#anyway this drawing of tsukishima really speaks to me
fxllingout · 1 year
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honeekyuu · 2 months
love affair. [tsukishima kei x f!reader] chapter one.
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>>The unsavory reputation that Tsukishima Kei has built for himself as the Sendai Frogs' rudest rookie puts his upcoming contract renewal at risk
Tsukki really needs a girlfriend, and you really need everyone to stop calling you his pathetic, pining best friend<<
series status: [complete]
masterlist. || next.
a/n: i have a lot of feelings about these two. welcome to those feelings.
[feel free to buy me a cup of coffee!]
Sendai Frogs Middle Blocker Tsukishima Kei Caught in Heated Argument with Fan
Sendai’s Tsukishima Kei Breaks Paparazzi Camera
Sendai Frogs Player Threatens Reporter Outside Home
You sigh, scrolling down the list of news articles that had populated when you’d entered his name into the search bar. 
“This fucking guy.”
The top links are all reports of his most recent altercation, his newest scandal, the next thing he’s done wrong. Only a few talk about his performance during a game – luckily, he’s beyond talented and had drawn in a substantial amount of the Frogs’ fanbase, so his… poorer points have been overlooked by their management.
Until now.
You sigh again, remembering the text you’d woken up to this morning.
[5:07 AM]
Tsukki: im fucked
Tsukki: management called me in for a morning meeting
Tsukki: come over tn?
You’d groaned, instantly exasperated. You texted back that you would expect him to have dinner ordered by the time you arrived and left it at that, going about your day with a feeling that this had been the last straw for him.
Because Tsukishima Kei had always been trouble.
The boy you’d known in elementary school had been sweet and playful, but he’d had a mischievous streak. It had paired well with your general tendency toward chaos, and your friendship had been built on shared scoldings from teachers and parents.
The boy from middle school – the one who’d learned about betrayal – had been snarky and bitter, tongue sharp and words crafted to draw blood. Stones pelted at those who’d ever spoken ill of you – you, growing into wider-set hips and chubbier thighs than the other girls. You, who’d always hid your insecurities behind Tsukki, your wild smile and silly demeanor keeping others from seeing how painful stones could truly be. 
He’d been almost imperceptibly softer with you – just a bit gentler, lacking the same heat that had scared others off – but he’d still cut you a handful of times. Retorts thrown too quickly in times of high stress, sarcastic comments snapped at your heels a little too thoughtlessly. But you’d always been tough — turned by the cruelty of a few mean boys and girls into something just sharp enough to handle his temper — and he’d learned that he should take care not to cross any real lines with you.
He’d still managed to cross a few in high school, and you’d taught him that you hadn’t been joking. He’d had to learn that the words ‘ I’m sorry ’ were hard to say, but that having you ignore him was harder. 
And one day, those words had stopped working, too. Because a friend shouldn’t lash out enough to need them as often as he always had.
Tsukishima Kei had learned – in the middle of your third year at Karasuno, when a fight had gotten to a point worse than things had ever been between you – what it might mean to lose you. You’d walked away from him that day, and you’d gone weeks without speaking to him. He’d finally shown up at your door after a home game, drenched in the torrential downpour that had started so suddenly that you’re still convinced the universe had put you in a dramatic movie moment on purpose.
But he’d stood there anyway, waiting you out until you’d be willing to talk. Because you’d never once missed a game of his, and because – even if he’d been trying everything to get your attention since your fight – it was starting to feel like this was the nail in the coffin of your friendship. And he simply couldn’t have that. You could yell at him – bicker and snap and fight – but your silence was unacceptable.
He’d stood there at your door, blond hair plastered to his forehead and rain-covered glasses hiding his eyes completely, as you’d beaten his walls down to nothing. Screaming, you’d gone on and on about his lack of consideration and care for you – about every moment that had felt like a punch to the gut when nothing of the sort should be allowed in a friendship – until you’d run out of breath. Until all you could do was stand there on your doorstep and sob, the storm drowning you out to everyone but him.
He hadn’t said a single word, only stepping up to you once you’d stopped and wiping your snot-covered face with the front of his drenched volleyball shirt.
“ Okay, ” He’d finally mumbled, voice thick with regret as you’d cried into his chest. “ I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. ”
You two hadn’t had a single problem since. Things had gone back to normal, with Tsukki toeing the line but, without fail, never crossing it.
You’d been secretly glad he hadn’t changed all that much. He was still the same. He was still Tsukki.
The rest of high school had passed by in a series of rolled eyes and exasperated comments. College had started just the same, with new friends made and roommates come and gone, but Tsukishima Kei right where he’s always been. People here were less rude, less judgmental of your size and the unapologetic demeanor that had been built because of it. You’d made friends here, although never ones that could compare to the Karasuno Volleyball boys, who still float in your social orbit even now. Shimizu Kiyoko floats closer still, one of your dearest friends to this day.
And, still , already three years into college, Tsukki’s what he’s always been. 
Brutally honest and annoyingly coarse.
Sarcastic at best and a cloud of misery at worst.
Immovably loyal and at your side without question.
He’s the same as always, if not a bit more mature with age. Your relationship’s developed into one of constant exasperation, witnessing his every moment of idiocy into adulthood. He’s a nightmare to have a serious conversation with, but you’ve learned that he always listens, even when he wants to do anything but that. Your arguments are frequent, but never serious.
Any hint of a real fight is always squashed promptly under his feet, his hands calming on your shoulders and his tone losing its edge the moment he’d spot the telltale signs of your anger – he’d always give in first, even with a personality as stubborn as his. The balance between his commonplace sarcasm and something more serious is a delicate one, but he’d managed to find it with you. 
The issue, however, is that you are the exception.
Tsukishima had been recruited by the Sendai Frogs in your third year, playing successfully and renewing the year-long contract for the following school year – the unspoken agreement being a full-time professional contract with them after graduation. He’d been sheltered, in a way, last year, because it had been a soft launch – a trial run to see how he’d do, how the Frogs fans would take to him.
As it turns out, the road to going pro comes with as many problems as it does benefits.
Upon signing the contract for this year, the Frogs management had officially introduced their It Boy to the world. 
Tsukishima Kei – 21 years old, Middle Blocker. 
He’d been thrown into an unending schedule at the beginning of the year – any time outside of practice and games is taken by interviews, sponsorships, media promotion. His face and name had been plastered over billboards and brand collabs, the Sendai Frogs’ Middle Blocker a player slated to bring the volleyball world to its knees.
But the most important, truly – the thing that had started all his problems – is the invasion of privacy.
He’d managed to make it to the start of summer vacation while juggling the newfound fame, but – with the halfway point of his temporary contract approaching quickly – the Frogs fans had recently become rabid. People clambering over each other in classes to get a better look at him, baristas writing their number on his coffee cups at cafes (and then posting his coffee order online, of course), and his face posted all over the internet. Every miniscule move he makes is posted to Twitter – his class schedules, his mealtimes, his practice hours. Paparazzi at his apartment, at his car, at his classes.
He’s everywhere, and that’s too much, even for him.
He and Yamaguchi had had to move to a gated, private townhouse together, unable to stay in their dingy off-campus apartment anymore – too many people had tried the locks and camped out in front for a single glimpse of the up and coming star athlete. 
You hadn’t escaped the public eye unscathed, either. You’d seen enough comments about yourself online – what your relationship with Tsukishima Kei might be, and why it always seemed just non-platonic enough to be questionable but completely unable to be pinned down. What you may or may not be gaining from hanging around this rising heartthrob, and – notably – how you could possibly think he’d be interested in you, given your… physical attributes.
You’d learned to be good at ignoring those comments, but it hadn’t come without damage. Damage that had taken the form of quiet arguments with Tsukki about not wanting to go out into the world with him, irritated demands that you not let the irrelevant comments of a few internet trolls affect your friendship. More than a few instances of Tadashi and Kiyoko showing up to your door with takeout and some reassurances, Tsukki’s barrage of whiny texts set aside for a night.
It had gotten easier over the summer, your ability to ignore the public’s opinion not necessarily stronger, but your ability to hide the effects of it certainly solidified. You manage to shake off the minor stress that comes with leaving your little studio apartment every morning, and you’re happy with the balance of your private and public life by Tsukishima Kei’s side.
What you’re not happy with – very crucially – is his inability to keep his name out of the tabloids for picking fights with paparazzi.
By the time you make it to his townhouse, it’s well past 5pm and you’re nearly dead on your feet from the full day of work and classes. School’s just picked up again, and your professors seem to not know the meaning of ‘syllabus week’. 
Tadashi answers the door, glancing over your shoulder at the poorly hidden paparazzi across the street before gesturing you into the house.
“He’s not here.”
You blink, taken aback. “What?” Where the hell-
“I am now.” 
You turn, finding Tsukki just behind you in the doorway, a bag of takeout in hand and his gym bag slung over his shoulder. He shuts the door and kicks off his shoes, eyeing the narrow glare you’re giving him.
“Got something to say?”
Your tone is sharp. “Did you really break a reporter’s camera last night?”
He nods, not even a little bit ashamed. “He was sitting on my car after practice, waiting for me. And then he wouldn’t get off of it.”
You sigh while Yamaguchi nods understandingly. 
“Yeah, alright, that’s annoying…”
“ Annoying isn’t enough to justify my reaction, apparently.” He shakes his head, following the two of you into the kitchen. He leaves the bag on the island for you to unpack and disappears down the hall toward his bedroom to change. You withdraw containers of curry and set about serving three plates of it, navigating their kitchen without issue.
Tadashi mumbles quietly beside you. “How fucked is he?”
You shake your head, sighing again. “Infinitely fucked, I’d say.”
“You saw the look in his eye?” He cuts a questioning glance at you, his concern apparent. You just nod, pouring out drinks for the group.
“He’s not telling us something.”
“ He’s right here.”
You both look up, finding Tsukki in the doorway with a pinched scowl and high, tensed shoulders. He lifts a brow at you.
“I’m fine. ”
You and Tadashi make brief eye contact before snorting in unison and pushing past him to the living room with the food. You take a corner of the couch, and Yamaguchi occupies the armchair beside you.
“So, what’d they say?” You ask. 
“Off the team yet?” He follows up with a joking smile.
No one acknowledges the underlying nerves you’re both displaying when you look Tsukki over. As much as he needs to get his attitude in check, neither of you can fathom a world in which the Frogs had let him go.
Tsukki flops down on the other end of the couch and breathes out a quiet sigh, slumping back into the cushions. “Management is unhappy with the reputation I’ve created for myself.”
You nod, taking a bite. You’d expected that.
“Okay…?” You draw your knees up under yourself, watching him stare up at the ceiling.
“They have asked-” He lifts his brows, considering something. “-well, more like threatened – that I make a major change to my lifestyle in order to fix the growing impression of me before it becomes ‘solidified’,” He quotes with his fingers, smiling mirthlessly. “Or my full-time contract’s on the line. They want me to find something to make me seem more…” He trails off, staring off to the side now, in your general direction.
“Pleasant. Approachable. Relatable. Soft.” He shrugs. “That kind of thing.”
Months of watching Tsukki adjust to the celebrity lifestyle makes translating this a breeze. 
“They want you to get a girlfriend,” Yamaguchi concludes, spooning curry into his mouth.
He laughs bitterly. “And they want it fast.”
You take another bite, shrugging when he looks over at you. “Better get to downloading dating apps, then.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re enjoying this.” He tugs his phone out of his pocket, anyway, glancing briefly at his roommate. “You’re both enjoying this.”
“Well, you didn’t get kicked off the team, so-” Yamaguchi relaxes, kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
“Mm-hm-” You agree. “You did this to yourself.” And then you scoot in, watching him download a few apps. “Cast your phone to the TV so we can watch.”
“You’re funny- hey- ” 
You snatch his phone away, connecting his phone to the TV and projecting his open Tinder screen. You slap his hands when he reaches for you, setting his profile up for him in a matter of minutes. He snorts.
“Experienced in online dating?”
“Gotta do something to pass the time in between classes.” 
You only realize how it sounds when they both eye you in amused surprise. Tsukki sits up to look at you properly, scandalized and face split in a wide grin. “Gotta do what in between classes, exactly?” 
Tadashi giggles into his hands, sinking low in the armchair, and Tsukki shakes his head, tutting in disappointment at you.
“That’s a crazy thing to admit out loud, Y/n-”
“Shut up ,” You shove him, tossing his phone back and then pointing at the TV. “Start swiping.”
He relaxes back into the couch with a laugh, and the three of you eat your dinner with the entertainment of the night.
“Aw, she’s cute.”
“Exactly. Girls who are cute usually can’t handle me.”
“...Was that a reference to his personality or to sex?” You ask, eyeing Tadashi fearfully.
He shakes his head beside you. “Better not to ask, I fear.”
Tsukki’s suspicious grin is enough for your lip to curl in disgust.
“I’m just being honest,” He shrugs, unapologetic.
You lay a hand on his shoulder, speaking down to him like he’s a child. “Well, if you don’t start swiping right on cute girls, your contract’s going up in flames, sweetheart.”
“ Ugh -” Tsukki groans loudly, throwing his phone down on the couch. “This isn’t working. None of these girls are the right fit.”
“Then maybe your standards shouldn’t be literally impossible to meet!” Yamaguchi throws his hands up in exasperation. “We’ve been at this a whole hour, and you’ve only swiped right on one girl.”
“Yeah, but she had nice tits,” He admits plainly.
You and Yamaguchi stare, deadpan. “You’re terrible,” You say eventually.
“Yeah,” Tsukki sighs. “I know.” He takes a breath, and then he’s turning to you with wide eyes. “Oh, hey! You have nice tits, too – you be my girlfriend.”
Yamaguchi promptly chokes on his drink, and you reach to yank the pillow out from under Tsukki’s head.
“Stop-” You smack him in the face with it repeatedly. “-Being. Gross.”
“It was a compliment!” He laughs, blocking his head and then catching the pillow with ease. You enter into an unwilling match of tug-of-war. “And I already know our personalities work together, so I don’t have to go through the pain of a talking stage!”
You eye him with suspicion, pulling the pillow toward you. “You’re not actually considering this.” You look back at Yamaguchi. “He’s not actually considering this, right?”
Your friend just stares, shocked.
Tsukki pulls hard on the pillow, catching you off guard and launching you toward him. “Oh, I most certainly am.”
“Tsukishima Kei-” You tug, hard. He resists. “Get that thought out of your head right now.”
“Come on-” He argues. “We are clearly a match made in Heaven.”
“In Hell, you mean!” You laugh. “There’s no way!” You look at Yamaguchi in panic. “Help me!”
The man just shrugs uselessly. “This conversation wasn’t on my bingo card for the year. I’m stumped.”
Tsukki rolls his eyes. “Come on, Y/n. It’s not like you’ve got guys lined up outside your door-”
“How would you know?” You snap, a little offended. “I could be going on dates every night-”
“When would you have time for that? You’re with me most nights.” He leans in, a wicked gleam in his eye. “Even more evidence that we should just date.”
“Get away from me-” You push him back with your foot, putting distance between you. He just grabs your ankle and pulls you toward him, and you scream as you’re dragged down the length of the couch. 
Tsukki starts to clamber over you, but that finally sets Yamaguchi in motion, the boy standing quickly and yanking Tsukki by his hair back to the other side of the couch.
“Play nice, you freak,” He says, smacking the blond hard on the forehead. Tsukki just laughs, one of those rare laughs that makes you forget why you were ever mad in the first place.
“Okay, okay!” He yells, struggling to be freed from Yamaguchi’s torture.
You crawl back to your corner, kicking him for good measure while you go. “You’re fucking crazy.”
“Come on, Y/n,” Tsukki argues, still smiling wide. “This is literally a win-win.” He fixes himself, keeping an eye on Yamaguchi while he talks, because the freckled boy is grabbing a magazine off the coffee table and rolling it up. “We’re good together.”
“This is only a win-win for you,” You fight, listing things off and ticking them on your fingers as you go. “You’re annoying, arrogant, have poor impulse control and a short temper, and– importantly – we don’t even like each other!” You throw your hands out as best you can, emphasizing it. “Why would we date when we’re not attracted to each other?”
He doesn’t answer, only flicking his gaze down the length of your body appreciatively before meeting your eyes again. He sees that you’ve seen it, your gaze wary, and he grins wickedly.
“Who’s ‘we’?” 
That earns him a rolled magazine to the head.
“I’m just saying,” He laughs. “Just think of how much Management would like it if I found a girlfriend right away, and one that they know is good for me-”
“Alright-” You plant your feet on the floor with an irritated sigh, suddenly tired of this conversation. “-don’t bring them into this to guilt-trip me.” You stand, clearly making to leave.
Tsukki’s smile drops, and he stands quickly, his jokes forgotten. “What? Wait-” His eyes are wide, betraying genuine surprise. You frown, and his eyes track it. He gauges your annoyance, seeing that it’s starting to tip into something more.
“Okay,” He breathes, suddenly quite serious. He holds his hands out toward you carefully, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you back to the couch with him. Yamaguchi perches on the arm of the couch, observing quietly.
“That’s not what I meant,” Tsukki tries. “I actually kinda do think we’d be good together.” When you don’t seem to believe it, he tries again. “And I’m not trying to guilt-trip you. I do think Management genuinely knows that you’re good for me-”
You know that, too. You know that Management has always liked you. That’s why this idea scares you just a little bit.
Because it’s feasible.
“No one’s going to believe that we’re together if we clearly-” You swallow hard and gesture between you. “-don’t have that kind of kind of chemistry, Tsukki.”
He shrugs. “It’s not that hard to act. We have the friendship chemistry, so we’re not uncomfortable. We would just need to add-”
“Holding hands? Kissing? Entirely different body language? Clear physical attraction?” You argue, lifting your brows.
He nods like it’s the easiest thing in the world. “Yeah. That’s not that bad.”
You level him with a meaningful look. “Tsukishima.” You smile bitterly when he blinks at the use of his full name. “ Look at me.”
Tadashi makes a noise of protest over Tsukki’s shoulder, clearly disapproving of where you’re going with this, but the blond just stares.
“I am looking at you.”
You laugh, shaking your head and standing again. “Good luck with Tinder, Tsukki, but I’m outta here-”
There’s a 6’3” wall in your way when you try to leave.
“You really need to get over that shit.”
You whip your head up to look into Tsukki’s eyes, affronted.
“ Excuse me?”
He’s unyielding, golden eyes hard on yours. “I’m not taking that as a valid reason. Come up with something else if you really don’t want to do this.”
“Give me a better reason, Y/n.”
“It makes no sense, Tsukishima!” You scoff, all but laughing in his face. “Not a single person is going to believe that we’re together. We’re going to look stupid together-”
“I don’t think we look stupid together,” He cuts you short, turning to Yamaguchi. “Do you think we look stupid together?”
Tadashi flicks his gaze back and forth from Tsukki’s to yours, clearly torn. When he sighs and it becomes clear he’s about to take Tsukki’s side, you gape at him.
He gives you a regretful look. “It’s not unreasonable , Y/n. People already wonder what you two are, anyway.” He rolls his eyes when you stare at him in disbelief, lifting his hands helplessly. “We all know you balance him out. Think of the good you could do, whipping this idiot into shape.”
Tsukki turns to you with a victorious smile, eyebrows lifted. “Consider me whipped.”
You groan, snatching your bag off the floor and pushing past them. “Goodbye.”
Tsukki’s slipping his shoes on at the door with you, only snatching his keys from the bowl when you shoot him a questioning glare.
“It’s getting late,” is all he says as he props the door open for you.
You’re about to remind him that 7pm in the summer is not that late, but the flash of a camera catches your attention. You turn, shielding your eyes from the paparazzi snapping pictures at the end of the driveway.
“Don’t you have a family to spend time with or something?” Tsukki says over your head, his voice tense.
You elbow him hard. “You really gotta stop giving them what they want,” You grumble, stomping down the front steps. The blink of Tsukki’s headlights and the gentle purr of his car remote-starting is the only response he gives you, and you trudge over to the passenger-side door. You wave tiredly at the cameraman standing just past the gate and give him a smile.
“I’d love to say he’s above hitting you with his car, but he’s having a bad day.”
The man chuckles at your joke. “I suppose I shouldn’t take any chances, then.” He takes a few more photos, but he steps out of the way regardless.
Tsukki stares at you when you settle in next to him with a sigh.
“How do you do that? I had to break a guy’s camera to get his ass off the hood of my car.”
You shrug, closing your eyes and leaning against the headrest. “It’s not groundbreaking work, Tsukki. Try being nice once in a while.”
He drives you home in silence.
You keep your eyes on the sideview mirror, watching the unmarked van that’s trailing the car the whole way there.
What would be the difference, really, if you pretend to date Tsukishima Kei? You already get followed home and to classes. You already hear all the whispers when you walk anywhere with him. You’re already all over the internet, comments about your body plastered everywhere for the world to see.
It doesn’t really matter that you’re not interested in Tsukki, does it? It’d be laughable for anyone to question that you could fall for him – he’s tall and objectively gorgeous. Everyone wants him.
The issue is you.
You’ve seen the girls he goes home with at parties.
Your eyes shift from the unmarked van to your own reflection, and you chuckle under your breath.
Yes, you’re good for Tsukishima Kei – you manage his unacceptably short temper. You support him unconditionally and keep him in check. You always have. You’re everything Management needs from him.
But the issue is still you.
“Would you cut it out?”
You blink, turning to look at Tsukki’s side profile while he drives. He’s got one hand on the steering wheel, the other tapping an irritated rhythm on the middle console. He shifts his eyes briefly in your direction before lifting them to watch the van behind you, his jaw clenching and unclenching.
“What?” You say, the silence in the car a bit suffocating.
“I’m asking you to cut it the fuck out. Whatever’s going on in your head – cut it out.”
You lift a brow. “And what would that be?”
“I don’t know, Y/n – whatever insane shit you think about yourself.” He shakes his head, pulling into the parking lot of your apartment complex. Thankfully, it’s a big one with hundreds of units, and the paparazzi have always had the sense not to follow you in.
He pulls up to the main door, putting the car in park and leaning back in his seat with a tight sigh. You both watch the van pull up in front of you, the man on the passenger’s side hopping out and snapping photos of the two of you staring back at him.
“Look,” He says quietly, in a way that reeks of an oncoming argument. You can see him gripping the middle console like he’s stopping himself from getting out of the car. “I know what people say about you. The comments they make about your body and your looks and everything else.”
You stare out the window, nodding. It’s amazing how desensitized you’ve become to the barrage of flashing lights that comes with Tsukishima Kei. “I’ve been hearing it since we were kids-”
“Yeah, exactly. Since we were kids , Y/n. Are you gonna let this be an issue for the rest of our lives?”
You look at him, your skin flushing with anger. “What are you trying to say? It’s not like you have the same problems I do.”
He meets your eyes, gaze burning. “I’m telling you to get the fuck over yourself. Are you gonna listen to a bunch of assholes who don’t matter? Or are you gonna listen to me ?” When your jaw drops, he pushes. “If you don’t want to do this, that’s fine. I’ll let it go. But not if this is your reason.”
“My reason, Kei -” You spit, matching his anger. “-is that I don’t feel like being the laughing stock of your little fanbase.”
“And you think this is gonna stop them?” He smiles, but it’s irritated. “You want me to find some supermodel to date? You think they won’t make comparisons between you and the girl on my arm?”
You hadn’t thought of that.
That you wouldn’t be the pathetic, pining girl trailing after Tsukishima Kei anymore.
You’d be the jealous friend.
Pathetic, pining, jealous little Y/n.
A light flashes in your periphery, and a headline flashes with it – a week from now, when the Sendai Frogs have confirmed his new, unnamed girlfriend to the public.
Tsukishima Kei and Friend Y/l/n Y/n Seen Arguing – New Relationship the Cause?
You’re unable to stop the aggravated growl that spills out when you sigh through your nose.
“They think they know who you are, Y/n. But they don’t. They fucked it up.” Tsukki keeps your gaze locked on his – his eyes are dangerous, like he’s predicting the headlines, too.
He leans toward you. “So show them,” He says. “ Show them who you are.”
You lean forward, too, your face a little too close to his. 
“And how do you suggest I do that, Kei?”
The camera flashes, and your chest flickers with some unknown excitement.
His smile is wicked, mocking.
“ Fix me.” He lifts a brow when you glare, doubling down. “Or be the girl that watches someone else do it.”
You kind of want to kill him.
You lie facedown on your bed for hours that night, listening as Kiyoko laughs on your couch. She lives in the same complex, only a few floors above you, and she’d made the long journey all the way here just to laugh at you.
She stays with you the whole night, laughing until she cries. And then she laughs some more, because that picture of you in Tsukki’s car is already circulating the internet.
“You’re so fucked,” Kiyoko heaves between breaths, sometime around 2am. She’d moved to the bed with you hours ago, scrolling through Twitter and showing you some of the more unhinged reactions to the photo.
[12:24 AM] TsukkiFan0927 : no because they MUST be fucking????
[1:07 AM] user9329348 : those two have always been so shady together,,, no way that this is new
You just groan, dragging your phone out and pulling up your text thread with Tsukki.
[2:09 AM]
You: my life would be so peaceful without you in it
He responds immediately.
Tsukki: ill pick you up tomorrow <3
Tsukishima Kei is nothing but trouble.
There are an unusual amount of paparazzi outside your apartment complex the next morning.
You stop short when you exit the building, taken aback.
Everyone stares back, no lights flashing. They just stare.
“Uh-Good morning?” You say, blinking at the group of about 15 people. One or two wave in greeting, but no one else wants to break the seal.
No one wants to ask, not yet.
You pull out your phone, about to text Tsukki to hurry the fuck up before things get weirder, but you hear the purr of his car pulling into the lot before you can send it.
The seal breaks all at once.
You lose sight of the car, flashing lights all going off at the same time and effectively blinding you.
You hear your name, over and over again.
“ Y/n, is it true? ”
“ Over here, Y/n! ”
“ What did you two talk about in his car last night, Y/n ?”
There’s a hand on your arm, wrapped tight around your bicep. You inhale sharply, worried that you’re about to be mauled on the very first day of dating Tsukishima Kei.
“ Move your feet, dumbfuck. ”
Oh. It’s him.
“ Mm-kay ,” You mumble, letting Tsukki drag you to his car and all but throw you in the front seat.
Somehow, the lights are worse in here, and you can’t tell if your name is still being called or if that’s just an echo ringing in your ears.
Tsukki climbs in beside you and slams the door. “Put your seatbelt on.”
“Why?” You ask, already grabbing for it. 
He shifts gears jerkily, and you go flying against the door as he peels out of the lot.
“Tsukki!” You scold, hearing his tires squeal against the pavement.
“You were too slow,” He jokes, eyes on the rearview mirror. You turn, spotting the army of vans that are following behind him.
“Dude,” You breathe, sinking down into the seat. “It was one picture .” 
“Regret anything yet?” He says, catching the light just before it turns red and leaving all the vans behind.
“I regret everything,” You say without hesitation. “All of it. Every second.”
When he doesn’t respond, you turn to him. He’s got his eyes on the road and the mirrors, seemingly calm. But his teeth wear down on the inside of his lip, and he’s not sparing you a single glance.
You sigh, nudging him gently. “I’m kidding.”
He gives easily, lip released from its torture. “You’re sure?”
“Yes, Tsukki. It’s fine.”
“We’re good?”
“We’re good ,” You say, smiling when he scoffs. “It’s better than me being labeled the sad, jealous friend while you date some airhead that’s after your fame and fortune.”
He grins then. “Aw, you’re not that much of an airhead.”
“Let’s break up.”
He laughs the whole way to campus.
You finally understand why Tsukki snaps at the paparazzi.
They’re everywhere – outside your classes and at your favorite cafe. Just two of them, but you’re uncomfortably familiar with them by the end of your second class. You’d given up sometime around lunch, turning in place on your way to the dining hall and asking if they just wanted to walk with you instead of trailing behind.
You eat your lunch with Hiro from SMZ and Nariko from Sendai Sports that day. You don’t answer a single question of theirs, just smiling and spooning rice into your mouth as you ask about their lives instead.
They’re bemused at your strange approach, and you play this game all afternoon with them – by the time Tsukki’s practice is over, you’re hoping you’ve gained at least some of their favor. 
Hopefully, they’ll post nice things about you. Only the good photos, maybe.
Still, the air shifts when they realize you’re heading for the university’s gym – Tsukki practices on campus with a private coach in the afternoons, going to the Frogs’ gym to practice after classes are done. 
You can see them itching to lift their cameras, itching to ask the same questions again.
When did it start? Are you official? How did it happen?
The building comes into view, and you spot his blond hair near the entrance. You clear your throat.
“So… I think I’m gonna have to leave you here,” You say, gesturing around you now that you’re at the base of the stairs. 
They both look dejected, like they were hoping for an introduction. You just give them a thin smile and turn, hurrying up the stairs before they decide to stop being respectful of your boundaries.
Tsukki’s got his eyes over your shoulder as you approach.
“What’d they want?”
“To know my regular order at the dining hall,” You say simply. You stop a friendly distance away, seeing when he eyes the space between you. His smirk speaks before he does.
“You forgot a few feet.”
You grimace, taking a single step toward him. He takes the rest, his body brushing briefly against yours.
You look up at him expectantly. “How should I greet you?”
“However you want.”
“I wouldn’t suppose a friendly hug would do.”
A light flashes when he smiles down at you, and you’re wondering if the world’s ever seen it before.
“No,” He says, humored. “I don’t suppose it would. But a not-friendly hug might.”
You stare down at your shoes, thankful your back is to the cameras.
It’s a bit strange to realize, but you’ve never hugged Tsukki before. Not really.
A casual pat on the back, yes. The occasional side-hug, maybe.
But a hug – despite its simplicity, its lack of meaning – is not something you can ever remember doing with him.
You think of how you hug Tadashi, how you’d hug Hinata or even Kageyama after a game in high school. It’s so easy with them.
The idea of Tsukishima Kei wrapping his arms around you is… odd.
Very odd.
Still, you’ve wasted enough time already. It’s the only option.
You lift your arms, wondering if you resemble a petulant child, and Tsukki just grins and bends down, his bag slipping off his shoulder when he slides his arms around your waist. You’re pulled onto your toes, face hidden in the crook of his neck.
Hugging Tsukishima Kei is not what you’d expected.
You’d always seen him as some cold wall of annoyance – a big, dumb athlete who was always a little painful to smack on the chest after a crude remark. A boy who’d always been rough, who’d grown strong and become some untouchable statue made of cold marble.
But he’s not cold at all.
The air around him is warm, smelling just slightly of sweat from practice but more than anything of that scent that’s distinctly Tsukki . That clean smell that you’d unknowingly grown to associate with comfort. That unplaceable warmth that smells like your childhood.
His hands are bigger than you’d realized, fingers long and warm against the small of your back. His chest is just as hard as always – that unmoveable wall that towers over you – but it feels weird against yours. It feels weird to feel his heartbeat – have you never felt his heartbeat before? Has he always had one?
You wonder if he can feel that your cheeks burn against his neck, if the heat is notable in this little pocket of quiet you’ve found. If your skin warms under his fingers, which rest strangely against the spot where your shirt’s ridden up a bit.
“ How was practice? ” You mumble shyly against his throat, feeling when he swallows hard. You can’t decide if it’s his heart or your own that you’re hearing right now, pounding somewhere near your ears.
“‘ s fine, ” He says, and you hear the hitch in his breath. 
This is weird for him, too, then.
Good. That’s good. This is weird for both of you. You’re not alone in this.
You pull away, clearing your throat quietly. Tsukki lets you slide carefully down to your feet, his fingers skimming the skin under your shirt just before he pulls away, his movements rushed and sharp.
Your skin burns where his fingers had been, and trying to ignore it only makes you more aware of it.
You glance briefly up at him, unable to control the double-take you do when you see him. He won’t meet your eyes, but his face is radiating heat, a blush high on his cheeks and his ears a rather interesting shade of red.
You watch him glance at your ears, too, and the tiny smirk he suppresses tells you that you don’t look much better.
You swallow, wondering where the hell this humming under your skin’s come from.
“Uh-” Your breath catches when his golden eyes meet yours, and you recover clumsily. “I have-”
What do you have? 
“I have to get to class,” You blurt, blinking rapidly.
He just blinks back, as though he’d also forgotten why you’d met him here.
“Right,” He says. “Class. I’ll walk you.”
“Okay,” You respond, turning on your heel and heading down the stairs. You hear him follow after you, but then there’s a hurried shuffle behind you, the lights of the paparazzi flashing in a frenzy.
You turn back quickly, finding Tsukki tripping over his own feet to get back up the stairs, his bag left abandoned at the top.
You can’t help the wide smile that spreads across your face, and you know the flashes that follow are for you.
Tsukki snatches his bag up and turns to you, spotting your teasing grin before you can smother it.
He rolls his eyes, stomping to catch up with you.
“Shut up.”
You laugh the whole way to the crosswalk.
Kei doesn’t know what’s wrong with him.
He doesn’t understand why he feels so skittish, why his fingers are a bit numb. He doesn’t know why he keeps looking at you, what he could possibly be searching for when he watches you.
His eyes scan you while he walks you across campus to your next class. He barely notices the people whispering around you, his gaze tracking the uneven rise and fall of your chest and the white-knuckled grip you have on your bag.
Okay. So you felt it, too.
Good. He’s not crazy.
The memory of your skin under his fingers flashes through his mind. You’d been so soft – he hadn’t realized how soft you are. He’d never even considered it. Soft and warm, heartbeat racing against his chest and arms wrapped tight around his neck. Breath shaky and fanning out over his skin when you’d whispered something about practice.
His fingers itch to touch you again, because he’d never thought to do that, either.
Fuck. He probably is going crazy.
He clears his throat, watching when your fingers twitch on your bag in response.
“We, uh-” He lets out a breath, seeing your building come into view and wanting to say something – anything – to smooth this silence over before you leave. “-probably shouldn’t do things for the first time in public like that again.”
It works. You laugh under your breath. 
“Why? Scared to look like an idiot again?”
Okay, it’s at his expense. But you laughed.
“I’m sure you didn’t look so great yourself,” He says, biting down a grin when you smile.
“That’s too bad,” You say, a teasing edge in your tone. “I was just about to hold your hand.”
Kei chokes, his cough loud and embarrassed. He shoots you a glare when you glance up at him in amusement.
“I swallowed a bug.”
“A bug,” You repeat, nodding and turning away to hide your laugh. “Still think it’s so easy to act, Tsukki?”
He wants to go back in time and beat his past self into shutting the hell up for once.
But that’s not an option, so he just braces himself and shifts minimally closer to you, the back of his hand brushing up against yours. 
He feels you falter beside him, and it gives him just enough courage to do it.
Your hands are a lot smaller than he’d realized. But your fingers slot easily with his.
He can’t tell if it’s his hand or yours that’s clammy, but he’s tempted to say it’s yours because this has never once happened to him before. Not a single one of the girls he’d ever dated had made his palms sweat, so it can’t be him. Had any boys before him ever made you nervous like this?
Had there been any boys before him?
“Is this your first time?” He vomits those words right out, hating every fiber of his being once it’s done.
You look up at him, so taken aback that you visibly become less nervous. “Holding hands with a boy?” You say, smiling mockingly. “No, Tsukki. This isn’t my first time. Sorry to disappoint.”
He rolls his eyes, flushing. “Not what I meant.”
“I know.” You laugh to yourself, pausing outside the building where he’s meant to leave you. He can see people lingering, but no one’s close enough to hear your conversation.
“You know I’ve had boyfriends before, right?” You level him with that teasing look you always have.
Had you? Had he known that?
Oh, God , you totally had. He remembers now, the guy from first year whose face he’s forgotten. And the summer fling after him.
He knows this. Of course he knows this – why hadn’t he remembered?
How far had you gone with them? Had you told him?
“So,” He swallows. “You’ve…” He trails off and hopes you’ll understand, but you just frown up at him. He sighs. “You’ve done… everything, then?”
Your expression changes to one of alarm, and he all but feels the air between you warm.
“ Why ?” You ask, your tone sharp and your voice lowered to a whisper. “Do you plan on changing the answer if I say no?”
Kei’s heart flies to his throat, and his face burns with a horrible, horrible heat.
“No, I-” 
Why the fuck had he asked you that? Why does that matter? What’s he so curious for?
“Y/n,” He starts, holding tight when you start to pull away. He hadn’t even realized you were still holding hands. “Fuck. That’s not what I meant.”
Your face is still burning with embarrassment, and you mumble a response up to him, glancing around.
“You know that’s not gonna happen, right?”
“ Yes- ” He sighs, frustrated and more than a little humiliated. “I’m not expecting-It was a stupid question. I was just curious.”
“You gonna be okay, player?” You ask, and he thinks maybe he’s just seen the ghost of a teasing grin on your face, but he can’t tell. “You ever been celibate before?”
“God, please leave me the hell alone,” He groans, laughing pathetically and dropping your hand to rub the heat out of his cheeks. You definitely smile then, suddenly enjoying his embarrassment more than anything. 
He realizes after a moment that people are starting to file out of different buildings – it must be passing period, then. 
“You should go,” He says, nudging you toward your building. 
You nod, stepping back toward him and lifting onto your toes to wrap your arms around his neck again. His breath hitches, and he barely manages to loop his arms around your waist.
You’re just as soft as you were the first time.
You lower away from him, and he realizes distantly some other students are taking photos and whispering. But you just smile briefly up at him, your voice gentle.
“Not so weird that time.”
Was it not?
He nods dumbly and smiles when you wave bye.
When you’re gone, he has no clue what to do with himself. What is he supposed to be doing right now?
Class in an hour and practice downtown afterward. Right.
He turns on his heel, ignoring everyone’s stares and trying his hardest to squash the stupid look on his face as he walks back toward his car.
He’s about halfway there when his phone buzzes with a text.
[2:47 PM]
You: and for your stupid information
You: i have done a lot
You: but no
You: i have not done everything
You: goodbye
Kei has to take a seat on the nearest bench, ignoring the paparazzi and random underclassmen that are following him.
He sits and stares down at nothing, wondering why the thought of you being a virgin is making his head spin and his ears ring. Wondering – as he drops his head into his hands and sighs loudly – why his palms are so fucking sweaty.
“You told him what ?”
You groan, throwing yourself back on your mattress. Kiyoko clambers onto the bed after you, shaking you violently.
“ Why would you tell him you’re a virgin?!”
“Because I am ?” You laugh pathetically, hiding your face in your hands. She just shakes you again.
“But why did you tell him ?!”
“I don’t know! He asked!”
“ What?! ” 
“ Kiyoko- ” You protest and turn over, assuming your standard face-down position of dread. “I don’t know. It just happened. And it was weird.”
“Well, what did he say-”
“Nothing!” You toss your phone next to her on the bed, hearing her unlock it and search through your messages. “Nothing, because there’s nothing he can say. It’s not like there’s anything to do about it.”
There’s a silence from her, one that prompts you to look at her. She just stares at you, disbelieving.
“I mean,” She starts. “Do you know that for sure?”
You hide your face again. “Shut up. We agreed that things wouldn’t get that far. There’s literally no reason for us to ever do that.”
“No, I get that-” She coughs, and you figure that she’s hiding a laugh. “-but he did ask… and you did tell him…”
“ Kiyoko, ” You whine, pulling your pillow over your head for good measure while you complain, your voice muffled. “ I can barely hug the guy without it being weird. ”
You hadn’t lied. It was definitely easier the second time, and even easier the third time, when he’d picked you up from your last class and driven you home before he’d left for practice downtown. 
It had not, however, been a comfortable ride home, because you two had just sat in uncertain silence – uncertain, because neither of you could fathom why you would ever tell him how far you’d gone before him.
And it had not been easy the fourth time he’d hugged you, in front of your building and about ten reporters. Because he’d turned his head just enough to brush his lips tentatively over your cheek, and you’d stilled in his arms, your face thankfully hidden in his chest again.
You couldn’t bear for the internet to see the look on your face the first time Tsukishima Kei had ever kissed you.
He’d gotten into his car and driven off, and you’d run upstairs and called Kiyoko without a second thought.
You can barely hug him, and that sad excuse for a kiss had put you on high alert.
There’s absolutely no world in which it would be natural for you to have sex with Tsukishima Kei. No world in which it could ever be considered.
“Okay,” Kiyoko laughs when you groan in fresh embarrassment. “I’m sure you’ll get used to doing the smaller things in public with him.”
You’re about groan again, but a quiet ding comes from Kiyoko’s palms.
“Uh-” She cuts short, and your stomach flips nervously.
“ What’s it say? ” You mumble, knowing it’s him.
She clears her throat awkwardly, and your nerves worsen.
“He wants to come over.”
You wither, there in your hiding spot, and mumble a pathetic response. 
“ Okay. Sure. ”
“Do you… want to shower?” You gesture lamely down the hall to your bathroom, Tsukki standing awkwardly in the foyer with his bag.
You see him swallow hard, and you realize how it’d come out.
“Because you’re gross,” You blurt, watching his eyebrows fly up and his tense expression become a teasing grin.
“Yeah, I got it the first time, Y/n,” He says, padding into your living room. “But thanks for clarifying.”
You flush, watching him drop his bag and head for your dresser. He plucks a set of his own clothes out of the bottom drawer, chuckling to himself as he does it.
“I probably shouldn’t stay long. If I leave in different clothes, things’ll get weird downstairs.”
And then there’s silence, because he’d said it without considering the rather salient implications of that sentence.
You sigh when the bathroom door clicks shut, falling onto your bed and contemplating hiding your face again.
He emerges after ten minutes, as you’re texting a very nosy Kiyoko. He stares down at you until you nervously lift your eyes to his. And then he takes a breath.
“We good?”
You hadn’t realized how much you needed such a simple question.
“Yeah,” You say with a breath of laughter. “We’re good.”
His relief is apparent in the way he throws himself down beside you and extracts his own phone, opening Twitter. You’re both quiet for a while, scrolling through his feed together and seeing that his name is trending.
“ ‘#tsukkiyn ’,” He says, snorting. “Look at us, going viral.”
You see a video of him tripping over his feet on the stairs of the gym, scrambling for his bag, and you purse your lips to keep from laughing.
“Look at you. You’re a wreck.”
“Shut up,” He laughs, scrolling past it to a photo of the two of you walking across campus. He’s got his fingers interlaced with yours – it must have been the moment he’d done it, because your eyes are bugged out with shock.
Tsukki laughs loudly, immediately liking and retweeting it without thinking. You gasp.
“ Tsukishima Kei- ” 
His notifications flood with replies and likes, the whole world seeming to react all at once.
[6:59 PM] tsukkiynstan77 : HELLO??? IS THIS CONFIRMATION????
[6:59 PM] sendaitsukki : I FOUND HER @ EVERYONE I FUCKING FOUND IT IT’S @/ynlovely !!!
“Uh oh,” Tsukki says under his breath, turning to look at you. You stare at him, a singular moment of silence between you before catastrophe.
Your phone starts to buzz incessantly, your notifications blowing up in a surge of sudden city-wide attention. You both stare at your phone screen, watching the notifications come in so fast that your phone starts to lump them all together.
15 New Notifications
16 New Notifications
17 New Notifications
99+ New Notifications
You stare at it, watching your phone glitch and struggle, and all you can do is laugh.
“Are you… Are you stupid?”
“I think so,” He says immediately, nodding beside you. “I definitely think that’s possible.”
A text notification stands out over the rest, its ding different than the others.
[7:01 PM]
Kiyoko: im going to assume your sudden lack of response means that youre fucking that man right now.
Your eyes go wide, and you drop your phone on your face in your haste to hide the screen. Tsukki coughs next to you, and you spot the telltale burn of embarrassment on his face as he turns away.
“ Fucking bitch ,” You mumble, snatching your phone up and rolling onto your side to hide from him.
[7:01 PM]
You: you fkin gbtich
Kiyoko: oh, did he see???
Kiyoko: oops :)) 
You hear snickering behind you, and you turn to find Tsukki peering over your shoulder at the texts. You gasp, and he reaches over to pluck the phone away from you.
“What do we have here?” He asks, standing from your bed and taking three giant strides to get away from you.
“ Tsukki! ” You roll off clumsily, chasing after him in a panic. “Don’t read those-”
“ ‘You need to kiss him for real ’,” He reads aloud, sidestepping you as you chase him all around your shoebox of an apartment. “‘ I saw the pics of him kissing you out front, that shit was pathetic- ’ What the fuck?” He stops, lifting the phone over his head to read it again. “I’m not pathetic -”
“Give me-” You jump, knocking the phone from his hand and onto the couch. “-my phone, you fuck.” You retrieve it, glaring up at him. “Those are private-”
“Was it really pathetic?” He asks, entirely caught up in this. “I thought it was fine.”
You roll your eyes, going into your notification settings and muting everything related to Twitter. “It was fine.”
He just pulls his phone out, and you catch him scrolling.
He’d searched for photos of the kiss.
“You’re joking,” You say, dropping down onto the couch and shaking your head. “It was fine , Tsukki.”
He just hums, unconvinced, and throws himself down, all but sitting on you. “Look at this.” He shows you a photo, zoomed in to where his lips barely touch your face. “That’s pretty bad.”
It is pretty bad.
You purse your lips, hiding your laugh when you see how he scowls down at his screen. “I’m sure we’ll get better at it.”
He doesn’t respond, just staring down at the photo. And then he locks his phone, tossing it down next to him.
“I thought it’d be easier than this.”
“I told you it wouldn’t be,” You say, smiling pitifully. “Regret anything yet?”
He snorts, shaking his head and combing his fingers through his wet hair. “Unfortunately, it looks you’re stuck with me. I talked to Management after practice.”
You shift, your interest piqued. “And?”
“They approved.” He throws you a half-laugh. “Obviously.”
“Do they know it’s fake?”
“Oh, please-” He waves your question away. “The whole team knows it’s fake. I was getting my ass handed to me 24 hours ago.”
You wring your hands together nervously. “And they’re all cool with it?”
“They like you more than they like me.”
“I barely know them.”
“Exactly.” He sighs. “Trust me, they want this to work just as much as we do. There’s too much riding on this.”
You nod, feeling a bit of relief seep into you. If the Frogs are on board with this, it can’t be a terrible idea, right?
“Anything they need me to do in particular?”
He shoots you a grin. “Make me a decent person?”
You grimace. “Bit above my pay-grade.”
He rolls his eyes. “They want me to have a social media presence. Pictures, tweets, teasing comments – that kinda thing.”
You blink. “So, earlier-”
“Come on,” He levels you with a deadpan stare. “You really think I’m stupid?”
“Extremely, yes.”
Tsukki just rolls his eyes, snatching his phone up and laying his body across yours.
“Smile, baby .” 
You spend an hour getting manhandled into different angles and positions, your debut as Tsukishima Kei’s girlfriend consisting of poorly shot selfies and a head of blond hair in your face.
“Go home , Tsukki,” You finally say, shoving him off of you and wiping your cheek where he’d just licked you like a freak. “You’re getting on my nerves.”
He just laughs, scrolling through his cursed camera roll. He picks one out from the collection of blurred shots and ugly laughing.
“What about this one?”
It’s one of Tsukki biting your face. Your eyes are squeezed shut as his mouth opens over your face, teeth clamped down on your cheek. You’ve got one hand curled into his hair, the other gripping the side of his neck as you try to shove him off of you, but it’s obvious you’re mid-laughter.
You stare down at it, hating that it’s perfect.
“Yeah, okay, fine.” 
Tsukki snickers, sending it to you. “You post it. It’s weird if I do it.”
You roll your eyes, opening Twitter and ignoring the million notifications in order to type a simple tweet with the photo attached.
[8:22 PM] ynlovely : freak. [photo attached]
It’s met with instant engagement, but Tsukki only adds to it, retweeting it just a minute later with his own comment.
[8:23 PM] tsukei : i got that dog in me
He’s out of your apartment before he has time to apologize, but – somehow – the headlines are faster.
Sendai Frogs Middle Blocker Tsukishima Kei Dating Longtime Friend: Confirmed
Despite the rocky start, things become surprisingly easy over the course of the next week.
The topic of kissing doesn’t come up again, but you find Tsukki making a habit of pecking you quickly on the cheek whenever you part ways, one hand in yours and the other on your waist. You follow his lead, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and pulling him down to your height when you want to plant a kiss on his face, laughter shared between you when you find new and strange places to put it. One on the bridge of his nose, another on his jawline just under his ear.
One accidentally smacked against the corner of his mouth in your rush to get to class on Friday morning.
A photo of Tsukki crouching against the wall of your department had circulated Twitter only minutes after that, his face hidden in his hands but ears clearly burning a beautifully bright, summery red. 
You hadn’t realized it then – that one accidental moment could call into question the validity of your relationship with Tsukishima Kei.
Your eyes scan over the most recent tweets under the ‘ #tsukkiyn ’ tag as you sit in a cafe on Friday afternoon, a strange dread settling deep in your gut.
Everything before – the excited commentary and overwhelming chaos related to the announcement of your relationship – had been due to the novelty of it all. The newness of Tsukishima as a taken man.
But this photo, where it’s apparent that Tsukki is flustered and unfamiliar with you in a romantic capacity, brings to attention a lot of the assumed details of your relationship.
You skim the tweets that address the issue, Tsukishima fans and haters alike all asking the same questions.
Why would he be so caught off guard by a simple gesture of affection? Something that can’t even be considered a kiss?
Isn’t it the case that you two had been dating for a while in secret and are only now confirming the relationship publicly? 
Is it a bit suspicious that the announcement of a relationship had comes only hours after a series of reputation-ruining headlines for the Sendai Frogs’ most promising rookie?
And there, posted only mere minutes ago, is someone who’d half-guessed at the truth.
[12:20 PM] numberonekei : lol the frogs probably paid her to be his fake gf to make him seem more likeable. not like shes actually his type.
You lock your phone, throwing it in your bag with a sigh and reaching for your coffee.
Nariko from Sendai Sports is sitting only a table away. She’d been with you almost all week, and you’d come to find some strange comfort in her presence – she’s proven herself to be a normal human being just doing her job.
Even now, she looks up from some shots on her camera when you sigh, and you feel her looking you over.
“Rough day?”
You smile wryly, pulling some books out to get work done. “Just glad it’s almost the weekend.”
“That’s a vague answer if I’ve ever heard one.”
You laugh. “Any weekend plans?”
She waves her camera at you in explanation, and you nod with a hum of understanding. She eyes you just a moment longer before returning to her shots. 
“I’ve been curating only the best photos of you, if that makes your day any less bad.”
You snort into your coffee. “It does, thank you.” And then you swallow, figuring it wouldn’t be too much detail to mention some things to her. “Just getting used to it all. The attention.”
“People kind of suck, huh?”
“Kind of,” You agree, staring down at your textbook without really seeing it. And then you blink, shaking yourself out of it. “It’s fine. I’ll feel better once he gets here.”
She looks up at you again, and you find minor surprise in her expression. “Is he really that good of a boyfriend? He’s kind of…”
“An asshole?” You smile, enjoying the breath of laughter she lets out. “He’s… hard to explain. You gotta think about how this might all feel for him, too, I guess.” There’s a moment of silence, one where she looks like she might understand what you’re saying, but it’s interrupted by a quiet knock on the cafe window.
You look up, finding Tadashi and Kiyoko, both of them gesturing for you to join them. You furrow a brow, reaching over for your bag, but there’s a hand there already.
“I texted you, loser,” Tsukki says, opening your bag and closing your textbook. “What’re you dissociating about?”
He clearly had not seen Nariko sitting fifteen feet away.
You shake your head, helping him collect your things and hoping she views your dynamic as one of playful banter. “Nothing, you ass. It’s just been a long morning.”
Tsukki crouches next you then, taking your face in one hand and forcing you to look at him. “Yeah, you look like shit.”
“Thank you. I do try.”
He only stares, scanning your face. “What happened?” It’s less of a question and more of a demand.
“Nothing, Tsukki,” You say, trying to shake him off. “Let’s just go.” 
But he’s reaching for your phone, unlocking it before you can stop him.
“Tsukki, don’t-”
“What’s…” He stares down at your Twitter feed, at the tweet you’d last read. And then he rolls his eyes, sighing heatedly and throwing your phone back in your bag. “I fucking hate the internet. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You frown slightly. That person had guessed at your fake relationship, but Tsukki’s denying it while thinking this conversation is private. Why?
He mumbles to himself as he finishes packing your bag. “ What would anyone know what my type is? ‘s bullshit .”
Oh. He’s trying to make you feel better.
“Just forget it, Tsukki,” You say, leaning forward and pressing your lips to the corner of his eyebrow. “I’m not that upset about it.”
“You clearly are,” He snaps. “I’m gonna start kicking people’s asses if they say shit to you.”
You roll your eyes, taking his hand and standing when he offers it to you. “No, you’re not. I’ll kick your ass if you try it.”
He just shrugs. “I’m just saying – teaching by example isn’t a bad idea.”
“Your stupidity amazes me sometimes,” You say, and then you turn to Nariko. “Have a good weekend.”
“I hope your day gets better,” She says, smiling kindly and avoiding eye contact with Tsukki.
He waits until you’re outside to awkwardly mumble, “Was she there the whole time?”
“Yes, she was. You’re just an idiot.”
“Who’s an idiot?” Kiyoko asks as you approach. When you gesture up at Tsukki, she smiles plainly. “Well, lucky for us, he’s just a dumb athlete and not a rocket scientist.”
Yamaguchi laughs a little too loud and is forced to run back to Tsukki’s car with the blond on his heels.
“So… Tsukki won’t tell me anything about how things are going with you two…” Yamaguchi leans in close to you. The Frogs have a home game on Sunday, so you sit with him and Kiyoko in the stands at their gym, half-watching their two-hour practice as you work on some assignments. 
You turn to the freckled boy now, an eyebrow raised.
He smiles, and you catch Kiyoko snickering to herself on his other side. She meets your eye and shrugs.
“Social media can only say so much.”
Yamaguchi nods, his smile conspiratorial. “A little hug here, a little kiss on the cheek there…”
“That’s about it, Tadashi,” You say slowly. His grin widens.
“Yeah? Nothing else?” When you don’t respond, he and Kiyoko start to nudge each other. “Nothing about someone’s virginity?” 
You gasp, flushing hard. It hadn’t come up again all week, and you’d nearly forgotten about it. 
“What the- fuck -” You shut your notebook and reach around Yamaguchi to smack Kiyoko with it. “You were not supposed to tell anyone!”
Kiyoko laughs as you hit her repeatedly. The ruckus catches the attention of some of the players below as they take a water break, and you’re met with Tsukki’s questioning stare, Koganegawa and Kyoutani on either side of him with bemused smiles. You wave lamely at them, aiming one last smack at your giggling friends before putting your notebook down.
“I needed someone else to join me in my exasperation,” Kiyoko says, leaning close and creating a secretive huddle for the three of you to whisper. “You two were acting weird and it had only been, like, 10 hours of dating.”
“It was just a fluke!” You whisper-yell, boxing Yamaguchi in as you argue. “It’s not exactly a smooth transition from 15 years of friendship into something romantic.”
“Something romantic , huh?” Yamaguchi throws a traitorous arm over your shoulder. “Do tell, Y/n.”
“You know what I mean. It was a rocky start, and there may or may not have been some oversharing along the way.” Your face is still hot from having to explain, but you want to cut these two off before they can start concocting stupid ideas.
“Yeah, well, you’re not out of the woods yet,” Kiyoko says, her grin a little evil. “I’ve seen what people are saying today – they’re not exactly convinced that you two are the Hallmark movie you need to be.”
You grimace. “What do you want me to do? We’re moving at a decent pace, I think.”
“ Decent pace ?” Yamaguchi snickers. “You kiss Tsukki the way I kiss my grandma.”
“I don’t have time to unpack that sentence, Tadashi,” You joke, wishing this conversation could end already. “But-” You sigh in frustration. “Fine. I see what you’re both saying. I just don’t know how to fix it.”
“It’s not like you need to give him a lap dance, Y/n,” He says. “But something needs to change before the game.” When you just stare at him blankly, he and Kiyoko share a look of disbelief. “You don’t think the whole world’s gonna be watching you that day?”
You deflate. You hadn’t even thought of that.
“What if they win, huh?” Kiyoko prompts. “You gonna give him a high-five, Y/n?”
Yamaguchi nods. “You at least have to kiss him. And if you’re really committed to this-” He glances over your head, eyes going wide as he leans in quickly to whisper in your ear. “- you’re gonna have to make it good. You know sweet, innocent girls aren’t Tsukki’s type .”
You blanche, remembering the joking way that Tsukki had hinted at cute girls not being able to ‘ handle ’ him.
“What are you three scheming about over here?”
You jump, turning quickly to see Tsukki standing over you, hand on hip and eyebrows furrowed in suspicion.
You swallow, shaking your head. “Nothing… Nothing-” You blink, clearing your head. “Practice done?”
He nods, hoisting his gym bag high on his shoulder. “Are we still drinking tonight?”
“Drinking?” You turn to look at your friends. “Where?”
Yamaguchi smiles and lifts his bag, and you realize only now that there’s a quiet clink every time he jostles it.
“Your place.”
“Oh. I brought this over.” 
Tsukki reaches into his bag, extracting a bright green Frogs jersey and tossing it at you. You catch it without looking, tipping another shot back into your mouth. 
The four of you are sitting on the floor around your coffee table, some bottles of liquor and your many preferred mixers strewn on the table with the shot glasses and three bowls of varied snacks. A random movie plays on your TV, the volume low and the plot serving as nothing more than background noise.
You squint at the shirt in your hand, his last name stretched in capital letters across the back. The letters double up and hover a little, your vision not what it should be right now.
“Your… jersey?”
“For Sunday,” He says with no other explanation, just reaching over the table to pour a shot of rum and a splash of Coke into his cup. It spills over the rim a little, and he has to shake his head to clear it as he’s putting the bottle down.
Your heart jumps a little, the reminder of Sunday bringing back Yamaguchi’s words.
‘You’re gonna have to make it good. ’
You glance at Yamaguchi now, seeing that he’s eyeing you with mischief. When he sees the panic tinging your expression, he grins.
“Yeah, Y/n ,” He says, giggling drunkenly. “You gotta look the part so people don’t say you’re not his real girlfriend.” He and Kiyoko lean heavy on each other, and he mumbles to her in a voice that’s a lot louder than he realizes. “ Gotta act the part, too. ”
You glance at Tsukki, finding him staring at the pair over the top of his glasses, his cup halfway to his mouth. His eyes narrow in suspicion at his roommate.
“ Yamaguchi …” He mutters. It’s suspicious, you realize – a warning. You glance between them, wondering what’s happened.
Yamaguchi catches you, his smile wicked. “I think he’s mad at me, Y/n.” He tilts his head toward, his whisper deliberately loud this time. “It’s just that he’s been so blushy lately. I’m dying to know why.”
“Soon enough, you’ll just be dying,” Tsukki says, downing his drink. 
Your head spins a little as you look around. Kiyoko and Yamaguchi are both red in the face, the vodka having gotten to them almost an hour ago. Tsukki, too, is undoubtedly drunk – his eyes are heavily lidded, his blinks long and slow. And his fingers rest on the rug, just slightly over yours.
That’s one thing about Tsukishima Kei that’s just so hard to believe – he gets touchy when he drinks. And even if his version of touchy is nothing more than fingertips brushing over the back of your hand every few minutes, it’s touchy nonetheless.
Unfortunately, you get touchy when you drink, too.
And it’s just so truly unfortunate, because your version of touchy isn’t exactly his version of touchy.
“Tsukki,” You start, his name heavy in your mouth. “Do you plan on winning the game on Sunday?”
His golden eyes cut to yours, narrowing with unspoken questions. “That’s usually the goal, yeah.”
You swallow, your heart pounding a little louder than usual. Your drunken mind had really thought he might say no.
“Why?” He asks, but you don’t hear him.
You just sit up on your knees, struggling to put your drink on the table before scooting close to him. You hear Kiyoko gasp behind you, she and Yamaguchi starting to smack each other’s arms when you reach out and take the front of Tsukki’s shirt with both hands.
His eyes widen, and he allows himself to be dragged toward you. “What-Y/n-”
You lean forward, stopping just shy of his mouth and sighing roughly. His breath catches in his throat, and you smell the rum on his tongue.
“Be quiet, Tsukki. For once.”
You can confidently say you’ve never tasted rum quite like this.
It’s quick, but the jolt to your system is sharp, a live wire in your veins.
You pull away with the hint of a gasp, your pulse drumming in your ears. Tsukki stares with wide eyes and parted lips. You think you hear Yamaguchi mumble ‘ Holy shit’ to Kiyoko, but you can’t spare any attention for it.
Tsukki’s eyes flick between yours and then back down to your mouth, and the drumming in your ears skips a few beats.
He leans in before you can pull away.
This kiss is as short as the last, but he lingers this time, alcohol tainting the air that hovers between your lips. You gather the courage to try again before he does, and it’ll only be later that you realize how relieved you are that he tangles his fingers in your hair and kisses you until his courage finds him, too.
His lips are softer than you’d expected – rough and assured, just like everything else about him, but soft nonetheless. You find yourself unshakeably curious to discover if they’re still as soft after just one more kiss. Over and over again, curiosity on repeat. Needing to keep testing it, because there’s an almost desperate need to keep finding out.
Just one more, you think, again and again. One more, and then you’ll stop. 
His other hand finds your thigh, palm searing hot against your skin, and his tongue brushes against your bottom lip just as his fingers slide accidentally under the hem of your shorts. Your heart jumps, and your teeth catch ever so softly on his lip. A sound escapes from deep in his throat, one that sounds suspiciously like a groan.
What an addicting little sound it turns out to be.
Just as Tsukki’s fingertips are digging into the plush skin of your thighs, Yamaguchi clears his throat loudly behind you. Kiyoko’s got her hand on your shoulder, pulling you away.
“Y/n,” She says gently, tugging on your sleeve.
You gasp, realizing what’s happened and reeling back quickly. Tsukki’s fingers tighten in your hair for just a second, but he lets you go almost immediately, his eyes wide as he comes to his senses, too.
“What-” He breathes, gaze flicking in a panic between your lips and your eyes. You stare back, your heart pounding in your ears and your head spinning like a carousel. “What was that for?”
You just scan him, watching as a blush blossoms furiously across his cheeks, his chest rising and falling rapidly. You blink, your voice muffled in your ear when you respond.
“Just practicing. For Sunday.”
And then you whirl around, your back pressed against the bottom of the couch as you stare emptily at the TV. Yamaguchi snatches the remote from the floor and boosts the volume until there’s no way you and Tsukki can have a conversation about this.
Kiyoko and Yamaguchi start to whisper furiously to each other after a few minutes, but you and Tsukki stay silent until it gets late enough that you all fall asleep.
You wake sometime around 3am, shifting and covering your eyes with a quiet groan when you realize the TV’s still on. The room is completely dark otherwise, so you have to search clumsily around the floor for the remote, still tired but thankfully not drunk anymore. 
You only realize Tsukki’s awake and sitting on the couch when you see that the remote is in his hand. His eyes are trained on the screen, unseeing, and he’s got his cup in his other hand. He flicks his gaze down to yours when he senses you looking at him.
“Too bright?” He mumbles, quiet enough not to wake your friends, Kiyoko sleeping on the armchair and Yamaguchi passed out on the rug. You shake your head, joining him on the couch and shivering slightly from the running air conditioner.
“Body heat,” You say plainly, and he rolls his eyes but allows you to press your side against his regardless. “You’re gonna be too hungover for practice tomorrow if you keep drinking.” You gesture to the cup in his hand, watching a slow smirk stretch across his face.
“What’s wrong?” He teases, setting both the cup and the remote on the table in favor of draping his arm around your shoulders with an mocking lift of his eyebrows. “Worried I won’t do well on Sunday? You must really want to kiss me.”
You don’t bother hiding the flush of your cheeks in the dark, too busy rolling your eyes. “You recovered quickly, Tsukishima,” You say, your tone just as airy and full of amusement when his eyes light up a little at the use of his name. “Alcohol got you feeling confident?”
“It had you feeling confident,” He counters, smirk deepening when he sees the embarrassment cross your expression. And then he leans into you, nose brushing against yours and breath fanning across your lips when he whispers to you.
You only realize he’s actually about to kiss you when his gaze drops to your mouth.
“ My turn .”
You suck in a surprised breath, unsure what to do with the excited flutter of your heart when his lips turn out to be just as soft as they were before. Your fingers slide into the hair at the base of his neck, and you shiver when his hand finds your waist, his palm heated even through your shirt.
“Still cold?” He whispers against your lips, angling his head and smiling when you lean into him. You shake your head, because you’re suddenly so, so warm, but then you realize his breath doesn’t smell like rum anymore.
“You were drinking water?” You ask, a flash of heat spreading from the crown of your head down to your toes when he just kisses you again with an amused hum.
“Did you really think I would risk being hungover tomorrow?”
You breathe unsteadily, goosebumps spreading all over your skin when he drops his head and brushes his lips against a spot just under your ear. “Why are you kissing me, Tsukki? You’re sober.”
His breath is warm when it fans out over your throat, his voice low in your ear and muffled against your skin. “ So are you. ”
Your stomach flips. He’s right.
“But I wasn’t the first time.” You lift your brows, mustering as much confidence as you can. “What’s your excuse? You wanna kiss me that bad, Tsukki?”
He lifts his head then, meeting your eyes evenly as a knowing look fills his expression.
“Just practicing, of course – for Sunday.”
The implication brings you pause, and then you laugh, covering your mouth so as to not wake your friends up. Tsukki watches you do it, a matching smile spreading across his lips.
It’s relieving, being able to laugh about this with him.
After an entire week of moments belonging to the public – moments that have meant too much, with too many eyes on them and too much on the line to risk messing them up – this is one moment that belongs only to you and him. One moment when you don’t have to think so hard.
Maybe that’s been the issue all along.
“Tsukki…” You start, meeting his eyes with an idea growing in your head. He hums, watching you closely. “What if we just… stop thinking so much about this?”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, only offering a long, slow blink. And then he tilts his head, the conspiratorial look in his eye all too enticing. You’ve been seeing that look your whole life.
“You wanna have some fun, Y/n?”
Maybe you’re just as much trouble as he is.
“I could be into that.”
It turns out that ‘ having fun ’ looks a lot like you sitting in the packed stands on Sunday afternoon, wearing the name TSUKISHIMA on your back and hiding your phone from your friends as you text him. Both teams are down below doing their pre-game stretches, and you wait for Tsukki to be near his bag pressing send .
You don’t hear the quiet ding from where you sit, but you see his blond head swivel around at the sound. He extracts the phone from his bag, and you watch him read the messages.
[1:21 PM]
You: in case you forgot
You: winning this game comes with the added bonus of me kissing the soul out of your body
You: in front of all these people
You catch the smile that creeps out just before he smothers it, and your own smile is hidden behind your hand. He looks around, searching the bleachers until he finds you. He shakes his head at you, typing rapidly and sending his response just as Koganegawa’s approaching him.
[1:24 PM]
Tsukki: dont threaten me with a good time, you freaky little dementor
Tsukki: you WILL be paying up when i make the winning point
You snort into your hand, locking your phone and waving off Yamaguchi and Kiyoko when they give you matching looks of interest. The intro commentary starts shortly after, with the teams greeting each other through the net. The game starts promptly at 1:30 PM.
True to his word, Tsukishima Kei makes the winning point at 2:58 PM. 
You watch in disbelief as his block sends the ball back over the net, spinning quickly and slamming against the floor between two players on the other team. You’re left stunned in your seat as everyone jumps up, the name on your back screamed across the entire stadium as Frogs fans celebrate yet another win at the hands of their star rookie.
Kiyoko grabs you and hauls you to your feet, and you can’t help the laughter that fills your body as you cheer alongside her.
By the time you find him in the mass of his teammates, Tsukki’s already looking right at you. His teammates all jump around him, shoving and hugging and clapping him on the back. 
But all he does is lift his arm, a single finger pointed right at you.
Yamaguchi makes a noise of surprise, and Kiyoko turns to you with a shocked smile.
“You’re not actually…?”
Tsukki crooks his finger twice, beckoning you to him with a satisfied grin.
'Show them who you are.'
Kyoutani sees you next, his smile widening as he cups his hands around his mouth and yells, in that deep baritone that shakes the room-
“ Kiss! ” 
Your laughter turns giddy, and you dart out into the aisle to get to the stairs. You take them two at a time, his oversized jersey fluttering behind you as you run down to the court. You hear the whispers and whooping all around you as the fans realize where you are and where you’re headed, but you ignore them in favor of meeting Tsukki halfway across the court.
The smile he gives you is that wild, genuine one that reminds you of your childhood – of playground sand boxes and toy dinosaurs, of excited storytelling and playing volleyball with Akiteru in their backyard.
Of a Tsukishima Kei who would pretend he knew nothing about why the class bully was suddenly sporting a bloody nose after making fun of your body – one who would pretend he couldn’t hear you when you’d say you weren’t hungry, only shoving a spoonful of his lunch in your mouth with that smile that would make you forget why you were crying in the first place.
That’s the Tsukishima Kei that picks you up now and spins you around like you weigh nothing, his arms wrapping around you while you tangle your fingers into his hair and kiss him like your life depends on it. He tastes like salt, and he breathes a laugh past your lips when the crowd starts to follow Kyoutani’s lead, the room erupting in cheers and the thunderous chant of ‘ Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! ’. 
“ Congratulations, ” You whisper against his mouth, wrapping your legs around his waist. A shiver runs down your spine when he holds you there, his grip on your hips and thighs possessive and his body flush against yours. 
You wonder if maybe he’d seen his life in your smile, too.
“ You gonna greet me like this at every game? ” He asks between kisses, the chanting and cheering becoming nearly overwhelming. 
“ Only if you win, ” You laugh, barely able to hear the response he gives you even in your little pocket of solitude.
“ Guess I should start training for Nationals.”
You’d forgotten how easy it is to have fun with him.
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devilyn · 4 years
i want to tell you i love you | tsukishima kei
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— alexa, play: i won’t let you feel alone again by demxntia
Every single time that I lay my eyes on your face I'm falling for your body and your mind too Forget the past we can leave it all behind you I won't let you feel alone again I won't let you feel alone again, no
— synopsis: sometimes, tsukki wished he could be more honest with himself. because if he had honestly told you how he felt about you, he wouldn’t be standing outside your front door wondering how he should beg you for forgiveness right now. — genre: angst, happy ending, implications of nsfw, tsukki’s pride again. — word count: 1.8k
He wondered if he should even be here, standing outside your door without calling you beforehand. He knew you had to leave in 10 minutes if you wanted to make it to lecture in time, and he knew if you saw him your day would most likely be ruined.
Yet he didn't move from his spot by your front door.
Did you even want to see him? Chances were low. If anything, him being here was more likely to hurt you. But without thinking, his feet had brought him to your doorstep. Softly, he cursed and ran his hand through his hair.
He never knew what to do when it came to you and your undefined relationship.
"What are we?" you finally asked the other night with a softness in your eyes he never wanted to let go. 
"Nothing," is what he instinctively said to keep the walls around his heart up, but he felt it throb in his chest when he saw the way your expression fell. 
He hated labels. He hated defining things. It's why the two of you lasted so long. But it was only natural that you'd want some sort of definition of what was happening between the two of you.
If his high school teammates saw him now, most of them would probably be disappointed in the type of man he became. In fact, they'd yell at him to treat you better. So what was stopping him?
Pride. It was always his pride, and he hated it.
He nearly jumped in surprise when he heard your front door click and then swing open. You let out a similar noise of shock before finally looking up and meeting his golden eyes. Your haggard expression managed to become even more tired than before just at the sight of his face, and suddenly, he regretted coming.
"Why…?" you trailed off, knowing he knew what you meant.
"...needed to see you," he answered honestly, though he almost regretted that too when your brows furrowed and your expression darkened.
"I have class," you responded coldly, stepping outside the warm comforts of your apartment to brave the winter air. Tsukishima could see your breath, and the way you shuddered at the cool wind that blew by.
"M'not here for sex," he murmured and you scoffed, checking the time on your phone.
"Yeah, I figured that. You never come anytime before 9pm for sex," you tilted your head. "In fact, you never come before 9pm at all."
He felt like he was going to collapse, but his feet stayed rooted to the ground as he gazed down at you with an unreadable expression. Despite that, your hard expression softened into one he couldn't understand. He watched you glance at your phone again and curse under your breath. You would be late if you didn't leave now.
"Look, Kei," you stated quickly. "I need to go or I'll be late to class."
"You can miss one lecture."
You rolled your eyes and took a step forward in an attempt to slip past him. He wasn't sure how, but he managed to pull his feet from their spot by your front door to plant himself in front of you instead, blocking you from taking any more than three steps away from your doormat. Your expression morphed into one of displeasure once again.
"Kei," you spoke in a warning tone. "I'm going to be late."
"I want to talk--"
"You had your chance to talk last week," you interrupted, voice calm. "So move out of my way, or I'll block your number and you definitely won't be able to talk to me then."
"Either way, we know you're going to end up blocking my number after today anyway," he retorted with narrowed eyes, as you desperately looked for a way around his unnecessarily tall frame. "so let's talk now."
You scoffed and threw your hands into the air in defeat. Quickly, you whirled back around and forcefully unlocked your front door before yanking it open. Before stepping inside, you turn your head to glare at him.
"This is your last chance, Tsukishima Kei." 
He flashed you a bitter smile before following you inside your familiar apartment.
"Excuse the mess," you mumble, dropping your bag by the couch as you head into the kitchen to grab him a beverage.
He closed the door behind him, the soft click of the lock sealing his fate. How would he go about this? It's not like he came here with a plan. He had acted on emotion alone, and somehow ended up here. Yet, as you said, this was his last chance to be honest with himself, and with you.
"I hope water's fine. I don't have anything else," your soft voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He watched you toss used tissues and napkins from the coffee table into the trash, briefly wiping it down with a wet towel before setting his beverage on top.
He took in your apartment for the first time during the daylight. It was uncharacteristically messy, with an emptied bag of chips tossed aside and a blanket and pillow laying haphazardly on your only couch. Your shoes were kicked to the side, and some clothes that he deemed as your pajamas were on the ground by the couch. As if you knew he was observing the sight, you hurriedly cleaned up the area.
"You don't need to clean," he said softly, though you made a soft noise that sounded like a snort. Clearly, you weren't going to listen to him.
"Sit," you told him as you made your way back to your bedroom to toss everything onto your bed to clean later. "And think thoroughly about what your excuse will be."
He did as you told him, taking a seat comfortably on your couch. He's spent an excessive amount of time here with you, usually with you perched in his lap with your lips against his. You always had this soft giggle he adored, and would try to draw out of you by kissing areas on your neck he knew were ticklish. He would rest his head on your lap after a long day of classes, volleyball practice, and generally dealing with others. You would run your hand through his hair absentmindedly while watching a show on your laptop, and he would gaze up at your focused expression with stars in his eyes. Then, his hand would reach up and pull you down for a kiss, which would eventually lead to more. 
There were many nights where he'd let you force him into washing the sheets because of the mess the two of you made, and you insisted it had to be a team effort because it was mostly his fault for initiating in the first place. Still, the sight of you writhing beneath him with red cheeks pleading for more always made the laundry day worth it. Plus, the bright smile you wore watching him reluctantly pull the sheets off your bed made him feel things he couldn't put into words.
"I love you," Tsukishima whispered softly to himself, as he heard the quiet pattering of your feet become louder with each step as you approached the common area. That was the lame excuse he had come up with.
You took the spot on the other side of the couch, turning so you could face him.
"So?" you tilted your head, fingers messing around with your phone as a distraction. "What's the excuse you came up with that was good enough to force me to skip class?"
He was silent, eyes taking in every inch of your face and the small changes that occurred over the span of the two days he hadn't seen you.
The bags under your eyes were new, along with your chapped lips and the sadness in your irises. His hand reached forward and he inched closer to you, leaning in to cup your cheek gently. Though you allowed the action, you stiffened and never tore your gaze from his. His golden-brown eyes flickered to your lips, thumb brushing over them slowly.
"I'm sorry," he finally mumbled, eyes closing as he leaned in again to rest his forehead against yours.
"For what?" you inquired quietly. You were testing him, and he knew it. He deserved it, really.
"For saying you meant nothing to me when that obviously isn't true," Tsukishima still had his palm cupping your cheek, his thumb brushing over your supple skin as he sighed quietly. The two of you were silent for a bit before you spoke up again, your voice shaky.
"...what am I supposed to believe, Kei? That you really want to be around me for more than just sex, or are you cruel enough to lie to my face to keep me around as someone you can run to whenever you wanna fuck?"
"You're worth more than that," his voice was weak, and he suppressed his pride that scolded him for speaking his true feelings. "And I'm sorry that I made you feel like you weren't. I'm sorry that I disproved my actions with my words because I was scared of giving my heart to someone."
He finally opened his eyes, and his heart trembled at the sight of your teary expression.
"I can't forgive you so easily, you know," your fingers reached up to trace the outline of his jaw, and a pleased hum left his lips.
"I'll make it up to you, until you believe me," he placed his hand over yours, bringing your knuckles to his lips and pressing light kisses to your fingertips. Your gaze was soft, admiring the adoration in his eyes.
"I like you a lot," you whimpered weakly, and he couldn't help but smile. He leaned down to finally kiss you like he had been wanting to since he first saw you, his fingers intertwining with yours.
"I know," he mumbled against your lips, and you weakly smacked his shoulder to which he snickered.
"Do you like me…?" you asked quietly, voice even smaller than before, as if you were afraid of his answer.
"...yeah. A lot," he answered honestly, and his heart swelled up with joy at the sight of your teary smile. With a soft giggle that sounded like home to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of you to press your lips to his again.
One day, he'd be able to vocalize just how much he loved that laugh of yours. One day, he'd be able to tell you honestly just how much he loves you.
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dancingamongstdust · 3 years
Can you write a tsukishima kei X reader where they both tease eachother but don't realise that they have feelings for eachother. Then tsukishima says something really offensive to reader and she gets really upsets and ignores him, he then realizes his feelings for her?
I struggled writing this but it was actually quite fun! Thank you for the request.
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Teasing was something fun. The tumbling words were light and playful, hinting at something more but never letting their secrets free.
You lived for the flash of annoyance in Tsukishima’s hazel eyes; a small smirk always betraying that he enjoyed the banter. Whether you were speaking to him or commenting loud enough to draw his attention, he would turn to you fully and respond in kind. Though his words dripped in sarcasm, you never took them personally.
Perhaps you should have. Your comments never held any malice and you always strayed away from actual insults.
Tsukishima didn’t quite understand that part of your game.
Some of the things that he said stung. In those times, you’d just flip him off and pretend to go about your day without a second thought. But they did bother you.
Enough to find you standing in front of your mirror and glaring at your reflection as though it could give you the answers. Everything about your relationship with Tsukishima was frivolous. You had never held a real conversation. He was just a stupidly confident man with a sharp tongue and honeyed hair. His glasses were ridiculous, his taste in music was poor, and his eyes were the type of golden brown that snatched your breath from your lungs.
You groaned and turned away from your reflection.
Why did you have to fall for him?
Was it because of his voice and the soft edge that lay beneath its harsh words? Perhaps the gentleness of his movements had drawn your attention. He never looked out of place and you envied him that.
You contemplated telling him initially but decided against it. Getting a better feel of his attitude towards you would help before any misguided confessions slipped out.
That lasted until the next day.
“I know I shouldn’t be expecting anything intelligent to come from you but think things through a little more before you speak.”
Tsukishima glanced down at you as he passed, the hint of a smile on his lips. The insult wasn’t meant. He had often mocked your intelligence before to little response – after all, he knew that you didn’t get easily offended.
This time though, you didn’t immediately respond and when you did, it was just a slight jab about something trivial.
He turned around to look back at you but you had hurried off somewhere.
Shrugging that off, he continued on his day until the next time he saw you. When he did, he waited for the retaliation.
And waited.
And waited.
He was so focused on listening out for your snide comment that he didn’t even pay attention to his other conversation. Yamaguchi, thankfully, didn’t need an active participant in his discussion. He only seemed minorly confused by Tsukishima’s confusion before continuing.
Once you’d left, he sighed and said, “Maybe it’s been a bad day.”
Tsukishima glanced over his shoulder to confirm you hadn’t walked back in. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You didn’t, like, call her a bitch, right?”
“What? Obviously not.”
Yamaguchi shrugged. “Then don’t worry so much about it. She’ll be back to normal soon.”
Tsukishima scoffed, electing to pretend the conversation was unimportant. He changed the topic onto something that was more in his area of expertise but his thoughts kept hanging on you. It irritated him to no end and he spent the rest of the day snapping a little too harshly at everybody.
The next day went no better.
He waited to hear your voice, having never realised before how well he knew it. It was something missing from his day and he didn’t even know why.
“It’s not my fault if she’s going to be sensitive about stupid stuff,” he stated when Yamaguchi next commented about your unusual silent treatment.
“Nope. Some people are just soft.”
“You’re one of those people,” Tsukishima had retorted. He meant it mockingly though any kind of rudeness had little effect on his best friend. It was part of who he was… he had really believed you understood that.
Yamaguchi tried to move on but Tsukishima continued with his complaints.
“Why would she just suddenly start taking offense to things?”
“Maybe you hit a nerve.”
“How was I meant to know she was touchy about her intelligence? Anyway, it was days ago. She should be over it by now.”
“If it’s bothering you that much, just say sorry.”
“It’s not bothering me.”
He wasn’t stupid – of course, it was – but he was hardly about to tell somebody that. You were nobody to him and your lack of comments was an absolute relief. In fact, he was rather happy that you had decided to finally take the hint.
A whole month passed and he stopped waiting to hear your voice. His stubbornness kept any apology away from you, even though one accidental meetup in the hall had nearly drawn one out. It was honestly ridiculous, he had nothing to apologise about.
He could apologise just to have you speak to him again… Tsukishima quickly chased away that traitorous thought. It was rare for him to apologise for things that actually required it, let alone for nonsense like this. A simple fact that everybody he complained to seemed to directly refute.
Just apologise. Just apologise. Like he cared enough to do so.
It took him another two months to realise why he minded so much. Why he was still hung up on you despite your supposed non-importance.
He had been walking with Yamaguchi when they passed a flower store, the place having a special on roses for your loved ones. Yamaguchi had decided to get some and for a split second, Tsukishima had touched the petals and considered buying some for you.
He pulled his hand away as though it had been burned.
“Normally you get fifteen for a situation like this.”
He scoffed at Yamaguchi. “You really need to deal with your obsession about this woman.”
Tsukishima didn’t buy fifteen roses but he realised then what it was about you that bothered him so. And he absolutely hated the conclusion that he came to.
He stepped in front of you the next day, drawing your attention to him (though he didn’t know that it rarely left). “Why are you ignoring me?” he asked.
“I’m not?” It sounded like a question, even to you.
Tsukishima wasn’t going to argue with you about it. He just raised an eyebrow and waited for you to sigh and continue.
“I’m just… I…”
“Wow that explains it very well.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Would it kill you to say something nice?”
“Since when have we ever been nice to each other?” he asked.
Of course you didn’t have an answer for that. You had never been ‘nice’ to each other – at least not in the way most people would consider nice. But the thing was, those moments still came to your memory fondly.
“You know, I always made sure never to actually insult you,” you said.
“I never actually insulted you.”
“Yes, you did,” you pointed out. “You’re constantly pointing out how stupid I am or how uncoordinated I am or whatever!”
“It’s not like I meant them.”
That tripped you up a little. Tsukishima’s height had you looking up at him, his expression entirely unchanged. Why would he have said things that weren’t true? It wasn’t like you had even initiated this entire taunt exchange way back when you had first met. Sure, you had responded but it was his comment on your hair that had gotten to you.
“You didn’t… what?”
Tsukishima stared at you like you were stupid. “It’s not my fault if you choose to take things personally but get over it a bit quicker, would you?”
It wasn’t an apology, not by a long shot, but it was enough to explain something that you couldn’t quite pinpoint yourself. Tsukishima wanted to talk to you. Even if he thought you were being childish, his main problem lay in your sudden silent treatment.
“We’re not friends,” you said.
“So why do you care if we’re talking or not?”
He shrugged. “I don’t.”
He did. Of course he did. Part of him wanted to say that but his pride just wouldn’t allow it. Thankfully, the message seemed to get through to you regardless.
“Do you want to go out for lunch?” you offered.
“Why would I ever want to do that?”
You smiled, noticing the small smirk’s appearance on his face. “Tomorrow. At 12.”
Tsukishima left you standing there, refusing to glance back even if he wanted to. He told himself it was because he didn’t care and it had nothing to do with the uncharacteristic smile on his face.
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝ the morning after pt.II ❞
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ft : tsukishima kei, kuroo tetsurō, akaashi keiji and ojiro aran
warnings : sfw but suggestive - implied sex [night before]
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-> he will act like nothing happened
-> last night he called you his ‘pretty baby’ while on your knees?
-> no he didn’t <3
-> he will wake up and go about his morning as normal
-> it’s not a big deal to him
-> what is a big deal?
-> his size
-> meaning you’re a little bit bed ridden
-> so he will causally slip a glass of water and pain killers your way
-> “good morning weirdo”
-> “you make me ache and this is how you greet me? i’m finding a new boyfriend >:(“
-> “you asked for it, i gave it to you, don’t act like this is my fault idiot”
-> he has a point because you did ask for it sigh
-> however he does acknowledge you are in slight agony
-> and he will silently sympathise with that
-> and run you a bath
-> “aw you do care about me!”
-> “no it’s because you smell like shit”
-> yeah defiantly not because he knows baths help with muscle aches or whatever
-> definitely not the reason he’s running you a bath
-> and also not the reason he gets in to join you to massage your muscles a little
-> “i’m just making sure you wash yourself properly, i don’t want this to be a waste of water”
-> just say you wanna spoil the love of you life and go omg
-> defiantly only dries you and your hair for you because he wants to make sure you do it properly too
-> not because he feels a little bad and is spoiling you, oh no definitely not
-> he feels bad internally
-> he won’t apologise though because you did ask for it
-> but he will show his sympathy through actions rather than words
-> and he will absolutely take care of you until you’re feeling better and the pain resides a little
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-> before you even wake up you know he’s going to be annoying sigh
-> from the second your eyes crack open, you’re already being held tightly in his arms keeping you warm
-> when you try to pry yourself from him he starts to stir awake
-> “what are you doing?”
-> “currently? freeing myself from my boyfriends unnecessarily tight grip that could end up being my cause of death”
-> “you didn’t seem to have a problem last night when i was even close to you than-”
-> “speak another word and i get up and leave this bed now”
-> “that’s if you can get up >:)”
-> you throw a pillow at him to shut him up and turn the other way
-> his arms are already back around you though as he coos apologises and cackles at your annoyance
-> he will keep the two of you like that in the early morning hours before taking it upon himself to go and make you breakfast
-> “hey, i’ll go make us something to eat, you go shower and make sure to pee, i know you did last night after we finished but go pee again because i’m not exactly on the small side and i could’ve pushed more bacteria up there so-”
-> “i know oh my! just gO!”
-> he smiles at you and leaves to go to the kitchen to go and cook
-> after you’ve had your long and well deserved shower (and pee) you sit at your vanity with one of his shirts pulled over your head
-> he’ll come up with two plates in hand and set them down
-> he’s already eaten half of his food because you were taking a while in the shower :,)
-> but that’s okay because you get to eat your breakfast at your vanity while he takes care of drying your hair through thoroughly as you eat
-> he’s annoying and he will make more than just a few jokes worth giving him a side glare for
-> but he also will take good care of you because he knows that he did tire you out and it’s the least he should do for you
-> he’s still going to be annoying though
-> but that’s why you love him
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-> he’s awake by the time you wake up
-> and you’re pleasantly woken by the feeling of his fingers subconsciously drawing small circles along your neck and collarbone
-> “stop that tickles!”
-> “oh you’re awake? good morning my love”
-> presses soft kisses along your jaw until he reaches your face
-> he’ll just want to stay in bed for a while in the comfort of being with each other
-> the two of you will lay there in each other’s arms muttering sleepy ‘i love yous’ and ‘are you okay?’ to each other
-> you had sex, not a war guys stop being so sentimental sigh :0
-> he will insist upon getting you into a bath
-> he is going to spoil the shit out of you and he’s shameless in doing so
-> he believes it’s his responsibility to take care of you
-> he’ll still be a little snarky though
-> soft smirks and kisses inbetween moments
-> “so you really can’t get out of bed? >:)”
-> “shut up, you already know the answer.”
-> will get you back into bed after a bath and will bring you breakfast upstairs for the two of you to eat together
-> eventually he does hope you get up because he believes staying in bed will do you no good
-> so he will start coaxing you into getting up and to walk around the house at least to try and ease any aches
-> he won’t make you move around too much though because he does keep in mind you are still hurting just a little
-> so he’ll still be there to sit you down on the couch and bring you anything he can grab you should you need it
-> he’s just glad you got out of bed anyway because he would’ve missed you while he’s downstairs
-> very reliable boyfie
-> cares about your well-being and health all while being sexc
-> that’s not traits many possess so you’re quite lucky in the way that you have him
-> and speaking on that, please tell him you’re lucky to have him
-> because while he loves you to no ends
-> it does make his heart flutter to know he’s doing a good job
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-> ugh king, wakes up before you and already has had his morning run and showered all before you’re awake
-> and because he’s already nicely showered and clean he hops back into bed with you to keep you warm
-> his heart melts at the feeling of your arms automatically wrapping around him
-> like?? hello?? you’re wired to look for him like that?? that’s hella cute
-> when he can feel you stirring awake, he’s already got a small smile tugging at his lips
-> “good mornin’ baby”
-> the same way his heart melts at you subconsciously hugging him, it melts at the sight of your dazed and cute morning face
-> “good morning aran”
-> he swears he’s the luckiest man alive getting to see you like this
-> and he shows it by kissing you the second you allow him
-> very slow paced and relaxed movements
-> he understands he’s not exactly blameless for the ache between your legs
-> already his hands are on your tights rubbing them gently to try and relax your muscles a little
-> “be right back, gotta grab you some pain killers and water”
-> you’ve not even been awake 5 minutes and he’s already on his best boyfie shit
-> will literally watch you take the pain killers and make sure you’re taken care of accordingly
-> he’ll get you in the shower and tell you the appropriate temperatures that are supposed to be ideal for muscles to relax
-> you ignore him and have a hot shower anyway and as you should
-> he will spend the entire morning with you just taking it easy
-> “does it still hurt?”
-> “well, you did only break my break a handful of hours ago so yeah”
-> “break your back? i penetrated you, i didn’t break your back!”
-> listen he’s doing his best for you so don’t make him feel too bad
-> and honestly he’s one of the best boyfies for aftercare
-> because yeah sex is a two person activity in this case
-> he’ll always put you first
-> meaning your comfort comes over his
-> so yeah maybe he’s a little tired but if you wanna lay on his chest then he certainly won’t stop you
-> and he’ll always pull you in closer to ensure you’re the most comfortable you can be
-> because to aran you’re the most important person in the world
-> and he’ll always drop anything and everything he’s doing to take care of you
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @dearestmegumi @kuxredere @warakou @iss6s @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @wompwomphq @waitforitillwritemywayout @webworld @brokeasshoee @sunasbabie @rowley-with-ackerman @mjoork @trifliz @curiouslilbeast @ineedsomefoodpls
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daikushiji · 4 years
oh my goodness i just read the ones about "his crush drawing a heart on his hand" and i'm jus bout died😭 could you maybe add yams, suga, and kenma? 👉🏻👈🏻 if that's alright?🥺
his crush draws a heart on his hand (pt. 3)
pairings: sugawara x reader, kenma x reader, yamaguchi x reader
a/n: hiii bby!! thanks for the request, i honestly missed writing this series omg hope you like it <33 [part 1 and part 2 here!!]
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Sugawara Kōshi
silently slipping up behind suga, you want to catch him off guard
but as you’re about to tap on his shoulder, he turns his head to look at you
”what are you trying to do?”
”how can i never scare you?” huffing, you sit down in front of him
”maybe you shouldn’t giggle if you want to surprise me” he ruffles your hair to greet you, loving the feeling of it between his fingers
when he notices the pout on your lips, a worried expression takes over him
”you didn’t call me last night”
right. how can he explain that he actually spent hours staring at your number, trying to find the courage to speak with you, without sounding like a hopeless mess?
”i’m so sorry! i totally forgot about it” he lies, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish smile
”but you promised to tell me about your exam” frowning at his words, you slightly lean towards him
”there’s not much to say anyway, i think it went okay but i don't know when they're gonna grade it”
you simply hum in response, before beginning to play with his hand absent-mindedly
then picking up a pen from his desk, you start drawing a heart on his palm
while you’re focused on your masterpiece, he has to fight the urge to hold your hand
and once you’re done, you look up at him with a satisfied grin
”this way you'll remember me whenever you look at it” you gently squeeze his fingers “and maybe tonight you won’t forget to call me”
trying to hold back a chuckle, he nods with his lips pressed together
do you really think he needs a reminder when you’re his constant thought? 
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Kozume Kenma
squinting his eyes, kenma observes the scene in front of him with his nose crinkled
why is everything so loud?
the balls bouncing on the floor, the squeaking sound of shoes, his teammates jumping and running all around the court
shoving his fists in his pockets, he quickly leaves the overwhelming place
when he finds a quiet spot behind the gym, he leans against a tree to clear his mind
it's nice how he can only hear the wind blowing through the leaves now
as he rests his head against the hard surface, a heavy sigh escapes his mouth
”are you okay?” your soft voice makes him open his eyes again
”i just wanted to be alone for a moment” he mumbles with his face buried in his jacket
the way he’s trying his best to not meet your eyes makes you feel unwanted
”but i’m glad you’re here” he hurries to add, as if he understood you were almost leaving
he can still feel a certain heaviness on his chest, but your presence alone is enough to calm him down
"is something bothering you?" slightly tilting your head, you offer him a kind smile
"it's nothing" he tries to assure you, shrugging his shoulders
of course you don't believe him, as you can easily see through him
but you don't even want to keep pushing him when he clearly doesn't want to talk
so, after searching for a pen in your bag, you gently grab his hand to draw a small heart on it
”you can use it as a button to pause the world when you need to catch your breath”
looking down at his hand still in yours, a small smirk tugs at his lips
"thank you" he whispers, finally meeting your gaze
not letting go of his hand, you stand in front of him
”you’re ready to go back inside?”
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
”what’s his favourite cake flavour?”
”chocolate? i mean, everybody likes it”
”he’s your best friend, you should know these things”
playfully rolling your eyes, you keep writing down everything you need to celebrate tsukishima’s birthday
resting his chin on his hand, yamaguchi can’t help but stares at your figure
”do you think he suspects something?” you ask him, tugging at his sleeve to bring him back to reality
”i hope not” with a shy grin, he grabs the back of his neck
obviously tsukki noticed that after practice he recently stopped going back home with him
but seeing you two sneaking around together was enough for him, just happy that his friend was finally able to spend some time with his crush
”we still need to think of a gift” you sigh, plopping your head down onto his shoulder
swallowing back his nervousness, he tries his best not to squirm at the sudden touch
deep in thoughts, you tap your pen against your lips out of habit
he really wants to be helpful, but god you’re making it difficult for him
when you notice him staring, he quickly turns his head to hide his rosy cheeks
sniggering at his reaction, you take his hand in yours
as his eyes secretly follow your moves, you bring your pen from your lips to the back of his hand to doodle something on it
”i will draw one whenever i catch you getting distracted”
yeah, that day he got back home with his hand full of little hearts
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beccascribbles · 4 years
hi! can i ask for a scenario where ushijima, tsukki, kenma said something maybe out of the line that hurt your feelings and you just give them the silent treatment or become distant?? then like how they'd react to it and stuff :) thank you vm, have a good day 🙈
a/n - sorry this took me so long to write (and post). anyway, i hope you enjoy it. it was my first time writing for kenma so i'm not sure if i portrayed him right but let me know what you think!
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"you're acting like a child," he sighs, pushing you away from him. your arms fall to your sides, missing the feeling of ushijima's warm body. "stop being so clingy. it's annoying"
you knew he was honest, but there is a time and a place for him to voice his opinion on your affection, and in front of his friends was not one of them
all you had wanted to do was give him a hug in greeting. yes, you may have stayed attached to him longer than was necessary but you had barely seen him all day
"okay," you say, turning on your heel and walking away. you don't even bother saying goodbye, too hurt and annoyed to bother
ushijima's brows furrow in confusion as he watches you walk away. tendou is watching the scene with wide eyes, fighting the urge to snicker
"did i do something wrong?" ushijima questions, staring after your receding figure. tendou finally does let out a snort, quickly slapping his hands over his mouth when ushijima turns to look at him
it is semi who gives ushijima's shoulder a squeeze in reassurance, though his eyes hold slight judgement as he says, "you hurt their feelings because you were being too blunt. you should probably apologise"
ushijima nods and then follows after your figure, his strides lengthening to catch up with you
his hand, warm and large, encloses around your own as he catches up to you, matching your pace
you remain silent, choosing to ignore his presence beside you
the silence settles between you, heavy and unwanted. though his mouth opens to form words, he can't bring himself to say anything. maybe it's his stubbornness, but he can't see how his words may have hurt you when they were the truth
"now who's being clingy?" you mumble angrily, yanking your hand from his grip and increasing your pace. your arms cross over your chest so he can't take your hand again. this increase in pace doesn't bother him and he easily matches it
he is persistent, irritatingly so. when he follows you into your room, you almost snap. instead, you silently fume, collapsing onto your bed and turning away from him. he watches your figure, expression holding slight confusion
"why are you ignoring me?"
you stay silent, stubbornly staring at the wall instead of him. when the mattress dips slightly under his weight, you scoot closer to the wall. his frown deepens
"what did i do wrong?" he questions, and you let out a sigh at how oblivious he is. "i was just being honest..."
your scowl deepens, especially when you feel him rest his hand on your back soothingly, rubbing circles into it. it is ushijima's turn to sigh as he looks at you
"i'm sorry if my words hurt you," he admits, the words causing you to turn slightly to look at him. his expression is as stoic as usual, though his eyes soften when they meet yours
"i just wish you had more of a filter sometimes, toshi," you explain, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard. you hug your knees to your chest, head tilting to look at him. "i know you tend to say what you're thinking but i sometimes wonder if you understand how what you say can effect other people. you called me a child, clingly, annoying. that's hurtful, toshi. you probably didn't mean it like that but you did hurt my feelings. i hadn't seen you all day and, when i hugged you, you told me that?"
"i'm sorry," he says again, a slight frown to his face as he considers your words. his arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you into his body. "i'll try to think about my words before i say them from now on"
he hugs you tight, and you relax in his hold, savouring the closeness
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it's normal for him to send a teasing remark your way, just as it's normal for you to return the favour
however, today, his words hit a little too close to home, targeting an insecurity he wasn't aware of
you were frowning down at the maths sheet in front of you, brows furrowed as you struggled to work out the problems
you never usually felt inferior in terms of academics, but, right now, as you struggled to work out what was relatively simple maths, it started to grate at you
tsukishima wasn't really helping the issue. he seemed oblivious to your stressing, leaning back in his chair as he nodded his head along to the music
his eyes slid over to you, to your figure scribbling away on the paper. he pulled his headphones off, shooting you a teasing grin (though this went unnoticed by you)
his voice, light and teasing, cut through your focus, the words immediately putting you on edge
"if you focus any harder, you're going to be even more stupid than you already are"
your lips pursed but he went on, oblivious to your discomfort
"i can actually see the last bits of your intelligence leaving yout skull." this was punctuated by his finger giving your forehead a poke
you flinched away from him, a scowl lining your features. mumbling under your breath a number of unflattering things, you gathered your work and shoved it into your bag
"where are you going?" he asked, sitting up straighter in his chair, eyes filled with confusion and a bit of concern
you ignored him, pushing open the classroom door, deciding to head to the library to get away from him
for the rest of the day, tsukishima's attempts to speak to you were met with stony silence
so, naturally, he got annoyed, pissed off, and decide to ignore you to
it got to the point where both of you were simply staring through the other as if they weren't there when in a group situation, which was awkward for everyone involved
it was kageyama who told you to get your shit together, while hinata and yamaguchi could only agree
"i will when he apologises for being a dick," you said to kageyama, while tsukishima's eyes narrowed into a glare
"what the fuck," he snapped. "you've been giving me the cold shoulder all day and it's somehow my fault? bullshit"
you spun to face him, arms crossing over your chest. you spat, "you called me stupid when i was stressing over my math work. was i supposed to say thanks? fine. thank you, kei, that was really fucking helpful"
"what?" he blinked, looking at you im confusion. yes, he had teased you. but, he assumed you would know that he had been joking. if he had thought you were struggling, he would of helped you
as this was happening, your friends had edged away to give you some privacy. this was why tsukishima felt fine in admitting this to you
"if i thought you were struggling, you know i would have helped you." his hand reached out to take your hand, finger stroking your knuckles as his eyes met yours
you let out a frustrated sigh, your resolve crumbling. "i know... sorry for being a bit of a brat about it. i should've just told you that you had hurt me"
"yeah, you should've," he teased, pulling you closer to him. his lips pressed against your forehead in apology for getting annoyed at you in. "but, it's fine"
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when you came over that weekend, he was busy gaming, like he usually was
ordinarily, when you walked through the door, he would start to wrap up the game, saying goodbye to who he was in the call with
today, however, was slightly different
he was playing a particularly difficult story game, which he had been struggling to complete all week (his choices, much to his frustration, kept getting the character killed)
therefore, you could understand why he was engrossed enough to only give you a simple greeting, a nod of the head
expecting him to only take an hour at maximum (you were content to just be in his company), you relaxed on the bed and pulled out your phone. two hours later, he had still not said a word to you
you sat up on the bed, moving towards him to drape yourself over the back of his chair, resting your head on his shoulder
"kenma..." you said, drawing out his name slightly, "are you almost finished?"
"urgh, just fuck off," he sighed, shrugging your arms off of him. "can't you see i'm busy?"
"fine," you snapped, stepping away from him and heading towards the bedroom door. you pushed it open and let it slam shut behind him
for a moment, you paused, waiting to see if he would react, maybe realise what he said was wrong. instead, the room remained painfully still
when it became clear he was not coming out to find you, you straightened and walked out of the house
kenma didn't realise you were avoiding him for a couple days until he picked up his phone to see no messages from you
it became clear that you were making every effort to avoid him when you made no effort to see him in person
he got so confused as to why you were clearly distancing yourself from him that he went to kuroo
it was after talking with his friend that he realised he had been insensitive and rude
however, you were hard to get alone, using every excuse avaliable to you to get out of spending time with your boyfriend
the whole thing was frustrating, to say the least. he missed you (though don't expect him to openly admit it)
it took him saying 'i'm sorry' rather loudly in a public area for you to turn to face him
your pause gave him the chance to grab your hand, to keep you anchored to him in case you left again
"sorry, are you?" you asked, head cocked slightly. "not a nice feeling, being ignored, is it?"
you would admit you were being a bit bratty, but, to be fair, he deserved
naturally, kenma didn't bother to reply, but it was fine, the gentle way he squeezed your fingers and the quick kiss he brushed to the side of your head more than enough to convey his apology
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sophiashortcake · 4 years
previous ❀ series masterlist
𝟐𝟕. epilogue
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: kicked out of her home with no place to go, y/n is forced to move into her family friend’s home, who coincidentally is also the family of tsukishima kei, the boy who denied her confession.
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“Okay, so I believe you screw this piece and that piece together and- BOKUTO-SAN NO!”
Everyone collectively groaned as Bokuto sheepishly held the now broken piece of what was going to be your headboard. Akaashi sighed and put down the Ikea furniture manual to rub his temples. Now the headboard was added to the list of furniture casualties along with the coffee table and nightstand (also broken by Bokuto).
“I thought it would be faster if I just tried popping it into place!” He whined, defending his terrible handyman skills and all too clumsy strength.
Your friends had volunteered to help you and Kei build the furniture for your new apartment, which turned out to be a harder task than you once thought. You all had spent the last few hours sitting on the floor of your new apartment surrounded by the clutter of move-in boxes and stray Ikea furniture parts.
“I think we’re gonna have to sleep on a bed with no headboard,” you sighed.
“It’s not like we weren’t gonna break it ourselves anyway,” Kei muttered, flipping through the instruction manual he had snatched away from Akaashi. Kei realized his comment wasn’t as quiet as he thought as everybody snapped their heads to his. Your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
“Get a room!” Yamaguchi screeched, feigning disgust.
“Uh, you’re sitting in it,” Kuroo replied.
Before the teasing got relentless, a loud bang was heard out in the living room along with the sounds of harsh drags across the floor, and groans.
“For the love of god, can somebody help me and Oikawa out here?!” Iwaizumi called, “I think this couch weighs more than Y/N!”
You sighed in relief, thankful the subject changed. Everybody got up and flooded into the living room to help Iwaizumi and Oikawa get the couch into the living room (where Bokuto’s strength actually helped for once).
Though you couldn’t afford much on a college student’s salary, a home was starting to take form inside the apartment. You grinned at the sight, giddy excitement bubbling in your stomach. You truly couldn’t be happier.
“I think it’s coming along very nicely Y/N,” Kiyoko grinned, “but don’t you two think it’s a little soon to be moving in which each other?”
“Yoko, it’s not like we haven’t lived with each other before,” you deadpanned, “and plus, it saves us money since we’re still in school.”
“Ah, that’s true,” she chuckled, remembering the living together ordeal that brought you and Kei together in high school.
It was crazy to think that a few years ago, you and Kei had been quarrelling in the same house, wanting nothing more for you to move out. But now, you both were moving in with each other. Even when you lived separately, you came to realize that Kei was your home.
“I can’t wait until we start decorating!” Yachi squealed, clapping her hands together in excitement imagining all the possible decorations.
“You two decorating is my nightmare,” Kei sighed. You whacked his shoulder lightly, pouting.
“Y/N-chan, if you ever get annoyed by Tsukki, my door is always open!” Oikawa sang, receiving an eye roll from Iwaizumi.
“Get in line,” Kuroo retorted. “Y/N would rather live with me! My apartment is way better.”
Kuroo had also purchased an apartment recently, at an eerily cheap price. With such a small price tag, you would assume that the apartment was going to be barely a closet, but in reality, it was even nicer than your own (and you and Kei had saved up a hefty amount from your own jobs). Kei had warned him that apartments that nice didn’t come cheap without a reason, but Kuroo had shrugged it off under the premise that he was a broke college student who didn’t have many options.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t we remember that I offered Y/N to live with me first back in high school?!” Bokuto protested.
“Can you all please back off on my girlfriend?” Kei grumbled.
“Aww, Kei loves me!” You teased, clinging to his arm trying to peck his cheek. He dodged your kiss, his cheeks tinged red.
“Still a tsundere,” Akaashi sighed.
“He always will be,” Yamaguchi chuckled. “It’s Tsukki we’re talking about here.”
The next few hours you finished up building the furniture, or at least attempted to. As it turns out, none of your friends were exactly handymen.
“Finally!” You groaned, as the last piece was screwed in for your shelf.
With the finishing touches on the apartment, the night was drawing to a close. Kiyoko and Yachi wrapped you into a hug and pecked your cheek before they left. Iwaizumi ruffled your hair, telling you and Kei not to act up too much while you were alone. Bokuto and Yamaguchi excitedly discussed the possibilities of a group sleepover (which Kei wasn’t exactly excited for, but knew he wasn’t getting out of). Akaashi gave you both a hefty lecture on proper behavior for living alone without “parental supervision”. (Both of you were adults with jobs!)
Slowly the apartment grew empty besides for you, Oikawa, and Kuroo and Kei who were having a discussion about Kuroo’s suspicious new apartment. While you were sorting through the move in boxes, Oikawa pulled you aside.
“Y/N, I just wanted to say I’m happy for you,” he grinned.
Over the course of time, Oikawa learned to get over you, and owned up to his mistakes. Slowly but surely, he regained your trust, and even Kei’s as they grew a strange frenemy relationship. Now there was nothing but platonic love and trust between you two, the past behind you both.
“Thank you, Tooru,” you smiled, pulling him inside a hug.
“But if Tsukishima ever acts up-”
“Shut it Shittykawa!” Kei called from across the apartment.
“He and Iwaizumi have been spending too much time together,” you sighed.
Oikawa laughed, and pulled out of the hug. You smiled, knowing Oikawa truly was happy for you both.
Before he walked out the door, he clapped Kei on the back.
“Don’t forget your promise,” he warned, wagging a finger at him.
“I won’t,” Kei replied, rolling his eyes.
Kuroo was the next to leave, finishing his conversation with Kei.
“You two better help me move in next week!” Kuroo exclaimed, before leaving the apartment. You both chuckled and agreed as you finished bidding your goodbyes.
Now the apartment finally was empty, besides for you and Kei.
“What promise did you and Oikawa make?” You asked curiously.
“Something back in high school, don’t worry about it.”
You raised an eyebrow, those two were definitely hiding something.
“Speaking of high school, wait here, I have something for you,” he said, before running off to the bedroom to dig out something from the move in boxes. He pulled out a worn piece of paper. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as he handed it to you. You studied it carefully before realizing it was the confession letter you had written in high school.
“I thought I lost this!” You gasped. While you lived with Kei, you kept it stashed in your desk drawer, but you assumed you had lost it somehow while you were moving out of Kei’s house.
“You left it in your desk at my house, I kept it,” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Even after all these years?” You giggled.
“Yeah, I felt like it was too important to throw out.”
You scanned over your letter, the nostalgia washing over you as you softly smiled at the memories. However, you noticed over the bright red D minus sprawled over the corner was crossed out, now replaced by an A plus.
“Why is the grade different?” you questioned, confused.
“I regraded it, A plus for effort,” he said.
“Kei,” you whined, your heart swelling. He really has grown over the years, hasn’t he?
“But don’t get me wrong, your spelling and grammar still suck.”
But obviously, it wouldn’t be your Tsukishima Kei if he didn’t throw in one of his comments too.
“Jerk!” You hollered, smacking his head as he cackled. You pouted as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Welcome home, Y/N.”
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭: the letter is now framed in the apartment next to the framed pictures of y/n and tsukki throughout the years.
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• the idea came from itazura na kiss, i based mine specifically off the kdrama.
• miyagitea was originally supposed to be either an oc, suga, or yamaguchi. @/wisteriarain talked me out of it and suggested oikawa.
• the original idea was for this to be a manager!reader x tsukki smau with no letter, living together, etc. they were originally just supposed to hate eachother right out the gate and have a fuck buddy relationship.
• the next idea was based off good morning call and that tsukki and y/n were both college students who got scammed by their new apartment complex and ended up having to live together.
• y/n mother’s (hayami) and akane’s relationship was based off my mom and her best friend.
• y/n’s mother’s contact name, mama bear, is my mom’s best friend’s nickname.
• i considered having a female antagonist/oc to play y/n’s rival for tsukki.
• i didn’t write y/n having a father figure and barely wrote about tsukishima’s (even though he was in the picture) because i find it uncomfortable to write about father figures.
• this was only ever mentioned in an ask, but y/n’s mother is a lawyer!
• i came up with the idea driving home from the orthodonist and i passed a building that said, “asian volleyball association”.
• miyagitea almost didn’t make it into the story, it was a last minute addition.
• the title came before the plot, it was based off the melanie martinez song.
• there is bonus material on the masterlist! the dress from chapter 21 inspiration and official playlist can be found there!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡!): @sinistersith @moronsuke @yougivemebutterfliess @saturnfarie @peachiikichu @what-happens-inside-the-box @nonoszrk @cece-lives-here @belli-jelly @cvlliesstuff @ack-aashi @mindofess @virgoamajiki @natsukitakama @shimy-deko @irenevyas @virgoamajiki @toaster-stick @little-dark-empress @h0ngh0ngh0ng @freyafolkvangr @winunk @estmagnifique @thechaosoflonging @ilovesupersoldiers @simpletype @burntcilantro @starrydaisy @animatedrapture @intothatbluebluesky @resetrestartandreplay @lostmarimoismyhubby @witcherydotcom @kukiisan @not-venice @grapesauze @amberisnotcrazy @tarasaoristark @ammemuts @cloudymotel @loving-unicorns106 @strawberryssel @kakaokenma @cadelinha-de-haikyuu @wowie-issa-me-amario @pruemania @vitalthot @kageyamasgirl @abswrites @kac-chowsballs
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hatsukeii · 4 years
This month is my birthday, so can I request headcanons with Tsukki, kenma, osamu, and sakusa celebrating their s/o’s birthday? Thank you💕💕
Oh my lord happy birthday (month)!!!
(Give me a req when it’s your birthday and I’ll say it again💕💕)
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🌙Tsukishima Kei🌙
- This little shit.
- He knows exactly what he wants to do for your birthday.
- You go to school all excited because it’s your birthday yk.
- Classmates are congratulating you and he’s just like oh wait it’s your birthday today oops sorry I forgot.
- What the fuck???? He’s supposed to be your boyfriend?????
- Okay he didn’t actually forget though he had
- Just that little thing pissed you off so much that you were set in a terrible mood for the rest of the school day.
- People were scared to approach you. Literally.
- You worked aggressively fast in class, snapped at people that questioned you, ignored Tsukki all day.
- But then the end of school came.
- You weren’t expecting anything anymore, but like Tsukishima was your boyfriend and at this point you were just like whatever let me go home and get over it I don’t even care anymore.
- So you waited at the gates for him.
- “(Y/n), come with me.”
- You didn’t even have the mental energy to argue so you just went with him.
- He drags you to the gym right and along the way you’re just like where am I going eh whatever it’s fine.
- Once you’re in the gym, he pulled out a box thing from the storage cupboard.
- “What’s this?”
- “Open it.”
- So you open it right and BOOM!
- A pair of headphones along with a dual adapter.
- “You really thought I would forget? Happy birthday, idiot. I really thought you were mad at me, don’t do that:((“
- “Awww tsukki, thank you! I was annoyed but I didn’t know you remembered-”
- And then the entire volleyball team pounced onto you.
- Birthday party in the gym that then moved to Sugawara’s house.
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🍮Kenma Kozume🍮
- Awww he was so subtle about it because baby boy was shy🥺
- But the entire day he was extra soft with you.
- He stayed with you throughout the school day, and didn’t even play his games.
- This day was about YOU, and he was gonna give you all the affection in the world.
- He picked you up from your home in the morning and walked you to the train station.
- Then at school he let you hold his hand out of his pocket for once-
- Brought you extra snacks during breaks.
- Got you banana milk during lunch.
- And at the end of the school day, you were already very content and happy.
- BUT he wasn’t done.
- After school, he dragged Kuroo with him and brought you to a cat cafe because cats.
- And there, turns out he booked an appointment and made a goodie bag of sorts full of cat themed products.
- Your heart COMBUSTED.
- Kuroo was just beaming like an idiot like that’s it that’s my best friend😌✨
- “I know it’s not much, but happy birthday beb.”
- Kuroo doesn’t speak gamer he has no idea what’s happening but he doesn’t matter for now.
- You brought Kenma over to yours and cuddled in matching cat hoodies and fluffy socks for the rest of the night.
- Best birthday ever.
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🍙Miya Osamu🍙
- Tbh almost everyone in this list was subtle about it but he was bolder than the others.
- First thing he did was he texted you at like midnight just to say happy birthday.
- And also posted a 20 page story on how much he treasures you and how he wishes you had the best birthday.
- Okay maybe making you feel loved wasn’t the only reason why he did all that.
- I mean obviously he wanted to make you happy and all since it was your special day.
- But this special day was also the perfect outlet to piss his twin off.
- Atsumu’s single rat ass could NEVER.
- Anyways when you got to school he had already prepared everything on your desk.
- The bag on your table was filled with memo sticks, pretty pens, a cute notebook, and those little Haribo gummy bears he knows you love.
- In there, was a card from him.
- “Happy birthday (Y/n). I hope you like what I got you and have an amazing day. -Osamu<3”
- Finished with a cute little onigiri drawing.
- Lol your classmates were so jealous-
- They were just staring at you enviously.
- At lunch, you were about to go get something from the canteen, when Osamu shoves a handkerchief wrapped bento box into your hands.
- “What is this?”
- “I woke up this morning to make these, have them for lunch instead of shitty canteen food.”
- You unwrapped the bento to see four onigiri balls.
- “Aww thank you Samu!”
- “I filled them with Karaage chicken and mayo, just how you like it.”
- More jealous looks your way because of the bento.
- “Oi Osamu, why don’t you do this for my birthday?”
- “Because you’re a rat Atsumu, fuck off.”
- Yep, the daily shenanigans of the Miya twins.
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🦠Sakusa Kiyoomi🦠
- Nothing
- This man just gives you a bunch of masks and a bottle of clorox for your birthday that’s it.
- “Happy birthday, I hope you like what I got you.”
I hope you liked these!! Lol idk all of them seem v subtle about it but eh true to the character ig
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piduai · 4 years
Interview with Noda Satoru from the Golden Kamuy fanbook
sharing anywhere is fine, but please credit me.
Q: Tell me how you feel about passing 6 years of serialization. Noda: I was already serializing at the time of my debut, so I guess I’d be able to give a summary when I’m finished. I don’t really think about how many years it’s been, it’s merely a checkpoint.
Q: What made you decide to become a mangaka? Noda: I feel like I wrote it down as my goal in my yearbook back in middle school. I also wanted to become a movie director, but as a mangaka you can create the entire thing by yourself. 
When Golden Kamuy just took off I was living in a tiny apartment and the postman, a young fellow and a reader of Young Jump, realized that I’m Noda Satoru. The magazine was sending me a lot of things, so it was rather obvious. “Are you the author of Golden Kamuy?”, he asked in a surprised tone while looking around the cramped entryway. I could feel feel his confusion regarding the fact that that vast Hokkaido world of the manga was being created in this modest apartment. Or maybe he just expected me to be making more money and afford a better place. Anyhow, I just thought again about how a manga can be created in even the smallest room in the universe.
Q: Who is your favorite character and why? Noda: As always, it’s Tanigaki. But well, I love all of them. I want to showcase only the best parts of them, and it hurts when I fail. For example I’m very happy that there’s a character who stirs the pot as well as Usami. He’d be Katsuo in the world of Sazae-san.  
Q: Which characters are the easiest to draw, and which ones are the most difficult? Noda: Characters like Shiraishi, Tsukishima and Nagakura, they don’t have a lot of hair and even if they turn out a little ugly their faces are well-defined so it’s easy to draw. In general faces that are strongly distorted and resemble caricatures are easy. Meanwhile Asirpa, Kiroranke and Inkarmat have neat facial structures on top of wearing Ainu clothing, so they are a very high-calorie effort for me. Ogata and Kikuta are difficult too. Their faces are distinctive and I have to make them look cool too, which is wearing me out the most.
Q: Have you decided on all 24 convicts at the very start of the story? Noda: Wouldn’t I sound like a badass if I said that that I have? Anyway. There were the ones that were based off real-life Meiji era criminals, such as Shiraishi, Kumagishi Chouan or the lightning couple, and of course there was Hijikata.
Q: Tell me of a funny thing from the manga that you are fond of. Noda: Gansoku’s “Hah! ☆”. And also when Koito Jr. Was flapping his arms and legs around trying to keep himself in mid-air.
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Q: Why did you decide on Otaru as the starting point? Noda: I am from Hokkaido, so I’m familiar with Otaru and Sapporo. Otaru is close to both the mountains and the sea. Sapporo used to be a swampland, it’s wide and flat and there is no sea. Otaru is a place where foreigners come and go, there are many criminals roaming around creating danger, and money is found. There aren’t many big cities in Hokkaido. There were Ainu living in Otaru but sources are scarce, however Nakagawa-sensei, the supervisor over the Ainu language, told me not to worry too much about the difference of location, so I figured it would be best to make it Otaru.
Q: Was there any real life experience you had while growing up in Hokkaido that you turned into a scenario? Noda: When I was about 19 someone I knew told me that there is a locust graveyard on a nearby mountain, which sounded so ridiculous I had to laugh in their face. Turns out it indeed was a heap of locusts and their eggs left after a locust plague, that place was the Teineyamaguchi locust mound (a real historical site). I realized I ended up using this in my story. I owe that person an apology.
Q: Was there any scene that was particularly difficult to draw? Could you elaborate on it? Noda: The time Sugimoto went against Nihei and Tanigaki. It gave me a very hard time. Who goes where and does what, how does Nihei carry Asirpa, stuff like this. I had no time to waste either, I just remember that sequence overall driving me insane. 
There was also the sequence with Wilk, Sofia and Kiroranke being at Hasegawa’s photo studio. It’s really frustrating to draw something that you know will bore the readers, the story flow becomes less exciting too. I was praying for everyone to have a little more patience and keep reading, because the twist was so good.
Q: If you were to take part in the gold hunt, which group would you like to belong to? Noda: It seems that Hijikata’s group doesn’t have funding problems, and because Kadokura is there the atmosphere is relaxed too. I’d go there.
Q: If you were to find all that gold, how would you use it? Noda: No idea. Had a couple when I was younger, though.
Q: Were you planning to eventually transfer the action to Sakhalin from the very beginning of the series? Noda: Asirpa and Kiroranke have roots there, so I anticipated that the story will eventually move to Sakhalin. I also expected to have to travel to Amur river myself, but couldn’t go after all, only went as far as Khabarovsk. 
I was thinking of making Sugimoto eat permafrost mammoth. There was talk of a research team or an ivory excavation team’s dog eating mammoth. However there was no reason to make Sugimoto and Co go as up north as needed for permafrost, so I scrapped the idea.
Q: Tell me something about the hardships you experienced while doing research is Sakhalin. Noda: It was tough, but fun. I was only able to understand the clear differences between Nivkh and Orok people by going there; I couldn't by only looking at records and materials while in Japan. 
Complete unrelated, but I was surprised by how many stray dogs wander around there. One time my cameraman and I ended up being chased by one while looking for a factory and we had to run for it. The beast was big, about the size of a German Shepherd. The guide also warned us about junkies, it was really scary.
I also went to the Japanese military pillbox over 50th parallel north and prayed at a cenotaph deep in the mountains. I met a group of Japanese people in the hotel by the place where it's said you can still find remains of Japanese soldiers and their driver, a Russian, seemed to help with collection of the remains on the regular. He said that he's doing it out of reverence, even as a former enemy. As a Japanese, I felt gratitude. The 7th Division are villains in my story, but I don't have any personal bias against either side.
Q: What were the biggest differences between drawing Hokkaido and Sakhalin? Noda: Well... it's Russia. Even though Sakhalin is so close, it's already Europe. The structure of houses is strikingly different. There's also the differences between Hokkaido Ainu and Sakhalin Ainu, and differences between Orok and Nivkh people. There is no manga that will conveniently lay the differences of those down for you. 
It seems that the Orok and Nivkh's relation with Japan only got more difficult by the beginning of Showa era, there is only one person in the whole of Japan who can supervise on the Orok language. The professors in cultural studies I consult for Golden Kamuy are truly top-level; not only are they tremendously knowledgeable, they also understand how important to me is to stay impartial.
The wildlife, as well. There's a biogeographical boundary between Hokkaido and Sakhalin, observing animals I would never be able to see in Hokkaido was riveting. 
Q: Did Sugimoto really have a hidden plan during the whole stenka business? Noda: No idea. Even if he used it as a pretext to get everyone involved, though... cut him some slack. He's only a man. Sometimes he just wants to fight and win. Not for Ume-chan or Asirpa-san, just for the sake of proving to himself that he's strong.
Q: Your art is dynamic and detailed. I think your style changed quite a bit with time, though. How would you describe yourself as an artist? Noda: I want to preface this by saying that in no way do I think of myself as more skilled than other mangaka, but if you're drawing everyday for more than 10 hours you're going to improve a lot eventually, whether you want it or not. People who are able to keep the same style for years without change are the ones who are impressive, because it means that they achieved the peak of their potential. Ageing and health problems influence your art a lot, you know. I try to draw by observing. I use a lot of references. Drawing by memory alone is not a good thing.
Speaking of other artists, I once had one of the assistants I had working for me for years draw me a door knob from memory, and the result was a truncated cone resembling pre-packaged pudding. The actual shape of a door knob has an intricately angular circular shape. It's the result of being unobservant in everyday life. Good art requires constant observation.
Q: What was the foundation for your style? Is there an artist you were influenced or inspired by? Noda: Araki Hirohiko-sensei, for sure. During my time as an assistant, many authors told me to not even try to be original when it comes to battle abilities, it's already been done in JoJo, it has it all. He's kind of the Beatles of this industry, isn't he? 
By the way, I usually have no intention of parodying JoJo in Golden Kamuy, but my friends will tell me that they identified this or that reference from time to time. I read Part 1 about 30 years ago but I was obsessed, so maybe some things were just left in my subconscious. I only did one obvious parody, during the stenka fight. Funnily enough that trope started in Fist of the North Star, though, not JoJo.
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Q: What's one thing that gives you the most motivation to write? Noda: Fan letters. I know how straining it is to write long and neat sentences by hand, and am thankful for them. I'm happy that people go that far to share their thoughts about my work with me. I'm really grateful to the people who keep reading and supporting Golden Kamuy.
Q: Did you have an interest in Ainu culture before starting the series? Noda: I did not. I'll be glad if my work makes people interested in the Ainu. Prejudice is born out of ignorance, so if you want to learn about the Ainu, don't limit yourself to Hokkaido only; there are museums all around Japan, and they have knowledgeable curators. It's important to remember to take into account the time period and the occupation of the person on which the research materials are based when you're trying to learn about the subject.
Q: You showed us a lot of aspects of life during Meiji and Taisho eras. Tell us about what surprised or impressed you in the process of research. Noda: It's not that I was particularly knowledgeable, so having to check every single thing was quite exhausting. The Ainu, the military, katanas - all of these needed research on my part. 
There are more regulations and rules set for things out there than one could assume, and mangaka who base their works on real life need to be especially careful about this. You have to take into account things like the size of the buttons on a military uniform, how a tea cup is held, and and how different people talk in different ways. For movies there's staff working on costumes and props, there's the cast, there are screenwriters, but in a manga you are the one responsible for every single detail. I wish I had a time machine and travel back to those eras. There are things I couldn't get right here and there that I keep having regrets about.
Q: Golden Kamuy was the main visual in the British Museum manga exhibition between May and August in 2019. I know you went there in person. How was it? Noda: The trip felt like a reward for all of my efforts. The exhibition is jam-packed by opening time, but I got special treatment and they let me inside early in the morning so I could walk around the vast British Museum in solitude. I also travelled between Jack the Ripper's crime scenes at night by taxi.
The driver in a taxi I caught by chance was wonderful, she looked up photos of the crime scenes and surroundings taken at the time of investigation on her smartphone and showed them to me one by one, saying things like "the third victim was found here!". 
I've always had a soft spot for Jack the Ripper, back in middle school I even wrote a screenplay for a school festival stage and played him in it myself. It was done in very poor taste, like that one scene in the Addams Family movie where there are arms blown away and fountains of blood gushing out. The audience loved it. 
Q: Please leave a message for the readers. Or maybe some advice for the troubled youth. Noda: I want people to say that everyone in Golden Kamuy had a satisfying ending, and I want that for everyone involved more than anything. As for advice for the troubled youth, there's none. Life is survival of the fittest. The weak ones get eaten.
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tosikoarts · 4 years
Modern AU Ogata BF HC
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Hey-hey! It took some time but there you go, honey ♡ Got carried away thinking about how Ogata feeding stray cats >>> everything else.  Hope you enjoy these headcanons!!  You can check tosikowrites tag for more.
Noda once said that in a modern setting Ogata would be a dentist but let me disagree with him. I can clearly see Ogata as a photographer, a successful one, the one that allows himself to be arrogant without a fear that his client will drop him. Thanks to the unique style and skillful handling of light, Ogata quickly became popular among ordinary photography lovers and pompous snobs and now he does not miss a single opportunity to prick the latter. Knows he is good at what he is doing and takes full advantage of this.
Despite what is written above, Ogata still lives in a small apartment on the outskirts of Sapporo and doesn’t plan to move out in the nearest future. Partially it is due to the feeling of emancipation from beloved father and the sweetest stepbrother who cannot stop prying into his affairs. Last month Yuusaku has sneaked to the private galleries where Ogata was presenting his new photoshoots two times leaving Hyakunosuke in a state of stupid stupor when he was welcomed with a warm brotherly hug.
Still a salty little bitch online. Has few throwaway accounts to start a discourse on any topic that is even minimally discussable. Is immune to death threats at this point. Has met Vasily online and can’t stop discussing Russian politics with him from whatever crazy thing Vladimir Zhirinovsky has said (Ogata loses thousands of brain cells reading articles about him) to the news about the alleged Putin palace. He now knows some Russian too, mostly swear words and basic phrases.
Constantly torn between I don’t need anybody and if I don’t interact with a human being in a less hostile manner I will go apeshit. Meets up with Shiraishi, Sugimoto, Tanigaki, and Kiroranke once in a while to piss off Sugi and teasingly ask Tanigaki if he wants another nude photo shoot. By the way, he lives on black coffee with no sugar or milk so Ogata often runs into Tsukishima when the man orders a triple espresso and teriyaki chicken sandwich. If Koito is not here, they chat for a little secret wish to never meet again. Then they meet next week and the situation repeats itself as in a Groundhog Day.
There is no place for another cat in his apartment but Ogata loves cats and makes sure to feed and pet every one on his street. Once raised a whole litter of kittens whose mother was sadly hit by a car and became an adoptive father for three big bois who visit his apartment complex for free head pats and treats. Doesn’t share this part of his life since Ogata doesn’t want to be seen as a kindhearted person lmao.
Where could you meet Ogata if not on Tinder? The description of his profile was extremely cryptic and consisted only of name, height, and weight, nothing else. The first few days of talking to him feel like you are being looked down on even though Ogata acts pretty friendly and puts some effort into getting to know you out of casual wyd and you up texts. Goes offline for a few days then comes back with no explanations whatsoever. This first stage is a pure test of patience because Ogata knows he is not the best man around and can be a real pain in the ass. The sooner they get to know his bad side the better.
He doesn’t get fancy dates like candlelight dinner or going to the theater. Doesn’t mix work and personal life either so do not expect an exclusive invitation to his personal exhibitions. Ogata prefers hasteless walks along the river, ice-skating under the myriad of holiday garlands, playing mortal combat late at night with empty takeaway boxes chilling on the table. Cheap and comfy. If his newfound partner doesn’t know how to skate or rollerblade, Ogata will be twice as persistent: he likes to see them slowly learning how to skate as much as holding their hand through the night.
Vasily likes to draw. Ogata loves to take photos. For the first anniversary, he has collected a whole ton of photos for a cute collage. He took one when they were spinning in the kitchen like a whirligig making sure soup wasn’t too salty and noodles were just right for adding a sauce. Another one was taken when they both were trying old-fashioned pieces from the thrift shop looking like a modern-day John Lennon and Yoko Ono. They fell asleep right on top of Ogata and he managed to take a selfie kissing them on the top of their head. Put all the pieces together with texts and custom ring and voila – Ogata’s present is ready.
Teasing borders with light insults though he does not always realize it. Calls his partner silly in the sweetest tone before showing how to do the thing right. Pillow fights last until fluff flies from the pillows and Ogata won’t stop tickling them until tears stream down their cheeks. Says fuck me both as call to action and disappointed sigh with the same intonation so have fun figuring this man out. Absolute treasure and curse in one person and he won’t ever admit it but he is trying so hard to suppress the urge to push them away as a defense mechanism. Never apologizes but crawls back to them after every argument.
Speaking of which, arguments are common but rarely end up in loud door slam or hysteria. Usually, it happens when Ogata can’t control himself and pushes too many buttons of theirs so his teasing ends up being too harsh… Anyway, the cat got Ogata’s tongue and he doesn’t know how to use words to ask for forgiveness but! When he feels like it is definitely his fault, Ogata will cook ankonabe as unspoken sorry, I’ve messed up a big time and don’t know how to fix it, please don’t be mad, please talk to me. It’s rare but if he really feels this way Ogata will be stick like glue to them fearing that this time they will definitely leave him and his shitty camera all alone again.
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bokutos-eyebrows · 4 years
Reactions Pt. 3
The final part is here~
Poly Tsukkiyama x Fem reader
Word count: 1,747
Warnings: NSFW 18+
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After a sleepless night, replaying the events of the phone call in his mind, Yamaguchi found himself at the grocery store. He lingered in the alcohol aisle, should I be getting drunk with them? What if it slips out that I heard everything last night? Tadashi pondered. But I also feel like if they say anything I’ll need a drink….
He sighed as he grabbed the biggest bottle of soju. Roaming the aisles, he picked up a few snacks and things. On the way to the checkout, his eyes fell on the section of fresh flowers. Should I bring a bouquet? What if they confess to me? I don’t want to be empty handed… Tadashi felt his cheeks turn pink. He picked up some sunflowers and headed to purchase his items.
Letting out a deep breath, he sent you a text.
I’m on my way :) be there in 15!
“Keiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” you yelled, “Tadashi will be here in 15 minutes!” 
“Fuck! I’m getting nervous.” Tsukki was pacing back and forth in the living room. “Are we really going to go through with this?” 
“You being nervous is making me nervous!” You grabbed Tsukishima’s face, “But, we already decided this is what we wanted to do, so let’s see it through to the end.” 
Tsukki planted a kiss on your forehead and nodded. “You’re right. I think everything will go fine. Is the pasta ready?”
“Yep! The salad too.” The two of you finished setting the table and making sure everything was in order. 
“Wait.” Tsukki suddenly stood up straight, “Are we over dressed?” You looked at his outfit, a patterned button up and form fitting jeans, then, you looked down at your own outfit, a short sundress and cardigan. Both ensembles were a stark contrast from your usual loungewear on casual hangouts like today. You’d wanted to impress Yams so bad that neither of you thought about how out of the normal this was. 
“Shit!! We did. He’s gonna know something is up as soon as he sees us!”
“Y/n we have to change no-” Tsukishima was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. You looked at each other wide eyed. 
“C-Coming!” You headed towards the door with Tsukki tailing behind. A sigh of relief left your lips as you opened the door and realized Yamaguchi was also somewhat dressed up.
“Hah, you look like you’re about to go on a first date.” Tsukki was the first one to speak, teasing Tadashi who immediately turned bright red. 
“Ah haha y-yeah.” He stammered. You looked back to see Tsukishima also start blushing, then out of uncertainty of this weird situation you started blushing too. What the hell is this energy?? 
“A-Anyways, these are for you guys!” Yamaguchi handed you a bouquet of sunflowers. 
“Oh! These are so beautiful thank you!” After more blushing and mumbles, the three of you headed to the kitchen. Tsukki started to plate everyone’s food as Tadashi started mixing the strawberry lemonade and soju. You looked lovingly at the scene of your two favorite boys. Will everything really work out? You couldn’t help but be anxious. 
Yamaguchi sat across the table from you and Tsukishima. The three of you made small talk for a while, enjoying the food and each other’s company. Finally, Tsukki looked at you and nodded. 
“So, Tadashi,” you started, “Kei and I have something to tell you.”
“Oh?” Tadashi gulped, wondering if they knew about the end of the phone call last night. He picked up his glass and started drinking.
“Yeah. We like you, Tadashi-..” 
Tsukki’s statement was interrupted by Yamaguchi choking on his drink. You got up and patted his back as he coughed. 
“W-What do you mean like me??” He stammered as he regained his breath. 
“We both have feelings for you!” You squeezed his arm gently. “And we wanted to know if you feel the same way…” 
You and Kei explained the conversation you’d had the previous night. Tadashi’s face stayed bright red as you both confessed you’d had feelings for him for a while but didn’t realize it. He covered his face in his hands after you explained that you’d both felt like he was missing from your relationship. 
“You don’t have to give us an answer today. We realize it’s a lot to take in.” Kei murmured. 
“Yeah! And if you don’t want to there’s no pressure either.” You chimed in. 
Yamaguchi breathed out slowly. “I d-don’t really know what to say…” 
“Tadashi it’s fine-”
“No, let me talk now.” He said firmly, looking up at you and Tsukishima. “I am in love with you both too.” 
You couldn’t help but grin at this confession. Tsukki pushed up his glasses to cover his growing blush. 
“Tsukki, I’ve loved you since we were kids. You’ve always been special in my heart. And y/n… I was always attracted to you. When you started working at the museum I was excited to get to know you. And then when the three of us would spend time together I’d be thrilled watching you two interact. When you started dating I wasn’t sad...I was jealous a little...but I wanted my two loves to be happy….” Yamaguchi trailed off. 
“We can be happy together now.” You gleamed, grabbing Yams’ hand. 
“I’m sorry it took us this long..” Tsukki sighed. 
Yamaguchi shook his head. “No, I needed time to come to terms with everything I was feeling. And you two included me so much in your relationship already. I feel lucky to have you two.” He smiled, making your heart skip a beat. 
“Shall we drink then?” You poured more soju. 
“To our new relationship!” Tadashi cheered. With a little liquid courage in his system, he had to get the events of last night off his chest. “Actually, I still have something to say...” 
He fiddled with his glass. “Um so last night on the phone… I kinda heard things.” You and Kei stiffened. 
“Umm, well…you guys didn’t end the call. And I kept listening, t-thinking you had forgotten to say something. But I heard everything…..” 
“S-So you heard…” you stammered, unable to finish the sentence. 
Yamaguchi nodded. “I may have um, also done things…” 
Tsukishima perked up at this statement. “You mean you jacked off to us having sex while fantasizing about you being there?” He smirked. “Wow Yamaguchi and we even went through all the trouble to confess to you, and you already knew?” 
“W-Well I didn’t know for sure, I just had an idea, but y-yeah.” 
You locked eyes with Tsukki who gave you a nod of approval. “You don’t have to fantasize anymore. You’ve got the real thing right here now.” You sat in his lap straddling him. 
“But y/n don’t you think we should punish him a little? For eavesdropping?” Tsukki teased. 
Yamaguchi went red, looking at the floor. You could feel his erection already pressing into your heat. Letting out a pleased murmur, you started grinding on him while Tsukishima kissed his neck, leaving wet bite marks. 
You felt Tadashi's hands wander up your thighs to your hips, gently guiding you up and down his hard on. Tsukishima slid his hands into Yamaguchi's shirt, pulling it up and off. You slid off of his lap onto your knees in front of him, slowly fiddling with his belt. 
Tsukki guided Yamaguchi’s hands towards his own hard length as you starting going down on the freckled boy. He moaned loudly, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of your mouth on his member. He palmed at Tsukki’s erection, whining for him to let it out so he could pleasure him. 
Tsukishima obliged, pulling out his thick length. You watched as Yamaguchi took it in his mouth. Watching Tsukki’s expressions while Yamaguchi sucked him dry was a major turn on. You started fingering yourself to the sight. 
“Let’s move this to the bedroom.”
The next few hours were a blur, a hot tangle of body parts and flesh. The three of you taking your time to make sure everyone was feeling pleasure and just the right amount of pain. 
You were on your back with your mouth full of Tadashi as Kei fucked you, rubbing circles on your clit. Your moans sent toe curling vibrations onto Yamaguchi's dick, almost making him cum right then and there. 
Tsukki grabbed Yams’ face, pulling him in for a deep kiss as the both pumped in and out of you. Over stimulated, you feel your release bubbling inside. All it takes is three more hard thrusts from Kei and you’re shaking, riding out your orgasm on him. 
He pulls out of you as you catch your breath. “Switch positions with me.” 
Tsukki lays on his back, motioning for you to sit on his face. Yamaguchi straddles Tsukishima’s hips as Tsukki fingers him in preparation. He then licks your heat, making sure to lap up every drop of your juices. 
You and Tadashi are both moaning loudly, completely controlled by Kei. You eye his cock, leaking with precum and bend over to suck on it as he lets Tsukki enter him. 
“K-Kei!!! Right there!” Yamaguchi yelled out in pleasure. Tsukki pumped into him quickly, you could feel his moans on your heat. You rode his face as he stuck out his tongue for you to use however you wanted. 
Yamaguchi leaned over to suck on your nipples and fondle you as he rode Tsukishima. His breath hitched as Tsukki fucked him harder and he couldn’t hold back any longer. You stroked his cock as he released his seed all over you and Tsukishima. 
The blonde suddenly changed pace and started sucking on your clit, licking all the most sensitive nerves. You arched your back in pleasure as Yamaguchi continued licking your sensitive buds, drawing you to another release. You let yourself cum all over Tsukishima's face before falling down on the bed.
Tsukki pulled out of Yamaguchi and the two of you took turns finishing Tsukishima off with your mouths. With one final twitch, he reached his release, covering you and Yamaguchi in it. 
The three of you layed in bed, enjoying the afterglow of your beautiful love making session. You had the biggest smile plastered on your face. 
“So was that everything you imagined it would be?” You teased, directed at neither boy in particular.
“Y-Yes, and more..” Tadashi said between tired pants.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Tsukki said slyly, “We should do it again and again, just to make sure...” 
Notes: THANK UUUUUUUUU to everyone who left such nice comments and support I really had a good time writing this and I’m so glad there is other TsukkiYama fuckers out there that I could share this with! I hope you all enjoyed this!
Taglist:  @bubblebabytae @neonfoxes666 @oktamaki @aproperthottie @jelatine-lei @saturnmoon @tarotiz @chicalmeida @burntcilantro @justxtulyyy  @marie622​ @xoxo-dede​ @bear-likes-mushrooms​
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tk-writer · 4 years
Team Building. [Haikyuu!! - Sugatsuki]
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Sugawara notices Tsukishima acting strangely during a team building exercise and does some... “investigating”.
Word count: 2353
Suga stared down at the blank piece of paper in his hand and contemplated what he was going to write next.
Most of his other team members had already given their folded notes to Daichi in preparation for the second round, but there were still two or three lagging behind. It looked like it was him, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, and Tsukishima. He couldn't really blame them for being hesitant; when their captain suggested playing this game as a “team building exercise” during their second night of training camp, there were more than a few protests from both under- and upperclassmen. Writing down your deepest secrets only to have your fellow athletes try and guess who they belong to? It was nerve wracking for Sugawara, who prided himself on his openness, so he couldn't imagine how hard it was for people like Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, and Kageyama.
Speaking of which, it seemed like they were still having trouble coming up with something. Suga scribbled something stupid down and tossed his folded paper into the upturned cap on the floor, waiting for the others to follow suit. He began observing the others, who were all sitting around the cap in a circle formation as if conducting some type of magical ritual.
“Hurry up!!” Nishinoya urged, growing restless as the minutes dragged on. “We’re not getting any younger here!”
“Hold on! I’m thinking!” Kageyama barked back, his brows furrowed in deep thought. Hinata sat next to him, attempting to peek over his shoulder as he started writing, which earned him a sharp elbow to the gut. He doubled over as Tanaka snickered beside him.
Suga watched Tsukishima and Yamaguchi from the corner of his eye, who were both sitting to his left. The latter seemed to have an “aha!” moment and finally wrote something while the former still had not picked up his pencil. He donned the same unreadable expression as always: blank, bored eyes, thin lips pressed together, no hint of excitement or nervousness or anything, really. He wondered what was going on in that pretty little blonde head of his.
Then, suddenly, he saw something.
It was only for a split second; Suga was certain he was the only one who noticed it. Tsukishima’s eyes widened, his lips parted slightly, and his breath stilled, as if he had just thought of something that flustered him. Then he grabbed the nearest pencil and scrawled something furiously before folding it once, twice, then a third time. He tossed it into the cap, and that was that. The flash of emotion disappeared, and his usual blank face returned.
Suga’s curiosity was piqued, but he said not a word, silently planning to investigate later.
Now that everyone had written their next secrets, it was time to play. Daichi shuffled the folded papers in the cap for a few seconds and started pulling them out at random. Suga wanted to laugh when he saw his teammates tense with anticipation, worrying about when theirs would get drawn, thereby exposing themselves. Didn't they realize they were all in the same boat…?
The first pick of the round was drawn. The paper read “I still sleep with a stuffed animal.” A few minutes of guessing went on until Tanaka guessed Nishinoya, whose face turned redder than a tomato once he’d been discovered. The team had their laughs, then moved onto the next.
“I’m a huge fan of Hatsune Miku.” It turned out to be Tanaka’s, and Suga actually did laugh out loud that time. Still, somehow it made sense. That type of music fit Tanaka’s over the top personality.
“I cried myself to sleep for days after the Aoba Johsai game.” Kageyama. That earned him a giant group hug from all who surrounded him, which nearly crushed him in the process. Suga caught him wiping his eyes after everyone pulled away.
“I still have nightmares about the Iron Wall.” Asahi. Suga saw Nishinoya worm his fingers into his hand and squeeze it. Karasuno’s ace grinned at the gesture, although he still appeared a bit self conscious.
“I have a crush on someone sitting here.” Hinata, who refused to say who and hid his rapidly reddening face from everyone. Kageyama watched him intently, and that made Hinata even more agitated. Really, he couldn’t be more obvious.
The game went on and on until everyone had confessed at least one secret they'd written down. Finally, one last paper remained. Daichi pulled it out, unfolding it three times, and cleared his throat before reading it aloud.
“I’m super, super ticklish.”
That earned a few “ooooohs” and accusatory glances. Everyone looked around at their comrades, trying to deduce which of their teammates could have written this while simultaneously acting like they weren't the one. Again, Suga’s attention fell on Tsukishima, who sat there with the best poker face he’d ever seen on a first year. If Tsuki ever retired from volleyball, Suga thought, he should pursue acting.
“That has to be Hinata!!” Nishinoya exclaimed. Hinata shook his head rapidly, sputtering out a flurry of denials that failed to convince anyone. 
“I think it's Daichi,” Tanaka said, poking his friend in the ribs. Unfortunately his point was disproved when he didn't laugh. The captain gave him a light smack on the back of the head in return for the unwelcome touch.
“What about Asahi?” Yamaguchi piped up, causing Asahi to fumble out his next words. 
“W, wait!! I didn't write it!!” the ace babbled, failing to hold back his booming laughter as Nishinoya started poking his sides.
“I think it was Tsukishima,” Suga teased, nodding towards the blonde who showed little to no reaction at the accusation. The rest of the squad laughed out loud.
“No way. Tsuki’s too serious for fun stuff like that,” Nishinoya taunted, earning him a glare from the blonde.
“Well, why don’t we ask him ourselves?” Suga addressed him as innocently as possible, making sure not to sound too interested. “Was it yours, Tsukishima?”
“No,” said the spiker.
“Alright, then who wrote this?” Daichi asked. The room fell silent as the players waited for someone to speak up, but none confessed.
“Oh come on! Don’t get all shy now! Everyone else had to fess up!!” yelled Tanaka.
Still, no one admitted. Suga kept his eye on Tsukishima, who seemed to be pressing his lips together even harder. He was definitely more tense than usual.
“Booooo… the whole point of this game was to build trust. We can't do that if people aren't honest!!” Tanaka complained loudly.
“Maybe it's time we call it a night, Daichi,” Suga suggested. “It’s getting late anyway, and we figured out who most of the secrets belonged to, anyway.”
“Fine,” the captain grumbled, still displeased but lacking the energy to keep fighting. And that was the end of it.
While the rest of the squad stood up and slowly started getting ready for bed, most heading to the showers to brush their teeth and rinse off one last time, Suga noticed a faint blush on Tsukishima’s face as he exited the room. Suga waited a few seconds before making his own leave, following the blonde at a safe distance to avoid detection.
He noticed that instead of going to the bathroom down the hall like everyone else, he took a turn and headed towards the empty showers on the west side of the building. It was strange; he knew Tsukishima liked his privacy, but why would he go so far out of his way to avoid everyone now?
Unless something was up.
When Suga entered the changing room, he waited until Tsukishima had his back turned before sneaking up behind him.
“It’s a little strange that you went all the way over here to get ready for bed, hmm?”
Tsukishima nearly jumped when he heard his senpai speak up, but the momentary surprise only lasted a fraction of a second. His eyes narrowed in suspicion as Suga shot him a friendly, unassuming smile.
“Why did you follow me?”
“I wanted to make sure my kouhai was alright. You got really quiet at the end of the game.”
Tsukishima grabbed a few towels from a nearby rack, not bothering to return Suga’s gaze.
“I hate childish things like that. It’s pointless.”
Suga moved in closer, still smiling despite Tsuki’s callousness towards him. The spiker just about flinched when he brushed his shoulder. 
There was definitely something going on with him.
“Come to think of it, you only confessed to one secret. Didn't you write two?”
Again, Tsukishima tensed up, refusing to look at Suga.
“It doesn't matter. Game’s over.”
“Were you too embarrassed to admit the last one?”
“Why do you care? And why are you so fixated on this?”
“Oh, no reason really. Except for the fact that your cheeks turned red when Daichi read the last secret out loud.”
“I… they did not! Hngh...”
Suga moved in closer, his smile becoming less amicable and more menacing. He could sense Tsukishima getting nervous. He still refused to look him in the eye and was clutching the towels against his chest as if for protection. And… was there even a hint of blush on those pale cheeks of his?
“Is it true, then? Are you super, super ticklish?”
Suga didn't give him the chance to deny it. His hands met Tsukishima’s waist and wiggled gently, barely wisping his fingertips against his sides. Immediately, the blonde broke out into soft giggles. His laughter was reserved and controlled, much like his personality, but his smile made his face look like it was beaming with joy. An unfamiliar, yet welcome sight for the third year setter. 
“The funny thing about this game is, you don't have to share something you don't want everyone to know,” Suga sang happily as his fingers danced up and down, drawing out more muted snickers and involuntary flinching from his kouhai. “Sure, it's a game of secrets, but you still have somewhat of a choice.”
Tsukishima didn’t say anything, nor did he really attempt to fight off Suga at all. Sure, he was clutching his own sides for protection and at one point even curled forward, trying to shake off the tickly hands, but he could’ve easily stopped him by grabbing his wrists or pushing him off. Instead, he stood there with his back against the lockers and just took it. It wasn’t what he had unexpected, but Suga wasn’t about to complain. Seeing him try to fight back a smile, which translated into a twisted grimace, was enough to keep him entertained all night.
The third year paused for a moment to continue his interrogation.
“Did you share it because you wanted us to know?”
“Hmm? You didn't want us to know?”
“...No… I mean, I don't know…”
“Tsk, tsk. Make up your mind, Tsuki.”
The tickles began once more, but this time Suga was much more cunning. He snuck his way into Tsuki’s underarms, digging in until the spiker’s shy giggles became more panicked and frenzied. He even let out a squeal or too, and afterwards blushed so hard his face resembled a brick wall.
“Wahahait! Sugahahaha!!”
“You like this, don't you? And you wanted someone to do this to you?”
“Naha, nnnngh, noooo!”
“Don’t lie.”
Suga got creative, keeping one hand under his arms while the other scurried down his side again and began circling his stomach. Tsukishima seemed weak to it; his struggles got more purposeful, although he was still only using a small portion of his strength. He gripped one of Suga’s wrists, but simply held on, neither pushing him away nor pulling him in. Suga poked one of his hips, and after he let out a high pitched shriek the begging finally emerged.
“S… stop… it's… embarrassing…”
Suga’s hands went still, but didn’t move from Tsuki’s body. He tilted his head to one side in confusion.
“Hmm? What's embarrassing?”
“I… I don't like others seeing me like this…”
“Why not?”
“Cause… they'll think I’m weak…”
Suga finally pulled away, his parental instincts taking over. He put his hands on his hips, ready to give Tsuki the pep talk he needed.
“Tsukishima, nobody thinks you’re weak. So what if you're a little ticklish?” He reached out and pinched his waistline again, spurring more quiet giggles from the spiker. “...Okay, maybe you're super ticklish. But that doesn't mean you're weak! It’s a natural human reaction.”
“Not that… I mean…” Tsuki crossed his arms, his gaze falling towards the floor. “They’ll think I’ve gone soft. If I ever…”
Although he said little, Suga could gather his meaning. 
“Ohhh… I see. Well, who says being soft is a bad thing?”
Tsukishima finally looked at him, eyes wide, cheeks dusted pink. 
“Besides, it makes you happy when this happens, right? There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Suga cupped his cheek in one hand and gave him a little pat before sneaking in a few fluttery tickles around his neck, which made the blonde scrunch his shoulders and grin at the touch.
“Have a little more faith in your team. We all like to joke and tease, but in the end everyone cares for each other. I guarantee that none of your teammates will look down on you for something so innocent.”
Suga gave him a few more tickles on his neck, cherishing the last moments he got to see his junior laugh and squirm around, then he pulled away and started walking towards the door.
“Now let's get to bed. We need as much rest as we can get before our practice game tomorrow!”
He was about to make his leave when he heard Tsukishima call out to him one more.
“Um, Suga?”
He turned around and saw a very, very flustered Tsukishima staring back at him.
“Can you… uh…”
“Yeeees?” Suga smirked as if he already knew.
“Can you. Do that again. What you were just doing.”
“Are you asking me to tickle you again, Tsukishima?” He taunted with extra emphasis on that word.
The blonde nodded his head with a shy smile, the corners of his mouth barely turning upwards, which soon erupted into more laughs as Suga put his hands on his sides again, tickling and tickling until he was a giggling mess.
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seokiloquy · 4 years
Bruised Ink - Kageyama Tobio
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Soulmate AU: When you write on your skin it appears in the same spot on your soulmates body
Requested (though I changed it a bit to keep it as canon as possible)
Tags/Warnings: GN!Reader, Kageyama being a bit of an airhead, mild swearing
Word Count: 1.7K+
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Art club, morning, lunch, and after school. Though admittedly your art club supervisor / English teacher didn’t enjoy seeing an eager face so early in the morning. She, over a matter of days, had gotten used to your silent presence in the corner of the art room as she worked on papers, occasionally asking for your opinion on a topic. 
“See you after school!” you called down the hall, before waving to your aforementioned supervisor who was talking to the art teacher in the corner.
You flicked your uniform jacket off, letting it hang off the top of a chair as you ran to your canvas. The clean paint brushes waited patiently next to the progressing piece of art and your pallet rested next to them, mummified and waiting to let it’s paints feel the air again. You delicately picked at the tape wrapped around the pallet, pulling it off to reveal the chemical smell of acrylics.
You gazed at your painting for a moment, admiring the contrasting muted colours that blended nicely into the slowly fading background. Taking a brush, no larger than the width of your pinky, you reached for a vibrant green and royal blue, ready to dollop small portions onto your pallet. You huffed through your nose as a clump of blue stuck to your fingers. With no paper towel in sight, you kept your mouth shut and rubbed the paint against the back of your opposite arm. 
“You’re going to stain your skin,” your teacher huffed behind you as she walked to her desk, brushing a free hand through her bob cut. “It looks almost like a bad bruise.”
You sighed, picking up your pallet and brush, gently working the bright teal colour you mixed into the layers of your canvas. “Maybe, but if I’m lucky it’ll be gone before any of the other teachers notice just like every other time.”
She gave you a quirked brow sliding into your spinning chair that was tucked into the corner of the room. She grabbed a pen with one hand and sipped on her coffee mug with the other. “What do you mean by that?”
You laughed. “Every time I doodle, draw, paint, or just anything on my skin whatsoever, it’s gone before I see it again.” 
“So your soulmate’s washing it off before class?” she hummed, turning her eyes away from your blocked-out painting and onto the sheets before her.
“I don’t have a tattoo or a red string, so most likely, ya. They probably don’t want to get in trouble. Or maybe they’re in a swim club and don’t even notice it?”
Chuckling she looked up but kept her head down, gifting you the sight of a mischievous look. “Or they could be sweating it all off.”
“How often does a person sweat to get rid of that much ink on a daily basis?”
“There are some dedicated athletes out there.” She shrugged, rubbing the golden tattoo on the back of her hand. “Then again, all soulmate connections are a bit different.
Humming, you turned back to your painting that leaned against the wall. “What are you working on this morning, Ms. Ono?”
Behind you, a page flipped followed by a groan. “First-year English.”
“First-year? I thought you taught second-year English?”
“I did for Sugawara’s class, but I usually teach the first-year.”
You pushed your brush into the canvas a little harder. “Damn, I thought I would get to be in your class.”
“Sorry, kiddo, but you wouldn’t be in my English class anyway. But your Japanese is improving!”
You huffed through your nose. “I’d hope so, the Sugawara’s really aren’t giving me a break.” You studied your canvas and took a step back, looking at how the light bounced off the surface and made the teal look with the less saturated colours.
“Good on them.”
“Don’t encourage it!”
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“Kageyama, what happened to your arm?”
The boy’s grown out bowl cut swished as he flipped his arms around turning his head in search before eventually finding the offending colour that had spread into his skin. Twisting his arm, he gave the colour an indecisive look, before poking it his index finger. “Must be a bruise. Probably smacked it when we were setting up the net. Doesn’t hurt though. So hurry up, let’s get started.”
“Why does everyone have to get to school so early,” Sugawara mumbled to himself, pushing the door to the gym open as he ruffled his hair. He spoke louder, “Tanaka, can’t you stop these two?”
“Sorry, dude. But I’m having fun with this. Why are you here so early anyway?”
Sugawara sat down in the doorway, changing his shoes and rolling off his uniform pants to reveal his loose shorts for practice. “(Y/N) has been coming to school early to paint. And my parents said ‘they’ll get lost, you go too’ instead of ‘no, sleep a little longer.’” 
Tanaka huffed through his nose, “Has (L/N) been settling in well?”
“Oh ya. Eichi loves the new company. But now I have to keep up with essentially two siblings instead of one and these two idiots.” The silver-haired boy yawned as he gestured at the two first years that yelled at each other while throwing balls into the air.
Tanaka gets out a gruff chuckle before running into the centre of the gym to join the duo with endless energy.
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“Gone again,” you mumbled as you slowly packed up the bento box that Koushi’s mom had prepared for you.
Your arm, which had been covered in paint stains and ink marks across the whole colour spectrum, had been wiped clean. No doubt the work of your soulmate and whatever activity they partook in during their free time. 
Grumbling, you took out your white ink pen and doodled a subtle frowning face on the inner crease of your wrist.
Ms. Ono rose from her seat, patting away invisible dirt that clung to her dark pencil skirt as the warning bell sounded through the speaker system. “Alright, (L/N). I have a class to teach, out you get.” She shuffled hat stacked papers in her hand, pausing for a moment as a look of realization was thrown onto her face. “Oh and, there won’t be art club this evening, so tell the other members too.”
“What? but that’s the best part of my day!”
“Sorry, (L/N) but I can’t be in here all the time.”
You whined, following the English teacher out of the room. Mr. Sato, the art head, walked into the paint-filled classroom as you left. You both gave him a friendly nod, before continuing with your conversation. “What can I do then? I’m not allowed to go home alone.”
Ms. Ono hummed, “Why don’t you sit in on Sugawara’s volleyball practice, you can use it as a figure study and sketch in your notebook.”
“I guess that’s not a bad idea.”
“Well, there you go. Alright, get, to class or you’ll be late.” She stepped into her sunlit classroom, walking straight for her desk with clicking heels.
You left the entryway of class 1-1’s homeroom and started making your way down the hall to your own room in class 1-4. As you weaved through the crowded hall of first years you kept your head up, looking for the nearest tunnel of space, only to get locked against the wall staring into the eyes of an intense schoolmate you were unaware of.
“Uh sorry,” you mumbled, looking away from his pinched brow and sharp eyes that only held your gaze for a moment.
He raised a brow, looking down the hall behind you to his classroom. Saying nothing, he huffed and schooled his expression. Placing the opposite hand on your shoulder, he spun your body to be behind him, switching locations, and continued down the hall. You watched his flat black hair bounce as he turned into class 1-3’s room.
“Well, isn’t he sweaty,” you mumbled to yourself as you made the last few steps into your classroom.
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“Koushi, Koushi, Koushi. Are you sure it’s okay for me to sit in?”
“Just don’t encourage any foolishness and it should be fine. We still have to practice.”
You nodded, following your homestay as he led you to his club’s gym, rambling about his teammates.
“Ah, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi? They’re in my class. I didn’t know they played volleyball.”
“Do you talk to them?”
“No sir, I do not think Tsukishima's intimidating.”
Sugawara led you to the side where their manager stood, speaking with one of the teachers you had seen running around the school, you bowed silently as Sugawara quickly gave an introduction and ran off to change his shoes and clothes.
The group had an easy time ignoring your presence as you sat on the metal bench, flipping coloured pens between your fingers. Rough doodles filled the page as messily scribbled outlines took the form of the players you saw before you. Some were stretched out in the air while others dove to the ground in elegant swoops. 
Your pen skidded across the paper.
“Damn,” you muttered, lifting the tip and forcing it into the papers again. Nothing.
Twirling the ink-filled tool between your fingers you shifted the sketchbook off your lap and taking the pen to the surface of your skin.
The ink skidded, leaving uneven marks in an indecipherable pattern along the surface of your skin before running dry. You reached for another pen, only for the result to repeat. You grabbed another, and another. The pattern continued, pushing and pulling, dragging the fine tips as they slowly began to cover the entire surface of the back of your hand in every colour including your white ink, which luckily still worked fine and contrasted brilliantly with the muddied mess on your hand.
You huffed out a quiet cheer of success, finding that a majority of your pens worked fine, and placed the forgotten book back into your lap, coloured pages ready to be drawn over with your trusty series of pens.
“Yo, Kageyama. Is that another bruise?”
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God this one is vague as hell but I didn’t have to brainpower to make it any more decipherable. 
It was originally requested that the reader be Sugawara’s little sibling but he only canonically has a little brother, not everyone physically looks like Sugawara, and the adoption trope is meh to me. So I went with a foreign exchange student that is being housed by his family. (if you couldn’t tell)
This au, in particular, is very hard because we try to keep our character (being Y/N) physically ambiguous for the purpose of allowing everybody to enjoy reading it. This au very much panders to those with lighter skin, so I apologize if I didn’t make it as open as I could’ve and please let me know if there are ways I can make this sort of au better. I want everyone to enjoy reading them and not feel excluded.
That’s all, and I hope everyone is healthy and safe. - Bacon
Posted: 06/12/2020
64 notes · View notes
chibivesicle · 4 years
Golden Kamuy chapters 267 & 268.  Filling in the gaps and learning how Tsurumi was involved in the gold.
After a few chapters that I was expecting to be more rewarding falling flat, things are starting to pick up.  We first learn about Kiro’s involvement and how his relationship with Wilk became strained.  Before they broke Sofia out of prison, Kiro decided to tell Sofia more details before actually reuniting with her.  It is unclear if this story was relayed to Sofia via the milk ink or if Kiro wrote this with regular ink meaning anyone could have read the information.  What this page does tell us, is that Sofia learned this information prior to meeting Asirpa and Ogata likely knows something about what was written.  Noda wouldn’t just throw him in the background for no reason.
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I wonder if this information was already shared between Kiro and Ogata? 
The chapter title page has an image of Wilk, Riratte and Asirpa as a family.  Clearly, a visual parallel with Tsurumi, Olga and Fina indicating that the two men have fates that are intertwined.
When Kiro saw Wilk holding Asirpa, he knew that something was different; he loved her and his family and as a result his priorities would change.  Kiro is not happy with this while Huci smiles next to him.
This is an interesting story since Tsurumi is retelling what Kiro wrote to Sofia, clearly in Russian.  Tsurumi is dominant and in charge of things as he makes Sofia when he mentions the man Kimuspu.  The last remaining person who knew where the gold was hidden.  At the same time, somehow Tsurumi learned of this information.
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The panel informs us at certain key members of his elite inner circle knew about this, Kikuta in the back, potentially even working for Central at that point in time, Usami close to Tsurumi and Ogata and Tsukishima in the front with Ogata also more distant from Tsurumi.
This confirms what Ogata told us all the way back after the Barato arc with Hijikata.  That he referred to how Tsurumi knew what happened to the seven Ainu men without indicating if he was there or not.  I loved how Ogata just said that Tsurumi was the intelligence officer who examined the crime scene.  Time and time again Ogata speaks but only gives enough information to catch someone’s attention.
The flashback told my Tsurumi who wasn’t there at the time is in part based on what he knows from Kiro as well which is something to keep in mind.  The men convened at Noboribetsu, clearly in a kotan close to where Ariko is from.
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The group of men were meeting to discuss it and Wilk is leading the discussion.  Not surprising at all since he is a natural leader.  His back is to us in the middle panel as they talk.
The rest of the men are revealed.  The first man who speaks is clearly Ariko’s father, Siromakur based on those eyebrows. The cast of the soon to be doomed men are revealed with a wide range of beards and eyebrows.  I’d guess it took a lot of effort to find seven Ainu names and this might be why this plot point is so late, as it is known that Noda avoided names currently in use to be culturally respectful.   I will note that Mesira, Irenka and Ratci all have no light or sparkle in their eyes, making them look like they may have had more bad experiences. Sukuta looks like a nice guy.
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Maybe it is just me but Oskeporo gives me major Kirawus vibes?  I want to see your eyebrows Kirawus!  Are you related to Oskeporo?  They are both wearing dark clothing, my brain wants to say Oskeporo has a blue attush with white trim.
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It looks sort of similar to Kirawus’s - or maybe he’s also from the Kushiro region? In the next chapter we learn that Oskeporo is from Nemuro.  That is pretty close to Kushiro since Kirawus was working in Nemuro at the fisheries when he met Hijikata.
Anyways back to the main events.  The men realize they need to find the old man, Kimuspu quickly so no one beats them to him, since of course people told other people about it. . .
As they head out Kiro finds Wilk and he’s pissed off.  The text bubble tells us he’s beyond upset and he’s got a clenched fist.  Finally, we are getting some clarity on why things broke down between Kiro and Wilk.
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Even though Kiro had integrated himself into the local Hokkaido community, his best friend left him out of things.  Of course, Kiro was always dedicated to their original greater cause as he’s Tatar/Karafuto Ainu and perhaps knows that Sofia is in prison in Karafuto?
Wilk tells the other men to go ahead and so that he can talk to Kiro one on one.  Kiro is hurt and angry being excluded from these plans.  It indicates that knowledge of their meeting was more well known than Wilk likely would have preferred.  Ainu told each other about the gold, the old man, and the leaders meeting to discuss it since Kiro found him easily.  Or did Ogata tip him off?  Was this the beginning of the cat alliance?
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Wilk tells him that they should change focus to only protecting Hokkaido based on logistics.  This ignores the places where they grew up and therefore the other ethnic groups.
Tsurumi then asks Asirpa if she understands the difference between a regional ethnic nation that shares land borders with Russia and other countries making them difficult to defend.  Which is the exact same reason Tsurumi wants to make Hokkaido an independent state and why Hijikata also likes it.  From a strategic perspective it does make a lot of sense, but it excludes most of the minority groups they were fighting for all these years.
This exchange between Kiro and Wilk explains so much of why Kiro said Wilk changed.  He sees it as a betrayal and abandonment of the Russian far east and Karafuto.  Wilk calmly states they will encourage immigration of different groups.
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This is clearly upsetting to Kiro as his skin is covered with the chaotic screentone.  This is always used when a character is upset and reeling from learning something that they don’t want to hear.  I love the fact that a very similar screentone is used in Ogata’s flashback in 165 talking to Yuusaku.  Ogata appears calm but there is emotion behind his ice cold responses.
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Interestingly, the screentone with the curved lines is only used with Ogata specifically, and it doesn’t show up again, but both show an inner turmoil.
Kiro argues that because Wilk’s village immigrated to Hokkaido, that is why they failed in part due to going to a place they were unfamiliar with and different ways to survive.
Wilk replies that he understood by the Karafuto Ainu immigration failed and just says ‘we need to avoid repeating those mistakes’.  Really?  Why do you tell us what they are Wilk?  Does he really have an answer for that or is he just saying this hoping Kiro will calm down?
Kiro is quickly able to point out flaws for some of the ethnic groups and Wilk has a cop out of an answer, it will be up to individuals to make that choice.  Kiro may be upset, but I think he is correct by telling Wilk his priorities have changed with the birth of Asirpa.  These men have known each other for most of their lives and acted in an organization where they had to trust each other deeply.
I do like the switch to see Asirpa’s reaction, she loved her father but she definitely saw Kiro as an uncle figure and did no know about their falling out at all to change her opinion of them when all of this started.
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Wilk artfully dodges Kiro’s question by saying he’s being realistic.  I don’t think Wilk wants to confirm what Kiro said in stoic Slav fashion.  If anyone has been following my meta for some time, you’d know I’m a huge fan of Kiro, so I like the next page. Knowing Wilk, he calls him out on it - he found a place to call home, he loves his family and his priorities have shifted to protect his current home.  But Kiro is still holding a torch for Sofia, and wants to break her out of prison and help his own people.  The fact Wilk doesn’t even respond tells us Kiro is right.
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Asirpa quietly reflects on this.  It clearly explains so much about what happened and in a way Kiro showed her Wilk’s original plan with the intention to help the partisans.  Tsurumi summarizes the legitimacy of these contrasting goals.  His position in the chair reserved for the priest as well as his contemplative expression makes me think that Tsurumi is confessing to his own feelings that are divided within himself. 
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The page ends with Tsukishima watching things blankly, a frown and stress lines under the eyes - how is he feeling in this very moment?
The flashback continues as Kiro loses it mentioning that Sofia is still waiting for them.  This must mean that Kiro has continued to keep tabs on her or maintain some knowledge/limited communication with her.  He charges towards Wilk and the two fight, but Wilk manages to get him in a headlock victorious.
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Asirpa then is able to tell Sofia that she knew that Kiro had feelings for her, so of course he’d want to go back for her.  Of course she didn’t learn this until Kiro died but it does make a lot of sense. Sofia listens closely, but it is still unclear how well she understands Asirpa speaking Japanese.
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The fight ends with Kiro on the ground and he lost his shoes in the fight somehow.  It is unclear if this is a drawing error by Noda since Kiro is frequently shown bare feet, partly to signal his death in Karafuto, but other times he seems to like having free toes. 
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Asirpa’s explanation is that Wilk knew the Kiro loved Sofia and he avoided Kiro.  It a way it would be a dick move to have a family that he loved, while Kiro can’t do anything about the woman he loved who was their comrade in arms. 
Sofia looks so sad here, two men she loved and cared about are dead in this entire mess.  The chapter ends with a beat up Wilk tying Kiro to a tree and we see him now barefoot.  Did Wilk take his shoes off to prevent him from chasing after them?  I don’t know or if Noda accidentally gave Kiro shoes a few pages prior.
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But now we finally know the event that lead Kiro to tell Inkarmat that Wilk changed.  And we as the readers know he changed.  Kiro is pissed off at Wilk and this was the rift that separated the men and their goals for the gold.
Kiro realized that he and Wilk now had different goals and it was what ended their friendship.  The next chapter starts with a somber and sad looking Kiro writing the letter.  Which now we can see is an ink letter.  He reflects on how that was the last conversation he had with Wilk, which likely wasn’t how he had wanted it to go.
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Wilk tells him this is for Asirpa’s benefit and her happiness.  Apparently, he decided to gift Asirpa with this path based on the fact that he felt Sofia was a good leader/role model.  I mean besides the fact that Sofia gave up her chance to live a normal domestic life.  It is clear Wilk was impressed with Sofia and her character but it still shows that Wilk is putting her in a situation she didn’t ask for.  
Yet, Asirpa isn’t upset by this.  She echoes Wilk’s way of thinking which is just like Koito Sr.  So in a way she has more in common with Koito and his role to do things his father expects from him.  Though Koito’s older brother already died in the service so it isn’t like she has a younger sibling.
Tsurumi seems to suggest that Wilk could have just slid into obscurity and live his life in peace and quiet.  Does this mean that Tsurumi wanted to live in peace and quiet with Fina and Olga?
Asirpa boldly tells him that it isn’t possible as the Ainu would disappear.  As the Ainu are intrinsically linked to the kamuy.  The Ainu must respect the kamuy and in return if they forget them they will disappear. 
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In reality this was the assimilation of the Ainu into Japanese society, losing their links to the kamuy and their cultural identity.
Tsurumi finally responds that the fate of those wanting to protect the kamuy was not good.  He looks like he’s barely able to control himself as he’s got his deranged look on his face.  So scary that Sofia and Asirpa are shocked.
The flashback then continues from Tsurumi’s point of view.  Though we need to realize he may not be telling the truth.  The fact that Tsurumi was able to track down Ariko Sr. implies that the secret wasn’t super secret!  Good job of keeping things under wraps Wilk and other Ainu dudes.  Tsurumi starts off with flattery to get comfortable with Simorakur.
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For example he clearly comments about his son being in the army and making sure he is sent the knife to remember his identity.  Interesting the other men with Tsurumi are Usami and Kikuta.  Tsukishima and Ogata are no where to be seen. 
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Tsurumi is told he is too late, the other men went in search of the older man and therefore the gold over a month ago.  Of course Ariko’s dad decided to leave the group because of the disagreements that began to occur as some of the men threatened the families of others including Cikapasi’s grandfather.  Not sure why bringing Cikapasi into this part of the narrative makes sense since he was fine in the story as an orphan who found his family in Karafuto. . . .  I wonder if this was supposed to read that the man was Sukuta and he had a younger brother and grandfather.  With Cikapasi being the younger brother . . .
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Tsurumi turns on his charm and calls Simorakur, a polite Mr. Ariko (obviously Ariko-san in the original) and ties the loyalty of his family to the Japanese to be important.  That his family is serving the government in a good way.
The tells Tsurumi that the six men all had pretty big egos, and drastically different viewpoints so they were not a good alliance.  But that one man was able to draw them together and resolve conflicts easily and he was a natural leader.  That man of course, was Wilk.  The flashback allows Tsurumi to learn about this natural leader who is also knowledgeable and even used a fact that Tsurumi told him when talking to the men.
The next page shows Wilk as a mystery to Tsurumi at first.  Of course, he’s got the cross scar on his face marked likely to link him with Christian symbols and he’s offering his hand to the viewer, not unlike how Asirpa first offered her hand to Sugimoto.
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Tsurumi is impressed and wants to know more about this man.  Of course the big reveal is when he learns who the Karafuto Ainu man is.  His eyes go white in shock and likely out if his desire to kill him.  We also get an even better view of his torn sleeves.  Likely the kidnapping of Koito happened recently and he did a poor job of repairing his white uniform.
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So, Koito was kidnapped in Hakodate, recently but Usami wasn’t involved in it.  Did Usami just join him?  As Koito’s flashback only reveals Kikuta, Tsukishima and Ogata.  Not surprisingly, his calm exterior is shaded with the hatched screentone again, just like Kiro in the last chapter.
Tsurumi then tells Asirpa and Sofia that he shot a single poison arrow at Wilk, his eyes completely white.  He tells Simorakur that Wilk was a partisan fighting against the Russians and had come to Hokkaido for the gold for the partisans.
And he quickly departs and watches as he lead Tsurumi, Kikuta and Usami to the gold.  They hear gunfire and are unable to keep up with everyone else.  In the morning they find one of the men stabbed with a makkiri.  So Tsurumi knows that Wilk didn’t kill any of the men.
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If we go back to chapter 70 Ogata tells Hijikata what he knows as Hijikata implies he knows that Kiro is likely a partisan.  Now it is hard to tell if the knife in chapter 268 matches one in 70.  But Ogata makes it clear that all of the knives had notches on them.
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Does this mean that Wilk actually did damage everything?  Or did Tsurumi make this up to frame Wilk for the deaths so that Wilk appeared guilty?  Or did Wilk actually do this out of cultural obligation?  I want more information since right now Tsukishima and Ogata aren’t involved. 
Did Ogata find Kiro and untie him from the tree?  Did the cat alliance form while he was out of the range of Tsurumi?
The chapter then ends with Tsurumi telling them that Wilk skinned himself, removing his face and putting it on another dead person’s severed head.
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Yay!  This now at least lines up with Asirpa’s statement that they found her Aca’s nose and ears to identify he was one of the dead. 
A long time ago I had reasoned that Wilk disfigured himself by cutting off his nose and ears, but this is a much more gruesome way to fake his death.  Did he know someone like Tsurumi was onto him?  My biologist brain really wonders how he was able to do this with out a sterile environment and way to protect the healing skin and face and protect the muscles and argh it just seems far fetched to me from a biological perspective.  I figured the nose and ear part would make more sense since GK has had ear removal and off page nose removal.
But hey this is GK!  People seem to have great healing abilities!  So might as well extend this to Wilk’s entire face.
What these two chapters have show is that Tsurumi has let his own emotions control his place in the hunt for the gold.
I wonder when Kikuta started working for central and if he told Ariko what really happened to his father.  Or did he always keep this secret from him and instead betray him, which is in part why he felt so guilty when Usami beat the crap out of him before sending him off to be a double agent?
Kikuta does have more of a moral compass that Usami and we now know he has some sort of inspirational role he played with Sugimoto before he joined the military.
I am still underwhelmed by these developments.  I was hoping for something bigger but right now Tsurumi looks like a man who was already angry at the Japanese government for the death of his family in Russia, who then doubles down on it when he learns the man leading the Ainu was Wilk so he goes after him.
At least we know why Kiro was so upset with Wilk and why he felt like Ogata had to kill him so that they could take Asirpa to Karafuto and to meet Sofia.
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rolllingthunderr · 4 years
TsukkiYama Constellation Cliche’s Drabble | 800+ Words | SFW
“You know, I got into stargazing because of you.”
“What?” They were sitting on the schools roof, wanting a break from the team just for a little while. And Yamaguchi would feel bad about ignoring his captain duties later. But right now, it was nice just spending a quite hour with Tsukki.
“Stargazing.” Tsukishima says again, almost bored sounding as he bites into his cookie. His headphones are slung around his neck, playing something they can both faintly hear but not exactly recognise. And as always, he looks practically radiant in the afternoon sun.
His hair is bleached gold under the shifting light, clouds obscuring it to an almost pale white whenever they covered the sun. And there’s a blush high on his cheeks and the backs of his arms where he’d rolled his sleeves up from the heat, although it’s faint. Yamaguchi likes that he knows it’s there anyway. If he weren’t so used to the feeling by now, he’d give in to the impulse of wanting to reach out and smooth over the skin. “I got into it because of you.”
“I think you need to elaborate on that Tsukki.” He mutters. Because really, he has no idea where this is going. He can’t remember ever saying anything about the stars until Tsukki had unwrapped a telescope on his thirteenth birthday and suddenly they’d both been obsessed.
“I wanted to find a constellation that matched your freckles.”
He’s very glad he’s finished his lunch because he when he chokes it’s on nothing but his own words. His mind goes blank. Trying to come up with a way to make the statement sound anything but as tender as it had been. 
“Specifically the ones on your right cheek, you know the cluster.” He vaguely gestures under were his glasses rest against his own cheek and Yamaguchi absently copies the movement. “Closet i’ve found was the few on your ankle though.”
“Which one?” He asks, because his brain can’t come up with anything smarter. Can’t come up with anything coherent because this had to be a dream. Tsukki’s looking at him with the usual look, the softer one he only ever seemed to reserve for him. And he’s smiling, just a little. And that breaks into a bigger smile at Yamaguchi’s question as he rolls his eyes in a way Yamaguchi can only describe as fond.
“Left. It’s pretty close to what circinus looks like.”
Yamaguchi looks down at his own ankle, shoving his pant leg up and then his sock down as he inspects the skin there, thrusting his leg forward out of the criss-cross it had been in. He jumps when he see’s Tsukki move forward and then jumps again when Tsukki’s long fingers wrap around his ankle with a unsurprising gentleness as they turn his ankle out, other fingers going to trace the four freckles.
Yamaguchi can’t breathe, air caught in his lungs as he watches Tsukki trace it a few more times. Drawing in a line between three and then back again between two. “It’s the compass.”
“And uh, what made you think of it now?” He’s surprised he can speak, especially when he looks up to find Tsukki’s warm brown eyes trained on his face. Apparently he hadn’t been looking at Yamaguchi’s ankle at all. And that makes him shiver, because apparently Tsukki knew where the spot was from memory alone. “What made you tell me?”
“Do you want the honest answer or the sappy answer?” His smile almost turns into a smirk around the corners but it’s far too soft and Yamaguchi can’t help but smile back.
“Sappy first, honest second.”
“I realised I could still see the north star even with the sun up. And that made me think of you. Because even in this blinding light, when you could be anywhere else, you’re still with me here.”
Yamaguchi waits for a second before he’s snorting at how weak that sounded. “Bullshit. And not even good bullshit. Give me the honest answer.”
“I was looking at different apps and a compass app popped up.” And then he’s giggling too.
“There we go.” Yamaguchi know’s he’s blushing, know’s he must have a dark flush on his cheeks. one that probably spreads down to his chest because Tsukki still hasn’t let go of his damn ankle. Thumb idly tracing over the freckles still. “Why tell me now though?”
“Saw you sit on your hands after you reached out and honestly?” He tilts his head, not giving Yamaguchi enough to be mortified at his own obviousness as he continues. “I guess I got too impatient to wait any longer.”
“Oh fuck off.” Yamaguchi gasps before he’s finally doing what he wants, hands reaching out to Tsukki’s face so he can draw him in for a kiss.
Maybe tonight, after they’d spoken and probably kissed more, they’d get out the telescope again and Tsukki could show him exactly where circinus was.
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