#anyway screaming into the void etc
hinamie · 2 months
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unseeliefaerie · 1 year
Good omens season 2 spoilers!
I don't usually get meta out of my brain semi-coherently but I'm seeing a lot of people misunderstanding Aziraphale's intentions in those final 15 minutes and I'm here to swing for my boy
I think one thing people might be missing the undercurrent of is the offer to make Crowley an angel again
It's not just an ooh we'd be on the same side, the good guys, and we'd be allowed to be together, though of course that is some of it
Aziraphale thinks he's being offered the chance to grant Crowley, who he knows has been tortured and almost killed by Hell, who risks punishment to disobey Hell's orders when they ask him to be cruel, divine forgiveness
That's kind of a big deal when Falling is the worst thing that can happen to an angel, besides being erased from existence
It's a way to get Crowley out of a job he hates and the persistent threat of torture, give him the freedom to be kind, as Aziraphale really believes he is deep down, underneath the obligations of being a Demon, without worrying about being punished for it
Of course he would want that for Crowley, that's not out of character at all
Aziraphale doesn't even want to go back to Heaven until it's stated that he can take Crowley with him, that Crowley can be an angel again
Crowley can be safe, and free from the trauma/repercussions of Falling, and they can be together forever in a real partnership
Why wouldn't he see it as a perfect solution?
He genuinely doesn't understand why Crowley doesn't want that
He's been given a chance to give Crowley salvation and protection from harm, and it's so shocking and confusing and upsetting that Crowley doesn't want to be saved, such a sting of rejection that he'd choose remaining Fallen on Earth over being an angel again with Aziraphale in Heaven, that in his heartbreak he ends up agreeing to go without Crowley despite Crowley being the only reason he considered it in the first place
Here's where I want to point out that I don't think Aziraphale understands how the Fall actually did change Crowley quite a bit. From Aziraphale's point of view, Crowley as an Angel and Crowley as a Demon are the same person just with different jobs. He's not entirely wrong about that, and given how often he's seen Crowley do the 'right' thing he's got evidence to back it up
But I'm not sure he knows what Crowley was telling Gabriel, that his own memories from before the Fall are hard to access and he did in essence have to start from scratch and build up a whole new sense of self
And besides that, being cast out of Heaven is a horrific abandonment. You don't just get over something like that when they invite you back - and you don't just get over seeing firsthand that they almost destroyed the love of your life without remorse only to turn around and ask him to run the place now (or all the other cruelty you've seen committed on their orders.)
Crowley has learned that kindness is not inherent in Heaven and having once been an angel has nothing to do with what he believes is right, while Aziraphale is still idealistic about good and evil (tbh Aziraphale admitting that Heaven needs to change is already a huge step in the right direction, it just wasn't enough)
From Crowley's pov Aziraphale is choosing an unjust and abusive workplace over the life they already have together, and asking him to change because he's not good enough as he is, even though that's not how Aziraphale means it at all.
I'm sure the Metatron knew that Crowley wouldn't go for it for precisely those reasons, but I don't think he needed to do anything more than make the offer to cause a rift
Tl;dr I vehemently believe Aziraphale wasn't poisoned he's just a well-meaning moron and the true villain here is miscommunication
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thatonefatgumsimp · 9 months
I NEED HELP (DND Stuff, might be a dumb question idk-)
So genuine question for DND side of tumblr, but- I've been thinking recently...
And are the things next to the dragonborn colors in the player handbook, like, types of damage that are less effective, their magical girl power, or both?
Cuz I never really thought about that before and I have absolutely no idea-
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tardis--dreams · 2 months
*through gritted teeth* I just gotta do it and get through it i just gotta do it and get through it i just gotta do it and get th *starts crying*
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girls-and-honey · 6 months
hey does anyone want to come over and knock me out cartoon style with a frying pan or perhaps an anvil so I can get some sleep
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lethal-liability · 2 years
Me: ugh hypermasculinity is so unattractive, why do straight men think that's what women want?
Also me when I see a cowboy: 👁🫦👁
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today was in so many ways stressful enough to trigger a migraine so i need to stop staring into my phone but over 3 hours (london innit) to and from a medical appointment WITHOUT EARPHONES means i had to percieve the coughing crowded world for much longer than sustainable & need to decompress but and the only cure i know is Grace/Wastelands and scrolling so... 🤷‍♀️
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femmeleatherface · 19 days
fully convinced that the only reason the opening lawyer's office scene in big trouble in little china exists is to establish that the film is secretly part of the x files universe
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amaraudermind · 1 year
The heart of punk culture has been made trendy and commercialized as upcycling and punk fashion has become leather accessories and harnesses and $80 jeans that have been aesthetically ripped just so and an expensive trend
Upcycling actively encourages you to buy things you don't need that someone else DOES to make something #cute and young punk culture is about excluding those who don't adhere to the style and
What the fuck. This fucking sucks.
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rainbluealoekitten · 2 years
not that anybody cares but turns out it's covid :/ lolsies
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
The type of dumbass shit theyre up to when theyre alone.
Mihawk, Kid, Law,Luffy,Zoro,Sanji, Franky, Katakuri, Marco ,Buggy.
As stern as he is this guy sometimes lets his intusive thoughts win, slicing carrots with his blacksword, then acting all proud of himself about it.
But he cant share it because what would you even say to that..
he later stares at himself like a snot nosed idiot cleaning his blade proclaiming hed never do it again.
he did it again, it was very fun
If hes super bored and has nothing to do with his time and i mean NOTHING to do with his time.
This dumb tulip will put bolts in his nose, god forbid anyone comes knocking, he'd panic trying to get them out, one would get stuck and hed try to play it off as a new idea. i mean really hed be commited to it trying not to look like more of an idiot than he is.
He doesnt allow his intrusive thoughts to win but one time instead of flipping the rubics cube right because one part was in the wrong place he ripped and reglued all the stickers to solve it "prefectly"
He whines alot when hes bored but he magically solved the issue by putting his finger in his nose, it was like an ADHD thing for him, he sat there staring into space enjoying the void.
He blasts some songs and proceeded to do the nastiest filthiest sluttiest choreography youve even witnessed.
"Dude." you stare at him flash going off from your camera.
He takes it easy when hes bored but he always gets a bit goofy when it comes to Bepo, this poor fluff ball has no idea whats gonna happen to him.
Law proceeds to squish his face feeling like a little kid accomplishing something each time he arranges bepos face in a funny way, he plays with his wrinkly face stretches his gums etc. Bepo sits there constantly not understanding whats going on. Later gets a snack from Law for his bs.
Plays Mr.Potatohead. Rearanging himself ears on his hips eyes on his feet etc. Creeps himself out but does it anyway.
Eats too many sweets then plays with his drool because it acts like putty, he stands there hands in his pockets as he shoots out a strand sucking it back in before hes unable to save it. If it drops it drops
If you see him doing this please play along, he gets bored fast sometimes.
Plays with his feathers. He observes them like hes running his hand through a candle never feeling it burn, the human brain cannot comprehand this fenomenon.
If hes showering he impresionates everyone, Franky chopper Law anyone. For any woman he pictures he holds out two loofas on his chest doing a girly scream.
"Sanji-" you blink at him flash going off as he stares at you before realising.
New navy wanted poster aquired.
If hes truly confident hes alone he'll play with Nami's makeup only to be spotted by Zoro.
"Dragqueen headass."
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danibee33 · 5 months
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The Queen’s Guard
*COD medieval au - Simon Riley x reader
cw: arranged marriage, dark themes, attempted sa & non-graphic sa but pls *read at your own discretion*, gore/violence, sexual themes, etc.
word count: 1.1k
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You can’t help but to flinch at the sound of swords being drawn; it rings in your ears, echos in the recesses of your brain. The piercing, metallic clangs resound throughout the room-
How long had you been here, anyway? Judging from the sunlight that peers through the high transom windows, its golden rays giving the great hall an ethereal sort of glow, it must be nearing time for dinner-
“I’ve seen enough, thank you.”
With a dismissive wave, you rise from the bronze throne and turn on your heel, eyes focused straight ahead, fixated on the intricate carvings in the doors, your escape just within reach-
“Your Grace..”
General Leon’s voice is laced with exasperation and warning, and your long history with him is the only reason you halt, your handmaid nearly bumping into you as you turn again- the young woman struggling to rearrange the ridiculous train on your gown as the man speaks,
“You cannot continue on without a Queen’s Guard- His Grace demands the position be filled.”
Oh, of course. How thoughtful of your kind husband. The husband who only sees you when the physicians deem you fertile enough to produce an heir. The husband who you’re not even sure could pick your face in a crowd because he only ever fucks you from behind, your face pushed down into the animal furs beneath you.
The husband who killed your last guard, gods rest his soul.
Yes, I’m sure he’s very concerned for my safety..
You give a heavy sigh, fighting the urge to roll your eyes as you feel the placating smile tug at your lips; the one you’re so, so good at. The practiced smile that puts everyone in the room at ease, the one you’ve perfected in your relatively short existence of being groomed for this very life.
The life everyone dreams of, a life of royalty, of the highest privilege and power- how little they truly know.
“Of course, please, let us meet the next one then.”
Taking your place upon the throne once again, you sit properly, prim and demure, just like you were taught. The very picture of perfection in your emerald colored silks, not a single hair out of place-
Yet, inside, you were wasting away, your thoughts boiling and raging, your anger smoldering just under the surface, like a vein of coal in the earth that’s been lit aflame- the embers never dying, but never able to turn into the inferno they so wishe to be.
You don’t bother to spare your gaze when the doors open with a low groan, the quiet footfalls that enter the space only really given away by the shifting of chainmail and armor.
They’re confident strides, you notice- long and steady, and without even seeing him yet, you can feel the energy shift around you, his presence seeming to fill every available void,
“Ser Simon Riley, Your Grace.”
With one look, you’re utterly struck by the imposing man walking towards you- shoulders and hips swaying with each deliberate step, left hand resting lazily on the hilt of his long-sword.
His armor plates are dark, obsidian in hue, so different from the usual flashy silver you see everywhere you look. He is a looming shadow in front of you, somehow as wide as he is tall, if that were possible- and his eyes. The skin around them have been smudged with kohl, making the mottled amber of his irises look preternatural, his unmoving gaze entirely focused on you, even when he bows,
“Your Majesty.”
Your mind screams danger, much like it would if a fully grown wolf had just sauntered through the doors, looking for its next meal- and yet, for as much fear as he inspires, there’s something that draws you in- like a siren singing to sailors lost at sea.
Returning his gesture, you gently nod, holding his eyes until the General calls him back to assume a fighting stance; and even then, you swear you see his head tilt just so, just enough to flash you an arrogant look as the guard takes his place across from him. Ser Simon must easily stand a head and a half taller than the other man, you think, his figure even more impressive than it was before.
The men exchange nods before drawing swords, their dance beginning the same as all the others, assessing and calculating each other until the guard makes the first move-
The heavy whoosh of his blade is dodged with little effort, the giant wraith of a man moving far faster than any of you expected. He gracefully ducks under the other’s still outstretched arm, placing himself in the perfect position to swing his own sword towards his opponent's exposed neck- a maneuver surely meant to behead if this were anything other than a mock duel.
“No.” You stand abruptly, stepping down from the throne much to your own surprise, “Ser Simon, what experience do you have as a Royal Guard?”
“Your Grace, this is-”
With a raised hand, you quiet the General, watching the mysterious knight sheath his sword once more, bowing again as he faces you,
“None, Your Majesty.”
Well, at least he’s honest.
“What experience do you have then?”
His head tilts to the side, and you watch the other guards tense when he takes a single step closer, those damned eyes gleaming down at you with a hunger you’ve never quite seen before,
“Battle, Your Grace. I’ve seen far more than most.”
This time, it’s you moving towards him, and when you step closer, the Kingsguard follows suit, though it seems nothing goes unnoticed by the towering specter.
“Well, Ser, I do not go into battle.. You might be better suited for my husband’s army, no?”
You watch the very corners of his eyes crinkle slightly, his gaze narrowing in amusement, and you’re positive you would see a devilish smile on his lips if he removed the helmet,
“I might.” He says flippantly, broad shoulders shrugging as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, “But, I came here to serve you, My Queen.”
A deep and burning chill blooms in your core at his words and the resolute way he says them; it lights every nerve on fire, every cell and molecule, every atom in your being vibrating at a frequency you’ve never felt as the title rolls off his gilded tongue.
No, you’ve never met a man quite like this, and part of you questions if he truly is just a man at all- because no man has ever felt like this, no man has ever been able to pick you apart so quickly, make you feel bare with just his gaze alone.
He terrifies you as much as he excites you, and oh, how you’ve longed to feel something other than loathing, and boredom.
There is nothing practiced or placating about the smirk on your lips now as you nod toward your General, your handmaid once again adjusting the cumbersome fabric of your gown as you move forward-
“Well, you’ve gotten your wish, Ser Simon.” You coo as you breeze past him without a parting glance, “General Leon, make sure my guard is taken to his new quarters, will you?”
They fall into a sweeping bow as you exit, a quiet acknowledgement being the last thing you hear before the deep pulsing of your own heartbeat fills your ears.
What in the seven hells have I done..
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[chapter 2 >>>]
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
Dearest Fox Void, I am glad you have returned.
I need to tell you about my transfem!Ed Elric idea.
Mostly, it's that Ed has never thought about her gender, but as soon as anyone brings up she may be a girl her response is to think about it for a bit, then go "Oh! No wait that makes sense." And proceed to go all in about it.
Specifically, I'm thinking about Ed being on the run with Greed and the others and needing a disguise. What better disguise when the country is on the lookout for a short loud blond boy alchemist than a fairly normal height blond girl? Ed transmutes his coat into a dress, keeps his hair down, adds a bit more heel to his boots and speaks quietly or not at all and Boom! that's just a shy girl.
After a little bit of doing this, with Ed seemingly not having any issues with the act, Greed tries to poke at Ed a little bit.
Greed: So, you seem to be playing a girl so well, what if you actually are one? (Expecting Ed to blow up about being a man and not into girly things, etc.)
Ed: [shrugs] It's not like it's a big deal, cross-dressing is fun, everyone enjoys it a little bit.
The Chimeras: ... no, no they don't.
Ed: ... What?
Darius: Honestly, kid, i'm not sure how you do it all the time. I think if I tried it I would feel uncomfortable even if I *could* pull it off.
Heinkel: Yeah, and you seem to... enjoy being seen as a girl more than as a boy.
Ed: ...
Greed is now expecting panic and loud, fervent denials, but Ed remains quiet. It's, like, half an hour before he comes back and is like, "no, yeah, turns out I'm actually a girl. Huh."
Greed: What??? Just like that??? No angst or anything???
Ed: [shrugs] it's not like it's anything bad. I just never thought about it.
Heinkel: [deciding that he's gonna roll with it to screw with Greed] so, are you gonna change your name? Edward is pretty masculine.
Ed: [oblivious to Heinkel's game and Greedlings internal screaming] Well, I want to keep being Ed, but I never really liked Edward much anyway. Maybe Eden?
Darius: [picked up on Heinkel's wavelength] sounds good to me.
So, yeah, now Ed is going by Eden and she/her pronouns. Every time Ed meets up with someone who really knows her (Al. Winry, Pinako, Izumi and Sig) and tells them, the general reaction is "no, yeah, that tracks" and Greedling is so *so* frustrated at the nonchalance. (Hohenheim is surprised, but his general demeanor makes him incapable of expressing it to the degree Greed wants.)
After the final battle, Ling leaves Ed with a cute outfit (think that one emo anime-girl pic that was everywhere. Or any hot-topic teenage girl. The red plaid miniskirt with the chains is required) and Ed loves it, and hates that she loves it, and is mildly weirded out by the fact that it is tailored to her. But, the important thing is that she wears it to Team Mustangs room to quit the military, which is how she comes out to all of them.
See I read this and all I can think is "where's the fic, anon?" because yes please and thank you????
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AITA for messaging an ex friend who blocked me on WhatsApp?
Before you vote YTA, this AITA isn't about block evading but I didn't know how else to describe the situation.
Ex friend 21F and I 20F are coworkers. I won't go into what happened between us because it's a loooong story, both of us made mistakes but she blows everything out of proportions and I was weak and couldn't defend myself from the wild accusations she kept making at me.
Anyway, once I started setting boundaries and standing up for myself, she got upset and blocked me on WhatsApp. For those who don't know, if you try to message someone who blocked you on WhatsApp, the message will go through but they won't receive it, after I realized she had blocked me, it felt like I was screaming into the void.
Anyway, I didn't stop messaging her, I sent long rants about all the pent up anger that accumulated throughout the one year we were friends (or more accurately tried to make the friendship work), talking about how she misinterprets my whole character and believes she's an infallible angel who never done anything to me etc etc etc.
The messages were satisfying somehow, I felt like I lectured her on what she did to me, it also reminded me of letting it out as if I were writing in a diary. I would've stopped at that point but she still harasses me from time to time even though we don't talk anymore, so I made it a habit to scream at her in her chat whenever she does something to me. I literally turned her chat into a venting diary.
One day, she "stole" my chair right in front of me, between brackets because it was clear she actually didn't know it was mine but the etiquette is to ask first and/or check if this chair was taken. She can literally know that if she just looked at the computer screen and see if an account was logged on or off.
I wanted to call her out but after all, we were both sternly told to stay away from each other. So I kept my cool because I didn't want to make a scene and instead went to WhatsApp to scream at her again. In the rant I called her thief and all sorts of insults that implied she did it on purpose, that hurts no one because she won't read it. Not to mention, she did accuse me of stealing her money before so it was like I was getting back at her for that.
After a couple of hours, she was crying and ranting to our coworkers that she accused of stealing, and that we "chould've talked about it like adults" because she didn't mean to take a taken chair and how she was finally moving on from this toxic friendship but I won't let it go blah blah blah.
I was confused because she wasn't supposed to read the message, that's when I realized she had unblocked me sometimes these past couple of weeks for some reason. I was called to HR and I would've been fired but I defended myself by listing all the terrible things she did to me. Finding evidence wasn't difficult because my rants included chat screenshots of the terrible things she said to be before and they decided she was a bigger AH than I was, but they were creeped by my behaviors and called me out on it. Not only HR, but my coworkers too.
AITA for continuing to send messages without taking into account the possibility she might unblock me anytime?
What are these acronyms?
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piko-power · 9 months
If there's one thing from Season 2 of Sonic Prime that lives rent free in my head, it's THIS-
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It's a small moment, but so much is dissected in just three seconds of this one shot.
Mainly the expression and the voice from Sonic here.
Deven Mack's delivery on screaming out for Shadow's name is just, incredible. You can literally hear the fear in Sonic's tone when Shadow got slammed by some giant crystals and fell into the void. (or whatever the heck it's called I'm thinking about rewatching some episodes until Season 3)
And since we can recall the final moments in Adventure 2 where Shadow falls to the Earth, and apparently knowing that according to one of the Takeovers, Sonic was going to save him but Shadow refused him to so that way he wouldn't fall with him, this just makes this moment, and the delivery alone, even more intense, if not, heartbreaking. (At least in my opinion lol)
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And we need to mention the eyes.
I couldn't help but notice some of the smallest of details not a lot of people pay attention to, unless you're me, who goes insane over outstanding animation details. XD
My personal favorite details are the eyes, since they express a lot of emotion without words. This is the best example.
These emerald eyes? Right here? Fucking horrified of loosing Shadow.
Frantically looking around the darkness looking for a black and red figure and just praying that he's still there, but especially alive and okay.
This tiny moment here just means so much to me.
Sonic here, for a split second, thought that he lost Shadow, and not only did he nearly loose him again, but Shadow was the only person he knows from his own world, meanwhile his friends (and Eggman) were shattered, and this was also after seeing his friends as ghosts on loop.
And even though earlier they were fighting over Nine's gadgets, Sonic here was worried, if not, terrified, about loosing Shadow, the only one who survived the whole shattering the shards shtick aside from himself.
Plus, he needed someone from his world to talk to anyway (at least try to talk to) since his friends right now don't know who he is, suspects him as a bad guy, betrayed him at some point, all of the above, etc.
He ain't loosing Shadow. He doesn't even care if they were fighting, he is NOT loosing Shadow.
He is NOT loosing his only friend.
And that's why I love this shot here.
And I also wish I can just clip videos instead of just taking pics without said audio god dammit-
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money-and-dandellions · 5 months
Hi ur my fav person who has angsty headcannons. So please do you have any Lester/Apollo angst headcannons. I don’t have any now and I need some angst headcannons. Anyway many of yours made me almost tear up. 💜💜💜💜
hiii <3 😭😭😭😭
some headcanons ahead (tw: well, angst and sensitive themes and graphic description of things)
🔆 Apollo visits graves of his children ever so often and talks to them about his life and etc. (he also shows the pictures of his new children to the gravestones)
🔆 Zeus cut Apollo's hair before throwing him out and draining him out of the powers in front of everyone (for me, Apollo's hair have a significance as an important part of him an the thing he treasures a lot; so, his father taking it away from him publicly must have mess him up a little bit)
🔆 Lester rarely ate while in the roadtrip and slept; he managed to have an argument with Meg about it and then beat himself up about it
🔆 Apollo is the one who tells the demigod's parents that their child is dead
🔆 Lester's most common way to self-harm is scratching himself violently, especially his palms as he can't stop seeing blood on them, just dripping down
🔆 He also had vivid nightmares of demigods/his loved ones dying in front of him and/or raising back from the dead with blacks voids instead of their eyes and blaming/taunting him for something; adding to that, he also got nightmares where Leto or Artemis with blank faces (no nose, mouth or eyes, etc.) would appear before him and just stand there, silently, listening to him trying to talk to them, to get them to reply to him
🔆 Apollo can feel the humans dying and stars burning out (it's a feeling he shares with Artemis, resembles a harsh blow of hot air in the lungs but then it turns ice-cold and ears ring loudly, as if the gas balls are screaming); he felt it with Jason, but just a faint feeling, not the full one: he also can feel how the humans lose their spark/potential/will to life and he grieves with them about it
(you just made my day, thank you so much for it; here are some headcanons, hope you liked them!)
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