kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
I've seen a few posts like this before, but gooosh I'm just.
A big, scary monster pred with sharp teeth and claws... On their knees, head tilted up, and their jaws open. They're waiting patiently, almost expectantly, for the prey to make the first move.
And of course, they do. The prey slips their hands in first, and then their head... And then, the pred can make the first gulp.
Basically just thinking about preds that open their mouths expectantly and wait for the prey to feed themselves to the pred. It seems like such an act of love and intimacy to willingly feed yourself to someone.
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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Happy holidays to all who celebrate
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
Please explain why you chose what you chose and what mischief would you get up to if you wanted to do that or just what you would do in general if you could turn into an animal
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
Megamind was a murderer and a dictator and a catfisher but go off.
i didnt know hal the incel camera guy had a tumblr
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
dear trolls who disguise as activists for something
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
i'm fat and i really think you should just calm the fuck down. i don't appreciate you defending us like that if you're gonna be a dick about it.
i don't appreciate toxicity, ever.
Basketball doesn’t make people tall
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
good post, very informative, more people should see this
why you gotta be so rude to the commenter when they only spoke out of lack of awareness about body types in sports? that's genuinely bad to see even in a post as great as this
Basketball doesn’t make people tall
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
wisdom toad this wisdom sucks i want a refund, and some compensation for this awful wisdom to go with my next augmentation surgery to make me live longer
Is your ear cartilage symmetrical?
Are your pores drooping?
Do you have thighs?
Something Is Wrong With You.
Buy Product.
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
"Yall" infiltrated my vocabulary years ago and i have NEVER stopped using it since
it's just... the perfect word. 2 or more people in a group and you want to address them? yall. talking about more than one person at all? yall. talking about something that multiple people own? yall's. it's so good
Reblog if you say "Y'all"
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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this is awesome i wish this happened in real life
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kiba-the-lucky · 1 year
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