#anyway tags are getting real long so I should be quiet now lol
l1ght-n1ghts · 3 months
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HAPPY DEDEDE DURSDAY. Have THE King of Dream Land in all of his glory in the dragon au!
+Design notes/headcanons under cut
Based off of King Penguins! It let me give him a splash of color, and so his chick plumage was brown to make him look like the Waddle Dees! And also “King” Penguin. Haha.
Also based (generally) off of Theropod Dinosaurs. Namely, the Therizinosaurus for its body plan. I didn’t give him the killer claws because I still wanted him to be able to use his hammer. Maybe in another life, Dedede.
While he is primarily bipedal, he can swap to a quadruped stance if desired. He only usually does this if a ceiling is too low for him, or if he goes beast mode (like in Forgotten Land)
His horns form a crown-like formation on his head that was inspired by his mask during Masked Dedede fights. He polishes them to make them shiny like gold!
He has a throat pouch that lets him store food and, when he wants to float, air. He taught himself this through pure spite. I'm actually pretty sure the spite part is canon.
Dedede actually has a good amount of scars, but most of them are smaller and hidden by his feathers. Some, however, stick out quite a bit.
Has a stubborn hoarding instinct. Dedede’s initial greed as a ruler combined with this trait is what sparked the whole “stealing all the food in Dream Land” thing. After he grows as a person (gets his ass kicked) and becomes a good King, he moves on to hoard other things. It’s usually shiny things and small bits of food. He shares it with people he trusts (the Dees and eventually his friends)
The Dees look remarkably similar to a weirdly proportioned chick in his eyes (Same general body plan. Warm shades that are close to being brown. Cute, high-pitched calls). This sets off so many protective instincts in his head it drives him NUTS. Like he knows logically that they’re fully grown, but that won’t stop his brain from going “THAT IS A CHILD.” at first. This only gets worse with time :)
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thedragonagebigbang · 12 days
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @twist-shout-and-shells | AO3: Aint_No_Holy_Ghost
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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This is how local political unrest can help your love life!
Izzy and Dema talk writing (surprise!), trying and failing to catch a train, and Those Greek Guys
Dema: Starting current events (at the time of the interview): It's pitch writing time! How's it going?
Izzy: I've reached the part where the fun and games end and the heavier plot begins, so I'm moving more slowly. I totally lost control of the direction my story was going after chapter 3. But it's been a great time writing this story!
Dema: It is funny how our own stories can get away from us. I think I have my vibes pinned down and I almost always deviate. Does that tend to be your experience or are you usually a make-a-plan, stick-to-the-plan-type of writer?
Izzy: I try to be a no-plan writer. That's usually how my stories start: I get an idea and start in it with no real direction. But eventually I'm forced to develop some plan for where I'm going, and I try to stick to it. But I think the nature of stories is that sometimes they just write themselves and I'm simply their vessel.
Dema: I'm trying to remember which writer described it as trying to catch a train...
Izzy: That sounds familiar... But I can't remember either.
Dema: Wow, it's gunna drive me crazy. I'll put it in later… it was basically, you're on foot, and inspiration is like a train, and you're just grabbing onto whatever you can grab. Except I'm pretty sure a nobel prize-winning writer said it so it sounded much better.
[Narrator: Dema never did find the original source, and it really will drive her crazy. If you know it, tag her!]
When you say you eventually need to develop a plan, at what point do you realize you need to do that?
Izzy: Either when I run out of inspiration or when I have a clear idea of where I want to get, but no idea of how to get there. With my story for the DABB it was the former: after writing three chapters non-stop I hit a brick wall of "alright, and where am I going with this?"
Dema: I was going to ask about the DABB next! Did you have your preliminary idea before you decided to join in?
Izzy: Yes. It was an idea that had been kicking around in my head for a long while, but that I wasn't sure I should actually write because it's a) kind of a cliche and b) not a very popular pairing, but eventually I decided to just get it out there anyway. It started with a very particular line of dialogue and grew from there.
Dema: Oh, we love a rarepair in this house…And of course, I know what it is, and am excited.
Izzy: Lol! It was strange for me actually, becoming a rare pair writer. The first big bang I participated in was for Supernatural, a pairing with 100k fics on their tag. Now I'm writing for a pair with 100 fics, 4 of which are mine.
Dema: Incredible. You are holding down this fort. Also I love this little teaser. When did you start writing for DA?
Izzy: October 2022 (We're in 2024 already, jesus Christ)
Dema: Yes, unfortunately it is a daily shock for me as well. But I love how many people come into the fandom and create new fanworks even so long after the last game came out. What drew you in? Were you already hanging around the DA fandom before 2022?
Izzy: I started playing...at the end of 2021, I think. My brother introduced me to the franchise and my autistic little brain became obsessed with it. I was going to name my favorite game and protagonist, but considering they're the center of the fic, that'd be a spoiler. Anyway, I started following some DA blogs on Tumblr, and eventually thoughts of that game had consumed my every waking thought to the point I wrote two academic essays about it in my first year of uni. I wrote a significant portion of those 4 fics in the bus on the way to said uni. What drew me in most were the themes, really.
Dema: Any in particular?
Izzy: Found family and the tragic undertones of it all, mostly. I really like the way DA2 works as a tragedy in between two epics. The mage x templar conflict is also quite interesting. The tragedy x epic was totally the subject of one of those essays, btw. My professors suffer.
Dema: So I assume DA2 is your favorite of the franchise? Have you played all of them?
Izzy: Yes, it is! I've played all of them a couple of times, and DA2...several times. I don't know how many. 
Dema: I'm so curious if you played them in order or started with DA2. The "best order" to experience the DA universe is an interesting debate.
Izzy: No, I played them in order. Personally, I think it'd be strange to play them out of order, at least for the first time, because of the way the stories tie into each other. What I did do was play DA2 twice before I played Inquisition because on my first gameplay I didn't really check the writing desk (there wasn't anything like that in DAO and I was still new to games more complex than The Sims) and I missed Fenris entirely. Detail: he's one of my fave companions now
Dema: I'm pretty sure I missed Sera on my first DA:I playthrough. It's wild how much it impacts the story, if you miss a companion!
Izzy: Yes! I mean, it's a whole arc and a lot of banter you just don't get. Fenris has so much good banter!! I truly can't believe I missed him.
Dema: When it comes to the DA fandom, would you consider yourself a gamer first and a writer or reader second, or something else?
Izzy: That's a really difficult question. I'm not exactly a big gamer. Like, I'm not a completionist and I mostly play on casual because my real focus is the story being told. So I guess what I truly am is a "reader of the game" lol. Though I have been getting more into combat strategizing and stuff like that for DA2, because you can only play something on casual so many times before it loses the appeal. If you'll allow me an anecdote, to paint a picture of the kind of "gamer" I am: one time I was playing DAI in my brother's room (his computer), and he walks in, sees me with a vein popping on my forehead, stupidly focused, staring unflinchingly at the screen, and asks "what the f* are you doing?" I was in the undercroft tinting armors. 
And then, after that, I'm a writer.
Dema: This story is very relatable, lol. You've touched on the narrative structure of the franchise a bit and I'd love to hear more about that epic to tragedy to epic format, and why that resonated. Since you wrote a whole paper on it, just distill it into like four sentences, that shouldn't be hard right??? (I'm sorry)
Izzy: Oh, god. Ok. I'll try not to get too carried away :V
Dema: Please feel free. Here is a box to stand on, and a megaphone.
Izzy:  So. Uh. The Greeks, right? Those guys. Aristotle, more specifically. The Poetics and all that. I think DAO and DAI follow the formula of classic epics: you have this larger than life hero going on a very important quest to save the world. Notice that those games are longer than DA2, kind of like an odyssey, if you will. There are many quests, many steps to the journey before the hero can rest. It's glorious and grand, regardless of whether the hero survives or not. Now DA2 follows the formula of tragedies even closer than the other games follow the epic. And I mean step by step aristotelian formula. You have Hawke, who rises into fame and fortune. The rising movement is very important, because you later have the downfall. He gets fame and riches, but everything comes with a cost, usually the lives of his family. So in DA2 you have this constant rise and fall movement, leading up to the end where (if you defend the mages, at least) Hawke is forced to leave behind everything they spend 7+ years building. They lose everything. In the essay I compared it to Oedipus: he becomes king and etc, there's this looming prophecy (remember Flemmeth when you do the amulet ritual), and in the end everything falls apart. That's as summarized as I can get lol. And Hawke starts out as a nobody! And the game is actually divided in acts!!!
Dema: I read a LOT of classics/Homer in undergrad and I love this. Ten out of Ten. Thank you! I could honestly listen to you talk about that epic/tragedy structure for another hour but alas, we are out of time. To close the interview, and just for fun: Can you come up with a buzzfeed-style, misleading, click-bait title for your fic? Without giving anything major away that would identify you lol
Izzy: Ok, so, this is as vague as I managed: This is how local political unrest can help your love life (Also, I just realized I went out to get wifi and did the whole interview wearing a DA2 sweater. It was a complete accident, I swear)
Dema: AMAZING. Please show me the sweater!!
Izzy: The culprit:
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Dema: I love it. Thank you for chatting with me, Izzy!
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rubyreduji · 2 years
Wildest Dreams — xmh [thirteen.]
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summary: say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset
tags: smut (minors dni!), angst, movie star!au warnings: cheating, explicit unprotected sex, oral (f. receiving), fingering, choking, multiple orgasms, tub sex wc: 4.1k an: writing the characters to directly quote the song lyrics is kinda cringe LOL but also cringe culture is dead. anyways i am sorry for the angst, at least i didn’t make minghao an asshole like i was planning on so be grateful /hj
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You’re standing near one of the marble pillars in the ballroom. Around you there are tall walls that connect to intricate ceiling designs. The chattering of everyone around you drones on in the background. The room is warm from all of the bodies.
When you glance to the side you see Xu Minghao staring at you.
Minghao is your most recent co-star in the movie you just filmed. He’s tall and handsome and apparently very popular in China and Korea. He has been rapidly gaining a US following as well, making him the best candidate to be your love interest in your upcoming romance film.
“Minghao. Hello.”
You have a confession to make. Minghao drives you crazy. Not in the ‘I want to rip his hair out’ way but in the ‘I think I’ll die if I don’t rip his clothes off in the next ten seconds’ way. From the moment you met the chemistry was apparent between you two and you fell for him right away.
You’ve never been interested in your co-stars before but Minghao is different. You find yourself wanting him with every fiber of your being. The numerous sex scenes you had to film didn’t make it any better either. 
“What are your plans now that we’ve finished filming early?” Minghao asks you. He’s dressed up for the wrap-up party you guys are at. Known for his fashion taste his outfit stands out from everyone else’s with his silken black shirt and designer blazer. His hair is uncharacteristically styled back, unfamiliar to the long mullet he had during filming. You think he looks ethereal. The chandelier hits across his face and he glows.
“Probably go back home. Rest a bit. Talk to my agent about my next project.” You shrug before looking at one of the paintings that adorn the wall. “Wait for promotions to start.”
“Come with me.”
“What?” You whip back around to look at the man. He’s staring into your soul. For the movie he wore blue contacts but now his natural brown eyes are staring at you. They’re deep and intense.
“If you’re not busy, come with me.” 
He doesn’t explain more but you understand. 
“What if we just left.”
“Excuse me?” You look over at your co-star. You two are off set, waiting for the lighting or whatever to be fixed.
“I’m tired of this. What if we just left, got out of this down. Just kept driving until we were out of the city, away from all of this, all the crowds,” Minghao says, a bit wistfully. “Just you and me.”
At the time you just brushed him off, acted like he was just joking; being the same sassy, annoyed Minghao as normal. Now you understand what he wants though. What he meant that day.
Minghao is still staring at you and you realize you haven't answered him yet.
It’s a bad idea. You know it’s a bad idea. You should say no, but then again, when are you ever going to get this chance again? With the last thought that Heaven can’t help you now, you nod at the man and he grins.
The drive is fairly quiet as you and Minghao drive away from the filming location. He takes you up into the mountains to a secluded cabin. Despite only a few words being traded while you were driving, the moment you two get into the cabin your hands are on each other.
You press Minghao up against the door and even though you’re the one pinning him, he’s still very much in control. He has a strong grip on the back of your head as he pulls you deeper into the kiss. You melt into his touch. Kissing him like this is different than when you were filming. It was just acting back then, nothing but professional, but now it’s real. Real feelings, real emotions, real passion.
Finally you two break apart, breathless. Minghao recouperates first. “Go slip into something nice. I’ll make us dinner.”
You two break away from each other and you make your way through the house and to the master bedroom. Inside you run yourself a bath before stripping down and sinking into the tub. As you relish in the hot water around your body you think about your situation.
Xu Minghao wants to spend the weekend with you. Spend the weekend with you doing erotic and romantic activities. You can barely believe it.
When you decide you’ve soaked for long enough you get out and dry yourself off. You dig through your suitcase and pick out a beautiful slip dress and a pair of heels before doing your makeup and heading downstairs.
You find Minghao on the balcony. He’s set up a table with lots of food and he himself has changed into a suit. When you walk onto the porch he greets you with a long kiss before helping you into your chair.
You look over off the balcony to the scenery, where it looks down into the valleys. It’s a beautiful view as the sun starts to set. The oranges and yellows and reds mixing together to paint the sky golden. A warm breeze blows by as you hum.
“This is lovely Minghao,” you say softly, too afraid that it will all disappear if you’re too loud.
“All for you,” Minghao says. He reaches across the table and grabs your hand. “You look lovely Y/N.”
You two start to eat your dinner and as you do you fall into a comfortable conversation. It’s exactly what you’d imagine a date with Minghao to be like. His persona is different from the one he keeps while on set. He’s more open, more smiley. His giggles are music to your ears that you want to keep on repeat.
When dinner is finished Minghao grabs your hand and pulls you into him, swaying your bodies a bit. There’s no music but Minghao hums under his breath and you two dance together. The moment feels too real, too nice. You stare at Minghao and the way the golden sky shines against his face.
Without a word you cup his face and pull him into a kiss. Minghao reciprocates, pressing himself against you, deepening your kiss. When you pull away you stare up at him.
“Minghao…” He looks down at you, reading your eyes, and he understands what you’re trying to say. Trying to communicate. Trying to tell him your feelings for him. That you want this to be more than just a weekend, more than just a one time thing.
“I can’t,” Minghao whispers. “I- I have someone waiting for me, back in China.”
“O-oh.” You pull away from him, or at least try, because he won’t loosen his grip on you. “Minghao please.”
“No. I won’t let you go. I’m sorry Y/N, I really am. Don’t think I don’t want to, but there are just some things that can’t be helped. Arranged marriages and fame and parents and companies. Trust me, I wish it was different too.” Minghao slips a hand onto the side of your neck, his thumb brushing against your jaw. “Please, just give me this weekend.”
You feel like crying, wrapped up in Minghao arms as he stares at you expectantly, pleadingly. Something about this situation makes it even worse than if it was just a one time thing, if there were no feelings involved for him.
You swallow thickly. “Promise me one thing?”
“Say you’ll remember me. Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, just like this. That you don’t forget this moment. Say that you’ll hold this close to your heart, the same way I will,” you say, your voice trembling a bit, just barely above a whisper. “Please remember me. Even if it’s just in your wildest dreams.”
“I don’t think I’d be able to forget you even if I tried,” Minghao tells you back. He presses a long, slow kiss to your forehead.
You let the tears spill now. There are too many words left unsaid, but you both still know what each other means. You think about how you’ll have to see him again, after all of this, and pretend you’re not in love with him. That he’s not in love with you. That you’ll have interviews and promotions and screenings to go to and you’ll have to force yourself to not think about him in the way you really want to. Minghao holds your hand in his and brings it up to rest between your chests, right in between your beating hearts.
“No one has to know what we do. This is just you and me right now,” you say. “Nobody else.”
“I want you Y/N,” Minghao tells you. A part of you believes he means it in more than one way. You both know he can’t have you like that though, so you’ll just do your bests to have each other in the only way you can.
It doesn’t take long for Minghao to have your dress thrown onto the bedroom floor as you lay spread against the bed. Minghao’s mouth is on your body, pressing hot kisses onto your warm skin. He’s stripped down to just his pants now as he hovers over you. He presses another kiss onto your ribs.
“H-hao,” you gasp out, “please touch me.”
Minghao doesn’t respond, he just slides his hand up your bare thigh and presses his fingers against your clothed clit. He rubs gentle, slow circles into the bud, giving you some release, but not enough. He paws his free hand at your bra, pushing it up a bit to reveal your areola. He bends down to kiss at your nipple. He flicks his tongue over it and you gasp and buck your hips up into his hand.
“You make the prettiest nosies,” Minghao murmurs. He moves up your body so he can kiss you on the lips this time. His fingers still press into you as he kisses you. Your lips move against each other’s in sync, taking your time with the kiss. You savor the slow kiss, taking time to remember the way Minghao tastes.
As you kiss his fingers push your panties aside and he slips one into you. He swallows up your moan and starts to pump his finger in and out of you, his thumb moving up to play with your clit. When you gasp again Minghao takes this moment to grab your lip between his teeth, pulling gently at it. It surprises you how much you like the feeling of it. Enough that it gets you wet enough that Minghao can slip two more fingers into you.
He’s steadily thrusting into you now, his fingers curling up into your g-spot. Your body is thrumming with pleasure as he continues to finger you. You’re squirming a bit but it doesn’t deter Minghao from the task at hand. His mouth is now on your neck, sucking where you’re most sensitive.
“C’mon baby, let go for me,” Minghao mumbles.
With a slew of Minghao’s name on your lips you let that tight coil inside of you snap and you spasm against Minghao’s digits. He continue to fuck you through it until you’re panting and your body goes limp against the bed.
“So good for me. You look so pretty like this Y/N,” Minghao tells you as he kisses your forehead. “Do you need to rest, or can I eat you out? I wanna taste you so bad.”
“Please, eat me out Hao,” you say. Minghao hums and presses one more kiss to your lips before slipping down between your legs.
He spreads your thighs apart a bit more before leaning down and licking a stripe up your slit. After he attaches his lips to your clit, sucking at the bud and flicking his tongue over it. The stimulation is intense having just orgasmed, but it’s not overbearing, just enough to still be pleasurable.
Minghao’s hands knead at your thigh fat as he sucks on you. Your hands grip at the bedsheets and your legs tighten around his head. Minghao just pulls your thighs apart again and dives in even more, his tongue dipping into your entrance as he does. You can feel his nose bumping up against your clit as his tongue explores your insides. 
His lips work in tandem with his tongue, making out with your pussy and shooting bliss throughout your veins. Due to your sensitivity from your previous climax it doesn’t take you long to fall apart on Minghao’s tongue, your legs shaking as you do. Minghao coos at you the whole time, showering you with praise as you work through your high.
Your mind is fuzzy as your body relaxes against the mattress again. You feel Minghao move around and even clean you up a bit before moving to lay beside you, bringing you closer to him so you’re bundled up in his arms.
“Hao,” you whine, “let me take care of you.”
“Not right now love, okay? We have all weekend. I just want to hold you right now.” And well, you can’t exactly turn that down.
“Y/N.” You feel someone shake your body a bit. You crack an eye open to see Minghao standing over you. He doesn’t have a shirt on and he’s holding a tray in his hands. It takes you a few moments more to fully wake up and sit up but when you do Minghao is placing the tray in your lap. On the tray is an assortment of breakfast foods and drinks.
“Minghao, this is so sweet. Thank you.” The man leans down so you can give him a kiss. The traitorous part of your mind reminds you that you can’t have this everyday, no matter how much you yearn for it. Luckily the optimistic part of your brain shoots the thought down, wanting to just enjoy this moment while it lasts. “I can’t eat this all by myself though. Will you help me?”
And that’s how you and Minghao spend your morning, feeding each other and trading kisses as you do.
After breakfast you two take a shower together. Nothing funny happening, just genuine showering and enjoying each other’s presence. Minghao helps you shampoo your hair and you wash his back. The moment is sweet and domestic and when you go to dry off Minghao wraps you up in a big fluffy towel and kisses you before wrapping himself in a towel as well.
You two get dressed before heading down to the living room. Minghao grabs a handful of blankets while you pick a movie for you two to watch. Watching movies as a movie star is difficult because every movie either has you in it, or someone you know. Not to mention all of the drama you know about each movie. Luckily you settle for a film that has neither of you in it and is old enough that it’s out of your generation of movies.
Not that it matters much though because about twenty-five minutes into the movie Minghao is pressing kisses against your neck and shoulder. His hands trail up and down your stomach, under your shirt, as he does.
Instead of berating him you just tilt your head to the side to give him better access. Minghao takes the hint and starts to put more intention behind his actions. His hands slide up to your breasts and he squeezes your supple flesh. You don’t have a bra on so you can feel his long, thin fingers digging into your skin directly. His thumb brushes up against your nipple and you release a low whine.
You can’t take it anymore and you climb into Minghao’s lap, straddling his thighs. You connect your lips together and Minghao kisses you back. You two slowly make out as Minghao’s hands continue to play with your chest, making you damp between your legs. 
“Hao, I need you,” you say, a bit breathless.
“I’ve got you baby.”
Minghao reaches between you and helps you pull off your shorts and panties before removing his own pants and underwear. You’re wet enough that Minghao can just line himself up and have you sink down onto him. You both groan at the feeling. Minghao’s cock is long and you can feel it reaching deep inside of you.
“You feel so tight around me,” Minghao says. “Feels so good baby.”
You take a moment to adjust fully before you press your hands onto Minghao’s shoulders and start to move up and down a bit. You take your time as you roll your hips against his. Minghao’s hands are planted on your hips, helping you move.
You two are fully entranced in one another. Nobody else exists let alone matters right now as you two take pleasure in one another.
You start to get impatient and you can tell Minghao is too so you start to pick up your pace until you’re fully bouncing in his lap, his cock hitting deep inside of you in all the right places. You’re panting as you fuck yourself on his dick. Minghao doesn’t look much better, his eyes hazy as he stares up at you.
“I’m so close,” you mumble. “So, so close.”
Minghao takes this as his time to start touching you between your legs. He rubs at your clit quickly, bringing a whole new sensation to your body. It doesn’t take long for you to clamp down onto him and release. You whine loudly as you hit your high. Your lover isn’t father behind as he quickly pulls you off of him so he can spurt his cum against your stomachs.
You bring Minghao into another kiss that you two continue until the cum gets to gross you and move to clean it up. When you’re done cleaning up Minghao pulls you back onto the couch and you two take a nap, cuddled up in each other’s arms.
When you wake up in the morning you realize it’s your last day to spend with Minghao. You stare at the man sleeping peacefully next to you. His face is fully relaxed and his black locks frame his face gently. He looks like an angel. You want to touch his face, to rub your thumb over his cheek, but you don’t want to disturb his slumber. Instead you just stare at him, trying to commit everything to memory.
Last night you and Minghao made dinner together but didn’t eat much before you two were heading up to the bedroom. Minghao ate you out again before fucking you gently against the mattress, laving you with praise and euphoria. You’re sure that you now have marks littering your skin where he kept nipping at you. Not that you mind, even more to help remember him bye.
“Good morning,” Minghao mumbles. His eyes are still closed but his arms wrap around you tighter.
“Good morning.” You can’t help the small twinge of sadness that hints in your voice. 
“Stop thinking. Just enjoy this.”
“Okay,” you whisper and allow yourself to enjoy the moment.
“M-ming-minghao,” you cry out. Tears are falling freely from your eyes.
Minghao is pistoning into you, his hand on your throat as he does. He’s already made you cum three times now and it doesn’t seem like you guys are going to be stopping any time soon, trying to make the best of your last night together.
You’re sweating and crying and you have cum and slick all over you but you don’t care. Your mind is buzzing with bliss and that’s all that matters. 
“Are you doing okay baby?” Minghao whispers. His voice is raspy and low and it makes you squirm even more. You nod and dig your fingers into his back even harder. “That’s my good girl.”
You feel like you’re on Cloud 9. Minghao’s hand tightens around your throat as his thrusts get more pointed, slamming into your g-spot over and over again. It only takes the pad of Minghao’s fingers touching your clit to have you falling apart.
You whine high and loud. Minghao works you through your orgasm as you let ecstasy take over your body. You feel spent but so good and you don’t even realize Minghao is pulling out and cumming over your stomach as you try to catch your breath. 
Minghao falls onto the bed next to you, out of breath as well. He lays on his side and pulls you into him. He kisses the side of your head two times before kissing your neck once. He rests his head onto the pillow when he’s done.
“Let’s take a bath,” Minghao murmurs after a second.
“Yeah, okay,” you respond. “Can you still get me a rag first?”
“Of course.”
Soon you and Minghao are settled into the bath with Minghao sitting behind you, his arms wrapped around your middle. You two rest together in silence, just enjoying each other’s presence and the warm water.
“Y/N,” Minghao murmurs. His lips ghost your shoulder as his hands move up to cup your breasts.
“Oh, Hao~,” you moan. Despite already having him multiple times earlier, you still want him more. Your body is teetering on the line of overstimulation but it feels too good to tell Minghao to stop.
“Want more baby?”
“P-please,” you beg. “Want you Hao. Want more.” A part of you also is trying to have Minghao as much as you can in the short amount of time you have left.
“Don’t worry love, just let me do everything.” Minghao pulls you more onto his lap and his dick settles between your thighs. You grind down against him and Minghao groans. “Ah, not yet baby. Let me focus on just you.”
Minghao’s fingers slip down between your thighs and runs over your slit. He teases you for a moment more before slipping two fingers into you. He slowly builds up his pace until you’re writhing under his touch. Minghao is cooing at you as you gently thrash around.
“H-hao, need you in me,” you say. “Please, please, need it.”
Minghao pulls his fingers out of you before lining his cock up to your entrance and pushing in. His arms wrap around your torso and he guides you up and down as he presses kisses to your bare back. The warm water adds to the heat of your bodies and your brain feels completely shot, no thoughts other than Minghao.
It’s barely a few thrusts of Minghao’s cock and you’re climaxing. You don’t stop your movements though, determined to get Minghao to cum as well. You don’t have to put in too much effort though, because it only takes a couple more moments and he’s pulling out and cumming onto your back. You both take your time to recover before you’re draining the bath water and washing yourselves off.
After you two get out of the shower you crawl back into the bed. You sidle up to Minghao’s side and rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You can feel his chest rise and fall as he breathes, his fingers drawing patterns on your arm.
“Y/N I-”
“Please,” you beg, “don’t. I just want to remember this moment right now how it is. I don’t want to think about anything else, even with tomorrow just around the corner.”
“...Okay,” Minghao relents. “Then just, can you kiss me?”
You nod before moving up the bed and cupping his jaw. You cover his lips with yours and swing your leg over his waist. His hands sit on the small of your back and pull you in closer.
This kiss has no fire in it, no rush or desperation. Your lips move slow and sweet against each other’s with no end goal other than just savoring each other.
The moment feels too comfortable, too domestic. You can’t allow yourself to fall into the false illusion of the moment no matter how much you want to.
Finally after what feels like a long time yet still not long enough, you and Minghao pull away. You rest your forehead against Minghao’s and just spend a moment breathing in each other’s breath. When the moment is over you slide back down his body, holding him in your arms. With your limbs tangled together you start to let sleep take you over.
“Y/N, say you’ll see me again,” Minghao whispers into the dark room, his words just barely registering in your exhausted brain, “even if it’s just pretend.”
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed and the news of Xu Minghao’s engagement.
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msmargaretmurry · 2 years
I just read the next next one and am so in awe of your writing and characterization of Connor. I was wondering if you have any thoughts or major points that you go off of whenever you write him.
ohhh, this is such an interesting question. i haven't written connor as a main character since tnno, which was over three years ago now (wtf @ the passage of time), so i would probably write him slightly differently now than i did then, because he's grown up a lot, and because his team has had more success in the interim than they were having back then, and because i as a writer have hopefully grown since then. but i think my fundamental characterization would remain pretty constant!
this answer got kind of long, so please see under the cut for some things i tend to think about when writing connor mcdavid:
first off, that anecdote from juniors (i think from dylan, but i don't entirely recall) about how he would never buy/bring his own snacks anywhere but then would always ask to have some of someone else's food. idk why but this is the funniest and most endearing mcdavid anecdote to me. after he got drafted, him asking to stay and watch the third pick, too — not just as a mcstrome thing, but as a thing that speaks to how his attachments and loyalties manifest. i think a lot about his growth from a seemingly pretty awkward and earnest but shy/quiet/maybe a little untrusting kid who didn't have the easiest time making friends to the guy he is now who laughs when his teammates make "mcdavid? who's that? overrated" jokes.
honestly i base a lot of my characterization in stuff i remember from when he was in juniors, because the public/private divide felt blurrier there and we got more moments that weren't so honed for the media. the draft year miniseries remains foundational to the way i write him, lol.
there's an article from a few years ago about his relationship with his mom that someone mentioned a few asks ago (i am too lazy to go find it but the excerpt they sent is a few posts back in my tnno tag) that's great on the mom front, but also for conceptualizing how seriously he's taken himself and his goals since he was very young, and that contributes a significant amount to my characterization of him as someone who's kind of self-absorbed, but not in a mean way. that picture of his dad holding him while he cried after losing his last ohl game. and there's that clip from right after he wrecked his knee in 2019 of him and leon encountering each other in the hallway at the arena and having this brief but awfully tender moment of comfort and sympathy, which they almost definitely didn't know was being filmed, that's very important to my conception of his relationship with his team now.
if i were to write him as a main character now, i would fold in him being the one to say the oilers should but the EBUG in for the last few minutes against chicago last month — the understanding of what hockey can mean to people and using the opportunity to quietly give them a dream moment about it. him seeming to get more deliberately private about his personal life (and good for him), and, VERY importantly, him being willing to openly take issue with the edmonton media being shitty to him. rip in pieces to jesse spector. i feel like these are things that all jive with how i characterized him in tnno but definitely add some updated color, if that makes sense.
overall my main approach to connor as a character — and why i find him interesting to write, even as a side character — is his role as this hockey savior figure, the intense media scrutiny and incessant coverage, the expectations, the pressure, the public image, the mess of an organization he's supposed to be saving, the set-apart-ness, even from his own teammates, and the fact that somewhere under all that there's a person with real feelings and relationships.
anyway, thank you so much for reading the fic! i'm so glad you liked it! <3
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Written by: 🍡
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Thoma, gn!reader-insert (implied)
Warnings: N/A
A/N: I’m trying to manifest thoma when he releases okay-
Also this is my first time writing romance and a x reader so, I hope it’s passable?
Look this man’s love language is either acts of service or words of affirmation I can feel it in my HEART
But mostly acts of service, this man can and probably would make you breakfast in bed
He’d also wear one of those stupid “kiss the cook” aprons while doing it I can also feel this in my heart
Thoma is also very warm, probably b/c of his pyro vision, 10/10 great literal and figurative teddy bear
Family man family man family-
Look if you ever decide to make some kids together or adopt some he’d definitely be a GREAT dad I can feel it in my h-
Oh! I also think his parents are immigrants! Or at least one of them? Based on a post I saw a while back and then subsequently lost :(
Anyways, mr man is bilingual (in whatever the traditional(tm) languages of Mondstadt and Inazuma are) and will seduce you with it
Or maybe not he’d probably get embarrassed halfway through the pickup line lmao
If he was intimidating he’d have Tatsu from way of the househusband energy no I will not budge on this
Maybe I should make that a future post.... way of the househusband/tatsu!thoma au......
He’s a cheesy cheesy man
Lots of “classic” romance tropes with this man but like he’s very genuine about it and it’s super cute
Absolutely kisses you on the cheek or the back of your hand when you get home
Also!! He likes it when you play with his hair :) definitely the kind of nerd to keep a small braid that you braided into his hair lol
In the same vein he also likes playing with your hair!!!! Absolutely can and will braid flowers into your hair if it’s long enough
If it’s not he’ll make you a flower crown instead :)
Pre-relationship Ayaka and Ayato are his wingmen in romancing you! They are also equally interested in embarrassing the shit out of him (lovingly)
His friend group of housewives also lovingly bullied him (like how moms do)
If you’re not into getting kids he’d probably be down with getting a pet or two! Taroumaru included
Keeps his marriage/engagement/promise(?) ring on his tag chain necklace thing whenever he’s doing something and doesn’t want to risk losing it!
Also does play with it absentmindedly a lot or when he’s thinking real hard :) (about you <3)
Or just in general because Yknow what same
Also he’s just a really sentimental/sappy kinda guy in general I can feel it-
The type to take pictures of things you do together, tie his hair with a ribbon you gifted to him, keep flowers/letters you’ve given, etc etc
He’ll get you flowers from other nations he bartered and bought from the other Ritou residents too if you’ve never travelled too, various trinkets or books or whatever you’ve never seen before
Thoma isn’t much of a gift giving guy outside of food and the like, but he would honestly do anything to see you smile
Thoma gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, as the morning sun filtered in through your bedroom window. The only sounds being your soft snoring, the birds and busywork outside. He always loved these quiet and slow mornings with you. Where Thoma could just bask in just how.... domestic, and comfortable it was. Normally he’d be up and doing something by now, but honestly?
He’d rather just stay here with you, just for a little longer
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g4rous · 3 years
Sunlit memories (Garou x Reader)
tags: slight mentions of blood, no warnings really
words: 1.5 k
notes: this one is slightly longer than the two before bc I had to put in a lot of stuff here lol but anyways aa here it is finally! Tried making it a bit lighthearted <3
series masterlist
previous chapter
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Chapter three
After lazily opening your eyes, pain spread through your head. The blackness from your vision cleared away, leaving a fog in your mind and the painful sensation was the first thing you could register before you felt the cold brick wall you were leaning on.
What just happened? Trying to recall how you got in that position, your eyes trailed to the opposite wall, now realizing you didn’t even remember being in this alley in the first place.
“Yo, you’re awake.”
Looking over at a few large wooden crates, your focus now shifted to the silver-haired teen sitting on top of them. You didn’t even make out a response upon witnessing the injuries behind his torn, black shirt. The puzzle was coming together.
Last sight you remember before going unconscious were the heroes from that mini-market fighting the same person right in front of you now. For a moment you almost thought you were being delirious, yet those wounds only proved your suspicions. Was he the self-proclaimed “Hero Hunter” everyone has been wild about recently?
“So…” he looked at you with an awkward expression, “ you gonna go now or?”
Slightly flinching as you snapped back to reality, now you were left completely perplexed on what to do. On one hand the realization made you feel quite uneasy, but on the other you were safe for some reason, despite getting caught up in the ruckus from before.
“What happened to those guys earlier..?”
“Oh, their bodies are probably still lying face down right around the corner,” he grinned, “if no one found them already, that is.”
However after picking up your distraught expression that boastful tone faded in an instant.
“Hey, hey they’re not dead, jeez quit freaking out.”
You only frowned after giving him a small glare. Your head still ached, although not as strong from a few minutes ago. How long have you been out? Judging by the still-sunset sky it shouldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes, much to your relief. The street was still deserted and silent as well.
“Well, thanks for saving my skin back there I guess…” you looked over at his injuries, staggering for a moment after standing up.
“However, you should definitely get those injuries checked out. I think I saw a hospital or something around here somewhere.”
A few seconds passed as he looked at you with a blank stare.
“Nah, I’m good.”
“Dude you’re literally bleeding all over.”
“I said I’m fine!-“, he exclaimed only to flinch in pain. “-why are you so worried anyways? Just go home.”
“Talk about stubborn,” you thought to yourself.
Though, on second thought you do see a good reason why he shouldn’t. It’s almost as if you had forgotten that you witnessed him straight up thrash some A-classes. That and all the other questions that piled up still haven’t left your mind, but be as it may now wasn’t the time for overthinking. People must be pursuing him everywhere now, huh?
You leaned against the wall, still contemplating the situation. Water droplets from the roof were the only thing breaking the silence as you both stood there quiet. That is, until you got an idea.
“I don’t plan on talking you into it anymore…” you spoke with a tinge of nervousness, “but I do have some bandages at home. It’ll just be ten minutes until we get there, I give you them and you can leave. I don’t think sitting on those crates until you bleed out is really practical.”
The teen almost reflexively wanted to protest but not a single sentence came out. He really couldn’t think of anything that made your idea sound regrettable, and as much as he hated to admit it he wasn’t in the best shape. You on the other hand felt almost obligated to help him out. Putting aside that shocking realization from earlier, he did watch over you after you got KO’d.
After finally jumping off the crates, he shrugged and put both hands in his pockets.
“Eh, sure.”
You gave a relieved smile before taking a look at the still empty street you were both heading for. The sky turned into shades of amaranthine and bit by bit street lights began illuminating the path. The streets nearing your house weren’t as deserted as the one you woke up in, and occasionally you had to move to a more hidden route. Fortunately you’ve been greeted by your neighborhood cat soon after, indicating the destination- your safe home.
“I don’t think you told me your real name yet, if I may know? I’m y/n by the way.”
“It’s Garou,” he responded after looking around, almost hesitantly.
“So… Why were you doing that today?” you spoke as you reached out for your keys.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Dunno, you don’t see someone beating up heroes every day.”
Taking a quick glance around your surroundings, you opened the door at last.
“You sure like answering questions with a question, huh?” you gave a tired smile, “ah, I won’t force out any answers from you I guess.”
The lights in the hallway were already open, illuminating the other rooms, some half empty. After all you still had some work to do in the house. Making your way to your room, the bag of trash next to the wall caught your attention briefly. You couldn’t remember the reason you left off in such a hurry, not even throwing it away.
“Well, come in!” you shouted from the other room, “just don’t get any blood on the carpet please.”
But much to your amusement the on-the-outside intimidating man just stood there with a blank expression ever since you stepped into the apartment. You weren’t sure was it politeness or just plain awkwardness but it made you cackle internally.
Even so, after your call he cautiously stepped out to the living room, actually being careful not to dirty the carpet as you told. The room was pleasingly decorated, and even if he didn’t know you it simply radiated with your energy. It was oddly comfortable.
And as you finally stepped out of your room with that first-aid kit, a ring on your doorbell caught you both by surprise. You almost asked yourself whether that’s a hero in front of the door, before your memory got jogged again.
“Well shit.”
You gestured an already alert and intense Garou to step away from the door, to which he only raised an eyebrow.
“Ah…” you whispered, looking over to the side, “I kinda forgot I called a friend over.”
“You remembered just now!?”
“I was knocked out!” you complained, much to his discontent.
What were you supposed to do now? You thought to yourself as your eyes trailed from the door to the teen. The doorbell rang once again as to make the atmosphere grow even more unsteady.
“Guess we have to improvise…”
“You’re joking right?”
“If she saw a beat-up guy jumping out my window I wouldn’t hear the end of it.”
He only rolled his eyes as you went to the door to finally greet your friend, adjusting your shirt along the way.
Frankly, you felt somewhat guilty for roping him in, all bloody and bruised to socialize with your rather concerned friend. Well, who wouldn’t get a little suspicious to see a strange man in their friend’s living room. To make things even more awkward he hadn’t said more than two sentences in the past hour, not that it’s surprising.
“So-,” your friend smiled, desperately trying not to glare at the man’s injuries, “- how did you two become friends?”
“Ah, it’s from that monster incident I told you about earlier,” you smiled back.
“So that’s why he’s so bruised,” she glanced over at him sympathetically, to which he only glared at you deadpan.
“Nothing special.” He spoke in a bluntly before yawning.
“Oh, how come?”
“He delivers stuff!” you exclaimed before any other thoughts came to mind, “sometimes he comes across them there too unfortunately. Poor guy.”
As if his deadpan look couldn’t get any drier.
It was crystal clear he hates being pitied, and you desperately tried not to let out a chuckle because of the ridiculous situation. Truthfully you weren’t even nervous anymore since you let out so many laughs. And your constant teasing only made him talkative since he just had to drop something even more embarrassing for payback, making the evening even more amusing. You didn’t even notice the clock struck midnight already from all the banter.
After saying farewell to your friend, you came back to your living room to see Garou already at the window.
“Looks like you really don’t wanna use the door today huh? Well, way better now than having to explain why some bloody dude jumped out my window earlier,” you grinned, to which he scoffed.
“Pfft, yeah, yeah. Don’t drag me into any more of these things though.”
“Aw, it wasn’t that bad.”
“Well, it better not happen anymore,” he rolled his eyes before flashing a small grin.
“See ya.”
You only gave your small wave before finally closing the window. The apartment was now rather serene, contrasting all the playfulness from earlier. Yet still you couldn’t help but notice that smile caught you by surprise. Nothing like that cocky smirk in battle- this was genuine.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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a/n: ahhhhh wow WOW cuties LOL i was not expecting this fic idea to keep me up in my sleep and occupy all my waking thoughts BUT thank you so so  much for you words of support!! hehe well....here we goooo i hope that ya’ll are ready teehee--also tags will be added as they come! You can read part one here
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: action, mystery and suspense, fluff, smut, angst 
Tags: (of this part) bodyguard au, secret agent au, royal au, moderndayprince!chan, secretagent!reader, secretagent!jeongin, secretagent!jisung, skz side characters, adventure and mystery, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, sexual tension, explicit language, jeongin in this fic is my bb and i will protect him, sexy and smart jeongin tho still hehe 
CWs: mentions of death, people dying/killing, mentions of blood and wounds, mentions of getting drunk, hungover, and vomiting, a bombing. 
Word count: 5.2k 
The road was long and winding, pitch black, desolate, quiet and foreign. In the backseat of the car, Chan had slumped his head over on Jeongin’s shoulder and bobbed with the motions of the road. His nose would twitch in his sleep, and he would make little grunts of nonsense words. He had worked himself up after the banquet, and actually hadn’t stopped his “love confessions” until you told him to shut up or you would shut him up. 
Your partner’s glasses were illuminated from the screen of his laptop which he tapped quietly away at. You too felt drowsy, but sleep would be for later once you had properly arrived at the safe house, or safe hotel, or safe hole in the ground...whatever it was. 
“You hear anything from Carroll?” You slung your arm over the seat and lowered your voice. 
“Nothing yet.” His eyes flicked around the screen. “It’s almost like it’s too quiet. I’ve already told her that we have the prince and that he’s safe, but..nothing.” 
“You don’t think...they got targeted too?” 
Chan snored lightly on his bodyguard’s shoulder, and he didn’t dare to move an inch. 
“I sure as hell hope not. But...that would explain why things have been so quiet. If this was a larger scale attack...I don’t know what this could mean then.” 
From the darkness of the outside world in the car windows, you passed a forest of pines and oher types of stoic trees making up the mountainside. 
“Well, I think that we should be optimistic for the time being.” 
Jeongin nodded. He looked to be a mess: blood had splattered at his white shirt collar and in specks on his neck. His cracked lenses however, didn’t keep him from his work. He had pulled his tie loosely around his neck, and had also provided his jacket as a pseudo-blanket of sorts for the prince. The prince, had offered his own jacket to you seeing as you only had your dress, but you had been managing just fine. You accepted it, but only because it could soothe his chivalrous ego. He had a hard night already, so you saw it best. 
“Two, where are you taking us?” You called to the mysterious driver. 
Ever since meeting him at the hotel, he had been nearly silent the whole ride. 
The man cleared his throat, “As far away from here as I can. I don’t know of any safe houses so...I’m just trying to remove us.” 
“I can find one for us if Carroll doesn’t get back to me....which she should...” 
Jeongin was not one for speaking of his mother as anything other than his boss. Since he had been assigned to be your partner a few months ago, he had never referred to her as his mother, nor did he ever seem to harbor any emotion for the stern woman. Both of them had been a bit allusive to you, but that was simply how it was in this line of work. You didn’t know things about the people around you, and you didn’t need to ask. You had wondered if he had worried about her, or thought about her when you were on missions. The young man had trained rigorously, and had passed each exam from the academy with flying colors. After considering it for a while, you figured what immense pressure he must've been under: son of the woman in charge, a master at infiltration, espionage, manipulation, cybersecurity, and a million more things; he had to prove himself and more. 
You couldn’t have asked for a better partner, but you almost did wish that you had known more. 
Two fiddled with the radio, settling on a station that played some kind of country-western type music. 
“What’s your specialty Two? How’d you end up a part of this shitshow?” 
The driver laughed, then hummed along with the music for a moment. “This has been my gig for few years, but I’ve never been a part of this unit before. Carroll always saw it best for my services to be used in other places.” 
“You have a specialty?” Jeongin asked while still typing furiously. 
Two scratched the back of his head. “I do a little bit of everything. But...let’s just say that I’m good at making friends. That’s why Carroll likes me.” 
“--You know her personally?” Your partner quipped, but the edge to his voice didn’t sound like judgement, but rather caution. 
“We’ve had a few meetings.” 
You kicked off your heals to massage your aching toes. If only they had attacked at a time when you had the proper footwear. 
“You said we could also call you J?” You sprawled over the back seat in an attempt to make yourself more comfortable. Still, the plastic seatbelt buckles poked into your back. 
“Yes. You can call me J.” 
And that was that. No “What’s J stand for”, or “where are you from”, “where’s your home base,” “how did you rank at the academy?” You added questions to the list of things that weren’t allowed as well. 
Jeongin tore off his glasses with an exasperated sigh to rub at his tired eyes. Chan made a happy little noise, presumably because he had found a cozier spot on Jeongin’s shoulder. He had now gotten the chance to sleep off his drunken stupor that may or may not had contributed to his sudden confession, and the reason behind the two pitstops you had taken for him to retch on the side of the road. 
If he was a prince, he might’ve also been one mess of a prince. In all of his grace and confidence, the pleasures that he partook in would often get the best of him at times too. 
You gave up on trying to get some sleep, but rather sat up to watch that paradoxically handsome and misshapen prince. Just like this: sleeping, vulnerable, with some kind of lopsided smirk on his face, he was much less than the regal figure that you had painted him to be in your mind. For maintaining appearances the whole day long, you hadn’t ever really gotten the chance to see him like this before. His façade faded, and you surmised that maybe he really was different from the way that he let on. 
“I’m so fucking tired.” Jeongin yawned. 
“Get some sleep then. I’ll stay up to watch things.” 
“That’s just it. I can’t sleep even if I tried.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Can you pass me some hand sanitizer or something? There’s...blood on my hands.” 
Your partner’s voice cracked slightly. It was then when you realized that this had been the first time that he had fired at real people. 
“I’ve got a water bottle? Is that enough?” 
“Yeah. It’s fine.” 
He splashed the liquids around while wiping his hands away, then flicked the remnants of water away. 
“Something about this doesn’t sit right with me.” 
“How do you mean?” 
Chan’s coat draped over your shoulders, and you pulled it in closer around your arms. The night had been cool, and the AC blasting in the car didn’t make it much better. 
Jeongin licked his lips. “Nothing was supposed to happen tonight. We made sure of it. No one was suspicious, we ran background checks, we checked the whole area...” 
“Hey,” You attempted to turn your tone softer, “We couldn’t have seen it coming. They just rolled up out of nowhere, there was no way that we could’ve stopped it--” 
“--Innocent people died tonight. If they were out for the prince, or maybe they weren’t, why so much collateral damage?” 
“Obviously they don’t care.” 
“Bastards.” Jeongin took the last bits of water to slug. “We’re gonna fucking find out why they did all of this.” 
Two shifted in his seat, “Any word? Hate to mention it, but I’m getting kinda tired. It’s past three already.”  
He clicked around, then shook his head. “Still nothing.” 
Chan snorted a bit in his sleep: an action which woke him up. 
“Wha-what? Where are we? Are the there yet? What time is it? Fuck...my head feels like it’s splitting...” 
“We’re finding somewhere, your Highness. We’ll be there soon.” Your partner motioned for you to hand him another water to give to the disorientated prince. 
Chan nodded while he rubbed his temples. “Shit. Please tell me that I just made this all up. That it’s some kind of fucked up nightmare...” 
You threw Chan’s coat back to him. “Unfortunately, no. We’re trying to figure out everything that we can.” 
“Who the hell were those guys?” Water dripped down his neck in a way that you pretended not to notice. “They were wearing crests. I couldn’t tell, but weren’t they red?” 
“Very observant, your Highness. F?” 
The younger man bit his lip, “I’ve already tried finding where the crest is from, but I can’t find anything that resembles it within our database. I was able to see one up close. It looked like a heart or something like that, and a diamond. I’m guessing that it could’ve been maybe a spade? Like the kind that you see on playing cards? Still, since we’ve never seen it before, we can only assume that they must be a new group.” 
Chan nodded, but anyone could tell that the information had flown right over his head. He licked at his wet lips, then sighed. 
“Bee, You okay? Fox? I suppose that I should ask you both.” 
“I’m...fine.” His sudden concern came as a surprise, and your partner looked just as shocked. 
“I-I’m fine too. No holes in me or anything.” Jeongin suppressed a laugh. “But you’re not, your Highness. How much did you have to drink?” 
“Oh...enough. I guess that I lost track at some point. Those kind of things are boring anyway.” 
“Fox? You’ve got that locale?” Two clicked the turn signal. 
“Oh! Yeah, I’ve got one. Sorry, It’s about an hour from here.” 
“Locale?” Chan cocked his head. 
“A safe house. Or something like that. We need to lie low while we wait for instructions.” 
“No one has said anything...? Not even...my father?” 
Jeongin shook his head gravely. “No.” 
The young prince fell silent, and you watched as worry fell over his clouded eyes that were lined with bags. Normally his expression was anything but strained, but in this moment, you saw doubt sweep over him like the darkness on the road ahead. You leaned the farthest you could from your seat to grab at his hand behind you. 
“You’re safe with us. Nothing is going to happen to you.” 
His hand was warm, maybe a little clammy, but it was soft, like that of a prince, naturally. Still, it was strong and veined. Chan’s thumb rubbed soft little circles into your own skin, muttering, “Thank you.” For once, his eyes which would normally devour you like some kind of rare dish held you earnestly. I trust you, they said. 
“Two. Let’s switch.” Jeongin slammed his laptop closed. “I’ve got it from here.” 
The safe house was quiet. As most of them where. It was even a bit stereotypical: a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods on nearly all sides. It had a little overgrown garden, and a shed that looked like it held either all kinds of gardening equipment, or the real thing that sheds were meant for in your business: ammo. It had a white painted porch with cracking paint, as well as porch swing with rusting chains. In the early morning the windows were are black, but still faintly reflected the massive array of sparking stars above your heads. The only thing less antique about the home was the touch keypad on the front door. It beeped with a little tune, then flashed the insignia of the agency: a ticking clock. 
“Two, can you find a generator or something? Get the electricity up and going?” 
“Can do,” He said, then disappeared. 
Two was mostly a quiet man, a feature that gave you both reasons to trust him and to be suspicious. Besides him being a bit smaller in stature with thin legs and characteristically round cheeks, there was something different about him that you couldn’t place; something unexpected. You wished once again that questions weren’t on the list of things that weren’t allowed. 
“There should be clothes around here somewhere.” Jeongin padded his way through the dark rooms. “You shower first your Highness.” 
Chan tripped over his feet as he spread out his arms to find his way. You giggled lightly at the action. A man really was stripped down of any and all sense of composure when his life had been threatened and he had to have his bodyguards pat his back while he had gotten sick after one too many royal drinks. 
The lights flashed on, flickering at first with the sound of the lightbulbs waking up after a long sleep. The interior design of the place was exactly as you had expected: it was a family home with a fireplace and several chairs and couches covered in dust. Bookshelves were full with the strangest assortment of reading material and board games there held a thin layer of grey dust too. The kitchen was small and cozy: it had all the necessities. A stained glass chandelier hung over the wooden table for eight, and was decorated with glass hummingbirds and pink flowers. In odd corners of the house, children’s toys had been sitting untouched. A family must’ve been living there, and you wondered what must’ve become of them. 
Two returned with spiderwebs caught on his dress coat. “Water should be hot in about thirty minutes or so I think.” 
Your partner crossed the room, raking a hand through his snowy white hair. “I’m gonna try and make the calls again. See if I get anything. If not, we’ll have to...begin Operation Cheshire.” 
It was the phrase that you had hoped neither you nor your partner would have to say. 
Chan slumped down in one of the upholstered chairs, throwing dust into the air as he did. Compared to the rest of the room, him and his designer clothes seemed comically out of place. “Wha-what’s that?” 
Two pinched between his eyes, and your chest shook with an unsure inhale. 
“It means that we assume the worst. HQ got taken over and we’re all at risk. Information about us could be accessible to anyone. Essentially, we go into sleeper mode until we can reconvene with other agents...if there are any more. We dissapear. Next, we work on getting you back home, no matter what it takes.” 
“HQ?” What are you talking about?” Chan toyed with his diamond set cufflinks. “HQ? Like whoever manages the bodyguards??” 
“Your Highness...” You and your partner exchanged knowing glances. “We’re more than bodyguards.” 
“We’re operatives. Agents. We work for an intelligence agency that specializes in a bunch of different things...protecting royalty if needed.” 
“What the fuck?! Why didn’t anyone tell me? Chan slapped his leg. “Fuck! No one tells me anything!!! I get that I’m a fucking prince but I’m not fucking useless!” 
The memory of the confidential file reemerged in your memory: the promise that you had made to His Majesty The King after he had requested a “special hire” to watch over his son. The file itself had contained a several thousand words or so that you hadn’t bothered to read, but rather skimmed till you got to the signature part. Carroll had simply nodded before you put your pen to the paper. 
“It was for your saf--” 
“--My father did this, didn’t he? Didn’t he? Some kind of sick way to keep tabs on me? See what I’m doing?? God! The man never trusts me. If the thinks that I’m that much of a disappointment...this is just--” 
“Your Highness, it’s been a long day, you’ve been through a lot, just take a shower and get some rest. Alright? We’ll talk more about this in the morning.” Two stepped forward with his hands folded in front of him. His interjection was unlike his previously quiet presence. 
The prince sighed, tapping his tragically expensive shoe on the hardwood. 
“Fine. We’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
Chan’s eyes grew dark with an authoritative air that you had seen before. His façade had slipped over him like a cloak. He rose, buttoning his jacket, then tweaking his sliver brooches decorating his neck. 
“Fox. Bee. Two. Thank you. Good evening.” 
Chan knew that it was you at the door when you would knock two times, then pause, and knock twice more. In your hands, you held a cup of warm milk. For a prince, even he couldn’t reject the beverage to help him fall asleep at night. You had seen him order it at hotels on more than one occasion. Jeongin had found a nearby store to get food for the morning. The two of you had suddenly found yourselves as now both his bodyguards and his servants. While you waited, you hoped to God that Carroll would compensate you for the extra work. 
The door creaked open, revealing your prince modestly dressed in plaid flannel, hair dripping slightly in wet strands. You had never seen him as simple as this before: no princely persona or cold exterior to upkeep. He looked...normal. 
“What is it Bee?” 
“I thought you might like some...well, this.” You provided him with the cup. “I know that it’s nearly morning, but you should still try to sleep in. We’ll take care of things. 
He took the ceramic mug from your hands, fingers barely brushing against yours for mere moments. 
“Thank you.” He hushed with a thankful smile. “Would you like to come in? We could...just kind of...sit for a minute.” 
Behind him, sun peaked at the horizon, a splitting of red piercing the navy deep of the night. The colors muddled, blurred, a bit like the color of blood fading into the deep fabric of one’s formal wear. It was desolate, but still beautiful. 
“To be honest,” His eyes fell, “I don’t want to be alone right now.” 
You had saved the biggest room for him. It smelled of mothballs and other old things like sheets that had rested in a dark room for much too long. Still, there was a kind of familiarity to it all and the way that the matted rugs and brass vintage lamps lit the room with a soft yellow light. The full sized bed creaked once you had sat down. In his golden halo, Chan’s brown strands appeared to be softer, and not as prim and staged. 
“I’m sorry for snapping earlier. I realized that there are things that are out of my control. You know more than I do, and I accept that. I trust you...a-and Fox.” 
You rubbed your hands into the jeans you had found in the cupboard. They had dirt and grass stains from work in the garden you presumed. 
“It’s okay. I understand that you would be scared. It’s okay to be. I...get scared sometimes too. I know that it might look like it, but I fear...for my life too. So does Jeong--Fox.” 
Chan’s voice cracked. “Is someone out to kill me?” 
You sighed, sensing his hesitation. “I don’t know. But we will know soon.” 
The prince stared down at the white bubbles in his milk, then swirled around the liquid to watch the way that that it moved. 
“I don’t think I’d like to die. Would be pretty unfortunate, don’t you think? I feel like I’ve got so many other things to do. A kingdom to manage, people to govern, much more bottles of Scotch to drink, parties to attend...” 
His eyes met yours, and you could see the very fragility of the life that he spoke of right in them. He was right in that dumb speech of his. He really was just a person. 
“...I like to think that I’ll get married someday to someone that I love. I actually would really like to do that.” He chuckled. “Lame, right? Someone like me who always bounces around. Wouldn’t take me for one?” 
“Mm. No. I think that from what I’ve observed of you, and I’m trained to observe, I think that bouncing around...means you’re looking for the right thing. And, I guess that it’s fun too.” 
Chan chuckled, “You’re good at observing.” 
You paused, remembering Lee Minho from earlier. 
“Were you looking when you were talking to that man at the banquet? He was very handsome.” 
The prince placed the cup down. “He was. I don’t know. He just seemed kind of interesting. The kind of mystery that only a stranger has. I would’ve liked to have talked to him more now that I think about it. Maybe it would’ve been worth my time.” Chan twisted his back to crack it. “I don’t know if you saw but he had some really nice fucking thighs.” 
“Ahhh. Nice thighs. Didn’t know that you cared for that.” 
The two of you laughed together a bit like old friends. It felt nice. 
“...Bee. I should also probably apologize for how I acted back before we got in the car. I was...drunk, scared. I said some things--” 
“--That you were in love with me?” 
“Yeah...that. I realized that...I’ve been...unfair to you. You don’t deserve the ridicule. You’ve only ever been helpful to me and--” 
“--Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.” You shrugged. You had met hundreds of guys like him before, at least you thought. 
Chan sighed as if he was gathering himself. “Bee. I did mean what I said.” 
“What? Ch-your Highness, you don’t mean that.” 
He laughed, “It’s alright. You can call me Chan. And...yes. I did. You’ve got a kind of mystery to you too. Frankly, I can’t stop thinking about it.” 
“This...this is inappropriate.” You shifted, the rising off the bed. Your cheeks warmed, but you couldn’t know why. Maybe he was just too damn charming. But, he was like that with everyone. 
He rose too, hastily following you on your way to the door. “Bee, wait.” 
“Chan, you can’t do this. It makes things...complicated.” 
He advanced, slowly, closing the space between you. “It’s only complicated if you feel the same.” 
“I-I don’t.” 
The prince’s hand carefully rose to cup your face, a gesture so gentle that you shied from the feeling. Even this close still he smelled of white roses. 
“Have you ever heard of conflict of interest?” Your breath hitched. 
Chan grinned, “There you go making this complicated again.” 
A wandering hand of yours acting on its own reached to tug hold of his shirt. 
The prince leaned in closer, nearly close enough to breech the gap between his plush lips and yours. 
“What if I don’t mind making things...” He whispered the word, grazing his mouth over yours, “...complicated?” 
He pressed his weight fully into you, a smashing of lips met with incessant heat and your back shoved into the door. His tongue easily twisted around yours, and his soft gasps filled up your mouth. It had taken you a couple seconds to realize what had happened, and to decide what to do with yourself. His mouth was blazing, it was as if he was weaving a spell, or perhaps you had made it up for yourself. He kissed you with vitality; like he had never tasted anything like you before and was starving for you. You realized, perhaps you had wondered what it would’ve felt like. One hand squeezed tighter to his shirt, and you kissed back, meeting his heat. 
Jeongin’s voice called down the hall, “Bee? Bee, are you there?” The sound of your bedroom door shut. 
You pushed Chan off you with flat hands on his chest and an amazed smile on his face. 
“This...this doesn’t mean anything.” You gasped, reaching for the knob after a moments pause. 
Chan snickered, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
“Goodnight your Highness.” 
For a man so young Jeongin liked his coffee black, and drank it like an old man too with his nose buried in a newspaper while it fogged up his glasses--or what was left of them. 
“I finally got correspondence from Carroll this morning. She said that HQ experienced some kind of blackout and all the systems went offline. It wasn’t safe for her to contact us on a regular line. They got everything back up and running and everything seems fine, or so they think.” 
Your partner had already made himself comfortable in a pair of sweatpants and a cotton tee with slippers. You never would’ve guessed that he was a trained assassin on the side. 
Two returned huffing in the door from his morning run. He was one of those people. 
“Any word?” He rubbed his face off with a dishtowel. 
“Disgusting.” You sneered at the crude action. 
“Well, we’ve got thousands of miles between us and the kingdom and what seems like a hell of a lot of guys on our tail, but, after I sent Carroll the info about the red crest, she wants us to do some digging. 
“With the prince in tow?” You lowered your voice lest the sleeping royal heard you. “I don’t think so.” 
“It sounds like she’s convinced that the person behind all of this could be someone who attended the charity ball. And, I don’t really disagree. They must be good at keeping secrets if they evaded us.” 
“Hm. You’re right. A high profile event like that, even though its for a good cause it’s always a competition with those snobs. I just don’t know who could order something so cruel...all those people in the same place...” 
“Since it’s a new group, they must still be underground. So, to see who lives underground, you’ve got to go there yourself to find out. Or, in our case, find someone who knows the rabbit hole.” 
Two grabbed a chair, ruffling his deep brown soaked hair. “What does that mean?” 
Jeongin flipped his laptop around. “This is the man that we need to go see. Codename White Rabbit. Or as he calls himself--” 
“--Bun.” You cut in. “Yeah, I know him.” 
Both of the men chimed, “You do?” 
“Yeah, he’s undercover ops for the agency. He’s sort of a jack of all trades. He owns some kind of front out in Egypt. It’s called The Tea Party. Bar up front, but in the back he provides all kinds of information--for both sides. His cut is that for any information he gives to the agency he gets cash compensation. If anyone would know about anything underground, it would be him. As I’m sure Carroll told you, he’s a stickler for meeting in person. He’s one of us. I think.” 
“You think?” 
“He also does...other deviant things. I heard that these days he’s had a couple dealings in some...substances. Black market stuff. Carroll also provides safety for his business in return for his information.” 
“That...sounds illegal. Immoral even.” Jeongin’s eyes widened upon hearing the news about his mother. 
“You’ve got to pay to play you know.” 
“So Egypt then?” Two wiped off the back of his neck with the dishtowel, stretching out one of his toned arms. “I’ve always wanted to go there.” 
“Oh--one more thing.” Jeongin took a rather long sip from his cup. “The King’s counsel reached out to me too this morning. They asked me if the Prince was safe and where we were. I have them loose details of both. They seemed somewhat relieved.” 
Chan sauntered down the steps with a massive yawn, stretching up his arms and shirt to reveal an inkling of his abs. You also pretended not to notice it. 
“Gooood morning everyone. Fox. Two.” He dished out a wink. “Bee.” 
“Morning your Highness.” Jeongin nodded, and crossed his legs. “Feeling well?” 
“Ahhh much better.” He poured himself a cup of coffee in the kitchen, staring out the little window over the sink, then took an indulgent sip. “It’s peaceful here. I kind of like that.” 
“Your Highness, we’ve received word--” 
Chan rose his hand to shush your partner, then languidly took another sip. “I’m still enjoying my drink F.” 
A light buzzing resonated somewhere in the house, a bit like the sound of a dryer, and the home started vibrating. Your water glass on the table rippled. 
“Two, did you notice if there was anything strange about the house?” 
The buzzing grew nearer. 
Two looked puzzled, “No, why?” 
The vibrating grew more violent, and your glass shuddered off the wooden table, shattering on the ground upon impact. 
Chan squinted out the window, “Is that a--” 
“CHAN GET DOWN!” You shrieked. 
Within milliseconds the whistling of a bomb screeched through the air, then crashed into the rickety ceiling, splintering wood everywhere and demolishing the furniture. 
You had seconds to act while the matte black bomb hissed with a steam releasing from some seam and ticked. You sprinted to grab Chan’s arm as hard as you possibly good, all in a blur, pummeling your bodies against one of the shattered windows, and hurling yourself out to the morning dew. You had no time to see if Jeongin or Two had made their exit, but looked out, towing the prince so hard you must’ve done some damage to his shoulder. You stumbled to your feet, tripping, and grunting until the bomb diffused, and exploded the cottage altogether. You covered Chan’s head and most of his body with your own as a shield and the shards of wood, metal, and brick came flying. 
“Ar-are you okay?” You patted the prince down in his shock, who stared blankly with empty eyes. 
The prince’s flannel had been torn to shreds with glass, and blood oozed onto the fabric on his arms. 
“BEE! Y/N!” Jeongin screamed over the flames to find you. 
“OVER HERE!” You bellowed back, and your partner came running with Two behind him with terrible cuts on his face. 
“They knew. They FUCKING knew.” He panted after reaching you. 
“We have to get out of here.” Two gasped, and blood ran down his face, nearly into his eye. “If they know where we are now, they’ll come to check to see if the damage is done. We have to move.”  
The sky filled with an angry smoke, and the once peaceful forest filled with the colors of orange and red. 
“The car?” 
“Broken windows from the blast but I should be able to get it going. There’s spare parts in the shed. And ammo. A fuck ton of it.” 
“We’ll need it.” 
You pulled the prince to his feet as he blinked wildly at you and your team. 
“Fuck.” Was all the could manage. 
In your complete surprise, Chan’s bloodied and cracked hands pulled your face into his, kissing you with lips that tasted of the salt of blood. 
“I fucking love you Bee. I’ve decided.” 
Jeongin’s jaw dropped in the corner of your eye, so you promptly slapped the prince upside the face. 
“You’re in shock. We need to get out of here.” 
A wrinkled smile danced on the royal’s face, and you might’ve thought that it was a bit charming. 
“Admit it. You love me too Bee.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @julesinthesoop
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lesbian-dp · 4 years
A Night Ride
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
High School AU
Words: 1,341
Warnings: High school, cheerleader sex (??), car sex, strap on, packing. P much it.
Request: Nah.
Summary: You’ve both wanted this for a long time.
A/N: I tried okay lol.
18+ ONLY.
"Hey, cherry-leader!" you called over to the red-headed cheerleader.
She looked over her shoulder at you, rolling her eyes before she turned back to her friends, saying her goodbyes.
"C'mon, we got a presentation to work on!"
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" she yelled back at you.
"That's what you'll be saying later," you playfully flirted, wiggling your eyebrows.
Natasha scoffed, "Shut up, you perv," she replied with a chuckle, gently pushing you in your stomach.
"You didn't say "no"." you jokingly pointed out to her retreating form, following her.
You and Natasha had known each other for a long time. Ever since you were children really. You first met in kindergarten and became fast friends.
You could even be considered best friends. Then as you both got older, you fell more and more out of contact. You were still friendly with each other. It's just you weren't as close as you once were.
Some people considered your relationship, a strange one. They couldn't tell if you were coming or going. If you were actually friends or just playful acquaintances. Most times, when they saw you conversing, they got confused. By the fact of how you two acted around one another.
"Y/N, I would really like to pass this presentation."
"But, Nat!" you whined, "I'm in pain!"
"This is pain for you?" she asked blankly.
"It isn't for you?"
She sighed, throwing her pen down onto her open book.
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
"Well, we could..." you trailed off suggestively wiggling your eyebrows.
Picking up her discarded pen, she threw it at your face, hitting its target. Dead on your nose.
"Get your mind out of the gutter."
You hummed, flipping through your own book. Never once taking in one word, too distracted by the question you were about to ask Natasha.
"Why don't we hang out anymore?"
It took her a few moments before she answered honestly, "I don't know."
"I miss you sometimes, you know- Well, I miss you a lot of the time."
"I miss you, too," she sighed, then shrugged, "But we hang out with different crowds, have different friends, and stuff we do. I don't think we have all that much time to hang out anymore."
"We're hanging out now."
"We've literally been partnered up to do a presentation," Natasha countered.
"But we're still doing that together," you said. Then, not even a second later, you threw her a pointed look, at the innuendo you had accidentally made.
"What did I tell you about your mind and that gutter?"
"That it's a fun place to be?"
Natasha rolled her eyes, then fell back dramatically, huffing when her back, met the soft carpet. You, laughing at her reaction.
The sun was setting as you drove Natasha home. Luckily there weren't as many cars on the road at that time of day. But, even so, it was still an hour or so long drive.
"And you say that I should get my mind out of the gutter!"
"It was right there!" Natasha laughed, "I'm honestly so surprised that you didn't see it."
"'I'm honestly surprised that you didn't say it'," you muttered pettily under your breath, but still loud enough that the red-head could hear you.
"Oh, that's real mature." She shoved your shoulder playfully.
"Hey watch it, I'm driving!"
"'I'm driving'," Natasha mimicked, just like you had done a few moments ago.
"See, you're just as bad as me."
Natasha sighed, leaning back into the passenger seat, after laughing at your words.
"I'm gonna miss not seeing you when we go off to college in a few months."
"We hardly see each other anyway," you pointed out with a shrug.
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah... I do."
It was a long, quiet few minutes. Ones that were peaceful and content, for Natasha. And awkward and tense for you. And for one soul reason.
"Natasha...?" you asked slowly. Getting her attention in return, along with a hum, "Your hand's on my thigh."
And it was.
Like really high up there. Almost touching your hips, really close to your crotch. From where you're sat.
Natasha glanced down at her hand, shooting it a quick upturn of her lips. Giving your thigh a small, almost unnoticeable squeeze.
"Yeah, it is," she husked.
Your eyes widened in shock, at her seductive tone. And the fact that she didn't remove her hand.
Spearing the red-head a look, you saw the smirk on her full lips and the darkness in her eyes.
Clearing your throat, you asked her, "You sure you wanna do that?" Referencing the possibility of destroying what's left of your friendship.
"How about you pull the car over, and I'll show you how sure I am."
One last look at her and saw how serious she was.
"Can I ask why now?"
"Honestly?" Natasha asked, "I've wanted this for a long time, and I just never got the chance."
You nodded. "I'll find a spot."
A laugh came from the girl at your side.
"Good to know you feel the same."
"I'd be a fucking idiot not too."
Never once in your life did you expect to be sat in the back of your dingy, old car, making, making out with your old friend, Natasha Romanoff. But that's not to say you didn't hope.
Moans were already pouring their way into your mouth from the girl below you.
Already, she couldn't get enough of you. Her leg thrown over your waist and the other laying on your thigh. All the while she's grinding her core into your hips.
You pushed her pleated skirt up, leaving it to rest around her stomach, as you worked to pull her skintight shorts and panties off. Natasha manoeuvring as best she could in the cramped space, to pull the straps of her shirt down her shoulders, bunching it down to join her skirt around her middle. Leaving her in her bra.
"Tell me," Natasha gasped, once you released her lips, and began kissing down her neck, unzipping your pants as she did, "Do you usually wear this?"
"No." You shook your head. "My friend dared me too."
"Well, in that case. Thank them for me."
Then she kissed you again.
"There's just a little more, baby," you husked into the whining girl's ear, edging the last of your strap within her. Watching as her face scrunched up in pleasure, throwing her head back, letting out a guttural moan.
You were only a few thrusts in when Natasha almost breathlessly begged you, "Please. Let me get on top."
It took some struggle to manoeuvre in the backseat of your car, but in no time at all, the red-head beauty was straddling your lap, working the toy through her wet heat.
Natasha cried out in ecstasy, using the headrests of the front seats to brace herself. Before letting you watch her pussy grip the cock as she rode it earnestly.
"Oh, shit," you husked, unable to tear your eyes from her, "Look at how good you take it."
"Fuck, it feels so good!"
After a few minutes of this, you couldn't take it anymore.
You had to take her for yourself.
"I'm sorry."
"What? Why are you-?"
Natasha was cut off by you spinning her so that her back laid upon the seats once again, positioning yourself so that you could effortlessly thrust into her.
The car began to rock from side to side, moans contained within. If any bystanders chose to look its way, they were sure to know what was happening.
With one last deafening cry, you were enamoured by how Natasha came.
All thanks to you.
"Fuck," she breathed, as she slowly came down from her high, "That was amazing."
"Bet you wish you'd done it sooner, huh?" you asked cockily, placing soft kisses along her jaw.
"You bet." A kiss to your lips. "At least we have a few more months before graduation."
"Wanna stock up before you have to go to college?"
"You bet," she laughed.
Permanent Tag List:
@imnotasuperhero, @veteranwerewolf95, @natasha-danvers, @marvelfansince08love, @higherfurther-romanova, @lesbian-x-blackwidow, @sestra-inestro
462 notes · View notes
maastrash · 4 years
Fighting Fire with Froyo
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oh my goodness hello friends plz dont roast my title bc @verryberriess already has LOL it is ✨quirky✨ anyways the first fic back is always rough to write and i got tired of editing so without further ado ... 
Nesta pried the uniform hat off her head and wiped the dripping sweat from her brow. By the cauldron, it was burning up today. It amazed her that the frozen yogurt wasn’t melting right out of the machines. That probably wasn’t even possible, but the heat was making her delirious. Of course on the hottest day of the year something was wrong with the AC. She added calling the maintenance guy to her 5-page long mental list of things to do after her shift today. 
She truly did not have the time to be working on the service line today. The Archeron sister froyo shop had opened almost a year ago and already she was talking to people about expanding it to become a chain. That’s what she should be working on instead.
Nesta supposed she should be happy their little shop was so popular. The sisters had been so nervous when they were finally able to launch their yogurt shop after years of planning. It was a dream come true. 
They named it Archeron Delights and it became one of the most popular dessert places in Velaris. Elain was the mastermind behind the frozen yogurt recipes. People came from all over the country to try their unique flavor combinations. Feyre was in charge of all the interior designing. She remodeled the entire space and made it look modern with colorful signs and trendy photo taking spots - a necessity for kids obsessed with instagram worthy pictures. Nesta was the official manager which meant she dealt with finances, hiring the team, making schedules, and other administrative duties. 
To be honest, Nesta never really worked at the counter, but Morrigan their newest hire, and Feyre’s best friend was sick with the flu. Definitely not a good idea to put her near customers. To make matters worse, the shop had been extremely busy today so she didn’t have time to take any breaks. Unlike her sisters, Nesta was already not the cheeriest service worker. It’s why she worked in the back in her quiet, private office. 
At least she could distract herself by filling out their monthly budget summary while waiting. However, her calculations were soon interrupted by the cheerful bell dinging, meaning the shop door was being opened. Damn another customer. 
Nesta began quickly finishing up the section she was on, “Hi I’ll be with you in one -”
“You need to get out of here,” the customer interrupted. 
Nesta’s smile dropped so fast. Who did this man think he was?
“No, you need to get out,” she snapped back without looking up from her papers. If he was gonna speak to her like that she was gonna take her sweet time. 
“Excuse me I -”
This time Nesta interrupted. “This is my shop and I say you need to leave.”
“Ma’am if you would let me explain -”
“Stop calling me ma'am, you have no right -” This time it was Nesta who trailed off.
She finally looked up to see a man equipped fully in firefighter gear staring right at her. Shit. She just yelled at a fireman. To make matters worse he was handsome. Extremely handsome. 
“There’s a small fire in another location 2 units from yours. We’re containing it, but you still need to evacuate,” the man explained.  
Nesta was still gaping. It seemed she was unable to form words. How was this man so attractive? He was wearing full protective fire gear and wasn’t even breaking a sweat and here she was, literally dripping. 
To be quite honest she couldn’t tell if she was sweating because of the heat or the fireman’s burning gaze. 
“Ma’am can you hear me? Ma’am? Oh for goodness sake.”
Before Nesta knew it she was being lifted off her feet. Literally. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she exclaimed in surprise. 
“Ah so you can still talk.” 
“Put me down you oaf.”
“Oaf?” he raised a brow, “That’s a real nice way to thank the person saving your ass.”
“I’m serious,” she said crossing her arms angrily. 
“Let’s get to safety first.”
Nesta gave the man a withering glare, but he continued to carry her bridal style to a tent where it seemed other shop owners were gathering. 
“Oh my goodness Nesta are you hurt?” Aelin asked as they approached.
Aelin owned a dress boutique in the same plaza and they often grabbed lunch together. She was Nesta’s best friend. 
“No I am being harassed,” she deadpanned. 
“She means saved,” the firefighter corrected as he finally set her down. 
“Woah he’s hot,” Aelin whispered in her ear. 
“Shut up or I’m telling Rowan.”
“Just an observation” Aelin laughed. 
The man gave them a polite smile before heading back towards the rest of the firemen. 
Nesta stopped him before he got too far. “I want to talk to your boss,” she said sternly. 
“You mean the captain?” he asked. 
“Yes.” Obviously. 
“Why do you need the captain ma'am?”
“Stop with the ma’am, I’m serious.”
“Ok fine. What’s your name?” 
Nesta stayed silent. 
“Ok then, sweetheart. Why do you need the captain?”
Nesta growled at his stupidity. “I am not your sweetheart and I am reporting you for inappropriate behavior.”
Something like amusement crossed his face, but it quickly vanished, “I see. I’ll be right back then.”
For someone about to lose his job he did not seem the least bit frightened. 
It was only a few minutes before the man returned. He was still wearing his fire pants or whatever they were called, but the protective jacket was gone. Now he wore a tight shirt that read Velaris Fire Dept. It framed his muscles a little too perfectly for her taste. How was this man real?
“The captain is busy at the moment but I will take your complaint and hand it to him myself,” he said, pulling out a pen and paper.
“How do I know you’re not going to rip it up as soon as I leave?”
“You can watch me hand it to him once we have this mess sorted out,” he assured her. 
“First I will need your name.”
“Nesta Archeron” she grit out.
“Nesta. I like how that sounds.”
She rolled her eyes. This man was absolutely insufferable. 
“Ok, now your phone number.”
“Why do you need my phone number?” 
“So the captain can contact you about this issue, of course.”
She grabbed the paper from his massive hands and scribbled her number down quickly.
“Ok and what are you complaining about?” he asked, clearly amused.
She rolled her eyes, “You already know what I’m complaining about.”
“Well, I need to write it down word for word,” he said, laughing softly.  
His laughter was the last straw. “You know what this is ridiculous I’m going to find the captain myself,” she said, stomping off. 
“That’s gonna be hard to do sweetheart,” he called after her. 
“Oh yea, why?” she yelled back over her shoulder.
“Because I am the captain.”
That stopped Nesta dead in her tracks. She turned slowly to see the big oaf smiling. 
“Cassian Nazari, Captain of Station 17,” he said, extending his hand.
“Are you playing a game or something?” she scowled, slapping his hand away.  
“No,” he chuckled softly, “Just doing my job.” 
“By pretending to not be the captain and stealing my information?”
He smiled again and half of her wanted to slap him, but the other half was tempted to kiss him. What was wrong with her?
“I take complaints seriously. So seriously, that I would like to hear all about your complaint over dinner.”
“This is not funny,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Don’t tell me you’re not interested. You took one look at me and were absolutely speechless. I literally had to carry you out before you burned to death.”
“The fire was contained, evacuating was a formality you brute.” 
“If you say so,” he said sarcasm lacing every word. “I’ll pick you up from your shop at 6.”
Nesta’s jaw dropped, the audacity of this man was astounding. She paused before answering, debating her options. She figured she could either continue pretending to hate him or just give in. Gods above, was she actually considering this?
“Say yes you idiot” Aelin whispered.
Nesta flinched in surprise. Where the hell did she even come from? 
“Are you kidding I’m not going anywhere in this.” Nesta argued, gesturing to her work apron and leggings. 
“I think it looks great,” Cassian said with a wink. 
“Me too,” Aelin added.
Nesta gave Aelin a deadly look before saying, “Let’s meet at the Sidra at 7. That way I have time to change.”
Cassian only looked surprised at her suggestion for a second before agreeing, “Ok, I’ll see you there.” 
He waved before heading back to the rest of his crew and Nesta against her better judgement waved back. 
“Nesta Archeron, are you smiling?” Aelin teased as soon as Cassian was out of ear shot.
“Shut up. I am absolutely not,” she said, quickly bringing her face back to neutral. 
And then it hit her...
She was going to dinner with Cassian - a fire captain she just met. What the hell was she thinking? 
tags! @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @acourtofmarauders // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova // @elriel4life // @ireallyshouldsleeprnrn // @rowaelinismyotp // @thegoddessofyou​
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soulwillower · 3 years
you should be • richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested:  richie fic where he and reader are neighbors, and he sees her from his balcony in her bra. he’s shamelessly watching till she looks, flips him off n leaves. then he’s kinda embarrassed lol. then he’s at a cafe of smith with the losers n sees her. he stares. they ask who she is and he tells them, and they laugh. then she looks at him, and he kinda sheepishly waves. she acts kinda mad, then smiles and waves back. eventually, a while later, they start talking to each other from their balconies. 1/2   +   2/2 then he sees her crying one night. and ummm if ur comfortable w it could u write this as Indian reader? bc there’s not much representation like that soooo yea. otherwise just normal. anyways, he asks her what’s wrong n it’s smith like her parents want arranged marriage, he cheers her up, fluffy
thank u for the request im sorry it took so long! :) 
warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, and richie staring at reader while theyre half naked so bad morals, half-nudity, unedited asf!
[losers + reader are 17+ in this.]
1.0k words
the café is busy when you walk in, the sharp smell of espresso waking you up slightly as you move to line up for your order. 
you’re waiting for your order when a loud chorus of laughs and whispers make you crane your neck to the right, making direct eye contact with a boy who makes you stop for a moment. you know those peering eyes. richie tozier. he bites his lip, sheepishly waving as his friends all laugh, shoving him. 
you know why he's sheepish - he probably should be. 
three days ago, you saw those large blue eyes. but you were in your room, dancing to a song that played softly from your radio as you changed into your pajamas.
the night is beautiful, air fresh and your window doors open wide. you waltz over to the balcony, humming slightly as you breathe the air flowing onto your skin. 
but you feel something. 
your eyes fall easily to the house next to yours, the small balcony adjacent to yours open and a boy sitting on a folding chair, smoking a half-ashed joint in his fingers. he’s staring shamelessly. 
his face is smug but also almost blank, as if he knows he should feel embarrassed but isn't. and he holds your gaze - eyes big, blue, and imploring as he watches you, a warm feeling in your gut that is shocking and not what you expected. 
you blink; your neighbor, richie, is staring at you. you're only wearing a bra. frowning, you flip him off and abruptly whirl around, shutting your windows. 
and now, richie's staring at you again. he must've told his friends. you start to give him a glare, showing that you're still annoyed, but then you smile a bit, laughing at how ashamed he looks before you wave back. you don't miss the blush on his cheeks. 
the giddiness that you'd had when you left the café disappeared after dinner, when you got into an argument with your parents. you're crushed; the knowledge that at one point, your young adulthood and freedom will come to an end and you'll be paired with a person to marry.  and yes, you know your parents' marriage was arranged and they found real love but you just don't want that. your mind skips to the café today, to richie - you let out a small sob. 
climbing out to the balcony attached to your room, you let out a shaky sigh. you have a cup of turmeric milk in your hands, eyes clouding with tears as you let out a small sob. 
"y/n?" you hear a voice call from to your left. craning your neck, you sigh and wipe the tears, embarrassed to have richie see you so upset. "h-hi, richie. how are you?" you ask, voice wavering. 
he doesn't say anything, instead his eyes look conflicted. "would you like to talk?" he calls, tilting his head, curls flopping and making your chest warm. 
you clear your throat, "it's okay, i just-" you cut yourself off, sighing. why lie? "i've had a bad day, richie." you sigh honestly. there's a rustle and you look back over to see his long body folding out of his window and you nearly gasp as he stumbles, sure that he's about to plummet the twenty feet to the ground. 
but then he's leaping across to your roof and your eyes widen in shock, hoping your parents don’t hear anything. swallowing, you watch as he pulls his denim jacket closer and shoves his hands in, sliding onto your balcony and plopping next to you. it's quiet for a few moments, and you're still in shock at the ease in which richie just leapt across your roof. although in the same way, you're not shocked. 
"you smell nice." he whispers suddenly. you blink, smiling lightly. "it's probably our incense." you dismiss, gesturing to the holder further out of your room, even though your door is closed. he nods, shrugging. "it smells good." he reiterates, and you smile at the ground. 
"so, what's got'ya down?" he asks, slinging an arm around your shoulders to pull you in. you flush, heart beating erratically at his proximity. "um, well. i got into an argument with my parents-" you mutter a hindi swear word and richie tilts his head, but you shake your head. his face twitches and you can tell he's holding back a comment and so you push on, "my parents, they - they're trying to arrange my marriage." 
his jaw drops slightly. "sugar, we're seventeen." he breathes out, and you just tilt your head, tears falling from your face even quicker. "i know." you choke out, and he nearly winces as if realizing that wasn't the right choice of words. 
"i know. and i just really want to date someone, before that. they don't understand that i want to like a boy." you sniff, "i want someone to want to take me out, i want to be excited before going on dates, i want to get butterflies when i kiss them." 
he's silent, staring out at the landscape of the town in the dark, before kissing your hair slightly. butterflies fly in your stomach. "you're right, y/n. that's not fair. you deserve to be with someone who you want to be with, someone who wants to be with you." 
you nod, smiling lightly through your tears. he's trying his best to comfort you, and it makes you warm with appreciation. richie shrugs, arm still around your waist. "we could kiss, you know. i think you're real cute sugar. and your parents would hate it, but, i'd like to take you out sometime."  
you can feel those butterflies again.
you chuckle, raising a brow and looking at him. he reaches a hesitant finger to wipe away your tears gently, hand falling. 
"really?" you ask, biting through a smile. his eyes are bright as he chuckles, shaking his head. "yeah, really. why else would i have been creeping on you that one night?" 
you roll your eyes, smiling. "i'm still mad at you for that, tozier." you mutter, and he laughs. "you should be, you should be." 
and then he pulls your jaw towards his and you're kissing, softly, happily. you sigh lightly into his mouth, his hand rubbing your cheekbone. you pull apart, and he hums, pressing his forehead to yours. "can i take you out to make up for it, at least?" he asks. you smile and kiss him tenderly, hands finding his jaw and cupping either side. 
"yes, you can." 
tag list:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby  @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @chl0bee  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @groovybimbo @deepestofwaters @melinda-hargreeves @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie  @decafcoffeew @etaerealboy
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Behind the Screen - (Part 1)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 5,412
Warnings: smut 18+
Author’s Note: First chapter guys, i had a lot of fun writing this, and i hope you all enjoy this first chapter. Smut is also not my forte, but i like to try new things so i hope i did it justice lol. If y’all would like to be added to the tag-list for future chapters, or taken off please send me a message! Feedback is always appreciated in anyway, so let me know what you think, let me know your thoughts what your expecting! Thank you for reading!
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“Hey Wilson, you seen y/n?” Bucky questioned from his spot on the couch.
Sam shook his head, “Yeah earlier, she said she had something to do real quick before she was going to join us, shouldn’t be long.”
“Wasn’t that like 30 minutes ago?” Steve spoke up.
Sam shrugged his shoulder his eyes not leaving the TV screen, “I don’t know man, if y’all are so worried why don’t you send Tin Man to go find her.”
Bucky mulled it over before he was pushing up from the lounger, “where you going Buck?” Steve called out over his shoulder as Bucky retreated from the room.
Bucky didn’t bother with a reply, they all knew he was going to get you.
You were perched on your bed laptop in hand, your fingers working over your latest post the white glare from the computer illuminating your features. You couldn’t wait to get this new post out; your newest work had your readers begging for more, there just wasn’t enough time in your day to crunch out the words that bounced around in your mind. Recently your readers had begun to get antsy with you especially behind “anon”, there was many coming after you for not writing Bucky to the best of your ability. How did they expect you to give them your best work when you didn’t know how the man was in bed? It’s not like you could confront your teammate and ask him to help you write fanfiction about him and how he pleases women in bed.
I mean imagine the conversation,
“Hey Buck so you might not know this about me, but I write fanfiction,” awkward pause, “about you, and well do you think you could maybe guide me through it?”
You scoffed rolling your eyes at your inner dialogue, you stared at the blank white screen the cursor blinking at you, waiting. Your fingers hovered over the board, but your mind was drawing blanks, the words were there not even a minute ago, how did you lose them so quickly. You groaned pushing the laptop to the side, maybe it was time to go join the others, it had been a little over thirty minutes since you had told them you would return. Deciding you needed the break from the screen you pushed yourself from the bed making your way to your bathroom to freshen up.
Bucky walked the quiet hallways passing the other team's quarters before he finally came across yours. Bucky never bothered knocking, if he reached for the door handle and it wasn’t locked, he would just let himself in. Entering your room, he saw no sign of you except for your lone laptop that he had recently seen you glued to. He wasn’t sure what had you so entranced to the screen, but at the same time he understood it could possibly be a hobby that you were working on, especially during down time from missions or training. He looked around your quarters and noticed the sliver of light peeking from the bottom of your bathroom. Deciding to wait for you, he walked over to your bed plopping himself on the cushioned comforter. He reached for you laptop to see if he could get a peek at what had you glued to the device, and a peek he got. His cheeks were flamed rosy, his pants suddenly feeling a little tighter, while he wasn’t sure what to think, he was tickled pink at the words he read. So, this is what you did on your past time. He looked over the browser, his brows scrunched in confusion, what was Tumblr?
“Barnes what are you doing with my laptop?!”
Bucky looked up from the screen eyes blown wide matching yours, “Uh, I could ask you the same.” he murmured turning your screen to you.
Your heart dropped into the depths of your stomach, face going deathly pale, oh god, oh god, he knew, gathering your bearings you lurched forward lunging for the laptop in his hands. Bucky ducked out of your way falling back into your pillows laptop still clutched in his grip. You crawled half on top of him, “Goddamnit Barnes, give me my laptop back!” you growled.
He continued to dodge your attempts at grabbing your possession, “not until you explain what this is.” he grunted, his metal appendage pushing at your head.
“There is nothing to explain,” you hissed, “now give me the damn thing!”
You continued to claw your way up his body, though for every inch you climbed you were quickly scooted down by the cool metal pushing at your head.
“Nothing to explain?” he questioned, “I think there’s a lot to explain, like what the hell is Tumblr, and why are there people writing about me and some person named “y/n” he grunted “did you just bite my finger?” he questioned eyes glaring at you.
Your movements stalled, “Oh I'm sorry, I didn’t realize your vibranium hand had any feeling.” you deadpanned.
Your eyes caught the moment Bucky’s form began to fall, being a trained assassin had come in handy, taking your chance you lunged forward getting a grip on the laptop. Bucky grunted at the awkward position, “Jesus Christ,” he grunted, “what the fuck, ow!” he growled, “fucking hell y/n!” Bucky being stronger than you pulled the laptop from your measly grip flinging It to the side as he pushed you onto your bed, his frame covering yours, “would you stop fucking squirming, if it was nothing why are you putting up such a fight,” he grunted catching your swinging hands in his, pushing them down into the bed.
“I'm putting up a fight because you were going through my personal things, ever heard of the word privacy nosey ass” you hissed glaring at him.
Bucky rolled his eyes at you continuing to push your frame down into the bed, maybe you could use this as a future reference.
“Now that you’ve stopped squirming maybe we could actually have a conversation.” he murmured looking down at you.
Dread filled you again, “There’s nothing to talk about Bucky, at least nothing I want to talk about with you,” you groaned, “will you please just leave it alone.”
“I won’t leave it alone, I think I deserve an explanation,” he voiced, “you either tell me what I want to know or we can be like this all night.” he grunted applying more weight onto yours. Jesus, you could really use this as a reference but you weren't sure how to describe “Dead weight” would that even be considered sexy, you weren’t sure it would have your readers on the edge of their seats thighs clenched, cheeks rosy, giggling behind their phones, as they read your latest post.
“y/n, doll!” he muttered snapping his fingers in front of your dazed face.
You knew there was no getting out of this, there was definitely no denying what he had seen, possibly read. God what had you even written, how much had he seen. You knew this wasn’t going to end good, “what do you want to know?” you murmured, eyes not meeting his.
“what’s Tumblr?”
You sighed, you were really going to do this, you’re already in the rabbit hole, might as well keeping digging yourself further. “Tumblr is a blog site, users can post different types of media on it, they post videos, pictures, written posts - ”
“is that what you do?” he questioned cutting you off.
You groaned cheeks turning pink in embarrassment, “Yes buck, can you please get off me, please,” you murmured.
“who’s x reader, also who’s y/n, do I know them, because I don’t recall doing any of what i read with them.”
Your eyes slipped shut, oh god you couldn’t breathe, you prayed that a hole would open up beneath you and swallow you whole, “Barnes please get off me, I don’t want to do this!” you grunted trying to buck the man off you, you were on the verge of a panic attack.
“No, not until you explain it to me, then I'll get off,” he grunted applying more of his weight down onto you. This man was a damn wall of muscle, it was useless, there was no getting out of this, a growl left your lips, “Fuck okay, I’m not sure what you saw, but you more than likely saw my blog, and I write on my blog as I answered earlier,” you groaned, you didn’t want to say it, “I also,” a pause, another moan of embarrassment, “I also,” deep breath, “ I also write fanfiction about you,” oh god you cringed, this sounds much worse coming out of your mouth than it did when the words had been in your head. “the reader is anyone who also like me sits behind the screen of a computer reading the posts, and y/n is the reader, its abbreviated for your name, and no you didn’t do any of those things but it’s what writers like myself imagine you would do.” a sigh left your lips, eyes clenched undeniably tight, god you wanted this nightmare to be over, “can you please get off now.” you whispered feeling utterly ashamed.
You felt his hands leave yours, the weight and heat of his body a distant memory as he shifted off of you. Your eyes remained screwed shut, god you had really done it now, you should have never started the blog, what were you expecting. He was probably getting ready to go tell the others what you were up to, tell them everything he had seen, tell them about you embarrassing past time.
“Can you show me some more?”
Your eyes shot open, head turning to the side to see Bucky staring at you intently, your mouth parted slightly, “excuse me?” you choked out, he couldn’t be serious. “You can’t be serious,” you murmured.
“oh, I’m serious,” he murmured grabbing a hold of your laptop and pushing it towards you, “here.”
You glanced from him to the laptop, then back, “you’re actually serious?” you questioned brow raised.
“wouldn’t still be here if I wasn’t,” he murmured sliding closer to you, “now come on, show me, I'm curious.”
You cautiously flipped onto your stomach, you weren’t sure he was ready for what exactly was out there, but he had asked, and if it kept the attention off of you, anything would be better.
Bucky was glued to the screen, his eyes roaming the vast words and posts written about him, your eyes stayed trained on him looking, watching, waiting for a reaction, there was none. He was stiff as stone.
“this is all wrong” he muttered turning to you, “i wouldn’t do this.”
You raised a brow at him, “its fanfiction Bucky, it’s not supposed to be real,” you explained, “the writers are doing just that, they’re writing they’re perspective of you, some of them are really talented.” You added.
“Well yeah I can see that, but still I wouldn’t do it like this, they didn’t capture me right I wouldn’t get straight into it like this.”
A laugh slipped past your lips, “Bucky the writers on the other side of the screen can only imagine these things about you, they won’t always get you down to a T, they can only imagine how you’d be, how they would want you to be.”
“so, then you do it,” he voiced perking up, “write me and this y/n character, there's no one that knows me better than you, well aside from Steve, I could guide you through it.”
Your eyes went wide slightly, “buck I don’t think that’s a good idea, I never wanted you to find out about this and now your offering to help me write, you can’t be serious.” you murmured.
“it could be fun,” he exclaimed, “who better to help write about me, than me.” he deadpanned.
You groaned your hands coming up to cover your face, “bucky you honestly don’t know what you’re saying, you shouldn’t even be this calm about all of this, for fucks sake you just found out I write about you and now you want me to let you help me write,” you paused, “about you, you sure your arm didn’t short circuit and mess with your head?”
Bucky chuckled deeply his hands reaching up to pull yours away from your face, “Look I'm not saying that I'm not freaked out by all of this, but if I can be honest its kind of flattering to know so many people write about me like this, not that I can understand why” he murmured, “but I wouldn’t mind seeing a more accurate description, and who better to give that to the readers than someone that can be guided by me?” he questioned.
“bucky,” you groaned.
“come on doll, indulge an old man,” he teased, “help me, to help you.”
You couldn’t really be thinking this would be a good idea, but then maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Bucky could guide you through some parts of your stories that just wouldn’t flow through your finger’s right, maybe the grouchy anons would back off, you bit your lip in thought.
Your groaned your body flailing a bit as you really mulled it over, “fine,” you muttered, “but the second you get all weird I’m kicking you out, understood?” you questioned.? t.”
He grinned at you his hands rubbing together, “deal.” You really were beginning to think his arm had short circuited.
“One more thing, you can’t tell the team about this at all, it’s weird enough you knowing, I don’t need the others knowing what I do.” You voiced.
It was quiet for a few seconds before Bucky was speaking up, “do they write about the others?”
“Bucky would you stop squirming, you’re not letting me think,” you muttered turning your head away from the screen to glare at him.
He stopped moving eyes going from yours back to the white screen, you sighed rubbing your temples, you were really beginning to regret ever agreeing to this. It had been about thirty minutes since Bucky had taken a look at your most recent post you were working on, you were currently trying to rub out a steamy oral scene between Bucky and the reader and let’s just say it wasn’t happening. If it wasn’t happening before the whole ordeal with Bucky, it surely wasn’t coming to you now. You had tried time and time again for the past thirty minutes to find the right words but between the squirming super solider next to you, and your mind replaying the events of this evening it just wasn’t going to happen.
“alright that’s it, I can’t do this,” you sighed reaching to shut the laptop.
Bucky reached out for your hand stopping your movements before you could shut it completely, your head turned towards his, brow raised, “you're not capturing the scene right doll, you’re not capturing the moment right.”
Your head tilted back slightly in disbelief, “well excuse me,” you muttered pulling your hand from his, “if you know so much, why don’t you write It?” you questioned sarcastically shoving the laptop in his direction.
He sighed, “I'm not the one that has a way with words doll, that’s you,” he pointed out, “besides I'm better with actions.” he added eyes twinkling.
“so, what are you implying buck, are you going to show me how you please a woman orally?” you questioned jokingly.
He perked up, “I could do that,” he agreed, “that way you could really get into the right mindset, you could really be in the moment.”
You choked on your saliva looking at Bucky in disbelief, “Barnes I was joking!” you coughed, “I wasn’t being serious.”
“oh come on now sweetheart,” he grinned, “you would be knocking out two birds with one stone.”
“look at you learning,” you deadpanned, “and the answer is no Buck, now stop before I make you leave.” you muttered.
He turned on his side facing you, sliding closer laptop forgotten, “I’m being serious y/n,” he started, “you could get real life inspiration for the next part of your post, and also get some pleasure from it, it’ll be a win win .”
“okay that’s it,” you muttered sitting up, “out buck, I don’t have time for these games.”
He sat up with you, “who said I'm playing games?” he questioned.
You looked up at your ceiling a sigh leaving your lips before you were meeting Bucky’s gaze again, “Bucky, seriously, stop, this isn’t funny.” you murmured shaking your head.
Bucky’s hand reached out taking yours In his, “who said this is a game?” he questioned staring at you in earnest.
“You can’t actually want to do this Buck, I get that you discovered my secret, what I do on my down time, but you don’t need to help me with this, we’re best friends Buck, this could make things weirder than it probably already is.” you muttered pulling your hand from his, eyes looking away.
“Us being best friends should make this that much easier, you can tell me when you’re feeling uncomfortable and I'll stop, this wouldn’t make things weird between us, besides you’d be helping me too, we’d be helping each other.” he said his hand coming up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers hooked under your chin, coaxing you to look up at him, stormy grey eyes staring back at you intently.
“Buck,” you sighed, your resolve was really failing you, you couldn’t lie to yourself by saying you didn’t want this, hell you had fantasized a moment like this for god knows how long, there’s only so much writers can offer you, but now that you were being given the opportunity to experience the real thing, were you really about to let this slip you by?
“this really isn’t a good idea Buck, it just doesn’t feel right,” you sighed body slouching.
He chuckled lowly, his body leaning in towards yours, breath fanning across your face, “it sounds like a great idea,” he murmured, “we’d both be getting something out of it, and that way, next time you write me giving our reader oral, you’ll know exactly what it feels like.”
You sucked in a breath at his words, your voice caught in your throat as he leaned even closer, his forehead pressing against yours, “come on doll, what do you say?” he questioned softly lips brushing against yours.
You nodded your head shakily, “okay,” you breathed.
Bucky surged forward his lips pressing against yours, your eyes slipping shut at the sensation of his lips gliding against your own. His flesh hand trailed its way up your body, around your neck where it tangled through your hair, his metal one finding its way onto your hip, squeezing.
Bucky nipped at your bottom lip, a breathy gasp falling from your lips. He seizes this opportunity to push his tongue in, he licks at you coaxing your tongue to dance with his. Your lungs burn from the intensity of the kiss, you pull away gasping for air, eyes dazed as you stare at Bucky his lips swollen and glistening in the dim light of your room.
Your hands reach out to touch him, fingers sliding up his torso, only to gravitate back down, his hands reach for yours stopping your movements before you can reach for the button of his jeans. He shakes his head a soft smile on his lips, “this isn’t about me sweetheart,” he murmurs leaning forward to nip at your lip, “this is about you,” he breaths.
The air around you is tense, your body thrumming with want. You don’t move though as Bucky’s eyes watch you, you wait with baited breath as Bucky’s hand untangles from your hair reaching down to get a grip on the hem of your shirt. He lifts up slowly, pulling the shirt off of you before tossing it off to the side. His eyes darken as he watches your ample breasts rise and fall. Your breath catches in your throat, you had never had a man look at you like this. The anticipation for what was to come next was building.
Unsuspecting, Bucky has you on your back in seconds, his frame hovering over yours, he leans down, his nose brushing against your chin, lips lowering till they’re meeting the skin of your neck. He kisses along the expanse of your neck drawing out breathy moans from your lips, a soft gasp follows when his teeth nip at your collarbone. You feel the coolness of his left hand trail up your stomach your body arching with it, it stops along the swell of your breast. His thumb reaches out sliding into the fabric of your bra, gliding over a now hardened nipple, the heat pools between your legs. A breathy moan falls from your lips at the sensation, Bucky chuckles lowly, warmth breath fanning across your dampened skin.
You whine as he pulls his hand from your breast, his hand trailing lower, you suck in a breath as his hand hovers over the top of your jeans, metal fingers popping open the button. His hand flattens against your body dipping into your jeans, fingers cupping you through your dampened underwear, a moan falls from your lips as he presses a single digit into your folds, wetting the fabric of your panties more.
“Mmm Buck,” you moan.
Bucky grins against your neck, his lips gliding up till they’re right by your ear, “I’m a giving person sweetheart,” he whispers, “i don’t just get right into the action, I like to play a little,” he husks, “i want to have you begging, I want to have you a moaning mess under me.” he breathes teeth nipping at your ear.
“Fuck,” you groan back arching off of the bed, Bucky presses his hand down harder against you stilling your hips. He pulls his face away from your neck his eyes holding yours, “keep your eyes on me.” He whispers, you swallow. You suck in a breath as his fingers push your panties to the side, his index finger finding it’s way into your dampened folds. The sensation alone has a breathy “Bucky” falling from your lips followed by a broken moan as his finger grazes your clit.
His fingers work over your clit your body writhing under his hand, broken desperate moans falling from your lips. A whine leaves your lips as Bucky tears his hand from your underwear, “Bucky please,” you moan.
He chuckles “patience sweetheart, let me make you feel good.” He whispers ducking down to press his lips to yours. Your lips chase his as they find their way back to your neck. He licks, sucks, and nips at your skin as he trails down your body. From your neck, down the valley of your breast till he’s reaching the top of your jeans. You watch him pull away from you leaning back on his feet as his hands reach down pulling on your jeans till your able to kick them off the rest of the way for him.
He’s slipping from the bed, his hands pulling on your thighs as he drags you down the edge of the bed. He sinks to his knee his head lowering, his warm breath fans across your mound, a shiver rolling through you. He doesn’t move, you begin to worry, maybe he had changed his mind, “Buck, we don’t have to- ” a loud moan breaks through your words, his mouth presses harshly against your cotton covered pussy, tongue pressing into you, the fabric rubbing against your aching clit.
“Jesus Buck,” you gasp body arching off of the bed.
He laughs lowly, tongue still running over your covered mound, he gazes up at you from between your legs, “ I told you sweetheart, patience.” You would definitely be adding this to your story you thought as another moan ripped through you Bucky’s head having moved from your aching core to nip at the sensitive skin of your inner thigh.
Your hands reach down to tangle in his hair as he continues his assault on your sensitive thighs. His thumb presses into you, rubbing against your aching clit, the fabric of your panties dragging deliciously against it. Your feet dig into his back, your body writhing on the bed. He glances up at you from where he’s perched between your legs, his eyes darkening, “ you think you could cum like this, you think you could cum for me.” He questions his breath ghosting over you.
A breathy “yes” falls from your lips, your body is buzzing with the need for release the teasing too much. Bucky continues to nip and suck at your sensitive skin, thumb working faster against your clit. “Fuck,” you gasp , “please Bucky,” you plead, “please,” you beg. Your desperate for him, for the need of release. His thumb pushes into you harder, working over you faster, his lips latching onto you skin sucking. A chant of his name falls from your lips as your orgasm takes you by surprise, your head pushing back into the sheets your back arching off the bed, your fingers tightening in his hair.
Bucky barley gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s moving, his hands gripping the middle of your panties, ripping them down the middle.
“Bucky did you just -”
Your words fall short as he’s pressing against you again, his face presses in close, his tongue peeking out to press against your folds. His tongue dips in dragging across your entrance till he’s flicking up against your clit, the tip of his tongue circling it. Your chest heaves as breathy moans fall from your lips, your thighs clenching around his head from the pleasure surging through you.  Bucky grips your thighs pushing them open, spreading you out for him, your back arches, breast pushing into the cooled air as his tongue flicks teasingly in and out of your soaked folds.
Your fingers grasp the sheets beneath you, twisting them in your hold. His mouth works over you, taking you higher, he’s alternating between your clit and your dripping entrance. His tongue will drag over your clit before it’s dipping down to bury into your entrance his tongue fucking into you till your screaming his name.
“Bucky fuck,” you moan, “please,” you whine.
He continues to work you over, moans of pleasure falling from his lips, the vibrations leaving you quaking in his hold. Your fingers find their way into his hair, your eyes glancing down at him the sight alone leaving you a breathless mess. He glances up his ocean grey eyes connecting with yours, you weren’t sure it was possible but they seemingly darkened more as he pushed you closer to release. His arms wrap around your spread thighs pulling you into him more, his lips work faster, tongue gliding quicker as he works you over. A loud moan falls from your lips as he quickens the pace, his name falling from your lips in a silent prayer as your grind  up against his mouth. A moan catches in your throat, his lips finding your clit as he sucks harshly, his tongue working over it with quick strokes. Your pussy clenches, body heaving as the intense pleasure washes over you. Bucky doesn’t stop as he works you through your orgasm his tongue continuously flicking over you, dipping into you to suck up your juices. Your vision goes white as you clench around him fingers pulling at his hair.
“Holy fuck,” you choke out thighs trembling as you wind down, Bucky chuckles as he moves up your body kissing up your sweat slicked skin. He looms over you eyes hooded with lust, a small smile on his glistening lips. Your hands come up wrapping themselves around the back of his neck pulling him down to you. Your lips press against his, a groan falling from your lips as you taste yourself on his sinful tongue. You lean up slightly your arms moving from Bucky’s neck to his shoulders as you move him around till he’s flat on his back on your bed. You straddle him, his hands finding a spot on your waist as he squeezes you,
“I thought this was about you doll,” he husks grinning up at you.
You roll your hips over his slightly, leaning your body over his, “it was, but I’d like to return the favor,” you whispered lips ghosting over his, your tongue peeking out to run over his plush lips. Sliding yourself down his firm body you stop once your seated on his thick thighs. Running your hands down his torso, your fingers work at popping the buttons of his jeans open, helping him shimmy them off, your tongue running over your lips as his cock springs free. You scoot down the bed settling yourself between his spread legs, leaning down as you run the tip of your tongue along the underside of his cock. A low grunt falls from his lips as you take the base of his cock into your hands, your tongue swirling around the tip. You continue to work your mouth over him indulging in the sinful noises that drip from his lips. “Fuck y/n,” he grunts, “fuck you gotta stop if you want me to finish this the right way.”
You grin up at him, you lips spit slicked, “fuck doll, come here.” He whispers gripping your arms as he hauls you up. He kisses your roughly, his tongue running over yours before he’s flipping the two of you, your back meeting the cool sheets.
Pushing your thighs apart he settles between them, gripping his cock in hand he runs it through your folds teasingly before he’s pressing in, a slow delicious burn that’s rolls a shiver through your spine. Bucky leans down his forehead pressing down onto yours, breathing each other in as he rolls his hips into you. His cock drags in and out of you, at a slow toe curling pace. Your body writhes against him, your heels digging into his ass to press him to you closer, you need to feel him, you want to feel him.
Bucky changes the angle; unwrapping your legs,  he hauls one over his shoulder the other gripped tightly in his hand as he spreads you out, the angle driving him impossibly deeper, a gasp catches on your throat, “fuck,” you moan, “fuck right there,” you gasp.
“Come on sweetheart, let me feel you, cum for me.” He grunts his thrust jarring you.
A few more hard thrusts and his thumb sweeping over your clit has you shouting out his name in a breathy moan. Your back arches, thighs trembling as the waves of pleasure wash over you. Bucky continues to push into you, dragging out your orgasm as his takes over, your name tumbling from his lips as he crashes into you.
Bucky slumps forward his face falling into your neck as he takes in a shuddering breath. “Fuck,” he grunts, “that’s going to be a hell of a fic,” he murmurs pressing his lips to your skin.
You can’t help the laugh that escapes you, right the fic, you think, that’s why this had happened, Bucky was helping you out, and help he did. Bucky rolls off to his side propping himself up on his elbow as he smiles down at you, your body lax against the sheets.
“When are you going to finish writing it?” He grins
“Not right now, m’ too tired, hopefully sometime in the morning” you murmured.
“So In these fics do like me and the reader cuddle?” He questions a teasing twinkle in his eye.
“I don’t know Barnes, it depends,” you reply, “are you a post sex cuddler?”
“for the right girl,” he grins opening his arms, “c’mere doll,” He murmurs wrapping you in his arms a sloppy wet kiss placed to your heated cheeks.
Your readers are in for a hell of a surprise,” he murmurs into your hair.
“That they are,” you whisper, “that they are.”
Part 2
Behind The Scenes Tag-list: @ladifreakingda @georgialeighc13 @racewife2004​ @multy-fandom-lover​ @otvlanga​ @sailorstupidsblog​
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lyranova · 4 years
Pleasant Surprises
Hi guys~! So I know I was gonna post something with my OC before I posted another fanfic but I just finished this one and I’m so happy with it that I just had to post it now 🥺! It was supposed to be posted for valentines day lol. Hopefully you guys like it~!
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,122
Warnings: None
Charlotte was nervous. Very nervous. She was currently on her way to the Black Bulls hideout with a small box in her hands, today was a day she had been somewhat dreading yet at the same time very excited for. It was Valentine’s Day. Today was the day for couples to show their appreciation for each other, which made no sense to her since you’re supposed to show your significant other love and appreciation every day. But nonetheless her girls had gone out with their boyfriends and partners to celebrate and give them chocolates and other gifts. Which is exactly what Charlotte was going to do as well. The girls had somehow convinced her that today was the day to tell Yami how she felt, and she couldn’t really disagree, it was about time she finally told him.
So after all the girls had left she herself decided to head out and buy chocolates, even though Charlotte wasn’t actually sure if he liked chocolate, so to be on the safe side she also bought a bottle of wine. She was sure he’d at least like one of them. Hopefully. Charlotte looked up as the Black Bulls hideout came into view, her heart beginning to race as she walked closer and closer to the door.
‘What if he doesn’t like either one? What if he isn’t here? What if he rejects my confession?’ Charlotte’s mind raced the closer she got, every fiber of her being screaming at her to turn around and run back to her headquarters. But, she pushed all those thoughts away and held her head up high as she stood in front of the door. She was going to confess today, otherwise, she never would. With that thought in mind she firmly knocked on the door and waited.
‘That’s strange,’ Charlotte suddenly thought with a frown. ‘It’s very quiet.’ She listened very carefully and found she was correct, there wasn’t a single sound from inside the base. Which was unusual. Normally the hideout was very loud and rambunctious, a wall or two would have already been broken by the time she had made it to the door. Charlotte smoothed out her blue and white dress before knocking on the door again, but this time much louder. She looked around, the sun was beginning to set, she had left the winery much later than she had anticipated so it was probably around 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening by now. Charlotte let out a small defeated sigh.
‘He must’ve gone out with someone else. I should’ve known better than to come here, how stupid can you be Charlotte!’ She scolded herself as she began to turn around and head back home when she suddenly heard the door open.
“ Sorry I was in the can, what’d you wa- oh.” Yami began before realizing it was Charlotte who was knocking. “ Hey there Prickly Princess, what’re you doing all the way out here?” He asked as he leaned against the door frame, she turned around and swallowed the lump in her throat. How was it he was able to make being sexy look so easy?
“ U-Uh...um well,” Charlotte started nervously, she quickly hid the bottle of wine and box of chocolates behind her so Yami wouldn’t see. “ I uh...came here to see you actually.” She finished softly as a soft blush shone on her cheeks and she looked down at her shoes.
“ Ok, did something happen?” He asked her with a small frown. It was very unlike her to just suddenly show up.
“ Oh no nothing happened. Not that I’m aware of anyway.” She said quickly, knowing her luck though, they would suddenly be called away and she would have to hold off confessing to him. Again. “ But I did have something to give you.”
“ Ok what is-.” Yami began to ask when suddenly Charlotte shoved two items into his chest, he blinked and held them. It was a bottle of expensive wine and a box of chocolates. To say he was confused was a bit of an understatement. “ Uh, did one of your girls ask you to deliver these?” He asked, confusion in his voice as well as on his face.
“ N-No of course not! They’re...they’re from me!” Charlotte told him, her face becoming even more red than what it already was. She had her arms crossed and wouldn’t look him in the eye.
“ From you?” Yami repeated as he looked from the items in his hands to her and back again. He had known today was Valentine’s Day because his squad had all gone out to celebrate. But didn’t women usually give these to the guys they were interested in? So why would Charlotte be giving him these? Oh. Oh! He blinked as it finally dawned on him. ‘She was trying to confess her feelings for me!’
“ W-Well now that I’ve delivered those items, I should be going.” Charlotte suddenly announced as she turned to walk away.
“ Hey Charlotte,” Yami called after her, she turned to look at him. “ Y’know, it’d be a real shame to have to drink this all by myself.”
“ You could always share it with Vanessa or someone else.” Charlotte told him with a shrug, clearly she didn’t get the hint. He rubbed the back of his head a little nervously.
“ I don’t want to drink with Vanessa or anyone else, I want to drink it with you.” He told her a very small blush creeping onto his cheeks, he looked at her long enough to see his statement had surprised her before he looked away again. “ So why don’t you come in and have a glass or two? We can just talk and hang out.” He muttered before suddenly seeing movement out of the corner of his eye. What happened next completely shocked him.
Charlotte had suddenly rushed up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him firmly. Yami was stunned but quickly recovered enough to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her back. He took note that her lips were just as soft as rose petals, which didn’t really surprise him that much considering her magic and how much she resembled a rose. Just as suddenly as she had kissed him she pulled away.
“ That sounds like a good idea captain Sukehiro.” Charlotte said with a smile, she pulled the bottle of wine out of his hand and walked past him into the hideout. Yami let out a soft chuckle before turning around and following her inside. This woman was full of surprises and honestly?
He wouldn’t have her any other way.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed this I had so much fun writing it! If not I’m sorry I’ll try to do better next time, but thank you for reading and I hope you all have a good day 💕~!
Tag List: @eme-eleff
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lilblog-asatreat · 3 years
So I uh... decided to try and do a horror prompt this time. I don't know how well I did, just that this is probably the longest ficlet that I've ever written, and I gave myself nightmares one night while writing this thing, but that's not saying a lot because I generally don't do horror lol I'm not trying this again for a long time.
TW: mentions of physical torture (not too graphic descriptions though), verbal abuse, horror type shit, ask to tag
Prompt: substitute teacher; dreamy; incessant
(Prompt from Roll-A-Prompt Writing Journal Boxed Set)
(Also, I got a few names from the fantasy name generator and the dnd 5e Player's Handbook)
Taako and Lup walk in through the door of their Advanced Illusion Magic classroom, panting slightly but trying not to make it noticeable. All eyes turn on them as Lup says, "Sorry we're late Professor Cy-" They both stop in their tracks as their eyes land on the instructor at the head of the classroom.
He is decidedly not Professor Cyrus. For one, Professor Cyrus is an air genasi woman, and the man standing before them is half-orc. A very handsome half-orc man with long, messy black hair that reaches his shoulders and piercing blue eyes. He isn't as built as other half-orcs usually are, but he definitely has some muscle on him. He raises an eyebrow at them questioningly.
Taako quickly closes his slacked jaw and clears his throat. "Uh- what's up, my dude? Where's Professor Cyrus?"
"She's out on maternity leave right now, and she asked me to fill in for her. My name is Keth, and I teach the other Advanced Illusion Magic class. Can I inquire as to who you two are?" He asks.
"Uh, I'm Lup, and this is my brother, Taako. Sorry we're late, we got held up in our last class." Lup says as Taako waves slightly.
Keth nods. "Please take your seats then. And everyone, please take out whatever you need to take notes. Today we will be discussing the properties of the energy of the Shadowfell used to temporarily create objects by using the spell Creation."
Lup and Taako make their way to the back of the class and take their usual seats. Lup starts pulling out a notebook when Taako nudges her arm. "Is he hot or what?" He whispers.
Lup looks back over at Keth and frowns slightly. "He is attractive yeah, but something seems off."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, did you know Professor Cyrus was going to have a kid?" Lup asks looking back at him.
Taako shrugs. "No, but what does it matter as long as I get to stare at his dreamy ass for the next hour and a half?"
Lup snorts. "I guess if that's your thing, but I just find it weird that she didn't tell us this was coming at all. You would think she would have announced he was going to fill in for her for a while even if she didn't want to go into personal details about why."
"Yeah, I guess that's weird, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. She doesn't share too much of her personal life to begin with, and she doesn't give out too many announcements when she probably should either, so she probably didn't feel the need to give us a heads up." Taako reaches down into his bag to pull out his own notebook and a pen.
"I guess you're right," Lup sighs before turning her attention back to Keth who is writing down notes for everyone to copy down on the blackboard as he lectures.
As everyone is packing up at the end of the class, Keth calls out, "Rolsa? Could you stay after class for a minute?"
A fairly short, light green verdan person looks up from their desk that they were previously sleeping on. "Me?"
"Yes, I need to talk to you about something." Keth says.
Taako and Lup pass Rolsa as they stand up and stretch. Lup watches them walk up to the teacher's desk as she goes through the door, and Taako closes the door behind the both of them.
"I was thinking about letting Rolsa copy my notes before our quiz on Friday, but I guess they can ask Keth himself for a run down on what they missed." Lup says as they walk down the hall.
"You can't keep doing that for them," Taako says, rolling his eyes. "If they want to pass the class, they have to be awake for it."
"Yeah, but they're really nice, and they work two jobs just to be here. I don't blame them for being exhausted." Lup counters.
They continue chatting as they make their way out of the building, missing the flash of light that could be seen through the cracks of the door to their classroom.
On Friday, Lup and Taako make it into the classroom at the same time as Keth who walks in close behind them. They make their way to their seats in the back of the class, but Lup stops as she gets to Rolsa's desk. Rolsa was awake, for a change, and staring straight ahead at the blackboard at the front of the classroom.
"Hey, did you need to look at my notes real quick before the quiz?" Lup asks.
Rolsa doesn't acknowledge her.
"Rolsa, are you ok?" Lup asks. Taako stops to look over at the two of them
Rolsa still doesn't respond.
Lup holds her hand out to tap them on the shoulder, but Keth walks up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Lup. Taako. I'm about to pass out the quiz, could you please go take your seats?"
Taako gives him a winning smile and sits down, and Lup walks to her seat, looking over her shoulder at Rolsa with concern. Keth hands them both a copy of the quiz, and then moves back up the aisle, handing out the rest of them as he goes.
In between writing down answers, Lup glances up to watch Rolsa. They have their head bent down in concentration, writing quickly on their paper. They look fine except... aren't they left handed?
Lup shakes her head and goes back to answering question seven. She can't remember what hand they usually write with, and now isn't the time to concentrate on that. She has to do well on this quiz to bring her grade up, so she doesn't lose her scholarship.
After class, Keth calls Marmorn, a beautiful half-elf man who sits in the front of the class, over to talk about the quiz. Taako eyes the both of them on his way out the door.
"Damn, did you see the suit Keth was wearing today?" Taako asks as soon as they get out of earshot of everyone else. "He looked fantastic! I can't believe we got someone this hot as a substitute teacher."
"Uh-huh," Lup replies distractedly as she chews on her lip. "It was weird when Rolsa didn't even look up at me earlier right? I mean, I was standing right next to them, so they must have heard me. Do you think I upset them somehow?"
Taako sighs. "Yeah, I guess it's weird. I don't see how you could have upset them though because you two rarely interact outside of class except when it's to give them your notes."
"Something's not right," Lup says. "Maybe I can find them after class on Monday and see if they're doing alright."
"Cool," Taako says. "Anyway, do you think I'd have a chance with Keth after Professor Cyrus comes back and he isn't our teacher anymore?"
Lup smiles and rolls her eyes. "You'd probably have to wait until you're no longer a student here at all for one, and for two, do you really want to date a teacher? I didn't think nerds were your type."
Taako crosses his arms. "I can be flexible in that department."
As the last people make it out of the building of their last class, no one hears the brief yelling coming from behind the Advanced Illusion Magic classroom door.
A few weeks pass by, and Lup is getting more and more antsy. She couldn't find Rolsa after class a few weeks back, nor could she find them every time she tried after that. And since the Monday after Keth talked to Marmorn, he also seemed... almost robotic. He was always quiet and reserved, but he was also always the first one to help someone when they needed it. This made it all the more stranger when Taako's bag split open while he was passing Marmorn's desk one day, and Marmorn didn't even blink.
It isn't just those two either. Every day they had class, Keth called back a student after class to talk to them, and then the next class day after that, that student acted as if nothing and no one else existed in the world around them besides their paper and pen. It was getting creepier and creepier to Lup by the day, and Taako seems too lovestruck to notice.
Today, as Lup and Taako enter the classroom, every single student doesn't react to look at the door. They all look straight ahead at the blackboard, and they don't even blink as they walk passed them. Lup holds onto the strap of her bag even tighter, and Taako just waves enthusiastically at Keth who is sitting with his feet propped up on the desk with a lazy smile on his face.
"What's up, kemosabe? How was your weekend?" Taako asks with a big smile.
"Oh, it was busy, but fun. I had to go shopping for a few things I'm planning on doing tonight. And yourself?"
"It was chill. Just did homework and hung out with Lulu." Taako says smiling over at Lup.
"Yep. That's about all we did." Lup says tensely.
"Well, I'm glad you both had a good weekend. I believe it's time for class to begin, so please go ahead and take your seats." Keth gets up from his chair and walks to the blackboard.
Lup tries to steer clear of him as she makes her way to the back of the class with Taako in tow. As soon as they sit down, Lup leans over and pulls on Taako's arm to get him to lean closer to her.
"Hey! What-"
"Have you noticed yet?" Lup hisses in his ear.
Taako pulls away and looks around before looking back at her, confusion evident on his face. "Noticed what?" He whispers back.
Lup gestures to the class at large. "Everyone! Have you noticed how weird they're acting?"
Taako looks around at all of the students taking notes. Everyone was bent over and concentrating on writing as Keth talked which didn't seem to be out of the ordinary. "Lup, what on earth are you talking about?"
Lup glances around before leaning in again. "They all look the same. They're writing in perfect synchronization, they're not breathing, look! Even Rolsa's awake! And they've been awake every class period for the past few weeks!"
Taako takes another careful look. Rolsa was seemingly awake with their head bent in concentration. He looks from one student to another and notices how stiff they are and how their pens and movements look identical to one another.
That is enough to unnerve him slightly.
"Ok, that's creepy, but what are you getting at?" Taako asks.
"They've been acting like this one by one for the past few weeks. Every time Keth talks to someone one on one, the next time we have class, they're as robotic as all of them are right now!" Lup hisses.
"So, you think he's doing something to the students?"
"Yeah! I don't trust-"
"Excuse me, Lup, do you have something you would like to share with the class?"
They both look up at Keth as the entire class turns, in sync, to look at them with vacant eyes and expressionless faces.
Taako smiles nervously at him and Lup swallows hard. "No, I was just asking Taako for clarification on something."
"Alright, well, I'd rather you ask me, but as long as you're done talking?" He smiles widely.
"Yep! She's got it all figured out, right?" Taako says, looking over at her.
"Yep! Sorry for disrupting the class."
Keth nods then turns his attention back to the blackboard. All of the students turn back around, as one, to start taking notes again.
Taako looks him up and down curiously, and Lup bounces her leg nervously under her desk.
As Lup and Taako are packing up at the end of class, Keth calls out, "Lup? Can you stay behind for a moment? I want to talk about Friday's test."
Lup freezes, and Taako looks over at her with worry.
"Yeah, uh, let me just... get all of my stuff together," she says.
They both walk up to the front, Lup clutching her wand tightly in her pocket and Taako staying right by her side. Keth smiles at them and says, "Taako, I'm afraid this has to be a private conversation. It won't take long, I promise, but the grades of my students must be kept confidential between us. I'm sure you understand."
"Yeah, absolutely. I'll just... leave... then." Lup looks over at him uneasily, but he tries to give her a reassuring smile before walking out the door and closing it behind him. He stands right next to it in the empty hall with his wand out and waits for Lup to come out too.
It's silent in the hall, and it takes Taako a moment to realize he didn't see any of his classmates walk out the door ahead of him. He watched them walk to the door, but they should have been outside with him and walking out of the building. He grips his wand tighter and listens at the door, hoping to hear whatever was going on in there.
It's silent for a few more minutes, and then...
Taako hears Lup scream.
He tries to throw open the door, but it's locked. Panic builds in his chest as he starts pounding on the door and yanking at the handle. "LUP!"
The sound of spells being thrown around drowns out the thoughts in his head, and Lup screams again.
Taako runs a hand through his hair and looks at his wand. Oh.
He blasts the door open just in time to see Keth wrestling Lup through a Dimension Door. Lup looks at him with wild eyes as she yells, "TAA-" And then she and her captor vanish as the rift closes behind them.
Taako runs for one of the badly scorched desks still left standing and slips on Lup's broken wand, almost cracking his head open on the tile floor. He regains his balance and pulls out his spellbook, frantically looking through his more recent entries.
"Come on come on come on!"
Finally, he finds it. The spell he had been learning in his divination course, Locate Creature. He closes his eyes and concentrates on his sister as he mutters the incantation.
Nothing happens.
He slams his fist on the table in frusteration, tears threatening to spill down his face. He takes a deep breath to try and calm down, and then he takes a look at his notes again before closing his eyes and concentrating on the image of fear on Lup's face as that scumbag took her away.
Suddenly, Taako feels a warm pull at his gut. He puts his spellbook back in his bag and starts slowly turning in a circle before catching sight of a faint fire red trail going through the western wall. He sprints out the door and down the hall while slinging his bag on his back. As he bursts through the double doors to get outside, he startles a group of people who were hanging out right outside of it.
"Oh, hey, Taako! How-"
"Out of my way!" He barrels on through them, knocking the one who recognized him flat on their back as he runs past.
Taako follows the trail as it takes him across grassy landscaping, around buildings, and through crowds that he parts with a strong Gust of Wind. He runs past one building before skidding to halt. The trail had turned back as he was running past to show him it was leading into the building. He takes in big gulps of air, and walks up the steps to the double doors leading inside, steadying himself using the wall as support as he does so. When he mostly catches his breath, he pulls on the door handle to try and get inside.
He sighs heavily and taps his wand on the handle before quietly pulling the door open and slipping inside.
The building is dark. There are no windows to illuminate anything in the vast room Taako's in, and, thanks to his elven eyes, he can see the light fixtures have been smashed. The walls are lined with mostly empty shelves with a few books scattered here and there. There are a few other smaller bookshelves shoved toward the sides of the room, the remnants of what was probably a library, and then it hits him that this must be the abandoned building everyone claims is haunted. He and Lup tried to find it when they first came on campus to see if it was true, but they never found it.
That is, until now, it would seem.
The trail cuts across the room to a door on the far side of the right wall. Taako cautiously walks across the room and notices a weird symbol painted on the floor that covers a big portion of the room. It's a circle with intersecting lines inside of it, almost like a wheel, and between those lines is another circle connected by four squiggly lines going around some of the spokes. The image makes him feel nauseous for some reason, but he ignores it and hurries forward.
When Taako opens the door, a wave of the smell of rotting meat hits him and makes him gag. He regains his composure and quietly walks down the staircase leading into a cool, damp stone hallway. It's just as dark, if not darker, down here than it is upstairs, but Taako can see the glow of a red light coming from around the corner down the corridor. He keeps his wand outstretched as he moves quickly but silently, and he pauses at the turn before peeking his head around the corner.
It's a room dimly lit with torches glowing with red embers placed sparsely along the walls. Another painting of the same symbol takes up most of the floor, but that's not what catches Taako's eye first. Two columns stand on either side of the circle, and hung up on them are two wheels. Two wheels with beaten and broken bodies braided between the spokes.
Rolsa and Marmorn.
The hand holding his wand starts to shake as Taako breathes deeply, trying to ignore the stench of blood and rotting flesh. He has to keep moving and fast. He makes it to the other side of the room and into the next corridor.
A faint buzzing noise catches Taako's attention as he enters the hallway. He looks around at the stone walls for the source of the noise, but there's nothing on them besides the torches that glow silently. He pushes the noise to the back of his mind as he glances back down at the trail. It's pointing through the right wall.
He jogs down the corridor to the next right turn, and he makes it into another room with the same columns on either side of the symbol on the floor only this time, the people hanging in the wheels are not Rolsa and Marmorn. They're two of his other classmates, Klirrack and an aasimar Taako never got the name of. Both of Klirrack's feathered wings are severed and pinned above the wheel.
Taako runs to the next corridor and the buzzing gets louder. The trail is still pointing to the right, so he runs until he finds a path branching right. He runs into another room with more columns and wheels, but this time he doesn't stop. He doesn't want to know who they are as long as they aren't Lup. As he runs through the hallway at the other end of that room, the incessant buzzing gets even louder, and the trail he's following is now pointing right and behind him? There wasn't any other exits in the last room though.
Taako stares hard at the wall next to him and puts a hand up to it. He feels nothing but empty air as his hand goes straight through it. The buzzing noise is the sound of magic all around him. The hallway walls are fake.
With his wand at the ready, Taako takes a deep breath and walks through the wall.
The illusion fades away, and he sees that he is in a huge room with a smaller room in the middle. The columns with his classmates are still there spread around the bigger room, and as Taako walks around to take a better look at the walls containing the smaller room, he finds the door slightly ajar. He creeps up to the door and puts his back against the wall.
From inside the room he can hear a familiar voice say, "So uh, how exactly do you want to die? Because I've got options that I desperately would love to use on you."
Another voice scoffs. "I'd love to see you try from your position. There's no way you're going to get out of those bonds."
"Not by myself, no," Lup agrees. "Unfortunately, you have tied them pretty tightly, but as soon as Taako gets down here and unties them for me, I'm going to wreck your shit."
Keth laughs. "He's not going to find you. No one is, and no one ever will because once I'm done with you and this ritual, my god, Uzdis, will come back to life and make the world suffer as much as it has tortured me!"
Lup and Taako laugh as Taako turns around the corner with his wand pointed at Keth who looks up at him with a start. "Uzdis? Is he the god of lost contact information? Like new phone, Uzdis?" Taako says, still cracking up.
"No no no, it's new god, Uzdis!" Lup says from the floor, still cackling.
Keth stands up angrily from the floor he was kneeling on and pulls out his own wand. "No, he's the god of torture, and how the hell did you get down here?"
"You forgot to protect yourself from magical detection homie," Taako says with a shrug.
Keth is standing in front of an altar and beside a raised platform which Lup is laying on, flat on her back and tied to the floor. On the other side of the platform is a spiked wheel, just like the wheels their classmates are tied up in. Seeing Lup tied up like that and Keth's wheel of torture laying beside her, ready to be put to use at any moment, turns Taako's already dangerously high anger levels up to a thousand.
"Hey, brother dearest, do you mind undoing these bonds so I can kill him?" Lup asks sweetly.
"No way! I'm going to kill him!"
"I'm the one who got kidnapped, so I should be the one who gets to kill him!"
Taako's interrupted as Keth fires off a fireball in his direction, and Taako leaps aside. He points his wand at Keth again, and black tentacles appear right below him and start restraining him and beating him to shit. Taako runs for Lup, but Keth shouts an incantation, and suddenly, Taako isn't in the room anymore.
Taako's on the side of a road. To where? He doesn't know. There's no towns or signs of civilization anywhere in sight. There is, however, a group of wagons driving away from him, and he feels a pang of guilt, sadness, and anger in his chest though he doesn't know why.
"Well now you've gone and done it again!"
Taako turns around, and there's Lup. She's standing with her hands on her hips and looking at him with a kind of anger and disgust he has never seen directed at him from her before.
"Lup? I don't underst-"
"You just had to piss them off didn't you? You couldn't keep your damn mouth shut even though you knew they would kick us out if you didn't!" Her voice is filled with so much venom it makes Taako flinch.
"Lup, what the hell-"
"I can't believe you did this to us again, Taako! Why? They would've paid us this time! We could have saved up enough money, so we wouldn't need to go traveling around with whoever was desperate enough for good food to take us on anymore!"
Taako starts trembling and tears start streaming down his face. "Lup..." His voice cracks on her name.
"Why do I even travel with you anymore?" Lup spits on his shoes then looks him directly in the eye. "You disgust me."
Pain shoots through his brain so intensely, he staggers to keep himself upright.
Lup shoves him backwards, and he crumbles to the ground. "I'm so sick and tired of putting up with your bullshit. No wonder everyone leaves us. Leaves you."
"Stop," Taako whimpers, his lower lip trembling.
"No, you stop. You stay here with no one to help you and don't you dare come follow me anywhere again." Lup turns on her heal and walks away, leaving Taako on the ground.
Another bolt of pain goes through Taako's head, and he screams. His brain feels like it's on fire, and he's so sad and angry and lonely and scared.
Wait a minute. Would Lup really leave him behind?
Taako takes a deep breath. Then another. Then another. He shuts his eyes closed tightly and shakes his head a little before opening them again, and...
He's crumbled in a heap on the floor of the torture room. Lup is yelling for him to snap out of it, and Keth... is picking up the torture wheel, getting ready to strike.
"NO!" The twins yell at the same time.
Taako springs to his feet, tears still streaming down his face, and Lup's hands catch fire, searing away the rope tied around her wrists. He points his wand at Keth at the same time Lup points her finger at him too, and a bolt of green light shoots from Taako's wand as fire springs from Lup's hands.
Keth screams as he disintegrates into a flaming pile of ash and dust.
It's quiet for a moment as they both stare at the remains of their substitute teacher. Then Lup turns to look at Taako and asks, "You uh... you good, bro? He must have done a number on you."
Taako scoffs and crosses his arms, ignoring the fact that he is very much still trembling. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm not the one who was kidnapped and almost beaten to death to bring back some old dead god. I'd ask if you're okay too, but it looks like you've got yourself handled, Ms. I Can Now Shoot Flames Out of My Hands, Apparently."
Lup grins at him and laughs. "Yeah, can you believe that? I didn't know I could do something like that! That was the coolest shit I've ever done, and that's saying something because I've done a lot of cool things."
"Yeah, but at least I was the one who killed him." Taako sticks his tongue out at her, and she puts her hand over her heart and looks at him like she's offended.
"In what way did you kill him? I blasted the shit out of him with fire, that's my kill!"
"Yeah, well, did you see the way I disintegrated him? Look, he's even in a pile of dust!"
"That's ash, doofus!"
"No it's not!"
"Fine," Lup says, still smiling. "How about we both killed him."
"I can agree to that," Taako says and smiles.
He helps her untie her feet, and they hug and hold each other for a long time.
"I knew you'd find me, Koko," Lup says quietly.
"Yeah, and I always will, Lulu."
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silvanable · 4 years
The Next Life : Napoleon Bonaparte
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GUESS WHO JUST RECENTLY FINISHED NAPOLEON’S ROUTE? and what do i have to do with the dramatic and promising information given to me? make everyone suffer, that’s what.
if you thought my comte angst hurt... well, that was soft compared to what i usually write~
so my brain cooked up a lil something for everyone and if you haven’t figured it out yet i hate the holidays yet, well you’re about to and possibly hate me too lol.
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✒ tags : reader-insert, female reader, angsty af, direct quotes from napoleon’s route, sort of a happy ending?
✒ warnings : major character death, loss & grief
✒ word count : 2729
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The letter in your hand trembled, a frantic and uneasy motion that your body took as your anxiety rose. Your eyes fixed on the parchment, carefully folded and sealed, a seal you did not want to break.
Disbelief still swam through you. It took hold of every part of your being, it wrapped its hands around your heart and clouded your mind. Both refused to accept the facts presented to you, to acknowledge this was not a bad dream but the waking nightmare that had become your life. But it could not have been real, you did not want it to be, you  refused  to let it be.
Yet days had passed.
The signs, or lack thereof, all pointed to one end.
Napoleon was dead.
Even the inhabitants of the mansion knew it, that everything that had happened and the inability to find so much of a sign of their friend… even a vampire could not have survived.
Still, you stubbornly refused to accept it to drown in the pain and sorrow that wanted to pull you under.
So after three days of holding up in your room, of crying yourself to sleep, desperately trying to convince yourself he would walk through those doors at any moment, you finally returned to the land of the living. You, yourself, felt anything but alive though because some part of you had been stolen and left a gaping hole in your chest.
That was when Sebastian had come to you, or more specifically, given you something when you came to him for work.
You wanted a distraction, something to busy your mind and hands because your mind and heart both assured you, any moment, he would come through the mansion’s grand doors and sweet you into his arms.
The letter in your trembling fingers chipped away at that hope. The sinking feeling in your gut grew, consuming you, making your senses swim and swirl as you grew nauseous.
Your name, written ever so eloquently, was the only thing that gave a sign to what or who this letter was for.
Your head was spinning, the kitchen floor swayed underneath your feet but you swore your body was rooted in place. Yet the room rocked, trying to get you to stumble, to fall and the pit in your gut was only made worse.
That was what you were told, that you were in denial.
And this letter in your hand, the last thing your beloved left for you, was chipping away at the walls you had so quickly built— the walls of denial to defend yourself against the shock and pain of the truth.
You ran.
You ran straight from the kitchen and into the hall. Your feet moved on their own volition, your body following as you allowed yourself to be led away with only one thought—  away.
There was no saying why, but it was as if you believed you could outrun the thoughts, the truth, that if you fled then that feeling of sinking and being consumed would be left behind.
Into the foyer you rushed, stumbling down the stairs and straight into someone.
Your body collided against his. Hands found their way to your arms, bracing you from a fall. Your head lifted instinctively, panicked and wide eyes finding a single violet one gazing down at you. An unusual note of concern shifting the usually stoic expression of his.
If you had been in any other state, you would have found it strange to see Jean about and in the mansion at this time, but you had hardly noticed him.
Jean’s lips were moving but the blood rushing through your skull drowned out his voice. The beat of your heart echoed like a low drum as it hammered against your ribcage, begging to be let out, to be stopped, to be in any place or state but where it was now.
You shoved out of the arms that held you up and your legs stumbled beneath you as they lost the support that had been holding you up.
The action surprised Jean as you turned and took off in another direction, like a frightened hare trying to outrun a hungry fox.
Again your body followed your feet in their path to escape, encouraged by the desperate plea of your mind to just getaway. You wanted—no,  needed— to be anywhere, somewhere else so long as it was not here.
And you did just that.
Into the garden, you went, deeper and deeper until everything around you was unfamiliar to your frantic mind. Finally, in the safety of solitude, your legs gave way beneath your weight and you collapsed. The path scraped your knees as you fell, catching yourself on your hands just before you hit.
A ragged breath passed through your lips, greedily searching for the breath your lungs were denied. Tears gathered in your eyes, but you blinked them away, refusing to cry now, not now.
There was no silence to settle over you, just the pleasant sounds of songbirds and chitter of insects. It was enough to ground you, to pull you from the cage your mind tried to build, and lift your head.
Your senses returned to you and suddenly the letter, still held tightly in your shaking fingers, was made aware again.
Your eyes fell to it, following the delicate flow of your name with penmanship you had just begun to recognize. Slowly, you turned it over in your hand, tracing the outline of the wax pressed to the fold, the only thing that kept the contents hidden from you.
You took a deep breath as you slid a finger beneath the edge of the parchment and pulled up.
With a snap, the letter opened.
My dearest…
Your mouth twitched with a broken smile at the sight of your name. The ghost of a memory whispering in your ear, the sounds of his voice as he called to you.
If you are reading this letter, then most likely, I am no longer at your side…
Those words brought a fresh wave of emotion and your eyes began to cloud with tears. You forced yourself to stay focused though, to continue reading because you needed to.
Are you crying while you read this?…
You wanted to laugh and scream. He knew—  he knew— the decision he would make would end with him dead and yet made it anyway, claiming it was for both your mutual happiness.
The bastard.
The lovable, charming, charismatic, sweet bastard.
How dare he be sorry, how dare he call you strong and say that he was worried for you still. To say that he had stalled or stopped your life and regret it, it hurt you to think he had thought you did not love him with every fiber of your being even now.
Who had given him the right to make the decision and tear himself away from you? Who had given him the right to take your heart with him and leave you broken?
You wanted to be angry, so unbelievably angry at him to dare write with loving concern when he knew what would become of you after he left. Yet you could not find it in yourself to yell, to even let a whimper slip from your lips.
Your eyes trailed further down the page, sniffling and brushing your face to hide the evidence of tears that began to sneak down your cheeks.
Then you saw it.
…return to your own time…
You reared your head up and pressed your fist to your mouth. Teeth clamped down on the soft flesh of our fingers, holding tight as you fought back a heart-wrenching sob.
The question of why he had to be so kind yet so cruel was trapped in your throat. Only a pitiful sound escaped your tongue, not even the semblance of what it should have been— his name.
You tried to compose yourself, to force down the storm that wanted to break free from your chest and leave you in shambles, if just to finish the letter before you fell apart.
Once more, your eyes fell down to the letter, unsteady in trembling hands.
And forget about this place, if you can. Forgetting isn’t a sin. I will remember this time for you. Always…
There was no chance you could forget even if you tried, even if you wanted to. You would never be able to forget the feeling of happiness in your chest and the warmth that would envelop you at the sight of him. The smile of his that would make your heart race excitedly or the sweet kisses he would press with a feather-soft touch all over you.
You would never forget him. The memories of him were far too precious, even with the pain that broke your heart now, you would never want them erased.
My heart will remain one with yours…
And your heart would forever be his.
You said you would love me no matter how much I changed. You said you would recognize me and fall in love with me still…
Tears dripped on the page— when had you started to cry?
Do you remember that?…
More tears cascaded down your chin as you nodded slowly. With each drop, the parchment would dampen with your sorrow and the ink began to blur and bleed together.
This was unfair, even now he was too sweet, but the love that swelled in you tangled with your pain.
Even if I am reborn, I will find you and fall in love with you again…
“You better,” Your voice came out quiet and broken by a sob.
You would hold him to that, it was a promise, it had to be. You wanted it to be a promise, to be true, that one day he would come back to you.
Adieu. Je t’aime…
You wanted to say it back, to let the ‘I love you’ fall from your lips countless times so that he heard you from wherever he was now. Yet your voice never came out, your breath barely returned to you. The farewell you knew you needed to whisper was lost on your tongue.
Though we could not be together in this life… I swear I will see you in my next…
You wished it did not have to be the next life. You wanted this life, you wanted this moment, you wanted him. You wanted to be able to wrap your arms around him now, to press your lips against his, to feel the warmth of his skin and hear the beating of his heart in his chest.
But you could not.
Not in this life.
Only the next.
A wail tore from your throat. The letter in your hand was clenched tight around the letter, further blemishing it with wrinkles and splotches of tears. You curled in on yourself, to protect what little of yourself you had that had not shattered yet.
“Why do you have to break my heart a second time?”
Broken sounds escaped from your lips as your body trembled with the sobs that wracked through it.
Fate had been unfair. Fate had torn you away from your blissful ignorance and thrust you into a world so unfamiliar and frightening. To give you a knight that had come to your rescue and sweep you away to protect you from harm. Only to find he had unknowingly stolen your heart. It had been such a lovely gift of fate, such a surprise, but suddenly you found your life so much fuller.
Then fate twisted and stole from you, taking with the other hand that which it had offered. So cruelly, the happiness of your life was snatched away from you. Fate laughed in your face, taunting your consciousness, for you could never return to your ignorance now.
You had not even been given the chance to say goodbye.
All you were given was a fleeting touch as he slipped between your fingers and a letter of love and regret.
How you hated Napoleon for it.
But how you loved him far more.
So you sat in the garden, huddled over on yourself as you balled, allowing the pain and anger to drag you under for the first time.
And there you stayed, allowing yourself to drown in grief because Napoleon was gone.
Napoleon was dead.
On a weather-worn bench, you sat underneath a slumbering tree. Snow adorned its branches like clumps of white, shimmering leaves. The wind drifted through the stems, catching the frozen water to flurry down from its perch.
You bundled your soft scarf around your throat and further snuggled into your thick coat.
It was cold but not unbearably so if you were dressed right and especially not if you were a child running amok on the playground.
A small smile stretched over your lips, eyes trailing after one of the small children— your small child specifically.
A pair of jade eyes found your own from the distance and you were met with a suddenly serious stare as your daughter stopped. Then she smiled at you, the biggest, cutest, toothless grin she could manage as she threw her hands in the air and ran towards you.
“Mama, Mama!” She called out to you. A small ‘oof’ escaped you both as she collided into your chest, wrapping her small arms around you as best she could.
“Are you ready to go now?” You asked as you wrapped your arms around her. One of your hands found its way to her hair, combing through the soft locks.
She nodded her head vigorously.
“Uh-huh! Can we go get hot cocoa now?”
You could not resist the sweetest tone and the pleading expression she gave you. Those big, jade eyes were a weakness of yours…
“How could I say no, Jade?” You stood up and your daughter put her hand in your own.
“And how about a cookie too?” Jade gave you a grin, a devious one at that.
“I don’t know…” You mused, looking back up to the street as you began your walk back home.
All sorts of signs were lit bright, signaling the shops that you passed were open and welcomed business. People flitted across the street, up and down the sidewalks, bustling in their own personal worlds as they went about. The sounds of chatter filled the air, almost drowned by the busy noise of the streets as cars zipped by.
The sweet scent of baked goods ladened the air, laced with the bitterness of freshly brewed coffee. The cool crisp air nipped at your face as the wind seemed to gust by. Your hand tightened instinctively around your daughter’s own.
She seemed not to notice and swung your joined arms back and forth.
Your eyes fell down to her. The wind teased her midnight hair, lifting it away from her ruddy cheeks.
Once more a smile came to your lips as your eyes lifted back up.
From across the road, a pair of jade eyes met yours.
Your breath was stolen by the wind.
The ghost of a man who had long since passed stared back at you.
Your heart leapt for joy and fell apart at once. The urge to scream, to cry, to laugh all at once was overwhelming yet you did nothing, frozen in place out of fear this was all another dream.
You dared not even blink lest he disappeared.
So you stared, stared long passed when the light changed to allow you to walk safely across.
“...Mama?” Jade's voice broke through your trance.
Your eyes darted down to her, wide and bewildered.
“Are you okay?” Her sweet face twisted with concern for you, “Did you see someone?”
Your heart clenched as guilt washed over you. She was far too kind, far too sweet— just like her father— and to cause her worry was something you never wanted to do.
It was only a memory, after all.
“Sorry, I thought… I thought I saw someone, someone from a long time ago,” You smiled sweetly down at her, “How about those cookies and hot cocoa now, hm?” You tugged her hand lightly as you lifted your head.
There were those same gentle eyes, the same man who had stolen your heart, staring back at you.
And he smiled.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 years
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 I can’t stay mad at them long. They’re too precious. My child is just so happy and carefree, always complimenting my meals. Winston too, actually. Maybe she learned it from watching him. This entire trip has been eye opening. Outside of our debates, Winston isn’t too chatty. I always assumed he was just quiet. I so enjoyed talking to him this week and watching his eyes light up. I even learned a few things about him. It’s funny. I went into this vacation trying to find the sim who showed up at my door that night and ended up meeting a completely different sim. I like this new guy. Well, I shouldn’t say new because he’s always been the same; I failed to see him. He’s interesting. Kinda weird. But we’re all a little weird in our own ways, amiright?
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On this Harvestfest, I am thankful for him. We’ve had our ups and downs, the downs being especially maddening, but he’s still my guy and I love him. I’ve misunderstood him, made many assumptions and even more demands of him. But through all of that, he’s still here, loving on me and our daughter. He’s patient, and I appreciate that. I need that. He’s got his reasons for not wanting to marry me, and I need to respect it because clearly it’s something he needs to work through, get over, or whatever. He loves me in his own way, and his way doesn’t have to be my way. Frankly, I should take time to dig deep and figure out why this is so important to me outside of tradition. Maybe there’s something I need to work through. No matter what happens, no matter what he decides or doesn’t decide, I will strive to be content with what is instead of trying to make my life mirror some fantasy because chasing waterfalls has only made me miserable. He’s an old man now, and I want us to live harmoniously in the time we have left because Watcher knows when he’s gone I’ll be a hot mess. 
(commentary under the cut)
I started to put this in the tags, but it got way too long. You guys... I don’t know WHO this sim is that showed up at the cabin, but can we make sure the other guy stays gone?? It’s almost like he felt the pressure from all of us and knew he had to shape up or else lol. I know Amina has many hangups, and she is just as guilty as he, but let me talk about Winston the sim real quick because he is the reason I’ve taken the story in this direction. 
This sim... (sigh) Lemme tell you...he definitely puts the DOLT in aDOLTing that’s for sure! This challenge is fun, but oh so frustrating. To remind you, I can’t control him. Or Emmy. Only Amina. As far as autonomy goes, he is the worst of the worst lol. I’ve had sims in the past that I often left autonomous. Some were wonderful, and some I wanted to hurt (looking at you, Penny Pizzazz lol). Winston definitely falls in the want to hurt category. I know some of you think it’s hilarious (and frustrating) that Amina was surprised that he talked so much, but guys...the sim literally almost never talks to her. He stands around until his bladder almost bursts, dances with Emmy (now that’s cute), sleeps by the pool, plays his guitar, and occasionally does a chore. Literally everything except act like a sim in a serious relationship. Amina, on the other hand is a boss for real for real. She is ALWAYS grinding. When I leave her alone, the girl is about her business, interviewing sims, writing articles, and recording style guides. Frustration aside, though, I really do love how our sims are not cookie cutter. Much like own children, we never know how our sims will turn out.
Anyway...let’s get back on track. Amina and Winston really did feel more like roommates. But Vacation Winston was great! This was the first time I felt like they were an actual family. He literally talked to Amina the entire time. Wherever she was, he came and chatted her up. He did most of the chores, was very affectionate toward her and initiated ALL the woohoo (much to the child’s dismay lol), kept Emmy entertained, and all the things I expected him to do as a member of the family lol. I was just as surprised as Amina, and I can’t wait for you guys to see if this behavior remained after they returned home. Their journey toward getting on the same page will be long, and they have much to discuss and learn. But I’m liking the direction they’re headed.
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n-anon · 3 years
Fallout (Chapter 1)
Disclaimer: I don’t know how long this will be yet in terms of chapters, BUT THIS IS A SEQUEL SERIES. If you’re planning to read this, Please read My multi-chapter series of Ready Aim Fire, this will have spoilers to that! I’m linking it down below just so y’all can do so.
Ready Aim Fire Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
Okay done? All good? Then lets go.
Description: And as the ashes settle, everyone tries to return to what’s normal....And what’s left.
(TW: mentions of death, burning, and self-blame)
“Its been two weeks. His funerals on Tuesday. Are you coming?” Marvin stared at his hands. Still imagining the fire as it leaked through is fingers, he sighed, staring up at Schneep. “....Yeah. Of course.” Schneep nodded, jotting it down, he then set down the notepad, and grabbed  the cup of coffee, drinking from it eagerly, “Okay. Now talk to me.”  Marvin scowled, “I-I can’t. You know that.” Schneep hummed, “Can’t? Or Won’t? Jackie told me you will hardly speak to him. Hell, you can’t even look JJ in the eye. You did what you needed. It doesn’t make it any easier, yes. But locking yourself up for it in your own little mind prison and not talking is going to make it worse.” Marvin grit his teeth, the urge to just-burst out. Let it all burn.....let it go. He couldn’t. Not now. “Also. Jackie says the police need an account, they want it to go well with the public....That you didn’t mean to burn it down.” Marvin opened his mouth angrily, but Schneep cut him off, “I know you meant to burn it down, we all do. But ze people don’t. They want assurances that as Jackie’s new sidekick you weren’t trying to burn it down. That’s what their calling you by the way.” 
Marvin snorted. He was hardly a sidekick. He was the whole damn show...but the show was a mess. He nodded silently, “Can I go now?” Schneep sighed, then took another sip from his coffee, “Yes. Again, if you ever need to talk....well-You know.” the Magician nodded and with that he stormed out, unintentionally slamming the door as Schneep winced, and turned back to his work. He grabbed his pencil and began working, yet again. Of course, Marvin wasn’t the only one going through something right now...they were all suffering. The pieces were on the floor, and he didn’t know who was going to pick them up. Not without.....Nein. They would make it. It would be hard.....But they had to. His phone rang and he answered. “Dr. Schneeplestein’s office, how can I help you today?” 
JJ stood at the pier, staring at the spot. His fists were clenched, remnants...ashes. That’s all it was now. No heartbeat. Nothing he could do. The blaring yellow of the caution tape surrounding what little was left of them....He was happy. Sad.....All mixtures of emotions he couldn’t express out loud. He thought that when he died...It would return. That he could finally....But that was a dream, a false hope that kept him going. And now? All that was left was just the rubble. He felt the hand on his shoulder and the familiar steps. “Jameson? If you’re not ready we can-” He shook his head, and walked forward, glancing at the crumbled warehouse, “I just want to make sure there are no weird temporal differences...is all. They still found the knife, like you-made....them do. I’m just...worried, call it double checking.” Jackie told him that afternoon, JJ was eager to at least get out of the house, seeing boxes piled up near his door was too much to bare. If he was just stronger-No. They would’ve eventually found out. At least, that’s what he told himself. Jackie motions to the security guards, he had told them that JJ was a private investigator friend, he just wanted to double check, what little the police force knew of Anti-before...this, wasn’t much, but they understood he was dangerous, and could probably kill everyone in town if he wasn’t actually dead. He walked, looking around, what was left of the body of Chase had been removed. He sighed, closing his eyes as tears came up, he couldn’t think of that right now. He had to focus. He reached out for anything. Any sign, looking at his wrists he remembered the connection that was there before everything went wrong. Nothing. Not even a yoink. He turned to Jackie, and shook his head. Jackie seemed to relax, as he patted JJ on the shoulder, and the man left in a daze, he needed to get out. To breathe. Jackie stayed behind to talk to the cops, as he made the long journey home.
Stacy Brody wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or just dying inside, but she cried anyway. Finding out that Chase did none of the things he thought he did, Jackie’s final explanation filled with words of vitriol and persuasion, her mind swam as she tried to wrap her mind around it all, but one thing was clear. Chase had died a hero. And she was going to do what little she could to make sure he had a funeral like one. “Mommy?” She turned to see their-her youngest son, still wearing that hat Chase gave him, he looked so much like-She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned off the sink, “What’s wrong?” She asked, turning to him and pulling on her best smile, “Nothing, honey. Just remembering your dad.” The boys expression grew muted, sad, quiet, “Oh.” She had surmised he would know what was happening soon enough anyway, and what kind of mother would she be if she kept that from them? They deserved to know what happened...what kind of person their dad was, before they started forgetting, anyway. “Is...Are Uncle Jackie and the rest gonna be at the funeral?” Her son asked in a quiet voice, “Of course honey, they’ve assured me they’ll make it.” She knew the kids all loved their adoptive ‘Uncles’ “Now, where’s your sister?” The boy crossed his arms, “She’s still in her room.” Stacy sighed, “Okay. I’ll go talk to her, its time for both of you to get to bed anyway. Its late.” The boy pouted, “But mom-” Stacy walked up and picked him up, he was just 8, and she was tired. “C’mon, help me go get your sister to bed, alright, Grayson? You gotta be strong for mommy. If you go to bed early we can read that story about sharks you love so much.” Her sons eyes lit up and she smiled softly, as he ranted on about sharks, she closed her eyes, we’ll be fine. I think.
‘Oh, so you’re new? Welcome to the group chat! You got a name or nickname you use?’
‘You can just call me Blip for the moment, I usually go by that lol. Sorry to hear about your dad D: that really sucks. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. We all are, I think. Anyway yeah I know we’ve just met but hey, if you need someone to talk to...’
‘Absolutely! We’ll help you in anyway, if you need anything, we’ll be here for ya Oli.’ 
‘Thanks guys... I might honestly just take a quick break from....everything, ya know?’
‘Understandable, take all the time you need!’
‘Yeah. I think I can figure out how this place works before too long :P’
Oli laughed at the comment, and smiled, she was glad her friends understood that, she let out a hiccup and wiped the tears from her eyes. She just didn’t know what to think right now, Everyone online was saying it was an accident. She wasn’t stupid. She knew Uncle Marvin had something to do with it, and the funeral was the best place to confront him about it, they needed to know the truth, if not for her for Grayson...at least. She sighed as a knock on the door came, and she exited the chat without much of a goodbye, and laid in bed, “Olivia honey, are you awake?” Her mothers voice creeped through, she let out a very fake snore, hoping she’d take the hint as her mother sighed, “Okay...Love you honey.” She heard the door close as she just buried her face in the pillow, and eventually she fell asleep for real, dreaming of fire.
(A/N: THIS IS A LONG BOI. Also sorry for this very sudden, very out of nowhere sequel series, @rogue-of-broken-time’s post about posting fics we never thought we would make really got me thinking, and eventually thinking got me to go like ‘lol what if I wrote a sequel series based in this uni about the aftermath. And yes the sons name is Grayson cuz haha references, and if you get that reference, you get a gold star. Hope you enjoyed, and as for how long this series is gonna be-Uh...No idea lol We’ll see. This is just mostly set-up. If you want to be added to the tag list, as always, send me a DM, comment below, or ask, and I’ll get right on it!)
Tag List: @segernatural @pyranoia @caithesavage777 @vwoop-prince @antis-gauge @heely-um @therealtiger77 @a-bnana @randowaffle @sharkyg @miishae @innocent-angel3  @darcywillfindyou @asexualerror
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