#anyway now im finally done day 1fkjdsfdkjdsa
bmpmp3 · 5 years
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Ikesen NW OC week day 1: Introduction - oh worm
About him: He’s just the wormhole that ping-pongs MC and Sasuke back and forth through time quarterly except sentient~ 
He looks really scary but he’s really just a big ol’ sweetheart, he sends MC and Sasuke around so often but mostly? Those are accidents, or him trying to fix a previous accident. He’s doing HIS BEST
I love goin’ nuts so MC in this route would be my wild ass headcanon where she’s a baby from the Sengoku era who got wormhole’d to the present and was just adopted and raised by a normal family, none of them knew lol
Wormy’s actually known MC since she was a kid, Wormy doesn’t quite have an age? He’s as old as time itself?? He doesn’t technically have a birthday, although if I’m going by how I made the birthdays for my other ikesen OCs, his would be March 27th, ‘cause that’s when I first uploaded a drawing of him qwq maybe that’ll be a birthday MC gives him for fun, y’know, to include him in the fun
anyway while Wormy is infinitely old, he actually hasn’t spent much time in a humanoid form for long, most of his millenia he spent just as some kinda of lone creature, watching other animals from afar, he can shapeshift (or more like, he doesn’t have a true concrete form) so he spent a lot of time looking like some kinda demon canine creature and chilling out alone, away from other lifeforms, not doing much other than existing?? 
he only tried out this whole “social animal” thing when he went to check up on the baby he accidentally yeeted into the 90s, she was around 4 at the time and out of curiousity he mimicked her form and wandered over, she started talking to him as best a 4 year old can, he didn’t know what talking was, and that’s how they became childhood friends hfjdsjfdsaskjfdhs
Even though he can shapeshift, nowadays he tends to stick as a vaguely generic human figure with sort of ear/horn things, he also forgets that 8 feet is a lil’ too tall for humans lol
Doing this character select screen was the most fun jfskdsj I LIKE....DOING GLITCH EFFECTS..... ITS REALLY FUN qwq
Route: His route I think would be similar to Masato in the sense that it’d be a bit of a mass-friendship route for everyone, like a lot of it would focus on MC and Wormy(Wormy would probably be in dog form for a while just ‘cause maybe that’s a little easier to explain that a giant humanoid void?? maybe?) becoming friends with everyone and going through each person’s plotlines as they become closer themselves
UNLIKE MASATO THO this would be pretty fluffy and not full of horror, I think the main drama would come from MC learning about her own past and also her discovering some time powers LOLL I will not let go of Time Powers MC and you can’t make me
I think the romance in this route would be a little more ambiguous though, like I think it could be read as really closely platonic as well (although I think the romance would be amped up in the romantic end)
I think it would start out with MC finding Wormy in dog form somewhere in the Sengoku era and being like “why does this fucked up dog feel so familiar” and sooner or later she’d be like WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE this DOG is MY IMAGINARY FRIEND OH SHIT HE’S NOT IMAGINARY OH SHIT HE’S NOT A DOG HE’S A SENTIENT WORMHOLE WHO JUST DISGUISES HIMSELF AS A DOG AROUND MY FRIENDS OH SHIT and then they’d rekindle their friendshipa fdjksjsfk
I think the first person she’d tell about Wormy’s true nature is Sasuke and then about half way through someone would walk in on MC and Wormy hanging out in human form and there would be swords drawn and horrified screaming and then she’d have to explain her wormhole friend to her new sengoku family kjdsaa 
maybe some drama would come in from someone like Motonari goin’ like “wtf is that giant man void thing.....looks kinda powerful tho maybe I can use it for destruction??” but I mean....Wormy’s a bit tricky to control so I dunno how successful he’d be
Someone once suggested to me that being in close proximity to Wormy for too long could have bad side effects (’cause yknow, he’s a hole in the fabric of reality and all) so maybe some drama could come from that, like maybe before MC figures out her own time powers, Wormy’s wormhole-ness could fuck her and her friends’ heads up a lil’ for a while
Relationships: MC: they’re childhood friends, although MC hasn’t seen him since she was like 8 and she thought he was just an imaginary friend, or maybe a weird local stray dog dfdjkjsads Wormy’s really protective of MC now tho, but he’s just kinda chilling from afar (’cause I think he’s figured out maybe he’s not so good at being a sentient human being so he should probably stay more in the shadows) until MC remembers him and they become pals again qwq Sasuke: Sasuke....would love this dude.............thats the thing hE’S RESEARCHING he can ASK THE PHENOMENON HE’S RESEARCHING QUESTIONS (although Wormy’s answers aren’t always.......comprehensible), Wormy would think Sasuke’s kinda funny but he’s nice and is good friends with MC so that means he likes him
Love Rival: this is harder, maybe Sasuke? or maybe since this route is so weird it wouldn’t even have a love rival? hmmmmmmm
Image Colour: The very concept of the void (or light blue and dark purple works too)
Pet: I don’t know if he has any pets, maybe once he found a guy from the 1800s called Johnathan and was just like “MC....is this a pet?” and MC was like “NO PUT HIM BACK” and the guy’s just confused and scared and screaming
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