#anyway this has been your local Ult!Dirk enthusiast bringing you another rambling analysis once again
You said something about how ult!Dirk and BGD both depend on Jake for their existence and im 👀👀👀👀👀 PLEASE give us the full rant I'm begging
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OKKKKKK SO. I’m gonna start with Brain Ghost Dirk because holy shit, as a Dirk splinter he is so fucking interesting. He’s not a typical Dirk splinter. Dirk is completely unaware that BGD exists. Dirk knows about all of his other splinters, like Bro, and had an intentional hand in creating some of them, like Hal and Brobot. He has no fucking idea that BGD exists, and yet BGD could not exist without Dirk’s Prince of Heart abilities. Jake wasn’t even aware that he created BGD himself! He just showed up and Jake had to deal with the fact that he managed to make a perfect copy of Dirk Strider that now lives in his head. BGD was a complete accident.
Setting aside the fact that BGD is essentially Jake and Dirk’s offspring, Jake just. holds this splinter of Dirk’s being in his head using his freaky ass hope powers. BGD has always been there, and he always will be. Whether or not Dirk is alive, BGD is far from fading, and he’ll likely be around as long as Jake is alive.
So BGD depends on Jake for his very existence because of Jake’s hope powers; that much is obvious, considering BGD literally lives in Jake’s brain. As long as there’s a Jake out there, there’s a Brain Ghost Dirk.
But the existence of Brain Ghost Dirk begs the question: is Ult!Dirk actually his ultimate self?
Answer: fuck no he isn’t! Ult!Dirk has no god damn clue that Brain Ghost Dirk exists! He just assumes that he’s gone ultimate, because he remembers everything from all the dead Dirks from doomed timelines and every other splinter he has, except for BGD. He hasn’t gone ultimate; he just thinks that because he’s used to splitting his being into fractals, that’s the reason he somehow hasn’t died from becoming an amalgamation of those pieces.
But he still doesn’t know about Brain Ghost Dirk.
Ult!Dirk is like a shitty old iPhone consistently running on 5% battery power, and the moment someone drops him on the ground he’s going to shatter. He hasn’t saved his shit to iCloud either. When that phone is gone he’s done for. But he’s out here saying “no no it’s fine, it’s built different, this thing hasn’t failed me yet so it won’t fail me now,” when in reality he’s this close to losing all his data forever.
The moment he absorbs BGD into the rest of his being or BGD stops existing, Ult!Dirk will die, just like Ult!Rose and Ult!Dave. His problem is that he doesn’t have a backup plan. He doesn’t have a robot to download his soul and memories into like Rosebot and Davebot did. If Ult!Dirk dies, he’s dead forever. There’s no bringing him back, unless Rosebot and Terezi can whip up a robot in five minutes or somehow shove his soul into a pair of sunglasses.
But there are currently two Jakes: Meat!Jake and Candy!Jake. So aren’t there technically two Brain Ghost Dirks keeping Ult!Dirk alive?
Considering we haven’t heard from Meat!Jake yet, he’s basically as good as dead to the story, because I know damn well the writers won’t try to include two Jakes who already have similar storylines in the same narrative. Meat!Jake is probably out of the question when it comes to BGD, considering the writers forgot about him. However, his absence from HS^2 and his overall irrelevance can be explained by speculating that his hope has been shattered by Ult!Dirk forcing the narrative to make Jake fall in love with him against his will and then completely breaking his heart. Meat!Jake has lost all hope, having all his friends abandon him to either go play god on some distant planet, chase after those friends who are busy playing god, or become a dictator on Earth C. Meat!Jake is broken. He has nothing left. He might not even have his own Brain Ghost Dirk anymore.
It’s possible that Ult!Dirk could have accidentally killed Meat!Jake’s BGD by messing with the narrative to the point that he made Meat!Jake have a full-on hopeless breakdown. Dirk destroys the self, and it’s entirely possible that he destroyed part of Meat!Jake, including BGD, in manipulating Jake that much. That’s just speculation though; however, I think it’s rather interesting that Ult!Dirk could still be so self-destructive that he would accidentally kill one of his splinters without even noticing, and it would explain Meat!Jake’s absence from the story.
With Meat!Jake’s BGD most certainly dead or completely irrelevant to the narrative, this leaves Candy!Jake as the sole living Jake with a Brain Ghost Dirk, the only splinter Ult!Dirk hasn’t yet absorbed. Because of this, Candy!Jake is the only person singlehandedly keeping Ult!Dirk from keeling over. If Candy!Jake dies, so does Ult!Dirk.
I’m going to leave this off by saying this: Ult!Dirk is still extremely self destructive. He claims he’s going to die once his job at playing god is finished, Paradox Space will rule the death as Just, and every single Dirk will be dead forever. If he ever meets Candy!Jake and learns that he’s not ultimate and one little splinter of himself will still survive when he dies, what the fuck is he going to DO?
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