#anyway im really gonna miss this job i got a little too comfy i think but. im gonna fucking miss it so badly
possum-tooth · 2 years
been 2.5 hours since i became unemployed <3
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growling · 5 months
for the ask game, what about ranpo or chuuya (whichever one you want to do) with these:
☾ - sleep headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
(for this ask game guys i didn't stop or forget about it its jsut that whenever you send an ask be prepared for the reality of me answering it like 2 years later i need to be in a veryyyy specific mood to actually write something anything...... anyway im still doing it if anybody wants to send something djfhgdfhdsg)
☾ - sleep headcanon
chuuya is a snork mimimimimi kind of guy to me. he's got a very cool comfy expensive bed she's bought with her mafia money as soon as she could afford it they loveeee luxury and living like a princess. once i fucking GET him though he's gonna sleep in the dog crate sorry not sorry that is a hard rule
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
idk to which degree is the wan! series semi-canon, but I'm running with the bit they had where Chuuya really liked dogs. That's just true to me. Caught slacking on the job watching Funny Puppies Compilation Wholesome Moments Best Of July 2017 on that ipad baby grind. you can't find dirt on her via hacking her computer or anything cause all her search history is just dog dog dog dog dog dog dog
i don't think she's like, that knowledgable on actual dog information and husbandry and whatnot (and I'm a firm believer of absolute cat nerd Fukuzawa who's memorized literally EVERYTHING about cats from behavior to coat genetics, literally ask him about the wide band gene and you're gonna be able to hear the autism switch go off in his mind), she just really likes them. Not a single dog he dislikes. you can find him on every single dog show in yokohama if he ever misses one then something is clearly wrong and Mori sends a man to his house to check if he's doing ok
(also him and atsushi made momentary eye contact at the furry convention and none of them have been able to quite recover from that. sigma was there too but he avoided being spotted or perhaps the 100000000 dollar wolf fursuit completely concealed his face)
ൠ - random headcanon
ranpo bsd is such a narcissist it's not even funny. Can't believe they gave the anime boy-ified famous author insert NPD... Anyway aroaplnarc (coined by vaporwavevox on here) ace Ranpo. Plus he legitimately does not feel love, he cares about the people he chooses in his own way, but him and the societal concept of love are not on speaking terms currently. him and poe's (fellow aroapl narcissist. he also has such fucking npd vibes can't you see it guys) relationship is mainly built on narc attachment, they own each other they're ride or die ranpo calls poe his little pogchamp they put their minecraft beds next to each other the egotypical world cannot grasp the sheer complexity of their superior bond. they're living a wattpad romance
people who headcanon ranpo as just being autistic and nothing else are WEAK this man is as npd as you can get. he can be both of course, i do think he also has major autism + adhd too, but like, guys. Is autism the only form of neurodivergence you know or is it cause...... you knowwww.........
but yeah. npd ranpo <3333
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orange-waterfalls · 3 years
I Call This One: Bold & Brash!
The egos x artist! gn! reader
ty @pokemonpunqueen for the request!
A/N: I’ve decided that I’m gonna write for the egos when I can’t think of anything else or I need practice writing lmao. I mean I was doing that before? But I didn’t know it? listen it’s fine it’ll be fine but FOR NOW I thiiiink I’m gonna take requests. Just a few. I’ll stop when I think it gets too much. This is exactly what it says. I focused on like drawing/painting for “artist”, with some references to animation thrown in there. I did Darkiplier, Wilford, Yancy, Illinois, Google, Eric, and a Host thrown in there bc I love him and I miss him
Word count is 1.5k
Egos x artist!reader
He’ll want to commission art from you
He makes comments about how Mark is a narcissist but also he’s a narcissist.
Oh look, Dark’s asking you for another picture. What does he want? He wants you to draw him? Again? For the fifth time this fucking month? Wonderful.
He likes looking at how you make art of him, be it stylistic or realistic
He will hang them up all over the fucking house so pace yourself
He’s fine if you draw anybody else
Except Mark. Never Mark. How can he tell, you ask? No fucking clue, but he does
Gets a bit worried that you won’t make enough money to live comfortably
Just because not everyone needs a fucking MANSION-
Will always buy things for you if you ask
Likes to be able to support your job or hobby
Sugar daddy? I mean maybe
Makes sure you eat, sleep, drink water, survive--
Leaves snacks for you at your desk for when you don’t want a meal.
Carries you to bed if you fall asleep at a desk
Recommends you wear comfy clothes at all times so you can fall asleep wherever
A bit of an enabler, he’s doing his best tho
If you take commissions don’t be surprised if he threatens to kill someone when they don’t pay or are rude to you
He loves you, that’s all
Fucking elated
Draw him!!! Please!!!! Please draw him!!!!! He has coin!!!!! He can pay!!!!!
Ecstatic if you actually draw him like he’ll giggle for an hour straight just looking
Secretly commissions more art from you
So also sugar daddy
It’s always something so obvious so you know it’s him anyways
He likes bright colors and eyestrain for some reason
If you make that, he just. Stares at it. Unblinking. You have to snap him out of it (im not projecting what do you mean)
Gets extremely worried about you not taking care of yourself
Gets someone to fucking babysit you when he’s gone so you take care of yourself
When you get greatly offended by this he settles for texting you reminders
And when you ignore those he texts more
Don’t be surprised if you get spammed by several people and an alarm starts to play from somewhere in the house
You’re gonna be healthy whether you like it or not, asshole
Drags you to bed aggressively
He WILL NOT drug your food with melatonin because that’s illegal. B U T-
He’s a little confused, but he got the spirit
Will advertise your art to anyone and everyone and also on his show and threatens the audience with a gun
AGAIN, a little confused. he just wuvs u so much 
I mean technically he’s kind of an artist too so he appreciates your skill and creativity
He’s very nosy and likes to look over your shoulder while you work
If you don’t like him doing that, he still does it, just more secretively
Likes to work in the same room as you. 
That is if you don’t mind constant singing or tap dancing in the background
He shows off your art to anyone and everyone and gets mad if they don’t immediately say it’s fantastic
May or may not have stabbed someone over it, you’ll never know
If you show him something you’re working on, he’ll show you something he’s working on in return
The law of equivalent exchange
You tell him you can make MONEY from things like art and dancing and he goes apeshit he gets so fucking excited
If you’re like an animator and offer to animate his dancing he might actually cry
He’ll deny it constantly every day until he dies
If you make things traditionally he hangs them on the wall Everywhere
You might run out of room
By which i mean you will run out of room as soon as possible
Will never tell you a drawing is bad ever unless it’s like Really Bad which it never will be in his eyes
He loves anything and everything you do u are so precious
You have a permanent support system within the man
Used to see art as pointless
Then comprehended the chemical release it causes in the brain and thought that was fine
Then saw you get really mad with something you were working on and got confused again?
If art no make good chemical, why art?
He still doesn’t understand, but that’s ok
You tried to get him to make something once
He just. Kinda. Made a buncha ones and zeroes
You still framed it and hung in on the wall and he got embarrassed
If he could blush, he would
If you draw him he looks like he doesn’t care but it’s at that point he decides he would die for you
Primary objective: answer questions as quickly as possible. Secondary objective: make u happy. Tertiary objective is to destroy mankind
If you draw bing that will disappear IMMEDIATELY you have BETRAYED him
If you ask for a color palette recommendation he Always says the google colors. Always.
You might’ve thought he was going for an rgby type of thing. But then you realize.
He is in charge of your financing. He will tell you the most efficient ways to make money as an artist and you follow then
He is also in charge of making sure you FUCKING EAT A MEAL
“But isn’t an objective to destroy mankind?” shut up he’s not happy about it either
Despite his best efforts he loves you and that ain’t gonna change
Doesn’t fully understand
He needs to be outside at all times and cannot stay in one place
And you’re like??? Required to stay still???? For prolonged amounts of time????? Disgusting. Anyway, whatcha workin’ on?
He might ask you to try and teach him
If you do try he gives up almost immediately
Sometimes you just get so into it that you forget to do basic things and he gets upset
(i.e. eating, sleeping, living, etc.)
He gets worried about you
He is a hypocrite bc he does the same
He will drag you to bed, motherfucker
Honestly he might lock your shit somewhere until you fucking take care of yourself. it’s like a hostage situation god
“Where the fuck did you put it” “I have no clue what you mean. I might know if you eat your dinner, though”
Asshole (affectionate)
Sometimes you like make faces when you try to draw a person and it’s hilarious and cute to him
He looks at your drawings the moment you walk away but acts like he doesn’t care
He cares a lot
Will support you no matter what but will also tell you without hesitation if he thinks something looks shit
Listen he’s out of line but he’s right
Loves you a lot and will support anything and everything you choose to do or make
Drawing? Awesome! Painting? Wonderful! Animation? Superb!
He often wants to buy you supplies or something but he does not know what anything is
Fuck is a chalk pencil???? What are gel pens vs normal pens?????? Watercolor????? What the fuck are you saying??????????
Will subtly drop hints that you could,,,, draw him,,,,, maybe,,,,, if u wanna 
And by subtly I mean he starts to ask and then starts crying
If you draw him he will cry again he loves u so much 
If he ever were to get a tattoo it’d be something u drew. Nothing else is as important to him at the moment
He enjoys photography and film, and likes to try and bond with you over artistic things
I mean. Some things overlap.
You could talk about a single drawing for hours and he’d listen intently the whole time
Don’t ask him for feedback, it’s always some version of “it’s perfect and I love you”
Even if he hates it
Which,,,,, he might hate it sometimes
He’s not a good reviewer. 2/10, very biased
He likes to take photos when you’re in the zone
If you tell him to delete them he will
While secretly making one his home screen
Hey, he gets it
He writes, he understands the hyperfocus
Sometimes he wouldn’t move from his chair for a day because he was busy writing a script
That being said, you probably have to be the one to get him to take care of himself
Or you have to take turns
Otherwise you’re both gonna fucking die
He asks you to describe your art to him and tries to picture it.
He’ll tell you if he thinks it probably looks good or bad
You shouldn’t take it to heart because he can’t see it
He is a bastard sometimes
“Well, what do you think?” “I think it looks fantastic” “Thanks, babe” “...” “... you think you’re fucking funny, don’t you”
He asks if you can draw him sometimes
No, he won’t see it, but he’ll appreciate the sentiment if you do
He will ask for your opinion on his scripts sometimes
If you say it’s bad he gets really defensive
You work in the same room a lot of the time and forget the other is there
One of you has to preemptively order food or like set a timer so you can goddamn Survive
You’ll be fine
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syubub · 4 years
Disclaimer~tarot is speculative and this is my interpretation of energy. Take it with a grain of salt.
Honey boi time. Strap down because this one is wild. Kinda. And soft. Really really soft. And a little creepy. Buckle in.
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So for starters Yoon has a dark, royal blue color energy. It isn't as opaque as Koos was but it was very... thick? Like its not that it wasn't opaque from a lack of energy but rather that kinda had clear energy mixed in too?? It was really pretty and its kinda like the more you look at it the deeper it gets?
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It was kinda like this but deeper? And it was almost reflective and "sparkly" idk put it was real pretty.
So first thing to note. Yoon is always easy for me to connect with so he didn't have any barriers put up or whatever so when I was going towards him he was in red flannel pj bottoms and I was like, "am I missing something?" But no. He was just being comfy I guess? Now usually when I connect with energy of a person there's this like eternal tree trunk rope colum thing of energy or something that I kinda follow and then there's little platforms that they're on? I always have my back facing the energy colum thing when I connect.
That was not the case this time. Yoon essentially led me to his side to face the energy trunk? And he was like, "its weird on this side, huh?" ??? Hello, sir. What the fuck. This to me hints that maybe he is also going out and consciously connecting to energies? Idk man. But I was like, "yeah, it is kinda weird" It only gets weirder.
Next I was facing yoon and I was like hey I want to read your soulmate and gave him like a big ole energy marble expecting that to kinda get the connection going but the only thing I heard from his soulmate was "I can't tell you" like shit. And then he dissolved my energy offering? Oki. And I essentially couldn't connect with his soulmate at all. Anyway, I floated off the little platform thing (that was real bizarre) and yoongi connected with me.
His soulmates energy wasn't present at all but I was told to continue any way. Now for in my opinion the creepiest part. So, keep in mind yoons is actively connected to me and I was like, "well, if your soulmate isn't here then please guide me to what deck I should use for their personality signifier and he pointed me to the fountain tarot.
I started shuffling and after I did one bridge shuffle and split it to do another one he was like, "hey, you're gonna get temperance reverse fyi" and I was like hahaha no. And he was like, "no. Listen to me. Bridge twice, hand shuffle twice and split into two. And you'll get temperance rev. Turn it ride side up when it comes out" I was like okay but you crazy. Tarot doesn't work like that
Guess what fucking came up? TEMPERANCE REVERSED when I tell you I freaked out I mean I fuckin freaked. I know it sounds made up or unbelievable and if I didn't see it happen I'd say its fake but FUCK DUDE. So i asked my pendulum if it should be reverse and it was like no, flips that shit. And I swear to God yoongi was laughing at me for being spooked like the smug ass that he is.
First note I wrote was sagittarius energy. This person has sagittarius energy. Yep yep yep. This person balances him out. Temperance is the card of sagittarius. Heavy fire influence in the cart.
Oki now onto personality explained. I got 3 of coins, the heirophant, ace of wands and the magician. This person is very spiritual and has been manifesting him (they’ve manesfesting eachother but I'll get to that later?) This is a person that values knowledge and is very creative and has a lot of quick ideas. This person also really values communication of knowledge. Loves to get it loves to share it. Probably the person that can tell you a stupid fact about almost anything.
We also have networked, storyteller, god and mentor. This is someone who loves to teach people about what they've learned. They like to share the wisdom (with the god card im inclined to say that they share spiritual wisdom but I don't see it as a career?) This person values communication and collecting knowledge.
Now, on to relationship. We have wheel of fortune, justice, ace of wands and the lovers. This relationship has been in the works on a spiritual level for a long time. They’ve been actively manifesting eachother. We know Yoon is at least a little psychic so this makes sense. This relationship is founded in balance. They treat eachother as equals. I also wrote, "certainly something devine". They have a witty rapport and its so so so loving! They have really good communication and respect for eachother! They are also good at keeping eachither accountable.
Now for this person's career. They’ve been going through a change so their career is undecided. There was likely a period of depression that put a pause on their career? But there's also the queen of coins which suggests that they will be making good money. Now, I chose 3 clarity cards on the queen of coins to help me figure out where this money will be coming from and I drew three more coin cards so this means this person is on the cusp of making some good money soon!
Now we have answer the call, awakening and share your voice. They are being called to be together. Again yoon is woke af and apparently so is his soulmate. The picture i get is like when they finally meet they're both a little shy because they've been connecting with eachothers energies and they're like, "whos gonna bring it up?" Like they are finally out of hiding when they meet. Its cute as fuck.
Oki. We have answered prayers, spiritual path and make time for self care. THEY ARE MANIFESTING EACHOTHER. They are a woke pair and the energy is so sturdy and solid. I also get the sense that they engage in self care together? Like they'll make sure to take care of themselves spiritual and physical. I also think that they would be that type of couple to have a mad bath bomb collection.
Side note: while I was doing this I got like a cute little picture in my head of them sitting on the couch in pj's and facemasks with towels on their heads sipping wine and that makes me soft.
Now onto the message from his soulmate cards. So we have release all anger, new idea, be positive, take a shot, Have you eaten? You're acting like a big ass baby and shit is going down with your job. Now. I made a note that this is from Yoon to his soulmate? Um, sir? But oki, yoon makes the rules. What I get from this is that his soulmate is currently going through some job related stuff and he's saying, "hey, its okay to start over. Do that thing you've been wanting to do for a while" he wants his soulmate to stop focusing on what isn't going right and just start fresh. I also lowkey think he's like, you need to just fucking chill. The world isn't imploding just because something isn't working out. Its very reassuring and it feels like he wants to comfort them. Cute
Let's talk about the descriptors now. Yoon was very picky with these? Which confused me. They don't know eachother in person is the vibe im getting and I don't think yoon has ever seen this person either? I think maybe he's had dreams of his soulmate? Idk but the cards are: quality time, fashionable, unique, free spirit, independent, short hair, younger, sweet, charming. I also made a note for brown hair and a masculine chart.
For my little word cards we have, fate, vows, serendipity and loyalty. WE GET IT. YOURE ADORABLE TOGETHER
"All men should learn before they die, what they are running from and to and why" is the little fortune. I think that this is yoon telling his soulmate to do some shadow work? Like find out why you do the things you do, why certain things anger you ect.
Now at this point I was told that I had to use the small deck to get more cards about the relationship. I was like "I already did that but whatever" and I did. I pulled 10 of cups, 2 of cups and the lovers again. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This is the most romantic and soulmatey soulmate reading ever. 10 of cups is emotional fulfillment. This is just everything. Everything! 2 of cups is romance, unified love. Its also about partnership. They work so well together. And the lovers card. Love, relationships and harmony. Oh my god its fucking nuts.
Now onto the final card. Again. Very very very clearly told that this is for his soulmate. We have, the perfection of your life. This card talks about a spiritual storm coming to shake things up in order to put things to put things back in perfect order. A quote I like from the book is, "all is unfolding to a perfect higher order." This to me kinda sums it up well. Shit is about to get crazy for his soulmate and its not a bad thing. Change is need for this person and there is change coming that will stir every thing up and place it back in better places. Ugh. I can't. He wants his soulmate not to fear the storm but rather embrace it and know that positive change will come out of it.
Last part. When the reading is over I always disconnect and essentially put the energy back? This time on yoons little platform (I sound like a lunatic trying to describe some of this shit I swear) I was like, "hey thanks for being cooperative and being so active and involved i appreciate that." And then he gave me an energy marble ball thing too? I was like, "thanks but what the fuck" and then I did what he did when I gave him the marble ball energy thing in the beginning and just... put it in my energy? Like thats what he did? so is that like an energy custom that I don't know about? Wtf. My best guess is that I gave him an offering of energy and he gave me some in return at the end? And then the little shit just dissappears? MIN YOONGI I HAVE QUESTIONS YOU CAN'T JUST DISSAPPEAR??
But he did. And that was the end. It was super fucking bizarre. So for say joo I connected to his soulmate through him. So it was a connection with the soulmate but hosted by joons energy? For Jk his soulmate gave me a direct link which was new and awesome but for Yoongi it was just a very direct connection with him. Just him.
That really tells me that he knows his soulmate well on a soul level and his soulmate literally said, "I can't tell you"
I'm confused but very happy for him!
Yoon is a very soft and sweet man, pass it on
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autisticangus · 4 years
anyway im so out of the loop on the mcelboys
i pretty much only keep semi-up to date with Sawbones at this point, not cuz i dont still LIKE everything else, just a lot has been goin on in my life
if anyone wants a long and rambly update on All Of The Bullshit im gonna stick a read more down here, asks are open and its cool to message me abt any of it if u want cuz i have some really nice and cool followers/mutuals here that make me comfy talkin abt that shit
as far as the future of this blog goes i wanna start using it more again! the mcelroys have gotten me out of some really dark places before so i hope having more connection to this community and the people here and their content again will help me like it has in the past! ill probs post more general mcelroy content here than previously rather than just taz btw i just gotta fuckin uhhhhh,,,, catch up on a bunch of shit again before this blog is even semi active lmaoo but im like alive and on tumblr regularly again!!
Wow u clicked on this and wanna hear me talk? Ur awesome and sweet, thanks for caring!
These past two years have been extraordinarily tough. This is gonna be a pretty long and detailed post that deals with the sensitive topics of emotional abuse, abusive relationships, and alcoholism. Please read on with caution.
Back in March of 2019, so this was about 3-4 months after i left tumblr, I got a new boyfriend and things started out really good, he was kind of a "bad boy" and it was fun at first. Im kind of a goody-goody so it was very interesting for me at first to be with someone so different who had such different life experiences than me. I liked hearing his stories of living in a traphouse, and running with gangs, and selling drugs, and knowing people who had killed people. I assumed a LOT of it was lies, obviously, who just brags about that shit u know? I just rolled with it, didnt take it seriously, and found the imagined scenarios interesting to listen to. So much of it was obviously played up to make him seem cooler, and I shouldve seen that as the red flag it was, and all my friends did but I didnt. 
He had a serious alcohol problem, I mean I had coffee in the morning and he had 2 four lokos before noon. it was bad. about 6 months into the relationship he decided i was cheating on him with my ex who i had recently reconnected with, we missed being friends and things were really going well talking and being friends again, he was really important to me! but my boyfriend saw this as yet another thing i was doing wrong. when he decided i was cheating, that become his focus of alcoholic rage. nearly every time he got drunk, which was several times a week, he would accuse me of things, he would yell and scream, he would call me horrible names and make me cry for literal hours, he never hit me but that shouldnt even matter, i was emotionally battered and mentally bruised and everything hurt. he gaslit me into believing i said and did things i never said or did, i admitted to things that were not real, and then i was yelled at for admitting them. i didnt know what to do.
he was threatening my ex too, he would get drunk and say he knew where he lived (he didnt) or he knew what car he drove (he didnt) and explained to me many times that although he had never killed someone, people had been killed before at his command. he said a bullet in the back of my ex’s brain was just a phone call and $500 away. somedays he would tell me he was just going to do it himself, with a hammer, or a kitchen knife, or whatever weapon he could get his hands on during his explanation of how he would do it. my only option was to agree, to say it didnt matter to me what happened to him, i had to pretend my on
/ly concern was him going to jail for the crime, if i showed any sign that i didn’t want my ex murdered, it clearly meant i was cheating on him. 
i pretended to block my ex on social media to get him off my back and it worked a little bit but he still brought it up. and even if he didnt directly mention him, he would always tell me when he was drunk that i was the cause of all his problems, i was why he was so self conscious, i was why he drank so much, i was why he had to work so hard, i was why every single issue he had was happening. logically i knew it was wrong, but i was so conditioned to it by then that i just went with it. i knew that agreeing and apologizing made the fighting end quicker.
things spiraled this past summer. his job needed us to relocate so we moved like 4 states away, away from all my family and friends, and lived in a tiny hotel room for a month. during this time, his drinking was somehow worse. he was drunk literally every night but he was passing out so we didnt fight and i was relieved. i was depressed being stuck in the hotel room all day alone, but thankful i wasnt being abused at least. then he started getting into drunken fistfights with his coworkers in the hotel parking lot. one day he came home just in time to find one of his drunk coworkers trying to break into the room with me there desperately trying to keep him out. i was terrified and wanted to go home but he convinced me to stay. a couple weeks after that we travelled for his work again several more states away. his drinking got a little bit better here, but i was so depressed and lonely, i was so isolated, he was all i saw day in and day out besides his coworkers and i was nervous around them. one day the guy who tried to break in on me, purposefully, while drunk, hit another coworkers car and totaled it and tried to run the guy over and i saw the whole thing. a week later my boyfriend was also fired because he got so drunk he passed out in the hotel parking lot and the company needed to save face with the hotel after the whole car incident. 
so we travelled back home, but not my home, to his where we lived isolated on a mountain with no phone signal or wifi. the house was old and not well kept from being empty for several years, half the appliances didnt work. i was more isolated than i have ever been in my life. for 4 months i stayed there and just dreaded him coming home because i knew he would be drunk again and he'd yell or accuse me of things or otherwise belittle me. it was horrible. my friends all said to leave and my parents said to leave but i was so brainwashed into thinking that if i was just a good little housewife and if i just stayed home and did the dishes and the laundry that he would be nicer but he still found things to point at and say i was cheating. he was also becoming really controlling about my food intake and weight and i already struggle with an eating disorder so that just made me feel even more like i had to stay, my brain felt like if i wasnt under his watchful eye id gain weight again, like somehow it was thanks to him i had lost weight and not my own choices.
one day last week i expressed to him wanting to leave, saying how unhappy i was, i told him how sad i felt and how i didnt think we were such a good match. he didnt take me seriously, so the next day when he got sloppy drunk before 5 pm i packed a small bag and went to my moms. i was just gonna stay for a night or two but he called and screamed at me for leaving without telling him, i told him he just didnt remember me telling him because he was so drunk, and he accused me of not caring about his feelings and made me sound like the bad guy for leaving without his permission. i told him it was just for a few days but the angrier he got the more i knew i was in the right and told him i was done. i told him we were breaking up and id come get my stuff soon.
i got my stuff while he was at work this past weekend and moved in with my best friend. im safe and happy now. things are looking so much better for me and im so thankful to my friends and family who supported me all the way to the end.
i just wanted to make this post because, i know its not mcelroy related, and a lot of ppl probably dont care for stuff like this on this kind of blog, but i think its important.
its important to friends and family of people in abusive relationships to be steady. dont give up your ground. even if the person keeps pushing back and wont leave the person, keep being there for them, it can take a long time, it took me almost 2 years to leave, it takes some people even longer, but just stay there for them and be there for them when they finally make that step. dont give up on them.
and to those who have been in these kinds of relationships, and especially those who are there right now: it is not your fault. it is so, so hard to leave, i know, but please try to find help and support and resources to do it. if all your friends dont like someone, theres a good reason for it. please dont fall into the trap of thinking your friends dont have the best intentions for you. there are so many things you may overlook in the moment that others can see from a mile away are horrible. especially if you have been abused in the past. its incredibly hard to tell what is a red flag when your gut instinct is that anything and everything is a red flag. surround yourself with people who you can trust and listen to them
and trust me, i know how hard it is when youre stuck in that spot of KNOWING you should go but fearing that first step away. its scary. its difficult. but it is worth it. find someone safe you can be with. and if you arent sure, find a reason to leave for just a few days, an excuse, anything. give yourself space from the abuser, tell yourself youre going back in a couple days, just get out from under the thumb long enough to clear your head and things will make more sense with the fog lifted.
when i first got in my car and put my kitten on my lap and told her we were going to my moms for a couple nights, i didnt know if that was the truth. i planned to come back and i knew i didnt want to. i only took enough stuff for a couple days. i couldnt imagine my life changing so drastically. where would i live? how would i make money? who take care of me? i had no clue about any of those things. but after a couple days away I realized i would take care of me. i remembered that i had worked jobs before i was with him, i could do it again. i remembered that i had options of where to live. all of those things were so clouded when i was with him, they felt like impossibilities. once i was away, even just for a short time, things were so much easier to parse.
and i know i had many privileges in this journey not everyone is afforded, and my heart goes out to those who read this and are in this situation and the options i had just arent accessible to you, i am so sorry, i wish i had something more to offer you but all i have is my story, and a wish that it gives you some hope at the very least, and a promise that if you need someone to talk to, im here, i will listen, and you will be heard and loved.
i just want everyone who reads to take something small but important away from it. love your friends, love yourself. please stay safe. please dont give up. remember love should not hurt.
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panda-writes-trash · 4 years
-Formal Beginnings-
Synopsis: You’re a pro hero! You’ve been assigned on an undercover mission with a younger (Pre-UA teacher) Eraserhead. You’ve been in battle together before and you’re no stranger to each other. But having to dress in formal attire and infiltrate a lavish mansion full of drug dealing villains, wasn’t something either of you are very used to.
Word Count: 3,478
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Aizawa has worked with you on a few jobs here and there when it was called for. But it was never anything like the task the two of you were assigned tonight. He was used to the quick capture and detain types of missions and they were what he was used to- this was way out of his comfort zone.
He sat in the waiting room, the two of you were called in at the last minute as something unexpectedly came up. It was briefly mentioned over the phone what you two would be doing but they were waiting on you to show up before giving a full briefing. It shouldn't be long- he lived closer anyway and had been up doing laundry and cleaning up his less than appealing apartment even if it was already past midnight. He could only assume the call had roused you awake. You had a decent grip on a sleep schedule as far as he could tell.
His suspicions were only confirmed when the doors slammed open to you coming hurriedly in with messy hair and pajamas with your hero suit half sticking out of your bag. He couldn't help but snicker seeing the loose pants covered with cartoon kittens- he never got to see you like this and he found it a bit cute. But he was quickly brought out of his thoughts as you came over and spoke.
“Have you gotten the details yet, or are we waiting on me?”
You were a bit out a breath, no doubt from the run here. He stood up and simply shook his head.
“I have an idea, but no. No details yet.”
He watched as you put your leg up on one of the chairs and balanced your bag on it as you rummaged through it pulling out a hair brush and frantically running it through your locks.
“Okay, good good. Just give me a second to get changed into my suit then we can go i-”
But you were cut off, he glanced up to see the police Chief Tsuragamae had joined them.
“Dont bother changing you two will have to be wearing formal wear for this.”
He glanced over to see your confused look as you set the bag down and placed your foot back firmly on the floor- this is the part that was briefly mentioned on the phone to him.
He sighed and shrugged.
“It's an undercover mission. They want us in formal attire.” He looks up at the dog. “And I dont think I'm the best person for this, especially without my capture weapon right?”
The nod of response causes him to huff. The thought of potentially getting into trouble without it didn't sit well with him. He wouldn't be able to protect you if it comes down to it and it gave him a bad taste. But he was sure there was more to the situation if he was specifically put on this job, so he waited for Tsuragamae to continue.
“We have been watching this group for a few months now, they’re not big but they seem to be pretty heftily funded- we’ve been able to detain a few of the thugs but their leader has a sort of teleportation quirk. Which is why we need you.”
He simply nodded in understanding now. Following the chief into his office with you alongside him as he proceeded to give visuals with his further explanation.
“Because of his quirk he has always escaped our men and it's only a few days before they start causing trouble again. They’re a part of the development of quirk drugs. We managed to track down and interrogate one of the people funding this group. The boss is hosting a party tonight for investors and potential future ones. I know you wont have your capture weapon, but that is why you’re plus one will be Miss Y/N here."
He glances over at you, your quirk has definitely been a helpful one in the past. Like his it wasn't very flashy, you had the ability to halt all movements of anyone you touched. Which certainly would help in detaining someone. You gave him a big smile, he was a little less worried now but still this was all a bit much.
“So what kinda dress did you pick out for me, it better not be too bright- god forbid if it’s orange.”
You spoke out causing the Chief to smile and hand you each bag and send you on your way. Having further information to your phones.
The both of you went into the police locker rooms together. He pulled out the contents of his bags and immediately grimaced.
“Oh come on you’ll look great in a tux!”
You were looking at him with a dumb smirk. He was a bit embarrassed, he hated wearing this kind of stuff. He preferred his usual loose fitting comfy clothing. He hesitantly took off the binds that were around his neck and comfortably sat on his shoulders.
“Just something im not used to is all- hope it doesn't restrict movement too much”
Once he saw you were turned away, he did the same. It wasn't uncommon for heros to change in the same room. Ones with the same agencies typically shared one common area, and after all they are professionals- just gotta keep it professional… he wasn't paying much attention as he changed into the monkey suit, buttoning the pants up and beginning to wrap the belt around his waist when you had gasped completely catching him off guard he almost spun around to look- but had just caught himself.
“Whats wrong- Are you decent?”
You were silent for a bit which had him a bit concerned but when you finally spoke he almost laughed.
“I really like this dress. And yes I am, I just need a little help with the zipper on the back.”
He rolled his eyes but at the confirmation he turned around- and wow. He did have to take a moment watching and looking you over as you admired yourself in the mirror. It was a tight fitting black sequin dress. It dragged a bit behind you but had a slit that had one of your legs sticking out with some matching black heels.
“You gonna stop ogling or what, we got a party to get to Eraser.”
He was snapped out of his thoughts and had a bit of a blush now but came over close behind you and pinched the top of the dress together and smoothly zipped it up.
“Sorry, hard to believe the same girl in baggy pajamas and ridiculous bedhead is the same one im looking at now- thought someone took my partner.”
You gave him a bit of a glare and he smiled- but as you turned around to face him and the mess he left his tie in you shook your head, grabbing the edges of his coat to pull him forward. And undoing the tie to fix it.
“At least your partner can properly tie, and we need to fix your hair too. You’re gonna look like a hoodlum going in with that rats nest- no drug investor is gonna look like that”
He was at a bit of a loss for words as you pulled him and started to fix what he had screwed up, though he didn't think it was that bad. But oh man, you were way too close for comfort, you were practically pressed up against him- and in that dress he could see right down-
He was startled when you pushed him down and he fell back onto the bench between the lockers and you started running your brush through his hair- this was too much. Even through the mess he was in he couldn't let this continue with how he was getting a few butterflies in his stomach so he waved you off.
“Calm down, I can fix it myself… Thank you though”
He had slicked most of it back and tied the top half up as well. Lazily, but still an improvement from before. He looked to you for your approval. Your thumbs up in response brought a slight smile to him.
You two went out the door into the unmarked police car, he opened the door for you before getting in on the other side. The both of you looked over the further details that were sent to your phones. Up until you pulled up to the gate with a large mansion in the back, he got out with you in tow.
“Shota, When I think of villain bases, I think of spooky underground cellar types- not, well, this”
“On a first name basis now?”
He watched you a bit confused, you two were a bit close but he doesnt think you’ve ever called him by his first name before.
“What am I supposed to be calling you Eraserhead around a whole bunch of villains?”
You had a point and gained a chuckle out of him nodding. He was surprisingly a lot less stressed about the whole thing compared to earlier. He's sure that was gonna change at some point. But for now it almost felt like he was taking you on some sort of fancy date. He wouldn't mind something like that, he'd even be willing to get dressed up like this.
You had wrapped your arm around his and walked in unison to the guard standing before the door. Aizawa had given the man the name of the man the police detained and it seems there was no issue as his name was checked off the list, and they were quickly checked to make sure they weren't harboring any weapons before walking in.
He looked down at you as you both looked around and took the place in, “Well Shota, I certainly wasn't expecting it to be so nice here.”
“It's probably how they get funding, put on a pleasing image and you get more backing. They think they know what the group’s doing and find it to be a safe investment.”
He glanced down beside him to find you looking up at him- he quickly looked away and continued.
“Well, lets just blend in till we find our guy- then we can make a plan and try to get him secluded… so-” he rubs the back of his neck, “care to dance?”
You were clearly a bit taken aback by his words where he was almost going to take it back and act as he was joking.
“I didn't think you could even dance, I would love to.”
He sighed a bit in relief and took your hand as he kept his voice low, “not well, but I know enough of the basics.”
So he did, he took your hand and led you out to where other couples were dancing. And held you close while staying in rhythm to the music, started swaying. It was a good place to be after all, they were in the center of the large ballroom and were able to look around to see the target.
He was actively looking around up until you decided to rest your head against his chest as you danced. He wanted to scold you for being unprofessional, but he couldn't deny the fact that he liked the feeling too much to tell you to stop. And with the spinning pattern everyone was dancing in he was able to get a clear view of all the room anyway, no reason to ruin the good time yet. Instead he kept his hand on the small of your back and kept you close.
He did struggle to keep focus, he found himself glancing down at your frame against his more than he cares to admit. But always snapped back to it, you had a job to do after all. He barely was able to spot the man standing on one of the balconies watching the crowd, the target.
“Hey, Y/N!” He hissed and it jossled you a bit.
You were clearly zoned out, and having been enjoying yourself maybe a bit too much. Though who could blame you.
“The targets on one the top balcony, back by the east wing. He seems to have 3 body guards- with one going out and returning every few minutes. We should go while he's alone with them- It’ll make this a lot harder when he decides to join the party and he's surrounded by dozens of people”
Aizawa made his way with you off the main floor, before simply giving you a nudge
“Are you alright?”
You gave a nod in response.
“Yeah, sorry, it's just been a while since I've ever danced with someone proper like that. I wont zone out again, don't worry.”
He smiled, having made up his mind on his thought from earlier.
“Well, I don't think I’d mind taking you out on a fancy date like this. Ya’ know, when our lives aren't on the line.”
Your head practically snapped up to look at him. And once again immediately regretted the forwardness- it was a bit out of line. You were partners, but not in that sense
But before he could even start apologizing you got this giddy grin that made his heart skip a beat.
“Are you serious?”
“Well- I mean, yeah.”
He watched as you hummed. “I think that sounds very nice, a fancy night out on the town and some relaxation would be good for you. You're starting to become more of a hermit everytime I see you.”
He rolled his eyes. It wouldn't be for him, if he had to choose a type of date it would be lounging at home watching a movie and then a nap. But the thought of getting to see you in a dress like this again did get him excited.
He could talk about it more and defend his hermit status later, as the two of you were already at the top of the stairs and he motioned for you to be quiet. You both made your way down the hallway up until you stopped and hissed- he was worried something was wrong until he saw you leaning against the wall and taking off the heels.
“The damn clacking-”
He chuckled and nodded in understanding before spotting one of the guards standing outside the door. If only he had his capture weapon, it would've made easy work immobilizing all of the guards. He tried to think up a plan for a moment- but was drawn out of it by a pair of heels being placed in his hands for him to hold onto as you had stepped out into view. It made his anxiety shoot up for a moment- but hopefully you had a plan since you had revealed yourself.
The guard spoke first. “Hey lady, you're not supposed to be up here.”
Shota sat where he was still hidden but watching, the guard clearly didn't see you as a threat yet which was at the very least good. But what were you planning that you couldnt tell him first?
He watched as you- stumbled?
“H-Huh- what me? I'm just- trying to find the bathroom- couldn't find one anywhere I swear-”
You gave a hiccup, oh my god were you pretending to be drunk? It wasn't a bad act but he was still confused. He watched as the guard looked around a moment not seeing anyone did he smile at Y/N.
“Ah Miss you’ve gone all the wrong ways- why don't ya’ let me take ya’ don't worry yer’ in safe hands.”
Shota grimaced and felt a bit sick, how disgusting and low men could get. So far to try something even while on the job. And just thinking about a man taking advantage of you made his blood boil.
But as he put an arm around Y/N the conditions were met for her to activate her quirk and he finally saw what she was going for as the guy went stiff as a board as every muscle in his body locked up, jaw and tongue included so he couldn't speak.
You slipped out from under his arm and made your way back to him with a pleasant smile on your face.
“I think my acting is pretty up there ain't it.”
He wasn’t very amused by the whole thing, “you could've at least told me you know, could've done something better than playing a drunk victim.”
“Got the job done didn't it. Only two guards and the target to go right?”
He sighs, you had a point. It just didn't sit well with him and gave him a sour taste. He gave a nod as he looked at the door, the three should be just on the other side.
“Alright I got an idea.”
He explained to you quietly and swiftly. That this had to be an instant take down. Otherwise they risked the chance of alerting the others in the building, and that would make things a mess and the target would probably instantly escape. He had to use his quirk on the boss instantly otherwise it was game over. The entrance to the balcony was a double door opening outwards, each of you would hide on each side. Make a noise and as they came out to investigate, you each would pop out. He would use his quirk on the boss on the balcony and deal with his guard the old fashioned way. You would use your quirk to stun the guard and bolt and do the same on the target before they had a chance to call for help. It was simple enough and straight to the point but he thought it was the best option given your circumstances. When you had eagerly nodded in agreement you both took your places to the side of the large oak doors.
He gave a final nod to you and you returned it. He picked up the pair of heels he’d been holding and wasted not a moment more to toss them in front of the door, the hard plastic making a loud enough clap against the tile floor that it was only a few seconds before the door hesitantly opened and the two guards peered out guns drawn. It was time to go.
He sprung out along with you. A little bit further to get a view of the boss in the back, his hair going high as he made sure this guy wasn't going anywhere. But there was also the gun in his face he had to deal with- good thing you caught them by surprise, they weren't ready to pull the trigger. He bobbed to the side and with a swift movement popped the bottom of the guys jaw with his elbow. He dropped his gun and before he even hit the floor you were already on the target and had locked up both of the men.
He gave a sigh of relief, but quickly helped you move the men off the balcony before you had any peeping eyes overseeing the catastrophe.
“It's nice seeing you get physical- most times I see you its just all about manipulating that scarf of yours”
“What, didn't think I’ve had combat training?”
He raised a brow looking you over, your quirk really was amazing and it came in handy on many occasions. Now especially since he can't deny someone's quirk for more than a few minutes at most. Yours lasted hours.
He pulled out his phone, “Im gonna call the chief, we got the guy they wanted. The force can come in and wrap the rest of this up.”
You simply hummed in agreement as you picked back up your heels slipping them back on, your feet were getting cold simply standing on the polished tile.
Before you knew it Tsuragamae had waves of armed police flood the building. And since the security in this place made such a point of disarming the guests, there wasn't much of a struggle. And the target was quickly carried off into custody.
“I’d say that was a mission success!”
He looked over at you as you both sat on an outside bench. His overcoat wrapped around your shoulders, it and your hair swaying gently with the breeze as you swirled and sipped off a champagne glass you had grabbed amongst the chaos on the way out.
You both sat in silence watching as police came in and out of the building with bundles of the party guests, sticking around just in case there was a need for your assistance.
But since you both were simply waiting, he smiled as he thought he’d bring up a bit of conversation. Shifting his weight and leaning over some.
“So how about that date?”
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artificialqueens · 5 years
drawing new lines, chapter seven (branjie) - holtzmanns
AN: So…normally I’m a bit more on the ball with submitting to aq. Oops? This is chapter seven, but here’s the link to all the chapters in between. Most of you have been reading this story on ao3, too, so thank you so, so much for all the love and support for this fic. I appreciate every single message and they make me so happy. So, thank you. As usual, Writ continues to be the best beta and friend one could ask for.
(read on ao3) | word count: 3730 | tumblr: plastiquetiaras
“Here.” A’keria slams the burrito bowl down in front of Vanessa, and she can’t help but let out a delighted squeak.
“God, I could get used to not having to pack my lunch. This month is gonna be lit.”
“Don’t get too used to it.” A’keria snorts as she mixes up her own bowl. “It’s only for a month, as the bet specified.”
“Hey, I don’t care.” Vanessa’s voice is muffled as she tries to talk with a spoonful of the sweet, sweet rice, salsa, beans, chicken and vegetables in her mouth, but it’s hard. “Imma enjoy it.”
“Good, cause you earned it. Top ten things in my life that I didn’t need to see - you and Brooke practically fucking on the dance floor. Nasty hoes.” A’keria makes a face, and Vanessa grins right back at her while Silky snickers.
“You just jealous you ain’t got a blonde skyscraper on your arm.” Part of Vanessa still can’t believe it, really. That Brooke’s willing to do this with her. Not that she’s complaining in the least.
A’keria flips her hair over her shoulder. “I got my man, that’s all I need.”
“He’d rock a blond look though, I ain’t gonna lie.” Silky’s statement makes Vanessa pause, try to picture it.
“You’re right Silk, he totally would.”
“Enough about my non blond man.” A’keria takes another bite of her own burrito bowl before handing it to Silky to share. “What do you want for tomorrow’s lunch?”
Vanessa has to stop herself from practically rubbing her hands together with glee. “Lord almighty, I did not realize how great having my food brought to me would be. Pizza? Poutine? Gimme that unhealthy shit.”
Silky lets out a whistle. “Damn Vanj, you ain’t gonna try and look good for your girl?”
“It’s called happy relationship weight. Imma get it, cause I’m happy. And in a relationship, and she thinks I look good anyway.” As if Vanessa actually is in one. But hey, why not? She’s allowed to enjoy poutine.
“Brooke looks like she can lift you up with one hand, anyway.” A’keria’s tone is almost envious. Which is understandably, really, because her boyfriend is on the scrawny side.
“Damn, I should get her to try that. Do you think she would?” Vanessa remembers when she’d been dating Kameron, who’d brought her to the gym often. Kameron had picked her up once  and done squats at the same time, and Vanessa would be lying if she said it hadn’t been fucking hot.
“You know her better than we do, Vanj. If she’d let you be a human barbell, go for it.” Silky shrugs. “I ain’t getting anyone to lift me anytime soon.”
“Imma go find her. Share some of this burrito bowl, ‘cause it’s technically her victory, too. Not that she knows about the bet.” Vanessa stands up, packing the burrito bowl up once more. It’s a bold faced lie, because Brooke does know, though Silky and A’keria don’t need to know that.
Brooke’s on the phone in her office when Vanessa pops by, the fingers of one of her hands pressing against her temple. She looks up, gives a small smile before turning back to the papers on her desk and ripping the person on the other end of the line a new one.
“No, we can’t use the support beams from the other manufacturer. I don’t care if it’s going to lower costs - it’s not going to matter if the structures collapse in five years because of faulty material and we’re the ones who get sued. So, save it.”
Vanessa plops down in the seat across from Brooke’s desk as quietly as she can, her eyes transfixed on Brooke. It’s kinda hot - Brooke yelling at someone on the other end of the line while completely maintaining composure. Not that Vanessa would ever admit it to her.
“You need to liaise with the first company again, because they’re the ones that have been working well this whole time. I need the estimate from them by tomorrow.” With that, Brooke slams the phone down, letting out a sigh. She shoots a small smile towards Vanessa. “Hey.”
Vanessa holds up the bowl. “Brought you some lunch, ‘cause I know your overworked ass ain’t eating.”
“I had a protein bar-”
“Rabbit food doesn’t count.” Vanessa pulls out the extra set of cutlery, lays it out for Brooke. She’s already had enough of the bowl, and Brooke looks tired enough that she needs as much as she can get.
Brooke raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t rabbit food supposed to be what people call vegetables?”
“You telling me any sane human is gonna eat a protein bar for sustenance?” Vanessa can’t even picture having them on the regular, so tasteless and quite unlike the chewy bars of her childhood.
“Are you calling me nuts?” Brooke’s finally smiling, and it makes Vanessa’s heart grow when she sees it. She hates seeing how tired Brooke’s job makes her.
“Remember, you took us to a spin class for a date.” Of course, Vanessa had enjoyed the shit out of it, but she’s not gonna mention that to Brooke.
“I distinctly remember you having a great time.”
“Did you eat half of this already?” Brooke holds back a laugh when she takes her first spoonful, looking down at the already picked-over bowl.
“Hey, I was hungry.” Vanessa shrugs. “Plus, this is the start of the free food A’keria is giving me for the bet. Figured I’d share it with my partner in crime.”
“Well, that was very sweet of you.” Brooke’s voice is muffled by her bite, and the contrast is adorable from her blazer and the smell of her expensive perfume.
Brooke’s an enigma, a person with so many facets that Vanessa is relishing in the chance to discover. The fact that Brooke’s willing to open up to her more and more is Vanessa’s favourite part of the bet, mostly because she’s an open book herself. Because what people see with her is what they get.
“Gotta make sure you don’t waste away on me while yelling at your minions.” Vanessa snickers when Brooke makes a face at her.
“They’re not minions. Just people who should know how to do their jobs.” Brooke sighs, gathering the papers on her desk and pushing them to the side. “Don’t go into management. The title isn’t worth it.”
“Can you imagine me trying to get people to do shit? It would be a whole lotta yelling.” Vanessa tries to picture herself at a desk like Brooke’s, having to spearhead projects and be responsible for them. At least she’d get to wear a power suit.
“You’d be good at it, though. You have charisma, the kind that most people don’t and the kind that can’t be bought.” Brooke takes another bite of the bowl. “Dang, this is good.”
Vanessa raises a skeptical brow. “What do you mean, charisma?” She’s just her natural dumbass self, which pays off sometimes.
“I mean, you convinced me to fake date you thirty or so seconds after introducing yourself. I’d say that’s pretty impressive.”
Vanessa snickers as she leans back in her seat, resisting the urge to lift her feet up onto the chair. “True.”
It’s funny to think back to that day months ago, when Vanessa had barged into Brooke’s office, convinced she’d be able to get her to agree with no evidence to back her up aside from sheer dumb confidence. Though it had worked by some miracle, something that still surprises Vanessa every now and then - and she’s sure that it’s the same for Brooke, too.
Brooke lets out a contented sigh when she finishes the bowl, pushing it away from her on the desk. “So, are you going to share all of your lunches with me from now on?”
Vanessa doesn’t miss a beat. “Why, Miss Hytes, are you asking me to lunch for the next twenty nine days?”
Brooke rolls her eyes, but grins nonetheless. “Only if the food is good.”
“You can bet on that.”
Brooke really, really doesn’t want to go out.
It’s a Friday, she’s had a long week. Really, all she wants to do is curl up on the couch with her cats.
But Nina’s birthday only comes once a year, and she’s a good friend, and so she has to choose a dress from her closet even though pyjamas sound like an infinitely comfier option right now.
The buzzing from her phone on her bed distracts her from her closet dilemma, and so she hangs the dresses in her arms back up in favour of checking her texts.
VVM: Kahanna is singing along to the radio
VVM: we bout to get complaints from the neighbours at any moment but this shit is hilarious
BLH: Omg. Send me a video
The resulting video from Vanessa makes Brooke crack up, because Riley’s spinning around and howling in the same key as Kahanna is singing. The best part of the video though, is the shaky quality of it, because Vanessa seems to be giggling too hard while filming to hold the camera straight.
BLH: These two need Grammys
VVM: I wanna join in but I’m afraid of ruining it
VVM: anyways how’s your evening going, blondie?
BLH: Trying to choose an outfit. Nina’s birthday and she wants to go clubbing, as if we’re not too old.
VVM: speak for yourself, grandma, some of us are still young
VVM: that being said, you’re not too old for clubbing at all
VVM: show me some of those outfits
BLH: Like, take pictures of them?
VVM: yeah
VVM: better yet, facetime me
It seems like as good of an option as any. Maybe Vanessa can help her decide.
Vanessa picks up the call on the first ring, Riley’s singing reverberating loud and clear in the background. “Hold up, lemme go to my room and close the door. These opera singers be too fucking loud.”
Brooke watches as Vanessa falls back onto her bed, her hair fanning out all around her. “There. Much more comfy. Now, show me some outfit options.”
“Let me prop my phone up on my dresser, hold on.” Brooke leans it carefully so that she can get a clear, hands free shot of herself, and gives a little wave to the camera.
Vanessa giggles on the other end of the line. “Hi to you too, you dork.”
“Okay, help me decide, I’m stuck. Mostly ‘cause I don’t wanna go.” Brooke pulls out a couple dresses and lays them on her bed. “I guess I’ll just hold them up one at a time, or something?”
“Nuh uh. You gotta try them on, give me the full fantasy.”  Vanessa snuggles further into her pillows on screen, and it makes Brooke raise an eyebrow.
“Fine.” Maybe it’ll be fun, help Brooke decide a little better.
She pulls out a blazer dress, steps out of the frame to try it on. When she comes back, Vanessa is nodding appreciatively.
“Okay, I could get into this. Suits you.”
“Yeah?” Brooke faces the screen, turns a little so she can see her back. “I dunno if I wanna wear long sleeves tonight, though.”
“Clubs do get warm.” Vanessa shrugs. “What other options you got?”
“How about this?” Brooke steps back in front of the screen after shimmying into her knee length, floral form fitting dress, one which she doesn’t pull out often because of how long it takes to take off when she has to pee. But it feels like a good option.
“Woah.” Brooke’s almost not sure if she hears the words or not, but Vanessa’s eyes are wide as she shuffles closer to the screen, and Brooke has to bite back a smirk.
“Yeah?” Brooke puts her hands on her waist, turns slightly so that Vanessa can see what it looks like from the back. She knows what she’s doing.
It works, from the way Vanessa gulps.
Brooke knows that the two of them have chemistry. She hasn’t forgotten the holiday party, hasn’t forgotten the way it felt to have Vanessa gasping into her mouth. The way Vanessa had pulled her closer, the way Brooke hadn’t stopped wanting to kiss her, either.
Well. They’re not actually together. But it’s nice to know she has chemistry with her fake girlfriend, at least. Sells the fantasy.
Because that’s what this is about - being believable.
That’s it.
The club is a lot more boring to Brooke when she doesn’t feel like dancing with anyone.
It’s too sweaty, that’s why. The club feels like it’s a million degrees, and adding dancing to the mix will only make it worse. Heck, Brooke’s sitting at the bar in front of a fan that is directly blowing cool air at her, and she’s still sweating like crazy.
That’s why she doesn’t want to dance.
All of Brooke’s friends are on the dance floor with their respective partners - save for Courtney, who’s found a girl for herself to make out with in the corner of the club. Brooke can’t help but feel…bored. Why dance anyway, when it’s too warm and sweaty and crowded? Why talk up a girl when-
When she has Vanessa?
Technically, Brooke doesn’t have Vanessa. They’re not dating. She has to remember that.
But they did sign a contract together, saying that they won’t mess around with others while doing this. Yes, that’s why Brooke is staying away from chatting up nearby girls. Because she has a commitment to keep. Not that she really wants to talk to other girls in the first place. But her gin and tonic is nearly done and she needs another if she’s going to be at this bar for any longer, so she signals to the bartender and opens up her phone while she waits.
BLH: Help, the club is boring
BLH: I’m wasting away at the bar
VVM: omg
VVM: go dance, you’re at a club
BLH: I don’t wanna
BLH: Stinky guys
VVM: stinky, huh?
BLH: You need to spray your perfume on them. You smell so much better
VVM: weird compliment, but I’ll take it
VVM: we should go out dancing. I’d give you such a better time
BLH: Would you, now?
VVM: you know it, blondie
VVM: let’s do that for another date
Brooke is reminded of the holiday party, of how they’d danced pressed up against one another and how it was fucking hot. The chance to do something like that again with Vanessa? She’ll take it.
BLH: You wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of me
VVM: you say that as if you’d be able to keep yours off of me
VVM: I know how much you love grabbing my ass
VVM: not that I’m complaining about it
Brooke smirks at her phone screen. She remembers how Vanessa had keened into her touch, spurred her on to keep going with little gasps into the crook of her neck. Dating or not dating, Brooke loves how easy Vanessa has been to take apart. She wants to do it again.
BLH: Interesting. Noted.
It’s funny. When she and Vanessa had signed their list, they had agreed on light PDA only. But there’s a part of Brooke that wants more more more, that wants Vanessa on her arm and wants everyone to know it. That Vanessa’s hers, that she’s the one who gets to take Vanessa home every night.
Brooke almost wishes that those things were actually true.
“C’mon, Nina. There you go, come on out of the Uber. Small steps, don’t slip on the ice.” Brooke wraps one of her arms around Nina’s waist, holds her up as they head to Nina’s apartment.
“Ugh. It’s too cold.” Nina leans her head on Brooke’s shoulder, and Brooke reaches out to pat her hair.
“Almost inside. You got your keys?”
Nina fiddles in her pockets for a good thirty seconds before pulling them out, holding them towards Brooke. “Please?”
“I got you.”
Brooke is usually the supportive friend in situations like these for Detox, helping her get home in one piece after she’s had too much to drink. Nina’s not usually the one to need it, but Brooke had found her in the club bathroom leaning against the mirror and sniffling about her fiancé. Considering the fact that they’d gone out for Nina’s birthday in the first place? Brooke had felt her duty calling.
“I don’t feel so well. That car ride was fast.” Nina rubs at her eyes as Brooke tries to get her coat off, pushing it off her shoulders and hanging it on the coat rack.
“Bathroom first, then.”
Nina sighs, resting her head against the lid of the toilet after sitting down on the ground. The scene feels reminiscent of Brooke’s undergraduate days, when she’d partied too much and absolutely did some damage to her poor liver. She pulls Nina’s hair back, has to keep her nose from wrinkling when Nina lets out a retch.
“Thanks, B.” Nina sighs when she lifts her head up, only to turn back towards the toilet to throw up again.
Brooke’s definitely been there before.
“No worries. It’ll feel better when it’s out of your system, anyway.” Brooke rubs her back, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible because she knows Nina’s probably got a pounding headache, too. “Now, tell me. What made you drink so much today and end up crying by yourself on your birthday?”
Brooke’s surprised by it, really. Nina’s usually the one who takes care of everyone else like its second nature, because she has a high tolerance herself. Which means that to reach this current point tonight, she’s probably had a lot to drink. Which also means that something has to have really rattled her to get her here, bent over the toilet and looking slightly green.
“It doesn’t matter.” Nina mumbles the words, looking down, and Brooke puts a hand on her shoulder, gives her a little squeeze.
“Course it does. You can talk to me.”
Nina finally, finally looks at her, and Brooke can see the dimmed sparkle in her eyes, the sadness along her features. No, not sadness - more defeat.
“Am I making a mistake, Brooke? Marrying Ben?”
Booke pulls back in surprise. “What? What do you mean?”
Brooke has multiple friends that are in long term relationships and Nina’s, by far, always has looked the steadiest. The most wholesome. Nina never shuts up about her fiancé, telling Brooke all the time about the picnics he takes her on or the gifts he gets her or how they’re absolutely soulmates. Nina’s always looked happy, truly happy with her man, something that Brooke has loved to see, because Nina’s the kind of person who believes in true love. In a happily ever after. And, up until this moment, Brooke has believed that Nina’s been living exactly how she’s always dreamed of.
But what if she hasn’t?
“It’s just-it’s good. But it’s also just good, y’know? He brings me flowers and always opens doors for me and snuggles me at night but…” Nina lifts her head, looks at Brooke, and her face is more lost than Brooke has ever seen it. “I don’t feel anything else with him. Like, it’s happy, it’s good, he’s good, but-”
Nina cuts herself off, takes a deep breath as she lifts her left hand up, holds it out in front of them. The sparkling bling on her ring finger reflects sparkles along the bathroom tiles and walls, ones that make Nina wince when they shine on her face.
“I just don’t know. I’m not feeling what I’m supposed to feel, y’know?” Nina sits back, scooches away from the toilet to lean against the wall.
Brooke joins her because really, does she have anywhere else to be? She doesn’t know what to do though, not when Nina’s looking so forlorn and lost and all Brooke wants is be there for her, somehow, even though she’s never felt the way Nina is feeling right now.
So Brooke leans her head on Nina’s shoulder, feeling the comforting warmth of Nina leaning her head against hers, too. “I dunno, babe. I wish I could tell you I had the answer, or how to make things magical, but I have none of those answers. All I know is that you deserve to be happy. You deserve the ending that you’ve always wanted. I think you need to first figure out exactly what that is.”
Nina sighs, twisting her ring on her finger. “I have no idea what that is.”
“No need to decide on your birthday with a tipsy brain. It can wait.” Brooke unfolds herself from the ground, gets herself up before holding her hands out to Nina so that she can help her up, too.
“C’mon. Let’s get you into bed.”
The conversation replays in her mind, though, as she Ubers home from Nina’s. It makes no sense - how has Nina lost that spark with her fiancé, when they’ve always looked so stable? Did Nina ever really have it in the first place? Or did she just think she did? Was the way Nina had felt in the bathroom just cold feet, or was it something bigger?
And then there’s that spark Nina had talked about in the first place. Brooke tries to picture what it would feel like, what the concept of sparks flying actually even means. Fireworks and butterflies and falling head over heels? Hell, Brooke feels fireworks when she kisses Vanessa, but it’s only because she’s kissing a pretty girl after ages and ages and fully enjoying it. The concept of sparks flying feels elusive, something that could be searched for forever and ever without ever truly being found. It feels similar to the way that Vanessa’s looking for her true love and Princess Charming, and how she’s absolutely convinced that she’ll know when she finds her.
It feels like everyone has a radar for knowing these kinds of things except for Brooke. Not that Brooke minds, not really. Being in search of something that’ll never be in reach seems fruitless. Unnecessary. Especially when she has other things she’d rather be spending her time on.
Quite frankly? Brooke’s good with just her cats and friendship - especially Vanessa’s.
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chrisbangs · 5 years
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so i guess i could type like a practical person for once……. maybe………. but i probably won’t so i apologize ahead of time……… anyway, so i hit? 1k…..? after remaking only 3 months ago... to me that’s pretty crazy because as a lot of my older mutuals will know, i remake like every 0.38 seconds because i’m annoying like that… to the people who’ve been here since forever (you know who you are) it means a lot that you’ve stuck with me through blog type changes (there’s like 1 or 2 of you who’ve just been around since The Beginning and wowza thank you for dealing with me like that ifnawoeiawoef)!!! and to the people who i’ve only recently become mutuals with i apologize cause at any second i will probably be like hee honk time to remake. to all of you, mutuals and followers, thank you for dealing with my stupid lame text posts about chan or my crazy ‘content creators deserve better’ campaigns!! thank you for interacting with me through dms, asks, even just liking my posts and being kind to me when i’m down- i really appreciate that. i’ve been using tumblr for a very, very long time, and tbh, i feel like its not until recently that i’ve found a group of people that i feel very comfortable and happy around. you guys are all so talented and funny and warm and friendly, and i’m so thankful for you guys in my life! thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your dash !!! i’m really grateful if you’ve ever enjoyed my content (gifs, gfx, etc.) and i hope i can continue to make your dashes and hearts bright whether it be through content or my stupid dumb (i hope funny) tags! i love you all!
(( if theres a 🖤 next to your name!! i’ve left a little message for you under the cut ;; v ;; !!! i hope you know how much i love and appreciate all of you! (i really didn’t proof read these so like… u know… just…….. i apologize foawinefoiwna) ))
@00hj 🖤, @1095, @19gf, @3rachha, @angelhyunjin​ 🖤, @binnieseason​, @binsungz​ 🖤, @boxerminho​, @changbeanie​, @chimneycloud​, @cosmicskz​ 🖤, @dhalfmoonbydean​, @f1owerlix​ 🖤, @huiracha​, @ilovedowoon​, @jedixuxi​ 🖤, @jinlix​ 🖤, @jisquish​ 🖤, @johfam​ 🖤, @kim-seungmins​ 🖤, @kim-woojins​, @kimwuujin​ 🖤, @kqngyounghyun​ 🖤, @luvknow​, @marriael​, @momowlw​, @mydays​, @noairmv​ 🖤, @naekkung​, @parkjinwoo​, @prodskz​ 🖤, @pouringmv​, @realstraykids​, @seofthours​, @seungminsmile​, @soohao​, @sk-z​ 🖤, @skzbffie​, @skzd​ 🖤, @stray-kids​, @straykisd​, @theminho​ 🖤, @uayv​ 🖤, @ultscb​ 🖤, @wayvgf​ 🖤, @yngbok​
@00hj​: hello karen! wow :( it feels like forever since we’ve been mutual… like i really cannot believe it’s been??? 7/8 months since we first became friends? like it doesn’t even feel that long. i know time flies and we’re at that point in our lives where every day just flashes by but :( even in those moments that do pass by, you’re always there making me smile. through your killer content or your funny jokes or those convos where we’re both just yelling abt how much we HATE group projects… its all fun :( you always make me smile and make me want to work harder. when i see how hard you work??? it just makes me want to work /that/ much harder. from your gfx to your gifs!! you are a pillar in this community and i am so honoured to be pals with u man faionwefoaie !!! to top that off, i feel like i can always ask you anything- any dumb questions i have abt making things, anything that’s just kinda eating at me, i feel like i can talk to you about it. you’re such a comfy place !! a comfy warm person !! and i love you dearly! i hope you get to kick back with jisung and hyunjin and enjoy a slice of pie!!
@angelhyunjin​: hello angi! my darling you work so so so hard! your art is always stellar and always wowing! i know sometimes you worry about posting, but please remember to put your health first;; its hard to think about yourself sometimes, i know, but remind yourself that !! to make smth nice, you need to be well first!!! anyway;; your art never fails to make me smile. like your style is sososo distinct and memorable?? and also?? you’re an amazing dancer!!! your covers are always so lovely and you do such a great job :( i can tell how passionate you are about things through both your art and your dance! thank you for always working hard and being kind to everyone around you! i love you dearly angel! hyunjin is sending his love!
@binsungz​: yooooo whaTS UP HOMIE FIAWNOFANWFO HELLO BABY!! MY WHORE PARTNER!!!!!!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!! literally what do i even say here that i haven’t already said to you??? you’re one of my closest friends online and you ALWAYS make me laugh. from talking abt nsfw things to cute things to minecraft and gaming!!! you always always get me !!! you just have a knack for understanding me?? and that’s just :( so appreciated!!!! you !!! are !!! amazing dude!!! ur gifs are always so clean; you’re one of the reasons i started working harder to make my gifs better bc you inspired me !! you’re always so kind and warm and loving ; and i can always talk with you abt sucking dicks or eating pussy like IT REALLY DO BE LIKE THAT !!!!!!!!! i was going through my old blog and i found those videos you did where you looked through my blog and when i heard your voice again and you being like ‘omg ur so funny’ i was ready to scream cause it was still so fuiowenaowieaoe fricking cute :(((( dude I LOVE YOU!!!! like you really are one of the kindest people in the world and i can’t stop !! saying !! how thankful!!! i am for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much britt !! thank you for always dealing with me and being kind to me and just fjaoweifnaow you’re really the best :((( jisung and [redacted] love u but not as much as me ok foaiwneoaiwnfia ……..
@cosmicskz​: hello gumdrop!!! my love!!! thank you so much for always hyping – not just me- but everyone up!! you are sososo kind and so so so SO warm and cute and oawifenawo precious!!! please remember to take care of your health and of yourself too!! loving everyone around u is important but also take care of yourself TT TT !!! your content is also always so cute and thoughtful and you put 110% into everything you do ????? like !!!!!!!!  ma’am????? so talented and pure ;; ___ ;; like i don’t know how you do it but you do !!! also thank you for ALWAYS offering to look @ my work and give me advice etc etc!! i am so appreciative of it ;; also – i know i don’t always reply that often but !!!!!!!!!!!! i love you and i’m thankful that you’re so patient with me when it comes to dms fjaowiefnawoiefn TT TT you’re ! so ! lovely and sweet and i hope you know !! i’m here for you whenever you need !!! skz and i lovelovelove you!
@f1owerlix​: vale……….. vale………………. VALE……………………………. HELLO…………………. ??? i ??? can’t even find the words to tell you what you mean to me. i’d write a poem but its just gonna end up being long and i’d never be able to finish it bc i’d go back and keep adding bits and lines abt how you’re like the NICEST person in humanities history and that you’re just an all-around talented and wonderful person….. like….. are u KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! she did that (that = being the kindest person EVER) you’re always using The Most amount of nicknames possible;; and it makes my heart so so so soft. not only that, but you’re also such a kind, genuine, warm person. i don’t know anyone who is as kind, and humble, and talented, and warm like you. i literally could list a billion wonderful things about you because you’re that frucaowienoawikingiawgo amazing…. dude like seriously…. we out here STANNING miss vale….. i was going through my blog a while ago and i saw this tag that was like ‘i got my vale fansite set up and we’re going to start making slogans and planning birthday events’ like past li had it right. you’re so kind and funny and warm and i always feel safe and comfy talking to you. i really appreciate the feedback you give me- because its always so thought out and GENUINE. like… you do this for EVERYONE… all the tags i read from you are so KIND and you always make ccs feel like they’re doing the best job ever…. like you really……. you really are an angel on this ea.rth…. huh….. also…? changbin is dropping by with flowers for you!!!!
@jedixuxi​: hello angel;; i hope you’re doing well!!! thank you for dealing with my blog change and staying mutuals with me regardless of content differing! thank you for always being kind and being patient with me- i know i don’t reply a lot but ;; you are a really good friend to me and i am so so so thankful;; you’re so sweet and warm and such a talented artist;; like everything you draw im always like fjawifeawoej :0000 !!!!! you really have so much love and warmth inside of you and !!! that’s why ur so tall ma’am.. foawiefnoaweifno :’( aaaa thank you so much beth for always being so warm to others; your brightness is like the sun on my dash and in my dms and you always make me smile or laugh its just ;; aofwienaiwneoi I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! and xuxi is also mailing his entire heart your way ok !!!
@jinlix​: hello madam ! hello to my lov e !!! my sweet lil gum drop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh hi bb :( thank you for everything you do; firstly, your gfx?? so incredible ok?? like i know your style immediately when i see it yet you always manage to surprise me?? like your work is so fucking GOOD. how does she do it :// like us plebeians will never kno and that’s how it fuckin be ig afoiwneoaiwnfeoawi ….. omg…. ok…. and like secondly??? youre always so humble and kind to other ppl??? like your tags on anyones work is always so so so so kind TT TT you always say the nicest things- and i still remember the tags you left on one of my very first skz gfxs … like you really made my heart flutter like that huh….. hm…. guess you’re an angel or smth like… that…. gmgamoweigna TT __ TT Kelly seriously you’re such a sweet heart? you love with all your heart and its so warm and soft and whenever you talk abt hyunjin im like jfjfaiweIFAIWo …. my heart !!!!!!!!!!! like he would totally be floored by your love bc of how soft u fuckin are oh ymgmymmym go d !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway :( i love u so much and hope you’re well angel!! hyunjin is sending all his love your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@jisquish​: ok here we go … ma’am… MA’AM… how do i even EXPLAIN the love i feel for u.. oh my gosh.. miss india.. you really exist like that.. like we STAN a whole ass legend huh… not only are you funny and smart and talented and kind and amazing?? you’re also just like.. the coolest bestest person in the world? like i still find it hard to believe you were one of my anons bc like… u just.. u r too … ://// cool… like i’m really just sitting here like… an idiot… from day 1 you’ve always been so fucking kind to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have just :( been so sweet and kind and just an all-around angel- and even if we only talk every now and then, i always feel so warm and happy whenever we do!! u know those ppl u don’t have to talk to 24/7 to know that there’s still a warm friendly hug waiting for you??? :(( yea you’re one of those people. you always always ALWAYS make me laugh like hfawoifenoawie :( hello how do u do this?? yet you also are so grounded and warm and understanding and like.. i can’t believe you’re also one of the most talented humans ever;; whenever i see your covers, i’m always like !!! wowowowo !!! you inspire me to work harder with my music and writing ;; you are such an angel :-( and i am so thankful for you! so so so so thankful!!! jeongin and changbin and jisung are sending all their love !!! and so am i bb !!!
@johfam​: if anyone deserves a thank you- it is you. miss nita… jejejsigaweg i feel like i’m gonna cry typing this so here we go…. you’ve been friends with me for more than a year now i believe :( i think we’ve actually hit our year since we became friends which is so wild to me?? you’ve been with me through SO MANY THINGS… like you’ve been my soundboard for so many things in my life.. i can’t believe we started talking bc a spider landed on your hand… and u stabbed ur own hand with a pencil.. like ig we have to thank that spider….. ghanwegoiawen….. you’ve really stuck with me through blog changes and through me being angry abt things and you’ve allowed me to be angry- which i appreciate so much.. you know me so well :// like… idk how you do it but you always make me feel safe and warm and like i can say anything to you and you’ll hear me out?? like oaiwnefaiwenof :( you just !! you’ve supported me so much through so many bad days and i can’t thank you enough. you are made of sunshine and stardust and your heart is literally the softest and warmest. thank you !!! for !!! always enjoying frogs with me and sending me cute frog things.. like.. :( it makes me SO happy that we can enjoy those lil squishy fuckers together.. also thank u for being my source of johnny content jfjawfieawio i’ve literally unfollowed every other nct blog and you’re one of the only ones left bc i still love johnny so much and seeing him on my dash- esp with your tags- makes me so so so happy;; thank you for everything you’ve done for me and !!! and for all the love you’ve given me :( and just for being there for me through some of the toughest places in my life;; i really love and appreciate you!!!!!!!!! johnny is sending his love and some kisses through the mail :’(
@kim-seungmins​: hfhawefaniow…………… hello dumm..y… :( u r the loml.. you’ve been there for me through so much shit in the short amt of the time we’ve been friends.. u were also one of my first friends in this fandom- and i’m so thankful you were bc we got really close during these last few months and it makes me so happy. you’re so funny and you always make me laugh!!! you give me so much confidence and happiness and you make me feel so warm and happy ;; !!!!!! you are a fajfowienawei whole ass angel who is always working hard both to make good content and in school. :( i’m so proud of you for all that you do dude like wowowwowo :( look @ you go ????? you’re also one of the funniest pals i have like u literally make me bust a LUNG laughing … like whenever i get any of my biases together in one screen i now literally think, without even pause, “abia voice: crumbs” likej faweiojaowefoi you’re such an icon!!!!!!!!! also?? like … you’ve just been s o kind to me and helped me with things that i’ve not talked to others with bc you never make me feel like i’ll be judged… like.. you’re so fucking understanding and warm and kind and considerate with how you reply; you always care and you’re just… :( u r angel or smth like that… i know i tease you and that’s kinda how i show my love but for real dude………………. i love u so much.. like if i could give you the whole world i really fucking would.. :( because you deserve nothing less!! thank u for always providing that good good seungmin content ;; seungmin and minho and woojin all told me to tell you that they love you!!!
@kimwuujin​: hello sugar drop!! thank you for being so kind and warm and always just !!! being so sweet :( you always tag me in funny/cute content and it’s always appreciated !!! i feel like i can always be dumb and say stupid soft things abt chan with you bc you’ll understand how i feel :((( you’re so sweet and i’m so glad we started talking more !! you’re not only like faoiwenfaowi incredibly cute and sweet but you’re also so so so so funny !!! :( like you make me laugh and aofwinewaoinoi i really appreciate that!! you’re also so grounded and understanding and !! you always know what to say and i’m really appreciative of the fact that you phrase things so well and eloquently- when will my dumbass ever- anyway fhawjeofaowein i love you with all my heart and hope you’re !! doing well sweetpea !!! chan and are yeeting every ounce of love we have for you to you!!!!!!!!!!!
@kqngyounghyun​: hello my love :( i can’t even remember the first time we talked bc it feels like its been so so so long; and through all of this time you’ve been one of my close friends who’s stuck around with me through so much. you’re always there, and always kind, and just always warm and friendly and a safe place to go. i love that we can bitch abt things with each other but also oiawenfowaie be super soft… but then also talk abt super nsfw things jfawieaoeif aofiwneoai you’ve always been so so kind to me and i really do appreciate it. thank you for sticking with me through all my blog changes and for always supporting me and my dumbassery;; i really hope you know how much i appreciate you and how much i love you! you’re such a hardworking person- like whenever you tell me abt the effort you’re putting in at school its just oifnawiefnaoi wowowow!!! you’re so amazing :(( !!!!! also, you were there for me during one of the Hardest Points In My Life- like a time when i really thought i was going to ofaiwneoiawen lose my mind bc of how much i was struggling……. but you seriously helped me get through that part of my life and i can never fully explain to you how thankful i am. but i love you so much and i’m so thankful. younghyun and i both love you to the ends of the earth ;; __ ;; !!!
@noairmv​: hello ! ! ! miss ai!! the loml!!! angel!! bb gumdrop!! jacob’s baby!!! all names we can use to refer to you!!! :( hello baby!! thankyou! for everything! for all you do! for all you are! you are always honest with me, always genuine, always kind and understanding. you do more than i could ever fucking ask for. i’ve told this to you before but, i think you’re the one person i can go to- without fail- for like.. real life advice… like things that i feel like i cannot ask anyone else, i can ask you. i remember when i was struggling financially i immediately went to you first to talk things through. you give me a lot of clarity and you help me understand my own thoughts and talking to you always puts things into perspective for me. you’re also always there to rant abt nsfw things with which is foaiwnefoaiwn so fun afnowienfao afjfaowefiao but also i get to be super soft with you which is also really :~( the best oof……… i love u so much…….. like, thank you for always looking @ my gfxs, and for always being supportive and understanding and giving me genuine advice. i love listening to you talk abt Jacob (and being rawed by others who are not … Jacob………… ahem………) aofiwnefoaiwno thank you for always being patient with me and for being so kind (and for always faowineoawi saying yes when i propOSE FAOIWNOAIWF ;;) you’re an angel (hee honk) from above and i will always be thankful for you in my life angel bean :( thank you so much for everything ai, i love you SO fucking much… jacob also loves u – he told me to tell u that !!!
@prodskz​: hello my love! ! ! ! i think i told you this once but!! my favourite kinds of relationships are those ones that have a good roast/love ratio!!! and i deeply feel that ours is that kinda relationship!!! no matter how many times we destroy each other aoiwnafienaiowe we’re always like ‘uwu anyway u r my baby’ 2 seconds later and foawinefoiane i love that!!! i love that you will send me 20 messages in a day and i’ll be like yoiNk i forgot but also let me reply to everything at once !! i love that you send me SO many skz memes throughout the day- they make me laugh so hard;; and also you always send me The Best Chan Pics so thank you for that fiawfenfoawienoiwe TT TT you’ve been so kind to me and so so so supportive of all my work ;; whether my gifs or my gfx or just my stupid posts- you are so supportive neha i :( i don’t even deserve the amt of love you give me but fjawoefawoe i ACCEPT ALL OF IT !!!!!!!!!! i’m such a dummy but please know that i love you WITH ALL MY FUCKIN HEART BABY!!!! you are so precious and talented and kind and funny and you are amazing !! like i mean it :( do not !! forget for a second how wonderful you are baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hyunjin would like to also remind you that he loves you to the moon and back (but i love u more ok)
@sk-z​: hi sweet pea !!! :’) i know we only started talking very recently but i already feel so close to you! i just wanted to say thank you for being there for me that night aofinweoianfew and thank you for always being a voice of reason; you’re so understanding and warm and !!! i really am floored but how kind you are!! i know i always say sorry and that’s ifonaweifnaio really just how i am but !! you really make me comfy and it feels easy to just say anything around you and not feel stressed out or judged?? like even things that i blame myself for, you help me see reason and feel better and i just :( i can’t thank you enough for that;; you’re so bright and warm and i really hope we get to continue talking for a long time angel!! i love you!!!
@skzd​: hi haleigh !! i know we haven’t talked in a while but you’re still one of my fav content creators!! even from back when i was an nctzen and we interacted there, to now over on these blogs!!! you’ve stayed such a constant in my life :( and you’ve honestly been nothing but supportive of me :( you’re always so kind whenever we do talk and you’re still one of the funniest people i know;; your tags will never fail to make me laugh;; i really appreciate your presence on my dash and i really want you to know all your content is so beautiful and appreciated;; :( you’re so talented my dude and i love you long time;; i really hope you’re doing well and taking care bc i do love you from the bottom of my heart angel!!! hyunjin is sending his love (and so am i !)
@theminho​: min my little gumdrop!! my sweet sugar bean!! my lil soft angel!!!!!!! hi angel!! :( darn i think you’re one of the ppl i’ve been following longest and oof… OOF.. like :( !! i’m so glad we started talking!! you always make me smile! you are so warm and thoughtful with your words. i’m not sure i know anyone who is as eloquent or as understanding as you. you just.. you really phrase things well. whenever we talk i !! i feel so grounded and like i know oafiwenoaw what you’re saying!! and you’re always so sweet and funny and expressive with what you say :( dude you’re just amazing ok!! and your gifs are always so so so beautiful like… omg…. WOW…. an angel huh TT TT ;; whenever i see your gifs or your tags i’m always so soft!! i’m so proud of you for working hard at school, and though i miss you!! i hope you’re spending your time resting when you get a chance and that school isn’t kicking your butt too much my love!!! i am so proud of you TT TT and i’m sending all my ‘fightings!!!’ and strength your way angel bean!!!! minho is also sending his love and energy!!!
@uayv​: hi darling!!! miss joyce! miss gfx queen! oh my goodness;; first of all- thank you for the BOMB ass content dude… your gfx… wowowowwo..w… secondly, thank you for sticking with me through a drastic blog change;; faoiwenfoaw i’m so glad that we’re still pals bc you’re one of those people that makes me laugh so hard from just your tags alone- and in dms i usually can’t stop smiling/laughing;; aoiwenfoiawenwa !!!!!! listen to me !!!!! the first time i found your blog was bc u rb’d one of my gfxs and left some of the nicest tags ever and i saw you had ‘gfx’ tagged in your bio so when i scrolled through your gfx and i was eMBARRASSED BC LIKE………… DUDE HOLY SHIT THIS PERSON HAD SOME OF THE BEST WORK I’D E V E R SEEN. i still think you are one of the MOST TALENTED GFX MAKERS EVER. you have so much of my respect and love and i wish i could aowiefnoawiefn give you … the whole world dude… awenfiawfeowia TT TT you are so kind to me whenever i ask for a second opinion on my gfx and you’re always so warm and funny- and your love for bread is so good- like i’m telling you whenever i see bread posts that aren’t from you i IMMEDIATELY either tag you or send them to you fawienoawien ;; you’re such a warm positive influence on my dash and in my life and i really love you from the bottom of my heart. i’m so thankful we’re pals bc you are a true angel and a true pal and just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAA I LOVE U SO MUCH JOYCE OIANWFOIAWN TT TT (doyoung loves you loads too okay; he is sending big fat kisses ur way!)
@ultscb​: hi taryn!!! miss gif queen;; faoiwenfaown holy moly; you are such a talented person- but not only are you amazing at giffing ?? you’re also just ??? an amazing warm funny kind beautiful person??? like afnoiwnefowaienof hello?? you’re somehow always making me smile; whenever we talk or through your tags?? you’re just !! so !! lovely and fantastic and i!!!! really do love you!!! you’ve been so kind and warm to me and made me smile so much even if we don’t talk that often;; you always give me such kind feedback when you look at my work and it really foanwifeanwoe blows my ego into another dimension fanoweinaowienfao i love you so much angel!!! i hope you know that you’re an amazing and talented and funny and wonderful person! changbin is sending kisses !! (and so am i!!)
@wayvgf​: hi mara baby!!!!! :0 you are such a bright personality, whenever you’re excited ofiawneofai you’ll make like fawoniewi a bunch of posts back to back with 0 context and idk why that makes me laugh and feel so warm and happy- but the thought that someone who is so warm and bright exists really makes me so happy!!! you are literally the funniest and cutest person i’ve ever !! met !! you are so kind and warm and funny and idk man :(( you’ve just been very kind to me and listened to me rant abt some very dumb stuff faoiwnefoaiwne TT TT thank you for always dealing with that side of me, and for being so kind to me;; i know i always say this but : your nose is… really… afwioenaofiawoifwa the pinnacle of noses ok. u r s o cute :( and whenever i’m like “I LOVE MARA DOT ORG” i mean it !!! i love you SO much!!!!!!!!!!! you are such a fantastic, funny, hard working person and i love you SO much bb !!!!! hyunjin also loves u but :/  i love u mos t.
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
I Like You
Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing: shownu x [y/n]
genre: ultra fluff (im really bad at writing fluff sorry;u;)
word count: 2026
a/n: hey guys! i hope you guys like it and i apologize for any grammatical errors. thank you so much for requesting anon! <3
The sky was clear, light blue painted through the horizon. Not a sign of one or two, big or small, white, fluffy clouds floating across the sky. And the wind is like nothing but calm air. Oh how you wished it was like this every single day. Waltzing your way across the room, you grabbed a hair tie from the bar counter before pulling your hair up into a messy bun.
It was not like it was out of the blue, but you started to clean up the whole house before one of your good friends comes over to hang out and catch up on the things that were left unheard. 
Your eyes wandered around the room - the floors were sparkling clean, the couch pillows were freshly changed with new covers, the dark and dull curtains were replaced with white curtains that lit up the room, and finally, the dust-free furniture that have been dusted off since early morning. 
The sun was still up and you had one more hour to prep yourself up until he arrives. Making your way up to your bathroom, you didn’t waste anytime and began to scrub all the dirt and sweat away from your body, pampering your whole body with body scrubs, body wash, fragrant shampoos and many more.
Now that your morning routine was done, you stared at two outfits that were laid on your bed. A white loose shirt paired with a light brown cardigan and a pair of grey jogger shorts or a pair of thin grey sweater paired with white shorts; which you chose the latter in the end.
Slipping your feet onto your comfy gudetama slippers, you trudged towards your kitchen and looked at your baking recipes book, looking for possible desserts that you can make for a small amount of time before the catching up and watching of movies start. After finding a possible candidate, you rummaged through your cabinets and found all the ingredients except four.
It was all the way up in the top shelves and being the munchkin that you are, even if your on your toes already, it was just too high for you too reach. Giving it another try, you were almost lifting yourself up from the floor while putting all your weight on your arms when a hand reached for the flour for you.
You turned your head to meet the owner of the hand’s gaze, only to make your cheeks heat up at the sight of your good friend, Shownu. Noticing the distance between the two of you, you immediately moved away and accepted the flour that he reached for you. “T-thanks. How’d you get it?”
Carefully laying out all the ingredients on the marbled counter, you turned to look at Shownu’s reaction. “You weren’t answering when I knocked so I got the spare key hidden under your doormat.”
“Nice, nice... Say, do you want some brownies before we start watching Boss Baby?” You asked whilst preparing the bowls and other baking utensils that you were gonna use. “Yeah, sure. I missed your brownies tho.” 
“Don’t worry, Hyunwoo, I gotchu!” You beamed while shooting finger guns at him with a wink, making him chuckle at your cuteness. “Just sit back and make yourself comfortable!” Shownu nods his head and walks over to the bar stool, his eyes focused on you.
You didn’t think twice but to start with mixing the ingredients. It wasn’t really hard for you to mix everything in just a small amount of time since you were used to baking brownies and other desserts for your friends. 
While you were busy mixing, Shownu couldn’t help but smile at how you looked so cute when you were concentrating. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you had your tongue out as you whisked the mixture with just the right amount of strength. 
Anything that you do, Shownu would always find it cute and lovable... maybe because he has liked you ever since the two of you met way back in High School. But even though he’s liked you for that long, he wasn’t able to deny the fact that he was too shy to confess to you. 
And you were just the same with him. Your heart would go crazy every time he was around or when he’s doing just one random thing. Both of you have bottled up all those feelings just because the two of you were too shy to make the first move.
Anyways, back to reality, Shownu couldn’t help but let out a chuckle when you came to him with a pout on your lips as you couldn’t twist the jar of chocolate chips open.
“Here.” Shownu softly smiles at you and hands you the jar of chocolate chips and its cover. “Thanks!” With you hurrying to the batter, sprinkling it on top of the batter and mixing it. Once you’ve finished, you plopped the greased pan filled with the brownie batter in the pre-heated oven and let it set there for twenty minutes.
“Shall I go get our mugs?” Shownu asks, lifting himself off the bar stool before walking towards the cabinets. “Yes, please!” You then return your attention back to the bowl, and other utensils that had to be washed.
You couldn’t help but trail your eyes towards Shownu’s body, his arms stretched, allowing his shirt to hike up. You couldn’t help but widen your eyes when you saw his happy trail, making you fangirl on the inside with your head hang down to cover the fact that you were blushing madly.
The sound of glass wear meeting the marbled floor got you to look up and meet Shownu’s gaze. “You can grab any drink that you want in the fridge.” Nodding his head in response, he opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of coke, making you burst out laughing.
Shaking your head, you just continued washing the dishes. Wiping off the excess water, you carefully placed everything on the rack and glanced towards Shownu’s direction before leading him back to the living room with both your mugs on your hands while a bottle of coke and milk in his. 
“So, how’s life, Hyunwoo?” You casually asked as you felt his skin graze with yours when you both placed the mugs and bottles down on the coffee table. It felt like electric spark ran down your spine, startling you for a second. 
Shownu sits down on the couch with his arms rested at the backrest, watching you grab the remote and sit back, not minding his arm resting behind your neck. “Life’s been alright.” He mutters as he tries to calm down his beating heart when he felt you scoot a little bit closer to him.
“Oh, c’mon Hyunwoo, don’t you have any juicy news that I’ve practically missed while I was away?” 
I can’t tell you how much I kept thinking about you when you were away, Shownu shakes his head and quickly grabs the remote away from you, choosing the Boss Baby since you were too slow.
“How about you, [y/n]? Don’t you have anything juicy to tell me when you were away?” Shownu emphasizes the word juicy, only to have you laughing at him. “Life’s been alright too.” You copied, making him poke you on the sides with a pout.
“I’m just kidding! I just recently got a job at Seoul National University Hospital.” You softly muttered as you leaned on his arm, making Shownu feel thousands of butterflies in his tummy.
“That’s great to hear, [y/n]! So, can I say that I can have you as my doctor?” 
You can even have me as your wife, you thought while you nodded at his question. “Well, if ever you get sick or hurt, just call me.” You gave him a wink as you slowly transferred your attention to the movie playing right before you.
The room was filled with nothing but the sound of the character’s from the movie talking. Glancing up at the clock, you excused yourself by placing a hand on Shownu’s thighs before heading to the kitchen to check on the brownies, which was perfectly done by the minute you came.
By the minute that you left, Shownu had this gut feeling telling him to just freaking confess already but it felt like it wasn’t the right time. With you waddling in the living room with the brownies in your hand, you excitedly placed it right in front of the two of you before slicing up a piece, placing it on a napkin and giving it to Shownu. Well, it was more like you feeding him the brownie.
“Woah, it’s still heavenly good!” He beams with a smile as you brought down your hand from his mouth. “I’m glad to hear that.” You smiled and unconsciously leaned back to his chest, making you frantically move away but only to be stopped by Shownu who had his arm completely wrapped around your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry!” you squeaked. “It’s okay, I like it when you’re close to me.” Shownu blurts out, only to end up with the two of you blushing and letting out a laugh. “Aye~” you teased while poking his cheek as you now leaned back to his chest. 
Chuckling at your actions, Shownu couldn’t help but stare at your eyes. You were also staring back at him but there was something that got the two of you to lock eyes for a couple of minute before inching closer and closer until both of your lips touched.
Both of your eyes fluttered close as the two of you shared a deep, yet meaningful kiss. Your hands instinctively wrapped themselves around Shownu’s neck. You drew yourself closer to bathe in his wondrous heat and energy. The kiss was soft and full of passion that you could just imagine yourself kissing this plump, and luscious lips all the time.
Pulling away after a minute or two, the two of you looked into each other’s eyes with a tint of pink dusted on top of your cheeks. Both of your bodies were heating up at the sudden intimacy but you didn’t feel awkward about it.
Shownu takes a deep breath and confessed, “I like you alot, [y/n].... ever since we were still in high school. My heart was already beating for you by the minute I laid my eyes on those beautiful eyes of yours.”
“Really?” your eyes lit up, you finally saw hope between the two od you. Before, you thought that it was impossible for you to have someone like Shownu in your life, especially when he’s out of your league. 
“Yeah. I was just too shy to confess my feelings to you since... I thought that you only saw me as a brother but.. when all these little things happening between us today made me just you know.. gather all this courage to have my lips pressed against those soft lips of yours that I’ve been wishing to kiss throughout these years.”
Pouting at you, you slightly gave his chest a smack, “Dummy! Why would I see you as my brother? You know, I also like you a lot ever since High School too. But then, I’m glad that this happened.” You shy smiled.
“You like me too?” 
“If I didn’t like you back, would I do this?” You didn’t think twice but to give him a quick peck on the lips, catching him off-guard. As soon as you pulled away, Shownu couldn’t help but blush and smile at the same time.
Shyly scratching the back of his head, Shownu looks at you in the eyes and asks, “I don’t know how to say this but... will you be my girlfriend?”
“I would love to!” 
Wrapping his arms around you, Shownu pulls you into a tight hug before placing a kiss on your forehead. “So, do you want to continue watch this movie or do you want to....” Shownu pauses for a while before giggling, “continue that kiss awhile ago?”
“Hyunwoo!” You laughed, only to receive a look from Shownu. “So?” 
“I would like to continue the kiss awhile ago...” 
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
July 17 Dancitron Movie Night - Sing
Swoop and Tarantulas got in a small kerfuffle and Prowl sent a flying kick at Swoop, and honestly Prowl jumping into a fight with a Dinobot is easily the dumbest thing he’s done all month.
Soundwave, Tarantulas and Prowl hung out after movie night was over. The contents of said hangout are still being roleplayed out and the chatlog is forthcoming. Highlights of what IS included in this log: Tarantulas has promised to capture a bunch of cephalopods for Soundwave, Bevel, and Prowl to meet. (Prowl doesn’t really care about meeting them all that much, but he decided to come along anyway so that Soundwave gets to meet three more species.)
ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *Soundwave settles in on his usual spot, props his legs up with one feeler, and uses the other to give himself a head massage.* Swoop 7:50 pm *scampers in smelling like a furnace* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:50 pm [[Please smoke outside.]] Swoop 7:50 pm *which isn't measurably different from how he usually smells, but much more ... immediate this time around* What? Oh! Kehehehhehheh Me Swoop not on fire it okay :> *is a stinky stinker today, be prepared to get ash on all the things* best decepticon leader 7:52 pm ((We don't have Starbuck's here, is it good? FakeProwl 7:52 pm *appears, claims h is usual spot, and then gives soundwave a vaguely semi-concerned look. why headrub?* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:52 pm [[Try to contain your smell, then. We will have other guests.]] ((idk i don't like coffee haha)) Swoop 7:52 pm ((I don't drink coffee but their hot chocolate isn't bad.)) Uhh... how? Keheh FakeProwl 7:53 pm ((same. their ice tea tastes like ice tea, nothing super special. def overpriced.) Tarantulas 7:54 pm (( starbucks is like fancy-mcdonalds of coffee tbqh Bevel 7:54 pm [[starbucks is ok for like fastfood/chain shop coffee. i like their chai [[not much of a coffee drinker tbh Bay 7:56 pm (( *settles into chat* i didn't know who to bring, bc it's been a while. So for now I'm just a bunny 8D )) FakeProwl 7:56 pm ((eyyyy)) ((... i don't think i ever played with you on this account but hiiiiii)) ItsyBitsySpyers 7:57 pm ((fifteen minute warning. y'all get your snacks and drinks and bathroom breaks)) Swoop 7:57 pm ((thanks mom)) Bay 7:58 pm (( WELL idk about tumblr, but we've def played in the chat before -- looong time ago Bevel 7:58 pm [[roger roger, slender Bay 7:58 pm (( *with Prowl, I mean )) FakeProwl 7:58 pm ((did we?? which of your characters?)) Bay 7:59 pm (( I remember I came in as Jazz a few times? Unless there are secretly more Prowls than I'm aware of Bevel 7:59 pm [[all the prowls FakeProwl 7:59 pm ((............ you have too many characters, which jazz are you)) Bay 8:00 pm (( it was just an NPC Jazz on Twincast's blog boomtank 8:00 pm ((gdi bay Bevel 8:00 pm [[...was that my prowl? Swoop 8:00 pm Her Carly make a cake for Sparkplug birthday Chip say it taller than him And them laugh and then Sludge try to touch and it SMASH dead cake Bevel 8:01 pm *oh right here now just in time whoo, trudges over to her seat* Bay 8:01 pm ((...you know, now I'm doubting myself. HM.)) Swoop 8:01 pm *IS A BABY DRAGON sort of* FakeProwl 8:01 pm ((mighta been ur prowl, i don't specifically remember playing with an NPC jazz)) ((was the prowl you played with Aligned or IDW? im IDW)) Clich A 8:02 pm It is I, who is a bunny now apparently. Impact 8:02 pm *nyooms in* What's the moooovie? Swoop 8:02 pm *pretends to cough and pounds his chest so a little flame flickers out* *sparkplug taught him that one* :> Bevel 8:02 pm *makes room for tiny Impact* Impact 8:02 pm 3:D Bay 8:03 pm ((I do not recall. It was probably literally over a year ago at this point. I'mma give it a shrug. I remember them debating Twincast's defection to the decepticons, but that's about it? )) boomtank 8:03 pm -trots in and glances around for a seat- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Soundwave nods to the assorted newcomers and lifts his datapad to double-check the title. Once he sees what it is, he wonders why he even needed to do that.* [[Sing.]] Bevel 8:03 pm [[oh then it was probably definitely mine as it's been over a year since i've rp'd anything Tarantulas 8:03 pm *erring on the wrong side of caution, tarantulas arrives in root size, his usual mess of legs and fur, "sneaks" over to try and surprise prowl and/or soundwave* Swoop 8:04 pm *notices that he has dust, dirt, and/or ash falling off himself* FakeProwl 8:04 pm ((i don't remember that debate so yeah, prob not mine)) Swoop 8:04 pm *proceeds to jump somewhat in place to make a bigger mess* *good job swoop* Bay 8:04 pm ((Then I've had y'all mixed up for that long LOL. geez. this is what I get for crossing fandoms)) FakeProwl 8:05 pm ((i think we probably haven't played since i drifted off of starscream? unless we played on my drift at some point)) Swoop 8:05 pm *fuck clean floors, anarchy for life* Bay 8:05 pm ((I played w/ Drift as Kid. I know that for a fact. FakeProwl 8:06 pm ((THAT'S right. So it has been more recent than starscream.)) ((STILL. far too long.)) ((u jumped to megaman with butters, didn't you?)) Bevel 8:06 pm [[nice seeing you again, bay boomtank 8:06 pm ((Baaaaay what have you been up to? Bay 8:06 pm (( I DID and then to Yugioh & it's been. 8T I have regrets)) FakeProwl 8:06 pm ((lol)) ((how's that anime hell treating you)) Impact 8:07 pm ((i used to highkey adore yugioh but then the original series ended)) Bevel 8:07 pm [[*has been buried in the marvel fandom since leaving tf, so many regrets* FakeProwl 8:07 pm ((marvel's a rough place to be rn)) Bay 8:08 pm ((TBH there's a lot of drama in YGO and it's p elitist. idk. I play a filler character which means few ppl will give me the time of day)) Impact 8:08 pm ((awww, that sucks)) FakeProwl 8:08 pm ((tch. sucks for them.)) boomtank 8:08 pm ((their loss Bay 8:08 pm ((Also, I've had to make a whole new universe/timeline for every new character I encounter ((and I scream rl loud)) FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((ugh god ygo is one of those fandoms?)) Clich A 8:09 pm ((Oh wow, that can go to heckie.)) Bay 8:09 pm ((YEP FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((i can't STAND roleplaying in fandoms where everyone insists on a separate verse for every character interaction)) boomtank 8:09 pm ((that...kinda REALLY sucks Bevel 8:09 pm [[oh geez, i hate that FakeProwl 8:09 pm ((WHAT ABOUT CONTINUITY? WHAT ABOUT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT??)) Bay 8:09 pm ((there are a few group unis, but it's. ugh &&YEAH. P MUCH.)) Bevel 8:10 pm [[what about the fun of playing with eight different versions of the same character all at once and having to make up nicknames to keep them all straight Swoop 8:10 pm Soundwavwe ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *If Tarantulas has made his way over to Soundwave, he'll find that the feeler massaging Soundwave's head turns and tries to catch him instead* [[Yes?]] Swoop 8:10 pm This sound like Her Carly sleepy music You put on LOUD FUN stuff!!! Clich A 8:10 pm Got any Miles davis in this playlist? FakeProwl 8:10 pm ((you haven't truly roleplayed until you've made a "Soundwave liked this post" bingo card and couldn't even fit all the Soundwave URLs on it.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm [[One something more Swoop's style and then that, as requested.]] Swoop 8:11 pm :> Bay 8:11 pm ((SO YEAH. I mean I've had some fun, but I wouldn't recommend it at all. 8'] I miss y'all regularly Clich A 8:11 pm Would Swoop enjoy "Screaming Jay" Hawkins? This is something I would like to know. boomtank 8:11 pm ((and your tf muses are still mia? FakeProwl 8:11 pm ((ur always welcome back here~~~)) Bay 8:12 pm ((don't tempt me)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((*tempt tempt*)) Impact 8:12 pm ((*teeeeempts*)) boomtank 8:12 pm ((come baaaaack FakeProwl 8:12 pm ((also im trying to bring starscream's blog back from the dead so, yknow, folks to interact with would be VERY welcome.)) Swoop 8:12 pm *is 1000% sure Jazz has played this song while they were training before* :> Bay 8:12 pm ((also I might have to refresh here a sec, bc I just realised there's nothing playing on my end & there probably should be lmfao)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm *Don't tell him. Someone already ruined Mr. Saxobeat.* FakeProwl 8:12 pm ((yeah, we got music going on here)) Swoop 8:13 pm *you're the one who can read minds, buddy* Bay 8:13 pm ((YEP THERE WE GO ((branch.io is very important)) Bevel 8:14 pm [[i came back as an updated version of an OC I used to play with minor plans for an old blog eventually Impact 8:14 pm ((:D)) Bay 8:14 pm ((fffff. I'd probably just come back as Twincast/his crew boomtank 8:14 pm ((awww Swoop 8:14 pm You Soundwave always do sitty music thing. Us do FIGHT stuff one day! Him Chip show games - Tekken, Mortal Kombat - fight tournament. THAT more than talky movie! Then OTHER dinobots come too!! Bevel 8:15 pm [[but bevel gets focus right now because OCs are a bit harder to establish tbh boomtank 8:15 pm ((boom gets to poke at twin again? Swoop 8:15 pm *JUMPS* Bay 8:15 pm (( /we *we'll see Tarantulas 8:15 pm *yeah, gonna try to dodge soundwave's feeler, probably fails because of the whole mess-of-legs thing* FakeProwl 8:15 pm *what's all this feeler waving abou—? oh.* Hi. boomtank 8:15 pm ((hehehe Swoop 8:15 pm *bounces straight into tara* Ka! Clich A 8:15 pm Ooh, nice, thanks Soundwave! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm *Also, the mun missed Prowl asking a question, so - a quick private text.* Clich A 8:16 pm WHo wants to big band dance with me? *Brow waggle* boomtank 8:16 pm -is just going to watch this mess of a room- Tarantulas 8:16 pm What's that sm - /ah/ Swoop 8:17 pm *catches onto a couple of tara's legs and just holds them* kehehehhehe Tarantulas 8:17 pm *ptero, meet spide* Impact 8:17 pm *wiggles by Bevel, gotta get comfy* Bevel 8:17 pm *pulls out a rust stick for Impact* Impact 8:17 pm *DELIGHTED GASP* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm @P: (txt): Sore spot. Backed into Buzzsaw sculpture during transport. Soundwave: fine. Tarantulas 8:18 pm Let go, let /go/, PLEASE. *not a fan. squirming legs will toss the kiddo around if he's not careful* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((ALL RIGHT SO... uh, I think there's flashing lights at some point and... and to be honest I watched this like two weeks ago so I don't remember well but I don't think there's much else?)) Swoop 8:18 pm *IMMEDIATELY clamps down once the wiggles start, it isn't even a thought, just an instinct* Tarantulas 8:19 pm *DEFINITELY not a fan* Lady306 8:19 pm ((wait I remembered a muse I could bring in w/o having to remember too much .u. )) Impact 8:19 pm ((oh?)) Swoop 8:19 pm *eventually all the parental lectures catch up with Swoop's body and he lets go* Bevel 8:19 pm *hopes this is a movie that's actually appropriate for Impact* Swoop 8:19 pm *but .... the setae feel weird on his hands* Lady306 8:19 pm ((306 -- assuming my name changes like it should)) Swoop 8:19 pm *better catch one in his fingertips and bring it with him* Bevel 8:20 pm [[it did ItsyBitsySpyers 8:20 pm ((one sec my audio glitched)) Tarantulas 8:20 pm *gonna get that servo slapped, swoop* What are you DOING. FakeProwl 8:20 pm *DISTRESSED TARANTULAS. Immediately zeroes in on the conflict.* Swoop 8:20 pm *bounces, holds up the yanked setae* Swoop grab! FakeProwl 8:20 pm *If it goes any further he's launching a flying kick at swoop's head* Lady306 8:21 pm *casually strolls in... not entirely sure what's going on, but he's going to get comfortable!* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[Let go, Swoop.]] ((oh ffs chrome... hold on y'all.)) Tarantulas 8:21 pm He can have the seta, for Primus's sake, but Swoop, you can't just - *inarticulate noises* Swoop 8:21 pm *cocks head* boomtank 8:22 pm -well, this is interesting to watch- Swoop 8:22 pm Can. DID! Keheheh. Tarantulas 8:22 pm You OUGHTN'T have Swoop 8:22 pm Why? Tarantulas 8:24 pm Because you don't just JUMP people you haven't - I mean, I /suppose/ we've met, but still Lady306 8:24 pm *if there's room somewhere over by Boom, he'll probably go sit by him, actually. It seems safe.* Swoop 8:24 pm Me Swoop am bomber :> ItsyBitsySpyers 8:24 pm ((OKAY FINALLY... sorry, y'all. my new computer is a glitchy piece of crap :| )) Tarantulas 8:24 pm The only bomber you are is a STINK bomber, by the way Swoop 8:24 pm ((pee on it to establish your dominance)) Impact 8:24 pm Animal movie! 3:D boomtank 8:24 pm Ah. Hello...um? Lady306 8:24 pm Hello, darling Swoop 8:24 pm Kehehehh! Yah. Me Swoop burn stuff *reaches up to try to touch the optics on Tara's forehead* FakeProwl 8:25 pm You might be a bomber, but Tarantulas is neither an enemy nor a target, and should not be treated as such. Tarantulas 8:25 pm *stands up straight for once so swoop can't reach* best decepticon leader 8:25 pm ((technical difficulties FakeProwl 8:25 pm Tarantulas, come over here. *he's going to be an anti-Dinobot shield* boomtank 8:25 pm -there's space, and Boom is probably a safe bet- Lady306 8:26 pm *and a cute bet* Swoop 8:26 pm *grabs tara's shoulder and steps on his knee to try to climb up* KEHEHEHEH Tarantulas 8:26 pm Ah - *don't have to tell him twice, prowl, tara's scrambling over to ya* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Makes room* Tarantulas 8:26 pm *and falling over because he got climbed on* FakeProwl 8:26 pm *THAT'S IT, THAT'S THE SIGNAL FOR THE FLYING KICK* Swoop 8:26 pm *SWOOP WINS* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[SWOOP.]] boomtank 8:27 pm -wait, what?- Swoop 8:27 pm Hi :> FakeProwl 8:27 pm *admittedly there isn't much weight behind a hollow holomatter avatar, but.* best decepticon leader 8:27 pm so dramatic ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Other side of the room or Laserbeak will not visit later.]] Tarantulas 8:27 pm *grumbling in a heap on the floor* Swoop 8:27 pm *is a bigger heap once Prowl hits and tara is the bottom of a pileup* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[Oh, for Primus' sake.]] Swoop 8:28 pm *is used to wrestling dinos so this is nothing* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[This is a movie night, not a brawl.]] Clich A 8:28 pm *Clutches spark* I love this song.. boomtank 8:28 pm ....whoever you are, I think we need to scoot over a bit more FakeProwl 8:28 pm *immediately rolls off and tries to rescue tarantulas from the bottom* Lady306 8:29 pm 306, but, ah, yes I tend to agree Swoop 8:29 pm *holds onto tara but whines at Soundwave* Me Swoop want to play with Bird! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Then let go.]] Lady306 8:29 pm *quietly obliges the not-request and scoots further over* Swoop 8:29 pm *holds up his hands but makes no other move* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Now go sit down.]] Tarantulas 8:29 pm Last I checked, I'M not Bird, so go play with HER *grumble mumble* boomtank 8:30 pm -follows to keep out of the way of the pileup- Swoop 8:30 pm Nooo kehehehh YOU not BIRD at aaaaaaaalll Lady306 8:30 pm And... I assume you're a Blaster? boomtank 8:31 pm Yeah, that's me Tarantulas 8:31 pm *gonna use his legs and prowl to dislodge the graspless swoop and try to crawl over to the couch* Swoop 8:32 pm *giggles the entire time* You pokey bot Tarantulas 8:33 pm *nope, a BOPPY bot. swoop gets bopped on the helm crest* Lady306 8:33 pm @boom - I apologise if it's rude to ask, but I take it you're alone tonight? Swoop 8:33 pm :V keheehee FakeProwl 8:33 pm *follows Tarantulas, keeping himself between him and Swoo—* Tarantulas! Don't encourage him. Swoop 8:33 pm You bad at punches Tarantulas 8:34 pm That wasn't a punch! That was a minor tap! *whiny hiss* Swoop 8:34 pm Yah! It suck. boomtank 8:35 pm Hmn? Yeah, no one with me. FakeProwl 8:35 pm *points at Swoop* And you. YOU keep your hands off of Tarantulas unless he gives you permission to touch him. Swoop 8:36 pm *is OVERCOME by a desire to poke Tara* Lady306 8:36 pm *smiiiiles at* Then I suppose we'll have to keep each other company, hm? Impact 8:36 pm *dozes off* boomtank 8:37 pm Yeah? Aren't we already? Tarantulas 8:37 pm /Don't./ *he can see the desire in swoop's optics damnit* Lady306 8:38 pm *pfft* Technically, yes. boomtank 8:39 pm ...? Swoop 8:39 pm *has zero interest in the movie, stares tara down* FakeProwl 8:39 pm @Soundwave «Requesting permission to bridge Swoop out if he lunges for Tarantulas again.» boomtank 8:39 pm -confused tank noises- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm @Prowl: (txt): Granted. Coordinates here. *Gives* Swoop 8:40 pm *iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinches* FakeProwl 8:41 pm *reaches back to put a hand on Tarantulas's arm* Tarantulas 8:41 pm *squiiiiiiiints* Impact 8:41 pm ((too sleepy for movie night. i'm off guys. night!)) FakeProwl 8:41 pm ((gnight!)) Lady306 8:41 pm ((sleep well!)) best decepticon leader 8:41 pm ((night Clich A 8:41 pm ((SLeep welL!(( ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm ((night!)) Swoop 8:42 pm ((night)) Lady306 8:42 pm @boom I just didn't expect you to be so cheeky. That's all Swoop 8:42 pm *crouches as he leans, getting almost down on all fours* Tarantulas 8:42 pm *whisperhiss* Prowl, can I test how fireproof my webs are? boomtank 8:43 pm Cheeky? Tarantulas 8:43 pm *too bad if you say no because he's gonna do it* Swoop 8:43 pm ((JESUS CHRIST)) Lady306 8:44 pm Yes, cheeky. FakeProwl 8:44 pm @Tarantulas «Unnecessary. If he tries anything else, he's being immediately ejected.» boomtank 8:44 pm What do you mean? Lady306 8:44 pm I was offering you company and you answered that we were already sharing it I'd call that cheeky boomtank 8:45 pm But...? We are? Swoop 8:45 pm *leeeeeeeeeeeeans forward slooooowly and reaches out with one claw tip for tara's leg* Lady306 8:47 pm *would it be rude to pat you? Because he wants to* FakeProwl 8:47 pm *bridge open underneath Swoop's feet* *bye-bye* boomtank 8:47 pm -go for it. he'd only get more confused- Swoop 8:47 pm *squeals all the way to the next location he'll terrorize* Lady306 8:47 pm *Then he will* Never mind. It's not important Tarantulas 8:48 pm *tara already started to shoot silk at swoop's servo - it gets cut off by the bridge when it closes* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm *Shakes his head. He was really hoping that wouldn't be necessary. And yet, he's not surprised.* boomtank 8:49 pm -more confused noises from the tank- Okay? Swoop 8:49 pm *and it'll happen again, since he's has punched and headbutted people at movie nights before, there is absolutely no way he learned a single thing* *finger guns* Lady306 8:50 pm ...also, have you been following this movie at all? boomtank 8:50 pm ...nope Lady306 8:50 pm Oh good, I was worried that I was the only one. boomtank 8:50 pm -waves data-pad- Been reading Tarantulas 8:51 pm I /had/ him, Prowl *huff* Lady306 8:51 pm You came here to *read*? That sounds rather counter-productive ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm *Well, now that that's over, he'll focus himself more on the film. So much music. Soothing after a rough week and a bump and too much work.* FakeProwl 8:52 pm I'd rather you not need to have him. Bevel 8:52 pm *is following the movie more than anything happening in the room right now* Clich A 8:53 pm That is just impressive boomtank 8:53 pm It's the only place I can go for some peace ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm [[She is a many-talented creator.]] Bevel 8:53 pm *claps* That was awesome! FakeProwl 8:53 pm Besides, he wanted a fight. If he'd got one, it would just encourage him to do the same thing. Lady306 8:54 pm Ah, fair, then... although, I might contest that tonight. *chuckles* What are you reading? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm *Thinks the word "praise" in honor of Whirl.* boomtank 8:55 pm True, true...and I'm reading reports Tarantulas 8:55 pm He wouldn't have /gotten/ a fight, he'd have gotten wrapped up! FakeProwl 8:56 pm He would have had something to struggle against. Come on. *gonna try to, guide tarantulas to the seat. we're sitting now.* Swoop 8:57 pm ((PFFF okay that was legitimately funny)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:58 pm [[This is either a very power-efficient theater or that was a very inefficient O.]] Lady306 8:58 pm *helm tilt* Should I leave you to it, then? Tarantulas 8:58 pm Nnnn *more whining but he's coming to sit down. can has cuddles pls* boomtank 8:58 pm Nah, I'm good ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[He dislikes the... the whatever that is. The pointy creature.]] Lady306 9:00 pm ((they're acting like 100 grand is a really huge amount. Honestly, a super fancy car like that is gonna be more than that)) Clich A 9:00 pm Looks like a Poorr cuiiie pine Tarantulas 9:00 pm *mumbles* Porcupine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[Porcupine. Thank you both.]] Clich A 9:01 pm OH NO YOU RUN OVER YOUR Never mind. FakeProwl 8:01 pm *yes. absolutely. rubs his back comfortingly* You're not damaged, are you? Where did he pull on you? Lady306 9:01 pm *quietly settles in closer to Boom then. Goodbye personal space* best decepticon leader 9:01 pm Wish I could hit Megatron Bevel 9:01 pm It cleaned the dishes. Awesome. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm [[If you do so, do it with a warp cannon.]] Swoop 9:03 pm ((what was that voice acting)) Bevel 9:03 pm *so impressed with the pink lady* boomtank 9:04 pm -whelp, he's not going to complain- Tarantulas 9:04 pm No, I'm not. *huff* Just because I'm partially organic doesn't mean I'm /fragile/. Lady306 9:04 pm *excellent. He'd pull you into his lap, but that seemed a bit much* boomtank 9:05 pm -Yeah, he'd be so confused if Lady did that- Tarantulas 9:05 pm *arms curling around, he's starting to sulk over prowl worrying so much, but cuddles are priority* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Glances over at the two of them.* FakeProwl 8:06 pm Good. *continues backrubs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *...Doesn't sound like a full-blown argument. He'll let them be.* FakeProwl 8:10 pm *okay. tarantulas is taken care of. looks at soundwave.* FakeProwl 8:11 pm @Soundwave «I apologize for my role in the altercation. It was inappropriate and counterproductive.» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Looks back, tilts his head.* (txt): Next time, suggestion: bridge first. However... Swoop: dangerous. Prowl: protected Tarantulas. Action basis: accepted, approved. Tarantulas 9:18 pm *is totally lost in the movie but there are animals so he's distracted well enough to sit still* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm *Small cringes at the bad notes.* FakeProwl 8:20 pm *slight nod. yeah. bridge first next time.* FakeProwl 8:21 pm @Soundwave «... How's your head?» Clich A 9:21 pm These are all good things to hear. Bevel 9:21 pm He should leave him there. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm [[Yes, he should. And what do you mean, good things?]] @Prowl: (txt): Ache decreased. Check-in appreciated. ((also: anyone who says they've never wanted to do this kind of thing in the store is a liarrrr)) Clich A 9:23 pm *Seat dancing* FakeProwl 8:23 pm ((i haven't gone to grocery stores with exciting enough music)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm ((:o i must tune your store to our store's channel)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm *Perks. Squid!* Bevel 9:24 pm Oh no. *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm ((what the hell is that menu. go away menu)) Lady306 9:26 pm ((butters is trying to steal me)) FakeProwl 8:26 pm ((get revenge. steal butters.)) boomtank 9:26 pm ((hehe ((yes ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm *Scoot scoot* [[Bah. He wished to see more squid.]] Swoop 9:30 pm ((Why would they think he'd keep that kind of cash around?)) Lady306 9:30 pm ((ikr FakeProwl 8:30 pm ((seriously)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm [[Primus below.]] best decepticon leader 9:31 pm so... how many drown Clich A 9:31 pm apparently...just mike Lady306 9:31 pm None, apparently Tarantulas 9:32 pm I'm terribly sorry about your squids, Soundwave. Hyeh boomtank 9:32 pm .... Lady306 9:32 pm And that was also clearly not a very structurally sound building FakeProwl 8:32 pm ... Are the squid going to be okay in the sewer system? boomtank 9:32 pm That...went badly Swoop 9:32 pm ((omfg)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:32 pm [[...He hopes so.]] Bevel 9:32 pm Aww no. best decepticon leader 9:32 pm Probably not Swoop 9:33 pm ((how did a broken fishtank turn into the flashback from Pacific Rim?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((the water pipes were still running)) best decepticon leader 9:33 pm Genius ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((also: no $$$ for upkeep i guess)) [[Property of-- WHAT property?]] Tarantulas 9:34 pm There you are! Lady306 9:34 pm She's petty enough to claim the rubble just to spite him ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm [[Oh, good.]] FakeProwl 8:34 pm Oh good. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm *Small huff. Jinx, Prowl.* FakeProwl 8:36 pm *thin smile at soundwave* Tarantulas 9:36 pm *craving cake now. are there treats? he's going to cast his gaze around for some* Lady306 9:36 pm Are we supposed to like the.. koala, was it? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *Over on the bar, bowls full.* [[He thinks so.]] Lady306 9:37 pm Ah, pity boomtank 9:37 pm -huffs- Lady306 9:38 pm *yes Boom?* Tarantulas 9:38 pm *zoop goes the thread. that bowl is tarantulas's now* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:38 pm *LOUDER HUFF* Lady306 9:38 pm *..what* Bevel 9:38 pm ... Swoop 9:39 pm ((oh good god)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm *Doesn't know if this is hilarious or horrifying* Lady306 9:39 pm *horrifying* Tarantulas 9:40 pm *definitely hilarious* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Slowly looks over to Tarantulas* FakeProwl 8:40 pm *is trying to figure out what it is* Swoop 9:40 pm ((is anyone else remembering that scene with skids in the marvel comics and just.....)) boomtank 9:40 pm -just watching the show and kinda...no- Swoop 9:40 pm ((combining it.... with this....)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[...Are you a wash or dry spider?]] FakeProwl 8:40 pm PFF—!! *claps hand over mouth* Bevel 9:40 pm Ah, she is singing! Tarantulas 9:40 pm *FLOOFS UP* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm *Oh! What a voice.* boomtank 9:40 pm !!! Clich A 9:40 pm *falls prone, trying not to laugh* Tarantulas 9:41 pm I - I'm not dignifying that with an answer!!! *you're lucky he's not shoving you off the couch* Bevel 9:42 pm *giggles* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm *Dips his helm and places a smiley on his visor. Only meant in good humor, Tarantulas.* Lady306 9:42 pm Should they really be rebuilding on the property the bank repossessed? Tarantulas 9:42 pm *tarantulas hates that smiley so much* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:42 pm [[Probably not.]] Lady306 9:42 pm *also where did they get the money for it, anyway* FakeProwl 8:42 pm *it's an adorable smiley* Tarantulas 9:42 pm *a spider paw lands on the smiley and halfheartedly shoves* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:43 pm *Accepts the half-hearted shove with trembling shoulders* boomtank 9:43 pm -hums a bit and settles to watch the concert- FakeProwl 8:43 pm *... scoots closer to soundwave and tugs tarantulas closer* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Leans in.* Lady306 9:44 pm *also: cute* Tarantulas 9:45 pm *grumbles more but lets prowl pull him in* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *PFF* Tarantulas 9:46 pm ...She looks like a cat pig peacock hybrid ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm [[That is an interesting mental image.]] Tarantulas 9:46 pm *squints hard* FakeProwl 8:46 pm ... Getting ideas? Tarantulas 9:47 pm I'm not going to graft multiorganic chimeras, no, if that's what you're insinuating Bevel 9:47 pm They are gonna have like twenty more kids now. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[She can invent another machine to help her with them.]] Clich A 9:47 pm Please invent birth control Roseeta Bevel 9:47 pm Yeah! FakeProwl 8:47 pm Mm. Had to check. boomtank 9:47 pm That was fun boomtank 9:49 pm !!! Tarantulas 9:49 pm (( i love that this movie is basically advocating jailbreak for the sake of family love ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((LOL)) boomtank 9:49 pm That...was probably a BAD idea Bevel 9:49 pm [[it also advocates running your family via machine ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Looks at Prowl. How's he thinking about the prison break?* FakeProwl 8:50 pm *zero expression* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:50 pm *Ah, well.* Clich A 9:51 pm You cannot deny the power of a lorgee crowd Bevel 9:52 pm 😃 Tarantulas 9:53 pm *giggles a little, it's just like urticating hairs* Bevel 9:53 pm She is awesome. boomtank 9:53 pm These songs are fun Lady306 9:56 pm *um* boomtank 9:56 pm -snickering- Lady306 9:57 pm *is pretty sure the mouse should have been flattened* *not lifted* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm ((they do such a good job depicting stage fright. i have been her so often)) Tarantulas 9:58 pm *oh dear, tara has sudden feels for meena re: anxiety* Clich A 10:00 pm Wish they had..named..girl mouse. boomtank 10:02 pm Oh! It impressed her! Bevel 10:02 pm Yay FakeProwl 80:03 pm ... With that kind of structural damage, they should NOT be rebuilding on the ruins. They should have torn it down completely, removed the rubble, and rebuilt from scratch. Tarantulas 10:03 pm Oho, did you see the squids? *visor wink* best decepticon leader 10:03 pm they are not smart ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm *Is delighted the squids are back* Bevel 10:03 pm *giggles* best decepticon leader 10:04 pm I would have thought that the squids would have been killed boomtank 10:04 pm That was a fun movie Lady306 10:04 pm It was.. something ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm [[Hopefully it will not break again, then.]] boomtank 10:04 pm I liked the singing I guess I'm a bit biased FakeProwl 80:04 pm *... looks at soundwave* Do squids actually have biolights? Bevel 10:04 pm [[GDIT I KNEW I RECOGNIZED NANA Lady306 10:04 pm Oh, no, the actual singing was fine, but the rest of it... Bevel 10:05 pm [[*FLIPS TABLE* Tarantulas 10:05 pm *huffs, vaguely offended prowl would ask sw instead of him* Bevel 10:05 pm I liked it a lot. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm [[Some of them have bioluminescence, yes.]] FakeProwl 80:05 pm *soundwave spent over an hour lecturing prowl on a many-limbed earth sea creature. as far as prowl's concerned, he's the expert.* Clich A 10:05 pm Some Cuttlefish have rainbow style lights! Bevel 10:06 pm Can they change colors like that? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[There is a species which uses very tiny creatures living in it to glow based on the levels of light in the area. It is fascinating.]] [[It is a camouflage tactic.]] Bevel 10:07 pm Cool. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm [[And squid do change colors. Not... quite so neon as that. But others.]] boomtank 10:08 pm -and he's standing up now- Thanks for the movie, but I kinda have to go now. G'night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm *Soundwave nods farewell to Blaster* Bevel 10:08 pm Bye, Blaster FakeProwl 80:08 pm *... has a sudden realization* *didn't see a single dog singing* Lady306 10:08 pm Take care! FakeProwl 80:08 pm *inexplicably pleased* Lady306 10:08 pm ((LOL Tarantulas 10:08 pm *keeps going in and out of sulking and is considering faking a prior injury, now that he thinks of it* Clich A 10:09 pm Thanks for hosting Soundwave~! boomtank 10:09 pm ((g'night! Mun ahs to sleep! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm [[Quite welcome, Clich.]] best decepticon leader 10:09 pm ((night ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm ((night! sleep well!)) Tarantulas 10:09 pm (( night! Bevel 10:09 pm [[night! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm *Now, now, Tarantulas. You know many kinds of organics inside and out. He only favors the one. Let him have his moment.* Tarantulas 10:10 pm *psh, he's catching up on old sulking too from earlier. just give him some pets and he'll perk up* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm *Very well. Stretches a feeler behind Prowl to gently pat a spide shoulder.* FakeProwl 80:11 pm *has probably been petting him off and on all night tbh* Tarantulas 10:11 pm *moarrrr* Tarantulas 10:13 pm *squints, this is something he hasn't heard of actually* FakeProwl 80:13 pm *oh! educational videos! prowl's favorite.* best decepticon leader 10:13 pm ((I have to go Tarantulas 10:14 pm (( /waves ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm ((aw! thank you for coming 😃 )) Bevel 10:14 pm [[night best decepticon leader 10:14 pm ((night, thanks for the stream FakeProwl 80:14 pm ((night!)) ... Do they have spots that glow? Bevel 10:14 pm [[prowl should to see rock dog, it definitely has singing dogs ItsyBitsySpyers 10:14 pm [[This variety.]] FakeProwl 80:14 pm ((i think he'd be inherently suspicious of the name)) Bevel 10:14 pm [[lol Bevel 10:16 pm *100% into this* FakeProwl 80:16 pm *already knows everything the narrator has said. is pleased.* Bevel 10:17 pm *has armor /and/ camouflage ha* FakeProwl 80:17 pm ... So the glowing ones have luminescent chromatophores, then? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[The ones he showed. Photophores. The others use... what are they called.]] Pause. Viruses? Plankton? [[Bacteria.]] Bevel 10:19 pm Cool! FakeProwl 80:20 pm ... Aren't bacteria like parasites? Do they kill the squid? Tarantulas 10:20 pm *finally speaks up* Generally they're symbionts. Bevel 10:20 pm I think bacteria make humans sick. Not squids. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm *Perks. Tarantulas knows of them?* FakeProwl 80:21 pm ... Do bacteria only prey on humans? *that one gets directed to Tarantulas* Tarantulas 10:22 pm No, they're quite literally everywhere and prey on mostly things that can't be seen, if they prey on anything at all Tarantulas 10:24 pm They - hm! *is surprised by video* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm ((one more and then i'll do music lol)) Tarantulas 10:25 pm Soundwave, have you ever actually /seen/ a live squid before? *not accusatory or anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:25 pm [[Not the Earth variety. Nevada is notoriously lacking in oceans.]] [[And they do not fly.]] FakeProwl 80:25 pm ... What about an octopus? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[He has not had the pleasure.]] FakeProwl 80:26 pm *that's tragic* Bevel 10:26 pm I want to see all of them. Tarantulas 10:26 pm Well then, I know what my next order of business is, hyeh FakeProwl 80:26 pm You should introduce him to an octopus. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:27 pm [[He can do that?]] Lean. [[You can do that?]] *Looks over to Bevel. He will show you, if Tarantulas does.* Bevel 10:27 pm *would enjoy that very much* Tarantulas 10:28 pm I - yes? Of course I can. *forgets that other people don't just snatch specimens from Earths for science things* FakeProwl 80:28 pm ... Can any species safely survive on Cybertron? Bevel 10:28 pm You could make an environment for them! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:28 pm [[...Oh. Yes. He would not want to terminate a cephalopod.]] Tarantulas 10:28 pm A few, but none you would have heard of, I'm afraid Bevel 10:29 pm My creator has a special building just for Earth plants. FakeProwl 80:29 pm I'm sure a room could be temporarily arranged for one to visit. Tarantulas 10:29 pm Why would we need a room when I have a /lab/? Bevel 10:30 pm A lab is a room. FakeProwl 80:30 pm ... Is your lab set up to support Earth's ecosystem rather than Cybertron's? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:30 pm *Knows very well about the plants. Is hiding one. >> * FakeProwl 80:30 pm ... Oh. Wait. It WOULD be set up for Earth, wouldn't it. *chimera experiments and all that.* Tarantulas 10:30 pm *snickers and shakes head. there we go* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm [[...Would it harm them if he touched one?]] Bevel 10:31 pm *not following but yeah ok if Prowl says his lab is set up for Earth she'll believe it* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:32 pm *Same. Because if it's not, and the creature(s) die, he'll be irritated* Tarantulas 10:32 pm I could calculate the force necessary to harm one if you needed, but I think you'll be able to tell on your own. That is to say, you'll be fine, don't worry ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Slowly growing brighter. This is the best thing. If it happens.* Tarantulas 10:33 pm I don't know why people think organics are so fragile, they're - well, they are, but they're not THAT fragile Bevel 10:33 pm I want to see. Can I see too? Because squish. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm [[He is not accustomed to handling them.]] Tarantulas 10:34 pm Don't squeeze, and you'll be fine ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[He knows how much strength to use to contain a flobster. Not an Earth lobster.]] Tarantulas 10:35 pm OH - but for Primus's sakes please don't electrify them ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *Looks at Bevel, and then Tarantulas and Prowl. Would she be able to see too?* FakeProwl 80:35 pm *looking back and forth as they talk/"talk", quietly delighted* *... why's PROWL being looked at? he didn't say anything* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm *He's the one who had the idea.* [[He would never.]] Tarantulas 10:36 pm ......I don't see why not, hm. *if he's letting sw into his lab, why not a mostly-stranger* Bevel 10:37 pm Yay! FakeProwl 80:37 pm *... sudden sharp vent in. oh. wait.* Bevel 10:37 pm *oh no what happened* FakeProwl 80:37 pm @Bevel «Don't visit his lab alone. Go when Soundwave goes.» Bevel 10:38 pm @Prowl <<...Ok.>> Tarantulas 10:39 pm Is there any particular species you'd be interested in meeting? Bevel 10:39 pm *perks at songs* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *Immediately wants to say "all of them" and has to stop himself. He knows there are too many kinds for that.* Tarantulas 10:39 pm ....Pick three. Top three. Bevel 10:39 pm *wants to say all of them too* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm *His feelers twitch and writhe while he thinks. So hard to trim down* Bevel 10:40 pm Cuttlefish! *c'mon, Bossbot, we just watched a buncha videos about them and they are awesome* FakeProwl 80:40 pm ... Is that three per visitor or three total? Bevel 10:41 pm *hums along to the song while waiting for SW's opinion* Tarantulas 10:41 pm ...I suppose three per visitor, but the more you suggest, the longer it's going to take to obtain them FakeProwl 80:42 pm So that's nine choices. *yes he did just invite himself over.* @Soundwave «Give me your fourth, fifth, and sixth choices.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[One pacific octopus. One bobtail squid. One pearly nautilus.]] *Pings Prowl with something akin to actual glee. Let him think.* FakeProwl 80:43 pm *carefully suppresses smile* Tarantulas 10:44 pm (( i'm tempted to throw "octopus's garden" at you for the lolz ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm ((i'll do it when this is over 😃 )) Tarantulas 10:46 pm You're starting with some heavy-hitters there, hyeh But of course ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm @Prowl: (txt): Mimic octopus, blue-ringed octopus, stubby squid. Bevel 10:46 pm Mimic octopus. The one that turns into other fish. FakeProwl 80:46 pm Mi— *stops* Bevel 10:46 pm *Bevel can't hear you Soundwave* FakeProwl 80:47 pm @Soundwave «... SEVENTH choice?» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm @Prowl: (txt): Firefly squid. FakeProwl 80:48 pm *to be safe, he's waiting until they hear Bevel's third choice* Bevel 10:48 pm Are there really big ones? I want to see a really big one. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((what is with youtube not having this)) Tarantulas 10:49 pm That'd be the pacific octopus, as mentioned FakeProwl 80:49 pm ((... are there different octopus gardens?)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm ((i was trying to find the actual one but i guess it's not on YT)) ((this version will be fine)) Tarantulas 10:49 pm (( oh my god.... beautiful. i/she were referring to the beatles one, but the copyrights are fiddly on the beatles Bevel 10:50 pm [[apple likes to take their songs down a lot yeah Tarantulas 10:51 pm There are larger squids, though Bevel 10:51 pm Really really big? Tarantulas 10:51 pm ...Although I oughtn't have brought them up, I'm not tracking down a colossal squid Bevel 10:51 pm Aww ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm *Damn.* Tarantulas 10:52 pm They're larger than I am - well, larger than I currently am Bevel 10:52 pm ...awesome. [[not sure how big tara is atm but it's probably impressive for an earth critter Tarantulas 10:53 pm (( tara's 32ft, squid can be upwards of 40ft Bevel 10:54 pm [[lol Bevel's as tall as that squid right now Tarantulas 10:54 pm (( xD nice Bevel 10:54 pm [[i love this skit so much Bevel 10:55 pm Something that glows that Soundwave did not pick. *she knows you picked glowy ones* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm [[Hmph.]] [[He knows what he likes.]] Tarantulas 10:56 pm How about we make it chef's choice~? Pick of the day ItsyBitsySpyers 10:56 pm ((me: what are good classic sesame street bits? me: oh! i know. it's not easy being green. me: nO NO NO)) Tarantulas 10:57 pm (( sdgsfg FakeProwl 80:57 pm ... You're not going to eat them when we're done? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[What do you mean, CHEF.]] Bevel 10:57 pm *knows she'd like to see a huge mcfuckoff squid but reasons* Tarantulas 10:57 pm *snickering* No, probably not. I'm not fond of the texture. Bevel 10:57 pm I do not want that kind of energon either. FakeProwl 80:58 pm If you're going to eat cephalopods, at least don't eat the ones we'e befriended. *is expecting soundwave to make friends with them all* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:59 pm *You bet he's going to. He's going to try listening to their spread out minds too* Bevel 10:59 pm *is going to want to make a robot one for a pet* Tarantulas 10:59 pm You can't really - hyeh. As you wish. Tarantulas 11:00 pm Wh - ItsyBitsySpyers 11:00 pm ((i forgot that was in there omg)) Bevel 11:00 pm *laughs* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm ((i'm so sorry)) [[...He did not expect this.]] Tarantulas 11:01 pm *hard side-visor at sw* FakeProwl 81:01 pm *extremely neutral face* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm [[He only knew it was a parody of a human film we have seen. His apologies.]] FakeProwl 81:03 pm *what an important lesson that most Autobots NEVER LEARNED* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *The listening?* FakeProwl 81:03 pm *unfortunately, yes* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm *Perhaps Prowl should anonymously send them that.* ((one more and then back to music)) FakeProwl 81:03 pm *he's sure they wouldn't listen to it* Tarantulas 11:03 pm *alas, if mesothulas had listened either* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm ((their parodies are usually p funny)) Bevel 11:04 pm ...*starts giggling and probably not going to stop until this is over* Mount Crumb Tarantulas 11:06 pm *...this is strangely uncomfortable for tarantulas, moreso than the ridiculous spider* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm *Soundwave's quietly dying inside. He didn't know this would have eggs.* *He'll never convince Tarantulas he didn't mean this.* Bevel 11:06 pm *in hysterics now* Tarantulas 11:07 pm *pfft he's not even thinking about the eggs actually, but NOW YOU MENTION IT* FakeProwl 81:07 pm *is it the self control, tarantulas.* Tarantulas 11:07 pm *shh maybe* Tarantulas 11:08 pm *.....he forgot about the snacks he snagged, they're just sitting there in his ding dang lap* Bevel 11:08 pm That was funny. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Is he gonna do it.* Bevel 11:09 pm *he did it* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:09 pm *No, no. Is Tarantulas gonna eat the bowl of snacks.* Bevel 11:10 pm *he definitely should* Tarantulas 11:10 pm ...Are you trying to pull some sort of reverse psychology here ItsyBitsySpyers 11:11 pm [[Not at all. He's simply suggesting that you enjoy the snacks you claimed. He can't put them back now.]] Tarantulas 11:12 pm *is tempted to subspace them just to spite u* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:12 pm *That's fine, too. Just leave him the bowl.* Tarantulas 11:13 pm *he subspaces MOST of them and slips one snack in between his mandibles before plopping the bowl in sw's lap. THERE* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Sets the bowl down. Fussy, fussy.* Tarantulas 11:14 pm (( omg cro (( like GONE gone? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((they're on the dead laptop)) Bevel 11:15 pm [[oh honey Tarantulas 11:15 pm (( 😨 sorry FakeProwl 81:15 pm ((oh no)) Tarantulas 11:17 pm *hm. mandibles. he never DID get to talking to bevel about them now did he* Bevel 11:18 pm *nope he did not, though Bevel's been lectured by Prowl and SW now* Tarantulas 11:20 pm @Bevel : «I JUST remembered. We never did have a proper mandibular demonstration. Might you be interested in popping over early before the cephalopod showing, just to sate a little of my scientific curiosity?» FakeProwl 81:22 pm *... scoots hip against tarantulas's, leans shoulder against soundwave's, and dims his optics* Bevel 11:22 pm *had been about to leave and halfway to standing up when she was pinged. she drops back down into her seat awkwardly* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *Contemplates Bevel's presence. Decides he doesn't particularly give a damn if she sees. Gives Prowl's avatar a helm nuzzle and makes sure not to wiggle too much* FakeProwl 81:23 pm *nuzzles back* Tarantulas 11:24 pm *arm around prowl's waist, with his other paw scooping up some snacks from his subspace because you can't eat just one* FakeProwl 81:25 pm *puts a hand over tarantulas's paw.* *this is nice.* Bevel 11:26 pm *...awww, the mystery of SW's Prowl is solved. too bad she's not able to appreciate it since she has to awkwardly navigate a conversation over comms* @Tarantulus «Um, maybe. I got to see if Soundwave has to bridge me over since I do not think you want Blurr to know where your lab is.» Tarantulas 11:27 pm @Bevel : «Oh, there's no need. I have portal technology of my own, I can pick you up at your desired coordinates.» Bevel 11:29 pm *welp* Tarantulas 11:29 pm *welp indeed* Bevel 11:33 pm *ok frag it, she's an adult, even if he is apparently some sort of mass shifter who could outsize her by... a lot.* @Tarantulus «...Just mandibles?» *i'm an adult she says. caves immediately to pressure* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm *Someone somewhere is making a bad decision. He can feel it in his spines.* *...Probably Frenzy.* Bevel 11:34 pm *definitely frenzy* Tarantulas 11:34 pm @Bevel : «Yes, whatever you're comfortable with.» *in other words, whatever tarantulas can reasonably get away with* Bevel 11:37 pm *mentally decides to show up like ten minutes before Prowl and Soundwave so Tara will have very little time to actually poke too much at her. it's like following their advice except not at all yeah* @Tarantulus «Ok.» Tarantulas 11:38 pm @Bevel : «Lovely! We'll set things up once I've acquired the - cephalopods, then.» *almost said "the other specimens" instead* FakeProwl 81:39 pm ((run bevel, run)) Bevel 11:39 pm *nods and now she is going to leave before she either agrees to more or something else happens yep yep* Tarantulas 11:40 pm *visor winksmile at bevel as she goes* FakeProwl 81:41 pm *... is the coast clear?* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Waves farewell with a feeler. Lots of little wiggly tendrils goodbye.* Bevel 11:41 pm *waves to room and dodges out the door as fast as her big bulk will take her* FakeProwl 81:42 pm ... YOU'RE not the one who sent me this song, are you? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Soft puff.* FakeProwl 81:43 pm ... Is that a confession? *the room is down to three. excellent. pulls his knees up to his chest and wraps his arms around them.* Tarantulas 11:44 pm *little bit of squinting at sw&prowl, but is gonna cuddle real close to prowl when he pulls his knees up* *....while also eating snacks one by one. because why not* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[Consider it signed.]] *Stretches arm behind Prowl's back. It just so happens to also nudge Tarantulas a wee lil lil bit while it's there.* FakeProwl 81:46 pm Hmm. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[Thank you again for the opportunity to meet cephalopods up close, Tarantulas.]] FakeProwl 81:47 pm ... You're welcome to continue sending cheesy police-themed love songs. Tarantulas 11:47 pm *also gotta be conscious of - that. yes. not touching soundwave, except soundwave touched HIM, so. alright then* FakeProwl 81:47 pm Oh. I didn't give you my list of three. Tarantulas 11:47 pm Ah, no you didn't. I figured you hadn't made one yet FakeProwl 81:48 pm Blue-ringed octopus, stubby squid, and firefly squid. Tarantulas 11:48 pm ...You asked Soundwave, didn't you FakeProwl 81:48 pm *poker face* Tarantulas 11:49 pm I SUPPOSE that counts. They're wonderful choices, just not simple to get a hold of FakeProwl 81:50 pm Are any simple to get hold of? Tarantulas 11:50 pm Hyeh, I didn't mean literally, physically I'd be hard-pressed to actually catch one. It's just a matter of commonness And their global distribution FakeProwl 81:52 pm ... Not prohibitively difficult? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:52 pm *Almost suggests raiding an aquarium. Remembers Prowl is there and thinks better of it* Tarantulas 11:52 pm I shouldn't think so. Not the ones we've listed, at least. That's why I nixed the colossal squid. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm [[Perhaps if you had tanks, and a way to locate them, he could...]] *Trails off. Now thinking about what would happen if he opened a small bridge in the middle of the ocean and ran it past a squid* Tarantulas 11:54 pm Hyeh, no, I can manage on my own just fine. *has plenty of reasons why not to get sw or prowl involved* FakeProwl 81:55 pm ((nice album cover. two thumbs up. A+)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm ((LOL)) [[Very well.]] Tarantulas 11:56 pm *nom. nomnom* FakeProwl 81:56 pm ... Don't do anything destructive to the environment or human property. Tarantulas 11:57 pm Tsk, don't worry so much, Prowl. Of course not. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm [[Or to the creatures you're capturing.]] FakeProwl 81:58 pm *don't say "of course not" like u would actually have compunctions against destroying someone else's property if prowl didn't tell you to have compunctions* Tarantulas 11:59 pm *shush let tarantulas tell prowl what prowl wants to hear* FakeProwl 81:59 pm Or that. We'd prefer them to be cheerful guests. ... Or whatever passes for "cheerful" in cephalopods. Yesterday Tarantulas 11:59 pm Lively. Lively and eating well, I'd say Tarantulas 12:00 am They'll be perfectly cheerful, rest assured. FakeProwl 82:01 am *nods. good. wants soundwave to have A Good Time* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:01 am *Very low, very quiet hum* [[Perhaps we could see more of your lab when we are done with them?]] FakeProwl 82:01 am *a sound!!* *leans on a little more* Tarantulas 12:03 am *wavers* ...Mmmaybe. We'll see. I'm not sure what of the lab you even COULD see, safely. Best not to worry about that now though ItsyBitsySpyers 12:04 am *Now you have his attention* [[Why? What is unsafe about it?]] *Doesn't want to move and dislodge Prowl; peers around him with feeler* [[Surely there are precautions he could take.]] FakeProwl 82:05 am *usually would be peering with soundwave. can't work up the giveafuck for it.* Tarantulas 12:07 am *it occurs to him he could invite sw in holo like prowl and avoid quite a few many things that way, hm. more thoughts he'll keep to himself* Tarantulas 12:09 am Not so much for you as for everything ELSE. There would simply be so many things to take into consideration, and depending on which hallways we choose, it just - it's /complicated/ *half true* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:10 am *Considers this. Shockwave's lab moves its insides around and can be dangerous to roam unattended. Maybe the "depending on which hallways" means something like that.* *...He'd better not try to sneak off after the cephalopod meeting.* [[He understands. Just this, for now.]] [[Though if there is anything else you wish to show off, he might be curious.]] FakeProwl 82:11 am *assumes tarantulas means that a few hallways exploded and are now too dangerous to travel* Tarantulas 12:12 am Of course you would be. *he knows that curiosity well by now* *ok what. he can't not hear rihanna* ...Soundwave, are you still in charge of the playlist? ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am [[Why? Is there something you'd like to request?]] FakeProwl 82:14 am *... if soundwave is going to be staying after the cephalopod meeting to explore part of the lab, then it would be inappropriate for prowl to not stay as well, since he's the one who's into that stuff. which means he'll be staying longer.* *is suddenly exhausted about a social interaction he hasn't even gone to yet.* Tarantulas 12:16 am Nnnnot in particular, but I - am... questioning that song choice ItsyBitsySpyers 12:16 am *"The one who's into that stuff," as if he doesn't like learning about everything Shockwave does too* FakeProwl 82:16 am *okay, the OTHER one who's into that stuff* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am [[Ah. It's against your musical tastes, then. He'll be sure to find other artists in the future.]] Tarantulas 12:17 am *hard squint, but sure, he'll... go with that* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:17 am *He knows full well what Tarantulas means and is having a bit of fun* *As can be currently heard by the continuation of a theme* FakeProwl 82:18 am *nudges Soundwave* Puppet Man is good. Similar theme, different genre than the first two. *has picked up on the theme; hasn't realized it's being used as deliberate teasing* 5th Dimension. ItsyBitsySpyers 12:18 am [[He does not know this one.]] *Immediately puts it on.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *...Vaguely uncomfortable with this one.* FakeProwl 82:20 am *well PROWL likes it* Tarantulas 12:20 am *is just going to eat, because that's always a stabilizing thing right. gonna turn his head and pop a dozen snacks in where they can't see well* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:20 am *It's good, it's just - he wouldn't have thought of it as being part of the same theme if Prowl hadn't said. His mind went somewhere else first.* [[He knows you have the snacks. You don't need to hide.]] FakeProwl 82:21 am *look on the bright side: you probably just learned something new about prowl's sex life* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:21 am *Yes. Yes, he has.* *And in that respect, he is interested. And maybe wondering if Tarantulas shares it.* FakeProwl 82:22 am *... and it's a good thing prowl isn't thinking too hard about the song right now or else HE would be uncomfortable too* Tarantulas 12:22 am *tara wasn't paying much attention to the lyrics so he's chill rn* FakeProwl 82:23 am *but he decided he liked the song before it acquired what would have been very negative connotations, so as long as he doesn't listen too hard he's safe* Tarantulas 12:26 am *well, maybe not entirely chill, he did just give an awkward twitch and laugh some as he swallowed* Hyeh, I'm - not hiding the /snacks/, that'd be silly ItsyBitsySpyers 12:26 am ((that is not the song i was remembering oop)) ItsyBitsySpyers 12:28 am [[...Ah. Do you not consume fuel in public? He apologizes.]] *Immediately withdraws the feeler* Tarantulas 12:29 am *snickers some, actually* No, not generally, but - I was considering /your/ comfort here, not mine FakeProwl 82:30 am That's good. *uncrosses one arm to pat Tarantulas's... knee? yeah, knee works.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:32 am [[It is not as....]] *Fishes around for a word. Can't find it.* [[He knows to expect the noise. It is less distracting that way.]] Tarantulas 12:34 am *nudges more into prowl at the touch, touch is good* Tarantulas 12:36 am *smol helm tilt* Hm, is it just the sound that might disorient you then? Because I was considering the entire - well. You call them mandibles, but I've more than mandibles technically FakeProwl 82:36 am *more touch? thigh. thigh touch.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:37 am [[It is both, in truth. But he should try to become accustomed to this sooner or later.]] Tarantulas 12:38 am *paw touch on thigh touch* Tarantulas 12:39 am I see. *restraining urge to click his mandibles now, heh* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:45 am [[...You are not required to, of course. You may eat in unseen peace, if you wish. He was simply - commenting. On it.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 12:47 am *Wasn't sure how much contact was permissible in this shared couch sort of situation; going to test the example set by Prowl and curl the feeler he withdrew from Tarantulas' vicinity up and around Prowl's lower leg. Maybe absently pet the armor with the tendrils.* Tarantulas 12:48 am Hyeh, not required to - ? Would you /like/ to see, then? *genuinely wasn't sure, is also very much looking at prowl too* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:49 am [[...................................Yes.]] FakeProwl 82:49 am Yes. *doesn't even know he's being looked at, he just felt like throwing that in* FakeProwl 82:51 am *shifts a bit to get a better view if tarantulas is going to—something's on his leg. glances down. hmm. puts his other hand on soundwave's thigh.* Tarantulas 12:53 am *can't help but laugh a bit at soundwave's hesitance, and shifts while they move around too* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:53 am *Fluffs the armor a bit to make more room for seam stealing and joins the watching* FakeProwl 82:54 am *not going to be as adventurous tonight, there's another person here* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:55 am *As he wishes. Soundwave's thigh armor comes with sizable gaps anyway, pff. Either way: he is, notably, pleased.*
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mimiceon · 7 years
answer all of them
When I said I would block you,,,, There’s a lot more than one way to get blocked. Anyway, I’m putting this under a read more bc I hate you and it’s long. If you want to know more about me than strictly necessary then click read more, rip in pieces to those on mobile.
Also: I W I N
200: My crush’s name is:No one,,, or is it (lol it’s no one)199: I was born in: Ireland, 1998198: I am really: Annoying, probably197: My cellphone company is: 3 mobile196: My eye color is: Blue195: My shoe size is: 5194: My ring size is: IDK?? I have my Cladddagh ring but I don’t remember193: My height is: 5′‘2192: I am allergic to: nothing191: My 1st car was: I can’t drive190: My 1st job was: babysitter189: Last book you read: Foster (it’s shit)188: My bed is: A double bed?? really comfy?? I have no parameters here187: My pet: I don’t have one186: My best friend: Emma, a certified Dork185: My favorite shampoo is: Elvive, it has glitter184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox183: Piggy banks are: Cool??182: In my pockets: I’m in pajamas181: On my calendar: nothing all week save Graduation on Thursday180: Marriage is: Coolio 179: Spongebob can: be happy, levae him be178: My mom: is coolio177: The last three songs I bought were? Decpacito, Issues, and Horns176: Last YouTube video watched: Vine compilations, sue me175: How many cousins do you have? Too Many, family reunions are wild174: Do you have any siblings? 4 bothers and one sister173: Are your parents divorced? Yes172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes171: Do you play an instrument? *Flashbacks to recorder practice* It’s required in Ireland so yeah170: What did you do yesterday? Went shopping and bought my graduation outfit[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: yes (I’m a mushy person don’t drag me)168: Luck: yes, Luck of The Irish, I’ve never had it, but it’s there167: Fate: Yes, it’s fate I’m gonna kick ur ass166: Yourself: N O165: Aliens: yes, I wanna fuck superman, I have to believe164: Heaven: ??163: Hell:???162: God:?????161: Horoscopes: yeah I’m a Leo (August 19th, mark your calender)160: Soul mates: Yes 159: Ghosts: Fuck yeah, my firends house is haunted158: Gay Marriage: I’m a bisexual,,,, so Y E S157: War: No (?)156: Orbs: *flashbacks to fanfics* … don’t…155: Magic: Y E S[ This or That ]  (I’m bisexual,,,,, why u asking me to choose) 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses!153: Drunk or High: Drunk152: Phone or Online: Online151: Red heads or Black haired: Black hair 150: Blondes or Brunettes: blondes149: Hot or cold: Cold148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn146: Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate145: Night or Day: Night144: Oranges or Apples: Apples143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight142: McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald’s141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate140: Mac or PC: PC139: Flip flops or high heels: High Heels138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Buried, I’m taking part in the skeleton war134: Singing or Dancing: Singing133: Coach or Chanel: Coach132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Who (???)131: Small town or Big city: big city130: Wal-Mart or Target: I’m Irish129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure127: East Coast or West Coast:I’m Irish126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas125: Chocolate or Flowers: Cocolate124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney (tf is six flags??)123: Yankees or Red Sox: I’m Irish[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: My brothers are all in the army, this is v Yikes121: George Bush: Did 9/11120: Gay Marriage: Let us marry!!119: The presidential election: Stupid118: Abortion: Let them have it, it’s not my decision117: MySpace: Oldie but goodie116: Reality TV: Stupid, but entertaining115: Parents: Love my step dad, I’m a daddy’s girl lmao114: Back stabbers: [eye emojis]113: Ebay: Don’t use it much112: Facebook: Good, I guess111: Work: I’m a lazy binch110: My Neighbors: Nosy!! They look in our windows when we’re out109: Gas Prices: I don’t drive108: Designer Clothes: Look fancy107: College: I plan on going to one106: Sports: Quidditch I love, not so sure on everything else105: My family: OK, a little nasty sometimes, v petty, esp my brothers104: The future: The what???[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Like this morning?102: Last time you ate: I’m eating an apple rn101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Last week I saw my aunt100: Cried in front of someone: Last Thursday 99: Went to a movie theater: Lke a week ago98: Took a vacation: way too long ago97: Swam in a pool: Years96: Changed a diaper: Not long enough ago95: Got my nails done: Ages ago94: Went to a wedding: Last year93: Broke a bone: 5 years ago (my school shaded me, another story for another time)92: Got a peircing: 3 years ago91: Broke the law: I downloaded music illegally yesterday90: Texted: yesterday[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: My friend Molly88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My Coffee machine87: The last movie I saw: Gaurdians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 (I was forced)86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: The end of my exams85: The thing im not looking forward to: My exams84: People call me: Abbey, Abbs, Dabbey Hufflepuff (100% real)83: The most difficult thing to do is: Study82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: I don’t drive81: My zodiac sign is: Leo80: The first person i talked to today was: My mum79: First time you had a crush: I was like 8, he was my brothers best friend, he gave me a valentines card and I told him to go away bc I couldn’t handle it78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: My mum77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Idk??76: Right now I am talking to: The GC75: What are you going to do when you grow up: something stupid, probably74: I have/will get a job: IDK??73: Tomorrow: School72: Today: Study71: Next Summer: Exams, then England for a while70: Next Weekend: Dying slowly, from a hangover69: I have these pets: None68: The worst sound in the world: ‘moist’67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Myself binch66: People that make you happy:my mutuals (yes even u you shitstain)65: Last time I cried: last Thursday64: My friends are: a little mean, v condescending63: My computer is: HP62: My School: Is becoming a gaelscoil and I can’t deal lmao61: My Car: I don’t have one60: I lose all respect for people who: Shout at me/fake ask ppl out59: The movie I cried at was: Lion King, Marley and Me58: Your hair color is: Brown with some blonde57: TV shows you watch: Shadowhunters, Avatar, Legend of Korra + many more56: Favorite web site: This blue hell, or youtube55: Your dream vacation: America54: The worst pain I was ever in was: When I broke my arm, that shit hurt53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well Done52: My room is: Messy, kind of51: My favorite celebrity is: I can’t choose don’t do me dirt like this50: Where would you like to be: America!49: Do you want children: IDK48: Ever been in love: Hah nooooo47: Who’s your best friend: Emma46: More guy friends or girl friends: Girl friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Sleeping44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My niece, Ella43: Do you have a 5 year plan: No, I don’t even know what I’m doing in 5 mins42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No41: Have you pre-named your children: No40: Last person I got mad at: Myself, my friend Mia 39: I would like to move to: America38: I wish I was a professional: Sleeper[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Chocolate36: Vehicle: IDK35: President: Mary, she was good34: State visited: i’M iRISH33: Cellphone provider: 332: Athlete: N O31: Actor: NO30: Actress:also no29: Singer: again no28: Band: I HAVE NO TALENTS OKAY27: Clothing store: Penneys26: Grocery store: Tesco25: TV show: Shadowhunters24: Movie: I don’t have a fave, don’t do me dirt23: Website: This blue hell, or youtube22: Animal: A Sugar Glider21: Theme park: ???20: Holiday: I’d like to go to America19: Sport to watch: Quidditch18: Sport to play: none lol17: Magazine: none16: Book: Harry Potter15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: Loch Luch13: Concert attended: none12: Thing to cook: Pasta Bake11: Food: Curry10: Restaurant: Blue Ocean9: Radio station: Today FM8: Yankee candle scent: Lavender7: Perfume: Princess- Vera Wang6: Flower: Violet5: Color: Purple4: Talk show host:Ryan Tubridy3: Comedian: Darragh O’Brien2: Dog breed: A Newfie!! We used to breed Newfoundlands!!1: Did you answer all these truthfully?  Yes (kind of)
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