#anyway this just goes to show that i'm not very competitive and only get that way when REALLY worked up
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
The weekend retreat was SO lovely, you guys. I felt like a teenager again, and that isn't just because we spent two and a half hours running around in the dark tackling and wrestling and nearly biting each other in a frenzy to win a game that got WAAAAY too competitive xD
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krisdreaming · 1 year
Baby Fever
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Pairing: Miya Atsumu x f!reader
WC: 1.2k
Summary: Osamu and his wife just had a baby. Now Atsumu sees them everywhere.
A/N: This kind of took a very different direction than I was originally planning and tbh, I kinda hate it now, but I spent over two hours writing it, so I'm gonna roll with it anyway. Maybe when I re-read it in the morning, I'll hate it less 😅
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There's a term for it. Atsumu isn't sure what it is, but he knows that as soon as you're exposed to something new, you start noticing it around you more and more. That must be why, ever since Osamu's son was born, he's been seeing babies everywhere. They're at the grocery store. They're at the park. Suddenly, half of his teammates have been expanding their families like it's some kind of competition.
Suffice to say, Atsumu has seen more than his share of babies over the past few weeks. Sure, they're cute, or whatever. When a baby smiles at you, you can't help but smile back. When they grab onto your finger, you let them hold it for as long as they want. When they engage you in a staring contest across the grocery store aisle, you only put up a little bit of a fight before giving them the satisfaction of winning, flashing a sheepish smile at their mom or dad as you turn the corner.
The sight of the little monsters has started to trigger a strange twinge in Atsumu's middle, which he chalks up to the fact that he's an uncle now. There's a brand new member of his family, and he's really happy for Osamu and his wife. Seeing the babies everywhere reminds him of that. That's all it is.
See, the two of you had talked about this. You aren't ready for kids right now. He's in the prime of his volleyball career, and you love your job. You're both happy as just the two of you, spending your free time together doing the things you enjoy and getting a full eight hours of sleep each night. Having a baby would change everything. Your last discussion on the topic, right after Osamu and his wife had shared their pregnancy with the two of you, had ended on that exact note. He's pretty confident that's still how you feel. He's relatively confident that's still how he feels, too.
Of course, the longer it goes on, the harder it is to explain away. He watches Osamu doting on his son, snuggling him close and kissing his cheeks and smiling bigger than Atsumu's ever seen before. He knows his brother is tired, but he doesn't seem to care. He watches the way he looks at his wife, and the way both of them look at their son, and it softens something inside him. He sees you cradling your nephew close, cooing down at him with a soft smile, and his heart turns over in his chest.
Finally, one day, he comes to Osamu with a question.
"What's it like?" Osamu is wiping down the counter at Onigiri Miya, clearly trying to disguise his surprise and mild consternation at seeing his brother show up out of the blue, five minutes before closing time.
"What's what like?" He grunts, scrubbing at a ground-in glob of rice.
"Y'know," Atsumu gestures vaguely, "Being a dad."
"Ah," Osamu hums, grasping that quickly what this is all about. "It's incredible. I mean, don't get me wrong," He chuckles, "It ain't easy. It's way worse than whatever ya try to imagine based off a' everybody's helpful advice," He lifts his hands in air quotes. "But somehow, it's also worth it, in a way ya never could've imagined it would be. The way ya feel every time ya look at 'em - ya can't even put it into words."
Atsumu isn't sure how he's supposed to respond to that, so he just nods. Osamu smiles, looking him up and down with a too-critical eye. "Any special reason yer asking?"
"No," Atsumu says with a quick shake of his head, "Just curious, 's all."
Osamu nods, not saying another word, but the smirk on his face is more than enough to make Atsumu want to knock it clean off. Osamu's answer is exactly what he'd been afraid of.
It comes to a head one sunny Saturday afternoon when the two of you meet up with Osamu and his wife and son to visit a festival. The afternoon is starting to wind down when Osamu unceremoniously dumps the baby into Atsumu's arms. "Hey, mind watching him while we go to the bathroom quick?"
"Ah, sure," Atsumu says to his brother's already-retreating back. You poke at the baby's irresistibly pudgy cheeks, giggling along with him when your attentions illicit a bout of laughter.
"Oh my, what a sweetheart!" The elderly woman seems to appear out of nowhere, something Osamu is constantly describing but which Atsumu hasn't experienced until this moment. "Such a happy baby," She grins. "How old is he?" She looks expectantly at you, and after you gather your wits, you answer her.
The woman nods knowingly, as if she'd predicted as much. "Are you having a fun day with Mommy and Daddy?" She asks next in a goofy voice, completely oblivious to the way Atsumu chokes on the breath he'd just been inhaling and you shoot him a wide-eyed glance.
"Ah, well, actually-" You stammer out, at the same time Atsumu blurts, "We're not his parents."
"I see," She says good-naturedly, "Well even so, he looks very happy with you." With that, she goes on her merry way, and you and Atsumu share a bewildered look. Osamu and his wife return from the bathroom, and neither of you mentions the awkward encounter. It doesn't come up until later that evening, when the two of you are lying in bed.
"That was really somethin' today, huh?" Atsumu asks, trying to ignore the fact that his stomach is suddenly in knots.
"The old lady?" You chuckle weakly. "Yeah, 'Samu's right, they really don't have any shame, do they?"
"Yeah," Atsumu says, then takes a deep breath. "Do ya think, maybe, it's time to have that conversation again?"
You're silent for a few moments, and he can't quite place the emotions that cross your face. He doesn't have to explain which conversation he means.
"Maybe," You finally agree in a low voice. "Are you saying that your decision might be different this time?" It could be his imagination, but Atsumu almost thinks that you look hopeful.
"Maybe," He says carefully. "Would yours?"
"Maybe," You echo him, but there's a smile playing at the corners of your mouth.
"There would be a lot of changes," He says softly, fingertips tracing aimless shapes up and down your arm.
"Maybe we're ready for those changes," You murmur back, catching his hand in yours and letting him twine your fingers together.
He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. "As long as I've got you, I think I might be."
"Me too," You say, leaning in slightly to nudge the tip of your nose against his. When he kisses you, he hopes the pressure of his lips can convey even the things he can't put into words. He can't imagine living this life with anyone else.
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mrskyler · 6 months
hello!! i was wondering if i could request a platonic Jinwoo x m! reader fic (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
y/n info: he'd very introverted and antisocial, making Jinwoo his only friend. he doesn't show much emotion, but not in a menacing way.. more like.. a doll? if that makes sense. he also lives in a very empty n ominous mansion-ish building. he doesn't talk much at all, but loves listening to Jinwoo talk. the first time he saw the shadows he was kinda spooked, but sees them as friends :3
so basically.. antisocial goth y/n :3
he may or may not have watched period dramas with Beru when Jinwoo wasn't there
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✮⋆˙ The boy in the window next door.˙⋆✮
「 Sung Jin-Woo x Antisocial!Goth! Male Reader ( Platonic ) 」
Versão Português
「 English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any writing mistakes ‹𝟹 」
⌗ a/n : SORRY FOR THE DELAY ANON! I don't have time to write because school is literally killing me 💀💀 But I hope you like it anyway! ‹𝟹
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
Whenever Jinwoo finds himself remembering his childhood, the first thing that comes to mind is a huge mansion that was close to his house.
The reason for this was perhaps because she was completely different from anything he had ever seen.
Its color was as dark as a starless night, causing its figure to be rooted in the back of his mind like vines.
At the entrance, it had a large black gate with sharp spikes at the top; a vast and beautiful garden with long bushes of red roses, and in the center, there was a fountain – being the statue of an angel holding a vase. As said before, the mansion was completely black, along with its windows – which seemed to have a wine-like tone.
Jinwoo remembers that when his mother took him to school, they always passed in front of the mansion's big gate. Thus, causing Jinwoo's eyes to be immediately drawn towards her, and most of the time, he would see a figure in one of the windows on the 2nd floor, but the moment he blinked, It disappeared.
A few years later he discovered that people lived in that mansion.
The (l/n) family.
On a specific day, Mr. and Mrs. (l/n) had a big party, inviting everyone from the neighborhood. Jinwoo parents didn't want to seem rude, so they accepted the invitation.
Jinwoo will never admit it, but back then, he was afraid of the couple. Since the (l/n) only wore black clothes, and had this cold and indifferent aura.
But the moment the couple saw his family standing at the door of the mansion, they greeted them with a big smile on their faces – shined so much that could be compared to the sun itself – and a cheerful and kind personality.
Jinwoo remembers that Mr. (l/n) couldn't stop shaking his father's hand in an excited way.
Jinwoo's mother has him sitting on a soft red couch, while she goes to get him some appetizers to eat.
Seeing his mother disappear among the other guests, Jinwoo turns around, only to find himself face to face with a child sitting on the couch facing his.
Jinwoo is startled, giving a noticeable jump. He puts his hand on his heart, feeling it beating quickly, but Jinwoo swears it was about to come out of his mouth. This definitely took 5 years off his life.
After a while, Jinwoo calms down a little. 'Who is this boy? He wasn't here before...' he breaks out in a cold sweat, looking at the mysterious boy suspiciously.
Meanwhile, the boy was just there, looking at Jinwoo with those big, dilated eyes – like a wild animal staring at its prey, motionless as a statue.
Jinwoo wonders if this boy is a living person or just a weird, extremely detailed doll, as he doesn't even appear to be breathing and his face doesn't seem to express any specific emotion.
Unconsciously, the two began to have a competition of who blinks first. Jinwoo was afraid that if he blinked or looked away for a second, the boy would disappear or appear next to him on the couch.
Jinwoo was startled when his mother appeared holding a plate with some appetizers – placing it on the small table between the two boys.
Then, his mother started talking to the mysterious boy.
She turned around with a smile, "Jinwoo this is (m/n), son of Mrs. and Mr. (l/n), say hello to him."
After that day, the (l/n) family always called Jinwoo's family to have dinner together or just spend the weekend at the mansion playing golf – yes, they had a golf area in the back of the mansion.
This ended up resulting in the two families becoming great friends, along with Jinwoo and (m/n).
As time passed, Jinwoo realized that it wasn't that (m/n) didn't have emotions or feelings, he just didn't know how to express himself, ending up looking like a lifeless doll.
Like the day they met.
Jinwoo was surprised when (m/n) said that on the day of the party, he was very excited to talk to Jinwoo, but didn't know how to start.
So (m/n) just stood there...
staring at him.
Years later, when they were both adults, (m/n)'s parents moved to another city and left the mansion in (m/n)'s hands.
(m/n) didn't awaken as a hunter, so he started making dolls of all kinds. And he even made a lot of money selling them.
He had difficulty talking to other people, so the only friend he had in all these years was Sung Jin-Woo. And even when Jinwoo had his 2nd awakening, (m/n) thought it was really cool and remained his longtime friend.
But one thing was certain, Jinwoo always left Beru in (m/n)'s shadow.
The problem was...
(m/n) didn't know that.
(m/n) was almost finishing one of the dolls from an order.
The last thing he needed to do was choose which of the two dresses looked best on the doll.
'The blue or the red?' (m/n) asked himself mentally.
"blue " replied a voice from beyond.
(m/n) jumped, causing him to hit his knee on the table. As he cringed in pain, he could hear, deep in his mind, a desperate voice repeatedly apologizing and saying something like:
"My majesty will kill me!! ".
After that day, Jinwoo introduced Beru to (m/n).
(M/n) found it strange and uncomfortable at first. For the simple fact that when he was working, someone was there with him, watching what he was doing in complete silence.
So this was how Jinwoo felt when they were both kids and he just sat there and watched him play?
He was never much of a talker, but he loved listening to Jinwoo talk to him.
But after a while, the two started talking to each other, and every now and then, (m/n) asks the shadow in the shape of an ant, which of the dresses would look prettier on the doll.
Just like the day they met.
They definitely watched period dramas together at Jinwoo's house. And when Jinwoo arrived from a portal, (m/n) was asleep on Beru's shoulder.
୭🧷✧˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
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oddeyes588 · 26 days
gOD I'm eating so well today... we're finally getting some good characterization for Ruri and Rin... hell, it's incredible that we're getting some characterization for them AT ALL. I'm gonna ramble about it.
Ruri. Oh Ruri... it's genuinely so funny seeing her complete contrast with Yuto and Shun, who have all the dark and broodiness that comes with being characters who've been sharpened by the harsh edges of war. Yuto is in a bit of a middle-ground compared to Shun, but Ruri sits on the complete opposite end of the spectrum to her brother.
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She's very chill and sweet, in stark contrast to Shun's tendency for rage and violence. Hell, she's the only one of the Xyz Trio who ISN'T glaring constant daggers at Dennis. She's sympathetic, and this goes in line with what we already knew about her. Having received the same teachings from Yusho as Yuya, she's pacifistic and hates the violent dueling that destroyed her home, as it's not what dueling is meant to be.
While Yuto and Shun get understandably hardened in order to do what is necessary to survive, Ruri doesn't want to lose what she loved about her home, and as such tries to maintain it. It's not like she let everything that happened slide off her back, she still has fear for Academia, but she's readily sympathetic, and it's honestly very sweet to see. While Yuto and Shun are still trying to adjust into the process of healing, Ruri is ready to dive in headfirst, because that's exactly what she was waiting for the whole time.
Basically, for having seen the Horrors of War, Ruri is handling herself remarkably well.
And at last... Rin. Rin is hilarious in a few ways, but to start with a more serious note...
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It truly does speak to how good of a place Heartland was versus how shit of a place the City was from the get-go, because out of the two, Rin is somehow the more traumatized one? Not that anyone can blame her, since she grew up in a Capitalist Dystopia where you can be arrested and sent to a "correctional facility" indefinitely for the crime of, uh, trespassing on the property of the rich. Oh, and at the age of 14, too! Rin is often scared and fully ready to choose violence over it. Honestly, the idea that Rin's automatic reaction to somebody lunging out at her is to drive her knee into their stomach makes way too much sense... and it really speaks as to how little brain cells Yugo has that he doesn't learn his lesson, and keeps trying to hug her out of nowhere.
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But with that said... god I love Rin, actually. Despite Yugo's inability to learn why you don't suddenly glomp somebody, she's got exactly the amount of "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" energy that we expected... by which I mean she has an ABSURD amount of that energy. She cares about Yugo just as much as he cares about her, though she shows it via the very hilarious method of affectionately dragging him at every opportunity.
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And it's actually so great. I love her. Anyways! It's also neat to see how her overall focus is actually on a much smaller scale compared to everyone else. Yuzu has—or rather, had—obviously she asks about her home, asks how the Synchro Dimension is doing... and she's happy to hear that it's finally on the right track. But while the other three girls are somewhat vested in the fate of the universe(s), the state of their home, etc... Rin seems to focus a lot harder on the fact that she missed the Friendship Cup on account of being kidnapped at the time.
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And while yes, there's a hint of tragedy to that considering that the losers of that particular tournament are all sent to an underground work facility to be worked until they die...
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...her being lowkey SUPER competitive is a delight.
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desi2go · 1 year
What do the perfect dates look like?
What would the Stray Kids members do with you?
Pairings: Stray Kids x reader
Warning: fluff
Author's note: I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update. These days I'm really stressed and need to focus on my A-level. Anyways, HAPPPY BIRTHDAY FELIX 💕 if you have any requests, just ask ;-)
~~ Bang Chan ~~
Chan loves the nature. Especially the ocean and everything that has to do with water. So, when it's warm, you to like to go to a sea. A beach date is for Chan the best, because he loves you and the sea. Whenever you have the time, you two spend the whole day at the beach. Getting a tan, playing games and swimming is a must. Chan and you would do a swimming competition to find out who is faster. Of course it was Chan, but it was fun. After you were for hours in the water, you would lay on your towel, enjoying the sunny weather while you two cuddle. When the sun goes down, you walk along the water and watch the beautiful sunset.
It isn't a secret that Chan likes to cook. He often cooks for the other members. Sometimes, especially when it's cold outside or the weather is bad, you adore to cook together while listening to music. Most of the time, Chan will cook because you can't cook well and the chance of you getting burned is really high.
~~ Lee Know ~~
Minho likes the autumn, so whenever you two find time, you would walk around and enjoy the nature. Autumn symbolises wealth and abundance. This is exactly how he feels around you, filled and richly endowed.
Minho and you adore the cool air and all the bright colours in the nature. You would stroll through the rustling leaves, holding each others hand to keep them warm.
You also like to do Movie dates with your boyfriend and his three cute cats. Usually he would let you pick the Movie while he gets some snacks from the kitchen. After placing a blanket on your laps, he would cuddle with you. It will not take long until his three sweet cats will jump on your laps, purring and ready to be pet.
~~ Changbin ~~
I think that Changbin would go to a good bar with you. Grabbing a drink while talking to you about the day. If a stranger would ask you out, he'll just watch and be amused because he knows that you can handle it on your own and even if the person is very intrusive, he will be there and protect you.
When he sees you humming to the melody of a song, he would ask you, if you wanna dance. He knows that you love to dance with him, so you agreed with a big smile. He twirls you around the little dance floor, laughing and giggling.
Like Lee Know, he would also do a Movie Date with you, but he loves to watch scary movies with you even though you were a little bit scared. But you know, he'll protect you, if a big bad monster would try to eat you. Maybe that's why he is training so hard at the gym?
Hyunjin loves to be around you. You inspire him like you're his muse. Every time you to are together he gets so many painting ideas. In the summer, he loves going on a picknic date with you. You're also interested in art, so every time you have a date outside, you would bring your art supplies with you so that you two could paint together.
In this time you don't much, only a few sentences. Just enjoying each others presence and being inspired by it. After you finished your paintings you showed then to one another and exchange them so that you have sweet little memories you can look at in the future. On the side you feed each other the food you brought with you.
When the weather isn't that good, you go to a museum, looking at the famous art. You two try to guess what the artist meant and wanted to express with that painting. What was a serious game at the beginning became more and more silly by your jokes. Most of the time, you ended up creating funny and chaotic stories while you laughed out loud.
On a day off, Han would take you to your favourite Café. It was very hidden and in a quieter area of the city so that you could go there without worrying that someone will recognise your boyfriend. On the way there, he told you proudly his new jokes that he came up with. You laughed because most of them made no sense at all.
In the Café, Han would order you an iced coffee with a piece of strawberry cake, your favourites. He ordered himself a big piece of cheesecake and chocolate cake. You shake your head amused because he was like a black hole. You could feed him so much and he would still be hungry.
In the winter, you two love to go skating. At first you were insecure because you never tried ice skating before. You stood there, shaking and trembling. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was because you feared to fall. Han just smiled and pulled you on the ice. You clawed at him tightly, not wanting to fall. But after you overcome your fears, you loved skating, especially with Han.
~~ Felix~~
Whenever you two have time, you like to spend the whole night on a field, looking at the stars. Laying in each others arms on a soft blanket has become a habit for you two. You adored the mild summer air while you only listen to Felix's heartbeat.
I think Felix loves to bake brownies with you. You two will challenge each other to see who bakes the best. While you mix the ingredients, you dip with your index finger into the flour. "Hey Felix!" You shout. Immediately, Felix turned around. Quickly you brush over his nose and spread the flour. You chuckle when you notice his confused look.
He brushed over his nose, looking at the flour, then looking back at you. He grabs some flour and walked to you. You run through the kitchen while you were hunted by your boyfriend. At the end of the day, the bake date turned into a merciless flour battle.
He will take you to a walk through the city or a park. He doesn't plan where you two are going, just being spontaneous. Whenever you see something interesting, he notice how your eyes shine and will go with you into the store or cafe.
He will hold your hand the whole time and brush slowly over your fingers. A short walk turns sometimes into a four hours or more walk. Your boyfriend and you loved to watch the sunset on a park bench while you lay your head on Seungmins shoulder.
After that walk, you often go to the little restaurant, that you discovered on a walk. It's small, but the food is great and the service excellent. Seungmin loves the little things like sitting in that restaurant and admiring your wonderful body, your face and that sweet, gorgeous smile you give him.
At the first few dates you two ever had, Innie was so nervous. It was the first time he ever dated someone therefore wreck. He stumbled over his words and played the whole time withe his accessories to calm himself. After some time the nervousness faded away and made room for the incredible love for you and the comfort around you.
I think that Innie would love to go to a karaoke bar with you. Of course he'll sing some Stray Kids songs to impress you. But on the other hand, he'll sing with you funny songs, joke around and be totally silly. He loves to hear you laugh that's why, he will choose the strangest songs. On the other side, he'll adore every tone you sing and will compliment you for your voice and how good you can sing.
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mayajadewrites · 10 months
Suguru Geto x Reader: Never Say Never
Hi!! Geto is my favorite JJK character, so I knew I had to create a fanfic for him since I rarely see any! This is geto x reader, but I will be using first person instead of saying "you" constantly. This series will have smut.
This is a modern Suguru Geto AU!
Summary: Reader and Geto have been basically raised together. They've been enemies, frenemies, friends, and now roommates. Has there been a connection all this time that both of them have ignored? What are they willing to do to prove this connection wrong?
ao3 link
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Suguru Geto has been my sworn enemy since I was in diapers. We were born about 2 months apart, and our families never let us forget. His parents and mine are very close, like close enough for us to spend holidays together.
Suguru has always been a source of not only competition, but annoyance. He was always making fun of me or pushing me down the slide when our parents weren't looking. While he has gotten older, that doesn't mean he's matured. We fight every day, some say like a married couple. I would not want to be caught dead in a marriage with Suguru Geto.
Now, in our final year of college, I can say that Suguru has grown A BIT. We still hang out constantly, but we also have other friends that balance us out. Gojo, Shoko, and Nanami.
The 5 of us rent out a house together so we can stay near campus and have cheap rent. This also meant complete chaos almost every weekend, courtesy of Satoru Gojo.
"Knock, knock." Geto burst my door open, without actually knocking.
"You know you're supposed to knock on the door before you enter, not say it." I lift my eyes from my book. "What is it?"
"What book are you reading?" Suguru leaned against my doorframe, his tall stature taking up most of the space.
"Suguru I swear, what the hell do you want?"
"I just came in here to say..... you're late to your last class. By like, 30 minutes."
I grabbed my phone and gasped, glaring at Suguru. "You waited until NOW to tell me?!"
"I didn't know it was my responsibility to get you to class on time."
"You knew I was reading, and when I read -"
"You get immersed into the world within the words. I know." Suguru shook his head. "It's one day. I'm sure your professor will be fine with it."
"Who am I? Gojo? I can't sweet talk my way out of things. Speaking of, where is that white haired rodent?"
"I think he's hosting a woman in his room."
The house was mapped out with my room and Geto's room on the first floor, while Gojo, Nanami, and Shoko have their rooms upstairs.
I'm used to sharing almost everything with Suguru, so a bathroom was nothing. The only thing that sucked was hearing girls moans from his room when he decided to bring them home from a night out.
"I'll send my professor an email saying I felt sick. Next time, please get me out of my reading trance if I'm late."
"You got it." Suguru winked, turning on his heel and walking out of my room.
"Shoko, do we have to go out?" I whine, brushing my hair.
"It's Gojo's birthday. We have to. He's gonna drag us out against our will anyways."
I scoff, finishing the curls in my hair. Gojo always goes all out for his birthdays, obviously this year is no different. He reserved a table at a club with his favorite bottles. As his roommates, we're obligated to go.
I ran my fingers over my black ribbed midi dress, accentuating my every curve.
"Your ass looks fat as hell." Shoko smiled, smacking it lightly. "Someones trying to bring a guy home tonight."
"If I bring anyone home, it'll be when no one is here. I hear enough from Suguru and Satoru." I tie my heels up my shins, kicking them up to show Shoko. "The only man in this house that's respectful is Nanami."
"Kento keeps to himself, that's why. He doesn't like hookups, he wants a wife."
"Smart man." I finish my look with my favorite pair of gold earrings, twirling my body. "How do I look?"
"Like any man is gonna want a piece of you." Shoko smiled, flattening her dress. She's sporting a tight, short, green dress with chunky heels.
"Ladiessssssssss." Satoru sang. "It's time to go. The Gojo train is exiting the building."
"Coming!" I grab Shoko's hand and leave my room. The boys are gathered in the living room, Satoru obviously looking the most... well, Satoru. Nanami is wearing a grey suit with a patterned tie, his undercut freshly done. Suguru is wearing a plain black suit with his hair tied up in a bun, but a couple of pieces of hair are in his face.
"Damn." Gojo whistled at Shoko and I. "You ladies clean up real nice."
"Tone it down birthday boy." I roll my eyes, grabbing my purse from the counter. "This happens once a year, so we do this for you."
"I'm eternally grateful." Gojo bowed, his glasses at the bridge of his nose, exposing his piercing blue eyes.
I couldn't help but notice Suguru's eyes glued on me. He's a man of few words, but his body tells a whole story. His eyes followed every curve, mesmerized by the movement.
I'm blaming it on the fact that I never wear dresses like this.
"You ladies do look beautiful." Nanami said, pressing his hands to our shoulders.
"Thank you, Kento." I look to Suguru, who looks like he's fresh out of words for the day.
Nanami ordered the Uber, so it was outside as we all were ready. The Uber was on the same type of time we were - playing club music and lifting our spirits more.
Suguru and I were in the back, per usual. Satoru always wanted to have the front seat, Nanami and Shoko got car sick, so we were stuck with the worst seats.
"Hey," Suguru looked at me with his chocolate colored eyes. "I didn't want to say this in front of Gojo, but you look beautiful."
"Are pigs flying? Is hell freezing over?" I look around, acting like the world is falling.
"That's the last time I compliment you." Geto shook his head, glancing at the window.
We hit a pot hole and my body flys into Suguru's, my tits pressed against his chest.
"Sorry!" The driver said with a toothy smile. "They need to fix these roads."
"Of course you don't have your seatbelt on." Suguru rolled his eyes, but didn't push me off of him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were the seatbelt police." I pulled the seatbelt over my chest. "Won't happen again, sir." I salute, while Geto sucks his teeth.
The club's music is blaring, so much so that I can barely hear a word anyone is saying. Gojo knows everybody, so he's mingling and celebrating his birthday his favorite way - by having other people celebrate him.
I'm sipping on my rum and pineapple, swaying my hips to the music next to Shoko. Geto and Nanami are close by, observing the crowd. Both of them are quiet and like to enjoy the environment since their social batteries are always running low.
"Come on boys, let's dance!" Shoko grabbed Nanami and Geto's hands, bringing them to the dance floor. "You too!" Shoko called my name.
Against my will, I followed Shoko. I'm not the best dancer but I'm not standing by myself at Gojo's table.
Shoko loves to dance, so she's in her element. Nanami dances like an old man - but it's cute at the same time.
Geto sticks by your side, not sure of what to do. He usually follows what Gojo does, since everything Gojo does is 100x more embarrassing than anything he could do.
I start to move my hips to the rhythm of the music when I feel a pair of hands on my waist. The hands are strong and come with a strong fragrance of cologne.
"That dress looks delicious on you." The man whispered in your ear. "My name is Toji."
I told him my name, taking in his features. He's rather muscular with long black hair that covers some of his face.
I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him toward me gently. "Do you always grab random women?" I say in his ear.
"Only the ones that look like you." Toji whispered in my ear, earning a smile from me.
I could feel Suguru's eyes burning a hole into my skin.
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cloverskentwells · 3 months
ficlet: inspired by this scene from the show never have i ever
when the rule change is announced, shortly after the hunt for katniss draws a dead end and the two cannons in quick succession of each other combined with the fact that marvel never met up with them announce the very probable fact that he's dead, cato and clove are left facing one another, shocked into stillness by the news. their weapons lie discarded at their sides, gathering dirt and whatever else is lying under the arena's soil to add little dark specks among the blood. the resounding silence echoes around them in a stark contrast from claudius templesmith's booming voice that had swept the arena just seconds before.
clove recovers first - out of the two of them, she'd always considered herself the faster one - and shrinks back into a persona she's comfortable with, her default shell of biting sarcasm and scathing sharp wit wrapping around her comfortably like a blanket to a newborn. "so it looks like we're the only two left," she mutters slowly, more to herself than for cato's benefit. "and we're in the finals, apparently." cato grunts in confirmation.
"it's awesome that you made it this far," he says slowly, and she can visibly see him regaining his wits in real time, the transformation obvious in the unsubtle changes of his facial expressions - unlike her, he had no practice in carefully controlling and mastering what he allowed his face to reveal. clove observes his recovery and takes note of his surprise, which is followed by slow acceptance, and then followed by the dawning of a reality she'd accepted several seconds before him.
naturally, his irritating habit of finding every opportunity to provoke her returns with his recovered senses. it doesn't take long for him to become his typically insufferable self. gathering his weapons and approaching her with the cocky smirk she'd come to associate him with, cato continues his jab. "we'll see how it goes, clover." his large hand settles companionably on her shoulder in a friendly gesture clove decides not to punish. she also doesn't bother to protest at the term of endearment - better cato, anyways, who says it with some modicum of grudging respect and admiration, then marvel (an ally she did not at all "dearly miss") who liked to relentlessly tease her and imply that there was something going on between her and her district partner that existed under the surface of their mutual antagonism and vicious barbed-wire threats.
clove watches him walk away, probably back towards their campsite (because of course he just assumes she'll blindly follow along like he's still the leader of a pack that's mostly dead - or close to it, in peeta's case), incredulously. "what the fuck do you mean by - cato, i'm telling you 'how it'll go' right now!" in a rare moment of weakness that she isn't proud of, she hastily stumbles after him so they can walk side by side as she gets the last word. normally, clove prides herself in not putting that much effort to win a verbal battle against someone, always ready with a cutting remark, but this time he's gotten the better of her.
cato's amused chuckles only agitate her further. "it'll go bad for you! and good for me! because i'm the better tribute and we both know it, you blonde oaf!"
he comes to a stop beside her to laugh, almost hysterically. and clove can't blame him, she can only blame herself for her lame attempt to sass him.
but because she was never one for self awareness, she blames everything but her own behavior. so many factors were responsible. the stupid rule change that meant they were inextricably tied to one another, cato for making it difficult for her to contemplate a reality without his hubris and deep chuckles and strength complementing her own as they fought side by side. cato for being her only tie to home and weakening her so badly she'd begun to consider him a friend. a friend, of all things, when he was supposed to be just some competitive asshole with an ego she could easily check with a well aimed blade at a lethal area.
because he felt the need to worsen her current feeling of indignity, cato smiles down at her - fondly, with crinkling and affectionate eyes as if he has grown to enjoy her presence. like an insane person. "fine, but we can go home together now, you know."
"stop that. we're still enemies. it doesnt change anything, and you know it." she feels the need to regain distance, and fast. hide whatever is the reason for this weird sense of gratitude that claudius templesmith's announcement had drawn out of clove.
"yeah, no shit, i can't stand you," he agrees, although clove doubts his sincerity based on the impish smile he's not working too hard to cover. cato watches her glaring back at him with his arms crossed in an obvious attempt to flex, leaning casually against a tree like he's some unreasonably handsome capitol model endorsing a weird makeup product, as always too confident and assured in his sense of righteousness.
it's a fight she has no chance of winning. with a huff, clove opts to ignore him, resuming the trek to their campsite and keeping him at her back where she doesn't have to deal with visual evidence of his presence.
he laughs lightly behind her, obviously amused by her failure to one-up him. her lips twitch upwards responsively in an exasperated smile that she forcibly suppresses.
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mmufanatic · 2 months
Ghosts/MMU headcanons
Anna is Alison in this au and Zosia is Mike because I don't think Zosia would put up with them.
-I can see him as Julian (mostly because of the politics), the captain or as Robin, purely because he'd love turning the lights on and off all the time because he's a chaotic little shit. Mostly as the captain though.
-He makes Anna download Duolingo for him but she has to actually do it everyday while he tells her what to put. (Think the captain with his run every morning but Duolingo).
-This can take hours as he is very competitive and wants to complete all the daily quests
- actually he's so melodramatic I can kind of see him as Thomas if Ralph lived there. He goes all 'Romeo and Juliet', 'kill yourself and marry me' when Ralph comes over.
-I can see Daisy as Fanny as they're both bossy and Daisy is canonically good at Deportment
-(only her husband didn't need to kill her as she was having an affair with the housekeeper anyway)
-she tells off Alexander, rather than Anna like Fanny does to Alison because she likes Anna but she can find a lot of fault with Alexander
-she is quite disapproving of anything after her own time ('Oh let's just do away with books and telephones then! Let's all become addicted to these new mobile phone things!') but was pleased about how women's rights have got better and was interested when she saw something about Pride on TV.
-(she now makes Anna play a lot of Girl in Red for her).
-I can see her as Pat because he keeps the peace with everyone and Hazel is responsible but I can also see her as Mary
- She would definitely follow people around chanting 'Get out, get out, get out...'
- I can also see her having all the superstitions that Mary has
- so kind of like Pat from Mary's time (she died how Mary did).
- she loves puzzle games online so Anna has to play a lot of them with Hazel telling her what to do
- Hazel is the only one (apart from Eric and Nuala) who doesn't burst through bedroom/ bathroom walls unexpectedly (Alexander and Beanie forget and everyone else just doesn't care).
- She would definitely be Kitty but quieter
- she just follows Anna or the others about to be included
- she does always get Anna to put the cartoons on for her in the morning though (Alexander watches them with her).
-Anna has definitely ended up buying way more Christmas/ Halloween/ Easter decorations than she needed because Beanie was so enthusiastic and no one can say no to her
-she found beanies very funny because it's the same name so Anna knitted her one even though she can't wear it. She just likes to look at it.
- I think Kitty would be Thomas since they both always have a crush
-(I can also see her as Julian just because of all the parties and the dirty jokes)
-she has a crush on pretty much every man who walks into the house
- (Imagine 'Free Pass' but its Kitty and George arguing over whether the actor is hot).
- definitely Julian.
- it's her who pushes Anna out the window, like in the show
- sometimes changes the channel or finds something a bit inappropriate online. She is in big trouble if Alexander or especially Beanie sees it ( then Kitty and George have to deal with it).
-I can see him as Kitty but maybe dying in a different way.
- maybe hypothermia from falling in the lake or poisoned by his step brother?
- he's very enthusiastic about pretty much everything (will watch anything on TV, loves every song on the radio, always wants to be involved in what's going on)
- he's the most trouble because he never stops talking. Ever.
- He follows Anna around talking and gets offended if she ignores him ( even if she's on the phone).
- she is Robin because she would love messing with the lights
- also I can imagine May going down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole
- Humphrey (because I'm not sure who else he would be).
-Jemima because she would love the dramatic entrance and freaking everyone out
- Annie because they're both so outspoken
- in this au she stayed long enough to meet Daisy. Daisy mourned for her when she got sucked off.
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How would the mercs react to their s/o trying to write them a love poem?
Ok, I'm not good at all with sappy stuff but let me give it a try. @blubushie (for mention of sniper. go crazy buddy.)
Demo: Demo is very emotionally backed up so it would take him a good long while for him to actually understand the deeper meaning of the poem. But when he does he wont really know how to react. He'd sort of stand around and wait for his S/O to ask him about it again so he could give them praises while he hugs them. If the opportunity doesn't arrive he'd probably try and write one back (badly) so they can bring it up.
Engie: Engie would start a little war between him and his partner. Its a gesture game baby and this man is king of subtlety. Though for love he's a bit of a show off. The more heated this fluffy little competition gets the more he amps it up. He's likely gonna try and show off with an invention or a song that'll knock the socks off of his S/O. Then he'd feel accomplished enough to lie down with 'em and whisper just how much all that stuff meant.
Heavy: Heavy is very poetic himself, though its a lot harder for him to explain it in English. Theres a lot of metaphor in his work he would have to explain to his S/O and thats easier said than done. He's very much a show don't tell sort of guy so why would he be any different in delivery. If they speak Russian rest assured that letter will return every bit of love reflected at him.
Medic: Oh boy Lutz would tease them so hard, he's so mean but he loves them very much. He's not at all used to this fluffy stuff and would scoff if anyone else did it. But with them? Of course he loves the goofy prose and obvious infatuation they have with him, how could he not? He loves every bit of the attention and will make sure to prove it by being plenty affectionate throughout the week.
Pyro: Pyro almost goes too far in excitement, theres likely a chance that Pyro just saw the Letter P followed by a heart in their bedroom and just about pranced with glee. Pyro is the type to parade their partner around proudly showing off how much they love each other. This ends up with half finished love poems strung around the room that the two encourage each other to finish.
Scout: Scout is an absolute dweeb but he'd try to play it cool by insisting that it was only expected of him to get 'fanmail'. Truth be told though Scout would melt into the floor from a kiss to the cheek by someone who he can actually call his partner. So this gesture is returned the very next day by a goddamn tsunami of gifts at their house.
Sniper: Sniper doesn't know how to react to this at all? He isn't sure why its necessary, and its hard for him to understand, but its the thought that counts. He's conflicted for a while about why exactly they'd want to tell him how they feel in writing. He's ultimately very confused but he keeps it pinned to the inside of his vest or tucked neatly into one of his pockets to keep their words on him. (He's grown on me thanks to someone I know.)
Soldier: Soldier doesn't get it but he's a big enough doofus to love it anyway. He seems like the type of guy who only ever really got valentines cards for parties. So if his S/O wrote him something he'f for sure cherish it. Even if he didn't fully understand the point or its meanings. He's a lot like Drax from Gardians of the Galaxy.
Spy: Very bold of his S/O to assume he's going to be the only one receiving love letters. Its very likely Spy knew very well before hand that they were going to be making him one so he thought ahead and got them presents and a letter of his own to be prepared. This cheeky and clever asshole!
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stories-of-the-nrm · 5 months
The Great Race Part 5
(Ashima finds the docks manager.)
Dock manager: Well we do need to clear the line for the coaches. We have a cruise liner stopping here at 2 o'clock and the vacationers will need to have a train for their tour of the island. Do you think you can shunt the cars on the oceanside line to the middle line?
Ashmia: Yes sir. Thank you for giving me a job until another engine arrives to help me.
(She blows her whistle and goes on her way.)
Narrator: After spending time helping Salty and Porter organize the docks, the cruise liner arrives promptly at 2 pm.
Salty: Ha ha arggh! You did a fine job, me lady. The docks are in ship shape for Edward's train.
(Edward's whistle is heard in the distance.)
Edward: Oh. Hello there. I wasn't aware that we have a new engine.
Ashima: My name is Ashima. I was left behind when the ship going to the Great Railway Show stopped here by mistake. I was hoping if there was an engine who can help me.
(Edward rolls back to be coupled up to his train.)
Edward: I think you should follow me to Wellsworth. Gordon's train travels all the way to Vicarstown. You can ask our controller if you can accompany him on the trip as his banker engine.
(Ashmia smiles.)
Ashmia: Thank you so much, Edward.
Narrator: And so Ashima accompanies Edward as they travel to Wellsworth.
(Sir Topham Hatt's about to leave his office when he gets a call from the station master.)
Sir Topham Hatt: I see. Well have Ashima wait in a siding until Gordon arrives. I'll have the stationmaster in Vicarstown tell Ashima about the bridge's schedule when they arrive.
(He hangs up the phone as we cut to the stationmaster walking up to Ashima.)
Stationmaster: I need you to wait in a siding until Gordon arrives. He'll need a banker engine to get over Gordon's Hill.
Ashima: Yes sir.
(She blows her whistle and rolls to a nearby siding.)
Narrator: When Gordon arrives, he's very confused to see Ashima.
Gordon: Who in the world is this?
Ashima: I'm sorry. My name is Ashima. I was left behind when my ship landed at your docks by mistake. I'm supposed to be competing at the Great Railway Show. Your controller said I can be your banker engine until you get to Vicarstown.
(Gordon looks annoyed but sighs.)
Gordon: Are you even able to go more than 30 miles per hour?
Ashima: No but I work on an Indian rack railway that travels up into the mountains. I can help push you up the hill without you having to push yourself to a maximum speed.
Narrator: Gordon realizes he can't waste time arguing. So he decides to get coupled to his coaches.
Gordon: Well try to keep up. It would be unacceptable if I reach the station late.
(Ashima rolls herself into position where she's right behind Gordon but uncoupled.)
Narrator: The guard blows his whistle and Gordon shoots out of the station. Ashima maintains her maximum speed just to keep up with Gordon.
Gordon: Why are you going to the Great Railway Show?
Ashima: I'm participating in the shunting competition.
(Gordon laughs.)
Gordon: Shunting?! Leave it to a frivolous show to come up with such a competition to cater to the small tank engines.
(Ashima humphs.)
Ashima: You shouldn't be laughing at someone who's helping you and can easily let you get stuck.
(Ashima starts slowing down just as they reach Gordon's Hill.)
Narrator: Gordon gasps and looks very concerned about being stuck.
Gordon: Oh please speed up. I'm very sorry for being rude. I just can't be stuck on this hill again. My passengers will be delayed and say this is a terrible railway.
(Ashima waits a second before helping him.)
Ashima: Alright. But only because you apologized and the passengers come first.
(Gordon feels the ease on his tender and sighs.)
Gordon: Oh thank you. I promise to help you in anyway I can once we get to Vicarstown.
Narrator: So Gordon and Ashima work together to get the train to Vicarstown on time.
(The stationmaster walks onto the platform.)
Stationmaster: Gordon I have terrible news. The Vicarstown bridge is broken. You won't be able to stop here for a couple of days until the bridge is repaired.
(He notices Ashima.)
Stationmaster: Terribly sorry. I'm afraid you won't be able to travel to the Mainland either.
Ashima: I see. Does your controller know what I can do until the bridge is repaired?
Stationmaster: I believe you'll be able to assist in shunting duties whenever necessary. For today you will be working in the shunting yards here.
Ashima: Yes sir.
(Ashima blows her whistle and rolls away.)
Ashima: Goodbye, Gordon.
Gordon: Goodbye, Ashima.
Tagging: @bluy1206, @thefedoragirl, @jayde-jots, @colaxcoco, @ethereal-capricorns-blog, @pxmun, @pxmun2, @glitterking599, @gordon208, @nelllia, @werbitssft, @klein-sodor-bahn, @ladychandraofthemoone, @sketalya, @postmodernpre-grouping, @thesudrianchronicles, @milkagaisme, @ihatewoodpeckers, @lavenderrosiefan, @eyesinspaceisgone, @jordeynnotgordon, @asktheoriginalorder, @engineer-gunzelpunk, @bladexjester, @lnwrcauli, @justyourlocaldieselsimp, and @pacmandia.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
do you have any ao'nung and tsireya bonding w their new brother, spider, hcs?? <3
I had almost finished writing this post out, and then my computer died, and I wanna scream. anyway
both siblings are good kids, so when their parents take spider in and tell them to treat him as one of their own, they do it. spider is their baby brother (we don't know ao'nung or tsireya's ages, so they might be younger, but I don't care, spider's the baby of the family as far as I'm concerned) from the second he's brought into their home
tsireya is the sweet supportive sister from the very beginning, she loves having another baby brother to coddle and annoy (cause that's what big sisters are good for). ao'nung is the pain in the ass big brother who would die before someone harms a hair on his head.
tsireya is the empathetic, emotional protector sibling; she helps keep him grounded, gives him a rock to hold onto when he can't go to their parents, since his sort of parental trauma doesn't just go away easy, no amount of proper parenting with undo it, so sometimes he needs someone in his corner when his mind gets the best of him. ao'nung is more of physical protector, he makes sure no one messes with his baby brother, that he takes care of himself, and that he doesn't push himself too far.
tsireya is normally the one who follows him when he sulks off, and it always works out the same way; she goes to find him, sits next to him without saying a word, and then waits for him to fall against her before she wraps her tail around him. sometimes she starts humming or singing, sometimes they talk, other times they just sit and listen to the water or the forest. he feels safe to just feel and react and cry when he's with her.
ao'nung is his partner in crime, they're attached at the hip, constantly butting heads, and always ready for chaos. ao'nung taught spider everything he knows about their culture, diplomacy, leadership, and mischief; so not only are they good at pissing each other off, but they're good at breaking havoc against any poor unfortunate soul, and getting away with it (they're best friends and it shows)
when spider first joins the village, but was not yet adopted, tsireya tries to be kind and welcoming, as she did with the sully's joining the village. ao'nung does the same, in the way that he treats spider like he did the sully's; he antagonizes cause he's a stupid teenager. he hits a sore spot fast and see's spiders true nature very quickly. he thought that spider was a relatively well-rounded kid like him, thought he could take a couple jabs here and there, he didn't know how badly he had been alienated his whole life, so the few stabs at spider's human nature revealed how sad and anxious he was, how hard he tried to fit in. he's pretty protective after that, so you can only imagine how he reacted when he found out how spider was treating himself, and how he was being treated by the sully's after neteyam's death.
when spider goes through his mental and physical burnout, its ao'nung that won't leave his side; he practically force feeds him when he won't eat, is constantly offering him water, watching him sleep, forcing him to clean himself up. he makes sure he won't lose another brother (spider's body gave out during the clean up of the battle, ao'nung subsequently witnessed it, and after losing neteyam, it made him feel a certain type of way).
ao'nung and tsireya were the first people to get spider to smile again.
spider brings out tsireya's competitive streak, they always have some sort of petty bet going on between them; who can finish chores first, who can piss off ao'nung first, etc.
ao'nung and spider, no matter how they present themselves, are fair, intelligent, competent leader's. they are s perfect duo when it comes to helping tonowari maintain the village during the war times and they're are constantly surprising everything everyone with how serious they can be at times.
spider likes to show his siblings his live by making them things or doing their hair. he likes quiet time with his loved ones.
ao'nung and spider are a mirror image of neteyam and lo'ak respectively, and it makes them both a little sad, and it chills the Sully's to their cores.
when they sleep together as a family, the kids sleep between their parents, with spider in the very middle, cause they all know that boy needs all the cuddles.
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reading-sometimes · 6 months
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games SHC Sorting
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This is part 3 of a 4-part series. An explanation of the SHC system by @wisteria-lodge can be found here.
Sci-Twi: Double Bird
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Sci-Twi is the version of Twilight from the human world. She's called Sci-Twi by the fandom (it stands for science Twilight) to differentiate her from the other Twilight, who's a Princess. I'll just be calling her Twilight, since it's already established which Twilight she is. Twilight is one of the few people in the movies without a Badger primary model, even though she gets one by the end of the movie.
The only thing that Twilight cares about at the start of the movie is getting into an independent study program, which would mean that she'd be studying alone. She doesn't mind it at all, because knowledge is one of the most important things in the world to her. Twilight is a Bird primary, so she's searching for self-actualization. She wants to get out of her school and explore the world. She wants to understand magic, so much so that she's willing to put everyone in harm's way, including herself. Sunset says that it was purely Principal Cinch's fault that Twilight turned into a demon, but Twilight made the choice herself. Principal Cinch pressured her, but Twilight chose to do it because she wanted to see the magic, not because of Principal Cinch. She's shocked when people are nice to her, and eventually becomes comfortable with an environment where everyone accepts her for who she is. It's the first step to Twilight developing her Badger primary model.
Interestingly for a nerdy character, she flaunts the rules at Crystal Prep, the school that she goes to, all the time. She ignores the rules against pets, and she tends to work around Principle Cinch. It's interesting, since Twilight is a stickler for rules in every other movie. It's more about the difference in environments than anything - when she's surrounded by people who support her, she flourishes. When she's not, she'll get what she wants anyway. She has a Snake secondary model, since she lies to Principal Cinch repeatedly throughout the movie. She drops the model after this movie, so it's probably a coping mechanism to deal with Principal Cinch.
Principal Cinch: Lion Bird
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Principal Cinch is the villain of this movie. I'm very unsure about her sorting, but whatever it is, she definitely has a lot of models. She has a Glory Hound Lion primary, and a really strong Authoritarian Badger primary model, so strong that I thought that she was a Badger primary for a while. She could be a Double Bird, which would provide a nice personality contrast to Twilight, but her personal philosophy never shows up in the movie, so it's hard to tell.
She talks about groups all the time, mostly focusing on her school, Crystal Prep. She shows her Lion primary when she talks about how her legacy will be restored; it is the only time she mentions herself instead of the school, though. She also allows her school to be a bastion of competition, with everyone competing for themselves and being miserable. Principal Cinch epitomizes her school; they act like a group, but no one really cares about each other. Everyone expects her school to be the best, so she'll do everything in her power to make sure that they live up to that.
She puts pressure on Twilight by telling her that the whole school is counting on her. She puts her top twelve students into the Friendship Games based on their skills, no matter who they are. She picked Twilight, even though Twilight was bullied and an outcast at Crystal Prep, and she demeans picking students based purely on their popularity. However, she primarily picked Twilight for her abilities; Principal Cinch is very cunning and cold, even though everything that she does is for Crystal Prep.
She preys on Twilight's fears of being excluded to get her to do what Principal Cinch wants her to - she understands people's motivations. She knows that Twilight only wants to see the magic, and uses that desire for her own ends. When Twilight turns into a demon, Principal Cinch runs away, which seems like she only values herself, until she suggests that everyone else should run away too.
As for her secondary, she's very direct. Instead of manipulating Twilight to join the Friendship Games, she tells Twilight that if she doesn't join, her application to her independent study program will be denied. She tells Twilight to spy on the other group for an advantage, not caring when Twilight said that it felt wrong. She has a Bird secondary, since she's willing to change her plan if something else works instead.
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floridagirlboy · 5 months
do you headcanon the branches as siblings, or family in some other way, or just, like, coworkers? I feel like some of them have very sibling coded relationships (army and coastie come to mind), but air force is more like space force's... mentor? (for lack of a better word) and maybe this is just me, but I feel like marine and navy are more homoerotic than anything else. anyway, just wanna hear your thoughts :D
i think that the branches, like other personifications, end up having kind of complicated relationships since they aren't human. and they've changed over the years considering they're centuries old (sans airy/spacey). so it's like a weird mixed bag.
army -> coastie: sees coastie like an annoying little brother/cousin (fond) but still recognizes him as a colleague/co-worker simultaneously. for a while he saw coastie like a child since he was established well before the coast guard
coastie -> army: sees army like a cool older brother. struggles to see him as anything professionally (he feels they're too friendly for that). at some point he saw army in a paternal light but that didn't last that long.
army -> marine: diehard rivals but also, like, a really deep fraternal bond. "i hate you but i'm gonna be the mother fucker to kill you" <- said with the anger and fondness only a brother could hold for his brother. constantly trying to outdo him. used to just mildly dislike him.
marine -> army: the "diehard rivals but sworn brothers" thing is mutual. he used to just see army as competition/someone to outdo. now it's more friendly (even if they sure as hell don't act like it). they don't consider each other related (like army/nat. guard do) but they do consider each other family. like.. brothers by choice. it's weird to articulate.
army -> navy: their relationship is... weird. they don't interact with each other as much as they would with the other branches. most interactions they have are at a literal geographical distance (given work circumstances). army finds navy agitating but, and he'd rather eat spent shell casings than admit this, kind of likes navy's teasing. he doesn't have any feelings for him but he enjoys the attention, even if it's meant to be patronizing and irritating.
navy -> army: enjoys how easy it is to piss off army and rile him up. coastie is usually unbothered, air force gets genuinely upset, and space force is...space force. professionally the respects him, personally considers them to be on decent terms, but overall recognizes the distance between them.
army -> space force: they don't really interact. his thoughts on space force can be summed up like "Air Force what the fuck is wrong with your dog" but would pick a fight with anyone outside of the branches trying to make fun of him.
space force -> army: doesn't feel much for army. not in an apathetic/dislike kind of way, more like "i don't really have enough information to know how i feel about this guy". but overall he doesn't harbor much negative sentiment.
army -> air force: he makes fun of air force constantly. but it's sort of like... "i'm trying to teach you how to have thicker skin" with the worst approach ever. also it's meant to be a friendly fraternal thing. he harbors a lot of professional respect for air force but he doesn't show it much or often. he doesn't really give much compliments or praise to anyone, but air force is probably the guy he's given the most compliments to over the years. but even then it's far and few between. personally though, he sees air force as a pushover who's totally full of himself. he likes air force's confidence [in his intellect] but hates how easily he goes from full of it to self-deprecating so easily. grow a spine damnit this is gonna hurt you!! also army thinks he's a big nerd lol. if you're not a branch he won't let you make fun of air force for being a wet rag nerd though. it's more personal than it is with space force.
air force -> army: thinks army is antagonizing him because he dislikes him. like he thinks this guy has nothing but contempt for him. wonders how he can never do anything right by army (unaware that army just doesn't point out the stuff he thinks is good, only the bad). he's a little numb to it at this point but it still stings. he's stopped taking it personally but unfortunately now he's assuming that he's the problem. womp womp
army -> national guard: it's... complicated. they're brothers, but they're not that close. army wants to be closer with him but he's never had the chance to. and now that it's been so long, with everything, he's not sure how. would natty want a guy like him to be his brother? plus, natty is actually older than him. but army grew up so fast he kind of ended up as the older brother after a few decades, and that just made their relationship more complicated. natty started out mentoring him and everything, but then it kind of flipped on it's head and now he's the big brother figure. he feels a lot for natty, but he's not sure what any of it boils down to or what to do about it. i think if he had to be honest about his feelings he'd say he feels like he owes natty everything, and he wishes natty had a better brother.
national guard -> army: him and army have a lot in common. they both don't know how to feel about their relationship, they both want to be closer, but they both have the emotional comprehension of a brick. while natty is better off than him in that department, it's just... not easy still. "for us to be closer it'd require us to put in a lot of work we don't know how to, and we don't logistically have the ability to either way, but if awkwardly eating dinner together sometimes and playfully bickering is all we have in the cards right now then i'm willing to play my hand every time"
coastie -> navy: beach buddies! they're friends on pretty good terms. navy doesn't really tease coastie. he sorta looks up to navy. used to see navy like a little brother. he thinks navy's forgotten about all that, though.
navy -> coastie: i think navy sees him almost like a little brother, but he doesn't consider him family. it's a mutual sentiment: "you're like a brother to me." the irony is that coast guard is older than the navy! but navy "grew up" faster so they dynamic ended up shifting over the years. before that, though, navy looked up to coastie and saw him as an older brother/mentor figure. he hasn't actually forgotten this; he feels a personal debt to coastie and takes this very seriously, which doesn't seem much like him (a guy who can't seem to take anything seriously and just parties a lot). but it very much is.
coastie -> air force: good friends! very good friends. coastie is actually kinda jealous of air force; he feels pretty distant from the main 4 (navy, marine corps, army, air force). he doesn't mind it, though. or maybe he does. nobody really asks.
air force -> coastie: cares about coastie a lot. honestly pretty concerned for him. he knows coastie is wayyy older than he is and he's sure that his happy-go-lucky attitude has a, like... centuries of baggage beneath it. this leaves his mind a lot, though, and he only really thinks about it when his mind drifts elsewhere. likes to hang out with coastie.
coastie -> space force: mutually feels left out of the main 4. likes how weird space force is. and how space force doesn't judge him for being so talkative. space force is actually kind of quiet so it gives coastie ample room to talk, and coastie feels like he actually listens. ends up tagging along with air force+space force often.
space force -> coastie: almost the same as the way coastie feels for him. honestly pretty happy that coastie talks to him like a normal individual/equal and not like.. some weirdo.
coastie -> army: sees army like an older brother but they're on surprisingly equal footing in terms of a "power dynamic"; army sees him as an equal as much as he does a little brother figure. they're pretty close. he's the bubbly golden retriever to army's pissed off german shepherd or something. worries about army a lot and does his best to help him without making it obvious.
army -> coastie: very close; sees him kinda like a little brother. i think his relationship with coastie is especially complicated on his end, though. because he already has a brother. but he's not very close with his brother. but he's really close with coastie. it's really difficult for him to parse. i don't want to say he sees coastie like a surrogate for the relationship he wants with national guard, but... well, he sees a lot of natty in coastie. and i think it kind of tears him up inside because of how complicated his feelings are on this. doesn't help that he has the emotional and interpersonal skills of a cucumber.
navy <--> marine: honestly nobody knows what's going on with them. i mean, they've never explicitly said anything. but there is, indeed, an incredibe amount of palpable homoerotic tension between them. they bunk together. navy drives him everywhere. you literally cannot see one of them without the other. and let's just say i didn't mention marine in the "why navy only teases army" tidbit for a reason. draw your own conclusions teehee :^)
air force -> space force: it's complicated. because of the circumstances of how they stared out, he almost feels a paternal kind of way towards space force? but also kind of just like a mentor/colleague relationship? but also like of like siblings? but also kind of just best friends? it's really complicated. but overall it's a very positive relationship. he cares a lot for space force, and it doesn't really matter to him in what way he cares for space force; paternal, fraternal, neither, both, secret third option.
space force -> air force: doesn't feel anything you could articular with traditional terms but air force is basically one of the only other branches he really feels anything towards. his feelings towards the others are pretty numb/shallow or he just flat out doesn't know them well enough, but he does feel pretty deeply for air force. nothing that is or could be considered romantic though, to be clear.
BASICALLY their relationships are all super duper complicated due to their nature as personifications and how they change over time. but they're all pretty tight knit (despite some being closer than others).
OKAY THAT'S. A LOT ALREADY SO I THINK I'LL LEAVE THIS POST AT THAT. if you're interesting in hearing about any other dynamics lmk!! thannk you for letting me autism about these fools. my little blorbinis. forgive me for the expanse of text i just start typing and cant stop.
p.s. i tried to make a visual for this with cute little signatures for them but i couldn't get it to work out the way i wanted to. but i still like the signatures. so here.
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toujokaname · 4 months
Card shuffle / Episode 7
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Author: Akira
Characters: Niki, Tatsumi, HiMERU, Kohaku, Aira, Rinne, Hiiro, AkanP, Mayoi
"...I've been in your care for a long time, after all."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: MDM Stage
???: I-I'm so sorry! I'm late!
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Niki: W-Woah, what's this?!
Tatsumi: Oh? Who might that person in the suit be, hurrying toward us...?
Are you familiar? Maybe it's a new Crazy:B member?
HiMERU: —You must severely lack interest in us, Tatsumi. Crazy:B is not recruiting newcomers.
Kohaku: Koh koh koh ♪ Who'd wanna join a buncha scumbags like us?
Aira: Well, yeah, Rinne-senpai may be a jerk, but at least the rest of Crazy:B are good people, right?
Kohaku: That's just like you to say, Rabu-han. That is, how's it any different from not understandin' us at all?
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Rinne: ......
Hiiro: ...? What's the matter, Nii-san? You're making a bitter face. Did you eat something strange again?
Rinne: Don't talk about me like I'm a habitual food scavenger. I ain't Niki.
Niki: How come I'm always catching strays~?!
Rinne: Anyway! You lot, quit yapping and greet properly.
This person is AkanP, the producer in charge of this project, Matrix.
AkanP: Ah, yes! I'm sorry for not showing up sooner! I've been a bit busy with personal matters...!
Hiiro: Fumu. Come to think of it, I recall seeing that name in the project proposal.
Aira: Hiro-kun's got such a good memory... There were so many names of people, I couldn't keep track of all the details.
Mayoi: I think it can't be helped... The project proposal was filled with minuscule, needlessly intricate text, making it rather challenging to decipher.
And even after reading it all desperately, I still couldn't understand what exactly they were trying to say.
HiMERU: A prime example of a bad project proposal...
(Whispering) ...Hm, so this is the rumored LandmineP.
Kohaku: Ha-haah. So it's Akan-han for bein' an akan (useless) person.
Rinne: Oi, oi, don't start making fun of names, or you might make some HiMERU-kun cry ♪
HiMERU: HiMERU takes pride in the name HiMERU, though?
AkanP: ......
Kohaku: Ah, sorry. It's just, we've caught wind of a lotta weird rumors.
AkanP: It's fine~... I know I've been called a lot of things. Haha, so I'm AkanP because I'm useless.
Kohaku: S-So you do hear folks talkin' smack about you! You never even tried to acknowledge our attempts to reach out!
HiMERU: At this point, your human failure index is quite high. This index measures how useless you are as a human being, with Amag... With Rinne as the benchmark at 100.
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HiMERU: By the way, Shiina scores around 85.
Niki: It's higher than I thought it'd be?!
Kohaku: And me? And me?
HiMERU: Oukawa is not a failure as a human being. Right, HiMERU would say about 4 or 5.
Niki: What's with that unfair index that's mostly determined by HiMERU-kun's subjective opinion?!
Rinne: Heh... Only a 5 on the failure index? Garbage.
Kohaku: Ahh? Where do ya get off tellin' me this or that when you're settin' the bar for what a failure should be?
AkanP: Ahaha. You seem to get along better than I expected, that's a relief.
Rinne-kun, you never gave off the impression of being very good at socializing with others.
HiMERU: ? Are you two acquainted?
Rinne: ...I've been exchanging messages with Akan-san regarding this project. That's all.
HiMERU: ? As Oukawa mentioned earlier, we were unable to establish any contact over here...?
Tatsumi: That goes for us as well.
Thanks to that, while we've heard about this Matrix competition, we don't even know what kind of match it'll be.
AkanP: Eh? Rinne-kun, you said you'd inform everyone properly—
Rinne: Aah! Yup, don't sweat it, just leave it to me! I won't do anything to embarrass Akan-san, for real, real ♪
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Rinne: ...I've been in your care for a long time, after all.
Aira: ...?
[ ☆ ]
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aoyama-division · 5 months
Tomi's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
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Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Tetsumasu-san? He's taking part in this contest, as well? And he's the leader of a team? ...If it weren't for me not wanting to embarrass myself or because it would be improper of me, I'd probably laugh myself silly right now. The very thought of this man leading a team, any team for that matter, is downright foolish as it is ludicrous."
"No doubt you're probably wondering how exactly I know this man. I don't, not exactly anyway. I only know of him because he works as a horse breeder at the Spur Stud Ranch. Why should I care about this? Because my family, or rather I, own several of the horses there. You peons might find this hard to believe, but... I actually adore equestrianism. When we were younger, my father forced my brother and I to take up some sort of physical activity. I don't know what Kunio took up, but I decided to do horse riding. I'm quite good at it, believe it or not. I find horses to be rather unique animals. I'm quite fond of them. A shame none of the horses I own have won any races, though."
"Anyway, I came across Tetsumasu-san when I went to visit some of my fine steeds in Obihiro. The owner of the ranch recommended him, so I have him as the watching over my fine stallions. While I find his skittish nature to be annoying, he does know what he is doing, so I pay him no mind and pay him for his services. ...Still, I have to wonder what someone like him has to do with the D.R.B., or Chuohku. Perhaps there's more to skittish man than meets the eye..."
Daiki Kamiyama
"Ugh, Daiki-kun. I only know of him because of his family name. If not for that, I'd pay him absolutely no mind at all. The Kamiyama family and mine are business partners with each other. In exchange for letting them get first pick of any jewels we uncover, the Kamiyamas let our family stay in their hotels, free of charge. Since my father travels a lot, he always tries to stay in the hotels provided by their family. I've stayed in one or two of them myself. They're quite good."
"As far as his family goes, I only know of the two oldest children, Carter-san and Akimi-san. I know there are more, but I've yet to meet. I only hope that the rest of the children aren't anything like Daiki-kun. Ugh, as I stated earlier, if it weren't for his family name, I'd almost think he were a peasant from how he acts! Karada thinks he's swell, but I want little to nothing to do with him until he acts his age."
Jack Verrill
"Ah, Verrill-san. I met him at soiree, accompanying his young master, Daiki. I must say, the young boy should consider himself lucky to have a fine butler like Verrill-san keeping him out of trouble. I've noticed he and my own butler, Hino, seem to have a friendly rivalry of sorts. I'm glad to see that even in his old age, he hasn't lost his thrill for competition."
Veiled Vanguard
"I have to question exactly why this team is present. For one thing, as I stated, Tetsumasu-san doesn't scream 'leadership-material' at all. Secondly, I have to wonder why Chuohku has taken notice of him. For all I know, he is just a simple horse breeder. Of course, it wouldn't be out of character for Chuohku to just force people to join their tournament out of the blue, but why him exactly?"
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious... but I don't really care enough to find out the reason. If he is joining this tournament, I sincerely hope he'll give a good show. ...But I won't be holding my breath on that."
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I think TSR played a big part in the "crybaby that wouldn't hurt a fly" perception of Silver. Silver in that game can't even comprehend other people's aggression. I think that combined with how meek and even fearful he's often drawn in IDW creates that impression of him(he cowers in fear at Blaze's flames and nervously holds her in Victory Garden and that isn't the only instance of him being frightened in that series)
About TSR, I definitely agree. Though, I looked into it more before to see if Silver would meekly let Lanolin scold him without talking back in IDW issue 63, and Silver actually does have good scenes in the English localisation! For example, he is shown at least twice to be right on Eggman's tail about what he is doing with Dodon Pa and the Ultimate Energy Engine, and even talks to Eggman once without immediately letting himself be shot down when Eggman insults him.
....But then the localisation put in that fucking Trash Talk Scene and UGH. I looked at the Japanese version, and especially Sonic is just so much more easier to bear there. The thing is, the essence of what the localisation seemed to want to convey in their conversation is absolutely there. Sonic is a bit teasing and competitive, Silver is somewhat awkward and cannot really convey what is bothering him. But Japanese!Sonic, you know, tells Silver multiple times to not worry. That they're friends who haven't seen each other in a while and that he thus would like to race with Silver because he enjoys it. He does joke a bit with Silver's worries, but when Silver expresses frustration he backtracks and goes right back to encouragement once more. None of that dumb "I'm gonna badly beat youuuuu" "I'm gonna make you look sillyyyyyy get your head in the gameeeee" "I'm gonna feed my car to youuuuu", and so on. That's not expressing happiness at being able to race with a friend who hasn't been around in a while, that's just being a smug jerk waving your self-confidence into someone's face who clearly is not interested. And then you continue ragging him on while he tries to talk about his worries, which you keep shooting down in favour of your bragging. Bah. One of English-TSR!Sonic's worst moments, imo. Not helped by Silver's altogether awful responses, like "I'm not hungry, but thanks", and not to mention the "I'm so gonna own you!" "Okay." from the racing start. Like Silv, bruh, you're constantly sneering at and mocking other racers on the track in multiple games, show some bite??? And, as seems to be happening with most of Silver's mischaracterisation by fandom, this one event gets cherrypicked to show that he's just Complete UwU Baby Who Cannot Trash Talk So Cute So Cinnamon Roll If You Look At Him Funny He'll Drown In His Own Tears.
....Yeah. Sigh. Even worse because he's got multiple good moments otherwise.
Anyway, onwards to my other current Silver-related dislike in the Sonic franchise, namely IDW! Because he can indeed be drawn strangely there, and definitely cowering like you said in your ask. Though, a Silver with huge starry eyes and shit when things go right for the heroes for a change is HELLA ooc as well. Give Tangle her stripes and tail back please :/
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In my mind, Tangle was similarly starry-eyed in issue 9 as Silver in issue 26, but Silver is WORSE there. In what world is Silver more of a Manic Pixie Dream Genki Girl than Tangle???
And the annoying thing is that also in IDW he's got, in my opinion, great moments! The battle with Zomom in #28 is a no-nonsense, well-coordinated fight between Silver and Whisper wherein Silver can convey what he believes in when he gets jeered at, while showing off some slick psychic moves. In issue 30, Silver gets tons of moments to shine: he's a massive help in Sonic's attempt to reach the final Emerald with Metal Sonic on multiple fronts (carrying the Emeralds, using his powers to block the blows from that gigantic Zavok while not dropping them, getting to Sonic at the very last second so he can turn Super in time, etc.). And even if the Super battle against the gigantic Zavok goes by in mere seconds (which the comic lampshades itself), the scene wherein Sonic and Silver remove the Metal Virus from the world with Silver's PK is one I quite like as well. It shows further good coordination between Sonic and Silver, nobody is being a smug jerk, they know what they should do to save the world and do it smoothly. So also in IDW there are definitely moments to be found where Silver is just his IC self, where I would even go so far as to say that for a good 80% or so in issue 63 he is too.
...But, of course, people only look at the moments wherein he's Being Baby to support the fact that He Is Baby, so there's not a lot of people paying attention to those issues in favour of others that have him far more flanderised and dumb. For example, I quite like Victory Garden because I like the idea Silver would start a garden and seeing Blaze and Silver interact, but it doesn't give much respect for his powers (he can't even carry a bunch of equipment at once, or not slap himself right in the face with it?), throws in an obligatory It's No Use reference because Evan wrote this*, and adds some silly faces and poses here and there on him as well. And there you have it: uwu baby Silver! Not to mention the absolutely awful way Sonic treated him in issue 8, where I'd say the TSR conversation was actually bearable compared to that. Plus the fact Silver is just regularly drawn all throughout the comic as wide-eyed cute boyo in all sorts of goofy kid poses, to the point where Evan actually toned down some of her sketches for #8. (I believe there is a second example when he and Sonic first see Whisper, but Tumblr's search function is shit as always.) So yeah, both the art of IDW and the way Silver is written there tends to be on the meh side in my opinion and furthermore makes him a nice punching bag for everyone else, sigh, and those are the exact moments other fans seem to focus on for their idea of what Silver acts like in favour of actual more IC moments.
I do not know enough about what appears to be one of the root causes of this mischaracterisation of Silver: namely Archie, the stories of the various issues Silver was in, and the fandom's general mindset at the time. But I know enough to realise that Silver was just written plain awfully there, and it bothers me that Silver The Punching Bag (both by comic characters and writers alike, really) from that comic just seems to have gotten carried right over into IDW next. And now we indeed have fans see Silver as a massive cry-baby with half a braincell who won't be able to walk two steps without perishing from something, which is fine if that is how you want to portray him for your fanwork! But it is not what an IC Silver is like, yet especially the comics portray him like that too. I will readily say that Silver seems tough to get down because he's gotten a very 'dual' personality between rude determinist and friendly world-admirer, but the fandom, comic writers, and localisers alike focus far too heavily on that latter part and twist him into someone he simply is not. And since I like seeing both parts of that personality come into play and I do not like Silver being drawn like Tangle (wide-eyed, goofy, Silly Poses Of Enthusiasm) while displaying an altogether awfully unfitting personality (dumb, overly innocent with a complete lack of rudeness or smugness, constantly being set up to be mocked by other characters), I do not like how this characterisation is what has become so pervasive in the fandom's mindset, either.
#*for the record I've been disliking the forced It's No Use references Evan gives him all the time since The Silver Age from Archie and prior#long post#silver the hedgehog#team sonic racing#idw sonic#and I really do not want to call anyone out! but like... I see a post like 'if Silver was in TMOSTH and asked to be the killer he couldn't-#-do it he'd be crying his heart out immediately' [paraphrased] and I'm like where. who. what Silver.#'06 Silver? Down for murder IMMEDIATELY and took *multiple* talking-to's by various characters to back down from it#Rivals Silver just *yote* Sonic over an entire island to get rid of his ass and spend half of the game sneering at everyone#he just mocked Knuckles out of nowhere and then *repeated that* when Knuckles was like 'tf u say'#in Rivals 2 he and Espio left Eggman Nega to literally ROT AWAY (trapped!) in a burning hell dimension with an awakened fire demon in it#in Generations Silver expresses *happiness* at a rematch for the battle wherein he tries to crush Sonic under his Meteor Smash!!#in Forces he was the first to suggest sending the Rookie into dangerous Eggman territory as a distraction#and like one of the points of his character is that HE DOES NOT CRY. He cried ONCE and that is when his best friend sacrificed herself-#-for him in the sacrifice he was first planning to make himself but couldn't do#there is *no* other game wherein Silver cries or is shown *so* flanderised as the comics make him when it comes to goofiness-#-(except *maybe* that one scene in TSR)#aight rant concluded
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