#anyway this patch got me sick in the head i hate it
mumbledramblings · 7 days
HSR patch 2.5 spoilers
idk about you guys but i found it quite disappointing that none of the characters that confronted elder taoran had anything to say about the fact he had a literal branch growing out of his head
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like dan heng made ONE (1) comment on how he seemed healthier than last he saw him but like that's it. nothing else. not even from jing yuan............
idk i just think that visual evidence that the vidyadhara preceptors might be messing with the Ambrosial Arbor—you know, the plaguemark that has haunted the xianzhou natives and the alliance since basically their beginning—would be a bigger deal than just "wow. you were on death's door last i saw you, and now you're not. wild. anyway–"
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cmdrfupa · 2 months
Better Now
Nanami x Reader
Considering your husband's predictable habits, any deviation from the norm would raise some eyebrows.
So, being caught off guard is understandable as you spot Nanami standing in the hallway waiting to take his staff yearbook photo. Instead of his typical tan and blue outfit, he dawned a sharp black suit, which made an impression. 
He wore his green-tinted glasses for the first time in a while, the black patch usually covering his eye now being held between his forefingers. The idle way he toyed with the string gave you your answer before even speaking up.
"You look very handsome, Nanami." the sound of your heels approaching brought him out of his head.
"Thank you, Mrs. Nanami." Flat. Flatter than usual. He wrapped the strings up, placing the patch in the inside pocket of his suit. "Did you get your first years settled? I heard talk of outfit offenders."
"It was the lack of clothes." you stood directly in front of Kento, considering straightening his tie. "2 boys tried taking their pictures shirtless, and one young lady snuck a Kaneki eye patch mask on last minute."
"Did you scold her?"
"Was just a mask. And it was Zenin, anyway. Her wanting to cover her face was understandable." 
Nanami huffed a laugh out, watching your hands work to fix his tie.
"Thank you."
You kissed his lips before stepping back, and your hand settled over his cheeks. It took a while, but Kento no longer flinched as you touched him.
His visible burn scars were about 90% healed. Thanks to compressive masks made via 3D printing, Kento could hide the facial wound while healing for the first eight months. 
The scars had matured with fine indentions and webbed patterns across his face. While they weren't incredibly fibrous or thick, they were noticeable. And he wasn't a vain man, but Kento was thankful they weren't a complete 'monstrosity' as this was the first time he'd be showing his entire face to the outside world since the incident; there was no concealing himself.
The light contact of your palm brought his stress levels down as always.
"I know you smelt the alcohol. It was a few sips before I got here."
"I know."
"It was with Ieiri."
"I know."
He took his glasses off, slipping them into his breast pocket.
"She called you."
Fiddling in your purse, you fished out the dark metal case. 
"Just to let me know you were on campus already and that you wanted your prosthetic."
The warmth of his fingers danced across your wrist as he took the case from your hand. "Thank you, love of my life."
"Anytime." His lips joined yours again like magnets as he brought you closer. "Are you gonna be okay if I go?"
A few reasons came to mind why he'd never be okay when you weren't next to him. But if Kento wanted to get his money's worth therapy-wise and get entirely into solo exposure therapy, he could get through this with a few camera clicks and a meeting without you. 
"Go ahead. I'll grab dinner on the way home once I finish here."
With a soft smile, you squeezed his arm before kissing his cheek. "See you at home."
    The evening wore on, and you hadn't heard from Kento. 
It's not entirely unusual, you thought. But it's almost 10 p.m., and surely his meeting wasn't that long. "I'll just call Shoko."
Six rings, no answer.
Gojo. Same thing.
"I'd hate to bother Itadori, but maybe he knows." As you dialed, a call from Ino popped up.
"Hello? Takuma?"
  "Sorry to call so late in the evening, Mrs. Nanami. But Gojo told me to give you a call."
That sick feeling waded through your thoughts. "What's wrong? Where are you?"
"Sorry. I should've started that better. Nanami is okay, and everything is okay."
"Has Nanami been drinking?"
"No, I promise. We left our meeting, and he just wanted to drive, so Gojo and I followed him until we lost him." The sound of Gojo talking about pineapple-flavored sorbet leaked into the speaker from the background.
  " Gojo guessed, and now we're at the Shibuya station. At the mart across from it."
Holding the phone, Ino mumbled something to someone nearby before talking to the receiver again. "Nanami says he'll be home soon and that he is sorry for worrying you and being forced to talk to me like I'm his handler."
"You just saved me from a heart attack, so no need for an apology in any way. Thank you.”
"Have a good night, Mrs. Nanami."
"Be Safe, Ino. Good night."
  When you and Kento went couch shopping, you were adamant about plush, oversized cushions. "Think about movie nights. Napping on our days off. OH! Or parallel play!" You tried upselling the cloud couch, as the cheery salesman said, was an absolute steal.
Always practical and only buying out of necessity, Kento agreed to the cloud couch as long as it made you happy and you kept the cushions plush.
Most late nights, like this one, were spent on said couch. Kentos' first five weeks out of the hospital were spent camping in the living room. Listening to his half-baked ideas while he fought sleep to avoid the impending traumatic night terrors of the worst day of his life.
  "Honey?" He wriggled his feet out of his shoes and entered the living room. The soft glow from reruns of Jeopardy cast a gentle light across the walls as you slept soundly.
"Darling. I'm home." smooth knuckles ran the length of your arm.
Sleep in your eyes as you bat your lashes, trying to focus. "Ken, what time is it." fatigue coated your voice.
"It's late; I'm sorry." With your eyes still not entirely focused, you could make out Kento taking his button-down off and lying next to you on the chaise section of the sofa. He rested his head near your chest, holding you like a kite on a windy spring afternoon.
Wrapping your arms around him as best you could, you rubbed his back. Silent except for Alex Trebek giving Pamela her 'Potpourri, it could be anything!' question for 600. Nothing was said, but everything was understood in the quietude.
  "I saw Yu that night. During the accident."
Your hold tensed, bringing Kento closer until it was impossible.
"It was like a figment of him. He was fading from me.." shakiness saturated his usual warm tone.
"Like he was there warding off death. I wasn't supposed to die, and Haibara ensured it."
A sniffle brought your face closer to his, remaining mute during the spewing emotions.
"So much time has passed that I am forgetting his face, and I have to live, slowly forgetting his youth. I can't. I- I don't want that."
Wiping the tears as they rushed Kento's cheeks, you kissed his forehead.
"Haibara is eternal. And we will keep his spirit and love alive in all that we do."
The emotions were discernible, and Kento leaned into them wholly. Moments passed before he huffed and took a deep breath attempting to shake whatever emotions hung back.
"Finding a way to celebrate him would be good. Maybe light candles, and I'll dig out those high school photos."
"An altar? We can do that. We can grab some flowers and candles tomorrow to properly memorialize him."
The TV's fluorescent lighting flicked off with the timer, allowing the silver sheen from the moon to blanket your joined bodies.
"Thank you. For life. For your love."
"You have me and my love forever, Ken."
  Kento rested his head on your chest, contentment flooding his mind, closing his eyes as your warmth brought him to slumber's door.
Love you and thank you for reading 💕
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enhaheeseung · 1 year
Cubical crush pt. 2 - L. Heeseung
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💻PAIRING: Heeseung X fem reader!
⌨️WARNINGS: mentions of sex but no smut, alcohol, age gap, cursing,fluff, heeseung makes numerous sexual jokes, heeseung says fuck a lot pt 2 heeseung and reader are still both dumb asf lol.
🖱️GENRE: co-workers, best friends to lover’s, comedy, romance.
🖥️SUMMARY: after you and heeseung patch things up, it seems there’s no way to avoid your feelings for him, and it didn’t seem like he was going to let you either.
WC: 5,714
Masterlist (working on fixing the links)
Part 1 (highly suggest reading that first)
NOTE: hello, again, I decided to give you all a part 2 of “cubical crush” Thank you for all the positive feedback on the first part. As I stated previously, it’s a little different from how I usually write, but I’m happy with the way it came out, and it made me laugh a lot. But, anyways, like always, I hope you all enjoy it, and it’s good to be back.🖤 also the punctuation is off but i was too lazy to fix it.
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After you and heeseung were back to being normal with each other, you couldn’t help but miss his cute flirty behavior, and as of late, he was looking absolutely fucking edible, which wasn’t helping at all.
But come to think of it. You actually were glad he wasn’t flirting with you anymore cause, with his new look, you definitely wouldn’t have been able to resist him.
He had recently got a haircut. It was slicked back, showing off his pretty forehead and shaved sides sculpting his face perfectly. He smelled delicious, and today he just decided to wear a black dress shirt paired with black slacks and a red tie.
Today was going to be a rough day.
“Morning, ms y/n,” he greeted you casually, knowing just how much you fucking hated it when he called you Ms.
But today, you didn’t care. His voice was still deep from it being early in the morning, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel a tingle between your legs.
“Morning, Seung,” you replied and didn’t snap back at him the way you usually do when he greeted you like that.
“Woah, what the fuck was that, and where the fuck is the y/n I’m used to?” He looked at you with his brows furrowed in confusion.
“What do you mean?” You spun your chair around, laughing quietly at his expression.
“Why aren’t you ripping my head off right now? I just called you, ms, and you hate being called Ms” He set your coffee down on your desk and took a small sip of his.
“I’m just having a good day, that’s all” You smiled brightly at him, and now he was starting to worry cause this was not like you at all.
“Are you sick?“ he placed his palm on your forehead, and your face instantly got hot from his touch. “You feel like you have a fever,” he pouted.
“What?!” You pushed his hand away. “I’m fine. I told you I’m just having a good day. Can’t I have a good day?” You smiled brightly again.
“No, you fucking can’t, not around me and especially if you’re going to be smiling at me like you’re some type of fucking serial killer.”
“I might be,” you shrug, and his face instantly morphed. You couldn’t believe that he actually got genuinely scared. “I’m joking!”
He wordlessly walked to his little workspace next to yours, turning his computer on.
“Seung, I’m serious. I’m just joking” You should have known he would have been paranoid, especially after all the b rated horror films you watched together on movie nights.
“You better fucking be!” He shrieks.
You couldn’t help but cackle at the sound of his high-pitched voice next door to you.
He was always so fun to tease.
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“I’m tired” It was only past morning, but oddly enough, you were already tired.
“Come on, sleepy butt, it’s lunchtime,” heeseung spoke lowly across from you.
“Wait, I’m almost done” That was the workaholic in you speaking. Despite being tired, you always had to keep going until you felt like you put in enough work to earn a break.
“You and me both already know that’s a load of bull crap. You’ll be saying the same thing in an hour from now,” he says, still typing away at his own computer.
“No,” you whined. “Seung, just five more minutes, I promise.”
“Seung, just five more minutes,” he mimicked your whiny tone.
He shut off his computer and entered your personal space leaning down and closing out all the tabs you had opened. “No! Seung!”
“Yes! Y/n!” you turned to your side, and he was dangerously close to you. His neck looked so inviting, especially his Adam’s apple. You were so close to just saying fuck it and letting him take you right then and there, but you snapped out of it.
The poor guy was so completely unaware of all the dirty thoughts you were having about him as he was shutting down your computer.
He made the mistake of looking over at you when he felt your eyes on him. He was so much closer than he initially realized. His eyes quickly darted to your lips, but he shifted his gaze to your eyes instead. “Ready?” He asked, standing up straight and clearing his throat.
“Uhh, y-yeah,” you stuttered.
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“So, how did you like working with the new trainee?” You said with a bit of curiosity in your tone.
“Y/n, we talked about this already. I was just trying to make you jealous we were never close,” he explained.
“Yeah, and it worked, you asshole. You have some nerve inviting her to lunch with you.”
“I did what it took to make you notice me” He shrugged.
You glared at him, disgusted by his audacity. “But seriously, did you like it?” You ask, and you may or may not have been secretly comparing yourself to her.
“No,” he deadpanned.
“Why? She seemed…” you trailed off, hoping he’d say what he thought about her.
“Bitchy?” He finished your statement for you.
“I was gonna say enthusiastic,” you laughed.
“Yeah, Enthusiastic for my eggplant,” he scoffed.
“You did not just say that,” you say in disbelief.
“Fine, my banana” You glared at him, an unamused look etching its way to your features. He tapped his chin in thought. “Chili pepper!” You could only stare at him with a disgusted look on your face, and it just kept getting worse and worse the longer he went on. “Oh, I know, my anaconda!” He smiled while proudly nodding his head as if he had actually done something.
A disapproving sigh fell from your lips, and you just shook your head at him disappointedly.
“Fine,” he rolled his eyes. “Anyway, she was literally throwing herself all over me, and how the fuck am I supposed to work when she’s screaming right next to my fucking ear? I’m glad she’s gone” He shivered at just the thought of her high pitched voice and cheap smelling perfume.
Well, then, I guess I was worried about her for no reason. You thought to yourself.
“But she was pretty, successful, and young.” something you weren’t. “You should have got her number” Yet again, here you are, selling yourself short and comparing yourself to others.
Now it was his turn to glare at you. “I don’t care. She could have been rich, and I still wouldn’t have cared, and besides, I like my girls just a little bit older than that,” he smiled and winked at you.
He gasped, feigning offense. “How does that make me a pervert? It’s not like I’m into grannies.”
“You might be,” you replied with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Oh, yeah, I think that would give breaking her back a whole new meaning” A dry chuckle fell from his lips as he rolled his eyes.
“I'm trying to eat here,” you said, offended while covering your food.
“You brought it up,” he defended himself.
“Anyways, speaking of eating, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner at my place tonight.”
“Ooh, is the one and only ms y/n asking me on a date” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“You wish Lee no woman in her right mind would ask you on a date” You dismiss his silly comment, but it still made your heart flutter.
“Except you, cause you’re not in your right mind. You’re a fucking psycho.”
“Just do you want to or not,” you said, getting fed up with his behavior when he was working next to you the age gap seemed nonexistent with how professional he was but in times like these, it was very evident just how immature he actually was.
“Don’t get all sassy on me. You’re asking a stupid question, duh. Of course, I want to”
“I can’t believe you and me can never have just one normal conversation,” you sighed.
“What’s not normal about shit-talking your old co-workers having sex with grannies, and asking me on a date?”
“I hate your guts” You shook your head, and you’re not sure why you even accepted this clown back into your life, to begin with.
“But you love it when I’m all up in yours,” he stated with a smile on his face accompanied by a flirtatious wink.
“Asshole,” you glared at him.
“Are we talking about yours? Cause I love it. I could lick it all da-“
You kicked his shin under the table to stop him from talking nonsense.
“Ow! Crazy bitch” he mumbled while rubbing his shin that would probably be bruised by tomorrow from your assault.
“What did you say!?” You asked with your eyes wide.
“I said I love you.” He smiled past the pain.
“That’s what I thought” You smiled while his face contorted into a grimace as the pain started to kick in.
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After your very eventful lunch, it was soon time to go home.
“So, what’s on the menu?” He slid his chair back using his feet to roll it next to yours.
“Umm,” you hum in thought, but your brain comes up with nothing. “you pick,” you say as you clear off your desk.
“How about pussy with a side of ass?” He giggles.
“Are you addicted to sex or something?” You gave him a judging look.
“No, but I’m addicted to you,” so maybe you didn’t miss his flirting as much as you originally thought you did cause he was really wearing you out today, and he hadn’t been this obvious since you first met.
“Whatever. Are you ready to go now?” You shifted the topic to something else.
“Yep, Oh, and I made this for you” He reached over to his desk and handed you a little heart-shaped origami that he made.
“Aww, it’s so cute. Since when did you learn to make this?” You ask while examining the cute little paper heart.
“Since my computer crashed and I had nothing to do for an hour straight so, I watched videos on my phone and learned how to make it,” he explained.
“I feel so special,” you say in a sappy way.
“Don’t! I made one for everybody” He looks in your opposite direction as if he was trying to prove to you that you really weren’t special.
“Ha! Liar!” You point at his face and laugh.
“Fine,” he threw his hands up in the air. “I didn’t, but don’t get all big-headed 'cause you’re not even that special” He folded his arms and pretended to be annoyed.
“So, I’m special but not that special,” you frown.
“If I had a dollar for every time you annoyed me, I’d have more money than I could spend in a lifetime” He tried to ignore the cute little frown on your lips but failed.
You pouted and looked up at him with a hurt expression on your face. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be,” you mumbled sadly.
His eyes instantly widened with panic. “I’m just joking, y/n, don’t be sad,” he rushed out while trying to fix his mistake. He was literally just playing around. He would never intentionally hurt your feelings.
“I’ll try not to annoy you anymore” You looked down at your feet.
“Y/n….” he pulled you into a hug. “I didn’t mean it. I love it when you banter back and forth with me. It’s the only thing that keeps my day interesting” He rubbed his palms over your back, sighing into your hair and gently rocking you back and forth in his arms.
You smirked evilly. He was literally so easy to fool. “Got you!” You said in a teasing tone, giggling when you felt his whole body stiffen.
He pulled away from the hug to see you laughing in his face. He glared at you and pushed you out of his way, yanking his suitcase off his desk and mumbling something that sounded a lot like fucking bitch as he walked off to the elevator with you chasing closely behind him, still giggling at his irritated figure, smashing the buttons on the elevator.
“Hahaha, so funny, hilarious” his words only made you laugh more, so of course, he continued just to hear you laugh again. “The funniest girl on the planet,” he said with sarcasm laced in his tone. You clutched onto your stomach and leaned into him from laughing so hard. Truthfully, what you said  wasn’t even that funny, but his annoyed expression always tickled you.
He looked at you with a small smile while you leaned against him, and the only thing he thought in that moment was just how much he truly enjoyed spending time with you. He’d never take moments like this for granted cause it was times like these that just reminded him how truly special you were and how lucky he was to have you in his life.
He tilted his head and leaned into you, laughing along with you in the small space of the elevator.
It was then and there that he felt butterflies erupt in his stomach, and he was undoubtedly deeply in love with you.
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On the way to your house, he made a quick stop at the corner store, and you were starting to regret letting him drive cause you just wanted to go home. “I’m gonna get some beer. Do you want anything?”
“Nope, I’m good,” you reply tiredly.
“Sure? Don’t ask me for anything when I get back.”
“I’m sure now, just hurry up and go in. I’m tired,” you whined.
“Aww, poor baby is tired,” he had a fake sympathetic look on his face, but it instantly fell flat. “that makes two of us” He slammed the door behind him on purpose, making you flinch.
You could see him laughing on his way into the store. “Asshole!” You rolled down the window and shouted.
He got his beer and was set to leave, but something caught his eye. It was your favorite candy, so how could he not get it for you?
He paid for the items and went back to the car.
When he reached for the knob, the door didn’t open. He saw you with an evil smile on your face as he frantically tried to open the door to no avail. “Come on, y/n, it’s not funny.”
“And slamming the door in my face wasn’t funny either,” you say unbothered.
“Come on, y/n, it's freezing out here,” he said, shivering in the cold weather.
“Not my problem,” you reply and blow a breath on your nails, then polish them on your blazer.
“And when I make you suck my balls to warm them up, that’s not gonna be my problem either” You couldn’t believe this idiot, even in nearly below whether he had time to make inappropriate jokes.
“Apologize, and I’ll let you in,” you smirked.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, just let me in” You unlocked the door for him since he asked Nicely. “You’re mean” He buckled his belt and blew warm air onto his hands before pulling out of the parking lot and finishing the journey to your home. “I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I bought you some candy anyway” He reached inside the bag and handed it to you.
“Oh, well, how sweet of you,” you say sarcastically while rolling your eyes and opening the packet of candy, eating it right away.
“Don’t eat it then dickhead” he replied, unfazed by your shitty comment. “Note to self never buy an ungrateful bitch anything” He checked it off of his invisible list.
“Please, just shut the fuck up and take me home.”
“I love it when you degrade me makes me feel like dropping to my knees an-“ you literally covered your ears to blot out whatever sickness he was saying now. Once you saw him chuckling, you figured it was safe and moved your hands from the sides of your head.
Thank goodness you were a few minutes from home cause any longer with him in this car, and you probably would have made him get into a car crash.
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You both had dinner, and now you were doing your normal routine, watching a movie together on the couch. “Do you think he’s gonna find her?” Heeseung whispered with his head resting in your lap, so invested in the horror movie that played on the screen.
The girl in question was hiding under a truck inside a barn with a hand cupping her mouth as she watched the killer's feet taking strides in her direction. “I think so” you whispered back.
“Why doesn’t she get from under the truck and run” You giggled silently at the fact that’s he whispering as if his voice could be heard through the screen.
Just then, the murderer appeared out of nowhere, and he was face to face with the girl under the truck pulling her out by her ponytail, and you don’t know who was screaming louder, the girl on the screen or heeseung.
He snuggled up closer to you as the killer raised his machete. The camera focused on the object, reflecting the dim barn lighting as blood from the previous killings had dripped down the blade heeseung quickly scrambled and grabbed the remote shutting off the tv.
“Really?” You said in disbelief. “Are you seriously that scared of a b rated horror movie?”
“Did you see what he was about to do to her?!” He said, trying to make you understand his point of view.
“Yeah, but it’s like all fake,” you stated the obvious.
“But still!” He pouted, sitting back down on the couch.
“Fine, do you want to watch light year instead?”
“Yes!” He cheered while nodding his head like a baby.
“I can’t believe I have an overgrown baby in my house” You grabbed the remote and put stupid light year on, not to say you really cared as long as he was enjoying it, so were you.
He laid his head in your lap once again as his eyes focused on the screen.
You don’t know why, but you started running your fingers through his hair, making a shiver run down his spine. He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. Your touch felt so warm and comforting that he wished he could feel you like this every day. He hummed when your fingertips grazed his ear slightly.
“If you keep doing that, you’re gonna make me fall for you even harder,” he warned playfully, and you removed your hand.
He sat up straight, this time looking you into your eyes. “I know you said to forget about it, but I just want to know one thing, and I’ll never speak of it again. The other night when we were together, what made you agree in the first place.” He asked, hoping maybe deep down, at some point, you actually felt something for him. Yeah, he knew he was reaching, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.
Fuck, shit, shit fuck, and more fucking fuck shit.
You bit on your lip nervously before finally just deciding to tell him the truth. What was the point in lying anyway? You guys told each other literally everything, and it felt uncomfortable to hide anything from him. Even if it changed your relationship forever, you had to get the weight off your chest that you’d been carrying for years. “Cause I like you” You squinted one eye shut, waiting for his reaction.
“Come on, y/n. I’m being serious here.” He laughed.
“Me too,” you mumbled.
“Oh…” he still didn’t know what to believe. You had to be joking or playing a prank on him. Yeah, that was the only logical explanation he could come up with. “Nice try, but I’m not falling for it this time.”
You sighed. “I do, I like you so much, and I have for a long time. It’s just I can’t be with you, me, and you can never work,” you said sadly.
“Why? If you like me too, then what’s the problem?” In all the years you’ve known him, you’ve never heard him speak so seriously before.
You sighed. And figured you might as well just let everything out now.
“Cause I’m no good for you seung you’re young I’m old you’re good looking I’m not I’m just barely making it in my career at thirty-two, and you’re right behind me at the age of twenty-two, overall, you’re just out of my league you deserve someone better, and I don’t want to keep holding you back” in your head that was good reasoning not to be with him but he just found it plain stupid.
“In the most polite way possible in the many years we’ve known each other, that’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and believe me, you’ve said some pretty stupid fucking things.”
You looked at him feeling somewhat offended by his choice of words after you had just spilled your heart out to him. He was making light of your issues, but you quickly realized that you were taking him the wrong way.
“First of all, you’re a fucking goddess, second. I love the fact that you’re older than me. Girls my age just aren’t as driven as you are. I find that so attractive about you, and thirdly, I just really fucking like you for you, not your age, not your career, not your looks, just you and what makes you you, and for the record, I would have never been any of the things you listed out if it wasn’t for you. You got me a job. You gave me something to look up to. You’ve been with me through thick and thin, hell. You even taught me how to dress,” he chuckled at the realization remembering his first day at the office when he wore the most uncoordinated outfit in his closet. He realized just how long you two have been together, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
“That’s a lot of you’s,” you smiled, getting a bit teary eyed from his words.
“It’s impossible not to say you a million times when we’re together, and as bad as it sounds, my whole life revolves around you.” He held your hand and placed a delicate kiss on the back of it.
You couldn’t help but look at him with eyes full of love, and the words you said to him next were long overdue. “I love you” You all but tackled him in a hug, a few tears of joy slipping from your eyes while you did so.
“Finally, you admit it” He hugged you back as tight as he possibly could without crushing you. “I love you too” He leaned back to get a good look at your face before giving you a quick smooch, and of course, things could never be serious with him, but that’s what you loved about him. He was always just so carefree around you, and that made you happy. “Now, it’s your turn to list all the things you like about me,” he smiled giddily while pointing to himself.
“Not in a million years, you dork” He pouted instantly at your words. “Okay, fine.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “I love working with you every day and your constant teasing. I love all the little things you do to cheer me up when I’m having a bad day,” you said shyly.
“Ooh, I like this continue,” he nodded in his head, approving of everything you said so far.
Wow, he really had no shame. You thought.
“I love when you bring me coffee in the morning and massage my shoulders, and I just love you. I love the way you love me” You booped his cute not so little nose.
“You’re gonna make my heart explode if you keep talking to me like that,” you giggled.
“Oh, and one more thing,” you made a come hither motion with your index finger, and he leaned in closer so you could whisper in his ear. “I love the way you make love to me.”
He leaned back and looked at you with an unreadable expression before He stood up and threw you over his shoulder but not before turning off the tv.
“Seung, put me down!” you squeal and hit his back lightly.
“No, can do, ms y/n. I’m going to take you to infinity and beyond,” he spanked your butt while jogging upstairs to your bedroom, giggling.
He laid you down on your mattress, hovering over you with a smile. “You’re such a nerd,” you whisper breathlessly against his lips.
“A nerd that you love,” he smiled and pecked your lips.
That was only the start of your long adventurous night with him.
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You woke up with heeseung sleeping directly on top of you naked and all with his head buried in your neck and legs tangled together with yours. It was a wonder how you were even able to sleep last night cause he was literally all over you.
After a few minutes, you thought he’d wake up, but no, you had to stay under him like that for a whole hour until your limbs started feeling numb. You decided to run your fingers along his back gently to wake him. “Baby?”
“Hmm?” Good, he’s finally awake, you thought.
He stirred in his sleep, pushing his face even further into the crook of your neck, and it’s almost like he somehow put even more of his weight on you, not to say you minded, though.
“Baby?” You called out to him again, and this time you didn’t get any response.
He literally replied with soft snores next to your ear, and for a split second, you may have regretted having him stay the night. Well, he begged you to stay the night, and you said yes.
“Seung, we have to go to work,” you poked his shoulder.
Another soft snore.
You pinched his butt, and he popped up immediately. “Ouch!” He sat up while wiping the sleep from his eyes. “Why did you do that?” He pouted and rubbed his bottom.
“Cause yo- we need to go before we’re late,” you told him.
“Okay, but you could have just woken me up by rubbing my back or something.”
You could only look at him with a blank stare. He was literally unbelievable.
“Can we match today?” He asked, looking a little bit too cute for his own good.
“Sure, cutie” You kissed his cheek and ran to the shower while his face got redder by the second.
He plopped down on the bed and buried his face into your pillows. “Gosh, I’m so in love with that woman,” he says to himself while you were running the shower, or he thought you were anyway.
“And I’m so in love with you,” you giggled at the shocked look on his face. “Are you joining me or not?”
He squeaks upon seeing your presence in the doorway. “You heard?!”
“Yes! Now hurry up and get in here, lover boy, or else we’re going to be late.”
“Okay! I’m coming!” He hopped out of bed and joined you in the shower.
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“Do you want to fool around, get freaky deaky touchy-feely?” This fool has to nerve to ask you as he washes your back with his large hands.
“Do you want to be late? Do you want a little ding on your record? Do you want to get yelled out by our boss?” You remind him.
“No, but why are you bringing that up? It has nothing to do with my question” At this point, you couldn’t tell when he was being serious or joking around.
“Why do I love you again? Like, please remind me,” you say as you take your body poof and spin him around so you could wash his back.
“Good question, but if you’re asking me, I’d say it’s cause I ate you out so good last night” He smiled proudly, remembering how many times he made you cum last night just with his tongue.
“Must be cause a baboon has better understanding skills than you.”
He really turned around and looked at you like he was hurt by what you said. “You don’t really mean that, right?” He pouted. He must’ve really thought you were serious.
“No, of course not, baby” You pressed a kiss to his cheek to reassure him, and he smiled brightly.
“You called me baby just now. I like it. It’s cute” He encircled your waist, allowing you to wash his chest.
“Not cuter than you” He scrunched his nose cutely and stared fondly at you while you cleaned the rest of his body.
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“I went with blue I hope that’s okay with you” You came into the living room with a silky blue blazer paired with a black skirt and black heels.
His jaw was literally on the floor, and maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you could have sworn you saw a bit of drool at the corners of his lips. “Blue is more than okay. My girl looks so good. Come here” He stood up and walked around you in circles, looking at every inch of you. “Perfect,” he used the only word that could describe how you looked right now. “Let’s hurry up so I can get my suit. We only have…” he looked at his wrist watch “forty-five minutes.”
“Okay,” you pecked his lips. “We have to bring some of your suits for the next time you sleep over.”
“Next time?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah, next time,” you smiled and hooked your arm around his. “Let’s go.”
“Let’s” he returned your smile and walked to the front door.
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Panties wet, folds soaked, heart beating, pussy throbbing, mouth watering.
Lee heeseung.
He wore black slacks, a navy blue shirt that almost looked like silk matching your blazer perfectly, a black and navy checkered tie, and wet messy hair.
You thought you must be dreaming cause he looked too good to be real.
He attempted to fix his hair in the mirror. “It’s too bad I don’t have time to style my hair” He flicked a few pieces out of his eyes.
“Don’t!” You said, startling him from practically screaming. “Your hair looks good like that.”
“Does it?” He looked at you quizzically.
“Yes, I hate to say this out loud, but you look so fuckable right now.” You said while practically drooling at the sight of him.
“Do I?” He asked while biting his lip. “You want to fuck me right now?” He walked over to you, pressing you up against his front door, resting his palms on your plump ass.
“So bad,” you admit shamelessly.
“Is that so?“ he quirked his slit eyebrow.
“Very much so,” you say as you wrap your hands around his neck and stare at his lips.
“Too bad we’re running late,” he said with no stock behind his words as he inched his face closer to yours and slid his hand up your skirt squeezing your ass roughly. “Kiss me”
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Let’s just say you both made it to work with a minute to spare after a very, very heated make-out session against his front door.
“Coffee, ms y/n” He set your coffee on your desk like usual.
“You little shit,” you glared at him.
“I just brought you coffee. Calm down” He puts his hands up in defense as if he was really just innocently bringing you coffee.
“Get the fuck out of here,” you say, annoyed. Literally, nothing has changed since you two confessed to each other, but you weren’t complaining. You loved the dynamic between the both of you and so did he.
“Okay, but first, don’t we look so good together?” He lowered his face next to yours while adjusting his tie, and checking you out in your desk mirror.
“We look great together. Now get to work” You hid your blushing face and lightly pushed him away from you.
“Kiss kiss,” he puckered his lips out for you to kiss like you hadn’t done it at his place, the car, and the parking lot before coming in.
“Mwah, now go before we get caught,” you patted his butt.
“Yes, boss, or soon to be,” he finally went to his cubical and stopped pestering you.
Not even a minute later, he was bothering you yet again by knocking on the thin wall separating you both. “We should go on a date later,” he whispered.
“Okay,” you reply back just as quietly.
“Where do you want to go?” He asks.
“Anywhere” All that could be heard was fast typing and you both whispering.
“How about the place that opened right down the street from here?” He asked in a hushed voice.
“Sure,” you whisper back.
“And then later, when we go home, if you want to, we can have sex,” he suggested.
You had to bite your lip to hold back your smile. You loved this idiot so much.
“Y/n?” He paused his typing for a quick second so he could hear your reply.
“Yes?” You said, doing a poor job of hiding your excited giggles.
“And then we can have sex after if you’re down. Are you down?” He repeated his question while resuming his typing.
“I’m down,” he blushed, getting all giddy at the idea of spending the whole day and night with you.
“Cool,” Of course, he’d reply with Cool. That response was just like him.
Approximately five minutes passed by before he spoke again. “Hey, y/n?” He says softly.
“Yes, seungie?” He smiles at your sweet tone while answering him.
“I love you” He passed you another heart-shaped origami over your cubical.
You stopped when you saw it on your desk. He paused everything he was doing and smiled on the other end, just waiting to hear you say it back.
Your heart melted as you imagined how cute he was while concentrating on making it for you. You could already see his cute little focused eyes and pouty lips. “I love you too.” Silenced ensued while you both got busy with work once again, but the smiles never left either of your faces for the rest of the day.
And that’s the story of how you got together with your cubicle crush.
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thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave feedback and reblog.
Permanent taglist:®• @hello-stranger24 @ashxsmoon @lhsggg @scarlet127 @bunhoons  @axartia @kpopscruggles @badidealy @heeseungleeworld @jayroseyy @bangchanhasbigfeet @duolingofanaccount @oceanyocean @hee-in @heesgirl @bambisgirl @heeaddict @heartandfangs @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila
cubical crush taglist: @ara-15 @heeswif3y @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @seokseokjinkim​ @dneltrise​
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s-e-v-e-n-24 · 26 days
May you share your Arkana headcanons?
Ok so
They're both idiots when it comes to crushes. Idiots who would rather pine then Actually confess, and also, complete and utterly oblivious to any of the ways the other might try to flirt. Blame it on the regional differences and being bad at being social. So you end up with 2 people who, by all reasons, could just confess, but Won't. I like my ships stupid your honour/hj
When Montana is flustered, half the time it's completely internal, and the man just stares. There was a point before they became friends, that Arkansas thought he had it out for him
They gift eachother things! Like crows and magpies! Montana is the Treasure state, he's got a gem collection. Every so often Arkansas will open his door to find a pretty little gem sitting outside it. Arkansas is the diamond state. He gifts Montana little jewlery, like earrings. If they were to get married Arkansas is absolutely making their rings
They are "unconventional" beauty. Hooked and/Or crooked noses, moles, wrinkles, etc. Arkansas has starting to grey hair, to me. Montana's has random lighter brown/Gold strands
They are both Built. Not in a bodybuilder way, in the "Looks soft but is very strong" Way. Like bears? It's 3am forgive me the exact words fail me. Anyway, point being, they are both people that wouldn't expect to be picked up by a partner abd they can both very much pick their partner up
Montana is the 4th largest state. He's gotta be at least a head taller then Arkansas
Cowboy Montana. I don't think I have to explain. You get it. Man has a ranch still
Arkansas is more mechanically inclined, fixes their cars n such, and things around the house
Montana speaking both French and Spanish. Arkansas gets called "Mi tesoro" And "Mon cher" but most often, "Mon diamant"
They are the "My witch girlfriend" (Arkansas) "Me doing whatever the hell she wants" (Montana) Thing
In pre confession era they ramble so much about eachother. Texas and Wyoming are So Sick Of It. They're so lovesick. It's terrible. They're both so awkward about it too. Arkansas is tripping over his speech, Montana kinda just freezes like a deer in headlights. They have habits of gifting eachother things and immediately running away. Once they can be more normal, that mostly goes away. Except for one someone accidentally does something too romantic and now it's a whole Thing (50% chance the other person did Not notice)
They are both sort of quiet people. Don't prefer to do restaurant type dates
They patch eachother up <3 Look being immortal doesn't improve your fine moter skills and a tendency to be a dumbass. Sometimes you get burned while trying to fix something. Sometimes there are reasons you don't hike alone Montana
Hugeeeeee simps. Pre dating they are accidentally distracting eachother all the time
Montana getting Arkansas to teach him stuff (He is not paying attention on how to fix a car. Look he WAS. But now Arkansas is guiding his hands and his mind blanked. Lord help him
Montana loves the cold! Practically immune. Does own winter gear, but rarely uses it if he doesn't have to. Arkansas hates the cold. Living heater x living freezer
There probably is more, but my memory fails me
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byullielle · 1 year
My Darling // Sick!Changbin x Reader
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Because of the announcement we have received regarding Bin's physical state i have taken it upon myself to send love this way because i am devastated for him (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) get well soon bin-ah
Tags: Fluff, Caretaking, Sickness (a cold), Est. Relationship, Masked Kisses, Gratuitous use of 'Baby'
Disclaimer: mention of sweat and phlegm, mentions of food and cooking, implied that reader is a professional chef, intercourse implication, word 'sex' is used, divider used is by: @emptypetal
Chan opens the door for you upon your insistent knocking like your boyfriend is about to die. "Oh god, I thought you were about to break the door down," he sighs out of relief and exhaustion.
"Where is he, is he okay?"
"I think he caught it from the gym," he informs while observing the large plastic bag in your arms. It was filled to the brim with fresh and raw ingredients for chicken noodle soup and dakjuk, one of his comfort foods. "Is that so?" you sigh with a disheartened tone, you knew it couldn't be helped. He loved going to the gym and it made him feel good so you weren't one to stop him. And now not only was he missing out on seeing STAYs and doing the job he loves, he probably won't be able to go for several weeks.
Chan hands you a mask as you unpack the food you bought, knowing that there is nothing in the fridge aside from Jisung's cheesecake and Hyunjin's frozen fish cakes and tteokbokki mix.
"Listen, we really hate to leave him here but our flight to China is tomorrow," Chan explains while you wash the chicken and find a container you could place it in, "And we wouldn't wanna over impose on your presence but...would you mind nursing Bin?"
"Why wouldn't I mind?" you look up at him with an inquiring look, his 'leader concerned brows' finally settling down. "It's not that I don't have trust in the company to take care of him, but I think you do it best,"
You nod, "Don't worry about it Chan, I got it covered,"
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You knock on Changbin's door, a weak grunt audible before you push your mask up properly and smile at the figure cuddled up in bed. The room is slightly dark, only illuminated by a lamp on his working desk. He's laid out straight, probably not able to move a lot as you carry in the tray of dakjuk, the aroma smelling great but you know Changbin couldn't smell a lot right now—its a bit disheartening because you know Bin loves the scent of food. "Hello baby," you softly smile at him as he smiles despite his reddening face and the cooling patch on his forehead. "Hey," he coarsely greets.
You set the tray on his nightstand before assisting him to sit up against the bed frame, adding a pillow on his back for support before he sniffles. "My baby got sick," your brows knit together in concern while brushing his curls away from his eyes as he closes them. "I know," he whines before you take the thermometer from his nightstand drawer.
"Let's take your temperature," you inform before pressing the button to turn it on, pressing the temperature gun near his temple before it flashes a digital 38.8°C. "What was your temperature a while ago?" you ask him before he turns to you, "39 degrees, what's it now?"
You sigh out in relief.
"Good, it got lower. It's 38.8 now,"
He hums in response before you keep the thermometer, taking the tray and placing it across your thighs before you hand him a glass of cold water. "You want me to feed you?"
"Please," he groans and cracks his eyes open, frowning further upon seeing your mask, as if remembering that he can get you sick and you still decided to stay for him anyway. "Thank you, babe. For cooking," he rasps out while clearing his throat. The phlegm was slightly audible but that didn't deter you.
"Anything for you," you kindly smile before taking a spoonful of porridge and gently inching it near Changbin's lips, "Blow on it first baby, it's kinda hot,"
"Like you?" he manages to insert, making you roll your eyes and shake your head with an endeared smile. He puffs on his food a bit before deeming it enough to slurp on. He munches on it slightly, assuming you got chicken caught up in the spoonful, and while you observe him he frowns. "I can't taste it properly baby, I think my tongue is broken," he sighs in disappointment.
You chuckle at him, placing the spoon back into the bowl for a second serving. "Don't worry, when you get well I'll cook something fancier for you," you assure him with a hand to his knee. He nods at the compromise before opening his mouth once more, quietly asking for another spoonful as you gladly feed him until the bowl is empty.
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You look up at the clock hung up in the 3RETCHA living room, flashing '10:30' in red LED before you get up and pause the show you're watching. Deciding that it was time Bin changed his clothes, you grab a basin full of water and one of the clean hand towels Chan left you. You quietly pad through the threshold of the apartment, now quiet without the other three residents. You knock on Bin's door quietly before peering your head inside. He's now laid down sideways, seemingly well enough to scroll through his phone. "Hey baby," you make yourself known as he lifts his head up a bit before you make your way in, putting on your mask as you do so. "Whatcha doing over there?" you ask before setting the basin down on his nightstand. "I miss the STAYs, I can see their get well wishes to me," he explains before getting up slowly. "Your body ache any better now?"
"I can kinda move now my arms are on fire," he grunts before looking up at you, "Baby, hug me?"
"After we wipe you down," you beckon to the basin, a scowl meeting you. "Baby, you don't have to. I can do it myself,"
"Nope. Besides what are you shy about now," you chuckle before pulling your sleeves up, grabbing the towel, and wringing it free of water. "Let me,"
"You're an angel, you know that?" he comments, and you're not sure if it's the fever or embarrassment making his ears and neck pink. You smile and help him off his shirt, "Oh come on, you also do this for me," you reply while gently wiping the sweat off his broad and muscular back, soft to the touch.
"This and that are different tho," you can hear his cute frown in his tone, "That's sex, this is sickness. It's grosser,"
You laugh while wiping his arms gently, making sure the pressure you apply doesn't make his body pain worse, "Well, I don't care and don't mind. My Binnie is my Binnie regardless,"
An embarrassed noise escapes his mouth, unable to bury his face in his hands. Both of you relish in the silence after, the cool water bringing comfort to his hot and sticky skin. After wiping him dry you help him into a new shirt, and you gently peel off the cooling patch off his forehead. "Where do you keep your facial wipes?" you ask.
"The vanity drawer, right side,"
Nodding you head to his vanity area which is simply a smaller desk and a mirror aligned with the stool tucked under. You obtain the wipes and get back to him, wiping his sweat off his face, observing his features carefully as you go.
"Don't look at me like that baby, I'm trying really hard not to kiss you," he whines while placing his arm atop your thigh. You raise your brow in inquiry, "What do you mean?"
"Like you love me so much. Keep on doing that I might get the wrong idea," he half-jokes, making you smile fully in slight bashfulness. "I do love you too much," you dispose of the facial wipe before peeling a new cooling patch for him. You put on the patch, his body relaxing with the coolness before you lean down and press your masked lips against his exposed ones.
You pull away quick enough and you see his shocked face, making you giggle. "Baby!" he scolds, "You could get sick! Change it now,"
"I will baby, don't worry," you chuckle before pressing one more kiss on his lips, then on his patched-up forehead. "You owe me kisses when you get better,"
"Yeah you can count on it," he squeezes your hand gently as if holding himself back from requesting that you kiss him out of the mask. "Now go change your mask before I lose my damn mind Y/N L/N,"
A laugh escapes you. "Alright, just text me if you need anything okay? I'll be right out,"
He nods before you take the basin and trash bin out, disposing of the paraphernalia along with chucking your mask in the trash.
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if you wanna send in a prompt or an ask or just say hi feel free to do so!!
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triforceangel13 · 29 days
Funny Thing Called Fate Ch. 5 (A BakuDeku Omegaverse Au)
Ch. 5: Being Honest
Izuku felt terrible. How could he had done that? He had panicked and had just booked it out of there and even ran all the way back to the dorms.
He got a few disgruntled faces in the public spaces since he didn't have his scent patches on but once in the dorm room he was fine.
Katsuki had almost kissed him. And Izuku had ditched him on their first date.
“But why a date? Kacchan doesn't like me....does he?” Izuku asked himself out loud. He sighed, pushing his glasses up to the top of his head.
The part he hated the most was that he didn't know why he had run...It was every dream he had. But his past just kept sneaking up on him.
“Anyone would be a loser if they dated you,” Katsuki had said to him in the past. He sighed again, going to his nest and flopped onto the bed.
Katsuki had been a lot younger when he had said that. That was far before the accident. Far before he stopped talking to him and then graduated.
They were in college now. And Katsuki was treating him better...
He had matured a bit since the last time he had seen him before classes started.
Izuku let out a whimper and pressed his fae into his blanket that Katsuki had given him. What had he done?
“I'm sorry Kacchan...” Izuku sobbed into the pillow. He hated how scared he had gotten and he had ruined the first good thing in his life.
It was a couple of hours later that the room door opened. Izuku was browsing his phone as Kirishima stepped in, half carrying a stumbling Katsuki back into the room.
“Oh my god,” Izuku said, his eyes wide as he stood up, watching as the redhead dumped the blonde onto the bed. “What happened?”
Kirishima made sure his friend was comfortable before turning on the omega in the room, red eyes blazing in anger.
“What happened? What happened?!” he asked, his voice raising. Izuku stumbled back in fear. His knees hit the side of his nest and he fell onto it.
“You've got some nerve asking what happened. You left him. You rejected him in front of everyone,” Kirishima snapped. “The poor guy drank the whole night before I had to drag him back here before he ended up in the hospital.”
Izuku's eyes flicked to the blonde on the bed who was struggling to sit up but got dizzy and laid back down with a groan.
“But he doesn't like me like that-”
“Cut the garbage,” Kirishima growled, stomping closer to the omega. Izuku let out a squeak and tucked his legs in close to himself, his scent dripping in fear.
His instincts were telling him to hide and run to...
The drunk man on the bed.
“That man loves you.,” Kirishima stated. “He'll probably hate me for blurting this but I've never seen him so hung up on one person in my life. He's been trying to court you for months. He even took the step forward to be blunt and tell you what he wanted and you basically just spat right into his face in front of a lot of people.”
Izuku's eyes widened and he felt his breathing coming in heavier, hands shaking.
“I didn't know...I didn't mean to,” he biting his lip. Katsuki loved him? But no one had ever loved him before in his life like that.
As far as he knew anyway.
“Well you blew your only shot,” Kirishima hissed. “Do us a favor and stay away from him. Don't drag him further through the dirt than you already have.”
With that final word he stormed from the dorm room. Izuku winced when the door slammed and he sighed. The noise had Katsuki stirring on the bed.
“Too loud...” Katsuki groaned from the bed. Izuku swallowed, still shaking. He felt sick to his stomach and was scared. The only safety he felt was with Katsuki.
And he had hurt the man.
Still shaking he got to his feet, locking the door room and approached the blonde's bed. He was so confused and scared but all he knew was that he should at least apologize.
And maybe he could get to be near the alpha till he at least calmed down.
“Kacchan...” Izuku said softly. Katsuki lifted his head, the frown on his face obvious.
“Deku...” he replied.
Izuku shifted a bit and slowly sank down on the edge of the bed. So much had happened in the amount of hours. His whole world was turning upside down.
“I'm sorry for runing off earlier..I-” he started but stopped when Katsuki groaned. Izuku swallowed. The blonde was too drunk to receive this right now. He'd have to try again when he was sober.
“Why don't you like me,” Katsuki drawled on, turning his face into a pillow. “I know I was terrible but thought we had something going..You even took my blanket that I gave you.”
Izuku knew he was drunk. The man never whined like this. He never acted like this unless there was an outside source.
And he was speaking his mind as well which was something that Katsuki did normally, but not something like this. Katsuki didn't do feelings.
“And why wouldn't you let me kiss you? I'm a good kisser,” the blonde huffed as he sat up a bit, wobbling a little. Izuku swallowed, smelling the amount of alcohol on his breath.
“I got scared” Izuku finally squeaked. “That I was dreaming or that it was some sick joke.”
“No more jokes,” Katsuki said as he leaned into Izuku's space. Izuku remained still, staring into red eyes. “I'm serious.”
“Maybe we should be having this concesration when you're sober,” Izuku sighed heavily. He could just be saying this.
But the words that Kirishima spoke rang through his head. Katsuki loved him. But when what had happened back in high school? It didn't make sense unless...
“Done waiting,” Katsuki slurred, his hand laying on Izuku's face, leaning in slowly. “I want to know if you're in this or not.”
Izuku hesiated. He really knew that this conersation was better for when Katsuki was in more sound mind.
He wanted an answer, any answer for that matter, or he wouldn't leave him alone.
Izuku squeezed his eyes shut tight.
“I'm in I'm just scared,” Izuku said quickly. Things went silent them between them. The hand on his cheek remained still. Izuku felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest.
And then his lips were on his. Izuku's eyes flew open, cheeks bursting a bright red. Katsuki was kissing him.
Katsuki his crush of years, his high school bully, and the man of his dreams, was kissing him!
Drunk or not Izuku didn't want to let this moment get past him. He wrapped his arms around his neck tightly, kissing back as best as he knew how. He never really kissed anyone before.
Katsuki let out a noise and he slid his hand down his side, hoisiting Izuku up against his body and onto his lap.
Izuku's mind was a buzz. This was happening. This was happening so fast. He was scared but deep down he really did want this.
He just wished it was under different circumstances.he wished that Katsuki would know exactly what he was doing right now and it was not just some drunken hallucination.
They pulled for air and Izuku licked his swollen lip a bit, tasting the alcohol that Katsuki had chugged at the party. The blonde had a lazy smile on his face and Izuku flushed even more.
“Told you I was a good kisser,” The blonde slurred a bit.
“Weren't wrong about that,” Izuku sighed, staring at him and shifted on his lap. His scent was a mixuture of happiness and sadness.
But Katsuki's was bursting with emotion. Happy, sad, angry, among other things. The man was a mess. It just made Izuku feel worse.
But that wasn't the reason why he had let him kiss him.
“Waited so long to kiss you. Take our time...” he said, leaning in to Izuku's space once more. Izuku couldn't help but let the blonde kiss him again, letting out a breath as their lips met slowly. Tongues danced with one another, sending shivers down Izuku's spine as his body reacted to the alpha that held him so close.
“You wanna...?” the blonde asked, pulling his lips back from him, thumbs rubbing against the bottom of his shirt.
Izuku shivered again, weighing his options. This could open up a whole can of worms that neither of them were prepared for. Katsuki could forget this whole thing the next day and Izuku would live with the knowledge he let his crush take his first.
Or Katsuki could remember the whole thing and regret it. Izuku could move out of the room and the blonde would never talk to him again.
Izuku would be ruined for anyone else because he would never be able to get the blonde out of his head ever.
There was always the third option where Katsuki remembered and didn't regret it and wanted to go forward with the courting and eventually becoming mates, getting married, and having pups one day in a happily ever after sort of situaton.
That was the least likely of the three....and the others were just screaming at him not to take this chance. To just let it go.
But his selfishness won out. He nodded his head again, locking in his answer.
“Let me know if it's too much,” the blonde said, his eyes heavy as he leaned in again, brushing his lips against Izuku's again. Izuku happily accepted, letting Katsuki lead him back onto the bed into his pillows.
He felt lips on his neck and Izuku's heart felt like I was going to burst out of his chest again. He was breathing heavily, letting Katsuki take the lead until...
He realized Katsuki wasn't even moving.
“Kacchan?” Izuku asked, looking down at the blonde head. He felt the lips against his neck but they weren't moving either. Izuku pushed him a bit and the blonde's head lolled to the side.
His eyes were shut, mouth hanging open against his neck.
And a deep snore came from his chest.
Izuku couldn't help but let out a small snort at that and rest a hand on Katsuki's hair.
That was something he hadn't thought of. Katsuki passing out from his drunk state before anything serious could have happened.
Perhaps it was better this way that Katsuki fell asleep before anything happened. Fate's way of telling him no.
“Rest well Kacchan,” Izuku said, petting his hair more and the blonde let out a noise as he got himself comfy. Izuku paused, realizing that he couldn't get out of the bed with the blonde on top of him. With a sigh he decided to tuck in himself.
The blonde's scent, though tinted with alcohol, was welcoming and he soon fell asleep in the blonde's bed with a content sigh. For now...he was happy.
I’m open for written commissions
want to support? my patreon (triforceangel)
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Way past the half mark on getting the hell out of her old apartment and into her new and improved one, Zora wanted to scream.
Two more weeks left.
Jordan tried his hardest to give her hell.
He'd leave notes under her door, stop by and try to patch things over in between, reminding her of her ex a little too much for her liking.
Before he got to do anything else, she called on her self-deemed hero, Leon. And he put a stop to it all.
Catching him one afternoon, coming out of the leasing office, Leon stalked across the lot before Jordan could get his keys, which seemed to be buried underneath everything, out of his bag.
“Nah, what you runnin’ for? I should kick your stupid ass.” Leon grits, closing the gaping space, knowing he scared the older man shitless in every since of the word.
“Look, I've already apologized for that. It was just a couple jokes between friends. She knows I'm just kidding! I might've been a little upset that she was moving away, but I never—”
“Do you hear yourself??” Leon says, cutting his sick spiel off.
“She's not your friend. I don't care what you did for her while she was here, cause like she told you, and ima tell you one more time, leave her alone. No more poppin up and leavin’ notes, you sick ass motherfucker. And if you come by her door again, at any time, especially two in the fucking morning.” He ends his sentence and just stares at him, leaving his mind to swirl around with possibilities of what was waiting for him if he tested those waters.
And of course, to ensure that he didn't get stupid and try something worse, now that she'd call her reinforcements, Leon vowed to stay with her for the remainder of time.
Unlike any other time, she didn't try to hide how happy she was to have him protect her. He did make her feel absolutely safe, anyway.
“Good dreams, tonight. If I hear sumn simple as a knock, I'm up and armed.” He pats his left thigh, sending a chill through her as the gleam of his piece shines back at her.
She knew he wasn't playing when it came to her and her safety, but she wasn't expecting him to have a weapon on him.
Not a gun, anyway.
But, she wasn't about to freak out. Again, it's for safety.
“Thank you, again. I hate men.” She snorts, smiling a bit as he nods his head in agreement.
“Shit. Me too, baby. I told you, I got you.”
“Okay, put the death machine on the dresser and come lay with me, then.”
Beating him to undress, since all she was wearing was her favorite t-shirt of his, she tosses it at him and slips underneath her covers, beckoning him out of his clothes in record time.
The silk of her sheets had nothing on the softness of her warm, tight, wet and ripe.
He'd closed his eyes and thanked god, a million times.
Her sounds were just as intoxicating as the smell of sex lingering in the air, blanketing over them.
He'd had her in their shared favorite position. Her back taking on the deepest arch it could muster as her perfectly rotund ass claps against his strong thighs, with every delicious thrust. Her hands bound behind her by one of his, her hair gripped in the other.
He mumbled for her to take all of it, as if she had any other choice.
Her hands scratch into each other as another orgasm bubbles up to the surface.
“Right t-there,” she whines.
“Where you need me, huh baby?” He teases in her ear, making her toes curl, her juices making an obscene noise, leaking everywhere.
“Yes! Yesss! I- I'm gonna cum!” She moans, squishing her thighs together, in a desperate attempt to quell the burst she felt approaching.
“Don't hold it,” his hand leaves her hair to spank her ass, receiving another sweet moan, “gimme that shit, baby.”
“Mmm!,” she drops her head as it washes over her, and she shakes in his hold as he continues driving her insane.
Releasing her hands, he covers them with his own and spreads them out in front of her, laying his hot body on her even hotter one.
Their limbs tangle as his strokes deepen, making her words jumble as he pulls another round of orgasms from her soul. She'd lost count on how many times he'd said just one more.
“So damn beautiful,” he groans into her neck, his kisses trailing til they meet the top of her back and stretch over her right shoulder.
She bit into the sheets. Little things like that drove her wild, too. He knew.
He'd been putting off his own peak, wanting to thoroughly satisfy his precious flower, and he was quickly losing the battle, her tightening around him becoming too damn good of a feeling.
Wishing she could see the way his eyes rolled back, she heard it in his heavy groans, and felt it all in his sudden squeeze on her fingers, light nibbles on her skin and the sweet way he filled her up with his love.
“Damn, baby..,”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Day eighteen came and went, and Zora was ready to kill Jordan, her damn self, as he kept stopping by her apartment just to linger by her window, peeking through to look at her, unbeknownst to her at first.
Once she caught him, while she was in the kitchen, she ran to grab the steel baseball bat from under her bed, coming back to see that he was gone.
“Leon, I'm so fuckin’ scared!” She cried into the phone, while he was speeding back towards her apartment.
“He was fucking watching me!”
“I'm almost there, baby. Stay on the phone. Keep the bat up.” He repeats, taking in how heavy her breathing is over the phone.
“Ima fuck him up.” He grumbles.
Rushing from his jeep to her door, he unlocks it with the spare key she'd given him and becomes immediately enraged at her wet face and shaky hands.
“Come here, it's okay,” he says, pulling her to her, while she lets out her sobs against his shirt. She was terrified.
“I'm n-not a fighter,” she hiccups, “hell, I c-can't even kill a bug if I see it! H-how am I supposed to ward off a grown man??”
“That's what I'm here for, baby. I wouldn't dare let you get hurt. Fuck his lovesick ass. He done fucked up.” He blows out a heavy breath to steady himself, but it's no use as he pulls her face into his hands, wiping at her tears.
“Got you in here crying and shit. I hate that.”
“I don't want you doin’ nothing stupid,” she starts, but he shakes his head.
“Nothing's stupid about protecting the woman I love. I'm not gonna kill ‘em, for real. But I am gon rough his ass up, and you cannot stop me.”
“Okay, I-I won't.”
“You not stayin’ here either, go pack a bag and we'll carry the rest of these boxes out. He can have this stupid ass apartment.”
She nods and saunters down the hall, sniffling as she moves around her closet for the little bit that's left, stuffing some stuff in the boxes and the rest in her overnight bag.
Hearing glass shatter, she runs back out to see the two fighting at her front door. Her first instinct was to call the police, but that went out the window as Jordan broke from Leon's grasp and lunged at her.
She screamed and moved just in time for him to fall into her side table, knocking over everything on it.
“You stupid bitch,” he yells, scrambling to get off the floor as Leon rushes to push Zora completely out of the way and deliver a blow to the back of Jordan's head, making his nose bleed.
“Fuck you say?! Say it again,” he grits out, pulling him up by his collar and slugging him in the face, over and over and over. His mouth is bleeding too, now.
Stunned and shaken, Zora still managed to call for help and every ticking moment was more than enough time for Leon to pummel the man within an inch of his life.
The next few blurs between the cops getting there and pulling the bloodied man from her apartment in handcuffs, Leon exasperatingly going over the details of the situation and so on made Zora collapse.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
The constant beeping of the machine pulled her from the mini coma she was in, immediately alerting Leon, as he'd been waiting on her to stir around for the last hour.
“Zora?” He lifted his soothing touch from her wrist as she reached up to rub her head, wincing at the pressure on it.
“My head hurts.” She rasps, and he brings the cup of water to her lips, helping her drink some.
“Thank you..” she rubs her eyes, before opening them to look at him. The worried look on his face made her tears come back.
“No, no it's okay. Don't cry.”
“Sorry,” she sobs, covering his hands on her face as he wipes her tears away for the millionth time.
“Don't be. Are you okay??”
“Yeah? I haven't fainted since I was a kid. That was rough.” She breathes, drinking more of the water, again with his assistance.
“It was rough to see. You scared the hell outta me.” He frowns. She matches the sad look on his face, rubbing her lips together.
“Are my lips as chapped as I think they are?” She asks, meeting the ghost of a smile on his face. He tried to suppress it, the sound of her raspy giggle pulling it out into a full fledged smile.
“Come on,” he laughs.
“I had to get that look off your face.” She sighs, licking over her, indeed, dry lips.
“Sorry,” he says, still rubbing his thumbs under her tired eyes.
“Don't be. I'd be a mess if you fainted, too.”
“Yeah! I kinda like you, so that would make me sad.” She smirks, laughing again as he kisses her lips.
“They feel soft to me,” he shrugs. “Now, stop cracking jokes. I'm still worried, cause you hit the floor pretty hard.”
“Yeah, I'm sure I don't have an ice pack on my pillow for no reason,” she sighs, tucking it back into place.
“I'll go get the nurse, babe.”
“Okay,” she replies, laying back against the pillow and closing her eyes.
“Hey there,” a chipper voice pops them back open, as the nurse enters the room.
“How are you feeling?” She asks, beginning to check her all over.
“Groggy and dry. I need a cough drop or something, cause the water ain't helpin’.”
The nurse laughs, pulling one from her pocket. “It's honey.”
“Ah, you're a doll!”
“Thank you! Good news, you don't have a concussion or anything, but we do have to keep you here for at least another hour til the swelling goes down.”
“Okay, that's fine. Are the cops here?”
“Yes, but if you're not ready to talk to them, we'll make them go away.”
“Yeah, tell ‘em come back in an hour.”
“No problem. I'm gonna bring you back some cookies and a tylenol. Knock that headache right on out.”
“Thank you.” 
“Of course.” She pats her shoulder and leaves out the room.
“Did you call my mama?”
“Yes, your sisters are here too. Ima slip out and let them have some time with you, okay?”
“You can't stay?” She frowns, tugging at his heart.
“I'll be right outside the door, baby. I'm not going anywhere. I promise.” He assures her, leaning over to kiss her forehead.
“Okay,” she nods, reluctantly letting his hand go as he stands up to swap places with Nique, Pamela, Neoma and Lovita as they barrel in the room to get to her.
“Oh my goodness, are you okay?” They all ask in unison, while her eyes dart around to look at the frazzled expressions on their faces.
“Yeah, I don't have a concussion or anything. I must've fallen pretty hard, cause my head’s still swollen. I literally feel it throbbing.”
“Baby, I'm so glad you're okay.” Her mama comes to the left side of her bed and repeatedly kisses her forehead, bringing her tears back to surface.
“Me too, honestly. I mean… he tried to attack me, y'all! I'm so glad Leon was there. I didn't know he was gonna turn like this.”
“Don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault.” Neoma says, rubbing her covered feet, knowing how apologetic her little sister gets in these situations.
“I'm n-not, I know better. It's just all been a lot. All because I wanted to move out.”
“He's such a sick bastard.” Lovita fumes, softening at the weary look on her youngest sister's face.
“Sorry, but he is. Just disgusting. I always knew something was up with him, that's why I gave you granny's bat. I knew it.”
“I'm glad I didn't have to use it, man. I probably woulda ended up hurting myself, if anything.” She half jokes, making them laugh a bit.
“We got the rest of your boxes out the apartment. Some of it is at my crib, most of it is at Leon's.” Nique smiles.
“Thanks, y'all. I’ll cook y'all up something real good when I get myself together.”
“Oh please, don't even worry about it. If Leon ain't get ‘em, I was coming with my brass knuckles.” Neoma says.
“Please. I told you, I carry. Woulda unloaded that clip right in his—”
“Vita Hunt.” Their mama cuts her sentence off, but she connects eyes with Zora to let her know she meant business.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
After reliving everything in her mini interrogation with the cops, getting fed and cleaned up, she was settling into Leon’s computer chair, lazily spinning around.
“You okay, baby? Be honest.” His voice sounds from behind her. She continues to spin.
“I'm just overwhelmed, right now.” She sighs, closing her heavy lids. "That was a lot to go through, ya know?”
“Yeah, I know. I'm sorry.”
“For what? You didn't do anything wrong.”
“I know… the situation still sucks.”
“It's over now. They've got my recordings, along with witness statements and a Harry Potter book’s worth of incriminating information. He might wanna get comfy in that cell.” She softly laughs, opening her eyes to look at Leon, who's moved from the door to the end of the bed.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. I love you, girl.”
“I love you too, boy.”
Feeling like being held, she rises from the chair and flops into his lap. Cocooning her up in his arms, he lays his head on hers, carefully.
“How's your head?”
“It's not hurting anymore. Still throbbing a little bit, though.”
“Yeah? That doesn't sound normal..”
“No, it's normal. It'll go away.” She assures him, tucking her arm underneath his, reaching up to play with his beard.
“You usually faint in bad situations?” He asks.
“Faint, vomit, lose my mind.. yeah, it's never a cool, calm and collected experience for me.” She sighs.
He holds her tighter, rocking her a bit. “Gotta give you the most stress-free life.”
“Life can't be stress-free, can it?” She asks.
“It can be whatever you want it to be, baby.” He replies.
“So, what? I'm never comin’ in contact with danger again? At the sight of it, what happens?” She starts with her hypotheticals.
He smiles like she can see him.
“At the sight of it, call me and I'll get rid of it and them. Simple.”
She heard the smile all in his voice, putting a smile on her own face.
“Oof. What lucky woman I am!”
“You better know it!”
Their laughter breaks out, dying down sooner than not due to her achy head, which he rubs occasionally as she finally drifts off to sleep.
“Think the meds are kickin’ in… good night,” she yawns, as he scoots towards the middle of the bed with her still in his arms, settling her against the pillows. She clings to his shirt when he goes to pull away.
“I'll be right back, baby. Promise.”
“Okay,” she replies as he kisses her nose and slips from her grasp.
A minute or so goes by, and he's back with a glass of water and Zora is out cold, making him smile and set it down gently to not wake her up.
Wrapping himself back around her, he closes his eyes as her scent invades his room, like it always does.
Bergamot. Spice. Vanilla. Mango.
He joined her in dreamland, soon after.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
The next week and a half rolls by, and Zora can finally declutter Leon's apartment and decorate her new one!
She was reluctant on leaving, just as he was on her doing so, and it almost made her wanna stay right up under him. He was not complaining.
“I've already signed the lease, though. And more importantly, I get to live across the hall from my best friend! We've been thinking about this for some time.”
“I would never keep you from Nique, baby. She'd kill me.” He laughs, pulling another box out of his jeep and heading back inside her apartment.
“She would.” She nods, catching sight of Nique as they make it towards her door.
“Hey, girl! Hey lank!”
“Hey shorty!”
They squeal like it's been weeks since they last saw one another, even though they were just in each other's faces a couple days ago.
“You two,” he chuckles, sliding past them to sit the box down on her counter, as they file inside behind him.
“Isn't it beautiful, friend?”
“Is it?! You remember the way Mona transformed Dede’s apartment?! That's what this looks like and it's mine!”
The high ceiling, marble countertop, spacious living room and kitchen, all the shelf space in the world for her flowers, decanters, candles.. the bathroom with a double mirrored vanity built in and closet space, plus both bedrooms have walk-in closets!
“Come look at the best part, y'all!” Nique ushers them towards the patio, sliding the door back, cheesing at the gasps that leave them at the view.
The large, beautiful fountain sits perfectly in the middle of a rounded pond, surrounded by the greenest grass.
The ducks swimming around makes the couple frown and look at each other at the same time, snickering.
“Y'all talkin’ shit behind me?” She asks without looking back, making Zora roll her eyes.
“No, girl. We love the ducks.”
“Oh, that's right. Y'all are the sappy picnic people.” She laughs, letting out a sharp ow! at the kick to her ass, turning around to glare at a smiling Zora.
“We're not sappy!” She defends, looking at Leon. “Are we?”
“Uh, nah.” He answers, tucking his lips in.
“If you believe so,” Nique laughs, turning back to look at the pretty water.
“Anyway,” Zora also turns back towards the water, “this view is beautiful. I'll definitely be out a lot.”
Leon smirks, ideas brewing in his mind.
“Y'all helpin’ me unpack?!” Zora asks, snapping them out of their separate trances.
“If you feed us,” Nique says, scrunching her nose up.
“A knuckle sandwich.” She nods and walks away.
Ch 12
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bettathanyou · 1 year
Hii againnn, if requests are open could I get a cedric and reader fic where somehow the entire castle thinks shes pregnant and congrats them,throws a party or sumn and theyre just so confused its hilarious??? Maybe at the end of the day they realize they actually want a child??? Bonus points if there's a time lapse to when she's actually pregnant and how the castle finds out??? Thanksss
Oh boy, we do love a supportive castle for the non-existent baby to be! Hehe I love exploring Cedric's viewpoint about children, it's so fascinating to me!! Anyways I hope you enjoy, and thank u so so much for all the asks!!
Edit: the fic was getting long, so I couldn't squeeze in the bonus scene! But I left the ending as hinting towards reader and Cedric having children! :)
An Absurd Idea, Isn't It?
A fic by bettathanyou, requested by @acupnoodle
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You were tending to a patch of the royal garden, replaying the words princess Sophia spoke to you; "I need all the blueberries you can get- clover is suuuper hungry today!".'
A smile forms on your lips as you chuckle slightly to yourself. You found Sophia's devotion to her pets quite endearing; but even so, you had a gut feeling that there wasn't something quite right with Sophia's request.
You've been her personal servant for over two years now, and within those two years, it was a very rare instance where Sophia didn't make Clover's meals herself. You tried to brush aside the suspicion that was mounting in your head, but you couldn't get rid of the thought that Sophia was up to something.
You sigh to yourself, dropping another handful of berries into your basket.
"Well, I guess it doesn't matter... I still have quite a lot left to pick."
You lift your head to scan along the bundles of blueberry patches, taking a quick moment to rest in the solitude of the garden. The day was quite mild today, with the sun partially obscured by the clouds. A strong breeze carried across the royal gardens, making the leaves around you rustle and sway.
The silver banged sorcerer saw you earlier sitting in the gardens, while he himself was taking a break by gazing out of his balcony.
Cedric's warm caramel eyes drank in the sight of you, a serene look on your face that made his heart melt with affection. At first, he didn't want to disturb you- you both hated being interrupted, after all. However, the more he looked at you, the more his body ached to be by your side.
Exhaling a love sick sigh, he teleports to the lush garden with a flick of his wand.
With your mind distracted by nature, you didn't notice the approach of Cedric off to your right.
Cedric then calls out your name in greeting, and his voice snaps you out of the trance you were in. Your head whips to your right, taking in the sight of the lanky man you've come to love so much.
"Cedric!" You speak his name in equal parts shock and excitement, your eyes shining with love. You scramble to your feet, dusting off the grass and leaves that cling to your clothing.
"Sorry I didn't see you, there- my mind was..." You trailed off, waving your hand to signal that you were lost in thought.
"No worries, darling- I just got here." Cedric gives you a reassuring smile, stepping closer to grasp your free hand that was still in the air. He brings the back of your hand to his lips, gently kissing along your knuckles.
You watch wordlessly as Cedric kisses your hand, feeling too flustered to speak. Your heart starts to beat faster, and the familiar flush of your cheeks betrayed how Cedric's touch made you feel.
"W-What.. what are you doing here, by the way... need more herbs?" You ask with a shy smile, trying to regain your composure.
"Hm?" Cedric's honey brown eyes flicked up to meet yours.
"Well... actually, now that you mention it..." Cedric pauses, his eyes tearing away from yours to span across the well kept garden. You watch as his eyes scan the expansive area, a soft laugh leaving your lips at how his brows scrunch up- that's how you know he's focused on something. His eyes also take on a particular glitter- like a cat, searching for its prize.
Upon hearing your laugh, his attention snaps back to you again.
"Anyways-! I just saw you, sitting alone in the garden from my balcony... I thought you could use some company." Cedric shrugged with a coy smile, and you raise a brow teasingly.
"Right... Are you sure it was me who needed the company?" You cock your head to the side, sarcasm laced in your voice.
"W-Well..!" Cedric sputters, eyes widening at how easily you cut through his intentions. "If you'd prefer me to leave, then.." Cedric says with a pout on his lips, but you could see the corners of his mouth twitch as he fights off a smile.
The sorcerer steps away from you for emphasis, his back already halfway turned to leave.
"Hey-! I didn't say that!" You exclaimed in mock defense, grabbing onto Cedric's robe sleeve as you laugh. Cedric stops, giving you a sideways glance with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Come here." You commanded, pulling on his sleeve to motion Cedric to turn towards you. Thankfully, he complies, with a full grin plastered on his face that made your heart light up inside. Your eyes meet as Cedric steps close to you, his arms snaking around your back.
After a brief pause, you weren't sure who initiated the kiss- but you find your lips brushing together in the blink of an eye. You sigh lightly into the kiss, enjoying Cedric's affection and body heat as your skin tingles.
After a few more gentle kisses, you both part, with cedrics lips lingering on yours for a moment longer. His honey gaze bores into you, his fair skin taking on a faint rosy tint. His bangs hang into his eyes as he looks down at you, and you tenderly brush a loc of silver away.
"So.. is this what you meant by 'keeping me company?' Because it seems like you're just keeping me distracted, Cedric." You say in a slightly teasing voice, biting back a laugh as you hold Cedric's gaze.
A chuckle escapes Cedric's lips, his eyes crinkling as he laughs. His warm mahogany eyes drift over to the basket that you needed to fill, seeing the cogs in his mind begin to turn.
"Ah, forgive me, love. Shall I make up for it, then?" Cedric's eyes flick back to you, his hand already reaching for the wand that stashed away in his sleeve pocket.
Before you could reply that you were fine, after all it wasn't a hard task picking blueberries by any means- Cedric had already stepped forward, a spell halfway being cast. You watch with an amused smirk as Cedric's magic sends the remaining dark blue berries into your basket, neatly placed in a huge pile.
"Thank you, Ceddy." You nod towards the sorcerer, placing a hand on his back with gratitude.
Cedric turns towards you, dipping his head towards you in respect. You smile in response, your hand leaving Cedric's back to interlock with his own.
"Say.. why are you out here, anyways? You're usually with Sophia." Cedric eyes you curiously, waiting for your reply.
"Well, Sophia is why I'm out here in the first place." You shot back with a shrug, but you took note at how Cedric noticed the oddness of your task as well.
"The princess said she needed them for Clover.. and with the amount she requested, I almost believe her." You say with a snicker, rolling your eyes playfully.
"Almost?" Cedric parrots back with a raised brow.
"I think she's up to something... not sure what, though." You confess, reaching down to lift up your basket of berries.
"That girl is always up to something," Cedric retorts, muttering under his breath as he helps you lift the hefty basket.
You giggle at Cedric's unamused comment, finding his reaction endearing. Some days, you really do see Cedric as an extended father figure to Princess Sophia. They speak about each other all the time, and the level of care they both carry in their hearts for the other makes you only love Cedric and Sophia more.
"Well, it's not my job to question her whims.." You say with a weary sigh, shaking your head. Tipping the basket on your hip, you turn towards the castle to leave.
"I should get this back to her. Thank you for your help, Cedric!" You chirp happily, flashing the sorcerer a genuine smile.
"Anything for you, dear." Cedric says with an affectionate hum, watching as you walk towards the servant tunnels to report back to the princess with a slight sadness in his gaze.
You dutifully carry the goods Sophia requested to the palace kitchen, huffing with exertion as you lift the basket onto the closest table you could reach. The basket landed with a heavy thud, shaking the utensils that were already on the wooden table. Swiping at the sweat along your brow, you rub your arms to soothe your aching muscles.
As you recover in the kitchen, the doors swing open suddenly. You flinch from the noise, your head snapping to the kitchen entrance to see princess Sophia strutting through.
Her puffy pink dress sways behind her as she marches up to you, an extra spring in her step- moreso than normal. The grin on Sophia's face reaches ear to ear, and you nervously smile back.
"S-sophia! Your timing couldn't be better, I just finished-"
"Yeah, it looks ah-mazing, (y/n)!" The young princess cuts you off quickly, her eyes not even sparing a passing glance to the overflowing basket of berries.
"Ah.. thank you, princess.." You say halfheartedly, your eyes narrowing at the increasingly odd behavior the princess was exhibiting.
"Would you like me to prepare Clover's plate for lunch?" You offer a small smile, your feet moving towards the cutlery.
"No-!" Sophia cries out, her tone a little desperate. You turn to her sharply, your confused and slightly suspicious stare on full display. Sophia's bright blue eyes dart away from your piercing gaze, clearing her throat awkwardly as she shifts from heel to heel.
"Ah, I mean, um.. no, thank you, (y/n)." The princess declined, shaking her head.
"I actually have another thing I need you to do, if that's alright?" Sophia asks sweetly, looking at you with a hopeful gaze.
Seeing the princess's sweet smile always has a way of disarming you, so you decide to set aside your questions about her behavior for now.
"Of course, princess Sofia- that's what I'm here for, after all. What can I do for you?"
"I need you to get Cedric, and bring him to the ball room. It's really important!" Sophia says with confidence, her bright blue eyes boring into yours.
A sigh of annoyance leaves your lips before you can mask it, making the princess slightly deflate.
"Well, I wish I knew that beforehand- I was just speaking to Cedric in the garden.." You mutter, trying to keep your voice level.
"No offense, Sophia- but why is it important that I ask Cedric?" You ask with a curious tone, your mind reeling at the bizarre conversation between you both.
"Well..." Sophia drags out, a mischievous spark in her eye that you didn't quite like.
"Cedric can't say no to you, so I can count on him to actually show up if you ask." Sophia says with a giggle, eyeing you with a knowing look.
Your cheeks immediately start to burn like hot coals, embarrassment making you lose the words on your tongue. Sophia's giggle only increases in volume the more your face begins to flush, making you hang your head in defeat with a resigned sigh.
"..Alright, I'll go get him." You agree with a strained voice, not waiting for Sophia's reply as you carry yourself out from the kitchen doors.
You walk beside Cedric, escorting him towards the ballroom as your nerves begin to feel shot. Cedric didn't look to be faring any better- but no words of comfort came to mind to soothe him.
Instead, your hand reached for the familiar gloved hand of your partner. You both interlock your fingers together, a silent act of solidarity as you both stand in front of the towering doors of the ballroom.
"It's quiet in there... too quiet." Cedric glares at the double doors in front of him, his lips forming a tight line.
"Whatever Sophia is planning... I know you can handle it." You glance over at the man, seeing his unconvinced look to your words.
You swallow, digging further into your brain for what you think Cedric needs to hear most right now. You squeeze Cedric's gloves hand tighter, feeling the soft worn leather on your fingertips.
"There's a reason you're called Cedric The Great, you know. You'll do... great!" You offer an encouraging smile to Cedric, your heart beating in anticipation for what lies in store for both of you beyond the door.
That seemed to slip past the wall of doubt around Cedric's mind, as his tightly knit shoulders loosened slightly.
"Let's hope you're right, love." Cedric says with an unreadable look, pushing the doors open. You both blink in surprise, finding the ballroom empty, with the windows barred with thick drapery to block out the sunlight.
You both turn to each other at the same time, exchanging an incredulous look. You step cautiously into the room first, calling out Sophia's name nervously. Your voice echoes in the empty hall, the only reply you get.
You glance back at Cedric, and as he opens his mouth to say something, the room explodes with a bright light. You both gasp, blinking harshly to adapt to the newfound lightsource.
"Surprise!" A choir of voices join from all sides of the ballroom, familiar faces popping up from behind the furniture adorning the hall. King Roland and Miranda, Sophia, Amber, James, Baileywick, along with a plethora of other servants and hand maidens you know or befriended, all gaze at you and Cedric with bright and cheery smiles.
You sputter in disbelief, your eyes searching for any explanation for what is going on right now. As you look upon the scene further, you notice the decorations that adorn the walls, bright ribbons and balloons in every nook and cranny of the walls. You and Cedric both stand in utter shock, your voices temporarily gone.
"Congratulations, you two! I always knew it would only be a matter of time..." King Roland's loud voice cuts through the room, his smug smile landing between the two of you.
"What-?!" You and Cedric both exclaim with equally confused expressions, your usual decorum for the royal family now gone at the moment.
"Oh, there's no need to play coy anymore! We all knew about it for weeks... Well, I was the first to figure it out, anyways." Princess Amber chimes in, hiding a cat-like grin behind one of her favorite hand-held fans.
"I thought Sophia mentioned the baby stuff first- didn't you, Soph?" Prince James gives his twin a raised brow of suspicion, before turning his head to Sophia.
You and Cedric both share a sharp glance at the mention of the word "baby", turning back to the royal children now beginning to bicker about the origins of the baby rumors.
You go to open your mouth to interject, but Cedric beats you to the punch first.
"Whatever this- "baby stuff" you're all referring to, I'm ecstatic to inform you all that (y/n) is not pregnant...!" Cedric announces loudly to the room, his voice confident until the last few words of his sentence. He feels his palms become slick as he partially turns to you, his eyes wide and his skin turning slightly pale.
"Y-you're... not, right?" Cedric stutters in fear, swallowing hard as his golden cognac irises swirl with dread.
"...No, I'm not." You reply flatly, crossing your arms defensively as your eyes linger across the room. Your eyes pierce through Sophia, feeling your anger rise as you fight it from breaking through the surface.
The young princess shyly dodges your icy glare, biting her lip nervously. You catch on to her tell, knowing that Sophia realized the enormity of her mistake.
"B-but... the baby clothes! I saw you make them!" Sophia cries, stepping towards you with huge eyes that begged for understanding.
You feel the entire room's eyes on you, crumbling your nerve. Your skin tingles in embarrassment, and you awkwardly clear your throat. Your mind feels blank, but each second you stand in silence, the more you feel as if you're being accused of something.
"Yes, I was making baby clothes-" you start, but you're cut off by Amber's bossy voice.
"So then you must be pregnant! Why else would you be making them?" Amber pipes up, grabbing Sophia's hand to come to her defense.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. In any other scenario, you would respect Amber's loyalty to Sophia- but now, it's only becoming more of a nuisance.
"For my cousin, Amber. She is pregnant, not me." You shake your head, pausing as you laugh from the absurdity of the idea.
"God, no..." You mused to yourself, shaking your head.
"Oh..." Amber replies, her voice numb from shock. She turns to her sister, her brows raised.
"I-I'm so sorry, (y/n)!" Sophia sputters out, her cheeks red from shame. She approached you quickly, looking up at you with her sad puppy gaze. You let out a tired sigh, glancing over to Cedric to gauge his reaction.
His warm golden eyes had since hardened, looking at Sophia with a disgruntled expression. Cedric's brows were heavily knitted together, deep wrinkles of annoyance etched into his face. Feeling your eyes on him, his brown irises flickered to yours.
You both share a complicated look, and Cedric's shoulders twitch in a halfhearted shrug. Almost as if saying "this is your call, not mine."
You sigh again, looking down at princess Sophia.
"It's- it's alright. I know you were only trying to be kind, Sophia." You crouch down to Sophia's level, touching her shoulder reassuringly. You give her a smile, trying to cheer her up. Her expression softens a little, but she still looks at you with sad eyes.
"And hey- you cared enough to make this huge party for Cedric and I, right? That's what any good friend would do for one another." You say in earnest, your smile slowly cracking through as you spoke.
"Isn't that right, Cedric?" You tear your gaze away from the girl, shooting Cedric a foreboding look to ensure his compliance.
His eyebrows rise in a panic, momentarily erasing the sour look on his face for a fake saccharine smile.
"A-aah, yes, that's right..!" Cedric coos, his voice overtly sweet, practically oozing sarcasm if you listen hard enough.
Thankfully, Sophia doesn't pick up on Cedric's sarcasm, ever- so her eyes regain their shining luminosity in an instant.
"You guys really aren't mad...?" Sophia asks slowly, her bright blue eyes darting between you both.
"Well-" Cedric cuts in, but you leap to your feet in the blink of an eye, grabbing Cedric's hand tightly. He stutters in confusion, so you take your opportunity to lie.
"Nope, not at all." You say with as much conviction as possible, glancing once again at Cedric with a smile full of daggers.
Cedric's eye twitches to betray his true feelings, but he purses his lips and nods in agreement.
You practically see the weight lifted from Sophia's shoulders, as she exhales a heavy sigh of relief.
"Well, since you already have a party going, Sophia- why don't you uh... celebrate... I don't know, you can probably think of something- you seem to already have quite the... imagination." Cedric responds coyly, arching a brow as he throws a copious amount of shade at the young girl.
However, you can't help but let a snicker pass your lips at how subtle Cedric's comment was. Sophia looks over at you, and you quickly cover your tracks by clearing your throat.
"Hey, I'm always down to party!" James responds with a whoop, quickly grabbing a party popper from his coat pocket. He launches a rainbow of confetti and streamers into the air with a satisfying pop!, finally clearing the heavy tension that had accumulated in the ballroom.
The guests finally broke out into laughter, and quickly the sound of mingling voices gave you and Cedric the perfect chance to slip away from the party. With a shared glance, you both made a straight bee line to the doors, your footsteps echoing in the empty halls.
It is an absurd idea, isn't it? Us, being parents- could you imagine it?"
Cedric snorted as he shook his head in disbelief, settling down into his work stool.
His caramel irises glanced over to meet your own in solidarity, but you nimbly dodged his gaze in order to hide the flicker of hurt that flashed across your (e/c) orbs.
You weren't even sure why you felt upset- after all, both of you agreed early on into your relationship that children weren't a priority for either one of you.
Up until now, you thought were sure of your feelings...
So, why now did hearing the sorcerer laugh off the notion of having children so casually feel like a sword was struck through your heart?
You lean against the wood of Cedric's work desk, fiddling with an empty bottle to try and still the ache in your chest.
"Well- I- I can't imagine it would be much different than what our jobs are already." You say with a weak chuckle, keeping your eyes glued to the small vial in your hands.
Cedric stops for a moment, his eyes resting on yours.
"What do you mean?" He asks, trying to sound as neutral as possible.
"Well, my main job is to look over a child- I know it's not the same as being a mother, but.." You trailed off, sighing.
"You certainly might as well be- I see Sophia more with you than I have her real mother." Cedric replies with a snort, sifting through the papers at his desk.
You scoff in amusement, but don't bother to deny Cedric's claim. Walking over to where Cedric sat, you wrap your arms around him from behind in a hug.
The sorcerer stops for a brief moment, before surrendering to your embrace with a low hum of contentment.
"You know, I could say the same of you, Cedric... Sophia talks more about you than she does her own father." You speak softly, resting your check against the curve of Cedric's neck.
"Really?" Cedric asks in a bewildered tone, his face turning towards you.
"Of course... She looks up to you." You affirm with a nod, moving your face to hold eye contact with Cedric.
You see the cogs turning behind his mahogany colored eyes, processing your words. He then abruptly turns his face away from you, brushing his finger over his lips as if he was conflicted by something.
"Well... even so- I'm not, good... with children." Cedric drags out his words as he cringes, shrinking into himself.
"Sophia is nice to me, because she's nice to everyone- but outside of her, I just... don't know what to do with them." Cedric admits with a weary sigh, running his hand through his hair in a nervous habit.
"I don't really think that's true, Ceddy." You reassure the man with a light chuckle, shaking your head.
Instead of answering right away, the sorcerer looks at you with an arched brow and a scathing side eye that would dissuade most from arguing further.
You though, brush off the look with another chuckle.
"I'm not just saying that, Cedric." You reiterate, your voice full of conviction.
Cedric hums noncommittally in response, clearly unconvinced but willing to see where you would take your argument.
Swallowing hard, you speak further.
"You.. really do have a way with kids, love." You pause for a moment, trying to find a solid point to base your claims on.
"I mean, come on- who's the first person the royal children run to when they need help, hm?" You stand up straight as you talk, crossing your arms.
Cedric waves you off, a snicker rolling off his lips.
"Yeah, sure- because those little devils think I can just snap my fingers to make their problems all disappear," Cedric mutters bitterly.
"Ceddy- that's a little harsh, even for you." You give Cedric a pointed look, and he shrinks a little bit under your gaze.
"They go to you so much because they trust you; because they can rely on you." You speak with a confident smile, your hand squeezing Cedric's shoulder.
"I don't think that you being a father would be that absurd.." Your confident voice dips into a more hushed tone, your cheeks heating up at every word.
Cedric looks down at the ground, feeling lost for words at your implications. It's not like the idea hadn't crossed his mind before- he just never had any reason to entertain it much.
Not until you, anyways.
And until tonight, neither of you had really talked about the possibility of becoming parents- only reaffirming your shared terror at the idea of it, in the beginning of your relationship in passing.
Cedric sighs again, feeling weighed down as the reality of the conversation started to finally hit him.
"I... I thought- we said..." Cedric starts, then stops as he doesn't want to sound crass when you look so vulnerable.
"Has your mind changed, about wanting children?" Cedric asks in a light voice, curiosity and a slight mix of dread filling his body.
"I... maybe? I- I don't know, it's just.." You rub your arm self consciously, feeling regret at even bringing the topic up at this point. You still weren't sure why it even irked you this much, so why were you trying to make it into a big deal?
"You can speak to me honestly, darling." Cedric coos in reassurance, his hand finding your own and taking it into his grasp. He gets up from his seat, his free hand giving your arm a soft squeeze as his eyes rest on you.
Feeling Cedric's touch and soft gaze eases your tense muscles slightly, halting your racing thoughts so you could think clearly again.
"I never really thought much of it, I suppose- then, well. Today, happened.." You glance up at Cedric with an amused smirk, and a small grin forms on his face in reply.
"Then, once you mentioned- ah.. the idea, of us being parents... being 'absurd-'," you pause for a moment, and Cedric bites his lip apologetically.
Taking in a breath, you continue.
"It made me feel.. upset, hearing that from you. My change in attitude is sudden, I know- I have no justification for it, really." You shrug halfheartedly, feeling emotion claw its way up your throat.
"It's fine, dear- you're allowed to change your feelings about what you want." Cedric stroked your hair as he spoke, warm caramel eyes softening as he gazes down at you.
"I know, but- your feelings haven't changed, though."
You try to disguise the emotion in your voice, but the sentence still comes out wobbly. You look down at your feet, studying the groves between the stone floor so your thin facade won't break underneath the crushing weight of Cedric's eyes on you.
"It's- my feelings aren't as.. rigid, as I make them out to be, (y/n)." Cedric mumbled, feeling his skin prickle as he uttered the truth.
"Your feelings are always rigid, Cedric." You say with a tiny laugh, trying desperately to make a joke so you won't cry.
While Cedric could tell you were trying to lighten the mood, he didn't have it in himself to laugh.
"It's not that I dislike the idea, of having a child.." Cedric exhales in a long sigh, rubbing your arm to soothe both him and yourself as he speaks.
"...I'm afraid, (y/n). I- I would have no idea what I'm doing, being a father. I didn't exactly have the best example to go off of, growing up."
Cedric's voice tightens, causing you to lift your head in concern. You see the worry lines appear on the sorcerer's face again, and a brief flicker of the fear he hides behind those brown eyes you adore so much.
"I know..." You whisper gently, raising a hand to cup Cedric's cheek into your palm. Your gaze softens as you drink Cedric in, your heart aching at the memories Cedric carries in his own heart of his father.
"There's only one chance to get it right, with a child.. I can't imagine messing up something that important." Cedric nuzzles his face into the palm of your hand, exhaling slowly into your skin. His body is tense now, shoulders hunched with his skin a shade paler.
"You won't- well, wouldn't." You quickly correct yourself, a tinge of melancholy in your voice.
"Parents aren't meant to be perfect- we'd both make mistakes. But- you wouldn't be alone, and you wouldn't be like.. him, Cedric. You're too kind."
Your voice falls low as your thumb caresses the sorcerer's cheek, guiding your arm around his waist to pull him closer to you.
Cedric stands quietly, pressing his cheek to your palm even closer; almost as if feeling your words seep through his skin.
The silence is heavy between you both, but not in an uncomfortable way.
Instead, it feels like a blanket, enveloping you both in the words still left unspoken inside yourselves.
"I'm not saying we try now, by any means.." You whisper, your voice hesitant and light.
"I just..." Your words shrivel up on your tongue, as you're still unsure what this conversation means to you.
After a beat, you feel a warm hand reach up to where your own hand rested on Cedric's cheek. You jump, eyes flicking up to meet his once again. The color had returned to his skin now, and their lustrous golden hue now sparkled with the same adoration he always held for you.
"...Think we still have more to discuss, than we initially thought?" Cedric offered, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
You burst out laughing, shaking your head.
"It would seem so, Cedric."
Then, very sweetly, the silver banged man leans down to capture your lips into his own. The kiss is soft, endearing- full of promises and the hesitation of beginning something so strange and new.
You break apart, finding a new kind of sheen in each other's eyes- excitement, along with small flecks of hope.
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thedanoriddler · 2 years
🟢 Edward Nashton x Sick!Reader Headcanons ⚫️
Hey all, ya girl here has had fucking tonsillitis (or some other throat infection, my doctor just said my throat was SUPER infected) since Tuesday, and also too much time on her hands 😷🤧 figured I might as well put my sickness to good use for everyone!
Warnings: As title implies, being unwell: sickness mentioned is a flu/cold/throat/chest kind of illness, not p*ke. It’s literally just me using my illness and writing Eddie taking care of me/a reader who’s as ill as I’ve been. Literally is just soft fluffy comfort shit.
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It starts as a sore throat and sniffle, you think it’s probably just a cold on its way, but then it actually just gets worse and worse
The second you so much as sniffle one morning, Eddie is right by your side because he’s hyper tuned to every little movement and sound you make - you can’t hide anything from him
“I’m fine, Eddie, really, it’s nothing-” “Nooo, no, (Y/N), you’re sick! Lie down, just lie down and I’ll be right back with some tea!”
You literally don’t have a choice, that man insists that you rest and he doesn’t take no for an answer
“It’s probably just a cold,” you mumble as you start to fall asleep, Eddie covering you with a blanket. “I’ll feel better after a nap…”
Yeah, no, you really don’t
You wake up after napping and can’t swallow anything without wanting to gag or cry - it just hurts too much. Eddie worries so much over you as he tries to get you to drink some more tea, but it doesn’t help. You can’t even swallow painkillers because your throat is so swollen
After some debate, you let Eddie look down your throat with a torch because he insists - his eyes widen and he tells you that there’s red and white patches, that you should probably go to a doctor. You’re stubborn though and tell him you’ll feel better after more sleep.
That night is absolutely miserable for both of you because you can’t sleep for more than a few hours at a time without waking up in pain, and nothing Eddie does seems to help: you’re just in so much pain and you’re running a fever, alternating between having the sweats and having chills
Poor Eddie just wants to help so bad but he feels kind of useless because all he can do is let you curl up with him as you whimper and cry out in pain
You try showering or bathing in the morning but you’re burning up and can barely move, he has to help you get to the bathroom and help you get cleaned up because you can’t stand straight
When Eddie tries to make you some food, you turn all of it down - you can’t even swallow water or ice cream without it burning, without it feeling like knives in your throat, and you have literally zero appetite now anyway
Getting a doctor’s appointment quickly in Gotham is pretty much impossible, the healthcare is severely underfunded in most parts of the city and you’d be more likely to shit gold than find a decent doctor on short notice - but Eddie has his ways; somehow he manages to get a doctor to see you that evening, and he listens to everything the doctor says so he can help you get better
You get prescribed a course of antibiotics (penicillin) and Eddie is so diligent about making sure you start them immediately: he writes down the times you take a dose, makes sure you have all your doses, spaces them out so that you have a chance to eat between doses but can still take the pills on an empty stomach like you’re supposed to… he just wants to help you so bad, all he wants is for you to get better ASAP because he hates seeing you sick and in pain
He knows he could catch whatever you’ve got but he doesn’t care: when you ask him to cuddle you, he’s all too eager. You spend most of the week as you recover with his arms around you, his head on your chin, your head on his chest, his voice low and vibrating in your ear as he mumbles and tells you his favourite riddles
It doesn’t matter that your brain is too fogged and tired to understand riddles right now, hearing him recite them is enough to bring a small smile to your face because it’s just so… him.
You wear one of Eddie’s hoodies or jumpers when you’re feeling shivery and feel so comforted by it because it smells like him 💚
The two of you put some boring daytime television shit on and fall asleep to it together, curled up on the couch with a blanket 🥹
He helps you get to bed early after a dose of antibiotics, pulling the duvet over you as you doze off and pressing a kiss against your hot forehead; he stays by your side all night, barely sleeping himself, watching you and brushing your hair from your face as you sleep
The relief on his face when, the day after you start taking the medicine, you tell him your appetite is back and you’re feeling a little bit better is honestly so goddamn pure, his face lights up and he’s just so damn happy that you’re already doing better
Eddie does his research on what foods and drinks are good for sore throats and fevers because of course he does, and he is all too happy to cook and make things for you to eat
He also goes out and buys a shit ton of sore throat sweets in your favourite flavour, like boxes and boxes of them, it’s really so endearing
Let’s be honest, being sick really fucking sucks - but it sucks a little less when you’ve got Eddie there with you, giving you cuddles and looking after you 💚
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modern-inheritance · 2 years
Vivid dreams about the future Eragon tv show
I had extremely vivid long dreams last night but the thing is it was me having vivid dreams, waking up in them, writing a tumblr post about what the dream was, realizing the dream was a vivid dream, then going back to sleep in the dream to dream more of the vivid dream I had dreamed within the dream and I…I don’t know what’s real anymore.
The dream inside the dream was that a trailer for the Disney+ Eragon show came out and it was bad. And then woke up to take my dog out but made sure I was holding her collar because I felt like my roommate’s cats had escaped and one of them had, so I scooped him up (it was Jack, which should have tipped me off because Jack HATES being picked up) and put him in a dog crate and put Gabe in a dog crate too because they kept getting out.
I guess I sat down in front of a tv at a combination of Nancy’s house (much older friend. I only say her house because her husband/partner was there) and Mama Cathy’s house and the new Eragon show was on the tv.
And oh man it was BAD. Like it was weird as all hell and BAD. Half the time elves didn’t have pointed ears, which I later griped to Mama about because I said it was something we hated in the movie. Eragon looked like a brown haired but less strong jawed Ed Spellers or however his name was, Islanzadi was bald for some reason? Like got her head reshaved in the dream? Durza had some dope tattoos on his face Ngl. 
Speaking of faces that was some pandemic in the elves where the first born male of the houses got sick and would die and for some reason we learned this by an elf in a crowd protesting another elf’s imprisonment at Gil’ead got shot in the chest with an arrow and  Arya and Faolin and/or Glenwing saw a message on the arrow that they had killed him twice now, which caused some confusion but when they peeled his hood away from the side of his face there were like...teeth and an extra lipless mouth in his cheek that he apparently had not been aware of and freaked out about. Which was apparently some part of the disease? It was all very Doomsday (2008 movie) and had elements of the tv show version of The Last Ship I think.
Anyway, I think there was some plot with like...a serial killer? Eragon didn’t find Saphira’s egg, he found a...large duck plushie? sorta thing? maybe? And oh there were these murders and wait, American Dad! made its way into this one so I won’t go into it. There was a snackbar subplot here too, but it was I think when I was ‘awake’ in the dream. I wanted to buy some Sour Patch Kids, Spree and something else, but the person didn’t understand me and tried to charge me for 73 margaritas that someone else had ordered. I flipped out, the other person paid for their stuff, but then they were packing up the snackbar and I forced them to let me buy the candy. Three packs of candy that totaled $15, which honestly would not have tipped me off to vivid dreaming because that’s like...marching band competition/movie theatre prices and I thought I was at some sort of band competition. 
ANYWAY, back to the Eragon stuff. I kept thinking that the new show was out, so I wrote a long tumblr post about it complaining about everything, pointing out how at the stuff that they gave us for the show made the movie look good in comparison because it actually followed some semblance of the book’s plot. 
Then I realized that I must have been vivid dreaming, so, I added that at the end of the post so that people wouldn’t think I got early access or something, and went about my business. Still saw parts of the show and kept reminding myself that I was vivid dreaming it, but would still add to the post. 
Well I eventually fully woke up and realized ALL of that was a vivid dream. I had a vivid dream about vivid dreaming within my vivid dream. Multiple iterations. Which somehow combined everything I had interacted with or talked about the previous day: I talked to both Nancy and Cathy via text, I’m currently catsitting for my roommate and terrified they’re gonna get out because they know how to open the inner door, I watched American Dad! yesterday, I listened to a few serial killer vids from Lazy Masquerade last night, I saw sour candies in the cupboard but refrained from eating them, I read the wikipedia plot summary for The Last Ship, Islanzadi’s shaved head was probably referencing all the commercials for the new Black Panther movie, etc. And the whole Eragon thing tying it together is probably because I spent yesterday collecting all my copies of the Eragon games. 
So yeah. 
The problem now though is that I think I got up in real life and took my morning meds when my alarm first went off, and then went back to sleep. But uh...I have no idea what the hell to trust. Fun times.
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Yong-pal (2015)
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I liked this show, but the premise is legitimately bonkers. It's a modern day take on sleeping beauty—only there's no handsome prince—just an overworked (but obviously handsome) doctor, a bunch of gangsters, and some crazy corporate infighting. Let me explain... no there is too much. Let me sum up...
The first 10 episodes were enthralling. The lead character Kim Tae Hyun (aka Yong-pal and played by Joo Won), was originally framed as a cynical anti-hero who is in way over his head and has to do a ton of unethical stuff. But then he finds himself trapped being an unofficial guard for Han Yeo-jin (aka Sleeping Beauty and played by Kim Tae-hee), and at some point he decides he doesn't want to be one of the baddies and helps her escape.
This takes about 9-10 episodes to work through and has some great action and tense surgery moments... because this is an action / medical drama, and you meet alot of interesting characters.
Then just past the mid-point of the season, Sleeping Beauty is finally free and she starts taking back the Kingdom and taking revenge on everyone who had anything to do with locking her in the castle. This Takes 3-4 episodes and is about where the show starts to drag a bit.
Then we have 2 episodes of board room corporate warfare that doesn't make much sense and the OTP hits a rough patch and it starts to really drag.
Then the ending arc is bonkers (**spoilers** there's poisoning, cancer, miracle surgery, people who disappeared 5 episodes ago returning to Save The Day(TM), lots of pretty people crying, and kids in a clinic). I wanted to see how it ended, so I kept going until the end, but it was slightly disappointing.
Why the Show Worked Anyway
Casting! This cast is so pretty, and so much fun to watch, and the characters are fascinating enough that you just don't care how crazy the plot is.
Kim Mi-kyung is still a standout actor. And she's young enough that she doesn't have to be anyone's mom (all the moms are dead in this show, because of course they are). She's the Head Nurse at the hospital instead!
Joo Won gets to play a doctor who is kind of an action hero at the start but then loses his super powers about the time he (**spoilers** gets shot). I liked him, but the other characters are so colorful that he almost seems tame by comparison. The show needs someone to ground it, and most of the time that's Joo Won.
Kim Tae-hee is very good as well. She spends 10 episodes being sick and crying alot (while managing to look cute instead of terrible). Then she gets an arc where she's basically a corporate mob boss and goes on a murder-for-hire spree, and I think that's probably where she's most interesting. I think she does alot with the part she's written, but her character isn't very nuanced.
Chae Jung-an is another standout. I think the character was written very inconsistently (and not just because she pretended to be a ditz some of the time), but she was so much fun to watch that I kind of just went with it. Could have done without some of the cringy scenes in yoga pants at the hospital, but even that was still funny sometimes.
Stephanie Lee (or Lee Jeong-ah) had maybe the coolest role that wasn't a lead. Morally grey but (due to careful writing) not really evil, she's basically the fixer for the VIP floor of the hospital. And it was nice to see a Korean-American in a role.
Honorable Mention to Jo Hyun-jae as the evil step-brother. His character tended to bad-guy monologue. His schemes pretty much always blew up in his face. However, he somehow made this two-dimensional baddy feel like a real person. Or at least, enough of a real person that you felt sorry for him a few times.
I got alot of enjoyment out of episodes 1-10 or so. I didn't hate the rest of them, but it felt like the writers didn't know what to do, and so they just started putting stuff out there almost randomly. And even the stuff they setup earlier in the season was so bonkers that it felt random. Still a good show that is fun to watch (most of the time).
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takabinaryy · 3 months
Pumpkin Patch
( this was originally written during October in 2022) Caregiver- Stolas Little-Blitzo 3-5 Agere age. Blitzo calls stolas "birdie" because I said so.
During October in hell of course it was a cold and a very windy day. Full of demons planning and scheming for plans for everyone's favorite Time of year. No it wasn't Christmas. It's Halloween of course! A certain owl prince , had plans for his little love. Pumpkin picking, making fall treats , watching movies and such. However Stolas's little love work up small today, that definitely didn't change thier plans for today. So after breakfast the little imp was scooped up into his birdie's arms , and back into their shared room.
" Birdie nu we gotta go outside! The leafs need messin wit!"
" Yes yes I know you want to jump in the leaf piles. However it's cold out and I would definitely hate it if you got sick."
" Hmm kitty ears hat? "
"Yes you can wear your cat beanie , now let's get you dressed in warmer clothes , Little one"
And just like that Blitzo pouts but that turns into a smile when he's handed his beloved horse stuffie"Milkshake". Stolas hums a little tune as he goes through the little clothes he had gotten the imp , over the years of supporting his husband's coping mechanism. The owl demon finds some cute warm clothes and brings it to the toddler on the bed showing Blitzo the clothes. Of course the regressed male doesn't really care about the other clothes, he does however make grabby hands at the cat beanie. Which makes Stolas laugh in amusement and gets his little love dressed in a adorable black knitted sweater with tiny white ghosts all over it, paired with grey overalls. And the cute black cat eared Beanie that the baby made grabby hands at a moment ago.
It even has custom made extra yarn bits to cover the imp's horns so they don't get cold.(blitzo's horns are sensitive to the cold) And lastly Stolas puts on the warm fuzzy pumpkin socks and little dock martins on the baby's feet. Honestly blitzo was very adorable dressed like that especially when the little one was so happy about the the beanie and the leaf piles. Blitzo jumps off the bed to go look into the full length mirror to see the beanie. A smile spreads on his face loving the outfit mostly the beanie.(it was a gift from his sister , that's why it's so well loved)
Now that they are outside the regressed one of the two immediately runs off and jumps in all seven piles of leaves in the front yard. Once all piles are no longer in well piles anymore, Stolas dusts off the leaves and twigs off his little one before picking him up and, settling the toddler on his hip and begins their walk through the park and to Blitzo's work place to meet up with Millie and Moxxie. Now hours later the group is now at Millie's family farm that just so happens to have a pumpkin patch. And where are loona and Octavia you ask? Well the two are actually costume shopping doing their own thing together, you know sisterly bonding moments , at least that's what Stolas likes to call it. Blitzo himself was getting excited seeing all the pumpkins everywhere he wanted to definitely get out his Birdie's hold and run to all, the pumpkins however before the group got there. He did promise stolas he would behave and be good while they were here. Something about respect? Eh who knows.
" Now blitzy sweetheart if I put you down will you not run off without me? Hmm?"
Stolas asks being a little curious about his little dove's answer. Since said imp is known for needing a backpack leash sometimes. Heck even when not regressed to. Anyway said little nods his head yes before answering verbally instead.
" I promises birdie! "
" alright little one , birdie will put you down now. Sweetheart "
True to his word , stolas puts his Little one down with a gentle pat to the other's head. The owl smiles with amusement as the imp takes his caregiver's hand and happily leads the other to the pumpkins. Having excitement written all over his face and even waves at Millie's parents , seeing them helping a few kids pick out their pumpkins. After a while Stolas's little imp had picked 5 pumpkins, four regular ones, and a small white one. Millie actually laughed when she saw her regressed boss try and carry all five pumpkins by himself. When two of them fell from his hold, stolas stepped in to help and just put the two that fell in a wagon with the two other pumpkins that Moxxie and Millie had actually picked out. Once they gotten back to the castle (all three imps and wolf were staying there for the upcoming holidays)
Stolas had put his little one down for a nap in his room. And then helping the other two imps clean off the pumpkins of all the dirt and such. Octavia and Loona come back exactly two hours later with a few bags in their hands. Two of them set the bags down next to the now cleaned up pumpkins on the table. Via looks over at the two imps and can't help but laugh at the two , Moxxie is trying but failing at trying to stick on those rubber bats on the wall, they keep falling off each time he puts more tape on it.
" Mox Honey just hand the darn thing to me instead, I'll just tac it to the wall instead."
" The stupid things just don't like me, that's all. "
" Thier rubber decorations sugar"
Moxxie huffs then hands of the box over the Halloween decorations to his wife. Millie just kisses his cheek and helps him out on readjusting the bats on the walls with tacks instead of the tape. Loona of course rolls her eyes at the mushy lovey dovey couple, then walks over the Kitchen to get the knifes for carving the pumpkins.
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stfuviolet1 · 8 months
If there’s one lesson I could list out of any other lessons I learnt for the past one year; is to stop seeking validation. All my life (as far as I remember) I was seeking validation and tbh, it’s whack. I’m starting to admit that I, no matter how many times I told myself that I don’t give a fuck, somewhere somewhere inside my heart, I still care. A people pleaser? Perhaps.
But that would be the last year Fey. This year Fey? Boy she prolly still gives a fuck. In fact there’s too many fucks to be given. The question is, who’s worthy of her fucks? Yeap I’m so selective with who I choose to indulge myself with now. Ever since I’m determined to pick myself up from the rock bottom about a year ago, I didn’t look back. It’s the promise I made to myself. To never ever put myself in a position where I was a couple of months ago. Ever. Guess it’s right, you gotta hit rock bottom to rise from the ashes again. Picked myself up each day, slowly building my strength and confidence back, accepting all parts of me when I used to hate looking at myself in the mirror. Being kinder to myself starting last year is no doubt the most noble thing I’ve done to myself. I suck at something or fuck things up? It’s okay lesson learned let’s try again. It’s not the end of the world. I got sick? Poor baby girl let’s make you some hot soup and get you hot patches and nice hot chocolate while binge watching our favorite show. The way I’m treating myself right now is literally is the way how I would treat my inner child. I got you Fey, I got you.
So after all these roller coasters journey (yeh ngl life still sucks at times but honestly it ain’t life if you ain’t tripping) it’s safe to say I stop seeking for validation be it from family, friends or even a partner or a guy duh. To hell to anyone who thinks otherwise of me cause I know exactly who I am, I know exactly what I want and I know exactly who I want to be. But don’t get me wrong tho, I still welcome compliments as much as I welcome constructive criticism. There’s à different from being a high value person and a jerk.
Anyways coming back to the point, I probably don’t care as much as what people think of me as long as I’m doing fine. BUT,, something funny happened today. Or rather, sweet? Weird? Fishy?
A 5 year old boy… ok let’s just put his name here. HAMZAH. Yes you hear it right, hamzah, my one and only IGCSE student for reception level just called me ‘pretty’ earlier today!!! Like wtf,, ok I’ve been getting compliments from little kids multiple of times before but coming from hamzah? Again, HAMZAH? boy for a second I thought I was dreaming when I heard that but yo, I got receipts. I was recording him and the rest of the students who joined our experiment today. I’d show it but nvm, it’s for my safekeeping only.
So I greeted everyone with good morning and as everyone else replied back he at the end of his sentence said “GOOD MORNING TEACHER NURUL CANTIK” at this point I had to play cool but gosh my heart drops lmao. 6 months and counting being his teacher all I can see is he’s very selective, egoistic, sensitive, bossy, reserved, hot headed (sounds so much like me) I rarely hear him compliments anything other that his superficial characters/toys etc but when he said that to me, it calms my heart knowing he actually could be as expressive(?) the way he appreciates beauty is what I found heart warming. I mean for a 5 year old, what do they know much about adjectives? But I guess it’s nice to know that all this while, I have been seen as a good looking woman. At least to his eyes. It means the world to me. It’s enough to put a smile on my face and lasted the whole day.
Sounds so much like seeking validation? Maybe. But he IS an exception.
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queennicoleinboots · 9 months
Patches' Nightmare, part 1
A/N: Thanksgiving holiday drama at its finest for the fourth year in a row
The Rock Fish in the English Channel was a complete self-centered, self-important, self-righteous asshole with no concept of how to be thankful for anything. He was 58 years old and 10 feet long and still hadn't grown up or learned much of anything. That's where being a Neanderthal who takes testosterone and eats 30,000 calories a day gets you. He isn't any different from the rest of his Neanderthal family, really. In fact, he's worse because he had plenty of time to know better.
Sure I felt bad for his head being a rock, but Kings Chocolate-covered Gummy Bears, Queen Nicole, the two Lindsays, the two Patches, King Bruce Ace, Queen Megen Ace, and I have been cooking Thanksgiving dinner for him for six days now. He could focus on what we are doing for him instead of his own self-centered, self-important, self-righteous giant head. It's his own fault anyway. "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" is a dumb way to live. How about taking a few herbs, drinking carp and red, red wine, and actually sleeping?! And I can't believe he needed to manifest a doctor to tell him the same thing I just did! I told him in more detail than the doctor/death dealer did. The Rock Fish became a complete idiot.
I am so sick of dumbass people and dumbass holidays around me. So naturally I flipped the fuck out. I told people six years ago that I was sick of this damn shit. I have cussed my mom the fuck out for six and a half years in a row, too. It turns out she was a spy for the French Intelligence Agency. So if this dumbass rock fish thinks I'm not about to blow, he is truly out of his fucking mind.
The cats named Patches hissed in stereo.
This is what the fuck I gotta say:
"Well, I'm dropping off the food in YOUR REALITY. I don't have room in my reality for your stupid dumb fucking bullshit! AND I TOLD YOU THE SAME SHIT THAT DAMN DOCTOR/DEATH DEALER TOLD YOU BUT IN MORE DETAIL. YOU ARE REALLY PISSING ME OFF TODAY!
You are the most self-centered, self-important POS asshole I've ever fucking met in my fucking life!!!!!!!
I am going out of my way to make a nice holiday for you, and you COMPLETELY ruined mine over your stupid fuckass head!
Get it together and learn to actually be thankful!!!! You're 58 years old and you're still clueless about what being THANKFUL is or what the word fucking means!"
This is what the fuck the Rock Fish had to say:
"Wait a cotton-picking minute! When I woke up this morning, I found one of my quills in a stream of four miles of piss. I swam in it! That's what sent me into a different reality. Calm the fuck down; I'm back to this reality.
These holidays gave me a headache, stressed me the fuck out. Calm the fuck down.
I couldn't tell you how many times I've been called self-centered, self-important, and self-righteous. You forgot to mention self-absorbed, lol."
The Kings Chocolate-covered Gummy Bears growled. "Please eat and shut the fuck up both of you. This is what the fuck I gotta say: Fuck these pointless scruffles, number 1. Now that we got that out of the way. Number 2, I hate these God-forsaken holidays. Nine years ago, there was an epic battle with over-cooked flaxseed brownies. I hated those evil brownies, Mama Bear's malfunctioning oven, and my degenerate family. Every year, something fucked up happens. In 713 A.D., Mama Bear growled loud and walked the fuck out of the forest. We didn't see her until a month later, around Saint Nicholas's birthday. Number 3, All I want is for everyone to be thankful and shut the shut the shut the fuck up."
"Thanksgiving is fucked without people being thankful," the past Queen Lindsay said as she sat at the table with her royal maroon dress. "Speaking of fucked up, Patches is due for a veterinarian examination."
The two cats named Patches meowed in slow motion. Their eyes were wide, and their mouths were open for a minute/minute and a half. They meowed until my ears bled.
King Angry Chocolate-covered Gummy Bear growled. "I'm never doing this again! Stressed me out! Drove to the grocery store, took 20 separate trips for everyone, spent 3000 gold for you assholes to start squawking bullshit. Don't ask me to do anything again!" he screamed before he bleated.
Cody howled loudly to Swahili singing. The Hatari (762 A.D.) world joined us for Thanksgiving.
"Oh fuck not this bad theatrical performance!" Peter growled as he drank a shot of his Evan Williams and tried to manifest the Little Safari World from Toto's 'Africa'. "These holidays are too much. They are back to back at the end of the year. SEPARATE THEM A LITTLE!!!"
Then the song 'Africa' by Toto played in the background:
"Arga, where's Missy?" Kurt asked as he jumped off his horse.
"In her room," Arga, the Swahili houseboy, answered.
"Thank you. Get me some coffee, will you?" Kurt asked as he went to Patches' room. The two calico cats shared a room.
Chef Vanilla Mac was swimming in the stream while I was on the other side laying down.
My happy King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear was howling fiercely at Kurt and Patches singing, "Whiskey, leave me alone! I just want to go home!!" Kurt, our Patches, and the angry King Chocolate-Covered Gummy Bear disappeared out of that reality.
Peter turned into a giraffe and bleated loudly.
I laughed and turned into a jaguar who looked like Patches. I started eating herb and garlic goat cheese.
Count Vanilla Manilla rested.
Queen Megen Ace was taking a bath, so naturally, I went to check on her.
"Ohhhh!!! Mamma Mia!" Queen Megen Ace screamed and stood up while covering herself with a wool towel.
I walked over and licked her right leg.
"HELLPP!!!!" Queen Megen Ace screamed.
King Bruce Ace rushed in and chased me with a chair. "Don't move! Stand back!" he yelled.
I laughed and walked away playfully.
Kurt returned to this reality. He and John Wayne walked over.
"What's going on here?" Kurt asked. "Patches, why is he poking you with a chair? Come on, let's get out of here. You don't belong here!" He pet me as he ushered me outside.
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hey hello taku dear <3 gahh once again we haven’t spoken in too long :( anyways it mostly was bc there was zero tokrev brainrot in me buut there is now!! so i’m back here hehe.
also funfact i just fiNALLY started rereading tokrev and i’m doing it in french bc. idk i just felt like it?? i hate french but i’m actually practicing it now lol. and ngl i understand more than i thought i would-
anyways on saturday i watched la gardiennes de la planète (a movie abt whales) in the cinema and idk how but. like halfway through a merfolk concept just popped into my head n bc i obviously couldn’t just forget abt it i decided to write a tokrev merfolk au. so guess who’s writing their fourth moshion fic? me. idek why but they have a chokehold on me and i keep writing abt them. tho it’s fun so no complaints <3
well i insaned abt the fic a little... okay that’s a lie i wrote 3.5k of fic in the span of 22 hrs, beating my preccious record of 2.7k in 24 hrs. so okay i’m more than a little insane abt it- so so so plot and lore bc i cannot contain myself. firstly shion’s a merman n mochi is human. then it’s also a college au but mochi isn’t studying rn bc for plot conveniences his last semester of highschool n his 1st semester of college don’t line up so he’s got a few months of free time. i still hc that his parents are rich af but imo he lives alone in a rather small flat he pays with his own money as best he can bc he wants to. idk. well okay so basically what i’ve written so far: mochi finds shion injured n tangled in a fishers’ net at the beach while on a late night walk, and takes him to his flat to help. there he fills the bathtub with water for him, and gets the rope off his body. lastly, he treats his injuries. then he goes to sleep bc it’s the middle of the night- and when he wakes up again the next day, the bathtub is empty and shion’s lying on the floor in his corridor. and he suddenly has legs. bc in this au merfolk just transform into a human form into drying out (n then transform back when they’re wet enough. which is very wet) and shion my fav idiot tried to go back to the ocean on his own but got stuck in the hallway and got too dry. also bc i think that’s the most realistic version of transformation it hurts like a bitch bc i mean your tail literally splits to form two legs- well mochi patches shion up agAIN and they finally talk n exchange names bc my merfolk have diff vocal chords in ther mer form bc they commumicate like whales underwater. tho they can just. speak human language too in their human form for some reason. i mean they understand it bc they watch n listen to humans talk but i haven’t figured out why they can SPEAK it if they lile never do. anyways that’s small enough of a plot hole :) so yeah that’s basically where i’m at in my writing.
i still need to make them fall in love and do more things together and god what else but. i hope i’ll manage somehow bc this is gonna be longer than my usual works aj dgk gkfjsj i mean i’m already at 3.5k and they barely know each other. guess they’ll have to fall for each other quickly idk
but yeah. that ramble is a lot longer than planned n i already shortened it- well. i hope you enjoy merfolk aus as much as i do bc you’ll probs get more rambles abt them while i continue writing lol
and hello to you elys my love !!! so true best friend, I MISS WHEN WE USE TO TALK ALL THE TIME </3333 ig both of our tokyrev hyperfixation have kinda died down for a second- but glad urs is back!!! i might try and get back into it but my bandom hyperfixation just keeps eating me up more and more like help 😭😭
OH FRENCH!! THATZ SO FUCKIN RAD DUDE but yeah go you!!! thatz fuckin sick!
whales :3 oooh! im not too much into fantasy aus tbf but that sounds cool!! YEAHHH GIVE IT UP FOR MOSHION (their shipname is so cutie patootie.....) but yes as you should ngl they are so blorbo scrimbli i need to write for them so fucking bad my god
oh my god you literal beast WHAT damn bro already sounds like he wants to be part of your world /j im sorry i had to. but true i could mochi as being loaded ngl
eeeeeee im so excited for this !!! it sounds good i cant wait for u to finish it. but istg if u randomly turn this into an angst i will fIGHT you
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thatwriterchaotic · 2 years
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Man's Best friend (Dog part 2)
So a lot of you really liked my last post Dog. I decided to make a part 2 from Dog. Haven't been really sure about what I've wanted to write with Daryl lately so here we go. And if you haven't read the first part to this I suggest you go back and read if you want. Anyways thanks for reading as always. :)
Word count: 1166
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
It was supposed to be an average Sunday afternoon. Not much was happening in Alexandria. You decide to sleep in a little more than usual. When you woke up you didn't feel the warmth next to you where Daryl sleeps. You knew he was always an early bird. Waking up at on godly hours of the morning to you. You sat up and stretched feeling a slight pain in your shoulders.
You got out of bed and got dressed for the day. It was oddly quiet. You knew Daryl usually took Dog with him everywhere he could. But something just felt off about today. That's when a loud yell came from outside. It sounded like Rick. You quickly grabbed your knifes and put them in the holsters around your hips. You bolted out of the house and to the gate where you saw Rick, Michonne and Carl surrounded by someone hunched on the ground. You didn't realize who it was until you heard Dog bark. You picked up the pace. You felt your nerves go haywire. What happened to Daryl!? Was he hurt?! Your mind raced with thoughts.
Once you finally made it to Rick and the others. You got down right beside Daryl and noticed he had scrapes all up his side and leg. He fell off his bike again. Probably from getting away from walkers. But his bike was no where in site. Did he walk the rest of the way here?? You were happy Dog was with him at least. Daryl groaned and whined as he laid on the ground. “Shh Daryl it's okay we are going to get you help”. You said softly brushing his hair out of his face.
The others came over quickly with a cot. Michonne pulled you back a bit so they could pick him up. You felt sick to your stomach with worry. You knew he had done this before but it still made you worry. “He's going to be alright” Michonne said softly as she hugged you. You sighed softly hugging her back. “I know, I just care about him so much”. You s
A couple of hours had passed, you sat waiting outside the medical room. Denise was inside patching Daryl up. She asked you to wait out here until she was done. Soon she came out and looked at you. “He's knocked out but you can come in now I'm all done” You nodded and got up out of your chair. You thanked Denise before entering the room. Daryl laid in the bed with bandages all around him. His arm and shoulder, down to his leg. He had a small patch above his eye brow where he scraped it.
You sighed softly as you walked over and gently sat down on the bed next to him. “Going to give me a heart attack some day Daryl Dixon” You said quietly to yourself. You reached out and gently grabbed his hand rubbing your thumb across his knuckles. You herd light taps across the floor. You knew it was Dog. Carol was watching him for you while you checked on Daryl. But you knew eventually Dog would want to see Daryl. Dog worried just as much as you did about him.
Dog jumped up and laid down at Daryl's feet whining. “Shh it's okay boy, he's going to be alright” You said softly reaching over to pet him. Daryl groaned as he woke up. He felt like he was hit by a truck. He eventually got still and looked around seeing you and Dog. You smiled softly gently gripping his hand. “Hey hey, you're alright Daryl it's just me and Dog” you said to calm him down.
Daryl relaxed and slipped his fingers in between yours. “hey sunshine” He said as he looked at you. He hated making you worry so much and he knew you must have been doing that for hours. “Sooo you gonna tell me what happened or am I going to have to ask Dog?” You said as you looked at him and then Dog.
Daryl sighed and sat up a little. “okay okay, I was out scavenging with Dog and a hord came out of no where. I hopped on my bike and started heading back when I swerved trying not to hit a walker, I fell off my bike and slid across the road and must have knocked myself out. Dog woke me up and lead me back home” Daryl explained feeling like an idiot.
You sighed softly trying not to laugh. Daryl Dixon, bad ass on a motorcycle wrecked because of a walker. Eventually a small laugh came out and Daryl playfully hit your shoulder. “Hey that's not funny you ass” He said in a bitter tone. You knew he meant nothing behind it. You smiled softly and leaned down kisses his cheek. “It totally is not funny, my poor Daryl is all hurt” You said teasing him more.
You could see a tiny pout on Daryl's face as he rolled his eyes at you. You giggled and gently laid down beside him. Curling up to his side and laying your head on his shoulder gently. “Just messing with you, but if it weren't for Dog you would still be out there” You said softly, happy they both made it home somewhat safe. Dog perked up and moved to lay in between you and Daryl, wagging his tail. Daryl wrapped his arm around you gently drawing shapes into your arm with his fingers. “Yeah he saved me today, good boy” Daryl said kissing your forehead.
You smiled as you reached down petting Dog's head. “He really is man's best friend, that dog would do anything for you” You said softly. You loved how much Dog cared for Daryl. It had only been a few months since you found him and they already had a very close bond. You relaxed and got comfy next to Daryl being careful not to hurt him. “You should rest” you said softly looking at Daryl. He looked so tired from all that pain he went through.
Daryl grunted in agreement. He held you close and nuzzled into you. “If I'm napping so are you” He said before slowly drifting off to sleep. You smiled softly and pulled the blankets up. If you could lay here forever with Daryl and Dog you would.
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