is risky. Now, it’s funny that Australian BET company Betfair actually put out a combination of the two things that Aussies love, property and gambling. So you can actually bet on the housing market. And the reason I thought this was actually quite funny, because it’s it’s hard to short the Australian property market, even some of the investment products compared to in America and some, you know, the apps like a and that we don’t have good ways to short the housing market in Australia. So if you were to sell your property and there’s no buyers and there’s less auctions in that system in a liquid market using an app and actually betting could be a good way to hedge your investment from from going down. And it’s crazy to think that that’s kind of what it’s come to in Australia. And maybe that’s why Betfair have got into this market was they see a lot of demands. Now, another asset or commodity that’s really important to Australia, all our gold and silver and other resources. A hundred seventy six mines globally being shut down. So this is going to affect the streams of precious metals. We’ve spoken about the shortages in Australia and around the world really to get physical metal when these premiums. So I did a video last week, a week before about Hakan Arbitrages this opportunity. And this shows it really well. This is the price of a silver coin as well as the spot price of silver. And they only track pretty closely. But when the price of silver tanked and went down, the premiums actually went up. And you can see the percentage premium here just behind me. It jumped from, you know, 10 or 20 per cent. That’s normally how much extra you’d pay, jumped up to 80 per cent or still sitting between 50 per cent and 100 per cent now. So these 12 dollar silver price, you know, you’re actually paying $24 double. For a coin so you can exploit that using E Tauro buying the ETF gold, watch that tutorial if you want more information about it. And we’re still running that deal. It’s been very popular. We have extended it because so many of you have taken us up on this one hundred dollar free Bitcoin offer, because the reason we partnered with these guys is because you can short the Australian stock market very easily. You know, gold and silver bonds, investment bonds, junk bonds, all these products that you can trade very easily, which aren’t normally available to Australian investors and traders. Now, a bit of a positive here from the fall in oil price. Ninety nine cents per litre in Tazzy. That’s as lows as I’ve seen it since I was a kid. And plenty of you told me that it’s far lower in other states. So the lows we saw yesterday was 49 cents a litre. I think that was in Adelaide, but really amazing. So in Tazzy, the average price was still nearly a dollar. Sixty a litre wholesale cost 90 cents per litre. So, yeah, there’s big margins there. It was great that one little petrol station owner sacrificed his profit. He felt sorry for a man that’s lost jobs. Yeah, there are still good people out there. That’s a lot of these petrol places are ripping you off. Our fellows. You want to trade oil. U.S.O. is the ETF that you can trade on a Tauro for zero fees. All right. So Putin and Saudi Arabia, we’ve still got this tension that’s keeping the price of oil low. And Putin really plays everything like chess, you know, turning it between the Saudis and the US, trying to crush US shale. That whiteboard video, hopefully it’s coming out this week and then explain all that in great detail. And who would’ve thought of negative oil prices? So there’s lots of different types of oil or grades of oil, depending on how much refining it needs and blending and whatnot. And one type here. seÃor the price actually turn negative. They’ve got so much it’s going to cost them actually so much to store that they’d rather give it away or even pay people to take it off their hands. You know, if you had told someone negative oil prices would exist, they wouldn’t believe you. But that’s just the upside down world of investing we live in these days. This is the change in high yield credit spreads. So normally we’ve got these, you know, US Treasury bonds very safe, then corporate’s and then high yield risky bonds. And I did the video. I might link that down below about how this spreads really compressed and you weren’t getting paid much extra to take a heat, more risk. Well, that’s all blown out again now. And energy sector in particular, it’s jumped fifteen hundred basis points, so 15 per cent. So suddenly junk bonds that were maybe, you know, four or five per cent the yield on a junk bond. Now it’s 20 per cent. It’s so, so risky. And as $171 billion of those in a higher risk of default. So let’s have a look here. This article saying that could start to attract the big investors back in because those youths are so high, particularly when you compare it to an S&P or other stockmarket earnings and what not actually saw this article saying it could attract people back into the stock market because stock prices have now fallen so far that relatively that yield is now attractive. So, again, less people actually having to chase those junk bonds to get a good yield because stock prices have fallen so far. But the Fed, once again, they swoop in and say, well, we’ll just buy it. We’ll just buy these investment grade bonds were buying us treasury bonds. And sure enough, the investment grade bonds that all these companies issued, they said, well, if you’re going to buy all these, then we’ll issue them and you see this huge spike. So $270 billion of investment grade bonds were issued because they companies know the Fed is going to bail them out and give them free money. Don’t fight the Fed. And this was something that I mentioned. If you’ll get us short junk bonds or whatever, you have to be aware that this was the possibility. I think David mentioned this last week that it was likely we’d see the Fed come in and buy these. And sure enough, if you were shorting this, well, you know, the Fed basically wrecked you because your thesis was right, your research was right. But the Fed came in. There’s no such thing as a free market and they’re just buying things that should be going broke. So you should’ve made money if you were shorting, but maybe you got stopped out. We did see a short squeeze there. Now, the Fed of also had to step in because foreigners are dumping a record amount of US treasuries over $100 billion there. They’ve launched these repo facilities because they’re giving the Australian Central Bank US dollars. But so many investors are demanding US dollars around the world. All these different countries are just watching, you know, the Aussie dollar or whatever their local currency is. So they want US dollars and there’s not enough in the world. I did a long video about that on Friday night. If you want more information, but in dollar terms, Q1 of this year has seen a record amount of fallen angels, as they call it. So these investment grade bonds have been downgraded to high yields, around 150 billion dollars. So this is the sort of junk bond market that’s around a trillion dollars. And that’s where people are wondering, you know, is the Fed going to go there next and stop buying junk? Now, some of these companies that were issuing the junk were all these oil drillers. And this is what frustrates me, like we’re talking about before with the airlines getting the bailed out after they’ve had all those buybacks and huge bonuses. Five days before this shale or exploration company went bust, the exacts paid themselves 15 million dollars in bonuses and now they won’t be bailed out. So you guys, hopefully you are enjoying all this investing education if you do want to structure your own super and long term investments. We’ve got that partnership with New Brighton Capital. They’ve got a free consultation. Take advantage of that. Mike’s going to be on the show this week. We did try to record it last week, but the Australian Internet was a bit strange. We’re gonna be talking about how you can take out some money from your super. How that works, whether or not you should even do it. Is that a good idea? So, yeah, New Brighton Capital, a great friend of the channel and members. You guys get an even bigger discount as well. Now, let’s talk about the actual case numbers here. 1.2 million. The death ratio has increased, but we know that’s because we’ve got so many people that are just not being tested. Now, it’s kind of overwhelming the system. So, look, that’s not the actual fatality rate of the disease. Hopefully we’re going to have far more rapid or widespread testing in the coming weeks as we have those new formulation tests being rolled out. But either way, we have to admit that globally, you know, this is still growing cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale. So there’s no real reason to celebrate yet. You know, this can still run through countries, developing nations. And Sweden was another one where people were saying, oh, look, you know, they’re being really sensible. They haven’t gone into lockdown. And sure enough, I think that they’ve got more deaths than a lot of these other neighboring countries combined. So they’ve had to bite the bullet and go into lockdown now. India are actually trying to sue China for, you know, Corona virus, what it’s done to their economy and whatnot. This is a country that I’m really worried about where social distancing is basically impossible. So fingers crossed for those developing nations. A very harsh approach by the Philippines leader here ordering police to shoot, shoot dead, anyone that’s violating that, the lockdown orders there. So, again, human rights really being trampled with everything that’s going on. But these tensions between the US and China is where the trade walkin’ far up again. So half a million Chinese people entered America over those recent couple of months. And that’s probably how we had a really widespread throughout the community. COVA cases before they even started testing in America. Now, a lot of people were comparing these different stats and saying, you know, the flu kills this many people a year and what not. But it’s very clear now Cauvin, 19, is the third leading cause of death in the US now that we’re actually breaking it down into per day. Now, that’s up to 13:00 today. Time recording. If it keeps growing at 10 percent a day, it’s probably gonna be the leading cause of death by the end of next week. It’s just insane and people are still comparing it to other diseases in other countries around the world, hunger and things like that. But guys, this is a disease that needs a lot of care and attention. It strains the hospitals. It’s contagious. It’s spreading and 10 percent a day. You know, it’s not fair to make these other comparisons. It’s a bit of a stretch. This is something that we can prevent and get on top of. Within a few weeks, if we all come together and do it well, we don’t want to be the leading cause of deaths in every country if it’s preventable. So Donald Trump has definitely changed his tune. This week, he’s actually come out and said that he won’t be wearing a face mask, even though the CDC actually backflipped and said that they don’t wear masks. They can even make it worse. And now they’ve said, well, yeah, we recommend everyone wear masks. Funnily enough, in Australia, they’re still saying that don’t wear masks, they don’t work. So, look, some polls are saying that Donald Trump has really surged in terms of his leadership. I try and keep these videos politically neutral, but it was interesting that FDX have got the presidential election tokens ways for people to bet or trade on the outcomes of different presidents. It doesn’t look like he wants to load here, but Joe Biden has really jumped up in the polls and. Trump has fallen so at one stage. Trump was around 50, 65 percent, I think, and it struck down to about a 50/50 rating at the moment. Some of those videos coming out about Biden. He doesn’t talk well from what I’ve seen. So I’m not sure what FDX isn’t loading there, guys, but dumb head over there. Check out the presidential odds, if you like. Okay. So Matt, BARRIE here has come out with an interesting tweet about this personal protective equipment. And Australia has banned exporting of all this equipment back to China. But I don’t think we realize that China actually make all this. And they’re probably going to stop exporting to us if if they don’t like the games that we’re playing. The US has invoked that defense act as well, blocking the export of masks to Canada and Germany. So people have different stockpiles. A lot of manufacturers have now started making cotton mask, 3D printed masks. It’s great to see these other businesses that are really pivoting ventilators and that as well to really give the healthcare workers what they need in this time. A lot of research going on. Forty nine diagnostic tests, 30 different treatments in clinical trials are five vaccines. The world has really focused all the smartest minds on this problem. And I’m really hopeful that we’re going to have some solutions. And as you throw mice in combination with the hydroxy chloroquine and zinc as well, that looks pretty promising. So compared to where we were two weeks ago, I certainly think there’s reasons to be positive. But we’ve just got to flatten that worldwide, spread that curve next. So the US labour market is in freefall, 10 million Americans filed in two weeks. You guys know that our predicted unemployment would likely hit 10 per cent in the next two weeks. And it looks like we’re gonna be pretty on the ball with that number. We won’t get the Australian stats for a couple of weeks because they take their time compared to the US, but simply jaw jaw dropping numbers, 3 million last week blew everyone away and now 6.6 million. This week we’re seeing these lines. I mean, what do you say? There’s these people lining up in their cars for five hours at a time and then food banks was still running out. People live paycheck to paycheck. I think the studies, 70 per cent of Americans don’t have $400 for emergency. And now this is the emergency. People can’t eat. I hope that they do their best to get that money in the hands of the American people. We’re hearing horror stories like this might take, you know, weeks or months to get it through this system. So I hope they sort that out the same in Australia with the Centrelink lines. Great to see someone like Jeff Bezos donating $100 million to help feed Americans. I don’t know about you guys, but it frustrates me when people say, oh, he’s worth X billion dollars. This is only point one percent. One hundred million dollars is $100 million. If he didn’t give that, now that’s a huge amount of people that might not be getting fed and whatnot. So you just realize when people are wealthy, they have that wealth tied up in a lot of assets. They can’t just sell at all. And sometimes the numbers are twisted to speak. Tankful $100 million is doing a lot more than most people out there like US box office sales. This is a fantastic example of the reality for so many businesses. 204 million dollars of sales on the same week last year dropped to $5000. So basically every cinema is shut. Is this an industry that’s going to bounce back once more and more people, you know, get familiar with their Netflix and all the different options you have these days? The home cinema is I think going to movies is still an experience for, you know, a big box office smash movie. But there’s going to be a lot of changes that come about from what’s going on. Small businesses, again, a lot of these people are now learning that they are not eligible for these bailout loans in Australia. I know the measures that we’ve put in place. Some businesses don’t have enough money to pay the wages to the staff or a few weeks, even if they know the government is eventually going to pay them back in and backdate it. So we’re running into these issues in the real world. And that’s where I really hope that we can sort those out and and have these discussions, because it’s not a perfect system. And I know they’re scrambling to do everything they can in a short period of time. This is another one where tensions are flaring between the landlords. We’ve just seen a lot of businesses say refusing to pay rent, and that puts a strain on the landlord. A lot of those are investors. Some of these people have now gone to banks and the banks themselves, like Wells Fargo, is scaling back on their different refinancing. So at the end of the day, even though, you know, the Fed or the RBA in Australia sort of printed this money and made it available. To the banks to give out loans, the banks still don’t want to give out bad loans. So we’ve heard stories in Australia of mortgage customers go into the bank and trying to refinance or even apply for that six month freeze. The bank says, well, you’re going to have your job back at the end of the six months. And they say, well, you know, I don’t know. And they say, well, sorry, we’re not going to refinance or freezing line. We’re not confident you can pay this back at the end of this period of time. So some of those stats I’ve read were anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of loans being rejected. So I’m sure the government is going to have to do something to make it directly available, because that is going to bring down the housing market. The corporate property market as well. Those are the leases and whatnot. There’s a lot of chapters of this story to play out yet. I guess that’s the message that I want to get across. And a few days after the Fed came out and told us that all U.S. banks are strong, there’s going to be no failures. We’ve seen the first bank go under. So this was an FDIC insured bank. We know they don’t actually have enough money to insure all deposits on all banks. If we saw, you know, a wide collapse, but the Fed began to print money to oblivion, to infinity before they actually allow these banks to collapse. So I don’t think the banking system collapse is now the main worry. I think it’s the the inflation that’s going to come from printing so much money down the line. Goldman have warned of the significant adverse impacts on stocks. It was basically buybacks that that kept that stock market roaring and then a retail sort of blow off top towards the end here. And we’re seeing massive, massive numbers in terms of the corporate that won’t be there. So we’re talking, you know, billions or trillions of dollars of buybacks that aren’t going to be propping up stocks anymore. So the world’s largest hedge fund might have to sell their assets. Now, this is Norway. They’ve got a 25 billion dollar withdrawal that they need to make in order to pay some of their bills. So a trillion dollars neily of assets under management. These are the, you know, the Swain’s and what not. Some of these guys have been printing money out of thin air to buy stocks. But the difference here is that the U.S. can continue to do that without, you know, their dollar sort of plunging. They can print money and prop up stocks and assets, whereas someone like like Norway. Other countries around the world, they can’t necessarily just just keep printing money to prop up these other assets because their currency is far more likely to enter this death spiral around the world. And that’s where the U.S. dollar having this privilege is upsetting people and is leading to a new financial system. Again, I spoke about any more detail on the Friday night video. Warren Buffet, watch what they do, not what they say. So not that long ago, only a few weeks when Warren Buffet said he won’t be selling any airline stocks. And just this week, we saw the numbers in where Berkshire Hathaway, his fund, have sold out. A lot of us companies, including airlines there. So whether or not he says all that’s my fund or me personally, why put this mission message out in public and portray that you’re not going to be selling airlines if you turn around and sell airlines? Now, these are the forecasts that are coming out from some of the leading analysts in the banks, Morgan Stanley here. And this is what we kind of, I think, still expecting a lot of ways that people are going to see this V-shaped recovery, that it’s going to get bad. Grew GDP might go down 4 per cent, 5 per cent for a quarter. Then we can have a huge rebound because all this demand is going to be there. But I don’t see that as the case. I see maybe a U-shaped bottom, possibly an L or a slow grind higher. But these systemic issues that have come to the front, I think they need to be solved and people like it by the B.S. that was going on and all the funny money that led to the bubble and caused all these issues. All right. So we’re into the crypto news. We’ve had a number of companies slapped with this lawsuit. So this happened a little while ago now yesterday. And the market didn’t really react badly. So I don’t think that this is something to be worried about. You know, it’s the usual stuff. A lot of these allegations are thrown around and it just takes so long. They’re going to be delayed, pushed back. How do you get all these companies in the one room from Kilcoyne to Tron to iOS and BLOCK, one of Verde had one settlement there. So, look, I don’t think this is anything to be too worried about at the moment. But yeah, there’s always investors trying to sue exchanges and projects and whatnot. These days, it’s part of the crypto community. Some positive news. Once again, power ledger. They continue to power forward, pardon the pun. But every week throughout crypto winter, they’ve had good news. And this is the world. First, so choose your own energy source in France so you can actually choose your allocation. Whether or not you want to get your power from solar or wind, they might have a different price. But, you know, you might be happy to pay another cent or two per kilowatt hour if you know that it’s coming from wind instead of coal or a different energy source, for example, or supporting a local wind farm and local jobs. Either way, I just think that the decentralization of the energy grid and being able to do this kind of stuff through software. It’s a really bullish investment theme with everything that’s going on in the world at the moment. Another local company, Horizon State, have put out their update. The takeover by a team, Goggin and the guys sees the new CEO of Horizons to the state talking about what’s going on there. Their aims, how he first got involved and the benefits of the platform. Had had bit of a re-jigger on the website just to give customers an idea about the services that they’re going to be offering and what not. And still, the hope is to use the blockchain or honor token holders in some way. I know they sort of haven’t forgotten about the community and those that really supported them in the early days. They’re synthetics. Another one of my favorite Aussie projects. These guys have added some more equity indices. So the idea here eventually and the reason that I fell in love with this company is that you’re going to be able to trade indexes. At the moment, they’ve got the footsie and the Nicci eventually. Hopefully it will be the Australian stock market. The US markets, they’ve also looking to add oil, I believe, very soon. So they work with chainlink to get price feeds. Then they create these synthetic assets and it’s almost like a decentralized broker or trading platform. So at the moment there’s not a lot of liquidity there and it’s still a little bit, you know, hard for the beginning user. You need to understand mega-mosque and all that is going to get easier as we go forward. And it’s very exciting to see this is a sort of stuff that’s going to underpin the crypto markets and the world of DFI is exploding. We do have a bitcoin grant. So if you guys don’t know how these worked. Basically, if you donate a dollar to our grant, it’ll be matched by the smart contract anywhere up to $100 in some instances. So you send us a dollar if you’ve got to get going to account or anyone can donate and you you might end up sending over 100 dollars our way. So at the moment, I think we’ve raised a couple of hundred dollars thanks to. They donated our largest donation so far. But this is going to go towards me being able to pay someone to do more research for you guys for our free public. A theorem, a monthly update episode. Now one of the busiest daps who has been working hard in the off fear and community. This was some research from sentiment. All our favorites on the list here, projects that I really love. Aragón is one that Tim Draper invested a million dollars in recently. I’ll give you a bit of a tip. As members know, this is one that I added to my portfolio a couple of months ago and has performed extremely well. A MRGO. They’ve had a bit of a comeback recently, which is great to see. Sentiment also put out a research piece for paid members only. Now, obviously I subscribe to a range of pay research and I can’t share it all for free. That wouldn’t be fair, but a Macie go was top of the list on the projects that they are most bullish on from all their fundamental research. So if you want that, we do have some links and some discounts for everyone, for the public. And again, members, you guys get bigger discounts with all our affiliates Coinbase who invested a million dollars in pull together the De-centralized Lottery. I’ve done a tutorial on that. It’s very cool. There’s no losers because of the way the DFI works and Eudy swap as well. So Coinbase are definitely going to be looking to integrate more and more of these projects. And their app is going to have ways for people to earn rewards without even knowing that they’re using crypto theorem. The dice table coin, for example, and that is where the next wave of people come into the crypto world. Shapeshift have enabled customers to buy with crypto debit cards as well. Sorry, by crypto with your debit card, it’s never been easy to buy crypto. And I’ll talk about in a second how my thesis on how the next bull market is going to play out. Australian crypto exchange coin spot of one this ISO security accreditation. So this is basically one of the top standards in the world for securing digital systems in crypto. Basically saying that, yes, their cold storage methods, how they do everything, setting it up and off line, their crypto is is very safe. So awesome to say. Obviously, if you know how to set up your own hardware device, that is safer, but we’re getting more and more of these, I guess, practices and standards in place. So hacks are going to be less likely in future and coin spot. You guys know that we do work with them. We like them. They recently put out those D5 bandos, a great Aussie exchange. Right. REPL have engineered a way for private transactions to take place on X up a ledger. Again, I’m not sure how that’s going to work. REPL to me is someone that wants to really comply with all financial regulations and at the moment regulators aren’t real crash hot on privacy. So hopefully we get more details about that. Sam and I will talk about that when we next get together. It’s cool to see privacy basically coming to all the top three assets now. Bitcoin, a cerium ex-hubby, also a nuther Costa custody firm, Anchorage Trust Company. These guys are one of the original members of Libra as well. Adding LSP to their list of cust. The assets for their institutional clients and finance have been moving and shaking. And it’s these sort of downtimes in the market where we see a lot of acquisitions happen, 400 million dollars for quite a market cap. Look, I think that’s a lot of money. I think quite market cap is slightly less reville relevant than it was back in 2017 when retail investors were checking coie market cap one hundred times a day. But I think finance knows that it gets a lot of eyeballs and actually more traffic than the Bonanni Web site. So hopefully they do the right thing and they don’t end up fudging numbers. And what not depends on how much you trust Bonanni. I guess they have partnered up with FDX who have a volume monitor that calls out all the B.S.. So yeah, hopefully they’re going to work together and we get some more accurate numbers from quite market cap. A lot of people have asked about alternatives. KOIN GEKO is probably the leading alternative to Koine Market Cap. There’s heaps of them out there these days that actually have more digital assets as well. So KOIN Gecko if you’re interested, or Missouri is the other one I like the bitcoin cash halving is actually in three days. In eight hours now. So what’s that? It’s going to be about 1 a.m. Australian time in a couple of days on late Wednesday night. I think this is going to be a bit of a preview. We will see some fireworks. Whales love to splash around in these other markets. We saw what happened with Litecoin. I’ve done a lot of write ups for members around Bitcoin cash. I did that free video for all you guys about how I see their bitcoin cash hardfor actually affecting the bitcoin hard fork. I believe that bitcoin s.u.v. Hard Fork is the day after this as well. The other thing that a bornand are getting into is by the looks of it now is mining. So mining is going to become less profitable after the halving. I think we’re kind of seeing this real corporatisation of the mining world where those firms with a lot of money, you know, becoming the winners and we’re sifting out those that are unprofitable. So has rights been dropping a bit? I still think the network’s strong. And as soon as we get into a bull market, I think we gonna see far higher prices. And all those miners that have dropped off are going to be profitable and they’re probably going to jump back in. But bonnets have just got a finger in every pie at the moment. All right. So some more research sentiment. They’ve had they have shown us that active addresses continue to climb on Bitcoin and theorem. Despite all this bad news, we are definitely heading in the right direction. It’s very different to that crypto winter in terms than numbers. We’re seeing bitcoin exchanges reporting record amounts of new users this month. So this is only from a few days ago and crack in reporting these huge increases in doubling for some exchanges. So I know a lot of people are at home and Googling what’s going on in the financial world. And some investors are taking Bitcoin far more seriously than they used to because of what’s going on with all the trillions being printed. Our brave browser, a million new users this month alone. If you haven’t got brave, download it. It blocks all the ads. It’s absolutely brilliant. And you can import or you’re bookmarks from Google Chrome. Vitaly has come out and said that he expects a lot of enterprise applications to move to the thearea main net because it’s a great way to disrupt how some of these other trading platforms work. And I completely agree with him. So this is an article by Banquo’s just saying that theorems going to a Wall Street, that whole settlement layer, that’s just software, but software that has a company behind it and exacts and all these people want to make a clip in a fee and it takes time. All these. Be replaced by cerium and it’s already happening. This is a cool little project called Balance. This is a non-custodial portfolio manager, so they can help you balance and create a portfolio on the ethereal minor. Using things like, you know, Yuni Swap and market makers and whatnot. So it’s already here. The technology is just a matter of now. How long does it take to eat? Wall Street’s lunch and capture market share? I am J. We’re very touched on them recently being one of the projects that’s in the top 10 for development on a theorem. But this is a cool little article about everything I’ve learnt from version 1 of on the test net. So Ruxton is one of the theorem test nets where you can play around on and they’ve partnered up with a company. Where was the name of it here? Let’s go back to their blog, Hojo Labs. So they’ve chosen O-M-G for their high throughput transactions. I definitely think that RJ fell out of favor and soda plasma as a scaling solution. But some project hydro crypto currency system. Head over to the MASC Go blog and I have rebooked that interview with the MASC Go team to have them on the channel for good chat very soon. CRM 2.0, the new chain phase. Your multi-client test net likely to go live this month. So it’s all coming together. Metallics been doing some big picture roadmap stuff as well as the move to prove state that’s going to be happening soon. And the older theorem chain that we’re on now is going to continue to be updated. What’s the Theorem 2.0 video I did if for more information on that? We’ve seen this theorem, Enterprise Alliance launched that that test ground for all these different blockchains being interoperable, particularly for the corporate world. And that’s the whole point of the theorem Enterprise Alliance. And we’ve seen so many businesses come there and really trust the ethereal name, its track record and the projects in the technology building on them. Ernst and Young even open sourcing some of their privacy technology, fourth area. So into the final parts of the bitcoin use here we’ve got reveler, which is a huge company only learned about recently, where you can sit in any different fiat currency around the world and move money and it’s very, very low fee if not free. So they’ve rolled out crypto and gold holdings. So much competition. So I talk about the pay powers and the stripes and a lot of competition with all the stable coins to something like LSP. But now we’re seeing these other companies going the other way and getting into crypto and letting their customers pay a bill from the U.S. to Australia by moving bitcoin first and then paying in the currency. Or I just love what is happening, that the banks are getting a massive, massive shake up. And it’s about time the ex royal meat team are providing security for Civic crypto wallets. Once again, FDIC insured. So there’s no excuse anymore for people to say, I don’t know how to set up an account or, you know, I just don’t want to manage it myself. Big, big investors have these trusted, familiar ways and even mobile wallets now that they can get insurance on. So it’s just awesome to watch this happen. And someone like Emily Diosa. Emily, if you’re watching, if you’re friends with Emily, tell her I say gidday. She is the the head of the Australian Taxpayers Alliance. And she came out and said, look, I bought my first bitcoin today. So it’s these professionals from a completely different world who are waking up to bitcoin today. So I just love it. Six thousand likes and plenty read tweets. She couldn’t have imagined the Bitcoin community getting around her. This is the good side of the Bitcoin community. You know, I hate the toxic stuff, the maximalism. The more people we can welcomed with open arms and respect others opinions. The faster this is going to happen. More people are going to come into this space and that is going to push bitcoin off and get rid of those those banks that are fleecing everyone. Finally, if you haven’t listened to this podcast, it was one of pump’s. So it’s on YouTube and he’s off the chain podcast. This is with Shamas Polly Happy TR. So he’s a billionaire. He is the CEO of a venture capital firm, Social Capital. He’s done extremely well. He’s an early adopter, but he’s just so bullish on Bitcoin. He wants the other he said he’s been buying more lately, but everything that Bitcoin was designed for, he’s happening trillions of dollars. You can’t make this stuff up. Negative views. Banks failing. We saw more withdrawal limits in places like Egypt this week. It is just the perfect, perfect recipe for Bitcoin to go up now in the short term. I know it’s been painful. This is what I’m watching now. Last week we did have another falling wedge playing out. Sure enough, once that did break down, we got a decent trade there, but it got bought up. And I think that shows that there’s a natural buying pressure that’s picking up. My theory was that we got down this low because the cascade and the liquidations of BMX, I don’t think that this was fair value and it didn’t even get down this low on some other exchanges. So you are very lucky to pick Bitcoin up under $4000. That the thing that was different from this rising wedge to what we’re watching now is, you know, during the top, we didn’t really see much buying activity from the bulls. Now, that’s kind of changed a bit lately. And I think we do have a. Better chance of breaking up rather than down. See, as we get towards the top of the wedge here, we’ve actually got bullish volume increasing. So I still think it’s it’s a bit of a 50/50 at the moment. Only experienced traders should be trading this. You know, it wouldn’t surprise me to see another fight break down and then whipsaw higher. We’ve had some big whipsaw is up. And we know that this is the the weekly resistance that I’ve got marked on here, the three lines. So we do have that resistance overhead once we get through there. If we can come back and retest it, I just think that that sets up a very, very strong launch ramp, as the Harvey is now only, you know, thirty five, thirty six days away, something like that. So how painful has it been, guys, since we got this teaser, this huge rip up to forty thousand dollars and we’ve gone all the way back down to three, but really in the grand scheme of things, let’s just finish off by looking at a bail X on that really long term time frame. Let’s go on that long shot there. Nothing much has changed. I know it looks and feels like this is really horrible, but, you know, in a few years time when hopefully we are somewhere right up here. No one’s going to remember this week and this cycle is going to look very, very similar to previous cycles in terms of our altcoins. Let’s just finish off on eigth here. This has all been really healthy. Still big picture stuff. Eith tends to be a good barometer for altcoins if we’d go from the bottom here to the top. We’ve had a perfect retracement into that sixty one point eight Fibonacci there. So this is what I want to hold. Nice weeks and buy here if we can hold that. I think that gives us a great chance for altcoins to really be strong performance here. But lately it’s been all about bitcoin. All eyes, the new money. That’s where it’s going to go. There’s a lot of interest in DFI as well. But I think we need bitcoin to make a really positive, decisive move and then we can let these other projects play out. So, guys, there’s plenty happening there. Don’t forget to get your friends over to our free education. If you want more, we’ve got our premium community. It’s absolutely awesome to see that you guys are respecting each other. The conversations in there, it’s been fantastic. So I hope you’ve enjoyed that video as always, guys. Place it there like bundes. Subscribe to an already. Share these around and I’ll talk to you again soon. Geez.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-finance-global-news-april-2020/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/614682652126150656
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